#But hes pissed at hell at Eda
lollytea · 2 years
I know Perry Porter hates Eda with every fibre of his being cuz why the fuck is his son asking for 200 snails to buy optometrist equipment
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polyhexian · 9 days
Y'know what, Belos is lucky Jasper didn't exist during Enoch's timeframe. Kids are the one thing that consistently manage to break Jasper out of his brainwashing.
Jasper like "child? in the castle? castle child? live-in castle child? easy access to live-in castle child??" :D
Jasper: *doesn't actually know how to talk to a child* Enoch: *isn't a normal child anyway so it all works out*
Caitlyn wouldn't trust him as far as she could throw him at first because she doesn't trust anyone in the EC, but she can't tell him to leave them alone, and she certainly isn't going to ask BELOS to tell him to leave them alone, because Belos would probably do the exact opposite, the asshole. Over time she still doesn't come to trust Jasper but she starts tolerating him. Ahaha god imagine the first time she sees his face its while he's still new and she hates it cuz of how much he looks like Tell and maybe she manages to say something that has him flinch a bit and from then on out he doesn't take the mask off around her. And then the next time she sees his face its cuz he took the mask off with a wince while he didn't realize she was there and she sees the fresh scars. Ouch.
Enoch keeps seeking Jasper out because he's actually willing to teach her how to put someone in a headlock. Belos is too self-centered to realize any of this is happening. OR Belos says "stop teaching the sick child how to fight" and Jasper goes "well he didn't say I couldn't teach you about POISONS" and Enoch's just like, awesome, you're a very useful resource and I might even not hate you.
At some point Jasper puts together that Enoch is a Grimwalker's kid and Belos is an asshole. Caitlyn opens her door at 2AM to find Jasper on the other side like "hey I'm about to dig up a baby and hightail it out of here, if you wanna join me pack your bags."
Things proceed much like MH except Caitlyn's the one clutching a dirty newborn stumbling around the castle ruins until she finds Jasper. Enoch is pissed he didn't invite her to the impromptu Kill Belos Party.
And then, y'know, they go to the Owl House, except it's Dell and Gwen and the girls.
Jasper and Caitlyn would make an interesting…not power couple, but something. A platonic "we're in this hell together" couple. If nothing else they have the traumabond of being trapped under Belos's control and being terrified for their kids' futures. Jasper's got his Grimwalker trauma and Caitlyn has her Loved A Grimwalker trauma and years of getting intimately acquainted with everything Tell was terrified of. Jasper like "I wish I'd been smart enough to figure it out sooner" and Caitlyn like "he would've fucking killed you and we both know it." Jasper like "I wish I could be more like Tell, he sounds so much cooler and smarter than me" and Caitlyn blinks like "only because no one talks about you the same way I talk about him" and then fixes that.
Meanwhile Eda and Lilith are like "why is Cousin Enoch scary" while Gwen is like "that's just the trauma, sweet fleas, be nice!" and meanwhile Dell is just sitting here like. Okay. His sister is alive, and was in a relationship with a Grimwalker, who is dead, and now there's ANOTHER Grimwalker of the same person, who is not his sister's lover, but he's his sister's SOMETHING because traumabonding, and there's a BABY Grimwalker, and also there's a niece who he had no idea existed who is personally offended that she didn't get to kill Belos herself despite being 12. What even is his life anymore.
Jasper showing up at her door like hey if this is weird you can go back to sleep but do you want to help me kidnap my baby and or murder Belos?
Jasper and Caitlyn aren't romantically together but they're still definitely like. Together, in a way. They're both living together and raising their kids together. I guess it's more like two siblings raising their kids together or two roommates that both have children. They're a parent team. Like if MH Alador and jasper were living together lol
Enoch @ every kid at school "my dad could kill your dad"
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samael-i-am · 2 years
but they’re lying all the time
trans hunter week day seven - mirror (@rqmdae)
rating: teen and up audiences
Belos told Hunter he was a boy. He had never thought about it beyond that until his life was turned inside out - and with everything going to pieces, he should have expected that simple truth to be a lie, too.
Takes place some point post-Hollow Mind, wherein Hunter stays at the Owl House instead of going to Hexside.
“Holy shit- Hunter, you’re trans?”
“I’m- what?”
“You’re trans,” Luz repeated, dumbfounded. “Shoot- I’m sorry, that’s probably rude-“
“No, I- I’m not trans? What are you talking about?”
“But you have…” Luz gestures inarticulately at his chest.
“Well, yeah? Doesn’t everyone?”
“Hunter. Cis boys don’t have boobs.”
“You- you’re lying!”
With that shocking revelation unveiled, Hunter had promptly locked himself in the upstairs bathroom of the Owl House, aptly labelled Ladies and King - because apparently, he couldn’t even be a fucking boy correctly, if what Luz said was right. It probably was. She was certainly right about- the Emperor.
He wasn’t stupid, he knew what being trans was. It’s just- he wasn’t. He’d always been a boy, he’d never not been a boy, and Belos had never led him to believe that he-
Ah. Belos. That would be it, wouldn’t it? His- whatever he was had been unsatisfactory, and the man had sought to change him, and never even bothered to tell him - he’d probably done it as soon as Hunter had been unearthed, or however grimwalkers were born, all the better to make him a perfect replica of the person he was meant to replace.
He’d never questioned the compression shirts, the potions he had taken every week - he’d never had a basis for comparison, after all, so why would he have ever thought that regular boys didn’t have tits, or need to chug their hormones in liquid form? He’d seen the coven scouts in the barrack changing rooms before, of course, and he couldn’t deny that strange stirring of envy in his stomach at how much flatter they seemed, how he would have to ask his uncle what sort of shirts they were wearing- but he’d never really thought himself different. It was just another lie, and it shouldn’t have bothered him as much as it did, it wasn’t nearly as world-shattering as all the rest, and yet-
And yet. When he looked in the mirror, what was he supposed to see?
He imagined himself like Eda, at first, the first decidedly female person he could bring to mind - gave himself that slim curve of her hip and chest, mentally thinned his biceps when he flexed them in the mirror- and it felt nothing short of revolting, enough to make him choke back bile rising in his throat. Well. Maybe he was doing it wrong? Terra was a woman too, so he could just- he pictures her long hair on his head, and her pink dress, and no, no, absolutely not, that was not him, could not be him, and he banished the thought from his mind, hugging himself tightly.
A knock at the door made his ears prick. “Hunter, I’m sorry- is everything okay? Flapjack is getting worried,” Luz fretted from behind the door. He could see the shadow of her pacing flickering underneath.
“Yeah,” he croaked. “I’m fine. Had to piss.”
“Okay. I- I’m really sorry Hunter, I shouldn’t have said that, it just slipped out-“
“Look- it’s fine, okay?” he snapped back, drawing his hand back from the doorknob. He wasn’t quite ready for that yet. “It’s just another lie about myself that I believed. No big deal.”
“Are you sure..?”
“No! How can I be sure of anything? I don’t even know who I am anymore?” His hands were shaking, and he buried them deep in his hair, back pressed firmly against the door.
“Okay, okay, um- well. Are you a boy, or a girl? Or something else?” Luz asked tentatively.
“A boy. Definitely a boy.” He was pretty sure of that, he thought, and if he could decide that without Belos, it was a good sign, probably. Maybe. Who the hell knew? Not him!
“Okay! That’s a start. Uh…actually, I feel like Eda is probably more equipped to handle…this..? Can I go get her?”
