#Baby photoshoot with props
inor12 · 2 years
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best newborn photography in madurai
New Borns are precious in your life. It's a good idea to make such a milestone with a fun cake smash! You can just bring your baby to our iNOR photo lounge. We make your baby's memories into the best newborn photography in Madurai. Visit https://www.inorphotolounge.com
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giulzart · 10 months
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Photoshoot Violet cause that scene lives rent-free in my head at the moment so… yeah
Also the anatomy and dress physics are not correct so don’t judge it too much pls I just needed to get these out my system hahaha
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
No thoughts only model au’s
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unepelotedelaine · 2 years
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Little « doudou » is loved ❤️ #texas #thank you @laurenpwilsonnn for this lovely picture ❤️❤️❤️. . . #jamesbond #jamesbondstyle #love #photography #newbornphotography #photo #newbornphotographer #photographer #baby #photooftheday #newbornbaby #photoshoot #newbornprops #babygirl #babyphotography #newbornphotos #prop #newbornposing #photograph #newbornsession #crochet #crocheting #crochetaddict #crochetersofinstagram #handmade #unepelotedelaine #notimetodie #mouripeutattendre #jamesbondstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg9YWTlMgsN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maxislvt · 8 months
Halloween Town
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pairing(s): milf!wanda maximoff x reader
summary: your relationship with Wanda was starting to get serious. that meant your relationship with her boys had to get equally serious. what brings a family together better than good ol fashioned trick-or-treating?
warnings: non-sexual pet play, milf typical flirtiness
a/n: um someone have my babies please and thank you
Event Masterlist
Your role in the Maximoff family was getting bigger every day. Billy and Tommy had started to accept you as their guardian. 
Well, less of accepting you and more of dragging you by your ankles into that role. Wanda was happy to see you three getting along but often had to remind them to slow down just a little bit. You didn't have much experience with children and Wanda was afraid the boys would overwhelm you. So she spent hours meticulously planning every outing to make sure you were comfortable but also got to explore things with the twins. She found it easier for the three of you to bond over new things. Even if it meant having three of the people she loved most get in the car and spend fifteen minutes telling her that kayaking during peak mosquito season was a bad idea.  
Fortunately, mosquito season was long gone and fall had begun. 
Fall activities were Wanda's specialty. Whether it was putting up the decorations or finding the perfect costumes for the year. Billy and Tommy always had an amazing Halloween. The only way to make it truly amazing this year was to weave you into their celebration. 
"Can you call off work next week?" She asked suddenly. You were such a busy person that Wanda often had to coerce you into taking time off. Wanda would get you all small and cozy and use that voice you couldn't say no. If you were hesitant, a couple of kisses would always do the trick. "I was thinking you could come trick or treating with me and the boys. They're really into Halloween and I know you're into scary stuff too."
In a more aware state of mind, you'd argue about how there's nothing inherently scary about your music taste but you were much too comfortable to even raise your head. "That sounds fun," You mumbled with your face still buried in Wanda's chest. She had you wrapped around her fingers when you were conscious, there was no telling what you'd agree to in that state. "I'll call off…tomorrow...yeah." 
Wanda smiled down at you. "Why don't you just let me do it for you right now?" She didn't bother waiting for you to respond and simply took your phone. Your phone already recognized her face so making the call was easy. Your boss had already started to recognize her voice so scheduling your day off was even easier. That budding friendship between her and Steve would easily be the death of your stress, you just didn't know it yet. 
"Can…can I get my costume?" 
Wanda hummed for a second. She already had a couple of ideas for what to dress you up as, but you already had an idea she wasn't going to stomp on it. "If you want to." Her hand rubbed down your back when you became too antsy. "Shush, you can be whatever you want to be, baby. What matters is that you're there." She placed a kiss on your forehead. 
She could buy a backup just in case. 
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
The downside to your sleepy agreements is that you would forget them unless Wanda reminded you. Considering her ulterior motives, she chose not to. 
You went weeks without properly thinking about it. There was a nagging feeling that something was missing but you didn't know what. None of your assignments were missing, you remembered to clock in, and you brought all your props for the photoshoot you were booked for. When you tried to think about it harder, you only felt guilty. 
A heavy sigh fell from your lips as you pulled into the driveway. Guilt was so heavy in your stomach you considered sleeping in your house for the first time in weeks. The thought of washing your sheets before bed was enough to deter you from avoiding your beloved girlfriend. 
"Babe, I-"
Halloween costume. You needed to buy a Halloween costume. 
Billy and Tommy sprinted downstairs the second they heard your voice.
 "Look," Billy shouted, "Mom made us the costumes from that movie we watched!" He stood back and turned around to show off the details of his outfit. 
"Mine has my soccer number on it!" Tommy said excitedly while posing for you. 
You were initially appreciative of the costumes, but immediately became nervous when you realized that Wanda had found out you let them watch that movie. Warriors wasn't the most violent film, but Wanda had explicitly told you not to let the boys watch it. Of course, you were easily swayed by the cuteness of them and had let them watch it with you one night past their bedtime. You made them promise not to tell, but it appears the excitement of Halloween overpowers sworn secrecy. 
You quickly glanced up at Wanda and immediately noticed the mischievous glint in her eye. Your eyes didn't go any lower because you didn't trust yourself not to stare. "These look great," You crouched down to their level as if you were about to tell them some top-secret information. "You didn't hear this from me but Tony is only giving out full-sized ones this year.  Why don't you two run down the street and get some of those before he runs out of the foodstuff?"  You patted the boys on their back and sent them off on their merry way. "I swear I didn't mean-"
"Upstairs now, unless my puppy wants a third punishment tonight." Normally, she'd be kind enough to give you a warning or at least ease you into subspace, but she was on a mission today. She didn't wait long before following you up the stairs. The longer she left you unattended, the more time you had to pout your way out of trouble. "And here I thought puppies had good hearing."
You were actively fighting against slipping into subspace and trying to avoid arousal. Being a good puppy was your number one goal, but the threat of punishment made your body tingle. You were even more turned on by Wanda's costume made you feral. As beautiful as the nod to her culture was, your hands were just itching to rip it off.  "Sokovian fortune teller," You said while rubbing your hand against the fabric. It was like a succubus had invaded your mind. "You look pretty." The admiration in your eyes was nothing but genuine.
Wanda revealed in the compliments you gave her. It was nice to see you weren't scared to touch her anymore. "You can't wiggle your way out of this one." She squeezed your hand affectionately before dropping it in your lap. You had to be punished, no amount of puppy dog eyes could change that. "You're lucky I have a costume for you just in case, but I don't want to hear any complaints." 
Your eyes followed Wanda as walked to her dresser and pulled out your costume. "I'm sorry I forgot. I know they like Halloween, I just…I don't know what happened but I promise to do better." Your apologetic mood quickly turned into unease when Wanda turned around with your costume. "You want me to wear my collar in public?" 
"It's not your collar, just a collar." Wanda didn't bother arguing with you and wrapped the collar around your neck. She showed you the set of ears she bought for you. "But these you will be wearing later," She said with a smirk. The ears fit snugly on your head. "Oh, I bought you some teeth too!" 
You thought you were going to die from embarrassment.  Even though you were convinced no one would think anything of it, you still felt ashamed. "...are the fangs at least cool?" You mumbled. 
Wanda opened the box. She tripped the extra latex off the top so they'd fit in your mouth comfortably before handing them to you. "You're going to be the cutest werewolf in the whole neighborhood." She kissed your cheek only for you to fake a scowl and rub off her kiss. Wanda scoffed and gave you another kiss. "Those boys are starting to rub off on you in all the wrong ways."
You kissed Wanda back but still shrugged. "You said you wanted me to be more adventurous…they're bringing me out of my shell a bit."  Your tongue corrected the positioning of the fake teeth in your mouth before you stood up. "Well, we better go get those little rascals before they sweet talk Tony out of a whole bag of candy."
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
The rest of the night went on pretty well. 
Wanda was too late to stop Tommy and Billy from robbing Tony blind, but she didn't exactly have time to reprimand them for being greedy. You were snatched up and dragged around the neighborhood for most of the night. She couldn't keep up with the balls of energy she was grateful to call her sons. It worried her at first. The last thing she wanted was for you to get overstimulated or push yourself too hard, but you seemed to have everything under control. 
You were the one to slow down and check in on her this time. 
You walked back to Wanda with a sack of candy. "Are you okay?  I can get them to take a break if you want." The concern on your face was so genuine that Wanda couldn't help but laugh. 
Wanda giggled. "I'm fine dear, but thank you for asking. Just go back and have fun." She leaned to the side and examined the sack of candy you had on your back. "Is this your version of a dad tax?" 
You shook your head. "Nope, I have been pressured into abetting a robbery of all the people in the town." You held up the bag to show how full it was. The sack was already halfway full and the boys had only been out for about half an hour. "I guess between all the dads liking the costumes and the seemingly empty candy buckets they're racking up a nice stash." The boys had been dumping their collections into your bag to collect more candy and you didn't mind. Especially since they promised you 15% of their candy from the end of the night. "Your kids are scarily good at business." 
Wanda let out an amused sigh. "That's all Vision," She said. Her hand held yours as you two trailed behind the twins on their candy-collecting adventures. "...Are you doing okay?"  She turned to look at your face, searching for any signs of sleepiness or stress. "We can head home if you want." 
"Baby, I promise you I'm fine. Just let Billy and Tommy run themselves tired so we'll have an easy bedtime." 
Considering the rather complex system the boys had in place, it didn't take long for them to tire out. After two hours of trick or treating, you were carrying two very sleepy baseball-playing gangsters back home. 
Just as you predicted, putting the boys down for bed was as easy as pie. They didn't even throw a fit about having to take their face paint off, but you did promise to do a proper photoshoot with them in their costumes another time. 
Once the twins were adequately tucked in, you headed upstairs to start your nightly routine. You were going to only bother with some of the fancy creams and tools Wanda had bought you since it was so late. Just a simple face wash and a shower would do just fine. Or so you thought.
"Oh puppy, don't tell me you thought mommy forgot about your other punishment."
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drewsbuzzcut · 3 months
Behind The Scenes
Mat Barza x fem!model!reader
A visceral in doses fic
Warnings: some jealousy, a guy being a creep, smut, pregnancy, being naked, mentions nerves
Takes place early 2025
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“I’m cold,” you complain with a shiver and scoot closer to Mat, letting his warmth heat up your body.
Right now you’re both on set for a photoshoot with Vogue. You and Mat are going to be on the cover, which is one of the biggest honors and you’re so excited. Aside from this being a big time shoot, you and your boyfriend are also announcing your first pregnancy to the world. You’re excited and nervous while Mat cannot stop talking about it. You’re happy that he’s excited and that he’s doing this cover with you.
“Come here, baby. Let me warm you up,” he wraps his arms around you, his large hands resting on the expanse of your back. He quickly makes all of your goosebumps disappear as if they were never there.
“I’m really nervous. This is going to be big news. Everyone is going to freak out,” you pout at him.
Gently, you cup his cheeks and squish them together. It earns your boyfriend’s famous cackle and it makes your heart melt.
“It’s exciting. I think I might’ve been a model in my past life,” he says and sways you in his arms. He fidgets with the seam of your robe, immediately alerting you that he has some nerves.
“I mean if all else fails, you have modeling to fall back on,” you roll your eyes as you tease him. You hope that it’ll wash away his hidden nerves.
“Haha,” he shakes his head with sass and it makes you giggle.
“Y/n and Mat, we’re ready for you,” an assistant informs you.
“Ready Mr. super model?” You ask, carding your fingers through his already tousled hair.
“So ready!” He guides you to the setup, eyes glued on you as you peel off your robe.
It’s the one thing he doesn’t like about today. The inspiration behind this photo shoot is being comfortable in your own skin and embracing the simplicity of being bare with someone you’re comfortable with. Mat doesn’t have a problem with it at all, he’s confident with his body and you’re confident with your body. The problem is that everyone who’s behind the scenes will see your breasts. Your breasts that have grown with being pregnant, and that are for his eyes only. Mat usually wouldn’t mind because it’s your job and he’d never tell you what to do or not to do with your body. For him, it’s mainly about the people gawking at you with no shame. It makes his skin crawl with jealousy.
