#Anyway the important bit is. He still has no braincells
excali8ur · 1 year
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OH I never posted my 2012 version of Danny.
He's less Sillay than the Rise version (and is also a trans guy)
Obviously in this AU, Danny is not Mondo (because that's Jason) and stays human for the course of the series, but the two were close friends before Jason got mutated and disappeared. They have similar hobbies and home lives (ie, poor relationships with their families), although in this AU Danny doesn't run away from home. Their bond gets severed when Jason is mutated and they don't really reconnect until they're older and a very nervous Jason calls him to explain things.
I kind of envision Danny's life being pretty different in the 2012 AU. He doesn't run away and join the Foot, or meet the turtles, which means he never gets mutated and basically has to live out a "normal" teenage life. He gives up on skating a little bit after he loses Jason and instead gets more interested in music and even starts learning to make his own. He was also 100% a Minecraft kid & probably had his own let's play channel with 3 subscribers lmao
I think 2012 Danny probably has a lot more gender troubles than his Rise counterpart too (the idea of growing into a Human Woman is a hell of a lot more stressful to her than the idea of just being a big lizard- Rise Danny really lucked out with that one tbh), as well as a lot more General Emotional Troubles from being stuck with his family. I'm sure he'll be fine though
Oh and he's even more of a klepto in this version.
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thechekhov · 4 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts: CH38
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Rip to these promising mages. I assume they will not survive this massacre.
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IS that where her lungs and kidneys are? Because like. She's huge. Her entire body is behind her. Do you really think she'd keep her vital organs in the little human bulb on the front?
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I mean, he has a point. What are you going to do? Fight off more hoardes of dragons?
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oh noooo, Kabru.... too bad. That's so unfortunate.... anyway.
It's curious that Laios only got knocked away. He was just as likely to have had his head squished like a grape.
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Guys, this is absolutely not the time to be concerned for her privacy.
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Yes, queen. Free the tiddy. Murder everyone in this dungeon. I support women's rights and women's wrongs.
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.......that's. One way to do that. I guess.
.......what's that rock about.
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Oh, I see. That's convenient.
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This guy dungeons! Maybe he even dragons.
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So we got north (tallmen? dwarves?) and then the easterners.... and now the elves of the west?
He's going to give her to the Americans?! ಠ_ಠ
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To be fair, at least they HAD a plan. And they executed it. It's more than you did. I don't mean to point fingers but... at least they... ya know... did something.
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Kabru's like 'no, no, hang on, I need to hear what batshit fucked up thing this dude is going to say next, this is important'
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Laios is so stressed he broke character.
Then again, maybe it's healthy to let them slug it out a bit. Get it out of their system.
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It's true. They wore fitbits and everything.
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...hey, hold on a second.
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Now hold on a minute.
Damn, this is. Kind of even worse because. I guess I could have guessed that Toshi was just pretending to be polite, like you do. Cultural differences.
But the painful thing is, Laios doesn't seem surprised. He just seems resigned. He's been told before that he's difficult to get along with. To the extent that he doesn't even consider Marcille and Chillchuck his friends? Even though they arguably both care about him? But because Toshiro didn't bother to be deadpan about him being a bit odd at times, Laios thought it meant that was fine.
And that kinda hurts. Like damn. Laios just wanted to make a true connection. And I can't really blame Toshiro either, he was just trying to keep the peace but. Damn.
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Free her! Let her do her illegal magics! She deserves it! (︶^︶)
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Senshi just being annoyed about that one last harpy looking for scraps.... like "shoo, this ain't the time"
That gnome seems genuinely nice. I'm sorry Falin squished his pet undyne.
Kabru hugging his..... mage? Girlfriend???? Seems very...one sided. Kinda feel bad for her.
Laios and Toshiro still going at it, I see. Get it allout, boys.
Uhhhhhhhhhh ninja girls.
Aww, doggo.
Last question: Where did the cat go?
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Senshi: I can fix that.
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Are you all worried because he's finally making sense?!?!
Laios and he punched their singular braincells into several new ones, it seems.
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F./....Falin... please give the caterpillar some privacy........
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My man, maybe lead with that............
I can't believe Marcille was potentially more forward about her feelings.......
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"his pupils are dilated" yes, thank you sherlock. You've finally realized what everyone else who meets Laios feels almost immediately. he's a monster freak club card carrying member. Welcome.
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As long as he was also inside the dungeon with them.... yes.
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The issue with Kabru isn't that he isn't trying his best. It's that Laios isn't trying at all.
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On a scale of one to Kabru, how badly do you react to being offered a food you don't want to eat?
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......oh no. He's so pathetic it's funny. He's growing on me.
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Absolute morons, the pair of them. Immovable object meets unstoppable force. The funniest combination ever. Ghost type and normal type pokemon, forever throwing moves at each other that will never hit. Laios thinking he's made a friend. Kabru just barely stopping himself from killing Laios. Best comedy pair. Tom and Jerry in a can.
Anyway. What a great manga.
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general-cyno · 7 months
okay punk hazard was a bit shorter than I expected but still fun. and my two favorite things wrt zolu in this arc were:
1) getting to see a lil bit more of luffy and zoro as a chaotic, ride or die duo
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zoro claiming he can just slice a whole ass dragon in half, luffy having absolutely no doubt that he can do it and actively encouraging him with a bit of help of his own, then both of them talking mid air about how tasty it looks/how to cook it? peak crazy dumbass x crazy dumbass behavior.
it was also cute and funny how robin immediately (correctly) assumed zoro would carry luffy across the water and that, well, it kinda ended up happening as it was zoro holding onto luffy when they fell in.
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(this is gonna get a bit long oops)
the thing about zoro is that he can be a big softie. he cares a lot more than ppl might think at first glance, and he worries. especially where luffy's concerned, even if his words can seem harsh at times. for all that zoro definitely trusts luffy's strength and believes in him, he worries for luffy's safety anyway. one example of this is back in alabasta when sanji points out that zoro was worried luffy might lose to crocodile despite having agreed with luffy's decision to stay behind and confront him alone.
zoro's also very aware that luffy's not really infallible, that he's got shortcomings and weaknesses of his own. but that's not an issue per se - because zoro's willing to make up for them, for luffy's sake. like in thriller bark, when he leads and convinces the crew to protect luffy's shadow and to believe that luffy would take care of everything else:
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on top of that, zoro takes luffy, the crew and his own role in it very seriously and something he expects from them and from luffy, especially, is to do the same. this is clearly seen back in water 7/enies lobby when zoro refuses to accept usopp back into their group unless he genuinely apologizes first and even threatens to leave if luffy doesn't square up to be/act like the captain he is. because luffy's the captain, they rely on him and he's responsible for the crew in turn. more so since, as zoro reminds him, they aren't playing at being pirates. at this point in the story, they've gone through different adventures together, fought and risked their lives each time as well.
aaand to go back to thriller bark for a bit, zoro's also the one person in the crew who has first hand experience with the kind of pain that luffy endures for other ppl's sake. all in all, zoro truly cares about luffy, so much that he's willing to put his dreams and life aside to protect him, and by extension, the rest of the straw hats too. part of that care includes not only sacrifices like the one on thriller bark, but also anchoring luffy and setting him on the right path if needed. that scene from punk hazard? an example and byproduct of all this.
though I gotta say, perhaps what I like the most is that luffy... actually listens to zoro whenever these important moments happen. those two share a single braincell and are usually on a similar (or the same) goofy wavelength most of the time, and zoro is often one of luffy's enablers, so you can see that when zoro goes off at him for real like in water 7 or at punk hazard, luffy is surprised at first. but he listens. and in punk hazard, apologizes and reassures zoro that he won't be careless again. it's a bit of a subtle but compelling part of their dynamic, that does well to emphasize the equal footing and reciprocal nature of their relationship. it's not zoro following along blindly, nor is it luffy just being an idiot and receiving undeserved loyalty. it's really good honestly.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy birthday!!!! I love your blog so much, this is my first time making it to the asks!
Dealer’s choice!!
He waits two weeks and five days, which is seventeen days longer than he thinks is necessary.
However, it’s how long it takes for the Cuban couple to be discharged. He’s not sure if this is the time to indulge in symmetry or ritual when it’s never done him much good before, but he supposes he’s trying something new.
Cuddy is still furious at him over firing Chase. Wilson isn’t much better, oscillating between pity and disappointment, which is just obnoxious. The new guitar is at least a decent distraction. The downside is he has to actually spend most of his days in the clinic to avoid taking another case, which he doesn’t want to do just yet.
Symmetry and ritual and all that.
The day after the couple is gone, he sleeps in then drives his bike in the opposite direction of the hospital.
