#Boggy Bear
adaine-party-wizard · 5 months
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packing the Important Things
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deconstructthesoup · 5 months
Okay, now that all of the Bad Kids have their new art out... I can finally freak out/gush over/analyze it, because I didn't have the energy to do posts for every single one.
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Fig!!! My girl!!! The mismatched shoelaces! The bass guitar from Gorthalax! The phoenix feather earring for Ayda! The fishnet! The classic leather jacket/gray band shirt/red pleated skirt combo! The fingerless gloves! THE CHAIN WALLET!
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KRISTEN IS BUTCH. Let me repeat that---KRISTEN! IS! BUTCH! And she's wearing the yellow jumpsuit that we saw in her figurine but she still has the purple in her backpack and her staff and her TIE-DIE SPORTS BRA! And she's got a new hairstyle! And a rainbow bracelet AND a lesbian bracelet! THE TEDDY BEAR! THE ICE CREAM SANDWICHES!
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RIZ HAS AN UNDERCUT AND GLASSES AND HE KEPT HIS TATTOOS!!!! We've got the briefcase! We've got the angelic weapons! We've got the sword of shadows! We've got GADGETS! WE EVEN HAVE ARO/ACE RINGS! He looks so cool and nifty and crafty and BADASS! My boy has grown!
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Gorgug. Oh my god, I can FEEL the "going into a worry" energy radiating from this. But he's got the axe! He's got artificer goggles and tools and a rucksack! He's FINALLY got the emo ripped jeans that he always deserved! He looks so sweet and huggable and perfect! AND HE HAS THE BIG HEADPHONES STILL!
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ADAINE. My god. I love this girl so much and her art is perfect. She has patches on her jacket! We can see the cool design on her shirt! She's got high-fantasy boots and belts and she's got her new arcane sword! BOGGY IS THERE! And she looks so lovely and cool and her hair, oh my god, her hair is perfect! I'm so proud of her!
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And lastly, the man, the myth, the LEGEND. Fabian looks perfect. Everything from the sword to the sheet to the expression to the tap shoes is spot-on. And his outfit? He's got harem pants! He's got a stylish shirt! He's got wraps around his hands! He's doing a dance move! Man-bun Fabian is now officially canon!
(Also, I'm never gonna shut up about how the Bad Kids are now all spellcasters, and almost all of them are different than how they were in freshman year because that's how growing up works! Fig's ditched College of Whispers as she learns to be truer to herself and has claimed the coolness of College of Lore, and she's got some warlock action to be closer to her dad! Kristen's a Twilight Domain cleric instead of the Life Domain, and I remember being so excited when that became official because that domain is so freaking cool! Riz is an Arcane Trickster, just! Like! Penny! Gorgug's an artificer as well as a barbarian, which is one of my favorite classes, and it looks like he's leaning even further into it! And we can't forget Fabian double-classing as a College of Swords bard! It's so beautiful! It's amazing! Maybe we'll get Adaine doing a martial multiclass to round out the "we're doing different things!" ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!)
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undercoverpena · 1 year
memories are fresh
cod soap mactavish x f!reader (callsign: squid)
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thank you to voldie asking for happy angst — apparently the genre of what I write hahaha (voldie because they asked to not be named) warnings: angst. brief past mention of bickering. tense situations, with emotional convo. fluff. squid/mar is the nickname (from the miniseries) ends happy, promise. wordcount: 1.4k
soap masterlist
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It’s quiet. Silent.
Has been for several minutes, which have ticked past on your watch. Not that you move—nor him. Not even as the long grass stems tickle your wrists and the weeds groan around the two of you.
The rain still patters against the leaves above, the branches swinging in the wind—the downpour smothering any oncoming footsteps, even in the bogginess of the countryside.
He’s breathing heavily next to you, catching his breath. His eyes focused elsewhere, as though he can’t bear to look your way, something you know isn't true, but just your mind playing tricks on you.
The remnants of the earlier bickering, still living and pulsing between the two of you. Or, at least, it is for you.
It had begun petty, but they always did. The two of you never really argued, just light bickering. Just this time, with the truth unwilling to be spoken, it had gotten close to personal before you both stopped it. Throwing apologies like blankets, hoping it would snuff out the smoke.
Jealousy had been an ingredient, a factor. Another had been a need to protect. Memories were the spices, still fresh—that former longing still clinging to bones, even if it’s him you choose, over and over.
None of that matters when a poor choice of words is made, when they fall from lips carelessly and greet ears cruelly.
Hear y'asked Price to go with LT. I enquired— Y'not fancy me goin' wit yer, hen? We told Price we wouldn't let this get in the way. And I'm not. Let it go, Soap. Aye, seems it. It’s not that I refuse to be partnered with you. I'm just choosing not to be. That so, Mar? I... I didn't mean—
The moment the words kissed the air, it changed things. You felt it, snapping your head in his direction to watch how he stilled his expression. Tried to keep all the pieces stationary. The words still shifted in the air, like your lips were poison, you watched the air turn black, rotting and eroding all the previous smiles or laughter.
Soap knew you were his, like you knew he was yours. It is all a fact, not a myth.
If anything, it was obvious it had been that way for longer than you both felt the need to acknowledge. Your sleeping pattern revolves around him, your calmness determined by his current location and physicality.
Yet, sometimes, memories from when you were friends needled past the bubble the two of you had formed. The one which grew with I need you’s and solidified with future plans. It wasn’t impenetrable, but close.
That’s how it got in. The jealousy. It slithered through the gaps which were still left. It lit the match, which illuminated the gas and the fire spread before the two of you landed in the European countryside. It engulfed and choked the air as you travelled closer to the place marked X by Price. It only silenced, stemmed under the quick apologies and I love yous, but then a new sound alerted you both to worry.
A bullet, one which whirred past your ear. You're thrown back, landing in mud, his weight on top of yours—for reasons different than a day ago.
Then it was shouting, both from the two of you, and some from them. It was bullets and boots meeting mud, it was legs sliding down banks, and his hand trying to find yours.
Now, it was silent for other reasons.
The rocks and trees doing well to hide the two of you, an explanation for the catalyst of the childish bickering sitting on your tongue. Evidenced by today—words which wouldn’t be said with bitterness, but rather with hope for real respite.
It’s been fifteen minutes of silence. No shouts in foreign languages, no bullets—nothing but the rain. It’s why you shuffle, boot almost sliding down the grassy hill—his hand grasping your upper arm without so much as looking.
It’s then you decide to let honesty out, rather than keeping it caged. Decided to abandon stubbornness, and let him in—a thing you grow close to being used to, until you find yourself stepping back into old patterns.
He hums, still looking, listening—ever the protector.
“I don’t wanna be with you out here because I can’t think straight,” you whisper.
The confession bursts the tension. Watching it fall like glitter and paper, flecks of it in his eyes when he turns his face to you.
Streaks of mud across his cheek, hair all at odd angles—beads of rain and sweat muddled together on his brow and nose.
Even covered in the earth, you weren’t sure you’d ever seen someone more handsome.
You offer a smile. “It’s one thing to hear that the person you love has…” you swallow, shifting your weight, “It’s another to see it. And we're both... stupid, stubborn—”
Shaking your head, you hear the rest of his words die on his tongue. The two of you sigh, perfectly in time, in tune with the other.
Smiling, you should suggest moving—to try and make it back to the place you were to radio from, but he looks at you. Instead, you let it all unfurl—the cards you’ve been keeping close to your chest.
The ones held there by fear, that feeling which puts you on edge, waiting for him to realise he deserves better.
“I told you before, Johnny,” you whisper, almost afraid of saying it any louder, “I’d be lost without you, I meant it then, but I mean it more now.”
His eyes flash, dancing with the memory. One from another night in the rain, outside a pub then, rather than a large tree—an oak, maybe—with leaves which were hammered above by unfortunate weather.
And then, he’s giving you a look. Not his usual look, and not the one he gives you when he’s worried. The softer one, the one which comes out when you’re curled around one another under sheets; the one which lived, half-cloaked, in his eyes before the two of you were honest about your feelings.
Slowly, almost cautiously, his fingers, besmear with mud and dirt, slide across your cheek, eyes ablaze with something more than adrenaline, gratitude and righteousness.
“Y’not gonna lose me, Mar…”
You curl into his touch, having craved it. “You can’t promise me that.”
He drops his eyes, lips spreading into a line, before he flicks them back up. “I love—“
“—I know,” you say, too quickly.
Soap half-smiles, thumb stroking your jaw. “No, Mar. Y’don’t. You wanna partner wit someone else, worrying what you’ll see. I wanna partner with y’, so I can make sure nothing happens t’ you.”
Eyes brimming, you take a low breath. “You haven’t got to always save me.”
He smiles, mirroring the one you slowly let free over your lips. Hearing it, without him saying it, 'Gonna keep tryin', hen', even if the two of you know that not a lot stops bullets meeting flesh.
It's what scares you about partnering with him—what he's willing to do for the cause, and more what he's willing to do to keep you alive.
Not that you can blame him, you'd take a thousand for him too.
You watch him, how he leans closer, smiling as you say, “You can’t kiss me.”
“Why not?”
Smirking, you lose yourself in the pools of his eyes. Tell yourself the reason your hair is stuck to your skin is because you’ve dived in them.
“Because, I’ll kiss you back.”
“Aye? The horror.”
Shaking your head, he strokes a line across your jaw.
“And then I’ll want to take your vest off, and then your top, and then—because you hate being the only topless one when I’m around—we’ll both be topless, distracted, and likely be shot.”
