vyragosa · 11 months
DS2 about to answer the question i've been haunted by
(heartman voice) "sam do you ever think if the BT you pissed on had a family"
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champion-of-stone · 4 months
Got any cool rock facts?
Most of my brain is cool rock facts
The most expensive mineral in the world is jadeite, fetching about [pokemon equivalent of 3 million usd] for a single karat!
The rarest mineral, on the other hand, is painite, discovered in 1951, and only about a dozen samples have ever been discovered!
The most common mineral is bridgmanite, but it’s only found deep in the mantle. It makes up about 35% of the planet’s volume!
The most common mineral accessible to us crust-dwellers is feldspar and quartz. A lot of minerals are quartz, to be honest.
Speaking of quartz it’s used to make watches that are more accurate than mechanical ones. I wouldn’t know the exact mechanism behind that but I’m sure fellow Metagross fan @elite-amarys could explain!
I love geology feel free to ask for more
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The compositional and thermal state of Earth’s lower mantle 
A research team Led by Professor WU Zhongqing from the School of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), in collaboration with Associate Professor RUAN Youyi from Nanjing University and Researcher NI Sidao from the Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS, made a significant breakthrough in constraining the material composition and thermal state of the Earth's lower mantle. Their research findings, titled "Compositional and thermal state of the lower mantle from joint 3D inversion with seismic tomography and mineral elasticity," were published in the prestigious international academic journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
The Earth's interior can be roughly divided into the crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, and core. The Earth's lower mantle, located at depths ranging from 660 to 2890 km below the surface, comprises a substantial portion of the Earth's volume and mass. It plays a critical role in the planet's structure and dynamics. Previous seismological studies have revealed variations in seismic wave velocities within the lower mantle, including large-scale low shear wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) beneath Africa and the Pacific. However, the nature, origin, and implications of these anomalies remain incompletely understood. Therefore, obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the spatial distribution of material composition and temperature within the lower mantle is crucial for unraveling Earth's formation, evolution, and dynamics.
To address these challenges, the research team employed a combination of seismic tomography and the elastic properties of minerals to determine the composition and spatial distribution of mantle materials and temperatures. However, experimental measurements of mineral elasticity under the extreme conditions of the lower mantle present significant difficulties. To overcome this, Professor WU Zhongqing's team developed a novel first-principles calculation method that is computationally efficient, representing less than one-tenth of the conventional methods. Utilizing this approach, the team extensively studied the elastic properties of key minerals in the lower mantle and achieved results consistent with experimental data obtained under relatively lower temperatures and pressures.
By integrating computed high-temperature and high-pressure elastic data of lower mantle minerals with a three-dimensional tomographic imaging model, the research team successfully inverted the three-dimensional mineral composition and temperature distribution of the entire lower mantle using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Furthermore, they derived a three-dimensional density model of the lower mantle.
The inversion results revealed that the lateral temperature distribution in the lower mantle follows a Gaussian pattern, with minimal variations within a depth range of 1600 kilometers. However, as the depth increases, the distribution gradually widens. Notably, at the very bottom of the lower mantle, the lateral temperature distribution deviates from the Gaussian pattern, indicating strong lateral heterogeneity, likely associated with the presence of LLSVPs. Further analysis demonstrated that thermal anomalies primarily contribute to velocity anomalies in the upper portion of the lower mantle, while variations in chemical composition predominantly influence velocity anomalies in the deepest part of the mantle.
The study also disclosed that LLSVPs exhibit higher densities at the bottom of the lower mantle compared to the surrounding mantle, while displaying lower densities above a depth of approximately 2700 kilometers. Moreover, LLSVPs are characterized by elevated temperatures and enriched concentrations of iron and bridgmanite, supporting the hypothesis that LLSVPs may have originated from primordial basal magma oceans during the early stages of Earth's development.
The findings of this research provide essential insights into the composition and thermal state of the Earth's lower mantle, significantly advancing our understanding of the planet's deep structure. These insights are expected to have a profound impact on research pertaining to the formation, evolution, and dynamics of Earth.
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reasoningdaily · 23 days
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The famous Cullinan diamond, which is now the centrepiece of the British Crown Jewels, likely originated in Earth’s lower mantle, right beneath the rigid and stable continental plates, where the mantle is slowly moving or convecting.
The finding is part of ongoing research carried out by Evan Smith and Wuyi Wang at the Gemological Institute of America. The new insight was presented by Smith at the virtual 2020 Goldschmidt Conference organized by US-based Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.
