philzokman · 9 months
guys horrible news i was such a big skk enjoyer when all of a sudden hit tumblr blog chuuyahatepage called me delusional! now i simply have no choice but to reassess my interests and, of course, hate skk i hope u all understand 🙏🙏🙏
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moonlightdreamzz · 11 months
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Moments of Praise — Bangchan and Felix.
GENRE ✰ Smut, Fem!Reader
SUMMARY ✰ How these two praise you in your intimate moments.
WARNING ✰ pure smut. tehehehehehe!
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It all started with a dream. A dream in which a combination everything he adores about you, and every beautiful memory the two of you have shared thus far engulfed him in his sleep. He woke up so extremely hard, although the dream itself was innocent, which he truthfully felt guilty for. However, it wasn’t enough guilt to stop his prerogative. He slowly begins to leave his dream state and grabs his phone that he now realizes didn’t charge. He had enough juice to slip you a quick call, though.
“You okay, baby?” Your voice is raspy and barely audible, which shows Chan that you too, had also just woke up. Your fluffy white duvet is hiding half of your face, and it makes him a tad bit sad because he loves how puffy your face is in the morning.
“Yeah. I’m sorry for the early call. I just wanted to tell you that you’re so beautiful.”
He knows you’re going to laugh and protest that he must have done something wrong to tell such a lie, and that’s exactly what you say.
“Don’t laugh.” He chuckles. “I’m being serious. You’re perfect, love. You’re so…” He pretends to ponder, although he already knows what his next words will be, “…precious.” He finishes. “And truthfully, it’s taking every fiber in my being to not come to your house right now and show you how perfect you are, but I’m trying to refrain.”
He failed.
His hands now find themselves buried deep in your panties, and he can tell with the look of utter confusion on your features, although it’s mixed with pleasure, that you’re questioning what you did to deserve this. That’s okay though, because he loves the way you become so…submissive when he tells you how genuinely amazing you are.
“Don’t look at me like that princess. You know you deserve this. You’ve been doing such a good job at work. You’ve been so patient with me. You never complain no matter how busy I am.” His finger tips continue to rub your pearl in a circular motion, just the way you like. You’re practically grinding into his hand—this part of foreplay always turning you on so intensely.
“You’re literally fucking perfect.” He growls. “From head to toe. And you’re all mine, aren’t you sweetheart?” He interrogates. He slaps your pearl lightly before continuing to work magic with his middle and ring finger. “I don’t even deserve you, or your pretty c**t.”
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Felix adores you to the deepest depths of your being. This includes the way you whined and cried for him while he teased you viciously. That's why you're lying on your back; this is the seventh time Felix has let your org*sm creep up on you, only to remove your vibrator from your cl*t and throw it on the bed.
You look absolutely stunning right now. Every part of your body is glistening, and your bedroom is filled with the scent of desperation, all thanks to your pu*** that is pooling. Felix cannot take his eyes off of you and it’s driving you insane because you know you’re on his time, right now. You could lift yourself up and try to press your lips to his, but he would simply push you back on the bed, adding more time to your edging, which is the last thing you want to do.
Felix leans forward, simultaneously chuckling. You feel the vibration from the sound as his nose connects to yours. He’s staring into your soul, fully clothed, yet you’re bare.
“You’re such a good girl, Y/N.” He growls, his smile mocking. His lips gently press against yours; it's beautiful and filled with the love you know he'll give you when you've came enough times to his liking. “The best girl.” He emphasizes as he places his member at your entrance. You’re soaked and ready for him, so it’s nothing for him to slide into your body. His hands immediately wrap themselves around your neck lightly, and he slowly begins to make himself at home inside you.
You're at a loss for words because you expected him to wreck you, but he didn't. His strokes are delicate, with inches feverishly throbbing. He clearly wants to move faster, and so do you, but he isn't. Why?
“Look, baby.” He instructs, looking down at where your bodies are currently connecting. “You see how well you’re taking me right now? Do you see how wet you are?”
You admire the site as requested, and it’s driving you closer and closer to your finish line you had been desperately waiting for.
“My baby,” Felix’s Aussie accent is thick with admiration and lust. "I wish you could see yourself right now." His thumb presses on your cl*t, causing the both of you to moan - him, due to him succumbing to your wetness, and you for obvious reasons. "You're so fucking beautiful. You're always so wet for me." He growls. The praise is causing you to practically collapse, which in turn fuels Felix to continue as he continues to stroke as a consistent pace.
"Who's the prettiest girl in the world, hm? You know it's you right?"
"Look at you...taking this di** like the good girl you are for me. And after such a long day too? You know I'm going to reward you."
"Fuck, you feel so good. I'm swimming, baby."
"Mhm. Grab my ass and help me f*** you good. Show me who's boss, baby."
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Hey so I’m confused about nevermore like… what is it’s actual purpose?
so i believe Nevermore was originally intended as a medicine for faeries living in the mortal world so they could withstand the high iron concentration in the atmosphere around cities. my sources have told me this is discussed at greater lengths in Modern Faerie Tales (particularly Valiant?), though i have not actually read the series myself.
in TFOTA, however, it appears to be used recreationally:
“[...] nevermore, a glittering golden powder so concentrated that it stupefies faeries and gives mortals the ability to glamour one another.” –The Cruel Prince, Ch. 12
there are some who suggest this difference is just an instance where Holly had an idea of what Nevermore was for MFT, and that idea morphed into something else later when she was writing TFOTA. that the difference is primarily just a world-building inconsistency due to The Passage Of Time(TM).
and while the former might be true, i'd argue that Nevermore, within the context of two separate cultures, would in fact serve different purposes.
i'll use the analogy of ADHD stimulant medication (since i am ADHD so it's my prerogative).
if someone with ADHD takes Adderall, it is a medication, because Adderall chemically balances something in their body which is inhibiting their everyday life (lack of dopamine, if you didn't know).
if someone without ADHD takes Adderall, they will experience a high. a stupefication, if you will. because they already have sufficient dopamine, and Adderall provides an influx of dopamine.
similarly, in the mortal world, faeries must chemically balance their systems to tolerate iron because human cities use iron in abundance. to do this, faeries living in the mortal word take Nevermore as a medication to balance the negative effects iron has on their bodies.
on the Shifting Isles of Elfhame, however, there is presumably zero iron. or at least very little of it since iron could potentially occur naturally in their environment. regardless, the people living on the islands don't need Nevermore to nullify an excess of iron in their systems, and therefore, Nevermore produces a drug-like effect in faeries as well as humans.
the reason it is still consistent is because we are receiving information about Nevermore from biased characters living in two separate cultures, who might not know how it is used in other Faerie cultures.
–Em 🖤🗡️
more theories & analysis
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runawaycatwalker · 11 months
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Part 22. A Best Friend's Interrogative Prerogative
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Description below the cut
Bonus: Alternate version shot in NinoVision:
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In black and white, Nino pulls on the brim of his cap as he watches Catwalker uses his baton to leap around the buildings of Paris.
Nino (voiceover): The name's Lahiffe.  Detective Lahiffe.  The foxiest gal in the world, Alya Césaire, called me for a favor: Sniff around the new hero who'd sauntered into Paris.
