#Arkadia Belle
cattodigiatto · 8 months
Oc-Tober post!!!
Day 1: “Going on an average day”
I’m using the prompt list made by @icannotreadcursive
Check the prompt list here
Belle in: An Average Day
The great underground city… it used to be a paradise for beasts, a land of no laws.
But after the Revolution the place had become much more civilized, following the government of the silver fox, who “introduced” the monetary system to the beasts.
This pushed many beasts to pursue less… relaxed goals, many descended to the mines to work for a living -and a little more- others sought less… brute occupations.
The light of the lamps filtered trough the window, reflecting on a golden mirror that sat calmly on the bureau.
From the light a pure white figure emerged, gracefully forming in front of the mirror, born from the reflected light in the room.
The figure slowly took detail, an slender feminine body with lustrous pale-white skin, a silky grey hair formed on it’s head, a finely tailored suit sew itself around the body, gracefully forming each one of it’s folds and seams, of a jet-black color with thoroughly made grey details on the end of the sleeves, and a similarly colored pair of pants, an outfit reminiscent of a successful bureaucrat.
You could mistake this shape as a normal human, a human with perfect manners, strong determination and successful career… of course, they are almost all of that, but this person is no human, proven on it’s eyes, that loose all and any type of detail, no more than a reflective, smooth surface showed on it’s eye sockets.
This figure, who existed under the name of “Belle”, is a mirror beast, getting ready for yet another “day” of working in the beautiful city that is this underground conglomerate- of course, beauty is subjective.
“C’mon!” She tugged again at the gate, it was getting rustier and rustier with every week “Arg! -snap- There we go”
The old rusty gate went up, revealing what was a beautifully decorated… hair salon! How else could a “Perfectly” functioning mirror thrive in a society, located in the comercial street -the high-class, wealthy one- of the city, was the “Morphean Dream” a hair salon attended by the most wealthy families of beasts in the city, and some of the rest citizens.
Behind the crystal front, with the logo of the salon shown in one of the windows, the salon was decorated with radiant, white walls with black stripes at the bottom of them, a black-n’-white checkered floor, and an eye-catching monochromatic chandelier illuminating all.
From the entrance, at the left wall you could see various “base hairstyles” images stuck to it, with two black couches and a small table with lots of cheap magazines sitting on the floor. At the right wall, a half-wall, giant mirror with golden edges rested, at the foot of it the white-colored bureaus with various hair-dressing items, in front of each one was a rotating chair of a familiar black color. At the back wall, a door to the backroom stood on the left, while a hair-wash station sat at the right corner.
“Okay, time to get things started” Bell walked to the back and turned on the lights.
As usual, things worked slow in the salon, there were three chairs but always only two or three people in the building, Belle being one of them, for more grand and known that her hair salon was, there were only just so many beasts with the cash to afford… or the willingness to do it, many just cut their hair themselves or outright didn’t do it, those where Belle’s less favorite.
The bell on top of the door sounded to life as -finally- a client entered the salon, a young-looking girl walked with a collected smile, beautiful, long loose-curly style burgundy hair graced the air as she walked, her pale skin glowed under the radiant light of the chandelier her crimson eyes spotted Belle instantly.
“Good evening… Is it open yet?” She asked, stopping in her track as soon as she noticed she entered without asking.
“Of course sweetheart” Belle responded “Thank Kad you are not a pure-blood, you would be dust already otherwise”
“Oh don’t mention it! I’ve been working on remembering” The young mistress chuckled.
“So, what will it be today sweetie?” Belle asked, getting ready a chair for the girl.
“I was thinking… maybe I could try another style this time” The girl said sitting on the second chair, the mirror in front reflecting nothing of her.
“Another style? Anything in mind?” Belle tied the barber cape around the her neck.
“I was thinking maybe something… short, something like… something like…” She tried to put her thoughts on word, but simply couldn’t.
“Let me help” Belle said as she lowered herself to her head level behind the chair, the reflection of the mirror, which initially showed Belle alone started to morph, the grey hair in the reflection took a more burgundy coloration and grew, from the short, straight hair to a long, loose curl style, part of it took a pastel red dye, just in the front, combed to the side of her face, face that gained a more skin-like tone, almost pale as a paper. “So, how short did you want?”
“Hmm… let me see chin level” The girl said, showing no reaction to the miraculous transformation that happened in the mirror, why should she? This was the reason she preferred the salon over her own home.
The figure on the mirror, which mimicked perfectly her head, changed once again, the hair decreased in length, stopping at exactly chin level.
“Okay…” The girl thought about it “A bit longer… with a finger wave around, the dyed strand to the contrary direction”
The reflection changed once again, the loose curls relaxed and took a continuous wavy form around her head, the pastel red dyed strand of hair did similarly, but waved to the right “how’s that?”
“Hmm… yes, I’ll do that this time!”
“Very well” The reflection lost itself as Belle stood up, she grabbed a water spray bottle, a pair of golden scissors and began the process.
The seconds became minutes as Belle did her job thoroughly, so focused on making the beautiful hair in front of her look as her client wished, aesthetics were her camp, to do some eye-candy, to work to please her clients, after all hair is one of the windows of true self… or so she thought.
Setting a Hair salon in the underground city was a hassle, to get her name be known even more, she had started as a security guard for one of the most wealthy families in the city! Using her mirrors as a way to keep watch around, but after some years she found herself more and more uninterested in the job, the routine was much too lonely for her, and much more violent.
So one particularly tragic night, she left, she didn’t owe that family anything, if something, THEY owe her. She started to set the hair salon, it was even more lonely and static at first, until her first client entered, why, if it wasn’t no one else than the young lady of the mansion she worked at!
“So, how is the master doing?” Belle asked, trying to start a small conversation, she knew the girl wasn’t to prone to initiate a conversation, but was very into following them.
“Father? That old man is doing his own act back at home, staring at the city creepily from the balcony” The girl chuckled.
“Oh… I didn’t know he took on more… eccentric hobbies” Belle sprayed the hair once more to finish cutting.
“Hah! As if! He says he’s getting too old for many things, the other day we have a break-in, a suspiciously skilled human”
“Really?” Belle was genuinely surprised, her replacement was very good at his job, she knew that “Is everyone okay? Was it a hunter?”
“Of course we are, there’s few things that can overpower us after all!” The girl laughed, carefully to not move much “it wasn’t a burglar tho, just a misdirected girl searching for a big evil”
“How rude! Did she went to you because-“
“No no! It was actually a ratter serious matter for the overground, humans were disappearing here and there, honestly, something so powerful to do that is worrying”
“I see”
“Anyways, dad stood in front of her, had a violent encounter, he didn’t suffer significant damage, but still… he is not the same count as he was 200 years ago…”
Belle fell slightly sad about it, she knew how long that man has lived, so many years do take a hand on you, immortality or not.
The session continued rather silently, with Belle doing her job, the girl seemed in a meditative state, good for the work, but Belle still felt a bit worried, 67 years had passed in which she saw this girl on her day-to-day, such a young lady she was, and yet so much had she lived trough…
“Well, it is done darling” Belle put done her implements, the image on the mirror quickly changed, taking once again the traits of the girl, her pale skin, sharp, glistening fangs as she smiled, her hair now sporting a beautifully burgundy color in a vintage finger wave style, the dyed hair in red pastel did the same, but to the right instead of left.
“Oh Belle… have I told you how magic your work is…?” The girl said, looking at her hair with longing and appreciating eyes.
“Enough for me to know it’s true”
“Oh my… I simply can’t thank you enough!” The girl said as she caressed her new style, it was nice to try new things, even more when you have lived 200-something years. She quickly collected herself “How much will it be?”
“59 Saints sweetie, it was a simple work” To Belle it hurt to charge her, considering she helped her to get a clientele, but she had never accepted any type of offer! -“Your work always deserves full payment, you charge too low too!”- it’s what she always said… and Belle had to put this salon for a reason too of course…
“Very well” the girl took out her wallet, and the 59 saints, she passed them to Belle, grabbing her hands as she did so “I still think you should charge more”
“Oh Elly… sweetie you know I don’t do this only for cash” Higher prices meant a less accessible business for many, Belle knew this, she preferred to have people enter her salon, to have the opportunity to grant one of their wishes, not just stare from afar.
The girl looked at her “I know… thank you again, I will see you soon! I meant to finally get dad to leave the darkness of the mansion! haha!”
“Come back anytime! I’m sure we can give him an actual style!” Belle couldn’t help but follow up the girl’s little joke, she was always so eager for a good laugh… you wouldn’t think she’s the same young girl that was almost hung for…
Anyways, Belle looked at the clock “3 hours!?” She was amazed, how could she take so much time in a simple cut and stylization? In moments like this she was glad her clientele was very selected, imagine the stress that would mean to have a line waiting for a haircut, yes, she can always make more of her to help around, but still, maybe that was why her works where always so perfect, with the time and calmness that her works needed…
She grabbed the broom and swept away the remaining burgundy hair, the “day” was not over yet and she had to keep the place lean for her next client… if it came today of course…
So that was my first entry for Oc-tober 2023!
This is my first time doing this, so any type of advice is really welcomed!
With that said, Catto’s out!
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anjellaufeyson · 3 months
The truth lays within jealousy- Bellamy Blake
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Warnings: basically just cursing and knife play
Summary: Bellamy's your enemy but things begin to take a turn once you start fighting to push through emotions you feel towards each other.
Bellamy Blake made my blood boil, and I prayed I made him feel the same way. I was best friends with his sister, Octavia. Meaning, I had no choice but to be in the same tent or room as him. The rivalry between Bellamy and I formed when the 100 first came to Earth. We were on dividing sides, he had everyone in his control and made them feel free but that ended dangerously. I was with the group that wanted to help and make sure we survived. 
“Do you always have to disagree with me, Blake?” 
He turned to look my way, his hand resting on the map below our waists laying on a table. “Do you always have to have disagreeable ideas–Kane?” He spit my last name out as if it left a bitter taste. 
I’m just thankful he didn’t call me that other name, the one he knew I so deeply despised. My eyes rolled on instinct, “You’re such a dick, you are aware of that flaw right?” 
He glared my way, “You always keep me aware don’t you, princess?” 
I fucking hated him, “Don’t call me that, Blake.” 
“What will you do if I say it again?” 
My father made me train with guards on the Ark since I was a child, I could easily take Bellamy, and him forgetting that made me always want to remind him. I stabbed my knife into the wood table and as soon as I did Octavia walked in. 
She moved the tent opening away, “What is going on?” 
Bellamy folded his arms making his muscles fight with his shirt. I tried my best to not stare but as much as I loathed this man and wished him nothing but the absolute worst–he was the formation of my desires. And that left lingering resentment. “Your friend is threatening me, O.” 
I unstuck the knife and pointed it at him from the other side of the table as I talked, “He was testing me, Tavia. It’s his favorite pastime,” I said staring harshly at Bellamy. 
“How about you both go train, maybe away from each other? You can work with Murphy and I’m sure you can find someone, Bell.” 
I gave a half smile, “I’m sure every–what’s the number now?” I made it look like I was deep in thought, “Like 50 girls now? Are willing to train with you, you know your way around the 100, Blake.” 
Bellamy gave me dead eyes as his jaw clenched. I struck a nerve. “O, get out.”
Octavia usually hates when Bellamy orders her around just cause he's older than her but she listened without a fight this time. She knew I crossed some form of a line. She mouthed sorry to me and walked out. 
I moved over to him, my knife laying close to his throat. He didn't care, he didn't even bat an eye. He almost smirked at the notion.
“Tell me, princess, was I supposed to pent up everything I was feeling like you do? Tell me, how's that going for you?” 
My eyes widened a bit, “I’m sorry do you want me to just go sleeping around with every dude on this earth because what? I can’t deal with my emotions correctly?” 
He bit his tongue. 
“I guess maybe I should take your advice because I see how greatly it’s been going for you. The known asshole you only go to for a hit and quit it.” 
Bellamy eyed me, “Is this you trying to offer up, princess?” 
My breath was shaky, I scoffed, “Go float yourself.” I stormed out of the tent and went to the only place inside Arkadia where you could blow off steam. The training spot. Bellamy usually overwatches, sometimes with Lincoln so I wouldn’t be surprised if he made his way over here.
Murphy made his way over to me, “Need a partner?” 
I nodded my head and decided to not take my anger out on him–at least not with words. “Yes, but I can’t promise I’ll go easy on you, Murphy.” 
He smiled as he got into his stance, “I didn’t expect you to. I remember seeing you training from time to time with soldiers. I’m going to have to bring my A-game now.” 
I laughed and it made me feel a bit better, say what you want about Murphy–but his sarcasm and wit will always make you laugh. I got into position and Murphy punched towards me and I moved my hand fast enough to push it away and block it. We kept going back and forth, not taking it seriously. 
Soon, as expected Bellamy appeared. He crossed his arms as he analyzed our performances. Suddenly both of us began to take it a bit seriously, but I chose to ignore Bellamy. He knew I was holding back, it showed in Bellamy's face.
“Let me try.”
I ignored him but Murphy stopped fighting, I tried to regain my breath. Murphy was like Bellamy’s sidekick since the beginning, that faded and nobody tried to make an enemy of Bellamy. Like it or not he did run a lot of things we live by. Especially with Clarke gone. 
He got into position and I immediately went to attack. I moved close and elbowed his face causing him to move forward. I went straight for a kick to his bent knee and easily got him down. When getting up his hand stayed on my thigh as he rised up, it was like he was purposefully trying to mess me up. That could be the only reason.
“Damn Bell, maybe she should replace you as a trainer,” Octavia said while spectating. Monty and Jasper laughed. 
Bellamy stood up and hit me immediately in the gut. From the force, I took a couple of steps back, and I cursed under my breath. He shrugged with a grin forming on his lips. When he went to pull another move I grabbed his arm pointed it up, and used my left arm to push down on his arm. I twisted his shoulder and I knew I was causing pain. I had this move done to me and I was in pain for a couple of days. 
For a split second, I heard a groan from him, it almost put a smile on my face. “C’mon Blake, are you even trying? If you lose this–I can only assume where you’re going to go to…or who.” Maybe it was a low blow but he pissed me off before. 
My fist came towards him and he grabbed my arm tightly, almost hard enough to leave a bruise, and flipped me onto the ground. I tried not to give him the satisfaction of knowing I was hanging onto this fight by a thread. I kicked his stomach and he caught my leg and tried to make me fall but I did the one trick that took me years to master–I kicked with enough force off the ground for a second to gain a stance to be able to kick him back. 
Bellamy went to hit me in the face but I got to him first and elbowed him. He spit out blood and turned his head up with a grin as he wiped the blood. He tricked me and by making it seem like he was going for a low attack, I didn’t move up in time to block him and he punched me. My lip began to bleed. 
“Guys, I think you should stop now. You proved you both can fight–now stop,” Octavia warned. 
We ignored her warning and kept going. I was determined to beat him, and I didn’t have a real reason why. Part of me wondered if this was my only source of letting my emotions go, maybe I wasn’t that different from that man that I hated. We are both stubborn, witted, determined, quick-tempered, reckless, and aggressive. 
“One hit and we’re done,” he said. “Better make yours count, princess,” he whispered. The way he made it seem, that nickname was for our ears only. He never said it loud enough for others to hear and I almost preferred it that way. And when he did, he was only focused on me. As if nobody else was on the earth with us. 
My thoughts were distracted and he immediately brought me down. My back hit the ground and I winced in pain, my back arched a bit hoping that would help the pain. Before anyone could help, Bellamy quickly moved to my side. “Are you okay,” he asked almost frantically in a low voice. He sounded genuine.
The gaze I had on him changed, it softened even though I was in pain. I was utterly confused. “What are we doing,” I whispered, his back covering everyone’s view of my lips. At best, they’d hear mumbles. 
“Your solution to letting your emotions out, remember?” He lightly laughed, “Fuck, we’re idiots.” Bellamy brushed his thumb on my bottom lip, “Truce?” 
My brow almost furrowed, “Truce? Does that mean we suddenly don’t hate each other?”
He laughed and began to help me up, “No, definitely not. You’re still the bane of my being.”
I stood up and got my words out fast enough before everyone crowded me to see if I needed Abby, “And you’re still the only person I hate in this world.” 
Bellamy slowly backed away as we kept our eyes on each other, everyone kept asking if I was okay but I didn’t reply. I was too fixated on the man I detested. “I’m fine, I’m fine,” I said while brushing past them. The one person who got horrendously hurt was Bellamy, yet he didn’t complain or stop them from helping me. 
“I’ll help you to, Abby,” I said putting his arm around my shoulder which felt oddly–right. When I looked back to show Octavia I was going to help him, I just saw a group of disbelieving faces. I’d be shocked too, never would I have ever felt pity or thought of helping Bellamy. “I kicked your ass.” 
He laughed as if he didn’t have drops of blood on his shirt, “I’d call it a fair fight.” 
“I’d call it my win.” 
He glanced at my lips then my eyes, we came to a halt. “You want to finish this?” 
I could feel his hand brushing along my neck, “I think we’re probably banned from training together for a bit. Though I think that wasn’t a training session–that was fighting.” 
Bellamy’s gaze dropped, he stared at me, almost desperate as if he was yearning for something he never even got to get ahold of for years. His touch became more apparent, he stared at my lips as he talked. “I’m not talking about in the training spot.” 
My lips parted and suddenly every feeling I had for him disappeared. Only one stayed- the desire I clung to. Instead of going to Abby, Bellamy and I went into his tent.
It was as if both our strengths had been regain, like we were both pushing our limits to be ignoring our pain to mix it with pleasure. Bellamy took his shirt off with such poise and it made me roll my eyes. I started undressing myself also. My eyes lingered on his chest, God, he was so defined. Like a Greek god or a statue made out of generosity.
"My eyes are up here, princess," he said as he pushes me down onto his bed.
I didn't like how much I secretly enjoyed him calling me princess. "You're so full of it, Blake."
He kissed me roughly, as if we didn't have time to spare to be kind to one another. Our hate lingered and I loved it. I winced in pain because of my lip and that caused him to groan into my mouth. He was making it harder and harder for me to not rush this.
I switched spots with Bellamy, God forbid he lets me control one thing. I kissed down his neck being anything but gentle to the parts I knew he was going to have a bruise at tomorrow.
"Fuck," he whispered.
My hands traveled down his chest and before I could do anything he traded spots with me. "Watch yourself princess, if you keep going- I don't think I can stop myself."
"I don't want you to."
Bellamy used his knee to spread apart my legs. He put his hand around my neck and slowly pushed down so I’d be lying flat on my back. I felt my stomach growing butterflies. “I will be anything but gentle with you–” He paused and stared at my lips. “But I think you can take it.”
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locker42 · 1 year
Bounty Hunter - I Love You
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Warnings: swearing, smut (can be skipped, won’t contain something relevant to the storyline), mentions of injuries, blood, stitches.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Grounder!reader.
Word count: 2780.
Series Masterlist.
You opened your eyes to see a metal ceiling above you, the light shining down at you make you squint your eyes. As you slipped back to consciousness, you became more aware of the room you were in. You were laying on one of the beds in medbay, a tube connected to your cubital fossa. Your headache was much better, allowing you to sit up slowly.
“You should be resting.” You heard a voice say from your right. You turned and saw Nyilah approaching you.
“I just woke up.” You said, your voice cracking due to the smoke the invaded your lungs.
“How is your head?” She asked, stepping closer to you and gently touching your head, only now you were aware of the wound right by your hairline. You raised your own hand, touching the stitches that were made.
“It’s good, thank you.” You replied, dropping your hand.
“You’re welcome. There is someone who wants to see you, but I told him that you needed to rest a little before anyone could visit. You hit your head very hard and you need to let it time to heal.” She explained, however after she told you someone wanted to see you your focused left her almost immediately. Bellamy, he was the one who wanted to see you. And, god, you wanted to see him so bad. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and hold him tightly, you wanted to kiss him and just feel him.
Before you could reply to her, your attention was drawn to Clarke who entered the room, heading straight to you.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” She asked you, coming to stand by your bed.
“I’m feeling good, and I guess I should be thanking you for saving my life. I’m pretty sure I would have died if you didn’t help me.” You said, giving her a thankful smile.
“That one wasn’t just me, actually.” She admitted, making you frown in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“After you passed out Roan came to your side and made sure that you got to medbay. No one was willing to come that close because the Ark was crushing down.”
You couldn’t help but feel surprised at her words. It didn’t make sense why Roan would help you, especially after what he’s done.
“Where is he?” You asked, letting your curiosity win this time.
“He’s in Arkadia.” She informed. “We’re supposed to have a meeting later about leaving for the island.”
“The island?”
“Yes, that’s where Becca’s lab is. My mom and a few more are already there, working on the Nightblood solution.”
“Nightblood? You want to make everyone immune to the radiation?” You asked, the idea not quite settling in your head.
“Exactly. But the Nightblood can only be made in space. There’s a rocket there so we need to bring them the fuel.” Clarke explained to you.
“When are you leaving?” You asked, twisting your body so that your legs were hanging off the edge of the bed.
“Tomorrow morning.”
“Then I’m coming.”
“Wait, that’s not a good idea.” Niylah objected and took a step closer to you, making you turn to her.
“Why? I have all day to rest and then I’ll go. It’s not like I’m going to war.”
She sighed before nodding her head, however her face still showed disapproval.
“Where is Bellamy?” You hesitantly asked Clarke.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go get him.” She said and quickly turned around and left the room.
You fiddled with the tube connected uncomfortably to your forearm, then you noticed the now stitched cut. You took a deep breath before pulling the tube out of your skin, hissing as the action stung. After a minute or so Bellamy came rushing into the room, walking towards you.
“Y/N.” He said before wrapping him arms around you. You returned the hug, relieved to finally be in his arms. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” He asked as he pulled away, examining your head.
“I’m good, Bell.” You said and grabbed both of his hands. “How are you?”
“I’m okay, clearly not the one you should be worried about.” He said, making you roll your eyes. “How did you even get here? I though Roan left you at Polis.”
“He did, but I escaped. I came straight here to warn someone but before I could the ship exploded.” You paused for a second before you realized. “This was your solution, wasn’t it?”
He looked down before nodding his head. “And now it’s ruined, and so is our chance of survival.”
“Clarke told me about the Nightblood. She told me you were leaving tomorrow to bring them the fuel. There is hope, if Abby can turn us all into Nightbloods than we have a chance to live.” You said and gently cupped his cheeks. He offered you a small smile before drawing away.
“Come on, let’s get you to your room. You can rest there.” He said and helped you off the bed. After saying a last ‘thank you’ to Niylah, you followed him out of the room. He led you through the halls, insisting you lean on him as you walked. As you got to the room you noticed that on the door was a note that said, ‘Bellamy Blake.’
“This is your room?” You asked as he unlocked it with his keys.
He opened the door, allowing you to step in first. You took a look around noticing some discarded clothes in one corner of the room, the bed was unmade, and there was a book on the bedside table. “Nice room.” You commented.
“Thanks.” He said and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. You took a seat on the bed, keeping your gaze on the wall in front of you.
“I’m sorry.” You said, making him look at you with surprise.
“What do you mean?” He asked, coming to stand in front of you.
“For not coming back.”
He opened his mouth to argue but you cut him off. “I know you’re mad, or at least were mad at me. And it’s okay, I get it, I do.”
“Hey, look at me.” He said softly and cupped your cheek, gently lifting your head to look at him. “You’re right, I was mad at you for not coming back but it wasn’t because of you, I just missed you. Things happened here and I just wished I could have talked to you about them.”
His words didn’t make you feel better, only more guilty as you looked away from him.
“There was just so much to deal with and I- I think I was scared to come back here.” You said quietly, still not looking up. “I mean, after what happened with Pike I didn’t think I would be welcomed here.”
“I understand your worries. But I promise you that no one is going to try and kill you or hurt you. I would never allow that to happen.” You finally looked up and met his eyes, a small smile rising on your face as you took in his features.
“I missed you, you know.” You said, bringing your hand up to run down his chest.
“I missed you, too.” He said and leaned down, locking your lips with his. The kiss started slowly, as if recognizing the other’s lips for the first time. You felt his tongue run over your lips and you opened your mouth, deepening the kiss. You placed your hands on his chest, then moving up to his shoulders and pulling him with you as you laid back. He followed your lead, climbing on top of you without breaking the kiss.
You felt at ease, you felt exited and relieved to be with Bellamy again. You pulled his body closer to yours, hearing his soft groan made shivers run down to your core. You slowly began to push his jacket off with your hands, but he pulled away before you could take it off.
“Y/N, we shouldn’t. You need to rest.” He said, his voice sounding deeper than usual, which only made you want to continue.
“I’m fine, Bellamy. I promise.” You said and pulled him back to you, placing a light kiss on his jaw. “I want you.” You said, then continued trailing kisses down his throat. “I need you.”
His jaw clenched before he slightly drew away to take off his jacket, then he moved back to you, kissing down your neck. Your hand moved to his hair, gripping it tightly as he found your sweet spot, making you moan quietly. You free hand moved to the bottom of his shirt, slipping your hand up and tugging it. He got your hint and took off his shirt. You all but drooled over him, running your hands down his torso, feeling the hard muscles beneath them. You moved your hands up, pulling him down to kiss you. He kissed faster and deeper this time, his hand coming to hike your leg up his hip. You moaned when you felt his hardness press against your core, your hips grinding up uncontrollably. He moved his hips against yours, gifting you the fraction you needed.
You’ve had sex before, but it never felt like that, not so soon. You’ve never wanted someone so bad, needed someone so bad. You sat up and pulled your shirt off, your bra coming in second. His eyes widened as he stared at your naked skin, before he leaned down and pressing his lips against the soft skin of your chest. As he sucked gently on the skin of your breasts you closed your eyes and gripped his hair, the other hand fisting the sheets. He flickered his tongue over your nipple before sucking it into his mouth, drawing a whine from you. He gave the same attention to your other breast before moving his head up to look at you.
“Are you-“ he cleared his throat, “is this your first time?” He asked almost shyly.
You shook your head as your cheeks turned red. “No. Are you?”
You stared at each other before you decided to take initiative. You moved your hand down to palm him through his pants, drawing a low groan from him. He dropped his head down to your neck and by the way you felt his hips grinding against your hand, you’d say he was enjoying himself. You wanted to have him, to touch him and to make him feel good, but you wanted to do it slowly - to tease him. You flipped, now laying on top of him. He looked at you, confused, but that expression didn’t last as you leaned down and started kissing his neck down to his collarbone and chest. You pressed your tongue flat over his nipple, feeling his hands coming to rest on your thighs. You grabbed them and moved them up to your ass before continuing your work. As you kissed down his torso you felt his hands shamelessly groping your ass, a smirk coming up to your lips. You licked just above where his pants started, his hips jolting up.
“Fuck..” he muttered, eyes closing. You slowly dragged his waistband down and let your tongue follow.
“Can I?” You asked, tugging further on the waistband.
“Yes, fuck.” He cursed, hands coming to fist the sheets.
You then opened the belt and pulled down his pants and underwear, just enough to take his cock out. Your mouth gaped open as you took him in, thick and tall with a purple tip and a little bit of precum adoring it. You gently licked over the tip, tasting him in your mouth. You opened your mouth for him but he suddenly pulled you back.
“As much as I’m enjoying this.” He said and sat up, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I don’t think I can wait any longer.”
He flipped you again, returning to his spot on top of you before ridding himself of his pants. His hand reached to your pants undoing the belt but not before receiving a nod of consent from you. He started tugging on your pants, a hiss from him catching your attention. You sat up and saw him suck his finger into his mouth, blood staining it.
“What happened?” You asked and grabbed his hand to assess the damage.
“Your many, many knives happened.” Bellamy explained with a chuckle.
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry.” You apologized but he quickly shut you up with a kiss.
“It’s okay, but I am going to need help in taking these off.” He said and pointed to your pants. You chuckled before carefully pulling them down and throwing them to the side. He gave your lips a peck before kissing down your body, leaving hickeys behind him all the way to your panties. He spread your legs and placed them over his shoulders, giving him access to your cunt. He placed a gentle kiss on top of your core through your panties, making your breath hitch. He began pulling your underwear off, discarding them behind him, before returning to his latest position.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He whispered as he ran his finger through your folds, making you gasp. Without any warning he licked a stripe of your pussy before moving to your clit, flickering his tongue. You moaned, hips jolting up but he held them down. Your hand moved to his hair — gripping tightly as he began sucking on your clit, his own hand coming up to grip your breast. You felt heavenly, what he was doing to you was heavenly.