He has to hit his cane on the door for over a minute before it flies open and Chase is standing there, hair sleep mussed and mouth pulled into a scowl. “What do you want, House?”
It’s too soon to smile, so he doesn’t. “Is Cameron here? I assume she is, otherwise I’ll have to come back later which would be a huge pain. Why do you live downtown? The traffic is awful.”
“If you’re looking for Cameron, go to her apartment,” Chase says, moving to shut the door in his face.
They grow up so fast.
He shoves his cane in the door because he’s not willing to risk his foot and Chase glares at it like he’s seriously considering trying to snap it with the door anyway. “I didn’t say I was looking for Cameron. I asked if she was here. How much have you been drinking? You can’t be losing braincells that quickly.”
Chase’s expression turns considering, which almost makes him smile again.
The door is flung wide open and Cameron is standing there, hair greasy and wearing one of Chase’s button ups over a pair of leggings and glaring at him like he’s something on the bottom of her shoe. “Go away, House. You’ve done enough.”
“Good,” he says. “Have you eaten yet?”
Cameron’s eyes narrow. Chase asks, “Why?”
“There’s a half decent restaurant about a mile from here. We could get breakfast,” he says, still refusing to smile, but now it’s out of self preservation. If they slam the door in his face, he can play it off as a joke. Or he can start stalking them.
Playing it off as a joke is the safe option. The socially acceptable one.
But he’d foregone the safe option when he’d fired Chase.
“I’m not coming back,” Cameron says firmly, lifting her chin in challenge.
“I don’t want you to come back,” he says. It’s true in the way she means, at least. “So, breakfast? It’s the most important meal of the day.”
“It’s noon,” she says coldly.
“Lunch, then,” he amends. “My treat, considering you’re both unemployed. A bit careless of you, to leave one job without having another lined up, but such are the mistakes of youth.”
Maybe other people can get things and people and relationship with honey rather than vinegar. His personal experience has leaned more towards catching each one by the wings and shoving it in the jar himself. His metaphorical jar has airholes, so he doesn’t get what everyone is always so upset about.
Cameron is still glaring but Chase has relaxed. Cameron may have wanted to understand him, had tried to study him and make sense of him, but Chase had always been better at it. A life of a shit father and being a huge kiss ass has given him selectively useful skills. Chase says, “Brunch. I want pancakes.”
“Chase!” Cameron shouts at the same time as House says, “Cool.”
“I’ll drive,” he says, nudging Cameron out the door even as he leans further into the apartment to grab his keys. “You would have made a stronger argument if you’d brought the corvette instead of your bike.”
“Well,” he says, finally letting a smile tug across his face. Cameron stares. “I wouldn’t have wanted you to agree for the wrong reasons.”
Cameron thinks she has to be asleep. This can’t be real.
But they’re sitting in a booth in an old school diner that still smells faintly of cigarette smoke, which gives her some indication of how long it’s been in business, and House is stretched out in the opposite seat, leaning his back against the wall and with his legs crossed in front of him.
“Aren’t you going to look at the menu?” she asks as Chase flips through the multiple pages, House looks at the ceiling, and she looks at him.
“Nope,” he answers.
“Are you going to tell us what we’re doing here?” she presses.
He turns to look at her, eyebrow raised. “We’re getting brunch.”
There’s nothing heavy at the table, but she could probably do some damage with the fork. It’s not like he can run very far.
The waitress comes back, settling coffees in front of all of them. Chase orders chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and eggs. House gets the steak omelet, which the sign they’d passed on the way in had proclaimed was this week’s special. She still hasn’t looked at the menu so she says, “You order for me.”
House rolls his eyes. “The little lady will have one slice of the stuffed French toast, scrambled egg whites, and the fruit cup. No grapes.”
She wouldn’t have ordered the stuffed French toast for herself, but she does want it. She’s not sure what she’s supposed to read into that.
The waitress says, “Aw, introducing the new boyfriend to your father? That’s so sweet.”
Chase freezes while Cameron feels her mouth drop open and she tries to say something but finds she can only get out a strangled, “Ah.”
“Kids sure do grow up fast,” House says, his disconcertingly normal smile of before having stretched into a much more familiar smarmy grin. He at least waits for the waitress to leave before asking, “Tell me, Cameron, have you ever gotten urge to call me daddy?”
“Oh my god,” she breathes, “why would she-”
“You both look like children outside of suits and lab coats,” he says. “Or maybe I just look especially old today. Or maybe she clocked our ages perfectly and just thought I had you young.”
“Please stop talking,” she says. The French toast suddenly doesn’t sound so appetizing.
He shrugs, stirring sugar into his coffee before lifting the mug up to take a sip.
The red mug. That she’s definitely seen before.
“Is that – your mugs in the office,” she says.
“I steal one every time I’m here. Don’t worry, I tip well.” He taps his fingers along the side. “If you want to be helpful, steal yours for me too. Wilson always refuses because he’s a wimp. He got caught once and she didn’t even care.”
This has to be a dream. House has brought them to a place that he goes frequently, with Wilson, and has revealed a personal detail about himself. It may just be where he gets his favorite mugs for the office but it’s more than he’s ever offered up willingly before.
“What do you want?” she asks.
He takes another long sip of his coffee, once again staring straight ahead. She thinks the real reason he’s stretched out like that isn’t because of his leg or comfort but so his default position is looking away from them. “There’s an open position in surgery under Thomas. He’s an insufferable ass, but luckily you have experience in that area.”
She’d asked the question but he’s obviously talking to Chase. He swallows and she can feel him tense along her side. She hates this. “You want me to apply?”
“There’s a senior research position in immunology at St. Sebastian’s. They’re doing a lot of cool stuff,” he continues, not answering Chase but now speaking to her. “I’d go for that one. However, Williams is looking to retire, which means his position is open. It sounds like an utter bore to me, but you’d probably like it.”
“Williams, the emergency room department head?” she demands incredulously.
“Keep in mind I’m only bringing it up because I’d prefer you both stay at Princeton. It’s a shit job,” he answers. “The research one is way better.”
“You want me to apply for the surgeon position?” Chase repeats.
“Don’t be stupid,” House says and Chase’s grinds his teeth together. “I want you to accept the surgeon position. Thomas will offer it to you outright in about,” he checks his watch, “eight days.”
Cameron has never found House to make sense, but this is taking it to a new level. “If you’re feeling guilty about firing Chase–”
“I’m not feeling guilty,” he interrupts. “When have you ever known me to feel guilty for doing the right thing?”
“Doing the right thing makes you miserable,” she retorts.
He smiles again, small enough that she thinks it might be genuine. “Only sometimes. This will probably make me miserable too, though. I hate hiring people. They’re all so stupid. A benefit to you two sticking around the hospital is that I can go and bug you when your replacements’ idiocy threatens to kill someone.”
“Or your stubbornness,” she says.
“Tomayto, tomahto,” he replies. “There are also a couple open positions in Chicago that you’d like, but that makes me intention to leech off you significantly harder.”
Chase sits up a little straighter. “Why would you tell us about jobs that you don’t want us to take?”
“You’re not my employees anymore. I can’t make you do the smart thing. You’re free to be idiots, if that’s what you want,” he says.
Cameron doesn’t want to press on this particular bruise, but she’s missing something. “Why did you fire Chase?”
She’d asked that before but this time she thinks she might get a real answer out of him.
“So you’d make a choice,” he says, then nods to Chase, “You’re welcome.”
Chase blinks several times. “What?”
He groans, “Are you going to make me spell it out?” Neither of them say anything and he sighs. “Chase loves me too much to ever leave me so of course I had to fire him. Plus it pushed you to make a choice – me or him. If you’d never had to pick, even if you started dating Chase, he’d always feel like your second choice. Because he would be. But now he knows he’s your first. So, again, you’re welcome.”
She’s actually speechless so she’s relieved when Chase asks, “Why would you care about that? Why do you care at all? Even if you do care, why do this? You hate change.”
“True,” he acknowledges. “Which is why I didn’t do anything when your contracts ran out. But Foreman quit. Change was happening whether I liked it or not so there’s no reason to prolong the process. Better to get all the change out at once so I can get back to a life of no changes.”
“Why isn’t Foreman here?” Cameron challenges. “Why did you come get us and not him?”
That makes him go silent again, but she and Chase have years of experience waiting him out. He’s still looking at them, but he’s not seeing them, his eyes going unfocused like he’s thinking through a case. “Wood ducks, unlike the majority of their genus, make nests in trees.”
She’d always been convinced that one day House’s stupid metaphors would make sense to her. Mostly they just give her a headache.