The image of Catwalker holding his hands up in confusion by a picture of Adrien being sad and a question mark.
Nino (voiceover): I'd met this smooth cat once before.  I assumed he was naïve and oblivious.  He wasn't.
Cut back to Nino hiding behind a wall as Catwalker continues to leap above the rooftops.
Nino (voiceover): According to Alya, the charming kittyboy was secretly involved in the departure of my closest bro, Adrien.  She wasn't sure how the guy had managed to act under all our noses or why, but I am determined to find out.  I'll need to draw upon all my knowledge of the greatest detectives as I stake him out and gather enough clues to—
The panel abruptly switches to color as Catwalker drops in behind Nino, making the latter leap back and hold his hands in front of his face, thoroughly startled.
Catwalker: Are you following me?
Nino: Aaah!  No!  Why would I be following you?
Catwalker holds up a courteous hand.
Catwalker: Perhaps you wanted an autograph?
Nino: No!  That's not...
The panel swiftly switches back to grayscale as Nino pushes up his glasses in a serious manner.
Nino (internally): Get it together, Detective!  Interrogate him!
Nino (aloud): I was just curious if you'd managed to get any info about Adrien Agreste.
Catwalker places a hand on his chest with a look of sympathy.
Catwalker: You're a friend of his, I presume?  My condolences for your loss.  It must be hard not knowing what happened to someone you care about.  Unfortunately, my efforts in searching for Adrien have been fruitless thus far, but I assure you that I will be keeping my eyes open if he turns up.
The grayscale bleeds away back into color as we see a close-up of Nino’s eye, rage bubbling inside him.
Nino (internally): I can't believe this guy!  Acting like he's all innocent!  Screw the subtle approach, this slimeball needs to have the truth forced out of him.
Nino flares his hands out to either side indignantly.
Nino: You can't lie to me, Catwalker!  I know you were behind Adrien's disappearance!
Catwalker’s pupils narrow in shock.
Catwalker: Who told you that?
Nino rebuffs with folded arms.
Nino: A little birdie.  It doesn't matter.
Catwalker holds up a hand, expression now severe.
Catwalker: Your 'little birdie' could be the real reason Adrien had to go into hiding in the first place, so: Yes.  It.  Does.
Nino fumes, waving his arms above his head.
Nino: She would never do that!
Catwalker: 'She' wouldn't happen to be affiliated with a girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng, would she?
Nino: Even if she is, that's none of your business!
Nino points an accusatory finger, his other hand starting to clench up as if ready to start tearing someone apart.
Nino: You're the one who needs to explain yourself!  What did you do to Adrien?  Where is he now?  What did his father do to him that made him so terrified of anyone knowing where he is?
Catwalker looks down stiffly at his own fists.
Catwalker: Your 'birdie' should already know that I can't provide answers to those questions.
Nino: You have to know something!  Spill!
Catwalker is exasperated as he rubs half of his face.
Catwalker: Please understand.  The nature of Adrien's situation is extremely precarious, so much so that I cannot share what I know with anyone.
Nino: I'm not just 'anyone'!
Nino places both hands on his chest with a look of defiance as tears start to stream down his face.
Nino: I'm Adrien's best friend!  I know everything about him!  I'm the only person he contacted the night he ran away!  So if anybody deserves the truth, it's me!
Catwalker folds his arms and looks away with regret.
Catwalker: If the fallout of his disappearance had gone how Adrien expected it to, you'd know that he's kept an entire part of his life a secret from everyone.  Even you.  Some things are too important to share, even with your best friend.
Nino puts his head in his hands in exasperation.
Nino: But why would Adrien tell you of all people?  He can't possibly trust you more than his friends!  Did you get inside his head?  Gaslight him?  Blackmail him?  Torture him until he did what you wanted?
Nino has now sunk to the ground, hands still grasping at his head, as he weeps.  Catwalker squats about a meter in front of him with a look of restrained beseeching.
Catwalker: Adrien told you as much as he thought he could get away with.  He does care about you.  But he didn't expect that you'd be able to keep whatever he told you quiet for very long.  I'm no friend to Adrien, but he trusted me with his escape.  He knows that I can keep his secrets safe indefinitely.  And I can only consider entrusting you with some of the answers I have if I am certain that you won't tell anyone—especially not the person who asked you to investigate me.  It is vital that you tell me who that person is so I can deal with her.
Nino yells at Catwalker as an akuma starts to fly in behind him.
Nino: Screw you!
Nino’s teeth clench as he is absorbed by his crying rage, right as Catwalker reaches out a Cataclysm-powered hand to touch the akuma, mere inches past Nino’s head.
Nino: You can go—
Catwalker: Cataclysm.
Seen from below, Catwalker looks imposing as he holds the akuma in his hand as it crumbles away, bitter tears starting to fall down his conflicted face.
Catwalker: I'm sorry.  I never wanted this.  Please, for Adrien's sake, let your investigation go.
Catwalker turns away as the remnants of crushed butterfly fall from his fist.
Catwalker: And Nino? You should be more careful about who you confide in.  You never know who might be your enemy.
["Alternate "NinoVision" version is recolored to be all in greenish sepia, with Catwalker's expressions recolored to be opaque and distorted: no green in his eyes, just the black mask and a misplaced line of gold]
Below is the same image as above, only without text:
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mazzystar24 · 6 days
hi its birthmark anon! weird lore from me i guess i dont mean to trauma dump because my dad is fine lmfao but i HATED that scene because of the “your dad is still alive” line. my dad had heart issues when i was a kid to the point he needed open heart surgery and i remember so clearly my aunt saying something similar to my mom in front of us when he was hospitalized. my mom said she couldnt make thanksgiving dinner because my dad was in the hospital and she had to take care of me and my 3 siblings who were all pretty young kids (i was 11 i think and my younger brother was 9. i remember thinking my dad was gonna die) and my aunt was like “at least you have a family”. we didnt see her for like 5 years after that lmfao
also the “you guys need your own hospital wing” line also frustrated me because i had my own health problems as a kid (im alright now) and people ALWAYS made those sorts of comments to me. i didnt even register the daddy shit until later and that only made the scene worse because while it felt like buck was trying to lighten the mood and make it something they have in common but tommy dismissed it AGAIN. like its not even about sexual jokes to me its about him being an asshole in every scene he’s in 😭
anyway thanks for the birthmark clownery i doubt kim will return but we had fun 🫶 this whole discourse is dumb because the scene just sucked. if they wanted me to believe tommy gave a single fuck they shouldve had him come to the hospital abd they should also address the role he played in the gerrard shit for hen and chimney because they HAVENT and it drives me NUTS
anyway love you bye
Hi birthmark anon!!
