#Best Countries To Study Biological Science
mahiraagarwal · 3 months
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5 Countries Offering The Best Courses In Biological Science (Bachelor’s & Master’s)
Want to build a career in biological science? Pursue your bachelor's and master's abroad in these countries and universities.
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littletism · 10 days
🎒✏️🍎 weekend activity for littles! turn your house into a school! 🍎✏️🎒
prepare your schedule the night before! what classes will you do at what time? what order will you do them in? write it down! set alarms on your phone for when each class will be, so you know when to switch!
don’t forget to prepare worksheets, activities, and make sure you know what rooms you’re using! if you have a cg, this job is best suited for them!
class ideas: math, spelling, writing, social studies/history, science, art, music, etc!
“downtime” class ideas: naptime, free time, movie time, free draw, computer lab, play time
wake up bright and early! get dressed, brush your teeth, brush your hair, and get your school supplies! go into the room that you’ve designated as your classroom!
if you have a cg, have them be your teacher for the day! if you don’t have one, that’s okay! you can do all of this by yourself pretty easily.
if the room has a closet, use that as your cubby! hang up your bag and any other belongings in it!
get ready for your school day! sit down on the floor like you would in a preschool or kindergarten classroom, and get ready to learn!
ideas on what to do for each class under the cut (to avoid this post being way too long!)
print out some math worksheets (or download and do them digitally, bonus points if it’s on a tablet with a stylus for extra realism!) and work on them! do whatever level of math is most accessible to you!
count stuff! count your toys, blocks, stuffies, anything! make problems and equations by taking away items, adding items, dividing items, etc and solve them!
play math games! multiplication .com has a lot of accessible math games, or you can use the flashpoint program to play math games from your favorite tv shows!
print/download handwriting practice sheets and practice writing your letters!
if you have a cg with you, have them read a book out loud to you! make sure to pay attention, and be prepared to write about what was just read to you!
read your favorite book, and create a book report based on it with pictures and decorations!
do spelling worksheets and exercises!
social studies
practice geography by identifying states or countries on an unlabeled map! start with your own country, then move on to other countries to make it more challenging!
learn about history by watching educational history cartoons!
do a cultural interview! find someone in your life whether it be a friend, a partner, or a family member and interview them about their heritage and culture! if you can’t find someone, write about your own culture!
use a store bought science kit and play around with it! write down everything you’ve learned.
make slime or oobleck! there’s countless recipes online that teach you how to make them! they’re both super easy to make.
draw a diagram of our solar system! label the planets properly and write one fact about each one!
draw your family! could be your biological or found family!
finger paint!
watercolor paint!
make pottery out of clay or play doh!
make a collage of your favorite things! print out pictures of stuff you like and glue it to a piece of paper!
sing along to your favorite songs! pull up sing-along versions of songs from disney movies or karaoke versions of your favorite songs!
if you have any kind of instrument, play it! try to play simple songs on it like mary had a little lamb or hot cross buns!
if you’re regressed a bit older, study sheet music! teach yourself what all the symbols mean!
nap time
take a 30 minute break to nap, or just lay down and rest! put on a soft lullaby or a quiet song you really like.
to make it more “school-like”, nap on the floor! preferably on a fluffy rug or mat, so it isn’t uncomfortable or bad for your back! lay out your favorite blanket, pillow, stuffie, and hit the hay!
play time / free time
just play!!! have fun and play with your toys, your stuffies, play dress up, etc!
if it’s nice outside, go play outside!
draw a picture!
read your favorite book!
if you’re an over-achiever, do some more worksheets!
computer lab
go on your computer or laptop if you have one, and play some educational games, watch educational videos, etc!
when you’ve done an adequate amount of learning, you earn free time! use this to play any fun game you want! (minecraft, roblox, animal jam, fun flash games, etc!)
field trips
(may require a cg if you can’t take yourself places when small!)
take a trip to a museum!
go to the library! find a cool book you find interesting and read it!
take a walk around town! write down all the interesting things you find in nature like animals, bugs, plants, etc!
end of the day
when your “school day” ends, have your cg grade how you did! if you don’t have a cg, grade yourself! but be honest, of course. if you get a good grade, you’ll get a reward!
i know this is elaborate and may seem silly, but i’ve heard a lot of littles say an elementary school environment would be really beneficial to them! i hope this helps some of you who are yearning for that!
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By: Jerry Coyne
Published: Jan 31, 2024
I predicted (or hoped) that with New Zealand’s new Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon of the centrist National Party, New Zealand’s educational system, which was circling the drain, would find its way out. After all, Luxon promised to reform the educational system by emphasizing “teaching the basics.”  (New Zealand performs poorly in math and reading compared to countries of comparable well being.) Most of all, I hoped that Luxon would purge the wokeness of the Kiwi educational system, especially the teaching of indigenous superstitions and “ways of knowing” that seem to be insinuating themselves into science education.
Now I’m not so sure.
Reader Al sent me the tweet below, which was like a (mild) punch in the gut. It comes from the (now protected) account of New Zealand’s Chief Science Advisor, Dame Juliet Gerrard. She was appointed for a three-year term on July 1, 2018, a term that was apparently renewed in 2021 by the woke and now ex-Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Gerrard’s present term expires on June 30 of this year. I hope Luxon replaces her, as she’s clearly woke and misguided, and a fan of those who sacralize the indigenous people, a tendency that’s warped New Zealand academics.
At any rate, have a look at this tweet:
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The first sentence is okay, the second is crazy, at least regarding “sex”. The third is mixed, for if you go to Wikipedia under Intersex, you see the declaration that sex is not binary, but also that indicators of sex, like genitalia, are pretty close to binary:
Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, “do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies”. Sex assignment at birth usually aligns with a child’s anatomical sex and phenotype. The number of births with ambiguous genitals is in the range of 1:4,500–1:2,000 (0.02%–0.05%).[3] Other conditions involve atypical chromosomes, gonads, or hormones.
The best source I know of for the frequency of intersex is that of Leonard Sax, which is also quoted ion the Wikipedia article:
A study published by Leonard Sax reports that this figure includes conditions such as late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia and XXY/Klinefelter syndrome which most clinicians do not recognize as intersex; Sax states, “if the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female,” stating the prevalence of intersex is about 0.018%. This means that for every 5,500 babies born, one either has sex chromosomes that do not match their appearance, or the appearance is so ambiguous that it is not clear whether the baby is male or female.
In both cases, the number of people considered “intersex” is very low.  But that’s pretty much irrelevant to the discussion of whether sex is a spectrum, for biologists, as we discussed yesterday, use a definition of sex involving gametes: if you have the reproductive apparatus to produce small mobile gametes (even if that apparatus is inactive), you’re a male who makes sperm. If you have the apparatus to produce large immobile gametes (even if you can’t, as if you’re postmenopausal or sterile), you’re a female who makes eggs.  If you don’t fit either of these classes, you’re often (but not invariably) classified as intersex.  The athlete Caster Semenya, for example, has internal undescended testes, designed for making sperm, but other female sex traits, like a vagina.  Biologically I’d call her a male, but wouldn’t quarrel if others want to call her “intersex”.
But the point is that intersex individuals are not members of a third sex, so don’t really affect the sex binary: there remain only two types of gametes. We have males, females, and those unclassifiable, with the latter having frequency of one individual in 5600.
I keep repeating myself on the sex binary, along with others like Richard Dawkins, Carole Hooven, and Colin Wright, but I’ll add that the sex binary humans says nothing about the humanity of intersex individuals or transgender individuals (who usually can be classified as biological sex). With a few exceptions involving things like sports and jails, the legal and moral rights of transgender or intersex individuals are independent how “sex” is defined by biologists, and these individuals should never be denigrated for their desire to transition or for the fact that they have a biological condition that makes them intersex.
Finally, the Science Advisor cites Siouxie Wiles, who you can read about on this site (two posts here), a science communicator and microbiologist who’s done some good things, but also vigorously opposed the Listener letter that argued against teaching indigenous ways of knowing as science.  As for @whaeapower on X, it’s another protected account, so I don’t know what it’s about. It may be a Māori site given that “whae” means “mother or aunt” in that language, and because Dame Gerrard has a Māori koru (fern front) tattoo on her back.
At any rate, I guess Dame Gerrard did protect her tweets, as this is what you find when you look for them:
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My point, however, is this: the official Science Advisor to the Prime Minister should not be making erroneous statements about sex, even if those statements are made to give succor to people that are not of conventional gender. That she misunderstands sex does not bode well for science education in New Zealand if Dame Gerrard continues in her position after June 30.
As for whether what looks like a quasi-official “X” account should be protected, well, you can be the judge.
The supposed Chief Science Advisor position for any country should not be held by someone pretending they don't know where babies come from. It would be far better to employ someone like Ken Ham; he thinks we all got here by magic, but he doesn't pretend he doesn't know how a baby is made.
