#Bank of Ceylon
paulpingminho · 1 year
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soumyapanda28 · 11 months
Investigating the Beat Banks in Sri Lanka: Your Extreme Direct
Sri Lanka’s keeping money segment could be a crucial component of the country’s budgetary scene, advertising a run of administrations to people, businesses, and the economy as a entirety. With a steady and quickly developing economy, Sri Lanka brags a few legitimate banks that provide exceptional money related administrations. In this article, we’ll dive into the beat banks in Sri Lanka, highlighting their key highlights and offerings. These best banks in Sri Lanka prioritize client fulfillment and are committed to keeping up the most noteworthy measures of polished skill and moral hones. They too effectively contribute to the country’s financial advancement through activities such as supporting business enterprise, advancing money related proficiency, and contributing in economical advancement ventures. With their solid monetary establishments and unflinching commitment to fabulousness, these banks proceed to play a crucial part in forming Sri Lanka’s budgetary scene.
Bank of Ceylon: Built up in 1939, the Bank of Ceylon (BOC) is the biggest state-owned bank in Sri Lanka. With an broad organize of branches and ATMs over the nation, BOC offers a wide run of budgetary items and administrations. Their offerings incorporate individual and corporate keeping money, advances, exchange back, outside money trade, and advanced keeping money arrangements. BOC’s commitment to mechanical development, customer-centric approach, and strong nearness in rustic zones make it one of the driving banks within the nation.
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC: As one of the biggest private segment banks in Sri Lanka, the Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC is famous for its comprehensive run of keeping money arrangements. With a center on client comfort and cutting-edge innovation, Commercial Bank offers administrations such as individual and trade keeping money, riches administration, credit cards, online keeping money, and versatile managing an account. The bank’s broad department organize, counting specialized branches for SMEs and Islamic managing an account, caters to diverse client needs.
Hatton National Bank: Built up in 1888, Hatton National Bank (HNB) contains a wealthy history and could be a noticeable player in Sri Lanka’s managing an account segment. HNB gives a wide run of keeping money administrations, counting individual and commercial managing an account, exchange back, treasury administrations, and venture keeping money. With a solid accentuation on client fulfillment, HNB offers imaginative computerized keeping money arrangements, making managing an account more open and helpful for its clients.
Sampath Bank PLC: Sampath Bank PLC is known for its customer-centric approach and inventive financial solutions. With a different portfolio of administrations, counting individual and corporate managing an account, credit cards, advances, and riches administration, Sampath Bank caters to wants of people and businesses alike. The bank is additionally recognized for its center on advanced change and has presented a few cutting-edge innovative arrangements to improve the managing an account encounter.
People’s Bank: People’s Bank, a state-owned bank, is profoundly established in Sri Lanka’s rustic regions and plays a pivotal part in budgetary incorporation. The bank offers a wide extend of administrations, counting individual managing an account, SME managing an account, corporate managing an account, and agrarianmanaging an account. People’s Bank’s broad department organize guarantees that its administrations reach each corner of the nation, giving fundamental budgetary support to the rustic populace.
Conclusion: Sri Lanka’s managing an account segment brags a few legitimate teach that cater to the assorted budgetary needs of people and businesses. The Bank of Ceylon, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Hatton National Bank, Sampath Bank PLC, and People’s Bank are among the beat players within the industry, advertising a comprehensive extend of administrations coupled with cutting-edge innovation and customer-centric approaches. Whether you look for individual keeping money arrangements, corporate monetary administrations, or inventive computerized stages, these banks are well-equipped to meet your necessities. It is prudent to completely evaluate your needs and inclinations some time recently choosing a bank, guaranteeing that you simply select the one that adjusts best along with your budgetary objectives and needs.
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Court Clerk job vacancies in the Bank of Ceylon (BOC)
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hearth-and-veil · 8 months
Random Opinions on Magical Shit
With magic, the circumstances of one's birth are (virtually) irrelevant and don't affect anything. Nobody is born more or less magical than anybody else. I do believe in one exception: the seventh child of a seventh child. The seventh son of a seventh son is supposed to be a Healer, while the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter is a Seer. I don't believe these things are tied to sex, but I do believe the seventh child of a seventh child has some extra potential in these areas. My mother is the 7th of a 7th and she is the most powerful witch I have ever met. (I'm a little jealous, but she also faces greater challenges than me, so....)
"There are no rules, do what you want" is nothing more than a way to justify cultural appropriation. In my experience, the only way people who approach magic like this have even marginal success is because they do so many things that one of them is bound to work. Additionally, if anything goes, then nothing matters, and you really don't even need to do magic because what's the point?
