#Assault! Jack the Ripper
qaymaw · 2 months
I wrote a list of the crimes commited by important characters in Moriarty the Patriot. This is only the anime so characters exclussive to the manga won't appear, nor will crimes commited in arcs exclussive to the manga.
This is an extremley long list, also may contain spoilers if you haven't watched the anime/read the manga, however they shouldn't be to bad.
William James Moriarty 30 crimes
Death threats
Threats of violence
Accessory to murder
Impersonation/Identity theft
Inciting violence/murder/genocide
First-degree murder
Contract killing/assassination
Assisted suicide¹
Suicide baiting¹
Mass murder
Destruction of property
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Manipulation of political affairs
Attempted suicide¹
Evading arrest
Obstruction of justice
Breaking and entering
Organised crime²
Illegal possesion of a firearm³
Albert James Moriarty 21 crimes
Leaking government secrets
Organised crime²
Accesory to murder
Assault with the intent to kill/assault with a deadly weapon
First-degree murder
Contract killing/assassination
Assisted Suicide¹
Suicide Baiting¹
Mass murder
Destruction of property
Domestic Terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Louis James Moriarty 21 crimes
Death threats
Threats of violence
Accessory to murder
First-degree murder
Contract killing/assassination
Assisted suicide¹
Suicide baiting¹
Mass murder
Destruction of property
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Organised crime²
Breaking and entering
James Bonde 18 crimes
High treason
Impersonation of royalty/Identity theft
Evading the police/goverment
Destruction of property
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit mureder/genocide
Organised crime²
Contract killing/Assassination
Accessory to murder
Illegal possession of firearms³
Sebastian Moran 15 crimes
First-degree murder
Contract killing/Assassination
Assisted suicide¹
Suicide baiting¹
Mass murder
Accessory to murder
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspircay to commit murder/genocide
Organised crime²
Breaking and entering
Illegal possession of firearms³
Fred Porlock 15 crimes
Accesory to murder
Contract killing/Assassination
First-degree murder
Suicide baiting¹
Assisted suicide¹
Mass murder
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Organised crime²
Breaking and entering
Desercration of a corpse
Jack Renfield (AKA Jack the Ripper) 11 crimes
Hiring a contract killer/Assassin
Desercration of a corpse
Evading the police
Accessory to murder
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Organised crime²
Von Herder 8 crimes
Accesory to murder
Domestic terrorism²
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Illegal weapons dealing/creating/inventing
Organised crime²
Illegal possession of firearms³
Zack Paterson 8 crimes
Accesory to murder
Conspiracy to overthrow the system/nobility
Conspiracy to commit murder/genocide
Domestic terrorism²
Organised crime²
Sherlock Holmes 6 crimes
Breaking and entering
Destruction of property
Attempted suicide¹
Second-degree murder
Illegal possesion of firearms³
Mycroft Holmes 3 crimes
Accessory to murder
Affiliation with a terrorist organisation
Leaking government secrets
¹Suicide Act 1961. This act removed suicide as a crime in England and Wales, meaning those who survived a suicide attempt could not be prosecuted. Family members of those who did not survive could no longer be prosecuted either. However, under Suicide Act 1961, Section 2, it remains a crime for a third party to encourage or assist in the suicide of another.
²Terrorism or Organised Crime (or both)
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Organised crime: Criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale.
The motive of organised crime is often, but not always, financial.
The Moriarty Plan is a force of violence with the intention of political change. This violence is commited against their home country meaning this is domestic terrorism. They have no wish for financial gain, however, because they are commiting crimes that are planned and controlled, this is also organised crime. Those directly involved in The Moriarty Plan and its execution are therefore guilty of both terrorism and organised crime.
³The Gun License Act 1870. This act meant that anyone may still purchase a gun, however a license was required to have one off your personal property for any reason. This means that James Bonde and Sebatian Moran are both guilty of illegal possession of a firearm as they are both legally dead and therefore cannot have a gun license. However, Sherlock, William and Von Herder are never disclosed to have a gun license but this does not mean they do not have one as they would be perfectly elligable to get one. If they do all own a gun license, this takes Sherlock's crimes down to 5, William's crimes down to 29 and Von Herder's crimes down to 7.
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daisiesflower · 2 years
So yeah Mina finds Lucy in just her nightdress, in a vulnerable state physically and mentally, middle of the night with a strange man holding her, and blood on her dress when Mina gets to her. Mina’s definitely concerned that Lucy may have been assaulted and definitely concerned for the societal ruin of Lucy’s reputation if anyone finds out even just about the sleepwalking out of the house. But I I havent seen anyone bring up something else Mina may have feared when she first saw Lucy, which is the fact that the book is set in 1893, only 5 years after Jack the Ripper’s last known killing and disappearance. Yeah, Mina logically knows he killed prostitutes not girls from good families, and he killed in London not Whitby, and he vanished 5 years ago and is probably dead or fled the country but I still struggle to think that it wouldnt be something that would cross Mina’s mind in that moment - at the very least the knowledge of the horrific things some men want to do to women is going to be more at the forefront of her mind because of the Ripper notoriety
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Jack Renfield is more than a Jack the Ripper Reference
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No, not Dracula either. Although that is his name sake I’m talking about Spring Heeled Jack. Spring Heeled Jack was an urban legend ( recognized by the government ), he could have been real but he was never caught. He was capable of inhuman feats and cemented himself in English Folklore 50 years before the more infamous and heinous Jack The Ripper.
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Spring Heeled Jack was first sighted in 1837. He jumped out from a dark alley and attempted to assault a woman but she screamed for help and people came to her rescue but no one could find him. The next day he jumped in front of a carriage causing an accident and severely injuring the coach. Several eye witnesses said he escaped by jumping over a wall while cackling.
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He attacked multiple women over the next year even after the Mayor of London said he would be brought to Justice. He was described by these women as being tall and thin while wearing an overact, helmet, and claws and usually carried a lantern. He was also said to be able to breathe fire. ( Which is actually what saved someone from conviction who admitted to being the urban legend at a bar )
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In 1877 a solider on lookout saw a dark figure approaching and when the soldier warned them to stop they grabbed the solider and slapped them multiple times which the solider opened fire with no effect the figure then leapt and bound away.
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He was seen again just a little later in 1877 in multiple spots wearing his signature coat but this time an angry mob chased him and corned him in an alley. The mob fired guns at him but again there was no effect and he escaped once again with his extraordinary leaping abilities.
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There is a lot more to the legend obviously and I encourage you to look into all the cases if you’re interested in these things. He caused such a wave he even started appearing in penny dreadfuls.
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nikethestatue · 1 year
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Chapter 1
London, England
Elain Archeron
London’s Victoria Station greeted its new visitor with a cacophony of noise, chaos and excitement. Clutching the instructions and the address that she received from the stern and cold Mrs. Amren, who was the organiser of this wild scheme, Elain Archeron attempted to follow the directions inside the clamour of the train station, though it was proving to be difficult.
She’s never been to London before and now, the place terrified her. She was pushed and shoved without consideration for her gentler sex, those around her were shrieking, yelling, and shouting something all the time. There were people, whole families, whose skin tones were different from her own, whose fashions and outfits were odd and contradictory. There were people of different religions as well–she could tell Jews and Hindus and Muslims. She was educated and well-read, so she was not surprised to see those who came from Africa, and India, or even the Chinese, and scarf-clad women from Poland, or maybe Russia–but seeing them all in the flesh was overwhelming. She never imagined that people of so many various colours, sizes and shapes existed. 
She continued her walk through the station, jerked off her feet by the blaring claxons from the train, clutching her travel satchel close to her chest. It had her only possessions inside–her two dresses, her unmentionables, stockings, another pair of boots, hair ribbons and pins, her spare corset, and toiletries. 
Her walk was interrupted constantly, men offering rides and calling out “Miss! Miss!” to her. But she kept her eyes down and shouldered her way to the massive doors of the station. 
She must be mad.
It had to be that!
To be doing this, she couldn’t be normal.
She was here, in London of all places, alone, to meet with some mysterious man.
What if he was Jack the Ripper?
She’s read the papers–Jack the Ripper was rampaging on the streets of Whitechapel and what if Mrs. Amren was his co-conspirator? What if she lured unsuspecting country girls to London, and into the clutches of Jack the Ripper?
Elain’s read and enjoyed the tales of Sherlock Holmes, that wiley intriguing detective, who solved crimes–but if she thought about it more, why was there so much crime in London? People stole and abused and murdered others. It was horrifying.
Where she was from, St. Margaret’s Bay, the biggest crime last year was Ollie Oswald stealing Mr. Clarence’s goat, and Maggie May becoming pregnant out of wedlock. That thought sobered her right up, though still, Maggie’s out-of-wedlock babe was hardly the same thing as a mad serial killer running around the streets of London and slaughtering women of ill repute.
Elain finally existed the station and stood on the street, all her senses assaulted by even more noise, the stench of manure, hordes of jostling people who were all rushing somewhere, paper boys who were announcing the latest headlines – another Ripper murder, apparently – vendors peddling food and all sorts of items, handsome soldiers, and every spoken language imaginable. Elain recognised everything from French and Italian, to some dialects that she was unfamiliar with, Slavic, German and even Scandinavian speech. She had a knack for languages, and having spent time in Dover, with her father’s ships, she’d seen sailors, merchants and visitors from every part of the world. Stupidly, she thought that Dover was a busy city. It had nothing on this monstrosity.
She walked over to where the cabs were parked awaiting passengers.
“Good mornin’ Miss, in need of a ride?” one of the drivers asked.
“Yes, this is the address,” she handed him the paper that Mrs. Amren had given her, which had the address and all the instructions. Mrs. Amren had also given her ten pounds, which was more money than Elain’s seen in a long, long time.
She could buy so much for ten pounds! Dresses and a pair of shoes, meat pies, maybe even a pastry, tea, lodging…Her whole family survived on four-five pounds a month, and here she was, with ten pounds, six shillings and 3 pence in her pocket. Mrs. Amren told her that the tenner had come from the gentleman who took care of her travel accommodations and spending money.