A post like this should be taken as a formal resignation letter.
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sukablatnahui · 7 months
Okay guys, in the last vote everyone voted for Barbara, because in fact she is much more popular than Ly and she is known to most people who may have joined the Rayman fandom when the game Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends came out, but not a fact. So..... Here is your Barbara if she were in the animated series Captain laserhawk:
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..... Yes..... The design is not the best and in my head it was much better. I apologize to everyone that someone didn’t like her image, with that white robe and glasses. However, I at least tried to come up with reasons why she looks like this. I will write only facts, since unfortunately I didn’t draw any drawings or even sketches, sorry. If I have the desire, I’ll probably draw something, but for now, no.
Let's start with who she is by blood, what her character is and who her parents are. In fact, in the canon of the game based on Rayman legends, Barbara was a Barbarian princess, but most likely she is more reminiscent of some Viking who travels to all sorts of islands and brings something from the country to her homeland. Plus, as I read information from the Internet, the Vikings used to live in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. So I decided that Barbara would be a very distant great-granddaughter of the Vikings. By nature, she is a rather cheerful girl, optimistic and can also be quite stubborn and it happens that she does everything in her own way, she also often jokes and sometimes swears.She usually wears the clothes shown in the picture, but sometimes she also wears other clothes, such as just a T-shirt with shorts or a sweater with pants.
So, she used to have a father who was just a kind, jock, red-haired man who wanted to raise his daughter with his wife, and Barbara was raised by him for the first 3 years, but unfortunately, the biological father died in a car accident. (Unfortunately, Barbara currently does not remember her biological father very well, only that he was, in principle, a good person). However, then the mother married another man and this man became a stepfather for little Barbora. He was very different from his biological father in that he was not too big, he had regular black short hair, just a slender body, and he also wore a white robe and round glasses.But even despite this, the stepfather became a very good father for the girl, whom Barbara got used to and loved very much. He worked as a scientist, so Barbara was a little interested in science. My stepfather and Barbora were inseparable, even though they were very different in character, they were always there for each other and always helped until, unfortunately, there was one fatal incident. On Father's Day, 15-year-old Barbara was at her stepfather's work where he worked in the laboratory. They spent time together as usual until terrorism occurred where a bomb was about to explode. To save his daughter, the stepfather sacrificed himself and gave his daughter the parachute that he found, put it on her and said that he loves her and will always be with her,he threw it out of the window and exploded along with the building. Barbara fortunately survived because she had a parachute with her and fortunately her stepfather quickly explained to her that she should pull the rope. However, the loss of her non-biological father greatly shook her psyche. After that, in order not to forget her stepfather, she began to wear the same glasses that her stepfather wore, and a white robe.
Barbara is interested in her past ancestors and studies the history of the Vikings. Her family also has a very ancient Viking ax which she still keeps to this day.
She wears glasses not only because this is how she remembers her father, but because of her not very good eyesight. Of course, she sometimes uses lenses, but it is very difficult for her to put them on and take them out, so it is easier for her to put on glasses than to put on lenses.
She has her own car which is a repainted small ambulance with a Viking theme. Inside there is a table with a chair and many computers attached to the wall of the car. There is also a sofa with safety belts and a kitchen table. She usually drives her car normally, but when you are chasing her or need to get somewhere quickly, she is like the Flash, racing at the speed of light and doing all sorts of impossible stunts in her car.
Although the girl is bisexual, she is most attracted to women, especially milfs. And in principle, she likes men and women who are about 30 years old and they are people with experience. For her, an experienced couple is better than someone who is as inexperienced in relationships as she is.
She is also missing one tooth due to the fact that this tooth was already a molar and she knocked it out in a fight as a child. That's why it doesn't grow with her
It happens that she jokes about moms, especially the joke “YOUR MOM IS FANTASTIC BLYAT, IN STOCKINGS AND A BIKINI IN THE SAUNA SHE IS FANTASTIC” (This joke is taken from the Russian meme about Taxi Driver Ashot) However, this is not very often only in extreme cases when a complete fucked up, and in general we condemn jokes about moms
She also just loves to read and look at fashion magazines with clothes, because, as Barbara thinks, there are very beautiful women in very beautiful outfits and suits. She really likes them and is a fan of one model who is even familiar with Rayman. But more on that later
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Name: Sophia Azurinova
Japanese: ソフィア・アズリノワ (Sofia azurinowa)
Quote: "As the guardian of your country, work hard is the only choice on it."
Age: 17 y.o
Birthday: February 14th
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 172 cm
Race: Hybrid - Celestial Nymph
Species: Half-nymph & human
Homeland: Jasper Dukedom (born)
Land of Amethyst (lived)
Rosetta Mayurika (Mother; deceased)
Renard Azurinova (Stepfather)
William Edward (Sitter / tutor)
Aubrey Rene Jasper / Azurinova (Half-brother)
Rupert Florian Jasper (Biological father)
Camilia Livius-Jasper (Stepmother)
Bertha Conte-Jasper (Stepmother #2)
Nicknames / Aliases:
Sophie (by her family and friends)
President Azure (by students)
Bookworm (by some students)
Demoiselle de Intelligence (by Rook Hunt; means "Maiden of Intelligence" in French)
Peacock childe (by Floyd Leech)
Abandoned princess (by the rumors)
School Facts and Fun Facts
Dorm: Techneige
Occupations: Student
Dorm Leader of Techneige
President of RFA
Best Subject: Machinery | Study of Magic Relics
Worst Subject: Marathon Runs
Club: Theatre Club
Dominant Hand: Right-handed
Favourite Colors: Navy Blue, Magenta and Lime Green
Favourite Food: Custard | Apple Pie
Least Favourite: Cigarette Cookies
Likes: Her stepfather, studying, mechanical inventions, books, video games, inventing, crossword puzzles, perfections, rules, her sword, relaxation, her sheep, training
Dislikes: Her biological father, trynants, overprotection, her half-brother was mistreated, cheating, bully, imperfections, called as "a monster", mocked, stepmothers, greedy people
Hobbies: Inventing, reading books about Science, training, collecting old inventions, napping, crossword puzzles
Talents: Fairy transformation, healing, teleportation, fencing, strategic, knowledge, shadow manipulation
Idol Stat
Performance: Suitable for classic and pop. She oftens performs on rock. Her vocal is high-pitched and soft but has a strong aura that the audience can feel her powerful strength.
Choreography: Sophia occasionally performs with her sword dance, or doing K-pop dances, though she never have done this before.
Shimmery Wings outfits: Gothic • Classical
Idol Brand
Fiore d' ebano (フィオーレ デバノ)
It is feature on the Dark Princess who particularly love peacocks. The outfits are simply designed to the 18th century Victorian dresses, and accessories are attached in dark purple jewels and silver. Some of these has own masks. This is Sophia's idol brand for hidden her identity.
Shimmery Wings: Gothic • Classical
Sophia, also spelled Sofia, is a feminine given name, from Greek Σοφία, Sophía, "Wisdom". Other forms include Sophie, Sophy, and Sofie. The given name is first recorded in the beginning of the 4th century. It is a common female name in the Eastern Orthodox countries.
Her last name are combination words of "Azure" and "Nova"; Azure is a French girl's name that means “sky blue.” On the color wheel, azure falls between cyan and blue and is said to be the same color as the sky on a clear day.
Nova is an old word, but a modern-sounding name. Meaning "new" in Latin, Nova refers to a star that appears as a sudden, bright light that gradually fades into the night sky.
Character Inspired
Sophia was inspired by
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Tecna (Winx Club)
Kaizo (BoBoiBoy)
Kyoya Ootori (OHSHC)
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- I enjoy these posts too much but remember, these are just my canon ideas. obviously people who play the andersson sisters might develop different ideas for their children. this is jus the kind of dynamic I imagine. josie’s children aren’t listed bc she gives me fun, single aunt vibes so i dont think she’d have kids in canon verse.
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daughter of clara
thirty-two years old 
oldest of the calloway cousins 
co-owns her own size inclusive fashion brand 
sharp-tongued, keeps everyone in check, straight talking and takes no shit 
makes her own jewellery for fun 
loves being single, anti-men for the time being 
always the cousin who makes funny jibes at gatherings and bullies everyone into wearing christmas jumpers for dinner 
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step-daughter of anthea
twenty-seven years old
you know who she is 
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son of thalia
twenty-six years old 
thalia’s oldest son 
plays semi-professional football but also works at his dad’s company (investment and property) 
he has his head on his shoulders and is a hard-worker but also a big party boy 
was engaged when he in his early-twenties but it didn’t last, going with the flow 
very protective over all of his cousins and likes everyone to be ok 
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daughter of anthea
twenty-six years old 
you know who she is 
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daughter of elli
twenty-five years old 
elli’s only child 
doing her master degree in computer science. she’s always loved coding and anything to do with computers when she was young. 
she dropped out of high school at 12 because of severe anxiety and was home-schooled by elli for the next for years 
very family-orientated, loves her mum 
it’s always been her and elli. she was an accident and knows it, even though elli never used those words :’) 
the most awkward of the cousins but loveable in her own way 
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daughter of anthea
twenty-five years old 
you know who she is 
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son of daphne 
daphne’s oldest child and only son
in his final year of university studying music and lives and breathes his band but lowkey feels like it’s not going to work out 
went on a gap year at 18 and had the time of his life, has been to a ton of countries and is really knowledgable about different cultures 
can be quite sensitive and emotional at times 
loves praise and stresses too much about being liked/pleasing people 
doesn’t have a backup plan if music doesn’t work out, it stresses him out.
