#Breegus System
kprciffdw · 1 year
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 30
They continued to make their way towards the maintenance sector of the space station. From there, they entered via a trash compactor. It was a truly repulsive situation at the very least. Kim: “Oh, so gross.” Qwark: “Here we are. The final showdown between good and evil.” Kim: “Uh…yeah…a trash compactor. Epic. I only hope that your "ingenious” plan is nowhere near as anticlimactic as this place.“ Rufus: "Oh, yuck!” Qwark: “Can you smell that, kids? That’s drama!” Ratchet: “I smell something and it’s definitely not drama.” Kim: “Uh, yeah, it's…far too rancid to be drama.” Qwark: “Hey, look on the bright side, you 2. At least we’re not being squashed to death by the piston.” Computer voice: “Trash compactor initiated.”
Suddenly, the walls started to close in on them. Computer voice: “Prepare to be compacted.” Ratchet: “Well, so much for that.” Kim: “The walls are closing in on us! What’ll we do?” Qwark: “Cover me, I’m about to do something impressive.”
As the walls shifted closer towards them, Qwark began to push on both sides, stopping them completely. Qwark: “Muscles…aching! Arms…burning! Calves, looking good.”
A scanner dropped down and scanned the entire place. Computer voice: “Blockage detected in trash compactor 714. Shutting down compactors.”
And with that, the walls pulled back. Qwark: “I did it, guys! Wasn’t that incredible?” Kim: “Hm, I have to admit, that wasn’t the first time you’ve impressed us. (Whispering to Ratchet) Surprisingly, it wasn’t even the second.”
Ratchet giggled. Clank: “The troopers will be here any moment. We have to keep moving.” Kim: “Yes, of course, we have to get out of this…garbage shoot…ew…” Rufus: “Oh, yeah! Yuck!”
Qwark then proceeded to kick down the door that led straight into the facility. They arrived within a hallway. Qwark: “The maintenance sector is crawling with Nefarious’ goons. This might call for a little finesse.” Kim: “Oh, no, please don’t tell you’re doing what I think you’re doing.”
Soon enough, 2 robots were approaching near to where they were standing. Qwark: “Watch and learn.”
He walked up to the robots. Kim: “Oh, please, no, this can’t be happening. Tell me this isn’t happening.” Ratchet: “This isn’t going to end well.”
Qwark then approached the robot. He spoke in a fake female voice. Qwark: “I’m Nurse Shannon and these fine young people over here are interns/engineers. Dr. Nefarious is expecting us.” Kim: “This is so embarrassing…” Robot: “You are not authorized. Prepare to die, Nurse Shannon.”
The robots began attacking. Kim: “Heh, so much for "escorting” us through this place.“ Ratchet: "What did I tell ya?”
Rufus groaned out loud in a greatly agitated manner. As the robots attacked, Qwark ran off to take cover…again. Qwark: “Dang it! How did they not fall for that?” Kim: “Uh, because it was stupid?” Qwark: “Could you be a little less blunt, young lady?” Kim: “Sorry, hard to resist.”
The entire run through of the place consisted of one vicious battle after another. Nefarious’ troops were on them constantly. It made the trek through the corridor seem even longer than it really was. For each conjoint section, they were met with these battles. A few time, they required Rufus’s assistance with deactivating the securities. The fight through dragged on for a good chunk of time. Thankfully, they were very tenacious and they were able to fight against the robots without any major issues. The fighting kept on until they were able to reach the duct that they were looking for. From there, Clank crawled into it and made his way toward Dr. Nefarious’ private quarters.
Upon arriving, he was able to spot the maniacal doctor, himself, exactly where they intended him to be. Dr. Nefarious: “Computer, take dictation.” Computer voice: “Go ahead, doctor.” Dr. Nefarious: “Things to do once the clock is under my control: #1-Double-cross remaining Valkyries and retire Lord Vorselon! #2-Re-establish vendetta against organic life forms! And #3-Iron socks!”
Clank managed to scan Nefarious without raising any suspicion. Clank: “Holo-imager complete. I’m returning to the rendezvous point.”
Shortly afterwards, Clank reunited with the group. Qwark: “Good work, little buddy. Now to switch on the holo-guise.”
He attempted to activate it, but for some reason, it wasn’t working. He made many attempts to turn it on, but still, nothing. Qwark: “Darn it! Why do these things not work when you need them to?”
Just then, they heard the chime of the Kimmunicator. Qwark: “Eh…what’s that noise?”
They looked towards the device on Kim’s chest as it was blinking. Kim tapped on it once. A holographic image of Wade was projected from it. Wade: “Perhaps you should let me handle this one, guys.”
With a few clicks of his keyboard, a very realistic holographic image of Dr. Nefarious appeared before them. Kim: “Whoa.” Clank: “Oh, my.” Ratchet: “Nice going, Wade.” Qwark: “Ah! It’s Dr. Nefarious!”
He pointed his blaster at the holographic image. Wade: “Relax, Qwark. It’s just an authentic-looking image of him. Pretty cool, huh?” Ratchet: “I’ll say, it looks so real.”
Rufus giggled then gave out 2 thumbs up. Rufus: “Cool.” Ratchet: “Aright, let’s do this, you guys.”
They made their way towards an elevator. There, they utilized the hologram to summon the elevator and went into it. It took them all the way to the control hub at the top floor of the station. From there, they sent out the hologram as a diversion while they snuck in. The hologram then approached a somewhat familiar Terachnoid. It was Pollyx. Kim: “What? Pollyx? I don’t believe this!”
Pollyx soon turned around and noticed the image. He had easily mistaken it for his superior. Pollyx: “Dr. Nefarious! I didn’t expect to see you here so soon. What can I do for you, sir?” Dr. Nefarious: “What is the status report of the master plan?” Pollyx: “Well, the Hypernova Defence Laser is operational, the fleet has been dispatched and the Orvus Chamber is being analyzed thoroughly. Everything is primed and ready for you to utilize the clock for your own personal use.” Dr. Nefarious: “Excellent. There’s just 1 problem: I’m not really Dr. Nefarious…”
The hologram then converted itself into a projected image of Wade. Wade: “I’m Wade, a young super genius from the planet Earth who works for the famed hero, Kim Possible.” Pollyx: “Eh! Wha-!?”
Soon enough, Qwark, Ratchet, Kim and Clank emerged directly near Wade’s projected image. Each of them had conceited smiles on their faces. Kim: “Hello again, Pollyx. Remember us?” Pollyx: “Ah! It’s you guys!” Ratchet: “That’s right! Prepare to get seriously messed up!”
And with that, they began wrecking havoc on the entire chamber. Robots were dispatched to put a stop to it and eradicate the group, but they were very formidable fighters as always, so it was to no avail. They destroyed a lot of the machinery within the entire place. Rufus did a lot of messing around with much of the machinery from the inside. Their pandemonium, however, had caused them to be locked in. From that, Kim tapped on the device on her chest. Kim: “Wade, can you deactivate the security of this place?” Wade: “Give me one second…there!”
The security was shut off. Kim: “Great job, Wade!” Ratchet: “Let’s go!”
They ran back towards the elevator and descended back towards the lower levels. Qwark: “You know, often times when I say this, it ends in catastrophe, but what the hey? Mission accomplished.”
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 31
As soon as the elevator doors opened, Dr. Nefarious was seen standing before them along with several of his robot troops. Kim: "Oh, no!" Dr. Nefarious: "Well, what do we have here? All of my old foes standing right here before me."
Rufus growled at him. Rufus: "Nefarious!"
Kim and Ratchet walked up closer towards Nefarious. Kim: "Dr. Nefarious, I was so hoping we wouldn't run into you again." Dr. Nefarious: "Well, you're out of luck there, missy! And the both you had the gall to set foot on to my base after you did THIS to me!"
He pointed towards the damage on his face. Kim: "Hm, I have to admit, Ratchet really did leave a nice mark on that face of yours; it suits you quite well."
Both she and Ratchet laughed as they did a fist bump with one another, which aggravated Nefarious. Ratchet: "But enough about that. Nefarious, you can't use the clock. You don't know what you could be doing." Kim: "That's right. Nothing that you could ever want is worth risking the entire Universe." Dr. Nefarious: "Oh, but there is and I have all of you to thank for it, especially that blonde kid who clearly isn't here right now, eh…what's his name? Uh…oh, forget it!"
Rufus groaned. Kim: "What do you mean by that, Nefarious?" Dr. Nefarious: "Do I need to remind you? I would be glad to, Kim Possible. Initiate super-wavy flashback mode!" Kim: "Uh…what?"
And with that, a number of scenes appeared one after another during his narration that they are somehow able to see. Dr. Nefarious: "Let me start by saying that thanks to you, I found myself drifting through the cosmos. Do you know what it's like to float along on an asteroid for a long period of time? It is surprisingly boring! Nothing for a villain to do but dwell on his failure! Then one day, we arrived on Zanifar, which was called Tobolia at the time, but that's beside the point. The Fongoids managed to save us and we were free from that insufferable and seemingly endless ride through space! But, still, failure burned in my circuitry! How could I have been defeated by the likes of you? Why had the Universe been tipped in your…" Kim: "Hold on a moment!"
The flashback was interrupted. Kim: "You use crayons, too? What's with you guys and your uncanny love for crayons? Are you and Qwark both so childish?" Dr. Nefarious: "Don't interrupt me! I'm nowhere near finished with my story! Now where was I? Drifting, asteroid, failure, Fongoids, defeated, tipped in your…ah! Now I remember! So, then, I embarked on a crusade through the inner recesses of what you call "the soul"."
The flashback continued. Dr. Nefarious: "I studied Fongoid meditation, attended anger management, dabbled in yoga and attended more anger management." Kim: "Heh! A lot of good that anger management did for you." Dr. Nefarious: "I said don't interrupt me, girl! So then, one day, I went on a spirit walk on planet Quantos." Ratchet: "And how did you get to Quantos?" Dr. Nefarious: "Let's just say the story behind that is far too complicated to go into details." Kim: "Fine, let's go with that." Dr. Nefarious: "So then, it was there that I finally found what I had been missing: The Great Clock!" Kim: "Oh, no, you can't be serious!" Dr. Nefarious: "Oh, but I am, Miss Possible."
The flashback had ceased. Dr. Nefarious: "With the clock under my control, I'll be able to wrong all the rights in the Universe. Every villain who has ever stumbled will get a do-over, including the ones that you have faced. Dr. Drakken! Shego! Monkey Fist! Duff Killigan! Professor Dementor! That…that guy with the mullet that says "seriously" over and over again." Kim: "Motor Ed." Dr. Nefarious: "Yes! That one! They as well as every other villain will triumph while every protagonist's triumph will be reversed! Until finally, a new present is created in which the heroes always lose!"
He laughed maniacally as Kim and Ratchet stared back at him, greatly appalled by his plan. Kim: "That…that's terrible!" Ratchet: "That won't happen! We will stop you, Nefarious!" Dr. Nefarious: "Oh, we'll see about that. Guards!"
Kim took on a fighting stance. Just then, Qwark grabbed on to her, Ratchet and Clank and held them in his arm. Qwark: "Hang on, cadets!"
He tossed the smoke bomb, letting out a massive haze. When it cleared, nothing happened… Qwark: "Well that was 5 bolts wasted."
Much time later, Ratchet and Clank were attached to an asteroid, about to be flung by a massive slingshot. Kim and Qwark were to the side, in handcuffs near Dr. Nefarious. Dr. Nefarious: "How do you like my Asteroid Flinger 5000? I had it installed in the event I ever needed a super ironic death scenario." Kim: "Hm, it seems incredibly absurd and overemphasized, so it's most certainly your kind of thing."
Nefarious glared at her. Ratchet: "Nefarious, you're making a mistake!" Kim: "He's right! Don't do this! Stop while you're ahead before you destroy everything!" Dr. Nefarious: "Hmph! Your pleadings are useless. Bon Voyage, my old nemeses. Oh! And don't worry, Ratchet, I won't let the girl die horribly like you're going to."
He laughed maniacally as he was about to push the big, red button. But then, his system crashed again. He was picking up on the signal of the same soap opera that he always does. Everyone had awkward looks amongst one another. One of Nefarious' robots moved his hand and was about to make him push the button. Kim looked at Ratchet, devastated. Ratchet: "Kim-I…I…"
The asteroid was shot out, Ratchet and Clank were both screaming as they were hurtled out. Kim: "RATCHET!" Rufus: "Clank!"
Several hours later, Ratchet awoke on a far, distant planet known as Morklon. Beside him was the vessel that he had been using to collect the Zoni. He soon noticed that he was surrounded by a mysterious white light. Ratchet: "What the…? What is this?"
Clank stood nearby, also surrounded by the white light. A few Zoni floated near him. Clank: "It appears the Zoni have protected us during the crash." Zoni: "He must not reach the clock."