He pushed his finger inside of you, your moans getting louder. “Bellamy, fuck, please.” You whined as he added another finger, feeling yourself getting closer. He moved his fingers faster and softly bit on your clit, the action made you go over the edge, gripping his hair even tighter as you yelled out his name loudly. You panted, trying to calm down as he made his was back up to you. His eyes met yours and you couldn’t help the smile the rose on your lips. He returned your smile before leaning down to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and the thought itself made you needy all over again.
You opened your legs and felt the tip of his cock tracing between your folds.
“You ready?” He asked, positioning himself at your entrance. You nodded your head with a whine of ‘please’, wrapping your arms around his back. Your nails dug into his skin as he pushed inside you, drawing moans from both of you.
“Can I-“ he groaned, “can I move?”
“Yes, fuck, Bellamy.”
With your permission, he started thrusting in and out of you in a slow and steady pace. As you got used to the feeling of him inside you, you pulled him close to you. “Faster, go faster.”
He obeyed, quickening his pace. Your moans were loud enough for anyone who walked by to hear but you didn’t care, your only focus was on Bellamy. His lip was locked between his teeth as he kept thrusting inside of you, grunts and moans escaping him. You ran your fingernails down his back as you almost screamed, getting closer. Bellamy felt you clench around him and he moved his hand down to draw circles over your clit, pushing you closer to the edge.
“Fuck, Bellamy, shit, I’m so close...” You moaned loudly, throwing your head back in bliss and closing your eyes. “I’m cumming.”
“Look at me.” He demanded as his thrusts were getting sloppier. Your eyes met his and by the dark look on his face only, you came. Your vision became foggy and your breathing was heavy as you. He pulled out of you, jerking himself off and cumming on your stomach with a loud groan of your name.
He dropped on top of you, panting. You wrapped your arms around him and held him close as you came down from your high. “I love you.” You said to him.
“I love you, too. So much.” He said and placed a kiss on your neck before leaning his head on your chat, breath still uneven.
You placed a general kiss on his head and started playing with his curly hair. He hummed in approval, pushing his head up. You chuckled, smiling wide as he lifted his head up to look a you.
“That was amazing, you are amazing.” He said before kissing you. You slipped your tongue in his mouth as you began to move on top on him, his hands coming to study you.
“How about round two, baby?”
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taschamonnii · 7 months
Take My Breath Away
Clextober23 Day 3 Annual Fall Festival
Here is the title song: Take My Breath Away (WLW)
SMUT 18+
Just a lil Meet-Cute that gets a little Spicy and ends in…
Clexa X Harlivy 
Clarke is dressed up as Harley Quinn 
Lexa is dressed up as Poison Ivy
(If you haven’t watched Harley Quinn the Animated 2019 Series you MUST! It’s sooo good the gays win in it! Harlivy stan!)
Read On Ao3
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Word Count: 6,363
It's October Clarke Griffin's favorite month not only because it's her birthday month but because it's Halloween! Clarke has always loved Halloween. Her friends Raven and Octavia know that October is peak Party Griffin season and know she won't turn down a chance to dress up. Luckily there are tons of festivals and parties and clubs to attend. Clarke is full of excitement there is something in the air she just knows this will be a great October and she can’t wait to wear her Harley Quinn costume. She is an artist for the cartoon series and absolutely loves Harlivy and the show really favors them as well. Kaley Cuoco and Lake Bell play Harley and Ivy perfectly and she just loves how much they also love the relationship. She truly loves her job as an artist on the show and for the series-related comics. She has always loved the characters since 1993 when they first interacted on Batman the Animated Series. She loved comic books and animation as a kid and drawing those characters was her favorite thing to do as a kid and now she gets paid to do it.
Lexa Woods is not a people person in fact she kind of hates most people. She thinks holidays are the worst because they all encourage wasteful consumerism. Her sister Anya, however, loves to party and refuses to let Lexa be a grump at home. The persuasion was difficult but Anya is a pro and told Lexa she could even dress up as one of her favorite nerdy comic book characters. Little did Anya know Lexa would pick a character that is basically just a green version of Lexa’s nerdy self. Lexa chose her career because of Poison Ivy. She got into Environmental Biology solely because of the 1993 animated series. Watching Poison Ivy be brilliant while being this untouchable goddess well it was everything Lexa wanted to be as a kid. Not to mention the Harley Ivy episode which made her realize she was so incredibly gay. Now as an adult, her inner child is happier than ever. There is a GAY animated series dedicated to Harlivy and comic series and she is actually helping the environment the way she always dreamed. Obviously, she had to dress up as Poison Ivy. 
The Spooktacular Arkadia Festival is always fun but always crowded even on off days. The gang is navigating the crowd with ease though since this is their favorite event they know all the tricks to have the best time and experience everything the festival has to offer. The gang's all dressed up in DC characters to support Clarke's work and because they actually love the show! Raven is dressed as Bane which is no surprise to anyone since she “Loves Sploshions!” Of course, she has adjusted his costume slightly instead of a mask she painted her face. Octavia convinced her boyfriend that they are alternate reality Cat Woman and Bruce Wane/Batman where their races are reversed. Jasper and Monty are the Riddler and Clock King. Murphy is Clayface. Nathan is King Shark. As a group, they look amazingly nerdy and have been receiving compliments all night. Some people even recognized Clarke as an artist for the show and asked for her signature. They have gone through all the haunted houses and played all the games. Ate and drank everything pumpkin flavored and is currently headed for the haunted corn maze since the sun has finally set. 
The maze is huge and full of creepy surprises around every corner. As the group gets farther into the dark maze the sounds of the festival become distanced and muted. The eerie sound of the wind through the corn stalks and distant screams surround the group. The calm before the storm.
A loud crash of metal trash cans falling in their path has the groups scrambling and running from the “monsters”. It’s all fun and games until Raven sets off a smoke bomb making it impossible to see. The group gets separated as they cough and attempt to escape the chaos. Raven ends up with Octavia and Lincoln while Monty, Jasper, Nathan, and Murphy flee back the way they came in leaving Clarke alone in the dark maze. She doesn’t scare easily but it's definitely not as fun alone. She curses Raven under her breath; she should have known to check the Latina’s pockets before leaving Octavia’s house. 
Clarke decides she will outsmart all of the scare traps and sneak around rustling the corn to scare other groups. She is lurking around when she sees a woman standing alone looking down at her phone.
Bright red hair is illuminated by the blue light of her phone screen. Clarke can’t help but soak in every detail of the woman in front of her. Well as best as she can in the dim lighting. Green tights with elaborate vines stitched up the sides making long legs seem like they go on forever. Black Doc Marines give the woman some height making her taller than Clarke by just the right amount that Clarke's thoughts drift to how perfectly her head could rest on the woman's shoulder. She shakes her head trying not to lose herself but it has just been forever since she’s felt any kind of way about anyone let alone a stranger, a beautiful stranger. The black jacket the woman wears hugs her thin but toned frame perfectly and Clarke doesn’t miss the tiny details of stitched green stripes. This woman is perfectly dressed as her Ivy. Clarke can’t help herself and takes a few steps forward, the hay on the ground crunching beneath her makes the other woman fully turn to face her. 
Wow is all Clarke can think of as she takes in the jawline of the woman and her delicate features. Her eyes she thinks may be a gray color but it’s too dark to tell. All Clarke knows is this woman is absolutely stunning and she can’t stop staring. Luckily it seems the woman is also awe-struck by Clarke.
Lexa is shocked and stunned beyond belief. When she heard footsteps she had been hoping it was Anya. Never in her life was she so grateful that it wasn’t her sister. It took her maybe a second to recognize the woman in front of her. Lexa thought she must be dreaming. There was no way Clarke Griffin, one of her favorite illustrators, was standing in front of her in the middle of a corn maze. Not only standing there but staring at Lexa like she was a work of art or something. All while dressed up as her favorite version of Harley Quinn. The red and black Converse and knee-high socks. The incredibly short black and red shorts hugged thick muscular thighs. The cropped tight red and black top presented ample cleavage in the most incredible way. Her makeup was done with the classic blue eyeshadow on one lid and pink on the other to match the dyed ends of her pigtails one pink and one blue. She looked incredible. It truly didn’t help that Lexa already had a deep appreciation for Clarke Griffin the artist and Harley Quinn the character. The combination in front of her was everything and if she wanted to believe in love at first sight this would be it for her. 
Somehow Lexa seemed to pull herself out of her head and use her words. Unfortunately, her words were just as embarrassing as her staring. “Wow, you’re Clarke Griffin! You’re even prettier in real life-oh my god-not that you are not pretty in photos and videos! Not in a creepy way, I'm a fan of your art! Oh my god LEXA shut up!” 
Lexa managed to stop rambling for a second just long enough for an amused Clarke to smile at her. “Lexa, was it?”
Lexa nodded. Clarke smiled wider “Lexa, take a deep breath you are as red as your hair.”
Lexa nodded once more and gave Clarke a shy smile that made it hard for Clarke to focus on anything other than the other woman's plump lips. Lexa took a deep breath and decided to attempt to salvage the situation. “I’m sorry. Gawd I just talked at you. I am so sorry.”
Clarke smirked “I thought it was kind of cute, actually. The costume suits your body and your personality it seems.”
Lexa could feel the heat rise on her cheeks all the way to her ears. DID CLARKE GRIFFIN JUST FLIRT WITH HER! Pull it together!
Lexa bit her bottom lip as she let her gaze travel Clarke’s body down and then back up to meet intense blue eyes. “Your costume seems to fit you perfectly as well.”
Clarke tilted her head with a grin. “Is Poison Ivy flirtin’ with lil old me, Harley Quinn?”
Clarke teased trying her best to mimic the character's voice. Lexa swallowed hard this woman might be the death of her. Lexa took a step closer now standing toe to toe. Only a few inches between them “Maybe I am.” Lexa Husked. 
Clarke’s knees buckled but before she could trip Lexa reached out grabbing both her hands in hers.
Something was in the air, a sort of magical feeling like this was destiny or fate that they just happened to meet here and now like this. There was a magnetic pull between them that they could both feel. There was no denying the attraction it was written all over their faces. It filled the air around them with an eclectic buzz. 
Clarke leaned up and Lexa leaned down. Their lips brushed with a tingling spark in a soft kiss. Lexa moved her hands to wrap around Clarke’s waist to pull her flush against her as she sucked on Clarke’s bottom lip lightly. Clarke tangled her hands in thick red hair as she matched Lexa’s lips and melted into their bodies being flush against each other. 
The feel of Lexa's warm soft hands caressing the skin of her lower back made her dizzy. Clarke forgot where they were and that this woman was basically a stranger. But this felt too right to care. Clarke licked at Lexa’s bottom lip and Lexa met her with her own tongue making Clarke let out a soft hum of a moan. She tugged harder on red hair. She needed more of this woman. 
They both needed so much more. 
They both jumped at the sound and looked around while holding each other. Lights flashed in the row over and screams followed. 
The moment seemed to bring them back to reality. "We should probably get out of this maze," Lexa said.
Clarke nodded in agreement "I lost my friends because my idiot best friend set off a smoke bomb."
"That was your friend? I lost my sister because of the smoke."
"Yeah, Raven is really into explosions. She's actually dressed as Bane and my friends are all dressed as DC characters."
"That is amazing! I'd love to meet them. I'm a huge fan of the show. I've loved Harley and Ivy since I was a kid."
"They will love your costume. Me too, was it the 1993 animated series for you too?" 
"Of course! It was so gay without being gay!" Lexa said happily. 
"Ugh, I know right? I'm so happy Harlivy is a real thing now!" 
“Right it has taken ages of teasing the couple for it to actually fully happen and your show does it so well! For once the problem in the queer relationship isn’t homophobia it’s that they are both troubled and complex characters. I love the way they are not perfect but constantly strive to be the best versions of themselves for the other and how much love they have for each other. I’m sorry I’m rambling. I just love the show, and your art is incredible!”
Clarke couldn’t contain her smile, the conversation was light and natural and she honestly didn’t want to stop talking to this woman. Lexa seemed to feel the same if her excitement for the conversation was any indication. 
Fuck Lexa was adorable when she rambled and it took everything in Clarke not to pull at the collar of the woman's jacket and crash their lips together once more. “Don’t apologize. I love seeing people love the show as much as I do. Plus, you are really cute when you ramble.”
The blush that crept up Lexa’s neck was priceless. Clarke really couldn’t help herself now. She grabbed the collar of Lexa’s jacket and quickly pulled her down into a kiss. Their lips fit so damn perfectly. Clarke didn't let it last; she couldn't start something here. "Let's get out of here."
Lexa blinked as Clarke straightened her jacket and released it. Lexa was in awe of this woman. She quickly took Clarke’s hand making the blonde glance at their joined hands. Her blue eyes were light when her gaze traveled back to meet Lexa’s. The smiles that took over both of their faces as Clarke squeezed Lexa’s hand and interlaced their fingers could have lit the entire cornfield if this was a cartoon. 
Lexa reached into her pocket for her phone and pulled up Google Maps again. Clarke took Lexa’s phone in her free hand. “This is cheating, Lexa.” She teased. 
“No. Hey! What are you-” Clarke interrupted her “I’m texting myself so I don’t lose you if we get separated.”
Clarke closed Google Maps and observed the background with a smile finding Harlivy art. She recognized the picture, the two characters were lying in some greenery holding hands and lovingly gazing at each other. Lexa could not get any more adorable. She quickly opened the text app and typed in her number and typed a message to herself. She hit send and pulled maps back up then handed the phone back. 
Lexa looked at the map and then around “This way looks fastest.”
“Lead the way, Red.”
Lexa laughed, “This is not my natural color.”
“No! You’re telling me you don’t have fire truck red hair, naturally?”
Lexa bumped her shoulder against Clarke’s laughing lightly as she said, “fuck you.”
“Buy me a drink first.”
“Okay, what are you drinking?” Lexa said, tugging Clarke faster towards the exit of the maze. 
Clarke couldn’t stop her laughter if she tried. They made it out of the maze faster than Clarke thought was possible and wow was it attractive to watch a determined Lexa lead the way. Lexa led them to one of the drink stands and Clarke smiled. “What would you like to drink?” 
“I was joking, Lexa. You don’t have to buy me a drink.”
Lexa smiled dorkily. “I know but I want to even if it’s just a drink and conversation.” 
“You are something else. Seriously, how are you so cute and sexy at the same time?”
“I’m a woman of many talents.”
“I bet you are.” Clarke bit her bottom lip, unable to stop her mind from wandering to naughty places. 
“What can I get you ladies?” The cashier interrupted their silent eye contact.
Lexa broke eye contact first smiling at the guy behind the counter. “Oh hi, um can I get the Pumpkin Spooktacular dark brew, please? And whatever this beautiful woman-” Clarke interrupted Lexa softly, “I’ll have the same thing.”
Lexa smiled at Clarke then looked back at the guy as he asked “Anything else?”
She looked back to Clake who shook her head. “That’s it, thanks.” 
Lexa paid and they got their adorable pumpkin-flavored coffees and found an empty table under one of the trees that was decorated with sparking lights. Lexa is quick to pull out Clarke’s chair and then sit next to her. Clarke can’t handle how Lexa is treating her. It has been far too long since she's even just had a one-night stand let alone been on a date and this feels like a date. No, it felt like more than just a date. It felt like they were already girlfriends and this was just a cute Saturday date night. It all just felt so comfy, familiar, and right. She felt like she could get used to this. She sipped her coffee and sighed at the warmth and tasted happy she got something warm. The cool night air was starting to get to her exposed skin. 
Lexa watched Clarke trying to soak in the comfortable feelings of ease the blonde gave her. She honestly felt like she must be dreaming. There was no way this was her life. Clarke Griffin is sitting across from her happily sipping on a pumpkin-flavored coffee. Face illuminated by the twinkling lights that seemed to make blue eyes sparkle. She was in awe of the woman before her. 
Clarke held her drink in both hands and had been glancing around but she felt eyes on her and smiled when her gaze met intense green orbs. Wow was all she could think. She had never seen green eyes like Lexa’s before. They are the kind of green that changes hues in different lighting and, gawd the twinkle lights made them shine like the sun on a lake the reflection of lush green trees surrounding the water. Clarke couldn't stop the shiver that ran up her spine. 
“Are you cold?”
Clarke cleared her thoughts as she returned to earth. “Oh, uhm, a little but this is helping. Thank you.”
“It’s colder than I thought it was going to be and I’m wearing more clothes than you here.”
Lexa got up removed her jacket and draped it over Clarke’’s shoulders.
Clarke despite herself sunk into the warmth the jacket offered and the sweet woodsy scent that was so very Lexa. She couldn’t help her smile even as she said. “I can’t take your jacket.”
Lexa could almost melt seeing the beautiful woman melt into her jacket and smile at her. “It looks good on you.”
“Not as good as you.” 
Clarke flushed as Lexa peered down at her from her standing position. She knows the angle gives Lexa a perfect view of her boobs. Lexa doesn’t even try to hide the fact that she’s staring. Clarke is definitely warm now. 
Lexa forces her gaze back up to meet those mesmerizing blue orbs. “You are so beautiful, Clarke.” 
Clarke is a fairly confident woman who has grown to love her curves and womanly figure but Lexa is all lean fit muscle with delicate yet sharp facial features. Clarke is pretty sure Lexa is the most gorgeous woman she has ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on. Hearing Lexa so genuinely compliment her is too much. She grabs the hand that still lingers on her shoulder and pulls lightly. Luckily Lexa gets the hint and leans down to kiss Clarke. It feels far too intimate but also so natural. They keep it short and Lexa returns to her seat. Clarke grabs the chair and scoots Lexa to be tucked in closer to her and leans into the warmth and comfort. They observe the crowd in a comfortable silence watching teenagers scream and laugh. Observing awkward first dates and seeing families smile for pictures. The atmosphere is something out of a Hallmark movie. It’s the cheesy annual Halloween Festival regardless of how cheesy it all is Clarke and Lexa soak up every last bit of it. They have some casual conversation and sip their delicious drinks before a loud group is heard calling their names. Clarke looks around to see her friends wandering about looking for her. Clarke looks back to Lexa “I take it that is your sister walking with her arm over my friend Raven's shoulder.” 
Lexa glances over to the group and smiles “Wow, you weren’t kidding all your friends are dressed as DC characters! They look awesome!”
“I don’t joke about my friends' enthusiasm.” Clarke Laughed. 
“That’s my sister alright, it seems Anya has her sight set on your friend. Wait, that's my cousin Lincoln with the short brunette.”
“Raven looks like a smitten kitten! Damn, how are all the people in your family so attractive?”
Lexa snorts out a laugh that is downright adorable. It makes Clarke want to keep her forever. 
The group hasn’t noticed them yet and Raven keeps yelling both their names. “Should we run and hide or?” Clarke teased.
“You can have me all to yourself later, Clarke.” 
Fucking hell Clarke really loves the way Lexa says her name. Clarke licks and then bites her bottom lips softly. Dropping her voice an octave to whisper huskily, “You promise?”
Lexa swallows the lump in her suddenly dry throat. “If you want. I will follow you anywhere.”
Lexa has never been more confident in her feelings towards another. She thinks maybe she was always meant to find and love this woman. Clarke seems to be feeling something similar with the way she’s visibly swooning. Clarke leans in close to Lexa and softly presses their foreheads together, their lips are almost touching. “Damn, you’re going to be the death of me.” Clarke husked. 
Before Clarke could say or do anything else Lexa closed the space between them softly capturing a top lip right where that adorable beauty mark is. Clarke automatically melted into the kiss sucking lightly on Lexa’s plump bottom lip. Hands tangled into thick red hair. While slender fingers rested on pale thighs. 
To anyone who didn’t know they would assume the two were a long-time couple. Unfortunately, the people who noticed were all too aware that the two were not dating. Raven whistled at them as the rest of the group cheered. The loud group made them part from their kiss but Clarke tugged lightly at the curls on the back of Lexa’s neck. “You better keep your promise.”
Lexa squeezed Clarke’s thigh “I never break a promise.”
The two detangled from each other just in time for the group to get to them. Anya is the first to say something “You ditched me in the maze to make out with a girl?”
“I didn’t ditch you. I lost you in the smoke.” Lexa turned to Raven “Thanks for that by the way, Raven.”
Raven smirked, “I see Clarke has told you about her awesome step-sister/mom!”
“Oh my god Raven shut up you can’t be my step-sister and stepmom!”
“I can’t help the fact your mom is hot Griffin.”
“Oh you have a thing for older women do you?” Anya lifted her brow at Raven. 
“Uh yeah, have you seen yourself!” Raven smirked. 
“Raven cut it out, we haven't even properly met Lexa yet.” Octavia tried.
Raven rolled her eyes at her friend. “Your boyfriend's cousins are going to have to learn how to deal with this madness if they want to be part of the group.” 
Lexa and Lincoln waved to each other silently observing the friends. Octavia rolled her eyes right back “Just because Anya seems to like you doesn’t mean you get to act insane.”
“Oh, you like me, cheekbones?”
“I never said that.”
“But you didn’t not say it either.”
Nathan spoke up “Can we be introduced so we can continue the fun?”
Clarke smiled at Nathan and grabbed Lexa’s hand. She stood up leading Lexa to stand next to her “Everyone this is Lexa!”
Lexa waved “Hi!”
“You know Raven now and your cousin's girlfriend is Octavia.”
Both girls waved at Lexa. “You can call me O. Everyone does.” 
“Nice to finally meet you O. I have heard a lot about you. My cousin is mad about you.”
Clarke pointed at the two guys holding hands, “That's Jasper and Monty.” She pointed to the other two, “That's Nathan and that's Murphy.” 
“It’s nice to meet you all. I love the costumes!”
The group all greeted Lexa with open arms appreciating her costume and nerding out with her about the show and characters. It made Clarke dizzy with what she could only call affection for the woman. She fit in so perfectly! Honestly Lincoln and Anya seemed to fit in as well and something about it all just seemed like it was written in the stars. The whole group seemed to feel it too. 
The night air was crisp, the company was perfect, and the place was everything. The last activity was always the group's favorite. They reserved a private firepit and always got the s'mores package deal. This year they reserved early enough to get a lake-side pit and it was worth every cent. 
The firepit was lit for them by an employee and they gathered around the cozy fire. The light illuminated the shore. Clarke pulled Lexa over to one of the benches and gave her back her jacket. “It looks so much better on you and really completes your outfit.”
“I will only take this back if you let me keep you warm.”
“Oh, that was the plan, Lex.”
Clarke snuggles into Lexa grabbing her arm to drape around her. They shared s’mores and laughs and the best conversations. The group took a bunch of pictures and before they knew it the night was coming to an end. The witching hour had come and it was time to go but Lexa and Clarke didn’t want the night to end here. The group split off into their different cars. No one was surprised to see Anya and Raven leave together and so no one even questioned when Clarke left with Lexa.
The drive to Lexa’s was filled with an electric anticipation in the air. They both felt it. Lexa drove faster than usual but was still careful. Lexa placed a hand lightly on Clarke's thigh. It was too much and not enough for Clarke so she slid her hands around Lexa’s and held it in her lap. It’s comfy, familiar even but more than that it’s electric. 
They arrived at Lexa’s apartment complex and only disconnected long enough for Lexa to get out and walk around to Clarke’s door. She opened it and offered Clarke her hand which Clarke happily took.
They walked close, fingers interlaced and locked. The elevator ride up was silent but again so comfortable and normal. Lexa led the way unlocking her door and ushering them both inside. She shut and locked the door behind them, never letting go of Clarke’s hand. Clarke stayed basically attached to Lexa’s side as she took in the spacious open apartment. Lexa squeezed her hand “Well this is basically it. Would you like some water?”
“It’s beautiful. Yes, please.”
Lexa guided them into the open kitchen. She turned to face Clarke fully. She was going to ask her something else but was distracted by those eyes and then by the slightest movement just a few inches lower. She watched helplessly as Clarke licked her lips and then she snapped her gaze back up to meet dilated pupils. Lexa couldn't help but lick her own lips and Clarke noticed right away. 
Clarke is quick to pull Lexa in and kiss those ridiculously soft lips. Her hands tangle into Lexa’s hair and Lexa finds her balance by holding Clarke’s hips. She presses the blonde into the counter of the island and it makes them both groan. Lexa moves her hands lower and hooks them around soft thighs. She lifts the blonde with ease and sets her on the countertop. A sound escapes Clarke that is delicious and Lexa is desperate to hear more. The cool stone under Clarke does nothing to ease the heat surging through her entire body. 
Clarke wraps her legs around Lexa and pulls her flush against her. She pulls strong shoulders to get those lips back on hers. They moan into the kiss as their bodies are tightly fitted together. Lexa’s hands are on silky thighs massaging the firm muscles there. Clarke can’t help but move her hips in a sad attempt to get friction but they are so tightly pressed she can barely move. It fills her with need and she pulls off Lexa’s jacket then her shirt then her bra. Lexa quickly catches up unclasping the tight top that somehow supports Clarke’s ample breasts. She pulls the straps down slowly and moves her kisses to follow as more silky smooth skin gets revealed. Clarke throws her head back in a moan when lips ghost down her neck and collar bones and teeth scrape the soft sensitive skin. “You smell so good, can I taste you?”
“I like that word on your lips.”
“Fuck please, Lexa!”
“Oh, that’s even better. Fuck Clarke say my name again.”
Clarke didn’t expect the brunette to be so talkative but fuck if it wasn’t making her so much wetter than she’d ever been before from someone just talking. Lexa trails her tongue down Clarke’s neck stopping at the crook and sucking lightly. “You taste so good.”
“Fuck Lexa!”
“Can I kiss your breasts?”
“Gawd yes!” 
Clarke arches her back pushing her exposed chest out. Lexa kisses down the center and palms both full breasts in her hands. They fit perfectly and feel gloriously heavy in her slender hands. 
She runs her thumbs over stiff nipples making them stiffer. She kisses around each one and then finally wraps her lips around a stiff bud and lightly runs her tongue over it. She pinches the other as she begins to suck and bite the nipple in her mouth. She moans at the taste and Clarke moans at the feeling. Images of that mouth and tongue lower make her clit throb. Lexa is lost devouring Clarke’s beautiful breasts. Until she feels Clarke leaning back. She reluctantly detached herself from Clarke’s chest to look at her worried she did something wrong. “Are you okay?”
Clarke stops and grabs Lexa’s face “More than okay. I just need these off.”
She moved her hands to her shorts. Lexa bit her bottom lip “I need those off too, here lay back.”
Lexa guided Clarke to lie on the cool stone; it made Clarke shiver and that caused her breasts to bounce. Lexa is so thankful for gravity. Green eyes are intense as her gaze rolls down. Lexa hooks her fingers into the waistband of tight shorts and pulls them down. She takes a deep shuddered breath when she discovers nothing underneath but slick wet skin. “Oh wow, Clarke!”
“It’s all because of you.”
“Mmm in that case is it all mine to taste?”
Clarke whimpers at the thought of the deep raspy neediness of Lexa’s voice. “Fuck, Lexa yes.”
Lexa quickly lowers herself and wastes no time. Her lips press against Clarke’s clit and she is instantly addicted to the taste and rushes to get more enthusiastically licking and sucking. She can’t get enough; she explores and makes some of the most vulgar sounds as she fully loses herself in the taste and feel. 
“Fuck! Lexa OH! Slow down. You’re going to make me cum AH!”
Lexa doesn’t ease up, Clarke's words encourage her. 
Lexa hums and then whispers hotly “You taste so good, Clarke.”   
The combination of heated breath and vibrations has Clarke trembling. “Mmm So, Fucking, Good.”
Lexa latches on with more pressure sucking and it sends Clarke barreling over the edge. “IM CU UH AH AH FUCK Oh FUCK LEXA!”
Lexa doesn’t let up as Clarke’s legs tremble forcing Clarke to pull her up by her hair. “Jesus Lexa!”
“I can’t help it, Clarke. I could do that all day. I love your pussy.”
“I love your tongue but fuck I need to feel and taste you too.”