“Pose 1, guys.”
You and Mat both stand, your chest pressed into his bare one while he rests his hands on your hips. You stare into his eyes while the cameras flash around you, partially thankful that this first round will only focus on your bodies. He mouths a silent “I love you” and you slightly lean up to kiss him.
“I love you,” you whisper into his lips.
Mat can’t help but take in your soft features and the way your eyes softly peer into his. He wishes he can caress your cheeks the way he usually would when you flash him a loving expression.
You smile at the way his hands flex over your hips. You know him well enough to know that he’d put his hands on your cheeks if he could.
Soft moments like these make it seem like everything around you disappears. The cameras aren’t on you or your baby daddy and it’s just you two in the room.
It sadly doesn’t last long.
“Pose 2!”
Mat moves to sit on the floor with one leg propped up. You straddle his lap and hold onto the sides of his torso. His hands go to your ass, giving you a hearty squeeze that makes you giggle.
“Sorry, I had to. Your ass looks too good in these jeans,” Mat muses, eyebrows lifting in a casual cool sense.
A red, hot flush fills your cheeks adding to your already glowing skin. You love the way Mat always gives you attention. It’s like he was born to compliment and love you.
He’s so sexy.
“Okay, this angle isn’t working so we need to see your side profiles. Mat, we need you to smolder and Y/n, do your open mouth pout with your head tilted back. You’re going to have your breasts right under his chin,” the photographer guides you.
Mat feels his chest tighten when he realizes everyone will get a good look at your boobs. He has a hard time not making eye contact with those who stare at you like they’ve never seen a pair of boobs in their entire lives. Even the bright flash can’t distract him. At least your thumb swiping at the skin of his torso helps him relax.
“Great! Y/n, you look amazing,” one of the assistants says, making Mat snarl at him. It’s almost like he isn’t even there, posing in the same picture.
“Okay! Next pose.”
Mat moves to fully face the camera while you move to his side, hugging his arm and blocking your nudity from the camera. As you do so, Mat watches the eyes of many men who can’t seem to look away. As you were adjusting your pose, your breasts were out in the open and those guys took it as the perfect opportunity to stare.
He lets out a silent huff which gathers your attention.
“What’s wrong?” You ask after a picture is taken.
“These men keep staring at you like you’re something to eat and it doesn’t sit right with me,” he explains, trying not to let his facial features show his jealousy. It doesn’t work, though. His face is set in a frown and his lips are pouty.
You kiss his jaw and nudge your nose into his skin.
“I love you, baby, but they’re just making sure we’re all doing what we’re supposed to do,” you reason with him.
You’re used to being exposed around many people and sometimes their eyes tend to wander for longer than usual, but it’s never bothered you. You can understand your boyfriend, though. He’s not used to everyone seeing you.
“Well, they don’t need to be staring at you,” he grunts.
You turn his face towards yours and slant your lips over his. Something about him being jealous turns you on. It shows just how much he craves you, despite being pregnant and it’s an ego boost.
“You’re so hot,” you whisper, eyes darkening with lust.
Quickly his mood flips and he’s matching your smirk with one of his own.
“One more before break!” You’re both snapped out of your lustrous haze.
For this photo, it’s just you. You lay out on the floor with your hair fanning out around your head. You cover your breasts with your hands just so the main focus can be your growing bump.
The main photographer lets her apprentice take a few shots. He’s standing above you, getting a bird’s eye view while Mat seethes in the back.
“Damn, you’re one lucky guy. The rack on her is insane,” Mat hears to his side.
His blood boils and the veins in his neck start to pop out. Does that guy know who he’s talking to?
“Excuse you?” Mat says finally turning to see who was audacious enough to utter those words.
“You’re one lucky man. I bet you hit that every night. I know I would,” the other guy groans, eyes locked in on you.
“Who the fuck do you think you are? Have some fucking respect and take your eyes off my wife,” Mat growls, stepping closer to the jerk.
He’s done with these guys thinking they can just stare at what’s his. There’s also no way in hell Mat would ever let a man talk so crudely about another woman, let alone his girl.
“Dude chill!”
“I’m not your ‘dude.’ You need to keep your fucking mouth shut,” Mat almost roars and everyone stops what they’re doing.
You hurriedly pull on your robe and make your way to the scene.
“Are you okay?” You ask your man, hands coming to rest on his heaving chest. His skin is hot under your palms. His eyes hold even more fire.
“Everything’s fine because he will be leaving,” Mat claims, not asking permission for this guy to be thrown out.
“No way!” The guy yells.
“Can we get this guy out of here, he’s causing unnecessary issues,” you ask a higher up.
Everyone moves in a haste to get the guy off set and make sure everything is all good.
“Everyone take 30!”
You cup Mat’s cheeks and stare into his eyes.
“Are you sure you’re fine?”
“I am now,” he whispers, pulling you into a chaste kiss that isn’t enough for you.
He moves you to a secluded corner, crowding you into the wall with his muscled frame. Mat inhales a deep breath and looks around at your surroundings. Even though you’re both hidden, people can still be heard and partially seen.
Allowing his emotions to drive his actions, he pulls your lips to his by the back of your neck. Your hands eagerly hold onto his firm body. His tongue thrusts into your mouth, dominating yours as one of your legs comes up to wrap over his hips. You try to grind against him as you feel the wanton need for friction take over.
“Are you wet?” He asks against the shell of your ear, his lip dragging down the side of your face.
“Yes,” you respond, nodding your head just in case he doesn’t hear you.
“It’s all for you,” you state, pulling him into another kiss.
“Damn right. You’re my girl and you’re carrying my baby,” your boyfriend claims, a hand rubbing your small bump.
“Fuck me, Maty,” you whine and pull him impossibly closer to you. You don’t care if there is people around or if he fucks you into the wall. You just want his cock inside of you.
“Come with me,” he says, pulling you back to the most recent setup.
It’s a king size bed made up with cream colored bedding. It’s displayed for the next round of photos, but Mat would never have sex with you in an uncomfortable position- especially while you’re pregnant. So for now, the bed is yours and he’s about to take you on it.
You pull him into another kiss as he lays you down, your legs coming to wrap around his waist. Your boyfriend sits up on his knees, his hands reaching out to pull off your jeans and robe. You lay bare in front of him, feeling warmth cascade over you. He pulls down his own pants and underwear, leaning over you to caress your body with his lips.
“Who do you belong to?” He questions, lips right next to your ear and his fingers collecting your wetness.
“You,” you whine and rut your hips up into his hand, desperate to feel him fill you up.
“Who?” He teases, fisting himself before guiding his tip to your entrance.
“You,” you gasp as he slides into with an ease that’s only possible with being pregnant. When you get wet, you get wet.
“Oh my god,” you moan, hands gripping the sheets underneath you. The feeling of him sliding into you takes you to another planet.
“Look at you dripping for me,” he grunts, hands on your hips as he starts to fasten his pace.
He’s hard and heavy, snug between your wet walls. The thick head of his cock nudges deep inside of you, making you clench down on him.
“It’s all for you,” you moan and rut your hips up into his movements.
He cups your bouncing breasts, eliciting a squeal due to the sensitivity. Your arousal drips down his shaft, drawing Mat’s attention to where he’s splitting you open. Your pussy sucks him in and pulls away every shred of sanity he has left.
“Your pussy is mine,” he moans, pushing your legs as far into your chest as possible. He pounds into you, a thick finger coming down to circle your clit.
“All yours, baby,” you whine.
“You take my cock so well baby,” he praises you, words sweet but cocky.
His eyes are molten and you can feel the heat wash over you as he stares at you.
Whimpers and the squelching of wet skin hitting wet skin echo off the walls. You flutter around him, your greedy hands reach out to wherever you can reach. Your blunt nails dig into his skin, leaving angry red lines behind.
“I’m cumming,” you scream as you release around him.
Your entire body tenses up before the brunt of your orgasm crashes into you. Your body arches off the bed and full body chills work their way on your body.
“You’re so sexy carrying my baby. You enjoy being pumped with my cum, don’t you? I’m going to keep fucking you until you’re dripping with my cum,” he heaves out through his labored breathing.
His hips snap into yours and you can feel him pulse inside of you. Thick ropes of cum paint your walls as he stills his movements and then he pulls out to spurt the rest on your mound. His abdomen twitches, his own orgasm crashing into him with a heavy force. Sweat drips down his pretty face and his curls stick to his forehead.
As he catches his breath, he watches his release spill out of your spent hole. It’s a sight he’ll never get over, especially how you flutter around nothing because you miss the feeling of being full.
“I love you,” you sigh, finally coming back down.
He rubs his cock against your pussy, making sure to collect every single drop of cum. Soon he’s fucking his cum back into you and you feel another knot form in your tummy.
“I love you, baby. Your fucking pussy was made for me,” he responds, eyes closed and head tossed back.
His hips slowly rock into you and before you know it, your walls are collapsing on him again. You tremble as you welcome the surge of electricity to hurdle through your body.
“Just like that, baby. I love you,” he whispers against your lips. He continues to slowly thrust into you, hips moving like honey.
You softly push at him before you can feel the effects of your overstimulated muscles.
He carefully rolls off of you, but pulls you back into his side. He caresses your body with gentle hands- a stark contrast to the roughness he just displayed.
“Are you okay?” He kisses your temple, moving your sweaty hair away from your face.
“Perfect,” you reply as you kiss on his neck.
You rub at his torso and watch how he reacts to your touch. There’s nothing more appealing than your man becoming weak at the tips of your fingers. It makes your core tighten and drip with arousal, or it could just be his release pooling out of you again.
“You’re so sexy, baby,” he rasps, mouth coming down to catch one of your nipples.
You lean into his affection, blood pumping with fervor all over again. Being pregnant has made you incredibly insatiable and with Mat being incredibly beautiful, you cannot get enough of him.
“We have like 5 minutes left,” you inform him.
He cocks an eyebrow up and smirks at you. He quickly moves down your body, spreading you open, and eats your pussy like the starved man he is.
5 minutes later, no one questions your unkempt hair or the content grins you both wear.
a/n: Sorry this has taken so long😭 I hope you all enjoy this!!
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 10 months
Lights, Camera, Action
Pairing: SteveHarringtonxReader
Request: Steve Harrington, you, and a camera. That's all. Do with that what you will. 😉
18+ Only
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Steve peeked at you, opening one eye, his hand coming up to his forehead, creating a visor to shield his sight from the sun coming through the window. You grinned down at him, lifting your camera once again. 
“Angel, what are you doing?” he groaned, bringing his other hand up, covering his face. 
“I was watching you sleep and you just looked so beautiful,” you explained, the camera in one hand as your other hand toyed with his hair, messy but still perfect, golden highlights shooting through it in the sun. “The sun was hitting you just right and come on, with that jawline, it would be a crime not to photograph you, baby. You were made for the camera.”
Steve chuckled, shaking his head, running those massive hands across his face with a yawn, that perfect jaw dropping slowly. You lifted the camera again, a gift from your dad, a new toy you couldn’t stop playing with, photographing everything. But your favorite subject was definitely your boyfriend. Steve was absolute perfection. 
Just as you were going to click the shutter, one of those large hands covered yours, stopping you. He took the camera from you, bringing it up to his eye and snapping a photo of you. You instantly tilted your head down, allowing your hair to cover your face. 
“Oh what?” he teased. “You can take all the pictures of me you want but you don’t want to be the subject?”
“Well, it’s my camera,” you told him, tracing over the freckles that dotted his chest, your own little constellations that you loved to play connect the dots with. 
“Well, you’re mine so I think that makes this camera mine too,” Steve mused, propping himself up on his elbows. “In fact, this camera just gave me an idea.”
“And what’s that?”
