#Barbara Eve Harris
ryderdiedaily · 1 year
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Sierra McClain and Barbara Eve Harris as Grace Ryder and Denice Williams
9-1-1: Lone Star 04x03: Open
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xofeno · 2 years
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Jay Halstead snapping to attention when a superior officer enters the room CHICAGO P.D. –  4.02, Made a Wrong Turn
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boomgers · 1 year
Los héroes no se jubilan, se recargan… “Fubar”
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Teniendo como telón de fondo las intrigas del espionaje, la historia aborda con mucho humor la dinámica universal de las relaciones familiares.
Sinopsis: Tras enterarse de que ambos estuvieron trabajando durante años como agentes secretos de la CIA, un padre y su hija no solo descubren que su relación siempre ha sido una mentira y que no se conocen como creían, sino que, además, ahora tienen que trabajar juntos.
Estreno: 25 de mayo de 2023 en Netflix.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Arnold Schwarzenegger, Monica Barbaro, Milan Carter, Gabriel Luna, Jay Baruchel, Fortune Feimster, Fabiana Udenio, Barbara Eve Harris, Andy Buckley, Devon Bostick, Stephanie Sy, Adam Pally, Aparna Brielle y Travis Van Winkle.
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oceanusborealis · 11 months
FUBAR: Season 1 – TV Review
TL;DR – Arnold Schwarzenegger’s charisma goes a long way with this spy series, but odd structural choices and a middling narrative hold it back from reaching its potential. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the Netflix service that viewed this series. FUBAR Review – Between The Diplomat, The Night Agent, The Recruit, and more, it feels like we are going through a renaissance…
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
This reaction is for season 4, thirteenth episode "Open" which originally aired April 18, 2023. The episode was written by Wolfe Coleman and directed by John J. Gray. Spoilers ahead!
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Okay, let's talk Lone Star! I really enjoyed this episode. It was a great balance of funny, drama and some action. Our beloved Grace Ryder does most of the emotional heavy-lifting this episode while Captain Strand provides the comedy. I also enjoyed each of the emergency sequences of this episode, however, the last one we get in this episode is perhaps one of the most gruesome things I have seen on either 9-1-1 show but we will get to that later. Let's talk about what happened with Owen first.
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We see Owen is still carrying on his dalliance with wealthy heiress Kendra Harrington Michaela McManus) but things take a turn for the bizarre when her husband comes home in the middle of one of their romantic trysts. Kendra comes clean about having an open relationship and Owen is justifiably uncomfortable with the whole situation.
Things get even weirder when Kendra's husband, Brett Collier (Clarke Thorell) shows up at the firehouse. Apparently Owen accidentally grabbed his glasses off the nightstand before he left the house. This scene was so cringy and it was one of the rare moments where I truly felt bad for Owen. Owen can be pretty cavalier when it comes to his romantic life but having the husband of the woman you're hooking up with on the regular show up to your job is absolutely motifying. Oh, and all of this went down in front of all of his crew and his son. Poor TK. I guess he's used to things like this happening to his dad.
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Things only get worse when the 126 end up responding to an emergency at Kendra Kendra's home. When Owen and company arrive on the scene, they find Brett with his arm pinned underneath his vehicle. The 126 manage to free him and he is taken to the ambulance. Kendra arrives and rides to the hospital with her husband leaving Owen even more confused about his situation. A few days later, Kendra arrives at the firehouse with a chef and prepares lunch for the 126. Owen opens up to her about how uncomfortable he is being the third party in her relationship. Kendra assures him things are fine and that she and her husband aren't intimate anymore but Owen decides to break things off with her.
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The 126 end up responding to another emergency at Kendra's home. This time they find her husband Brett frozen solid in one of those cryotherapy chambers. Judd and Paul manage to take him out of it. Owen takes his pulse but doesn't find one. He then decides to do CPR on the poor guy and this is where the episode turned into a horror show. When Owen starts doing chest compressions, he literally crushes and shatters Brett's chest. Well, if there were any doubts as to whether or not he was still alive, I think this definitely confirmed things. Owen is horrified and so is the rest of the 126. Kendra, however, tells Owen she is feeling pretty numb about it all. Owen takes Kendra back to her place since obviously she can't go back to her house. At the end of the episode, he receives a call from Gabriel Reyes (Benito Martinez), Gabriel informs Owen that Kendra's husband's death is being investigated because there was poison found in his body. Did Kendra kill her husband? I guess we will get the answer to that question next episode! Now, let's talk about Grace!
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We get the return of Grace's parents - Benjamin and Denice Williams (William Allen Young and Barbara Eve Harris). It's been two years since Grace has seen her parents and they are so excited to spend time with Baby Charlie. We learn that Grace has been avoiding her parents because she is still angry about her father's infidelity which was revealed in season 2. Grace confides in Judd that she finds it hard to be around her mom knowing that she is unaware of what her dad has done. When the babysitter calls to let Grace know she will not be available, Benjamin and Denice offer to look after baby Charlie. Grace is reluctant but Judd agrees they can watch after Charlie. 