Clarke sits up and wraps her arms around Lexa and Lexa follows along wrapping her arms around Clarke. She picks her up, almost losing her mind at how wet pussy presses against her abs as her legs wrap around her tightly. She takes them to her bedroom. She lays Clarke down but the blonde keeps her locked in her embrace pulling Lexa down on top of her. She flips them over and straddles Lexa’s hips. “You are far too dressed.”
Clarke moves to stand and pulls Lexa’s Leggings off. She licks and bites her lip when her gaze falls to the little green lace that is soaked through. She takes a shaky breath “Ffuuck, Lex.”
She is quick to remove the lace and even quicker to kiss up long smooth legs. “Gawd your legs!” 
Clarke bites and sucks at inner thighs coaxing whimpers from the woman below her. “I love the little sounds you're making. Be louder for me.”
She moved her kisses up and sank into the taste of Lexa. She had never tasted anyone so divine. Lexa moaned louder as Clarke explored. “Fuck! Clarke!”
Clarke hummed against her and repeated the actions that had Lexa unraveling underneath her. She quickly found the right pressure to make long legs tremble and relentlessly repeated it until Lexa arched off the bed “Oh Fuck! Oh MY FuCkInG CLARKE! YES!” 
Clarke couldn’t get enough and Lexa had to tug her up by the hair just like she had done earlier to her. Clarke happily laid over Lexa pressing their bodies together. They both moved in for a kiss and moaned at the combined taste. Their bodies were far from sated; they needed more. More of each other. More of this moment. More. 
Clarke moved her legs to slot with Lexa's. Lexa adjusted and pressed her thigh up between Clarke's legs. She moaned at the feel of just how wet Clarke was. "You like this? Do you feel how wet I am? I'm dripping down your thigh." 
"I love it! Gawd Clarke, it's so hot."
Clarke moved her thigh to press against Lexa and sighed out a shaky breath. "Fuck Lex." 
Clarke held herself up slightly to look down between them. "You're so fucking wet! Can I?"
She adjusted her position and hovered her own pussy just above Lexa's. Lexa looked down and swallowed hard. "Please!"
Lexa grabbed Clarke's hips and pulled her down. They both moaned at the contact. Their hips moved slowly. Slick filthy wet noise filled the room. "Fuck Lexa! Can you cum like this?" 
"I could cum just watching you, Clarke."
Clarke smirked as she pressed into Lexa. "It's my boobs, isn't it? I knew you were a boob girl."
"I mean you have gorgeous breasts but Clarke it's all of you."
Lexa's gaze traveled over every inch of Clarke's body. Green landed on deep blue and they stayed locked. Lexa bucked her hips up slowly. Clarke matched her movements. "It's all of you too, Lexa. Gawd I think you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!"
Their hips bucked harder. "Fuck, Clarke!"
"Yes faster!"
Hips bucked, breasts bounced, skin glistened. It was just enough to have them both unraveling quickly. It wasn't enough. Clarke groaned as she came. Contracting around nothing. "Please Lex, I need more!"
Lexa quickly flipped Clarke over and hovered over her. "What do you need, Clarke?" 
She trailed her fingers down down down. "I need those fingers inside me. I need my fingers inside of you."
Clarke snaked her hand between them and didn't wait for Lexa. Her fingers slid into Lexa with ease. 
"Fuck! Clarke!"
Lexa's arm buckled and she lost her balance. She fell beside Clarke. "Shit sorry! Fuck!"
Clarke let out a soft laugh and moved to lie on her side facing Lexa. "Come here." 
Clarke scooted closer leaning in for a kiss. Lexa happily met her lips. Clarke took Lexa's hand and guided it to her hip and then between them. Lexa bit Clarke's bottom lip and sucked on it as she took control of her hand sliding her fingers through slick folds. She circled Clarke's clit softly and it made her shiver. "Don't tease me please, I need you inside." 
Lexa couldn't help but obey. She pressed her fingertips softly to her tight entrance and could feel Clarke pull her in. "Fuck, Lex!"
Lexa leaned in for another kiss and swallowed Clarke's moans as she curled her fingers and pressed her palm against Clarke's clit. Clarke snaked her own hand between them and slid her fingers into Lexa curling them the same as Lexa's and pressing her palm against her clit. She kept her palm in place and curled her fingers staying mostly inside timing the spongy front wall. Lexa mirrored the movements of Clarke as Clarke captured plump lips once again. The kisses got messier as moans escaped them. Teeth scraped against lips until all they could do was moan against each other's lips hot breath filling the space between them. 
The sound of their movements was porn worthy. They were both so wet so close to cuming. Each press of fingers just made more wet squelches. 
"Fuck Lex I'm gonna cum! Cum with me?"
"Yes fuck yes! Oh Clarke!"
"Ah, Lex! Lex! Yes ah ah!"
Walls contracted and gushes of slick heat spilled over palms and thighs. Finally sated at least for the moment exhaustion settled between them. They lazily kissed slow and sweet. They pressed their foreheads together and sighed contently. “We should rinse off.”
“We should but I can’t move.” Big blue eyes pouted.
Lexa got up and quickly picked up the blonde and carried her to the shower. They rinsed off and languidly kissed. They took turns washing each other softly and did the same as they dried off. Lexa removed the comforter that was soaked and grabbed a clean one. “Do you want a shirt and shorts?”
“No. I need you to feel you. Have you close.”
Lexa helped Clarke into bed and snuggled into her. They both felt the exhaustion settle in their bones tired yawns and slow breaths were lulling them to sleep. 
It was the most blissful sleep either of them had ever experienced. It would become the only way they could sleep. Wrapped up in each other. That’s the thing about soulmates once you find your person everything changes. Fall would have a whole new special place in Clarke’s heart. Another reason to love it. Lexa too. The Spooktacular Arkadia Festival would remain a tradition for them, their children, and their grandchildren. Soulmates in this little life and in so many others. Forever Clexa lives on. <3
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topazy · 2 years
Silent bloom
Paring: Bellamy Blake x reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood and violence, PTSD
Chapter: 3.01
“Where are you going?”
You look over your shoulder to see Bellamy entering your shared room; he had just changed into looser clothing than he was wearing before. You smile at him, “to see Jasper.”
“Dressed like that?” He asks playfully, motioning to the damp towel that was wrapped around your body.
“Obviously, it’s the latest fashion,” you say. You reach for the clothes you left hanging on the edge of the bed, but Bellamy links his fingers with yours before you can reach them. You smile up at him and ask, “And what about you, Blake? Where are you going dressed like that?”
He looks down at his clothes, confused. “I’m going to spar with Lincoln. Why? Problem?”
“There actually is,” you say, reaching for the bottom of his shirt. “You're wearing far too many layers.”
He tugs off his shirt and discards it, “Better?”
“Much,” you say before leaning up and pressing your lips against his.
Bellamy deepens the kiss and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in closer to him. He gripped your chin with his hand and kissed down your forehead to your nose, making you giggle. “Have you decided what you're doing later?”
“Yes,” the giddy feeling in your stomach disappears, and you shake your head. “I’m not going.”
Arkadia had been your home for the last three months, although it wasn’t easy. Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Monty, and Lincoln had kept you sane most of the time. But no matter how happy you felt around them, it didn’t keep the nightmares at bay.
His hand dropped from your chin as he cleared his throat. “Please, just think about it. We are going to Sector seven. I think it will be good for you.”
“I don’t know, Bell. I want to, but I don’t know if I’m ready.”
He kisses your forehead and says, “Just say you’ll think about it.”
You take a deep breath and knock on the door in front of you. “Jasper, can we talk? Please.”
Jasper didn’t answer.
“You haven’t eaten in days, and I’m worried about you.”
You sit down on the ground and lean against his door. “I know what it’s like to see and hear people who aren’t there, it happens to me all the time. I still think about the people I’ve lost all the time. Hell, I even miss Murphy... I'm going to go. I’ve left you some food and clean clothes outside your door.”
You walk away feeling crushed, knowing Jasper probably wasn’t answering the door because he passed out drunk. The only people who made an effort with him now were you and Monty. So much for keeping your friends safe. You take a couple of deep breaths when you feel a tightness in your chest. You needed to change before you ended up pushing your friends away, just like Jasper.
You walk into the hangar and notice Miller and Bellamy preparing for the next scouting mission.
“You're coming?” Bellamy asks, smiling.
You nod; the look on his face makes you glad you’d decided to go. Hearing a groaning noise, you look under one of the tables to see Jasper pass out. “How long have you been there?”
“A couple of hours,” Monty sighs. Him and Bellamy pull Jasper out from under the table and help him stand.
“Hey, flower girl!”
You turn and smile brightly at Gina when you see her enter the room. “Hey, how was it?”
“I hate that place, you know? But somebody’s gotta go back there.” She gives you a sympathetic look before reaching into her backpack. “I found the book you were talking about.” She hands you a copy of the Iliad. “I remember you saying how you wanted to do something nice for Bellamy, and if you ever got the chance, you’d try to find him this.”
“This is amazing, thank you!” You pull Gina in for a hug before letting her get back to work.
You walk back towards Bellamy, who has a curious look on his face. “What was that about?”
“She helped me get you a gift.”
“A gift?”
“I wanted to do something nice for you, since you’ve been so good to me... while, you know…” The suspicious look on his face made you laugh. You handed him the book, and his expression hardened. “I thought you’d like it since your mom used to read it to you.”
“I do, it’s—thank you,” he kisses you on the forehead and puts the book in his bag. “Better make sure we’ve got everything.”
Bellamy hands Miller a gun while you double-check your bag to make sure you’ve got everything you need. You look up, noticing Monty walking by you carrying a bucket of water. He throws it over Jasper, who still looks drunk. “Oh, sorry, too cold?”
Jasper lets out a loud yell and grabs Monty, swinging them around before shoving him into the vehicle. “Enough!” You snap, jumping in between them. You shove Jasper back and say, “I get that you're hurting, but don’t be a massive dick and take your anger out on the people who care about you.”
Jasper looks taken aback by your words. He looks behind you as Bellamy approaches and says, “No gun for you, not until you’re sober.”
“Don’t want one,” he says, doing a mock salute, then slapping Bellamy on the head before walking away.
You and Raven share a look of concern. If Jasper had one of his meltdowns outside the camp, he’d probably get you all killed. Although the same could probably be said for you.
“Is Octavia coming?”
Bellamy shrugs. The relationship between the Blake siblings had been strained for a while, making it difficult for those around them.
You go to get into the Rover but stop when Bellamy places his hand on your shoulder. “Thank you,” he says quietly. “For the book and for coming.”
You give him a quick kiss on the lips before sitting down. Raven, who was in the driver’s seat, looked back at you with a smirk on her face and said, “She’s far too good for you.”
Bellamy rolls his eyes and says, “Shut up.”
Jaspers scoffs, “Be careful. Monty might melt her.”
“Enough!” Bellamy sighs. “Raven, take us out.”
Raven starts to drive out of the hangar when Octavia appears on horseback. She raises her brows and says, “try and keep up.”
The ride is mainly in silence until Jasper starts singing loudly; when Raven and Miller joined in, the mood became much lighter until the sing-a-long was interrupted by the sound of a tracking beacon from Farm Station, causing Raven to stop the rover.
“It hasn’t gone off in what? four months?”
Miller nods and asks, “How is that possible?”
“We'll find out. Where are they?”
Before Monty can answer you, Octavia opens the door to the rover and says, “Don't tell me I missed the party.”
“The beacon is in Sector Eight, Ice Nation territory,” Raven explains. “The protocol says we go home. Let the Chancellor decide what to do next.”
“Screw protocol. The Chancellor's not from Farm Station. Monty is, as is Miller's boyfriend,” he says, turning to face them. “It's your call.”
They agree to go into Ice Nation territory to look for the beacon.
Your breath becomes slightly hitched as you grip the gun in your hands tightly as Octavia talks to the Ice Nation scouts in Trig. They were looking for someone called Wanheda. You don’t notice Jasper moving until it’s too late, and he’s snatching the beacon that’s hanging around a scout's neck off of him.
The ground spins him round and he puts his knife to Jasper's throat, “Where's Wanheda?”
“We don’t know,” you go to step forward, but Bellamy holds you back. “We don’t know who Wanheda is, but we can help you look if you let him go.”
The scout looks as if he’s considering it, but Jasper starts to laugh, angering him. “You think this is funny?”
Before you can fully comprehend what’s happening, you're yelling for the scout to stop as he slices his blade along Jasper's throat. Miller, Raven, and Bellamy fire at the other scouts.
“Hold your fire!” Bellamy yells.
“Jasper, get down!” The moment Octavia throws her blade and it sinks into the grounder's chest, your hands are covered in blood again, and Finn is on the other side of the knife.
“Thanks Daisy.”
Your heart hammers in your chest as Finn’s voice echoes in your head and you watch the blood spilling down your friend's neck. You pull a first aid kit from your bag and try to hold a bandage against Jasper's neck to stop the bleeding, but he pushes you away. “I’m trying to help you; you're being an idiot!”
“I’ll take him to medical,” Octavia says, helping you to your feet.
Bellamy slams the radio; he was talking to Kane on down. “Miller? Get one of their horses. Raven said you can't ride, you're on the back. Monty, Daisy, you're with me. Let's go.”
You arrive at Sector 4 to meet Kane and Indra and walk into a tunnel. Monty walks beside you and says, “He's getting worse, isn't he? I mean, getting drunk every night is one thing, but smiling with a knife to your throat? That's next-level damage.”
Before you can reply, Kane comes into view with Indra by his side. Bellamy says, “He must have told her we broke the truce. Sir, before you say anything, there was a good reason—”
“I'll deal with that later. This is about Clarke,” Kane says seriously.
“What about her?”
“She’s being hunted,” Indra explains.
“By the scouts?”
“By everyone.”
You notice how nervous Indra looks as the wheels go over tree trucks, causing the rover to sway. You offer her a friendly smile and say, “It takes a while to get used to.”
She says nothing but watches as you roughly rub your hands with a wet cloth. Bellamy handed you something to try and get Jasper's blood off your hand.
“Sir, we're almost out of range. Are you sure you don't want to tell the chancellor?” Monty asks about slowing down before he drives completely out of range.
“I'm sure. I don't want to worry Abby until we know something.”
“We know there's a kill order,” Bellamy says from his position beside Monty in the front. “Your people are big on those.”
“It's not a kill order,” Indra clarifies. “It's a bounty. Clarke's a symbol. She's known as Wanheda. The Commander of Death.”
“Why are they looking for her? Is it because of what happened in mount weather?” Your hands begin to sweat at your own question.
“My people believe that when you kill someone, you get their power. Kill Wanheda, and you command death.”
“She’s just one girl,” Kane points out.
“So was the commander. What Clarke did at Mount Weather weakened her. The Ice Nation was emboldened. Their queen wants Clarke's power. If her people believe she has it, she'll break the coalition and start a war. I can't let that happen.”
“Welcome to sector seven,” Monty says, bringing the rover to a stop.
“Where to now?”
Indra leans forward and points in the direction she wants him to drive. “If she's here, she'll need supplies. We'll start at the trading posts.”
Monty slams down on the breaks so he doesn’t crash into a tree that’s fallen onto the road. “We need to move it to clear a path.”
You go to open the Rover door, but Indra stops you and says, “Wait. It's been cut down.”
“You don't know that,” Bellamy says before opening the door and popping his head out of the rover to look around with his gun ready.
You move beside him and look around as well, but when a second tree suddenly starts to fall, Bellamy pulls you away from the door and slams it shut.
Indra gives him a knowing look and says, “We do now.”
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blvckqwz · 1 year
Are we still friends? (B.Blake / Reader)
Bouncing off things and you don't know how you fall
Your power is drained, so you cannot go through walls
You're caught in this matrix, don't know where you play it
You hate it, it could be your favorite if you make it your friend
The sound of boots hitting the floor was the only thing audible in the dark halls of Arkadia as Bellamy returned his night patrol, mud and sweat caked in his messy dark curls that bounced on his forehead. Since Pike and the Farm Station arrived at Arkadia the patrols have been more exhausting, leaving him completely drained afterward. 
The metallic door in front of him opened with a small creak, the room behind it completely dark. But for Bellamy it was nothing new, no one was waiting for him to return home anymore. The room was a mess, so was he. Clothes and other stuff were covering the floor, the bed was unmade and empty bottles of cheap alcohol were lying on the table. 
The only thing that remained untouched were the two drawers that once belonged to her. Bellamy didn’t even dare to come near them, because even though they had been emptied a long time ago, it was the only proof that their relationship existed, even if it belonged to the past now. Bellamy took a big sip of alcohol, the burning sensation in his throat helping him forget her face, her voice, her love for him. 
I can't stop you, I can't rock too
I've been back there and I can not die too
But I've got to know
[two weeks before]
“Where have you been?” Y/N’s voice was like a sharp knife that hit Bellamy's chest as soon as he entered their room. It was already night, probably around 2 a.m., but she was still up, waiting for him. Bellamy avoided her gaze as the door closed behind him and kicked off his boots, not willing to reply to her question. 
“Answer me.” She hissed as she got up, “You were with Pike again, weren’t you?” 
Bellamy kept ignoring her as he walked around the room, pretending to be too busy to hear her. But he was too drunk to hide it, so his movements looked robotic and stiff. “Bellamy.” She called as she walked in front of him, grabbing his arms with her hands in an attempt to stop him from making more of a fool of himself than he already did. 
“I’ve stuff to do.” He quietly slurred as Y/N studied his face, his eyes wandering around to avoid her gaze. 
“Look at me.” She said, her voice now hoarse, “What is happening to you?”
As soon as Bellamy’s eyes met hers he broke down, crying like a kid as Y/N just held him tight, rubbing small circles on his back as she tried to calm him down. But the mix of alcohol and guilt was too strong to stop. “I don't know.” He kept murmuring, “I don’t know what’s happening.” 
Y/N reluctantly took a few steps back and looked at him, tears still spilling from his eyes. “You are scaring me Bell, I just want to help you.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He mumbled as he placed a kiss on her hairline. “You know I love you right? That everything you do, I do it for you. You know that right?” He asked, his eyes burning in desperation. Y/N froze for a second, her voice shaky as she murmured a response, “Of course I know.” 
Bellamy was calming down, so she quickly put him to sleep. “Stay?” He murmured, the alcohol still in his system. So she stayed, like she always did, as she quietly watched his breath get steady, a hand lazily wrapped around her waist. But Y/N couldn’t sleep, no matter how much she wanted to. It was now clear that there was only one way out, if she wanted to sleep again. 
She had to break his already hurting heart to free hers.
Don't get green skin (green skin), keep contact (keep contact)
Don't say, "Goodbye, smell you later" (bye, later)
Nah, I can't
I don't want to end this season on a bad episode
Y/N’s eyes burned as she walked across the camp. She could feel everyone’s eyes glued on her as she tried to disappear under her coat. Pike’s army stood a few meters from her, their eyes fixed on her too as she walked inside the building. But there was one pair of eyes that hurt more than anyone else's put together. 
It had been a week since they broke up, but she still couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as him, disgust and despair coming up her throat everytime she heard his voice coming from the radio they listened to track Pike’s moves. She obviously took part in the “rebellion” as soon as she heard, not standing to stay crying in the empty room Kane gave her out of pity one second more. At frist no one was really sure if they could trust her since she had been the boy’s girlfriend until a few days ago, but as soon as they began to understand how much hate she felt for Pike and his men, they let her in. 
“Y/N!” A voice called from behind her, making her walk faster. “Y/N please, I just want to talk.” He kept begging, making her heart ache in pain. She tried her best to not think of him, to forget him. She even banned everyone around her to use his name, including herself. But life obviously had other plans. 
“Y/N.” Bellamy said as he grabbed her arm, making her swivel on herself to look at him. “Back off.” She snarled as she aggressively snatched her arm from his grip, cursing herself for finding his touch oddly comforting. 
“Y/N please.” He whispered as he grabbed her arm again, this time holding it lighterer, and taking her in a less crowded hallway. “What, are you ashamed to be seen with a scum like me?” She hissed as she looked up at him with angry eyes. “You know I don’t think you are a scum.”
“Yeah? Tell Pike that then.” She spat before turning around, “If you ever try to talk to me again I won't hesitate to hit you.” Bellamy followed her, “He knows. He knows all of it.” He called from behind her,  “He’s going to put you in jail Y/N, please let me help you.” 
Y/N froze for a second. “I don’t care. This place already is like a jail.” 
“Y/N please, can’t you see I’m doing all of this for you?” He said as he came closer. “That’s bullshit and you know it, you are only doing it for yourself.” 
“I’m doing this to protect you! I can’t lose you to the Grounders Y/N.” He insisted, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I don’t need your protection. God, can’t you see that the only thing that I need to be protected from is you and your actions? You are leading us to a war.” She snapped, “Don’t you ever dare to come closer to me, coward.” 
And with that she was gone, leaving Bellamy standing there like a fool, his eyes full of tears and his mouth full of unsaid words.
Are we still friends?
Can we be friends?
Are we still friends?
I've got to kn-, know
“Any last words.” Although Pike’s words were firm, Y/N could hear the note of enjoyment behind them even from afar. He was having the time of his life, watching Lincoln getting executed, she thought as bile started rising up in her throat. 
He wasn’t getting away with this, it was a promise. Still she couldn’t help but shed some tears as her friend fell in a pool of his own blood, a bullet passing through his head. 
How could Bellamy be a part of this horror? How could the same boy who swore to protect her, to love her, put her through all this pain? Did he even ever love her? Or was it an act? How can you hurt someone you love so badly?
The least she could do was hoping he felt the pain that was gripping her heart so bad she barely could breath. 
If we can see each other
Shake your hand, say hi
Long ago, long ago, long ago
Bellamy’s lips were trembling as he lay down on the cold ground of the cave, his thoughts filled with just one person. She never left his mind, nor when he was awake nor when he was sleeping. She was always there, her hurt and disappointed face printed on his eyelids, haunting him everytime he closed his eyes. 
She could be dead by now thanks to him. Pike put her in jail, like he warned a few days before, and set the execution for that day. Was she dead already? Or were tears filling her eyes in fear in her last moments alive? Indra said they had a plan, but he didn’t feel as relieved as he should. Because if she was alive, would she ever be able to forgive him? 
He didn’t even know if he was able to forgive himself. The things he had done, the lives he ended and the ones he ruined will always haunt him, no matter what. He was a fool, she was right all along, but he couldn’t see it until now. 
Footsteps interrupted his thoughts and just for a brief moment he felt relief washing over him as he saw Y/N entering the cave. The relief was quick to die as soon as he noticed her expression, undried tears on her cheeks. But the fury that filled her eyes as they found Bellamy was what really scared the shit out of him. 
She hated him, he realized, and that was the worst pain he could even imagine.
Are we still friends? Are we still friends?
Are we still friends? Are we still friends?
Are we still friends? (Friends, friends)
I said, are we still friends? (Friends, friends)
Y/N could feel the awkwardness between her and the boy growing as they crossed the hallways, not a single word said. Honestly all she cared about was stopping A.L.I.E. before she wiped out the last shreds of joy she owned, so if it meant standing in a creepy looking place with one of the people she most resented, she was ready to make that sacrifice. 
However she wasn’t ready for the sad and pleading glances Bellamy kept shooting her, following her like a lost puppy. “We need to talk.” He tried to mask his fear with his deep voice, but the phrase came out as a shaky whisper. Y/N didn’t even bother to look at him, just walking past the boy as her eyes stayed fixed in front of her. “What do I have to do?” He asked, his voice full of regret as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. “Do you really want to know?” She finally answered, her voice sounding dark. But Bellamy didn’t notice, how could he? He finally was getting his second chance. 
“I wish you died, it would be easier if you were dead.” She spoke, “So, if you really want to help die.” Bellamy’s eyes started to fill with tears as he opened his mouth. But the words just wouldn’t come out, so instead he just listened to her whispering something before disappearing around the corner.
“The Bellamy I once knew is dead anyway, you can follow him as well.”
Can't say goodbye (check it, ahh)
Can't say goodbye, goodbye (woo)
So he did as she said, he followed the man he once was. It was easy, people were already dying everyday. No one would even notice, he thought as the blade cut deeper in his flesh, crimson blood spilling all over the floor. 
He wanted to help, to make her life easier, so if it meant he had to give up his own life, then let it be it. He was happy if she was happy, even if he couldn’t be there watching her. After all the harm he has done it was the last he could do. He had lived a decent life after all, full of adventure. But now it was time to go. His friends didn’t need him anymore, his sister didn’t need him anymore and now not even his Y/N needed him anymore.
His only regret was not loving her enough. Well he did love her to the moon and back, more than anyone could possibly love, but is it really love if it hurts? Bellamy wasn’t so sure anymore. He did love her, just not in the right way. He just wished he told her more how much he loved her. 
Now it was too late, he thought with an exhausted sigh before pressing the blade harder, his eyelids already feeling heavy. What’s the point of being alive if there’s no love? 
It will all be over soon, he thought as his eyes finally closed, an empty sound filling the room.
Was that the noise a miserable life makes once he finally ends?
while waiting for the next part of Home Again I felt right writing this because honestly I cant wait to write more about season 3. I will soon write a little bonus chapter too btw.
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unchartedcloud · 2 years
If you still are taking tropes could we get Clexa 47 + 80? Also ty for all the fics you've given us!!
Hi Anon, it's been a thousand years! I have a wholeass mood board for the multi-chapter fic we wrote based on this prompt, but naturally it's on a different machine x_x I'll post it with the next chapter. In the meantime:
Send us a combo of tropes and we'll tell you how we'd write them!
47 (Not a Date) + 80 (Green-Eyed Epiphany)
“You nervous?”
A morning breeze that would be gentle in the streets below carries the rampart banners high. Streams of red and gilded black unfurl and snap against a clear blue sky; on days like this, with a warm summer sun to burn away the mist that rolls in off the sea, one’s eyes could see all the way to the mountains on the horizon and the valley path beneath. But hers, glinting emerald green, aren’t on the horizon. 
Lexa angles a look at the man sitting in the crenel beside her, one dark brow lifting. “I should be asking you that. Aren’t you the one getting married?”
He laughs, full lips pulling back over a gleaming smile. Sharp brown eyes look out from an intense–if handsome–face, all strong brows and square jawlines marked out on soft brown skin. He watches the horizon, with nothing less than unabashed excitement hanging from his lips. 
“I’ve been ready for that for weeks. Months, even. If I could have summoned giant eagles to fly her here I would have, the sooner to have it official.” Now he spares her a glance, his smile tipping towards teasing. “You, on the other hand, have to face her brother.”
Stoic though she may be by nature, holding in her answering scoff is a near thing. “Bellamy Blake may joust more often than he governs, but he’s an inconsistent competitor; I suspect he’ll pose a greater threat to our ale barrels than to myself. At any rate, I don’t fear the skill of princelings.”
“Well that’s hardly fair.” Lincoln lowers the foot he’d rested on the crenel and pushes away from the merlon he leans against, turning fully to face her. “I won that tournament in Kape not two summers ago.”
“You did,” Lexa acknowledges with a nod. She allows herself the smallest of grins as she amends, “But you had me to train with.”
“And, I suppose,” Lincoln sighs wistfully, “I am no longer a princeling.”
Lexa inclines her head in deference to the sadness in his voice. “True, your majesty.”
“You’d unseat me just as quickly though, wouldn’t you?” Lincoln stands and stretches luxuriously, biceps straining at his tunic. As tragic as the late Queen’s untimely passing was, it’s been some time since Polis had such a young ruler. Lexa has no doubt that Lincoln will rise to the occasion. His bride, however, this…Princess Octavia. Lexa withholds judgment on her soon-to-be Queen’s governing abilities for Lincoln’s sake. Arkadia is not only the newest of the nearby kingdoms, but the rumors of their unfamiliar customs have not missed Lexa’s notice.
She will withhold judgment. But skepticism is another matter.
“Hm?” She realizes her new king has asked her a question. “Of course, your majesty. All are equal on the battlefield, and the lists are no different.”
He snorts and turns to face the horizon once more, one elbow now leaned on the merlon in front of Lexa. She remains as she is: shoulders squared, feet rooted, and hands clasped behind her back. “I’ll keep that in mind, in case I ever need my head rung like a bell.”
“I have heard the occasional bell-ringing ensures crowns fit better.”
