#Big Greenie
greeniscosmic · 6 months
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industrations · 5 months
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judas 4 your morning
Why he kinda posing tho, smoldering too with the lips and eye squint
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homeofhousechickens · 11 months
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How to tell the difference between Greenie and Blue besides their usual color
Small hat- Greenie
Big hat- Blue
Messy tail feathers- Greenie
Grimey body feathers but pretty tail-Blue
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lunathrix · 2 years
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Your honor, the girls are fighting
Previous | 6
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domono08 · 1 month
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Hey @foxpopvli , I got on the Meme! Greenie in them big pants and bikini!
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tadaxii-i · 9 months
Every day that passes I babygirlify Sirius Black a bit more
(@greenvlvetcouch actually)
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manyunhappygreenies · 9 months
Another Big Mama au fun fact (not related to the actual canon of the au) but! I have an entire sketchbook dedicated to just big mama au :]
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greenlikethesea · 5 months
talked to one of my exes on the phone after a month-ish of not talking and it was really nice actually?
i told her basically that i would like to be friends and that my head's not in a romantic space, i don't even know where it's at. she agreed and we both agreed that we'd actually missed each other. she's not a good fit romantically for me but i like her as a person. it'd be nice to be friends with an ex. haven't had that in a while.
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idiopath-fic-smile · 1 year
(every time i think i'm done, @greenlikethesea posts another banger and i think "well what if i did just one more?")
so yeah, i wrote another song inspired by the fictional music in @greatunironic's Steddie epic the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you. cover art i borrowed from @bienmoreau, whose work in this universe is just delightful.
i was thinking specifically of the emotional landscape that would've produced the album boy with a bat, the highs and lows and the feeling of going through it all surrounded by people you love, both romantically re: steve, but also in the found family sense. my first instinct with the title of this song was that telling the wolves was in some way an act of defiance, but then i thought about eddie the outcast, eddie the former town pariah, regarded as other and dangerous, and i decided that in my interpretation, the wolves are his people, so to speak. i wanted a howl-like effect on that line, and in an effort not to short out my microphone, i literally sang the word "home" with my head thrown back to the sky like a werewolf.
Lyrics under the cut!
A late night flight or two Stars and cars and cornfields formed the view Gathered here to watch the light go out the final time To say what must be said: “you are not an island,” “come to bed” Though it doesn't mean the things you want it to, it's fine
in the morning there will be noise and life and buzz It doesn't mean the things you want until it does
Looked so long that I forgot to see, to see Lingered in his doorway, he was waiting there for me
Tell the wolves I'm home been rambling since Rome family, I'm back Tell the wolves I'm home some things you do alone but some, they take a pack
Starting at the end around a table, bullshitting with friends Gathered here to watch the light go out the final time To do what must be done smoking up and lunch and grocery runs leaning on each other, let me take your weight, it's mine
In the morning there will be laughter, loss and food And something new that's growing, something good
Pain and joy bloom endlessly until we fall apart Sitting watching Nancy's kid run circles in the yard
Tell the wolves I'm home been rambling since Rome family, I'm back Tell the wolves I'm home some things you do alone but some, they take a pack
Tell the wolves I'm home Tell the wolves I'm home Tell the wolves I'm home
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firsthumandisaster · 1 year
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| 🌱 | The sensation of falling, impossibly fast, like a bullet fired, was all Vash could feel for what felt like an eternity. Physical sensation in this place was a curious delayed reaction, both sharper than reality, and not real at all?
The firs thing he became of aware of was the ‘wind’, desert night cold air. His eye opened onto a fractured world. Disorienting and painful to witness. Unbalance and unsteady.
Abruptly, he stopped. No warning, no impact—just stillness so sudden he wondered if he was still ‘there’. He lay on sand, and in one direction—wreckage and fire, and The Big Fall—terrible in its details, the pain he immediately felt of that time. In another direction—grass as far as the eye could see. Yet another direction— Roots, bold and dark and covered in the great purple blooms he had glimpsed moments before he woke in this place.
