mangostar · 2 years
binge reading witch hat atelier.. coco is now my daughter <3 
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BTS as Boyfriends- Jungkook
Hola...heres Jungkooks version :)) Enjoy :)) 
1. Playful but really sensitive 
Hes the youngest of the lot so I dont doubt he loves to mess around, pull the occasional prank on you. Its only natural really...and he only does it because he loves how you react. He loves how you huff and puff, your hands on your hips and hair flying every where. He finds it adorable. The members have almost but stopped paying attention entirely- only the makane line bursting into chortles of laughter probably because they planned it all with him. I see him as the type to want you to want his help? Like he knows you’re independent and strong and brave but he needs you to need him. That's why he always places your coffee powder on the highest shelf, locks all of your jars up really tightly and buys a ton of stuff at the store so he can help you carry all of the grocery bags home- help implying that he takes them all in his hands and waddles all the way back because they’re so full. But Jungkook understands serious, he knows it from watching his older brothers- knows when he needs to leave you alone and when he needs to hug you inside him. He voluntarily gives you his hoodies to wear when he goes on tour, and eventually begins to put his home clothes in your wardrobe, just to make your life easier. Hes ridiculously shy about being over the top romantic- especially in public...so initially I dont see him as the type for PDA. But dating you makes him focus on the couples around him and he sees that they’re all holding hands and stealing kisses- and suddenly he wants to try it out too...Because hes curious and learns by watching? He’d either grab your hand out of nowhere or ask you quietly just as you’re about to step outside- almost a whisper- his knuckles brushing against your own as he does.
2. Care 
He loves to take care of you, in really really really subtle ways. I see him as the type to pull your feet into his lap and give you a foot rub because he sees you’re stressed out from work. His own clothes and his stuff lays in a dirty pile on the floor but he’ll wind your hair straighter up and put it into its respective drawer- maybe even arrange your lipsticks in alphabetical order of shade. And when you ask him what hes doing sitting on the floor with everything scattered around him, he’ll shrug it off and say ‘’I was bored’’. He thinks all of these things go unnoticed but really you know exactly what hes upto- but you dont say anything because you love it too. 
3. Dates
I see simple dates- mostly taking you out for food- the first date- hes recommending things left right and centre because the thinks there will be an awkward silence if someone doesn't talk. You’re pretty shy yourself but you muster up enough courage to take his hand into your own and you have no idea how much it calms him down. Long strolls in the park when you’re done with the meal. Neither of you say much...silence is pretty golden and its fun. But this lil bub...once hes out and comfortable with you being an important part of his life- hes discovering new things he wants to try and drags you with him. This means midnight drives to the beach, hikes on mountains, scuba diving, bungee jumping, unicycling. You name it. He understands you might not be comfortable with half of the things he plans out so he does offer you the choice of stepping away, but you know how much he wants to hold your hand underwater and kiss you amongst all the sea creatures so you give into him without a care. You know he’ll keep you safe. Arcade dates... Spends an hour at the claw machine trying his best to win something... Almost breaks the controls when he doesn't. You're leaving the place when asks for one last chance at it and you melt because he's been scowling at the damn thing for an hour. He tries and voila... Youre walking home with a giant stuffed bear. That plushie is his pride.
4. Fears, Worries and the future
He doesn't strike me as someone who thinks about the future excessively. He’s the carpe diem kinda guy, just trying to give his everything to each breath he takes. The future doesn't scare him but it doesn’t interest him either? He’ll take things as they come, deal with problems as they appear rather than worry about them beforehand. But that doesn't mean he doesn't think about the future at all. If its happy thoughts, inspiring dreams, goals he wants to achieve. Hell yes. JK is definitely bent on improving. Improving for himself and for you. He wants this relationship to work and even if hes trying to pace himself mentally...his lil mind cant help himself from picturing you in that white dress at some point ;) He knows its a long long long way away...but hes done the thinkin, perhaps even before you. (besides the members did say they see him getting married first ;) ) Hes worried about a lot of things...sees fights as if they the inclination to a break up or ignores the fight completely thinking ‘‘You’ll get over it’‘ just like the guys do. Its always one or the other with him? and as you progress into dating him...he’ll know just how to judge your reactions. As for your worries, boy does this one love to listen to you. But he also gets worried? Especially when you mention that your boss has been giving you weird looks or that someone is bugging you. His protective nature peaks out and hes ready to pull fists. You calm him down just in time though, kissing him and telling him you can handle it just fine. 
5. Love love love
As much as people might say hes a ‘’dom daddy’’ I think initially hes pretty vanilla, pretty much like suga. But when his dom side does come out- like when you get him worked up or jealous...it can either be a ridiculously steamy session with your back pressed into the wall or its long and drawn out, with seconds in the shower. He loves to mark you? Only in places he can see though, unless of course you mentioned your boss being annoying that day- then the whole office needs to see. 
Loves it when you wake up and he finds you in his shirt, loves that your busting your own choreo to his songs and will 11/10 record you on his phone. Backhugs are the best thing ever... He'll stayed glued to your form until you tell him to buzz away. He likes watching you work and holding you at the same time... Back hugs let him do just that.
You walked into the gym while he was working out once - shirtless. And turned around embarrassment. He says it was the cutest reaction to anything he"d ever received and from then on...while at home... Jeon Jungkook forgot what a shirt was. Loves watching you blush and fret around him as he plays video games in loose tracks. Only ever pauses the game to do impromptu push ups because, ''he needs to stay fit'' truth is... He wants you to watch him flex his biceps... Its the only time when he really truly loves being buff.
Overall- this one is such a cutie- Lil fuzz packet. Keeps you on your toes and you keep him on his. In the day you’re bungee jumping off of a cliff and in the night hes got you wrapped up in him and the sheets- feeding you strawberries and chocolate as you share his earphones with one bud in his ear and one in yours, listening to music hes discovered from some deep corner of the world. 
To read Suga’s version...click here :)  
To read Jimin’s Version...Click here :)
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