“I’m sure you have, though I suspect that you–hold a moment.” Lincoln straightens abruptly, eyes narrowing at a spot on the horizon. “Do you see that?” 
Though she follows the line of his pointing finger, the indication is ultimately unnecessary; the cloud that rises up from the valley road is unmistakable to a keen eye. A slow smile tugs at her lips as she realizes the young king has stopped breathing.
“I do.” The sheer amount of dust rising from the valley floor could herald an invading army, but its presence on that road at this time suggests an entirely different explanation. Lexa rests a hand on Lincoln’s shoulder. “You may wish to put on your regalia, your majesty. I believe your bride has arrived.”
Lincoln takes a deep breath, then exhales just as slowly. “Yes. Yes, right.” He practically skips down the battlements as they make their way back to the interior of the castle. “Who knows, perhaps you’ll find someone in the Blakes’ court who finally attracts your attention.”
This time the scoff refuses to be stifled. “I doubt it.”
“The number of suitors you have, I’m amazed you aren’t settled already. Land, wealth, tournament trophies.” Lincoln waves his hands in the air, as if pointing each of these things out individually. “The best kept household in all the land. What more could a woman want?”
Lexa only allows herself to roll her eyes as she follows behind Lincoln, safely out of his eyesight. “When I find a woman that I want, I’ll be sure to let you know.”
“If such a woman exists, you mean.”
If such a woman exists, indeed.
This fic can also be found on Ao3.
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itsonlybaby · 1 month
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐛. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞﹒
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playlist !
Bellamy Blake - Arkadia
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝ bellamy was always known to be aggressive, thinking more with his heart than his head, causing his decisions to be rash and impulsive, thus leading to the massacre of the Grounder army. ever since then, he's been different, but you don't give up on him. ﹒   ⊹  ⤷ cw: sfw, angst, fluff at the end, mentions of death
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"They're back! Open the gate!" I shout from my guard post, now descending the ladder and catching up with the rover carrying my friends.
Despite everyone's disapproval, it had only been a few hours since Pike gave the order to slaughter the Grounder army sent to help us. I disagreed with his choices but I also didn't dare try and stop him.
Bellamy became one of Pike's pawns, I feared for his wellbeing. He isn't the same Bellamy who rescued his people from Mount Weather or the Bellamy who stuck up for me when we first landed. It had sucked seeing him go in this direction.
Bellamy was lost, and he needed Pike, he needed a reason to be angry, he needed a reason to forgive himself for pulling the lever with Clarke. And I'd be there for him, just like he was there for me.
Walking up to the vehicle I spotted Bellamy handing his gun to Miller, the aura around everyone seemed gloomy and regret-filled- everyone except Pike; who took pride in what he did.
"Drinks on me!" I heard Pike yell, a wide smile present on his face. Everyone cheered, Bellamy included; the guilt seeming to pass in seconds.
"Hey Bell," I greeted with a mini smile, grabbing his attention away from Pike.
My smile was returned by the boy in front of me, "Hey, you held down the fort alright?"
I giggled, memories from hours ago returning to me. Bellamy had asked me to keep everyone in place for him. Not that my authority would count or that people would listen to me, but I liked how he trusted me.
"Yeah, everyone bowed down to me. You should've seen it," Bellamy laughed despite the shitty joke, it was something he'd always do. I could never tell if it was out of politeness or shitty humor but to save my own ego id like to think it was because he found me hilarious.
He had a distinctive, infectious laugh you could hear across a crowded room ten years later and know it was him, a laugh that could evaporate tension within seconds. His eyes would crinkle and his brown orbs illuminated with stars, something you'd only notice if you stared deep enough.
I only snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I was staring like a creep.
"Bell, uh, you okay though?" I raised an eyebrow, worry evident in my tone.
Now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow, almost as if he took offense by my question.
"I'm fine,"
"You don't look fine,"
"What would you know about how I feel," Bellamy's words were harsh, coming from a place full of raw emotions left unhealed.
"Because, bell! You're covered in blood that isn't even yours! You just massacred an army of Grounders sent to help us!"I argued, my hands talking along with me, trying to express the intensity.
Bellamy scoffed at me, shaking his head in disbelief at my words, "I did this for my people, I protected us," His finger pointed towards me, "You should be more grateful,"
I couldn't believe the words spewing from his mouth, I told myself I'd be there for him, to support him through these agonizing times but I didn't even recognize him at that moment. It was like I was talking to a completely different person.
I understand being lost, I understand needing all this to make sense, or at least I thought I did.
I uttered, "I don't even recognize you anymore," The anger diminished from my body, being replaced by a sense of an overwhelming feeling of sorrow.
"Yeah, well, I can say the same for you," His voice wavered, "The girl I knew would've been on my side,"
It felt like my world was breaking into a million pieces just from a few words.
Bellamy turned around and headed for the bar leaving me by the rover with my tears, too shocked to do anything other than cry.
I stood and waited, waited for him to turn around, waited for him to apologize, say he didn't mean any of it and that he wasn't okay.
But he never did.
He didn't say anything that entire day, he instead spent it drinking and partying with Pike and their cult.
I like to think of it as a cult, it gives me reassurance that this is just temporary and that he will soon accept the fact he can't change the past. But one can only hope.
Slipping into my jeans I prepared myself for today, I knew it was going to be a long one. I had been paired up with Bellamy to go on a hunt, to take a rover, and to check all the traps we'd set up.
Grabbing my backpack I tossed stuff in that we might need. A Mount Weather medkit, my mini iPod, rope, rations, and a flask. My iPod was my favorite thing, maybe it would make the ride less awkward as well.
Leaving the room I shared with Raven I saw Bellamy leaving his room at the same time. We made quick eye contact before continuing our way to the vehicles. Bellamy got there much quicker due to his bigger strides, seemingly trying to avoid conversation with me.
Well... there goes that.
Opening the passenger side door I placed my bag near the bottom of the seat and climbed it, dusting off my hands after shutting the door. Taking a peek into the side view mirror I saw Bellamy placing two rifles into the back of the car, his brows furrowed.
A few minutes passed before Bellamy got into the driver's seat, his scent filling the car in a good way. He made no move to look or speak to me, simply starting the car and pulling out, beginning our drive.
We made it passed the gate when I decided to hook up my iPod to the AUX cord, gaining Bellamy's attention.
it didn't take long for the rover to be full of sound, the song currently playing was our favorite.
I hummed along to the tune of 'Apocalypse' by Cigarettes After Sex. Bellamy started tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and bobbing his head a few times as well. Only now did I realize how well the lyrics represented our friendship.
It took us until the end of the song to get to the first trap, pausing my iPod I grabbed my bag and hopped out, putting it on and closing the door, once again dusting off my hands. These cars really need to be washed.
Walking to the front of the vehicle I was met with Bellamy pulling out a map.
"Well be on foot from here," He said, eyes focused on the map showing where the animal traps were.
"So he speaks," I teased, walking to the back to pull out the rifles.
"Let's just get this over with," Bellamy reached for a rifle, which I gave. I decided not to reply and just leave it at that, not wanting to anger him further.
After about a 3-minute walk we made it to the first trap, which had caught a... stick. I giggled at this and Bellamy sent me a weird look before resetting the trap and taking the map out once again.
"Lighten up, bell," I said, following his lead.
Bellamy sighed, clearing the path from some straying branches. "I'll lighten up when I know my people have food," His voice showed no sign of emotion, a signal I could pester more.
"Are you mad at me?"
"Why'd you come along? You could've rejected Pike's offer," He snapped back, avoiding the question.
"I came along for you, Bellamy, I care about you,"
Bellamy stopped walking and turned around to face me, glaring into my eyes. "Why aren't you scared of me?" He stepped closer to me, now looking down at me, "I'm scary, a murderer,"
His words had no effect on me.
"Scary? My god, you're divine,"
We were mere inches away now, and his glare seemed to shift to one of longing like he'd been waiting to hear someone say those words.
I felt my breath hitch in my throat when he abruptly hugged me tightly as if I could float away at any moment, his gun dropping to the dirt below.
I wrapped my arms around him, softly rubbing his back as he began crying into my shoulder. It was a rare time he cried, at least in front of me.
"It'll be okay," I soothed, "I'm not going anywhere,"
We stood like that for a while, in each other's embrace, soaking in the moment.
Bellamy was the first to pull away, wiping his cheeks and finally looking at me. At that moment I saw the stars I'd grown to love in his eyes, I knew he needed me just as much as I needed him. I knew I loved him, loved him more than a friend, I wanted to be there for him at his lowest and at his best, I wanted to be someone he could depend on, and be vulnerable with.
"I love you, bell," It was like my mouth had a mind of its own, the words found their way out unrestrained.
A big smile appeared on his face, "You and me, forever, okay?"
"Alright," I nodded, a goofy grin mirroring on my face as well.
The Bellamy I'd grown to love was back.
My Bellamy.
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Privileged (35/?)
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Summary: The group struggle to overcome the realisation that Raven isn’t actually Raven. The group quickly find out that every time she opens her mouth - sinister consequences follow. *yn* grapples with the realisation that her actions are impacting others more than she realised.
Warnings: angst, violence, swearing, slight fluff if you squint 
Notes: Based on 3x11 “Nevermore” of The 100.
‘Privileged’ Masterlist
“I don’t understand how this could have happened. It’s gotta be something to do with those chips.”
“We’ll know soon enough, Jasper should be getting here at any moment.” 
*yn* could hear Sinclair and Monty murmuring to one another as she absentmindedly stoked the fire with a stick. She could feel Elijah staring at her through the flames. The pair hadn’t spoken since he had mentioned Bellamy and she had snapped at him. 
“O, you can’t leave.”
“Watch me.”
*yn* glanced up to see Bellamy and Octavia standing at the entrance of the cave. 
“You heard what Jasper said over the radio, Arkadia is not safe.” 
“What Jasper said sounds insane.” Octavia shot back as she stuffed her gear into a bag. 
“Octavia wait.” *yn* spoke, rising from her spot by the fire. “I spoke to Raven after she had taken that chip. There was something off about her, about everyone who had taken one. Abby thought so too.”
“Maybe, but Pike’s gone. I can handle myself.” Octavia spoke, barely even glancing at *yn* as she continued to pack, “and grounders burn their dead.” 
“We know that, but then what? Where are you gonna go?” Bellamy queried.
“You don’t get to ask me that.” Octavia snapped. Bellamy let out a sigh, desperately glancing over at *yn* before looking back at his sister.
“What more do I have to do to prove to you that I’m on your side?”
“Bring Lincoln back.” Octavia answered, her jaw clenched as she stared at him. Everyone wordlessly watched as she marched past Bellamy before suddenly coming to a stop and swivelling around to face him once more.
“Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys Bellamy. You did that to save me and *yn*, to get *yn* back. Not because what you thought Pike was doing to the grounders was wrong.” *yn* could feel eyes on her at the mention of her name, but she kept her face emotionless as she watched the siblings.
“The grounders were starving us out!” 
*yn* opened her mouth to lash back at Bellamy but forced herself to keep it shut. This wasn’t her fight to have, this was between family. 
“Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us.”
“That army could have attacked us at anytime and you know it.” Bellamy fired back and *yn* felt her stomach drop at his words, he sounded exactly like Pike. 
“But they didn’t attack, you did that. You were hurting, terrified because *yn* nearly died and you lashed out. And in a desperate attempt to protect her you ended up driving her away, and now you’ve lost her and you’ve lost me.” Bellamy swallowed and glanced over at *yn* who was already staring back at him. He ripped his gaze away from her and glanced at the ground, nodding his head slightly. 
His sister was right.
“There are consequences for your actions Bell. People die, your people.” Octavia implored. The pair stood in silence for a few moments as Bellamy avoided her gaze. Octavia let out a scoff, shaking her head as she turned on her heel towards the cave entrance.
“Octavia! Wait!” *yn* called out, brushing past Bellamy to catch up with her.
“O!” She repeated when Octavia ignored her as she stepped outside of the cave, suddenly bathed in moonlight. Before *yn* could call out again, the sound of an approaching vehicle caused her and Octavia to come to a stop.
“They're here!” Miller announced as the headlights of the car flooded their view.
*yn* froze when her eyes fell on Clarke, happiness and relief overwhelming her at the sight of her best friend. “We need your help!” Jasper shouted from behind the rover. 
*yn* took a step towards them when Jasper appeared. All happiness drained from her body at the sight of a limp Raven in his arms. “We have to get her inside before she wakes up.” He explained as he rushed towards the cave.
“What the hell happened?”
“Where you followed?” Bellamy’s deep voice sounded from behind *yn*, drowning out her query as he made his way to Jasper.
“Maybe I- I don’t know.” Jasper stammered as Bellamy scooped up Raven into his arms with ease. “Let’s get inside.” 
*yn* could hear the others talking but she couldn’t focus on what they were saying, her eyes fixed on Raven as she hastily followed in Bellamy’s wake back into the cave.
“Sinclair clear some space.” Clarke ordered as they approached the fire. 
“What happened to her?” *yn* asked again, this time with a demanding edge her tone as she watched Bellamy gently lay her down on the ground.
“Raven is not Raven anymore, none of them are.” Jasper answered. “Jaha’s been chipping everyone.” He explained as *yn* shoved past Sinclair to kneel beside Raven.
“Jasper’s right, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” Clarke confirmed.
“I don’t need your help, alright.” Jasper growled, anger flashing across his face as he jabbed his finger at Clarke.
“For fucks sake, now is not the time for arguing.” *yn* interrupted, her eyes burning with desperation and anger as she stared at Jasper. 
“Just take it easy and explain.” Bellamy spoke calmly, placing a hand on Jasper’s shoulder.
Jasper nodded and swallowed, glancing down at Raven before looking back at Bellamy. “Jaha’s using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and it changes you, you forget everything and you see this thing or this person called ALIE, even though she’s not really there.” He explained.
“She made Raven slit her own wrists.” 
“W-what?” *yn* breathed out as she glanced down at Raven. 
“She was trying to get ALIE out of her head. I was trying to help her but-”
“Ok well lets help her now, did she say how?” Sinclair asked.
 “She was working on building something, she needed one of our old wristbands but Jaha destroyed them.” *yn* glanced down at Raven as Jasper spoke, bringing a hand up to brush her hair behind her ear and cradle her face. 
“Wait a second.” Clarke interrupted, causing all eyes to turn to her. “Does it look like this?” She asked as she pulled out a small chip with an infinite symbol on it. *yn* glanced down to Raven, nearly jumping out of her skin when she saw her eyes wide open.
“Raven hey-” before she could continue Raven let out a scream and raised a fist, connecting with *yn*’s jaw causing her to topple backwards. Raven shot up and scrambled to her feet, sprinting out of the cave. 
“Don’t let her escape!” Clarke shouted as the others immediately raced out after her. 
“*yn*-” She heard Elijah’s voice begin as his hands pressed onto her shoulders. “I’m fine.” She answered, brushing away his hands as she rose to her feet. “Come on.” She continued, grabbing his arm and pulling him after her out into the night.
“If Raven finds out where we are, so will ALIE. She’ll come for her.” Jasper explained as the others all grabbed Raven, restraining her as she kicked and screamed against them.
Jasper suddenly lurched forward and plunged a syringe into Raven’s neck, causing her to slump into unconsciousness almost immediately. “Reaper stick, last dose.” He explained as Raven’s body fell limp against Bellamy.
“We have to go.” Clarke spoke. “I know where we can get a wristband.”
“I thought she was a friend of yours.” *yn* remarked, brow raised as she studied Niylah standing out the front of the trading post, a sword clutched in her hand. 
“I’ve got this.” Clarke answered, ignoring *yn* as she hopped out of the rover.
“She’s waking up, we need to hurry.” Sinclair announced from the back of the vehicle as everyone piled out. *yn* hurried to Sinclair’s side, her eyes fixed on Raven’s stirring figure in his arms as he gently pulled her out of the rover. 
“That looks like it’s going well.” Elijah remarked from beside her. She glanced over her shoulder at his words to see Niylah, Bellamy and Clarke exchanging heated words.
“Like always.” *yn* sighed, glancing over at Raven once more before making her way towards the three. 
“Niylah, is your father here?” She heard Clarke ask as she approached them.
“My father is dead, part of the army killed by your people while trying to protect you.” Niylah hissed back.
*yn* felt her blood run cold at Niylah’s words, her eyes automatically flickering to Bellamy. 
“Niylah, please.” Clarke begged.
“I said no.” Niylah fired back, her jaw set in determination as she glared at Clarke.
“We haven’t got time for this.” Bellamy huffed, raising his rifle at Niylah. “Move.” He demanded. Niylah stared at him wide eyed, glancing at Clarke as if silent asking for help. She received none.
“Move.” He repeated more aggressively, his tone finally pulling Niylah into action as she stepped aside for the group. 
“Good to see he hasn’t changed, huh?” Jasper snided from beside *yn*. 
*yn* stayed silently as she swallowed, staring at Bellamy who was yet to take his eyes off Niylah. “Malak al Maut.” *yn* glanced over at the sound of her name leaving Niylah’s lips. 
The pair locked eyes, Niylah silently imploring *yn* for some sort of explanation or aid. “The last time I saw you, you were defending me against your people that hated my kind. I even heard about how you helped warn our army about the impending slaughter.” Niylah spat as she shot Bellamy a look of disgust. “Now you’re helping them.” 
“We have no choice.” *yn* answered, her head jerking around at the sound of Raven’s screams from inside the building. “I’m sorry Niylah.” She continued before turning on her heel and hurrying inside.
“Let me go! Where am I!” Raven’s screams bounced off the walls as *yn* made her way into the back room. She came to a sudden stop, her eyes widening at the sight of Raven struggling against Elijah, Clarke, Monty, Jasper, Sinclair and Octavia.
Raven let out another scream as the group managed to tie down both her arms and legs to each post of the bed. “Raven stop it!” Octavia begged as Raven began to arch her back off the bed in an attempt to break free. She freed one of her fists and swung, colliding with Jasper’s jaw causing him to let out a grunt.
“Why the fuck is it always me.” He exclaimed as he quickly tried to restrain her. 
“Let me go!” Raven demanded, her voice so guttural it sounded like she had been possessed by a demon. *yn* backed away in shock, the sight so disturbing she felt as if she was about to be sick. 
She pushed through the curtains and back out into the main room. “Are you ok?” She glanced up to see Bellamy eyeing her, concern riddled on his features as he noted her washed out complexion.
“Fine.” She nodded. 
Bellamy knew she was lying through her teeth.
“Niylah said we can work in here.” Clarke announced as she placed the wristband on the bench. “So, how do we do this?”
“Raven must have been going to use this wristband to generate an EMP which is freakishly brilliant.” 
“Meaning what?” Elijah queried.
“A target electro magnetic pulse could destroy the chips circuitry. We use it to send an EMP along Raven’s own nervous system.” Sinclair explained.
“But, what would that do to Raven?” *yn* asked. 
“Well EMPs don’t affect our bodies but I don’t know the machines of how this ‘chip’ interacts with our brain.” 
“This is Raven’s plan, she wouldn’t do it if she thought it was going to destroy her own brain.” Bellamy piped up, noting *yn*’s concerned expression.
“Depends how bad she wanted it out.” Octavia remarked.
“Regardless, without an electro magnet this is all just talk.” Sinclair sighed.
“Where can we get one?” *yn* asked.
“The Ark.” Sinclair answered. “Arkadia is way too dangerous, it’s out of the question.” Bellamy shook his head.
“What about the drop ship? I’m sure it has the same mechanics as the Ark did.” *yn* suggested.
“That’s good.” Sinclair nodded, his eyes lighting up. “Ok, I’ll go salvage the parts we need.”
“No-” Monty interrupted him. “You should stay here with Raven and figure out how this thing works.” He continued before glancing over at the others. “I’ll take the rover, be back by the time you guys finish this device.”
*yn* opened her mouth to protest but was cut off by Octavia, “I’ll go with you.” She announced.
*yn* promptly shut her mouth and nodded, she felt much better about Monty leaving with Octavia there to protect him. 
“I’ll need someone assisting me with figuring this device out.” Sinclair spoke as Monty and Octavia hastily left the room. “Elijah, you got steady hands?” Sinclair queried, turning his attention to him.
“Yeah pretty steady.”
“Good.” Sinclair nodded. “You can help me.” 
“But-” Elijah began, his eyes darting to *yn*. “I mean- that’s fine, no problem.” He sighed, forcing a tight lipped smile onto his face as he nodded. 
“Guys!” Jasper’s scream suddenly echoed out from Niylah’s bedroom. Everyone reacted instantly, sprinting towards his voice as he continued to shout out for help. 
Bellamy and *yn* were the first ones through the door, their eyes landing on Raven biting at her stitches, blood pouring out of her reopened wounds on her wrist. 
“We have to stop her!” *yn* instructed, circling around the bed to the other side as she felt herself go into autopilot. “Jasper, help me on this side.” She instructed as she gripped onto Raven’s hair and shoved her head back from her wrist.
Jasper hurried over and grabbed her wrist, pulling it in the opposite direction. Raven let out a grunt of frustration, her teeth gnashing like a rabid dog at her flesh. “Get away from me!” Raven screamed into *yn*’s face as Clarke and Bellamy pulled her arm on the other side. 
“She’s going to bleed to death, Elijah get me bandages.” Clarke ordered. 
“Raven stop fighting us.” *yn* demanded as she desperately pushed Raven’s chest against the headboard to keep her mouth away from her wrists. As she studied Raven’s body she froze when she noticed her shoulder popping out at an unnatural angle.
“Guys, she’s dislocated her shoulder.” *yn* breathed out, her voice seeming to make Raven struggle even harder as Elijah brought the bandages over. 
“ALIE! ALIE, I know you can hear us.” Jasper spoke up causing Raven’s head to snap in his direction as Clarke and *yn* hastily bandaged her wrists up. “Why are you doing this to her? Let her go.” 
Raven stilled for a brief moment, her eyes glassing over as she studied Jasper. “I’ll let her go when you give me what I want.” Raven spoke, but this time her voice was different, almost mechanical. 
“The technology that Clarke carries.” Raven continued as she looked past *yn* to Clarke. “It belongs to me.” 
“No. Way.” Clarke hissed back causing Raven to begin to squirm once more. 
“Just give it to her.” Jasper spoke. “Clarke!” He demanded as *yn* pushed Raven back once more as she writhed under her.
“If you let Raven die, you’ll never get it.” Clarke snarled, her eyes boring into Raven’s as she spoke. 
Raven’s head suddenly jerked to look at the wall behind *yn* before her body suddenly stilled. “Untie her wrists.” Clarke spoke, spurring *yn* back into action as she clambered off Raven to help Jasper.
“Hold her steady.” She continued as she put a foot up against Raven’s shoulder. *yn* watched on, holding her breath in anticipation as she watched Clarke position herself. A loud crack rang out as the bone slid back into place as Clarke dug her foot into Raven’s body. 
Raven didn’t even flinch. Everyone collectively let out a breath, sweat gleaming their brows as they slowly took a few steps away from Raven.
“She’s never going to stop trying to get away.” Bellamy spoke up. “We can’t let her hurt herself again, we need to have someone guarding her at all times.” 
“I’ll be first watch.” Clarke nodded in agreement. “We could take it in two hour-”
“You don’t give the orders Clarke!” Jasper snapped and *yn* looked up at him to see his eyes shining with unshed tears.
“Jasper, cool it.” *yn* warned him when she saw that he was thinking of opening his mouth once more. Her words caused him to clench his jaw and send her a glare before shoving past her and out the door. 
“Looks like he doesn’t forgive you for murdering his girlfriend.” Raven piped up, a smirk on her face as she studied Clarke.
“You sure you’ll be fine by yourself?” *yn* asked, ignoring Raven as she turned her attention to Clarke.
“I’ll be fine.” Clarke nodded, eyeing Raven warily. 
*yn* crossed her legs and leant back as she took a seat on the floor. She leant forward, letting her hands hover near the fire as the warmth licked out towards her outstretched palms. 
“You’re really fine with her just coming back after all this time?” She glanced away from the fire at the sound of Jasper’s voice in the room next door.
“She’s just trying to save Raven.” Bellamy’s voice answered.
“Guess she thinks Raven’s worth saving, lucky for her.” Jasper replied dryly.
She strained her ears as she heard Bellamy murmuring something back, but his voice was too quiet for her to make out his response. 
“When you’re angry people die.” She heard Jasper answer. “Just ask that girl over there.” 
*yn* rose to her feet when she heard footsteps approaching. Jasper appeared moments later, making a beeline for the front door with his head down. 
“Jasper wait.” She spoke, taking a step forward to block his pathway. “You need to take it easy on everyone ok, we’re all trying to help Raven.” 
He scoffed and kicked his feet against the ground, shoving his hands into his pockets. “So all it takes is for me to say one bad word to Bellamy and you’re back to protecting him huh?”
“That’s not fair Jasp and you know it.” *yn* answered. “I’m just trying to look out for you-”
“What part of me telling you to stop treating me like a little pet did you not understand?” He spat as he finally tilted his head up to lock eyes with her. 
“Jasper-” *yn* breathed out when she saw his eyes brimming with tears. 
“No.” He shook his head, jerking his arm away from her hand as she reached out to grab him. “I don’t want your sympathy.” 
“I’m just trying to be here for you.” *yn* answered, watching as the tears continued to spill down his cheeks. 
“No, all you care about is getting back at Bellamy and you’re using me and Elijah and Raven and anyone else you can to distract yourself and get over him.” He answered, his bottom lip quivering as he spoke.
“You know that’s not true.” *yn* shook her head. “You need to stop pushing me away Jasper and start helping yourself, because I won’t always be here to save you from your mistakes.”
“Yeah well maybe I don’t want to be saved *yn*.” Jasper snapped, his bloodshot eyes boring into hers. “Have you ever considered that?” He queried as he pushed past her. 
“Jasper, don’t walk away.” *yn* spoke, trying to keep her voice from shaking. “Jasper!” She repeated, raising her voice slightly as he ignored her and pushed open the front door, stepping out into the night.
She exhaled a shaky breath, shaking her head as her eyes trained on the door for a few moments. When she realised he wasn’t coming back she turned on her heel. She froze when she saw Bellamy standing in the doorway and the way he was looking at her, she knew that he had heard every word.
“He doesn’t mean it, he’s just lashing out because he's hurt.” Bellamy spoke softly.
“I know.” *yn* mumbled, crossing her arms in front of her as she spoke. Bellamy pursed his lips as he studied her intently, the tension hanging in the air like a thick cloud. *yn* glanced up when she heard Bellamy inhale sharply, looking at her as if he had something he wanted to say. 
“*yn* I was wondering-” Elijah’s voice shattered the silence between them just as Bellamy opened his mouth to speak. *yn* looked over her shoulder to see Elijah standing there awkwardly, his eyes darting between her and Bellamy. 
“Ah!” The sound of Clarke’s cry from Niylah’s bedroom interrupted any of the three from speaking. *yn* immediately followed after Bellamy as all three of them sprinted towards Clarke’s voice.
“You’re done ALIE! You hear me!” Clarke screamed as they spilled into the bedroom. “We’re gonna fry you!” She continued as Bellamy stepped forward and grabbed Clarke around the waist, pulling her from the room.
*yn*’s eyes locked onto Raven, her mouth bloody as she stared curiously at Clarke who was being dragged through the curtain into the living room. “Fuck.” *yn* hissed under her breath, shooting Raven one last glare before following Bellamy back into the living room.
“What the hell were you thinking?” *yn* snapped as Bellamy finally let go of Clarke, revealing a bite mark on her arm. “She’s going to figure out that Monty and Octavia are heading to the drop ship.”
“I know I-” Clarke cut herself off as her breathing slowed and sadness slowly replaced the burning anger flickering inside of her. “I let her get to me.” She breathed out as her lashes grew wet with tears.
*yn* exhaled, feeling a wave of sympathy wash over her as she studied her best friend. 
“You don’t say.” Bellamy remarked as he grabbed a cloth to cover Clarke’s wound. “I think you should take a break, I’ll let her beat me up for a while.” Bellamy sighed as he finished dressing the wound. Bellamy locked eyes with *yn* briefly before he made his way back into the room that held Raven.
“I’m sorry for snapping.” *yn* murmured as her gaze flickered back to Clarke. 