Dw Im always down for a good trauma dump like one of my friends and I legit never spoke to eachother before despite being in the same class for a year but only became friends because a cancelled class led to us trauma dumping to eachother for our first proper conversation for like 2 hrs
Omg can’t believe your aunt said that that’s actually so iffy, but yess exactly the “your dad is still alive” line was just so so bad and I hated it sm like idk if you saw my replies on my other post or not cos I put it in much more in depth way there but like I too am a traumatised girlie and if someone said that shit about my bio dad I would literally lose it cos it’s one of those things that get said so much to traumatised people and it’s honestly a big no from me
Like sure SOME traumatised people MAY regret not fixing it but also it might not be fixable and you don’t know the situation and also maybe they won’t either way that’s their prerogative
and sometimes what’s right for them at the time isn’t what’s right for them long term and all these things are fine
Like me personally if my dad dropped dead right now I would genuinely celebrate and feel not a single ounce of regret and that’s fine and id deck anyone who said it’s not
Like if Tommy has his own trauma and feelings about his dad and their relationship then that’s fine but this sort of imposed rhetoric on another traumatised person is just a no from me
The hospital wing line is another thing that I didn’t see mentioned but bucks face DID flip but that’s a whole other debate yeah
See that’s the thing like I know I have Tommy loving followers but I personally dislike him cos they haven’t gave him (imo) substance or like enough other than sardonic comments and shit
Rip our fun with the Kim and buck parallels you’ll always be famous🫡
But yeah like even if people liked Tommy and bucktommy I feel like they can blame the writing or execution or context but like overall not liking that scene it’s not just about hating Tommy or bucktommy imo
Anyways also love ya byee🫶🫶🫶🫶
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
sending hugs (or alternately, a supportive thumbs up if anon hugs are uncomfy) - you absolutely are not required to say anything about anything. if you choose to never say anything about the current conflict in the middle east, that's reasonable and understandable every bit your prerogative. you are appreciated as a person first and foremost - the commentator bit is secondary.
Thanks, I appreciate it (and hugs are fine). It's not that I don't WANT to talk about it: as a historian and educator in Real Life Tee Em, and often on here too, this is what I do genuinely like to do. However as I said, this entire thing is a toxic waste dump that I just don't have the wherewithal to presently engage with, and I think people in general need to get more comfortable with not saying things until and if they're prepared to do so, rather than having to rush to be the first to post the Most Correct Take (lest they get accused of not being sufficiently woke, etc).
As well, there is sometimes a perception that if someone doesn't talk about something on Tumblr (really! Tumblr! The stupid blue hellsite where we have two whole jokes about Ea-Nasir and color theory!), that somehow correlates etc etc to they don't care about it in real life. This is common among people whose notion of activism extends no further than posting the aforesaid Correct Opinions, but it is obviously false in about 100 ways. So while I hasten to stress that I haven't gotten any asks about the situation that are blaming me for not presently addressing it, it's just sometimes best for all concerned to set clear boundaries and expectations. This is one of those times.
I appreciate this message, and I'll continue to think about what I want to say and when, if ever, I want to say it. As noted, it will literally make not one jot of real-life difference whether I say anything on social media or not (a point that people likewise often seem to be confused about) and while I am not religious and do not pray, my heartfelt sympathies go out to everyone suffering as a result of this terrible situation, no matter who they may be. It is best, I think, to leave it there for the foreseeable future.
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batgirlridingaunicorn · 2 months
An Essay on Watcher Entertainment
Watcher Entertainment is a, "[...] production studio from Steven Lim, Ryan Bergara, and Shane Madej. [...] company that is focused on creating television-caliber, unscripted series in the digital space." The three personalities joined forces after their success at Buzzfeed. They have been providing viewers with content since January 2020 and found prosperity with various shows such as Puppet History, Ghost Files, Are You Scared?, etc.
Watcher Entertainment recently announced that they would move all of their content onto their own streaming platform that fans could subscribe to for $5.99 a month. This garnered immediate backlash from a majority of their audience. Within three days, the company made an update... they would no longer go through with their plan. Instead, their content would be available ad-free in advance of their normally scheduled YouTube release.
I have decided to voice my opinion about the situation in the hopes that I can express my frustration, confusion, and guilt.
I have been an avid follower of Steven Lim, Ryan Bergara, and Shane Madej since their time at Buzzfeed. I have watched almost all of their episodes many times, been to a live show, and have a plethora of merch filling up my home. When the announcement was made that Watcher Entertainment would be pulling their content from YouTube, I was shocked.
I did post a comment on the 'Goodbye YouTube' video expressing how I felt betrayed, and I don't think that is necessarily fair.
They want entire creative freedom over their content. At the end of the day, those three are artists. They can decide to make their art however they choose. We, as fans, cannot force artists to tunnel their creativity. Do we want better production? No... I, for one, watch Garrett Watts and Andrew Siwicki walk into a haunted location with one camera and a package of Twizzlers every other month for Pete's sake.
If that is what they want though, that is their prerogative. If ads are too cumbersome for what they would like to accomplish, then more power to them to try and find other avenues to find success.
However, their strategy to get to this point is baffling to me.
To advertise new content...
To countdown the days until an exciting announcement...
To promise better and better videos...
Then to announce that none of that will be available to long-time fans unless they pay? That is what was unacceptable to me. You cannot build a fanbase with free content only to rip it away from them at a moments notice.
Were there no other ways to build this concept?
Maybe I am delusional. However, I think they should have built up the content before trying to force fan's hands towards something that doesn't seem bulky enough to be worth it.
Start by putting behind the scenes footage behind the paywall.
Start by putting how it's made footage behind the paywall.
Start by putting podcasts behind the paywall.
Start by putting newer, exclusive videos behind the paywall.
They could have done all of this with their already formed Patreon, or they could have moved their Patreon to this streaming platform.
Most individuals are not going to pay for content that used to be free unless there is proof that there is more to come. There is not more to come right now. They announced it with nothing to show besides videos we have all already seen...
I feel bad for being upset? I want them to do what they want to do without being burdened by so many things, but where does that get me in the end... It is a selfish take, but you can't say the fans helped create the show and then not try to understand their perspective. Is there a middle ground somewhere?
I feel as if I have run out of steam... maybe I'll edit, or maybe I will just delete this late. It is all just a rant anyway.
In the end, I want them to have creative freedom. However, as a business there has to be a strategy where your fans win as well. Right now... the fans aren't winning. They are paying to see the same videos they have seen before. Where do we go from here?
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georgiapeach30513 · 11 months
I’m extremely confused. I thought I was a fan of Chris Evans but looking at your blog and many others I feel I am not. It’s makes me feel like I’m not a fan of anyone’s at all actually. How do you all seen to know so much about this person. How did all even know about his deactivation so soon? How do you all know about his friends and his girlfriend’s friends and to even so much as to know what their actual names are? All these random pics you all get of him and other celebrities how do you get them? I see you’ve mentioned timing but what does that mean? How do you all know what’s going on in his life to know this was timed I correlation to personal events? I know celebrities and fame can be very scripted in all aspects of their life but it just seems like this new world definition of a “fan” has gone into the world of having to be obsessive to like a celebrity. No, honestly, can I even be considered a fan if I am not into Chris Evans on this intense of a level?
Why are you confused if you’re a fan or not? If you are, you are.
You can be a fan of someone and not know anything about them personally, but you enjoy their work.
People knew about his deactivation so quickly because they probably got a notification, went to click on it but his account was gone. I didn’t know, I got an anon that said he deactivated.
I have been a fan for over 20 years. Chris has dropped several of his friends’ names.
Google is a great tool for photos. So I’m not sure what photo you are speaking of? Be completely transparent in that.