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When her parents arrive the following day, Grace takes her father to the side to let him know that she is glad he is watching after Charlie because it means that he will be saying out of trouble. Benjamin is clearly hurt by this but I really can't blame Grace for being upset at him. 
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At the dispatch center, Grace's coworker receives an emergency call from Denice. Benjamin is on the floor and is unresponsive. Grace commandeers the call but her mother is much too distressed to follow her instructions. Thankfully Grace's boss takes over the conversation. Grace heads over to the hospital and we learn that her father has had a massive heart attack. Denice seems unbothered by her husband's medical situation and assures Grace that everything will be fine. However, Grace thinks she should call her sisters, Ashley and Lisa, because things aren't looking too good for her dad. Denice agrees that they should be contacted. 
Benjamin makes it through surgery but is on a ventilator. Grace goes to his room but can't bring herself to go inside because she feels immense guilt over the last thing she said to him. Denice overhears Grace talking with Judd and reveals that she's known all along about her husband's infidelities. Denice tells Grace that while it took some time, she has been able to forgive her husband and encourages Grace to do the same. 
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Grace enters the room and talks to her comatose father. She starts singing Charlie Chaplin's "Smile". She is then joined by her two younger sisters, Ashley and Lisa, who are played by Sierra McClain's real life sisters - China Anne McClain and Lauryn Alisa McClain. By the way, fun fact: Sierra, China, and Lauryn have a singing group called the McClain Sisters. 
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When the three sisters finish their song, Benjamin regains consciousness and he and Grace finally make peace. I must say, even though I enjoyed Owen's storyline, I was really impressed with Grace's. Sierra did such an amazing job in all her scenes. The scene where she couldn't go into her father's room absolutely broke my heart. It was so fun to see Grace get to shine in this episode. We've gotten a lot of her being Judd's supportive wife. I'm glad we got to see him step back and be the supportive husband. 
Overall, this episode was fun! I laughed. I cried at certain points. I nearly threw up my dinner when Owen obliterated that man's chest cavity. If I were Owen, I would need a lot of therapy after doing that. If I were his crew, I'd need therapy after seeing that. The fact that Kendra seemed nonplussed about her husband being shattered into pieces leads me to believe that she's not who she appears to be. I swear if she turns out to be some sort of serial killer or a woman who likes to kill off her husband, then I'm going to suggest that Owen join a monastery. Owen Strand has the absolute worst luck when it comes to women on this show. He just needs to be single. As for Grace - I'm happy we've got to see more of her and her family. I thought it was brilliant casting having her sisters play her sisters on the show. For four seasons I'd assumed that Grace was an only child but it's really cool to know that she's a big sister. Now that we've met her whole family, I hope we get to meet more of Judd's. This episode ended with a bit of a cliffhanger and I predict that Captain Strand is going to be in peril next episode. Well, until next time ...
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
FUBAR Trailer
“When a father and daughter learn that they’ve each secretly been working as CIA Operatives for years, they realize their entire relationship has been a lie and they truly don’t know one another at all.” (Netflix)
FUBAR stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Monica Barbaro, Milan Carter, Fortune Feimster, Travis Van Winkle, Jay Baruchel, Andy Buckley, Aparna Brielle, Barbara Eve Harris, Fabiana Udenio, and Gabriel Luna. The series is created by Nick Santora.
FUBAR hits Netflix on May 25, 2023.
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ramascreen · 1 year
New Key Art And Trailer For FUBAR Series Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Monica Barbaro and Fortune Feimster
ARNOLD’S BACK, BABY! Netflix’s newest action-comedy FUBAR premieres globally on May 25, 2023 and here are its key art and trailer! ABOUT FUBAR: When a father and daughter learn that they’ve each secretly been working as CIA Operatives for years, they realize their entire relationship has been a lie and they truly don’t know one another at all. Forced to team up as partners, the series tackles…
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kaijuno · 6 months
In light of Fall Out Boy’s GARBAGE cover of the song. Let’s learn about the original. Notice how they’re actually in chronological order instead of just random references 😒😒😒😒
Harry Truman was inaugurated as U.S. president after being elected in 1948 to his own term; previously he was sworn in following the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He authorized the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War II, on August 6 and August 9, 1945, respectively.
Doris Day enters the public spotlight with the films My Dream Is Yours and It’s a Great Feeling as well as popular songs like “It’s Magic”; divorces her second husband.
Red China: The Communist Party of China wins the Chinese Civil War, establishing the People’s Republic of China.
Johnnie Ray signs his first recording contract with Okeh Records, although he would not become popular for another two years.
South Pacific, the prize-winning musical, opens on Broadway on April 7.
Walter Winchell is an aggressive radio and newspaper journalist credited with inventing the gossip column.
Joe DiMaggio and the New York Yankees go to the World Series five times in the 1940s, winning four of them.
Joe McCarthy, the US Senator, gains national attention and begins his anti-communist crusade with his Lincoln Day speech.
Richard Nixon is first elected to the United States Senate.
Studebaker, a popular car company, begins its financial downfall.
Television is becoming widespread throughout Europe and North America.