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son of thalia
twenty-four years old
thalia’s second oldest son 
diagnosed with ADHD from about four years old and was always labelled a “problem child” throughout his school career. he was also diagnosed with dyslexia and struggled with education. 
he left school at 16 and found work in construction and trained in both plumbing and electrics and completed an internship 
is absolutely a serial dater and always has a new girlfriend at every family event, it’s becoming a running joke 
loud but also loveable and would do anything for anyone
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daughter of anthea
twenty-three years old 
you know who she is 
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son of julia
twenty-three years old 
julia’s oldest child 
very shy and reserved, tends to keep himself to himself but was always close to his mum growing up. 
he hasn’t really figured out what he wants to do with life yet but has had a scholarship at UCLA for basketball and has been doing that. he’s not sure he wants to do sports though.
struggling with his sexuality and isn’t feeling confident to tell his family yet.
laidback and very intelligent 
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son of emery
twenty-three years old 
adopted at birth, he doesn’t know his biological family and doesn’t really want to 
takes after emery in the sense that he’s always looking on the bright side of things. he’s definitely best connected with tallulah. they’re both pure extroverts and the party-starters when it comes to the cousins 
studying english at university and is debating becoming a teacher 
obsessed with cars, knows everything about them 
taught himself japanese during lockdown 
he has a ton of followers on instagram and is like semi-insta famous 
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daughter of thalia
the older of the two twins 
an absolute drama queen, loves to be centre of attention, always working on her image and aesthetic 
dreams of being famous but has no clue how she’ll do it 
super unlucky with love, she’s never really been shown a good relationship other than the one her parents have had. all of her boyfriends have treated her like crap and she internalises it 
even though she’s out there and loud, she is very insecure 
wasn’t very liked in high school - a mixture of her being “too much” but also jealousy. teenage girls hate to see confidence. 
more chilled when she’s around family. 
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son of thalia
the younger of the two twins 
so laid back that he could be horizontal, loves surfing and works at his city’s zoo for £££. 
100% a stoner even though he’s always promising his mum that he isn’t. meghan has ratted him out a billion times for smoking. 
once got involved in a jet-ski accident which caused him to have a shoulder injury, he has no feeling in the fingertips on his left hand but got off pretty easy other than that 
no fear response, is permanently throwing himself into dangerous situations 
LOVES his mum a lot and is very protective of her, even though he’s the bane of her life 
nobody actually knows how he got a job anywhere because he’s irresponsible asf. 
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daughter of anthea 
twenty years old 
you know who she is
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daughter of anthea
twenty years old 
you know who she is 
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daughter of julia
twenty years old 
julia’s middle child 
organised, type A, perfectionist just like her mother. she strives on academic validation. 
always the top of class and is naturally good at just about everything 
has never had a boyfriend and doesn’t like to talk about it 
definitely the mom friend in most situations, wise beyond her years 
loves any subject that involves hard logic and facts like science and maths, she struggles with more open concepts like philosophy, art and english. 
sometimes wishes she was more reckless like some of her cousins but can’t get herself there, it isn’t in her nature
always living in the past/wondering what if/feeling like she’s wasting time 
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daughter of daphne and the youngest child
twenty years-old 
finnley is her half-brother, they have different dad’s but are still as close as anything and have been raised to treat each other as siblings. daphne  would hate them to think having different dad’s matters. 
alice is half-hispanic and has spent a lot of her young adult life learning spanish and trying to re-engage with her roots. she definitely feels more connected to her peruvian heritage before her swedish roots. she definitely thinks this comes down to looking a lot different from the other girls in her family. 
she and deji have a really good bond, especially because they’re in similar situations in their families 
inherited her mum’s love for disney films but definitely feels a bigger love for films like Moana, raya and the last dragon, mulan, brave, tangled, rather than the classics 
she dreams of becoming an animator one day 
is a bit of a trend-setter, always knows what’s going on in the world of social media and stays on top of looks. 
was in the popular group in high school but was the funny one, not the queen bee or anything. has a dry and funny sense of humour. 
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daughter of marissa and an only child
literally suffers from only child syndrome, she’s crap at sharing and has the people skills of a black rhino 
nineteen years old 
she’s just started university and is into theatrical make-up. she’s obsessed with the idea of working on film sets or in grand theatres in london 
she’s marissa’s daughter in the sense that she’s unapologetically herself and a lot of people mistake their angelic/girlish looks for being weak, when in reality they often just say it as it is 
she’s a player and absolutely talks to men too old for her on tinder because she finds it hilarious 
has a good head on her shoulders, not easily manipulated 
has a bit of an attitude problem but her cousins just make fun of it/don’t take it too seriously 
the best gift giver of the lot 
plays dumb to avoid responsibility but is seriously smart 
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julia’s youngest daughter and the baby of this generation
nineteen years old 
very attached to flora seeing as they’re so close in age, it’s taken/taking her a long time to truly come out of herself 
classic introvert. loves her alone time, reading, being left with her thoughts and is easily drained from too much socialising but also never wants to be left out 
there’s a lot she wants to do - travel, date, change up her look, get a cool job, make new friends - but she lacks the confidence to do it, which leads her to feeling stuck 
goes to the same university as flora but is studying fine art 
worries a lot...about everything 
is a real sweetheart, like nobody ever has any problems with her 
has an amazing intuition, even though she’s the youngest, she can read people the fastest (and 9/10 is correct about people) 
enjoys baking 
can get shy whenever she gets attention that goes further than platonic 
TALLULAH - march 1990 
ELOISE - may 1995 
CONNOR - january 1996
AMBER - february 1996 
LORELAI - january 1997
FELICITY - november 1997
SAM - december 1997
FINNLEY - june 1998 
VIOLET - september 1998 
NOAH - november 1998 
DEJI - april 1999 
MEGHAN AND RONNIE - october 2000
AUDREY - may 2001
ALICE - august 2001
LACEY AND ZARA - december 2001 
FLORA - april 2002
MELANIE - june 2002
 eloise would’ve started school the year after tallulah graduated
 connor would have been in the year below eloise
 amber would have been in the same year as connor 
lorelai would have been the year below amber & connor
 felicity would have been the year below lorelai & in the same year as sam and finnley
violet, noah and deji would have all been the same year at school and the year below felicity, sam and finnley. they would have started high school the same year eloise entered her final one. 
meghan, ronnie, audrey & alice would have all been in the year below violet, noah and deji. by the time they got to school, eloise would have graduated and connor would be in his final year.
lacey, zara, flora and melanie would all be in the same year below meghan, ronnie, audrey and alice. lorelai would’ve been in her last year of school when they got there, amber and connor would have graduated.
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s-r3nadvm · 2 months
How could I use my interests as a step towards my career goals?
I've stated for a long time that I am very passionate about becoming a veterinarian. I am 100% sure that I want it with all that it brings. I even had the amazing opportunity not only once but four times working in veterinary clinics and with different doctors. Each shared their knowledge within the practice from which I can truly say will forever be engraved in my mind because some of them helped me fully understand the profession. Now, I have already applied for the doctorate in veterinary medicine but unfortunately wasn't able to get in. I had applied to 5 different schools, two being in other countries. I know that these things can happen but I was quiet disappointed. I have been very conflicted with this decision because I know that my studying habits haven't been the best, but I don't want to regret much of what I did because even though I wasn't able to show the schools through a letter that I am a good candidate I still know and apply a lot of what I learned in my bachelors degree. I was able to have a meeting with one of the university's advisors of vet school and was suggested to study a Biological Science Masters. To be fully honest I kind of knew half way in to my bachelors that I might've needed a masters after graduating but I was in denial for a long time. I knew that meant a longer period of waiting for my career but look at me now, graduated 3 years ago and still am not fully in my career choice. I was a little conflicted with what I felt about studying for a Masters because I understand that it's mostly related to research. I had a few interests in research in the past but never really go immersed into it. Of course my first thought was 'No issue, I just have to find a masters that is related to veterinary sciences' but since I'm considering the time I would be taking with it I wanted to find one that didn't take me too long to do. And I found a few, but most of them took a year and a half or two. I kept searching for other masters that were withing the biological sciences but that weren't about animal science. That was an issue for me... A lot of people that knew I was looking for the master's told me to do it in Animal Science, for a lot of people it sounds 'ok' because i would be working with animals but its a whole different purpose. Animal Science is mainly concentrated on production of healthier products for our consumption rather for the well-being of the animals. Yes, they have to be healthy but that's not the road I'd like to go through. I am much more of a nerd for evolution, nature, conservation, the environment were living in. So, I kept searching for more master's and happened upon a masters in Oklahoma State University. It's an Anatomy and Vertebrate Paleontology Track and boy was I ecstatic when I read the title of the masters. I had always had interest in paleontology, from the secret tomb's of past royals to the discovery of species whether of plants or animals from the past I loved watching every show related to it. Though it's fascination that I have never ventured to I know that because it's in my range of interests I could do something with graduates program.