We don’t know what’s going on. We’re speculating. We do know a bit of his work schedule because Pain Hustlers debuts on Netflix on 10/27. Red One is a Christmas movie.
Be any level of fan that you want to be. No one is telling you to watch anything of anyone. If you want to just watch movies, that’s your prerogative. If you want to watch interviews as well, go ahead. Chris has been relatively candid about certain aspect of his life. So I’m not sure what you’re asking here.
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Code Blue- Ch. 4 "The Car"
Summary: Lee tells Josie about what happened to Jacob. His tale is heart wrenching. Wounds are equally tended to, both physical and emotional, deepening an already preeminent connection. The visit is cut short but leads to a happy ending as the two bond over a similar interest.
*Major Warning!!* This chapter is very dark. Mentions of descriptive child death, angst, domestic violence, language, car accident, grief, loss
Stories Masterlist
Salem, Massachusetts
February 3, 2023- 11 am.
"Lee. No, you do not have to tell me about it, or anyone else for that matter. You're right, Britt did tell me and she had no right to. I even begged her not to but she blurted it out anyways, well some of it. This is extremely personal and you owe no one an explanation of anything. I am sorry about anyone speculating about your life and thinking they know how you should and should not be grieving. I mean, if you wanna drink, or work crazy hours, or whatever else you need to do to help you deal with things, then that's your prerogative and it's your business, not theirs."
The last thing you expected to hear was what he said next accompanied by a sweet smile.
"Fuck em."
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You released a hearty laugh. "Ok...fuck em. But right now, can I please get you into a chair and clean off your face?"
"Only if you let me tend to your hand."
Your eyes dropped in confusion to your bandaged hand. You had forgotten all about the blistering burns you received from idiotically picking up a scalding pan off the stove.
"It's...nothing really, just a minor burn."
"Who's the doctor again?"
"Yeah, yeah. Ok, you win doctor know it all. Come on, let's get you up."
You moved up against him and took his arm, wrapping it around your shoulder, then placed your arms around his waist, hooking your hands together behind his back.
"1...2...3." you counted as he pushed with his feet, helping you lift him.
"Ok, I'm good." he said as he peered down into your eyes.
Your 5'7 frame was literally standing flat against him with his arm over your shoulder and your arms clasped around his 6'5 body, your head arched back while your eyes were locked into the blue beholders of his soul. Oh how you could see it too...
The top of your head barely reached his chin making you feel so incredibly vulnerable. If he wanted you right now, he would have you. You knew right there in that moment, you were done for, for he already had you. He had you at just breathe.
You slowly lowered him into a kitchen chair, then reluctantly released him to go get the paper towels you saw on the counter. You soaked the sheets under some lukewarm water, rang them out and then sat before him.
As you softly and gently blotted and stroked his upper lip area, you could feel his eyes upon you, studying your face. You worked your way through his intimidating gaze and finally removed all the dried blood from his beard and mustache.
"There. Good as new."
You got up to then pour him a large glass of ice water as you had found some ice in the freezer.
"Here you go. Drink it all, you need it."
What Lee needed....wanted, was your body against his again but he would keep that to himself, for...to him...he knew you were something special after everything you had just done for him. Actually, he knew it from the first time he ever saw your face.....and he knew your lips had been on his because he had tasted your cherry lip gloss when he awoke, and he would also keep that to himself...but what he didn't want to keep to himself was his story of his son. He never spoke about Jacob to anyone, not even his best friend Orlando... but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out why he wanted to tell you. Maybe it was just to release the pent up knowledge, or maybe it was because he felt he could trust you with the depths of his very soul that held the darkened parts of him no one cared for....except you.
Lee chugged the water down in a mere three seconds and then watched you in awe as you got up to get him another glass without him even asking or saying a word.
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He was the healer. He was the one who tended to everyone else. No one ever bothered to help him... unconditionally anyways. The relationships he had were never a give and take, but just a take on their end until they depleted him of his ability to care anymore. That's why he had fended off ever being involved with someone again. His last one, Jacob's mother Elizabeth, did a doozy on him, and he was about to tell you all about it.
"Thank you." he softy said as he took the newly filled glass of ice water from you. "Now it my turn to fix your hand up."
He held out his hand with a slanted smile, wanting you to give him your hand. You reached out and slid your trembling hand into his.
"You...are shaking?" His head tilted and his brows furrowed. "Do...I frighten you?"
"Oh god no...I'm sorry...it's...it's just nerves...you know? My anxiety?" There you were, completely fibbing again as it was him causing all your nerves to misfire, but not in a bad way.
His eyes were skeptical as he unraveled your makeshift bandage.
"Why are you apologizing? You have nothing to be sorry about?"
"I...I don't know. I guess because my anxiety is a constant thorn in everyone's side?"
"It's not in mine?" He angled your hand back and forth as he assessed the degree of the burns. "Good news. You are going to live."
You giggled. He sure could make you laugh like no other.
"Well, I don't know if that is good news really." you sarcastically relayed.
"Why do you say such a thing about yourself? and also apologizing for things that are not your fault?" He got up and opened a cupboard, pulling out some more gauze and a tube of ointment, then a steak knife from the drawer and smirked. "There's no scissors."
He sat back down and began working on your hand. "So...are you going to tell me why you seem to think your existence is not important? Because I'll tell you right now, I like and enjoy your existence very much Jo March....funny, my birthday is in March."
His face was all cutely scrunched in seriousness as he applied the antibiotic gel to your palm. Oh lord, the way his baby soft finger moved over your skin was doing things to your core that you never deemed possible. Unlike him, you were extremely reticent about telling him of your past. Not because you didn't trust him, but it was just shameful.
Your silence mad him stop as he sweetly looked at you. "It's ok. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to and I apologize if I have made you feel uncomfortable in any way." His deep succulent voice was so damn sincere, that you folded.
"No, please. Do not be sorry. It's...no big deal really. I...I have just always felt to be a burden with my issues. An embarrassment even, like if I would have an attack in public when I was with my friends or family. I could see it on their faces and then I would find myself always saying I'm sorry. Old habits die hard I guess."
"That seems like a big deal to me. Maybe you need different friends? and they say you can't pick your family, but I tend to disagree. Family isn't always blood. I have a best friend whom I call a brother. I am sorry that you have to go through that." He finished wrapping you hand and tied the ends of the gauze together in a tiny knot.
"I couldn't agree more. The friends I spoke of are no longer in my life anyways....Britt, she's like a sister to me since I can't fucking stand the one I have....thank you...for what you said, and for tending to my hand."
"No problem. I'll send you the bill."
There was that sly, cute as hell grin again on his heart shaped lips.
"So....do you mind if I tell you my story now?"
His eyes were that of a puppy, how could you tell him no even if you wanted to? It was obvious he desperately needed to talk to someone and for some crazy unbeknownst reason, he was trusting you, a complete stranger per se, with his most personal and painful moments. Denying him that was not an option. No wonder he was drinking himself into oblivion. You had been there. Not for the same reasons but you still understood and sympathized his need to wash it all away.
"Of course, if that is what you want and need to do. I will listen." Your smile to him was so naturally offered and it eased his own anxiety. Something you recognized so well since you were cursed with the debilitating emotion.