North Korea and South Korea declare war after Northern forces stream south on June 25.
Marilyn Monroe soars in popularity with five new movies, including The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve, and attempts suicide after the death of friend Johnny Hyde who asked to marry her several times, but she refused respectfully. Monroe would later (1954) be married for a brief time to Joe DiMaggio (mentioned in the previous verse).
The Rosenbergs, Ethel and Julius, were convicted on March 29 for espionage.
H-Bomb is in the middle of its development as a nuclear weapon, announced in early 1950 and first tested in late 1952.
Sugar Ray Robinson, a champion welterweight boxer.
Panmunjom, the border village in Korea, is the location of truce talks between the parties of the Korean War.
Marlon Brando is nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in A Streetcar Named Desire.
The King and I, musical, opens on Broadway on March 29.
The Catcher in the Rye, a controversial novel by J. D. Salinger, is published.
Dwight D. Eisenhower is first elected as U.S. president, winning by a landslide margin of 442 to 89 electoral votes.
The vaccine for polio is privately tested by Jonas Salk.
England’s got a new queen: Queen Elizabeth II succeeds to the throne upon the death of her father, George VI, and is crowned the next year.
Rocky Marciano defeats Jersey Joe Walcott, becoming the world Heavyweight champion.
Liberace has a popular 1950s television show for his musical entertainment.
Santayana goodbye: George Santayana, philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist, dies on September 26.
Joseph Stalin dies on March 5, yielding his position as leader of the Soviet Union.
Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov succeeds Stalin for six months following his death. Malenkov had presided over Stalin’s purges of party “enemies”, but would be spared a similar fate by Nikita Khrushchev mentioned later in verse.
Gamal Abdel Nasser acts as the true power behind the new Egyptian nation as Muhammad Naguib’s minister of the interior.
Sergei Prokofiev, the composer, dies on March 5, the same day as Stalin.
Winthrop Rockefeller and his wife Barbara are involved in a highly publicized divorce, culminating in 1954 with a record-breaking $5.5 million settlement.
Roy Campanella, an African-American baseball catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, receives the National League’s Most Valuable Player award for the second time.
Communist bloc is a group of communist nations dominated by the Soviet Union at this time. Probably a reference to the Uprising of 1953 in East Germany.
Roy Cohn resigns as Joseph McCarthy’s chief counsel and enters private practice with the fall of McCarthy. He also worked to prosecute the Rosenbergs, mentioned earlier.
Juan Perón spends his last full year as President of Argentina before a September 1955 coup.
Arturo Toscanini is at the height of his fame as a conductor, performing regularly with the NBC Symphony Orchestra on national radio.
Dacron is an early artificial fiber made from the same plastic as polyester.
Dien Bien Phu falls. A village in North Vietnam falls to Viet Minh forces under Vo Nguyen Giap, leading to the creation of North Vietnam and South Vietnam as separate states.
“Rock Around the Clock” is a hit single released by Bill Haley & His Comets in May, spurring worldwide interest in rock and roll music.
Albert Einstein dies on April 18 at the age of 76.
James Dean achieves success with East of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause, gets nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor, and dies in a car accident on September 30 at the age of 24.
Brooklyn’s got a winning team: The Brooklyn Dodgers win the World Series for the only time before their move to Los Angeles.
Davy Crockett is a Disney television miniseries about the legendary frontiersman of the same name. The show was a huge hit with young boys and inspired a short-lived “coonskin cap” craze.
Peter Pan is broadcast on TV live and in color from the 1954 version of the stage musical starring Mary Martin on March 7. Disney released an animated version the previous year.
Elvis Presley signs with RCA Records on November 21, beginning his pop career.
Disneyland opens on July 17, 1955 as Walt Disney’s first theme park.
Brigitte Bardot appears in her first mainstream film And God Created Woman and establishes an international reputation as a French “sex kitten”.
Budapest is the capital city of Hungary and site of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Alabama is the site of the Montgomery Bus Boycott which ultimately led to the removal of the last race laws in the USA. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr figure prominently.
Nikita Khrushchev makes his famous Secret Speech denouncing Stalin’s “cult of personality” on February 25.
Princess Grace Kelly releases her last film, High Society, and marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco.
Peyton Place, the best-selling novel by Grace Metalious, is published. Though mild compared to today’s prime time, it shocked the reserved values of the 1950s.
Trouble in the Suez: The Suez Crisis boils as Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal on October 29.
Little Rock, Arkansas is the site of an anti-integration standoff, as Governor Orval Faubus stops the Little Rock Nine from attending Little Rock Central High School and President Dwight D. Eisenhower deploys the 101st Airborne Division to counteract him.
Boris Pasternak, the Russian author, publishes his famous novel Doctor Zhivago.
Mickey Mantle is in the middle of his career as a famous New York Yankees outfielder and American League All-Star for the sixth year in a row.
Jack Kerouac publishes his first novel in seven years, On the Road.
Sputnik becomes the first artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, marking the start of the space race.