You see, ever since I have been working with the leather back sea turtles I have been curious about the changes in our environment and how this specie has survived it up till now. Other than that they're a one of a kind species, their life habits, size and behavior, everything about them is unique in comparison to other sea turtles. But, again, you can't help but wonder: how do they survive? why do they have soft shells? why are they bigger? how do they know where are the sandy beaches? I've had similar questions of species even if they're not completely a one of a kind species. I have already decided to apply for the masters and began my application process a month ago but I have been struggling to answer the questions for the essay. I have one thing clear about how to "fuse" both careers but I am not clear how to explain that this interest that I have on this career though I wouldn't be using it to work as paleontologist I could use it as a tool for education. The future is uncertain, I want my career in the veterinary field and help animals and their owners feel happy and safe, I also want to educate others about our wonderful nature hence my conservation efforts to protect and educate communities, I have so many plans for the future that I want to make real because I want to help however I can with what I know. ... I guess this would be my answer... i feel lost - Aaron Hibell
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eskildsenklinge49 · 3 months
Bird Behavior Methods Revealed
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From that day on my parrot hated him. Many birds expect to be fed at a sure time daily. Fowl feeding conduct may change on account of temperature, season and time of day. The hen will soon catch on to which conduct does and would not include a reward. The Shorebird Plan is administered by the Division of Migratory Chook Management. These documents affirm the imaginative and prescient of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and of the U.S., Canada and Mexico to recover waterfowl populations by restoring and managing wetland ecosystems, to conserve biological range within the Western Hemisphere, to integrate wildlife conservation with sustainable economic development, and to promote conservation partnerships of public and personal companies, organizations and individuals. Like the nice Himalayan Park in Himachal Pradesh is situated at an altitude of about 5000 meters and is snow coated throughout half of the yr, the star points of interest of this park are the Snow Leopards, The Blue Sheep and The Himalayan Brown Bear, It's paradise for the wildlife lovers who also love mountains. It has been certainly one of crucial vacationer sights and nationwide parks in India. CAF is certainly one of them covering migratory fowl routes throughout 30 countries with maximum routes passing by India.
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A key component in these plans is the PIF Watch Checklist, which identifies the chicken species most susceptible to extreme inhabitants decline, range reduction, or extinction. Prothonotary Warbler is on PIF’s D-Yellow Watch Record. A rising list of species conservation profiles for the 86 species of best continental concern. Game contains Grevy's zebra, Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk, beisa oryx, elephants, lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dogs and over 450 species of birds. Azerbaijan's fish-farming establishments and hatcheries account for breeding of 20 million sturgeons, 600 thousand salmons, over 800 thousand. Turtles are the oldest reptiles left on Earth, with the earliest species discovered nearly 300 million years in the past, however many species alive today may not reside to see the following century. Many professors are impartial-minded — particularly in math, the laborious sciences, and engineering, where it's a must to be to succeed. But some have a really restricted food plan, and only eat from particular native plants. For species with particular habitat requirements we should maintain suitable habitat in the face of human exercise, and the problem is heightened by the truth that, in contrast to humans, birds don't pay attention to land ownership. Only a stone throw away from Antequera the park is stuffed with wolves which might be in a semi-natural habitat.
There are various possibilities for words that rhyme with types of birds, relying on the birds. There are 5 types of birds which are found in California. There is a charge hooked up to every of the initiatives that you simply volunteer for. Aside from mapping and safeguarding chook pathways, the study will help policy development for proposed infrastructure tasks and civil aviation bird alert points, stated officials from the Ministry of Setting, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC). When your fowl tries to land in your head, duck away from it and hold out your hand. The Centre may be very severe about migratory bird conservation, and this is why an international convention is being held in India,” mentioned MS Negi, further director normal of forest (wildlife), MoEFCC. Your pet fowl may begin bobbing his/her head when hungry or excited by the prospect of being fed. Dominant behavior by birds is displayed when the fowl believes it is head of the pecking order. Bird behavior is intricate and fascinating whether or not you're observing the habits of garden birds or your individual pet fowl.
Clear feeders that mount directly to your window are nice, while the Hegeman View Window Tray Feeder almost brings the birds proper into your own home! Homeowners can make an enormous distinction by focusing on window security. Full justice to chook surveys will be executed by professional environmental engineers who can use numerous methodologies similar to Common Fowl Census (CBC) and Breeding Chicken Survey (BBS) and Wetland Chicken Survey. It's essential to hire a professional animal management company. Animal themed and brass birdbaths are also accessible so everyone’s tastes are accounted for. click here Examples of external anchors are your ornaments like ring, bracelet and many others. When using imaginary things it is often known as inside visible anchors. “This is the primary such tool utilizing advanced modelling techniques (augmented actuality) in India to map migratory fowl routes. If the chicken then lands in your hand, praise it and give it a treat. Waste is then expelled by way of the cloaca. In fact, in case your bird goes beyond sometimes nipping and instead making an attempt to claw or injure, then that is not regular habits for a budgie (parakeet), and it's best to in all probability seek the advice of your veterinarian to discuss what is likely to be inflicting it. Yes ornithologists would as bird behavior can change fairly dramatically with weather change.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Q&A: A blueprint for sustainable innovation
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/qa-a-blueprint-for-sustainable-innovation/
Q&A: A blueprint for sustainable innovation
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Atacama Biomaterials is a startup combining architecture, machine learning, and chemical engineering to create eco-friendly materials with multiple applications. Passionate about sustainable innovation, its co-founder Paloma Gonzalez-Rojas SM ’15, PhD ’21 highlights here how MIT has supported the project through several of its entrepreneurship initiatives, and reflects on the role of design in building a holistic vision for an expanding business.
Q: What role do you see your startup playing in the sustainable materials space?
A: Atacama Biomaterials is a venture dedicated to advancing sustainable materials through state-of-the-art technology. With my co-founder Jose Tomas Dominguez, we have been working on developing our technology since 2019. We initially started the company in 2020 under another name and received Sandbox funds the next year. In 2021, we went through The Engine’s accelerator, Blueprint, and changed our name to Atacama Biomaterials in 2022 during the MITdesignX program. 
This technology we have developed allows us to create our own data and material library using artificial intelligence and machine learning, and serves as a platform applicable to various industries horizontally — biofuels, biological drugs, and even mining. Vertically, we produce inexpensive, regionally sourced, and environmentally friendly bio-based polymers and packaging — that is, naturally compostable plastics as a flagship product, along with AI products.
Q: What motivated you to venture into biomaterials and found Atacama?
A: I’m from Chile, a country with a beautiful, rich geography and nature where we can see all the problems stemming from industry, waste management, and pollution. We named our company Atacama Biomaterials because the Atacama Desert in Chile — one of the places where you can best see the stars in the world — is becoming a plastic dump, as many other places on Earth. I care deeply about sustainability, and I have an emotional attachment to stop these problems. Considering that manufacturing accounts for 29 percent of global carbon emissions, it is clear that sustainability has a role in how we define technology and entrepreneurship, as well as a socio-economic dimension.
When I first came to MIT, it was to develop software in the Department of Architecture’s Design and Computation Group, with MIT professors Svafa Gronfeldt as co-advisor and Regina Barzilay as committee member. During my PhD, I studied machine-learning methods simulating pedestrian motion to understand how people move in space. In my work, I would use lots of plastics for 3D printing and I couldn’t stop thinking about sustainability and climate change, so I reached out to material science and mechanical engineering professors to look into biopolymers and degradable bio-based materials. This is how I met my co-founder, as we were both working with MIT Professor Neil Gershenfeld. Together, we were part of one of the first teams in the world to 3D print wood fibers, which is difficult — it’s slow and expensive — and quickly pivoted to sustainable packaging. 