"This house...it is mine. But it was mine, Jacob's and his mother's once. Elizabeth is her name. We weren't married...I don't know why...I just never asked her...I...I didn't really feel that way towards her...you know, the forever thing? We just kind of did what we were supposed to do when she got pregnant. Things had already been rough between us anyways before all that. Her getting pregnant was not planned, but I wanted to take responsibility, so I bought this place and we moved in just a few months before she gave birth. I toughed it out with her for Jacob's sake, but I enjoyed every minute here with him."
He smiled as he spoke the last half of that sentence and closed his eyes. You could see glistening in his eyelashes from the tears he was holding back and it was making you tear up as well. Opening his eyes, he continued.
"Over the years, it got harder and harder with her. She was cold to me...and to Jacob. I don't know if she resented him but I suspected it, or maybe it was just me she resented. She was wild when I met her and that only seemed to intensify after being tied here with us. Like now, I worked all the time while she stayed home and cared for him. One night, we had a huge blow up on a drive home from her sister's house. I was driving. She wouldn't let it go and kept screaming at me while Jacob cried in the back seat. It was raining and dark out. She started hitting me and I tried to stop her with my right arm by pushing it down on her while I kept my other hand on the wheel. It only infuriated her more and that's when she grabbed the wheel. The car jerked so hard and I spun out on the wet pavement. I..I couldn't control it and slammed sideways into a tree....Jacob...flew from his car seat and hit his head on the window....she never buckled him in...."
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My god...you wanted to hold him so bad as you saw him close his tear ridden eyes and drop his head but didin't know if it was welcomed, so you kept your distance and let him go on.
"She never buckled the fucking seatbelt...and do you know how I know this? Because she told me...the day of his funeral, right after we buried him. We were fighting and she blurted it out...and do you know what else she told me? That it was my fault because I was driving too fast....which you don't know how many times I have blamed myself for that exact reason, still do....and then she saved the best for last....she told me that...that I....wasn't his biological father....and that she was glad.....4 years ago, as of yesterday, I buried my son."
"Oh my god...Lee...she...she really told you something so viciously cruel?? and at his funeral of all places?"
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Tears permeated your eyes. Was this woman even human? You knew what he would tell you was going to be sad, but this, this had to be the saddest thing you ever heard.
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You took in a deep breath and then released it hard and heavy. Words couldn't be found and so you just did it. You stepped forward and tenderly pulled him down into your arms.
"I am soooo sorry." you whispered against his ear.
Lee's hands hovered a few inches over your back, almost afraid to touch you as he was in shock by your unexpected embrace. He then let his arms fold around you as he closed his eyes. He couldn't even remember the last time he was ever held like this, probably because it never happened. Everything was messed up, and yet everything was so perfect.
Your exceedingly long affectionate hug was suddenly interrupted by your phone ringing. You both slowly withdrew the cuddle with a most intense stare at each other...until.
"You uh...gonna get that?" Lee asked, still locked in your eyes.
Finally you blinked, breaking the trance you both were in. "Oh, yeah. yes."
It was your mom.
"Mom? Is everything all right?"
"Well it is now that I know you are alive?!"
"Mom...calm down.."
"Don't tell me to calm down young lady. You left yesterday without a peep from you since then."
"Mom, I told you I was leav..."
"You do remember, we have a funeral to plan, or are you to busy traipsing after your new doctor friend? That's right, Britt told me everything, you know she will not lie to me."
Margaret was speaking so loud, you knew Lee was hearing every single word judging by his scrutinizing look.
"Ok, Mom? I'll be home soon. Love you. Bye!" You hung up as fast as you could, feeling utterly embarrassed.
When went to find Lee's, he was already looking at you with a sly grin. Yep, he heard every....fucking...humiliating...word.
"I'm sorry...Britt told her where I was..."
"There you go again, apologizing when you shouldn't be.....How's your mom doing? Losing a child, no matter their age or how, is never easy."
That compassionate side of him just kept blowing you away. How kind was he to ask about her, someone he had never even met, even after hearing her theatrics. He understood her grief all too well.
"Well, as you heard...not well."
"You should probably get going. She's obviously worried about you." His eyes were so caring but you could also see the part in them that dreaded your absence.
"I don't feel right just leaving...not when you literally just told me about Jacob, something you have obviously been keeping inside for some time if you were willing to tell a complete stranger."
You wanted to tell him that you didn't WANT to leave, and you wanted to hear him tell you he didn't want you to either.
"Well, let's see. I have carried you in my arms, sat and talked to you for over an hour to make you feel better, let you hold my hand. You came all the way here to bring me back my bracelet and nursed me back to health. I fixed your injured hand and told you the deepest darkest tale of my life. I'd say were are past the strangers stage. Acquaintances now? Maybe we could work our way up to...friends?"
You were absolutely melting as you jellied knees threatened to give out. "Yes...I...I would really like that....Lee."
"Alright, it's settled then Jo March. So...let me walk you out." His smile was soft and his touch softer as he placed his hand on the small of your back, seeming that he didn't want to come on to strong.
"Hollllly shit!" Lee exclaimed as you both walked onto the porch. "Is that...your car??" His eyes were excited like a kid in a candy store as he went jogging over to it.
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"87 Monte Carlo Super Sport.... and mint to boot." he reeled in wonder as he circled the vehicle with his fingertips lightly tracing over it. "May I?" He pointed to the door, his eyes asking to look inside.
"Sure." you giggled. Seeing him perk up like this after the horror story he just told you, made you happy. He lived with that hell every single day and something as simple as a car, temporarily fixed him....like a band aid until it lost it's stickiness.
"How did you know all that?" you asked him as he sat behind the wheel, taking in the view of your sound system.
"Well I suppose if we are going to soon work towards being friends, you should know that I absolutely love classic cars and trucks, and this here....is a beauty." His eyes danced all over the dash but then had glanced at you after he said that last word.
"I can see that judging by the 75 Doge Dart Swinger sitting in your driveway."
His stunned eyes popped up over the steering wheel.
"I can't believe it..." His gaze was frozen on you.
"What?" you half laughed, feeling awkward from his incredulous stare.
"You...I...I mean...a woman after my own heart. I think we are going to be great friends." His grin was superb and radiant, matching his dreamy eyes. What he really wanted to say was that he hoped to be much more although he had been doing everything in his power to fend off women. You loved something he loved on a whole 'nother plain, what were the odds of that?
"And we could start by firing this baby up. Could I hear her run? and possibly....the kick ass stereo you have in here?"
The fact that he referred to the car as a she absolutely amazed you. His love for these works of art was truly genuine.
You fumbled through your bag and tossed him the keys in which he caught effortlessly in his left hand, although you noticed him to be right handed. He then turned her over.
"Oh wow...listen to her purr. You do know now that our new friendship will require you giving me a ride in her sometime." he chuckled.
"Sure. I'll even let you drive her."
His mouth uncontrollably dropped open as he gazed at you.
"No way. Get the fuck outta here...ok no, not really but you know what I mean."
"But only if I can ride in yours too sometime, maybe even drive her as well?"
"Oh I see. You're playing the "I'll let you if you let me" thing like what occurred earlier." The side of his lip curled up, forming his mouth into the cutest smirk. And to think that you had your lips on that mouth for a split second made your butterflies go wild.