Chou En-Lai, Premier of the People’s Republic of China, survives an assassination attempt on the charter airliner Kashmir Princess.
Bridge on the River Kwai is released as a film adaptation of the 1954 novel and receives seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Lebanon is engulfed in a political and religious crisis that eventually involves U.S. intervention.
Charles de Gaulle is elected first president of the French Fifth Republic following the Algerian Crisis.
California baseball begins as the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants move to California and become the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants. They are the first major league teams west of Kansas City.
Charles Starkweather Homicide captures the attention of Americans, in which he kills eleven people between January 25 and 29 before being caught in a massive manhunt in Douglas, Wyoming.
Children of Thalidomide: Mothers taking the drug Thalidomide had children born with congenital birth defects caused by the sleeping aid and antiemetic, which was also used at times to treat morning sickness.
Buddy Holly dies in a plane crash on February 3 with Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper, in a day that had a devastating impact on the country and youth culture. Joel prefaces the lyric with a Holly signature vocal hiccup: “Uh-huh, uh-huh.”
Ben-Hur, a film based around the New Testament starring Charlton Heston, wins eleven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Space Monkey: Able and Miss Baker return to Earth from space aboard the flight Jupiter AM-18.
The Mafia are the center of attention for the FBI and public attention builds to this organized crime society with a historically Sicilian-American origin.
Hula hoops reach 100 million in sales as the latest toy fad.
Fidel Castro comes to power after a revolution in Cuba and visits the United States later that year on an unofficial twelve-day tour.
Edsel is a no-go: Production of this car marque ends after only three years due to poor sales.
U-2: An American U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union, causing the U-2 Crisis of 1960.
Syngman Rhee was rescued by the CIA after being forced to resign as leader of South Korea for allegedly fixing an election and embezzling more than US $20 million.
Payola, illegal payments for radio broadcasting of songs, was publicized due to Dick Clark’s testimony before Congress and Alan Freed’s public disgrace.
John F. Kennedy beats Richard Nixon in the November 8 general election.
Chubby Checker popularizes the dance The Twist with his cover of the song of the same name.
Psycho: An Alfred Hitchcock thriller, based on a pulp novel by Robert Bloch and adapted by Joseph Stefano, which becomes a landmark in graphic violence and cinema sensationalism. The screeching violins heard briefly in the background of the song are a trademark of the film’s soundtrack.
Belgians in the Congo: The Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) was declared independent of Belgium on June 30, with Joseph Kasavubu as President and Patrice Lumumba as Prime Minister.
Ernest Hemingway commits suicide on July 2 after a long battle with depression.
Adolf Eichmann, a “most wanted” Nazi war criminal, is traced to Argentina and captured by Mossad agents. He is covertly taken to Israel where he is put on trial for crimes against humanityin Germany during World War II, convicted, and hanged.
Stranger in a Strange Land, written by Robert A. Heinlein, is a breakthrough best-seller with themes of sexual freedom and liberation.
Bob Dylan is signed to Columbia Records after a New York Times review by critic Robert Shelton.
Berlin is separated into West Berlin and East Berlin, and from the rest of East Germany, when the Berlin Wall is erected on August 13 to prevent citizens escaping to the West.
The Bay of Pigs Invasion fails, an attempt by United States-trained Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro.
Lawrence of Arabia: The Academy Award-winning film based on the life of T. E. Lawrence starring Peter O’Toole premieres in America on December 16.
British Beatlemania: The Beatles, a British rock group, gain Ringo Starr as drummer and Brian Epstein as manager, and join the EMI’s Parlophone label. They soon become the world’s most famous rock band, with the word “Beatlemania” adopted by the press for their fans’ unprecedented enthusiasm. It also began the British Invasion in the United States.
Ole’ Miss: James Meredith integrates the University of Mississippi
John Glenn: Flew the first American manned orbital mission termed “Friendship 7” on February 20.
Liston beats Patterson: Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson fight for the world heavyweight championship on September 25, ending in a first-round knockout. This match marked the first time Patterson had ever been knocked out and one of only eight losses in his 20-year professional career.
Pope Paul VI: Cardinal Giovanni Montini is elected to the papacy and takes the papal name of Paul VI.
Malcolm X makes his infamous statement “The chickens have come home to roost” about the Kennedy assassination, thus causing the Nation of Islam to censor him.
British politician sex: The British Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, has a relationship with a showgirl, and then lies when questioned about it before the House of Commons. When the truth came out, it led to his own resignation and undermined the credibility of the Prime Minister.
JFK blown away: President John F. Kennedy is assassinated on November 22 while riding in an open convertible through Dallas.
Birth control: In the early 1960s, oral contraceptives, popularly known as “the pill”, first go on the market and are extremely popular. Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 challenged a Connecticut law prohibiting contraceptives. In 1968, Pope Paul VI released a papal encyclical entitled Humanae Vitae which declared artificial birth control a sin.
Ho Chi Minh: A Vietnamese communist, who served as President of Vietnam from 1954–1969. March 2 Operation Rolling Thunder begins bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail supply line from North Vietnam to the Vietcong rebels in the south. On March 8, the first U.S. combat troops, 3,500 marines, land in South Vietnam.