Snorting, he taps your jaw lightly, before dropping his hand. “Y’have a point.”
“It’s why you love me.”
“That and you got a nice arse.”
Letting your head roll back, you fight a snigger.
“Mar…” he whispers, rolling your head to meet his eyes. “Y’dont have to partner wit’ me, when it’s just two o’ us. I get it, alright. Scares me t’.”
And you nod, a silent thank you, taking his hand in yours as you squeeze it—before drawing a heart on the back of it.
Him shuffling, slowly managing to stand without slipping, holding his hand out to you. Taking it with ease, knowing you won’t fall—won’t slip.
Johnny would never let you.
The two of you finding even footing before you glance at him, taking him all in. The mud over his vest, the way his wet top clings to his arms.
"Who'd you rather I partner with, after you?"
He pauses, adjusting the tightness of his vest, checking his gun.
"Ghost?" you ask, biting your bottom lip as you try not to smile.
"Y'pushing yer luck, Mar."
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i don't do tag lists, but voldie said i can do this, so i'm gifting this flangsty little numbers to @brewed-pangolin because i adore them, and they love squid, they love angst, and more so love soap.
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jq37 · 4 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 2
Bad News Parade
Welcome back to the Night Yorb Fight y’all! Like a true finale, this is a monster sized fight split into two parts. When we last left off, Fig had just reached out to some strange power to keep the Hangvan from flipping as they inched closer to their fleeing foe. But the Night Yorb was also about to enter a portal and fulfill its win condition! Let’s go back to bullets for the second half of this fight:
Adaine uses Bigby’s Hand (flavored to look like Riz’s ringed Mage Hand) to grab the Night Yorb and halt its movement, making Gorgug’s job a lot easier and doing some damage as well. 
Gorgug (with help from Adaine’s SECOND nat 1 portent) reels in the Night Yorb so it’s on top of them, but not yet bloodied so the sigilists can’t quite trap it yet.
Kristed does a little extra damage with Toll The Dead, getting it right over the line to bloodied and then hits everyone except for Fig with a Mass Healing Word. 
Adaine goes down (despite the fact that she has Mirror Image up) and Fig once again keeps her from falling off the roof. Her Bigby’s Hand disappears but it's done its job. 
Brennan says that the Night Yorb is very close to the portal and they essentially have one turn to defeat it or it’ll escape. Crunch time!
Riz succeeds in hitting a rock with his grappling gun with the goal of tying it to the van and getting it to stop gunning it but does a subpar job at tying the other end to the Hangvan so the tether is weak. Fabian gives an overwrought goodbye to Ecaf before jumping out of the van to try and reinforce the tie and he GETS RUN OVER AGAIN with a Nat 1. He has a PLUS THIRTEEN to athletics and this has happened TWICE IN ONE FIGHT. Amazing. He takes 22 damage but the Hangman picks him up again. 
The Night Yorb does a windstorm attack that Riz avoids but everyone else takes damage from. Adaine is unconscious so she gets a death save fail automatically. Fig and Adaine are thrown from the top of the van (Gorgug stays up). Kristen loses Circle of Power and Bless. Ecaf shatters (though Fabian doesn’t see cause he’s outside). Boggy and Baby disappear. 
To make matters worse, the Yorbies chant the Night Yorb’s name and heal it to above bloodied again. 
Fabian goes down due to some Yorbie attacks but stays in the saddle of the Hangvan. 
Riz, because he can’t stop, tries to do a hard turn and fails, but manages to roll high enough to keep the van from flipping. BUT, Brenan says he can elect to fail if he wants so he does, reasoning that it might hurt the Night Yorb AND make it easier for sigilists to access the sigil on top of the van. And hey, the Night Yorb is gonna escape in one turn anyway. Might as well go for broke.
With the van flipped, Kristen takes enough damage to go down. Only Fig, Gorgug, and Riz are still up.
However, even with resistance, the Night Yorb takes enough damage that it is bloodied again!
Gorgug tries to do the sigil and fails. Fig tries next and gets a Nat 20 against the Night Yorb’s Nat 1! More importantly, her deception beats Gorgug’s insight so she’s able to do it subtly enough to make Gorgug think HE did it. (Riz sees what really happened but Fig swears him to secrecy) Truly the greatest wizard of our age. 
The Night Yorb is defeated and turns into a sick mural on the top of the Hangvan that glows in the dark (thanks production crew!) The sun has returned! Photosynthesis is back baby!
That feels like it should be the end of the fight, right? But no. What follows is a like 20 minute slog where Brennan makes them pick off the remaining Yorbies as they bake in the oppressive heat of the desert. They really want the Night Yorb to be a load bearing baddie whose minions disappear once he’s gone but nope. They have to do the tedious dirty work. They might not be able to fast forward through it, but I can:
Everyone down is brought back up. 
Gorgug rolls a Nat 20 investigation about Balthazar and so I guess his shadow or soul or whatever is in the van mural now too? Sure.
Cassandra has texted Fig “Is Kristen mad at me?” 20 times in a row. 
They try and get a Yorbie to just give up and they’ll get him a job at Basrar’s but even with a 38 persuasion he doesn’t take the deal and Fabian stabs him to death. Too bad dude. You coulda been the next Jawbone!
Cassandra asks Kristen how the battle went but Kristen ignores her. 
Two guys pop out of nowhere to continue fighting them and Murph loses his mind. This isn’t plot relevant but Murph broke down so hard I can’t not mention it. So tactical, so late. 
You really get the sense of exhaustion that all the kids feel in having to continue to fight long after their hearts are no longer in it (except for Riz, who’s having a blast). Everyone describes how they’re doing physically and it is NOT good. Fabian has full tire marks on him from being run over (TWICE). Once cleanup is over, they talk about what they would have done for the summer if they hadn’t been forced on this Night Yorb quest. Adaine wanted to get a job–now she’ll have no pocket money for the semester. Fabian was accepted to a great dance camp but obviously he couldn’t go. Gorgug wanted to work on the van. But Riz is excited that they got to spend the summer together. (Which, aww buddy).
The job is done but they now have 48 hours to book it back to Solace if they don’t wanna miss the first day. It’s a pretty frantic road trip experience, where someone has to be driving at all times and everyone is surviving on gas station snacks. 
They finally make it back to Elmville with only a couple of hours to spare and they’re met with memories from their first adventure ever. The place where they found the first palimpsest and the garage where they spied on Johnny Spells. Across from the garage is a diner and they decided to step in and get some real food, even though they’re so close to home. Daisy Cubby is their waitress and she greets them cheerily and congratulates them for completing their quest before bringing them all various dishes that feature ice cream and cottage cheese heavily. 
One detail I neglected to mention: after the fight, Fabian asked where Ecaf was and, to spare him the heartbreak of her shattering, they lied and said she was a turncoat the whole time. As they’re about to split up, Fabian, forlorn, asks if she said anything about him before she left and they all hype him up with, “You were too good for her bro,” nonsense in a coordinated friend lie that Fabian totally buys. He leaves the conversation VERY hyped and feeling himself like he wasn’t mooning over a MIRROR yesterday. 
(Also, plot twist, as soon as he’s gone, they realize that they can actually mend the mirror, which bring Ecaf back who absolutely didn’t actually betray them. They all agree that it’s better that Fabain ISN’T kissing a mirror though so they just stick her in Adaine’s jacket with the attitude of ‘Yikes! Hope that doesn’t bite us in the butt later!’ Then they all pinky promise to never tell Fabian.)
And now, let’s head into a beloved Fantasy High tradition: splitting up and seeing what’s going on at everyone’s individual houses! Fabian gets home first so let’s start with him.
Fabian gets to Seacaster manor and finds that he’s made it home just in time to see off his mom and Gilear who are headed off on a month long vacation. Apparently, Gilear finally proposed and, in a twist a fortune (that’s so suspicious that we’re gonna talk about it later) he won a several months long cruise. They’re going to roll that into a longer vacation so Fabin is going to have the fun of the manor while they’re gone. Fabian, to his credit, is emotionally mature to say, “Good on you, Gilear” about the proposal instead of having a fit about being related to him, but, though he tries to hide it, it’s clear that he’s pretty bummed that he came all the way home just for a quick goodbye and an empty house. Not even his mom’s announcement that because he turned 18 on the road, some of his trust funds have become available to him making him even more flush with cash does anything to make him feel any better. 
HIlariel gives Fabian a business card in case he wants to talk to his trust fund manager. Then, she leaves in a flurry of cheek kisses and Fabian is left alone in his cavernous mansion. Brennan drives home the point by making him roll to find his fridge and some glasses so he can pour himself a glass of milk. 
Also, I said he was alone but, technically he’s not. In addition to the mound of regular presents left in his room, there’s also some pirates in some parallels who will sing Happy Birthday to him when he opens them. And they’re paid for for the whole year. There really is a subscription service for everything now, huh?
Next up is Riz who Gorgug drops off at Strongtower Luxury Apartments.Riz finds that his mom has fallen asleep reading legal books because she is NOT a cop anymore and Brennan REALLY needs you to know that. Riz sees that she has a yarn board going and when she wakes up (happy to see him of course) she tells him she’s been working on a case defending one of the organizers of the Frosty Fair Folk Festival (a kind of sylvan music festival) from embezzlement. 
But she wants to talk about him! She likes the new look and says it reminds her of his dad. And Riz is very excited to tell her about the end of the battle and the two guys who popped out (so tactical, so late). Unfortunately, Sklonda is forced to dip into uncomfortable family conversation mode. Even though she fought really hard, she’s not gonna be able to keep her police pension. That’s gonna make college or any other post-Aguefort plans tricky for Riz. He might have to beef up his applications with sports or extracurriculars or something.