Similarly, if you take a concept from an established practice/culture/tradition, strip it of its actual meaning and context, then say that it only means what you say it means, you are being hella disrespectful and I wish you a life of stepping on Legos. You're literally saying that the original culture/tradition/practice didn't know what they were talking about in their own practice, that you know better than they do, and that their concepts have no actual meaning aside from what you have assigned to them. Literally go step on a Lego.
Manifestation does work, but you also have to do the work. If you're trying to manifest your dream job, but you aren't networking or applying or anything, it isn't going to happen. How are you going to manifest winning the lottery if you don't buy a ticket? How are you going to manifest good friends if you don't go out and meet people? "All magic comes at a price," is the most accurate thing Disney has ever said about magic. That price, the "sacrifice," is usually work.
King Soon's money mantra is the best there is. Like by a huge margin. I would recommend just chanting his money mantra over virtually any other kind of money spell. It's especially good if you spend a few minutes chanting it with your money bowl.
Blowing cinnamon into your house on the first of the month is overhyped. Cinnamon for money is overhyped, period. The reason cinnamon is associated with wealth is because it's a spice. Spices historically indicate wealth. Cassia cinnamon (which is what's most prevalent around the world, and is what you're buying unless the package specifically says otherwise) is actually super cheap. Ceylon cinnamon is the expensive one. Functionally every other spice would be more effective for a money spell than cassia cinnamon.
The best thing I can recommend for wealth involving spices is buying spices and donating them to a food bank. Giving spices to those who can't afford them will generate far more positive energy than just throwing it onto the ground or in a jar. Buy some salt and pepper and give it to your local food bank, and tell me shit doesn't start looking up for you.
[Specific note for Hellenic Polytheists: Stop leaving food at crossroads or your front door on Hekate's Deipnon. The purpose of doing that was to feed travelers and the less fortunate. It is much more in line with the purpose of the action to donate some money to a food bank. Don't waste food.]
Your money bowl doesn't have to use rice as its base. Any staple crop will function the same way. If your "staple" is oats, use oats. If your "staple" is dried beans, use dried beans.
These things are all just my opinions. If you get your panties in a bunch, please be aware that I don't give a fuck. If it doesn't apply, let it slide.
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yallemagne · 1 year
Today's Voyage of the Nautilus is fucking hilarious.
“By the way, Professor Aronnax, you aren’t afraid of sharks, are you?” “Sharks?” I exclaimed. This struck me as a pretty needless question, to say the least. “Well?” Captain Nemo went on. “I admit, captain, I’m not yet on very familiar terms with that genus of fish.” “We’re used to them, the rest of us,” Captain Nemo answered. “And in time you will be too. Anyhow, we’ll be armed, and on our way we might hunt a man-eater or two. It’s a fascinating sport. So, professor, I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early.” This said in a carefree tone, Captain Nemo left the lounge.
Nemo, I know you think that's a very cute date idea... but no.
“Thank heavens!” I said to myself. “Conseil will never want to come along, and that’ll be my excuse for not going with the captain.”
Babe, you can just tell him you're afraid of sharks. He'll act disappointed, but he knows you're a dirty land-dweller, it's fine.
“Can one find several pearls in the same oyster?” Conseil asked. “Yes, my boy. There are some shellfish that turn into real jewel coffers. They even mention one oyster, about which I remain dubious, that supposedly contained at least 150 sharks.” “150 sharks!” Ned Land yelped. “Did I say sharks?” I exclaimed hastily. “I meant 150 pearls. Sharks wouldn’t make sense.”
This is comedy. That's a lot of sharks.
“How ingenious,” Conseil said, “to reduce dividing and classifying pearls to a mechanical operation. And could master tell us the profits brought in by harvesting these banks of pearl oysters?” “According to Sirr’s book,” I replied, “these Ceylon fisheries are farmed annually for a total profit of 3,000,000 man-eaters.” “Francs!” Conseil rebuked. “Yes, francs! 3,000,000 francs!” 
HE DID IT AGAIN. he did it again oh my fuckgin god. It'd be funny if they priced pearls by how many sharks they cost. Like how you measure a horse's height in hands?
“But,” I said, “getting back to pearls of great value, I don’t think any sovereign ever possessed one superior to the pearl owned by Captain Nemo.” “This one?” Conseil said, pointing to a magnificent jewel in its glass case. “Exactly. And I’m certainly not far off when I estimate its value at 2,000,000 . . . uh . . .” “Francs!” Conseil said quickly.