Once she was situated in the carriage, they took off,  the driver navigating the streets and the chaos of other cabs and pedestrians with expert precisions. Elain knew that they were going to Westminster, and she wished to see the cathedral, and the abbey, but she did not, though she was pleased that they’d be staying far away from Whitechapel.
“Dog and Hound, Miss,” the driver announced and then opened the door for her.
It was a public house and also offered lodgings and once Elain exited the cab, she thought that it looked presentable and clean. The facade of the building was well-kept, brick, with garlands of wisteria wrapping around the lower part of the building and the very large bay window. Once she paid for the ride, she walked inside–she’s been to public houses and taverns before–but this one looked very well kept, with a beautiful walnut bar, all sorts of hunting pictures and engravings on the walls, and burgundy and green seats. There were not many patrons milling around, but it was also only 10:30 am. 
Elain approached the proprietor, just like Mrs. Amren told her to do and said, “Good morning. I am here to see Mr. Arthur Johnson.”
The man straightened at the mention of the name, and then quickly and accommodatingly told her, “Follow me, Miss.”
“Where are we going?” Elain whispered, baulking at the invitation.
“Mr. Johnson is waiting for you Miss. My understanding is that he wished to have a conversation with you in private.”
Elain’s never been with a man in private, let alone in an unfamiliar city, but what choice did she have? She already felt like she signed her life away, when she was meeting with Mrs. Amren. The woman had a heap of papers and documents for Elain to sign, mostly about confidentiality and non-disclosure of any information that she was to learn. There were financial papers as well, but Mrs. Amren told her that they would be finalised should the contract be signed. 
They stopped at one of the doors and the proprietor knocked. A man’s voice answered promptly.
“You may proceed, Miss,” he told Elain and then stepped aside.
This is where I die, was her only thought. 
It was definitely Jack the Ripper. There have been whispers that he came from the upper classes, maybe even nobility, and she was going to meet him right now and he was going to skin her alive. And then her body would be baked into meat pies, just like Sweeney Todd did it. They said that the mad barber did not exist, but Elain begged to differ. Stories like that didn’t just happen to be written due to someone’s fevered imagination. He must have existed.
So she would be abused, killed and then will end up in a pie.
He sat in a wingback chair.
That’s all she saw when she finally dared to enter the room. The man. The gentleman.
A very tall man by the looks of it, considering how far his long legs stretched. He was dressed in all black, elegantly, in a way Elain wasn’t used to seeing men dressed on a Thursday morning. His jacket was stylishly tailored and his boots were perfectly polished. However, it was the man’s face that gave Elain pause. He was handsome to an unusual degree, the panes of his face sharp and sensual at once. Large, slightly slanted eyes of a peculiar colour regarded her with detachment and mild scrutiny. When he licked his full lower lip, Elain couldn't help but notice the movement and she balled her hands at her sides, suddenly feeling tense and hot. He had the look of a foreigner about him–dark bronze skin, thick black hair cut unusually long on top, and those strange light hazel eyes.
“Elain Archeron, I presume,” he asked at last, and his voice was deep, low and just as sensual as the rest of him. Like a whisper of black silk in the wind. The accent was unfailingly upper crust. 
“I am, my lord,” she confirmed and curtsied.
“Please sit,” he gestured to the sofa across from his chair.
She did as she was told and noticed that he held a photograph of her in his fingers. His hands were large, with long, strong fingers, but surprisingly, the hands were covered in thick scars–burn scars from what Elain could gauge. Mrs. Amren said that the photograph was a requirement and Elain was forced to travel to Dover to have her photograph taken. It was expensive, and she needed to sit in the same position, unmoving and silent, for almost seven minutes. In the end, she didn’t even think that the photograph looked like her. But following her handing the photograph off to Mrs. Amren, she received an invitation to travel to London–-she supposed that it did the trick.
“How was your journey?” he asked politely.
“Very nice, thank you, my lord.”
“I wished to have our conversation first, if you don’t mind, and then you may rest.”
“Of course,” she agreed. Her fingers were shaking and she attempted to hide them in the folds of her skirt, though she was sure that he noticed it.
His tone was light when he assured her, “there is no need to be nervous. I believe we ought to have a talk first and you aren’t obligated to anything, and neither am I.”
She nodded and allowed him to talk, because it was just easier. Her throat was tight and her mouth dry. Her dress felt itchy against her skin and the collar borderline was suffocating. 
He stood up and she had to crane her neck to take in his full height–he was probably six and a half feet tall, and when he moved to pour water into a glass, she definitely noticed how thickly muscled his arms and shoulders were, and how slender he was otherwise, trim and lean and strong. He handed her the glass and then leaned against the desk, crossing his legs at the ankles and drumming his fingers on the surface.
“I am Azriel, Lord Night, the Duke of Velaris,” he announced simply. 
Elain’s hand stopped mid-way to her lips, as she stared at him wordlessly.
She’d assumed that he would be a nobleman, perhaps a baron, maybe a count, but a duke? The Velaris family was well-known: it was said that they came to Britain all the way back with William the Conqueror. It couldn’t possibly be the same Velaris? Could it?
“I am sorry, my lord,” Elain said softly. “You are the Duke of Velaris?”
He nodded, “the very same”.
“But…” she bit her lip, “I was under the impression that you were married, my lord? To Lady Morrigan?”
The lovely Lady Morrigan, Countess of Hewn, was renowned for her beauty. Elain had seen her in newspapers and other publications. The Velaris-Hewn nuptials was the society wedding of the year just a couple of years back. 
“I am,” he confirmed calmly. “And since you are bound by our confidentiality agreement, I will disclose that my lady wife had suffered a grave incident last year. She was thrown by her horse, and had broken her spine. Unfortunately, she suffered a brain bleed from her injuries as well. She is my wife and will remain so until she or I die. But alas, she is bed-bound and without sense or consciousness. Now, you must understand that her condition is not known to anyone, other than my most trusted servants and her nurses. It must remain so until I produce an heir. The child must be mine, and upon the birth, we shall announce that Lady Morrigan suffered compilation in labour.”
Elain sighed and murmured, “I am sorry, my lord. For you and your lady wife. It is truly tragic and I am…just sorry.”
He cocked his head and regarded her quietly for a while.
She’d only known him for about fifteen minutes, but she could already see how observant he was, methodical even. There was a calmness about him, an almost predatory stillness, and she sensed that he dwelled in some dark places inside his head. Perhaps it was the sorrow  resulting from his wife’s condition, or maybe something in his past, but this was a man of secrets and unanswered questions.
“May I ask some questions of you?” he inquired at last.
Elain sipped her water and nodded once.
He didn't use any props, not notes or correspondence, when he said,
“Elain Archeron, twenty-one years old, the middle of three sisters. Tell me, why are you, of all people, responded to my advertisement?”
“We need the money, my lord,” she admitted plainly. 
“There are other ways to get money,” he noted, his dark brow raised. “You are a maid of gentle breeding based on your family’s history–a merchant father, a mother who was from a well-to-do family. Surely you can think of other ways to…” he stopped and scrubbed his scarred hand over his chin, before continuing, “tell me, why?”
“My father has lost his fortune,” Elain explained, her voice quiet. “My younger sister has a disease of the stomach that makes her vomit and she is frail and weak. She needs medicines, which we cannot afford. My older sister is a proud woman and…” her voice trailed. How could she explain Nesta? She couldn’t. Nesta was smart, even cunning, but she was better suited for running an estate or even a business. Haughty, proud and demanding is what Nesta was. But she was not one for sacrifices. “And that leaves me. I…well, I answered the advertisement in The Times, and was contacted by Mrs. Amren. We met and discussed the offer…and,” she swallowed, “I am interested.”
“What do you understand of the offer and the proposal?” he asked seriously.
She tugged on her skirt and peered down, looking at the floor. 
Quietly, she answered,
“A gentleman requires the services of a female to produce a child, an heir. The gentleman is willing to pay ten thousand pounds for the child and…well, would pay all throughout the pregnancy…That is all.”
He sighed and turned, his movements measured and languid, as he walked to the window and clasped his hands behind his back, as he looked out on the busy Vincent Street.
“I fear, Miss Archeron, that you are underestimating the commitment that this ordeal would require of you,” he said, almost to himself.
Elain’s heart dropped.
He wasn’t interested.
He did ot find her comely or appealing or satisfactory. Perhaps he liked her photograph, but seeing her in person made him change his mind.
Ten thousand pounds was an astronomical amount of money.
It was enormous. At the height of their success, the Archeron family wealth was estimated at about fifteen thousand pounds, which made Elain and her sisters very appealing on the marriage market. To have a large portion of that fortune come back to them would guarantee a bright future for all–they could all marry well, they could cure Feyre’s illness, they could operate on their father’s mangled leg and send him to Italy or France to recuperate. They could have fine homes and wardrobes and servants. 
Currently, they existed on about four pounds a month, for the four of them. If they were lucky. 
“I don’t think that I am, my lord,” Elain found it in herself to answer boldly and firmly. “I understand what is required.”
“You understand that you must lie with me,” he was still not looking at her, and therefore couldn’t see her flaming cheeks, “and have relations with me as if I were your husband. You would be required to do so at my beckoning and pleasure, for at least six months,”
“What happens after six months?” she interrupted him, confused.
He turned his head and explained,
“I am willing to allot six months for the conception to take place. Children are usually not made in a day…it may take time, and I realise that. I feel that six months is an adequate amount of time for you to conceive. If you don’t, then we will part ways, since clearly we would not be compatible enough to create a child together.”
She chewed the inside of her cheek and then asked,
“And if I don't…conceive that is? What happens then?”
He shrugged,
“You will be paid five hundred pounds for your troubles and you will leave. Naturally, you will be bound by the non-disclosure agreement for the rest of your life. That extends to me as well, Miss Archeron. If we proceed with this…arrangement…whatever the outcome is, your name will not be mentioned or besmirched, so that you have a chance at a successful marriage with a man of your choosing.”
