wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Arral Abanos, 2023
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austerulous · 1 year
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Bond tag drop! ♡
#◈ › bonds — ❛ the way she shows me that i’m hers and she is mine ❜ — farkas × eivor — erobret#◈ › bonds — ❛ you can fuck anyone / but with whom can you sit in water? ❜ — odessa × sarah — divinitywept#◈ › bonds — ❛ you can lean on my arm as you break my heart ❜ — farkas × ariveth — ariveth#◈ › bonds — ❛ i would stand at her back / that the world might never overtake us ❜ — farkas × astrid — bladedwoe#◈ › bonds — ❛ if love is a door i keep closed / will it be a wound i keep open? ❜ — farkas × dredhwen — dcmination#◈ › bonds — ❛ it’s enough for me to be sure that you and i exist at this moment ❜ — mary × kassandra — ofspvrta#◈ › bonds — ❛ some nights you are the lighthouse / some nights the sea ❜ — mary × emily — silentknives#◈ › bonds — ❛ let me plunge into that holy dark ❜ — anri × joseph — propheresy#◈ › bonds — ❛ believing in everything but the harm we’re capable of ❜ — maria × miriam — propheresy#◈ › bonds — ❛ the rituals are intricate / and violent ❜ — ciaran × lucius — lustmord#◈ › bonds — ❛ not all love is gentle / sometimes it feels like teeth ❜ — odessa × miriam — propheresy#◈ › bonds — ❛ remember us in your stories and in your songs ❜ — mary × anne — paddyfuck#◈ › bonds — ❛ all of my devotion turns violent ❜ — maria × arral — burdensofblood#◈ › bonds — ❛ are you healed or do you only think you’re healed? ❜ — odessa × haru — tamedgod
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nighttbound · 2 years
The dynamic a god of death can have with a god of violence can actually be so important
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sanguinesacrament · 2 years
“My little Luminary, how does a duck cross the road without being unlucky?”
“It steps across the quacks!”
Make the Muse laugh!
Their hands covered their face. Sanguis's shoulders shook without a sound and their head fell forward into their palms. Laughter barked out of them the moment their hands came away--
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"That's so awful. I love it."
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glamournessmygod · 11 months
Thank you so muchhh 😭🖤 (Do you happen to have Tuuliviiri by any chance? I can't find it anywhere and I've looked everywhere)
no problem anon :) no unfortunately i think it was already taken down when i looked for it myself. i believe he had taken down this stuff before or even during winning umk cause that's the time i looked for that and another song when he had his older look also there's that song arrale that we can only listen to the beggining of paidaton riehuja MV that also isnt anywhere
i truly wonder if there's some finnish person who was an early fan of his that has all that stuff somewhere
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mintafelhok · 1 year
Ki vagyok?
Az igazi enem mar nem is tudom hogy igazi-e.
Mi is lenne az igazi?
Az igazi az volna amikor mindig boldog voltam, mikor minden olyan szinesen viritott, mikor a nap simogatott es minden olyan kellemes volt, mikor meg nem tudtam mi is var ram csak elveztem az eletem.
Elvettek a osszes fenyt mi bennem elt es helyette beutott az amit sosem hittem, a harag es duh mitol minden kifakult, a felelmem mi a fajdalmat okozta masoknak.
A fajdalom mi bennem elt es pusztitott most az volna az igazi enem?
De mi van akkor ha ez sem en volnek mivan ha nem is tudom ki volnek?
Hetek ota mas nem is jar a fejemben csak ez
Ki volnek es miert nem tudom a valaszt.
Talan te tudod
Te kinek latsz engem?
Tudom hogy en egy lany vagyok, az a lany akit te teszel boldogga, a lany aki szeret a tanulasba es a zenebe menekulni, a lany aki imadja a hosszu setakat es a festmenyeket.
A lany aki kulonos es fura kerdeseivel faraszt akar minden este, aki nem hiszi hogy igazan szereted de remenykedik, hogy sosem hazudsz neki tobbet.
Talan csak ennyi volnek?
Vagy tobb?
Vagy nem is voltam soha kesz es sosem tudtam hogy kivolnek?
Talan csak uszok az arral es elnem kene igy?
Talan csak megkene keresnem onmagam?
De mivan ha az onmagam talan sosem letezett?
Azt mondtad erzed hogy baj van, igazad van, bar baj az nincs, de erzed azt ami bennem nincs.
Szerinted ki vagyok En?