He sat up, brushing your hair back over your shoulder. His hand rested on the small of your back, lips brushing over your throat, to the hollow just below your ear as he whispered, “You have all these pictures of me. It seems only fair that I get to have some pictures of you. Maybe we should do a little photoshoot.”
You pressed your lips together, suppressing a grin, “And are you the photographer?”
“Obviously.” His fingers tickled the skin of your arms, featherlight as they ran along each one. Then they were on your thighs, firmer now, his whole hand spread across your skin, moving up over your hip, your stomach, in between your breasts, pressing you back onto the bed. He raised up to his knees, towering over you, camera in hand as you smiled softly up at him, stretching your arms up over your head.
“Jesus Christ,” he breathed, thumb running along your cheek. He rose from the bed, going to stand at the end and you rolled onto your stomach, your hair flipping over to one side as you gazed at him from under your lashes. “That’s perfect.”
“Now crawl to me, pretty girl,” he urged. 
You obeyed, rising to your hands and knees, slowly crawling over the bed toward him, your eyes focused on him the whole time, surprised by how much this little game was turning you on. Your center was throbbing with desire, sticky need between your legs, eager for him. 
“You are so beautiful, angel. Lie back and spread your legs for me.” You listened, eager to please, even more eager for his hands to be on you, devouring you the way his eyes were right now. You laid back, head on the pillows, slowly splaying your legs apart on either side of you as he gave his next directive. “Touch yourself, baby. I want to watch you get yourself all worked up for me.”
You decided to tease him the way he was teasing you with all these commands. Your fingers danced over your chest, tapping at your collarbone as you made your way to your breasts. Cupping them, you squeezed, pressing them together, giving Steve an eyeful. 
A small smile played at your lips, enjoying this game, how much he was enjoying this game. You pinched your nipples, a soft gasp falling from your lips as your mouth dropped open, your hips rocking gently in response to the sensations you were creating in your own body. 
“That’s it, angel,” he urged as your hand slid down along your stomach to the curly thatch of hair between your legs. You moaned deeply, fingers slipping through your damp folds, finding your clit. “That’s a good girl.”
Your neck arched as you circled the sensitive little bud, gasping out Steve’s name, the way you always did when you touched yourself, imagining it was his fingers between your legs instead. Making a V with two of them, you ran them along each side, teasing yourself, slowly working yourself up, wanting to make this moment last.
“Fuck yourself, pretty girl. Come on. Put those fingers inside and find that little place I always find.”
“Steve…” you groaned, fingers slipping down to enter yourself, pressing, curling, the way he always did. Your body bucked when you hit that little spot. “Fuck!”
“That’s it, isn’t it, angel?”
You nodded, teeth biting into your bottom lip, words impossible now as you gasped, writhing on the bed. Your hips rocked against your own hand and you brought your other hand down, continuing to tease your clit as you pumped your fingers within yourself. 
“Is this what you do when you’re all alone, baby? Do you imagine it’s my fingers touching you?”
“Yes,” you whimpered, “but it’s never enough Steve…your fingers are so big and mine…it’s never like when you do it…”
You felt the bed dip with his weight as he placed one knee and then the other on the mattress, making his way up to you. Those hands, hands you dreamed about, hands you fantasized about, hands that could send you to another plane of existence, covered yours, removing them. 
“Then let me take over, baby,” he commanded and you were more than happy to obey. 
Steve pressed two fingers into you, stretching you in a way you never could and your back arched, crying out at the sensation. 
“Is that what you wanted, angel?”
“Yes, Jesus Christ, yes Steve,” you groaned, hands coming above your head, gripping onto the headboard. 
You cried out as his thumb joined in, teasing your clit. Those fingers curved, hitting that spot once again and your hips flew off the mattress, bucking against him desperately, desire raging through your body, the relief of release so close you could taste it. 
“You look so goddamn beautiful like this,” he told you, “when you’re all needy and helpless beneath me.”
Your eyes rolled up into your head, heels digging into the mattress, knuckles white as you held the headboard for dear life. That familiar tightening began in your belly, letting you know you were close and Steve groaned softly as he felt your pussy spasming around his fingers. 
“Fuck, angel, you’re close aren’t you? Come on, pretty girl. Cum all over my hand. I want a picture of that face when you lose control.”
Sounds you couldn’t explain, sounds you didn’t even know your body was capable of, fell from your lips as your ground against his hand, your body seeking release. Steve’s thumb moved over your clit, sending shockwaves through your body that had your muscles trembling, skin rippling along the surface. Your breath came in heaving gasps, chest rising and falling rapidly as you crashed through the surface, crying out his name, trembling uncontrollably. 
Your eyes slipped closed, soft inhales and exhales as your body came down from its high. You felt Steve’s fingers as they trailed up your body, his lips pressing soft kisses to your hip, your stomach, between your breasts, and finally your lips. You tangled your fingers in his messy hair, and then pressed your hands against his chest, pushing him over onto his back, straddling his hips and snatching the camera. 
“My turn,” you grinned, lowering yourself over his stiff cock, relishing the way his mouth dropped open, eyes hooded with lust and pleasure. 
Steve’s hands gripped your hips, completely covering them, fingertips pressing into your skin as he rocked his hips with you. His eyes moved along the line of your body to where you connected, watching as he slid inside you over and over. 
Using your knees, you lifted just slightly, rocking your body back and forth, his pelvis grinding deliciously against your clit, the friction causing your eyes to close for a moment, losing yourself in the feel of him buried deep within you. You circled, sending your hips around and around, squeaking when his cock hit that space within you once again. 
“Yes angel. Fuck baby. Just like that,” Steve grunted from beneath you, his head falling back against the pillow, jaw dropped, mouth open, eyes falling shut.
The camera dropped from your hands to the bed as you lost the ability to focus, your hands coming to his chest, running over the chest hair you loved so goddamn much, tugging it gently. Steve grunted, fingers digging into your flesh as he slammed his hips up into you, your body bouncing with the force. 
“Steve, oh shit. Baby, so good,” you groaned, nails raking across his chest, your head falling back. 
“I’m gonna…I’m gonna baby…oh shit!”
His hands held you against him as he thrust once more, his release spilling inside of you. You gripped onto his shoulders, head falling forward, shuddering as you came once again, walls pulsing, his cock twitching, the two of you groaning and whimpering. 
You collapsed against his chest, sweat soaked bodies sticking together. Your lips brushed against his neck, burying your face there, inhaling his scent, your body content, satisfied, complete mush. 
“Mmm…” he mumbled, lips moving over your hair, fingers trailing up and down your spine. “I can’t wait to see the results of our little photoshoot.”
“Mmmhmm,” you agreed and then lifted your head, a thought hitting you. “Uh, Steve, how are we getting these pictures developed? Most places won’t develop nudie pics.”
“Well, then it’s a good thing I happen to know a guy with access to a dark room.”
“Jonathan?” you asked, laughing. “So, you’re okay with Jonathan seeing pictures of me naked?”
Steve’s brow furrowed, those full lips pouting, “Oh shit. Didn’t think about that.” His arms came around you, crushing you against him. “All this perfection is for my eyes only. Huh…maybe I’ll have to have him give me a lesson in photo developing because I am going to need those photos.”
“Oh, you need them, do you?” you teased. 
“Hell yeah I do. They’re going to be my new favorite spank bank material. Who needs nudie mags when I’ve got pictures of you?”
He rolled you over, peppering your face with kisses as you giggled. 
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I’m begging on my knees rn for bill kaulitz daughter reader anything. Like I imagine they’re super close and he had her at like 16 and she’s his baby. When he goes live with the band she’s right next to him, they have self care days where they just chill and do face masks and stuff, hugging and cuddling all the time. She def goes to Heidi and tom’s house at least twice a week to hang with them and texts Georg and Gustav every day just to talk to them. The fans would adore her, edits galore. Thanks sm pook 🫶🏻
Bill Kaulitz's Daughter #2
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He definitely has adores you ever since you were born
Sure you were born when he was young but he didn't care
It was a little stressful though
Especially with just starting out with being famous
He didn't know how to deal with that and especially with paparazzi
When it came out he was a teen Dad already when he was just famous and sixteen he got a bit of hate
It didn't matter though as the fandom back then was amazing and didn't care about Bill being a dad
They just loves him more and they loves you as well
Whenever fans would see you they would swoon, especially with seeing you on your dad's hip
You were always with Bill and the band every single time they were on tour, photoshoots, anything
The boys loved you and in photoshoots you were practically a prop
You were once sat on a fancy chair in that one photoshoot with them all kneeling and bowing down for jokes as the cameraman just let them take the pictures
Fans would always want your little autographs as well and they were just as valuable to them as Bill's were
When you were little there were so many pictures of girl fans holding you and kissing your cheeks with your little smile and laugh being captured
You were a really loved and cherished baby
Tom definitely used you to get girls but he also loves his niece
He loved taking you from Bill, walking you or taking you out anywhere and everywhere
Georg would steal you when Bill slept and took you everywhere with him and Gustav
You were once in a club somehow and drinking soda while on the bartenders hip and Georg serving drinks while Gustav was having the time of his life
Nobody knew how and Bill almost killed them but it was a fun time
You were always taken on stage and got to throw stuff in the crowd as well
You loved the attention and the spotlight as well
Bill kept you away from the hate and the bad things, especially when your house was broken into and you guys were moved away to LA
Bill did a very good job at being your dad even if he was young and not so mature yet
He made it very known that you were the best thing to happen to him, you're why he was still there when he was going through stuff and you're the best kid in the world
He would always post your accomplishments, went to any games or recotald or plays you had and be proud
He made sure you had everything and anything you needed as well and didn't care what people thought of him
When you get older your dad and you just get closer
You're always hanging out with him, and proud to be his kid
He wants to relax with you a lot so you guys have little pamper and relax sessions
Skin care, watching movies or stuffing your faces with anything you could want
You always want a hug from your dad, probably still sleep in his bed like your little from time to time
You are a guest in his lives, in photos and videos and hugs all the time
There weren't a lot of edits though because it was in the early 2000's
But when the band got popular again in 2023?
You saw videos and edits of you from years ago and stuff that you didn't even remember and just reminisced all over again
It was like a fever dream and the fans loved you just as much still
You definitely always go to Heidi and Tom's house as well
You're very close with your uncle's still and Tom's step kids and Heidi
You steal Tom's clothes and shit and still tease him like your a kid still
He's the uncle trying to keep you out of trouble but somehow gets into trouble with you
So many pictures of you around his house as well as your like his own baby even when you're his niece
He loves letting you stay over and lets you all the time
You're constantly texting Georg and Gustav even if you're not living as close to them anymore
You miss those times on the tour bus everyday with them and being so close to them
But you manage and you still visit them and they visit you
You were probably a flower girl in Gustavs wedding and were so happy to meet your cousin, Gustavs daughter, as well
Georg and his fiance are also so close to you as well
You once snuck literally out to Germany somehow and crashed at Gustav's place and somehow Georg was there
Nobody told Bill until he called Gustav and freaked because he couldn't find you and Gustav just passed the phone to you
You weren't even mad, just wanted to see your cousin and uncles
Bill just stopped and stared at you with a deadpan
He has accepted it and loves you but you definitely got grounded
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @kiwitsune @v4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @Cyb3rlex @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife @nyxwritesshit @papichulo120627 @fullw0rld @Cheristarr
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concreteangel92 · 2 months
See This One Shine
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Andy Biersack x female reader
WARNINGS: knife play, blood play (a little bit) dom/sub relationship, PiV
A/N: so this idea wouldn’t get out of my head, especially with all the new photoshoots that Andy has been releasing, he’ll be the death of me one day I swear 🥵
It’s my first time writing for Andy which is surprising as I’ve been a huge fan of BVB since the beginning, I’ve literally grown up with them haha
Obviously Andy is not married in this, I fully respect his relationship in real life, this is purely fiction!