“They also have a habit of flinging themselves out of the nest with very little concern for the consequences of those actions. That’s because the mother duck builds the nest high enough to keep it from predators but low enough that they’ll be unharmed by the impact of the nice cushy ground, so this propensity for leaping first and looking never wasn’t bred out of them by evolution. Of course, humans mess that up, and now lots of places have hard concrete instead of soft ground. So now the duck’s ability to survive is based on their ability to fly.”
“So you’re seeing if we can fly?” Chase asks tentatively.
House sighs, taking another sip of his coffee and giving them a faux disappointed look that she’s surprised doesn’t prick her as much as it used to. “You landed on soft ground. It doesn’t matter if you can fly or not.”
“Concrete is accidentally killing a patient who wouldn’t have died otherwise,” she says, sitting up straight. “You kicked us out of the nest because we’d be fine. But you think Foreman is heading for concrete and you don’t know if he’s going to be able to fly or not.”
“Less killing the patient, more the lack of self confidence and self awareness,” he says, “but yeah, close enough.”
“What if he falls?” Chase asks.
House shrugs. “Then, if he lives, back into the nest he goes.”
“And if he flies?” she challenges.
He takes another sip of coffee, but it doesn’t quite hide the smile on his face. “Then we invite him to brunch.”
“Are you going to take it?” Cameron asks, resting on top of his chest and digging her chin into his sternum.
It’s not the most comfortable position on his end, but he’s not going to tell her that. “I haven’t been offered it yet.”
She gives him a look and he sighs, which only serves to shove her chin even further into him.
He’s going to take it.
It’s a good job, a great job even, and he’ll be able to really develop his skills as a surgeon. But he’s self aware enough to know that biggest draw is that House wants him to take it. That House didn’t just get sick of him and decide that he was worthless and fine to throw away.
He was trying to help, in the worst, most assholish way possible.
“Do you think we can actually be friends?” he asks instead of answering.
Cameron frowns. “He did pay for brunch.”
“He also told you that you were getting the next one since you’d quit instead of being fired,” he reminds her.
Her frown deepens. “He’s friends with Wilson.”
“I don’t think I can handle being Wilson,” he says honestly. He likes House. He really likes the idea of being friends with House. But the only friend House has is sort of insane and has to put up with even more crap than they did as his employees – and he isn’t even getting paid for it.
But it’s different, too. Wilson still gets called an idiot if he’s being an idiot and House will be insane and annoying and all of that, but he can be nice too, when it’s Wilson. He makes an effort for Wilson.
Sort of like he’d made an effort with them, today.
“So we won’t be Wilson,” she says. “We’ll be Chase and Cameron and he’ll be House and maybe that can be something different than it was before.”
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eyeballsoup7310 · 7 months
I find it very interesting that people despise Vanessa for threatening Mike but I’ve not even seen a single person mention that Mike beat a man to filth in a mall fountain in front of the guys son.
Not to say mikes an inherently bad person for that, he has trauma and he reacted to something that triggered it— it’s just kind of telling that the entire fandom not only immediately forgave, but also never actually considered criticizing him for violently attacking a man in the first place, but a lot of people refuse to even imagine liking a woman because she was kind of mean to their favorite sad little blorbo due to her own trauma flaring up.
Edit cuz I thought about it again: obviously the dynamic is a little different in each situation. While both Vanessa and Mike were employed in positions of physical power at the time of their fuckups, Vanessa was specifically using her job as a threat whereas Mike didn’t even think about using his power as a guard. They both did something extremely shitty and rash, but if Vanessa weren’t an officer I don’t think people would care as much. Mike did something more comparable to, like, “getting into a drunken fistfight at dennys.”
On the flip side, threatening a man who’s Going Through It is super shitty and I don’t wanna dismiss that, but Mike still physically assaulted a man, and it’s weird to me that the fandom seems to have just forgotten. They’re fictional characters so I think trying to hold them to the exact same standards as real people is a bit weird to me (they’re meant to convey a story, not be a paragon of morality, unless of course the story they’re conveying is about morality but I’ll leave that conversation to people who have more than two braincells) but if we’re gonna criticize Vanessa I feel like we should also criticize Mike a little too
(I will still say, I don’t think Vanessa ever had any intent of trying to even legally challenge him ((i.e. arrest him or charge him or something)) and if she actually wanted to scare Mike she could’ve threatened to take Abby away, something that she previously refused to do in the “dumping shit in the river” scene. Also a stupid move, please don’t throw pills in the river, but it was the year 2000 and she was raised by William Goddamn Afton it makes sense she’s a bit of a dumbass sometimes)
Ultimately I don’t hold it against anyone if they dislike Vanessa because of this scene (or if they dislike Vanessa, especially for being a cop, in general), I guess I’m more so hung up about the fact that if she were a man, less people would hate her. Criticism of her as an officer is fine, we should be shitting on cops, some of it just feels like an excuse to be borderline misogynistic. I dunno, i tend to focus on stupid details. fnaf is a really weird series and an even weirder fandom. can everyone stop writing cops as protagonists please
Edit 2: actually thinking about it more and I just feel. Gross. Defending a character who’s a cop. It’s almost worse that it’s not even relevant to the story, for all the importance it has, she could easily be a janitor with a knife or something and absolutely nothing would change. Eugh. Curse of being written by scott cawthon, I guess. Anyways. Sorry for all the stuff I’ve said about Vanessa, I think the part of my brain saw a pathetic wet cat of a character who’s a woman this time and went incredibly stupid. Whoops :/
(If anyone has any recommendations for characters with a similar vibe to Vanessa that ARENT part of an extremely shitty job please uh. Comment them)
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
Vittoria is a dove. She often has visions that predict something good happening to her or those around her. She is known as the swindler of the family. By the age of three she learned Gomez would do anything for her, and thats how she ended up with a designer wardrobe for Christmas. She learned the “Enid Face” from Leo, which is a very secret pout that Wednesday cannot refuse. Leo only did this once in his life, he finds it demeaning to stoop to begging. She is a very talented pick pocketer, it seems to come naturally to her to find and sniff out a credit card with the highest limit as Gomez would come to find out. He’s always amused though.
Vittoria loves Disney movies, she will never grow out of it. Tangled is her favorite and she often asks Wednesday to style her hair in one long braid like Rapunzel in the movies.
Naenia is a raven, and her visions are physically exhausting. They’re usually of something dangerous or bad happening, which is why she’s the braincell. Often times she’ll have a vision and save Vittoria or Leonidas from themselves. Her visions cause her physical pain like headaches and are extremely vivid, often times she needs to rest afterwards somewhere quiet. Usually her family will tend to her while she’s recovering.
Naenia moves uncannily quietly, she has a habit of just popping up behind people, even as a toddler. She’d crawl around silently and scare Enid to death by just appearing somewhere she hadn’t been before.
As Naenia grows up she uses sign language to communicate with people outside of family, she finds it much easier than speaking and quicker than writing. She learned from Thing, and her siblings were quick to follow along because helping Naenia find more ways to communicate that she’s comfortable with is important to them. She’s comfortable around her family, but not other people. She’s not a fan of people. Mostly animals. She’d save a spider over a person.
When the girls first went to school, they were mostly excited to see Leonidas, they would always wait for him to come home from school so they could play with him. They would come with Wednesday to pick him up from the bus stop as often as they could. Vittoria is especially excited to make friends and Naenia is excited for the library.
Naenia is nervous about the loud crowds so Leonidas walks them to class (not like he wouldn’t do that anyway) on their first day. They soon find out everyone is afraid if Leonidas (he has a bit of a reputation, nothing that can be legally proven but a reputation) and that makes it easier for Naenia to handle so many people, since the whole hall will clear not to touch Leonidas. So, Leonidas walks them to class every day. He calls them blood sucking parasites while silently daring anyone to come within six feet of them.
Compared to the twins, who barely scrape past three feet, Leonidas grows rapidly. He is the tallest kid in his grade at 5’3. He sort of looks like a giant following them around the halls scowling at everyone.
Vittoria loves school, she makes friends very easily and becomes very popular within the school. Mostly because she rides in a limo and brings candy for everyone in her class, Vittoria likes spending money on others too. Sharing wealth with people is something Gomez taught her, so she often uses her allowance (and her pout) to get things for her class. She’s the reason the school’s playground got upgraded (she called Gomez at three am). She traded Morticia’s spot as favorite grandparent. Even though she’s one of the youngest kids, she’s still extremely popular. She talks to everyone, is very friendly to everyone, and loves participating in class. She struggles with the academic portion, Vittoria doesn’t really enjoy math or writing or history. She likes drawing and gossiping, and pretending to act out scenes of Tangled where she duels kids with frying pans. Often, Naenia will steer her back to working when she gets distracted being chatty or social.