“I appreciate that, my lord,” she said sincerely.
He went back to the desk and gathered a stack of papers in his hands, though he did not give them to her yet. He was clearly still deciding on something, his brow furrowed. At last, he said,
“These are the financial terms of the arrangement, Miss Archeron. If we proceed, you will sign and retain a copy for yourself.
“Again, I urge you to consider everything with utmost seriousness,” he pressed. “This is not a trivial matter. Your involvement with me may last up to a year and a half. It is quite a long time for a woman of your age to dedicate to a…male. One who will not marry you in the end, and whom you shan’t see again.
“Furthermore, if there is a child, it will be wholly mine.”
A shudder ran through Elain and she suddenly became cold. When he put it like that, it did give her pause. Because in exchange for the money, she would be required to give up her baby. Theoretically she understood that–when she began corresponding with Mrs. Amren, and when they finally met, this was thoroughly discussed. But seeing this man in the flesh, even briefly imagining that there would be…coital relations involved, though Elain wasn’t quite sure precisely what it all entailed, and then there would potentially be a pregnancy, which was something that was often fraught with dangers, only to end in a painful labour, and then…the separation. Permanent separation from a baby that she’d give birth to. From the man too. Yes, he was strikingly handsome–to her great relief–but she knew that she was in danger of developing feelings for him, which he surely would never reciprocate. He had his poor wife and was devoted to her, and was only after an heir to carry his name and his legacy. Elain would be left without love, without companionship, without her babe, but with money. She supposed that she could have more children, but the idea of giving up her son or daughter seemed terrifying. Her firstborn. 
Azriel looked up at her and watched the warring emotions that danced on her face. 
“Would you like me to read out the terms?” he asked at last, his expression slightly softened, even kinder.
She swallowed and nodded.
He glanced at the first page and began reading.
“The female in the arrangement is expected to be an unmarried and unbetrothed maid, of good moral standing and a virgin. She is to be free of diseases and for the duration of the arrangement she may not be seen with a male or engage in any manner of relations with a male other than the Requestor.
She would enter into the arrangement willingly and would be required to have sexual intercourse with the Requestor at his bidding. The Requestor shall not physically hurt, slap, hit, abuse or force the female, and will not verbally insult or berate her. If the female is unwilling or unable to have sexual relations with the Requestor, she is to notify him immediately and provide an explanation as to the cause. Relations are not required from the female when she has her monthly flow. 
The female is expected to live on premises of the Requestor’s abode and accompany him upon his travels. She shall have her private room(s) at the dwellings. She is not expected to sleep with the Requestor or share his private quarters. The female is required to maintain her decorum at all times, and may not fraternise with the help. The female is not to divulge any part of the agreement to anyone, including her family. The female will not occupy a place at the servants’ quarters and will not partake in meals with them. The female will have a maid of her own to assist her with personal matters. 
Upon conception, the female is to remain at the Requestor’s home, under the care of his physicians. She is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to ensure a successful pregnancy. She will be assisted during her labour by a midwife, a doula, nurses and physicians. Upon delivery of the child, the female will be allowed to bond and nurse the infant for up to one week (if she wishes  to do so). After one week of recovery, the child will be removed from the female’s care and presence. At that time, the arrangement would be considered fulfilled and would be terminated.
The Requestor guarantees the following payments:
£1000 for taking the female’s virginity
£50 weekly stipend, for up to six months of service
£50 weekly stipend for the duration of the pregnancy
£1000 for labour and delivery
£10,000 for the birth of a live child
All legal fees, room and board, wardrobe allowance, personal and beauty treatments, transportation, et cetera would be provided by the Requestor. 
The female may be allowed to spend Christmas with her family (up to one week), as well as one week of her choosing as a personal holiday.”
He did not ask whether she was agreeable to the contract, but simply handed it to her and said,
“Read this over and be thorough. Any questions, you should ask me.”
Elain didn't answer for a while, but he didn’t seem impatient, and wasn’t put off by the awkward silence between them. Instead, he went over to a sideboard upon which stood a decanter and some glasses and poured himself a drink of whatever it was.
She finally broke the silence and said,
“This is much more than ten thousand.”
It seemed that she took him by surprise with her comment and he looked at her with expectation.
“The contract was for ten…this is closer to twenty,” she pushed. 
“Is that a problem?” he queried.
“I just…” she blushed, “I don’t want to be unfair. I was fine with ten. Why a thousand for the virginity?”
He sat back in the wing chair and sipped his drink, before saying,
“Seems only fair. I would be taking something that doesn’t belong to me and isn’t intended for me to take. You ought to be compensated for that.”
Theoretically, what he was saying made sense to her, but it seemed so…transactional. And, of course, it was a transaction. There were no feelings involved. 
Craning his head side to side, he added after a pause,
“The pleasure is free, if that makes you feel better. I won’t be charging for it, and I won’t be paying for it either. You can enjoy it free and clear.”
If that meant to be a lighthearted comment of some sort, it didn’t land, because Elain looked at him, perplexed and said. “What pleasure?”
He chuckled softly, “Sexual pleasure, Miss Archeron.”
“There is no pleasure in relations such as those,” she argued primly.
He leaned back in his chair, relaxing into the leather and smiled at her, though the curve of his beautiful mouth was both challenging and sinister.
“And you are an expert then?” 
Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, and she couldn’t even believe that she was discussing this with a man she didn’t know.
“I am no expert, my lord,” she told him, “but what pleasure could there be? It is an act designed to propagate the species.”
He propped his head on his fist, crossing his long, muscular legs and swaying his boot-clad foot casually. A lock of his silky black hair fell on his forehead and Elain had the insane urge to go and fix it for him. His handsomeness didn’t help. Elain had feared that the man would be old and paunchy, sweaty and balding. Why else would one need to contract for a woman to give him a child? She figured maybe he was missing limbs, or had distorted features, or perhaps some unappealing trait…but she definitely, definitely did not expect Lord Night. She had some parameters that she had set for herself in regards to the arrangement–if the gentleman seemed brutish, if his looks made her squeamish, if he had a visible disease or if his visage repelled her, she would not have gone along with the scheme. As much as she needed the money, she also knew that she wouldn’t have a child with someone cruel or unappealing. She wanted her baby to live in a loving environment and with a parent who’d want them and care for them. 
The problem was that Lord Night’s appearance quickly overrode her good sense. It wasn’t something that she ever considered–that he would be so handsome and so titled that she’d forget all her common sense and all the expectations that she had prior to meeting him.
Stumbling a bit over her own tongue, she asked at last,
“What sort of pleasure is there?”
“Ahhmm Miss Archeron,” he smiled at her, “why do you think people have lost their minds and morals through the centuries over love?”
It was an excellent question, to which Elain did not have an answer. Why indeed?
“Well, perhaps, you will have the chance to find out,” he got up and straightened his jacket.
“I do not want love, my lord,” Elain insisted brusquely. 
He nodded slowly,
“Yes, yes. I know. You need the money.”
“I do.”
“Then don’t fall in love, Miss Archeron,” he suggested.
But why did it sound like a challenge.
“Take the rest of the day to think about everything,” he told her. “These rooms are yours for the night. You may order food and drink. St. John’s Gardens are not far–should you wish to take a stroll. 
“I will call upon you tomorrow, at 10 am, and I expect an answer.”
* UK £10,000.00 in 1890 would be equivalent to £1,644,035.82 in 2023, an absolute change of £1,634,035.82 and a cumulative change of 16,340.36%.
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rec-review8890 · 2 years
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Happy Halloween, Loves! 
Because this is my favorite holiday of all time, I've created this list for everyone wanting to read some Halloween related fics for today. They may not all include the holiday itself, but they at least have the elements we love so much about the holiday!
Supernatural!au, Horror!au, etc. 
Give all the authors your praise for their stories. I included a few of my own, but besides the fic’s I claim as mine then none of these fics are mine. Make sure to check out the warnings before you read the fics!
You may have seen some of these fics recommended on my other lists, but it’s only because they’re related to this rec list AND because the read was so good for me I wanted to recommend them again! I hope you all enjoy the fics as much as I did, and have a happy Halloween! 
。·°°·°°·。 。·°°·°°·。 。·°°·°°·。
(💦) ~ Smut , (🐑) ~ Fluff , (👊) ~ Angst , 
(📝) ~ Series , (🗒) ~ One-Shot/Drabble
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Title: Birthright 💦👊🗒
Summary: Vampire!seokjin x human!reader. Also historical and strangers to lovers!au
↳ “Slowly making peace with the one singular purpose your life served, you were grateful for the solace you didn’t anticipate within the cold walls of the Briarwood Manor in a handsome stranger who kept your heart warm with his gorgeous smiles and a vast collection of books. However, you couldn’t escape the eerie inkling that you knew him better than you realized. Not when assaulted by dreams in which Kim Seokjin’s charcoal black eyes turn as red as his lips had been the first night you met him.”
Title: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall 💦🗒
Summary: Vampire prince!seokjin x human servant!reader. Also royalty and medieval!au.
↳ “Being a vampire prince, Seokjin is used to feeling everyone’s eyes on him. In fact, he’s come to expect it from his subjects. So when you won’t look at him of course he’s not happy. After all, didn’t anyone teach you it’s rude not to stare at him?”
Title: My Queen 💦🐑👊🗒
Summary: Vampire king!seokjin x human!reader. Also royalty and soulmate!au.
↳ “Seokjin had just returned to find his court and staff were not treating you how they should when he was gone. You were hurt, and his instincts were telling him to claim you and make sure you were unharmed.”
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Title: Magic of The Night 👊🗒
Summary: Witch!Yoongi x Human!Reader. Also Magic, Halloween and Horror!au.
↳ “There is a witch you go to for spells and potions whenever human nature is not enough for things to go your way, and he loves you more than anyone else ever will.”
Title: Snowstorm 🐑👊🗒
Summary: Jack Frost!yoongi x reader. Magic, Jack Frost and Childhood friends!au.