They then returned into the vessel as Ratchet held it out. Ratchet: "Thanks for the help, you guys."
He looked at Clank who looked back at him in a displeased manner. Ratchet: "What? I'll give them back."
Clank shrugged his shoulders. Clank: "Ratchet, we do not have a lot of time." Ratchet: "I know, we have to get off of this backwater planet. I have to get back to Kim! I need to tell her that I…I…"
He hesitated as he sulked. Clank placed his hand on Ratchet's shoulder. Clank: "I know what it is that you need to do. But let us focus on finding a way off of this planet." Ratchet: "Yes…"
And with that, they were on their way.
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
For Balance Information, Press or Say One
Yet another treasure dug up from one of my many...MANY...fanfiction.net accounts. Originally published November 3rd, 2012, under username Seijax.
Summary: (Set during Crack in Time) Ratchet gets an unexpected message as he prepares to set off for the Breegus system. At least now he knows Clank is still alive...who else could be making random deposits to their joint bolt account?
(Minor spoilers for the end of Tools of Destruction/beginning of Crack in Time. Nothing beyond major plot points.)
(Italic section is a flashback)
"Qwark, we don't have room for all of that." Ratchet leaned back against Aphelion, surveying Qwark's luggage with dismay. "Seriously, why do you need seven suitcases? This is a rescue mission, not a publicity tour."
"Yeah, but it never hurts to be prepared," the captain protested.
Ratchet buried his face in one hand. "Get it down to one suitcase or you're not coming with me."
"That's no fair!"
"One suitcase, Qwark! I'm not afraid to leave without you."
With a grumble under his breath, Captain Qwark sat down in the middle of the spaceport to sort through his suitcases. "We'll see who's saving the galaxy when I can't find my crotchetizer."
The lombax sighed and turned away. Now that he finally had a clue for where Clank might be he got saddled with the galaxy's "greatest hero". He missed Talwyn already. They had made plans to search for Clank together, but she had finally gotten a new lead in her search for her father. Ratchet couldn't blame her for wanting to follow the trail before it got cold again...but he could wish Qwark was a bit more...heroic.
"Hey, Ratchet, I can get it down to five if I leave my espresso machine behind, is that enough?"
"One bag, Qwark."
"That's just cruel! How can you expect me to go on a rescue mission without this?"
Ratchet turned to look at the device in the captain's hand. It looked like someone had taken an ignition coil, a section of drain pipe, and bright pink oven mitt and welded them together. "Uh...what is it?"
"It's a Dual Iron 300! Combination hairdryer and waffle maker. Very useful for making breakfast and taming flyaway split ends all at the same time," Qwark explained, striking a pose. "It also makes a mean kerchu surprise. You can't expect me to leave this behind—that would be barbaric!"
"Do you even have hair?"
Qwark started to reply, looked at the Dual Iron 300, back over to Ratchet, then tossed the device over his shoulder. "Fair enough. This baby, though...Foraz Thul's Nine-Irons-In-One Automatic Golf Club with Detachable Caddy (those don't come cheap, you know). That should come in handy, right?"
Ratchet slapped a hand over his eyes. "Keep an eye on him, will ya?" he murmured to Aphelion. "I'm gonna go check on the flight plan."
Leaving Qwark under the ship's capable supervision, Ratchet made his way through the spaceport to the navigation kiosk. The last time he'd checked the departure queue there had been an alert about an engine failure on one of the platforms. Everything seemed to be running smoothly now, but there were still four ships to go before Aphelion was clear for take-off.
As he was checking the departure lanes his nav-unit pinged, alerting him to a private text-only message. It was probably from Talwyn, one more "good bye and good luck" note (she'd already sent three of those). Ratchet sighed again and activated the screen on the device.
Greetings, customer 700-32819!
This is an automated deposit alert. Your account ending in H-R57 has received a deposit of 1473 bolts. This amount is now available for use.
Thank you for banking with the Gadgecorp Intergalactic Bolt and Trust.
Ratchet stared at the message for a moment. Deposit? But he hadn't made a deposit in weeks. That could onlys mean... "Clank?"
Ratchet climbed into the pilot seat, grateful to finally head away from the movie studio. "What a day, huh, Pal?"
"Indeed." Clank was turning something over in his hands. "I believe I could get used to this."
The lombax let out a snort of laughter. "I'll bet, Secret Agent Clank. Hey, whatcha got there?"
"My pay chip. Apparently I am compensated generously for my role in this film."
"Yeah? That's great!" Ratchet patted the little robot on the shoulder. "Let's head over to the bank and open an account for you."
Clank blinked. "Can we not deposit it in your account?"
"No, that's your money, Clank," Ratchet shook his head. "It wouldn't be right for me to take any of it."
"But you would not be taking it."
"Yeah, well..." Ratchet shifted in his seat. "Look, it's your pay chip. You're the star, Clank. I'm just the chauffeur. You need to keep those bolts for yourself."
"You let me have access to the bolts you earn through your mechanic jobs," Clank replied.
"That's different."
"We have also shared the bolts found during our adventures."
"Yeah, but we both found those."
"How is the money I am earning any different?"
Ratchet fidgeted again. "It's just...well..." his voice sank down to a mutter, "I can't make that much." Things had been a lot easier back on Veldin, where he could count on steady work. There were just too many mechanics on Kerwan.
"What if we added my name to your account? Then you would not be taking it; we would simply be merging our earnings."
Ratchet blinked. He hadn't thought of that. It still felt a little bit like taking his friend's money, but they did already share an apartment. Besides, it wasn't like he was going to run off with Clank's money. The little robot was all the family he had.
And he had to admit...after years of scrounging for whatever bolts he could earn on odd jobs it would be nice to have a steady income. Even if most of that income was Clank's.
"All right," Ratchet relented, "but if you ever want to open your own account just say so."
"I do not believe that will be necessary." Clank settled back in his seat, decidedly content. "Now, Jeeves, to the bank."
"Yes sir, Secret Agent Clank, sir!"
If Clank was operational, every bolt he found or earned would automatically be deposited into that account.
For the first time in weeks, a genuine smile spread across Ratchet's face.
"Hang on, Pal. I'm coming."
PS: Qwark finally got his luggage consolidated to two suitcases. Sadly, he lost his entire collection of self-drying loofahs in the crash on Zolar.
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kprciffdw · 1 year
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 27
With the help of the little guy, they were able to find another room. There, they stood before Cassiopeia on a rising platform. Cassiopeia: “Ah, you guys actually made it. To be honest, I’m actually glad you both survived the training course. I wouldn’t want to lose such worthy opponents to such cheap machines.”
Rufus growled at her. Kim: “That’s awfully self-degrading of you to call your own machines cheap.” Ratchet: “Speaking of cheap machines, how much is your boyfriend paying you to do his dirty work?” Cassiopeia: “Hm, you both have such sharp tongues. Good thing you have each other because that robot of your was planning to kick up his metal feet and stay in the Great Clock forever.” Kim: “What? What do you mean?” Cassiopeia: “Oh, didn’t you know, girlie? He wants to leave your little friend over there. But don’t worry, I’ll kill all 3 of you before he even gets the chance.”
As soon as they have risen on the highest point of the platform, directly below a stormy sky, a cylinder below Cassiopeia opened up, revealing an unconscious Clank within a glass tube. Ratchet: “Clank!”
Rufus gasped. Kim: “Oh, no! Clank!” Ratchet: “What did you do to him?” Cassiopeia: “Nothing compared to what I’m about to do with you!”
And so the epic fight against Cassiopeia began. She stayed on her floating turret as she fought the duo. The massive woman had shown to be quite irksome with her attacks as were her insults. However, Kim had a few nasty tricks of her own; all of which came in the form of tossing Rufus towards Cassiopeia. He would mess with her in many different ways, a lot of them involved him crawling all over her and distracting her. It was quite amusing to see her completely lose it whenever he would crawl all over her and taunt her. Cassiopeia: “Eee yah! Get this disgusting bald rat off of me!”
Kim found this to be very humorous as did Ratchet. Ratchet: “Way to go, Rufus!”
They kept at this humorous tactic throughout the fight. It was indeed helpful as it was amusing and hilarious. Cassiopeia had shown to be quite vicious during the fight, but Kim and Ratchet have proven to be very formidable against her. They were persistent as they chipped down at her constantly. They kept at this until they were able to get her floating turret to malfunction. It flew all over the place and crashed right through the glass tube that was holding Clank, knocking him out of it. She then fell from the sky as did Clank. Kim: “Clank!” Rufus: “Clank!”
Ratchet jumped off the platform and fell after him. Ratchet: “CLANK! WAKE UP!”
Clank finally came to. Ratchet utilized his hover boots and went for Clank, he managed to grab on to him and he was soon bouncing off of the structures before they both landed on to one of the floating landscapes. The 2 of them were then lying on the ground next to each other. They remained there for a good amount of time before conversing for the first time within a whole year. Clank: “Hello, Ratchet.” Ratchet: “Hey, pal. How you doing?” Clank: “Fine, you?” Ratchet: “Fantastic.” Kim: “Ratchet! Clank!”
Soon enough, Kim was able to catch up to them. She hovered directly in front of them with the use of her hover boots, she held Rufus within the palm of her hands. Clank: “It is good to see you again, Miss Possible. And you, too, Rufus.” Rufus: “Hi!” Kim: “You guys OK?” Ratchet: “Yeah, we’re fine, Kim. We’re just gonna…lie here for a while, OK?”
She smiled at them. She then went over towards them and kneeled down near both of their heads; more so closer to Ratchet’s, though.
Later on, they returned to where they landed their ships. Ratchet, Kim and Clank sat down on the hood of Azimuth’s ship. Ratchet: “We’re sorry about you father, Clank. We just…couldn’t act sooner.” Kim: “Hm…I wonder if there really was anything we could have done.”
Rufus moaned in sadness. Clank: “It is alright. You both did what you could. I assure you that Dr. Nefarious will pay for what he has done.” Rufus: “Yeah!” Kim: “Well, at least you and Rufus are back with us.” Rufus: “Yay!” Clank: “Yes, that is true. What matters now is that we keep the clock safe.” Azimuth: “Oh, don’t worry. One the past’s been corrected, you will have the full support of the Lombax Praetorian Guard. The clock will be in good hands.” Kim: “Oh, brother. That again, Azimuth?” Clank: “No, you do not understand. Time can not be changed. Using the clock improperly could rip the fabric of the Universe.” Azimuth: “Or it could save an entire race of Lombaxes that risked their lives to save an entire galaxy.” Kim: “Yeah, that sounds great and all, but it can’t be done. We now know that it’s far too dangerous.” Azimuth: “I thought you agreed to not hold us back any longer.” Kim: “And I thought you agreed to never attempt this if it’s too dangerous.” Azimuth: “But…but…the Lombaxes…Ratchet!” Ratchet: “Actually, I’m with Kim on this one. In fact, I’ve always agreed with her.”
He jumped down from Azimuth’s ship. Ratchet: “If there is even a chance it could destroy the Universe, then it’s not worth the risk.” Azimuth: “Risk? Risk is what makes us who we are! Our kind is lost without us! Think of how many the clock can save. Think of…think of your parents, Ratchet.” Ratchet: “I…I can’t. I want to see my parents, but…I just can't…We have to stop Nefarious before he makes the same mistake that we almost did.” Kim: “Oh, I’m so there.”
Kim and Clank jumped down, all 3 of them made their way back to the Aphelion. However, Ratchet stopped. Ratchet: “Oh, and by the way, General?”
He then turned his head back towards Azimuth and looked back at him with a tense look on his face. Ratchet: “Kim never held us back. She never had.”
He turned back towards his ship and walked towards it. Azimuth became greatly agitated as he growled out loud. Azimuth: “You’ve been fraternizing with the humans for far too long!”
He got into his ship and took off. Ratchet was taken aback as he watched Azimuth fly off. Kim: “Let him go. It’s probably better this way.”
He was still disheartened, but he did understand the situation before him. Ratchet: “Yeah, you may be right about that. Come on, let’s stop Nefarious.”
As they approached Aphelion, Clank was astonished by how it looked. Clank: “Hm…I see you have made some modifications to our ship.” Kim: “Actually, it was the Zoni that did this.” Clank: “They…did?” Ratchet: “Yeah, they did and they’ve been doing an incredible job at it.” Rufus: “Whooaaa…!” Ratchet: “Now then, let’s get going.”
They got into the ship and took off.