Also respect if you catch where the title is from haha 👌🏻
Once again, this is a trigger warning for the knife play in particular, if anyone feels they will get triggered by that then please scroll on, you have been warned haha
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“Is this what you wanted baby?”
You nodded quickly as your chest heaved up and down, your skin feeling the cold, sharp blade that Andy was slowly running down between your breasts.
This has all started from the new photoshoots that your boyfriend had been doing for the new era of the band, his Sweeney Todd era as it’s been dubbed. Andy always looked drop dead gorgeous in all of his photoshoots but this new look has stirred something within you. It was the cut throat razor, he looked so menacing and dangerous and seeing him with the razor for the first time had you aching.
You weren’t shy about letting your feelings be known, when he’d text you one of the photos that he was very proud of, you instantly text back ‘cut me 🥵🔪’
Now Andy at first thought it was a joke, but when he brought it home for the first time, the hungry look in your eyes couldn’t be denied. The razor, although a prop, was very real, not as sharp as it could be of course, but sharp enough that with the right pressure would slice through the skin very easily.
And now here you were, lying down on your shared bed in nothing but your black lace bra and underwear and Andy hovering over you with the blade between his fingers tracing your skin, the low light from your bedside lamp making it shine.
“I can’t hear you”
“Yes sir”
Andy hummed in response, his eyes following the blade as he gently traced it over your collarbone and up your neck, the edge pressing in that little bit more as he angled his hand to run it across like he was slitting your throat.
A audible gasp escaped your lips, you gripped the sheets beneath you while your thighs squeezed together to try and relieve some of the tension you felt building.
Andy moved the razor down and slipped it under the bra where the cups joined.
“Didn’t realise you were such a masochist baby”
He then proceeded to slice it with ease which caused you to moan softly as the fabric fell away, leaving your top half bare. Andy then very gently ran the tip of the blade around each nipple, his eyes never leaving his own movements.
You closed your eyes as you let all the sensations wash over you. You felt the razor trailing down your stomach, you opened your legs in anticipation of what you knew was coming.
“That’s my good girl”
Andy ran the razor with slightly more pressure down your thigh, the pain mixed in now more evident than before and was no doubt making the skin rise in its wake.
“F-fuck me”
“All in good time”
Andy turned the blade onto its side and ran it up your clothed cunt, no doubt soaked at this point. You let out a choked cry, you needed more, something that your boyfriend already knew.
He circled the tip of the razor around your clit carefully, your hips bucked up with need and Andy pressed his other hand onto your hip to push you back down with a deep chuckle.
“Easy baby, don’t want to cut you here”
You felt his fingers rub your skin lovingly, before he quickly sliced through the material of your underwear and watched it fall away.
You opened your eyes and glanced down.
“I liked that underwear set you know?”
His piercing blue eyes met yours and the corner of his lips raised up.
“I’ll buy you a new set”
You took in his appearance, his white shirt was nearly all the way unbuttoned, leaving his tattoos on display, his long hair was falling into his face and his trousers were clearly becoming extremely tight for him. Andy looked deliciously sinful.
“Open up for me baby”
You spread your legs wider as you heard his groan of approval.
“Now whatever you do, keep very still for me”
Using his fingers, Andy spreads your lips apart, turns the knife on its side again and you feel the cold metal drag upward, in and along your folds making your thighs twitch.
Andy brings it up and you can see it coated with your juices and you watched as he brought it to his lips and ran his tongue over the blade, your walls clutching on nothing at the sight.
“Delicious. You’re so wet and I’ve barely touched you yet”
His head tilted and his arrogant smirk was the last straw, you reached out for him.
“Andy please”
You sounded desperate, you were so ready for him, Andy lent down and kissed you while you undone the rest of his shirt, you just couldn’t wait anymore.
Putting the razor down, you helped Andy strip out of his clothes and watched as he settled back on the headboard
“Come here beautiful”
You crawled over to him and settled yourself over his lap, you lowered yourself down and felt him stretching you open. A loud groan escaped both of you as you finally sat down fully, next to no resistance being met due to his previous ministration’s.
Andy settled his hands on your hips while you placed yours on his chest, and you started to move, allowing Andy to guide your movements, watching his face contorting in pleasure. You started off at a slow pace but neither of you were in the mood to hold back for much longer.
Andy picked the forgotten razor back up and held it up against your throat carefully which made you move your hips faster, you needed more, so much more. You brought your hand up to cover his, moved it down and pressed it onto your chest, just enough to slice the skin open slightly.
“Babe what are you doing?”
You couldn’t form any words, the pain on your chest mixed with the heat in your core caused you to let out a guttural growl that would rival his and your head fell back, you don’t know what had possessed you but it sent shock waves through your body, you were so close at this point that you needed to finish and although Andy had been taken back by your actions, you could tell he was just as turned on as you.
You weren’t expecting Andy to lean forward and lick up the fresh wound of your chest, that act making you grip onto his hair, your hips faltered in their movements and your pussy was clenching him in an iron grip, you’ve never experimented with blood before but here you are.
You pulled on his hair and he brought his head up and you smashed your lips together and instantly tasted your blood on his tongue, both of your groans lost in each other mouths.
You pulled back “I’m so close”
You could feel yourself teetering on the edge, you just needed a little more, Andy snaked his hand down to your clit and started working it hard.
You let out choked out cry as you came undone and wrapped your arms around him while Andy gripped your hips and thrusted upwards hard a few times before his own orgasm followed with a loud groan and you both collapsed back onto the headboard as he wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
Once you’d got your breath back, you pulled back and gave him a soft kiss.
“I wasn’t expecting that”
Andy was smiling and playing with your hair, he glanced down at the cut on your chest.
“Well clean that before bed babe ok? Don’t want it to get infected”
“Sorry if it was a bit much, I don’t know what came over me”
You giggled slightly and slowly pulled yourself off of him and cuddled up into his side.
“Don’t apologise, I said I wasn’t expecting it, not that it wasn’t insanely hot”
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
𝐍𝐘𝐄 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬 🥂 | 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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Warnings: strong language, alcohol consumption, el and the guys being unhinged with fireworks, clubbing, drunk elvis and drunk reader (can you tell i need a night out? lmao), tiny mention of the colonel, drunk parents, lil bit of smut at the end, mention of throwing up, hangoverssss.
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR, MY LOVES!!! 🎆 be careful with your lil fingers and don't forget to drink lots of water before bed to fight off that January 1st hangover ;)
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New Years Eve at Graceland is even more rowdy than Christmas.
Everyone is there; the guys and their partners, family from both your and Elvis' side, friends from outside of town and even some local fans that you got friendly with throughout time.
Before everyone arrived, you and Elvis made sure valuable things were locked away just in case things would get a little crazy (or more so, if someone got a little too drunk).
Elvis allowed you to create a photo corner in the music room – you'd hung up a mix of gold and silver tinsel curtain in front of the curtains by the window, creating a fun backdrop for the pictures.
You went all out, disco balls and photo props included.
Naturally, you and Elvis matched as he was wearing black and red and you were in a little black dress with red heels.
Drinks and food were served all through the night, keeping everyone satisfied. You and Elvis were good hosts and you liked seeing everyone having fun at your parties.
With the year 1970 only a few hours away, everyone's spirits are high and it doesn't take long before the drinks started doing their job.
Vernon is visibly loosened up, along with your father, trying to get the attention from your female friends even though both their wives are dancing their little hearts out near the dining room.
Both men were rather tough cookies to crack, so you enjoy seeing them like this, even though they are being typical men.
As long as your girlfriends aren't uncomfortable, you're fine with it.
You and Elvis have a full on photoshoot in the music room, with a tipsy Sonny as your photographer.
“Guys, can’t you ask someone else? They keep comin’ out all blurry,” he'd giggle, throwing another failed polaroid on top of the covered piano.
“’S because you keep wigglin’ on those giraffe legs of yours. Give it to me,” Elvis allowed his friend to go back to drinking as he took the camera out of Sonny's hand, turning back to you.
You could've easily used the digital camera, but you wanted to use the polaroid because you liked the aesthetics of it more.
And what Elvis' baby wanted, Elvis' baby got.
You'd pout at him when he told you to pose because you wanted him to be in it, but you did as told and put a glittery '1970' headband on your head as you posed for the camera.
After a few pictures, you switched places and took pictures of him as he used other props to pose with.
More people joined in on the fun and Joe eventually managed to take some cute pictures of you and Elvis, before you posed with the group and so on.
Because there were so many people at the house that wanted both your and Elvis' attention, you two would often be lingering around other people.
You'd catch up with your girls and family and joke around with his fans, while he'd be belting out laughter and jokes with other people.
The more he drank, the louder he got but as long as he'd stay away from the beer and champagne, you knew he'd be fine.
He'd catch your eye from across the room and mouth the words of the song playing to you, or shoot you flirty winks which you gladly returned.
Well before midnight, he found his way back to you and had you pressed firmly against his side as he took you in the kitchen where it was a little less crowded.
The two of you didn't have any special traditions other than a midnight kiss on NYE, but he had recently read something about a Mexican tradition that he wanted to try.
“Or was it from Spain? I don’ remember, honey, but basically we eat twelve grapes and make twelve wishes,” he'd grin as he held up the grapes in front of your face.
“Aren’t we supposed to do this at midnight?”
“Yes, but I really jus’ wanted some grapes,” he'd giggle boyishly, holding out a grape in front of your mouth.
You weren't sure if this was really how the tradition was done, but he made it his own as he'd feed you a grape and make a wish for you instead for himself when he did so.
You went along with it, doing the same as he did.
You were probably doing it wrong, but you liked this little moment you and him were having away from the party.
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The Colonel wasn't a big fan of NYE bashes, but he showed up a little before midnight to wish Elvis and the others a happy new year.
You didn't give him much attention; serving him a drink and wishing him an early happy new year, before you made your way outside where Elvis and the guys were setting up the fireworks.
Ofcourse, you had stolen one of Elvis' coats to keep you warm as you sipped on your drink and got your sparklers ready.
Most of the fans were outside as well; the ones attending the party keeping you and some other friends company, younger fans watching excitedly from the other side of the gates.
As the countdown on the TV started, the guys came back to the house to find their way to their partners and to be there to wish everyone a happy new year.
Elvis was right there beside you, his arm swung over your shoulder, apples of his cheeks flushed due to the alcohol as he was smiling brightly while counting down the seconds loudly.
You counted with him, already moving closer to his face to close the distance between you.
When the clock struck twelve, everyone roared out a “Happy New Year!” and kissed and hugged.
As every year, Elvis kissed you deeply, sensually and probably longer than anyone else kissed their respected partners.
“Man, it’s the first kiss of the year. That’s my good luck charm right there,” he'd grin as Jerry and Red eventually pulled him off, pecking your lips a few more times before he allowed himself to be dragged away and onto the driveway to light the fireworks.
Having lit half of them on Christmas Eve, the show wouldn't last as long as usual but they still had enough to draw everyone's attention.
You wished everyone around you a happy new year, sneaking your way inside when (ofcourse) Elvis and the guys found themselves in one of their firework wars again.
You spend some time with your family, wishing them a happy new year and making sure they were still having fun.
At 1 am, all the fireworks had been lit and as the guys made their way back in the house, some people were leaving to attend other parties or go out clubbing.
You, Elvis, the guys and some fans left to go to TJ's Nightclub to dance the night away and go see Alan who was unfortunately working tonight.
Some family stayed behind at Graceland, as they would be staying the night. You weren't worried at all, knowing your mother was sober.
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You and Elvis had been repeating yourselves for about an hour when you arrived at the club.
Wishing everyone a happy new year and so on.
Elvis had rented out the place until the early morning hours, but some people that had been invited hadn't been at the house so you were happily greeting old and new friends.
Alan was happy to see you, Elvis and the others, knowing that Elvis wouldn't let him work too hard.
Which he didn't; Alan soon left the work to his co-workers, sneaking away from the bar and into the dancing crowd.
When clubbing, Elvis was usually the type to sit in one of the booths with the other guys and join you for a dance or two... if you were luckily.