I then won a fellowship from MCSC [the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium], which gave me freedom to explore further, and I eventually got a postdoc in MIT chemical engineering, guided by MIT Professor Gregory Rutledge, a polymer physicist. This was unexpected in my career path. Winning Nucleate Eco Track 2022 and the MITdesignX Innovation Award in 2022 profiled Atacama Biomaterials as one of the rising startups in Boston’s biotechnology and climate-tech scene.
Q: What is your process to develop new biomaterials?
A: My PhD research, coupled with my background in material development and molecular dynamics, sparked the realization that principles I studied simulating pedestrian motion could also apply to molecular engineering. This connection may seem unconventional, but for me, it was a natural progression. Early in my career, I developed an intuition for materials, understanding their mechanics and physics.
Using my experience and skills, and leveraging machine learning as a technology jump, I applied a similar conceptual framework to simulate the trajectories of molecules and find potential applications in biomaterials. Making that parallel and shift was amazing. It allowed me to optimize a state-of-the-art molecular dynamic software to run twice as fast as more traditional technologies through my algorithm presented at the International Conference of Machine Learning this year. This is very important, because this kind of simulation usually takes a week, so narrowing it down to two days has major implications for scientists and industry, in material science, chemical engineering, computer science and related fields. Such work greatly influenced the foundation of Atacama Biomaterials, where we developed our own AI to deploy our materials. In an effort to mitigate the environmental impact of manufacturing, Atacama is targeting a 16.7 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions associated with the manufacturing process of its polymers, through the use of renewable energy. 
Another thing is that I was trained as an architect in Chile, and my degree had a design component. I think design allows me to understand problems at a very high level, and how things interconnect. It contributed to developing a holistic vision for Atacama, because it allowed me to jump from one technology or discipline to another and understand broader applications on a conceptual level. Our design approach also meant that sustainability came to the center of our work from the very beginning, not just a plus or an added cost.
Q: What was the role of MITdesignX in Atacama’s development?
A: I have known Svafa Grönfeldt, MITdesignX’s faculty director, for almost six years. She was the co-advisor of my PhD, and we had a mentor-mentee relationship. I admire the fact that she created a space for people interested in business and entrepreneurship to grow within the Department of Architecture. She and Executive Director Gilad Rosenzweig gave us fantastic advice, and we received significant support from mentors. For example, Daniel Tsai helped us with intellectual property, including a crucial patent for Atacama. And we’re still in touch with the rest of the cohort. I really like this “design your company” approach, which I find quite unique, because it gives us the opportunity to reflect on who we want to be as designers, technologists, and entrepreneurs. Studying user insights also allowed us to understand the broad applicability of our research, and align our vision with market demands, ultimately shaping Atacama into a company with a holistic perspective on sustainable material development.
Q: How does Atacama approach scaling, and what are the immediate next steps for the company?
A: When I think about accomplishing our vision, I feel really inspired by my 3-year-old daughter. I want her to experience a world with trees and wildlife when she’s 100 years old, and I hope Atacama will contribute to such a future.
Going back to the designer’s perspective, we designed the whole process holistically, from feedstock to material development, incorporating AI and advanced manufacturing. Having proved that there is a demand for the materials we are developing, and having tested our products, manufacturing process, and technology in critical environments, we are now ready to scale. Our level of technology-readiness is comparable to the one used by NASA (level 4).
We have proof of concept: a biodegradable and recyclable packaging material which is cost- and energy-efficient as a clean energy enabler in large-scale manufacturing. We have received pre-seed funding, and are sustainably scaling by taking advantage of available resources around the world, like repurposing machinery from the paper industry. As presented in the MIT Industrial Liaison and STEX Program’s recent Sustainability Conference, unlike our competitors, we have cost-parity with current packaging materials, as well as low-energy processes. And we also proved the demand for our products, which was an important milestone. Our next steps involve strategically expanding our manufacturing capabilities and research facilities and we are currently evaluating building a factory in Chile and establishing an R&D lab plus a manufacturing plant in the U.S.
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memoamp · 9 months
Vivian Tang (she/her) - UCI '23
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Career Goal: Army Medical Officer/Physician
Major/Minor: Biological Sciences Major/Psychology Minor
Introduction: Hello! My name is Vivian, but everyone usually just calls me Viv! I recently graduated from UCI with a degree in Biological Sciences and am currently working as a phlebotomist as well as studying for the MCAT. I really, really love cats and spend a good chunk of my day either watching or making cat videos on TikTok with my lovely kitty Bao Bao! /ᐠ.ㅅ.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗ I am also a very active person and go to the gym almost every day, so if you have any questions regarding fitness or exercising, I’m more than happy to give you some advice or pointers for you! :’))
Involvements: During undergrad, I was involved in MEMO as Co-PR and Social Chair for two years! I was also a research assistant for the Rose Lab on campus which experiments on Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) and studies how aging and diet is correlated to one another. Since this lab is biology and film/media based, I had the chance to create educational documentary videos of our findings and present our data uniquely like a nature documentary instead of a presentation. Outside of school, I worked at a family clinic starting out as a front/back MA until I got my phlebotomy license to draw blood. I currently still work at the same family clinic but as a phlebotomist instead! Extracurriculars: My favorite extracurricular that I look forward to every week during school was MEMO gen meetings! This was a chance for me to interact with all of my friends and build new friendships with others who also show up! The big/little and family programs allow for you to build these connections and I highly recommend that you join them during the school year. Right now, I am currently studying for the MCAT, which is a long and arduous period for me since I'm diving deep into subjects and mentally preparing myself for this 7+ hour test. However, I know at the end of the day, everything will be worth it!
What kind of advice would you be giving? Get involved early no matter what it may be: organizations on campus or volunteering at your local hospital. Try to build connections with those you are surrounded with because this will be the best way for you to network between like-minded individuals! And most importantly, don't be afraid of the unknown! I joined MEMO my freshman year of college and didn't really have friends at the beginning. However, when you keep showing up to gen meetings or to social events, you will start to build these connections with those around you! Fast forward to today, I've met so many of my current friends through MEMO and hope that you can also do the same throughout your undergrad into post-grad years!
Best piece of advice you've received? This goes out to my Army doctor/mentor Dr. Flick. One time when we were having a conversation over the phone about the hardships of balancing Army med and civilian life, he told me "you can only blossom where you are planted." I thought that this was a beautiful representation of what my life would be like in the future because nothing is set when being on active duty. I could be in California one day and in another country the next. But no matter what, being adaptable and malleable in all circumstances allows for you to grow as an individual and blossom into your fullest potential.
Preferred method(s) of communication: Email, Facebook Messenger, Instagram
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By: Ian Rowe and Brad Wilcox
Published: Jun 17, 2021
The culture wars over family structure that raged in the 20th century — wars over single parenthood, marriage, and the importance of fathers — seemed to have ended in the early 21st century. From academia to the policy world, most sensible people acknowledged the importance of strong and stable families for kids. Hailing from the Ivory Tower in 2015, scholars from Brookings and Princeton reported on the new scientific consensus: “most scholars now agree that children raised by two biological parents in a stable marriage do better than children in other family forms across a wide range of outcomes.”
In the public square, the consensus view about the importance of fathers was best articulated by Barack Obama, in speeches at churches and colleges across the country. He underlined the value of fathers for kids and his own dedication to breaking the cycle of fatherlessness he experienced as a boy. “And so my whole life, I’ve tried to be for Michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me,” he told the graduates of Morehouse College in 2013. “I want to break that cycle where a father is not at home — where a father is not helping to raise that son or daughter. I want to be a better father, a better husband, a better man.” No one could doubt that President Obama understood how much fathers mattered for their kids.
The 'Myth' of the Two-Parent Home
But now, progressives are calling into question even the kids-benefit-from-fathers argument Obama made so powerfully and poignantly. This month, for instance, The Harvard Gazette ran an article entitled, “Why living in a two-parent home isn’t a cure-all for Black students.” Written by Harvard sociologist Christina Cross, it spotlights her research showing that poor Black kids with two parents do not do better on a few educational outcomes compared to their peers with single parents.
Cross’ article echoed themes from an earlier article, “The Myth of the Two-Parent Home,” that she published in The New York Times that claimed “living apart from a biological parent does not carry the same cost for black youths as for their white peers.”
This Harvard research is part and parcel of a larger effort to call into question the idea that married, two-parent families matter not just for Black children but, indeed, all children. In an Atlantic article celebrating family diversity, the sociologist Pamela Braboy Jackson said, “All of our research points to the fact that it’s the quality of the relationship that matters, and the handling of communication and conflict, and the number of people in the household is not really the key” for the welfare of our kids.
There’s only one problem with this revisionist effort that relies on cherry picking a few findings to fit its narrative: it obscures the full truth from the sciences about the importance of two-parent families for kids.