Naenia doesn’t make friends quite as easily as her twin, her limited speaking is a factor but Naenia had never been a social person outside of her family regardless. Aside from the loud noises, the memes she doesn’t understand, and the cafeteria food, Naenia loves learning and school is something she excels in at an early age. She especially likes that her teacher lets her go to the library if shes feeling overwhelmed, and even lets Vittoria go. She usually stays close to Vittoria and by proxy, makes friends because of her sister. Most people are nice to her because of Vittoria, but she’s fine with that because it means she doesn’t have to explain herself to anyone. The other kids are usually very nice to her though, some even try to learn sign language and she held little sessions after school with Vittoria. It’s one of few times she didn’t want to leave a social setting after an hour.
Because of her crippling side effects of her visions, Naenia wears gloves everywhere outside to refrain from touching something directly. She also does not touch people or like people touching her. If she has visions in school, Wednesday comes to pick her up without fail.
Vittoria: This is my twin Nia! She likes to be called Naenia, she doesn’t talk much but she writes super spooky stories. Okay she doesn’t like a lot of people crowding her so let her read, shoo! Lets go play ninjas, warlocks, and princesses!
Leonidas is fairly infamous in the school for getting expelled from four others, there are plenty of rumors about it and despite being outwardly inviting, Leonidas is not friendly to most. Most of the rumors floating around are exaggerated, but he doesn’t correct them. After getting into one altercation with a boy who tried to touch him and ending up suspended for punching him as hard as he could, most people don’t speak to Leonidas and avoid directly touching him. He finds school to be a waste of his time, and hard to sit through. Though he gets good grades, Leonidas will often finish work early and get bored. Sitting still is not his strong suit, and especially in school it leads to trouble. His patience starts with Naenia and ends with Vittoria, so he has trouble getting along with other students. People outside of his family often annoy him.
Vittoria teases him because he “doesn’t know how to make friends”.
Leonidas does eventually make one friend, a human boy he defends from bullies named Adisa. Leonidas just thought they were loud and now this boy with a tuba too big for him sits next to him and talks to him about things he doesn’t understand every time they have music, or lunch, or PE. Like “texting” and “sleepovers” and “video games”
Leonidas denies the fact that they’re friends but never tells him to sit somewhere else because “everyone else is a worse option.”
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lindendragon · 2 years
We need a filler episode where the Derby trio (Gus, Willow and Hunter) goes on their first solo trip to the grocery store. Most of this was discussed with @sergeantsporks and they added some stuff to the idea.
Gus had avoided going out the house cause he didn't want his first human realm experiences to be embittered by his situation, but by now he's recovered enough to be okay with distracting himself a bit and try to enjoy himself. Willow just wants to get out the house and also support Gus through this. It's no use constantly fretting over something you can't change, she can try to live life a little, right? At least as a distraction. Hunter is also here as support, but he is also treating this as an important mission to repay Miss Noceda and he cannot mess this up. Also he will protect his friends from danger.
• On the way to the store they come across an intersection they have to cross and they have to mentally prepare for it like "We can do this. We can DO THIS!" And Gus makes sure they wait for the green light and look both ways like Camila showed them and they're all strategic about it and they all take each others' hands and Hunter takes the lead like "On my mark- GO GO!" And they run across the not at all crowded road screaming and when it's all done they breathe huge sighs of relief and cling to each other like "Oh my Titan we made it! We're alive!"
• Hunter ends up having a mini breakdown cause the one of the items on the list just says "pasta" and he doesn't want to pick the "wrong" one and fail Camila
• Gus and Hunter end up having multiple "they are smart individually but share a braincell when together" moments
• Gus: "Get the corkscrew pasta. They probably double as gears in a machine."
Hunter: "Oh yeah!"
• Hunter does end up beating up a man at the cheese aisle that they assume is some kind of guardian that they have to defeat every week to earn the right to the cheese.
• It's actually just Jacob in cosplay trying to prevent their "evil plans" (why he assumes groceries are involved is beyond me). But the trio comes back very proud of having defeated the guardian and completing their task.
• The staff doesn't do anything cause they don't get paid enough for this shit and Jacob was harassing customers anyway.
• Despite Hunter most often trying to take charge, Gus is the one everyone looks to for guidance since he is the human expert. A lot of "You used the wrong formula but got the right answer" moments ensue.
• Both Willow and Hunter are trying to cheer Gus up by pointing him to human realm trinkets and while Gus is captivated by the office supplies section, there's still an underlying exhaustion and worry that dampens it.
• Willow takes some time for herself at the potted spices section. The plants here don't respond to her as much, even the demon realm seeds she brought over in her pockets are not growing too well in the human realm soil, and Willow struggles to adjust to keep them alive, and she feels weaker for it. She knows that her power isn't everything, but it's still sonething she worked very hard on and is very important to her.
• Hunter cracks a little due to the stress at some point and Willow has to take charge.
• Hunter and Gus reassure Willow that she is a brilliant captain and friend no matter what, and they all trust her capabilities. Hunter was just trying to do the brunt of the work here to take away the burden for everyone else.
• But all of them have gone through a lot, and trying to hold it all in for the sake of the others won't help.
• On the way back they discuss how everyone's been holding in their own emotions so they wouldn't burden anyone and agree to lean on each other more and work together, rather than someone trying to take charge all the time.
Just throwing the ideas out there and conpiling them into a single post. Too bad season 3 got shortened so we won't get this kind of episode.
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Lurimol time baybeee!!! How do Lurien and Hegemol deal with the beetle breeding season, where stag beetles are essentially filled with the 'I must flip others at all costs' instinct? Ik Heg is a big softie, but if Lurien uses damselfly courting methods, I wonder how Heg might show off how big beetles show they're prime stock
Lurimol time !!! Thank you.... This one got a bit away from me eheheh so I'm sorry it's a bit long.
Hegemol is the biggest softie and is also the world's most repressed idiot, a deadly combination ashtrh. He's very, very happy and truly honored that Lurien invites him to learn damselfly dances, but... hoogh. He was able to repress the urges before and just keep himself rather set away from others when it was Time To Fling, but now that he has an actual person of his desires, and a 'potential partner' he wants to show off to... that's getting a little harder.
He may start trying to invite Lurien to come watch him spar with his other knights, who are all partially confused when The Watcher shows up and just. Does as he does (watches). But when hegemol flips Ogrim, something he really doesn't do, I think it would finally click for Ogrim what's happening as the other beetle in the group ashffh. [SpongeBobgrin.png "You like Lurien, don't you Hegemol.]
I think this would culminate in Hegemol entering and inviting Lurien to a knightly tournament that's being held for the masses, something he's explicitly expressed disinterest in before ("Ah, I'm too old for those games" or "I've no need to win adoration" etc). And coupled with a poster of a beetle hunk as part of the advertising it finally FINALLY clicks for Lurien what is Happening.
And Lurien bless his heart tries to. Help? By saying "You don't need to win my affections this way, you know. I don't even have a preference for strength." Which is intended well but makes Hegemol [deflating balloon noises] internally because sorry Lurien his mind is still in flinging mode and takes that to mean he's not the strongest and may in fact be a pity pick.
Anyway Aedmond the butler comes to the rescue that night while making Lurien his tea and explain that he just accidentally turned down Hegemol's courtship advances, and that the *ritual* of it all is very important. And Lurien's single braincell devoted to social things is like OH.................. thank you Aedmond this is why I hired you above all others.
So he still goes to the tourney and Hegemol immediately perks up upon seeing him from the ring like a goddamn golden retriever of a man and starts fuckin beetle brawling with the utmost intensity. And with every fling he glances up at Lurien in his secluded box seat (with Aedmond) and Lurien makes sure to always appear leaning forward maybe with a hand on his heart or something akin to a taken aback swoon, even if he wouldn't normally.
Hegemol ends up getting into the final match against his own first squire, Gytha, who is my huge Trans Hercules Beetle and she's definitely here to get some bitches. She and Hegemol normally brawl whenever they see each other, it's their tradition, but *normally* Gytha wins. She's younger, more spry, and as his squire knows a lot of his weak points as he's the one that trained her, and she's since developed her own fighting style and methods once she was knighted. She also has the huge Hercules Beetle horns that make it easier for her to grab and fling even huge bugs like Heg. (She is also, notably, the only non-enemy bug Hegemol will ever use his full strength against, because he knows she can take it.)