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magioffire · 2 years
It was unlike him to venture forward like this. Arral did not accept summons if they were not there to open the gates to a world to burn it. This however was something of a professional courtesy. He had, at one point thought he had exterminated most of this land’s populace. He brought sword and flame to the inhabitants of this pitiful land once. It did make him sad to destroy such beautiful scenery but one had to make sacrifices for divine sword law.
As it turned out, he had missed a cave. Or perhaps a dimensional rift. Maybe this was a different, equally populated place. He recalled this forest, perhaps an identical one burning. So to be called here by…this one. This Valeriu as he so called himself was intriguing if nothing else. To be ordered by a mortal, or however close to mortal his kind could come was if nothing else, exceedingly amusing. He had not obeyed another since his late wife. He figured it was about time to stretch his diplomatic muscles as atrophied as they were.
“Help is not the word I would use, mothling. I do this for my own personal satisfaction. It is little more to me than a pittance, and a poor meal at that.” Arral responded to Valeriu’s comment with his own snark, a wolf like grin appeared to slowly creep across his face as he thought of eating the great creature. It would make for a fine trophy, if not poor eating. He had come accompanied by his two children. Of his thousands, these were two he thought most suited to diplomacy. Especially with the creatures that lingered here. Esdras and Fe Ciega stood silent. Their heavy plate armour made imprints in the jungle floor and their silent, bloody halos spun around their bodies in small, concentric circles. Six ringed symbols of their divine hatred.
“Children. I’m going to the forest. Keep our guest company.”
Silently, they turned to Valeriu. Both wielded massive weapons unfit for any but demigods. Esdras, a massive Morningstar wrapped in delicate but bloodied prayer beads and rosary and Fe Ciega a blade that bent and twisted in the light. Both of their faces, hidden by metal masks of serene piety were silent. They did not speak. They did not have the means. Instead, they bowed to Arral and let him walk forward, dragging his massive blade until he swung it onto his shoulder.
Today was to be a hunt. That was certain.
“Wait --” Vali called out. Arral’s children closed in slightly, forming a sort of a protective shell around the magister, Vali watched as the massive boulder of a man disappeared into the forest. He wasn’t about to be left behind! Particularly when the company he was left with were horrible conversationalists! Vali glanced to the forest, and then back to the warriors, and said; “Stay here, come with me, I don’t care, do what you want, but I’m going to follow him.” And the fae was off, quick as a darting dragonfly through the twisting canopy of the forest. He followed the scent of rusted metal and dried blood, the indicative scent he already memorized. He didn’t need to follow for long before he heard a gutteral bellow rumble through the ground, up the trunk of the tree he perched in, shaking the leaves around him. And then the sound of bark snapping, ancient branches falling to the ground and snapping like twigs. Oh Gods, that was a big one. And it sounded like Arral already found it. A blood curdling screech ripped through the jungle, sending what few flighted creatures that were still taking refuge in the canopy flying away. By the time Valeriu entered the recently created clearing of destruction, he found the war god already charging head first up against the twisted behemoth.
Every Guardian was different, created from a different assortment of body parts and organs, and even being exposed to their oppressive presence previous times did little to prepare Valeriu for future encounters. Guardians always looked like grotesque parodies of whatever tangle of organic debris that composed their hulking bodies. Instead of fur or scales or feathers loping across his vision, instead was raw, pulsating flesh, bare and exposed to the world, covered only by a makeshift ‘armor’ of collected chitin and bones from other creatures.  This one in particular possessed an almost gorilla-like posture, with a sloping back and huge front limbs, bear-like claws curled up into a knuckle-walking stance. The beast’s head reminded Valeriu of something ursine-like, but upon closer inspection, one could see this ‘bear-like’ head was not the skull of a bear at all, or any one animal for that matter, but rather a carefully crafted weave of different bones, from femurs, skulls and tibia bones to tiny little ribs and tarsal bones to create all the tiny, careful details to create the illusion of something cohesive, natural.
 The Guardian was anything but natural, though. The only muscular attactments seemed to be the ones controlling the movement of the neck and jaw, that was all that mattered to this creature, its ability to kill and ravage everything in sight. Even its swollen, static white eyes bulged out of its sockets uselessly, instruments merely used to detect shadow and light. And so, when it detected shadows moving around in the peripheral vision, the Guardian lashed out mindlessly, tearing up trees and earth like they were nothing more than sticks and pebbles, utterly enraged by the shadow that dared to stop it in its tireless path of destruction. 