Riz, ever the problem solver, tells Sklonda not to worry because, actually, he thrives under pressure. In fact, figuring this out isn’t even the hard part. The hard part is that he has to figure out which college ALL of his friends can get into because he has to look out for everybody and he and Adaine have great grades but everyone else, woof. Sklonda has the vibe of a parent whose kid is so sweet and so about to be hit by a dose of reality, but she encourages him to get ready because Junior Year is crunch time. It almost feels like that warning is for us too.  
Instead of going to bed, Riz starts working on his own yarn board: college admissions edition. 
After dropping off Riz, Gorgug makes it to the tree where his parents (whose new character card hilariously have they/them pronouns because they’re a matching set) greet him, congratulate him, and ask about the mission.
They’re so excited to have a new little (well, big) Artificer in the house (since he’s gonna officially start taking Artificer classes this semester in addition to Barb classes) and are very impressed with the solar lasso he made. They immediately know all the technical workings behind it and Gorgug, who has more practical skill and intuition than technical knowhow, self-deprecates that he just did his best. 
Like all the homecomings so far, there’s a tinge of sadness: apparently Zelda’s dad dropped by with a box of Gorgug’s stuff. Seems they’re not a thing anymore though she says hey and he says hey back so it’s cordial if awkward. But, let’s be real, they were super awkward when they were together too. 
There’s some other news. The Folk Festival that Riz’s mom mentioned is being held near Gorgug’s birthday and the Thistlesprings are hosting it at the tree. And also, some thick envelopes have come from school that they haven’t opened because they’ve been waiting for Gorgug to get home. Gorgug has had a long day though so they decide to open them together tomorrow. 
Adaine, Fig, and Kristen
The girls all live together at Mordred Manor so we’ll do them all together. When they get home, Sandra Lynn, Jawbone, Ragh, his mom Lydia, and Zayn are all there to greet the party with a hastily made birthday cake since they missed celebrating birthdays while on the road. The girls are emotional and grateful and so so tired so they decide the plan is cake and then bed because school is in like four hours. They’re told they can skip if they want and the idea is appealing to Fig and Kristen but not Adaine who actually likes the first day of school. So it’s probably not surprising when Jawbone pulls Fig and Kristen into a sidebar to say that they’re dangerously close to being expelled. Fig doesn’t go to any of her classes and Kristen straight up let her god DIE. The school doesn’t even know that she picked up a third god because she never registered Cass! 
Kristen says that she feels kinda unmoored and like she’s just jumping from life preserver to life preserver and Fig says that if she goes to any class more than twice she basically loses interest. Jawbone is super supportive and says that if school isn’t for them, they can totally just drop out, but that they need to figure out what it is they want. 
They ask if saving the world doesn’t count for a few class credits and Jawbone says that they could probably talk Aguefort into that but, continuing the parade of nasty surprises, Aguefort isn’t going to be their principal this year because he’s going on vacation with Ayda and won’t be back until the end of the school year. Specifically, they’re time traveling to the past and not only does Ayda hate that she has to go, she thinks it’s super dumb that they can’t just return to the moment they left. She’s right (even though Aguesfort insists it doesn't work that way--this is clearly beef Brennan personally has with time travel media). They’re specifically going to study the “time quangle”, a weird, magical, chronomancy phenomenon that makes time go screwy. Is this a simple hand wave for continuity blips between seasons or a stealth plot point that will help us later? Only time will tell!
Fig actually knew about this trip, but she thought she’d get back with enough time to say goodbye to Ayda at least–rest assured, they’re still together (which we already knew due to what I assume is Fig’s Armor of Agathys being flavored to Armor of Ayda and her activating it in the fight by saying ‘My Girlfriend says hello!”). And Ayda is as sweet as ever. Though she’s not in the episode proper, she left a message for Fig in the past that manifested as trilobite fossils in the present day manor’s lawn: Miss you. Love you. XOXO Ayda. Cute!
But the cuteness is followed by even MORE bad news! Adaine is still broke because her mom is technically still alive so she has no access to her inheritance. Fig’s in deep debt with her record label because she never delivered her second album and also she had to cancel her tour because of adventuring. She has a deadline to deliver the next album by the new year and she doesn’t have that much written. And on top of THAT, devils have been looking for her because, if you recall, she’s technically an archdevil which isn’t just a cool title. It’s a job with responsibilities she hasn’t been fulfilling. 
But everyone is exhausted. They can deal with everything in the morning. Kristen asks if she can do a career test with Jawbone the next day because she doesn’t really vibe with school but she doesn’t know what else to do and he of course agrees. 
Kristen then meets up with Ragh who just got back from helping Tracker with her whole missionary trip where she’s been rehabbing the moon goddess’s image to be less high elf haughty and more down to earth. He’s being potentially scouted by some bloodrush teams (go Ragh!). More big picture interesting though, he wants to know if Tracker can reach out to her. And here, we get confirmation of what, imo, has been pretty apparent since Kristen’s new character art dropped: Tracker and Kristen are broken up. Ragh has some insider info from traveling with her and is willing to share but Kristen is too overwhelmed to hear it right now. Here’s her plan: Tomorrow, she’ll take a career test with Jawbone and figure out her whole life, the day after that Ragh will tell her what he knows about Tracker, and THEN he can tell Tracker she can reach out. Ragh seems skeptical at the efficiency of that timetable, but he agrees. 
Adaine goes up to her room and finds it empty aside from Zayn who tells her that Aelwyn moved out over the summer. All traces of her sister aren’t gone however because the walls have been painted with beautiful abjurative runes and there’s a present and a note left for her. The present is lembas bread cake pops–a Falinel favorite–and a key to her new apartment in Clearbook (their old neighborhood). The note says that Adaine is welcome at her apartment at any time, provided she texts ahead, and that she should enjoy the nemesis ward, which is what the runes are.  Apparently, they’re a spell bad guys usually do to be like, “No one can touch my nemesis but me!” It doesn’t allow anyone to attack the person it’s cast on unless they first defeat the caster. In this case, the clear message is, “Even if I’m not there, no one can touch you without coming through me.” Aww! A long way from, “My bitch of a sister.” Adaine says Aelwyn always had a sense of humor before zonking out.
Fig goes to her bed and cuddles with the rock message from Ayda (ow) but she’s soon disturbed as her stomach once again gurgles painfully (double ow). She’s reminded of the strange magic she used during the fight and seeks out her mom for guidance. She tells Sandra Lynn that she’s worried she might have made a deal with a devil and asks if there’s a devil of acid reflux. Sandra Lynn is a little confused but then notices that Fig has spilled something on her shirt–cottage cheese from the diner. Fig remembers her very dairy heavy post-midnight meal and figures that’s why she feels sick. Her mom gives her a quick supportive pep talk about how she was also kind of a hellion as a teen and then Fig goes to bed…or she tries. As soon as she goes down the stairs, she steps directly into a bucket of cement (left there because of home renovations) and rips her fishnet stocking from Doreen! Bummer! And unlucky. So suspiciously unlucky that we’ll talk about it later. 
And we close off with Kristen who’s making a classic teen mistake: Checking an ex’s social media post-breakup. Tracker is, by all accounts, doing fantastic. Her latest post has 40k likes. She has double the followers from last time Kristen checked. Whoever is handling her socials is doing a GREAT job making her look cool as she does miracles and fights monsters. And, there’s even a picture of her with a beautiful elven maiden sitting on her lap while she speaks. Her movement, the Wolfsong revival, is the most exciting thing to happen to the stodgy elven city in ages.
Cassandra asks how their social media is doing and the answer is not great. The only followers are Craig (Cass’s one non-Kisten convert), a bot, and most but not all of the other Bad Kids (Fabian opted out). 
Cassandra tells Kristen that it’s OK and she understands that she’s been going through a lot–but as she says this she’s wincing and speaking in a very pained way. Cass suddenly gasps in pain and Kristen sees “a little ribbon of red and something sharp move through her body.” Kristen is concerned but even with a 28 Insight roll, all she gets is that “Something hurt her”. Ominous!
But the goddess doesn’t even mention it. “It's okay,” she says softly. “You know, I might only have... I might only have two followers, but it's better than Yes!, right?" She vanishes, and Kristen falls asleep. Personally, I think that would haunt me the rest of the night but I’ve never fought a Night Yorb and then had to drive for 48 straight hours so hey, what do I know?
All of the Bad Kids (Minus Fabian) for Banishing Ecaf to Adaine’s Jacket and Lying to Fabian
Listen, just because they’re here, doesn’t mean I don’t get why they did it, lol. 
Honor Roll
Ayda for Sending Fig A Fossilized Love Letter
She may not be in the episode physically, but she’s MVP status while stuck on vacation with her dad. So sweet!
Random Thoughts
It is so funny how casual everyone in Elmville is about the sun having been fully gone for several months. Like, same shit as usual. But also this is the SECOND time that these SPECIFIC kids have messed w/ the sun so like, it really is business as usual. 
I skipped over this in the recap but Moggy the Doggy absolutely eviscerates one of the Yorbies while Adaine is down. Cute and vicious! Just like Adaine. 
One thing about Brennan is that he WILL mention unions at the drop of a hat. 
Ally’s “Hey Girlie” as Kristen tries to put the mirror in Adaine’s pocket and also get it out will haunt me forever. 
Fascinated about what airport security looks like in this world. Is a sword at your side just chill?
Is Cathilda in the manor with Fabian or is he fully alone? She never came up so I’m wondering if she’s been taken away as well. 