"Of course." you smirked back.
"You don't gotta twist my arm sweetheart. it's a done deal. Where do I sign?" he chuckled and turned in the radio.
"Well, what do ya know? It's my theme song unknowingly written for me."
He cranked up the song that was playing.
"Listen to that bass, holy fucking hell! Girl, I am sure gonna miss you when you leave." he laughed. You could hear it in his laugh that he truly meant it.
He started singing for a minute as he tapped his hand on the steering wheel.
"It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy cause every now and then I kick the living shit outta me......"
He shut it off and got out chuckling.
"You must think that is an understatement after what you walked in on here today huh?" he said as he dangled your keys out in front of you.
He knew he should have just left it running, but subconsciously, he didn't want you to leave. He had never desired a woman's presence so much in his entire 43 years.
"No, Lee, not at all. You're going through a terrible time. Here, let me give you my number so you can text me..or call..whichever...I..I mean just in case you need to talk or something. I feel absolutely awful for having to leave. Will...you be alright? You did collapse earlier."
The fact you even cared about him boggled his mind.
"Only if you take mine." he grinned like the cheshire cat.
"I can see this game will be of prominence in our newly found friendship." You laughed and handed him your phone. "Here, put your number in and call your phone, then we'll be even."
"There. All done." he said as he handed you your phone back. "You don't need to worry, my best friend will be around. I've talked your ear off enough. I don't want to bother you with all that you have going on."
"Nonsense. You are in no way a bother. Remember, I like your voice?"
He flashed back to the hospital in your room as you had grabbed his hand, stopping him from leaving and asking him to please stay and talk you as you liked the sound of his voice.
"How could I forget?" His eyes were alluring in his statement, making your already wild butterflies spin out of control.
You smiled and went to get in your car.
He rushed over and opened your door for you. Oh damn, he was killing you with kindness and you were eating it right up. You got in and rolled your window down.
"Take care of yourself Lee."
He smiled. You to Jo march."
He went to walk away, then turned around. "Oh....and I like the taste of your cherry chapstick."
He winked and trotted off with his hands in his pockets while singing "I kissed a girl and I liked it", and then disappeared into the house.
If anything was an understatement, it was the ghost face expression you had from the movie Scream. From this moment on, you knew your world would be forever changed.
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comradekatara · 2 years
They're blind if they don't see that about Sokka! Like. The other three kids would blatantly waste DAYS at a time, despite their very tight time limit, on whatever random bullshit captures their fancy. They literally planned vacations and even he got caught up in it but like......it's absolutely herding cats. You even see this problem in miniature, with Toph having to constantly hound Aang into earthhbending training. They're all flighty n distractible ish and avoidant in their own ways but Aang is very much the worst and yet also the most prioritised member who overrules Sokka regularly "for fun".
yeah I mean i was just so confused by that response bc it was such a bad faith misreading of what I had actually said, and also just a blatantly incorrect reading of the text??? I think a large swath of this fandom has a very surface level interpretation of the show (which is understandable, most people are not as invested in understanding the nuances of this show while still enjoying it, thats perfectly fine) while also just cherry picking the parts they like/latch onto and distorting the parts they found less compelling to suit whatever narrative they’ve crafted for themselves. which I suppose is their prerogative as audience members, but it’s frustrating to me as someone who thinks analytic work should always stem from understanding the text as holistically and completely as possible. normally I try to ignore such misinterpretations, since if I didn’t I would literally get no sleep, and yknow, I have a life. but i could see people’s tags in my activity feed turning this argument into a moral issue in which my very character was attacked (someone literally said “comradekatara and their followers are bs” which makes it sound like im running a cult or smth. yikes) and so I felt the need to clarify and defend myself in a way that I usually don’t when angry zutarapilled weirdos go on and on about how evil I am lmfao
anyway, to your point, sokka is absolutely herding cats. he is constantly trying to get them to be as economical with their time and stay as safe as possible, and they just straight up refuse to listen to him. I see people make arguments that sokka “wasted time on kyoshi island” by training with suki, but a) I don’t think receiving formal training for like the first time in his life is a waste of time and b) aang was clearly the one who insisted on staying there, sokka would’ve left whenever, but aang really liked it there, and considering this was right after he discovered that his entire people had been wiped out, it’s not exactly like sokka and katara can be like “no more fun for you!” the only other instances i can think of of sokka wasting their time is in “the ember island players” when he makes them all go spend two hours watching a play that they absolutely loathe. in fairness, I think sokka and suki should’ve realized that their friends (besides toph) would not enjoy such an event, but the episode would be way less effective if it had been just them watching it, so for metatextual reasons I’ll let it slide. (and fwiw, sokka’s training with piandao took two, three days at most, so it clearly wasn’t smth that interfered with the schedule.)
so yeah, my original point about sokka herding cats seems pretty obvious to me considering how many detours aang and katara constantly insist on taking (and arguably toph too, but she’s generally less resistant to sokka’s ideas). but then that person had to go and act like I said something I didn’t, and then add on a bunch of incorrect analysis to boot. truly, genuinely, weird behavior. the “momtara who does all the work and singlehandedly raised these children including sokka and has never once had fun in her life because she is struggling under the weight of being the most mature & reasonable fourteen year old girl who ever lived (and also that’s why this one spoiled prince who can’t even hammer a single nail would be such a good boyfriend for her because he loves doing dishes and is so emotionally intelligent & articulate)” koolaid is strong I guess.
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a-d-nox · 5 months
Hi❤ I would like to join ur Yule game as well🎁
🎁Question: Why is my friend MMN acting hot and cold with me?
The thing is I feel like she is playing mind games and acting hot and cold with me and idk why. It's almost as if she wants me to be the one pursuing her all the time and it's frustrating. I knw she got so many ppl to text to but we are actually close friends who met back then in high school. She used to be rlly clingy and wore her heart on her sleeves towards me so idk wht changed. Idk if I was the one who hurt her and if I was the cause but her change of attitude really confuses me. I just want to knw if she still truly cares for me or not and if she even rlly still consider me as a close friend🤷🏻‍♀️ I just want to knw how she rlly feels abt me tbh. I hate feeling confused.
What I look forward on ur blog: more tarot card meanings plus tarot combos meanings. It'll be interesting
What I am excited for 2024: Movement I guess and my own personal space plus freedom. I really need those three for next year. My 2023 was stagnant and dull so yup.
What I hope to receive as a gift this holiday: I don't really get any gifts every year but what I wish for is new earphones and new shoes. Money would be fine too haha. But tbh, just some peace and quiet since it's been noisy lately lmaooo.