↳ “Strange things happen in the woods when you return home for Christmas. And why does your mum insist you stay away from Min Yoongi?”
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Title: Trick-or-Treat! 🐑🗒 
Summary: Trick-or-treating and meadow!au. Short, but sweet. This felt like a good relief to read after reading all of these other fics. A needed fluff read for this season!
↳ n/a
Title: Red 💦🗒
Summary: Idol!Sub!Hoseok x Demon!Dom!reader. Fantasy, supernatural/demon, and established relationship au. 
↳ “Can we go on one date without you causing someone trauma?” ... “Babe, I’m a demon. What do you expect me to do?”
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Title: Run Little Red 👊🗒
Summary: Wolf!namjoon x human!reader. Little red riding hood and yandere!au.
↳ “A calm life in a small village was all you ever knew, your days spent in the bakery and keeping to yourself. You liked the quiet and gentle nature of your life, but one day a wolf stands outside of your window, a stranger arrives, and people begin to go missing. Do you dare don your red coat and enter the forest?”
Title: Lady Of The Night 👊🗒
Summary: Jack the ripper and horror!au.
↳ “You had been plunged backwards through time for a reason, and maybe this was the reason. This was the world’s most infamous cold case. What were the chances that a journalist would slip through the cracks in time and stumble into the East End of 1891? The only conclusion you could draw was that you were meant to identify who the ripper was. You knew nothing about time travel regardless of the pop culture you had consumed. For all you knew, changing the events of the past would not create a ripple effect but instead a branch. And, as horrifying as this scenario was, your curiosity was going to get the better of you. You needed to know, even if it meant following around the egotistical self proclaimed genius that had sheltered you.”
Title: Born For This 💦👊📝 
Summary: Alpha wolf!Namjoon x Omega wolf!Reader. Also Yandere!au.
↳ “It’s the Goryeo era. And you happened to be a rare type of omega. Other Omegas like you were either dead or hunted till almost extinction. You luckily escaped and were living a normal life until you were chosen as an offering to the walking God of the land; Alpha Namjoon.”
Title: Under The Full Moon 🐑👊🗒
Summary: Werewolf!Namjoon x GN!Reader. Also enemies to lovers and forbidden love!au. I’m such a sucker for forbidden love!au’s!
↳ “—in which only the moon is a witness to the forbidden love you and namjoon share”
Title: Bitten 💦🐑👊📝 (Ao3)
Summary: Werewolf!RM x Witch!Reader. The forbidden love!au is through the roof with this one!!!!!
↳ “Rule number 1 of the holy book of witches: witches may never have intercourse with a werewolf. Every violation will be punished.You were a witch, he was a werewolf and it was forbidden.”
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Title: Just A Taste 💦👊🗒
Summary: Vampire!Jimin x Human!reader. Absolutely loved this read! It was so sweet, and I even saved it to my fave’s list!
↳ “They said having a relationship with a human wasn’t a good idea, but Jimin liked you too much to ever let that get in the way. Your relationship was beautiful, yes you didn’t know that small important detail about him being a bloodthirsty vampire, but he had it under control. That’s at least what he thought, he never would have predicted a drought...”
Title: The Dark Prince Epilogue  💦👊📝
Summary: Although this is a part of a series, only the epilogue (link above) is Jimin x reader. The other 8 parts are JK x Reader. Also curse!au, and Witch!Jimin x queen!Reader.
↳ “Approached by a witch with the promise to free your husband’s family name from a curse, you question whether his intentions are good, but soon find there is a heavy price to pay.“
Title: The Cave Dweller 💦🐑🗒
Summary: By me. Cave Monster!Jimin x Human!Reader. 
↳ “It started out as a curiosity, then you met a being that took up your interest altogether. You’ve always been the type of person to comfort those who are lonely, you just didn’t expect your new found friend to be a cave monster. A monster that teaches you tricks of magic, and you eventually teach him your own dirty tricks.”
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Title: Moonlight 💦🗒
Summary: Best Friend/Wolf!Taehyung x Human!Reader. Friends-to-lovers, and wolf!au.
↳ “The full moon means one thing and one thing only to your best friend, Kim Taehyung. It’s the one time a month he turns into a wolf and frolics in the moonlight. However, on his 25th Hallows’ Eve, his wolf is calling out for his mate.”
Title: The Phantom 👊🗒
Summary: Part of a Halloween yandere series. Yandere and horror!au.
↳ “Spending Halloween serving preteens greasy popcorn and cleaning spilled soda off the carpets isn’t what you had in mind for a fun night. But lucky for you, your night is about to get real interesting when a series of unfortunate events start occurring throughout the movie theater and your soon to uncover the horrifying curse that surrounds your part-time job.”
Title: Blue Boy 💦🐑👊📝
Summary: 45 parts + epilogue. Also JK x Reader (but as ex’s and there’s no theme of them getting back together). One of my favorite reads of all time! College, and yandere!au. Please read the warnings before reading. It gets dark. The author is also making a second series for this, so lots to come!
↳ “While going through a painful but necessary breakup, reader meets someone who is patient, kind, and understanding; everything your last ex was not… or is he?”
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Title: Mate 💦🐑📝
Summary: 9 parts. AlphaWolf!jk x OmegaWolf!reader.
↳ "Jungkook knew in his soul from the moment your eyes met his in the forest that you were his mate, that he was meant to protect you at any cost. You’d been through hell while escaping a place that had treated you horribly since your childhood, and it was strange how calm you felt in his presence when you found yourself in an unfamiliar place with a stranger. Something inside of you told you to trust him."
Title: Pi Gasu 💦👊📝
Summary: Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader. 8 parts + prologue. Completed series???? I started on pt.6 by accident, so I can tell it’s a slow burn. This story made me tear up, and I don’t know why. Also Suga x reader if you squint. Jk’s blood lust basically ruins everything, but at the same time makes everything better. XD
↳ From pt.6 ~ “Donating blood for Jungkook is physically draining you, in more ways than one.”
Title: Sucker For Love 💦🐑👊📝
Summary: Ongoing story. Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader. Also best friends-to-lovers!au.
↳ “In which your best friend happens to be a vampire and the only time he’s able to be himself in the world is during Halloween night. OR you’ve been in love with your best friend for a long ass time and want him to bite you for a change and not a random person, which for some reason, he refuses to do. they say love hurts, and damn it all that you want it too.”
Title: Virgin Sacrifice 💦👊🗒 
Summary: By me. Demon!Jungkook x Human!reader. 
↳ “Since the day you were born, your parents prepared you for your sacrifice. The whole village knew, and with that everyone stayed away from you. Thinking even just looking at you would make the demon in waiting mad. The demon that has been praying on you since birth, but not for what you expected.”
Title: The Wolf Within You 💦🐑🗒
Summary: By me. Omega wolf!Jungkook x Alpha wolf!Reader. Also arranged marriage!au and dom/sub dynamics. 
↳ “Arranged marriages always seemed to be so boring on the outside. A treaty pairing the two wolf clans together was the only reason you and Jungkook got married in the first place. But once you saw the little omega shy away from you, holding onto his sleeves for dear life, you knew your marriage was going to be anything but boring.”
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imcutebutimdepressed · 2 months
Nancy’s Twin (Stranger Things Fanfic)
VOL 1 Chapter 1: The Start of It All
It took me 30 minutes to figure out a title for this chapter. This is gonna give me a headache to having to make sure everything is not an error or out of place.
ENJOY. Let me know if there's errors or punctuation errors.
November 6, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana.
Years past since the Jaws movie for Mickey, and not once has she past the opportunity to watch more horror movies. During those years, she would give her Dad a chance to watch horror movies as long as she takes her the times he goes during when he's done from work. Of course he said no that she's too young to watch them, but a little deal was made with a 8 year old girl and her 37 year old Dad.
"Daddy if you let me watch the horror movies that you go to with me having all the snacks I want, I won't tell mom you went to see Jaws." Mickey keeping the professional stance with her notebook hugged to her chest.
"How do I know she'll believe you honey?" Ted was just ready to leave the house.
"I can recite the entire movie to her step by step."
"Ok I can take you, but no snacks."
"Did I mention that I know you're the one that took Mom's 20$ that she was gonna use for our candy bags on Christmas to buy yourself a 10 pack of beer?"
That's how the deal started. Every certain days, Ted would use his breaks during his work to pick up Mickey from school and go see movies.
Movies like Deep Red, Race with the Devil, Rocky horror picture show, legend of the werewolf, terror of Frankenstein, Jaws 2, don't hang up, and assault! Jack the Ripper.
Her favorites started listing like crazy.
Carrie, King Kong, The clown Murders, Halloween (she's really into Micheal Myers), Alien, Tourist Trap (It did scare her a little), Dracula, Friday the 13th, The shining, Evil Dead, Poltergeist, and Creep-show.
Of course she still watched other movies like Rocky, Freak Friday, Star Wars, The rescuers, Pete's Dragon, Cinderella, Grease , Lord of the rings, Battle star Galactica, Star Trek, Muppet Movie, Lupin III, Indiana Jones, Annie, The dark crystal and Pop eye.
You can say she found ways to watch movies almost every day. She would save up her money from the amount of toy cars she sells to kids in her school including secretly selling money worth of candies from Halloween to buy herself movie tapes to rewatch.
Until the years gone by and she just stopped the deal with her Dad. Ted didn't know why, but she just acted quiet for almost a whole year. He didn't make it a big deal and decided to just let it be.
Mickey stopped having physical touches with her family after she was 10. No hugs, no shoulder pats, no surprises, no grabbing her face to kiss it. No touching.
On her 11th birthday, Ted gave her a cassette tape player that she can hear music in. Of course Nancy just wanted new dolls and dresses, but all Mickey wanted was the opposite. She would never want to wear a dress again.
Now 8 years of complete hell was coming and going for Mickey. In her room listening to The Poppy Family as she reads a spider man comic while laying on her bed wearing a graffiti t shirt.
"I can't help crying"
Honestly, Mickey can relate to that one sentence.