Everyone but Riz got a beloved NPCs taken away from easy access (Aelwyn is still pretty accessible to be fair, but across town is less accessible than in the bunk bed over you). Obviously, this fits the theme of this season and paves the way for introducing new NPCs. But of course because we’re here to go full Pepe Silvia, I have to at least wonder if it could possibly be part of an in-game plot to isolate the bad kids. My brain says that it’s not because these are all very normal reasons to have people leave your life (except maybe the cruise which is kinda wild). But anything’s possible and I’ve been wrong before. So just want that on the record. 
Ditto about the Time Quangle. It very easily could just be a way to smooth over the continuity of something that wasn’t supposed to be longer than one season initially. That’s what would make the most sense. However, I watched The Good Place like everyone else. I’ve missed clues because of assuming weirdness was just due to conventions of the genre. So I’ll be on Quangle-Watch as well. 
That Folk Festival came up twice–once with Sklonda and once with the Thistlesprings–so I’m curious to see where that goes. First eps usually set up a ton of the major conflicts for the season so anything mentioned twice is something to remember. 
Brennan also mentions the trust business card twice which makes me wonder if there’s something important there. Wouldn’t be the first time important banking was a theme in this show. 
OK, so Gilear and Fig switched luck for sure, right? When her mom said she spilled something on her shirt I immediately was like oh no. The Gilearification of Fig. That seems to be the effect but what would be the cause? Some kind of equivalent exchange for twisting fate? A demon who likes fucking with people? It would be one thing if she was just being Gilearified, but Gilear is getting lucky too. First the cruise then the 10% off the taxi to the airport? We don’t have a ton of dots to connect yet, but I’m watching this storyline with interest. Is this the storyline enticing enough for Emily to play Fig again? Also, assuming I’m right about what’s happening, I bet Fig is gonna be lowkey happy Ayda isn’t around to watch this happen.
Zelda/Gorgug break up. Well, at least Sam is happy wherever she is. This one wasn’t as obvious as the Kristen/Tracker breakup but I can’t say I’m shocked. In The Seven, Zelda gets her GED so it would make sense that they’d be wary to go long distance. (Of course, the timeline of that is wonky but, just gonna assume that’s being handwaved by the quangle for now). 
Lol at Fig throwing Kristen under the bus (“I feel like Kristen's in a lot worse shape than I am.”) during the talk with Jawbone. 
Also Fig saying she’s taken “two fistfuls” of Barbarian classes. Emily, the things that exit your mouth. Chef’s kiss. 
Aelwyn Abernant my beloved. OK, you know I have Aelwyn thoughts. Here they are in no particular order:
The Nemesis Ward is such a great detail. So sweet. So dramatic and performative. So Aelwyn. (And, mechanically, fantastic reason to see her again…)
Middle school teacher? She’s a middle school teacher? That’s insane on multiple levels. First of all, just on the face of it: Bitchiest person you know working with small children. Incredible. Did Jawbone just say, “Idk working at a school fixed my entire life so maybe try that?” Second of all, it’s crazy she has a job AT ALL. Did she even graduate high school? Also, I know she’s not mind broken anymore because she reset her brain but even vanilla Aelwyn needs SO MUCH therapy before she should be doing any job, let alone one with kids. And it’s only been like what? A couple of months? Does she have any teaching certifications? Does Elmville just like their school personnel rough around the edges? She’s like 19 and a war criminal. I know Antiope’s sister is a teacher there too and also pretty young but she’s not a *war criminal*. Is she nice to the kids? If so, is she nice-nice or mean-nice? What is the vibe? Brennan PLEASE let us see what Aelwyn in a classroom setting looks like I’m begging you.
Five cats? Aelwyn. Five of them? Are they all just regular ass rescue cats? Is one of them her familiar? Do you really want Adaine to text ahead because you might have guests or is it so you can Prestidigitation away the mess from your FIVE CATS. 
OK, Aelwyn thoughts over…for now.
I know that just because you have money it doesn’t mean all your friends’ money issues are suddenly your responsibility but it really seems to me like Fabian could solve a lot of problems for Riz and Adaine very casually. 
For a hot second, I was a little surprised that Gorgug had a toothbrush at Zelda’s house but then I remembered how laissez faire her parents are to the point of *wanting* her to do “rebellious” teen things. So that fully checks out lol. 
These players are more patient than me because you wouldn’t catch me opening letters later or asking about Tracker later. If you dangle info in front of me, I want it NOW, in-character exhaustion be damned. 
Speaking of Tracker: Wild speculation time. What if the reason Tracker wants to talk to Kristen isn’t about Kristen so much as is it about Cass? Because their goddesses are sisters, right? Maybe now that Galicaea has presumably mellowed a bit from having an influx of non-traditional high elf followers, she’s curious about what’s up with her baby sister. 
Love the “Happy birthday/Happy death day,” exchange between Adaine and Zayn. I really hope we get more of him this season!
Fig ripping that hairnet fishnet stocking that she’d had since like, episode 2 or 3 really feels like an indication of the, “Everything’s changing this season,” vibes Brennan is putting out. 
Brennan phrases the thing that hurt Cassandra as, “a little ribbon of red” which wouldn’t be notable except for the fact that the last time ribbons came up in this show is was because Kristen did something so iconically stupid and thoughtless that she almost died (Ribbon Dance as an attempt to fly, never forget). I wonder if this is another dumb bit to serious symbol situation, like with Riz and Baron. If you want to symbolize Kristen’s thoughtless actions having consequences that are harmful, that’s one way to do it. 
In the promo for next week, Kristen says that Cass is a “hard sell” because of her domains but I honestly thing a goddess of doubt and mystery would be really popular if marketed correctly (or like, literally at all). There are straight up evil gods with big followings. I think you could pretty easily drum up support for the mysterious Hot Topic goddess even if she’s not giving easy answers. And like, she’s so eager for one on one interactions. Like idk Kristen, I feel like this has less to do with Cass than you. 
I wanted to share this wild piece of information about Kipperlily Copperkettle who I am immediately obsessed with and am now more obsessed with now that I know this.
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alicedash2 · 5 months
YN have problems with English! Price x Adopt! Daughter (not reviewed)
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Ah...well, YN was not exactly British or of any nationality whose language is English, what happens, is that she ended up being adopted by Price when she was 10 years old, but had a problem, she don't know English, the nun warned Price once
"She doesn't know English, it makes some months that she got here, but until today she hasn't learned English fluently"
And even then, Price decided to adopt the little child devoid of basic English
Price thought she was a nonverbal, but was ruled out when she spoke to him in another language
How she ended up in England is now not very important, at the moment, let's see how this young little girl is doing with her new daddy, Price
- come on...let's start-Price said, they were already at home, Price would not go on missions for a few months, he could devote himself to teaching YN English after school, he did not exactly want to pay for private class because he wanted to enjoy time with his daughter
- hmmm,well...what's your name?- Price asked, an extremely basic question, but that YN did not understand, she was confused
- Alright then...okay...- Price sighed, thinking how to make his new daughter learn English, maybe with gestures or just words? Like for example...
YN was playing with her doll, Price went to her and smiled, he took one of YN's dolls and said:
Quickly, YN memorized the key word, and one day, YN was walking around the house, looking for the doll, but she didn't find it at all, she saw Price on the couch, and went to him
"Doll?"she asked and nodded negatively and shrugged, signaling that she did not know where the doll was, Price smiled a little surprised, he began to use this way of at least trying to communicate, sometimes he added something, and so it was
A few weeks later, they communicated in this way
"Bread, jam, orange juice!"It was on the table at breakfast," Price added.
"Bread with jam and orange juice" he would say softly, putting a few particles in the sentences as well, or just adding something
"cake chocolate, sugar tea with...?"
"Chocolate cake and tea with sugar, honey, you're doing great," Price would say, squeezing YN's cheek gently
"Woogie boggie big bear! YN said, referring to Price
One day, YN was running around the yard, agitated, until she tripped and fell face down on the ground
"AUGHF -" that was the only sound of pain emitted by her, Price went to her, worried, but she just stood up and laughed
"I fell on the ground! "What a perfect thing, she lost her a tooth, her knee was bleeding and spoke a small sentence correctly, Price did not know how to react, he was proud and worried at the same time
"you did it!" He said, proud with all heart
A few years passed, 2 exactly, and YN could already talk, as much as her English was slightly broken, she took private English class, also, she discovered a new passion, languages! And she decided to study online many languages as she could and dedicated herself until the age of 17, already fluent in English, she joke sometimes about mixing the languages in a single sentence to confuse Price, but even so, English remains a slightly confusing language for YN!
I created that because I have problems with English :)
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (13)
F for Fearn (Alder) - March 18th - April 14th
“The tree of Bran the Blessed - Fourth month of the Celtic tree calendar (Ref)”
Colour: purple; Gemstone: amethyst; Gender: male; Patrons: Bran, Apollo, Aranrhod, Odin, Lug; Symbols: shield + foundation, discrimination + inner confidence, loyalty
In Celtic also Norse mythology, March was known as the 'month of lengthening days', which wakes the alder from its winter slumber.
Alder trees are found in the northern hemisphere. Although it is a broad-leaved tree, only alder bears cones, so it is easy to recognise them at a glance in winter. Alder wood can survive completely submerged in water, and never far from water, Alder trees can most often be found lining the banks of a stream, loch, or river, or in boggy wet ground and swamps.
Alder trees, which fix nitrogen around their roots, are also soil-enriching blessing trees. The alder tree, which does not rot even when in water, appeared to be a source of great mystery to the ancients. However, the main reason why the ancient Celts worshipped the alder tree was its sap turns a deep red when exposed to air, as if cutting it would cause it to bleed.