“Sure.” Air his laundry out to the Owl Lady, too. It was no big deal! His entire life was a lie, of course, down to something so simple as his gender, but who was he to complain?
“I’ll be right back, then.” Footsteps away, and then two sets returned, leaving Hunter without any time to gather his thoughts.
“Hey, kiddo,” Eda said from behind the door. “Having a rough time?”
“You could say that.”
“Alright, uh…so, sounds like Belos played Gender Santa with you, huh?” She chuckled at her own joke, for reasons Hunter could not discern.
“Gender what?”
“Oh, Santa- it’s a human realm thing, apparently, he gives people presents and stuff. Don’t worry about it.”
“Least of my concerns,” he muttered.
“Not the time, sorry kid. But- uh- ah, apologies in advance for asking this, but did you ever learn about, uh…you know…puberty? The bats and the griffins, and all that?”
“Oh, Titan- yes, Eda, I learned about that.” Eugh. He did not need to discuss witch puberty with the Owl Lady, thank you - that was probably the only way whatever the hell this was could possibly get any worse.
“Wait, Hunter, if you knew about puberty, then how come you never figured it out?” Luz asked suddenly.
“I don’t know!” He curled his fingers around his hair and pulled until he felt like he could breathe again. “I just- Belos said I was a boy, so I was a boy! I never thought much about it, I feel like my entire life is pretty indicative of the fact that I took everything he said at face value!”
“You’re right, kid, you wouldn’t have had any reason to think about that,” Eda said smoothly, jumping in before Luz had the chance to ruffle any more feathers. “Luz, maybe it should be just us for now?”
“Okay,” Luz said slowly. The sound of her creaking footsteps dissipated, and Eda sighed heavily.
“Alright. Well- I guess you’ll have some stuff to think about, but do you still want to be a boy?”
“Alright. That gives us a pretty good jumping-off point. Were you on hormones?”
“There was- a potion.” He’d read the stupid label enough time, and still never considered-
“Okay, okay, that makes sense,” Eda murmured. “Do you want to continue them?”
“I…guess? What happens if I don’t?”
“That’s a conversation for you and a healer, but generally, there’s some regression, and some withdrawal symptoms depending on your dose.”
“Regression..?” Hunter whispered, strangled. Regression, as in he would- no, no, absolutely not, he would not, he could not-
“Kid, you alright in there? Kid?” His breath was wheezing in and out of his chest, all strangled, like his throat was wrapped in wire, and the bathroom lights were suddenly too bright, and-
“I can’t, I can’t, I’m not a girl, I am a boy, I’m- I swear I am, I can’t-“
“Hey, kid it’s okay, it’s okay, we know you’re a guy, alright? Kid?” Eda tapped her fingers nervously against the door, speaking in a low, cautious tone, like he was some kind of animal, while Flapjack twittered nervously beside her. “I’ll get in contact with a healer tonight, and we’ll get you all situated, alright? Does that sound good?”
“Yeah,” he whispered back, knees hugged tight to his chest. “I- thank you, Eda. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. Are you ready to come out now?”
“No,” he said firmly. “I just…I don’t know. I need a little while.”
“That’s fine.”
“I…can you let Flapjack in?”
“Of course, kid. He’ll be happy to see you.” The door creaked open, and Flapjack fluttered inside, a bundled red ball of feathers.
My boy! My boy is okay! Love you! Love my boy! He settled on Hunter’s knees, tugging at the strand of hair that flit over them.
“Love you too, buddy,” he said softly, stroking the bird’s crest. Flapjack thought he was a boy. Knew he was a boy. That helped, he thought. “Thank you.”
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The same as last episode's reaction, I notes everything down at the time it was happening so these are my literal first reactions to each news
Again, i wrote 2 pages, I tried to be more concise BUT DAMN, so forgive any confusion I may bring
In King's dreams he goes to the Collector's world?? Huh. That seems fun
Hunter and Alador (I keep forgetting that's his name) fighting is 10/10, its just 2 grumpy tired nerds fighting
LOVE Willow comforting King and the Palismen working together to make them all happy and such
AWWW MITTENS!?! THAT'S HOW SHE GOT THE NAME?! That is adorable, I love Dad Blight, he holds a special place in my heart
Love Eda and Raine they are so cute THIS GOODBYE IS TOO SAD
LILITH!!! This episode is straight in with the feels,
HOOTY TOO!?! AHHH, I am almost crying already
OHHHH Plant Lady girl knows then, there is ZERO way she doesn't know with that "Hey Sprout" line
The collector is just making me feel bad for him, he is just a kiddo!
Is the collector trapped in a mirror? A bit like that Episode with Luz visiting the human place but only in reflections, wonder how that works
Kikimora that is NOT the golden guard, stop sucking up to Belos
"Have you as my right hand? I'd sooner cut off my whole arm" and "Go find a hole to wither in" made me- Listen, we hate Belos, I hate Belos- but he is funny
NOOOO POOR COLLECTOR BRO!!! BELOS YOU MURDERER! ITS JUST A KID, who has a lot of power, a bit like king
WOAH!! Cool save Willow, like amazing flying BUT DID HUNTER JUST BLUSH WHEN HE SAW YOU!?
Alador!! My pal, my boy! You aren't stupid!! Its manipulation babe, don't even sweat it, you aren't stupid!
..I won't like, seeing Hooty in that fucking bubble made me laugh in this real tense moment, I was like "NO DARIUS- fucking hooty bro"
Oh well. The plan failed, alas, Darius supremacy tho, under all that he caresssss
"Almost like the titan himself didn't want me to have that knowledge" ...well. Funny story pal.
"Barely human" YEP, Pretty much, Luz is quite right, THIS IS HYPOCRITICAL BRO
Head Plant Coven lady witch, you are dumb as hell how is it only NOW you realise there is no paradise!?
....Belos pal, I know Luz just insulted your outfit BUT, I hate to say, I preferred your 1600s outfit TO WHATEVER THE HELL THIS IS, WHAT ARE YOU
NOOOOOOOO Please be okay Mr Amity's Dad WE MISS YOU
Hunter running straight to Darius I- I am father and son coding them, I don't care, MAYBE older brother and younger brother, I don't mind
"Yeah girl, get with it" GUS YOU ARE SO FUNNY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, never change Gus
"Neither Witch nor Demon, a child from the stars" Man, why can't *I* be described like that, I WANNA BE A CHILD FROM THE STARS
Kikimora redemption arc?? I am fine with this!
"Hunter why are you hurting me, I only wanted to help you" GIRL PLEASE- Man, you hate palisman THAT much that you would stop your manipulation? Dedication to the hate
OOOOO The collector can't see King when he wears that charm? Interesting...
I guess this means the Collector is evil and such.... BUT HE JUST WANTS TO PLAY HIDE AND SEEK!!! Damn it
"Mister?? You are so boring" me when I have to be formal to people
"Aw shucks... Well, gee, everyone's gonna perish from this ding-dang draining spell.. golly" KING WHERE DID THIS COME FROM BRO!?! I had to pause her to laugh at fucking "DING DANG"
Eda!!!!!! RAINE!!! "I promised a special kid I'd protect you" AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO FUCK
Welp. I guess Eda is now armless. OOO Does she get a prosthetic arm now??
COLLECTOR!! Why are you kinda cute, you are just a cute adorable little kiddo
You all best make a game called Owl House now, otherwise this kiddo is about to be pissed AND HE LOOKS POWERFUL
Collector.. buddy, you need the people ALIVE to play this (madeup) GAME!