The monster threw its body around as it fought to keep Arral off it - the creature looked to be in pain before one even wounded it, but now it was even more enraged the more pain was inflicted upon it. Perhaps against his better judgement (when was his judgement ever better?), Vali dove right in after Arral into the fray of battle and spewing blood. The Guardian thrashed and howled, distracted by the loss of one of its many limbs -- a streak of red flashed through the air, and in an instant, Valeriu managed to fly his way onto the Guardian’s sloped back, and was now climbing his way to the top. He didn’t seem to have any problems at all, scaling the jagged and awkward surface of the Guardian’s sinewy, exposed spinal collumn and ribs, but he still acted carefully. Lest he end up a streak of purplish-red on the ground instead of in the air. Valeriu unsheathed his sword, a curved blade that fit perfectly in between the beast’s ribs as he climbed his way up. Now, the Guardian could likely feel those twinges of pain erupting from its spine, twisting and stumbling backwards in confusion and rage. Vali made his way to the monster’s shoulders and hunched neck, clinging desperately to the exposed vertebrate erupting from its back.
He raised his blade up, and drove it down into the exposed tissue of the muscles attaching to the cervical spine.   He drove down to the hilt, and then dragged the blade along with all his might, feeling the give of tearing tendons and muscle fibers. The Guardian screeched, and collapsed in a writhing heap, momentarily paralysed by the damage Valeriu did to the nerves and vital muscle connections in its neck, leaving it twisting and rolling on the ground, leveling everything that didn’t already fall to the beast’s battle with Arral. It was attempting to get the troublesome little bug off of it, and doing even more damage to itself in the process. It didn’t seem to care. The Guardian plowed itself into a boulder, rending it up from the ground.
Once it was sure it either flung Valeriu off, or crushed him into a fine paste against the ground and boulders, the Guardian shook its massive head, which now sat lopsided and stiff upon its already hunched head. Its jaw laid slack, a self inflicted wound created in the panic to get the bug off. It also didn’t help that the annoying bug managed to rip apart the delicately placed muscles between the transverse process and the mandible, making its legendary jaw strength utterly useless. It didn’t matter, eventually it would heal. This creature did not even bother to retain the survival instincts of the creatures it was made from.  The fae was nowhere to be seen, not even a splatter of tyrian purple blood to indicate his fate. The Guardian now set its sights back upon Arral, seemingly unphased by the fact its neck was disconnected in multiple spots now. It charged, picking Arral up with its massive head in a wild, frenzied attempt to drive him too into the ground, make a red paste from him to smear the jungle with, and then continue on with its rampage.
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Fogalmam sincs hogy mit kezdjek magammal, eddig mindig voltak nagy almaim, celjaim, de a kedves csaladomnak es a barataimnak sikerult azt tonkre tennie. Igy hat csak sodrodom az arral 🫠
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444names · 2 years
the entire wikipedia article about eadgifu of kent + car brand names
Ablexus Acceirt Adeit Adged Adribrock Aersconska Aerss Afflæd Ageheived Alsonater Amany Amherstran Aneault Aphal Appshaters Areeproente Arral Asaxoniver Ashipploped Aspolk Aspostatem Astes Atherby Ations Atter Aughile Austoolk Avaccooths Avaints Aviedgifu Aviestep Bahated Batentle Batict Becload Befte Bents Betaken Betaklang Betallog Betlearelah Betrarly Biadgeosons Biogge Biref Burred Buter Cadbuthern Cadwinge Carchand Careque Cartioneard Catent Cations Charrad Chelp Cherep Chert Chertion Chump Churted Citep Citer Cloply Cloth Clown Comil Comme Conallo Coner Conts Contweldent Cooley Cooliclain Cored Corfembene Cortugester Cound Couni Cousix Crest Criburiver Crided Crideive Crieve Crocurral Curread Datenc Datinizath Dattendorte Daughte Dause Decle Dedecen Dedeived Dedrang Dedrell Deloadgife Demaing Dened Dente Depmon Deproved Derol