The alder month is a time when the days lengthen, the winter chill slackens and the sun gains momentum, and the ancient Celts would have been uplifted by the blossoming of the alder and its various blessings. The alder tree, which sacrifices itself to fertilise the soil, was also considered sacred. While it was also said to protect the road leading to fairyland, it was also believed that if an alder was cut down, the person's house would burn down in a fire. According to Irish legend, the first man was made from an alder tree and the first woman was made from a rowan tree.
The alder is the totemic tree of Bran the Blessed, the god. He is a giant and king of Britain in Welsh mythology. According to legend, after fighting the Irish, Bran knew he was dying and ordered his fellows to cut off his head and bring it back to London. The party spent 7 years in Harlech and 80 years in Benbrook on the way, but Bran's head remained alive and undecomposed. Bran's head was buried in the White Hill below the Tower of London. Bran's totemic bird was the raven, so 2 ravens are kept at the Tower of London, but their wings have been clipped. This is because legend has it that if the ravens abandon the Tower of London and fly away, the UK will be destroyed.
Apparently, the ravens are loved and looked after, really well by the Beefeater Guards.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (13)
FはFearn (ハンノキ) - 3月18日~4月14日
『祝福された人ブランの木〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第4月』
色: 紫; 宝石: アメジスト; 性: 男性; 守護神: ブラン、アポロ、アランロド、オーディン、ルグ; シンボル: 楯+基礎、識別力+内なる自信、忠誠
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Preliminary Round A
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Propaganda Under the Cut (May contain major spoilers for one or more of the campaigns listed above)
The Big Bad Wolf - Heard a little girl talk about lollipopcorn for a few minutes and knew she had to live.
Train to Nod - train with face lol
J'er'em'ih - Second most beautiful dog on all of dropout
Becky - Bug centaur thing from the bug fight
Annabelle Cheddar - The hottest, most competent cheese woman to exist. Her thighs alone should win her this competition.
Talura - The Ending of All Things. Her mental breakdown was the Class A quest the Seven needed!!!! Girlboss!!!
Aurora Nebbins - An absolutely beautiful dog, will never die.
Stephen Sondheim - Rode on a bear, killed a pixie and declered that the show he was at was a master piece. Wrote Into the Woods and Sweeny Todd.
Adaine's Identify Spell - They have their own music! Don't assume their gender!
Handy Annie - Genuinely invaluable in every circumstance
Boggy the Froggy - Boggariel froggariel be so round. He so round. He so baby. He just here to vibe. He such a good boi. He so huggable and sweet and fwog.
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eyesteeth · 6 months
Details from The Mermaid's Tongue (Demo)
Spoilers for the entirety of the demo/the Mermaid's Tongue Prologue and Tangle Tower + theorizing on future plot points for the final game.
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So, right off the bat: 
Stonetop Inn: as in Selena Stonetop, mother of Felicia Fellow and grandmother of Freya Fellow, as indicated by the Tangle Tower family tree. The boat being named The Dearest Selena cinches it.
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The dragon-looking thing on the board is the Silversnake noted in the Children's Book (and Secret Research) in Tangle Tower. It is also present at the bottom of the family tree image.
The crab design on the table could be the Soulcrab... Or just a regular crab, lol
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Felicia... Stonetop? Not Fellow? Perhaps she took her father’s last name after some incident? Or perhaps her heritage as a Stonetop was ignored by the family in favor of her status as a Fellow? Or perhaps it’s a retcon? Who can say...
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Kristen Kale publishing… wonder if that’ll be relevant down the line.
This book also gives us some potential foreshadowing and a route for misdirection... but it being entered into evidence suggests that at least the author or publisher will be of some relevance.
I didn't take screenshots of it, but there's also an alliterative name outside the theatre on land, a W name. It's not any of the extended Fellow-Remington-Pointer family, but alliterative names have a tendency to come back... so maybe they'll be relevant to the full game, or perhaps a future one?
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Tangle Tower took some beats from The Goldbug by Poe, so is this perhaps a Great Gatsby-esque green light? More literary connections? Post-war cynicism and the death of the American dream? Opulence as a disguise for deeper issues? Could be fun.
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The likelihood of this being a cheeky All The Wrong Questions reference is a Big Zero, but "Silkwirm-on-Sea" is giving me "Stain’d-by-the-Sea" vibes by both the name and it being utterly dead.
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I’m going to assume this is a statue depicting one of the Ambassadors (my guess would be Lord Fellow) attempting to capture the Silversnake - or the Silkwirm Serpent, as it’s called here.
I'm convinced these creatures are one and the same despite the name difference. Boggy's real name is The Amphobi, after all. It could happen again.
Also look at the hanging sign in the top right. Hold that image in your mind for a second.
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Hm. Now doesn't that furnace and that glass of wine feel a little familiar... not to mention the shade of red...
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...who wants to bet an Ambassador had a hand in making this submarine?
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I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that’s the Seafoam crest hanging over the Stonetop crest. (That is the Stonetop crest at the bottom, by the way. If you click on the hanging sign over the inn before you get onto the submarine, it reveals this information.) Perhaps the complex web of interpersonal relationships didn’t end with the Pointer-Fellow-Remington family.
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And so the guessing game begins… Is The Captain’s Corpse Slumped Over The Panel In That Room
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Oh, hey! I recognize that lamp. Has Felix Fellow been down here on one of his many supposed adventures?
The Silversnake returns as a metal structure inside the ship! This is starting to remind me of the constant egg motifs around Tangle Tower... and strengthening my theory that one of the Ambassadors made this ship. This is quite a prominent bit of Mystid decor, and Sally even suggests that it might be load-bearing.
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The bottle of tablets having a sun on them leads me to think they’re Vitamin D tablets or the like. Not getting enough sun can really mess the body up, and being deep underwater would leave someone with no access to it. Therefore, these are likely vitamin supplements. The other side of the label having an onion, however… no clue. A mystery for the full game!
Likewise, the moon vial could be a sleeping drought. It’s hard to keep up with your sleep cycle if it’s always dark, after all.
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POSTER PLAGIARISM!! Though, it's not like you're going to get called out for it twenty leagues under the sea... My guess is whoever refurbished this room into a theatre really likes the shows topside. But a witch girl seeing the ferryman while in the cauldron herself carries a different tone than a mysterious doppelgänger.
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Both the “The Stargazing Girl” text and the footprints have bled through slightly to the other side of the cloth, so they must have been applied similarly (to some degree) - but the circle seems like it was always there. This is definitely part of a larger puzzle, so there's not much to say now.
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Claw marks inside the cauldron… like the claw marks in the Tangle Tower aquarium, perhaps? And the gear marking on top… perhaps that’s how it was unlocked?
I also must say - I disagree with Grimoire's belief that the cauldron entity did the murder. The scratches inside the cauldron, with a single exception, are in groups of three. Magnus was specifically killed with a single slash across the throat. The creature in question would have left at least two slashes.
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And so, the final analysis of this post. Grimoire suggests a supernatural entity responsible for the murder. Magnus' feet were right up by the cauldron. He fell onto his back. He left a puddle of blood on the ground. There's even a suspiciously placed hole in the wall! This is so, so similar to Freya's death. And, were it done like hers, I'd say that a long blade, like a spear, was thrust through the hole and slashed Magnus in the throat, at which point he fell backwards.
Except, I don't think that's what happened. Look at the bloodstain. Look at how it's pooling towards the cauldron. I don't think the submarine was horizontal when this murder happened. I think there was an initial impact, the main circular stain, and then the ship moved 90 degrees, resulting in the "second circle" of the stain dripping the way it does.
But, this is just theorizing from the little bits we have so far. What's done here so far is phenomenal and I can't wait to see how it goes. Will we meet the mysterious bug-post-sender? Will Penelope return? Will there be two murders on this submarine?? We'll see in 2024!!
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sagemonsters · 10 months
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Kaia on ko-fi has a blind date with...
Stelios the Centaur
Stelios has the lower body of a chestnut draft horse and the upper half of a muscular, redheaded human man with lots of freckles. He works as a ranger in a large, mountainous wilderness park, and takes his job very seriously. He is always rescuing lost hikers and tending their injuries, and sometimes scaring off bears! He carries emergency medical and food supplies in his saddlebags and always has a helping hand at the ready.
Ecology is Stelios’ primary hobby, and it’s not just for work. He is very passionate about reforesting now-barren former woodland and getting rid of invasive species. He can talk for hours about it, but also wants to hear about your own interests and passions. He understands what it feels like to realize that you’re the only person in the room who truly cares about a particular subject, and knows how to push forward against other peoples’ indifference.
Stelios loves gaming, but unfortunately rarely has time for it due to the nature of his work. He’s easily frustrated by technology and prefers tabletop games to video games (and yes, his D&D characters are primarily druids). When you invite him to a TTRPG session, he makes every effort to clear his schedule and come to the event; he wants to make more friends.
Stelios drinks a lot of coffee… maybe too much. Although he isn’t picky about what kind of coffee he drinks, he makes a point of avoiding chain coffeeshops and tries to support small businesses in his area, especially ones owned by queer folks or else that are havens for marginalized people.
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CW for giant arachnid (scorpion) + use of firearms
“Get on my back,” the centaur wearing a ranger’s jacket mutters to you.
“Why?” you mutter back, although you are nonetheless already very close to the centaur’s flank in the steep-sided, marshy gully.