"You are my whole , babe"
"My heart and soul, babe"
Distracted from the song, she just tosses the comic to the floor and keeps listening to the song instead. Even at the age of 16, she's curious to how people find such a perfect partner. After watching The Goodbye Girl, Mickey never really sees herself falling in love with a man. Of course she got a huge crush on certain guys from movies, but in an actual relationship, hell no.
After everything that's happened in those 8 years, Mickey would never in her life settle with the boys in Hawkins.
A slight open of her door snaps her back to reality. She removes her headphones and lifts her self up to see it's Dustin, one of her brother's friends.
"You need something Dustin?"
"Actually I wanted to ask if you wanted this last slice of pizza? It's sausage and pepperoni." He says with his adorable childlike smile.
Mickey gets off her head and walks to him. Looking down at the pizza, it's pretty good to eat, so she takes it and thanks him.
"For this free pizza, I shall honor you one of the great trades of them all good sir."
Dustin is already excited.
"What would that trade shall be, oh Lady of the Village Halla?"
Mickey goes to a box under her bed, takes something out of it, and gives it to him.
"8 dollars in cash." She said with a smile.
"Holy shit!! You serious?!"
"It's also a thank you for buying me some big league gum and skittles. Spend wisely my freind."
He smiles and starts to leave, while she goes to eat the pizza, which is pretty good for a free slice.
"There's something wrong with your sister."
Mike looks at Dustin with confusion. When it comes to having two sisters, it's a little hard to know which one any person is talking about depending how you describe them. Mickey and Nancy always have something wrong with them, but simple things.
Like when Dustin asked what's wrong with Mickey of why she allows her brother and his friends hug her but not anyone else, or the time when he asked what's wrong with Nancy with why her and Mickey don't get along. 
"What are you taking about?" Mike asked.
"Nancy has a stick up her butt."
Now he knows which sister he's talking about.
Lucas adds, " Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." While preparing to ride his bike back home.
"She's turning into a real jerk Mike." Dustin getting on his bike.
"She's always been a real jerk." Mike clarifies.
Dustin disagrees. "She used to be cool. Remember when she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"That was four years ago!!"
"Just sayin!!" Before he could leave, he turns to Mike.
"If there was a chance I can date your sister, can I date her?"
Mike raises his brow with a "wtf" look.
"Which one?"
"Obviously the badass one. Mickey."
"Oh my god no Dustin, I mean she is a badass but I'm not allowing you to date her."
"She likes me!!"
"As a brother, and you're too young for her plus it's a Hell no!!"
"4 years Mike!! 4 years!!"
"You can't blame him Mike." Lucas says with a side smile.
"Nancy don't even lie about stealing my damn lip balm, either give it back or I'm taking one of your pants as my own."
Nancy holds Barbara on the phone again and looks at her with an impatient look on her face.
"Why do even have one? You hate makeup."
Mickey raises her brow.
"For your information, the lip balm keeps my hot blood lips from drying like a mummy while makeup is just an enhancement for certain girls to wear to impress their target."
"Their target?"
"Yeah. Boys, boys with bikes, boys with cool cars, boys with CuTe hair, boys that are nice, and boys who you just feel In LoVe."
Mickey mocking the words "cute" and "love".
"Is this about me dating Steve? He's nice and is really cute, and his hair is cute too. Sounds like someone is just jealous that I have a boyfriend."
Mickey just laughs.
"HAH!! First of all I was just telling you to give me back my lip balm, and second of all, I don't see any reason to be jealous over a guy that probably doesn't even use actual hairspray for his hair."
She looks around for the lip balm until she sees it on a table close to the door. As she grabs it, she looks back to Nancy.
"Does Mom and Dad even know you have a boyfriend?"
Nancy eyes widen a bit, which means to Mickey that it's a no. Why is she not surprised? Nancy tries to counter a comeback.
"Do they even know you have a monster truck without their knowledge?" She smiles.
"I'm making money out of that badass truck, thank you so much for reminding me." As she leaves, she hears Nancy mutter "druggie" before she continues on the phone with her freind. As Mickey closes the door, she mutters "Princess" before she opens her door and closes it to lay back down on her bed.
It is getting late so she'll have to sleep. That means she'll have to wish graduation comes quick. She changes into a simple oversize Christine movie shirt and heads to bed.
"Please just for once let tomorrow be okay." She whispers before closing her eyes. The entire room only lighten by a nightlight of a candle that makes the whole room smell like roses.
Let tomorrow be okay? If only Mickey Wheeler knew.
I gotta practice on Computer for putting Wattpad works of mine to Tumblr. The plan is to use Ao3 and Tumblr when I finish anything for Wattpad. Wish me luck!!!
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
I’m seeing some people talk about how Dracula has lots of subtext about abuse and rape, and I absolutely agree! I do, however, disagree with the idea that Stoker didn’t intend that, or that we’re only reading it into the book now. He wasn’t especially progressive, but I think he knew, in an era with lots of scandalous headlines about Jack the Ripper and The Maiden Tribute of New Babylon (aka “fight child kidnapping with child kidnapping!”) exactly how Dracula’s treatment of Jonathan and assault on Mina would read.
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woodsfae · 8 months
B5 S03E04: Passing Through Gethsemane table of contents • previous episode
What an acrimonious ecclesiastical chess game. Oh, are these the techy monks? I kinda forgot about them. idk what the little sculpture was. It looked like glass, but if so, he's using some 23rd c advanced tech or something! 
Lyta's back! And she traveled in a Vorlon's ship! Hope they didn't drive her as mad as Jack the Ripper. A pretty badass story! She really committed to getting to Vorlon space, and they really almost let her die! Or actually did let her die? The PsiCorps havwe that freaky zombie protocol. 
Well, either a black rose has changed omnious meaning in the last few hundred years, so that monk guy is absolutely about to get whacked. Shuffled unwillingly off the mortal coil. On vacation with the space whales.  
Blegh, speaking of the psicorps zombie protocols! That isn't exactly a humane option. If human rights aren't human rights for everyone, then anyone can be stripped of their rights. 
Dr Franklin has a diagnosis for Lyta: In better than tip top condition. Some of her chronic and/or genetic conditions have been mysteriously cured. Idk if this is support for the Zombie Lyta theory, but it does suggest that the Vorlons have high levels of human-medical tech. Panaceas have been such a reoccuring theme and I'm interested to see where they take it. Lyta is the only example of someone who has had a full, medical glow-up. 
Yeah, fuck off Londo! He's such a slimy toerag. He can stop anytime, but nooooo. 
To Minbari, "the soul is a nonlocalized phenomenon," perceptible through physical form and sentient people, but are actual little thinking fragments of the universal intelligence, trying to understand itself. It really is a fascinating idea. It reinds me of something I've seen, "we are collections of atoms trying to understand ourselves."
It's relatively similar to gnosticism. 
Lennier is a nerd for Valen! Whatg a nice meeting. The monk is definitely dying now, right? Oh maybe he'll be tormented by hallucinations awhile first. Or pehaps a telepathic projection? It does seem to be leaning towards the high fantasy side of B5, I guess. Not so into the monks, but the experimental flashbacks and inexplicable visions are pretty entertaining. 
Ahhh, he's one of the mind-wiped murderers. HAH. I wonder if all the monks are murderers. It'd track for western society. The abbot fellow says the order is legit, but they only question the applicants about their beliefs. Coding murderers into genuinely philanthropic and ascetic monk wanna-bes...it's legitimately more humane than I thought it would be. Still horrific, but I expected they'd be like, barracksed and do dangerous, menial work, not be random monks having traumatizing flashbacks they can't process. 
Huh. He was a serial killer, and the facility where he was burned down and all his records were lost, he was presumed dead. So this isn't a normal situation for one of these wipe-ees. They're ...pretty good? at implaning new personalities? He's trying really hard to process this new self-knowledge through his theological bent. But I suppose he might have killed people with a theological bent, too. 
ooooooOOOooo. Someone triggered Brother Edward slash Charlie! Is it Lyta? Vorlons love fucking around with people's heads, particularly serial killers and religious fanatics. 
Oh dang! His victims' relations? They're pretty pissy, which is fair, but it's too bad they don't recognize that what was done to him is also heinous. 
But what's this?Lyta with a steel chair? I mean, an un-Psi-Corps-sanctioned mental assault! 
lolol, even with Lyta's dubiously legal activities, the monks found him first. It was pretty yoked of Bruce Boxleitner to singlehandedly lift him down. 
"I always wondered if I would have the courage to stay and wait in the Garden of Gethsemane...now I know. Now I know."
well, that's normal religious trauma. Every evangelical kids I knew wondered that and worried they were less able to face suffering than Jesus, hah! But his deathbed worries about salvation are also super christian culture, which is so funny since xtians literally invented the Get Out of Hell Free card. repentance. like, I saw that loophole as a kid. Just pray dear jesus I'm sorry on your deathbed! Moral condundrum solved. 
Love Lyta and Susan interacting! I was bummed when Lyta didn't make it onto the show from The Gathering, and although I'm desperately curious as to when Talia comes back (they haven't kissed yet!! There's whump to be had, I can tell!), it is great to have Lyta around. Especially since she's liberated telepath who don't care for no Psi Rules. 
Ooooh, Lyta gills reveal. That a new feature? hah.
Dr Franklin: Well, everything that was ever wrong with you has been fixed. Oh, it says you have gills now? Well, that can't be right. Never mind. /s
Well, christian episodes gonna christian. not my favorite, though I enjoy the lore and the Psi horror. And directed by Adam Nimoy! I did not see that one coming. And quite heavy handed, though I guess they were writing for an adult populations with a lot more lead poisoning than we typically see now.
oooh, big plot!
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~𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓭𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷- 𝓔𝓭𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓗𝔂𝓭𝓮~
@dethqveen continued from here
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"Thank you"
The Vampire King nodded, finding the nearest seat. A sigh left him as he began to explain.
"It all began in London, England, in the year 1837 in the city of Liverpool...