"So happy I had you as a big sister" FUCK OFF, NOOOOOO DAMN IT
WELL, at least Amity can meet Luz's mum now?
Again, I missed so much out of this because, concise-ness reasons, but I still ended up writing so much here so, Sorry for the long post!
BUT I ALMOST CRIED! I am famous for not crying at shows, BUT THIS ALMOST GOT ME. Thinking about King's words "So happy I had you as a big sister" STILL gets me to teary stage. DAMN
I will definitely post a more... cohesive and easier to understand post in actual sentences and not just screams BUT this is my honest true reactions
Again, I thank you to the people who have followed me through, it motivated me to keep updating? Which is great because WHEN I rewatch this, I am excited to go through these notes and go "AWW", so whilst I am unable to rewatch this show again for the first time, I CAN see how I reacted, which I think is quite nice, don't you?
Now we got the feelings out of the way, ONTO SEASON 3 EVERYONE! The final stretch of our (virtual) adventure!
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maddies-chronicles · 10 months
regarding your refined crossover dr. do you have like the future "plot" of it scripted? and if so, would you feel comfortable to share it?
i am so glad you asked
i am so sorry in advance for the absolute infodump coming your way. this is the part of our shifting journey where you find out i'm batshit crazy
so when i first shift, i'm gonna be about 15, and each season (except 3, which... well, you'll see) takes place over the course of about a year. you'll already see some immense canon divergence with the hexside houses and with hogwarts/demigods/shadowhunters existing and stuff, but there's also a school in the ribs of the titan that specializes in emperor's coven recruits- it's called "the house of the isles" but most people just call it the house. i can never remember if i've already posted about it or not lol
anyways, i work there as the silver soldier (i know i'm not original i know 💀) alongside hunter, or the golden guard. he's the head tutor there, and gives the kids general knowledge lessons while i do fighting lessons. this is where we meet micah and cass- they become important later.
i also attend missions with the golden guard when i'm not busy at hexside. i'm sort of like the cat of the emperor's coven- i come and go as i please and i don't love to do as i'm told. i stress hunter out a lot, but he recognizes me as an asset and eventually takes a liking to me. no one in the coven knows how old i am, including belos, who has never seen my face.
luz still has all her main character moment stuff, but because she and i are friends, i get in a lot of shit breaking people out of prison. including eda. many, many times. season one isn't really that special for me, i become friends with luz after she and amity become friends. i don't attend grom that year, so nothing happens there. things don't really pick up until after eda gets taken. i have no idea anything has happened until i waltz into work on friday and everything's gone to shit. i free eda, but she doesn't understand why, because literally no one knows i'm the silver soldier except hunter (which is a recent development) and my dad. the protest never happens because the petrification gets "called off" (eda escaped lol).
sometime between then and seperate tides, luz finds out it was me that freed eda. i explain i'm only in the coven at all for hunter's sake. she's like "what" and i explain that he's much, much younger than she thinks he is, and he needs protecting. she thinks i'm batshit crazy, but she keeps my secret.
i'm largely uninvolved in the plot again until any sport in a storm, where i join willow's flyer derby team. i recognize hunter and i call him out privately. he says he's on a mission for my dad and assumes i'm here for the same reason. i try my best not to sigh, because i sort of have an inkling that my dad is just keeping hunter busy (keep in mind they don't have a bad relationship in my DR prior to this, my dad just thinks hunter's kind of annoying lol). i don't say shit though because hunter will be like "you are sabatoging my mission!! treason!!" and it'll be a whole thing. besides, i know nothing bad will happen anyway, so i just kinda chill. hunter turns out to be a good player, and then he kidnaps everyone (me included for some reason? probably to conceal my identity).
everyone is highkey freaking out, but i know that my dad is literally just coming to pick us up, and most of my teammates will recognize my dad when he comes, so i'm super chill. hunter eventually calls me out and is like "i bet you're excited for the coven, huh?" and this is definitely how he finds out that i don't have a sigil. it's also how the entire flyer derby team finds out i'm a coven soldier 🤡
they're all pissed as hell at first, but i eventually explain the hunter situation and im like "yeah he thought he was gonna get murked if he didnt follow orders" and they're all appropriately horrified. they're still kinda miffed about me being a coven soldier but they'll get over it pretty fast (especially since willow is already talking to hunter online by the end of the night- they're just friends in my DR though, not dating). they also immediately bully me for being in love with hunter, which i deny like a lying liar who lies.
ah. hollow mind. i'm there for this one because i was hanging out with (read: babysitting) luz at the night market. i get sucked into the mindscape with hunter and luz and i witness all the TraumaTM. this is where the divergence starts- instead of hunter running off into the woods, i try to convince him to stay with me. he ends up at the owl house for a while (i stand by mom!eda and son!hunter but that's me pushing my own agenda) but over a long stretch of time he eventually gives in and does move in with me. my dad is fond of him, and my siblings get along with him, so everything's good anyway (also i was trying to get him to move in forever ago but i will DIE before admitting that). anyways the reason he moves in is because we start dating. not sure how i want that to happen yet. maybe i'll let it happen organically... 👀 probably not tho lol
y'all i'm gonna have to make a part two i got too excited 💀
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knackeredforever · 1 year
Soooooooooo yeah watching and dreaming was amazing and I am probably never gonna recover from the ending of this show that means so much to me.
First thing the episode almost immediately cuts too luz’s belos dream sequence as the collector is shown to have captured and defeated the entire hexsquad just after for the future. Then luz panics wondering what the hell is going on and runs across the whole of belos’s castle where she runs into the hexsquad members one by one as they all get mad at luz and play into her worst fears. My favourite were Gus and hunter because hunters line about why do you get a new palisman and I lose flapjack while theirs a giant statue of flapjack in the background is really good and gus’s speech is great and I genuinely don’t think we have seen Gus this pissed looking in the entire show. As for eda and king’s nightmare sequences eda is treated like a monster by her family with Lilith looking like her S1 appearance but with short hair and eda’s father having his other eye ripped out and bleeding. And king’s nightmare is him about to be executed by bill next to the corpses of his siblings you know just wholesome stuff for a kids show. However luz then has to fight the entire hexsquad however only realises she’s in a dream when amity says witch’s battle instead of witch’s duel which is a cool callback to previous early episodes which happens a lot in watching and dreaming. Anyway this leads to luz escaping the dream sequence and then freeing eda and king. I was surprised how short the dream sequence was considering how heavily it featured in the trailer but the scenes we got were still really cool either way. Anyway we also get a shot of the collector talking to belos possessed raine and the collector talking about how he this nightmare plan which is implied to be belos’s idea which makes sense as considering how fucked up the whole thing is it would make sense to come from belos. That’s when the collector tells belos that king is a Titan which is really funny when belos refers to king as the dog like this guy genuinely had no fucking clue that king was a Titan and then he also finds out the heart he has been sitting under for probably decades is the titans heart which leads to belos completely abandoned his assumed original plan of possessing the collector and starts heading towards the castle to possess the heart.
Back with luz, eda and king they all reunite with one another and it’s really sweet. And then they play a series of games with the collector Pac-Man, marbles and Jenga and they keep beating him in a montage sequence that definitely would have been it’s own episode if the show hadn’t been shortened. Then we get the scene where the luz , eda and king realise that the collector literally has no concept of death or mortality. Leading to a very calm before the storm style sequence where the all of them go back throughout the isles and reminisce of the events up to this point we also get more of the collectors backstory where we find out the collectors older siblings the “archivists” are who told the collector to go and play with the Titans which he did however the archivists feared the titans power so they one by one through the use of the Titan trappers killed the titans one by one until the only one left was kings dad and their baby egg and they blamed the collector and so imprisoned them and hid king away. It’s interesting cause most people assumed the other collectors were also dead just like the titans but no the genocidal space gods are very much alive soooooo yeah that’s alot.