Richard Nixon back again: Former Vice President Nixon is elected President in 1968.
Moonshot: Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing, successfully lands on the moon.
Woodstock: Famous rock and roll festival of 1969 that came to be the epitome of the counterculture movement.
Watergate: Political scandal that began when the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, DC was broken into. After the break-in, word began to spread that President Richard Nixon (a Republican) may have known about the break-in, and tried to cover it up. The scandal would ultimately result in the resignation of President Nixon, and to date, this remains the only time that anyone has ever resigned the United States Presidency.
Punk rock: The Ramones form, with the Sex Pistols following in 1975, bringing in the punk era.
(An item from 1977 comes before three items from 1976 to make the song scan.)
Menachem Begin becomes Prime Minister of Israel in 1977 and negotiates the Camp David Accords with Egypt’s president in 1978.
Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States in 1980, but he first attempted to run for the position in 1976.
Palestine: a United Nations resolution that calls for an independent Palestinian state and to end the Israeli occupation.
Terror on the airline: Numerous aircraft hijackings take place, specifically, the Palestinian hijack of Air France Flight 139 and the subsequent Operation Entebbe in Uganda.
Ayatollah’s in Iran: During the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the West-backed and secular Shah is overthrown as the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini gains power after years in exile and forces Islamic law.
Russians in Afghanistan: Following their move into Afghanistan, Soviet forces fight a ten-year war, from 1979 to 1989.
Wheel of Fortune: A hit television game show which has been TV’s highest-rated syndicated program since 1983.
Sally Ride: In 1983 she becomes the first American woman in space. Ride’s quip from space “Better than an E-ticket”, harkens back to the opening of Disneyland mentioned earlier, with the E-ticket purchase needed for the best rides.
Heavy metal suicide: In the 1980s Ozzy Osbourne and the bands Judas Priest and Metallica were brought to court by parents who accused the musicians of hiding subliminal pro-suicide messages in their music.
Foreign debts: Persistent U.S. trade deficits
Homeless vets: Veterans of the Vietnam War, including many disabled ex-military, are reported to be left homeless and impoverished.
AIDS: A collection of symptoms and infections in humans resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is first detected and recognized in the 1980s, and was on its way to becoming a pandemic.
Crack cocaine use surged in the mid-to-late 1980s.
Bernie Goetz: On December 22, Goetz shot four young men who he said were threatening him on a New York City subway. Goetz was charged with attempted murder but was acquitted of the charges, though convicted of carrying an unlicensed gun.
Hypodermics on the shore: Medical waste was found washed up on beaches in New Jersey after being illegally dumped at sea. Before this event, waste dumped in the oceans was an “out of sight, out of mind” affair. This has been cited as one of the crucial turning points in popular opinion on environmentalism.
China’s under martial law: On May 20, China declares martial law, enabling them to use force of arms against protesting students to end the Tiananmen Square protests.
Rock-and-roller cola wars: Soft drink giants Coke and Pepsi each run marketing campaigns using rock & roll and popular music stars to reach the teenage and young adult demographic.
Short summaries of all 119 references mentioned in the song, you’re welcome.
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tkstrandreyes · 1 year
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9-1-1: Lone Star: First Look Photos of Grace and Her Sisters Feature a McClain Family Reunion (Exclusive)
When 9-1-1: Lone Star co-creator and showrunner Tim Minear approached actress Sierra McClain about an upcoming episode that would expand the immediate family of Grace Ryder, they both had a clear idea of who should play her character's sisters: her real-life sisters, Lauryn and China Anne McClain.
"Having my sisters come to Lone Star was something I'd wanted to do for a while," Sierra told TV Guide in an exclusive first look at the chapter airing April 18. "Then, during one of me and Tim's beginning-of-the-season chats, he pulled the idea right out of my mouth! I certainly didn't think it would happen as soon as it did, but before I knew it, he was sharing storyline possibilities with me. I've lived with Grace for four years now, so being able to introduce this aspect of her family life that's so similar to mine, in such a personal way, really helps make Grace even more real to me."
In next week's episode, titled "Open," Grace struggles with confronting her father, Benjamin (William Allen Young), over his past infidelity. But while babysitting Charlie one day with his wife, Denice (Barbara Eve Harris), Benjamin suffers a heart attack, forcing Grace and her sisters, Lisa (China Anne) and Ashley (Lauryn), to come together in his hour of need.
As viewers might recall from the "Difficult Conversations" episode of the second season, Grace's husband, Judd (Jim Parrack), found his father-in-law suffering from hypoglycemic shock while "fooling around" with another woman — who was most definitely not his mother-in-law — in a hotel room. While Judd struggled with whether or not to tell his wife, Grace learned of her father's actions by the end of the hour. But she decided against telling her mother, and the storyline has been a loose end on the show for years — until now.