Smith and his team concluded that the Cullinan diamond was likely formed in the lower mantle and can be considered a ‘super-deep’ stone after examining an analog, large 124-carat diamond from Gem Diamonds’ (LON: GEMD) Letšeng mine in Lesotho.
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“Finding these remnants of the elusive mineral bridgmanite is significant. It’s very common in the deep Earth, at the extreme pressure conditions of the lower mantle, below a depth of 660 kilometres, even deeper than most super-deep diamonds,” Smith said in his presentation. “Bridgmanite doesn’t exist in the upper mantle, or at the surface. What we actually see in the diamonds when they reach the surface is not bridgmanite, but the minerals left when it breaks down as the pressure decreases. Finding these minerals trapped in a diamond means that the diamond itself must have crystallized at a depth where bridgmanite exists, very deep within the Earth.”
By aiming a laser at the tiny inclusions trapped inside the diamond, the researchers found that the way the light scattered (using a Raman spectrometer) was characteristic of bridgmanite breakdown products.
The Letšeng mine diamond is so pure that it doesn’t contain nitrogen in its crystal structure. This characteristic classifies it as a ‘CLIPPIR’ diamond, which is the same category as that of the Cullinan diamond.
“What is special about this one is that it is the first CLIPPIR diamond for which we can firmly assign a lower mantle origin, that is, below 660 kilometres,” Smith said. “Previously, we had known that CLIPPIR diamonds are super-deep and speculated that their depth of origin might span 360 to 750 kilometres depth, but we hadn’t actually seen any that were definitely from the deeper end of this window.”
In the researcher’s view, this finding gives a better idea of exactly where CLIPPIR diamonds come from and also shows that there is some overlap in the birthplace for CLIPPIR diamonds and type IIb diamonds, such as the famous Hope diamond. This rare blue gem was owned by monarchs, bankers, heiresses and thieves until it landed at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.
The overlap that Smith refers to points to a previous study in which the researcher showed that the Hope and other IIb diamonds originate in Earth’s deep mantle and that the boron that gives them a blue hue comes from the bottom of the oceans. To get into the diamond, the element is first dragged hundreds of kilometres by plate tectonics down into the mantle.
“It shows that there is a gigantic recycling route that brings elements from Earth’s surface down into the Earth, and then occasionally returns beautiful diamonds to the surface, as passengers in volcanic eruptions,” Smith said.
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wimpydave · 1 month
How the World's Most Common Mineral was First Seen in 2014; Bridgmanite
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Diamonds Are the World’s Best Friend: The Important Roles Diamonds Play in Society
by Shelby Wyzykowski
In the classic 1953 movie “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” is a memorable musical number performed by silver screen legend Marilyn Monroe. Wearing a striking pink satin gown and dripping in dazzling jewels, she is surrounded on the stage by a bevy of handsome suitors that are dressed to the nines. In this glamorous setting, she sings the praises of diamonds…how nothing in the world can compare to how it feels to possess these glittering gemstones. But off-screen, Monroe’s taste in brilliant baubles was radically different, preferring costume jewelry to the real thing. I have to admit that I agree with Marilyn. Diamonds have never held much interest for me. That is until now. After doing a little research, I’ve discovered that, besides their use in the jewelry industry, there are other ways in which diamonds are utilized in society today. In fact, there is so much more to these captivating stones than just their scintillating sparkle.
Perhaps you’ve heard the adage “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” Well, it just might surprise you that this saying holds true for diamonds. In the jewelry world, a diamond with perfect clarity is the much-desired ideal. But in the scientific world, a so-called “poor” specimen that is full of inclusions (imperfections), could hold a treasure trove of geologic information. Researchers are studying them to try and uncover the secrets of the deep-Earth environment. The majority of diamonds are created fairly close to the Earth’s surface, between 93 and 150 miles down. But there are some diamonds, called super-deep diamonds, that come from far down in the Earth’s mantle and are as deep as 500 to 600 miles (the mantle, which is mostly made up of solid and very hot rock, is directly below the Earth’s surface layer, or crust, and makes up more than 80 percent of our planet’s volume). These 3.5 billion-year-old gems formed at a pressure that is 240,000 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level, and this fact makes these tiny stone time capsules extremely valuable to researchers. No doubt geologists would love to travel deep under our planet’s surface like the characters in Jules Verne’s 1864 science fiction novel Journey to the Center of the Earth. Unfortunately they can’t, but these super-deep diamonds are the next best thing to journeying there themselves!