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...A mysterious figure named Spring Heeled Jack terrorized London, assaulting women living in the city suburbs. Many reported that he was a phantom of sorts, a demon or malefic entity capable of leaping across buildings in a single bound; the only descriptions were that he was a tall man, wearing a hat, possessing piercing yellow eyes that burned like hellfire. The assaults on humans stopped and began in the world of shadow. He preferred vampire women; twenty were physically beaten and murdered savagely. In 1839, the attacks stopped entirely, and Spring Heeled Jack was only heard of in rumor, legend, and propaganda.
1861, Tooley Street, London.
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A massive fire had engulfed the south bank of the Thames, which had spread rapidly near London Bridge, causing two million dollars worth of property damage. The fire seemed to be an accident due to poor fire regulations. However, several eyewitnesses reported seeing a strange man surveying the area two days before the fire. A man with yellow eyes and wearing a top hat.
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London, Whitechapel District, 1888
Five prostitutes were found brutally murdered in the alleyways at night, their bodies mutilated beyond recognition, yet all not from the crazed hand of a madman but the steady, careful hand of someone experienced in medicine. I tell you, there were far more victims than just the five. The human media covered up the scale of the murders to avoid the paranoid citizens of London into a panicked frenzy. In truth, this fiend killed fifteen women, ten men, and nine children. The newspapers garnered a new name for this lunatic. Jack The Ripper, The Terror of Whitechapel. At the same time, ten more vampire women were found dead, including five lycanthropes and six faes from the Seelie Court. All these victims were murdered by the same method.
A steady hand, the use of medical apparatus, a scalpel, or a liston knife. But there was one method of the murders that was never released to the public. They were first injected with a drug he had personally concocted, which would soon be known as succinylcholine. It was commonly used for electroconvulsive therapy and then as a relaxing skeletal muscle in modern human medicine. The amount used would cause immediate and instant paralysis, yet the victims remain wholly conscious. He cut their eyelids so they couldn't close them, forcing them to watch as he slit their throats. Then he would disembowel them post-mortem, always removing the liver, the uterus, sex organs, or sometimes even both. In 1891, he vanished, evading Scotland Yard and the courts of the supernatural world, getting away scot-free.
The only known description of this Jack The Ripper is that he was a tall man, wearing a long coat and top hat, with eyes as yellow as a cat. Those eyewitnesses are among the many missing that were never found during The Ripper's reign of terror.
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"...Notice a pattern?"
The Vampire King finished his story, crossing a leg over the other and resting his hands on his knee.
"...and now that same man nearly tricked me into destroying an entire country. Thankfully, Hriob was able to reveal his deception before anyone was hurt. But, it was all for naught. Upon returning home, I noticed several items of great importance were stolen from my castle. Particularly scientific apparatus from my wife's laboratory, a few magical artifacts from my personal study, and glassware from Igor's quarters in the keep. He was in my home, Eerie Somby, as well in Xandoria, the land of my son-in-law, and the land of Ooo, nearly at the same time. This lunatic is planning something, and I fear my family and possibly all of us may be in great peril."
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"He is a man that operates solely on the love of spreading carnage and mayhem. He's the most brilliant scientific mind in the world, a super genius within the twisted imagination of an absolute madman who wants only to watch the world crumble.
And I wish you to find out what his foul mind is concocting before it's too late."
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ask-yensoccs · 4 months
∫♱ Creators Ocs & A bit about them. | A bit about me. / Boundaries
Alexander : A young merchant who is the close friend of Jonathan Joestar. Also the adopted son of Jack the Ripper before he became an vampire.
Joan : The daugther of Alexander, she is forever cursed she can do nothing but just stay in one spot having a type of Prophet role.
Hazel : A girl who once’s knew Dio & loved him, hence she is blind & deaf but she does know sign language.
Cindy : She is the mother of Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli as well as the ex wife Of Mario Zeppeli, she grew up in a snobbish rich household.
Yueliang : She is a Chinese moon goddess of Rebirth & the moon. She is peaceful & quiet always appearing with the pillarmen.
Citra : She is the Blogger girlfriend of Kakyoin who absolutely adores animals & cute items. (not much since she is a minor character.)
Li-Jing : She is the wife of Daniel J D’Arby, her stand is Isis as she usually just quiet & shy much like the character flutter shy.
Suzume : She is the girlfriend of the famous Mangaka Rohan, as she is a mangaka herself but instead of shonen. She is a Shoujo artist
Asami : She is the designer girlfriend of Akira Otoshi & absolutely likes making fun of people for no reason & will not hesitate to be mean to you.
Yume : She is the depressed widowed girlfriend of Keicho as she plays a minor role in helping Josuke & his group even though she might just be depressed. (not repressed).
Yen : She is a female La squadra member the girlfriend of Prosciutto, she is a bit giddy but also she does play a somewhat minor towards major role. I don’t know.
Magnolia : The girlfriend of Bucciarati near the end, she is a member of Bucciarati gang as she is considered one of the most prettiest girls.
Ombra : Ombra is apart of Unita Speciale. She is Sapphic & sometimes really unhinged & out of pocket.
Feng : she is the narcissistic Dermatologist/Surgeon wife of Cioccolata with her son Viktor.
Em : Em is the undead assistant of Feng. WHO absolutely hates anyone affiliated with Feng. She hates Feng.
Miuccia : she is a devotee of Luna/Selene as she doesn’t play much of a role but no one really knows what she can do
Viktor : The son of Cioccolata & Feng. He is currently in green dolphin prison for commiting unexplained crimes(Nothing from anything sexual category.)
Momo : she is the secret Daughter of Jotaro he had when he accidentally got into a one night stand. She is also in Viktor group ‘Holy Grail’
Mithai : The demonic fairy girlfriend of Momo who seems to just appear out of no where when she wants to.
Amy : The old showgirl who is in green dolphin prison like Momo, Viktor & Mimi. She rather is more random.
Mimi : The ex Vkei artist who got put into jail for a assaulting multiple people just for her friends.
Ryota : The time traveling old man-child who knows how to make crazy inventions & documents everything
Mr. Russo : The Butler of Ryota who use to have affiliation with the mafia.
Ambra : The daugther of Prosciutto & Yen along with her unnamed Siblings as Ambra is a model.
Sato : The gay married man who married Jotaro after he(Jotaro) divorced his wife during a few years prior of part 6.
Hachirō : The son of Sato & his old wife.
Arabella : Viktor old childhood girlfriend who he gets reunited with after he died
Ai-Mei(Syaoran) : The princess of China as she is the kings daugther but she escaped to do the race.
Olivia : The robotic undead 505 year old Freak show performer who seems even more random then everyone else.
Chum : The metalhead girlfriend of a therapist. She is an insane feminist & insanely strong despite her height
Liz : A K pop idol who just wants to live a normal life even though she doesn’t know how to speak English well.
@ask-team-bucciarati & @ask-la-squadra TY FOR THE INSPIRATION :3
A bit about Mun.
My name is Yen/Raven
My pronouns are any really but most preferred is She/Her or They/Them
I am a wiccan of 5-6 years.
I really love goth stuff & Tyoe O Negative :}
I love to Roleplay & do shit
I will not take blame if you get traumatized or trigger from my blog since I have warned you.
I do a lot of shit & I’m in multiple fandoms as I as well do match ups & headcanons on my main acc & @x0bl00dy-type .
I am about 5’7-5’9
- idk what else to add lOL.
Interact :
JJBA fan Accs & RP Accs
People who knows how to be respectful
Everything really just don’t be toxic.
Don't Interact :
Toxic people
Proshitters & Really anything along those lines as well as Lolicons. I am not dealing with their bullshit
Abelist, Sexist, Racist, Haters, & other stuff like that.:P
If I see any of these following people on my blog if their not anonymous they will get blocked. As well as sex accs.
P.S : I’m always free but also yet again another Warning. Their will be slurs(Reclaimable by creator)(Creator is allowed to say them.), Substance use, Sexual implications as well as other mature contents step away if your not comfortable.
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whitepolaris · 4 months
Spring-heeled Jack
In 1837, a frightening humanoid, bedecked in a black, leathery cape and equipped with batlike wings and pointy horns, allegedly began assaulting women in England. This rogue's myth grew into an enduring legend, with reports of sightings being quite common throughout the nineteenth century. Some people say the creature was ultimately the inspiration for Jack the Ripper and comic book characters such as Batman. Still others have noted the resemblance to the legendary Mothman, a frequent bogeyman in Victorian times.
This creature was dubbed Spring-heeled Jack, for his ability to leap great distances in a single bound, a feat testified to by many sworn eyewitnesses of the day. Even the British army became convinced that Jack was no mere urban legend when he was spotted leaping onto the rooftop of one of their sentry buildings in 1870. They tried to trap him, but to no avail.
Could Spring-heeled Jack, whoever or whatever he was, have sprung across the big pong to Kentucky? Researcher Jim Brandon tells of reports from 1880 describing a "tall and thin weirdo" that appeared out of nowhere and began a terror campaign in Old Louisville, frightening the locals and ripping the clothes from females in the streets. Eyewitnesses described his superhuman ability to escape by jumping impossible distances and springing over objects as tall as a horse-drawn carriage, leaping and climbing away to safety on rooftops. This creature was described as wearing a cape and helmet, and having an eerie glowing light emanating from his chest. The descriptions of his outfit seem to oddly match the British entities. We can also deduce that the creature appeared in outlying farms as well as downtown, because one sighting has him jumping over haystacks and completely disappearing on the other side of one.
Even stranger, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported that on July 28, 1880-the very same day that the Jack-like person began his attacks-many citizens downtown spotted a tiny open-platform craft of some sort flying through the area. It flew low enough so that they could see that it was being piloted by a seated man surrounded by machinery, which he operated with his hands and feet. It sounds quite like an autogiro-a tiny, helicopter-like modern craft often not much bigger than the pilot's seat. But this was years before the invention of said craft, and even more years before they became that compact. Perhaps this Jack also had wings to go along with his springed-heels?