The episode will reunite the tight-knit McClain sisters, who form the girl group Thriii, for the first time on-screen since working together briefly in China Anne's Disney Channel musical sitcom A.N.T. Farm, which ran from 2011 to 2014. They made their acting debut alongside each other in Rob Hardy's The Gospel (2005), which starred Boris Kodjoe and Idris Elba, and played Elba's daughters in Tyler Perry's Daddy's Little Girls (2007).
"This is the first time I've gotten to do some real acting with my sisters in years," Sierra noted, "and the fact that we're playing actual sisters is just the icing on an incredibly special cake."
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vintagetvstars · 2 months
Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket - Round 1
Round 1 (All polls)
Bea Arthur Vs. Bea Benaderet
Barbara Eden Vs. Kathryn Leigh Scott
Kellye Nakahara Vs. Janine Turner
Betty White Vs. Gracie Allen
Joely Richardson Vs. Miranda Richardson
Holland Taylor Vs. Joan Collins
Joan Chen Vs. Rachel Bilson
Lucille Ball Vs. Suzanne Pleshette
Angela Lansbury Vs. Eartha Kitt
Alex Kingston Vs. Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Gina Torres Vs. Sherilyn Fenn
Katee Sackhoff Vs. Geraldine James
Barbara Feldon Vs. Carol Cleveland
Amanda Tapping Vs. Nana Visitor
Amanda Randolph Vs. Barbara Mullen
Kate Jackson Vs. Kim Cattrall
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Rue McClanahan Vs. Barbara Stanwyck
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Julie Newmar Vs. Lalla Ward
Farrah Fawcett Vs. Catherine Bach
Diahann Carroll Vs. Siân Phillips
Mary Tyler Moore Vs. Jan Smithers
Nichelle Nichols Vs. Yvonne Craig
Carolyn Jones Vs. Lara Parker
Janet Hubert Vs. Marcia Strassman
Jackée Harry Vs. Dawn French
Tina Louise Vs. Linda Cristal
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Lynda Carter Vs. Peggy Lipton
Courteney Cox Vs. Mädchen Amick
Vivica A Fox Vs. Julia Duffy
Valerie Harper Vs. Jaclyn Smith
Doris Day Vs. Dawn Wells
Debbie Allen Vs. Elizabeth Montgomery
Karyn Parsons Vs. Katy Manning
Deidre Hall Vs. Phyllis Logan
Jeri Ryan Vs. Mira Furlan
Lucy Lawless Vs. Claudia Black
Morena Baccarin Vs. Shannen Doherty
Jonelle Allen Vs. Francesca Annis
Jane Seymour Vs. Annette Crosbie
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Melissa Joan Hart Vs. Lisa Robin Kelly
Lisa Bonet / Lilakoi Moon Vs. Lisa Hartman
Eliza Dushku Vs. Chloe Annett
Fran Drescher Vs. Mariska Hargitay
Lauren Graham Vs. Charisma Carpenter
Marlo Thomas Vs. Lily Tomlin
Connie Booth Vs. Barbara Billingsley
Gillian Anderson Vs. Alexandra Paul
Penny Johnson Jerald Vs. Mag Ruffman
Sarah Jessica Parker Vs. Judy Parfitt
Cicely Tyson Vs. Aimi MacDonald
Anna May Wong Vs. Peggy Ashcroft
Carol Burnett Vs. Elisabeth Sladen
Sarah Michelle Gellar Vs. Hattie Hayridge
Pamela Anderson Vs. Loretta Swit
Itatí Cantoral Vs. Audrey Meadows
Jane Krakowski Vs. Jennifer Aniston
Terry Farrell Vs. Nicole de Boer
Carole André Vs. Melissa Leo Vs. Sabrina Lloyd
Eve Arden Vs. Dorothy Provine Vs. Vivian Vance
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skippyv20 · 6 months
I wondered where this company name came from….
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Credit: @breezininn
December 5
December 5
“The piece, which was first worn on the eve of her wedding to Prince Harry, was first created by royal warrant holders Bentley & Skinner, features ninety-two round brilliant-cut diamonds.”
Not a bracelet from Charles….or from Harry….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
This is the same bracelet she said was from Cartier….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
But…No…it’s a Cartier bracelet from Harry 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Do you see how pathetic she is? Do you see she is nothing but a LIAR!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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atlasthegreatest · 10 months
- Atlas Masterlist - [Requests are open]
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▪️Male reader
▫️Female reader
🔲 Gender neutral
🔳 Male/ Female Oc
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra:
Asami Sato:
🔳 - War of Hearts- I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XI, X
Avatar Korra
Lin Beifong
Iron II
Suyin Beifong
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Thalia Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Vasquez
Hazel Levesque
Nico DiAngelo
Sally Jackson
Silena Beauregard
Drew Tanaka
Harry Potter :
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Narcissa Black
Lily Evans
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Ginny Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Penny Haywood :
- Baby Problems
James Potter
Cassandra Vole:
▪️- Unexpected Surprises
Sirius Black
Sidney Prescott :
- ▪️ Flight or Figth
Tara Carpenter
Gale Weathers
Sam Carpenter
Fairy Tail:
Erza Scarlet
Natsu Dragneel
Grey Fullbuster
Lucy Heartfilia :
🔲 - Friends…? Friends.