“It’s doing a threat display,” the ranger explains, eyeing the giant swamp scorpion with its enormous, snapping pincers and venom-dripping stinger, “we don’t have much ti—”
The massive arachnid rushes forward at you, its legs thudding into the soft ground. You hoist yourself up onto the centaur’s back faster than you thought possible outside of an adrenaline-fueled emergency, and the centaur wheels around and gallops as fast as he can away from the threat—but not fast enough. The boggy terrain is slowing him down, and the swamp scorpion’s wide, flat feet help it move more quickly.
You pull a pistol out of the holster at your hip, twisting on the ranger’s equine back to fire off a few shots at the scorpion. Even on the back of a struggling centaur, your aim is true, and black ichor gushes from the scorpion’s new injuries. It squeals and twitches in pain, slowing down just long enough for the centaur to reach the end of the gully and start climbing up a slope onto firmer ground. Unwilling to leave its lair, the swamp scorpion remains behind to nurse its wounds.
“You could have used that a little sooner,” the centaur grumbles. “The noise of a few shots might have scared it, at least.”
“I don’t have a permit to hunt scorpions,” you explain. “I wasn’t sure I was allowed to shoot that thing.”
“You would have been in luck if you’d tried—they’re invasive, so we would pay you rather than the other way around—and self-defense is a valid defense against being fined. I’m Stelios, by the way.”
You introduce yourself as well, and Stelios lets you hitch a ride back to the nearest ranger station. Along the way, he offers some suggestions for how to replace your lost hiking and camping gear more cheaply, and you have a good time chatting with him and swapping emergency medical treatment tips. Once at the ranger station, the swamp scorpion’s lair is reported so that a better-equipped team can handle the giant arachnid, and a kindly human ranger offers you a ride in an ATV back to the park’s main entrance.
All in all, it turned out to be a pretty fun-filled day.
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see here if you'd like your own blind date with a monster!
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malulurivers · 11 months
Searching for Frogs | Zelda x GN!Reader
Word count: 1.5k~ Warnings: frog described affectionately as round, spherical and chunky (as well as stinky); technically unsafe handling of frogs (but this is a fictional world, so bear with)
AN: because I love my girl and I love frogs! it took a lot of effort for me to refrain from naming this frog Boggy.
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
the grey heavens opened. at first there were a few heavy droplets, but they quickly lightened into a foggy drizzle. you pulled up your hood, trying to shelter the handwritten journal Zelda had handed to you. but as she pulled ahead, levering her hand to the sky with a glowing smile, you realised why the pages were so crumpled.
"finally! we're in luck, y/n!" she called over the breeze that had picked up slightly.
"we are?"
she nodded vigorously. "we're frog-hunting, remember? and this," she gestured to the arguably grim weather, "is exactly what we want!"
she skipped further ahead, towards the edge of a nearby pond. the surface was dappled with ripples, silvered from mirroring the clouds. you flicked through the journal, landing on a page marked with a woven stripe of leather twine. titled 'tireless frog,' Zelda's calligraphic handwriting swept across the paper. she had clearly detailed its habitat, appearance, diet, and more. her theories lined the edges in a thinner pen, mainly on the species' innate stamina-related properties.
the words sounded all too familiar—they resembled the ones she'd mused to you on the way up the ridge. she'd been so animated then, talking so much that she very nearly forgot to take a breath now and again. it didn't matter if you didn't understand some of the more scientific things she spoke about, you always listened intently.
her excitement was practically tangible now, and you couldn't help but smile as she peered carefully into some bushes. tucking the journal into your pocket, you joined her at the pondside. "they like the rain, huh?"
she hummed, straightening herself as well as her satchel. "there aren't any in the bushes..." her crown was decorated with droplets, loose locks of hair beginning to stick to her forehead. but as she turned to you, her grin couldn't be any bigger. "we're going to find one today, I'm sure of it!"
you tucked her hair behind her ear, before gently pulling the hood of her coat to cover her head. "I know we will."
she rolled her eyes at you playfully, but when you cupped her cheek, she leant into your touch.
"don't want you catching a cold," you said warmly, running the pad of your thumb across her skin. her skin was mottled with rain and pink from the cold, but still smooth to the touch.
it was if your hand was made to hold her. her fingers slipped between your own with ease as she gently eased your palm from her cheek. your hands fit together perfectly.
"I think it's going to take a little more than some rain to stop me." she insisted. "did I tell you about the time when I single-handedly held off a creature of pure malice for 100 years?"
you searched her eyes her carefully. it wasn't often she mentioned her direct involvement with the Calamity. but there seemed to be a smile on her lips, still. "I think I've heard the legend before, maybe," you chuckled.
"do you want to hear it again?"
it took you a moment, but there was no doubt about it: she was teasing.
your thoughts flashed back to the dark nights, the quiet ones, where Zelda had clutched onto your hand so tight she'd turned her knuckles white. the ones where she'd spiralled, spilling blame all over herself.
that Zelda morphed into the one that stood before you. the one with a resilient gaze, her head tipped higher than she'd dared before. she was joking. about it.
your heart swelled, squeezing her fingers. "no need, I understand. rain's got nothing on a hero."
her chuffed expression morphed into a flustered blush which she immediately tried to shield from you. letting go of your hand, she turned back to the pond. "the frogs are this way!"
in two steps she was shin-deep in murky water. with only mild hesitation, you were right behind her. icy cold drenched your feet in an instant, your leather boots well worn and offering little protection against the temperature. Zelda only seemed mindful in her step so not to slip, and remained completely unfazed by the cold.
keeping an eye on her as best you could, you aided her search. "so, how long are we going to hold onto one?"
she tutted, scouring the surface for any sign of movement. "only for a brief moment! now be careful, they're quite skittish..."
"how do we decide which one to take? is there a specific thing you're after...? ooh!" you pointed to a ripple of movement off to the left. "was that one?"
instantly Zelda was making her way across the pond. "we choose one that's easy to catch. one which is a solid specimen, of course."
you nodded knowingly. it was a lie of course. "oh yes, of course... and a good specimen looks like...?"
"a good specimen is... very..." Zelda thought for a moment. "round."
"round?" you echoed, spluttering into laughter. "oh that's brilliant! i love spherical animals! spherical frogs sound—you should've said that sooner!"
Zelda scoffed, about to argue that you should be interested in the frogs regardless of their chunkiness, until she spotted one. the princess' hands could very well have cracked like a whip by how fast they darted into the water. before you could be startled, in her palms was a wiggling frog. and yes, he was positively rotund. "aha!"
you were speechless, simply watching with wide eyes as she began to lead the way out of the pond.
"I know, sir, this is rather sudden. I do apologise for this impromptu excursion! I assure you that you will be back in your pond in no time."
it took you a moment to realise she was talking to the frog.
boots meeting unsubmerged grass once more, you grimaced at the cold sensation seeping into your feet. but before you could think about it any longer, Zelda called for you. "y/n, do you mind getting the pen out of my satchel? my hands are occupied with this little one."
you sprung into action, rummaging through the bag. glancing up, you had meant to catch Zelda's eye to compliment her on her accomplishment. however, you met the frog's eyes instead. they were a bright amber, and ever so slightly turned outwards away from one another. you giggled. it was quite endearing. "he's no longer wriggling!"
Zelda admired the creature's webbed feet with soft delight. "no, he's being very well behaved."
the frog blinked slowly, letting out a single long croak. his throat engorged, giving him the appearance of a balloon. pulling the small wooden cage out of her bag, you pouted. "he's adorable. he needs a name."
"absolutely not!"
"why not?!"
"I should've known you'd get attached." she shook her head, brushing her shoulder into yours. she quickly plopped the frog inside the holding pen and latched the little gate closed. the creature sat still for a moment, before beginning to have a little waddle around. "we're not keeping him."
you pouted even more, gesturing to the frog who appeared to be quite content. "but—!"
"no buts!" Zelda pressed a playful kiss to the tip of your nose. it worked like clockwork, your cheeks heating up as you sighed a bittersweet 'fine.'
her lips did crumple though, feeling a little bad for your poor heart. she glanced at the frog, who croaked pleasantly as if on cue. he was very cute. very relaxed. very round.
"come on, y/n, I need your help recording my findings. I can't feed him while writing things down."
⌖˚‎٭ ﴾﴿ ⌖˚‎٭⌖
later that day, you'd left your boots and cloaks to dry by the fireplace. and now, on the table not too far from the warmth, was a glass terrarium filled partially with water. Zelda was focused, adding some moss and a small fern.
you meanwhile gazed at your frog, sitting patiently in the wooden cage. "what crimes did you commit, Mr Pickle?" you mused.
Zelda sighed, not looking away from the glass. "none! he's going to get a lovely new home that's going to mimic his natural habitat perfectly! he's going to be well fed and become even more rotund as all frogs should be."
"I know, I know, I'm only joking," you chuckled, cocking your head at Pickle. "all that food and space, all to yourself." you tutted. "what did you do, stinky man? to deserve solitary confinement?"
"don't call him that!" Zelda whined. "he's not stinky! he just has a protective layer of mucus that makes him smell very earthy! it's not his fault!"
you would've responded, doubling down on your affectionate teasing of your new friend. but you were too busy mulling a new thought over in your head.
"he's going to be all on his own."
for a moment, only the crackling in the hearth could be heard.
"y/n, we are not getting another frog—!"
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
masterlist | buy me a hot chocolate <3
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shysneeze · 2 years
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ferris wheel kisses and fairground games | robin buckley x gn!reader
description: robin is determined to win you the biggest, most obnoxious teddy bear she can
warnings: kissing, fluff
cliche bucket-list masterlist | previous part
a/n: i cried while writing this solely because it made me feel actually lonely
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“I’ve not been to the fair since I was a little kid.”