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kprciffdw · 4 months
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 36
Much time later, the clock was being fixed up by Ratchet and the Zoni that he had collected. Kim sat down on a bench, drinking an unusual liquid of sorts as Sigmund stood near her. Sigmund: “There you go, Miss Possible. This Quantum Removal Serum should purge your body of all of those temporal aftereffects” Kim: “Thanks, Sigmund. I can already feel my head clearing up. This should put a stop to all of those headache attacks.” Sigmund: “I’m certain your friend will also feel better once he starts taking this serum.” Kim: “So am I, I just hope that he is able to hold it down.” Sigmund: “So do I, I just can’t believe that you and your friend have traveled through time before.” Kim: “Me neither. The whole thing was really strange and with how messed up it was, no wonder why I couldn’t remember it. I’m just glad that things are back to the way they’re supposed to be. I hope I never have to experience anything like that ever again.” Ratchet: “Well, now that we’ve taken care of everything, there’s only 1 more thing left to fix.”
He reinserted the plug that was removed by Lawrence earlier, restoring the holographic image of Orvus. Computer voice: “Time keeper restored.” Ratchet: “I’ll leave you 2 alone. Let’s go, Kimberly.”
He walked out; Kim got up and went towards him. They held each other’s hands as they walked out. They stopped as Ratchet looked back towards Clank. Ratchet: “Take care of yourself, pal.”
He then proceeded back towards the ship with Kim. Rufus, standing on Kim’s shoulder, looked back towards Clank and waved goodbye. Clank went on to continue playing Orvus’ recording but then stopped it shortly afterwards. Clank: “I can not stay. I am sorry, but discovering my family has made me realize that I can not leave Ratchet, not until he finds his own. I hope you understand.” Sigmund: “You’re leaving?”
Sigmund went on to check on himself. Sigmund: “Energy output normal, harmonic stabilizers stable. Why aren’t I freaking out?”
Clank retrieved the ChronoScepter and walked up to Sigmund with it. Clank: “Perhaps you are ready to be promoted.”
He handed the scepter over to Sigmund. Sigmund: “Senior Caretaker?”
He accepted the scepter with much zeal. Sigmund: “Whoopee! Thank you, sir.” Clank: “Take care, Sigmund.”
Clank ran off after Ratchet and Kim. Sigmund continued the recording. From it, Orvus revealed that he is happy with Clank making his own decisions regardless of whether or not he were to accept his position as the new caretaker in Orvus’ steed. Ratchet was just about ready to take off; he was sulking over the thought of leaving Clank behind. Kim placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her as she smiled at him to reassure him. He smiled at her, but only a little. Rufus was seen on Kim’s shoulder, looking at Ratchet as well. Clank ran back towards the ship and jumped in just as it was about to close. He sat down right next to Kim. She and Ratchet took notice of Clank immediately; they were overjoyed that he decided to stay with them. Rufus was especially jubilant to see him. And with that, they took off and left the clock.
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kprciffdw · 4 months
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 35
He went on to give chase. As he did, Azimuth made every attempt he could to stop him. They also conversed with each other along the way. Azimuth: “I’m sorry, Ratchet! I’ve come too far to fail now!" Ratchet: “General! What are you doing?” Azimuth: “Correcting a mistake! The Lombaxes are coming home, with or without your help!”
He bombed rails and ramps, making every stride to derail Ratchet’s advances but the young Lombax was always quick on his feet. It would have taken a lot more than just a few bombs to stop him. Ratchet: “General! You have to stop this! You can’t change the past!” Azimuth: “Can’t? Ha! Never could let go of consequence, can you?” Ratchet: “General, please!” Azimuth: “I can’t let you get in the way!” Clank: “Ratchet, we can not let him touch that lever.”
Ratchet chased after Azimuth all the way into the chamber.
At that time, Kim regained consciousness. She sat up as she held her head, cringing. She then looked up and noticed Azimuth entering the chamber. An extremely tense look appeared on her face. Kim: “Azimuth…!”
As Azimuth entered the chamber, he made his way towards the lever, Sigmund attempted to stop him. He put up a good fight but was knocked out of the way. Azimuth then went back for the lever and pulled it all the way to the left. Computer voice: “Time shift initiated.”
Ratchet arrived within the chamber but it was already too late. The lever was encased in its shell and descended. Azimuth stood before him, still greatly furious. From there, they fought each other.
It was arguably the most difficult fight that Ratchet has ever had to undertake as it was very disheartening for him. Azimuth shouted at him, angered by his supposed change of heart and not agreeing to help him change the past. He was saying all sorts of horrible things to Ratchet. His words were perhaps more devastating to the young Lombax than his attacks. As they fought, the entire place was falling into disarray from their fight; that as well as the incredibly unstable practicality of the chamber’s main controls. Everything around them was being affected and gradually, the visual affects began to suffice.
A little afterwards, they stopped for a bit to catch their breaths. Ratchet: “General, please, you have to stop this! You don’t know what you’re doing!” Azimuth: “Too late, Ratchet! I’ve made up my mind! This needs to be done and if you’re not with me, then I must end you.”
He was about to strike again, but then Kim arrived and slammed him down, she was indeed furious. Ratchet was elated to see her again. Ratchet: “Kim!”
She looked at Ratchet and smiled. Just then, Azimuth knocked her back. She fell to the ground. Ratchet: “No!” Azimuth: “I never liked you, girl! Ever since we started this, you have been nothing but a hindrance and an annoyance! You’ve held us back far too many times!” Ratchet: “Don’t say that about her! None of that is true! She’s always been helpful! She’s been more than capable of aiding us, always has! She’s the most amazing girl I have ever known! She’s strong, she can handle any impossible situation! She’s very brave and wonderful and I…I…” Azimuth: “Don't…say it!”
He hesitated for a bit. Ratchet: “I love her…” Azimuth: “I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY IT!” Ratchet: “No! I do! I…”
He then looked towards Kim; she looked back towards him as well. They both had the same sad look in their eyes. Ratchet: “Kimberly…”
There was a slight change in her face, she was indeed emotional as well. Kim: “I love you, too, Ratchet.”
Soon enough, he ran towards her. As he approached her, they grabbed on to each other and they kissed. It was truly a wonderful moment. Clank and Rufus smiled as they observed this, but Azimuth was deeply enraged. As they pulled back, they looked into each other’s eyes. Kim: “Took you long enough.” Ratchet: “Same to you.”
Azimuth’s rage intensified. He was pushed beyond his breaking point. Azimuth: “Disgusting!!! You are a disgrace to our kind for becoming infatuated with that…that human! It is apparent that you are beyond saving if things continue this way! Once I change the past, I’ll make certain that you and that girl never meet!” Kim: “I won’t let that happen, Azimuth!” Ratchet: “Me neither.”
And so the battle continued on, this time, Kim was helping with the fight. She fought really hard against Azimuth, striking harder blows than Ratchet. She seemed to have a personal vendetta against him. Given that he had belittled her time and again, it really was no surprise. The battle continued on, as it did, the condition of the place grew worse but they did not stop. Throughout the fight, Azimuth has shown to be a very strong and capable fighter as he had many years of experience under his belt, but he was able to endure for so long against the combined efforts and strengths of Kim and Ratchet.
They were eventually able to subdue him. The lever ascended, Kim and Ratchet ran towards it and attempted to pull it back up. But it broke off and there was no way to stop the time shift. Kim: “Uh, that’s not good…”
The machine continued to malfunction as a beam of energy shot out from the lever directly above it. The condition of the place continued to worsen. Azimuth: “What’s going on!? Why isn’t it working!?" Ratchet: “It’s what we’ve been trying to tell you, Azimuth! The clock is NOT a time machine! It was not made to alter time, only keep it!”
Azimuth was devastated. Azimuth: “No…you mean…there really isn’t a way to fix the past? Or bring back your parents?” Kim: “No! There isn’t! And now look what you’ve done! You’ve been consumed by your obsession with fixing your mistake and bringing back the Lombaxes so much that you’ve tossed aside reason and logic! You’ve been blind to what you have become! You’ve disregarded all those around you and the consequences to your impulsive actions. You attempted to make another mistake for the same reason that you made the last one: because you thought that it was the right thing to do! You haven’t changed at all!” Azimuth: “You’re right…about everything…about me…I was blind…I failed to see everything in front of me for what it really is…including you, young lady. But not anymore.”
He made his way towards the master control. Ratchet: “Alister! What are you doing?” Azimuth: “Something that needs to be done!”
He got up to the control switch, he then took one more look towards Kim as she stood near Ratchet. Azimuth: “Kimberly Possible! Take good care of Ratchet! Always look after him!”
Kim glanced back towards him with a sad look in her eyes. Kim: “You know I will.”
He smiled at her and then shoved his Omniwrench into the lever slot, he pushed on to it. Ratchet: “Alister! NO!”
Before Ratchet could do anything, Kim grabbed on to him and held him close. Kim: “Ratchet! There’s nothing you can do.”
Azimuth continued to push on his Omniwrench. Azimuth: “You were right all along, Kaden. The boy needed to make his own choices, outside the influence of our people. That girl has made him the happiest he’s ever been. I know you would have been proud of him, as am I.”
Azimuth managed to switch off the machine. From there, a massive surge of energy flowed intensely from the switch as Ratchet, Kim and Clank leapt away from it.
All was calm, the pandemonium subsided. Kim and Ratchet held on to each other as they lied on the floor. They looked up and were both shocked by what they saw. Azimuth was lying on the floor near the master switch, lifeless. Kim: “Oh, no…”
They walked up to him. Kim: “Azimuth…”
Clank went to check on him. He shook his head, saddened. Ratchet looked over towards Azimuth’s pocket watch near his body and picked it up. He looked into it and saw the picture of his father and Azimuth. Clank: “He did a brave thing. You should be proud of him.”
They stood by for a bit. Ratchet sulked. Clank: “I will…give you both some space…”
Clank walked off. Kim: “Yeah, perhaps I should also…”
She was about to walk away, but then, He very quickly grabbed on to her wrist. Ratchet: “K-Kimberly, wait!”
She looked back toward him as he looked at her. Ratchet: “Stay with me…please…”
She continued looking towards him, she bent down and they both embraced.
0 notes
kprciffdw · 4 months
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 34
Later on, they arrived at the Great Clock. They were a great distance away from the Orvus Chamber. Kim: “So, there really isn’t any way that we can talk you out if this.” Clank: “That is right. We have been on many adventures but the clock needs someone to protect it. It is what I was built for.” Ratchet: “Well then…I guess this is it.” Clank: “Yes…it is…”
Both Ratchet and Clank embraced each other. Kim stood by as she observed this. Rufus whimpered. Rufus: “Clank…”
Clank then let go of Ratchet and went for Rufus. Clank: “I will miss you, too, Rufus. We have had our fair share of fun together.”
Rufus then smiled. Rufus: “Yeah…” Azimuth: “Wait, so that’s it? What about…what about the Lombaxes?” Kim: “Oh, give it a rest already, will ya? We can’t use the clock to bring them back. You agreed to accept that if it’s to be true, right?” Azimuth: “You insolent girl…!” Ratchet: “No, she’s right. The Lombaxes aren’t in danger. They just moved on. And we’ll find them. But the past stays where it is. Come on, pal. We’ll walk you in.”
They made their way towards the chamber. Ratchet: “You were never a sidekick. You do know that, right?” Clank: “I always thought that you were the sidekick. (giggle)” Kim: “Clank…” Clank: “Now, now, Miss Possible. He will not need to worry considering you will still be with him.” Kim: “Yeah, that reminds me. Ratchet? There's…something that I wanted to tell you.” Ratchet: “Uh, actually, there’s something that I wanted to say to you, too, the truth is that I…I…” Azimuth: “No…no…this…this can’t be happening! No! NO! Where do you think you’re going? Stop right there! I SAID STOP!”
He shot an energy projectile towards Ratchet. Kim noticed this. Kim: “Ratchet!”
She rushed towards him and attempted to save him but they were both struck hard. Kim collapsed on the floor, Ratchet held his chest while squinting in pain. He looked towards Kim. Ratchet: “Kimberly…”
He collapsed and fell off the ledge. Clank ran towards him. Clank: “Ratchet!”
Clank turned the other way and rushed towards Kim. As he examined her, he was shocked and devastated. Clank: “No…she is…they are both…”
He then looked up towards Azimuth, who was deeply angered. He made his way towards the chamber, Clank gave chase. Sigmund helped out by fighting off Azimuth, keeping him from advancing. They fought diligently as Clank rushed over towards the chamber as fast as he could. Sigmund was really giving his all against Azimuth as he was able to hold him back long enough for Clank to reach the chamber.
As he ran in, he slammed on a big, red button, shutting the door and locking Azimuth out. Azimuth screamed in rage from directly outside, demanding Clank to open the door. Clank then approached the lever. As he stood before it, the voices of Orvus, his friends and Sigmund echoed in his head. But then, the Plumber’s voice came afterwards, telling him to “not risk more than 6 minutes”. Clank: “6…minutes.”