Mirajane Strauss
Laxus Dreyar
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Attack On Titan:
Mikasa Ackerman:
-▫️ Fake It ‘Till You Break It - I
Eren Yeager
Historia Reiss
Annie Leonheart
Pieck Finger
Jean Kriestean
Sasha Broast
Hange Zoe
Marvel Universe:
Natasha Romanoff
Laura Kinney
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Wanda Maximoff
Maria Hill
Cindy Moon:
▪️ The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Gwen Stacy
Felicia Hardy
DC Universe:
Cassandra Cain:
▪️The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Helena Bertinelli
Barbara Gordon
Dick Grayson
Poison Ivy
Kara Zor-El
Wonder Woman
Cassandra Sandsmark
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals:
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshal
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Davina Clare
Freya Mikaelson
The Witcher:
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Throne of Glass:
Aelin Galathynius :
- 🔳 In Each Others Arms
Rowan Whitethorne
Manon Blackbeack
Elide Lorchan
Navier Trovi :
- 🔳 Honor me of this dance
Penelope Eckart
Samantha Wilkins/ Atom Eve
Mark Grayson /Invincible
Fate: The Winx Saga
Choi Namra
Daphne Blake
Iori Utahime
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I have some more thoughts on the dastardly duo for you to consider...
1. The author v the writer. What a night mare for Moehringer! Who is known for his ability to write in the 'voice' of the person he is ghost writing for. Harry gave him absolutely nothing but chaotic thoughts and emotions, petty grievances and jealousy driven 'tall tales'. How do you write a coherent reflection without it sounding like the 'pisstake' or deranged Barbara Cartland written black comedy that it is.
2. This book has dumped Meg right in it. She was trying to impose a relationship with Catherine and intimidate. Meg was (and continues to be) a passive aggressive, manipulative, bitch who was completely threatened by Catherine and should have been shut down a long time ago.
3. No wonder William lost it. There is way more to that story that isn't told.
4. Megs 'Fantasy book' is going to be so much worse. I think it is already written. To be released/announced for publication around the time of the Coronation maybe...
5. I really hope the family maintains their dignified silence. But I think they need a massive PR exercise that highlights the many causes they have championed with personal reflections from people involved who worked with them. They should also at every opportunity go for a united family show of support. Lots of pics of the Senior royals, Wales, Tindals, Wessex's families together having a great time and engaging with the public. Emphasis on 'service, duty and loyalty with lots of QEII reflections. That for me is the only way to combat the crap hand they have been dealt from the dastardly duo and maintain their dignity.
What do you think?
The Spanish version is really bad for Moeheringer because the translations make the writing sound really bad. The English version may not be that bad. But, yes, Harry doesn't help either. It's hard to write a compelling conflict out of...lip gloss.
Meghan sound like All About Eve 2.0. The interactions with Kate are straight out of that movie. I'm really impressed by how composed Kate in all of their public interactions. Queen Kate has nerves of steel.
Oh, there's a lot we haven't been told. The merching, for example, has not come out and that is huuuuuuuge.
Apparently, she has been keeping a burn book. That's going to be interesting.
The coronation will be the pr exercise, and it will include all the content you list. Most importantly, it will have immense validation from institutions, world leaders, charities, celebrities, etc... That's what they need to focus on.
Thanks for the submission. Lots of food for thought.
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Past Polls
Round 1: Peter : WINNER: Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Round 2: Elizabeth : WINNER: Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Round 3: Jason : WINNER: Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Round 4: Eve : WINNER: EVE (WALL-E)
Round 5: Fred : WINNER: Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo)
Round 6: Rachel : WINNER: Rachel (Animorphs)
Round 7: Arthur : WINNER: Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Round 8: Amy : WINNER: Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Round 9: Tom : WINNER: Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Round 10: Claire : WINNER: Clare Devlin (Derry Girls)
Round 11: James : WINNER: James (Pokemon)
Round 12: Max : WINNER: Max (Black Sails)
Round 13: Simon : WINNER: Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Round 14: Jane : WINNER: Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Round 15: Victor : WINNER: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
Round 16: Mary : WINNER: Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Round 17: Will : WINNER: Will Graham (Hannibal)
Round 18: Laura : WINNER: Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Round 19: Ben : WINNER: Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi (Star Wars)
Round 20: Chloe : WINNER: Chloe Price (Life Is Strange)
Round 21: John : WINNER: Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Round 22: Lydia : WINNER: Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Round 23: Mark : WINNER: Marc Spector (Moon Knight)
Round 24: Jess : WINNER: Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Round 25: Theo : WINNER: Theobald Gumbar (Dimension 20: A Crown Of Candy)
Round 26: Sarah: WINNER: Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who)
Round 27: Richard : WINNER: Richard Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Round 28: Cass : WINNER: Cassandra Cain (Batman)
Round 29: Edward : WINNER: Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 30: Carm : WINNER: Carmen Sandiego (Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?)