You’re picking at an stick of cotton candy, pulling wisps away with your fingers, slowly staining them pink as you offer every second bit to Robin.
“Me neither,” Robin realises, taking a clump of the sugary sweet from your offering hand, smiling as the sweet taste finds her tongue, “It’s nice to be able to eat all the sugar I want without being scolded.”
“And be tall enough to ride all the rides.” You add, “I used to stack tissues in my trainers before they measured me, and I only nearly fell out of the swings once.”
Robin looks a little horrified and you can see her glancing at your shoes with some suspicion, causing your lips to part with a laugh, bumping her hip with your own in a playful nudge.
“I’m tall enough now, Robin,”
“Just making sure!” Robin grins, “I really don’t want you falling off the ferris wheel before I get to kiss you at the top.”
You soften a little, smiling at her confidence. Whether it’s from their parting kiss, or just the absence of the uncomfortable heat of their last date, the self-assurance in Robin today is endearing.
“That would be rather unfortunate,” You agree. “I promise I wouldn’t dare jeopardise that, though.”
She gives you this warm look that makes you want to kiss her there and then, standing in the center of the grassy field, illuminated by the colourful lights of the rides and games.
And there’s something knowing in her eyes that makes you feel a little flustered, turning away from her gaze with a gulp.
“So, what games should we play?”
Blushing softly, Robin realises she’s gotten just as caught up in the moment. She turns her attention to various game stalls, trying to decide what she’s least likely to embarrass herself at.
“Oh, ring toss!” You blurt.
Robin jumps as your hand grabs hers excitedly, pulling her towards the stall. An earlier summer shower has left the grass just boggy enough to coat the edges of your trainers in mud, and the grass squelches underfoot.
Robin’s grin is back at your excitement and she dips her hand into her pocket to pay the impatient vendor, who unenthusiastically passes a set of hoops to the pair of you.
“I’m holding you to a teddy, by the way,” You nudge her as you take your stance. “Just to warn you.”
Robin has already set her sights on the obnoxiously large bear with hearts sewn onto its paws, smirking at the cheesiness of it.
“Consider me warned.”
After far too much money, Robin finally wins you a teddy, deflating slightly as she hands over the little frog plush, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly.
“Sorry, it’s a little pathetic, isn’t it?”
“Are you kidding, Robin?” You grin, “It’s so cute, I love it!”
Robin almost falls backwards as you launch your arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. Slowly, a smile twitches at Robin’s lips, and she tentatively wraps her arms around your torso.
“You’re sure?”
“Robin, I love it.” You squeeze her shoulders as you pull back. “I’m just sorry I didn’t win you anything.”
“Oh, you don’t need to-“
“I want to.” You pout, “It’s a pretty poor attempt at the cliché if I don’t also win the girl something…”
Robin rolls her eyes endearingly, but nods, sneaking her hand into yours and intertwining your fingers. She takes your joined hands and hides them from the world in her jacket pocket, pressing you together so close it’s a secret from everyone around you.
“Okay, but I want something ridiculous,”
“I’m sure I can handle that challenge.”
A half hour later you’re pressed arm to arm on the ferris wheel, Robin sandwiched between you and the oversized bunny that you won her at the hook-a-duck stand.
The metal frame of the ride groans loudly as each chair moves up another level, the seat swinging back and forth for a moment in the cool air, and Robin is laughing as you try out different names for your newest toy.
“I think she looks like a Juniper.”
“I can see that.” Robin agrees.
“What about yours?”
“Mine? Oh, definitely Bartholemew.”
You snort out a laugh and Robin beams proudly for causing such a sound, not beautiful or polite, but real, true. She adores it instantly.
The ride shifts again and you’re lifted further into the sky and the ground below becomes a mosaic of colourful lights, blinking up at you. Robin’s head turns sideways though, to look at you, butterflies waking in her chest.
The overwhelming urge to thank you takes hold of her, and the words are already out her lips before she can even figure what they're for. Perhaps it’s the way you smile at her, or the way your fingers have inched over towards hers on the metal handrail, pinky curling around her own. Maybe it’s for entertaining her and her need for clichés, or just your company. Whatever it is, she’s flooded with gratitude.
But when your head tilts with a confused frown, she manages only to thank you for the comically large rabbit to her left.
“For Bartholemew,” She explains, “I love him.”
“Oh,” You smile with a dismissive wave of the hand not currently sitting atop her own, “That’s what you do at the fair, right? And it was fun, I’m having a lot of fun, Robin.”
Robin isn’t sure why the sound of her name from your lips makes her blush, but once again she feels heat flooding her cheeks, and she hopes it’s too dark for you to notice.
“Me too,” She says, warmly, “Really.”
You take her hand fully in your own now, squeezing as the ride shifts again, creaking and lifting you further into the sky. Beside her, you let out a soft, breathy chuckle that causes her to turn to you with a frown.
“I don’t suppose you found a way for us to get stuck up here?” You joke, “Not forever, but enough time for me to get so cold you put your arm around me, and for me to tell you that secretly, I’m afraid of heights, and you have to find a way to keep my mind off it… perhaps with a kiss?”
Robin chuckles softly, shaking her head slowly.
“You’ve really thought this through.”
“I’ve done my research.” You admit, “I watched four terrible movies last week,”
Robin grins, a fondness swelling in her chest at this information, that you’ve been waiting all week for a chance at another cheesy cliche. With a burst of confidence, she lifts a hand and stretches it out behind her, curling her hand around your shoulder.
“Just like that,” You whisper with a smile.
“What else did your research tell you?” Robin asks, voice sounding just a little breathless with anticipation, “Am I supposed to say something really cheesy before I kiss you?”
The ride moves again and suddenly you’re at the top, the cool evening air nipping at your cheeks. And the view is wonderful, the entire town a silhouette behind a million sprinkling lights, but neither you nor Robin can bring yourselves to look away from each other.
“W-what have you got in mind?”
And Robin's smirk makes your breath catch, just slightly. Her cool, ringed fingers gently come to cup your cold cheeks, and the hand on your shoulder curls your torso towards her just enough. She holds you there, blue eyes so mesmerising as the drop to your lips, just as yours had to hers on your doorstep a week earlier.
“I’ve been thinking of kissing you all week, you know.”
You laugh softly as you lean into your lips, grinning as she meets you there half way, soft lips smiling against your own. With one hand wrapped around your frog plush, the other finds a small handful of her jacket, pulling her as close as you can manage.
You’re still kissing when the ride moves again, sending you swinging backwards, and Robin’s hand tightens around your shoulder to keep you steady as she commits herself to your lips, memorising every crease, and the flavour of your chapstick.
You pull back only when Bartholemew threatens to fall from the ride, caught sliding underneath the handrail by Robin’s foot, and she pulls away from you with a panicked yelp that makes your head tilt back with laughter.
“Jesus, next time we should be putting tissue in his shoes.” Robin says once she's positioned the toy back behind the railing. “I’m sorry, I just stopped kissing you to save a stuffed toy.”
“That’s okay.” You laugh, “We can’t let Bart fall to his untimely death just because you taste like candy floss.”
Robin chokes on a laugh, subconsciously licking her lips as if to check for herself. You roll your eyes a little, but nudge closer, and when she wraps her arm around your shoulder, it's suddenly second nature.
“For the record,” You add, smirking gently, “I couldn’t stop thinking about kissing you either.”
tag list: @woahhhfidget @lesbiihoenestt @robinsprker @robinbuckleyluvr @miryeji @flourelle
link for taglist form in my navigation
once again love any feedback you have to offer thansk for reading :)
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innytoes · 2 months
I’m gonna blame your foster care AU for the way these lyrics are screaming Boggie at me so..👀 here you go!
“he’s gonna notice me (we’re the best of friends)”
he’s gonna notice me (we’re the best of friends)
"So the dates, the flowers, the chocolate, the hugs, the late nights driving around and talking until dawn, the sleeping in the same bed, the teddy bear, and the freaking song I wrote you weren't clear enough?"
There was a pause, where Reggie cocked his head like a confused puppy. "That's just what friends do, right?"
In which Bobby tries to romance Reggie, Reggie is just stoked at more time with his best bro, and everyone else is Staying Out Of It.
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legend-collection · 5 months
Fouke Monster
the Fouke Monster also known as the Boggy Creek Monster and the Swamp Stalker, is purported to be an ape-like creature, similar to descriptions of Bigfoot, that was allegedly sighted in the rural town of Fouke, Arkansas during the early 1970s. The creature was alleged to have attacked a local family.
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The creature was named by journalist Jim Powell, who reported on it for the Texarkana Gazette and the Texarkana Daily News.
Various reports between 1971 and 1974 described it as being a large, bipedal creature covered in long dark hair. It was estimated to be about 7 feet (2 m) tall with a weight of 250–300 pounds (110–140 kg). Later reports claimed that it was far larger, with one witness describing it as 10 feet (3 m) tall, with an estimated weight of 800 pounds (360 kg). Some accounts describe the Fouke Monster as running swiftly with a galloping gait and swinging its arms in a fashion similar to a monkey. Reports also describe it as having a terrible odor, the odor being described as a combination of a skunk and a wet dog, and as having bright red eyes about the size of silver dollars.
A variety of tracks and claw marks have been discovered which are claimed to belong to the creature. One set of foot prints reportedly measured 17 inches (43 cm) in length and 7 inches (18 cm) wide, while another appeared to show feet that only possessed three toes.