And with that, he jumped up and pulled the lever slightly to the left, reversing time to before Kim and Ratchet were both killed. From there, time stood still around him, Azimuth had just shot out his projectile towards Ratchet and Kim was about to rush towards him. Clank then ran towards Ratchet as he pushed Kim out of the way. Clank: “Miss Possible! Stay out of the way!”
Clank leapt towards Ratchet and pushed him down on his back, the blast just missed them but it destroyed the platforms to the chamber. As they got up, Ratchet looked towards Azimuth, shocked over the realization that Azimuth nearly killed him. Azimuth then rushed towards the chamber. Ratchet: “General! Wait!”
Suddenly, Kim suffered from another headache attack. Ratchet looked over towards her. Ratchet: “Kim!
He rushed towards her as she collapsed on the floor. Ratchet: "Kim!”
He tended to her as did Clank, but Clank seemed relieved as he examined her. Clank: “It is alright, she just lost consciousness.”
Ratchet also seemed relieved, but was still saddened. Clank: “Ratchet, we much chase after him. He must not misuse the clock.” Ratchet: “But…but what about Kim?” Clank: “Do not worry about her. We must make our way towards the Orvus Chamber. There is not much time.” Ratchet: “But…” Clank: “She would be furious with you if you do not go after him.” Ratchet: “You’re right. She would want us to continue on even if we have to leave her behind. Let’s get moving.”
They rushed off, however, Ratchet stopped to look back towards Kim. Ratchet: “Don’t worry, Kim, I’ll come back for you. I promise.”
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kprciffdw · 4 months
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 33
Much time later, Ratchet and Clank returned to the space station via an Agorian star cruiser. They landed near the Aphelion and got out. Aphelion noticed them almost immediately. Aphelion: “Oh! Where did you both come from?” Ratchet: “Uh…yeah, long story short, Nefarious tossed us out on an asteroid, so after a number of unusual events…we managed to grab an Agorian star ship in order to get back here.” Aphelion: “Oh! Uh…wow…you both have most certainly been through a lot.” Clank: “That would be putting it lightly.” Aphelion: “By the way, I’m picking up on massive energy readings emanating from the Centurion Project. The readings indicate that the user is in a highly agitated state, causing the mechanical armor to reach almost unsustainable levels.” Ratchet: “Oh, no! Kim! We have to find her!” Clank: “I agree. We must locate Miss Possible before she sustains any serious harm to herself.” Ratchet: “Aphelion, upload those readings to our nav-unit. Let’s get going, Clank!”
They rushed off immediately. They scampered through the entire place frantically and ceaselessly, searching for Kim. They were soon able to find her. They noticed that her suit was glowing from the massive amounts of energy emanating off of her. Her headpiece had also been seen covering her head. Numerous weapons have emerged from the suit. She was ravaging through the place in an uncontrollable state of blind anger and emotional distress. Ratchet was very devastated to see her like this. Ratchet: “Oh, no…KIM!”
He kept calling to her until she looked directly towards him. She spotted him immediately. Kim: “Ratchet!”
Her suit powered down as she rushed towards him. Her headpiece retracted, allowing her hair to flow out freely. She rapidly approached him and the 2 embraced. Kim: “Oh, Ratchet! I thought you were…I’m so glad to see you again!” Ratchet: “Same here. I was worried about you.”
Rufus emerged from a small compartment Kim’s armor, he leapt towards Clank, overjoyed. Clank: “It is good to see you again, Rufus.”
Kim and Ratchet pulled away from each other. She clasped her hand together as she hung her arms down in front of her. Kim: “Um…Ratchet? There…there’s something that I have to tell you…” Ratchet: “Our feelings can wait, Kim. Right now, we have to stop Nefarious before he reaches the clock.” Clank: “Yes, we must hurry, there is not much time.” Rufus: “Yeah, let’s go!”
Ratchet and Clank rushed off, Kim stood by for a bit, almost as though she was elated. Kim: “Ratchet…”
She then ran after them. They ran through the area together. They did not hesitate for a second as time was very much short. They decimated every robot in their way, showing no mercy against even one. They were fighting through quite viciously as they needed to get to and stop Nefarious before he reaches and misuses the clock. They progressed on without hesitating until they were able to reach Nefarious. They then rushed out to stop him on his tracks. Ratchet: “That’s far enough, Nefarious! Step away from the transporter!”
Nefarious turned around and noticed them immediately. Dr. Nefarious: “You! How is this possible? You should be dead!” Ratchet: “Let’s just say Kim Possible isn’t the only one who can do anything!” Clank: “On behalf of galactic authorities, we hereby charge you with willful disruption of the space-time continuum.”
Dr. Nefarious walked up to them. Kim: “This has gone off far too long. Shut down the transporter and surrender now or we will make you submit the hard way.” Dr. Nefarious: “Ha! You and your friends can’t make me do anything, girl! And you, Clank, look at you. Free for the first time in years, inches away from your destiny and what do you do? You run right back to playing backpack to a squishy. You’re nothing but a pathetic sidekick.”
Rufus growled at Nefarious. Lawrence: “We should hang out sometime.” Ratchet: “That’s it! No one talks to Clank like that. You’ve pushed us too far, Nefarious! You can say whatever horrible things you want about me, but don’t ever call my best pal a pathetic sidekick!” Kim: “Whoa! Go, Ratchet!” Rufus: “Yay! Ratchet!” Ratchet: “When this is over, I’ll back whatever decision you make, Clank.” Kim: “Same here.” Rufus: “Yay! Clank!” Ratchet: “But first, how about 1 last hoorah so we can kick this guy’s butt?” Kim: “I know I’m all for that.” Rufus: “Yeah!” Clank: “OK, let us go for it.” Dr. Nefarious: “When I’m finished killing you, I think I’ll rewind time so I can do it again. And again. And again!” Kim: “We will never let that happen!”
The epic battle began after Nefarious ordered Lawrence to send their flying saucer out of harm’s way. The first part of the fight took place on one part of the circular platform that surrounded the entire space station. The uh…nefarious mastermind was really giving our young heroes his all, but so were they. Kim’s Centurion Armor has once again proven to be able to go a great distance in the epic battle.
Another phase involved the entire circular platform when the villains had their Hypernova Defence Laser, which was just recently fixed, directed towards them. Ratchet and Kim utilized their hover boots to evade the laser as it gave chase. As the battle persisted on, the platform was being broken up bit by bit. This forced them to continue their fight on the saucer.
While the battle continued, Lawrence initiated the autopilot on the saucer, at Nefarious’ orders. The battle became even more intense than it had been. Nefarious was on them harder than before. But they endured and persisted against him. They kept at this battle until they were able to subdue him.
As he was defeated, he fell and crashed his head on the saucer so hard that his system went haywire. It then picked up on multiple signals, as that took place, the saucer hurtled straight towards the space station. Kim: “Oh, crud! What’ll we do!?”
Ratchet ran towards Nefarious, grabbed his head and held it in front of him. Ratchet: “Nefarious! How do we disengage the autopilot!?”
Nefarious was still picking up on multiple signals. Ratchet: “Come on! Snap out of it!”
He slapped Nefarious, causing him to move around as he picked up on another signal before he shut down completely and fell over. Kim: “Um, perhaps we should find Lawrence before he takes the…”
Just then, Lawrence, on board an escape pod, snagged Nefarious and flew off. Ratchet: “Escape pod?” Computer voice: “20 seconds until impact.” Ratchet: “We’re gonna die, aren’t we?”
Suddenly, Azimuth flew in on his ship. Azimuth: “Ratchet!” Kim: “Not today!” Azimuth: “Come on! You’re going to have to jump!”
Ratchet grabbed on to Kim’s hand as they ran towards Azimuth’s ship, Clank attached himself to Ratchet’s back, they jumped and grabbed on to his ship as it flew away from the saucer. The saucer then crashed into the space station, causing it to blow up. The Aphelion and Azimuth’s ship flew away from the space station.
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kprciffdw · 4 months
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 31
As soon as the elevator doors opened, Dr. Nefarious was seen standing before them along with several of his robot troops. Kim: “Oh, no!” Dr. Nefarious: “Well, what do we have here? All of my old foes standing right here before me.”
Rufus growled at him. Rufus: “Nefarious!”
Kim and Ratchet walked up closer towards Nefarious. Kim: “Dr. Nefarious, I was so hoping we wouldn’t run into you again.” Dr. Nefarious: “Well, you’re out of luck there, missy! And the both you had the gall to set foot on to my base after you did THIS to me!”
He pointed towards the damage on his face. Kim: “Hm, I have to admit, Ratchet really did leave a nice mark on that face of yours; it suits you quite well.”
Both she and Ratchet laughed as they did a fist bump with one another, which aggravated Nefarious. Ratchet: “But enough about that. Nefarious, you can’t use the clock. You don’t know what you could be doing.” Kim: “That’s right. Nothing that you could ever want is worth risking the entire Universe.” Dr. Nefarious: “Oh, but there is and I have all of you to thank for it, especially that blonde kid who clearly isn’t here right now, eh…what’s his name? Uh…oh, forget it!”
Rufus groaned. Kim: “What do you mean by that, Nefarious?” Dr. Nefarious: “Do I need to remind you? I would be glad to, Kim Possible. Initiate super-wavy flashback mode!” Kim: “Uh…what?”
And with that, a number of scenes appeared one after another during his narration that they are somehow able to see. Dr. Nefarious: “Let me start by saying that thanks to you, I found myself drifting through the cosmos. Do you know what it’s like to float along on an asteroid for a long period of time? It is surprisingly boring! Nothing for a villain to do but dwell on his failure! Then one day, we arrived on Zanifar, which was called Tobolia at the time, but that’s beside the point. The Fongoids managed to save us and we were free from that insufferable and seemingly endless ride through space! But, still, failure burned in my circuitry! How could I have been defeated by the likes of you? Why had the Universe been tipped in your…” Kim: “Hold on a moment!”
The flashback was interrupted. Kim: “You use crayons, too? What’s with you guys and your uncanny love for crayons? Are you and Qwark both so childish?” Dr. Nefarious: “Don’t interrupt me! I’m nowhere near finished with my story! Now where was I? Drifting, asteroid, failure, Fongoids, defeated, tipped in your…ah! Now I remember! So, then, I embarked on a crusade through the inner recesses of what you call "the soul”.“
The flashback continued. Dr. Nefarious: "I studied Fongoid meditation, attended anger management, dabbled in yoga and attended more anger management.” Kim: “Heh! A lot of good that anger management did for you.” Dr. Nefarious: “I said don’t interrupt me, girl! So then, one day, I went on a spirit walk on planet Quantos.” Ratchet: “And how did you get to Quantos?” Dr. Nefarious: “Let’s just say the story behind that is far too complicated to go into details.” Kim: “Fine, let’s go with that.” Dr. Nefarious: “So then, it was there that I finally found what I had been missing: The Great Clock!” Kim: “Oh, no, you can’t be serious!” Dr. Nefarious: “Oh, but I am, Miss Possible.”
The flashback had ceased. Dr. Nefarious: “With the clock under my control, I’ll be able to wrong all the rights in the Universe. Every villain who has ever stumbled will get a do-over, including the ones that you have faced. Dr. Drakken! Shego! Monkey Fist! Duff Killigan! Professor Dementor! That…that guy with the mullet that says "seriously” over and over again.“ Kim: "Motor Ed.” Dr. Nefarious: “Yes! That one! They as well as every other villain will triumph while every protagonist’s triumph will be reversed! Until finally, a new present is created in which the heroes always lose!”
He laughed maniacally as Kim and Ratchet stared back at him, greatly appalled by his plan. Kim: “That…that’s terrible!” Ratchet: “That won’t happen! We will stop you, Nefarious!” Dr. Nefarious: “Oh, we’ll see about that. Guards!”
Kim took on a fighting stance. Just then, Qwark grabbed on to her, Ratchet and Clank and held them in his arm. Qwark: “Hang on, cadets!”
He tossed the smoke bomb, letting out a massive haze. When it cleared, nothing happened… Qwark: “Well that was 5 bolts wasted.”
Much time later, Ratchet and Clank were attached to an asteroid, about to be flung by a massive slingshot. Kim and Qwark were to the side, in handcuffs near Dr. Nefarious. Dr. Nefarious: “How do you like my Asteroid Flinger 5000? I had it installed in the event I ever needed a super ironic death scenario.” Kim: “Hm, it seems incredibly absurd and overemphasized, so it’s most certainly your kind of thing.”
Nefarious glared at her. Ratchet: “Nefarious, you’re making a mistake!” Kim: “He’s right! Don’t do this! Stop while you’re ahead before you destroy everything!” Dr. Nefarious: “Hmph! Your pleadings are useless. Bon Voyage, my old nemeses. Oh! And don’t worry, Ratchet, I won’t let the girl die horribly like you’re going to.”