He would start with the green—it called to him in a way he thought must mean something. Each step made the sand beneath his feet shatter like glass breaking. Deeper with each step—as if keeping him out of that place. The sky fractured and changed, sunset red-orange one moment, midnight stars the next. The greenery changed in sharp contrasts, too, that would have made him feel sick if he’d had the ability.
Vash began to sprint, the sand beneath his feel turned to the green expanse—the shattering of each step turning to old blood and dead grass, sinking beneath his weight and threatening to swallow him—
With a desperate cry, Vash’s hand caught on the edge of a platform, and everything changed again—
The ship. The SEEDs ship. The recreation room? flora everywhere, even hiding the ceiling, somehow, as if enclosed in a sphere of it.
“Vash?” His voice echoed uncertainty into the silence. “Vash!!”
He’d wonder later about calling out his own name, and knowing that it wasn’t himself he was looking for—not exactly, anyway…
Vash looked down at himself, seeing himself as he had been in recent months. Except the red of his coat was dark, saturated with his power, almost purple-black in color. Lines marked his skin in a way he’d never seen before. Not quite like Greenie’s, not softly curved and deliberate, but jagged like lightning burning lines of blue-purple-black in his hand. A glance at his bangs showed his hair was nearly black as before. So even that appeared on him, here. Barely a touch of blond left in his hair though—that was a curiosity for another time.
Vash started pacing the sphere, looking into the greenery, trying to find any sign of the young Vash, or a way out. Was this a trap?
“Vash! Where are you? Are you here?”
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moonsidesong · 1 month
i love animatic battle to death i think it's insanely good can't wait to see where it goes next but goddddddd i can't help but worry its cast makes it a ticking time bomb sometimes
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green--y · 1 year
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This game has taken over my free time and these three live in my brain now
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anto-pops · 1 year
I wish I could write like you!! It takes me forever to write down a simple sentence. 😭😭😭 I love all your work and your passion for it 🥰
You're so sweet oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH !! 💗
Don't be fooled by what you see ! I swear I still struggle with writing, it's a constant uphill battle and I'm still learning new skills and all that good stuff. It's so cliche to say but for real– practice as much as you can ! Even if you don't end up posting your work, it's realistically the only way you can improve. My DM's are always open in the event you want pointers or advice of any kind, I absolutely love seeing everyone branch out of their comfort zones and take a stab at creating fics/artwork/etc !!
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avataroftheswarm · 1 year
They'd waited until Nico was safe with Knives, until they were sure he was going to live. They'd told the Plant they'd go ask the Doctor they knew to either come see him or to let them take Nico there.
And they would. They were going to go to Rook. But they had one stop to make before they went.
Punk was easy for them to track. They'd been distracted with everything and everyone else and hadn't marked it as odd when he left, hadn't really noticed honestly. There's a thread of anger toward themself for not checking in immediately but there's so much more aimed at the blond they've zeroed in on. It's a swirling vortex of fury that overrides any fear they were still holding onto, drives them straight down at him feet first square at his back between his shoulder blades.
They're using their small form, not because it's smaller but because it's now denser, more concentrated and heavy with their full swarm condensed into the smaller space. Flinging themself at him at such high speed, more condensed, they're hoping it'll hurt.
He deserves it.
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lunathrix · 2 years
thk + ghost (and friends?) watching the silksong trailer and crying because so proud of their cool sister
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You already know they're sporting the merch and everything for their sis
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@firsthumandisaster said: “Heey, Vash. It’s been a while,” Vet’s checking in on Greenie, thankfully, this one doesn’t feel like a ghost. Too warm and radiant and emotionally powerful to be just a voice in his head. A bright, feathery tickle inside his mind. “It’s time I checked in on you, how are you doing, little brother?”
Thankfully it's just as he's found somewhere to settle down and rest that Vet's voice and warmth fill his mind. Tucked into an alley, no one notices when he gasps, and a soft glow engulfs his pupils.
This definitely isn't a ghost. This is real. And while he isn't exactly sure how this is happening, Greenie has a pretty good guess, at least--
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"... h-hey, Vet." his voice is murmur-quiet when he speaks out loud, but over their shared connection, it's normal. Maybe a little thick with emotion, but volume-wise, it's good. "I'm... I'm okay. Could say the same for you, though... how're you?"
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