Anyway while this is going on Raine is fighting for their fucking life against belos after belos uses a Kirby warp star to get to the castle raine also becomes unpuppetified which is interesting the fight scene between them is really good and the fact that belos is only just barely able to possess the heart but then gloats to Raine as if belos beat them easily shows just how full of himself belos actually is the animation on the scene where he is on the heart is also great and his dialogue where he reveals that there are multiple Titan hearts finally answers why the heart in the castle is so small compared to the size of the Titan. So after possessing the heart Belos’s infection starts to spread massively across the isles however one thing I found super interesting when watching the episode is how Belos’s infection is designed first of all it’s basically green malice from Zelda botw but for some reason they decided to make Belos’s infection look like a coral reef with coral projections coming out of it some in separate colours from the rest of the belos goop which to me is so interesting because of course coral reefs are a positively good thing which makes it so interesting to me they decided to base Belos’s infection off a coral reef maybe because when the infection is petrified it looks like a bleached coral reef either way the design of it looks spectacular and the belos infection taking over the isles is one of the coolest and most visually interesting parts of the whole show in my opinion.
So after luz eda and king finish teaching the collector the power of friendship the collector here’s the isles breathing so and then belos just like when his mask was shattered in season 1 turns the entire Titan into sans undertale. They then rush towards the core of the infinite where belos has formed not really Titan belos because it’s own a really big belos goop form that’s attached to the titan sort of like a malignant growth on the Titan but it’s design is sort of a combination of the Titan with a dragon sooooooooooooo whatever. However the collector in their infinite wisdom decide to try to use the lessons they’ve learned to try to give belos kindness and forgiveness through THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP TM leading to the collector almost getting blasted to death by the massive death laser however is saved by luz however she is hit by the belos infection and is consumed by it and turned into light balls the collector literally does not understand the concept of death so trying to see them struggle to bring luz back even someone like me who doesn’t care that much for the collector found this scene quite sad. Then we see Luz’s light travel through the isles which several characters witness also reaching the archives where the hexsquad and camilla are, and camilla cry’s when she sees the light implying she knows luz is dead this light helps to awake the rest of the hexsquad who have to use glyph magic to save everyone which it’s interesting that their temporary loss of magic is entirely down too them simply being tired out instead of any of the insane belos stuff going on. Then theirs eda and king who eda tells the collector that she can’t think she can control herself anymore as both king and eda go into their what I’m gonna call rage forms as that makes the most sense.
So going into the in between world we finally find out who the fuck the glowing figure in for the future was its kings dad and he is such a cool character first of all the bad girl coven t-shirt and baggy glyph pajamas the glorious dad bod the Hooty in her eye which sort of confirms that Hooty is related to the Titan in some form perhaps Hooty is indeed a tapeworm in the Titan. He is canonically bi-gender which is awesome considering they are the boiling isles (BI) see its all connected. We then find out that kings dad has been watching the entirety of the events of the show within the in between world and that she did indeed show luz the glyphs on purpose due to Luz’s kindness towards king and everyone else on the isles unlike Phillip who he personally his the glyphs from because Phillip is an asshole. So luz asks papa Titan if she’s just as bad as belos and he says that no Belos is crazy and needs to go down. So papa Titan then tells luz that dying is straight and brings her back to life with new Titan powers while before she dies for real we see the Titan in all his glory as she sinks to the bottom of the in between realm.
Luzs new furry oc form is awesome for several reasons because first it incorporates elements of both eda’s harpy form and king into its design because it’s full of both bones and feathers. Another awesome thing is how Luz’s Titan design looks typically very evil looking dark black bones all over and Luz’s new dark black eyes. However Titan luz is the ultimate force of good which is contrasted by the emperor’s coven which always wore white and gold typically associated with good and righteousness which is used to hide the vile nature of the emperor’s coven. And I’m so happy that Luz’s final super form to take down belos looks conveniently evil. Considering belos always saw the residents of the BI as evil monsters so he’s destroyed by the manifestation of that idea but as a force for good the only thing that would be more fitting is if he was destroyed by giant pride flag coloured laser beams.
Anyway when they get to Belos’s castle and see Belos attached to the heart like one of those necromorphs you find attached to the walls in dead space (I don’t know their name) we get another epic action scene ending in luz screaming the iconic NOW EAT THIS SUCKA and ripping Belos off the heart and slamming him in the ground.
We then get my favourite scene in the episode which I could genuinely talk about how good it is for hours with luz looking down at Phillip in the same way Caleb’s ghost did as Phillip till the very fucking end tries to manipulate his way out of the situation at hand claiming it was his “curse” that caused him to do such evil things despite eda also being cursed (which only happened due to belos’s propaganda he instilled within Lilith) and eda never turned into a genocidal dictator. While belos insists he’s human just like luz while the rain melts off his skin like he’s the motherfucking wicked witch of the west. He then tries to tell luz that she’d be just as bad as him if she lets him die which we all know is bullshit so she simply stands their as the boiling rain doesn’t affect her as practically a religious figure in the BI while the man who put his bigoted beliefs before everyone else is melted into a fucking puddle and then king Raine and eda coke to finish the job and stomp on him to death GOOD RIDDANCE. All the main characters then lay in the grass exhausted which damn it they deserve it.
At this point we have the cry because the shows almost over section of the episode where all the characters reunite with their families including hunter getting adopted by Darius and Eber (rip hunter noceda) and odalia being ignored by the rest of her family and is never seen again good bye you abusive asshole. As well as the rest of the characters reuniting. Then we get the time skip that I was dreading and it was amazing as I thought it would be and yes made me tear up alot love the little bait and switch of thinking luz went to a human college only for camilla to say you met them last week and then we get to see everyone’s new designs and yes half of them look like pirates now it’s great. The time skip is implied to be about 3 to 4 years as luz is now 18 and certain parts of note are harpy Lilith pog , hunters new palisman waffles , sky pirate amity is awesome , the university of wild magic being made of a palistrom tree is amazing and eda being headmaster as well as looking like mother fucking Captain Hook is great. Raines fox palismen that’s either their old palisman or a new one is also cool and a lot of people have pointed out how Raine is seemingly the new leader of the boiling isles with having the Titan badge with a ribbon on it and always showing up to important events on the BI.
Then we have alador finding a way to remove coven sigils which is something I wanted to happen in a time skip setting so that’s great also aladarius hints YES. Finally we have luzs big king ceneria which is beautiful including one last lumity kiss for the show. And also older now around 12 year old king which is cool we see the collector in the sky making stars and then as the ultimate ending we see every character in the show saying the iconic BYYYEEEEE and then the show just ends god that was amazing.
So yeah I personally loved watching and dreaming I’ve seen some people online have some problems with it the only one I really agree with is that it was a crime that we never saw amity get to see Titan luz. But yeah I’ve also heard some say that they didn’t like how the collector was handled which I can’t really give my opinion on because I don’t have many opinions on the collector myself and I think their probably my least favourite out of all the important characters to the story but I liked many moments with them throughout the episodes they were in I just think they were a strange character for the story overall. I’ve also heard some criticism of belos’s death scene which I personally loved but I see where people are coming from with it as we don’t see Caleb or Evelyn or any of the golden guards but they were probably not included cause they were shown throughout for the future instead anyway I love this series and I’m probably never gonna stop talking about it cause it’s amazing and I hope we get more content based off it in the future.