“It’s ok, I deserve it.” Clarke breathed out, shaking her head in disappointment as she fiddled with her bandage. “No.” *yn* spoke, her brow creasing at her friends word. “No you don’t.” She affirmed, placing a hand on Clarke’s shoulder and squeezing gently. “You’re just doing what’s right for our people.” 
“Thank you *yn*.” Clarke spoke, forcing a small smile onto her lips. “I’ve missed you.” She said as she brought her hand up to squeeze *yn*’s. 
“I’ve missed you too.” *yn* answered, sending her a tight lipped smile back. 
*yn* let out a sigh as she absentmindedly fiddled with the string in front of her. It had been at least two hours since Clarke and Bellamy had swapped guard duty and about an hour since Jasper had passed her and into Raven’s room claiming he was bored and had nothing better to do.
Time felt like it was dragging on and she was feeling more useless by the second. Clarke, Elijah and Sinclair were all frantically working on the EMP device and despite her pestering they had insisted that they didn’t need her help. She huffed and slumped down in her seat, resting her chin on her hands as she stared through the window. 
“You know her name!” Jasper’s shout made *yn* jerk up, shattering her bored state instantly. 
She sat with bated breath as she tried to listen to what Bellamy was saying. She straightened up when she heard footsteps approaching, Jasper appearing moments later through the curtains, his eyes were glassy and his fists were clenched at his sides.
“You might want to go check on your boyfriend and make sure he doesn’t get too out of control. ALIE’s in a lovely mood.” Jasper remarked, his tone dripping in sourness as he stalked past her. *yn* watched his retreating figure before flickering her gaze to the entrance to Niylah’s bedroom.
She swallowed and slowly rose to her feet. She was internally conflicted, one part of her was screaming to mind her own business and stay put but the other part of her was pushing her to go and make sure Bellamy was ok. Almost as if her legs had a mind of their own, she felt them start moving towards the bedroom.
“Just you and me huh?” She heard Raven’s voice filter through the curtains. “Oh come on Bellamy, we’ve had our fun together... haven’t we?” 
When there was no response *yn* pushed aside the curtain, stepping into the room. “Oh my look, we have a visitor.” Raven smiled as her gaze instantly locked onto *yn*. “And just the person I wanted to see.” 
“Jasper said she was giving you trouble.” *yn* spoke, ignoring Raven as she crossed the room. “Thought it would be good to have two people watching her.” 
“Thanks.” Bellamy answered, watching *yn* take a seat beside him as he leant forward, resting his arms on his thighs as he spoke. 
“You know, I was going to delve into Bellamy’s past, what with him being responsible for killing everyone in Mount Weather, and the culling on the Ark, oh and killing his own mum, but this is so much better now you’re here *yn*.” Raven continued, cocking her head to the side as she studied her.
As Raven spoke, an eery sense of calm washed over *yn* as she stared back at Raven. If ALIE thought that she was going to break her, she had another thing coming. 
“You reckon she gets bored of hearing herself talk?” *yn* spoke to Bellamy as if Raven wasn’t even there. 
“Aw, that’s so cute.” Raven piped up. “The King and Queen back together, at each others sides, willing to hurt and destroy anyone that gets in their way, even their own people.” 
“Must be programmed to keep running her mouth.” Bellamy answered dryly, glancing over at *yn*.
“That’s funny.” Raven chuckled. “Really, it is. You guys are so funny together. It’s such a shame you two broke up, remind me again why that happened?” 
“Tell you what, I really can’t wait to watch this bitch fry.” *yn* spoke, ignoring Raven’s question as she locked eyes with her and shot her a glare. “One little circuit at a time.” 
The smile slipped from Raven’s face at her words, replaced with a simmering glare as she stared at *yn*. 
“Hey *yn*, Sinclair was hoping to grab you for an opinion on something I-” All heads turned as Elijah appeared in the doorway, his eyes widening at the sudden attention on him.
“Sorry I-”
“Elijah, just the man I wanted to see.” Raven spoke, a wide grin appearing once more on her features. “Come and sit, I think we should have a chat.” 
“Don’t listen to her Eli, I’ll come with you.” *yn* spoke as she moved to get up from her seat.
“No.” Raven snapped. “Elijah, sit down.”
“No Elijah-”
“Sit down or I bite off my own tongue.” Raven demanded. 
“Clarke said-” Bellamy began.
“I know what Clarke said.” Raven stated calmly as ALIE’s voice permeated from her voice box. “But she said Raven had to be kept alive, she didn’t say anything about permanently maiming her.” 
*yn* gritted her teeth as she glared at Raven for a few moments before finally turning to Elijah. “Do as she says.” *yn* muttered in defeat, sinking back down into her chair.
“Excellent.” Raven smirked as she watched Elijah hesitantly pull up a chair, his eyes constantly flicking between Bellamy and *yn*.
*yn* felt a pit growing in her stomach as she looked at Raven’s amused expression. This was not going to end well. 
“Now boys, I want you to have a think about this. What do all three of us have in common?” Raven asked, looking expectantly at them. 
“I’m not playing this game.” Bellamy dismissed her.
“Answer me.” She growled. 
“We’re all from the Ark?” Elijah suggested causing Raven to bark out an amused laugh. “Oh Elijah, you’re so sweet, so naive. No wonder *yn* walks all over you.” 
Her words made *yn*’s hands ball into fists as she inhaled a breath. She had to keep calm, there was no way she was going to let ALIE get to her. 
“Actually what I was going to say is that we have all had our tongues down *yn*’s throat. I mean I’m sure it’ll only be a matter of time until I can say we’ve all fucked her, right *yn*?” Raven continued, sending her a wink as she crossed her legs and leant back against the headboard.
“What?” Elijah queried as he turned to look at *yn*. “Is that true? About you and Raven?” 
*yn* looked over at him, a desperate look painted on his features. Her eyes trailed over to Bellamy to see that he was already looking at her, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Yes,” *yn* sighed, “yes it’s true.”
“It’s kind of twisted when you think about it you know, I mean I slept with Bellamy first after all, now I’m competition for him.” Raven continued. “I mean we might as well just keep it sick and twisted and all have some fun together, whaddya say?” Raven grinned as she glanced between *yn* and Bellamy.
“You can dream.” *yn* answered back, forcing a fake smile onto her lips as she stared defiantly back at Raven. Her answer made Raven let out a humourless chuckle, turning her attention away from *yn* when she realised she wasn’t going to get the rise out of her that she wanted. 
“I really don’t know why you’re so surprised by all of this Elijah.” Raven mused when she noted Elijah’s shocked expression. “I mean she’s so fucked up I’m surprised she hasn't fucked half of Arkadia yet. Lying on her back and spreading her legs is the easiest way for her to forget about all the people she’s killed and fucked over.” She continued, her words so venomous that *yn* felt herself physically flinch.
“Alright that’s enough, you’ve had your fun.” Bellamy interjected as he studied *yn* worriedly.
His words only made Raven’s grin widen, contorting into a sinister smirk. “Still so protective Bellamy, I’m surprised given she screwed Elijah practically within hours of you two breaking up.” She laughed dryly.
“I do suppose you must be feeling pretty good, after all she’s only acting out because she’s desperate to forget about you.” She continued before twisting her neck to let her gaze fall on Elijah.
“It must suck to know that you were only slept with in order for her to help move on from a murderer and yet here you are, waiting on her beck and call like a little dog-”
“-that’s not true I-” *yn* began, rising up from her seat in protest.
“-I mean I don't blame you really.” Raven continued, ignoring *yn*’s cries as she kept her gaze locked with Elijah’s. “She is incredibly hot and the way she kisses you wow, it makes you feel like you’re the only person she’s ever wanted, but I guess we know that’s not the case.” She chuckled darkly.
“And she really can’t herself but flirt can she? Just when you find yourself getting over her, she drags you back in like the whore that she is-”
“Ok, that’s it.” Bellamy interrupted, rising up from his seat to place a hand on *yn*’s lower back protectively.
“Don’t touch her.” Elijah snarled, jumping out of his seat.
“Oh wow, this is brilliant, I couldn’t have set this up more perfectly if I had tried.” Raven mused as she studied the three.  “I can’t imagine how you must feel Eli, even after Bellamy helped slaughter an innocent army of grounders that was sent to protect them, *yn* would most definitely still pick him over you.”
“Enough, we can’t let her get to us.” *yn* raised her voice, stepping away from Bellamy’s touch as she looked at the pair.
“My father!”
Everyone swivelled around to see Niylah marching towards Bellamy. “You.” She snarled as she marched towards Bellamy. “You killed him.”
“Niylah, you can’t be in here.” *yn* breathed out, grabbing her arm as Clarke ran in after her.
“It’s too late. Raven’s seen here.” Jasper interrupted. “ALIE knows we’re here.” 
“We gotta get out of here.” *yn* muttered, ignoring Bellamy and Elijah’s eyes on her as she hurried out of the room.
Jasper watched her leave before turning back to Elijah and Bellamy. His eyes flickered between them before they wandered over to Raven, a smirk on her face as she looked back at him. 
“She told you, huh?”
Bellamy shot Jasper a glare before storming out after *yn*, brushing past her to disappear outside. *yn* placed her hands on her hips as she inhaled a deep breath, her brain swimming with thoughts. 
“Eli-” She began when she saw Elijah appear from Niylah’s bedroom.
She cut herself off when his eyes met hers, nearly taking a step back at the pain that was etched onto his features. 
The sound of the rover outside caused *yn* to turn her head towards the door. When she glanced back, she felt her heart sink when she saw that he had disappeared from sight. She let out a sigh and hurriedly made her way outside, stepping past Niylah to see Monty and Octavia hopping out of the rover with Jasper and Bellamy already waiting outside. 
“What happened?” Bellamy queried as Monty stormed past all three of them, his eyes never leaving the ground in front of him.
“O?” *yn* spoke softly, taking a step forward when she noticed the look on Octavia’s face.
“Monty’s mum. She was chipped.” She murmured, glancing down at her feat. “She attacked us and- Monty killed her.” 
“Oh my god.” *yn* muttered, meeting Bellamy’s gaze for a brief moment before turning back to Octavia. 
“Guys! Sinclair’s device is ready!” Clarke’s shout from inside prompted the four to hurry back inside. 
“Help us hold her still.” Clarke instructed once the four spilled into the bedroom. The sight of extra reinforcements seemed to send Raven into a frenzy as she leant forward before propelling herself back, smashing her head against the headboard repeatedly.
“Fuck, she’s trying to kill herself.” Bellamy realised, hurrying towards her to grab her head. “Raven, stop!” Octavia shouted, but to no avail as Raven continued to writhe and lash out at anyone who got too close.
*yn* placed a knee on the bed and pressed her palm to Raven’s forehead, pushing her against the bed frame to prevent her from slamming her head against it. 
“Stop, and I’ll give you this.” 
Everyone turned to see Clarke holding a chip in her hand, *yn* glanced down at Raven to see that she had stilled, almost entranced by the sight of the chip in front of her. Bellamy lunged forward and slapped the wristband onto Raven’s arm.
“You lied!” Raven shrieked, thrashing about once more as Clarke slid the chip back into her pocket.
“No please, please don’t! The EMP will give me brain damage, please!” Raven begged as Sinclair set the device down beside her.
“Don’t listen to her, its ALIE trying to trick us.” *yn* spoke, pressing firmly down onto Raven’s arm as Sinclair began attaching the device.
“No *yn* please, I’m not lying, please don’t hurt me! Please!” Raven cried out, but *yn* ignored her as Sinclair readied the device.
“We only get one shot at this, the EMP will fry the wristband too.” 
“Do it.” *yn* ordered, wincing as Raven slammed against her. 
“Ok, go!” Sinclair ordered as Monty pulled the lever. 
Raven let out a cry as the sound of electricity fizzled through the air. Then there was silence. Everyone ceased their movements for a moment, staring at the device in confusion and then back at Raven.
“What’s happening? Why didn't it work?” Elijah asked.
“We need more power, the battery’s not strong enough.” Sinclair explained as he frantically played with the device.
“Ok well where do we get one that is?” Clarke queried.
“The rover!” Monty exclaimed as Raven began to fight against them once more.
“Hold her down!” *yn* ordered as Monty and Bellamy sprinted outside. 
“Fuck you *yn*!” Raven screamed out as she growled, squirming with every ounce of energy she had left. 
The sound of a gunshot outside made the group jerk their heads towards the door. “Guys hurry up, we need to move!” Bellamy shouted as Monty and him returned moments later, the rover battery in Monty’s arms.
“Quickly.” Octavia pressed as Monty threw the battery onto the bed. *yn* watched as Sinclair frantically connected the wires, glancing up at Raven before placing his hand on the leaver.
“Got it!” He announced before yanking the leaver down. 
Raven let out an ear piercing scream as volts of electricity ran through her before slumping unconsciousness. *yn* leant back, her eyes wide as she studied Raven’s limp body. 
Clarke hastily pressed her fingers against Raven’s neck, waiting a few moments before looking up at *yn*. “She’s breathing.” 
“Raven.” *yn* breathed out, “Raven come on, wake up.” She encouraged. 
“Come on Raven, please.” Octavia murmured as the rest of the group watched on with bated breath.
“Raven, please wake up.” *yn* repeated, bringing her hands up to cup her face gently as she studied her face for any sign of consciousness.
“She warned us.” Jasper spoke from behind *yn*. 
*yn* could feel her heart pounding against her rib cage as she studied Raven, tears threatening to spill out onto her cheeks as she stroked her face gently. 
“What are you doing?” 
Clarke’s frantic voice made her look up from Raven to see Jasper holding a hammer, Clarke’s chip placed on the table in front of him. “Don’t move.” He warned Clarke.
“No you can’t, give it back!” Clarke spoke frantically as she desperately tried to grab the chip from Jasper.
“ALIE did that to Raven, she’s never gonna get this.” He snarled as he rose the bar above his head.
“Stop!” Clarke screamed in desperation. “It’s Lexa! Part of her is still in there, I saw them cut it out of her head I’m not-” Clarke cut herself off, her hands falling to her sides as realisation hit her.
“What is it?” Bellamy asked her.
“Both the AIs were made by the same person, both tap into human consciousness... they must work similarly right?” Clarke queried, turning to Sinclair.
“There’s probably only one pathway to consciousness so it’s possible yeah.” Sinclair nodded.
“I’ve seen an AI get removed before.” Clarke muttered as she hurried to Raven’s side. “Help me get her on her side.” 
*yn* moved away from Raven, helping Octavia to lift her gently onto her side so her back was to Clarke. “Get that med kit from my bag!”
“What are you going to do?” *yn* asked worriedly as Monty handed Clarke her kit. 
“Trust me *yn*.” Clarke answered as she pulled out a scalpel and brushed Raven’s hair away to reveal the nape of her neck. *yn* nodded, holding her breath as she watched Clarke steady her hand before plunging the scalpel into Raven’s flesh.
*yn* peered over Raven’s body to see dark red blood oozing from the wound. “This has to work.” Clarke muttered desperately as blood continued to spill out onto the cloth. 
“Wha-” *yn* cut herself off, her eyes wide in disbelief as a metal substance began to ooze out of the wound. “What the hell is that?”
“It must be whatever’s left of the chip.” Sinclair breathed out in realisation. 
The moment the words had left his lips, Raven moved from underneath *yn* as her body racked with coughs. *yn* immediately moved from on top of her, kneeling down beside the bed so she was eye level with her.
Raven stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she twisted around on the bed. “Ah.” She murmured, wincing as her hand automatically moved to touch the back of her neck.
“Oh thank fuck you’re in pain.” *yn* murmured, letting out a breathless laugh. She blinked rapidly in an attempt to clear her eyes of unshed tears as she studied Raven. Relieved chuckles echoed throughout the room as Sinclair helped *yn* sit Raven up against the headboard. 
“Ow.” Raven winced as she tried to let out a laugh whilst simultaneously pulling herself up into a sitting position. She blindly reached out along the bed sheets, only stopping when her hand found *yn*’s.
“Careful.” *yn* scorned, her brow furrowing as she hurried to steady Raven as Raven clasped onto her hand. 
“I’m fine.” Raven muttered as *yn* brought a hand up to cradle her jawline, studying her face for any other signs of injury. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” She smiled softly which caused *yn* to let out a small chuckle as the pair gazed at each other. 
“Here, let’s get your neck cleaned up.” Sinclair spoke up, interrupting their stare as they both nodded. 
Bellamy studied the pair, feeling an all too familiar feeling of jealousy wash over him as he did. Without thinking, his eyes dragged over to where Elijah was standing. When his eyes trailed up to Elijah’s face he felt his heart rate increase when Elijah’s own eyes bore back into his. 
“I could have saved my mum.” Monty muttered, causing all eyes to turn to him.
*yn* felt her stomach drop, squeezing Raven’s hand as she studied Monty. She had been so elated to know Raven was ok that she had momentarily forgotten about the sacrifice Monty had made. 
“Hey-” Jasper began as he moved to place a hand on his shoulder.
“Get the hell away from me.” Monty snapped, jerking his body away from Jasper’s touch. 
*yn* felt a breath catch in her throat as she watched Monty leave the room before turning her gaze to Jasper. Her instincts were screaming at her to reach out and comfort him, but the thought of him rejecting her again was too much of a risk.
“ALIE knows we’re here, we need to move.” Bellamy spoke, interrupting the tense silence. 
Those words seemed to jog everyone into gear once more as Clarke moved to grab the chip and Bellamy went to gather his things. “I’ll carry her.” Sinclair offered, shooting *yn* an almost knowing smile.
“Thank you.” *yn* murmured, reluctantly letting go of Raven’s hand so Sinclair could scoop her up into his arms.
“*yn*.” Raven mumbled as Sinclair began to carry her out of Niylah’s home. 
“I’m here Raven.” *yn* called out, ensuring she was glued to Sinclair’s side as he walked. “I’m right here.” 
Bellamy watched as *yn* walked with Sinclair, her hand on Raven’s arm as they made their way towards the rover. 
“You’ll recover.” Clarke remarked, making his tear his eyes away from *yn*. He glanced down to see that she was dressing the wound on his hand, a knowing look on her features.
“Will I?” 
His gruff voice made Clarke look up at him. “What do you do when you realise you might not be the good guy?” He asked, his eyes drifting back over to *yn*.
“Well, maybe there are no good guys.” Clarke answered quietly, following his gaze to *yn*.
“*yn* certainly doesn’t think that.” He muttered, his jaw clenching as he stared at her from afar. 
“Maybe not right now, but she will.” 
“Or maybe she won’t.” Bellamy shot back, turning to look down at Clarke. “She’s got good people like Elijah and like Raven who are in love with her, people that haven’t massacred an army or an entire mountain of people.” 
A look of surprise flashed across Clarke’s face at the mention of Raven, turning around to look at *yn* and Raven who were huddled together. 
“You didn’t know?” Bellamy queried, noting the confused expression on her face.
Clarke let out a small sigh and shook her head as she flickered her gaze back to him. “*yn* has spent her entire life attracting all different types of Raven’s and Elijah’s, so I’m not entirely surprised.” Clarke spoke, shooting Bellamy a look. 
“Right.” Bellamy nodded as realisation dawned on him. 
“Raven specifically is a surprise.” Clarke admitted. “But despite all the Raven’s and Elijah’s she’s encountered, I’ve never seen her act the way she does with you, Bellamy.” Clarke continued, leaning over to squeeze his hand.
“She’ll come back to you.” Clarke nodded as they both looked back over at *yn*. 
“I know she will.” 
Footsteps behind them made both turn around to see Elijah making his way towards the others. Clarke felt a pang of guilt at the sight of his glassy eyes and clenched jaw - he’d heard every word.
“Here I’ll help.” *yn* glanced up to see Jasper at Raven’s other side as Sinclair directed Monty in manoeuvring the rover.
“Thank you.” *yn* spoke as Jasper grabbed one of Raven’s arms and hoisted it over his shoulders.
“Guys, I’m sorry about all the horrible shit I said, I hope you know I didn’t mean a single word.” Raven murmured, glancing between the two as they guided her towards the rover.
“....and for punching me in the face?” Jasper queried. 
“Nope.” Raven shook her head as she sat down on one of the benches in the back of the rover. “You definitely deserved that.” She remarked, causing both *yn* and Jasper to let out a chuckle.
“But I really am sorry.” Raven continued, staring at *yn* who was busy getting her comfortable. 
“You don’t need to apologise bub.” *yn* answered, glancing over at her. “I’m sure both of us have said worse at some point.” She spoke softly, sending Jasper a humour filled smile before turning her attention back to the rover.
Jasper stood stiffly, observing the two as he felt a knot of guilt begin to form in his stomach. The gentleness and kindness shown between the pair made him long for Maya more than he ever had, but it also reminded him of her in a good way. Because he knew that Maya would have loved *yn* and Raven. 
“Hey *yn*.” He spoke up, causing *yn* to jerk her head up in surprise. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, glancing down at the ground sheepishly. “I’m sorry too.” 
His words made a large smile twist up onto her lips, her eyes shining with happiness at his words. “Thank you, Jasp.”
*yn* and Jasper turned around to see Clarke and Bellamy approaching them. “So there’s one thing I don’t understand. Why did ALIE want you to kill yourself?”
“Because I know why she wants the second AI.” Raven answered, causing all eyes to shift to her.
“Why?” Bellamy asked.
“Because it’s the only thing that can stop her.”
“Then let’s stop her.” Octavia interjected, her jaw set in determination. “We survive together.” 
“O’s right. We’ve made it this far.” *yn* nodded in agreement. “I for one am not willing to let some stupid fucking machine be the end of us.” 
The group exchanged solemn glances, everyone slowly nodding in agreement as realisation set in.
They were going to war again.
Part 36
I LOVED THIS CHAPTER IT TOOK FOREVER BUT IT WAS WORTH IT <3 I love being able to explore *yn*’s dynamics with the other characters... As always, feedback would be super super appreciated and you can give it back HERE!
@captainpineapplesbloguniverse @moodboards57 @reyeswritings @sheebthezeeb @endgametike @badbitch101@previouslyforgotten @nutterbutter2885 @earthtobear@istlynn18 @illyrianbae @fandomcrib @mick–schumacher @wanheda101 @princekooks​ @lilulo-12​ @awesomeowlbook​ @vxidnik​
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Loving Peace
Sky-ground part 3 - last part
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5 years later
It's almost hard to believe that 5 years ago today I married Bellamy Blake, a few months after we found out I was pregnant with our daughter Eliza Rory Blake. She's got curly hair like her daddy and eyes like me. Octavia or Aunt O as she calls her has been more than happy to babysit while Bell and I travel to Arkadia for a few days on occasions. I'm laying on my bed in our bedroom in tower of Polis, my hands resting on my pregnant belly. Bellamy has no idea since he's been out hunting with some scouts, I found out this morning when Abby and Kane came to see Clarke who is now on my mother's counsel.
"Hey honey, look who I snagged on my hunt." Bellamy's voice entered the room lightly kicking the door open. Carrying our giggly daughter in his arms with his riffle hanging on his right shoulder.
He sits her on the bed and she jumps in my lap. "Mommy, I found daddy." She giggles as I brush her hair back from her eyes. "I see that, princess." Bellamy crawls in the bed beside me once removing his gun, guard jacket and boots.
"Hi, Bell." He planted a kiss to my hair and I smile seeing he's started growing a beard like Kane has. "You seem happier than your typical happy self."
I shake my head yes shifting under the fur cover more to better hide my growing belly. "I am." Eliza gets on her knees wearing a guard jacket over her light colored dress that my mom had made for her, with combat boots underneath. "Is it my birthday?"
I shake my head no. "Daddy's, Aunt O's or yours mommy?" She asked again but I just released a chuckle. "No sweetie it's no one's birthday, at least not yet anway."
"Hold up. That can only happen if you're..." Bellamy sat up looking into my eyes then down to my stomach. I toss back the covers resting my hands on my stomach grinning big. "We're having another baby, Bellamy."
Bellamy cups my face in his hands quickly capturing my lips with his. I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss and tugging on his curls. "I love you Mrs. Blake." He broke the kiss smiling. I grin up at him softly. "I love you too, Bell."
"I'm a big sister!" Eliza tackle us both laughing as I hug her back. Bellamy ruffles her hair. "Sure am, princess."
Bellamy flips on his back pulling me to lay on his chest with Eliza on my other side. "I can't believe we're going to have another baby." I twirl my fingers into his curly locks still smiling. "Neither can I. I'm hoping it's a boy."
"A mini Bellamy has a nice ring to it." He taps his chin before Eliza throws her arms in the air. "Daddy junior!"
Who would have thought a peace treaty between grounders and sky people would end well.
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moonylantsovs · 4 years
Purely Platonic [ B.B ]
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request: Hi! I saw that your requests are open and I wanted to ask for a Bellamy x reader imagine. I was thinking something like you’ve been seeing each other but having defined your relationship. Then you overhear him tell someone that you two are just friends and will never be more. I would love a fluffy ending though :D
pairings: Bellamy Blake x reader
warnings: angst, jealousy, fluffy ending
Ever since your and Bellamy's kiss after the battle in Mount Weather, things have been great. And that went both ways. You two haven't exactly said what you are but you didn't see the need for it, you shared a room in Arkadia and spent most of your free time together.
There hasn't been a proper 'I love you' but you both knew you cared about each other in more ways than platonically and he didn't fail to prove that every night after your guard shifts. 
Your friends didn't know what you were either, but they knew you were hooking up. At least Raven did, and she didn't disappoint in calling you out while the two of you were fixing the Rover.
But now, while you were making your way to the guards meeting room, you figured Monty knew something was up too.
"So what's the deal with you and Y/N. Did you finally get the guts to tell her how you feel?" you heard Monty ask as you walked to the room.
And you, being nosey, decided to hide behind the door to listen.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Bellamy's gruff voice came from inside.
There was a loud snort coming from Miller, "Sure you don't, buddy. Should we just pretend you two haven't been making puppy dog eyes at each other since we landed two months ago?"
"Listen," Bellamy started "I never felt whatever you two think I feel towards Y/N. We're best friends who fool around from time to time. But nothing more. We only share a room because there's no spot left and I didn't want to share a room with my sister and her boyfriend."
You felt your heart sink in your stomach and tears prick in the corners of your eyes. You knew Bellamy wasn't good at expressing his emotions to anyone besides Octavia but that doesn't mean his words hurt any less.
The sadness and hurt soon turned into anger and you turned around to make your way back to your room. 
When you came in you put your gun down and took your guard jacket off to put your usual blue jean jacket on.
You took your hair out of the high ponytail it was in and made your way to the bar outside where you found Raven, Octavia, Lincoln, Wick and Gina sitting around a table.
"There you are!" Raven exclaimed as soon as she saw you walking up to the group.
"Hey, Rae." you grinned at her before looking at the rest of the group, "Everyone."
"Ouch." Wick winced, "I'm truly hurt, gorgeous."
You shook your head with a smile and sat down next to him, "Hello to you too, Kyle."
You knew Bellamy was always kind of jealous of how close you and Wick were. You two were best friends ever since you became an engineer and were basically inseparable back on The Ark. Right now, you also knew you were being petty by planning to flirt with him to get Bellamy mad.
"I thought you had a shift at the gates now?" Octavia asked you with furrowed eyebrows.
"Jones took over earlier so I just came here." you shrugged.
You looked at the drink in front of Wick and reached for it. Wick gave her a playful glare after you drank from his glass and you just stuck out your tongue making him chuckle.
He reached over to ruffle your hair and grabbed the glass from your hold, "I'll go get myself a refill and a glass for you."
"Thanks." you said, watching him walk away.
You turn back around to see Raven narrowing her eyes at you, "Something's wrong. What's wrong? Do I need to beat someone up?"
"Nothing's wrong." you told her innocently, leaning back.
"Maybe she's just sexually frustrated." Gina teased with a wink, "You should talk to Bellamy about that one."
You scoffed but before you had the chance to answer a voice from behind you spoke up, "Talk to Bellamy about what?"
When you turned around you saw Bellamy, who just walked up to the table followed by Miller.
"Just the guard's schedule." you shrugged and gave him a pointed look when he was about to sit down, "Sorry, the seat is taken."
He furrowed his eyebrows and smirked thinking you were just teasing him, "Who could possibly be more important than me?"
"Sorry that would be me." came the voice of Kyle with two glasses of alcohol in his hand.