He laughed maniacally as he was about to push the big, red button. But then, his system crashed again. He was picking up on the signal of the same soap opera that he always does. Everyone had awkward looks amongst one another. One of Nefarious’ robots moved his hand and was about to make him push the button. Kim looked at Ratchet, devastated. Ratchet: “Kim-I…I…”
The asteroid was shot out, Ratchet and Clank were both screaming as they were hurtled out. Kim: “RATCHET!” Rufus: “Clank!”
Several hours later, Ratchet awoke on a far, distant planet known as Morklon. Beside him was the vessel that he had been using to collect the Zoni. He soon noticed that he was surrounded by a mysterious white light. Ratchet: “What the…? What is this?”
Clank stood nearby, also surrounded by the white light. A few Zoni floated near him. Clank: “It appears the Zoni have protected us during the crash.” Zoni: “He must not reach the clock.”
They then returned into the vessel as Ratchet held it out. Ratchet: “Thanks for the help, you guys.”
He looked at Clank who looked back at him in a displeased manner. Ratchet: “What? I’ll give them back.”
Clank shrugged his shoulders. Clank: “Ratchet, we do not have a lot of time.” Ratchet: “I know, we have to get off of this backwater planet. I have to get back to Kim! I need to tell her that I…I…”
He hesitated as he sulked. Clank placed his hand on Ratchet’s shoulder. Clank: “I know what it is that you need to do. But let us focus on finding a way off of this planet.” Ratchet: “Yes…”
And with that, they were on their way.
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kprciffdw · 1 year
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 29
They pushed through a not-so-difficult impasse and were able to approach the space station. They landed directly within the surrounding area of the space station and jumped out. From there, Qwark contacted him. Qwark: “Ratchet, come in. I’m on an asteroid inside the main perimeter. Come meet me as soon as you can.” Kim: “Got it. We’ll see you soon.” Clank: “Ratchet, Miss Possible, I have triangulated Qwark’s position. Sinking to your nav-unit now.” Ratchet: “Let’s go, guys.”
They rushed off as fast as they could. As they continued through, they fought against several of Nefarious’ robots, as well as a few unpleasant creatures. The fight through was somewhat ongoing and laborious as they were in Nefarious’ territory. His robotic forces were really pummeling them, but they were more than ready for the onslaught as they have fought many of his forces before.
Eventually, they were able to find Qwark. However, when they met with him, he was wearing that…dreadful nurse disguise. They were indeed mortified and flabbergasted upon seeing him. Kim: “Uh…Qwark? What are you wearing?” Qwark: “Hey! Look who it is!”
He rushed over towards Clank and grabbed on to him. Qwark: “Welcome back, little guy! Am I glad to see you?”
He then embraced him with all his might. Qwark: “Those 2 over there just don’t take this line of work seriously, if you know what I mean.”
Rufus let out a raspberry towards Qwark. Ratchet: “My thoughts exactly, Rufus.” Qwark: “Hey, what is the bald, pink rat doing here? Isn’t he usually with that blonde kid…uh…what’s his name again?” Kim, Ratchet: “Ron!” Qwark: “Oh, right! Uh…Stompable! I think…”
Both Kim and Ratchet slapped themselves on their foreheads. Who could blame them? Qwark: “Speaking of which, where is that blonde kid? I haven’t seen him around at all.” Kim: “He’s out sick right now, but let’s forget about that for the moment. Are you wearing a disguise?” Qwark: “Ah, yes, I am. I’m glad you’ve noticed, miss.” Kim: “It's…hard to…overlook.” Ratchet: “Even if we wanted to.” Kim: “So, what "brilliant” plan do you have for us this time, Qwark?“ Qwark: "Oh, it is something that is truly brilliant, but before we get to that, feast your eyes on this.”
He pulled out what appeared to be a tiny bomb. It looked very lackluster and unimpressive. Ratchet: “Uh…what is that?” Qwark: “It’s one of those cool smoke bombs the spies use. You know, for making quick and fancy getaways.”
The group unsurprisingly seemed very unimpressed by this. Kim: “Uh…yeah…that is…corny, even for you.” Qwark: “Oh, yeah? Well, you’ll be eating your words when this thing gets us out of a difficult situation and…oh, forget it.”
He then pulled out what appeared to be a toy viewing-device and tossed it towards Ratchet. Qwark: “Here, it’s my most ingenious fool-proof plan yet.”
Kim and Ratchet exchanged confused and dissuaded looked, then they both looked into the device.
As they looked into it, Qwark explained to them that he managed to find a way to gain access to the interiors of the space station via a trash chute. He then planned on using his ghastly disguise to escort them to an exposed thermal exhaust point, which Clank volunteered to crawl through. Through the vent, he would be able to gain access to Dr. Nefarious’ personal quarters then scan him for a holo-guise, one that Ratchet would be using to bypass the guards into mission control. There, they intend to cause a lot of damage to Nefarious’ operation. The visuals that came along with the explanation of the plan itself consisted of a few snapshot of the interiors, several crude drawings done with crayons and 1 misplaced vacation photo.
Soon enough, they were finished with clarification of the plan. Kim seemed less than impressed by what she saw. Kim: “Really, Qwark? You’re still using crayons? You know something? Those stupid drawings coupled with this toy really do bring out even more of your childish stupidity.” Qwark: “Hey, my presentation may not be epic, but my brilliant plan is indeed ingenious. Now, let’s get to it.”
Qwark walked off while the group followed after him. Clank: “The nurse’s outfit is indeed very…off-putting.” Rufus: “(shiver) Off-putting.” Ratchet: “I would give anything to trade places with Ron right now, even if it includes taking his stomach pains. That’s much less painful than having to deal with Qwark’s disguise, that’s for sure.” Kim: “Hm, surprisingly, I’ve seen worse. What Mr. Barken wore that one time was even more disturbing.” Ratchet: “Oh! You mean that time when he was locked in that crate with Ron and completely lost his mind? Oh, yeah, that was horrifying. He was actually arrested by the fashion police. I couldn’t even believe that was a real thing. The fashion police: the most useless kind of authorities to ever exist anywhere.”
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kprciffdw · 1 year
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 28
They were soon flying into space. Ratchet: “Kim, contact Wade.”
Kim was able to do just that. Wade: “Hey, guys, what’s up?”
Clank shifted himself closer to the view of the screen. Clank: “Hello again, Wade.” Wade: “Clank!? Is that you!? Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it!” Kim: “That’s not all. Look who else is here with us.”
Clank held up Rufus on the palm of his hand. Rufus: “Hi.” Wade: “Whoa! Rufus is there, too!? Ron! Come over here! You have to see this!” Ron: “What? I’m coming!”
Ron appeared on the screen. Ron: “What is it, Wade?”
He became immediately became startled upon noticing Clank. Ron: “Clank!?” Clank: “Hello, Ron. It is good to see you again.” Rufus: “Hi.” Ron: “Rufus! Buddy! Oh! I’ve missed you so much!”
Rufus whimpered, as he felt the same. Clank: “Yes, Rufus has also missed you, Ron.” Ron: “Oh, you guys, you just made me feel the best I’ve ever…hork!”
He then rushed off the screen, he was heard throwing up again. Ratchet, Kim, Clank and Rufus all had disturbed and concerned looks on their faces. Ratchet: “I take it his unusual stomach pains haven’t gotten any better.” Wade: “No, he’s still upchucking meat cakes.” Rufus: “Huh?” Clank: “Um, am I missing something here?” Wade: “Oh, right, you didn’t know about what’s been going on. You see, the past few days, Ron has been undergoing some bizarre stomach pains which occurred around the same time that these strange time anomalies have taken place.” Ratchet: “Also, Kim has been experiencing some on and off headaches that also started around that time.” Kim: “Wade looked into this and from what we were able to find, we realized that none of these occurrences could be a coincidence, so I came all the way out here to find out why all of this was happening since the source of the anomalies were traced back to somewhere around here.”
Clank seemed very alarmed from hearing this. Clank: “Oh, no! All of this occurred because Dr. Nefarious damaged the Great Clock. I am sorry that you both had to go through all of what you did.” Kim: “Oh, don’t get all worked up about it, Clank. What could you have done to prevent it?”
Clank seemed very happy to have been reassured. Wade: “Not only that, but part of the mystery was why the time anomalies were causing their conditions in the first place.” Clank: “Well, yes, there is that.” Wade: “But thanks to Ratchet, we’ve managed to figure out a lot of why this was happening.” Ron: “Whoa! Hold up! What did you just say?”
Almost instantly, Ron rushed back on to the screen. Ron: “You guys know why these anomalies have been causing KP’s headaches and me to throw up meat cakes?” Wade: “That’s right, Ron.” Ratchet: “When Kim collapsed from one of her headache attacks, she blurted out "Tempus Simia”. From there, Wade was able to find out that her headaches were caused by massive amounts of lost memories returning into her mind, memories of when the both of you traveled through time.“
From that news, Ron, Clank and Rufus became immensely startled. Clank: "Miss Possible and Ron have traveled through time before!?” Kim: “I was also surprised to hear that at first, but yeah, we did. When Ratchet and I stepped through that time rift on Zanifar, I caught of brief glimpse of my younger self. Also, stepping through it felt…familiar.” Ron: “But what about me? Why am I throwing up meat cakes?” Wade: “I would guess that they were something that you’ve been eating a lot during your time traveling episode, but as to why you’ve been eating them? Well, I haven’t been able to figure that out.” Ron: “Hm…well, I know it wasn’t because I enjoyed them; I remember that they tasted horrible.” Kim: “I think I may know why. I remember catching a glimpse of Ron…moving…to Norway. It…it wasn’t a happy memory…”
Kim sulked upon mentioning that. Ratchet, concerned for her, placed his hand on her shoulder. Ratchet: “No, I wouldn’t think it is. You and Ron are very close.” Kim: “Yes…” Ron: “You know what? Now that you mention it, when I was going through all of that…grossness, I remembered living in Norway for some reason and then I remember getting angry at Shego for that and…Bueno Nacho?” Ratchet: “Oh, no, did you really have to bring up Bueno Nacho? Don’t tell me that you’re in the mood for Nacos again.” Rufus: “Mmm, Nacos.” Ron: “No way! After more than an hour of throwing up meat cakes, just the thought of eating any meat of any kind makes me…(groan) oh…oh, no…it's…it’s coming up again.”
Ron rushed out and was heard throwing up again. He then walked back into the screen, moaning as he was looking awfully ill. Ratchet: “Uh…yeah…I can understand that.” Clank: “So, the time anomalies have been bringing back all of the meat cakes that Ron had eaten, thus causing his…stomach pains.” Ratchet: “None of us could even imagine the kind of pain that you’re in, Ron.” Kim: “But it’s safe to say that it’s a lot.” Ratchet: “Especially that one time when you were screaming a lot.” Ron: “Uh, yeah! It felt like my stomach was going to explode!” Ratchet: “Oh, that's…not a…pleasant picture.” Kim: “Uh, perhaps we should leave you guys. You need to rest, Ron.” Ron: “OK, gotcha, KP.” Ratchet: “Try to fell better, Ron. We’ll do what we can to help you out.” Ron: “Sure thing, Ratchet. A little R&R has been doing me some good.” Clank: “We hope to see you soon, Ron, and do not worry; I will continue to look after Rufus.” Rufus: “Bye.” Ron: “Of course, Clank. I know you will. See ya, guys. Oh, and KP? Now that you’re with Ratchet again, you know what it is that you have to do.” Kim: “Uh…yes…of course…”
They severed communications with Wade and Ron. Kim: “Um…Ratchet?” Ratchet: “We’ll talk later, right now, we have to get to Nefarious.” Kim: “Uh…sure, OK…”
She began to sulk as did Ratchet. He spoke under his breath. Ratchet: “Kimberly…”
Out of the blue, they received a transmission from Qwark. Qwark: “Qwark calling Ratchet, Qwark calling Ratchet. Come in, Ratchet.” Clank: “Is that…Captain Qwark?” Qwark: “Clank? Well, I’ll be Scrunch’s uncle!” Kim: “Uh…what?” Qwark: “Where did you come from, little buddy?” Ratchet: “There’s no time to explain that. We need to stop Nefarious from reaching the clock.” Kim: “Lilo told us that you have found a way into his space station. We’re heading over there now, but you need to find a way to stall him.” Qwark: “I’m way ahead of you guys. As a matter of fact, I’m further undercover than I’ve ever been before…ever! I'd…rather not talk about it.” Kim: “No problem. I wouldn’t want to hear the details, anyway.” Ratchet: “Me neither.” Clank: “Ditto.”
Rufus groaned in a rather grossed out manner. Clank: “We will meet you outside the station as soon as possible.”
They made their way towards the space station at breakneck speed..