This time, he didn't leave your side once – probably because of the drinks he had already nursed at the house and because he wasn't blind, he saw the way some of his male fans were looking at you.
Come to think of it, he figured they were probably your fans rather than his.
You were oblivious to the attention and happy that you didn't have to beg him to dance with you, happily following him as he twirled you around to the rhythm of the music.
“I have a 13th wish for you,” he'd yell loud enough for you to hear him, smiling down at you as he'd have his arms wrapped around your waist.
“What is it, El?”
“My wish for you is that you’ll always be happy and that all your dreams’ll come true. Whether that’s with me, or not,”
“Oh shut it, you big idiot. Ofcourse it’ll be with you,” you'd laugh at the way he slurred his words a little, rolling your eyes playfully.
“I know, jus’ wanted to hear what you were gon’ say,”
He'd grin like a fool, twirling you around again before you even had the chance to reply, laughing at his antics.
Shots shots shots!
So many shots.
Both you and Elvis hadn't learned from your Christmas morning hangover.
It's only NYE once a year, isn't it?
You'd try pretty much every shot on the menu but when you two downed a couple of shots of tequila, you could barely think straight anymore.
Every time someone would walk a little too close to you or look at you for too long, you saw Elvis' jaw clenching and him shooting them the dirtiest look he could muster, no matter to who it was.
You managed to distract him every time though, making him dance or asking him for a lighter even though you had one in your purse.
Thankfully, he kept himself under control.
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At around 5 am, you mentioned to Elvis that you were hungry and now the both of you couldn't stop thinking about food.
Most of your friends weren't ready to leave yet, so the both of you snuck out of the club.
Probably not the smartest idea, but since neither of you could drive, you started to walk through downtown Memphis on the hunt for food.
You found it at a 24 hour diner, which was completely empty apart from the people who worked there.
After some autographs being given out by Elvis (which took him a little longer than usual) and small talk, the two of you indulged in the greasiest burger on the menu.
In that moment, your drunk self felt more happy than on any other day and Elvis seemed to feel the same.
But after stuffing your face and going outside for a smoke and some air, it dawned on the both of you that you didn't have a ride back home.
Graceland wasn't exactly walking distance, especially not in the state you were in.
Going back into the diner with Elvis to call your mother to ask if she could pick you up, you felt like a teenager again.
Especially when your poor mother pulled up in her pajamas, laughing at you two after she playfully scolded you.
“’S all Y/N’s fault, ma’am. I didn’t do nothin’,” Elvis laughed from the passenger's seat, fumbling with the radio as your mother kept slapping his hand away, which only made him laugh harder.
“Zip it, Presley,” glaring at him, you'd slap his shoulder.
He would then reach his arm out to you and try to grab you, leaning over his seat which made your mother's scolding turn a bit more serious before she'd crash the car.
Back at the house, it was a surprise you and Elvis managed to make it into the bedroom.
Once you were undressed and freshened up, you were wide awake as you lay next to each other.
Now sex with Elvis while he was this drunk, was do-able. Sex while you were both in this state? A disaster.
You couldn't stop laughing the entire time, making him laugh as well; even when he was balls deep inside of you.
“Goddamnit woman, will ya stop laughing? I can’t focus,”
This would only make you laugh harder, your muscles tightening around him as you did and while he was still laughing, he couldn't hold back a moan.
You had to clasp a hand over both your and his mouth as he decided to fuck you into the mattress nonetheless, your drunk mind praying your family wouldn't hear you.
Your laughter soon died down as he hit your g spot with every thrust and he came inside of you when your muscles wouldn't stop squeezing him.
The both of you were dizzy after; high on colorful cocktails, shots and delicious orgasms.
“Love you, little,”
“Love you too, baby,”
You forced yourself (and him) to clean yourselves up again and once you got back into bed, it didn't take neither of you long to drift off into a deep slumber.
You were more than happy to sleep the first day of the new year away, snuggled up to your man.
The only time Elvis and you did leave the bed, was to run to the bathroom to take turns throwing up the contents of your stomach.
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yoke9494 · 5 days
Crackhead Activity. 2.0 (Gojo/Geto)
For those who read (Baby Making. *Gojo*)-- and are hoping the next part would have been drama or smut between the two.
read here.
Sorry. It was neither. The next part was full of hurt and a twist that would make most of you gag. I don't think anyone wants that... I sadly don't want to rewrite it beeecause. Maybe when the manga is done I'll bring the whole fic back..
So here is a cracksmut chapter from my Crackfic! Ft. Gojo/Geto! (Can be read on my AO3 and Wattpad.)
Gojo has an OnlyFans.. He's broke now because his family doesn't want him to date Geto anymore... But you all need money because your baby momma (Megumi) is in jail!
Sukuna lactates in the story.. (second book) his tummy mouth is named Elroy
Megumi's married to a fae prince and had his baby. But YOUR his baby daddy? It's messy.
Nanami's feet pics.
Your voice was muffled.
"Bend it Kento. I need the tip of it."
A hiss came from the other side. It was low and almost ended in a growl. "I can't do that. It physically can't bend that way Y/n."
Both Suguru and Satoru stopped in front of your closed door-- mid knock..
Gojo gasped. "Not Nanami! He was my my backup rebound."
Geto rolled his eyes and knocked. "Y/n? It's Geto and Gojo. Can we come in?"
They both heard some shuffling and a few grunts.
"Come in!"
Now it was Geto's turn to clutch his pearls. "What the-- Are we interrupting something?"
You looked back and smiled. "No? Why?"
Gojo whined. "It sure looks like it.. Can I play?"
Geto hit the back of his head. "What are you guys doing?"
Nanami laid on the floor under you. His legs propped up against your bed. He held onto your calves as you sat on top of him. Pussy on his stomach while you straddled him but backwards? Like in a 69 position that was a little off.
Elroy does some freaky magic shit and his voice echoes off the walls* 👺 "Reverse cowgirling his ass! They'll get it! Over here complicating shit."
Sorry...... 😒
You sat up straighter and Nanami groaned. A small camera was in your hands. "Taking feet pics to sell? Nanami's got some freaky looking dogs that I know will bring in some money." You pointed at his little toe that was missing a nail. "Some chick even offered to pay $200 just to suck on this little one for 10 minutes."
You narrowed your eyes at Nanami. "But Mr. Ticklish over here said nooo!"
They looked down at Nanami. Gojo snorted. "Really? But pictures are okay? I didn't know you'd be into this kind of stuff."
The blond huffed. "I'm not. But she cornered me when I was coming by to ask for more food mix for the shrooms water... Plus if it's for Megumi and Jeremy. I'm willing to help out a little bit."
(If you're wondering.. Where's Jeremy?! His innocent eyes shouldn't be seeing this! He's fine. He's with Sukuna at the moment... Having a lunch date.)
Geto tilted his head. "What's with the position?"
You hummed and held your hand out towards your window and Nanami's feet. "For the perfect picture? When Nanami's feet are in the sunlight at this angle.. It looks like he has Jesus feet."
You turned the camera over. "See!"
Gojo brought down his shades and whistled. "Photo shop some Angel wings behind those bad boys... I'd pay about $80... If I wasn't broke."
You hummed while you looked at the picture. You already had orders lined up. Plus Mechamaru and Miwa were coming later for a couples photoshoot. Who knew people would pay for pictures of feet locked together like their holding hands.
You needed to hurry this up so you continued your work.
"What did you guys need?"
No one heard you.
Gojo and Geto tilted their heads and watched your ass while you bent forward. Did you know your leggings were kind of see through?
Even gentleman Nanami tilted his head up. He had the better view anyways..
"Hello? Or do you guys want to contribute too?"
They all looked away. Geto cleared his throat. "Uh.. shit why were we here again?"
Gojo shrugged--- "wait!-- How much money do we have?"
Much to Nanami's dismay you got off of him and pulled out a shoe box Yuji and Yuta decorated from under your bed. They obviously used all of Rika's good glitter and stickers-- no wonder she was in a bad mood today.
You mumbled to yourself for a minute. "Well, with Inumaki and Panda Dj-ing and bartending at parties, Maki and Nobara's bake sale, Mahito's "bring your ex back" or "hex an ex" spells, Yuji and Sukuna's stripping, And Nanami's feet pics... We're all at $2.567.. why?"
How do they say this without sounding like perverts?
(Geto) "We found a way to make the rest of the money... And then some? Megumi wouldn't have to miss Jeremy's first Halloween."
You stopped with the pictures. " Really?! How?"
Gojo opened his mouth but.. he huffed. "Suguru you say it. I don't want to, She might hit me."
Geto looked at his snow angel. "Excuse me? I don't want to get slapped."
You did the mom stand. "I'll slap you both in a minute if that's what you want?"
(Nanami) "Slap Gojo first. And let me record it."
Gojo snapped his fingers. "Nanami's got the right idea!--- we just need you naked."
You pointed at Nanami with a confused face.
Geto pinched the skin between his brows. "No you dumb beautiful bitch. YOU. Y/n l/n! We need you naked."
Damn he used the whole government name..
You were still a little--
Gojo sighed and brought out his phone. "I made an OnlyFans. Since I'm broke and all.. This old lady has been donating a lot. She even doubled it when Suguru started helping me.. But now she's asking for a girl to be involved.. $35.000. "
Well shit... Stick 4 dicks in your ass, that was a lot of money..
Nanami cleared his throat. "I should get to class. My feet are weird but not $35.000 weird."
You were about to open your mouth but Geto stopped you.
"You don't have to! It was my idea to ask. We can always find someone else. I just don't really want to stick it in some random or one of Gojo's ex's. And---"
You cut him off. "Use a lot of lube for my butt please. That hole has been an exit only for all my sad years already on this earth."
A low hum filled the room before a small puff a air followed it. It started up again. The same pattern lazily repeated itself. *Grmmm. *Puff* Grmmm. *Puff*.
Yuji scrunched up his nose. "I've been sitting here watching your weird tits get milked for over 30 minutes and it still freaks me out."
Sukuna sat on his brother's bed. A breast pump attached to his chest. "You're fucking judgemental. I don't see you complaining about that milk in your cereal."
Yuji's eyes widened as he looked down at his half eaten fruit loops. " No it's fuckin not..."
Sukuna nodded. "How does it taste brother?"
Yuji gagged. "Fuu-- Pervert! Why's your titty milk in an actual milk carton?!!?-- in my mini fridge!?!"
(Elroy 👺) "Teehee. You were slurping that shit up too.."
Before Yuji could throw up-- Junpei walked in with Mahito. Who was holding a milk drunk, and worm version of Jeremy around his shoulders as the baby slept.
"You guys know Gojo has an OnlyFans? It's pretty wild content. "
Both twins shrugged and spoke at the same time. "Figured."
Elroy snorted. 👺 "Why are you looking? We've all seen his dick already."
Junpei shrugged. "I haven't. I was curious if the carpet matches the drapes?"
Everyone else spoke at the same time. "It does. Even his butthole hair is white."
Everyone sort of chuckled.. It was a weird fucking day..
(Yuji) "You could have just asked him? He would have happily showed it to you."
Junpei shrugged. "I like to think I'm helping him out with my subscription. I feel bad for him. I heard He's taking being a broke ass bitch pretty hard."
But something caught Elroy attention. How when the motherfucker has no eyes? Shit. You got me.. just go with it.
👺 "Who's the chick in the video they just uploaded-- wait,.. Sukuna! Isn't that our bitch?"
A new video had popped up. But it only showed the naked body of someone who was obviously between Geto and Gojo.
Sukuna squinted and leaned forward. He really needed to find his glasses.. "Naw, she should have classes today-- Hey... That's not Yaga's class, that's my woman's ass!"
Yuji snorted and finally looked away from his remaining floating cereals. He was half listening cause he was contemplating on finishing it. "Hey, that rhymed!..." Yuji heard slurping noises. "Wait. What's going on?"
++++++🎶Bitches. By: Hollywood Undead.🎶++++++
They couldn't see your face. But most of the room knew it was you.