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devilsrecreation · 2 years
Coven Head headcanons pt. 2
Osran used to be a little shit back then, using his oracle magic to mess with his fellow students. Just think of young Eda, but a little less chaotic. Of course, due to witch puberty and experience and all that stuff, he’s now the (possibly well-meaning) and wise coven head we know now. Though whenever he sees a kid causing trouble, he’s internally like “Haha, I remember when I was like that. Good times.”
The book Osran is holding is not only filled with spells, but it also serves as a little photo album. Ozzie likes looking into the past as well as the future
Oh yeah, and the other coven heads call him “Ozzie”. But only they can do that. Sometimes out of affection and other times, they’re just doing it to piss him off
Terra was like Willow when she was a kid. Underestimated, until you see what the hell she’s capable of
Terra was a good student, but she terrified all her teachers cuz she admittedly had absolutely no chill when it comes to witch’s duels. Nobody would even THINK of messing with her after winning her first fight.
Vitimir and Mason are best friends. End of story
Vitimir (who is sometimes called “V” or “Vit” by his few friends) is also a mama’s boy
Mason is a family man. He used to let Steve and Matt (if they really ARE his kids) ride on his back while he did his own thing
Because Mason was at the Coven Convention, I’m assuming all the Coven Heads were there too. Everyone thinks it’s cool until they see Vitimir drinking one of his potions and they’re just like 👀
Whenever Adrian talks in one of the meetings, the other coven heads are like “Shut up Adrian, the grown ups are talking”
Sticking with the hc that Darius and Eberwolf live together
Darius has also met Eber’s dire wolf family. It was as chaotic as you could imagine it to be
Eberwolf likes to cuddle and curls up in a little ball like King when he sleeps. Sometimes, he does it next to Darius
Eber also loves belly rubs
Raine’s actually pretty cool with the other coven heads. They think they’ve got potential
Hettie’s a boss witch. I think that’s obvious
I like to think arm wrestling is a thing in the boiling isles and Hettie wins every time…while also breaking all her opponents arms (Thank Titan she’s head of healing)
None of the Coven Heads are eligable to compete in the Bonesborough Brawl cuz of how OP they are
Hettimir ftw. Everyone else ships it
Vit tends to blush when Hettie plays with his hair. Hettie thinks it’s the cutest thing in the Demon Realm
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herobrinna · 2 years
its 2 in the mf morning and i had the worst TOH au idea so im gonna scream it to the void:
ok so instead of Luz, a travel agent who just lost their job finds their way into the isles and decides to make a deal with Eda to open up a tourism thingy to the Boiling Isles. Eda being a lot more chaotic at the start of the show obviously agrees, and they decide to split whatever profits between them.
but then how do you convince people of this hole other real (especially with its portal being at some abandoned house)? well at first its advertised as funky lil art project, with tours pretty much just being of Eda's backyard and priced pretty cheaply. but as it becomes more popular people realise that - holy shit, none of these things are props, and are actual real things, so it goes viral and tours expand into local towns (or well, just Bonesborrough), and the price for these tours skyrockets.
see at first Eda and travel agent guy manage to keep this business kinda hidden, like with Eda being a criminal she should know when and where scouts patrol around town, so tours would be done with careful scheduling in place to make sure no scout notices, plus with very small groups at a time. and with how the local demons and witches dont notice, well who would honestly believe that random groups of humans are appearing. but shit starts to go down when the youtubers start visiting.
see they immediately start doing stupid shit for views, like going into the wilderness for a 24 hour survival challenge or something, and as Eda and travel agent guy are starting to struggle to keep this from getting out to the emperor's coven, some youtuber completely blows their cover with a "Trying to Sneak into the EMPREROR'S CASTLE at 3AM" challenge.
during this hole time Belos was so peaceful, the Day of Unity was just a few months away and everything was going exactly to plan, so he was focussing on finalising the draining spell or something, completely at bliss on the shit happening. at least up until some humans break into his castle, screaming at the top of their lungs into some device hes never seen in his life. and of course hes pissed and tries to figure out what the hell is going on.
and once he does he is just seething with rage, this is exactly what he was trying to prevent all his life! now these innocent souls are getting bewitched by the devilspawn of this realm. he should have arrested Edalyn the second he suspect she might have the portal, he was such a fool to leave her with that thing.
but its ok, with the Day of Unity happening soon everything will be fine, and he can lead these poor souls back on the righteous path.
or so Belos thinks, until human governments get in touch.
see with videos from tourists going viral the hole world was watching in awe at the "discovery" of this new realm, governments around the world especially, and when it was deemed safe, they decided to make first diplomatic contact.
so all of that because i made this stupid edit:
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and man poor Belos is confused shitless. all his life he thought he was gonna go back to the human realm as a hero, witch hunter general, whatever, anything but as their leader. yet here he is.
and he hates absolutely everything, not only does he now have to face the fact that, yes the human realm did drastically change, but also people seem to be accepting witches (at least to an extent, which to Belos is absolutely disgusting)
so logically he thinks that the entire human realm got bewitched.
during this time whatever governments are attempting to share their technology and scientific innovations (and Belos is playing along, introducing them to magic for the time being). and with all the shit happening the eclipse comes and goes with no chance for Belos to go through with his plan. the humans seem to be too bewitched anyways, he reasons, if he went through his plan then and there, they would have painted him as a villain, no he needs to show them how evil witches truly are, so they end up regretting ever making contact with them. and once he finds out about the weapons of mass destruction humans have invented (so much more efficient than the draining spell!), he devises a new plan.
so once again he plays the slow game of earning people's trust, even letting witches emigrate to human countries.
see, as humans still werent used to magic they didnt have any precautions against it, so Belos could easily command a few witches to assassinate whatever major figures (like an illusion witch can make themselves go invisible, or an oracle witch can predict the exact time someone will be at an easy to get place, etc).
basically Belos starts ww3.
and i thought of a lot more about this but im tired now and cant be bothered to write so ehhh.
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criticaaaaaaaal · 2 years
are there other examples in your opinion of the other characters getting nerfed to make willow look stronger or hunter getting nerfed in general? /gen
big instances of hunter getting nerfed:
hunting palisman: he loses the staff and the armor/mask. he's left magicless and without his rank to fall back on, meaning scouts won't take orders from him. luz on the other hand still has her magic and is buffed with having hunter's staff at her disposal too. this way, it's more equal for luz and hunter so they can realistically come to a truce.
eclipse lake: hunter is in a worse mental state because of his failure from hunting palisman, he's already desperate to prove himself to belos. he's desperate and tired, so he's clearly not thinking straight compared to amity. not only that, but he has no staff again, leaving him tied up at the mercy of eda, king and amity. when he fights with amity, he's using a palisman staff for the first time. he's at a disadvantage by not being used to it while amity has the leg up of being well rested, in a good headspace, having king as backup, having natural magic and also having practice with her palisman. this helps make the truce more believable at the end of the fight. (hell, hunter technically wins this too, he leaves with the key.)
labyrinth runners: malnourished and in a bad mental space, only left with palisman magic and scrapped together clothes. he has a mental breakdown halfway into the episode. despite this though he still pushes through and comes out on top by the end.