You gave him a thankful smile once he handed you the glass while sitting down, back next to you.
Bellamy hoped his annoyance wasn't obvious as he sat down in the middle of Octavia and Gina.
Hint: it was very obvious.
Wick gave him an innocent smile while putting his arm on the back of your chair. You smiled at him already knowing he was only doing it to annoy Bellamy, which he made a big habit of.
Raven raised an amused eyebrow at the tension between the two males before clearing her throat, "Before you guys rudely interrupted us, we were discussing the style of the Rover's doors."
"Slide doors, obviously." you perked up at the topic.
"Thank you!" Wick exclaimed, turning towards Raven, "It's much more practical than having it open like normal doors."
"Of course she'd agree with you." Raven muttered, rolling her eyes.
"Duh," you smirked, "Great minds think alike."
"Damn straight." Wick agreed with a proud smirk that made Bellamy clench his jaw in annoyance.
He couldn't help but eye the arm that was basically wrapped around your shoulders. The Blake brother would never admit it out loud, due to his enormous ego, but he was always jealous of how close you and Wick were. The fact that Wick was a natural flirt and a very touchy person didn't help at all.
"You want to get together and work on it tonight?" he heard Wick ask you and watched you gave him a nod of agreement.
The dark haired boy cleared his throat, "Don't we have plans tonight, (Y/N)?"
You looked at his with furrowed eyebrows, "I don't think so, Bell. But don't wait up, I have the room key with me and I'll be careful not to wake you up."
Octavia, Raven, Gina and Miller had to fight the urge to laugh at the look on Bellamy's face. The four finally realized what you were doing and that there was obvious trouble in paradise.
"Yeah, you two have fun. Me and Gina have plans tonight so I won't be able to help." Raven spoke up with a fake apologetic look you almost snorted at.
"Don't worry about it, Reyes."
It was almost two in the morning once you finally returned to your and Bellamy's room.
You opened the door, only to find Bellamy sitting on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest and a serious expression on his face.
"Where the hell were you?" he asked, getting up as soon as you shut the door behind you.
"I already told I── "
"No, I mean why the hell are you back here at 2 a.m?" he demanded.
"We got held up, relax." you said shrugging off your jacket and putting it over a chair.
"Relax? You come back to our room at 2 a.m reeking of alcohol and you want me to relax?" he snapped, clenching his jaw.
Your eyes widened, "Can you stop yelling and being overdramatic? You're saying this like it's the first time."
"Well it's the first time you stayed that long after being alone with Kyle, so excuse me if I thought you weren't just working on the Rover." he clenched his jaw, pure anger radiating from him.
"What if we weren't?" you say after a few seconds of silence making his head snap up to look back at you, "What if we were doing something other then fixing the Rover? I'm not your girlfriend, you don't own me, Bellamy. I can do whatever the hell I want."
Bellamy gaped at you in disbelief, "So what? You actually slept with him?"
"No." you crossed your arms over your chest, "But I'm saying that if I wanted to I would have. Especially since you have no romantic feelings for me whatsoever. We're just fooling around, right?"
He blinked in shock as realization hit him, "You heard that." 
You nodded, "Yeah, but it's fine. I'm stupid for thinking Bellamy Blake, the Casanova of the camp that slept with half the girls there, would want to be in a relationship. Not your fault."
"You really think that?" he asked, his voice coming out a lot softer then when you started the conversation, "That I only want to sleep with you and that I don't have feelings for you?"
"That's what you said, didn't you?"
"What if I didn't mean it?"
His question caught you off guard so you furrowed your eyebrows, "Bellamy that doesn't make── "
"I love you, (Y/N)." he cut you off making your eyes widen.
"You what?" you choked out.
"I love you." he repeated, "And you don't have to say it back but I do, I love you. I'm in love with you. What I told Monty and Miller was a complete and absolute lie. I had feelings for you ever since we came down and wanted to be with you ever since."
You didn't know what to say. You were waiting for him to say that for the longest time but now that he finally did you had no idea how to respond.
Noticing your silence, he let out a sad sigh, "And now I probably fucked everything up."
He cleared his throat, snapping you out of your daze, "I can ask Miller to bunk with him tonight, if you're not── "
"No, no." you cut him off "I── you have no idea how long I waited for you to say that."
Before he even had the chance to process your words you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. It took him a second to respond but when he did, you smiled into the kiss and felt his arms wrap around your waist to pull you impossibly closer to him.
You pulled apart, panting for air when a huge grin broke on his face, "I guess this means you love me back."
"Yeah." you chuckled, "I love you, Bell."
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fictional-worlds · 3 years
Shared Fate (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
Plot: Grounder Reader is furious with Bellamy’s decision to help lead an attack against Trikru Warriors protecting Arkadia from a possible Azgeda attack. They fight and then part ways.
Warnings: Violence, murder, gore, suicide(?), angst
Ps. I don’t own any of The 100 characters nor do I claim to own you!
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-The sun was already setting when I found my boyfriend crossing the grounds of Arkadia.
“Bellamy!” I yelled at him as I stalked close behind him.
Bellamy smiled as he recognizes my voice and turns around to face me. His expression falls when he sees my face and he wraps his arms around me, “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Don’t! You know exactly what’s wrong!” I pull away from him, “you’re leading an attack against the innocent warriors of Trikru!”
Bellamy’s face hardens, “they are surrounding Arkadia! They have 300 of their warriors just camping out on our front lawn! They can attack at any moment!”
I huff, “Heda sent Trikru here to protect Arkadia from an attack against Azgeda! They have no reason to attack as that is not their orders and grounders and Skaikru are currently on good terms. If you do this, not only are you killing my people but you’re committing an act of war! The coalition will demand Heda to retaliate!”
People start to stare at the scene unfolding in front of them. Bellamy notices, grabs my arm, and drags me to a more secluded part of the camp.
“What the hell Bellamy!” I rub the place on my arm where he held tightly.
His eyes soften slightly but harden again, “you can’t go on rants like that in front of people!” He sighs, “I’m doing this to protect us. If your Heda knew what was good for her, she would’ve never sent Trikru to suffocate Arkadia like this.”
“Even though it wasn’t her intention, you can’t kill my people like this!” My eyes tear up thinking about my people, Trikru, being slaughtered.
“I will do it for the safety of mine! My people will always come first.” He stands straighter.
“B-bell, you can’t!” I beg.
“I can’t risk them attacking my people, they’re grounders and savages that are capable of breaking our trust!” Bellamy growls.
I stand there processing what he said, shocked at his words, “I never knew you thought of us like this.”
Bellamy realized what he said but far too late “Y/N no- I didn’t mean-”
I raise my hand to stop him from continuing, “It’s alright Bellamy, I’m glad to finally know what you truly think about us savage grounders. It must’ve been hard for you to keep all of that hidden seeing as your grounder girlfriend never knew you saw her like that. Or maybe you forgot that I am a grounder. I have assimilated into your camp for far too long, completely abandoning my culture and traditions to be with you and to be accepted by your people.
Bellamy is at a loss for words, unsure what to say but definitely sure that he messed up. I continue, “For too long, I have spoken of great things about Skaikru, your people. I thought grounders and Skaikru could be allies and that grounders could be accepted in Arkadia. I, now, see that I was wrong. I was wrong in trusting Skaikru and telling my people to trust yours.” I straightened my back and held my head high, “ I was wrong for having false hope of peaceful relations between the coalition and Skaikru. But most importantly, I was dead wrong for falling in love with a member of Skaikru, thinking that he accepted Trikru, my clan, my people, and me as an ally, not an enemy.”
Bellamy opens his mouth to speak but I stop him, “That is my cross to bare. If death is the fate of my people then I, too, will join them. I will be with my people tonight when you and Pike lead the attack, then I will join them in the afterlife.”
Bellamy panics, “you can’t do that! I can’t stop the attack, it is going to happen! I can’t lose you…” His eyes are wide and rimmed with unshed tears.
“You have made your decision… and so have I.” I turn and head towards the gate before he has a chance to stop me.
“Open the gates!” I demand. The guards look at each other and open the gates. Bellamy watches me leave, wishing he could scream my name and beg for me to come back but with people around he had to show a strong front.
As soon as I pass the gates, tears threaten to fall and I wanted to look back but I knew that if I did, I wouldn’t want to leave. I was fast approaching the Trikru camp and they couldn’t know what was going to happen so I locked my feelings away. Spirits of the commanders, please forgive me…
When I arrived at the camp, their torches were already on. The attack must be soon…
No one questioned my presence in the Trikru camp as most of them were already fast asleep so I slipped into an empty tent, making sure I was alone. I cried and sobbed as softly as I could, pressing my hand to my mouth or biting my lip hard.
I don’t know how long I was crying but I soon heard the rustling of the tent as someone pulled the flaps back to enter. I quickly wipe my tears and turn to face the person.
I smile, “Indra!”
She seems shocked to see me, “Y/N, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Arkadia?” She squints her eyes and examines my face, “what’s wrong?”
I couldn’t hold it in anymore, “I’m sorry, I-I’m so sorry!”
She holds both of my arms, “What are you talking about-”
That’s when it started- the shooting… the panic… the screaming…
A warrior runs into the tent, holding his blood-soaked, injured arm. “Skaikru is attacking the camp!”
Indra whips her head towards me as if looking for an explanation, “I tried to stop them, you have to get out of here!”
She runs outside and I follow her. We both stared at the scene in front of us in disbelief. Pike, Bellamy, and a couple more Skaikru shooting Trikru. But by the time we got out of the tent, there were less than 50 Trikru warriors left. They couldn’t even fight as they would get shot down before they even got close to the assailants.
At that time, Pike and Bellamy spot us and they make their way towards us, having shot down the rest in a matter of seconds. The rest of the Skikru group that came with Pike and Bellamy, started executing the wounded.
“You must go! I will hold them back!” I grab the sword of a nearby fallen warrior. But it was too late, Pike shot my leg causing me to fall. He also shot Indra’s shoulder causing her to fall back and lean against a rock. I use the sword as a way to help me get up as I grunt in pain. I get in front of Indra, willing to lay down my life in order to protect her.
“Pike!” Bellamy yells at him to stop.
Pike shoots again hitting my arm causing me to fall again.
“Y/N just stay down! You’re injured and defeated!” Bellamy begs as he tries to save me.
But again I get up, slower this time but still determined to save my leader, “No, my fight isn’t over yet.”
Pike steps forward and takes aim once more, “it will be soon.”
Bellamy stops Pike, “wait we need someone to deliver a message! To the coalition, to the commander.”
Pike lowers the gun for a second but then raises it again, “we only need one person to deliver the message so who will it be, Bellamy? Y/N or Indra?” He waves the gun to point at each of us.
Bellamy looks conflicted and I look back at Indra while he’s thinking, knowing he’ll pick me instead of Indra. I mouth “I will join our people, I’m sorry. Survive.”
Indra’s eyes widen seemingly knowing what I’m about to do.
I turn back to face Pike and Bellamy, “Ai gonplie ste odon! (my fight is over!)” I shift the sword with the hilt in my hand but the blade towards me and I plunge it into my abdomen, gasping at the piercing pain.
Bellamy cries out, “Y/N!!!” and rushes to me just as I hit the ground, feeling faint from the shock and lack of blood.
“No, N-n-no! Somebody help! Please!” Bellamy tries to put pressure on the wound but blood still gushes from it.
I raise a blood-soaked hand to cup his cheek and he leans into it, “Y-you lost your way, but you just ne-e-ed to find it again-n. ” I gasp and my hand drops, my blinking slows as black fills my vision, “I love you. May we mee-t a-agai...n.”
A/N: I know I haven't posted in a while. I'm back in college so I've been busy, sorry. Also sorry for making this story a sad one, though I might make another part with an alternate ending if any of you are interested in that. Once again, thank you for your support! Don't forget to add yourself to my tag lists here !
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ao3feed-bellarke · 2 years
Love Goes by Haps (some cupid kills with arrows, some with traps)
by t_f_c
The Duke of Polis and Lady Clarke of Arkadia have been arranged to be married since the age of nine. Ten years later, and much to the Lady's displeasure, wedding bells are ringing. So she sends a present in the form of a knavish manservant.
Clarke doesn't want to marry Bellamy and sends Murphy to piss him off.
Words: 1136, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Bellamy Blake, Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), John Murphy (The 100), Raven Reyes (The 100), Abby Griffin, Marcus Kane, Nia | Ice Queen, Octavia Blake, Lincoln (The 100), Jasper Jordan, Monty Green, Ontari (The 100)
Relationships: Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Bellamy Blake/John Murphy, Abby Griffin/Marcus Kane
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Historical, Nia | Ice Queen Being an Asshole, Bisexual Bellamy Blake, Bellamy is nia's nephew, Arranged Marriage
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39266262
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kilibaggins · 3 years
I Like Murphy, Too
Murphy x Clarke x Bellamy fic (Mostly Murphamy If I’m Being Honest)
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Ao3 Link: HERE
Request: Not Requested!
Prompt: “Person A falls for both person B and person C but B and C hate each other”
Summary: Clarke Griffin is polyamorous, Bellamy knew this when they first started dating. What Bellamy didn't know though, is that when it came down to it,  John Murphy is the other man she likes.
A/N: This is the longest Fic i have ever written. It’s the reason I got behind and im not fics behind on my april challenge im doing lol. I hope you enjoy??
Setting: Peaceful Arkadia AU
Warnings: Death of Murphy's parents is mentioned, Alcohol, and i think that’s it?
Word Count: 6009
Tags: @lovelessdyke​ @ultimatereyesstan
“You what?” Bellamy asks, looking at Clarke surprised. Clarke shakes her head softly and sighs. She quickly latches the button on her pants.
“I like Murphy, too.” Clarke says, putting on her jacket. Bellamy slips on his shirt and scoffs.
“Seriously?” Bellamy asks, and Clarke crosses her arms and looks at him.
“Look, I told you I’m poly when we first got together. I told you this might happen.” Clarke says, and Bellamy throws his arms up.
“Yeah! But I thought it would be like, Raven or Someone else, not Murphy!“ Bellamy exclaims, plopping down on the bed. Clarke sighs and shakes her head.
“Your issue is with who I like?” Clarke asks, walking forward. Bellamy looks up at her, his shoulder obviously tense. She brings her hand to his face and cups it.
“I don’t like him.” Bellamy grounds out, and Clarke sighs. She steps back and grabs her gun holster from the top of her dresser.
“That’s because you won’t give him a chance.” She says, walking over to the other side of the room, where her boots lay. She grabs them and walks over to the bed. She sits down and starts putting them on.
“Listen, you know i'm supportive of you, and heck if it was anyone else I’d probably be happy, but Murphy isn’t good.” Bellamy says, his voice low. Clarke sighs and gets up.
“Did you know he’s been working with my mother in the med bay?” Clarke asks, going to the little bathroom that is connected to their room. Bellamy gets up and followers her into it, watching as she grabs her toothbrush. “Or that he’s been helping Monty at the gardens? Or that he’s been helping Miller and Brian get along? Or that he’s been-”
“Okay, okay I get it.” Bellamy says, grabbing his toothbrush as well, pushing Clarke slightly to the side. Clarke grabs the toothpaste, and Bellamy takes it from her hand before she can use it. She glares up at him through the mirror and Bellamy hides a smile.
“Do you really? Because he’s not bad. He’s misunderstood.” Clarke says, letting Bellamy give her back the toothpaste. Bellamy Sighs and starts brushing.
Bellamy brushes for a second, before pulling out the tooth brush and spitting into the sink “Listen, he killed two kids.” Bellamy says, and Clarke raises an eyebrow.
“Okay? And we killed all of the mountain men.” Clarke says, putting her tooth brush in. Bellamy sighs.
“That’s different. We did it for an actual reason.” Bellamy says, going to brush his teeth more. Clarke spits out some toothpaste and sighs exasperated.
“He had his own reasons too!” Clarke says, grabbing the cup next to the sink and putting water in it. She takes some into her mouth and spits out the rest of the toothpaste. She always brushes way faster than him, he hates it because it gives her more time to talk during these morning discussions they regularly have.
“Yeah, like revenge. How is that anything similar to why we did what we did?” Bellamy asks, now spitting out his toothpaste again. He grabs the cup and rinses out his mouth, before following Clarke out of the bathroom.
“He did it to save himself. He was scared, Bellamy. Have you even bothered to ask about how he felt?” Clarke asks, grabbing a few more things from her dresser drawer. Bellamy sighs and opens his drawer to grab a few of his own things.
“Listen, I can’t stop you from liking him, Hell, even being with him, but I’m not going to like it. I don’t want anywhere near him.” Bellamy says, and Clarke Grabs his arm before he can walk away.
“Bell, please.” Clarke says softly. Bellamy lets her grab his hand and She looks up into his eyes. “Please, Bell. I want this to work. I want you and him to get along.” She says.
“That’s never going to happen.” Bellamy says, taking his hand away.
“At least try. Come to lunch with us today.” Clarek says, and Bellamy sighs. He looks to the ground and then back up at Clarke, her eyes wide and begging. He feels his stubborn-ness give and he sighs softly.
“Okay, fine, I’ll have lunch with you, two.” Bellamy says, and Clarke smiles widely. She jumps forward and kisses him softly, and Bellamy smiles into the kiss.
“Thank you, Bell.” Clarke says, her voice filled with love.
“Anything for you, Princess.”
During the day, Before Clarke went in to get her job done, she stopped by to tell Murphy about everything. Murphy wasn’t surprised that Bellamy didn’t trust thim, If he was being honest he barely even trusted Bellamy, but for Clarke he’ll try anything. And if that means along the way he and Bellamy get closer, then he might as well try. So, he agreed to join them.
A few hours later, Bellamy and Clarke are sitting at a table in Arkadia’s eating area, they both have their plates, and drinks, and are eating as they talk about the day.
“Murphy should be here by now.” Bellamy says, taking a bit of his food. He brings his head back up and looks at Clarke. Clarke grabs her napkin and brings it up to wipe at a spot on his lip where some food stayed. He smiles softly at her, “Thanks.”
“He’s probably just running a little late.” Clarke says, putting down her napkin and taking a bite herself.
“He probably decided to ditch us.” Bellamy snarks, taking a drink of his water. Clarke sighs and puts down her fork.
“He wouldn’t do that.” Clarke says, looking at Bellamy with a serious expression.
“Ah, right, because the guy who was a juvenile delinquent wouldn’t skip out on lunch.” Bellamy snarks, and then a voice comes from behind them.
“Yeah, uh, sorry. Miller came in with a cut the size of my hand on his side. I had to patch him up.” Clarke looks behind her to see Murphy standing there, looking at Bellamy with a look that tells her this will not be easy. She jumps up and kisses him on the cheek. “Hey.” He says, smiling at her, like she can make his day go from a nightmare, to a daydream. Bellamy gets that. She always cheers him up at the end of the day. Clarke grabs his hand and pulls him over to the table.
“Sorry, we kind of started without you.” Clarke says, sitting in her spot. Murphy sits next to her, on the opposite side of where Bellamy is sitting, and sighs softly, happy to be sitting down for the first time in a few hours.
“It’s fine, Clarke. You didn’t know when I’d get here.” Murphy says, raising his hand so a guy who will come get his order can see him. He always tries to give them extra help whenever he can, when he’s off work he sometimes comes in and works with them.
“Heya Murphy! The usual?” The server asks, and Murphy nods softly. The server walks away, and Murphy looks to Clarke and sighs.
“Hard day?” Clarke asks, genuinely worried.
“Yeah, a lot of people are getting hurt lately.” Murphy says, shrugging as if it’s not too much for him. Honestly, when he agreed to work with Abby, he was happy to do it. It was good for him to feel useful, and to help people. But now it’s too much sometimes. The blood gets sickening sometimes, especially when it stains his hands.
“And you’re worried about how much work you have to do?” Bellamy asks, his eyebrow raised. Clarke glares at him softly and his his leg under the table. Murphy sighs and looks down at the table. “I obviously care about them, Bellamy, or else I wouldn’t be doing it in the first place.” Murphy grounds out, trying to keep his voice calm. Bellamy has no idea what he goes through every day, or how much work he does, or anything like that. He has no right to assume all he cares about is how much time he has to work. As much as Murphy would like to cuss Bellamy out, the warmth coming from Clarke is enough to keep him grounded. He's doing this for her.
“Anyway! How has your day been?” Clarke asks, grabbing Bellamy’s hand. Murphy lets his gaze linger on the touch before smiling softly. He’s happy when Clarke can get love, in any form she does. As much as he is hesitant of Bellamy, he knows Bellamy will take care of her.
“It’s been okay. I’ve had to yell at a few people, keep them in their lane.” Belamy says, taking a bite of his food, that Clarke had forgotten existed. She feels bad eating while Murphy sits there without anything.
“Here, have a bite.” Clark says, pushing her food towards him. Murphy smiles and does as he’s told, knowing that Clarke will probably take his head off if he refuses to eat. Clarke looks around them for a moment before looking back at Bellamy, who is staring at Murphy. She sighs and kicks him under the table and gives him a look. Bellamy makes a face that Clarke knows to mean “What?!?” and Clarke glares at him.
“You guys do this often?” Murphy asks, pointing a finger between them.
“Do what?” Bellamy snaps, before taking a deep breath and calming himself. “Do what?” He asks softer this time.
“Talk with your faces.” Murphy says, a small smirk on his lips. He looks at Clarke and laughs when she blushes.
“Also, Bellamy, can you stop staring at me? I’d appreciate it. I mean, unless you’re appreciating my god given good looks.” Murphy continues and Clarke laughs and bumps into him with her shoulder. Bellamy feels his cheeks heat up despite himself and he looks back at his food, his jaw tight. Murphy sees this and back tracks a bit. “Look, man, I was just joking, sorry.” He says, pushing Clarke’s food away from him, and back to her. He reaches forward and steals Clarke’s water and takes a sip.
“Murphy!” The server says, walking over and giving him his food. Murphy smiles and nods at him.
“Thanks, how about later I help you with that shoulder? You said it's been bothering you.” Murphy says, taking his food and looking at it with excitement. He has always liked food, especially after working in the medbay.
“Really? It’s been really bugging me, it makes me slower to work.” The server says, giving him his cup and pouring water in it.
“Dude, of course. Come by the med bay after your shift.” Murphy says, trying not to think about how busy he already is. He always just keeps adding on.
“Great!” The server says, before walking off. Murphy grabs his fork and starts eating before he notices Clarke is smiling at him.
“What?” Murphy says, a smile on his face.
“I love when you help people.” Clarke says softly. Murphy smiles and feels his cheeks heat up.
“Yeah, yeah, eat it all up.” Murphy jokes, and takes a drink of his own water.
“How much do you work?” Bellamy asks, looking at Murphy. Murphy puts down his cup and messes with his hair.
“Well, I have multiple jobs. Different jobs, different days. I have the medbay, which is what I am doing today, Where I work from 7 am to 8 pm. I have a lunch break between that, as you can see right now, and I have a few other short 10 minute breaks in between.” Murphy starts to explain, and Bellamy puts down his fork to listen better. Clarke smiles, knowing that listening is one of Bellamy’s ways to show he cares. “I work at the gardens with Monty on some days, those days are more laid back. Monty doesn’t expect me to do much. Usually I just water some plants, sometimes I gather stuff. And most other days I just pick up whatever job I can to help. There’s a lot of miscellaneous jobs.” Murphy explains,taking another drink. Bellamy nods, and watching Murphy swallow the water, and he looks down at his plate and clears his throat, embarrassed at himself for watching him like that.
“So you do a lot?” Bellamy asks, and Murphy just nods and eats his food.
They sit in silence for a while, before Murphy looks at his watch and sighs heavily.
“Time to go?” Clarke asks, and Murphy nods, taking the last few bites of his food, and taking the last gulps of his drink. He gets up and stretches. Clarke Gets up and hugs him tight.
“Go save some lives.” Clarke smiles, and pushes at his shoulder. Murphy smirks and grabs his cup and plate.
“You can leave those here, the server will come and grab it.” Bellamy says, looking up at Murphy from his spot.
“Oh, I take it up for them, it makes their lives easier.” Murphy says, smiling. He then kisses Clarke on the cheek, and turns away quickly, feeling Bellamy’s eyes burn a hole in his skull. He knows Bellamy is hesitant about him being with Clarke, and if he is assuming right, he thinks he’s also a bit jealous. He walks up and gives his plate and cup to the people near the food and they smile gratefully at him.
Clarke watches him leave and sighs sadly. She sits back down and smiles at Bellamy.
“I guess it's just us for a little bit.” Clarke says, grabbing Bellamy’s hand. Bellamy squeezes her hand and brings it to his lips kissing it softly.
“Finally.” He mumbles and Clarke sighs and takes her hand away.
“Why are you like this? Why can’t you just try to be nice about him? I care about him Bellamy, and I’m trying to get you two to get along. Murphy is obviously trying. He had less of a problem with this than you did. Why can’t you just try?” Clarke asks, looking at him with sadness in her eyes. Bellamy sighs and sits back in his seat, crossing his arms.
“He’s a delinquent!” Bellamy says, gesturing towards the place where Murphy had left from. Clarke shakes her head and sighs, she gets up and grabs her plate and cup.
“I think you forget that I was too.” Clarke says, before walking off. Bellamy watches her leave, and thinks about things for a minute.
She’s right, he knows she is. It’s not right of him to give every other delinquent a chance but then not give Murphy one. It’s just hard for him. He cares a lot about Clarke,and he doesn’t want her to get hurt, and he doesn’t trust Murphy. And now, in his anger towards Murphy, he has hurt Clarke. He shakes his head and gets up, leaving his plate and cup on the table.
Two weeks later, after Bellamy being invited to lunches and enjoying his time more than he’d like to admit, he caves. He goes to Murphy’s room, and knocks on the door, waiting for Murphy to open the door.
Murphy opens the door, his chest bare and his hair a mess, Bellamy notices he looks tired. Bellamy accident stares too long at Murphy’s chest, looking at all of the scars there, and Murphy notices, and Looks down at himself before his eyes widen and his cheeks flush and he closes the door. Bellamy is about to leave after blowing it, before the door opens again, and reveals Murphy, who threw on a shirt.
“Uh, sorry I just-”
“What do you want?” Murphy cuts him off, not wanting to have a conversation about his scars. It’s already something he hates about himself, he doesn’t need anyone to bring them up after staring at them.
“I just- Okay, I know we don’t get along that much, mostly because of myself, but still, and I was wondering if you’d like to… I don’t know, hang out or something? Just the two of us” Bellamy asks, and Murphy’s eyes widen and his lip quirks up in a small smile. “Maybe we could go outside the gates, or maybe sit by the fire and have a drink, or something.” Bellamy continues and Murphy nods.
“Sure, I’d be happy to.” Murphy says, no sarcasm coming from his lips. Bellamy is surprised but smiles.
“Cool! Cool, uh, do you want to meet up, or should I come here at a certain time, or?” Bellamy asks and Murphy smiles.
“Uh, can we do it tomorrow, today’s kind of… Not the best day.” Murphy says, and Bellamy feels his heart drop, realizing he’s probably just trying to get out of it.
“We don’t have to do it at all if you don’t want to, all you have to do is say no.” Bellamy says,his voice slightly defensive. Murphy’s eyes drop in confusion and he shakes his head.
“No, No, I want to I just-”
“Whatever, it’s obvious you don’t want to, I’ll just go.” Bellamy says, before walking away. By the time Murphy cna open his mouth again to say something, he’s already down the hall and Murphy sighs sadly. Murphy closes the door and plops down on the bed. He takes off his shirt, and lays back down, covering himself up before letting out a long breath as his sore back hit the mattress. Yesterday had been bad, he had accidentally pulled something in his back, and he had refused to do anything about it until he broke down crying while helping Monty in the Garden. Monty had taken him to Abby, and Abby had told him he had to take today off, and stay in bed. That’s why he didn’t want to go out with Bellamy tonight. He sighs and tries to get himself to sleep again, even though the pain in his back is still pulling at him. He groans and wipes a hand over his face, realizing that this probably ruined any chance he had at Bellamy getting closer to him.
“Great.” Murphy says to the open, and empty air around him. Hopefully Bellamy doesn’t tell Clarke about this.
Bellamy walks into his and Clarke’s shared bedroom, storming over to the dresser and throwing off his jacket. He throws the jacket over a chair, and strips his holster off.
