lovetale-redemption · 9 months
LOVEtale Chapter 8A (Part END)(14/17) : Fourth time.
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thecorvidforest · 10 months
PLEASE can we normalize proper flash warnings and requiring an option to disable flash effects in video games. i am so sick and tired of finding a video game i want to play with no flash warnings anywhere, only to discover there are full screen flash effects with no option to disable them. STOP MAKING YOUR GAMES INACCESSIBLE TO PHOTOSENSITIVE PEOPLE I BEG OF YOU
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sahaquiel43 · 10 months
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they scratch a certain ich.
Many lovecraftian monsters don't fit because their whole shtick is to be incomprehensible and never actually demonstrates their power. They're just like "we're powerful, trust me bro". And many just loop around to being bland again. Generic tentacle blob #766
And a lot of regular kaiju, godzilla and his ilk, while cool in their own right, are just a bit too bland.
And of course the dime-a-dozen spike-covered "what am I looking at" sensory overload anime/JRPG/Xianxia monsters/mechs are just gross. Usually based on a normal human/animal template covered in spikes and glowy stuff to try and be original.
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the-wayward-arc · 7 months
Arael Darax is considered the first born son of Jaune by many. He is literally what Jaune always wanted to be when he was young, and he greatly admires him as such. Arael admires Jaune for all the obstacles he's overcome to become he who is now. Admires Jaune for his endless love he has for his legion and humanity. When Jaune told his legion his dream, the dream of a era of true peace for humanity. Where when one looks to the sky, it is not of fear if war will come but one of wonder and curiosity. Where a child can wake up and see the sun rise everyday on a new day. Where warriors like them, are no longer needed and can know what peace truly is.
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That dream became Arael's dream. The Legion's dream. Arael wants to see that future his Primarch envisions, a future where he is no longer needed. Where they can lay down their bolters for the last time. Arael is Jaune's true successor. His true heir. He has the strength and determination to lead his brothers should their Primarch ever fall, to achieve the dream of a true peace.
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toxicsquad · 26 days
Hi hi!
I've been wondering if the MC shouted "catch! " and runs towards the LI jumping on them so they catch them how would they react?
Hello anon!! Thank you very much for your question, we found it a very funny situation to think about! We hope you have fun too.
Akane: She has good reflexes and fitness, so she wouldn't have too much trouble catching the MC in mid-air, even if she did let out a few swear words in the process. Except if she had food on her hands. If that happened, the priority would be to save the food... Then she'd try to sweet-talk and beg for forgiveness, with exaggerated caresses and a promise to share her dinner.
Maske: Being a bounty hunter requires you to have your survival instincts on high alert... And there's no better one than Maskeguy. So we think they would betray them and that their first instinct would be to reflexively move out of the MC's way... Then they would run over worriedly to see if they're OK, but also to scold them for their reckless play.
Kyeran: Kyeran's nature is calm and relaxed, but when it comes to the MC he is always ready for whatever comes his way... We don't doubt for a second that he would catch them with ease, he would even do a few spins on himself, laughing with amusement. But the MC runs the risk that he might not want to leave them on the ground again...  
Hasiel: He was definitely not prepared. He would get very nervous, and even his supernatural reflexes wouldn't be enough to catch the MC with dignity. He'd manage by his eagerness to keep them from falling out of his arms, but probably the next second he'd trip over something and they'd both fall to the ground. Fortunately his clumsy body would serve as a cushion. 
Joe: Who thought it would be a good idea to ask a blind girl to catch you on the fly? The disaster is more than predictable, so, apart from a good blow against her, they would both end up on the floor... Luckily, with Joe's good humour, they would both end up laughing and remembering the moment for days, probably even taking a photo.
Arael: Before the MC alerted her, Arael would probably have already sensed his playful emotions with her power of empathy, so even if she didn't understand what he was up to at first, she would have been on the alert. And, though she seems tiny and fragile, the strength that comes from being an angel would make it easy for her to pick them up in her arms. She would be surprised, but she would like the sense of trust and warmth she could feel from the MC, who would know that with her they could always feel safe. 
Ariel: Even if the MC tries to catch him unawares, for example while he is singing or playing an instrument... Ariel always has one eye on them. He would dissimulate until the last second, but would end up gathering them in his arms... And trapping them against the nearest surface, captivating them with phrases and intentions that are not at all innocent. 