Their match may even go longer than the preliminaries because when Hegemol actually cares about what losing means (it means nothing to Lurien but yknow, Fling Brain in full swing here), he doesn't just give up on the first grab from Gytha. He squeezes his hands into her horns right before she flips him and wrenches them off of him, he traps her neck between his horns in a move that she's barely able to get out of, all sorts of shit that has the crowd going wild and Lurien now *fully* invested because I don't think he's ever seen Hegemol really display his strength like this. And Aedmond sits there like :> (sipping his drink) because oops my lord has actually fallen for the beetle courtship for real. What a shame, what a shame.
Gytha and Hegemol get to the point where they're both shaking from exhaustion after such a long bout, she can't even heft him to fling if she wanted to, and she's also caught on by the fact that her old mentor keeps looking up at *something* that he, for once, has a stake in this. She goes in for a misplaced grab that she knows will be met with resistance and all but helps to throw her weight into the hurl as Hegemol uses the last of his strength to send her skidding on her back toward the edge of the ring. She'd never tell him she did that on purpose, but also in her mind it's better to have helped her old man get some than to admit she was defeated for real (which she would have been and she knows it).
Crowd goes fucking wild, Lurien finally lets out that breath he's been holding, Aedmon sips his tea and hands Lurien a fan, Hegemol is named this year's beetle brawl champion. And all is well.
He does get a few days off after that because grandpa definitely pushed himself too far but hooogh he's the happiest bug in the world.
And after that, he doesn't super get the urge to join the brawl again once Lurien and he are rather committed to each other. He does still get cycles, but the desire to "prove himself" as a mate fades significantly. He may still toss Ogrim if Lurien happens to be watching, but he's content to know he 'won' his spot at Lurien's side.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Lucan is picking out some nuggies, milk, eggs, instant coffee and some protein powder for his work out. He also keeps pointing at the most random stuff asking if it's needed.
Elowen just yeets a bottle of straight vodka in the cart then leaves
Balsam is the Mom Of The Group so he's picking out vegetables except he's stopping to read what each product contains so it takes forEVEr. Also I dunno why but I feel like he has reading glasses.
Tulsi also luckily has some sense and picks out important stuff like batteries, bulbs, shampoo n conditioner, bandaids, etc. She's just vibing and following along the cart with earphones in. Ask her what she's listening to so y'all can share the earphones and vibe together <3
Sage is sitting in the trolley while you're pushing it around and of course he's flirting with you ;) hey mc ;) thanks for the ride ;) but he finally shuts up when a bottle of vodka mysteriously lands at his groin. Poor kitty. But he does also occasionally yank your favourite snacks from the shelf and keep it in the trolley.
They do ultimately end up forgetting something tho
I FEEL LIKE SOMEONE WOULD GET PLANTS BUT I DUNNO WHO. Probably balsam. Smexy plant dad balsam? Shirtless balsam who's only wearing grey sweatpants putting on gardening gloves? Lil thing of tools strapped around his hips? And he's making this hot concentrated face? nad,,,an ,d he abs are squished together..cause of how he's hunched over,,,lil bit of sweat drips from his nose,,,,then he goes to shower and comes out with a towel wrapped really really low at his hips and his hair is down?,,,,lird habe mercu.,,,duhvfghjjhjhvi,,,,,,,,,hmgmhmhmHHHHAHEM AHEM-
-egg anon (dumb bitch anon)
Balsam would be a sexy plant dad,,, hehehe,,,,,
GN!Reader, Modern!AU, the Griefers share a braincell, Colored Bullet Rule (Balsam, Elowen, Lucan, Sage, Tulsi)
I would also like to suggest Modern!AU Griefers all sharing a house. Which is presumably why they're shopping together.
I'd like to imagine that Lucan and Sage take turns sitting in the cart. So this time is Sage, next time it'll be Lucan, so on.
Anyways this time it's Sage and big boy is sitting with his back to you so he can tilt his head back to look up at you,, keeps nuzzling against your arms/wrists,,, love-bites you a few times,,,,,, kitty likes being taken care of sometimes y'know?
Lucan gets the dino tendies. He insists they taste better than the normal ones. You can try to read the ingredients to prove they're the same thing but he doesn't care. They're Fun So They Taste Better. He will fight you on this.
If you guys are at a Target or Walmart or whatever and there's a bedding section, Lucan and Sage are grabbing pillows and attacking each other. Balsam lets them do it so long as they don't break anything. Once Sage gets bored he uses the pillow to take a nap, assuring you'll have to buy it because his hair is all over it now
If he actually does fall asleep he uses one hand to hold yours,, kitty needs you to be close,,, zzz,,,,,,,
You're standing still for too long (maybe trying to decide between two brands or whatever?) when Tulsi just sneaks up from behind and cuddles you. And at first you think she's being cute and clingy but then she sets her chin on your shoulder (she might have to stand on her tiptoes) and asks you if it's weird that you can look at something and your tongue will instinctively know what the texture would be like. You slowly look over at her one mounting dismay and she smiles really sweetly, kisses your nose, and drifts away to listen to her music
Seriously look around and pick something and you'll know what the texture would be if you pick it. Horrible. Hate.
Elowen,, doing this,, also go spam this art with love!!!
Balsam carefully weighing fruits and veggies before bagging them,,, he needs to be precise,,,,, it takes him forever to do literally anything,,,,,,,, and if you try to leave him he just grabs the cart and drags it back over next to him,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sage keeps bitching about it because he's bored
So when I was younger and we had to go to the market and it was taking too long my mom would get me a Lunchables and I'd eat it in the cart and we'd formally buy it when we checked out (course I'd usually eaten it all by then but whatever) and anyways you have to do that for both Sage and Lucan.
You try to get Balsam to hurry up by flirting with him a little,, lightly holding his waist and swaying a little like Hey If We Leave Here Soon Maybe You Two Can Have Some Fun ;) and Balsam leans over to smooch your cheek and says Nice Try But He Needs To Make Sure This Cookie Butter Has An Acceptable Amount of Sugar Before He Lets Lucan Get It
The toy section,, Tulsi keeps fiddling with the Rubik's Cubes and looking at the Legos and whatever and she always gets a Hot Wheel! She has a collection.
You jokingly throw a ball and Lucan sprints after it. Makes you throw it again. You're playing fetch now. Why would you do this.
You get a plushie for Sage and nuzzle it against his cheek and he's so flustered,,, soft,,,,,
Elowen casually taking the cart from you and ramming it into corners/walls/whatever to piss Sage off
Tulsi comes over and hands you one of her earbuds because a song you like came up on her playlist
Balsam checking all of Lucan's protein powder before letting him put it in the cart. He needs to make sure puppy isn't ingesting ungodly amounts of caffeine or smthn
Elowen throwing vodka in the cart (yes hitting Sage in the crotch, not on purpose but hey it's funny) and then grabbing you and dragging you away because she wants to go look at clothes
Alternatively Elowen dragging Tulsi away to look at clothes and Sage just dying because vodka is heavy,, you get him a bag of frozen peas,,,, Lucan is laughing his ass off
Tulsi gets some fairy lights for her workshop and she gets them in your favorite colors
Plant section! Balsam spends nearly an hour agonizing over the precise shade of green he's getting with various mint leaves or whatever,,, you try to help but honestly there's no helping this man. He's on his own. You just leave him there and go to grab some juices.
Yes the checkout person looks at you (Sage) weirdly.
Sage refusing to get out of the cart until you guys have shoved the groceries in the car. He's at least gracious enough to take it to the cart corral himself.
You all came in the same car so,, you uh,,, you're gonna have to sit on someone's lap for the ride home ;)
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tricornonthecob · 8 months
Libety Bibbety Kids
LK 104: I Can Has Liberty?
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Abernathy more like Abernasty amirite
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Just want to take a moment of time to show how many historical plantation locations in central VA there are still technically around today (though only a few still do ag,) and these are just the more public ones that are open about them being plantations. Some of them lean on being pretty locations with antebellum architecture where you can host events and gloss the fuck over the history of being fucking slavemills, instead talking about how pretty the furniture is and how wealthy and pretty the family members were. Abby Cox and Cheyney McKnight (Not Your Momma's History) have a fantastic dicussion about plantation weddings and such and you should watch it.
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Henri LeFevbre is the real fucking MVP here, picking up the extremely important document.
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I once heard Richmond, VA described as God's Blind Spot and having lived there, that's still the vibes today even with all the egregious gentrification lol.
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Okay so ya bitch lived in Richmond for seven years and worked in Richmond for an additional four and *still* hasn't gone to any of the historic locations that survived the Confederate Army Completely Disregarding the Proper Way to Burn Down Strategic Buildings While Retreating and Letting Most Of the City Fucking Burn Because The People Impacted Were The Enslaved Location And Fuck Them, Right?
(no, Richmond was not burned by Sherman, it was an attempt by the Confederate Army to burn down some bridges and armories before the Union Army got up in it, and it went awry because they did a bad job of it.)