Derot Dessaxon Desterh Dettep Deturvieve Deuts Dialkswast Dined Dodrive Dominkswas Dommothry Dowint Durcherelp Durtionmard Eadger Eadiawike Eadiclan Eaditer Eadwaster Eagraing Ealks Eatemar Eater Edgisbuguês Elacy Elaffal Elphan Encoolvo Encycent Endath Eostand Eothirte Eschmed Essative Eveive Evenuire Expord Faldeals Famaile Famhe Famil Fareivenu Faryslan Feigant Fither Focartent Focatted Fookipps Fooldo Foolffount Foolinfors Forfei Formain Forty Foxforma Fradburh Fredger Frego Frenitep Frodnb Froen Frojeenian Fromile Frosste Gation Gaventa Gescort Gesominu Gestia Gifemenimen Gifter Gioune Giveirthout Godrialth Golle Gorgodnb Gorshry Gotheson Graing Graphy Grearring Gretaing Hedia Heeturhad Helactiont Hells Herhamot Hericrier Hermant Heven Hirtiog Hishile Hisst Histalpham Holdest Holds Houng Hourtep Hyundom Incor Inflæd Ingloadet Intersco Intrives Istena Itvign Itvive Jager Jeceson Jeconaval Jumano Jumart Jumps Junisper Kiadwifu Kimerot Kiptivedile Knows Labook Lafter Lamps Larecury Larreird Lastes Lated Laterneven Laterouters Lates Lation Leroth Libuink Liburibef Liburn Licle Linchry Linflæd Livengest Loggendeved Loper Lupped Maliant Mandelle Mandown March Marysle Matini Matter Maymed Menan Micscort Micts Mingliandso Molmen Monave Mousigifu's Nadeta Narscrom Nivaus Nowike Nownle Oadbureate Odgifts Ofiletran Ollson Olmer Onpos Orgaves Orreat Owels Oxfocus Oxfoolike Oxfor Pagen Paint Paymobirdes Pañolks Pediak Perby Persse Peute Piedia Plyme Plynestan Pogran Polkswar Porefamhe Porgest Portimeman Posin Pousign Preaddyin Predisto Priace Pridecen Prieson Prived Prockwaster Proen Pronposs Publet Publetai Pumps Randoi Ranoth Raphy Raphyunle Realoadicy Rearred Reary Reatend Receitneves Reclanave Reclanda's Recont Redmonska Reers Refamher Refeiless Refouribut Regodaux Reloth Reque Retacyabook Retrugus Rette Rettionska Romiclaing Ropeant Saime Saimeditice Saimer Saimersion Sargava Satentes Sater Saxweetacy Saxweldows Saxweloaden Scorfember Scroycle Shganot Shgare Shgavinks Shirdity Sidaus Sinian Siousion Sitioni Sitters Soped Spailas Sposit Stalonska Stations Stenta Stently Stescommund Stions Strant Strilexus Suaguês Suguês Surnarch Surra Surtscou Taily Talivent Tathria Tegifu Tesse Thanathe Therbury Thers Thersuble Thista Thous Tiogra Tionavived Tionposom Tonat Toothe Toothilain Torten Toyounes Tranot Tribuffocad Trikied Tring Tripp Trotak Twescorects Unday Undetat Undons Unied Uplory Uporeen Upped Upperscon Utest Vaugaten Veigava Verneencove Vertionad Vigater Vikimed Vived Volsory Vowin Wared Welchandath Welphapp Wesommen Whath Whatho Wheritnedia Whiller Whireivered Whistooki Wholfgion Wigattroen Wigifus Wikimers Wikin Wiking Wikinu Wikipeut Wingus Witer Witingle Witiontugge Wived Womed Wricy Wrini Wrint Youndommon Younivaing Ælffact Ætheved
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heliinx · 2 years
“For a great seer. Your type never did sit well with me. Are you truly all knowing enough to predict everything. Or are you simply playing at the strings of fate?”
(Arral is not a subtle man.)
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" Only creature that is all knowing is Great Horned Rat." And the Changer of Fate, but Heliinx doesn't mention him. Her god was a jealous one, after all.
" We have-have only a sliver-sprinkle of Horned One's power. But, maybe-perhaps if I had my scrying orb..."
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ratgill · 2 years
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i am in a state of panic
IS THAT REAL?!!? i thought it sgWAS FAKE
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starsundsun · 4 years
this blog is rapidly turning into a den of SIN have a commish i got from the amazing biguwumut of the gals
18+ alien junkies
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austerulous · 1 year
◈   @burdensofblood​ sent ❂ to get a moodboard for our muses
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nighttbound · 2 years
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sanguinesacrament · 2 years
I am thinking about Sanguis, thank you. *rotates them and Arral in my brain*
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Mosoly az arcon, sebek a szíven.
-Lil G-Árral szemben
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