#Bill Fever
#Tweetcore Radio Hour, Episode 11
#Tweetcore Radio Hour, Episode 11
Catching up on my #Tweetcore Radio Hour posts! The latest episode features music from Snap Infraction, Rusty Shipp, Unlucky Mammals, BEES!, JC Miller. Chvrli Blvck, the Wyse, Fine, Grant & Company, Teledeath, and Bill Fever! Also featuring a chat with Brian Lambert about progress on the new Star Crumbles album.
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picspammer · 4 months
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Is this how it is? Is this how it's always been? To exist in the face of suffering and death and somehow still keep singing?
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hakusins · 24 days
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cw // tattoos, slight nudity
timeskip! whitney x eri (pc)
i need to make whitney a dad ;;w;;;
reference used for the art under the cut!
(unfortunately i've lost the source for the ref pic, so if anyone can be so kind as to link i'll add the link to the post!)
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steveharirngton · 3 months
I ship Donna and Sam in Mamma Mia! But I ship Donna and Bill in Mamma Mia Here We Go Again and there is nothing you can do about it.
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blueberry-beanie · 2 months
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Kritiker zu Besuch pt. 2 oder Wie man Claus auf den Keks geht | Die Anstalt vom Juni 2020
Besucher: "Kritische Stimmen kamen hier einfach nicht mehr zu Wort, egal wie unqualifiziert sie waren." CvW: "Oh, ich glaube, Sie wollten sagen 'wie qualifiziert sie auch waren'." Besucher: "Da, schon wieder! Abweichende Meinungen werden einfach mundtot gemacht!"
English translation and two more gifs below:
Critic on a visit or how to get on Claus' nerves | Die Anstalt from June 2020
visitor: "Critical voices were simply not getting a chance to speak here, no matter how unqualified they were." CvW: "Oh, I think you wanted to say 'no matter how qualified they were'." visitor: "There it is again! Dissenting opinions are simply silenced!"
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CvW (after the visitor has been passing photo prints under the door): "Listen, it's my lunch break right now and we can - You don't have to film everything now, ok? Gosh, I can't believe it." visitor (referring to the print): "Here, that's professor Ioannidis, right, from Standford University... in America..." CvW: "Mh-hm..."
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inkymeii · 23 days
question, did everyone including brennan and the ih forget that adaine DOES have a gun??? like didnt bill gave her one ???? when theg went to hell???? like 5 eps ago??? He also ???? gave fig a gun???? WAS THAT A FEVER DREAM ??????????
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guess who's high on japril again? 🙋‍♀️🤭
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theitalianscribe · 5 months
This is really silly, but imagine if Wiatt made a video on all the research he has gathered on Litho and it goes viral, but only because of the drawing that Wiatt does as a placeholder for Litho's true form.
And then people started drawing fannart and cosplaying as Litho, especially human Litho. He became a Tumblr Sexyman.
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familiariscanis · 8 months
i don't care if bsd is believable. i don't care if the plot twists make sense, because honestly they never really have made much sense and they don't necessarily need to. bsd tends to be kind of ridiculous and a lot of times that's what makes it fun and endearing. i am perfectly willing to suspend my disbelief for this show.
i do care if bsd is rewarding tho, and i don't feel like this was a particularly rewarding season finale as far as dazai's character goes. another dazai ex machina ending to a season isn't the problem here for me; it's the doubt that resolution is retroactively casting on everything dazai has done and said in the last arc. it makes the sincerity of everything he said suspect. it makes me wonder if he was ever really in danger. how much dazai knew, how assured he was of his victory isn't entirely clear, but that doesn't really matter. what matters is that enough of the conflict in the mersault arc was shown to be not real, and that puts everything in a different light. it makes any vulnerability or weakness dazai showed during the arc seem inconsequential, and it makes it feel less genuine dazai's speech to chuuya when he was "drowning" chuuya was interesting when the chapter released because it had so many character and relationship implications. dazai, pragmatic and logical as he is, being capable of killing chuuya if he had to but not incapable of feeling nothing about it. it made you wonder if perhaps dazai might be doing something he'd regret, if he'd realize only once it's too late the true consequences of his actions. dazai saying for years that he wants to kill chuuya and genuinely believing that he wants him dead, only to realize once he's succeeded at that that his life is missing something without chuuya there to irritate him... that's interesting! that's opening up a whole world of possibilities for dazai's character and their relationship. even if chuuya survives, dazai still may be faced with the realization that hey, he doesn't want chuuya dead. it forces him to really reckon with the magnitude of importance chuuya has in his life, which, for all of their unspoken trust, may be something dazai has taken for granted. it might make him re-examine his feelings or himself. it might change the dynamic between them.
now that there's the possibility of it being pre-planned, that speech loses it's weight— and the character implications of it are somewhat lost. of course, there is the possibility that dazai didn't know at the time, that he only figured it out at some point during the events of the game. it's certainly open to interpretation and it's definitely interesting to interpret it that he didn't know at the time, but it's an equally valid interpretation that dazai knew all along, so it shifts the exploration of dazai's character and his feelings for chuuya from the realm of canon to fanon.
but the way that the vampire fake-out plot twist is presented does strip some of the possibility for vulnerability from dazai's words. it casts enough doubt on it to make it plausible that he was just fucking around, that it doesn't really mean anything. it keeps dazai in a secure place of superiority in the narrative and makes him immune to normal character flaws and weaknesses. dazai, as a person, is supposed to be learning to trust and he wins because of that trust, but it's falling flat for dazai as a character (for me, at least) because we don't believe there was ever really a risk that he'd fall. as the audinece, we can see asagiri setting up a safety net and it negates the impact of the trust fall that dazai is supposedly doing. basically this plot twist is the emotional equivalent to seeing a video of someone jumping off a ledge and then the camera zooms out and you realize what you thought was a 30 foot drop is actually only about 3 feet. and not only is it not rewarding, but it makes me feel like i was silly for being worried in the first place.