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Moses, they are your family, too, in a way.
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Henri coming into frame fucking spitting facts.
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Did you just now notice that, Sarah??? How is Henri the most observant out of you three, I stg he's the single braincell keeping y'all on point.
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He really is though.
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Henri, do the Unequivocally Worst Part Of Assassin's Creed 3
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About to fucking show you up at your own job, that's what.
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...do you need some aloe for that burn.
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Yes and its a bit of a crime, in't it?
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He looks kinna dudebro in this not gonna lie.
Also taking a time out to mention that, being an excited nerd who REALLY got into Amrev in 4th grade, I actually memorized the entirety of Patrick Henry's speech for extra credit. The assignment was just a few lines, but I wrote the whole thing out. In cursive because it was 2002 and teachers were still insisting we needed to know how to cursive for college. I was so proud! I was so excited! I was so into it!
Anyway, the teacher got really pissed off and didn't give me the extra credit, then chided me for not following directions. And I had given her drawings I made of the Godspeed and the Susan Constant and little comics about the revolution! I was so betrayed.
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It is so goddamn frustrating to read about all these white folks comparing their lot to slavery while all the people who were enslaved just slowly look at the camera, Office-style. And like I know white abolitionists understood the irony but its just so hard to imagine the amount of mental gymnastics that enslavers forced themselves into to justify continuing their bullshit while going on and on about how Britain was enslaving them.
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Any time I hear no peace I think of the "Peace? No peace!" scene from Independence Day.
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Literally right behind him.
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Cato's got a point. God this scene would be so amazing live-action and with a decent sountrack.
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God this dialogue is written actually pretty fucking good???
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Oh its this fucknugget again.
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Ok honestly? With his sneak and his parkour skills AND HIS FUCKING CARDIO this kid would be hands down the best fucking spy. The Culper ring should have hired fucking Henri Lefevbre amirite.
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...in the loudest way possible, doing burnouts in a conestoga.
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Ok but they came right up to the front door? These are some audacious kids.
To be continued
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katierosefun · 2 years
hello hello🌻 i'm puzzled about a scene in beyond evil so i thought about asking you because you always have such great insight! the scene is the one where joo won says he doesn't have close colleagues and dong sik answers back (ep1 min40 something). Now i'd like to start by saying i'm terrible at understanding social clues and my braincells are at an all time low performance efficiency, so i actually didn't bother much about this whole scene, yeah joo won's speech made me sad, but other than that i didn't give it much thought. Then i saw someone saying that joo won and dong sik were flirting and i was bewildered sitting here like ?? what, wait they were what now?! i don't exactly understand what dong sik wanted to say there, so if you have more knowledge to spare i'd be grateful (^^;)
hi anon! as someone who also feels rather sad at joo won's speech, i totally feel you. i think joo won might have thought he was being cool and slick for saying all that (i don't have friends, i don't need them anyways . . . they always want something from me, so i don't care for them), but to me, it just kind of screamed that
a) he's a lonely guy,
b) something really fucked up must have happened in his past for him to develop trust issues against anyone who would show him even the slightest bit of kindness,
c) as warranted as his trust issues might be, there absolutely must have been people who genuinely were being nice to him but he shoved them off because of said trust issues, and
d) this dude is so stuck in his own brain that he probably has no idea how genuinely depressing he sounds.
not a very good combination.
(this got rather long, and this answer includes screencaps because i was feeling oddly motivated, so):
but in terms of flirting, i think there's at least something of that kind going on there. for instance, joo won shoots dong sik a rather smug little look at the end of his speech, particularly the bit about how everyone comes to him for favors--the look he gives dong sik is almost a bragging sort of one, as if to say see, look at how much people want what i have / me / etc, even if joo won might not legitimately like it himself. there's still a weird sense of pride there, kind of like a peacock showing off its feathers.
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and of course, dong sik notices this bratty peacock and smirks a little to himself, because he knows how actually, joo won just sounds silly and also like a bit of a brag.
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i like to call this the pride and prejudice scene, which is probably a brutal oversimplification of pride and prejudice, but i'm always reminded of that story because the beat in this scene is so similar: rich, seemingly snobby guy comes into town . . . and the witty protagonist seemingly sees right through him and appropriately calls him out in the seconds after. ie. this is where dong sik asks, "is it really all that simple?"
(and look at the little exchange of expressions between them--dong sik's lil' smirk, joo won's quiet surprise because he hadn't actually expected dong sik to fire back in his own way)
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here, dong sik actually takes joo won down a few notches ("i mean, are people really all that simple? what could you possibly have that makes you think you're the most important person in the world?")
joo won and dong sik's love language seems to rely on banter + verbal sparring, and this moment definitely captures that. we see a flash of joo won's annoyance (kinda hard to take a screencap of, darn yeo jin goo's brilliant eye-acting that you can't freeze), but we also see this lil' of it here. coincidentally, this is also eerily the same look joo won wears whenever he thinks he's about to catch dong sik / trap him (the whole tongue/lip combo). joo won. bestie. at least pretend to be uninterested.
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and, i suppose, the final kicker of this scene and why it def. comes off as something flirtatious is perhaps the fact that dong sik. never. takes. his. eyes. off. joo won. especially when joo won gets all hissy about how he doesn't have mysophobia, dong sik seems the most interested in him. (also, something very . . . HM about this scene)
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kinda gay of you to stare that intently at your new partner, dong sik, especially now that your new partner's actually momentarily vulnerable about something he's so obviously insecure about why the intense look buddy why are you just staring at him like that from afar buddy you wanna explain or
so that's why this scene's def. more on the flirtatious side, at least for the first half of this scene. the second half of this scene falls a little more under that quiet pre-longing, taylor swift's "gold rush" type beat.
i hope that clears things up!
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calyssmarviss · 2 years
Spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi Part V
So last week i had two people to scream at bit now I’m back to shouting at the internet instead.
I’ve seen, uh, not exactly spoilers but hints and inside jokes because i went on tumblr a bunch of times today forgetting it was Wednesday and i have high hopes for this one
Oh yeah Obi-Wan and Leia were both pretty badass in the last one, trench-coat incident notwithstanding
Karen Miller was on that balcony in spirit
See, Vader’s blowing hard just thinking about it
Mhm I’ve fought GoH battles on that bridge
Vader: onto more important matters: where’s my boyfriend
Ew. Grand Inquisitor, really?
Field trip to Jabiim let’s go
Why didn’t they drop her to Alderaan before. I could probably answer that but i would need to go to my maps and, oh, fuck it
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Yeah so it would have not taken much more time to drop Leia first but idk maybe it would be harder to travel through the Core worlds with the increased imperial presence… like, checkpoints on the lanes and pitstop planets
How long can they travel without stopping anyway?
Vader staring into hyperspace is… something. Idk what but it gives me feelings okay.
I’m just like him when i go to new planets in Borderlands 3 i stand i front of the ship and wait for the reveal.
Why is it all so dark on Jabiim i can’t see shit
That second hand lightsaber stand
“It’s not her, it’s Vader.”
Why are they like this. I mean. He’s not wrong but still.
“He’ll attack next. He hasn’t the patience for a siege.”
why is this so funny to me
“How do you know?”
*flashback to Wild Space*
Oh it’s a little bit weird to see them both with blue lightsabers and i watched some Clone Wars a few days ago.
Man that haircut. I know people who must have wept with joy from seeing the return of Wolfman Kenobi.
That back to back.
“Mercy doesn’t defeat an enemy, master.”
Oh Hayden, I’ve missed you so
“Which is why you’re gonna lose.”
I feel like I’ve written a scene just like this.
God we’re only eight minutes in.
I paused on a really pretty shot of the destroyer right in front of Jabiim i wish i could take a screenshot so bad rn
I’m such a fucking nerd i see a pretty planet and a couple fighters and i want to cry
Ooh, this feels very Last Jedi suddenly. Without the salt and the foxes.
Why? Are they blowing up the door when they apparently can lock down the place? How could they lock it down? What the fuck are they doing.
“I’m going to need a ladder.”
Oh right, it’s Lola. Already forgot.
Yeah so they couldn’t ask Lola to keep the front door open?
Why is it so dark?
Bail mail!
“We’re in trouble.”
No shit. What were we even doing checking our emails and spilling our backstory when the Empire is right at the front door
Here comes the Negotiator!
“Lord Vader will have you at any cost.”
“You mean Anakin.”
that’s beautiful payback for episode 2
“I was too weak.”
“They were the only family I knew. And he slaughtered them.”
“You’re not helping him are you? You’re hunting him.”
“Let me help you.”
“Why would i trust you.”