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 26
They fought against the vicious robot women. As they kept onward towards the citadel, more and more of those women tenaciously came at them. But the group was able to persist against them, not letting even one of them or one group of them, for that matter, stand in their way. The fight through was a seemingly never ending cycle of fighting through those vicious women as they came in droves.
Soon enough, just before they were about to enter the citadel, they ran into Cassiopeia. She was atop a floating turret, awaiting their arrival. Cassiopeia: "Well, well, well, if it isn't the galaxy's favorite Lombaxes and their scrawny red-headed chimp? Come to rescue your little friend?" Kim: "Oh, no, not another one of you annoying, oversized harpies!" Azimuth: "Our quarrel isn't with you, Cassiopeia! Hand over Clank and we'll cause no more trouble."
Cassiopeia laughed out loud. Cassiopeia: "Cause no more trouble? Carina and Libra are dead thanks to you!" Kim: "Uh, that wasn't on us. It was either kill or be killed, so we really didn't have a choice there. They pretty much signed away their own lives."
Cassiopeia was greatly enraged as she growled out loud. Cassiopeia: "Why you snarky little…! Well no matter. We've gotten what we need from the caretaker and now his time has come. Valkyries, destroy the Lombaxes and the pretty little girl!" Ratchet: "Oh, it is so on!"
Cassiopeia flew off on her hover turret. Azimuth: "She's going to kill Clank! I'm going after her!"
Azimuth rushed off after Cassiopeia. Ratchet: "General, wait!"
Kim grabbed on to Ratchet by his wrist before he had the chance to rush off. Kim: "Ratchet! This way! We have to keep going!" Ratchet: "Yeah, you're right. Let's go."
They ran off towards the direct path. Everywhere, the Valkyries came at them almost indefinitely, attacking them constantly. The entire run through consisted of this. As they kept going further, they soon ran into the citadel's training course. There, Cassiopeia was awaiting their arrival. Cassiopeia: "Aw, you poor dears. You wandered into our training course. No organic being has ever survived. Farewell, at least you'll both take solace in the fact that you died together."
She departed from the room, the doors sealed shut and they were locked in. The room itself consisted on shock emitters below the floor that they were standing on. In the center of the room was a machine that dispersed bombs that can easily shatter the floor if they were allowed to blow up. Kim and Ratchet worked frantically and collectively to catch the bombs and toss them back into the machine. Once again, Kim's Centurion Armor was really put to good use for this.
As they continued on, they could listen in on Cassiopeia conversing with Dr. Nefarious via a transmitter. Dr. Nefarious: "Cassie? What is the status to Unnecessarily Evil Initiative Omega-91?" Cassiopeia: "In motion, my love. Those annoying creatures are trapped in an overly elaborate death scenario designed to torture them into a slow and painful doom." Dr. Nefarious: "That's Unnecessarily Evil Initiative Omega-96! I said 91! Does NO ONE read my memos!?" Cassiopeia: "Stop yelling at me! Our merit says we need to COMMUNICATE!" Dr. Nefarious: "(grunt) This coming from someone who does nothing but text me while I'm at work? You are smothering me! Now get it done!" Kim: "Geez, sounds like they have one rough relationship." Ratchet: "No kidding, I can't tell who to feel sorry for more."
They were eventually able to destroy the machine and shut down the shock emitters. Kim: "Call that a death trap? I've played lacrosse games more lethal than that."
The second door opened up, they ran through it and continued on through the citadel. To be expected, they were bombarded by more of the Valkyries. Although, from what was heard on the transmitters, the women were not doing very well against the group, including Azimuth; they were pretty much plowing through the lot of them.
Shortly afterwards, they ran into yet another overly elaborate death scenario. Cassiopeia had also been waiting for them there as well. Cassiopeia: "Still alive? Well, let's see how you 2 survive a silo of deadly nerve toxin."
She departed as they were sealed in. A machine within the center of the room emitted the deadly nerve toxin. On the floor were switches needed to shut off the machine, but they were shifted around the room as the floor consisted of 3 rotating platforms. Cassiopeia happily mocked them. Cassiopeia: "Don't forget to hold yer breaths!" Ratchet: "Kim! We have to clear out this toxin!" Kim: "Nough said."
Both of them rushed around the room diligently to reach the switches. They persisted without hesitating as they scrambled to shut off the machine. They managed to reach all of the switches. Dr. Nefarious: "Unacceptable! They should be smoldering squishy carcasses by now!" Cassiopeia: "Don't treat me like one of your subordinates! I'm not Courtney Gears!" Dr. Nefarious: "Nag, nag, nag! Change the channel, will ya? This is why office romances never work out!" Kim: "They're really going all out on each other." Ratchet: "Tell me about it, even this toxin is a lot less lethal than their arguing."
This scenario consisted of 3 phases, each one harder than the last. They were eventually able to clear the second death trap. The machine was destroyed and the second door opened for them. They exited out of it.
As they were rushing through, Azimuth contacted them again. Azimuth: "Ratchet, come in. I've been through 3 buildings and still no sign of Clank. They must have moved him into Cassiopeia's quarters." Ratchet: "We're tracking her right now, just hold off the rest of them." Kim: "We'll find him, Azimuth. I know we will." Azimuth: "I'm sorry, you 2. I should have known the Valkyries faked that distress call. It was foolish of me to suggest the assault." Kim: "We were all fooled, Azimuth. It happens to the best of us, really." Ratchet: "Kim's right. Besides, right now, all that matters is Clank." Kim: "We won't rest until we've found him. Count on it." Azimuth: "Huh! I hate to admit it, but I'm glad that you're here to support us, miss. You have a lot of spirit, for a human." Kim: "Uh, gee, thanks. Always a pleasure, old timer." Azimuth: "Alright, that's enough patting you on the back, little lady. Now get to it."
They severed communications with him. Kim: "Geez, even when he praises me, I still get put down by him." Ratchet: "I know. I don't like how he looks down on you. You never deserved to be treated like that, not by anyone. At least, I don't believe that you do."
Kim smiled at him, he smiled back. They continued forward.
They spent a brief period of time fighting off more of the Valkyries. They soon ran into a room with a glass floor. Ratchet: "Aw, man."
Of course, Cassiopeia was there awaiting their arrival. You should know by now what that means. Cassiopeia: "Hello, my pretties. I see…" Ratchet: "Yeah, I know. Time for another death trap." Kim: "So not the drama." Cassiopeia: "Hmph! Well, let's see if you consider falling to your doom to be "so not the drama", girlie!"
They were sealed in as the floor below the glass floor opened up. The glass below them began to crack. Robots appeared continuously, threatening to blow up and shatter the glass. However, there were also Battery Bots running about as well as outlets for each of the bots. They frantically went around the entire place, tossing each of the Battery Bots into the outlets. They kept at this until they were able to override the death trap. Kim: "Like I said, so not the drama." Ratchet: "These death traps are more annoying than they are terrifying."
The next door opened for them. They proceeded further as they fought off more of the Valkyries. Just then, they were approached by Rufus. Kim: "Rufus!" Ratchet: "Whoa, I didn't expect to see you here, little guy. What's the matter? Where's Clank?"
Rufus seemed very jittery and babbled a lot as he pointed in another direction. Kim: "I think he's trying to tell us where Clank is." Ratchet: "Lead the way, Rufus."
He scampered off as they followed him.
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 27
With the help of the little guy, they were able to find another room. There, they stood before Cassiopeia on a rising platform. Cassiopeia: "Ah, you guys actually made it. To be honest, I'm actually glad you both survived the training course. I wouldn't want to lose such worthy opponents to such cheap machines."
Rufus growled at her. Kim: "That's awfully self-degrading of you to call your own machines cheap." Ratchet: "Speaking of cheap machines, how much is your boyfriend paying you to do his dirty work?" Cassiopeia: "Hm, you both have such sharp tongues. Good thing you have each other because that robot of your was planning to kick up his metal feet and stay in the Great Clock forever." Kim: "What? What do you mean?" Cassiopeia: "Oh, didn't you know, girlie? He wants to leave your little friend over there. But don't worry, I'll kill all 3 of you before he even gets the chance."
As soon as they have risen on the highest point of the platform, directly below a stormy sky, a cylinder below Cassiopeia opened up, revealing an unconscious Clank within a glass tube. Ratchet: "Clank!"
Rufus gasped. Kim: "Oh, no! Clank!" Ratchet: "What did you do to him?" Cassiopeia: "Nothing compared to what I'm about to do with you!"
And so the epic fight against Cassiopeia began. She stayed on her floating turret as she fought the duo. The massive woman had shown to be quite irksome with her attacks as were her insults. However, Kim had a few nasty tricks of her own; all of which came in the form of tossing Rufus towards Cassiopeia. He would mess with her in many different ways, a lot of them involved him crawling all over her and distracting her. It was quite amusing to see her completely lose it whenever he would crawl all over her and taunt her. Cassiopeia: "Eee yah! Get this disgusting bald rat off of me!"
Kim found this to be very humorous as did Ratchet. Ratchet: "Way to go, Rufus!"
They kept at this humorous tactic throughout the fight. It was indeed helpful as it was amusing and hilarious. Cassiopeia had shown to be quite vicious during the fight, but Kim and Ratchet have proven to be very formidable against her. They were persistent as they chipped down at her constantly. They kept at this until they were able to get her floating turret to malfunction. It flew all over the place and crashed right through the glass tube that was holding Clank, knocking him out of it. She then fell from the sky as did Clank. Kim: "Clank!" Rufus: "Clank!"
Ratchet jumped off the platform and fell after him. Ratchet: "CLANK! WAKE UP!"
Clank finally came to. Ratchet utilized his hover boots and went for Clank, he managed to grab on to him and he was soon bouncing off of the structures before they both landed on to one of the floating landscapes. The 2 of them were then lying on the ground next to each other. They remained there for a good amount of time before conversing for the first time within a whole year. Clank: "Hello, Ratchet." Ratchet: "Hey, pal. How you doing?" Clank: "Fine, you?" Ratchet: "Fantastic." Kim: "Ratchet! Clank!"
Soon enough, Kim was able to catch up to them. She hovered directly in front of them with the use of her hover boots, she held Rufus within the palm of her hands. Clank: "It is good to see you again, Miss Possible. And you, too, Rufus." Rufus: "Hi!" Kim: "You guys OK?" Ratchet: "Yeah, we're fine, Kim. We're just gonna…lie here for a while, OK?"
She smiled at them. She then went over towards them and kneeled down near both of their heads; more so closer to Ratchet's, though.
Later on, they returned to where they landed their ships. Ratchet, Kim and Clank sat down on the hood of Azimuth's ship. Ratchet: "We're sorry about you father, Clank. We just…couldn't act sooner." Kim: "Hm…I wonder if there really was anything we could have done."
Rufus moaned in sadness. Clank: "It is alright. You both did what you could. I assure you that Dr. Nefarious will pay for what he has done." Rufus: "Yeah!" Kim: "Well, at least you and Rufus are back with us." Rufus: "Yay!" Clank: "Yes, that is true. What matters now is that we keep the clock safe." Azimuth: "Oh, don't worry. One the past's been corrected, you will have the full support of the Lombax Praetorian Guard. The clock will be in good hands." Kim: "Oh, brother. That again, Azimuth?" Clank: "No, you do not understand. Time can not be changed. Using the clock improperly could rip the fabric of the Universe." Azimuth: "Or it could save an entire race of Lombaxes that risked their lives to save an entire galaxy." Kim: "Yeah, that sounds great and all, but it can't be done. We now know that it's far too dangerous." Azimuth: "I thought you agreed to not hold us back any longer." Kim: "And I thought you agreed to never attempt this if it's too dangerous." Azimuth: "But…but…the Lombaxes…Ratchet!" Ratchet: "Actually, I'm with Kim on this one. In fact, I've always agreed with her."
He jumped down from Azimuth's ship. Ratchet: "If there is even a chance it could destroy the Universe, then it's not worth the risk." Azimuth: "Risk? Risk is what makes us who we are! Our kind is lost without us! Think of how many the clock can save. Think of…think of your parents, Ratchet." Ratchet: "I…I can't. I want to see my parents, but…I just can't…We have to stop Nefarious before he makes the same mistake that we almost did." Kim: "Oh, I'm so there."
Kim and Clank jumped down, all 3 of them made their way back to the Aphelion. However, Ratchet stopped. Ratchet: "Oh, and by the way, General?"
He then turned his head back towards Azimuth and looked back at him with a tense look on his face. Ratchet: "Kim never held us back. She never had."
He turned back towards his ship and walked towards it. Azimuth became greatly agitated as he growled out loud. Azimuth: "You've been fraternizing with the humans for far too long!"
He got into his ship and took off. Ratchet was taken aback as he watched Azimuth fly off. Kim: "Let him go. It's probably better this way."
He was still disheartened, but he did understand the situation before him. Ratchet: "Yeah, you may be right about that. Come on, let's stop Nefarious."
