#Ben 10 Khyber
electraslight · 27 days
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a bellwood country club owner with a terrifying ulterior motive.... (tried my hand at a gjinka. i am not good at this)
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 2 years
Rath, to Khyber: And if you ever! Come in here again with a GOD DAMN OPINION, I will shove it SO FAR up your ass, you’ll never see the light of day again!!
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local-tithonia · 2 years
Omg how have i not shown my new h!khyber ...
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I literally dont know what outifts to put him in so hes just a floating head </3 help me😭 Im thinking something classy but easy to fight in ?? ough
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sonicasura · 1 year
Does Jim encounter Khyber and the Nemetrix? Can the Nemetrix be used against Jim's Troll variants?
Not fully. Khyber decides to follow Ben to Arcadia and didn't expect to hear there were two Omnitrix Users. He should've been more concerned about the assassin whose quite protective of Jim. In the end, Angor Rot got himself a dog while Khyber left without an arm and sworn by oath to never return to Arcadia.
As for if the Nemetrix can be used against Jim's troll forms, Magicka is the only one it can't counter. Curses are something no natural adaptation can defend against. Even for beings from outer space. Magic is very strange.
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ben-101-rewrite · 2 years
I’m just curious about any changes made about doctor psychobos and the nemetrix in general, love that stuttering genius, and I use the term loosely
One of the things I'd wanna keep is his goals. The show does have the problem of him falling into the goal of "I want to rule/destory everything!" like most Ben 10 villains down the line. I liked his original goal of just wanting to prove the galvans wrong, in that other aliens can be smart, or even smarter than them, but the galvans are prideful and always look down on people. In fact while Psychobos may not exactly win and beat Ben, he is right in that the galvans do have a big problem in putting down other people, something Azmuth acknowledges. I'd even have it that Azmuth compliments Psychobos's work, saying that the nemetrix is indeed impressive, but points out the biggest flaw going against Psychobos is his need for validation from the Galvans, and that he makes what he makes not to improve lives around him, or accomplish a goal that is worth while, but instead does it for attention and over a grudge. Psychobos could be much more if he didn't stoop down to this rivalry between the two species, but he never will because he's stubborn and prideful. It also doesn't help that Psychobos will work for any villain if their plans allow him to discover and invent new things, as long as he can get ahead of the galvans. So Psychobos's character I want to be a showcase of how someone could acheive great things, but will allow himself to be pushed around or lose sight of what makes inventing good, all for pride and a grudge that he doesn't have to be a part of. Along with him helping the main cast go more into depth with the problem of galvan culture, and how Azmuth and Ben wants to fix it. As for the nemetrix itself, I would mostly keep it the same, but I would add a bigger playlist, but also play into the idea that same aliens don't have predators, or Khyber couldn't get the predator to some aliens. As cool as something like the Slammoid is, I refuse to belive Khyber somehow made it to Andromeda for that single DNA, lol. Especially since it always felt like Andromeda was supposed to be this new and distant place not many can get to during the UAF era. So this would help provide more of a challenge for Khyber over time, having to get creative with what predators to pick for those he doesn't have an answer to, similar to how Ben has to be smart with his choices.
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crystal-moon-101 · 2 years
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Name: Ivory Nickname: Iv, Ivy, Iry, l, Nano Queen, Spiderling (By Khyber) Age: 14 Gender: Female Birthday: November 12th Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Ethnicity/Species: ‘Human’/Nanochip - Caucasian (American) Personality: Cold, Blunt, Aggressive, Lonely, Alert, Clever, Firm, Protective, Bold, Wild, Secretive, Lost, Brave, Resourceful, Reactive, Curious. Hobbies: Training, Hunting, Bonding & playing with Mortimer, Adventuring, Weapons collecting, Researching animals and nature, Animal watching, Phone games. Family:
Elena Validus - (Mother/Ivory knows nothing of her mother, as Elena gave her up to Albedo the moment she could, out of fear that she couldn’t raise her daughter in the state she was in, though Ivory always thought her mother never wanted her. She does want to know who her mother is, perhaps even find her and get the true story out of her, but a part of her is afraid of what she might learn.)