“Because we want the same thing.”
“Do you, Obi-Wan? Do you really want Anakin dead?”
Girl heard the stories you know. Two halves of a same warrior and all that. Damn, maybe she even spotted the Open Circle insignia on one of the thousands warships you put it on. Who knows.
“Where were you? When he was killing my friends?”
NOT WITH HIM AND THAT'S WHY WE HAVE THIS PROBLEM. He went to Utapau and took Anakin’s single braincell with him.
Hey no not the mute droid
I swear those two motherfuckers have been having a… Force bond discussion of a sort since Obi-Wan has been aware of Anakin being alive.
“Tell her to stand down. Kenobi is already ours.”
What was i saying?!
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“There’s no way out, Master.”
Yeah this is not a memory i think. That’s mental battle.
Oh no his face when he says
“Admit you are beaten.”
That’s unfair man.
Who wrote this show? I have no idea. Anyway.
Here i paused to full on cry for two minutes and then realized why the girl were talking about praise kink regarding this episode
Also this show is making me feel strangely validated about past writing choices
“It’s over. I’m going back.”
“Vader wants me.”
Joby and Andrew we need to talk.
Obi-Wan said there were other ways to fight than lightsabers and m’y thoughts immediately turned dirty until i remembered the state of Anakin right now
Man i hope those Force ghosts are having the best time
“You’re not bringing him to me. I’m bringing him to you.”
Well fuck for a second there i misheard i thought he was bringing her to him like hi babe here’s the traitor in your inquisition but no what he’s actually doing is breaking my heart again
“We could end this together.”
Ben you’re tearing this family apart
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“Because all he’ll see is me.”
We get it okay. He’s obsessed with you.
Think none of the stormtroopers hear that little convo?
And… they just bring him back inside?
“There. Your weapon’s gone. It’s over.”
Hayden has such a pretty smile.
“Your need for victory, Anakin it blinds you.”
So much could have been avoided if he’d just told him he was a good boy.
“Where is he.”
He asked once more, with feeling.
Leia baby, they need you to haul ass. Not me though. Take as much time as you want. This is fun.
Leia vs Lola
From spy to lamp torch
Why weren’t those people already on the ship
That’s SO sexy 🤩
I found my next desktop picture Vader’s back on main stage
I’m so disappointed this was so hot listen i don’t give a fuck about those innocent people Anakin deserved to win this one for sheer badassness
He didn’t even get to see him :(
So what they’re saying is that he’s still a Padawan lol give him some pearls to clip to his helmet
Hahaha Reva what did you think would happen.
Well i guess he did give her to him in the end
Hahahahaha he’s playing with her
He doesn’t even have his lightsaber out
🎶 This is the Vader Show 🎶
And it’s beautiful
Bye Reva
“Did you really believe i did not see it, youngling?”
Hey, the Rebels fans were right about that guy! He’s not dead!
“Our hyperdive is down. And they’re behind us.”
So what say you, General Kenobi?
What is that?
Oh it’s his comm
Back to Tatooine we go!
“I’m sure it’s nothing.”
You look like you’re gaving more than a bad feeling about this.
Hey Luke.
I / II / III
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
THE GAYEST GAY I'VE SEEN TODAY Or: 2020 Grammys VLive ft. Usher, Namjoon and the Jeon-Parks, PART ONE
Poetic, no? No. Anywho:
When Jimin saw Usher at the 2020 Grammys ... BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. I mean okay the man BARKED but who wouldn't? In this house we.... say it with me... watch original content for truth and context and people who don't have doorknobs for braincells, amen. Plus it's 16 minutes of so much cute I CAN'T.
Two things. One: Usher defies gender and orientation. I'M NOT WRONG ABOUT THIS I KNOW MANY A STRAIGHT MAN WHO... okay. I KNOW MANY A BI MAN. But even the girl-leaning guys are like "but it's Usher tho" very much like... anyone who ever sees Jimin. I'm JUST SAYING. But , (b), Jimin has a type. He likes muscle men and smart men. He is not choosy about the color of skin over said muscles - if anything he has shown a fondess for chocolate and honey over vanilla. He is all about equality and appreciation of the male form. WE KNOW THIS IS TRUE WE HAVE SEEN IT IN STORIES.
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But still, not entirely my point. I'm GETTING TO IT.
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The gayest gay I've seen in many a moment is Mr. Jeon over there. Keeping in mind that the Jeon-Parks, by 2020, were quite a well-established domestic partnership of the unstr8 variety, Koo's reactions are...fun to watch. Especially since, and this is important, They were at the Grammys and therefore on Bang PD-watch.
Don't laugh. Bangwatch is real. The Toadlickkers have a little teensy bit of that right. A very little bit but it is there.
The Company has, at times, in my observation, very likely told the kids to keep it quiet down in front. And this was one of the most glaringly obvious of those times - we hardly saw the JPs together AT ALL. They were not in REACH of each other most of the night. Seating arrangements, even for this Live, were planned and executed with military precision and it shows.
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LOOK AT HIS FAAAACE the Jeon half of the household is almost worshipful. It's fair, because Jimin looks unearthly here. He is glowing. He is beautiful. The man is art and on a night when they all look fantastic, not least Koo himself, Jimin arguably outshone everyone on that stage. So, appreciation. Props to Koo, we love a man who knows what's going back to the hotel with him.
But also we have just the barest little hint of unease. First off, Usher, which even to Jungkook MIGHT be forgivable, even okay. It's Usher. But also they were onstage with Lil Nas X, not the least gay man in the world, and LNX is OUT OUT. No closets of gold or any precious metal for that man - who happens to be YOUNGER than Jungkook. And Jimin looked beautiful on that stage. Next to Namjoon.
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And then there's Namjoon fangirling all over and he and Jimin are just kekekeing ON A LIVE where, I will remind you, JIMIN BARKED WHILE LOOKING LIKE THAT and...Jungkook kinda has to just sit there and take it, and this is one of those times where they know they are being watched by ARMY and also by Namjoon and by their boss and... Namjoon knows it too. He KNOWS. And he LOVES to get his digs in on the guys when he can and can you blame him? The things this poor man has put up with over the years?
He is also very enjoying the beauty that is Jimin. They all do, anyway, but Joon was using every positional advantage he had -- not seriously flirting, it ain't like that with them. And he wasn't being mean-spirited about it. But he could, based on seating, enjoy some friendly skinship with his dongsaeng and there was not shit JeiKei could do about it. Bros will be bros, sometimes. Yes, even Kim Namjoon.
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And that, as much as anything, was all up in there in Jungkookie's head. So much so that at one point he SNIFFS HOBI'S HAIR just for comfort reasons. You gotta see that, it's somewhere in the 9:00 minute, I knew I didn't have enough image space so it had to go, but you can look. Because right after that we get
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Jeon Jungkook has had enough, kids. He's euphoric, he's professional, he's trying real hard to be cool but he has stayed away as long as he can take it. It's a good thing they're about to get to the champagne. TO BE CONTINUED...
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thiamfresh · 2 years
hi! i’m going through my seasonal airplanes reread and i’m just dying to know more about theo’s side and perspective of the story, of what was going through his mind while he was crushing hard for liam… i’m so curious about what theo thought had happened when liam stole the track and left him in the middle of that field, or after their first fight after the water park when he left liam at the motel, and don’t get me started on the lake scene every time i reread it my heart just explode !! apart from these questions, i just wanted to thank you for writing the story, i started reading it when the show was still airing and just a bunch of chapters were out, and it really helped me over the years, it’s my comfort story <3 hope you’re doing well
Theos point of view is something I reallllly need to continue writing, especially for the sequel because there are some parts in airplanes, like what happens when Theo runs away in New York and Stiles has to bring him back to Liam and Derek that have a bit of effect on the sequel and although it's not like..that important. The story works as just Liams side of things it'd be nice to actually have the exposition for then to kinda make sense for everyone who isn't me.
For Liam stealing the truck, honestly, theo goes through so many possibilities that the dude can't even tell which way is up. Like, he is fully shook when he finds Liam left him and doesn't really know what to think. Bitter, heartbroken, worried. Dudes going through it while Liam has his first Goda moment with Mason
Their fight at the water park is another very uh intense moment for Theo. Dude really just can't catch a break feelings wise the whole fic and he may hold it together better than Liam but he's just as emotionally wrecked throughout the entire freaking thing. But yeah, water park, he's mainly angry and that fight is what really cements the 'not going back to Beacon Hills after this trip' mindset that makes Sammys offer to join the hermit pack an acrual possibility. Dude has some growth that chapter that leaves him able to accept his place (or lack thereof) in the McCall pack.