A new report from the Institute for Family Studies co-authored by us with sociologist Wendy Wang finds large differences between Black kids raised by their own two parents, compared to their peers raised by single parents (primarily single mothers). Black children raised by single parents are three times more likely to be poor, compared to Black children raised by their own married parents. Black boys are almost half as likely to end up incarcerated (14% for intact; 23% for single parent) and twice as likely to go on and graduate from college (21% for intact; 12% for single parent) if they are raised in a home with their two parents, compared to boys raised by just one parent. Parallel patterns obtain for girls. Equally striking, we also find that Black children from stable two-parent homes do better than white children from single-parent homes when it comes to their risk of poverty or prison, and their odds of graduating from college. Young white men from single-parent families, for instance, are more likely to end up in prison than young Black men from intact, two-parent homes.
Ironically, the work of another scholar just across the Harvard campus from Cross, Raj Chetty, also refutes the idea that Black fathers don’t matter. Chetty and his colleagues set out to determine the most powerful neighborhood factors behind the gap in economic mobility for poor Black and white boys. The biggest factor? The “fraction of low-income Black fathers present” in a neighborhood. In other words, poor black boys in neighborhoods with lots of Black fathers were significantly more likely to realize the American Dream.
The value of stable families; fathers
Research like this has kept some influential thinkers and journalists on the left defending the scientific consensus about marriage, fatherhood, and family. “I think that my half of the political spectrum — the left half — too often dismisses the importance of family structure,” noted New York Times columnist David Leonhardt, responding to another of Chetty’s studies. “Partly out of a worthy desire to celebrate the heroism of single parents, progressives too often downplay family structure. Social science is usually messy, with correlation and causation difficult to separate. But the evidence, when viewed objectively, points strongly to the value of two-parent households.”
So the next time you come across a study from Harvard or some other ivory tower academic trying to cast shade on the idea that fathers matter for kids, you’d be better off just reprising the wisdom articulated by our 44th president on this matter for Father’s Day in 2008, which is as relevant for Father’s Day in 2021:
“Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important… We know the statistics — that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime… They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it.”
The absence of a father has long been known to affect increased likelihood for homeless/runaways, school dropouts, teen pregnancy, obesity, incarceration and teen suicide.
Behold the problem with throwing your hands in the air and calling everything “systemic.”
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agritech08 · 11 months
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In a large-acre farm, learn how to grow grain, oil, and fibre crops. With this course's emphasis on grain, oil, and more, you may increase your potential for growth. Find out which crops are best for your environment, give an overview of your neighbourhood, and engage in discussion with industry professionals about your options. https://agritech.college/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Agronomy.mp4   What is agriculture? Agronomy deals with the biological and physical aspects of crop production and is broadly described as the practise and study of field crops for use as human food, animal feed, fibre, oilseed, and some industrial products. They consist of: - crop physiology - plant breeding - pest control - soil science and management - crop rotation - tillage Note that agronomic practices refers to field crops such as wheat and cotton. It does not cover vegetable, fruit, forestry and flower crops. Lesson Structure There are 8 lessons in this course: - INTRODUCTION TO AGRONOMIC PRACTICES - Introduction - Crop types - Plant structure and function - Transpiration rate - Selection criteria for plants - Understanding monoculture - Row crops - Cover crops - Crop operations - Planter types - CULTURE - WHAT INFLUENCES CROP GROWTH - Soils - Problems with soils - Loss of soil problems - Erosion - Salinity - Soil sodicity - Soil acidity and alkalinity - Improving soils - Cultivation techniques - Plant nutrition - Nutrient deficiencies - Organic fertilisers - Soil life - Insect pests - Diseases - CROP HUSBANDRY PRACTICES - Operations - Identifying weeds - Ways to control weeds - Spraying - Irrigation - Chemical crop protection - Preparing plant pathogens for microscopic observation - Culturing pathogens - Natural pest and disease control - Physical controls - Organic sprays and dusts - SEED AND SEED MANAGEMENT - Seed storage - Types of seed storage - Seed vigour testing - Dormancy factors affecting germination - Germination treatments - Types of media - Media derived from rock or stone - Media derived from synthetic materials - Organic media - Diseases - Salinity build up - ARABLE CEREAL CROPS - Cereal crops - Zadok scale - Wheat - Barley - Oats - Triticale - Sorghum - Maize - Rice - Millet - Sugar cane - Ryegrass - Hay and silage - Quality control - Storage and handling - Hydroponic fodder - ARABLE BROADLEAF CROPS - Characteristics of broadleaf crops - Oil crops - Chickpeas - Narrow-leafed lupins - Canola - Faba beans - Cover crops - Common legumes - HARVESTING - Crop preparation for harvest - Crop harvest equipment - Forage harvesting equipment - Cereal harvesting equipment - Root crop harvesting equipment - Grain storage - Contract harvesting - CROP MANAGEMENT - SPECIAL PROJECT - Crop management from planting to post harvest handling Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading. Aims - Get knowledge of agronomic methods in your country and others', and describe them with confidence. - Talk about the many techniques used to grow a variety of crops, where they are grown, and what is grown there. - Learn how to recognise the soil quality, climate conditions, and biological effects like pests and diseases that might affect the success of a crop. - Clearly describe the key techniques that farmers employ to cultivate an agronomic crop, such as managing the soil, the water, the cultivations, and crop protection. - Describe the methods used to grow cereals for harvest and sale as cash crops and how to accomplish successful seed germination for various agronomic crops under various field conditions. - Talk about the techniques used to cultivate broadleaf plants for harvest and sale as cash crops. - Recognize how to use various harvesting tools and methods, including post-harvest management for a variety of different crops. - Create a management plan for a crop from planting to post-harvest handling to demonstrate your knowledge. What You Will Do - Visit your local department of primary industries (or a similar) and get cropping manuals for the regionally cultivated foods. Make sure to include broadleaf, legume, and grass in your information (cereal crops). Find out the key fodder crops in your region by gathering information about them as well. - Take images of the seed, the crop in mid-season, and the mature crop. To finish this work, familiarise yourself with agronomic words, create a glossary, and conduct online, textual, and library searches. - After looking at the types of crops cultivated in your area, look at the soil types. what kind of soil is typical in your area. What characteristics distinguish these soils? In other words, does the soil have a high sand or clay content, what colour is it, what texture is it, and does it drain properly or become clogged with water? How was this soil created? Note them down for future use. - Gather images of the various planting, cultivating, and harvesting tools used in your nation and make brief notes about where, when, and what crops you would use each piece of equipment for. Do this for no more than five pieces of machinery. - Get samples of your own seed from a nearby farmer or grocery shop (for 4 different crops). Make your own cotton wool germination test to see if your seeds will grow. On day two and the last day, take pictures. Keep track of how many seeds are emerging each day, followed by the last day's total. - Create a management strategy for a crop, covering everything from planting through handling after harvest. What goes into producing a broad acre crop? Consider Barley (Hordeum vulgare), as an example: Although barley is a grain very similar to wheat, it is most often used to manufacture malt, which is mostly used for brewing beer or as animal feed. All types of barley can be used to make malt, although some types are favoured by the maltsters. Any barley that does not meet the requirements for making malt is utilised in the feed industry as animal feed. Some barley cultivars are developed especially for yield and the feed industry. High yields and a typically greater protein content than malting barley are traits of feed barley. However, this will depend on nitrogen and moisture levels during the growing season. The majority of feed types outperform malting varieties in terms of output, but because malting barley is frequently sold at a premium, the gross margin can occasionally be rather close. Root growth Barley's roots resemble wheat's in appearance. The primary and nodal roots are two separate systems. The seed that is germination produces the primary or seminal roots. Normally five to seven shoot out, branching out freely as they descend. The seminal roots (secondary roots), which are often deeper, have a maximum depth of 2.1 metres. Around the time that the ears (head) emerge, the growth rate reaches its peak. Soil Requirements Except for soils that are prone to water logging, have a low pH, or have high boron levels, barley is well adapted to a wide range of soil types. The main considerations for choosing a soil type for malting barley cultivation are the availability of nitrogen and water during grain filling. There are numerous choices that are more suitable for soils with low soil pH or high boron levels. Given that it can be planted earlier in the season and has a somewhat lower frost tolerance (1oC) than wheat, barley is extremely flexible in terms of planting time. Some of the Australian barley types don't fit this description. A fast variety describes how quickly a crop can develop from planting to harvest. Several Australian late season (quick) barley cultivars must be planted later than most wheat types in order to avoid frost damage since they will suffer significant frost damage if planted early in the season. No barley variety can tolerate extremely salinized soil. Contrarily, barley typically tolerates salinity better than wheat, making it the cereal crop of choice for sodic soils. Nitrogen The amount of nitrogen available will have a significant impact on yield and protein, which are key factors in crop return. It's critical to determine the current soil nutrient status