With these diamonds, scientists are uncovering clues to the origins of water on Earth. Did water come from incoming asteroids and comets, or was water an integral component at the planet’s formation? We’re still not quite sure. But diamond research has brought us closer to figuring out how much water lies deep underground. Scientists think that there may in fact be as much water present in our planet’s deep subsurface as there is found in our oceans. They have developed this idea after discovering a special water encased in the inclusions of deep diamonds. Called ICE-VII, this water ice can only be formed under tremendous deep-Earth pressure. In addition to water, geologists have found an elusive mineral in diamond inclusions. Scientists had theorized it to be an extremely common mineral that makes up to 38 percent of the Earth’s volume, but it’s been impossible to create in a lab. Now that it’s been found in nature, researchers have the proof of its existence and have named it Silicate-Perovskite (or Bridgmanite). In addition to Bridgmanite, they have discovered other trace minerals and elements that are commonly present in the Earth’s crust. This means that the materials were subducted (drawn back down into the Earth) billions of years ago by plate tectonics. Deep in the mantle, the materials were encased in a forming deep-diamond and then eventually sent back up to the surface by way of volcanic eruptions. Even more exciting than all of these discoveries is the thought of what geologists still have yet to uncover. They still hope to find carbon from primordial organic matter in these special diamonds. That matter could be a clue to the origins of life on Earth!
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"Earth’s most abundant mineral finally has a name" byArgonne National Laboratory is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
In addition to their contributions to the scientific field, diamonds also have practical uses in society. In the mid-1950’s, synthetic diamonds were invented. Created in a lab, they are chemically and physically exactly the same as natural diamonds. However, these man-made gems do not possess the allure and mystery of natural diamonds, so they are not very desirable in the jewelry market. But since diamonds are the hardest known natural substance, they are ideal for industrial use. For example, they can be pulverized into a fine abrasive that can be made into a “diamond paste” and used for polishing other jewelry-grade gemstones. Small particles of diamond can also be embedded in tools like saw blades, drill bits, and grinding wheels. These diamond-coated tools are very wear-resistant and can be used for mining, deep-sea drilling, and road construction. And there are some ingenious uses for diamonds that you may find to be very surprising. Diamond windows can be made from very thin (thinner than a human hair) diamond membranes. These windows cover X-ray machines, laser openings, and vacuum chambers. A diamond can also make your music sound better. A speaker dome made out of diamonds can vibrate very rapidly because this gem is such a stiff material. So it is ideal for enhancing the performance of high-quality speakers. Diamonds can even help you keep track of time. Small mechanical devices, such as watches, have tiny bearings inside of them that make everything move (in a watch, it’s called its “movement”). A thin coating of diamond makes these parts wear-resistant and ensures accurate time-telling and lasting durability. From helping to build highways to making your timepiece tick, who knew that diamonds could be so useful in so many ways!
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CM18561 is located in the Native Elements case in Hillman Hall of Minerals and Gems. Source: https://carnegiemnh.org/emu_widgets/mineralogy.html#details=ecatalogue.2019718
Yet another important role that diamonds have played in our world is how they have influenced history. The brilliantly blue, supposedly cursed Hope Diamond, for example, has not brought much luck to its owners since it was discovered over 350 years ago. It was in the possession of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI until their untimely deaths during the French Revolution. Subsequent owners also met with unfortunate outcomes until it was donated to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History where it is now safely on display. Another famous diamond, the 750 year-old Koh-i-Noor, has been owned by many royal rulers. It once decorated the Peacock Throne that was used by the Mughal Emperors of India, including Shah Juhan, the builder of the Taj Mahal. Now in England, the stone is part of the Imperial Crown. Due to an alleged curse, it can only ever be worn by the royal family’s female members. Finally, there is the Regent Diamond, which was unearthed in the early 1700’s. After being owned by several rulers, it disappeared during the French Revolution. Years later, it reappeared in the sword of Napoleon. But he was unable to hold onto it for long. After being defeated by the British in the Battle of Waterloo, the once-great ruler was exiled to the tiny island of Elba in disgrace. Since 1987, the Regent’s home has been at the French Royal Treasury in the Louvre in Paris. But you don’t need to travel to France or Great Britain or Washington D.C. to see the Regent Diamond, the Koh-i-Noor, and the Hope Diamond. Replicas of these three stones plus many more world-famous diamond replicas are on display at the Hillman Hall of Minerals and Gems. While you’re there, you can also admire some expertly crafted pieces of authentic diamond jewelry that would make any gem lover’s heart skip a beat.