My initials: AM
gift no. 38
firstly, you aren't at fault for how people treat you. you are in charge of your self and your reactions. it is your prerogative if you wish to let a tiff between you two change how you interact. just like it is hers. all interactions are purely about maturity.
i feel like you need to stop thinking about the why... stop thinking about what she is thinking - you will never know without communication. stop worrying about her hurt and start worrying about yours. this was a lot to have written to me - ask yourself if this is a consistent issue in your friendships? do you typically worry about the other person's emotions before yours? why do their emotions matter more than yours? why haven't you talked to her about it?
child rx -> lady -> fish rx
child rx makes me feel like they are growing up... when people grow up sometimes they grow apart from one another. that's okay. this isn't a spontaneous action, its been happening over time - the best thing y'all can do is have a mature conversation.
the lady card is meant to be a significant feminine connection in your life. make sure you are using your right brain and intuition to guide you through the connection.
fish rx asks that you be more independent, trusting of your intuition, and more flexible "just let things flow". emotions used to overflow in this connection and now they just trickle. you both need to just let things flow and let go to have a healthier connection. let it be open - its okay that she has other friends. i think you should make new friends too. this is a turbulent situation... the recent full moon likely made it worse. might be for the best that connection is moving to a close.
shufflemancy: "holidays" by meghan trainor
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Crowley is giving me gothic lap cat vibes again in that poster! He tries to come across as if hes a mysterious badass but really he just wants to sit on his angel's lap, get petted and told that hes pretty.
Oh, I love this, Anon. Well, let's get a visual up here first, so we can discuss:
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I can definitely see the "gothic lap cat vibes" you're alluding to, with Crowley all curled up like that on the chair. I think what I love most about this poster is the gold overtones and the way the light radiates from Aziraphale onto Crowley. I especially love that they're sitting so close that they are melting into each other, to where you can't tell where one ends and the other begins.
There's obviously been quite a flurry of activity in the fandom today, with the release date, a new poster, and the Hillywood parody happening all at once. I hope you'll permit me a moment to vent about the latter, as I have watched the parody, and seeing it next to this poster just evokes a lot of Thoughts and Feelings™ in my mind.
So, the first thing I will say is that I am not here to shame anyone who enjoyed the Hillywood parody. If you liked it, then that is absolutely your prerogative, and I will not ever tell anyone not to like it. Secondly--and by way of disclaimer--I know next to nothing about Hillywood parodies, except that they've done them for a long time, they're sisters, and they have a significant following. So I fully acknowledge that I may not be qualified to judge the parody on those grounds.
My reaction after watching the parody today was that it was underwhelming, and to me, it was not really worth the wait or the build up. I thought the production values were great and they got the look of Good Omens down...but I was confused by everything else. The song choice (Billie Eilish?) that was much too niche and did not at all seem to fit with GO, for one. The self-congratulatory overtones, for another, as well as the acting that seemed surprisingly hollow. Because what is GO? Is it the sets? The costumes? If that was the case, that would mean anyone could play Aziraphale and Crowley...but as this parody shows, that just isn't true. You can have all the style and special effects in the world, but if there's no substance behind it, it falls flat.
The one moment of the parody that I liked--and that actually felt genuine--was the cameo by Daniel Mays, who played Adam's dad in the series. His presence was something that connected us to the show, to the heart of Good Omens. This is not to say that I would've wanted Michael or David to appear (I'm glad they didn't), but to me, a parody is supposed to evoke the feel of the source material--the soul of it, not just the visuals. And that is why the sisters' portrayals of Aziraphale and Crowley felt like empty shells to me.
In contrast, we have the new poster, and what we've been talking about. Aziraphale and Crowley aren't even facing each other and yet we can still feel that connection, that pull between them...and that, to me, is what GO is about. So knowing that Amazon was involved with the Hillywood parody (I don't know about financially, but definitely in terms of promotion/providing exclusive information to Hillywood) tells me that even after four years, Amazon still does not understand this show. They don't understand what Good Omens is, what it means to the fans, or how to effectively market it ("uncanny friendship"? Seriously?).
Thankfully for us, we still have Michael and David, whom I know will give us everything we could ever want in the second season (and the press tour, assuming there is one). And we still have Crowley curled up against Aziraphale waiting to be pet and told he's pretty. So that is very much something to be thankful for...
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roobylavender · 1 year
for the violence ask meme .. 12 & 13 / 20 & 21 ?
i did 12 here!
13. worst blorbofication
i was almost going to say jason but that honestly feels less like blorbofication and more like glorification so i will go with toji.. i know people want to envision a life for the fushiguros where everything was better bc it was what they deserved but like what do we get out of that really. it's very amusing when people imagine toji was this innately kind and caring person bc it's quite obv he wasn't. trauma and abuse irreparably changed him and his actions were largely driven by a need for vengeance. were they ultimately beneficial to megumi? yeah. but they were still selfishly motivated and i don't think it precludes an ability to sympathy with toji if people recognize that. what happened to him is tragic. what he did in response is tragic. and megumi turning out okay in the end is half stroke of fate and half toji willing it to be so through pure delusion and spite against his own family. ig i think toji does love megumi. but it's not really the kind of love we expect from a father. so actions like giving gojou the option to raise megumi or letting megumi go when he said his name was still fushiguro are significant not bc they are rooted in some inherent selfless love but bc they are demonstrations of love as an afterthought and that forms the entire tragedy of toji as a character. he can never prioritize selfless love bc the prerogative to do so was beaten out of him a long time ago, and the violence of megumi's orphaned childhood is as much a product of toji's direct actions as it is an indirect product of the zenin clan's extensive cycle of abuse
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
i'm on the fence about this one but i feel like kishi dropping the bomb barely a few (i am stretching the definition of the word here but in context of how slow time moved in canon at the time i would say it applies) chapters before the end that the uchihas were actually cops was like. so poorly done bc if you wanted that to have actual narrative value you probably should have expanded on it more rather than suddenly contradict your entire narrative about the uchihas feeling misjudged and scrutinized bc of their heritage from madara despite the fact that they historically had always supported hashirama. like barring the weird fandom response to suddenly deciding the uchihas deserve no sympathy bc they were bootlickers (despite.. everything about canon and itachi's position in the grand scheme of things pointing to the contrary) it's a revelation that really doesn't do much to comment on canon in any meaningful way. like ok tobirama was a judgmental dick but like what else did kishi really do with the revelation besides use it as a lecture point. it still confuses me like maybe i need to reread and digest it in more immediate context but idg why he included it
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
i don't think the infamous loeb batman books are that good tbh.. it's mostly the selina fan in me speaking but i also think they are way more memorable for their art and murder mystery setup than for any actual narrative value they might have imparted and i personally would rather look to other stories that establish harvey's backstory (there's an annual in the 90s that's really good but i forget the issue number) or dick as the immediate parallel to bruce
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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balshamicc · 1 year
A little something I wrote for school
Prompt: A reflection on the past year
Disclaimer: This is pure and utter 💜word vomit💜. This hasn't been edited, like, at all. Or thought through. I apologize for any inevitable visual trauma you may experience 💔
When I first think about it, 12th grade feels a bit... anticlimactic? Like, 12 years, over a hundred thousand hours spent going through the primary and secondary education system, and it ends with: (a) Running through the syllabus by October (b) Speedrunning essays for college apps, and (c) 3-hour exams. Five of them.
It doesn't really feel right. Maybe that's indicative of how I should be viewing this entire year. Getting through this whole shebang hasn't ended with spectacular fireworks or some magical revelation that kindergarten me thought I'd get the second I turned 18. I am still as confused about almost everything as I was the first time I heard a 'why does the chicken cross the road' joke, which, in my humble opinion, is the bane of humor.