Albedo - (Father/Similar to her mother, Ivory knows nothing of her father, as Albedo too gave her up the moment he could, handing her off to Khyber. All she knows from Khyber is that her father is apparently smart, but self-destructive, and used to work alongside Khyber at some point, but has been in hiding for a long time. She also wants to find her father and learn who he is, in an effort to learn more about herself hopefully.)
Khyber - (Mentor/Khyber had been quick to take in Ivory, for the sole purpose of having an apprentice. He holds no family views towards her, keeping their relationship strictly professional, and even abusive due to the nature of his teachings. He neglects a lot of her social and personal needs in an effort to keep her on the path of being a bounty hunter like him, though he is also he one that teaches her how to keep her nanochips under control, so there’s that. Ivory at a young age did try and make a family bond between the two, a natural instinct in a child, but quickly came to terms that it was never going to happen. But despite the obvious negative effects he has on her, she doesn’t want to leave his side, believing he is the only person she can trust.)
Mortimer - (Pet Krakken/Mortimer was given to her as a baby when Khyber figured it was time to give her a pet to use like him, sadly for him she ended up bonding with her pet, loving him deeply, just as Mortimer loves her to the ends of the earth. He’s the only being that she feels super close with, and he is always ready to comfort her when she needs it.)
Ben Tennyson - (‘DNA Father’/Based on Khyber’s teachings she’s learnt to be very wary of Ben, and views him negatively, though not due to her own personal feelings, all based on what Khyber says to her. After learning that Ivory may be the daughter of Albedo, Ben has tried to communicate with her on the few chances he may bump into her, though still keeps his guard up around her, knowing the kind of life she was brought up in. It doesn’t help that, due to Albedo’s copy DNA, Ivory clearly looks like she could be related to Ben and Jay.)
Julie Yamamoto - (‘Step-Mother’?/Julie has yet to meet Ivory in person, but she can’t help by feel something towards the girl whenever seeing images or footage of her, often seeing her own son in Ivory's face. She has expressed many times that she hopes Ivory can be pulled out of that life, and is willing to help if that ever happens.)
Jay Tennyson - (‘Half-Brother’?/Ivory is honestly confused, and sometimes even annoyed by Jay’s attempts to befriend her, given the amount of times she has tried harming him in fights. Though she does admit there is some kind of strange connection between the two, noticing how they look similar. And a part of her deep down does want to sit and listen to him, but refuses to due to her upbringing and training.)
Thea Levin - (‘Second Cousins’?/She couldn’t care less about Thea, in fact she’s not a fan of Thea’s attitude towards those stuck in the villain life, as Thea is quick to view things in black and white. It can lead to both of them giving nasty looks at each other, Thea doubtful that Ivory would ever change sides.)
Vanessa Morningstar - (Friend/Crush/Ivory met Vanessa around the time Vanessa ran away from home and started working with Feike’s gang, and Ivory is ashamed to admit she couldn’t help feel a little something when meeting Vanessa the first time. Which is a struggle for her since she’s never really thought of stuff like this before. But beyond that she enjoys Vanessa’s compony, finding her to be amusing and charming. Though she does secretly questions Vanessa’s choice in running away from home, as Ivory would give anything to just know who her true family was.)
Feike - (Friend/Ivory has a lot of respect towards Feike, as he was one of the few people that stood up to Khyber on her behalf, even if it didn’t work. Since they were both basically raised by cruel people, they have a kindred spirit based on all the awful stuff they have had to go through, and look out for each other whenever they cross paths.)
Pallana, Wes, Arlic & Aleena - (Friends/While not as close to any of the others compared to Vanessa and Feike, Ivory still considers the others friends. They all help bring out a more playful side in Ivory, giving her that social life her teenage self needs, even if Khyber may disapprove of them.)