Even though Hillman’s diamond collection is truly amazing, I can’t help but wonder if it would have impressed someone like Marilyn Monroe. Apart from a single piece of jewelry, the diamond wedding band that was given to her by Joe DiMaggio, she had no real affinity for diamonds. Apparently, the legendary actress didn’t believe that they’re a girl’s best friend. But if she had been given the opportunity to find out about all of the other meaningful ways in which diamonds benefit our world, perhaps this screen siren might have developed a new appreciation for these precious gems. I know that I have. I’d like to think that Marilyn would have too.
Shelby Wyzykowski is a Gallery Experience Presenter in CMNH’s Life Long Learning Department. Museum staff, volunteers, and interns are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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earthstory · 6 years
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Deep diamond brings us unique sample of a common mantle mineral
In the extreme heat and pressure that reign in the planet's mantle common chemical compositions that take on the form of familiar minerals such as olivine (see http://bit.ly/2AbnsV4) in surface or shallow crustal environments take on different forms, which have been experimentally produced by that branch of the Earth sciences that I nickname rock squishers but are never seen at the surface since they would change structure into different minerals or weather chemically away into something different (minerals like diamond which survive outside their conditions are known as metastable). One of these is the calcium silicate mineral Perovskite (the 4th most common mineral forming the planet), which has been found as an inclusion in a diamond for the first time and is thought to be one of the most common minerals down there in the depths.
There are two discontinuities in the shallow mantle, visible on seismic maps as changes in the velocity of the propagating waves, one around 440km down and the other at 660. Both of these are thought to reflect changes in mineral phase as atoms rearrange themselves into structures and geometrical configurations more suitable to their surroundings. Perovskite comes from some 700km down, and was found included in a deep diamond (most form some 150-200km down) from the historic Cullinan mine in South Africa (where the biggest diamond ever found was mined, some of whose remnants grace the British crown jewels).
Analysis of the inclusion revealed an isotopic component (isotopes are different versions of the same element, with different atomic weights due to extra neutrons in the structure) from recycled oceanic crust that went down into the mantle after a long gone subduction event. This proves that sinking slabs can indeed pass through the above mentioned discontinuities, which has been a matter of debate, and confirms expectations that much slab material might turn into Perovskite and be recycled in the mantle because of the large amount of calcium that such rocks contain, both from the marine sediments layered above the basalt and the hydrothermal calcite precipitated in its bubbles.
The same team discovered the 5th most abundant mineral on Earth (called Ringwoodite ) in another diamond back in 2014, incidentally proving that a vast amount of water was sloshing around in the mantle ( see http://bit.ly/1M1SPh0 and http://bit.ly/2G0Nzhg)
Image credit: Nester Korolev/University of British Columbia
http://bit.ly/2FUx1at http://bit.ly/2HNjgLm http://bit.ly/2FSKm3f
Original paper, paywall access: http://go.nature.com/2FVkWCd
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harpianews · 2 years
Earth's interior is cooling faster than expected, study notes
Earth’s interior is cooling faster than expected, study notes
Studying a mineral called bridgmanite commonly found between Earth’s core and mantle, researchers suspect that Earth’s internal heat is dissipating sooner, causing it to cool faster than expected. About 4.5 billion years ago, the surface of the young Earth was covered with magma and over the years, the planet’s surface has cooled to form the outer crust. However, the Earth’s core and mantle…
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kreuzaderny · 3 years
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Super-Earth atmospheres probed at Sandia’s Z machine
Astronomers believe that super-Earths — collections of rocks up to eight times larger than Earth — exist in the millions in our galaxy. “The question before us is whether any of these super planets are actually Earthlike, with active geological processes, atmospheres and magnetic fields,” said Sandia physicist Joshua Townsend.
The current work at Z is described in today’s Nature Communications. Researchers in Sandia’s Fundamental Science Program, working with colleagues at the Earth and Planets Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., use the forces available at Sandia’s uniquely powerful Z facility to near-instantly apply the equivalent of huge gravitational pressures to bridgmanite, also known as magnesium-silicate, the most abundant material in solid planets.