Zihel: The demon would frown, even curse if caught unawares, but with his stature and strength he would have no trouble catching them almost unawares. But ‘playing’ with Zihel is always dangerous... For the wrath demon doesn't know how to take things as just a game. He would transform into a demon and take flight before the MC could react, and when they were at a considerable distance in the air, with a smile that they couldn't tell if he was serious or not, he would propose to play "catch them" before they crashed to the ground... 
Pin: He would do his best, he would try to position himself in the best way, opening his arms wide as if he was going to hug the MC instead of catching him. But since he is quite thin and still lacks training, he would be overcome by the force of the jump and they would both fall to the ground. He would apologise many times, worried that they had hurt, and promise to train twice as hard from then on so that it wouldn't happen again. 
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parsleyartist · 1 year
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Angels have a physical form and an energy form.
Their halos are used to stabilize their physical form as angels are creatures made of pure light.
In their Quasar form angels can pass throughout dimensions and to live in their homeland. Any living creature who makes contact with an angel in their Quasar form risks blindness, stroke and even cancer due to the levels of radiation that this form carries
Commission Open
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buggreawlthys · 9 months
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because eldritch abominations with apocalyptic agendas also like to go for nice walks in the sunshine while holding hands
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mastomysowner · 1 year
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使徒との遭遇 by 甘井ヤドラキ
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gumballsilly · 2 months
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Life is too short, OC-ify the Evangelion angels while you can
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ride-a-dromedary · 5 months
As I have nothing better to do with my free time, a little digging and fiddling, for anyone who would find this useful:
Ai ármiel/arael - My heart
Neni/Nesni - Heart /possessive, belonging to me.
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Yall want a dark Evangelion meme?
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lovetale-redemption · 10 months
LOVEtale Chapter 8A (Part END)(12/17) : Fourth time.
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vixenfrightz · 11 months
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Attack on my bestie @kurin !
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sahaquiel43 · 1 year
My takeaway from Evangelion:
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also I really liked the rebuilds, Mari, and the final ending to the series.
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the-wayward-arc · 9 months
A Father's protection
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Arael needed to be rescued and Jaune was quick to do so, though Arael isn't too pleased to have had his father save him from a situation he got himself into
Art by
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toxicsquad · 24 days
Holaa justo acabo de acabar la ruta de Pin y adoro al nene :') (como no me lo voy a querer si es que es un amor TTvTT)El juego me ha encantado y el hecho que esté en español hace que gane muchos puntos 11/10 <3
Quería preguntar cómo reaccionarian los protagonistas al ver a Jordan en ropa interior porque hacía mucha calor?
Muchísimos ánimos para el siguiente capítulo 💕💕✨
Hola @rinx707
Me alegro oír que te gusta la ruta de Pin con todos los volantazos que tiene jajaja. Mi inglés no es lo suficientemente bueno como para escribir en él todo el juego, así que mantenerlo en español era una condición casi indispensable. El siguiente episodio está avanzando favorablemente y esperamos poder ir avanzando un poco más en rrss muy pronto. 👀 
Maske: Es muy pudoroso con su cuerpo, así que, trataría de cubrir al protagonista con una toalla o con lo que tuviera más a mano. Montaría un circo sin pretenderlo y llamaría la atención de todos los que estén cerca.
Kyeran: Se animaría a hacer lo mismo, incluso, puede que lo lleve un poco más allá y decida hacer nudismo.
Akane: Se pondría roja de la vergüenza, pero no dejaría de mirarte. Una es vergonzosa, pero también pervertida.
Ariel: Se lo tomaría como una invitación sexual y trataría de llevarte a un sitio más privado mientras te susurra guarradas.
Zihel: Se metería con alguna parte de tu físico. Seguramente diría que no tienes musculo y que das vergüenza. Pero en realidad no quiere herir tus sentimientos, solo que es así como ligan los cavernícolas.
Pin: Estaría muy sorprendido y algo desconcertado, ¿Es una buena señal? ¿Tienes mucha confianza con él o es que no le ves como una amenaza en absoluto? Seguro haría algún comentario torpe sobre lo bien que te ves intentando tantear por qué lo has hecho.
Arael: Podría sentir pudor, de entender lo que es el pudor. Te preguntaría por qué lo has hecho, pero no vería nada raro en tus actos.
Hasiel: En un intento de hacer como que no le afecta acabaría aún peor. Empezaría a tartamudear y se daría contra el pie de una de las librerías de la biblioteca.
Joe: No pasaría nada. No puede ver lo que acabas de hacer…
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