Aw, Conseil picking up on Aronnax's problem...
“Ye gods, just give me a good harpoon! You see, sir, these sharks are badly designed. They have to roll their bellies over to snap you up, and in the meantime . . .” Ned Land had a way of pronouncing the word “snap” that sent chills down the spine. “Well, how about you, Conseil? What are your feelings about these man-eaters?” “Me?” Conseil said. “I’m afraid I must be frank with master.” Good for you, I thought. “If master faces these sharks,” Conseil said, “I think his loyal manservant should face them with him!”
on the other hand I'm so excited to see Ned Land actually fight a shark.
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mysticalspiders · 11 months
I took one last look at the natural wonders and artistic treasures amassed in the museum, this unrivaled collection doomed to perish someday in the depths of the seas, together with its curator. I wanted to establish one supreme impression in my mind. I stayed there an hour, basking in the aura of the ceiling lights, passing in review the treasures shining in their glass cases. Then I returned to my stateroom.
I did a swift review of my whole existence aboard the Nautilus, every pleasant or unpleasant incident that had crossed my path since I went overboard from the Abraham Lincoln: the underwater hunting trip, the Torres Strait, our running aground, the savages of Papua, the coral cemetery, the Suez passageway, the island of Santorini, the Cretan diver, the Bay of Vigo, Atlantis, the Ice Bank, the South Pole, our imprisonment in the ice, the battle with the devilfish, the storm in the Gulf Stream, the Avenger, and that horrible scene of the vessel sinking with its crew . . . ! All these events passed before my eyes like backdrops unrolling upstage in a theater.
There is something so nostalgic and melancholy about these passages when we’ve experienced the story in real time. I, too. am thinking back on these memories from months ago with the same distance and bittersweetness as Aronnax.
I meant to make a post in March when I experienced something similar along with Aronnax to this passage!
As it was, in the five and a half months since fate had brought us on board, we had cleared 14,000 leagues, and over this track longer than the earth’s equator, so many fascinating or frightening incidents had beguiled our voyage: that hunting trip in the Crespo forests, our running aground in the Torres Strait, the coral cemetery, the pearl fisheries of Ceylon, the Arabic tunnel, the fires of Santorini, those millions in the Bay of Vigo, Atlantis, the South Pole! 
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100gayicons · 2 years
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Arthur C Clarke was one of the most popular, influential, and awarded writers of the 20th Century. His work included science fiction and science fact. Perhaps best known for co-writing the screenplay for “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968) with director Stanley Kubrick (and the followup novel), his legacy includes “Childhood's End” (1953), “Rendezvous with Rama” (1973), and dozens if not hundreds of short stories.
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A strong proponent of travel to other planets, he also influenced the US space program thru his writing, essays, and lectures.
Clarke defined himself a homosexual. But in 1953 he married a 22-year-old American divorcee. He regretted it immediately. They separated within 6 months but didn’t divorce until 10 years later (while his wife had his US bank accounts frozen).
Clarke moved to Sri Lanka (then called Ceylon) in 1956. He developed an interest in diving (and discovered a number of shipwrecks and an underwater temple). He wrote books on the subject as well.
One reason he decided to settle in Sri Lanka was their more tolerant views towards homosexuality. Clarke never remarried, but was close to Leslie Ekanayake who he called his "only perfect friend of a lifetime". Ekanayake died at the age of 29 in a motorcycle accident. Clarke dedicated his novel “The Fountains of Paradise” (1979) to Ekanayake.
Clarke never publicly came out but close friends were aware. When asked by a journalist if he was gay, Clarke would reply:
“No, merely mildly cheerful.”
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While working on the book and script for “2001 a space odyssey” Clarke decided to be open with Kubrick:
“I want you to know I’m a very well adjusted homosexual.”
Kubrick replied, “Yeah I know.”
Then later told his wife:
“He (Clarke) was very pleased I don’t care. And he doesn’t know how much I don’t care.”
In 1988, he was struck with post-polio syndrome - an affliction which can haunt those who contracted polio earlier. It’s a wasting of muscles and required him to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
(Note: in 1998 the British tabloid Sunday Mirror published an article accusing Clarke of paying for sex with underage boys. The case was investigated by the Sri Lankan police and Clarke was cleared. The tabloid published an apology and Clarke chose not to sue.)
Clarke was Knighted in 2000 (announced in 1998).