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vyragosa · 1 year
who the fuck gets willingly experimented on to incorporate a, fuck it, BB-like system inside their stomach at all and entire thoracic cage is remade with most likely, bridgmanite, a mineral found in the lower part earth mantle and linked to the BEACH and the AFTERLIFE according to an heartman interview
if higgs wasn’t? entirely mangled or some shit?
the very interview that says “Ashes to Ashes.”
a reference to this fucking david bowie song, david bowie that is SO TERRIBLY AND OBVIOUSLY associated to higgs-amelie.
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jerseydeanne · 4 years
Giant rough diamond cut into gems that now adorn the Crown Jewels was formed 400 miles below the Earth's surface — three times deeper than other precious stones
Giant rough diamond cut into gems that now adorn the Crown Jewels was formed 400 miles below the Earth’s surface — three times deeper than other precious stones
Unearthed in 1905, the Cullinan was the largest-ever gem-quality diamond
It was cut into various stones — the largest of which are set in the crown jewels 
Researchers from the US analysed large gem diamonds similar to the Cullinan
These were found to once contain bridgmanite, a mineral from the deep mantle
The team also believe that the famous Hope Diamond also has a deep origin
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Earth’s interior is cooling faster than expected The evolution of our Earth is the story of its cooling: 4.5 billion years ago, extreme temperatures prevailed on the surface of the young Earth, and it was covered by a deep ocean of magma. Over millions of years, the planet’s surface cooled to form a brittle crust. However, the enormous thermal energy emanating from the Earth’s interior set dynamic processes in motion, such as mantle convection, plate tectonics and volcanism. Still unanswered, though, are the questions of how fast the Earth cooled and how long it might take for this ongoing cooling to bring the aforementioned heat-driven processes to a halt. One possible answer may lie in the thermal conductivity of the minerals that form the boundary between the Earth’s core and mantle. This boundary layer is relevant because it is here that the viscous rock of the Earth’s mantle is in direct contact with the hot iron-nickel melt of the planet’s outer core. The temperature gradient between the two layers is very steep, so there is potentially a lot of heat flowing here. The boundary layer is formed mainly of the mineral bridgmanite. However, researchers have a hard time estimating how much heat this mineral conducts from the Earth’s core to the mantle because experimental verification is very difficult. Now, ETH Professor Motohiko Murakami and his colleagues from Carnegie Institution for Sciencehave developed a sophisticated measuring system that enables them to measure the thermal conductivity of bridgmanite in the laboratory, under the pressure and temperature conditions that prevail inside the Earth. For the measurements, they used a recently developed optical absorption measurement system in a diamond unit heated with a pulsed laser. “This measurement system let us show that the thermal conductivity of bridgmanite is about 1.5 times higher than assumed,” Murakami says. This suggests that the heat flow from the core into the mantle is also higher than previously thought. Greater heat flow, in turn, increases mantle convection and accelerates the cooling of the Earth. This may cause plate tectonics, which is kept going by the convective motions of the mantle, to decelerate faster than researchers were expecting based on previous heat conduction values. Murakami and his colleagues have also shown that rapid cooling of the mantle will change the stable mineral phases at the core-mantle boundary. When it cools, bridgmanite turns into the mineral post-perovskite. But as soon as post-perovskite appears at the core-mantle boundary and begins to dominate, the cooling of the mantle might indeed accelerate even further, the researchers estimate, since this mineral conducts heat even more efficiently than bridgmanite. “Our results could give us a new perspective on the evolution of the Earth’s dynamics. They suggest that Earth, like the other rocky planets Mercury and Mars, is cooling and becoming inactive much faster than expected,” Murakami explains. However, he cannot say how long it will take, for example, for convection currents in the mantle to stop. “We still don’t know enough about these kinds of events to pin down their timing.” To do that calls first for a better understanding of how mantle convection works in spatial and temporal terms. Moreover, scientists need to clarify how the decay of radioactive elements in the Earth’s interior – one of the main sources of heat – affects the dynamics of the mantle.
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arko006-blog · 4 years
Researchers find UK's Crown Jewels and Smithsonian's Hope diamonds came from
Researchers find UK’s Crown Jewels and Smithsonian’s Hope diamonds came from
FP TrendingJun 26, 2020 09:49:40 IST
Researchers have now found evidence that some of the world’s most impressive diamonds originated much deeper in the Earth’s mantle than earlier thought.
According to a report in Phys.org, this means that the Smithsonian’s famous Hope diamond may actually have originated from more than three times deeper in the Earth than other diamonds.