As they approached Aphelion, Clank was astonished by how it looked. Clank: "Hm…I see you have made some modifications to our ship." Kim: "Actually, it was the Zoni that did this." Clank: "They…did?" Ratchet: "Yeah, they did and they've been doing an incredible job at it." Rufus: "Whooaaa…!" Ratchet: "Now then, let's get going."
They got into the ship and took off.
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 25
Much time later, Kim and Ratchet arrived at the Bernilius Sector. Aphelion: "Now entering Bernilius Sector."
Immediately afterwards, Azimuth contacted them. Azimuth: "Ratchet, come in. I just picked up on a looping transmission on one of the emergency frequencies, tell me what you or the girl make of this."
He played the transmission to them, it produced a strange noise. Ratchet: "I don't believe it! That's a distress call with Clank's signature!" Kim: "Aphelion, can you track the source of that distress call?" Aphelion: "The origin appears to be planet Vapedia." Kim: "Let's head over there now!"
They made their way towards the planet as fast as they could. Azimuth: "Just think. By tonight, your friend will be safe and the clock will be ours." Kim: "Azimuth, hold on for a moment. We need to…"
Just then, they were interrupted by Carina, who was just directly in front of them in her ship. Carina: "Bonjour, Monsieur Lombax." Kim: "Huh? Hey, you're one of those Valkyries that tried to kill us a while back." Carina: "That is right, Mademoiselle, I can see that you kiddies picked up on our signal." Kim: "What? You sent out that signal? Unbelievable!" Carina: "Yes, and unfortunately, this is as far as you will go."
Kim was indeed greatly agitated as was Ratchet. Kim: "(grunt) She so won't get away with this! I'll take on the second controls." Ratchet: "Yes! Let's finish her!" Carina: "You both will pay for what you did to Libra!"
She was beyond infuriated with them destroying her comrade, Libra.
They started out with chipping her down the same way that they did with her former. However, this had proven to be more difficult than the last one. Her shield was also not so easy to be brought down. It did not go down the same way that the other one did. However, they did manage to find a way to deactivate it. Kim and Ratchet worked together on shooting her down. The Valkyries under her command made it much more time-consuming to bring her down, but they were able to manage them just fine. Their persistence and teamwork eventually paid off as they were able to triumph against her in the end. Carina: "No! This is impossible! Valkyries! Do not let them reach the citadel! They must not interfere with Nefarious' plan to…"
She then let out a devastating scream before her ship blew up, destroying her as well. Kim: "Yes! We did it, Ratchet!" Ratchet: "Yeah…we did…Aphelion, give us a status report on Clank's transmission." Aphelion: "The coordinates appear to be accurate, but the signal has weakened by 72.3%." Kim: "Clank is out there, alright, but he's in trouble." Ratchet: "I know that, Kim. Hold on, pal, we're coming."
They continued on their way towards Vapedia. Kim: "I'm worried about him. I just hope he's OK. Also, I hope that Rufus is OK, too." Ratchet: "So do I. I'm worried about both of them. Let's get over there before it's too late."
They arrived on the planet's surface. The entire area consisted of many floating landscapes. They landed their ship on one of the floating landscapes. When they got out, they saw Azimuth waiting for them. Azimuth: "Ah, good, you both have arrived. Clank's distress call terminated somewhere inside the citadel. This calls for a classic smash and grab." Ratchet: "Oh, I am so there." Kim: "This is it, Ratchet. We'll finally be able to reunite with Clank." Ratchet: "I know, I can't wait. Let's do it!"
They rushed towards the citadel as fast as they could. As soon as they got near the massive structure, they were immediately assaulted by the Valkyries. Kim: "The Valkyries!" Ratchet: "It begins here."
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 11
As they made their way through the city, they were met with a number of massive and difficult obstacles as well as several enemy robots. It was indeed a fight through and they put forth great efforts to advance through. They made good use of their skills and their equipment, especially Kim and the utilization of her Centurion Armor, which had caught the attention of the native alien race of the planet, the Terachnoids. They seemed to have an incredibly immense fascination with all forms of technology. This fascination was perhaps the only thing that could out match their extensively high I.Q.
Kim and Ratchet's resourcefulness have proven to be more than a match against these obstacles as to them, surpassing them didn't seem very difficult at all. Their fight through eventually brought them to the Axiom City Spaceport. There, they came across 2 chattering Terachnoids. Their names have yet to be received, so for the time being, let's just address them as Terachnoid A and Terachnoid B; A for aggravated and B for benign. Terachnoid A: "Another Lombax. Come back to vandalize more equipment?" Kim: "What? But we just got here!" Terachnoid B: "Mind your manners! Any super intelligent being can see that this is a different Lombax. Please excuse my colleague; he is just upset about the rebel Azimuth destroying the terminal." Kim: "It's no big. To be honest, I'm not very fond of him, either." Terachnoid A: "Hm, this girl seems a lot smarter than she looks and she looks like she's from an awfully primitive species to begin with." Kim: "What did you just say?" Ratchet: "Easy, Kim. He was complimenting you and you would have to admit that what he said about the humans is…kind of accurate."
She grunted as she folded her arms and dropped her head a little while slightly turning it. Kim: "Good point."
She held her head back up as she dropped her arms. Kim: "So, what's the sitch?" Terachnoid B: "Well, at the moment, the fire fight has triggered Axiom's defensive grid and now the entire city's closed off. Perhaps you can help." Terachnoid A: "Oh, what are they going to do? Fly over the grid and activate the reboot switches? Ha! I'd love to see that." Kim: "Hm…that…actually sounds doable." Ratchet: "Yeah, I think it's worth a shot. Let's do it!" Kim: "So, I'm so all over that."
With the use of their hover boots, they made their way over the grid that was cutting them off from the control panels. From there, they worked together to reset the system and shut down the security of the entire spaceport. After handling all of that, they were approached by the Terachnoid duo. Terachnoid B: "You did it! The system is resetting!" Kim: "Please, it was so not the drama." Computer voice: "Alert. Alert. Lombax detected near avionics terminal 9. Dispatching units."
Almost immediately, more the enemy forces arrived at the spaceport. They went for Ratchet and Kim. Terachnoid A: "Would you consider this to be "so not the drama", young lady?" Terachnoid B: "Quickly! Let's get out of here!"
The Terachnoids ran off to take cover while Ratchet and Kim fought off all of the enemy forces that came their way.
It was short and quick as there weren't many robots that arrived at the spaceport. A fight like this seemed like nothing to them. Shortly after they made quick work of the robots, the Terachnoid duo made their way towards a transporter. Terachnoid B: "You know, I could get into trouble for this, but I'm tired of Nefarious and his troops. Let's see if we can activate this transport tube now that the lockdown is terminated."
They stopped directly in front of the transport tube and switched it on. Computer voice: "Transport tube activated."
Kim and Ratchet rushed over towards them. Terachnoid B: "Ah, here you go. This should take you both right to Neurox Plaza. I hope that this would be helpful to you." Kim: "Actually, that's exactly where we need to go. Thanks." Terachnoid B: "Good luck, you 2 and thanks again for all of your help." Terachnoid A: "Lombax lover." Terachnoid B: "Oh, shut up."
As soon as they arrived on the other side, Azimuth contacted them again. Azimuth: "Ratchet, come in. I'm in position but Pollyx has raised security throughout the entire plaza." Ratchet: "Hm, sounds as though Pollyx has strong connections with Nefarious." Kim: "But Pollyx isn't a robot, is he?" Ratchet: "No, I wouldn't think so. If that's the case, then why would he go out of his way to help Nefarious?" Azimuth: "Probably for the same reason Vorselon is: to use the clock for their own personal gain." Kim: "Is this clock really that special?" Ratchet: "Hm, I would think so if it does more than just tell time." Azimuth: "Yes it does. It moves time as the caretaker sees fit, using a control room known as the Orvus Chamber." Kim: "Wait! Are you saying that this clock is like some sort of time machine?" Azimuth: "Yes! Think of what Nefarious can do with the power to control time." Kim: "Good point…We can't let that happen!" Azimuth: "On that, I agree with you, Miss Possible. I have to go. Call me as soon as you reach Neurox Plaza." Kim: "OK, got it."
They cut off communications with him. Kim: "Whoa, this has gotten seriously intense; I had no idea we would get involved in something like this." Ratchet: "Me, neither. Apparently, Clank is caught in the middle of this, too." Kim: "Yeah, so it seems…but…what is Clank's involvement in this?" Ratchet: "I don't know, but we will find out sooner or later. Come on, let's get to Neurox Plaza."
They rushed off again.
They fought through more of Nefarious' forces as well as made their way pass a few more obstacles that they manage to bypass. Soon enough, they arrived at the Neurox Plaza. Upon their arrival, they immediately took notice of Azimuth battling against some of Nefarious' forces. Azimuth: "Ratchet! I'm so glad you're here! I could use a little extra help from you!" Kim: "Uh, what about me? I'm here, too, you know." Azimuth: "(grunt) Fine! I guess…I could use your help, too. Just…get to it already!"
She sighed and shrugged her shoulders with her hands up as she shook her head. Kim: "Since you asked so nicely…! Let's go, Ratchet."
Kim rushed off, Ratchet followed after her. Ratchet: "I'm with you all the way, Kim."
Within very little time, they fought against the robots along side Azimuth. The battle did not last very long as there were only a few robots and all 3 of them were capable fighters. The fighting soon ended and all was calm. Kim and Ratchet regrouped with Azimuth. Azimuth: "Not bad, Ratchet. You seem to handle yourself quite well. And you, too, miss. I hate to admit it, but you really aren't half bad, for a human." Kim: "Uh, yeah, great, so what's the sitch?" Azimuth: "Uh…what was…? I…don't understand what you just said." Ratchet: "She means what's the current status of our situation?" Azimuth: "Now, why didn't phrase it like that, young lady?"
Kim glared at him. Ratchet: "It's a catchphrase of hers. Just go with it!"
Azimuth grunted as he rolled his eyes then shook his head. Azimuth: "Fine! Do as you please. Anyway, Pollyx has diverted all air traffic away from the industry's building. We'll have to find another point of entry."
Azimuth walked off. Kim and Ratchet walked along side him. Kim: "Hm, easier said than done." Azimuth: "Perhaps, but I have someone on the inside who may be able to help us." Ratchet: "Really? Someone who works for Nefarious?" Azimuth: "Well, actually, he's a data miner at Pollyx Industries. I saved him once from becoming food for the Agorians." Kim: "Yuck, that doesn't sound very pleasant." Azimuth: "No, it wasn't." Ratchet: "So, you intend on having him repay a favor for rescuing him?" Azimuth: "Yes, that's exactly right." Ratchet: "Hey, you know what? Kim has lots of people back on her home planet who want to repay her for helping them." Kim: "Yep, they always seem happy to help me out." zAzimuth: "Hm, really? Sounds like you're a real hero amongst your race and home planet, young lady." Ratchet: "Yeah, she's amazing." Kim: "Oh, it's no big, really. I've been doing this since I was in high school and still going. So not the drama." Azimuth: "Don't get too full of yourself, miss. You haven't even begun to soil your hands in this line of work, especially since you were doing all of it on just 1 planet."
Kim's jaw dropped as she was appalled and flabbergasted by his lackluster response to her past exploits. Kim: "What? Are you kidding me? Not even a shred of being astounded? What's it going to take for you to be impressed by anything that I do?" Azimuth: "Oh, don't make such a fuss. I'm sure you'll do something that would impress me; in another 20 years or so." Kim: "20 years? Uh, how about sometime much, much sooner than that?" Azimuth: "Hm…nah!"
Kim was greatly frustrated as was Ratchet. They made their way towards a holo-terminal. There an image of another Terachnoid appeared before them. Azimuth: "Ratchet. Oh, and uh…Kim? This is Jarvis. He's the one that I told you about." Ratchet: "Uh, hey there." Kim: "Hello." Jarvis: "Azimuth! What are you doing on this frequency? The entire city is looking for you!" Azimuth: "I'm here to cash in that favor you owe me, Jarvis. We need a way inside Pollyx Industries."
Jarvis was not pleased with Azimuth's request. Jarvis: "I knew you would one day make me an accomplice to terrorism. Alright, I'll run a diagnostic on the security system. In the meantime, you better take cover. Another security team is closing in on you." Kim: "Oh, don't worry about him; I'm sure that the great Alister Azimuth could handle a few hundred measly security bots all by himself." Azimuth: "What the…? Why you mouthy little…!" Jarvis: "Hm, you don't seem very fond of him, do you, miss?" Kim: "Heh, are you kidding? He talks down at me just because I'm a human, so, no, not really." Jarvis: "Huh, I'm starting to like you already; in fact, you might make this annoying operation much more bearable." Kim: "Glad to help with that."