Maybe, instead of viewing it as the end of an era, it's just a passage from one stage to the next. Cliche, I know, but I mean, all cliches come from commonly experienced truths, don't they?
(or is this just me trying <and failing> to be deep? We'll never know :/)
I thought that now grade 12's over, the era to become an engineer would start, but oop- no ma'am, that didn't happen at all, did it? Throughout my last year of school, it feels like I've spawned and unlocked roads I haven't traveled by, ad nauseam, rather than tied up loose ends. (is this grammatically coherent? no clue)
I think what I'm getting at is this - I've realized that this doesn't mark an end in any way, shape, or form even though that's what I've been building it up to be for myself. Spending literal weeks writing college essays has let me learn a lot about myself, but it isn't a mean to an end.
Every experience I've had so far has reinforced that idea. I thought that I'd have myself figured out by now. Clearly not ahah. But that's okay. Because I've grown, and I don't have any benchmarks to meet for the universe to show me my path forward. The road will, after some pushing, pave itself. And whether I want to travel down that path or find a new one is my prerogative, and mine only.
And would you look at that, I've blabbered again. Did I even address the prompt, who knows? English teachers, feel free to grade me.
I think (???) that's it for now. Because it's about midnight.
Hmu for whatever reason, I might just post again.
thanks y'all - you know who you are. tysm for everything.
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losterthanlost · 4 months
February 3, 2024
Gosh. This is the first year where I haven't made an entry for the whole of January. Lots of things happened and I was also on a social media limit. As in, I am limiting myself from using any social media. I would only use Twitter and Facebook via browser and not via the apps. Now, I am using a fake Twitter app or a Twitter-esque notes app. I love it. Only used it for the whole Sunday and Monday and it really felt like a week passed by. This observation shows that I am already addicted to staying online. This fake app is very useful for keeping me on track.
Our 2nd semester will officially start on Monday. My plan is to finish my MinStud 1 pending requirements on the first week while my courses are less likely to go serious right away. Today is Saturday. This week was eventful. The online registration was the only stressful thing this week. Until now I am still not done with it. I am still waiting for two of my prerogs to be approved. My upper back and neck is hurting. I am also not eating well. I couldn't stay calm because the rules and schedules were still confusing the whole week until this morning. It's clear to me now. wew.
Speaking of this morning, there is something I want to share here but I am not sure if my future self will be okay with this. It's about my chem class classmate. He's a 4th year but in the same program. I kind of look up to him not just because he is considered an online class survivor but because he is also a thriver. Based on what he shared with us about himself and what I heard from others, I think of him as a model student. A few of these achievements were being the only student from their batch to be allowed to make a thesis topic under microbiology and to be our chem professor's thesis advisee. He is also among the very few in their batch to be personally picked by the institution where they had their OJT. That is freaking awesome if you ask me. So, other than his achievements, he is also safe and comfortable to be around and to talk to. Also, so far, he has the most hits in my ideal type list. hahaha. So, my desperate-to-have-an-inspiration-or-just-a-role-model-so-I-can-keep-wanting-to-face-life self had some kind of a crush on him the whole first semester. Now, back to this morning. Since February 1, I've been asking him and other people about all my confusion and worries regarding the registration. And my worries were a lot. Even after I sort of finalized my courses to take this semester, I was still worried about not confirming my enrollment on time. This morning, I asked him again if he was done enrolling, and he said he wasn't. Then I started to mention my worry about my prerogs. Then he replied that it's gonna be okay and that I don't have to worry. I light-heartedly apologized for worrying because this is from the brutal enrollment experience I had in my previous campus. Then he just assured me again by saying, "[But] Not here, Jane. It's gonna be okay."
My heart soared after reading those words from him! T^T. That convo is like my confirmation that among the love languages, words of affirmation are the best in making me feel nice. Though I believe that acts of service are the ultimate expression of love and care, that love language initially makes me feel sad and guilty instead of anything positive.
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“As for roles in marriage, anon please do not be confused by fundamentalist or evangelical Protestant takes. In Catholicism, when the husband is taking the role of Christ, keep in mind how Jesus behaved on earth. He did not Lord it over everyone, but he served and even washed his disciples’ feet as a sign of service and submission. Then to top it off, He sacrificed Himself to torture and death for the sake of His bride.“ Same anon, yes but the husband is still the head/leader, that’s always been Church teaching in all denominations, Catholics included, there is a hierarchy. That part isn’t “Protestant fundamentalism” that’s doctrine. It doesn’t contradict the rest of what you said I’m just explaining myself
A lot of what is commonly believed about Catholicism is not correct, or at least not endorsed by the Vatican. While I have not studied the entire history of Catholic teachings on marriage, the current teaching on marriage is not that the husband is a leader. Nor is it likely that St Paul meant for κεφαλη to be interpreted as boss or leader, because there were other more commonly used Greek words for hierarchical positions. According to my Intermediate Liddell & Scott Lexicon for Ancient Greek, κεφαλη was literally the head of an animal's body, or the source of a river, etc. Use of this word for status did occur in Homer apparently, but it's use for status was not common until the Byzantine era (after Christ). So while it is possible that St Paul did mean an hierarchy, it is not likely. I am sure you can find converts throughout Catholic history supporting patriarchy from their Greco-Roman or barbarian upbringing, but the Vatican is where to look for actual Church teachings.
The Catholic Church teaches that domination, selfishness, and egotistical behavior towards a spouse is sinful. Below are actual Vatican approved teachings from the Vatican website:
372: Man and woman were made "for each other" - not that God left them half-made and incomplete: he created them to be a communion of persons, in which each can be "helpmate" to the other, for they are equal as persons ("bone of my bones. . .") and complementary as masculine and feminine. In marriage God unites them in such a way that, by forming "one flesh", they can transmit human life: ...
399: Scripture portrays the tragic consequences of this first disobedience. Adam and Eve immediately lose the grace of original holiness. They become afraid of the God of whom they have conceived a distorted image - that of a God jealous of his prerogatives.
400: The harmony in which they had found themselves, thanks to original justice, is now destroyed: the control of the soul's spiritual faculties over the body is shattered; the union of man and woman becomes subject to tensions, their relations henceforth marked by lust and domination. Harmony with creation is broken: ...
1606 Every man experiences evil around him and within himself. This experience makes itself felt in the relationships between man and woman. Their union has always been threatened by discord, a spirit of domination, infidelity, jealousy, and conflicts that can escalate into hatred and separation. This disorder can manifest itself more or less acutely, and can be more or less overcome according to the circumstances of cultures, eras, and individuals, but it does seem to have a universal character.
1607 According to faith the disorder we notice so painfully does not stem from the nature of man and woman, nor from the nature of their relations, but from sin. As a break with God, the first sin had for its first consequence the rupture of the original communion between man and woman. Their relations were distorted by mutual recriminations; their mutual attraction, the Creator's own gift, changed into a relationship of domination and lust; ...
1610 ... In the Old Testament the polygamy of patriarchs and kings is not yet explicitly rejected. Nevertheless, the law given to Moses aims at protecting the wife from arbitrary domination by the husband, even though according to the Lord's words it still carries traces of man's "hardness of heart" ...
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