clouds on the horizon: for some reason hunter doesn't fight back? even though he's more than capable of doing so? this confused me a lot, it seems like there wasnt a reason that hunter didn't fight besides the fact he was being illusion swapped. even then he wasn't clued in on luz's plan, so there's no reason for him to hold back like he does.
king's tide: he makes multiple slip ups, the most notable one being falling off of flapjack for no reason. the sigil brand also starts eating away at him. by the time he's in the titan's skull fighting belos, his branded side is basically useless. by the time the collector shows up he can't even stand.
others getting nerfed for willow's sake (thankfully this is only happening in 2b):
big examples are mostly from hunter. he falls off his staff so willow can catch him, that's one that pisses me off pfpbpfpbfpb. other moments of just hunter needing willow to protect him, that kind of garbo
not specifically for willow being strong, but gus is turned into an idiot so hunter can be the one to call out the illusion willow for being a fake. that feels like ship fuel :/
in clouds on the horizon, for some reason, willow is the one to turn into a heavy hitter against the abomatron? when it should be alador realistically?
amity kinda comes out of nowhere and starts putting willow down in labyrinth runners, which i wish this was done earlier in the season but w/e.
its most notable in kings tide, where hunter falls so he can be caught by #girlboss willow. also, all the characters start arguing just so willow can be the "level headed girlboss" that calms everyone down and being "done with everyones shit" (even though most of them wouldnt be arguing, like alador and gus of all people. the most realistic argument wouldve been between amity and hunter or amity and alador).
willow's shown to come out of nowhere and just kidnap hunter to the flyer derby field which felt kind of weird but it was also played for laughs
theres more that im not remembering right now, ill have to rewatch the episodes to give a better description.
now, in the case of hunter, nerfing him makes the most sense! he's shown to be extremely capable when he's at his normal, so for any reasonable conflict to happen he has to be put down a couple pegs. it just sucks that in 2b he feels sloppier about his reasons for slipping up when in reality he wouldnt... be messing up this much? he's a trained soldier from birth practically, he should know how to take care of himself
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bxmblxbee · 1 year
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🐝⊱ Amity “Bee” took one look at who was speaking to her. Her throat clammed up thinking about all the times she and others alike had pissed him off. Granted there were some funny moments, but mostly their goal was to stop him from taking over the multi-verse. The emperor himself starring right at Bee. Her nose scrunched up, her ears flattened in annoyance and disinterest.
“Well. Shit.” She thought. What the hell was she supposed to say to him? What did he want to chat about. It was bad enough that she & (”Bad Boy”) Luz were wanted criminals dubbed by him just like Eda now. Their heads wanted on a platter roasted on a spit.
“What? Sir.”
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mb-blue-roses · 2 years
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I posted 10,450 times in 2022
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#if your name is/was bailey and you remember catching salamanders with a little brown-haired girl who then got the camp name salamander
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We need more BAtTs content
23 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
I haven't been keeping up w/ CC, but OMG YASAMMY CANON
I've been shipping them since s1 or s2 (I don't fully remember but it was EARLY) ngl
24 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Okay okay so I finished rereading the first book in The Land of Stories, and now I have thoughts abt the Charming family. Specifically Charlie/Froggy, and how his disappearance affected everyone.
Do you think that his brothers went to tell him things before remembering he was gone?
Do you think any of them tried to convince themself and the others that their youngest brother was still alive?
Do you think that King Chance Charming ever talked to his brother's portrait to keep him up to date with big happenings, because the painting is in his castle?
Do you think any of them wished, as they danced with their new wives at their respective weddings, that their youngest brother was around to see it?
Do you think Charlie Charming ever woke up alone, remembered where he was, and cried?
Do you think he ever tried to go back to the kingdom, but lost his confidence at the last second?
Do you think he knows how much his brothers care?
Do you think he dreamed about being human again, and reuniting with his brothers?
I dunno. Just some thoughts I had.
33 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My biggest wish for a Raeda reunion is for Eda to go apeshit when she learns that Raine wasn't brainwashed during Follies at the Coven Day Parade, and they actually remembered everything she was talking abt-
(She is still in love with them, but she is also pissed as hell) (Raine is also still in love, and feels bad about what they did)
57 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yesterday (17th)'s pride drawing!
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[Image ID: A transparent chibi drawing of Oren. She has hair that has a blue-green fade. He has yellow eyes and is wearing sunglasses. They are smirking and wearing a grey t-shirt with a fruit on it. They have a hand up, and are holding an ace flag in that hand. A signature, a stylized A_G, is next to Oren's head and raised hand. End ID]
Drew @pmseymourva's character Oren!
201 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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winterstorm032802 · 2 years
So much has happened. Eda is getting a sigil and Odalia knew about everything?! I'm so happy Alador stood up to her cause she was rude to him too. The twins tried so hard to fight back as well and Amity got pissed!
King has a connection to the Collector now who seems very... off. Talking about playing more games and how it's reassuring itself that Belos wouldn't lie?
Kikimora is so done with life and she's crazy.
Anyways because I'm a shipper
"Unhand my boyfriend"
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And I noticed when Luz teleported like that which was odd but knowing it's Hunter is sweet cause he protected her first
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"Crikey" Luz was at seas for too long lol!
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3dyingsucculents · 2 years
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Description: The door to the owl shack with Hooty screeching that “HOOT THERE'S SOMEONE HERE” the mystery person is offscreen
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Description: Eda answers the door pissed shouting “Who the hell is here I have a kid to comfort” this is in reference to Luz and this is presumably after hollow mind so if you know you know why Luz is so upset
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Description: Eda realizes there is seemingly no one there and says “Ah hell is this some ding dong ditch” she is an annoyed and tired mom.
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Description: At this point Darius jumps out of his hiding place shouting “where’s my fucking kid bitch” at Eda who replies “shit.” Darius has gone full feral protective guardian mode over Hunter who is currently missing because hollowmind. He is attacking Eda with an abomination enhanced flying kick from a hiding place off screen. Do I truly think Darius would get the drop on Eda like this? Not really but I wanted to have the joke of “ding dong ditch where’s my fucking kid bitch” of since watching hollowmind.
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Description: Meanwhile the bat queen is asking Hunter “my dear why has my child (flapjack) brought you here?” Hunter between sobs hiccups out “I-I… F-Flapjack s-said you were s-safe and I-he’ll (belos) kill me.” He’s stuttering out the words as he’s still hysterical from learning the truth. While I enjoy the idea of him running into Darius, Raine, and/or Eberwolf when he ran into the forest also like the idea of the bat queen taking him in. As a grimwalker he’s part palismen (or at least the wood) and the bat queen takes in palismen who have been betrayed by their caretakers. Also flapjack would know the bat queen to be a powerful but safe resource who protected them for presumably centuries. Her taking in Hunter has the added bonus of her not being connected to any coven which at this point I think Hunter just wants to distance himself as much is possible from Belos and potentially society and covens in general.
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Camila Noceda and Flawed Parenting
A perspective by a flawed person with loving but extremely flawed parents
I’m genuinely baffled at some people’s hostile reaction towards Camila. Like… do any of you have flawless parents that always know the best solution instantly, make no mistakes and never get emotional?
My parents are great. They’re super supportive and I love them very, very much. Overall I think I got very lucky in the parents department.
But god, they are far from flawless. I still live at home, and despite all the good, there’s moments when I can’t take my dad anymore. He’s the kind of dad that stayed up until two am to help me with homework when I was in school, and he does so, so many things to make sure I’m happy. I know that. But despite all of this, I have told my mom in emotional moments before that I’m not sure if I can keep living with him, because for all his good sides, he has a couple of fatal flaws that sometimes make him unbearable.