Yuji's seen your naked ass before. Junie was able to touch a titty (skin to skin) when you shared the tent, he knew it was your nipple going in Geto's mouth... But what sold it? The fading bruises Mahito left on your hips, and the bite mark that Elroy left on your right butt cheek.
(Elroy.)👺 "Gawd damn.. the white haired twinks going to run out of oxygen.."
Yuji tilted his head. "An honorable way to go.."
Sukuna nodded. "And I shall ride into Valhalla. All shiny and chrome." 👅💦
(Mahito) "Witness!"
They would have laughed. But the way Gojo was eating you out had the whole room going quiet.
Just the sound of wet slurping and your muffled moans.
The camera zoomed out so they could finally see the full picture. You sat on top of Geto, he held you at the back of your knees and spread your legs wide for Gojo.
A black blindfold was covering your eyes. Protecting your identity from those who didn't really know you like your friends did.
Gojo ran his tongue up your folds and wrapped his lips around your clit. Your legs were already twitching and your back was arching off of Geto's chest.
Suguru shifted your body upwards. What were they doing? Satoru sat slightly back and grabbed at his boyfriend dick. It was already hard and wet from your dripping cunt but that didn't stop Gojo from using his tongue to wet the tip.
Gojo was a busy man today. Did you know he was usually the pillow princess? But he didn't mind.. Once his boyfriend seemed wet enough he used his free hand to spread you open.
The head of Suguru's cock made the nastiest sound as Gojo slid it inside of you. Using his boyfriend's cock to tease the outside of your entrance. Only his fat head popping in and out-- your body wiggled to try and have Geto slip in deeper but Gojo kept it at just the tip.
His chuckle was cut into a muffled one as he dived back in. Your nails digging into his scalp trying to keep him on your clit-- but Satoru wasn't going to leave his man out. His tongue ran over Suguru's shaft and then swirled around your puffy bud. He was having the time of his life! Before he gave your clit one last suck and let go of it with a sticky *pop*.
Gojo sat up on his knees. His red tip lining up with Geto's.
Sukuna tilted his head. "He better fucking not."
(Mahito) "Are they sharing the same hole? Do they have to literally do everything together?"
(👺) "gaaaaay! The starfish needs love too!"
Yuji shushed them while Junpei turned up the volume.
Your little "ows" were doing something to all of them.
It was either Geto or Gojo that began to whisper to you.
"Shh. It's okay. I know you can take it."
Slowly! They both slipped in. Your pussy was stretched and your body was jerking so much that Satoru had to hold you down at your waist.
You let out a moan that sounded almost like a yelp when Geto thrusted up into you. He was fully in while Gojo was still trying to bully himself the rest of the way.
They both couldn't completely fit. Despite how wet you were, the combined girth was too much.
The room was filled with with low moans as they slowly began to move. Suguru completely buried inside while Satoru was only half way. Only for Geto to pull halfway out so Gojo could sink in deep.
(Junpei) "Holy shit." He did the sign of the cross. "Sorry Lord.." He looked at the ceiling. "We shouldn't be watching this on a Sunday--"
Sukuna's hand went over Junpeis mouth. Why was it wet?! "Shh. You're too fucking loud. Don't make me make Mahito black magic you."
It was already over before it really began. Everyone made a noise, muffled moan? A hiss? A tongue click, someone whined.
But your nails were digging into Suguru's thigh, and Satoru's shoulder. Clear liquid hissed out of your pussy and into Gojo, some on the camera..
They both began to laugh as they slowly pulled out. A matching ring of white around the base of their cocks.
What were they doing now?
You already looked limp while the two of them man handled you. Rolling you around and switching spots.
You weren't so loud anymore, you couldn't be with Gojo's fingers stuffed in your mouth. They could tell you bit down hard when Geto slammed your hips down. Impaling you on his boyfriends dick.
(👺) "Finally some ass play!"
No lube in sight. Only a glob of spit coming from Geto's mouth, extra in his hand from Gojo to slick himself up just for you.
"Remember the safe word?"
You nodded but Satoru reached up and slammed a heavy palm on your ass. "Say it babe. We need to hear it."
A small yelp left your throat before the pained words came out. "Kumquat."
Geto chuckled as his tip lined up with your ass. The tip of his dick struggling---
The video cut off...
The screen went black and only Gojo's annoying chubby ass chibi figure started dancing around on a pink screen... They had to pay extra for the next part?!
Stingy ass!!
Yuji stood up and punched Junpei's laptop. The top half flying to the wall and leaving a crack in it as it exploded into a million pieces...
He did what everyone was thinking,
Except Junie, who gasped. "Yuji! That was the school's laptop! My reports weren't saved!!"
Yuji's shoulders dropped. "Shit! My bad!-- I don't know what came over me? I just got so mad.."
Mahito snorted. "It's probably your brother's milk. The stuff probably has freaky magic properties for humans"
Yuji turned green. "Ugh, fuck Mahito. Why'd you have to go and remind me.."
Someone ran into the door. A muffled chuckle came the other end. "Geez. It's like I was the one who got fucked in all my holes."
They could hear you scoff. "Hurry up and open the door. It hurts to stand."
Geto's voice came next. "I offered to carry you."
You voice again. "Don't talk to me. I'm mad at you and your dick. I probably won't be able to shit right for a week."
(Gojo.) " They'll come out like in either two ways. Taco Bell squirt's OR rabbit poops. I'd stick to soft foods for a while."
Sukuna got up and opened the door.
The three of you frozen when you saw it wasn't just Yuji in the room.
Mahito smiled, was he blushing?. "Hey guy! How was your afternoon?"
Geto just happened to look straight at the busted laptop on the floor. He shook his head. "They saw it."
You already knew this was coming... Eventually it would happen-- you just didn't want to deal with two certain someone's and their jealousy right now. You tried to turn away.
Sukuna caught you like a momma cat picking up it's baby. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
"To go die--"
Elroy popped out of his-- wherever? (👺) "I CaN'T TaKE YOu BoTh! ItS GoING To HuRT. Lies woman! I saw your coochie stretch like the Grand Canyon! Loose lips!"
You gasped. Yuji gasped. Junie gasped, Gojo clutched his pearls, Mahito gasped, Sukuna gasped. Even Jeremy gasped in his sleep!
Geto changed the subject. "Should we go get Megumi now? Before the front of the jailhouse closes or some shit."
You kicked Sukuna and he let you go. Damn it, now he's really going to have to kiss ass thanks to Elroy's damn mouth.
You fixed your shirt and took a sleepy Jeremy off of Mahito's shoulders. "Let's go get your momma, baby. At least he knows how to appreciate me!"
Like a hurt puppy, Sukuna chased after you. "You really going to listen to him? Don't be like that. He's not really wrong but--"
You turned around and scoffed. "Are you really gaslighting me right now?"
You just got laid, why were you annoyed? Truth be told you've been irritated since walking this way for some reason?
It couldn't be that time of the month already?
It seemed to only get worse, Elroy started growling..
You stopped in your tracks and looked down at him. Everyone finally caught up but stopped also when Elroy's growls got louder.
Mahito tilted his head.
Yuji poked at Elroy. "You alright? It's not like Y/n won't let you lick the bean anymore. No need to get jealous."
Elroy snapped at his finger. 👺 "It's not that.. I smell.. just straight up bitch in here."
He took a long inhale through his nose? Again, from where? You have no idea?
Mahito smelled his pits. He leaned forward to smell Junpei and Yuji.. "Is it us? Maybe it's the stingy sex these three just had?"
Not that you think about it.. Something did feel off? You eye started to twitch..
"Y/n! Jeremy my baby!"
That feeling melted away!
A dark haired sea urchin was running down the hall!
"Gumi Bear?!!!"
Like that cheap scene in the movies it was like you and Megumi were running to each other in slow motion. Only instead of it being at the beach or some flower field.. It was a dorm hall.
Jeremy perked up when he heard his momma's voice. You and Megumi almost fell over your own feet as you got closer.
(👺) "Clumsy bitches."
Jeremy *poofed* back into his baby form. Same sea urchin hair as his chubby hands reached for Megumi.
He had Jeremy in one arm, you in the other. You felt like you were going to cry.. It had only been 4 days but it felt like he was in the clink for years!
"We were on our way to go get you?!! How did you get out!?"
He looked at everyone who just stood there. No, they were staring--
Megumi let go of you and held Jeremy with both arms. "Uh, yeah. About that.."
Heavy footsteps rounded the corner.
Elroy let out a loud hiss. He was foaming at the mouth.
👺 "You! Fucking fairy bitch!"
Sukuna's body flew forward. He was on the ground with some dude with long hair.
You turned to Megumi.. who was looking at anything but you.
"Gumi? Who's that?"
Yuji jumped in to help his brother... People were opening their doors to see what all the noise was.
Megumi gave you a sheepish smile. "So, Jeremy dad bailed me out. He wants to be in his son's life. You don't have to play dad anymo--"
Megumi didn't get a chance to finish. You were already jumping into the pile. Sore butthole be damned. You were pulling at any hair that wasn't pink.
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
femdriver probably asks to recreate taylor swift’s person of the year photoshoot with kidnapper for the f1 intro (when they say no, she ropes everyone else into recording a homemade version where they all use their pets as props)
- 🦅
kicking myself for not thinking of this on my own ngl
trust she gets alex (cause he has a similar cat breed to taylor) to do it with her and logan’s just stuck there rolling his eyes and holding the phone up to take pictures for them and they’re scolding logan to take it properly
but he’s just begging for femdriver to leave kidnapper alone because the baby is STRESSED from the one other cat that’s strangely in their apartment
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ky-pup · 9 months
Hi! My name is Kai. I’m 23 and use he/it pronouns. I am bi, trans, and poly. Pre op but on and off T for over 2 years now. Almost always smokin 🍃
OF is up! I try to do small photoshoots and videos about once a week. Teasers will be posted on here as well! Teasers will be from photo sets that gets posted on OF. Any photosets can also be purchased through DMs and Cashapp. I also do custom content too! Message me for info about that
I looove being a cute little puppyboy and that’s what most of this tumblr is about but it’s basically anything I am into.
Yes - breeding, cnc, petplay, size difference, intox
Hard No’s - scat, vom1t, detrans/misgender, p1ss in mouth, age/play
If it isn’t a hard no, I’m at least willing to try.
DNI - homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist. MIK/MAP. Under 18
Names you can call me -baby boy, prince, pup, puppy, kitten, slvt, etc. as long as it’s not super feminine
Also feel free to ask any questions or message if you wanna be friends! Would love more subby puppies to be friends with and be horny with
Non horny about me under the cut!
I have two partners, one who I live with and the other (I know you’re reading this XD so stop lurking and message me on here ;) ) is long distance for now. I also have a cat named Louie who I love with all my heart XD
I am autistic. This makes me very awkward and hard to keep conversation with. Don’t let this stop you from talking to me. I’m just weird XD
My current hyperfixations are trolls, fnaf, tadc, and greys anatomy. I also like stuff like Minecraft, the owl house, hazbin, pokemon, miraculous and a lot of other shit. Music, I mainly listen to stuff like pierce the veil and motionless in white but honestly, my main playlist is all over the place
Thank you for taking the time to actually get to know me cx I am high as shit writing this so props to you for getting through it
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2023 Fic Round Up (Part 2: Fic Quotes)
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For favorite lines, I tried to choose quotes that may have less visibility—maybe they haven't made it into a tumblr post or the summary, but I love them all the same. To make this easier for myself, I'm limiting this to quotes from my three published works that I'm the most proud of, plus the two WIPs that I've worked on the most recently.
Presented in reverse chronological order, I present fic quotes:
Unnamed Porn Star x Filmmaker AU
I literally wrote both of these as I outlined two days ago, so they have not reached their Final Form. Also, Smut Warning.
Alex is jealous of the wax. An inanimate object. For being spread across another man’s body. He’s pretty sure he’s completely lost his mind.