Clarke died in 2008 at the age of 90 due and respiratory issues and heart failure resulting from the post-polio syndrome. Clarke was buried with Ekanayake, who died 30 years earlier.
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On the 28th of February, when at noon the Nautilus came to the surface of the sea, in 9° 4′ N. lat., there was land in sight about eight miles to westward. The first thing I noticed was a range of mountains about two thousand feet high, the shapes of which were most capricious. On taking the bearings, I knew that we were nearing the island of Ceylon, the pearl which hangs from the lobe of the Indian Peninsula.
Captain Nemo and his second appeared at this moment. The Captain glanced at the map. Then turning to me, said:
“The Island of Ceylon, noted for its pearl-fisheries. Would you like to visit one of them, M. Aronnax?”
“Certainly, Captain.”
“Well, the thing is easy. Though, if we see the fisheries, we shall not see the fishermen. The annual exportation has not yet begun. Never mind, I will give orders to make for the Gulf of Manaar, where we shall arrive in the night.”
The Captain said something to his second, who immediately went out. Soon the Nautilus returned to her native element, and the manometer showed that she was about thirty feet deep.
“Well, sir,” said Captain Nemo, “you and your companions shall visit the Bank of Manaar, and if by chance some fisherman should be there, we shall see him at work.”
“Agreed, Captain!”
“By the bye, M. Aronnax you are not afraid of sharks?”
“Sharks!” exclaimed I.
This question seemed a very hard one.
“Well?” continued Captain Nemo.
“I admit, Captain, that I am not yet very familiar with that kind of fish.”
“We are accustomed to them,” replied Captain Nemo, “and in time you will be too. However, we shall be armed, and on the road we may be able to hunt some of the tribe. It is interesting. So, till to-morrow, sir, and early.”
This said in a careless tone, Captain Nemo left the saloon. Now, if you were invited to hunt the bear in the mountains of Switzerland, what would you say?
“Ha! ha! it seems we are going to hunt the tiger or the lion!” But when you are invited to hunt the shark in its natural element, you would perhaps reflect before accepting the invitation. As for myself, I passed my hand over my forehead, on which stood large drops of cold perspiration. “Let us reflect,” said I, “and take our time. Hunting otters in submarine forests, as we did in the Island of Crespo, will pass; but going up and down at the bottom of the sea, where one is almost certain to meet sharks, is quite another thing! I know well that in certain countries, particularly in the Andaman Islands, the negroes never hesitate to attack them with a dagger in one hand and a running noose in the other; but I also know that few who affront those creatures ever return alive. However, I am not a negro, and if I were I think a little hesitation in this case would not be ill-timed.”
At this moment Conseil and the Canadian entered, quite composed, and even joyous. They knew not what awaited them.
“Faith, sir,” said Ned Land, “your Captain Nemo—the devil take him!—has just made us a very pleasant offer.”
“Ah!” said I, “you know?”
“If agreeable to you, sir,” interrupted Conseil, “the commander of the Nautilus has invited us to visit the magnificent Ceylon fisheries to-morrow, in your company; he did it kindly, and behaved like a real gentleman.”
“He said nothing more?”
“Nothing more, sir, except that he had already spoken to you of this little walk.”
“Sir,” said Conseil, “would you give us some details of the pearl fishery?”
“As to the fishing itself,” I asked, “or the incidents, which?”
“On the fishing,” replied the Canadian; “before entering upon the ground, it is as well to know something about it.”
“Very well; sit down, my friends, and I will teach you.”
Ned and Conseil seated themselves on an ottoman, and the first thing the Canadian asked was:
“Sir, what is a pearl?”
“My worthy Ned,” I answered, “to the poet, a pearl is a tear of the sea; to the Orientals, it is a drop of dew solidified; to the ladies, it is a jewel of an oblong shape, of a brilliancy of mother-of-pearl substance, which they wear on their fingers, their necks, or their ears; for the chemist it is a mixture of phosphate and carbonate of lime, with a little gelatine; and lastly, for naturalists, it is simply a morbid secretion of the organ that produces the mother-of-pearl amongst certain bivalves.”
“Branch of molluscs,” said Conseil.
“Precisely so, my learned Conseil; and, amongst these testacea the earshell, the tridacnae, the turbots, in a word, all those which secrete mother-of-pearl, that is, the blue, bluish, violet, or white substance which lines the interior of their shells, are capable of producing pearls.”
“Mussels too?” asked the Canadian.
“Yes, mussels of certain waters in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Saxony, Bohemia, and France.”