My mom listens to me and is very open to being educated on certain topics, but she has her flaws, too. She hates when I fight with my dad, and gets so torn up about it that I’ve once apologized to my dad out of fear of her getting into a car crash otherwise. She’s very vocal about certain flaws of mine, and sometimes uses the things she does for me as leverage against me when she gets very emotional.
And both of my parents pay a lot more attention to my brother because he needs it more, because he’s more of a “problem child” while I “seem so capable” even when I’m not.
And guess what? I’m not a perfect child. I make mistakes sometimes, some of them pretty severe. Just like Luz, I’m the kind of person that struggles to communicate certain issues of mine to her parents. I’m stubborn, and when I get emotional, I say very hurtful things sometimes. So do they.
And this has nothing to do with my parents being horrible or abusive. They’re neither of those things.
The takeaway from this should not be that my entire family is made up of terrible people, but that we’re all flawed in our own ways, despite loving each other and trying our best. There’s things about my parents I wish I could change, and there are things about me that my parents wish they could change. And to an extent, that’s perfectly normal.
In our strengths and flaws and frustration with each other, we’re all human.
Specific, spoiler-y Camila and Luz things under the cut since this got very long.
We have no indication that Camila has a pattern of emotionally manipulating Luz. Her “emotional manipulation” as I’ve seen some people put it, is people for some reason thinking that the second you become an adult, you’re suddenly perfect and can no longer make mistakes, lest you’ll be dubbed horrible and abusive.
The whole concept is absurd to me. There is no perfect way to parent. There simply isn’t. Of course, there’s some genuinely abusive patterns that are horrible and inexcusable. But out of the parenting styles that aren’t, which one works depends on a number of factors, one of which absolutely includes that every child is different and has different needs. Camila is an amazing parent for Vee, giving the kid everything she’s ever longed for. She’s not an ideal parent for Luz. And that’s because Luz and Vee have fundamentally different needs.
Likewise, Luz is a pretty great child for Eda, but not a perfect fit for Camila. Luz relates to Eda a lot more than she relates to her mom, and that’s why the two of them have an easier time understanding each other. Both of these mother-child relationships exist, and one is not more doomed to fail than the other, but I think you’ll agree that the better you understand someone and where they’re coming from, the easier it is to communicate, pick up on certain signs, etc.
As mom and daughter, Camila and Luz are both flawed and have issues seeing the other’s perspective because of how different they are. And we should simultaneously acknowledge both of their roles in the issue and give both of them the space to learn and grow past those issues.
Luz struggles to communicate her problems. She doesn’t want to burden people in the demon realm, and it’s a given that this started out as not wanting to burden her mom. So she keeps quiet about her issues. Camila tries hard but can’t read her daughter’s mind, so there’s only so much she can do to understand and help the way Luz needs her to. Hell, Eda, who Luz is a lot more open with than her mom, struggles to help her, because Luz doesn’t tell her what’s wrong. I don’t see anyone calling Eda a terrible mom for that.
Camila tries her best, but she struggles to understand her daughter because of this, and because of how fundamentally different they are. She loves Luz’s creativity, we actively see her supporting it in the new episode—she keeps the weird stuff Luz made because she thinks Luz will regret throwing it away, and even plays along in what she assumes to be some elaborate role play because “she’s glad Luz kept her creativity even though it’s not made things easy for her at school”. But at the beginning of the show, said creativity got out of hand and people got hurt. Luz could’ve gotten hurt. So of course Camila had to interfere. I love Luz dearly, but she thought it was okay to bring snakes to school and set off fireworks inside a school building. Creativity is great. Doing reckless stuff that causes people to get hurt is not.
In sending Luz to camp, Camila tried to have someone else fix her issue because she didn’t know how to help Luz. That was a mistake, and a bad one at that, but she’s realizing that. She looks disheartened when Vee tries to throw out Luz’s stuff, because she never meant to change her daughter or take that part of her away. She just thought Luz needed a reality check—which, for the record, is something the narrative actually agrees with.
Luz spends her time in the demon realm getting reality check after reality check, realizing that even her ideal fantasy world where she has everything she always wanted doesn’t mean she’s free of consequences. She goes overboard constantly, causing:
-Eda to be forced to fly into a trap because Luz is chasing a fantasy (Witches before Wizards)
-Eda to almost be branded by her sister because Luz doesn’t think through why Eda doesn’t use magic to publicly announce her presence constantly (Once Upon a Swap)
-Eda and the twins to get kidnapped by a Slitherbeast because Luz stole Amity’s wand (Adventures in the Elements)
-Her friends to get hurt when she goes overboard trying to help Willow (Wing it like Witches)
-Eda to be captured and almost petrified because Luz thought she could just steal from the Emperor with no consequences in an attempt to help (Agony of a Witch)
I’m like 90% sure these aren’t even all. None of those make her a terrible person, for the record, but as all humans are, she is flawed and makes bad choices. She learns from these experiences and matures, just like her mom had hoped she would at camp. She’s also made friends there, which was another thing Camila wanted for her daughter.
You’ll probably realize that a lot of Luz’s behaviors I mentioned follow one of two patterns: 1. Luz’s idealized fantasy world causing problems, when she walks around with rose tinted glasses and gets people in trouble in the process because she hasn’t thought about the consequences, and 2. Luz trying to help someone she loves, but instead making things worse in the progress. The issue with this one is often that she doesn’t communicate her ideas/listen to the people she’s trying to help—like when Willow and Gus said they’ve had enough of Grudgby, or how she never actually talks to Eda about the healing hat idea before doing something reckless.
…does the latter one sound familiar to you at all? No? Because it’s the exact same thing that Camila did.
Some of the things Luz does are reckless and actively endanger others and herself, and that’s something that I think we need to acknowledge before judging Camila. As Luz’s mom, it’s Camila’s job to interfere in those situations. That she made a mistake while trying to protect Luz doesn’t make her a terrible person, especially as, again, the narrative proves her right to an extent.
I’m not saying her making Luz promise to come back and stay isn’t something that hurt Luz—it absolutely is. But it was born out of desperation. She’s emotional and in shock. She’s so full of pain and regret. She just wants her fourteen year old daughter home safe, and there’s nothing abusive or even morally ambiguous about that.
From Luz’s perspective, what she says is absolutely heartbreaking, but from Camila’s, it’s perfectly reasonable. I doubt Camila has the full picture, but even if she does, she’s had a full fifteen seconds to process that her daughter has not only been lying to her for months, but chose to leave her, and is in the demon realm of all places. Of course she’d be emotional and upset about that! Who wouldn’t? Camila isn’t a robot. If she’d been calm about this I’d be way more concerned, honestly.
My parents don’t get mad that easily, but if I would lie to them for weeks on end, they’d be pissed off too, not even taking the running away from home part into account. That’s a normal thing. People don’t like being lied to. Camila is absolutely devastated in that moment because she’s scared that Luz left because she hates her, when Luz actively states that her leaving wasn’t about her mom—which is another thing we should really be acknowledging.
Abusive parents suck and abuse should obviously never be apologized or trivialized, but saying something hurtful in the heat of the moment isn’t the same thing as being an abusive parent. My parents have done this. I’ve done this. And yes, those things can be emotionally manipulative, but there’s a huge difference in whether that’s a habit or a person speaking out of hurt and desperation in a very specific context. I doubt there’s anyone on the entire planet that hasn’t had a bad moment where they’ve said something like this because they were hurting. People lash out when they hurt, and they beg for reassurance when they’re scared. That’s something we all do.