Round 31: Hal : WINNER: HAL9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Round 32: Sid : WINNER: Sydney Adamu (The Bear)
Round 33: Jack : WINNER: Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
Round 34: Stephanie : WINNER: Stephanie Brown (Batman)
Round 35: Ash : WINNER: Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Round 36: Veronica : WINNER: Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Round 37: Kurt : WINNER: Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler (X-Men)
Round 38: Eleanor : WINNER: Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Round 39: Nathan : WINNER: Nathan Young (Misfits)
Round 40: Fiona : WINNER: Princess Fiona (Shrek)
Round 41: Gale : WINNER: Gayle Waters-Waters (Chris Fleming)
Round 42: Barbara : WINNER: Barbara Millicent Roberts aka Barbie (Barbie)
Round 43: Sam : WINNER: Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Round 44: Grace : WINNER: Grace Chastity (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Round 45: Barry : WINNER: Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone)
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Round 51: Robert : WINNER: Robbie Rotten (LazyTown)
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Round 57: Elliot : WINNER: Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Round 58: Sonia : WINNER: Sonia (Pokemon)
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Round 60: Jen : WINNER: Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
Round 61: Miles : WINNER: Miles Morales (Spider-Man)
Round 62: Lana : WINNER: Lana Skye (Ace Attorney)
Round 63: Spencer : WINNER: Spencer Shay (iCarly)
Round 64: Tracy : WINNER: Tracy Turnbald (Hairspray!)
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Round 66: Natalie : WINNER: Natalie Scatorccio (Yellowjackets)
Round 67: Harry : WINNER: Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Round 68: Lucy : WINNER: Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts)
Round 69: Damian : WINNER: Damian Wayne (Batman)
Round 70: Tabitha : WINNER: Tabitha Casper (Dan and Phil Games: Sims 4)
Round 71: Nick : WINNER: Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Round 72: Gwen : WINNER: Guinevere (Merlin)
Round 73: Paul : WINNER: Paulette Bonafonte (Legally Blonde)
Round 74: Abigail : WINNER: Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal)
Round 75: Jordan : WINNER: Jordan Baker (The Great Gatsby)
Round 76: Donna : WINNER: Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Round 77: Morgan : WINNER: Morgana (Merlin)
Round 78: Allison : WINNER: Alison Cooper (BBC Ghosts)
Round 79: Patrick : WINNER: Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Round 80: Linda : WINNER: Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
Round 81: Philip : WINNER: Philip J. Fry (Futurama)
Round 82: Clarisse : WINNER: Clarisse La Rue (Percy Jackson)
Round 83: Jeff : WINNER: Jeff The Killer (Creepypasta)
Round 84: Maria : WINNER: Maria (The Sound Of Music)
Round 85: David : WINNER: David aka Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
Round 86: Tiffany : WINNER: Tiffany Aching (Discworld)
Round 87: Charlie : WINNER: Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Round 88: Sandy : WINNER: Sandy Cheeks (Spongebob Squarepants)
Round 89: Cody : WINNER: Commander Cody (Star Wars: Clone Wars)
Round 90: Amanda : WINNER: Amanda Young (Saw)
Round 91: Jeremy : WINNER: Jeremy aka Scout (Team Fortress 2)
Round 92: Velma : WINNER: Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo)
Round 93: Adam : WINNER: Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle)
Round 94: Sue : WINNER: Susan Pevensie (Narnia)
Round 95: Derek : WINNER: Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Round 96: Michelle : WINNER: Michelle Mallon (Derry Girls)
Round 97: Neil : WINNER: Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society)
Round 98: Lisa : WINNER: Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Round 99: Tony : WINNER: Tony Soprano (The Soprano's)
Round 100: Karen : WINNER: Karen Smith (Mean Girls)
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coffeeandacig · 1 year
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I apologize if I have posted this before from this account. This is another old post from my dead account “justachickwholovesmash” from a several years back.
The Apple Tree (1966)
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The Apple Tree: A series of playlets set to music by Sheldon Harnick and Jerry Bock, fresh out of their hit Fiddler On The Roof, The Apple Tree starred
Alan Alda, Larry Blyden and Barbara Harris in musical treatments of Mark Twain’s “The Diary of Adam and Eve,” Frank Stockton’s “The Lady or The Tiger,” and Jules Feiffer’s “Passionella,” cleverly staged by Mike Nichols. It may have seemed a mere trifle compared to its illustrious predecessor, but when it opened at the Shubert Theatre on October 18, 1966, its endearing charm was enough to win the hearts of critics and fans alike, as well as a Tony for its leading lady, and to ensure that it would stay around for 463 performances.
The Apple Tree Soundtrack can be purchased online in various forms.
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
FUBAR Teaser
He said the thing!
FUBAR stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Monica Barbaro, Milan Carter, Fortune Feimster, Travis Van Winkle, Jay Baruchel, Andy Buckley, Aparna Brielle, Barbara Eve Harris, Fabiana Udenio, and Gabriel Luna. The series is created by Nick Santora.
“A CIA operative on the verge of retirement discovers a family secret. Forced to go back into the field for one last job, FUBAR tackles universal family dynamics set against a global backdrop of spies, action and humor.” (Netflix)
FUBAR hits Netflix on May 25, 2023.
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