Moments later, Henry comes all over Basil’s hand as he uses it to stroke Henry, coating the deep blue wax that’s slowly hardening on his dick. A completely fucking mess. Alex wants to get his mouth on it.
Honey, You're Familiar (From My Mirror Years Ago) aka the Dads Fic
I've shared a lot of my favorites, but I don't know if I've shared this—pretty prose has never been a strength of mine, so I'm pretty proud of this:
June glances up at Henry, studying him for a moment. He wonders what she sees, if she can tell that he’s a crystal vase filled with a bouquet of emotions—absolutely transparent and if nudged too hard, the carefully crafted container might just crack apart, contents spilling out, shattering all remnants of what might have once been construed as beautiful.  An unavoidable mess. The hyacinths, taking up most of the space, for regret and remorse. Tulips, a bit hopeful, for forgiveness. Purple lilac, stubbornly wedged in the mix from the first moment Alex flashed his smile at Henry, for love at first sight. He thinks maybe June does catch a glimpse of the blossoms, because the next thing he knows, her eyes face softens a bit, and she’s turning back to face her cousins with her hand pressed against Henry’s back. It’s not the touch of the Claremont-Díaz sibling he craves, but it still settles him somehow, even before she speaks.
(Dil)Do It Yourself 
Chapter 1
“Pez, like the candy?” Alex blurts out. He doesn’t have much of a filter on a good day, but hot people make his porous coffee filter turn into a goddamn colander.
Also Chapter 1
"If I find that you have somehow managed to muck it up, how should I plan to contact you?” Alex grins back at Henry. He has no fucking clue why this British elf who speaks like a Victorian orphan and looks like he stepped out of a Calvin Klein photoshoot has him thinking about getting a second apartment key made, but here he is. Mentally googling routes to his nearest hardware store. “Well, usually, when it’s for business I just give out my fax,” he drawls, unable to contain his smile as he gets to the second half of his sentence. “But since I’m fairly interested in mixing this with pleasure, I guess I can share my cell number.”
Soft stuff before the less soft stuff in Chapter 3
What he’s absolutely not prepared for is the look on Henry’s face when he spots Alex entering the shop—like Alex just saved babies from a burning building or cured cancer or something. It’s way too fucking much when Henry doesn’t even know about Alex’s coffee addiction or the way he incessantly taps his foot when he’s focused or how Alex accidentally interrupts people when he starts getting really passionate in a debate. Maybe Alex can accept that Henry’s into his jokes or his smile or his dick. But basically, Henry hasn’t learned about all the other stuff that comes with spending an extended period of time around Alex. He’s not getting his hopes up. Except when Henry smiles, and softly greets him with “I missed you,” Alex absolutely gets his hopes up.
Claremont 2008 
Both of these are from the final chapter of the fic:
Henry’s sitting at his desk, a heavily annotated Norton’s Anthology of Poetry propped open to his left, a notebook full of beautiful, neat cursive laid open to his right. The soft glow of his lamp warms the small space, coupled with the changing light from the window as the early sunset fills the room with an orangey light that makes Henry appear golden, like he’s been blessed by Apollo, or Helios, or some other sun god.
Finally arriving at their door, Henry unlocks it for the first time, the movers having finished up while the two of them went over to pick up a nametag for their new roommate. After taking a few steps down the hall, they enter into a cozy living room already filled with both their book collections and their family photos all jumbled together. The Lightning Thief sits next to Pride and Prejudice like they’re two puzzle pieces aligning, a photo of Henry and Arthur on a sailboat hangs next to one of Alex sitting on his abuela’s lap: two homes side by side. 
Freaky Friday (I woke up in my enemy's body) 
Alex waxing poetic about Shaan's ass
“You can, er , go,” Alex directs him, though it comes out like more of a question. Apparently it was effective enough, though, because the guy exits, and the phrase “hate to see you go, love to watch you leave” pops into his mind when he gets a view of his ass strutting out of the room in that suit.
The Great Dick Soliloquy
Eventually, and to Alex’s great shame, he gives in. He just has to know, okay? It’ll just be a brief glimpse, he assures himself. Alex is not kidding when he says that he took one glance at Henry’s dick and it changed his life. He really did intend on it being a brief glimpse.
Thank you to @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @firenati0n @anincompletelist for the tags!
Sorry if I missed one of y'all doing this, tagging @littlemisskittentoes @ssmtskw @affectionatelyrs @read-and-write- @matherines @rockyroadkylers!
To see all my 2023 fics in Part 1, click here.
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malereaderpage · 2 years
like u || lim sejun
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► switch sejun, switch male reader
► smut, cursing, public sex, unprotected sex, over stimulation multiple rounds.
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you let out a gasp as sejun thrusts into you. "f-faster, p-please sejun." his grip on your ass tightens as he groans, you let out a whimper. the both of you are currently in a public bathroom. it has gotten dark. you and the rest of the members has just finished with a photoshoot, the both of you snuk away to the bathroom and sejun locked the door. he has you currently bend over, your upper body resting on the counter of the sink, sejun pounding into you from behind. only your pants and boxer briefs has been removed.
he stops thrusting and leans forward, his face close to your ear. "if i go any faster, you'll be a moaning mess and the rest will hear us," he says lowly and starts kissing your neck. "they'll hear how good i'm fucking you," he says lowly close to your ear again. shivers run down your spine and you moan. one of his hands go down to your hard dick. you grip the counter and moan as his fingers wraps around your dick. "s-sejun..." you say breathlessly. "yes, baby?" he replies. "please let me cum, i'll be quiet i promise," you tell him, whimpering as his hand slowly strokes your dick. "we both know that you won't accomplish that...plus i prefer your loud moans. the noises you make, the whimpering, it has me going completely crazy for you, y/n." he tells you. your dick can't help but twitch. he smirks, knowing what he's said effects you greatly. someone then knocks on the door. sejun doesn't stop stroking your dick. your hand goes over your mouth as your whimpers are muffled. "hyung, hurry up we've got to go. i hope y/n hyung is with you too," subin says.
"okay subin," he responses so causally, as if his dick isn't inside you and stroking you teasingly slow. it frustrates you. "let's continue this at our dorm, hm?" you nod in response. he pulls out and you both pull up your pants and underwear before you head out. your group has decided to take the bus you guys own so when everyone has taken their seats, they fall asleep. you and sejun are sitting at the back, the rest of the members and staff members in front of you. you are checking things on your phone and when the bus enters a dark tunnel, sejun's hand goes up your thigh, dangerously close to your crotch. you try your best to keep your facial expression neutral. sejun loves the fact that he has such an effect on you. he leans in closer to you and teases your neck. "s-sejun. were in public..." you whisper. he then comes up and pecks your cheek. he pulls away and pretends to be asleep as the bus exits the tunnel.
as soon as the both of you enter and close the door of your shared bedroom sejun pins you against the wall, bodies close to each other. he leans in and kisses you, his one hand comimg down and roaming your clothed body. you whine into his mouth. he gets the hint and his hand unbuckles your belt. he breaks the kiss and focuses getting your pants down. you take off your shirt as sejun finishes with your pants and underwear. you take off his shirt. he kisses you again, sucking on your tongue you let out a moan into his mouth. you both are so horny at this point. you take sejun by surprise when your fingers wraps around his hard cock.
you stroke him but painfully teasingly slow. he groans. "y/n. stop teasing," he says lowly. you ignore him and guide him to the bed. you push him so his back hits the mattress. you crawl ontop of him. he props himself up with his elbows as he watches you. you kiss the sides of his dick. sejun throws his head back and exhales a shaky breath, eyes closed in concentration. you then explore his stomach. sejun hums in content as he looks at you again. the view has him aroused. you then attack his chest and collarbones with kisses. you suck on his collarbone, sejun groans. you then kiss his neck then jawline, then cheek. you rub your nose against his and he smiles. your lips finally meets his. his one hand comes in contact with your jaw but soon goes to your nape to make the kiss deeper. his tongue asks for entry and you oblige.
his tongue explores your mouth, kissing you sinfully. you moan. sejun's patients runs out and he switches the positions. he's above you. he attacks your neck and marks it up, he then sucks on your collarbones aggressively which makes you moan. he trails kisses from your chest to your lower stomach. his finger enters you which makes you grip the sheets. you begin to pant as his fingers thrust in and out of you. the way sejun is looking at you makes you cum faster. your so sensitive so when sejun touches your dick you flinch and whimper. his mouth takes your dick and he starts sucking you off. your hands grips his hair tightly and he grunts which causes vibrations to go through your dick.
you start to tear up due to the overwhelming pleasure. you don't want sejun to stop despite you being over stimulatated so you don't stop him. you cum again in his mouth. he swallows. "fuck sejun..." you say lowly, still panting. "are you okay? can you take another round?" he asks you. you nod. "are you sure?" you nod again. "yes, i'm sure." you then peck his lips for reassurance. he leans in and kisses you. he then breaks it and you lie back down, he enters you with his dick. you hiss and grip his shoulders. you clench around him and he has to resist the urge to move. he groans instead. you relax around him not long after. "okay, you can move." he moves slowly and as soon as you become more vocal and show no signs of discomfort he picks up the pace.
"fuck," you moan as you arch your back. he's found your prostate and he hits it over and over again. "sejun!" you moan out loudly as he continues to mercilessly pounding into you. sejun begins to pant and you breathing heavily signals that you are already close once again. without warning, you cum onto your stomach. sejun chases his own high and cums into you. he pulls out and collapses next to you. when he thinks you have fallen asleep you hover above him. "we aren't done yet, love. one more round...let me make you feel good." sejun gets hard again just of the thought you fucking him.
after prepping sejun you enter him carefully. even though both of you are switches, sejun is mainly the top so it's been a while since you've fucked him, hence you being careful. he grips your hair tightly. you kiss his neck to distract him. after you have fully entered him you stay still. you decide its a good time to start a makeout session so you do just that. unintentionally, sejun moves his hips, oh so desperate for friction. "please move," he begs. you love it when he begs for you. you oblige and start moving slowly. he moans lowly which drives you insane. "keep moaning for me baby," you tell him in a low tone. he moans again but louder. "f-faster...please go faster." you go faster and faster. "oh fuck!" you smirk, knowing you've found his prostate. you keep hitting it over and over as you fuck him mercilessly. you begin to pant. your head throws back due to the pleasure.
you looking so fucked out brings sejun close to his climax. his back arches. "i"m gonna cum," he announces. you look at him. "cum, cum for me." he whimpers. "y/n!" sejun cums with a loud moan and your name escapes his mouth. you chase after your own high and cum not long after. both of you are a panting mess. "you should fuck me more often," sejun tells you breathlessly. you smirk. "we'll take turns to make it even," you reply. "fine by me," he grins. sejun pecks your lips. "let's go take a shower," he adds. you nod in agreement and peck his nose.
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iu-jjang · 1 year
[INTERVIEW] 230222 IU for Harper's Bazaar Korea March 2023 Issue
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This generation’s icon IU, who cannot be defined in a single word, and the bare-faced Lee Ji Eun.
Q1: Today’s photoshoot intended to capture the duplicity of your two sides, IU and Lee Jieun. You looked relaxed during the shoot, but once it was over, you confessed that today’s shoot was actually quite tough.
IU: Honestly, it’s always tough to work on Gucci projects. It’s probably because there are a lot of experimental outfits, scenes and messages. In particular, the goal for today was to visually represent my alter ego. When I saw the 2023 S/S collection in Milan, I thought it was really shocking and interesting. With those memories in mind, upon hearing that the motif of today’s photoshoot was based on the collection, I thought to myself ah, it’s not going to be easy. But it turned out to be really fun too. It’s my first time having such thick smoky makeup and I’m grateful for the chance to be part of this refreshing experience from the photoshoot composition to the props and the studio design.
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Q2: The last cut was a scene of an IU with thick smoky makeup, standing in front of a wall filled with a picture of an almost makeup-free Lee Jieun. Honestly, I didn’t know the photo on the wall was taken today and thought it was a still cut taken from ‘Love Set’ in the film, ‘Persona’. I’m aware that you show many different faces of yourself, but I also realized that you show faces of different time periods too.