before choosing a fertiliser programme. A lack of nitrogen in the soil is indicated by persistently low protein levels. Yield losses are likely when barley protein levels are below 11.5% dry or below 10-11% (at 12.5% moisture). Measuring protein and crop yields over time might provide a reliable indication of a paddock's nitrogen condition. For every mm of available soil moisture, malting barley needs 0.4 kg of nitrogen, on average. In order to produce a barley crop with a protein content of between 8.5 and 12%, 60 units of nitrogen will be needed if there is 150 mm of soil moisture available. Grain protein can be decreased through nitrogen dilution in high yielding years. Phosphorus Low phosphorus levels in an environment with high nitrogen levels can delay blooming, which impacts the crop's potential production and the timing of grain filling. Unless levels are extremely high, it is advised to apply a beginning fertiliser with phosphorus for best performance. Aluminium and Boron toxicityCompared to other cereals, barley is more sensitive to the toxicity of aluminium. Aluminum toxicity primarily occurs in the region of medium rainfall on light-textured soils with a low pH. Aluminum becomes more readily available and more poisonous to barley as the acidity of the soil rises. Barley is sensitive to boron's high concentration. Barley Diseases Eastern Australia is prone to the diseases listed below. We advise you to look about relevant barley diseases in your nation. The susceptibility of different barley types to diseases will vary. For resistance to various illnesses, some types have been carefully bred. Crown Rot See the information about wheat crown rot under that subject. Net Blotch The disease net blotch is brought on by the fungus Pyrenophora teres. Net blotches come in two different forms: spot for net blotches and net form of net blotches (NFNB) (SPNB). The fungus causes leaves to develop circular or net-like patches, which results in leaf chlorosis (death of leaf tissue). The more harmful type of the disease, known as NFNB, can occasionally result in yield losses of up to 30%, higher screens, and malting varieties that fail to malt. The principal inoculum source is infected stubble. The optimal environment for the propagation of disease is moist for at least six hours with temperatures between 10 and 25 oC. Spores circulate with each favourable weather occurrence by dispersing in the air or by rain splash. Avoiding planting barley on top of the barley stubble from the previous season is one strategy to control the illness. It is advised to choose your types carefully because some have significantly superior resilience than others. The economic impact of the illness can also be reduced through careful monitoring and timely fungicide applications. Spot Blotch Little, dark blotches that form on the leaf and eventually produce leaf chlorosis and leaf loss are the symptoms of this type of blotch, which is sometimes confused for the spot form of net blotch despite being caused by a separate pathogen. This disease needs warm, muggy weather with a thick crop cover. A strong crop rotation that avoids planting barley back into last year's barley field will lower disease levels, as would careful varietal selection, much like it does for other barley illnesses. Powdery Mildew On the leaf, powdery mildew develops as hairy, grey areas of fungus development. An diseased leaf eventually turns yellow and withers away. Air currents carry spores, and humid conditions are necessary for sporulation. When a crop is contaminated in the seedling stage, the growth can be significantly slowed. While other types of barley are highly vulnerable and call for some sort of treatment, certain barley cultivars are highly resistant to powdery mildew and exhibit no indications of the illness. Powdery mildew can be repressed by certain seed treatments. A timely application of a foliar fungicide can also be a very powerful remedy. As adult plant resistance is present in the majority of barley cultivars, the disease only needs to be managed prior to late tilling. WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE THIS COURSE? Some use this course as a basis for something that is comparatively new to them, while some students enrol in it to fill in gaps in their knowledge of broad acre crops. Farmers may benefit from expanding their knowledge and awareness of potential uses for their property, and people who work in the agricultural industry's support sectors might better comprehend the challenges that their clients, customers, and colleagues confront on a daily basis. Benefits of this training include: - Farmers - Farm Employers - Agriculture manufacturers - Farmers' market brokers and marketers - Agriculture majors - Other experts in agriculture, including authors, educators, research scientists, seed companies, and plant breeders.   Read the full article
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lmsarchive · 1 year
ENG 346 Lit Review 2
Linnaeus The Alchemist
“Linnaeus Forgets” is an extremely fantastical short story by Fred Chappell that recounts a fictional event where the real historical figure Carl Linnaeus was sent a plant that had magical properties. The narrative starts with some background on Linnaeus and explains that he is considered very famous in his home country of Sweden. Linnaeus has already studied and classified every plant in the area and teaches students what he knows about botany. His life seems very happy, he is appreciated by his peers and is overseeing the construction of an orangery to house exotic plants never before grown in Sweden’s cold environment. Young ladies like to send Linnaeus dried flowers in hopes of discovering a new species, or perhaps getting a token of the famous botanist’s attention. It is not often that Linnaeus receives a plant unknown to him, most of the time they are from sailors or missionaries visiting lands mostly unknown to the europeans. There is one occurrence though, from which this story takes place, where Linnaeus is gifted a plant whose properties are supernatural to mankind as a whole. The story of “Linnaeus Forgets” is a liminal fantasy that plays with magical themes in a real setting, the result being a story of a man of science confronted with a world wholly new to him. The main usage of liminality in this story is the combination of the natural science of botany with the outdated renaissance science of alchemy, as is seen when we get a glimpse of how Linnaeus feels about plants, and the actual plant he receives from the dutch sailor.
The usage of Liminality in “Linnaeus Forgets” is first set up when the audience reads how Linnaeus feels about plants and their biological sexual workings. Linnaeus has just received a seemingly dead plant by package from a sailor and he watered it before leaving it for a while to teach one of his students. He returned to the plant and it had come back to life, he suspected that it was simply dormant before. That night he attempted to sleep, but was bombarded by the memory of Johann Siegesbeck attacking him and the validity of his work. Siegesbeck implied that Linnaeus’ theory of sexual reproduction in plants was morally corrupt and that it would “shock female modesty” (Chappell 256). Linnaeus combats this by stating that plants are above human ideas of what is good and bad. He claims that when Siegesbeck called his system of classification as immoral, he also claimed that nature itself was immoral. The audience is given a full idea of how Linnaeus feels about plants when it is stated 
“It seemed to him that plants inhabited a different world than the fallen world of humankind, and that they lived in a sphere of perfect freedom and ease, unvexed by momentary and perverse jealousies.”
(Chappell 256). This line is the true beginning of the narrative’s liminality as it is setting up the otherworld of plants that Linnaeus goes on to see for himself later when the mysterious flower grows to its fullest potential. This thought from Linnaeus foreshadows the fact that the flower presents to Linnaeus an otherworldly realm where royal balls are an often occasion and mediterranean gods are paraded to the people. In this statement we also see that while Linnaeus is a man of science renown for his naturalistic knowledge of plants, there is also a spiritual side to his work. Whether or not he reveres plants as higher entities is unknown, but it is certain that his scientific work is motivated by a near religious fascination. This combination of the seen with the unseen greatly enhances the liminality of “Linnaeus Forget’s” and the theme of an otherworld in our world.
The sense of the liminal is cemented in the narrative when Linnaeus returns to his plant the next day to find that it has grown three or four feet higher than its original appearance. It takes some time for his eyes to adjust to the sight, but the best way he can describe the appearance is that of a green, flourishing pyramid. The first thing he notices when he enters his backroom is that there is an organic perfume-like scent inherently accompanied by the faint sound of what seems to be flutes and piccolos. Upon inching towards the green pyramid, he realizes that the smell has a narcotic quality which slows his movements and muffles his ability to think clearly. At first Linnaeus believes that a tropical insect species is now inhabiting the plant, but he is rendered speechless when he realizes the creatures are no plants. In fact, they are small animals, some winged and some not, of real and mythical origin. The animals range from opossums to horses to unicorns and dragons. The man’s first thought is that he is going crazy, how could this be? What kind of plant houses this kind of life? Linnaeus is further baffled when he realizes that there are small humans in the plant as well. He sees one tiny man sing to another tiny man who then rides a tiny camel up to relay the song to a tiny lady. This is when it is first introduced to the audience that this plant is an alchemical device.
Linnaeus tells the audience himself that these tiny people are homunculi. To explain that term though, alchemy should first be defined. Alchemy is the renaissance predecessor to chemistry which focused on transmuting matter to different forms. The ultimate goal of alchemy was to transmute base metals to gold and mix a universal elixir which could grant immortality and cure all ailments. Now that that’s out of the way, we can take a look at what a homunculus is. The term refers to artificial life forms created by alchemy, which is exactly what the tiny animals and people are in “Linnaeus Forgets”. Although Linnaeus only refers to the miniature people as homunculi, the term suggests that all of the beings in the plant count under the definition. The fact that the plant creates these little creatures is a perfect example of liminality in the combination of botany and alchemy. The device of creation being a plant which requires water and sunlight represents science and the natural world that Linnaeus is familiar with. The fact that the plant takes the water and light to then create artificial life represents alchemy and the mystical side of the story. The idea of liminality in the story is completely summarized in the otherworld this flower creates and the way that it creates it.