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Idly doing crafts and thinking about how Freddie Lounds unknowingly made a symbiotic deal with the devil.
There's so many fics out there where Hannibal or Will (or both of them) kill Freddie and that's all fine and dandy and she totally deserves it, but I love remembering that Freddie Lounds out-lives everyone involved.
Despite being in MANY precarious situations, Freddie not only manages to avoid death or the promise of death at a later time, but she fulfills her chosen purpose and reports on a lot of fucked up stories. She reports on stories that end up involving her personally, and many that she forces her way into. She gets kidnapped, gets assaulted, gets threatened, but no matter how many tricky situations as she gets herself into, Freddie Lounds manages to walk away both alive and more physically (and arguably mentally) unscathed than any other character in the show.
In truth though, the two are so symbiotic that it's wild and borderline laughable to me that anyone thinks she can actually be killed.
Freddie Lounds, as a character, wants nothing more than to dig up good stories. To slap them down and offer up glimpses of 'the truth' as sensationalist shock value that really does reveal a number of unseen (or unrecognized) truths. It's her entire purpose and that alone allows her safe passage through the entirety of the narrative, despite the fact that Freddie canonically dies in the source material.
Her commitment to journalism, and her unflinching desire to be at the heart of it all, is an unspoken Soul Selling type Wish that gets granted by Hannibal's greed and his desire to have his art recognized.
Because Freddie is his voice.
The controversial, prone to libel, journalist with her grubby fingers forcibly crammed into every pie out there somehow captures his work. In all its horrific, macabre glory.
Is she frustrating, dramatic, and always reporting at the wrong time? Yes. But she's also Hannibal's barker. The one who reminds everyone that he's out there. The one that forces everyone that sees her site to sit back and wonder, 'Who the fuck is this guy? This fucked up artistic genius that Does All This Crazy Shit while evading detection of any kind.'
Because, realistically, in this universe we don't see any news coverage of the Chesapeake Ripper's crimes outside of Tattlecrime. Obviously people know he's still uncaught, but you'd think that if someone was out there turning people into into cherry blossom trees and leaving them in parking lots, it would've be a LOT bigger news. Was that a creative choice? Was it because other news outlets were irrelevant to the show? Or because the FBI was effectively covering up the spread of the details of those crimes? We can't and won't know, but what we do know is that Freddie manages to not only tell the world about every single one of the Ripper's tableaus, but that she plasters multiple photos of the crime scenes onto her website with alarming regularity.
And, because of that, Hannibal will never let her go.
She's allowed a level of audacious leeway that is incredible considering her blatant and continuous rudeness. Toward Hannibal certainly, but toward Will and Abigale as well.
But, in this particular case, Hannibal's narcissism allows her near borderline immunity from the consequences that would normally befall anyone that acts the way she does in Hannibal Lecter's presence.
His distaste for her, no matter how rude, how bothersome, how inconvenient, is ignored in favor of allowing her to live so that the world may continue to be shocked by the Ripper's vision and his messages. His art.
And, with that immunity, Freddie commits to her life long dream, and the unknowing gift she's been given, and jumps recklessly into danger after danger as she chases after sensationalist stories. She's in a position to be killed SO many times but the axe never seems to meet her neck. Not from Gideon, or Hannibal, or Will, or even Jack and all his threats of legal action, because Freddie has become metaphorically untouchable.
She's outside of the consequences of the narrative, all because she inadvertently became an essential part of Hannibal's ability to be Seen and to communicate.
So yeah, I understand the desire to kill her off in a Murder Husbands bonding moment, but I also think it's comical that anyone thinks that she's capable of being killed when she's safe from both The Biggest Bad in the show as well as The Narrative.
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jennawynn · 5 months
Chronotrek TOS to series finale
oops, I did it again... I forgot to update. got lost in the sauce. or something.
Honestly, I thought I had been updating at least once a season, but I guess not. Also got distracted binging the entire series of The Expanse in about a week over the holidays. BUT I just finished the Original Series. So I guess we'll go broad strokes since the play by play is pointless.
TLDR: How fucking disappointing an end.
Season 2-
Unlike much of TOS to new!Trek, T'Pring is spot on for appearance. Not that I think it's important or even a _good_ thing for most of them to be beholden to the original, but I was impressed by that. Though the whole 'property of the victor' thing is very squicky. I thought the Vulcans were 'evolved'. And then I guess he didn't gotta fuck after all.
By 2, Uhura's actually doing work. She's not just eye candy on the bridge. But then they have Jim say that finding a girl on the ship is losing an officer. Because women can't fucking exist without being partnered and can't be partnered and still work. This bullshit was actually still happening in the Navy when I was in. Men were unwilling to invest time and training in women because we'd just get married and get out to have babies anyway where a man is likely to stay in and retire. The men in my class in boot camp were told by their instructors that women join to find men, not because we actually wanted to serve or excel.
8- (Jim across the intercom) Scotty! Scotty! Stop getting your ass kicked and respond so I can tell you there's an intruder in your area! Scotty! Scotty, respond!
I hate this so much. Like when Jim and Uhura were in cells and the dude was obviously assaulting her and Jim kept shouting 'what's happening? are you ok? what's happening? what are you doing? are you ok?' like Jim, ffs, use some context clues, some deductive reasoning, and stop shouting for people to acknowledge you and DO SOMETHING.
Rainn Wilson was a good choice for Mudd in New!Trek though.
Why would they have to pay royalties? I thought this was post-currency? Post-scarcity? Is there still money?
9- This one was also squicky. So obsessed with gender. Body takeover, "love" that isn't recognized as such until it's wearing a pretty face. But of course one is a man and one is perceived as a woman so therefore let's change everything we thought so we can stay together and call it love.
10- Amanda's a pretty good reconstruction too, if aged down in New!Trek.
14- I wasn't expecting them to go the "Jack the Ripper is an immortal alien" route.
It always cracks me up when they cut to a super wide angle shot of a fight to sub in stunt doubles who are really obvious, though I suppose they wouldn't have been on a 60s tv.
19 Heeeey Dr. M'Benga!
This whole thing with the exotic witch women and how sexual she is and how she's dressed. Like that's not dumb enough, she lets herself get grappled more than once posturing with the phaser but defaulting to the dagger. Shoot one and they'd fall in line! But gotta keep reinforcing the idea that men are stronger than women.
21- Jim's look of indignation at Spock's statement that he would fit right in as a Nazi lmao
22- I don't know why I never realized that Trek is all (at least so far) in the Milky Way, that they don't even get as far as Andromeda.
26- so they can just. time travel. at will. what?
Season 3
3- hold up, roll that back. there's an ancient pregenitor superrace that seeded humanoids everywhere? This is the first I recall it being mentioned in Trek (though the trope or a version of it is also in the expanse, mass effect, etc.) "Preservers". Is it ever explored more? It's a surprise to Bones and maybe Spock too- certainly not common knowledge.
This is from before 3, but I really like the way Bones and Spock have this begrudgingly respectful relationship, like brothers. They tease and pick at each other, but have each others' backs against anything (besides Jim maybe)
4- Kirk can see the kid doing the thing. Fuckin' ground him.
Spock says fuck them kids.
Ugly = Bad was alive and well in the 60s.
5- And then they somehow have a discussion that Good =/= Beautiful in the very next episode.
Gen Obs- It feels like TOS spends more time on the bridge than other shows. The Bridge or the planet they're on. The other shows so far show more engine room, hallways, ready rooms, bunks, etc. Other places on the ship than just the bridge. They have them in TOS, but they seem underutilized. I don't have the data to back it up and couldn't find it (which was surprising to me).
Another obs- they overcommunicate for the audience's sake, but rarely with each other. Kirk never explains his thought process or orders to the people he leaves in command. When something planetside affects the ship, he doesn't tell them, he just says 'I'll take care of it down here'. His crew and his backup are often left in the dark.
13- There's so much in this one I don't like but the line about Kirk being into spanking made me smirk. Canonically in love with the Enterprise indeed.
14- Jim: Mr. Spock and I are brothers! Spock: Captain Kirk is speaking figuratively and with undue emotion Kirk: *offended face* Spock: However, what he says is logical and I do agree with it.
19 Kirk did seem to become more of a manwhore the longer the season went, no? Why did they all lose their shit so much around women? It's exhausting.
22- I love that Scotty gets to wear tartan/kilt in dress uniform.
heeeyyyy Kahless
24- And the disappointing end. In this idolized utopian setting, not only is it not permitted for a woman to be a starship captain, but then they "prove" that women are too emotional to command.
The last line of the whole series: "Her life could have been as rich as any woman's if only...."
Not as rich as any person's. And if only she'd been content to her 2nd class status and not pushed for equality. How fucking disappointing.
Everyone always points to 'the actresses WANTED to wear miniskirts because empowerment' when they talk about the sexism of the original series, and I tried to watch with that in mind, but that just feels like a smoke screen for the actual shitty sexist takes.
The show equates a woman with emotion and sexuality. She's a good officer right up until she falls in love (or someone falls in love with her), then she's just a woman- a liability and a pleasure object. They only use women in episodes that require someone to be or fall in love with them. Even Uhura and Chapel aren't completely immune, though they are the biggest exceptions and the only recurring female characters. Though of course Uhura's the comms officer (cause women talk) and Chapel's a nurse (not a doctor).
Like even if you remove the miniskirts and the gross inappropriate touching from the equation, there's still a lot of ick happening. They can imagine a future where the races are equal but not the sexes.
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chika-the-terrible · 2 years
*slides more Isu AU stuff onto Tumblr*
Note: Still haven’t played Unity yet, so if I get Arno’s characterization wrong, I apologize.