Prior to the 20th century, several alleged sightings in the general area related to a large, hairy creature circulated in an 1851 report in the Memphis Enquirer, and an 1856 report in the Caddo Gazette.
Local residents claim that the creature had roamed the area since 1964, but those sightings had not been reported. Local folklore also holds that the creature can be further traced back to sightings in 1946. Most early sightings were allegedly in the region of Jonesville as the creature was known as the "Jonesville Monster" during this period.
In 1955 the creature was allegedly spotted by a 14-year-old boy who described it as having reddish brown hair, sniffing the air, and not reacting when it was fired upon with birdshot. Investigator Joe Nickell observed that the description was consistent with a misidentified black bear (Ursus americanus).
The Fouke Monster first made local headlines in 1971, when it was reported to have attacked the home of Bobby and Elizabeth Ford on May 2, 1971.
According to Elizabeth Ford, the creature, which she initially thought was a bear, reached through a screen window that night while she was sleeping on a couch. It was chased away by her husband and his brother Don. During the alleged encounter, the Fords fired several gun shots at the creature and believed that they had hit it, though no traces of blood were found. An extensive search of the area failed to locate the creature, but three-toed footprints were found close to the house, as well as scratch marks on the porch and damage to a window and the house's siding. According to the Fords, they had heard something moving around outside late at night several nights prior but, having lived in the house for less than a week, had never encountered the creature before.
The creature was allegedly sighted again on May 23, 1971, when three people, D. C. Woods, Jr., Wilma Woods, and Mrs. R. H. Sedgass, reported seeing an ape-like creature crossing U.S. Highway 71.[19] More sightings reports were made over the following months by local residents and tourists, who found additional footprints. The best known footprints were found in a soybean field belonging to local filling station owner Scott Keith. They were scrutinized by game warden Carl Galyon, who was unable to confirm their authenticity. Like the Ford prints, they appeared to indicate that the creature had only three toes.
The incident began to attract substantial interest after news spread about the Ford sighting. The Little Rock, Arkansas, radio station KAAY posted a $1,090 bounty on the creature. Several attempts were made to track the creature with dogs, but they were unable to follow its scent. When hunters began to take interest in the Fouke Monster, Miller County Sheriff Leslie Greer was forced to put a temporary "no guns" policy in place in order to preserve public safety. In 1971, three people were fined $59 each "for filing a fraudulent monster report."
After an initial surge of attention, public interest in the creature decreased until it gained national recognition in 1973 when Charles B. Pierce released a docudrama horror film about the creature in 1972, The Legend of Boggy Creek.
By late 1974, interest had waned again and sightings all but stopped; only to begin again in March 1978 when tracks were reportedly found by two brothers prospecting in Russellville, Arkansas. There were also sightings in Center Ridge, Arkansas. On June 26 of that same year, a sighting was reported in Crossett, Arkansas. During this period the creature was blamed for missing livestock and attacks on several dogs.
Since the initial clusters of sightings during the 1970s, there have been sporadic reports of the creature. In 1991, the creature was reportedly seen jumping from a bridge. There were forty reported sightings in 1997 and, in 1998, the creature was reportedly sighted in a dry creek bed 5 miles (8 km) south of Fouke.
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Went on a boggy forest walk a few days ago, the teddy bear and bowl were sitting on a bench memorial. It makes me think of some sort of forest guardian and their mossy leaf cauldron. ·₊˚⍋࿐࿔*:・˚₊·
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legolasghosty · 10 months
hi if you’re still taking prompts can you please do 12 and/or 15 for boggie 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
Heh yeah so pay no mind to the fact that you sent this in like.... over 7 months ago... I promise I didn't forget! I just haven't had a lot of writing spoons in a hot minute! ANYWAYS have a little drabble. I'm sorry for the delay!!!!
Bobby picks his way down the path to the garage in the dark. He's not totally sure what time it is, he just knows it's late. Or early? Whatever. The other boys fell asleep hours ago, all curled up on the pull-out couch. Thank God Luke and Alex have gotten over that weird post-breakup "we shouldn't cuddle" thing. It made sleepovers way too confusing.
Their breakup made everything a little confusing if Bobby is being honest. Sure it had been a mutual thing and they'd only gone out for like a month, but still. The four of them spent so much time together, of course things got uncomfortable when half of the band members were suddenly exes. There had been a minute there where Bobby thought it would be the end of Sunset Curve.
But the waves have settled now. Luke and Alex are back to being bickering best friends. Their family band is safe. Thank God. Bobby doesn't think he could bear losing them. Any of them. They're his best friends.
He pushes open the garage door as quietly as he can. The beam of moonlight coming in over his shoulder illuminates his boys all tangled together on the couch bed. Luke's head is on Alex's thigh. Alex's arm is thrown over Reggie's torso. Reggie's leg is thrown over Luke's lap. His arms are flopped awkwardly over the space next to him. Bobby recognizes it as the spot he'd been lying before he'd given up on sleep and gone to make some hot chocolate.
Oh, he left his mug on the kitchen counter. F...rick. Bobby groans. Just his luck. Technically he could just go back to the house and get the half-full cup. But that suddenly feels like way too much work. Bobby heaves a sigh and heads for the couch. Maybe the partial drink and the late hour will let him sleep?
He lowers himself carefully onto the couch beside Reggie. The bassist stirs a bit, one hand reaching out towards Bobby. And his heart doesn't flutter a bit. It doesn't. Cause it can't.
Luke and Alex's breakup almost destroyed the band. Bobby can't afford to risk his only friends on a crush. Even if Reggie's eyes light up every time he sees a dog out walking. Even if his stupid jokes always manage to make Bobby laugh. Even if he looks so pretty onstage that Bobby forgets to breathe sometimes. Even if sometimes he'll glance down at Bobby's lips when they're sharing a mic and sometimes seems to watch him for a moment too long.
He can't risk it. Maybe he lov-likes Reggie romantically. But he cares about all three of them deeply. He can't lose any of them. They keep him from drowning in his head or staying inside all the time. They give him a reason to go to school on the bad days. They never like his artsy movie suggestions and then watch them with him anyways. They're his best friends and his lifelines. He's not losing them.
Reggie rolls over towards him, mumbling something incoherent. Bobby chuckles. His sleep-talking is adorable. Reggie's body is now only half covered by the black and white throw blanket that Bobby always claims for sleepovers and Reggie always seems to wake up under.
Bobby glances at the other two boys. Both are still sound asleep. He supposes it's safe to indulge for a moment.
"How come you always end up under my blanket, baby?" Bobby whispers, laying down beside Reggie. Hey, it's not like anyone's going to hear him. He'll take what he can get. Even if his treacherous heart yearns for it to be real.
"Cause you getting all flustered is one of the cutest things I've ever seen," Reggie murmurs, lips quirking up in a smirk.
Bobby jumps, his face heating up. "I...you're awake?" he stammers, backing away from his friend slowly.
Reggie blinks quickly, sleep still pulling at his eyelids as he focuses on Bobby. "Sorta?" he mumbles back. "Awake enough to hear you call me baby."
"I'm so sorry," Bobby says in a rush. "It's nothing, don't worry about it, it doesn't have to be a thing, I'm just being stupid."
Reggie frowns. "But... what if I want it to be a thing?"
Bobby feels like he's about to be split down the middle between logic and lo-his feelings. "We can't," he whispers, feeling a lump form in his throat.
"Says who?" Reggie responds, smiling sleepily. "We're smart, we'll figure it out. Just say it again?"
"Say what?" Bobby tilts his head, confused.
"Call me baby," Reggie clarifies. He reaches out and grabs at Bobby's hands. It takes him a couple of tries to get them both with his eyes still only half open. "I like it."
And Bobby is apparently too weak for this. "You sure, baby?" he breathes.
"Definitely," Reggie hums, laying back down and tugging Bobby down with him.
The bassist shifts around a bit until he can use Bobby's shoulder as a pillow. "Okay, sleepy time," he mumbles, eyes already falling shut. "We'll talk tomorrow."
Bobby's heart is racing, but sleep suddenly feels much more possible. Especially once he pulls his blanket over both of them. Alex shifts a bit in his sleep so his arm is thrown over both Reggie and Bobby. Luke's legs end up tangled with both of theirs.
Bobby takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Well this was new. But not...necessarily...bad.
He drifts off to sleep.
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dndhistory · 9 months
51. Gary Gygax - G2: The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl (1978)
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Coming out at the same time as G1 and G3, the adventures in the campaign which were just before and after it, Glacial Rift is a cool (literally) continuation of the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief. If that module was set in a boggy area against Hill Giants mainly, this one as you can tell from the title is set in a frozen environment. So we get Frost Giants and other cold appropriate monsters like Yetis, Remorhaz, Winter Wolves and Polar Bears as we go on with the mission of trying to figure out who is behind the Giant Alliance wreaking havoc throughout the region of Geoff (yes, really) in the Greyhawk setting. 
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Like many middle portions of series, be they book or film trilogies, Glacial Rift also suffers from being a kind of bridging module, it doesn't have the same excitement as the first module, partly because less stuff is happening in the Rift than in the Steading which was having a great feast while the players were invading, but also because this is the second giant stronghold in a row that you are invading. Also because it's a middle module it can't give you any of the big reveals that are being saved for G3. 
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Still, it's a fun change of scenery for players and for a short 8 page adventure it's still pretty fun. It also has some good art by Trampier on the cover and in some of the interiors. Next time we will be looking at G3, Hall of the Fire Giant King, where there will be some surprising revelations, and the first appearance of a classic D&D race. 
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