Fred Chappell does an amazing job in creating the imagery of this narrative, every moment is completely imaginable to the reader and adds to the sense of joyous wonder present throughout. His descriptions of the scenes that take place in the plant in particular are beautiful and leave just enough to the imagination of the reader. The idea that Flora, a goddess mostly unknown in Roman mythology, is the center point of the activity in the plant contributes to Linnaeus’ religious reverence of plants. Perhaps the spiritual side of the plant kingdom which the famous botanist feels so intimately is the presence of Flora guiding him in his everyday life.
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mbbsblogsblog · 1 year
MBBS in New Zealand: A Complete Steer
New Zealand is a popular study destination for students from all over the world. The country offers excellent education, a multicultural environment, and a high standard of living. Studying medicine in New Zealand is a great opportunity for Indian students who are looking to pursue their MBBS degree abroad. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on MBBS in New Zealand.
Why Choose New Zealand for MBBS?
New Zealand has some of the best medical schools in the world. The universities offer a comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and highly qualified faculty. Studying medicine in New Zealand can give Indian students a global perspective and exposure to different healthcare systems. The country also has a high standard of living, with a safe and welcoming environment for international students.
Admission Requirements for MBBS in New Zealand
To apply for MBBS in New Zealand, Indian students must meet the following requirements:
Completion of 10+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as core subjects
Minimum aggregate score of 70% in 10+2 or equivalent
Proficiency in the English language, with a minimum score of 6.5 in IELTS or 79 in TOEFL
Minimum age of 17 years
Top Medical Schools in New Zealand
Here are some of the top medical schools in New Zealand that Indian students can consider for their MBBS degree:
University of Otago Medical School
University of Auckland Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
University of Waikato School of Medicine
University of Canterbury School of Health Sciences
Victoria University of Wellington School of Biological Sciences
Duration and Cost of MBBS in New Zealand
The MBBS program in New Zealand takes six years to complete. The first three years consist of classroom instruction and laboratory work, while the final three years focus on clinical rotations. The cost of studying MBBS in New Zealand varies depending on the university and location. On average, the tuition fees range from NZD 35,000 to NZD 60,000 per year.
Career Prospects after MBBS in New Zealand
Indian students who complete their MBBS in New Zealand can pursue further specialization or work as general practitioners in New Zealand or India. They can also appear for the licensing exams in other countries like the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom.
Studying medicine in New Zealand can be a rewarding experience for Indian students. The country offers high-quality education, a safe and welcoming environment, and excellent career prospects. With this comprehensive guide, Indian students can make an informed decision about pursuing their MBBS degree in New Zealand.
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Vietnam Bionematicides Market Industry Trends, Forecast 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated Vietnam bionematicides market size at USD 1.45 million in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects Vietnam bionematicides market size to grow at a significant CAGR of 15.9% reaching a value of USD 4.07 million by 2029. Major growth factors for Vietnam bionematicides market include increasing use of microorganisms in crops provides nutrients to crops, and the transitioning of chemical fumigant nematicides due to environmental concerns. An increase in crop quality is expected to fuel the expansion of the bionematicides market. Likewise, the massive crop infestation by nematodes, as well as sustainability initiatives and increased usage of agricultural biological products, are expected to boost the bionematicides market. Also, stringent environment regulations against chemical/traditional nematicides will create further chances for the bionematicides industry to flourish during the forecast period.
Vietnam Bionematicides Market – Overview
Bionematicides are biopesticides employed to protect plants against nematode infestation. These bionematicides are safe for the environment and have no negative effects on soil fertility or crop quality. Bionematicides are commonly utilized in agriculture to achieve the best crop quality possible. Bionematicides are produced by a variety of microorganisms, including fungi, bacteria, and inert materials. Bionematicides are available in both dry and liquid forms and can be applied at any point of the plant's life cycle. Bionematicides work best when used before planting. R&D activities in Vietnam are mostly focused on breeding novel crop types and creating appropriate production technology for such crops based on IPM. However, nothing has been done to promote organic agriculture, which is required if the biopesticides business is to expand substantially. Agricultural land currently accounts for 80% of the country's total land area, and the country, as a major agricultural producer, provides numerous prospects for agrochemical companies. Furthermore, Vietnam is transitioning towards high-tech agriculture practices, with the government investing VN 156.3 billion in 15 such initiatives. Vipesco, a Vietnam-based company, is a global leader in biopesticides and the pioneer in biopesticide manufacturing.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/vietnam-bionematicides-market/report-sample
Impact of COVID-19 on Vietnam Bionematicides Market
COVID-19 had a detrimental impact on the market for bionematicides. Lockdown restrictions imposed in Vietnam caused supply chain interruptions, which in turn upset the parties involved in the delivery of goods to the intended locations. Production efficiency has decreased as a result of factors including a manpower scarcity and a restricted supply of raw materials.
Vietnam Bionematicides Market – By Crop Type
Based on crop type, Vietnam bionematicides market is divided into Cereals & Grains, Oilseeds & Pulses, and Fruits & Vegetables segments. The fruits and vegetables segment held the highest market share in 2022. Pesticides are required during vegetable cultivation to protect against insects, fungi, weeds, and viruses. Biopesticides are required to safeguard potato crops, and this will help estimate the need for biopesticide products. Bio stimulants are used in potatoes to increase nutritional value and productivity. Increased demand for potatoes from the food industry due to their numerous end-use applications, such as chips and nuggets, will drive economic growth and benefit the biopesticide market.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in Vietnam bionematicides market include Bayer Cropscience AG, T. Stanes and Company, Dow Agro Sciences, BASF SE, Syngenta AG, Bio Huma Netics, Monsanto, Marrone Bio Innovations, Valent Biosciences, and FMC Corporation. To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
+1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 | +44 1865 60 0662
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How will people find the best IVF cost in Mumbai?
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People can compare the IVF cost in Mumbai of the World Fertility Services clinic with other clinics in Mumbai, and they will get the difference in the cost the World Fertility services clinic offers. It is a clinic where fertility experts aim to spread happiness by offering low-cost IVF treatment in Mumbai without compromising quality.
How does the IVF clinic in Mumbai perform an IVF treatment?
The experts at the IVF clinic in Mumbai collect the donor or biological mother's egg from the ovaries & artificially fertilize them with the donor or biological father's sperm to facilitate fertilization. Once fertilization occurs, the skilled embryologist will pick the most active & healthy embryo to transfer into the birth mother's uterus & wait for pregnancy signs.
After 14 days of embryo transfer, the couple needs to visit the IVF clinic in Mumbai for a pregnancy test that will be conducted using an ultrasound scan. Once the fertility expert hears the infant's heartbeat, it confirms that successful pregnancy has occurred & the couple will get discharged from the IVF clinic in Mumbai to their local gynecologist for further treatment.
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What's the IVF success rate in Mumbai?
IVF success rate in Mumbai depends on the couple's age, body weight, the reason for infertility, eating habits, etc. To date, the success rate of IVF treatment in Mumbai at World Fertility Services center is high compared to many other clinics in Mumbai because, at this clinic, we have highly qualified & experienced fertility professionals who perform IVF for women above 40 & achieved around 50 to 55% of success rates for carrying the baby’s home.
Below is the IVF success rate in the Mumbai chart based on the women's age:
According to the study, the success rates dip down from 75 to 80% in the case of women of growing age because, after age 35, the women's ovarian reserve starts falling, which decreases success rates. As per the qualified & trained fertility experts, the best age for IVF is 30 to 35.
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Search out IVF treatment in Mumbai
Yes! IVF Treatment in Mumbai statement is completely true because as being the first hope IVF always remains the first choice of the patient. If you are looking for a destination that can easily fulfill your entire requirement so, in that case, we are on the top in the industry of medical science. Most of our clinics are located in the major cities and metropolitan cities with including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and many more. We are famous and popular among infertility seeker to provide patient-oriented services. We are the best option where the patient can easily get all the treatment under one roof.
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Why have IVF treatment in Mumbai
We are the only ones who are providing the hope to have multiple pregnancies throw the IVF procedure and the child that was born through this process hasn’t had any malformation. The patient will get treatment through the best fertility experts. The entire team of experts is experienced and already delivers the successful 1000 cases.
World Fertility Services is a fertility center that offers low-cost IVF in Mumbai because it helps many people afford the treatment who all lose their hope of becoming parents of their babies. The IVF clinic in Mumbai where fertility experts focus on maximizing the chances of a successful pregnancy by minimizing the IVF price in Mumbai. The motive of the fertility expert at World Fertility services is to spread happiness among couples & allow them to enjoy the parenting phase with their babies. At this clinic, the fertility experts only use the latest & advanced technologies that help them convert the maximum number of successful pregnancies. It makes World Fertility Services the best IVF center in Mumbai & people from other developed countries visit this clinic to have their babies.
Read More: https://worldfertilityservices.com/ivf-treatment-in-mumbai/
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