Plumbers (Enemies/Naturally as Khyber’s apprentice, it makes sense she doesn’t trust the Plumbers, often having to fight them the more she joined Khyber’s missions.)
Omni Squad (Enemies/Her dynamic with Jay and Thea is complicated, but with the rest of the team she doesn’t hesitate when fighting them. She would rather they stop bothering her, but since they’re mostly willing to back Jay up during his moments trying to reach out to her, she has no such luck.)
Representing Song: Total Insecurity - Rockit Music Skills: Nanochip Powers/Control (Shapeshifting, Technokinesis, Nanochip Generation, Mind Control, Weapons Creation, Hacking, Superhuman Biology, Flight, Hive Mind. She has two forms, her base human form, and her nanochip form, which looks like a mechanical spider-human hybrid.) Hand-To-Hand Combat. Multilingualism (Knows a variety of alien languages). Marksmanship & Swordsmanship. Tracking & Hunting. Lying. It’s suspected she may have some galvan brains to her. Pressure Point Combat. Weakness/Flaws/Fears: Atychiphobia (Fear Of Failure). Monophobia (Fear of being alone and unwanted). Claustrophobia (Fear of Enclosed Spaces). While Khyber has trained her to keep her emotions and feelings in check, Ivory’s nanochips have the ability to drive her to be impulsive if pushed far enough, especially over desires or deep pain. EMPs can not only shut off her nanochip powers, but also make her feel strange and sickly, not used to not being able to hear or sense them. Her toxic and abusive relationship with Khyber has damaged many parts of her, and it’s rare for her to go against him. She often denies treating herself, especially when she thinks she’s done something wrong or makes a mistake. Tends to push herself to her limits. Not good with expressing her emotions and feelings. Despite her training and abilities, she’s still a young teen, and still has a lot to learn. Doesn’t know how to deal with normal things. Requires concentration for certain abilities.
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ohyeahben10 · 3 months
We never talk about the implications of Khyber’s dream being him tagging along with the OS trio and all of them telling him he did a good job. He captured Vilgax, Max calls him one of the kids, Ben says they’re bffs, Max nicknames him “champ”, he hugs the little trophy they give him. What does this say about him
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whatudottu · 4 months
Seeing the “cerebrocrustaceans are highly territorial” headcanon slowly start to pick up more steam (albeit with a split as to whether they’re so cliquey and ride-or-die they view everyone who isn’t in their in-group as a potential threat until they’ve made it abundantly clear that they mean no harm or if they despise any sort of group collaboration unless it’s absolutely, positively necessary) makes me wonder if it’s a common stereotype by the galactic audience to view them as being massive pricks to everyone they meet. Like, oh, everyone on Encephalonus-IV hates each other’s guts and they’re incessantly rude to anyone and everyone they come across! They’re so petty and envious they can’t stand the thought of anyone being better at them than anything and delight in the suffering and misfortune of people they don’t like! They fly into murderous rages if a galvan so much as breathes on them, and if they weren’t such cowards, they’d nuke Galvan Prime into oblivion only to immediately start yet another rivalry with some other species for one reason or another!
Hah! Doesn’t help their case that Dr Psychobos became very well known thanks to the super famous superhero Ben 10!
But no yeah with galvans being the cold detached sort of smart, especially with their prevalence in intergalactic relationships (you don’t become the smartest being in not one but multiple galaxies by sitting alone in your room), what comparatively little interaction to the wider galactic sphere cerebrocrustaceans have has more expectations than if the galvans were more subtle in their influence. If you’ve heard how much of an grumpy old man scientist the First Thinker is, especially when you hear about one of his creations striking out against him due to neglect, well you’ve already started to get the picture of an isolated workspace that no one dares interrupt.