“Murphy doesn’t want to go out with me.” Bellamy says to Clarke, who just watched him storm in. Clarke raises an eyebrow at him.
“What do you mean?” Clarke asks, closing her book and putting it on the bedside stand. Bellamy huffs and slips off his shoes.
“I asked him to go out, so we could bond, and He doesn’t want to!” Bellamy says exasperatedly. He sighs sadly and Plops down on his side of the bed, turning away from Clarke. Clarke sighs softly and sits behind him, bringing her hands up to massage at his shoulders.
“Are you sure he doesn’t want to?” Clarke asks, and Bellamy looks down at his hands.
“He said he didn’t want to tonight.” Bellamy says softly. He wouldn’t admit it to Murphy, but he was hurt. He wanted this to go well. He wants to be closer to Murphy, and not just for Clarke.
“Well how do you know it doesn’t just mean tonight?” Clarke asks.
“Because why wouldn’t he be able to tonight? What’s stopping him from going out with me tonight? He had today off, tonight too, That’s why I asked him, and we’ve been getting closer the past two weeks!” Bellamy says, his tone harsh. He doesn’t want to be mean about this, but His feelings are hurt. He really doesn’t understand why Murphy wouldn’t want to go out with him. Clarke and said he was willing to try with him, and now he just decided not to be?
“I don’t know, but don’t just assume he doesn’t want to. I know Murphy, he’s been talking about you for a while now. He wants to be close to you.” Clarke says, trying to reassure Bellamy. Bellamy shrugs and sighs.
“I’m just tired, I should just sleep.” Bellamy says, and Clarke nods, letting him lay down. Clarke lays next to him, and pulls him so his head is on her chest. He sighs softly and smiles.
“Night Princess.”
In the morning, Murphy wakes up, and he still feels a dull ache in his back. He grabs the pain pills and takes them, not bothering to grab water. He slips his boots on, and thinks about Bellamy. He wants to be with Bellamy too. He wants their relationship to be good, and he’s scared he may have ruined it all last night. He sighs sadly and slips on a new shirt and pants. Today he will go to Bellamy and explain everything, even if it makes him late for work. Abby will probably just think it’s because of his back or something.
Murphy opens his door, and walks out of it, and starts walking to the guard’s building. He knows Bellamy works today, and he knows he has probably already started. He sighs and starts to walk faster, in his haste he almost runs into someone and apologizes over his shoulder.
He makes it to the guards building and just walks in, not caring about policy. He’s been practicing what he was going to say, and at this point he thinks it’s just better to be straight forward and just say exactly what he wants to. He sees Bellamy across the room and walks straight over, not caring about the people staring at him. Bellamy looks up and quickly sits up seeing Murphy there.
“I pulled my back yesterday, so I couldn’t go out with you. But I can tonight. 8 pm? Come to my room? sit by the fire and have that drink you were talking about.” Murphy rushes out, and Bellamy laughs softly.
“So I just... Completely misunderstood you?” Bellamy asks and Murphy nods. “Yup. Anyways, I’m going to be late for work, So I’ve got to go, but pick me up at 8, huh?” Murphy says, and Bellamy smiles.
“Yeah, sure Murphy, I’d love to.” Bellamy says, and Murphy node awkwardly, before turning around and walking away. Bellamy smiles to himself and Gets ready for the day. He can’t wait for tonight.
10 hours later, after a boring and uneventful day at work, Bellamy is ready to have some fun. He goes to his room, and does something with his hair that nobody understands. Everyone assumes he does something to it, but all he does is put some water on his hands and fluff around his hair a bit. He grabs a nice shirt, Not something too nice, since he doesn’t have that luxury, but something that doesn’t look horrible. He freshens up quickly, splashing his face with water changes into his new clothes he picked out. He smiles at himself in the mirror, and he quickly realizes that he’s excited. He’s excited to go out with Murphy, and he’s not sure if he wants to analyze that fact or not.
He quickly gives Clarke a peck on the lips and runs out their door, realizing he’s late. It’s his first date-but-is-it-really with Murphy, and he’s already late. He quickly, but not quickly enough to make it obvious that he;s rushed, goes down the many halls to Murphy’s room. When he gets there, he’s surprised to see Murphy just entering his room.
“Oh sh-” Murphy cuts himself off, dropping his key. He sighs and picks it up. “Sorry! Someone came in with a huge migraine and couldn’t do anything until they got meds, and I was the one who had to search through the bottles to find something this guy wasn’t allergic to. Seriously, I don’t even understand how he’s still alive on Earth, He’s allergic to almost everything.” Murphy says, laughing softly. Bellamy feels himself smile and finds the story sweet. The Murphy he used to know would never spend his time doing that for someone.
“That’s nice of you.” Bellamy says, and Murphy looks up at him with a smile.
“Yeah, I mean I’m happy to do it, He’s a good guy.” Murphy says, walking into his room which he just now got open. Murphy calls out to him from the inside, “You can come in! It’s kind of a mess, but It’s not too bad.” Bellamy hesitantly walks to the doorway and looks into the room, tilting his head. The room isn't as bad as Murphy made it out to be, but it still wasn't clean either. There are clothes strung about the room, and it looks like the bed was just rolled out of. looks into the room, tilting his head. The room isn't as bad as Murphy made it out to be, but it still wasn't clean either. There are clothes strung about the room, and it looks like the bed was just rolled out of.
“It’s not too bad.” Bellamy observes, watching as Murphy goes to his dresser and quickly grabs out clothes. Murphy picks out his outfit, and walks to the bathroom.
“I’m going to change, go ahead and sit on the end I guess.” Murphy says, shrugging. He smiles and walks into the bathroom, quickly getting ready. Bellamy finds himself standing in the middle of the room; he looks at the things on Murphy’s bedside table and smiles. He grabs the book there, reading the title. He sees that it’s Lord Of The Rings, he smiles and tries to remember the plot. He knows it has to do with a ring, an unlikely hero, and a quest with friends, but he’s not sure what happens during it. He opens the book, and looks at the bookmark. It’s a picture of a young man and woman, and a young boy is next to them. It looks like the woman’s face was once crossed out with a marker, but the marker has been scratched at, and he frowns at it. He picks up the picture and flips it over and the back says ‘The Murphy’s’ and he feels his heart break. He hears the door open behind him and he jumps, almost dropping the book and losing Murphy’s spot before catching himself. Murphy freezes when he sees what he’s doing, and winces slightly.
“I said you could sit on the bed, not look through my things.” He half jokes, walking forward and taking the book and picture from his hands and puts the picture back how it was. He puts the book down and turns to the dresser, grabbing his knife from it’s spot. When he made it to Arkadia, he made a new one, since his old one had disappeared in the chaos. He puts the knife in it’s sput on his belt, and turns to Bellamy.
“I’m sorry, I just… I like books, and I wanted to see what you were reading.” Bellamy says, “And then… that kind of turned into me looking at your bookmark.” Bellamy says, his voice dropping. Murphy shrugs.
“Oh well, It’s not like people don’t know I had a family, Bell.” Murphy says, and starts to walk out the door. “Now come on, you have a drink you owe me.” Murphy says, a smile pulling at his features. Bellamy shakes his head and laughs following him out the door. Murphy pulls it shut, and makes sure it’s locked before they walk towards the firepits.
They make it to the fire pits, and Murphy sits down on one of the logs surrounding it. And looks up at Bellamy.
“Drink?” He asks, and Bellamy nods.
“I’ll get you a drink, relax, sit back and watch the fire or something.” Bellamy says, turning around and heading to where Monty is serving his moonshine. Murphy sighs softly and looks up at the sky instead, feeling the cold air go against his face. He hears Bellamy come back, and he opens his eyes to see Bellamy with two cups in his hands.
“Oh thank God, I need a drink.” Murphy says, reaching out. Bellamy chuckles and hands it to him; he sits down and watches as Murphy takes a drink. The moonlight and the fire both create a glow to Murphy, a glow that would be described as magical in the books he read as a kid. He can’t help to think of Murphy as magical in this moment. A kid who grows up with everyone against him, yet now he’s helping everyone by being a doctor?
“I’ve heard you’re a good doctor.” Bellamy says, watching Murphy as he looks at him with happiness.
“Yeah?” Murphy asks, his mouth upturned in a large smile.
“Yeah, I’ve been asking people about you recently…” Bellamy says, before he can stop himself, he sighs realizing how embarrassing that is. “Sorry, I just… After Clarke told me about you, I was very hesitant, and I wanted to know more about you.” Bellamy says.
“Yeah, I know… I’m not the best guy in the world.” Murphy says, looking at the fire in front of him. The flames light up his face, and Bellamy can’t help but think he’s beautiful. He doesn’t know when his thoughts about Murphy went from annoyed, to thinking he’s beautiful. Maybe it was the way Clarke has been talking about him, and explaining why she liked him the way she does.
“You aren’t the worst, either.” Bellamy admits, and Murphy feels himself smile wider.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’m good enough.” Murphy says softly, his voice barely above a whisper. Bellamy frowns and shakes his head, moving closer to Murphy’s side. Their thighs rub next to each other, and their shoulders bump.
“I-” Bellamy hesitates before speaking, “Look, I’m just overprotective. I worry about Clarke. I don’t want her being with someone who will hurt her. I would be worried no matter who it was, but because of our…” He trails off and gestures vaguely, “History, I’m a bit more hesitant with you.”
"I think I love her, Bell.” Murphy says, confidence in his voice. There’s no ‘think’ to it. He knows he loves her. He closes his eyes and pictures how her lips feel on his cheek, and how the feeling of her hand in his makes him feel. He can picture her smile while he’s alone, and it always cheers him up. It always keeps him going. Bellamy nods and takes a drink from his moonshine, feeling the liquid burn hsi throat slightly. Murphy’s is almost gone already, it’s obvious he’s had a hard time recently.
“I love her, too.” Bellamy says, and Murphy laughs softly. They sit there for a few minutes before Murphy randomly starts talking. Bellamy figures out quickly that he’s just randomly speaking about everything. The color of the sky, the way the trees move, it’s all subjects of Murphy’s rambling and Bellamy finds it endearing.
“Do you ever think of life up there? Do you miss it?” Bellamy asks randomly, interrupting Murphy from his rant about the chancellor. Murphy pauses for a moment, not sure how to answer.
“I think about it, but I don’t miss it. I hated it up there.” Murphy says, and Bellamy looks at him puzzled.
“After everything that’s happened to you down here, you still like it more than up there? Why?” Bellamy asks, and Murphy looks up.
“Up there, it was… Suffocating. I couldn’t get away from anything. I couldn’t get away from the people, the guards, the chancellor, the memories, they were all there. When I walked down the hall to school every day I’d see the airlock chamber and remember my dad dying for me. When I’d look at any door of any room, I’d remember running through the door to find my mom, dying on the floor. I-” He breaks himself off and he sighs. “I hate tight spaces. Always have, and That thing up there? That was the tightest spot. I hate not having control over myself, but up there every single thing I did was stared at and picked at. I was forced to be something I’m not.” Murphy rants, and Bellamy listens, putting a hand on his thigh to calm him down. He had started yelling, and that gained the attention for a few other people.
“And Here? What’s good about here?” Bellamy asks, wanting to know how Murphy feels.
“I’m free. I’m able to eat when I’m hungry, and I’m able to work a good job! I’m able to help people here, when up there I was useless. Down here there’s a possibility for so much more! I can have two kids if I’d want to, and It’ll be okay! I can get medicine for myself when I’m hurt or sick, and I can live.” Murphy says, and Bellamy nods. “My dad… He dreamed of this place. He dreamed of being able to Touch the ground, to touch the leaves… And If this is where he always wanted to be, then obviously it;s better than that piece of junk that used to be in the sky. Up there I wanted to be a doctor, but I wasn’t smart enough. I never was. Here, Abby gave me a chance, and Now I get to save people. You want to know the real, 100% reason all of this is worth it?” Murphy asks, and Bellamy nods. “Clarke… I would have never met Clarke. I would have never met her and gotten this close to her. I would have never met you...” Murphy finishes, and by the time he’s done he’s looking at Bellamy with such a wild look in his eyes.
Bellamy doesn’t understand what’s happening to him, or why he feels so connected to Murphy in this moment, but before he can stop himself he’s surging forward, and connecting their lips. Bellamy grab’s Murphy’s arms and Moves him so he’s facing him, and stradling the log they’re on. Murphy wraps his arms around Bellamy’s neck,and lets him pull him as close as possible, not worrying about the world around them. Murphy pulls back his breath heavy and a huge smile on his face.
“What was that for?” Murphy asks, a wide smile on his face. Bellamy rests his forehead on Murphy’s, and takes a deep breath. He’s not sure how to explain it. He doesn’t know what made him do that, what made him make the choice to kiss the guy he has hated for so long, but recently he just… Hasn’t hated him. The way Murphy has proven himself to be good, the way he cares so deeply for Clarke that everything he has gone through has been worth it, just to meet and fall for her, it all hits him way too hard. And the fact Murphy includes him in that, Murphy includes him in the good he has found on this nightmare of a planet, and Bellamy feels happier about that than he has felt about anything ever.
“Was meeting me really worth the pain?” Bellamy asks, suddenly questioning it. Murphy pulls back a bit and nods.
“Of course. I mean yeah, we haven’t gotten along much in the past, but for the past two weeks, we’ve been getting closer. That’s why you asked me to come, right? Because we’ve been closer?” Murphy asks, and Bellamy smiles.
“Yeah I just… I didn't think I meant that much to you, I thought I was just… Clarke’s boyfriend to you.” Bellamy says, and Murphy cups hsi cheek.
“You could never be ‘just’ anything, Bellamy.” Murphy says, leaning forward and connecting their lips once more. Bellamy pulls back for a second and looks into Murphy’s eyes.
“Come on.” He says, and gets up, pulling himself away from Murphy. Murphy looks up at him in confusion.
“What? Where are we going.” Murphy asks, confused. Bellamy smirks down at him.
“I think Clarke and I have room for one more.” Bellamy says, changing his smirk to a small smile. He puts out his hand and Murphy looks at him in shock before smiling widely. He takes Bellamy’s hand.
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wonderswritings · 3 years
Fighting For... God Complex
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Summary: We won. Even though we were alone, with no options, we managed to do the impossible and save everyone from the city of light. But even though we won, we still lost. Those who were in the city lost their memories, only to gain them all back, and now they have to live with the things they’ve done. We thought it was over, that we were done fighting, that we had managed to survive. But Alie left with a warning, and it turns out, we’ll never be done fighting.
Warnings: The 100 Themes so blood and gore I guess
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Reader, Clarke Griffin x Twin!Fem!Reader
Fighting For… Masterlist
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Be on the look out cause it’s coming time to redo my tags so i’ll be making a post about that soon!
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“I-I can’t face Abby. Not, not right now. Not after everything that’s happened.”
“You’re natblida. We could use you here, more than Arkadia could.” “You have Luna. You don’t need me. Bellamy needs me.”
“You’re not staying?” “I’m not needed here.” “You’re a natblida. One would say you are needed here.” “You have Luna. I need to get back to Arkadia.” “To Bellamy you mean.” “And?” “You care about him.” “I care about everyone.”’ “But him more than the others.”
“It is not safe out there, Wanhei. War is here and people are still angry about what you’ve done.”
“Be careful Wanhei. It’s a dangerous place out there. Even for the legendary Wanhei.”
“Bellamy? Bellamy, where are you?” “YN? What are you- no. YN, don’t you dare.” “I might be outside of Arkadia.”
“Listen to me YN, you need to look around. Find anything to cover you. You spent time with Finn in the woods, look for something man made.” “I can’t see anything!” “Try YN. You’re smart and resourceful. Just try.” “Kane I can’t-”
“YN? Don’t you ever do that again.”
“They’re dead. I can’t protect anyone. I couldn’t protect my sister. I couldn’t protect you. It was my responsibility and I failed.” “Bell, you- you didn’t fail anyone. You’ve protected us. You’ve done everything you possibly could to keep us all safe.” “It wasn’t enough.”
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“It’s not a coincidence. I need to speak with the flamekeeper.”
“You already found the second dawn bunker. It was-”
“The wrong bunker. Cadogan said only those who reached level twelve would be saved.”
Jaha held up the coin, shaking his head. 
“This is level eleven. What I found was a decoy built to keep the level twelve bunker from being found.”
I huffed, shaking my head.
“How could you possibly know that? It honestly seems like you're grasping for straws Jaha.”
Jaha glanced over at me, shrugging.
“Because it’s what I would do.”
“And you think Indra’s daughter knows where the real bunker is?”
“I think there’s a reason “from the ashes we will rise” became a grounder prayer. Just like I think there was a reason that a corporate logo became their sacred symbol.”
“The infinity sign.”
“I can reach out to Indra. She might know where Gaia is.”
“I’ll assemble a team.”
Jaha turned, walking towards the door when Kane called out.
“Thelonious, wait.”
Jaha turned back towards us, shooting Kane an expectant look. 
“Polis is a war zone. We won’t be welcome there.”
He shrugged slightly, nodding.
“So we travel light. For this, we’ll need thinkers.”
 Jaha turned towards me, shooting me a look.
“Not fighters.”
I flipped him off when he turned, walking out of the room, the door closing behind him. I turned back towards Kane, shaking my head.
“You honestly think it’s a good idea? Sending Jaha to speak with Gaia?” “Maybe not, but it’s why I’ll be going with, and you’ll be staying here.”
I shook my head, jumping up.
“No, no way. I don’t trust Jaha. And I definitely don’t trust the other clans.”
“No, but I need you to stay here and lead Arkadia in my absence.”
I made a face, opening my mouth to say something when Kane held his hand up, shaking his head. 
“Like it or not YN, you’re a leader. People look to you for guidance, so now it’s time to lead.”
I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest as I fell back into the seat.
“I don’t like it.”
Kane smiled, squeezing my shoulder as he passed.
“I know. But I also know you’ll do good.”
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“Come one. Everyone’s gonna die, Bellamy. We can go out like them, or like us. The ending’s the same, but who says the journey has to suck?”
Jasper turned, yelling.
“I come bearing fruit!”
Everyone cheered as Niylah walked forward, looking down at Jasper.
“Jobi nuts are powerful medicine. You sure about this?”
Jasper shrugged, looking over at Niylah.
“I’m pretty sure.”
“In that case, I recommend a tea.”
Jasper grinned, nodding.
“Tea time.”
Bellamy turned, slightly taking a step back as Marissa walked towards him.
“Dance with me.”
He shook his head, turning.
“I don’t dance.”
Marissa shrugged, stepping closer to him.
“I don’t really want to dance.”
She grabbed his hand, grinning as she tilted her head to the side.
“Come on.”
Jasper grinned, nodding.
“Yes! Good idea. Let someone else save the world for once.”
Bellamy shook his head, pulling his arm back from Marissa’s hold as he stepped back, shooting Jasper a look.
“I’m with YN. I would never cheat on her.”
“Good answer.”
Bellamy turned, seeing YN standing there, her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned slightly, glaring at Marissa, taking a step forward.
Marissa made a sound, turning and running off. Jasper laughed, tuning and walking off as Bellamy stepped forward, looking at YN.
“I was wondering where you were. I was about to come and look for you.”
YN shrugged, looking up at Bellamy, her face set in a glare.
“Didn’t look like it.”
Bellamy shook his head, placing his hands on her sides.
“I would never-”
YN sighed, nodding as she looked up at him.
“I know.”
Bellamy nodded, leaning down so his forehead was pressed against hers.
“So where were you?”
“Kane left me in charge while he’s gone. I had some chancellor duties to attend to.”
“Then you need this.”
YN turned in Bellamy’s arms, leaning back against him, tilting her head to the side as Bellamy wrapped his arms around YN’s front.
“What is it?”
Niylah grinned, holding the cup out to her.
“Jobi tea. It’ll relax you.”
Niylah held her hand up, shaking her head when YN went to say something.
“And before you complain, Wanhei must rest too. It is tiring being in charge.”
She held the cup up, grinning.
“This is freeing.”
YN huffed, taking the cup from Niylah, bringing it to her lips, grinning slightly.
“Last time I had jobi nuts, I saw my dad. I better not hallucinate again.”
Niylah grinned, laughing as she turned and walked off.
Bellamy squeezed YN’s side, placing his head on top of YN’s.
“She’s right, you know.”
YN hummed, leaning back into Bellamy’s chest.
“You do need to relax.”
Bellamy stood tall, grabbing YN’s hand and gently pulling her towards the exit, YN laughing.
“What are you doing?”
Bellamy turned, shooting YN a grin as he pushed her out of the door and down the hall.
“We’re gonna go and relax.”
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Stealing Fire: Bellamy Blake x Reader *SMUT*
Hi, this is my first fanfic I hope you enjoy. 
Warnings: smut, light cursing, slight-ish bondage, dirty talk, loveeeeee awe, and multiple female orgams ofc bc Bellamy Blake is totally into that
Word Count: 8.4k
It was early, no later than six in the morning when you woke up to a light patter outside your tent, you knew exactly what it was. You got up and wrapped your fur blanket around yourself that was just brought back from a bunker the Ark found. You slipped your shoes on and peered outside your tent, and sure enough there he was, Bellamy Blake and all his glorious features. He saw your head pop out and smiled immediately, mmm that smile. 
“Goodmorning, princess,” he whispered lightly, clearly not wanting anyone else to wake up and take your alone time away. 
“Morning, what are you up to so early?” you asked, very curious as to what he’s been doing, he looks like he hasn’t slept. 
“I found something, get dressed and come with me?” he questioned with a smirk, how could you say no to the most handsome man on the planet? 
“Of course,” you smiled, “would you like to come in?” 
He strutted into your tent and sat on the bed as you let the blanket fall off of yourself and onto the tarp on the ground, hoping the sight of you in just my bra and underwear would catch his eye; your wishes came true when Bellamy cleared his throat and you turned around to face him. He looked serious, like he was contemplating what to say next so as not to say the wrong thing. You loved what the two of you had, you trusted him with your entire life, as he did you. You would do anything for him, as he would for you. There is something between you two, that is a fact, you have just never had the balls to push it any further than lightly fooling around. You were tired of that, you wanted to be with him, in so many ways and you were tired of keeping it in. You were going to go with him and tell him what you wanted to, you have a strong feeling he wants the same thing. 
“You okay?” you asked slightly biting your lip, knowing exactly what you were doing. 
“You are beautiful,” he said quietly “don’t you know that?” 
Your heart skipped a small beat in your chest, yeah you were definitely going to tell him how you felt; you wanted it to be special and just between you.  
“Thank you, you are pretty breathtaking yourself,” you replied, “don’t you know that?” you mocked and placed a kiss on his lips while smiling. 
You backed away from him and finished getting yourself dressed in black leggings, a long sleeve and an old black jacket you have had since the Ark. Yuck. You put your socks and boots on and followed Bellamy out of the tent. 
“So, where are we off to today?” you questioned, still curious as to what he did all night. 
“It’s a surprise, you’ll see,” he replied, clearly excited so you stopped questioning. 
 Bellamy walked to the right and slightly in front, you guys walked behind all of the tents to the part of the fence he and you had broken to sneak out. Sometimes everyone got way too intense and you just needed a walk. Skaikru are at peace with the grounders, it's been that way for about two months now. Kane took the seal and Skaikru became the thirteenth clan in Lexa’s coalition. It was nice not constantly having to fight for your lives, being able to actually live. You had Clarke and Bellamy to thank for that, if not for them grounders would have wiped out everyone. You squeezed through the gap in the gate and he led you West in the woods. 
“How did you sleep?” he asked as you walked through the woods to the yet unknown location. 
“Pretty good, would have been better if you were in bed with me, though,” you teased, grabbing his hand and smiling up at him. 
“Well, princess, I didn’t know I was invited. I never would have passed that offer up,” he replied smiling back to you. Everything he does is so attractive: the way he walks, talks, smiles, even breathes. He is just so perfect. 
“You’re always invited, Bell,” you said sincerely and he looked back to me, kind of like he was surprised. You wondered what he was thinking, so you asked, “What are you thinking about, huh?”
“I just don’t ever want my time with you to end,” he said back, boosting your confidence about later telling him how you feel. 
“The feeling is mutual, you know?” you asked, rubbing your thumb against the inside of his hand. He just smiled and you drifted off to the right in the woods. As he guided you with your hands intertwined you soon came to a stop in front of an old piece of concrete sticking out from the ground. Bellamy bent over and dug under the dead leaves, probably which he put there, and grabbed a handle hidden underneath them. He pulled it open and shone the flashlight inside. 
“You first,” he said smiling from near the ground. 
You descended into the bunker and it was amazing. Larger than any of the others we have found. More rooms, actual rooms with beds and bathrooms --not functional of course after a hundred years-- it was amazing. Bellamy followed you down and closed the hatch above you guys. 
“Come on, let's go back here,” he smirked and grabbed your hand, shining the flashlight in front of you. You walked back the hallway that had clearly been recently cleaned. 
“When did you find this place, Bell?” you were so amazed with this place. 
“Three days ago, I’ve been getting it ready to bring you here since then…” he stated trailing off. He was shy and you could tell, little did he know that just about everything he said was bringing you closer and closer to bringing you both together. 
“This is amazing,” you whispered as you walked into the far left room in the back. There was a huge bed with huge blankets and pillows. You have never seen something that looks so comfortable in your whole life. 
“I haven’t slept in three days and I know you were up for two before last night, what do you say?” he questioned, looking into your eyes and smirking, you just shook your head and bit your lip at the way he looked in the light of the candles he lit. You stripped your jacket, shirt, and leggings back off and crawled into the huge bed under the blankets. Bellamy removed his shirt and took off his shoes then climbed in right beside you. It felt so nice to actually feel safe, like there was more than just fighting to life. Peace was the greatest thing ever, peace and freedom is what we had, and you wanted it to be special while you have it. 
"So, I've been thinking..." you said and looked up at him through your eyelashes, he knew he was in for some trouble the second you did that, he always knew. 
"Well that's never good," he remarked and let out a laugh along with it. 
"I want you, and I want you to do whatever you want to me, but I also want to be yours, Bell," you whispered in his left ear while pushing his hair away from it. He let out a sigh, and you could feel his heart rate speed with your right hand on his chest. Game over. 
"I would be just fine, laying down right here, and obeying every single word that comes out of your mouth... You are so sexy, Bell. The way you want to save people, how adventurous you are, the way you love me..." you kept going, and the last part earned a deep throaty groan from him. You loved when he growled or moaned for you, it was such a turn on. He was so sexy already but when he did that you swore you could reach your high on the spot. 
“I want you to be mine, so be mine,” he whispered back and you smiled at him.
“Done,” you said back and leaned in closer to him, but suddenly had a thought; what were we going to do with all the stuff in this bunker? 
“Hey, not to ruin the moment, but are you going to let Arkadia know about this place?” you questioned, looking back at him. 
“No… I was thinking maybe it could just be ours,” his voice lightly trailing off “let’s call it, stealing fire back, a place where we can have some peace and privacy,” he whispered, placing a kiss on the side of your head. 
You let your hand linger across his chest and slowly started to kiss him, his whole mouth over yours, and the feeling of his lips is indescribable. While he was distracted with your mouth on his you slowly let my hand fall closer to his center; it didn't take long before your hand landed on his dick and he grabbed it, turned you around, and pinned you on the bed. Okay, game over for you too, you are seeing. 
"No, no, no, princess, you said that you wanted me to do what I pleased to you. That's the deal. Now you lay there and be a good girl, I promise I'm going to take care of you" he said in the deepest, sexiest voice you have ever heard, and just like that, you were jello. Obeying everything he told you to do. The second he told you to do it. He wasted no time getting to work. 
"I want you to take your underwear off baby," he quietly whispered in your ear while on top of you, and unhooked your bra from behind you, not letting it fall off quite yet. You began to slide your underwear off under him as he bit his lip. When your pants were down and all that was left was your bra and underwear he pushed you onto your back gently by your neck, that was hot. 