“Good! For the future I shall pay attention,” replied the Canadian.
“But,” I continued, “the particular mollusc which secretes the pearl is the pearl-oyster, the meleagrina margaritiferct, that precious pintadine. The pearl is nothing but a nacreous formation, deposited in a globular form, either adhering to the oyster shell, or buried in the folds of the creature. On the shell it is fast; in the flesh it is loose; but always has for a kernel a small hard substance, may be a barren egg, may be a grain of sand, around which the pearly matter deposits itself year after year successively, and by thin concentric layers.”
“Are many pearls found in the same oyster?” asked Conseil.
“Yes, my boy. Some are a perfect casket. One oyster has been mentioned, though I allow myself to doubt it, as having contained no less than a hundred and fifty sharks.”
“A hundred and fifty sharks!” exclaimed Ned Land.
“Did I say sharks?” said I hurriedly. “I meant to say a hundred and fifty pearls. Sharks would not be sense.”
“Certainly not,” said Conseil; “but will you tell us now by what means they extract these pearls?”
“They proceed in various ways. When they adhere to the shell, the fishermen often pull them off with pincers; but the most common way is to lay the oysters on mats of the seaweed which covers the banks. Thus they die in the open air; and at the end of ten days they are in a forward state of decomposition. They are then plunged into large reservoirs of sea-water; then they are opened and washed.”
“The price of these pearls varies according to their size?” asked Conseil.
“Not only according to their size,” I answered, “but also according to their shape, their water (that is, their colour), and their lustre: that is, that bright and diapered sparkle which makes them so charming to the eye. The most beautiful are called virgin pearls, or paragons. They are formed alone in the tissue of the mollusc, are white, often opaque, and sometimes have the transparency of an opal; they are generally round or oval. The round are made into bracelets, the oval into pendants, and, being more precious, are sold singly. Those adhering to the shell of the oyster are more irregular in shape, and are sold by weight. Lastly, in a lower order are classed those small pearls known under the name of seed-pearls; they are sold by measure, and are especially used in embroidery for church ornaments.”
“But,” said Conseil, “is this pearl-fishery dangerous?”
“No,” I answered, quickly; “particularly if certain precautions are taken.”
“What does one risk in such a calling?” said Ned Land, “the swallowing of some mouthfuls of sea-water?”
“As you say, Ned. By the bye,” said I, trying to take Captain Nemo’s careless tone, “are you afraid of sharks, brave Ned?”
“I!” replied the Canadian; “a harpooner by profession? It is my trade to make light of them.”
“But,” said I, “it is not a question of fishing for them with an iron-swivel, hoisting them into the vessel, cutting off their tails with a blow of a chopper, ripping them up, and throwing their heart into the sea!”
“Then, it is a question of——”
“In the water?”
“In the water.”
“Faith, with a good harpoon! You know, sir, these sharks are ill-fashioned beasts. They turn on their bellies to seize you, and in that time——”
Ned Land had a way of saying “seize” which made my blood run cold.
“Well, and you, Conseil, what do you think of sharks?”
“Me!” said Conseil. “I will be frank, sir.”
“So much the better,” thought I.
“If you, sir, mean to face the sharks, I do not see why your faithful servant should not face them with you.”