So then you come face to face with a snappy cerebrocrustacean scientist who’s rude, direct, and hovering over your shoulder making sure you don’t fuck up, well you won’t really find many cases of neglect when everything you do is under scrutiny. I guess the difference between my headcanon and @ohyeahben10 ‘s headcanon would be if you can endure the territorial… hostility may not be the right word, the fact that you’re in the same space as a cerebrocrustacean at work is already more than what they’d typically give, in my headcanon sphere you could potentially get past that barrier and transition from outgroup to ingroup; I don’t know exactly what’s in ohyeah’s head but I assume given his headcanons she might say that you practically could never get on a cerebrocrustacean’s good side, or at least not as close as an ingroup would suggest-
Either or, it’s gonna leave a bad first impression, and that is how the stereotype for being prickish is so widespread. Potentially, if a notable cerebrocrustacean scientist works intergalactically, the stereotype may narrow to Encephalonus IV having a very dickish social culture.
#ask#anonymous#cerebrocrustacean#encephalonus iv#ben 10#hope i pronouned you right ohyeah (or whatever shorthand name you’d prefer- central or sceathered idk)#but right yeah being territorial sucks for your reputation but it’s probably why scientists aren’t representatives#which might have to bite the bullet and fight against the instinct to be territorial- or at least innately not be as much#then again they’re collectively a rather smart intelligent species so maybe scientists are representatives#i think i like thinking about cerebrocrustaceans (god it’s such a long name)#it’s not going to beat out petrosapiens anytime soon but with galvans in canon getting a lot of focus#imagining what makes cerebrocrustaceans different besides appearance is really neat#i like thinking they’re like cliquey scientists- mostly because aside from medical doctors i don’t see a lot of big science teams in galvan#like it seems to be mostly kept to two either it’s the first thinker and their assistant#or it’s blukic and driba as the technicians (r&d?) of plumber earth base#i mean technically dr psychobos was completely alone in regards to the sciencing part#having malware hunt for the omnitrix schematics and have khyber literally hunt the omnitrix wielder#but like i don’t think i can base all cerebrocrustaceans after dr psychobos#because well i don’t think everyone on ecephalonis iv hates galvans- djw even said they don’t have a rivalry#but it’s fun i like cerebrocrustaceans (god is there anyway to shorten the name)
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cyclone-rachel · 9 months
so I just realized
did Khyber and Psychobos know that Azmuth was basically Malware's father?
Or do they just start working with Malware at their different points and accept that he has something against Azmuth because a lot of people do (including Psychobos himself, which was probably why him and Malware connected in the first place) but don't ask any questions
and then Showdown part 2 rolls around and Psychobos is somewhere off to the side in his little cage while he overhears Malware's monologue and he's just like "oh. that's why"
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piscciss · 2 months
I was thinking about your post that was like "As much as I like Khyware, I don't think it'd work. They get together, they fuck, they break up, Khyber doesn't care about relationships and Malware cares way too much, Khyber probably gets killed by Malware" and like...
In My Mouth by Black Dresses is a Khyware song but it's Malware @ Khyber
will add to my khyware playlist
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redeyesgeatsdragon24 · 2 months
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People, what team could they form if they made their own suicide squad, leave it in the comments if more than let's say complete my suicide squad crossover edition
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electraslight · 28 days
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apprentice (i always enjoyed their repoire, i think they would make great allies. khyber holds more respect for ben than a lot of his friends do)
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chekechoko84 · 9 months
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Khyber my beloved
Im simping villains so bad lately
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local-tithonia · 2 years
I think about your post about being inside Khyber's dirty laundry hamper every day, thank you for that
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faceless-dude · 2 years
Some funny and not so funny scribbles
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ben-101-rewrite · 1 year
You said Panuncians were created by Cerebrocrustaceans, does that mean Dr. Psychobos made a one specifically for Khyber or did Khyber find one himself?
The Panuncians would have been made by a collective group and in heavy duty science labs, haha. So even if Dr. Psychobos is smart, he wouldn't just be able to conjure up one for Khyber, wouldn't really make any sense. Plus, knowing Khyber, he would want to go and get one himself, more fun and challenging that way. I also like the idea that Khyber didn't tell him he was grabbing one, so Dr. Psychobos would walk into his lab to see one of his peopke's biggest creations and mistakes sitting there.
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