Looking at the ceiling you felt Bellamy’s lips against your upper chest, he left small wet marks everywhere his lips departed. Everything he does to you gets you closer and closer to the edge, he is like your kryptonite or something. He continued to kiss down your stomach as he reached up to finally pull your bra from your chest. The second the cold air from the bunker hit your nipples they went hard, Bellamy liked that. He began to suck on your left one while taking the right one in between his thumb and pointer finger. The small calluses on his thumb made the friction a whole different kind of good. This earned a moan to escape your throat and he groaned in response, looking up into your eyes like he was hungry. After a few minutes, he continued the path down your stomach and to the hem of your underwear. He stopped and looked up at you another time, his thick eyelashes and hooded lids making him look even sexier. He lightly bit just above where your underwear met your skin and it sent chills through your entire body. 
“Bell, please,” you begged as you waited patiently for him to do anything at all. 
He moved to kiss the inside of your right thigh and you felt a smile form on his lips which caused a smile to form on yours, you loved when he did that. Knowing that he didn’t think you knew made you love it so much more, he just loves you that much. His left hand ran up your stomach to play with your breast as he continued to kiss the inside of each of your thighs. Slowly with his teeth he moved your underwear down your legs and looked all the way up your body when he got to the bottom of your feet. You watched him slowly creep back up between your legs and straight to your mouth where he captured you in a sensual kiss, like he was putting everything he had into it. You opened your mouth and allowed his tongue to slip in and play around with yours. The feeling of your taste buds rubbing together made you groan a little bit. Bellamy always told you he loved the way your tongue felt on his, the sloppiness when you kissed, the way your tongues wrap around each other, it was almost his favorite part. He continued to kiss you and captured your bottom lip between his teeth and pulled. God he always knew exactly what to do to you. He started back down your stomach to the top of your waistline, looked you in the eyes one last time, and attached his mouth straight onto your clit. 
“Ohhhh,” you let out a throaty groan at his sudden advances, he smiled of course. Then continued his menacies. He let out his tongue and wrapped it around your clit, you thought you would break right there and your legs began to shake already. 
“You taste spectacular,” he whispered and rubbed your clit harshly as he removed his mouth to talk to you. 
“Come on, princess, tell me how you’re feeling,” he longed to hear the sound of your voice telling him how good he was making you feel. 
“Bell, I love the way you touch me. You’re… making me feel so good,” you let out and he sighed as he watched himself rub your clit. You both liked this a lot, and you felt as though you were addicted to him at that moment when you looked down and saw him watching you. 
“That’s all I want, to make YOU feel good. All the time, I just want you to be okay,” he stammered, looking you straight in the eyes while never letting the rhythm of his fingers against you go. FUCK, what he was doing felt so good, and you weren’t going to last much longer. 
“Bell- I’m…” you began to tell him when all of a sudden your high took you by surprise and crashed into you; your legs started to shake and your eyes closed in bliss. 
“Oh, princess, that’s it,” Bellamy said as he applied more pressure to push you through your orgasm. “Come on baby, let go, just give it to me, I promise I’ve got you,” he whispered quietly in your ear and drug out the shakes and jolts from your body. 
As you came down everything went blurry, the walls, the ceiling, everything. For a moment, you couldn’t remember where you were, then you saw Bellamy and remembered this was real. 
“I’m not done with you yet, not even close,” he said as his hair fell back in front of his face and he made his way up your body with sloppy, wet kisses. When he finally reached your neck you let out a light moan at the feelings of his lips near you again, you wanted every piece and part of him, there were so many things you couldn’t even put names to that you wanted to do to him, to tell him. It felt like your insides were pulling apart with everything building in your mind as he kissed you. 
“Stop that,” you heard escaping his mouth as you felt his fingers join the bottom half of your body again, “Stop thinking.” 
“Mmhmm,” you moaned and bit your lip while looking into Bellamy’s eyes. 
“That’s better,” wow, okay you have never been so wet in your life after that, you may have ascended to a different world. Bellamy continued to rub light, sweet circles around your clit while his mouth went to work on your neck, leaving small purple marks after every ‘pop’ when he released his lips. Just the feeling of him being so close to you was erotic, but him touching you like this? You weren’t going to last much longer. 
“Bell, if you don’t stop soon I’m going to cum again,” you let out breathy words as he continues his actions. 
“Well good, that is exactly what I want,” he said against your neck and again, felt like you were going to lose it. 
“You don’t want to wait until you’re inside me?” you asked and he stopped dead in his tracks, looking straight into your eyes again and he spoke lightly.
“Who said I wasn’t planning on making you cum more than twice?” he asked very seriously, “I was aiming more for six or seven, but we’ll see,” he finished and your heart dropped to your stomach. No way he just said that, okay woah dizziness. He was so serious, he was going to do so many things to you, you were only one orgasm in; if he really plans for six minimum, you guys have a long night ahead of you. 
“Do your worst,” you said turning my lip up into a soft, toothless smile. 
That was all he needed to move his entire body between your legs. He laid on his stomach and wrapped his muscular arms around your thighs and rested his hands on your lower stomach to hold you in place. You looked him straight in the eyes and watched as he smiled and attached himself to your core. 
“Yes, ohhh,” you moaned quietly as Bellamy lightly swiped his tongue over your clit and looked up into your eyes. He closed his mouth over your lips and continued to lick you softly. 
“Bell, you make me feel so good,” you said, knowing he liked when you talked to him. 
Soft moans continued to escape your lips as he ate you, missing no part of you and making your mind go hazy. He looked back up at you to see you starting to close your eyes. 
“Uh-uhh,” he moaned against you, sending a shock wave though your whole body and eliciting a loud gasp from you. “Open your eyes for me princess,” Bellmay continued as he took his mouth away from you and replaced it with his fingers again. 
He loved seeing you such a mess for him, being so vocal, not afraid of anyone interrupting you, ever. It may have been the intimacy of the place you were both in that made this so amazing. It was just the two of you, completely alone in a hole in the ground covered by leaves that no one else knew about. It was perfect. Bellamy was perfect. Everything about this morning is perfect. 
“I’m so hard for you, baby,” he began talking to you again now that his mouth wasn’t busy. “You are the only person that has ever made me feel like this,” he said, letting out a light moan with it and earning one from you. 
He continued to rub back and forth on your clit with his thumb as he entered his middle finger into you. God, you haven’t felt like this since you were on the Ark, and even then, it never felt this good. 
“Mmmm, Bell, you’re so good to me. The way you watch me, the way you touch me. You’re going to make me cum,” you whispered in his ear as he was kissing your neck, he moaned and sent vibrations through your upper body. Everything he did felt so good, it was crazy. 
“You can let go for me, whenever you’re ready,” he whispered, “just let go baby, just let go,” he said as his voice got quieter with each word. 
As the last word slipped from his lips you slipped over the edge. 
“Bellamy, keep talking please,” you begged.
“Hmmm,” he hummed, “ you like when I talk to you, huh? It’s going to feel so good, I promise if you let it go you’ll feel so good,” he whispered in your ear and nibbled at the top of it. 
He continued to talk to you as your second orgasm hit you hard, your whole body went stiff and you gasped for air while Bellamy talked you through it. 
“Oh yeah baby, just cum all over my fingers,” he pushed as he rubbed your clit harder, and you lost everything. The only words leaving your mouth was Bellamy’s name and your head fell back against the pillows while his mouth captured yours in a sweet kiss. He rubbed you through your orgasm but took his fingers out of you. You slowly came down and he took his fingers away from you, looking you in the eye, and putting them in his mouth to taste you. You were ready for him to make you cum again in that very moment. Like you said, everything he does. 
“Fuck, Bell, everything you do is so sexy,” you huffed, still out of breath from what has just occurred. 
“You are just the same, my love,” he growled and continued to kiss you. 
He was slow and careful right now, his whole body pressed on top of you but it just felt safe. He positioned himself so his thigh was between your legs. 
“Two out of six, what do you say we make it three?” he questioned from above you, the roughness in his voice causing more wetness to fall out of you and onto his bare thigh. All you could get out was a groan and an mmm.
“Good, princess, we'll make this an interesting one,” he just couldn’t shut up, you loved it. “You, are going to cum alllll over my thigh,” he whispered while kissing your neck, making you even wetter, “I’m going to help you, but I want to talk to you and watch you while you lose yourself,” he finished and came up to look you in the eye, moving his leg closer to you and applying more pressure right to your center. 
You sank yourself down enough that even the slightest movement was begging for a moan to escape you. 
“Yeah, there you go,” Bellamy began, “get yourself started baby,” he whispered while you moved your hips left and right, just feeling him against you. 
“Mmm,” you let out as he sucked your right nipple into his mouth and hummed at your moan, again sending waves through your whole body; it mostly went straight to your core. He slowly withdrew from your nipple while slightly scraping his teeth against it. 
“You’re so beautiful like this,” he said softly against the skin of your upper chest, “lost in yourself… safe… feeling good…” he continued, placing kisses on you between every word. 
Every move he made pushed you closer and closer to the edge. Every word he said made you drip onto his leg even more, you were sliding back and forth on him with ease now. The way he kept talking to you as you got yourself off and he looked into your eyes kept pushing you closer and closer to the edge. 
“Oh, Bellamy,” you sighed, “this is the best feeling, please don’t let me go,” nothing coming out of your mouth was thought of first, it just fell out. 
“I’m not going anywhere princess, ever,” he grunted and it pushed you over the edge suddenly. 
This orgasm was different from the last one, this one was more of a heightened shake. You felt like clouds were floating through your body as it shook on his thigh, applying more pressure and drawing your orgasm out even longer. 
“Just like that, beautiful,” Bellamy said as you started to shake on him, “yeah just cum for me, I’m right here,” he finished as you did too. You immediately gasped to catch your breath and he kissed your lips once. 
“This is the best day of my life,” he let out with a chuckle and you returned one “you’re so beautiful like that, I could live between your legs,” he said and smiled from atop you. 
Suddenly you saw his face turn, and you stared at him in confusion. 
“I want to try something,” he said quietly from above you, then looked to you for approval as you shook your head yes. 
You would try anything with Bellamy, anytime he wanted. As he placed a kiss on your sternum he slowly bent over the bed to where his pants were lying on the ground and unlaced his belt from the hoops; you had a strong feeling you knew where this was going. He brought himself back up onto the bed and looked into your eyes, searching for any sign of doubt or fear. There were none, you trusted him more than anyone in the world. You knew he would always take care of you no matter what. He began lacing the belt through itself, leaving two small holes, just large enough for your wrists, and put it through the buckle. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked, scared he is taking it too far too soon. 
“With my life,” you replied, knowing nothing was too far. 
You held your wrists out in front of you for him to put the belt around, he did so and turned you over on your stomach so that your hands were underneath you; this was going to get interesting. 
“Mmmm,” you heard Bellamy growl behind you, almost animalistically, “you look so good from back here baby,” he huffed behind you, soaking you even more. “Your sweet, little, pink pussy; it’s so ready for me my love,” he continued to egg you on with his voice as you felt the pad of his pointer finger press against your soaking wet center. 
Your hands were trapped underneath you, it was impossible to move. All you could do was sit there and take everything Bellamy gave you, and moan. 
“How does this feel,” he fired off, “does it make you dizzy, princess? Cause it makes me dizzy,” he leaned over and whispered in your ear from behind as he rubbed your pussy, slowly. 
“It feels really good, mmm, I want you to fuck me,” you said, ready for him to be inside you. 
“I promise, once I do, I will make it worth your while. For now, though, relax and let me take care of you,” he said and every muscle went limp as he rubbed against you and breathed into your ear. 
Your body was on fire, everything he did to you felt so good and your legs were shaking from your previous THREE orgasms. Three. It’s like, seven? in the morning. That’s awesome. You could live the rest of your life like this. Too bad reality was real. The way Bellamy was touching you was incredible, he hasn’t thought about himself once this entire time. He was just pleasing you, and he was so okay with it. 
“Fuck, Bell-” you started to say, but he cut you off. 
“Oh, someone has a dirty mouth. I don’t want to hear you curse anymore,” he said in a darker sexier tone as he applied more pressure to your clit and rubbed you faster, “my baby always has a clean mouth, that’s not like you, okay?” he questioned in a sultry voice. 
“I’m sorry, it was an accident. I promise I won’t do it again,” you replied, cursing wasn’t something normal for you. Bizarre given the group you were sent to the ground with and the man you were in bed with. 
“Don’t apologize, it’s okay,” he cooed from behind you and continued to rub your clit. 
You wished you could touch him. Slide your fingers down his back and leave red marks in their trail. Grip his curly dark hair. Kiss his beautiful lips and look into his eyes. It was killing you, but this was thrilling. So you let it continue. 
“You’re close, aren’t you,” he questioned, “I can feel you starting to clench… all the way from your clit,” he moaned the last part and pushed harder against you; pushing you closer to the edge. 
“Yes, I’m so close Bell,” you whispered back to him and rode his fingers. 
“Oh yeah, move yourself baby, make yourself feel good,” he said as he kissed your spine and moved his fingers quickly against your clit. 
Speaking was his specialty, you had to admit. He was very good at it and the sound of his voice was intoxicating. 
“I want you to cum for me, my love,” he whispered and that was it for you. 
You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as your hands gripped for anything, there was nothing in reach. Your toes began to tingle and your body locked up. You felt every bone in your body just freeze and it was amazing, you felt light and there was nothing wrong in that moment. 
“Good girl, just cum all over my fingers,” he whispered and kissed the dimples in my lower back softly as my orgasm continued to rip through me. 
When you finally came out of the state of bliss you were in, Bellamy immediately turned you over to look straight up into his eyes. This was so hot, he was so hot. 
“There’s four,” he whispered, leaning down to place a wet kiss to your lips, “let’s finish strong, what do you say?” he asked while smirking. 
You have never felt as safe as you do now in your entire life. Bellamy is probably the love of your life and you get to be with him all alone; the two of you hadn’t ever had proper alone time while on the ground. Which made this experience exhilarating. It was early in the morning, you guys were in a real bed; with real blankets and real pillows, and he was making you feel things you had never felt before. You never wanted this moment to end, being with him was your favorite thing; that is the conclusion you have come to after this morning. 
“Yes, please,” you whimpered lightly, “I need you inside me, please,” you breathed out as he flipped the two of you around so you were on top of him and his back was now on the bed. 
You looked down at him and just stared; you couldn’t take your eyes away, he was by far the most handsome man you had ever laid eyes on. Could be why this was so amazing: you loved each other, he was good to you, and he was sexy as hell. 
“You will get me, baby,” he huffed and leaned up to take your neck in his mouth and suck light marks onto you. 
He slid his boxers down his legs and his dick flung from them. He was very decently sized, not too long, but definitely long enough, a little wider than what you were used to though. He reached between your bodies and grabbed himself, but you stopped him. He looked between you then back into your eyes. 
“Let me,” you whispered and he threw his head back with a groan. 
You replaced your hand with his between your bodies and grabbed his dick. He inhaled sharply and you placed a kiss to his wide chest. You began to move your hand over the tip to spread the precum around and make it more slippery. Bellamy brought his head back up to look at you when you did something neither of you were really expecting. You took your spare hand, ran it through your wet folds, then replaced it on his dick to make it even more wet. He really liked that, and of course he told you. 
“Oh, that was so fucking hot,” he said in a deep gravely voice, “you’re making me feel so good already, I promise when you’re done I won’t stop until your legs are shaking and you’re screaming my name,” he finished and you moaned against his chest before you released where you were sucking and there was a large purple mark. 
The actions of you rubbing your wetness on him and leaving a mark on his chest caused him to throw his head back against the pillows again. You slowly let yourself kiss further down his body, stopping just at his v-line and sliding your hand back up him to brush your fingers across his slightly parted lips. He looked down and you stared straight into his eyes, knowing he was excited. 
“Mmmmm, are you gonna suck my dick,” he moaned lightly, hands interlacing with your hair as you grinned up at him, “yeah you look so pretty down there baby,” he said as you let some spit fall from your lips onto the tip of his dick. 
You rubbed it around him to get him ready for your mouth. Slowly you moved toward him and placed your lips on the tip, giving it a light kiss and earning a moan from his beautiful lips. Not wanting to wait any longer, you took him into your mouth all the way, his hands tightening in your hair, not enough to hurt though. The only sound in the room was Bellamy’s light moaning and the swishes from your mouth. You started to move yourself a little faster when he bucked himself up into your mouth. Wrapping a hand around his shaft where your mouth couldn’t cover, you began moving it in rhythm with your mouth. 
“Oh my god,” escaped from Bellamy’s lips, “that felt so fucking good princess. Keep doing that,” he grunted and his lips fell into an ‘o’ shape.
You continued to move your hand with your mouth while his eyes were locked on yours. Feeling as though it was a good idea, you moved your tongue around his dick and he immediately pulled himself out of your mouth. 
“Holy shit, you can’t do that if you want me to last through two more for you, princess,” he smirked and grabbed you from between his legs. 
He drug you back up to meet his mouth and tasted your mixed arousal on your tongue. He let out a light “mmm” when he realized what it was. He grabbed your wrists and flipped you back over to your position from earlier, your stomach in the mattress. 
“I can’t wait any longer to fuck you,” he sighed, “we have both waited long enough,” he moaned and you felt the tip of his dick rub against your entrance. 
He rubbed up and down a few times before lightly sliding himself inside you, but not further than the tip. You moved your hips from side to side to get used to him a little more. 
“Get yourself comfortable, princess, I will take care of the rest,” he whispered behind you in your ear. 
Slowly as you stopped grinding with him angled just slightly inside you, he pushed in you more. You felt yourself expand around him and take everything in, letting out a light moan. He was slow and steady with his movements, being very careful what he was doing. He didn’t want to push himself too far yet, but he wanted to get two more out of you before he could finally let go. He loved seeing you break for him, write under his touch, shiver at the sound of his voice. You loved the way he made you feel as well, it was like a drug and you couldn’t get enough of it. 
He began to speed up his movements. When he did he lightly scraped against something inside you that sent a shiver down your spine, he noticed you move and ran his hand up your back. 
“Did I get something, baby?” he asked, “Come on, you know I love when you talk to me, tell me how you’re doing,” he finished and placed a kiss on your shoulder. 
“Almost, a little more to the right,” you moaned and he immediately shifted his hips to the right from behind you. “Oh, yes Bell, it feels so good,” you whined again. 
Bellamy sat himself up behind you so he could see what was happening below the two of you. You heard him grunt loudly and felt him speed up, wondering what was making him go faster. 
“I wish you could see this, princess,” he said from above you and you clung to every word that fell from his lips, “my dick sliding in and out of you,” he grunted, “your pussy just swallowing it, your thighs clenching together,” he moaned and grabbed your ass that was in front of him. 
His words were pushing you closer to the edge, along with the fact that every thrust he was slamming into your g-spot. Over, and over, and over again. He felt so sweet and warm inside you, there was no pain ever with him; it just felt as though this was the way it was supposed to be. 
“Are you close?” he grunted again, keeping his pace steady as he drove into me and his grip tightened on my ass. 
“Yes, I’m almost there,” you whispered back to him and moaned loudly. 
You felt him lean back over you and slide his hand between you and the bed. He found your clit easily and started to rub it in light, soft circles. You took in a deep breath when the feeling inside of you intensified to outside of your body as well. You were so close and everything Bellamy did pushed you even closer. He rubbed your clit faster and with his other hand moved your hair to the side and attached his lips to your neck right behind your ear. He kissed it lightly and then slid his teeth over your ear. 
“Come on baby, let go for me again,” he whispered, “cum all over my dick,” the last words he said were barely audible but how close he was to you drove you over the edge. 
You suddenly felt his cock get bigger inside you then realized it was you clenching as he groaned loudly. Your hands reached behind you to try to grab at him anywhere you could. Your right one found his arm that was wrapped under you and you grabbed tightly. Your legs started to shake and the whole world crashed down. 
“Who’s making you feel good, princess?” Bellamy sighed as he rubbed your clit while you came. 
“Y-you are, Bell. I’m… cumming so hard,” you gasped out, barely able to breathe. 
“Look at you, baby, you’re a mess,” he lightly chuckled and it drove you even more mad. 
At this point there were no words that were even comprehensible. Your orgasm ripped through you for a good forty five seconds as Bellamy rubbed your clit and fucked you without missing a single beat. Slowly you started to come down from your high and he slowed his pace and removed his fingers from your clit. 
“Mmmmm,” he groaned and softly pulled himself from your dripping pussy. 
You couldn’t see him but after a few seconds you felt his tongue slide through your folds and take in every last bit of wetness you let out. 
“You are so sweet,” he whispered as he took himself away from you and you turned yourself over. 
You smiled up at him, knowing it wasn’t over yet. He promised six, we were only at five. And he still hasn't finished yet. This man was amazing. It has been at least an hour since you two arrived at the bunked, you have had five orgasms by his hand and he hasn’t lost himself yet. You were so in love with him, and looking into his eyes right now before he put himself into you, you knew you would tell him. But not right now, you were both too close to the end to distract him. 
He smirked down at you, so excited to be able to see your face while he fucks you. This would be the good one, where you faced each other through your highs, he was excited to watch your face as you came with his dick inside you. He kissed your lips once then repeated his actions from earlier --not that he needed to because you were still soaked, simply because it felt good and he wanted to see your face as he did it-- and rubbed his tip lightly against your entrance, then lightly tapping it while parting his lips above you. 
“Are you ready for one more, my love?” he asked, all you did was bit your lip and nod and he slid himself inside you slowly. 
You sighed quietly as he stretched you open in a different way than he did earlier. This way was more intense, when he entered you it ran through your legs. He stretched your walls wider this time and when he was all the way in his pubic bone ran against your clit, causing you to moan loudly. 
“Does that feel good princess,” he began to question in a quiet voice, looking you in the eyes, “when I rub myself against your swollen little clit like that?” he finished and took your right nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. 
You closed your eyes, not able to keep them from rolling back in your head at the way he was stimulating you all over. 
“Oh no, we’ve been over this,” he said grabbing the side of your head lightly, “you open your eyes baby,” he rubbed his thumb against your hand and ear and you opened your eyes. “That’s so good,” he whispered and started to move his hips faster as he rubbed against your clit faster as well. 
“It feels amazing, Bellamy,” you moaned and bit your lip. 
“Talk to me some more,” he whispered, looking down between the two of you to watch himself fucking you. “Tell me something,” he lifted his eyes for a half second to smile at you then look back down to where your bodies were connected. 
“I see what you mean now,” you whispered lightly, “the way you look sliding in and out of me over and over,” he grunted and you moaned in return, “we look so good together like this, Bell,” you finished and he threw his head back. 
He was spinning. Nothing was straight and the only thing he was thinking about was you and him inside you. He closed his eyes while looking between you, not ready to finish yet and scared the sight would push him over the edge. 
“Open your eyes, Bell,” you whispered and rubbed his face, as he did to yours just a few moments ago. 
His eyes shot open and looked straight to yours. The sight he saw was unholy. Your bottom lip between your teeth, head slightly tilted, hair a mess, your left hand on your left nipple, rubbing it between your fingertips. He growled and picked up his pace. 
“You’re so pretty-taking my dick like this,” he said on his knees with his hands on yours bent in the air. “Are you gonna cum for me again baby?” he asked, moving his right hand to rub his fingers against your clit. 
“Yes, keep doing that,” you sighed, “it’s going to make me cum, Bell,” you let out with a light wimper, you didn’t have much more than that in you at this point. 
He rubbed you faster, moving his hips to the right just slightly, remembering that was what got you earlier. He was right to do that, his tip was at the start of your g-spot and you moaned loudly. Your toes curled and threw your arms above your head. The way he was rubbing you while you saw stars because of how deep his dick was inside you; it was the sexiest thought ever and made you let out a whimper as you drug your arm down your whole body to hold onto Bellamy’s wrist as he stroked your clit.  
“Right there, just a little deeper,” you moaned to him, looking in his eyes. 
“Oh, good girl,” he moaned, going even deeper inside of you and grabbing your right nipple between his same two fingers, “tell me what you like,” he finished and went even deeper. 
He continued to move his fingers and thrusted a few more times before you felt your sixth orgasm begin. You felt yourself clench around him again and he groaned, sounding very primal, at the feeling of it. 
“Here we go baby,” he said as he rubbed you just a little lighter, “you’re almost there,” he whispered. “Come on, I want you to scream my name,” he sounded so sexy when he said that. Deep and sweet, but very serious. 
Your legs shook, you moaned louder than you ever had before and it ripped through the whole room. Bellmy’s fingers on your body was the only thing you could feel. You let go completely and gave yourself to him, you held nothing back. 
“Oh my God, BELLAMY,” you screamed as he sped up on your clit and your orgasm intensified, “please, keep going just like that baby,” you let out and you couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back in your head. 
Everything went white, your whole body shook and the only thing you could feel was Bellamy. You clenched tightly around him as he grunted from above you and his head fell back. Your entire body was electrified, on fire, your sixth orgasm was the most mind numbing. You weren’t able to comprehend anything other than Bellamy, moaning, and breathing. Your hands shot up to his chest and you drug your nails down his abdomen, there was nothing else that you could get to come out of your mouth. You just rode it out. He kept talking to you through your orgasm and as you came down, he slowed his pace again. It was your turn to help him. 
“How close are you, Bell?” you questioned from below him. 
“Very,” he smiled down at you and you bit your lip. 
His face looked very confused as you grabbed his shoulders and flipped him over again. 
“Let me finish you, Bellamy,” you said moving your face back between his legs, “seems only fair,” you smirked from beneath him and he moaned at the sigh of you. 
You wrapped your mouth around his dick and your hand around his shaft again. You peered up at him through your lashes to see his head fall back against the pillow. His right hand rushed to run through your hair and rub at your scalp. You began moving your head up and down on him and sucking through your cheeks, his head shot up at that and his eyes squinted. 
“Oh yeah, keep doing that,” he whispered as you hallowed your cheeks again. 
Your left hand ran up his body to slip your thumb in his open mouth. This just about caused him to drool. He couldn’t believe you just did that, it pushed him closer to the edge and he bucked in your mouth. You knew he was close, but you had a different idea about how you wanted him to finish. You took your mouth off of him and kept your hand going at the same speed it was before. He looked at you with confusion but his face was filled with pleasure. You moved yourself to sit beside him as you jerked him off. He moaned against your mouth as you kissed his lips softly and sped up your movements. 
“I’m going to make you feel good now, Bell,” you whispered in his ear and he grunted at the sound of your voice. “It’s okay, you can let go whenever you’re ready,” you said, lips still pressed against his right ear. 
“I’m so close,” he said back to you, “you’re going to make me cum so soon,” he looked into your eyes and then at your lips. 
You placed your lips on his and he shut his eyes tightly while the tingle in his spine started to shoot through his whole body. His hip jutted up into your hand and you knew how close he was, it was time to execute the mind shattering plan. 
He breathed out against your lips as it started to get closer and you pulled back just enough to look in his eyes as he came and you whispered to him. 
“I love you, Bellamy,” you said. 
He looked straight into your eyes and you felt his cum spill out all over your hand and his abdomen. 
“Oh, keep going baby,” he moaned, “I love you, keep going,” he said again quietly and you jerked him through his orgasm. 
It was absolutely mind blowing. He had never felt anything like it in his life, after building himself up all night he finally released. Chills went down his spine and then he heard you tell him you loved him and his mind couldn’t keep up with reality. He felt like he was high, you made him feel that way. He moaned through his orgasm and sunk his head into your neck. Slowly, you stopped moving your hand against him. 
“Mmm, Bell, you made such a mess,” you whispered, attaching your lips to the cum he leaked on your hand and his head fell back again. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you cleaned up,” you smirked and started moving towards his abdomen. 
He watched as you licked his stomach clean and looked into his eyes. Your lips rose above your teeth while you smiled and licked him of everything he released. 
You finished cleaning him up and brought yourself off of him and up to lay on his stomach and face him. 
“Well hello,” he smiled at you and moved your hair away from your eyes. 
“Hi,” you said back and rested your head on his chest while one hand ran up and down his arm and the other laid under your head. 
“I love you,” he whispered again and you snapped your head to look at him. 
“And I love you,” you replied and pushed yourself up to kiss him on his lips. “What now?” you questioned. 
“Now, we sleep,” he said and moved you to his right side to lay with him. 
You turned over and faced him as he pulled the blankets over the two of you and slung his arm across your waist. He settled it there and laid his head on the pillow beside you before leaning over to give you one more kiss before you shut your eyes. 
You had everything you wanted, the man of your dreams, a place to call your own with him, and peace; falling asleep you knew you were doing so safe and loved. For now, you were going to enjoy it. 
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