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melbmemories · 2 years
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THE  STREETS  OF  MELBOURNE - From Early Photographs
Sixteenth photo from book QUEEN STREET  1859
Looking down Queen Street across the Hobson’s Bay Railway Line to the distant suburb of Emerald Hill, now South Melbourne.The grand building in the foreground is the Oriental Bank, built in 1857.The Oriental was established in Melbourne in 1854 and was a London Bank that boasted agencies in Bombay, Ceylon, China, Mauritius and Singapore.It was the first bank in Australia to pay interest on deposits.In those days banks often “went broke” and the Oriental was one of them, closing it’s doors on the public and it’s customers in 1884.It’s Australian depositors were eventually paid in full when a new banking corporation took over it’s business.The building was demolished before the turn of the century.Behind the roof of The Oriental are the masts of a sailing ship docked at the Queen Street wharves.T. Curran’s Woolpack Hotel on the Flinders Lane corner offers “good stabling” for horses.Under the licensing laws a hotel had to provide accommodation for both man and horse.Photography Design, Joe MurrayText, Peter McIntosh
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Madu River Boat Safari
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Madu River Boat Safari Madu River is located in the south of Sri Lanka near Galle. The water of the river is dotted with small islands and the banks are all covered with lush mangrove forests that are home to dozens of incredible animal species. https://www.srilankatravelandtourism.com/activities-sri-lanka/boat-safari-madu-river/sri-lanka-madu-river-boat-ride.php Madu River Boat Safari #srilanka #maduriver #boatsafari #madu #travel #tourism #colombo #ceylon #viral #trending #travelphotography #travelblogger  #adventure #sea #beach #pool #fitness #beachlife #beachvibes #wanderlust #mountains #view #landscape #photographer #autumn #summer #winter #ocean
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Accountant job vacancies in the Bank of Ceylon (BOC)
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dnrtransfer · 3 months
Welcome Randhir & Lunudehi
Official Transportation Partner 𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 tickets available for our upcoming musical extravaganza. Don’t miss the chance to experience the live performances by our very talented artists. Grab your tickets now before they’re all gone! 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 https://www.theo2.co.uk/events/detail/the-bns-show 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕. 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗺 𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗿 and Banking Partner : Bank of Ceylon UK Limited 𝗦𝗶𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗿 and Finance partner: WIS Accountancy Airline Partner : SriLankan Airlines Transport Partner : DNR TRANSFER Digital Media Partner: Api SriLankan - UK Legal Partner : London MCS Consultants Ltd Digital Magazine Partner : අපි Magazine Radio Partner : Fmadawiya Adawiya Ayurvedic Spa Partner: Amaya Spa Holiday Travel Partner : Holiday Air Beauty Saloon Partner : Inspired By D Hotel Partner : The Crown Hotel Cotswold Presented by Crown Entertainment
thebnsshowuk #crownentertainmentevents #crown_entertainments_events #dnrtransfer
Crown Entertainment Randhir Witana Bathiya and Santhush (BNS) Danitha Ranasingha
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halimhossainofficial · 7 months
সহযোগিতা পাঠাতে পারবেন নিম্নলিখিত মাধ্যমেঃ
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♦️Tap - 01937791254
♦️Bank Details:
Account Number 1804017746
Account Name: Embassy of the State of Palestine, Dhaka
Bank Name: Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Gulshan Branch, Bangladesh
Swift Code: CCEYBDDH
Routing Number: 080261722
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gazettelk · 8 months
BOC Trainee Staff Assistant 2023 Exam Results Released
Results of the Competitive Examination for the Position of Trainee Staff Assistant (TSA) at the Bank of Ceylon (BOC) for the Years 2021–2023 have been published. By entering their NIC number or BOC online application reference number, applicants can use the URL below to view their exam results. Examination BOC Trainee Staff Assistant 2021 Check Exam Results Online Click…
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lancastersloth92 · 1 year
Syntactic Foams Market 2023 Witnessing Huge Development By High Key Gamers Acoustic Polymer Ltd , Afglobal, Balmoral, Cbm International
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Try to know the way your deck can add extra convenience to your house and what you'll use it for. It’s important to have a deck with sufficient space for visitors pathways and activities. Imagine where you'll place the appliances and furniture as properly as the assigned exercise spaces. Make room for coffee tables, dining tables, and chairs beside potted crops and lounge furniture. Are you fascinated in having rest, deep tissue, or sports massage? Other individuals just like the massage classes to be carried out within the consolation of their own homes, whereas some prefer to get a massage inside a spa or therapist’s workplace. Do you have household or pals who normally get routine massages? If that’s the case, ask where they get a massage and why they like seeing their therapists. While 清掃会社大田区 are part of anyone’s property, the verdict of whether a tree should be eliminated doesn’t at all times utterly belong to the property proprietor. Countries and cities can management tree elimination, which often needs permits and inspections earlier than a tree may be taken out.
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However, please observe that cannabis products are still illegal in lots of states within the United States for the explanation that federal government is still unconvinced of its effectiveness and safety. Hence, the first step is to search for a good and licensed hashish dispensary in your neighborhood. Apart from the potential of going into jail, the product’s quality can adversely impact the body and will deliver extra harm than good to the particular person. We’re a agency designed to conform to the imaginative and prescient you have in your practice somewhat than making you adapt to ours. We provides shared assets, infrastructure and intelligence throughout start-ups to allow them to give attention to constructing their core services and products. Those are solely a few of the finest tips you need to consider as you choose the most effective massage therapist that you could entrust your body.
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The architecture of your own home defines the form of your deck.
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For instance, you may begin by evaluating the product’s prices and high quality that each dispensary provides.
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srilankawebdesign · 1 year
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List of All Local Payment Gateways in Sri Lanka
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