She smiled at Azimuth in a conceited manner. Ratchet was heard giggling. Azimuth, however was aggravated by this as he growled loudly. Azimuth: "Arrogant human!"
Moments later, Nefarious' forces arrived. Kim: "Here they come." Ratchet: "Let's do this." Azimuth: "Just synch their positions for our nav-units and hurry up on that diagnostic. At the moment, we'll need to buy Jarvis some time." Kim: "No problem. I can handle this." Ratchet: "Same here, Kim. This is no big." Azimuth: "Just focus on the fight, you 2!"
They fought against every oncoming robot; the fight itself went on for quite some time. Neither they nor the robots were letting up any time soon. With the fight seeming as though it would persist on, Azimuth was becoming a bit impatient. Azimuth: "Jarvis, how are we looking on that entry way?" Jarvis: "I think I may have found a vulnerable spot; just give me a moment to double check my logic." Kim: "Don't worry, Jarvis. We'll give you all the time you need." Jarvis: "Well, in that case, I'm so confident with you that I believe you might give me too much time, miss." Azimuth: "Just shut up and keep working!" Jarvis: "Alright, I'm going! Geez, no need to be so testy."
They kept at the fight much longer. This epidemic seemed as though it stretched out a lot longer than it really did, but was no more than just a few minutes. Soon enough, they were just about to receive the breakthrough that they were hoping for. Jarvis: "OK, I found a way inside. Head over to the holo-terminal when the cost is clear."
The fight lasted a bit longer. They were eventually able to finish off the last of Nefarious' forces for the time being. Afterwards, they rushed over towards the terminal posthaste. Azimuth: "Alright, we're clear. Come on, before back up arrives."
They stopped in front of the terminal and stood before Jarvis' holographic image. Kim: "OK, Jarvis, what needs to be done now?" Jarvis: "We'll need to ionize the hologram's power conduit. That should give your hover boots enough thrust to send you into the maintenance hatch." Azimuth: "OK, sounds easy enough." Jarvis: "Not exactly. It'll take all 4 of us working together to pull this off." Kim: "No big. I can handle anything." Ratchet: "So can I." Jarvis: "OK, then, I'm activating the transport ramps to the west side of the plaza. Head there now and await further instructions." Kim: "Got it, let's go."
They did what Jarvis instructed them to do. As soon as they arrived, they were met with more of Nefarious' robot troops. They spent a lot of time fighting them off. Eventually, Jarvis was able to get started on what it was that needed to be done. Jarvis: "Alright, let's do this! General, you need to hack the defense grid from the conduit terminal while the other 2 engage the power switches. Think you can handle a solo mission?" Azimuth: "I have every confidence in Ratchet's abilities. Oh, and the girl's, too. I'll contact you from the conduit terminal. Ratchet, I'm counting on you and that girl." Ratchet: "No problem, General. We'll handle it from here." Kim: "Of course, just get going."
Azimuth departed for the conduit while Kim and Ratchet stayed behind. They continued fighting off more of the enemy robots. Just then, Jarvis' image appeared nearby. Jarvis: "Ratchet! Kim! Come to the holo-terminal. We don't have a lot of time."
They finished off the last of the enemy robots and made their way towards the holo-terminal as fast as they could. They stood before Jarvis' image. Jarvis: "OK, you 2 need to listen up. I'm going to perform a remote unlock of all power switches in the plaza. The both of you need to activate them and ionize the hologram conduit."
Both Ratchet and Kim stood by, confused with what Jarvis just told them. Ratchet tapped on the device on Kim's chest. Ratchet: "Wade? Translation, please." Wade: "He's basically saying as soon as Azimuth has lowered the defense grid, you guys need to activate all of the switches that he sends out to you." Jarvis: "Yes! Exactly that!" Azimuth: "Shall I have you guys get started?" Ratchet: "Please and thank you." Azimuth: "Lowering defense grid…now!"
The grid was deactivated accordingly. Jarvis: "OK, I'm in, syncing power switches to your nav-unit." Ratchet: "Let's go, Kim." Kim: "I'm right behind you."
They rushed off on their hover boots at great speed. Just as Jarvis unlocked each of the switches, Kim and Ratchet went to activate them accordingly. The process itself needed the hover boots in order to be completed since the switches themselves could not stay on for very long. Thankfully, Kim and Ratchet were fast learners with the hover boots and were able to maneuver through the area with them on. When they needed to activate more than one switch, they would temporarily break off from one another in order to reach them. There were several switches and a few times in which they needed to split up, so it took some time to get to each one of them.
Overtime, they finished up what they needed to have done and most admirably, might I add. Jarvis: "You did it! Conduit is ionized. You should be able to slingshot over the plaza and into Pollyx Industries." Azimuth: "Good work, Ratchet!" Jarvis: "Hey! What about me? I'm part of the same guild, aren't I?" Kim: "And I helped out, too." Azimuth: "Oh! Uh, you did well, too, Jarvis…and, uh…same to you, miss. I guess…you were of some help." Kim: "Hmph! Gee, thanks."
Kim and Ratchet made their way to the conduit where they met up with Azimuth again. They stood before the ramp. Azimuth: "This is it, our only way into the building. Last chance to back out." Kim: "Oh, so not." Ratchet: "Age before beauty, General." Azimuth: "A wiseguy, huh? Just like your father."
Azimuth sped off with the use of his hover boots, Ratchet followed after him as did Kim. With the extra boost, they were able to take the massive leap into the building.
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kprciffdw · 2 years
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 26
They fought against the vicious robot women. As they kept onward towards the citadel, more and more of those women tenaciously came at them. But the group was able to persist against them, not letting even one of them or one group of them, for that matter, stand in their way. The fight through was a seemingly never ending cycle of fighting through those vicious women as they came in droves.
Soon enough, just before they were about to enter the citadel, they ran into Cassiopeia. She was atop a floating turret, awaiting their arrival. Cassiopeia: “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the galaxy’s favorite Lombaxes and their scrawny red-headed chimp? Come to rescue your little friend?” Kim: “Oh, no, not another one of you annoying, oversized harpies!” Azimuth: “Our quarrel isn’t with you, Cassiopeia! Hand over Clank and we’ll cause no more trouble.”
Cassiopeia laughed out loud. Cassiopeia: “Cause no more trouble? Carina and Libra are dead thanks to you!” Kim: “Uh, that wasn’t on us. It was either kill or be killed, so we really didn’t have a choice there. They pretty much signed away their own lives.”
Cassiopeia was greatly enraged as she growled out loud. Cassiopeia: “Why you snarky little…! Well no matter. We’ve gotten what we need from the caretaker and now his time has come. Valkyries, destroy the Lombaxes and the pretty little girl!” Ratchet: “Oh, it is so on!”
Cassiopeia flew off on her hover turret. Azimuth: “She’s going to kill Clank! I’m going after her!”
Azimuth rushed off after Cassiopeia. Ratchet: “General, wait!”
Kim grabbed on to Ratchet by his wrist before he had the chance to rush off. Kim: “Ratchet! This way! We have to keep going!” Ratchet: “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go.”
They ran off towards the direct path. Everywhere, the Valkyries came at them almost indefinitely, attacking them constantly. The entire run through consisted of this. As they kept going further, they soon ran into the citadel’s training course. There, Cassiopeia was awaiting their arrival. Cassiopeia: “Aw, you poor dears. You wandered into our training course. No organic being has ever survived. Farewell, at least you’ll both take solace in the fact that you died together.”
She departed from the room, the doors sealed shut and they were locked in. The room itself consisted on shock emitters below the floor that they were standing on. In the center of the room was a machine that dispersed bombs that can easily shatter the floor if they were allowed to blow up. Kim and Ratchet worked frantically and collectively to catch the bombs and toss them back into the machine. Once again, Kim’s Centurion Armor was really put to good use for this.
As they continued on, they could listen in on Cassiopeia conversing with Dr. Nefarious via a transmitter. Dr. Nefarious: “Cassie? What is the status to Unnecessarily Evil Initiative Omega-91?” Cassiopeia: “In motion, my love. Those annoying creatures are trapped in an overly elaborate death scenario designed to torture them into a slow and painful doom.” Dr. Nefarious: “That’s Unnecessarily Evil Initiative Omega-96! I said 91! Does NO ONE read my memos!?” Cassiopeia: “Stop yelling at me! Our merit says we need to COMMUNICATE!” Dr. Nefarious: “(grunt) This coming from someone who does nothing but text me while I’m at work? You are smothering me! Now get it done!” Kim: “Geez, sounds like they have one rough relationship.” Ratchet: “No kidding, I can’t tell who to feel sorry for more.”
They were eventually able to destroy the machine and shut down the shock emitters. Kim: “Call that a death trap? I’ve played lacrosse games more lethal than that.”
The second door opened up, they ran through it and continued on through the citadel. To be expected, they were bombarded by more of the Valkyries. Although, from what was heard on the transmitters, the women were not doing very well against the group, including Azimuth; they were pretty much plowing through the lot of them.
Shortly afterwards, they ran into yet another overly elaborate death scenario. Cassiopeia had also been waiting for them there as well. Cassiopeia: “Still alive? Well, let’s see how you 2 survive a silo of deadly nerve toxin.”
She departed as they were sealed in. A machine within the center of the room emitted the deadly nerve toxin. On the floor were switches needed to shut off the machine, but they were shifted around the room as the floor consisted of 3 rotating platforms. Cassiopeia happily mocked them. Cassiopeia: “Don’t forget to hold yer breaths!” Ratchet: “Kim! We have to clear out this toxin!” Kim: “Nough said.”
Both of them rushed around the room diligently to reach the switches. They persisted without hesitating as they scrambled to shut off the machine. They managed to reach all of the switches. Dr. Nefarious: “Unacceptable! They should be smoldering squishy carcasses by now!” Cassiopeia: “Don’t treat me like one of your subordinates! I’m not Courtney Gears!” Dr. Nefarious: “Nag, nag, nag! Change the channel, will ya? This is why office romances never work out!” Kim: “They’re really going all out on each other.” Ratchet: “Tell me about it, even this toxin is a lot less lethal than their arguing.”
This scenario consisted of 3 phases, each one harder than the last. They were eventually able to clear the second death trap. The machine was destroyed and the second door opened for them. They exited out of it.
As they were rushing through, Azimuth contacted them again. Azimuth: “Ratchet, come in. I’ve been through 3 buildings and still no sign of Clank. They must have moved him into Cassiopeia’s quarters.” Ratchet: “We’re tracking her right now, just hold off the rest of them.” Kim: “We’ll find him, Azimuth. I know we will.” Azimuth: “I’m sorry, you 2. I should have known the Valkyries faked that distress call. It was foolish of me to suggest the assault.” Kim: “We were all fooled, Azimuth. It happens to the best of us, really.” Ratchet: “Kim’s right. Besides, right now, all that matters is Clank.” Kim: “We won’t rest until we’ve found him. Count on it.” Azimuth: “Huh! I hate to admit it, but I’m glad that you’re here to support us, miss. You have a lot of spirit, for a human.” Kim: “Uh, gee, thanks. Always a pleasure, old timer.” Azimuth: “Alright, that’s enough patting you on the back, little lady. Now get to it.”
They severed communications with him. Kim: “Geez, even when he praises me, I still get put down by him.” Ratchet: “I know. I don’t like how he looks down on you. You never deserved to be treated like that, not by anyone. At least, I don’t believe that you do.”
Kim smiled at him, he smiled back. They continued forward.
They spent a brief period of time fighting off more of the Valkyries. They soon ran into a room with a glass floor. Ratchet: “Aw, man.”
Of course, Cassiopeia was there awaiting their arrival. You should know by now what that means. Cassiopeia: “Hello, my pretties. I see…” Ratchet: “Yeah, I know. Time for another death trap.” Kim: “So not the drama.” Cassiopeia: “Hmph! Well, let’s see if you consider falling to your doom to be "so not the drama”, girlie!“
They were sealed in as the floor below the glass floor opened up. The glass below them began to crack. Robots appeared continuously, threatening to blow up and shatter the glass. However, there were also Battery Bots running about as well as outlets for each of the bots. They frantically went around the entire place, tossing each of the Battery Bots into the outlets. They kept at this until they were able to override the death trap. Kim: "Like I said, so not the drama.” Ratchet: “These death traps are more annoying than they are terrifying.”
The next door opened for them. They proceeded further as they fought off more of the Valkyries. Just then, they were approached by Rufus. Kim: “Rufus!” Ratchet: “Whoa, I didn’t expect to see you here, little guy. What’s the matter? Where’s Clank?”
Rufus seemed very jittery and babbled a lot as he pointed in another direction. Kim: “I think he’s trying to tell us where Clank is.” Ratchet: “Lead the way, Rufus.”
He scampered off as they followed him.
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