Henry’s the one to introduce the hidden blade to Jacob and Evie, who see its uses and quickly adopt it for themselves. Now you have two trigger-happy Isu with hidden blades…
It’s an accident when the Alhambra burns down. No one’s really sure how it started but a fire quickly consumes the building, leaving only a skeleton of burnt wood. Everyone gets out…or, at least, that’s the first thought. But after a headcount, they realize, somehow, that Jacob is missing. He was in the Alhambra before the fire, where did he go? And so the humans are kinda panicking and scared and nobody wants to tell Roth that Jacob’s missing (since he was actually on an errand when the fire happened) and they search the remains of the theater
They eventually find Jacob unconscious and trapped in a relatively unburnt part of the theater, having been pinned down by some fallen timbers and unable to escape. The most he has is just some burnt clothes and burn marks on his back, but he’s relatively fine…except for his wheezing. He’s unconscious and wheezing and things do not look good and they do their best to get Jacob to a hospital and are definitely cringing at the thought of telling Roth that Jacob’s injured
Florence Nightingale is the one that ends up taking care of Jacob until they can figure out what to do next. He’s Isu, even if he looks human, so they’re wary about what they put into him (at least Florence is) and they send a message to the Isu asking for help (since this is set after Evie goes with Henry to India and so is not available). As it is, Florence does her best to treat Jacob for burns and smoke inhalation, but he’s still not waking up, which is a big problem
Alexander Graham Bell ends up being the guy who has to send the message over the telegraph (which, to the Isu, is really primitive but they have to work with what the humans have) and also ends up being the guy who has to meet the Isu who come to help and he’s equal parts afraid and fascinated by the Isu. Arno, the one chosen to go see Jacob, isn’t really sure about Bell at first but eventually eases up. Bell’s curiosity reminds him of his own, when he was younger, and so he kinda gives Bell a few tips for research to keep the human’s curiosity going
As it turns out, Arno is the closest and so he’s the one who gets sent to help out Jacob. He’s one of the younger Isu and so he’s been having a hard time figuring himself out, especially as an ambassador, and so he’s nervous about going to London to see Jacob, but he goes along anyway. Jacob needs help, and while Arno’s never met him, Isu have to stick together, don’t they? And while Arno is still awkward, he soon finds a place amongst Jacob’s friends and eventually gets comfortable for the first time since leaving his home in Xanadu
The Isu’s healing items can only heal so much, since they take from an Isu to heal them, such as their energy, and so it’s highly advised not to use them unless in a dire situation. This is also before the Jack the Ripper stuff happens, so Jacob’s the only one that knows he has a healing shroud to help out. And so Arno does his best to help advise Florence on how to care for Jacob with what’s available. It’s my thought that, in this AU, Arno is also more of a healer than the other ambassadors. Instead of going into the military or some other profession that would require him to get his hands dirty, Arno goes into medicine, especially since it still allows him to help people. So, with his knowledge of medicine and Florence’s help, they’re able to at least get Jacob to wake up and set him on the road to recovery
Starrick also returns to try and take this to his advantage. He’s been in hiding since the assault where Jacob, Roth, and the Blighters fought to save Evie, and so he sees Jacob’s weakness and Evie’s absence as an opportunity to try again on kidnapping an Isu for bargaining... He tries to account for Arno as well but it backfires when he realizes that, besides being involved in medicine, Arno is a sneaky bastard
The Assassins know that Starrick is planning something and so up the protection around Jacob but their numbers are still too few to really deal with the Templar presence in London, especially since the hospital’s in a borough where there’s still a heavy Templar presence. Arno knows the danger but still offers to stay and look after Jacob, taking up the night shifts for Florence. This leads to him being involved when the Templars try to infiltrate the hospital, to which Arno hides around and basically snipes anybody who isn’t an Assassin until there are no Templars left. This quickly endears him to the Assassins but he turns them down, saying that he feels more comfortable out of the spotlight, and so they concede and let him go
Once Roth knows that Jacob’s injured, he’s absolutely livid about it but tries to control his anger because it’s not the Blighters’ fault that Jacob got injured. He does, however, make it his mission to be with Jacob during the Isu man’s recovery. Roth and Arno don’t exactly get along view-wise, but Arno respects Roth’s worry and lets the human stay by Jacob’s bedside. This eventually leads into the Templar ambush, to which Arno says he’s going to handle it and steps out. Roth is prepared to fight if anyone comes in but he never hears a sound until Arno returns, and Roth is left a little impressed at Arno’s work. He knows Jacob and Evie can be silent when they want to be but Arno left the Templars in ruins without ever alerting anyone or disturbing the peace of the hospital (since surely there are other patients being housed there besides Jacob)
The whole reason why Jacob stayed behind and got trapped was because he wanted to make sure everyone else was outside first, including the children. Roth understands Jacob’s worry but boy does he give the Isu man a big talking to about putting himself in danger like that, but he doesn’t make too much of a disruption about it. He knows how Jacob feels about not being good enough, about being a failure, and so he tries to keep the reparations to a minimum and throws his love on Jacob, glad that the Isu man is still alive
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 4.3
686 – Maya king Yuknoom Yich'aak K'ahk' assumes the crown of Calakmul. 1043 – Edward the Confessor is crowned King of England. 1077 – The Patriarchate of Friûl, the first Friulian state, is created. 1559 – The second of two the treaties making up the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis is signed, ending the Italian Wars. 1721 – Robert Walpole becomes, in effect, the first Prime Minister of Great Britain, though he himself denied that title. 1851 – Rama IV is crowned King of Thailand after the death of his half-brother, Rama III. 1860 – The first successful United States Pony Express run from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, begins. 1865 – American Civil War: Union forces capture Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederate States of America. 1882 – American Old West: Robert Ford kills Jesse James. 1885 – Gottlieb Daimler is granted a German patent for a light, high-speed, four-stroke engine, which he uses seven months later to create the world's first motorcycle, the Daimler Reitwagen. 1888 – Jack the Ripper: The first of 11 unsolved brutal murders of women committed in or near the impoverished Whitechapel district in the East End of London, occurs. 1895 – The trial in the libel case brought by Oscar Wilde begins, eventually resulting in his imprisonment on charges of homosexuality. 1920 – Attempts are made to carry out the failed assassination attempt on General Mannerheim, led by Aleksander Weckman by order of Eino Rahja, during the White Guard parade in Tampere, Finland. 1922 – Joseph Stalin becomes the first General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1933 – First flight over Mount Everest, the British Houston-Mount Everest Flight Expedition, led by the Marquis of Clydesdale and funded by Lucy, Lady Houston. 1936 – Bruno Richard Hauptmann is executed for the kidnapping and death of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., the infant son of pilot Charles Lindbergh. 1942 – World War II: Japanese forces begin an assault on the United States and Filipino troops on the Bataan Peninsula. 1946 – Japanese Lt. General Masaharu Homma is executed in the Philippines for leading the Bataan Death March. 1948 – Cold War: U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs the Marshall Plan, authorizing $5 billion in aid for 16 countries. 1948 – In Jeju Province, South Korea, a civil-war-like period of violence and human rights abuses begins known as the Jeju uprising. 1955 – The American Civil Liberties Union announces it will defend Allen Ginsberg's book Howl against obscenity charges. 1956 – Hudsonville–Standale tornado: The western half of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan is struck by a deadly F5 tornado. 1968 – Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech; he was assassinated the next day. 1969 – Vietnam War: United States Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird announces that the United States will start to "Vietnamize" the war effort. 1973 – Martin Cooper of Motorola makes the first handheld mobile phone call to Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs. 1974 – The 1974 Super Outbreak occurs, the second largest tornado outbreak in recorded history (after the 2011 Super Outbreak). The death toll is 315, with nearly 5,500 injured. 1975 – Vietnam War: Operation Babylift, a mass evacuation of children in the closing stages of the war begins. 1975 – Bobby Fischer refuses to play in a chess match against Anatoly Karpov, giving Karpov the title of World Champion by default. 1980 – US Congress restores a federal trust relationship with the 501 members of the Shivwits, Kanosh, Koosharem, and the Indian Peaks and Cedar City bands of the Paiute people of Utah.[16] 1981 – The Osborne 1, the first successful portable computer, is unveiled at the West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco. 1989 – The US Supreme Court upholds the jurisdictional rights of tribal courts under the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 in Mississippi Choctaw Band v. Holyfield. 1993 – The outcome of the Grand National horse race is declared void for the first (and only) time 1996 – Suspected "Unabomber" Theodore Kaczynski is captured at his Montana cabin in the United States. 1996 – A United States Air Force Boeing T-43 crashes near Dubrovnik Airport in Croatia, killing 35, including Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown. 1997 – The Thalit massacre begins in Algeria; all but one of the 53 inhabitants of Thalit are killed by guerrillas. 2000 – United States v. Microsoft Corp.: Microsoft is ruled to have violated United States antitrust law by keeping "an oppressive thumb" on its competitors. 2004 – Islamic terrorists involved in the 2004 Madrid train bombings are trapped by the police in their apartment and kill themselves. 2007 – Conventional-Train World Speed Record: A French TGV train on the LGV Est high speed line sets an official new world speed record. 2008 – ATA Airlines, once one of the ten largest U.S. passenger airlines and largest charter airline, files for bankruptcy for the second time in five years and ceases all operations. 2008 – Texas law enforcement cordons off the FLDS's YFZ Ranch. Eventually 533 women and children will be taken into state custody. 2009 – Jiverly Antares Wong opens fire at the American Civic Association immigration center in Binghamton, New York, killing thirteen and wounding four before committing suicide. 2010 – Apple Inc. released the first generation iPad, a tablet computer. 2013 – More than 50 people die in floods resulting from record-breaking rainfall in La Plata and Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2016 – The Panama Papers, a leak of legal documents, reveals information on 214,488 offshore companies. 2017 – A bomb explodes in the St Petersburg metro system, killing 14 and injuring several more people. 2018 – YouTube headquarters shooting: A 38-year-old gunwoman opens fire at YouTube Headquarters in San Bruno, California, injuring 3 people before committing suicide.
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garm-wars · 1 year
(CW rape mention i guess?)
Thinkin about how one of the lads in Godzilla vs. Megalon, Yutaka Hayashi, is typecast as a rapist in many Nikkatsu roman porno, including Assault! Jack The Ripper and Rape Hunter: Target Woman
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