IU: My staff said something similar in the waiting room just now too. I have smoky makeup on right now, but just now, we had as little makeup on as possible and since it’s early in the morning, my face was swollen like I had baby fats (laughs) which seemed to go with the concept. Seeing the printed picture, I thought of the past too.
Q3: You’ve been in a partnership with Gucci for a while. I think judging from IU’s personality as an artist, it would not have been possible if you did not agree with the philosophy and values of the brand. In terms of artistic vision, how are Gucci and IU aligned?
IU: I think Gucci is a brand that places emphasis on diversity and finds aesthetic in things that are unrefined. If I were to pick a characteristic that is similar to myself, I think this would be it. When I write lyrics, I tend to infuse thoughts and emotions that have not reached a conclusion or that come to my mind during an incomplete process.
Q4: As you said earlier, you have always been honest about yourself at each moment, and that alone is brave. As an artist, aren’t you obsessed with the idea of displaying only your perfectly crafted side to the public?
IU: When I was young, I didn’t really know any of that. (laughs) I think I had no choice but to say, “This is what I think right now”, “I’m at this age now” due to my personality, that is having to say what’s on my mind. On the other hand, I have always known that I am not nearly as perfect (person) as a sculpture. And that isn’t something that I can simply achieve by imitating. As long as I chose this profession as my career, (I know) this was my own battle that I had to come out winning or losing, and there is also a side of me that wants to make no bones about showing myself. What started out like that has now established itself as one of the ways of expressing myself.
Q5: So the piecemeal activities you’ve done recently can be understood along those lines? You lent your voice to MIRAL School’s song sung by their teachers for the students. The composer of ‘Through the Night’, Kim Jehwi made the song based on what he felt while working at the school, and you participated in the song as a featuring artist.
IU: Musical talent aside, Jehwi is my precious friend too. Frankly speaking, when he first told me that he’d be teaching the students in school, I was worried about whether he could do well more than anything else. But being affable, he adapted well and eventually said, “Noona, I want to make a song as a gift for the school”, which made me so proud and want to cheer him on too. To be honest, I didn’t expect this to make such news, but I poured so much effort into recording the song that I somehow joked, “I think I work harder on this than I do for my album”. (I worked so hard on this) so that the students can gain strength, and go to school happily while listening to it.
Q6: The drama “You Have Worked Hard” (literal title) has created a buzz with the combination of IU, Park Bo Gum, and writer Im Sang Chun of ‘Fight for My Way’, and will soon begin its pre-production. What is your reason for choosing this work?
IU: I think everyone will think this way when the drama is released, “Ah, even I would have wanted to do it too.” I really enjoyed the previous works of writer Im Sang Chun, and this one seemed to carry a new story of its own so it was refreshing. It’s just words (writing), but they manage to make people feel such emotions, so much that as someone who likes to read and write, I was envious of the writer’s talent. The theme of the drama is good, but I especially liked that it’s a heavy story delivered in a way that’s not too heavy.
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Q7: Your character, Ae Soon is a ‘young girl of literary interest who isn’t well off but remains positive and ambitious, and whose voice trembles like a goat whenever she rebels’. It is noteworthy that “You Have Worked Hard” will be your first korean drama comeback in four years since “Hotel Del Luna”, and that the character is the total opposite of your previous role, Jang Man Wol.
IU: Man Wol in “Hotel Del Luna” is certainly an unusual character. However, Ae Soon has a unique point too. Ae Soon may seem like the type of person you can easily see around you, but should I say that if you look closely, you’ll find her individuality as a human being stands out? I think I’m attracted to people of that sort (gyeol: personality, belief, preference, etc).
Q8: Some actors look for traces of themselves in the role they are assigned to in order to immerse themselves into their character. Are you one of them? How similar is IU with Ae Soon?
IU: There are definitely characters with gyeol (personality, belief, preference, etc) that I can never comprehend, but if that is the case, I won’t be able to bring myself to choose the work (willingly). It’s a matter of confidence. This also proves that all the characters I have played so far have been those that I could understand at some point. Among them, Ae Soon resembles me more than any other character I have portrayed. The writer has incredible observation skills. They said they wanted to incorporate the characteristics that I have that are not too obvious into the character. It was to the point where I said, “Oh my, how did you know that I have this side to me?” after reading the script.
Q9: From “My Mister” to “Hotel Del Luna”, and from “Shades of the Heart” to “Broker” and then “Dream”. Whether it’s a drama or film, should I say that your next step is always super bold? To the extent that one may think playing a different work and a different character from your previous work is your first and main criteria for selecting a project.
IU: Just like how when you have long hair for a long time, don’t you want to dye your hair or get a haircut at some point? It may not be my criteria, but I think once I have lived as a character for more than a few months, I’d unconsciously want to try out something different too.
Q10: There are many people who want to try a bob or short haircut, but they end up sticking to their long hair for the rest of their lives just in case the former doesn’t suit them.
IU: But if there’s something I want to do, I’m the type of person who must (and will) do it first (before I worry about it). It’s much easier for me to bear regretting doing something than regretting not doing it.
Q11: I suppose you are not the type of person that separates your actress’s ego from your singer’s. How similar or different are your state of mind the day before the concert and the day before crank-in (starting to shoot a drama/film)?
IU: If a concert stage is like a (one-off) live broadcast where you only get a chance to put out a (perfect) performance that stays forever in the audience’s memory, then the filming set has a different premise in that you can exchange opinions with the director or your co-stars on the spot, select the best outcome from several take opportunities, and subsequently share it with the audience. However, once the concert begins, the overwhelming moment of finally becoming one with the audience after feeling all alone under a lot of tension for some time is very similar to the moment I realize that I am truly working and keeping in tune with the crew after seeing these many people (including myself) gradually moving forward as a team with a shared goal on a new and unfamiliar set. Both fields are attractive in that they are things that I can never do alone. Whether I'm singing or acting, I'm just someone who puts in the best of my share (of work) at every moment.
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Q12: At the 14th anniversary concert <The Golden Hour: Under The Orange Sun> last year, you said, “I thought this concert might be the final destination of the things I dreamt of and wanted to challenge myself to since my teenage years, but at this moment, I’m hopeful that this could be a new starting point, a new beginning (for me).” Normally, settling down is always the easier option wherever you are. And yet, you are still constantly trying to head somewhere else. Which direction are you headed? What lies at your ultimate destination?
IU: It is no exaggeration to say that I lived my twenties obsessing over the idea of ‘direction’. Should I say it was the subject that kept me ‘hot-blooded (passionate)’ at that time? Those ardent worries were enjoyable, but honestly draining too. After turning 30, I don’t have any particular direction in mind. It’s my first time being like this too.
Q13: Are you wandering around (floating/drifting) right now?
IU: That expression is accurate. I’m wandering around (floating/drifting). This itself could be my present direction now that I’m in my 30s. Throughout last year, I kept thinking, “I want to maintain this mindset” and “I enjoy living like this.” On the other hand, apart from feeling at peace, it was also a year where interesting events exploded. I used to cling to the idea that ‘If I miss something, the world will always give me something else in return’ throughout my 20s. But once I let go of the things I was clutching onto for dear life, the ‘other thing’ the world gave me was surprisingly such events. As I emptied my mind, the world filled it with fun stuff instead. Later when I look back as I get older, I will surely put a bookmark at my 30s (chapter).
Q14: Looking back, you were always doing something for the past 14 years, like singing, holding showcases, communicating with fans, etc. So what is rest for you?
IU: To be honest, I can’t quite grasp the concept of rest. I don’t feel particularly recharged just because my body is resting. In a broad sense, if getting rest is considered a means to de-stress and recharge one’s body, then ironically for me, the things (stress) that have piled up inside me are relieved in the most refreshing way when I’m working. (I feel relieved) when I have satisfactorily accomplished my work to the point where I get a good sense of pleasure. I feel much more refreshed during those times than when I’m just lying down at home for days. Otherwise, there should be something engrossing enough for me to not think about work at all. But in my case, there isn't much stuff that I’m into to that extent. Some of the (fun) stuff that I can recall now are: when I’m in a deep sleep, when I’m catching up with Yoo Inna, when I’m making silly jokes and laughing with my friends or lover who deeply understand me, when I’m rewatching my favorite movie, and when I’m having something really delicious. As I live, there are quite many people who do not need so much of that sort of mental relaxation like me. That said, stamina is another story, so as I enter my 30s, I try hard to take care of my body to make sure that it can keep up when I need to work harder. When I get to rest, I spend time lying down as much as I can. (laughs).
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Q15: During the concert, you also said, “I’ll reflect on what I experienced today and go on for another 14 years.” Have you ever imagined yourself 14 years from now?
IU: Based on last year’s calculations, if I were to picture myself as a 44-year-old… I think I’d still be working by then. Other than that, I honestly have no idea too… that is, if we (were to imagine it) based on the premise that ‘I am a person who can change’. For instance, the mindset that constitutes me 14 years from now will be very different from my current mindset.
Q16: Maybe change can happen because people are flexible. But if I am to be honest, I’m the type of person who believes that people do not change until they die.
IU: I do agree with your statement to a certain extent. But I used to be someone who despised competition and (thus) kept myself from competing 14 years ago. Going through my diary back then, I wrote “I find this competitive society so exhausting. I’m worried (about myself) because I don’t have a desire to win, and I hate competition.” But looking back, I realized that I’ve been enjoying competitions throughout the last 14 years since my debut. To the point where I wondered, “maybe I’m actually crazy about competing (for victory/defeat)?” I thought perhaps I failed to notice that I was a competitive person or I just wanted to deny it on purpose.
Q17: Either way, I feel sorry for the young girl who had just debuted and scribbled “I hate competition” in her diary. Is there anything that IU, who(se mindset) has changed quite a bit, would like to say to the IU of that time?
IU: “You actually like yourself a lot.”
Q18: You once said, “Even if we’re sick of this world, I hope we will live on while loving each other.” In this harsh world, is love still the hope that you have faith in?
IU: It’s a bit embarrassing to say this, but nevertheless, I believe that love overcomes hatred. In the end, love wins. Even when I lose my balance and I’m swayed, I repeat to myself, “But love will win in the end though” and either try to put together my logic, build up my thinking muscle or control my mind like that. The proposition that love will win is something that I’ve experienced enough through living my life. I will continue to believe it moving forward.
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Q19: Singer-songwriters are blessed in that they can turn their personal thoughts and emotions into the end-product that is music. In particular, we sort of know how important lyrics are in your music. What lyrics have been running through your mind these days?
IU: This may sound ridiculous but I happened to be writing about something we just talked about earlier. I was surprised deep down when I heard the word ‘wandering’. To wander around (float/ drift) without a destination. I think this will be the theme of my next album.
Q20: Back to today’s pictorial concept of ‘duality’, I feel that you are leading your life with both egos — icon IU and ordinary person Lee Jieun — faithfully. How do you maintain a balance between these two?
IU: Changing between slightly uncomfortable yet pretty clothes that make me shine and slightly average yet comfortable clothes I can freely move around in, and being moderately satisfied and moderately wary at every moment seem to be the way to balance… whilst naturally accepting the obvious fact that there are times I shine and times I’m just ordinary.
Q21: “I can’t take out all the words from my diary, but…” (lyrics from Through the Night) — What is the one sentence that can describe you right now?
IU: (I can’t take out all the words from my diary, but) that child / she has decided to live as a spore (홀씨), instead of a flower.
[*T/L note: Although IU didn’t specifically mention dandelion (민들레), ‘홀씨’ is often used when talking about ‘민들레’ (dandelion). Referring to what she said earlier about ‘wandering around (floating/drifting)’,‘홀씨’ can be interpreted as ‘민들레 홀씨’ (dandelion puffs) too.]
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Source: https://www.harpersbazaar.co.kr/article/75198
Translated by IUteamstarcandy with love
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