The report…
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fumpkins · 5 years
Beneath Earth's Crust, Hot Rocks Creep As Oceanic Plates Plunge Toward the Core
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The deep part of Earth’s middle layer is on the relocation.
New research study discovers that the lower mantle, situated in between 410 miles and 621 miles (660 and 1,000 kilometers) beneath the Earth’s crust, is more vibrant than formerly thought. This deep layer circulations and warps busily at subduction zones, where pieces of oceanic crust plunge down through the Earth’s layers like sinking ships.
“Generally, it’s been believed that the circulation of rock in Earth’s lower mantle is slow up until you strike the world’s core, with many vibrant action occurring in the upper mantle which just goes [down] to a depth of 660 km (410 miles),” research study leader Ana Ferreira, a seismologist at University College London and the University of Lisbon, stated in a declaration. “We’ve shown this isn’t the case after all in large regions deep beneath the South Pacific Rim and South America.” [In Photos: Ocean Hidden Beneath Earth’s Surface]
Comprehending the layers
The Earth’s mantle is made from hot rock, strong however quickly bent and deformed. The shift in between the upper mantle and lower mantle sits 410 miles (660 km) beneath the surface area. These 2 layers stand out; the upper mantle, for instance, is mainly made from the igneous rock peridotite, while the lower mantle is abundant in the minerals bridgmanite and magnesium-iron oxide ferropericlase. The 2 layers likewise vary in temperature level and pressure.
Ferreira and her associates approached examining the uppermost part of the lower mantle utilizing a computer system design of Earth’s interior produced with 43 million genuine seismic measurements of the world. Particularly, geophysicists utilize the natural echoes of earthquakes around the world to image what’s within the world. By taking a look at how the waves alter speed and instructions, scientists can obtain info the various structures of rock and mineral inside the mantle, offering hints about its structure and homes.
In the research study, the scientists concentrated on what was going on in subduction zones, locations where oceanic crust dives listed below continental crust like a conveyor belt, recycling rocks and minerals deep into the mantle. These pieces plunge toward the core, crossing the border in between the upper and lower mantle.
Dynamic mantle
The outcomes revealed that at subduction zones, the lower mantle is remarkably vibrant, especially around the edges of the pieces of ancient crust plunging through its layers. The factor, the scientists discovered, appears to be something called “dislocation creep,” which is the contortion of crystals and crystalline product brought on by the motion of flaws within the crystals. This creep is brought on by the crustal piece connecting with the mantle rock, stimulating the mantle to warp and (really gradually) circulation.
The scientists discovered proof for this creep listed below the Western Pacific and South America, so it’s not yet clear how extensive it is. If the activity is international, it might recommend that Earth is cooling much faster than formerly approximated, research study co-author Manuele Faccenda of the University of Padova stated in the declaration.
Though the mantle’s circulation might appear rather eliminated from what’s going on in the crust, it figures out a fair bit about the world’s environment, Ferreira stated. Venus, for instance, has a comparable size and area in orbit as Earth, however its mantle most likely circulations really in a different way.
“How mantle flows on Earth might control why there is life on our planet, but not on other planets, such as Venus,” she stated.
The outcomes appear today (March 25) in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Initially released on Live Science.
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New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2019/03/25/beneath-earths-crust-hot-rocks-creep-as-oceanic-plates-plunge-toward-the-core/
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earthstory · 7 years
It’s no exaggeration to say you are literally being held out of the Earth’s Core by perovskite minerals. Perovskite is a mineral with the chemical formula CaTiO3, but a great many things use the same structure. 40% of the planet Earth, the main mineral in the lower mantle called Bridgmanite, puts its magnesium and silicon atoms in the same structure as perovskite. They are also important industrial minerals, used in electronics, lasers, and other devices. As part of an ongoing lecture series named for Nobel Laureate Lawrence Bragg, a professor and expert on perovskites tells you more about this mineral group in this lecture.
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vyragosa · 11 months
teeth clattering picturing higgs-amelie (robotic face possibility) smashed in with the apparent wires as if tesla fgo, or the breakdown of joints, what exactly would happen if any of that body was injured? is it really bridgmanite? it’s obviously incredibly sturdy but since there’s signaling on the ship, humans are almost definitely attacking each in the tar
maybe the age of piracy even begun again which, QUITE OBVIOUSLY FROM NAMING THE SHIP MAGELLAN, but yes.
what if higgs-amelie’s body was injured like so
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