As for the lake scene 😂😂😂😂 boy really can't catch a break I'm tellin ya. Liam sends him through the emotional ringer most chapters but that especially. Dude spends a lot of the story aware that hed quite happily bump uglies with Liam and trying to repress it as to not screw up his first friendship in forever and then there's Liam who doesn't own a single braincells when it comes to Theo and just doing whatever the fuck he likes while theos holding on for dear life wondering ehat the fuck he got himself into
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disaster-j · 2 years
Writing a not me fic and I'm seriously struggling with Gram bc they gave us nothing about him. I don't even know who he is. He's just some guy! Hate that for Mond, he portrayed him so charmingly in the first half of the series.
I think it's for the best if you just take ep 1-6 Gram and mix in the important stuff from his book version. I write him as a soft guy with a big heart who has a lot of big ideas but lacks a clear direction. Black is his idol whom he looks up to bc Black's passions align with his own except Black knows how to actually fight for his cause. His feelings for Black overwhelmed him in the novel. They'd been childhood friends briefly and once they met again in college he was desperate for Black's approval and affection. He struggles a lot with his feelings because he doesn't think Black could love him back but still wants it anyway. He's also someone who loves and cares for his friends, often acting childish and clingy with them when he feels like it. He's a thinker not a fighter and he's often a scaredy cat unlike the rest of them. Despite his book smarts he can be a right idiot sometimes and when he's desperate his stupidity shines brightest. He loses braincells when too emotional is what I'm saying. He's quite tactile with most people but especially with Black because he craves his attention and he falls into a doom and gloom mood when Black's attention is taken away from him. He's someone whom White would get along with a bit too well, much to Black's chagrin, bc they tend to team up to force Black to take care of himself.
In the end he's just a guy with a lot of feelings and hopes who just wants the guy he loves to love him back so that they can run off into the sunset to overthrow the corrupt systems together.
Does that help?
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Would you write some HCs about Y/N flirting while drunk with the AOT boys? Like the scouts, Levi and anyone else you'd like <3 Extra points if they're already on a relationship
hiii!!! and omg of course of course!! i hope you like it!! <3
❁ shingeki boys!
❁ eren, jean, connie, levi, reiner, porco
❁ obviously, alcohol. maybe touches some suggestive things but nothing important
- maybe he probably forgot about you too.
- i mean, he enjoys drinking, so maybe the two of you are now a bit confused after all you drank lately.
- “you look really pretty today.” he says. he looks kinda dizzy.
- “wow, eren, you too. nice bun.” yo say. it’s true, his man-bun looks so good on him, a couple locks of hair falling from it. also, he looks gorgeous, his eyes shining.
- “should i invite you to a drink?” you shake your head, you know you’ve drank enough today. 
- “no, thanks. i think i have more alcohol than plasma on my veins now.” he lets out a little laugh. 
- “then what if we go outside and chat a bit? you’re really interesting.”
- actually that’s how he asked you for a second date, but you nod anyway.
- “of course. i would like to know you better. are you single?” 
- he nods. he  n o d s.
- “What about you?” you nod too. 
- “then, is it okay if i ask your number?” you nod twice, giving him your phone. his confused face is a poem.
- “hm, you already have saved a eren jeager with a lot of hearts. you said you were single...”
- was he thinking there are that amount of eren jaegers out there?
- this was by far the most confusing night of your life.
- you were dancing really close to jean, his tall body behind you, his hands on your shoulders. 
- “shouldn’t we go home?” he asks you look at him.
- “hm, you’re inviting me to your home? what an invitation.”
- yeah, hm. you two live together.
- “babe, please, you’ll feel so bad tomorrow.”
- “oh, i like how you call me using pet names. it makes you... more attractive...”
- he didn’t know how to make you realize you’re already dating.
- “come here, i’ll accompany you home.”
- “i thought we were going to yours...” jean sighs and you let out a little laugh. You enter his car, he didn’t drink more than a cola.
- he drives with your messy indications of where you live, even when you’re giving him the direction of your apartment. 
- he parks on the garage, and helps you to get out of the car and take the elevator. 
- “oh, so we’re going to my house.” he rolls his eyes and you get closer to him, your hands sneaking on his chest. once you’re inside, you smell his scent at your home.
- that confused you even more.
- there are also jackets and sneakers that are too big for you. jean takes out his coat and puts it on the rack. he tells you to give you your coat and so you do.
- “go to the bed, i’ll take a glass of water and an aspirin.”
- “hey, hey, at least ask me where all those things are!”
- he will play hard on you for not remembering you're dating.
- obviously, he called your attention, and you wanted to talk with him. he ignored you.
- "hey, conn, your shirt looks nice on you." you don't know even how to make coherent comments.
- "yeah, thanks y/n" he says simply, and keeps talking with sasha. you try again.
- "connie can we go and breath a bit outside?" you ask, wishing him to stand up and follow you.
- "i'm also breathing inside, thanks." another syntax error. you feel so silly, and he is laughing so hard.
- he thinks you should take this as a punishment for drinking that much.
- "well, conn, should we go somewhere one of this days?" you ask, the alcohol giving you strenght to say it.
- "i'm in a relationship, sorry." you look at him.
- "but we can go just like friends, not on a date." you say.
- "oh, fine, i'll ask..." he takes out his phone and writes fast. yours rings on your pocket. a message from connie, that has a ring emoji, is on your screen.
- the message says "sweetheart can i go and have a drink with a hot and gorgeous person that has forgot their boyfriend?"
- and now, another one popped up.
- "if tomorrow you don't remember this and you think i'm serious, you were the one asking me out •3•"
- "i told you to stop drinking or you'll have the worst hangover in years."
- you didn't care and kept drinking. and now you're confused.
- "here, drink a bit of water." Levi says. his eyes are fixed on your neck, looking a pearl of sweat disappearing under your t-shirt. his eyes go then back to yours.
- “you’re really attractive, you know?” he looks at you, his eyebrow raising. 
- “enough party for today.”
- “and you have such beautiful eyes.” he sighs. this was way more difficult than he thought.
- “drink some water and... why are you crying?”
- you started to cry in an inconspicuous way, hugging him.
- “you’re so caring... you have such a good personality... and you’re so handsome. i fell in love.”
- well, you did, but months ago. he lets you cry and talk.
- “i hope i had a boyfriend like you.”
- that was a critical hit.
- does that mean he doesn’t treat you that right and now that you can’t remember you’re telling him he’s being a bad boyfriend to you?
- is it just that the alcohol made all your braincells dizzy and useless?
- “i’m your boyfriend.”
- “stop lying, you’re a greek god totally unreachable.”
- you were always this dramatic?
- he’s now thinking a way to punish you slightly after all this theatre.
- "but sweetie i am your boyfriend!"
- you look at him, how his big hands move in front of you, trying to explain the situation. you only can think how those hands...
- "y/n!" he says. you look at his eyes again, kinda confused. the alcohol is starting to make you shameless.
- "sorry." you say simply.
- "were you listening?"
- shameless and daring.
- "no, i was thinking you have such a great hands, they could be doing..." he interrupted you abruptly.
- "you say that all nights. and you end grabbing my hand and putting it on your waist."
- you look at him.
- "yeah actually i wanted it a little bit more... down." his cheeks blush a bit.
- “every night.” he sighs.
- yep, you say the same to him every night, but it seems like you forgot about it. 
- “do i?” he nods. 
- “yes. you do.”
- probably you forgot he's your boyfriend after a couple cocktails. and forgot him after a couple more.
- he's amazed by the situation, how you look at him like you’ve never seen him, with the same curiosity of the first day you met shining in your eyes.
- he smiles at you and you walk towards him, your legs shaking.
- "wow, be careful, baby." he says, hugging your waist when you almost fall near him. His honey eyes look at you, and you could get lost in them for hours. He smiles.
- "you're kinda daring, aren't you?" you ask, feeling his hot skin against your waist. he laughs.
- "maybe i am, but who fell in my arms?" this was shameless flirting. they way his smirk played with your mind was driving you crazy. he licks his lips softly, and you look how his tongue caresses his bottom lip.
- "it was an accident." the word accident is almost difficult to say after all the alcohol running in your veins. he laughs low.
- "of course, an accident. it wasn't because you wanted to be near me."
- "well, i guess i'm not going to complain on that..."
- "fine, baby." he says. you have little deja vus every time he calls you baby, but they're confusing.
- "have we meet before? i think i saw your face earlier..." you ask. porco laughs hard, his hand still on your waist. he searches something on his jacket, pulling his phone out of the pocket. you look at the wallpaper.
- "do you recognize someone in this pic?" he's kissing you in that pic. does that mean...?
- "wait we're already a couple?"
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