The whole mindset of “all parents have to be perfect and can never get upset or make any mistakes” is harmful as hell, and honestly also very unrealistic. No parent is perfect, and especially people like me who have a relationship with their parents that’s very good overall should know that.
Once you have a child, parenting is a non-stop learning process, every day for the rest of your life. Taking away that room to grow and expecting perfection isn’t helping anyone, especially not struggling single parents.
And I see Camila as someone who is very willing to learn, because at the end of the day, all she wants is for Luz to be happy. Let’s give her some time to wrap her head around this whole situation. Let’s see what she says once she sees for herself how happy Luz is in that world, may it be via the videos eventually coming through or Camila visiting and meeting Luz’s found family, her friends and her girlfriend.
Ultimately, I don’t think Camila will force Luz to stay at home, but we have to give her some time. She wants what’s best for Luz, and she’s gonna need some convincing that a dangerous magical world is what’s best. I feel like that’s very normal considering the circumstances.
Her and Luz need to work on their communication on both ends, they both have things to learn, but I’m certain they’ll manage to fix their relationship in the long run.
If the bunk bed is any indication, I think Vee is gonna stay in the human realm permanently while Luz sleeps at home but keeps attending Hexside in the daytime. That feels like a solution that keeps everyone happy, and allows Luz to spend time with all the people she loves. I can’t see her being forced to choose at the end.
As a closing statement: Eda isn’t an ideal mom, Amity isn’t an ideal friend or girlfriend and neither is Luz, Lilith isn’t an ideal sister… but that’s because no one is ever an ideal anything. Being flawed is a big part of being human. Everyone has different facets to their personality. Their flaws are what makes them such great, relatable, believable characters.
And I feel the same way about Camila. She’s an extremely believable character that reminds me of my own parents, flawed but very loving nonetheless.
(Also honestly, I think it’s pretty telling that some of you guys immediately bash the black single mom that’s obviously trying her hardest while giving the benefit of the doubt to Alador, who has been portrayed as neglecting and threatened his six year old daughter on screen. This was already a thing before we knew much about either of them, and I’m disappointed but unfortunately not very surprised that it still is.)
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pdaliceliveblogs · 2 years
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Tons of cute sandwiched in pain but also hope.
I went back and checked, and Raine whistled softly over their tea before drinking it back in Follies, too. Which means... either it took a while to work properly, or they were putting on an act with Eda in the alley? To try not to hurt her by getting her involved again? You beautiful dingus she is already involved. Eda better pop them one when that comes out. (I meant smack them but she should also kiss them.) God, I’m so proud of them, though. They’re fighting, they’re fighting. It’s incredibly encouraging-- and it looks like Darius might be working with them as well, now? He seemed pretty on board with tormenting them back in Requiem, but maybe he’s come around since then?
...or maybe that’s why Raine was able to escape from the goo back then, though that leads to the question of why Darius acted as pissed off as he did when there was no audience... except Eberwolf? Would he have been putting on an act for Eber? Was he seriously just pissed off at his co-conspirator for soiling his cloak? No, that makes no sense, Raine was genuinely trying to kill him and Eberwolf. They weren’t working together then. But they are now?
All these coven heads are playing 4D chess and Eda needs to pop them all one.
(and then kiss Raine.)
Okay so most of this episode was just adorable as hell, Eda and Raine as kids immediately hitting it off, being each other’s anchors through a bullshit school activity, being both a little on the outside in different ways. Eda saying Lily was her only friend... oof ow fuck ow. And she’s already losing her to the EC, but she found Raine, so at least she’ll have them for... the last bit of her time in school.
I was trying to hash out a timeline for my fic, actually (which will now require some significant rewrites but I’m excited), and I think Eda’s in her sophomore year here-- well, third from last year, as it looks like Hexside isn’t really separated in an elementary/middle/high kind of way. Lilith is two years older and she’s still in school, but also we know that she was still at home for at least some time after her coven acceptance because she was there when Eda attacked her father. We also know that Hexside doesn’t seem to have a summer vacation-- or if it does, it’s at a different time of year, since Luz’s ‘new semester’ started up while she was already in the B.I. for camp. So maybe this is near the beginning of Eda’s sophomore/Lily’s senior year, Eda gets cursed at the coven tryouts in seven months, Lily is accepted into the coven like a college acceptance and has to finish out her senior year first so she has a couple more months? During that period, Eda’s attacks continue to get worse, she puts out Dell’s eye, and she runs away from home for good, ditching school. (Maybe there was a cushion between the attack and her running away if Dell was in the hospital for a while, but she says she hasn’t seen him since it happened.) Obviously she stayed in contact with Raine, since they were together as young adults, but that still means they had... maybe a year at school together. Ow.
Seeing young versions of adult characters is always fun-- it’s been pointed out to me that the Hexside oracle kid whose design I was admiring might well be Perry, Gus’s dad, and I can kinda see it, since oracle makes sense for television/news and entertainment. I have a lot of Thoughts about young Darius because of course I do (look... listen... muck monster good) and am absolutely wrapping several of them up into this fic I’m working on--
man. Lilith said she was going off to an EC study group. Study group. That’s the kind of place you make friends.
The only things that bugged me this episode were Raine’s head being too dang big at several points and Terra pulling the exact same “I’m impressed you disobeyed me” thing that Darius did two episodes ago. I want to believe that means something, like it’s a quality Belos looks for in his minions somehow (though it doesn’t seem his style) but there’s a part of me worried it’s just uncharacteristically non-fabulous writing. This show is so good, you guys, it’s wild something like that sticks out so much. 
I am 100% gonna watch this one again soon for all the delightful Eda and Raine cheese.
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italian-wall-lizard · 2 years
Do you have any Alex Fierro headcanons? Your content is brilliant btw.
tysm! also... DO I???? hell yes
she is a total perfectionist when it comes to her pottery
she always gives magnus vases and pottery stuff for valentine's day even though she hates valentines
her and mallory become weirdly good friends with them hyping each other up if the other one is sad but bantering the rest of the time
her and tj have a bond where they barely ever hang out but when they do it's never awkward
her favorite place in valhalla is the roller skating rink because she always wanted to learn when she was younger but her dad didn't let her
her and magnus love to go on nature hikes together even though she complains the whole way up
she is weirdly good at trivia crack. idk
she tries to teach magnus spanish because he asked one time and him being the white boy he is completely butchers the pronunciation and she is just. so done.
she develops a weird dynamic with amir where amir is low key terrified of her and she is just having a blast tormenting him and samirah
she will not hesitate to beat up any random homophobes on the street
divergent nerd. (she hates the movies)
100% watches owl house and relates to eda
learns how to sew her own pink and green clothes from blitz so that she won't have to go looking for them
her normal height is 5'4 (canon) and magnus's is 5'11 (also canon) but when she gets mad at him she shapeshifts to be an inch taller than him just to piss him off
is CONSTANTLY pulling the "your fly is down" asl thing that she did in sotd on magnus
magnus is forever maggie boy to her
she and halfborn have grudging respect for each other even though they low key hate one another
makes up the actual stupidest nicknames for magnus and refuses to call him by his actual name. magnesium, mangus, maggie boy, beantown, magneton, mango, maggot, magnitude, magnolia, magma, basically anything starting with mag
has no sexuality label, just refers to herself as ‘gay as hell’
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