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ventiswampwater · 4 months
just gotta say. cannot fucking believe they let us watch osmosis jones (2001) in middle school health class. as if we were gonna come out of that unscathed
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gloriasato · 10 months
big city teens🗣️
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#Tweetcore Radio Hour, Episode 9
#Tweetcore Radio Hour, Episode 9
In the latest episode of the #Tweetcore Radio Hour, I chat with Brian Lambert about two of his favorite Tweetcore acts, Matt Moran and Matt Derda & the High Watts. I also play music by 18 Seconds (feat. Bruno Sevigny), Skyjelly & Solilians, Skytone, Malibu Hot Flush, Bill Fever, Emilie Lierre, Gozer Goodspeed, and the LaLaLettes.
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cursedwithwords · 5 months
HP Next Gen Headcanons: Louis
Full Name: Louis John Delacour-Weasley
House: Gryffindor
Wand: alder and unicorn hair
Patronus: robin
Profession: wandcrafter
Sexuality: gay
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Bonus: Bill wanted to name him John in honor of Remus but Fleur ALWAYS won the name game, so instead they made it his middle name. Effortlessly gorgeous to an almost uncomfortable degree (is it the quarter veela in him? who knows). Has the signature Weasley freckles and used to be super self conscious about them. He's always had a lot of anxiety since childhood, suffering from insomnia, nightmares and sleep paralysis. A huge mama's boy. The most reserved out of his siblings as well as between he, Rox and James. He has a good relationship with both his sisters but has more in common with Dominique. Despite his generally quiet personality he has a BRUTAL sense of humor and is just as much of a chaotic figure as Roxanne and James. James' best friend (if you don't count Teddy).
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goldenlaquer · 1 year
all im asking for is soft(ish) seiji taking care of you while your sick 😤
Asked, received 😔Talk about being vulnerable 😭 baby ur going to be a victim
Or just, maybe though. Mayybeeee you’re a lil’ sluggish— y’know, just a tad bit exhausted and a pinch achey, maybe a bit too uncomfortably warm but not quite yet sick— just wanna get through the day like normal and not make a fuss about it to anyone who cares about you because you don’t want to be a burden. Just becoming dizzier and dizzier, no longer being able to hold your chin up without feeling like you have a rock for a head, leaning your face to the side so no one is still any wiser to your misery. And then relief, from a mercifully cool touch propping up your heavy forehead, making your drooping eyes blearily flutter and try to focus on a familiar smiling mouth. It’s Seiji, peering down at your face, the back of his hand pressing against burning skin.
Ara, he says, hand lingering, assessment turning into an almost caress, must be happy to see me.
And, Here, candy as a reward for waiting for me— doctor’s orders. Mm, what a good girl!
You’re sick-addled enough to obediently follow the cooing voice like a docile sheep, opening your mouth when a thumb urges down on your bottom lip, and in plops something sweet (and bitter?) melting on your tongue. And before you can raise any feeble objections, he’s turning his head and clucking his tongue like a hen, wagging a blaming finger at your once-oblivious companions (shame shame) for not noticing something so unbelievably obvious (...wouldn't even take a genius like me...!), a hint of impatient annoyance edging his usual flighty voice.
And then it’s his arm lightly brushing around your shoulders… kinda like a protective gesture, like he might carry you off, like he might steal you back to whatever hole he crawled from— and then he says it too, wondering aloud if you’re like this, he might just take up on the opportunity (what a grin, so nefarious, such villainy). It riles your companions like a charm, causes them to scowl and tell him to get his dirty mitts off of you, rushing towards you. And how easily he peels off, but not without a playful tussle to your head, mussing up hair, before looping away— and you don’t even know if that’s the sickness making you see it or just, him— but there is a moment, where he pauses and glances behind, and meets your eyes in that scene.
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billcipherstuff · 1 year
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Today I just redrew my first gravity falls fanart. :D
(My profile pic is the original)
If you didn’t know from the description I had a strange dream where I ate Bill cipher as a sugar cookie from Walmart. 😋
Weird thing was it only had the frosting I put on it but, when I bit it, it was a pink sugar cookie instead :/
It was like eating sand, vanilla, gingerbread , and hints of lemon made by Great Value.
Hmmm, I can now actually say “I know what Bill Cipher tastes like”
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kwebtv · 10 days
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From the Golden Age of Television
Season 1 Episode 3
Date with the Angels - High Fever - ABC - May 24, 1957
Running Time: 30 minutes
Written by George Tibbles, Fran Von Hartesveldt and Bill Kelsay
Produced by Don Fedderson
Directed by James V. Kern
Betty White as Vickie Angel
Bill Williams as Gus Angel
Roy Engel as George Clemson
Natalie Masters as Wilma Clemson
Gage Clarke as Dr. Franklin P. Gordon
Hope Summers as Miss Wakefield (Nurse)
Nancy Kulp as Dolly
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