#And then *sobs* 4x04??????
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Thinking about this promo from pre-season one′s release and what it says about Callum’s arc. “His bravery will be tested”—what an interesting way for the writers to introduce us to his character.
His courage, or his ability to do dangerous and frightening things for the people he loves, is definitely such an interesting aspect of his personality.
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kelseyafterdark · 1 year
It’s always “I love you” and never “Babe you saved your own life. I was just holding onto it for a little while”😭😭😭
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 11 months
"Quite a situation WE got." WE, WE WE WE WE…..He make her at the same level as him…like partners…I'm not crying, it's not true!!!!!
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The Dragon Prince Whumplist
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Character: Callum (voiced by Jack DeSena)
Age Rating: TV-Y7 (FV)
Show available on Netflix
Genre: Animation, Found Family, Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Synopsis: In the magical land of Xadia, magic comes from six primal sources: the sun, moon, stars, sky, earth and ocean. When human mages create a seventh kind of magic -- dark magic -- they start capturing and harvesting the unique magical creatures they need as ingredients, which sparks a war between Xadia and the Human Kingdoms. Three kids from opposite sides of the conflict -- two princes and an elven assassin sent to kill them -- discover a secret that could change everything and decide to join forces and go on an epic journey. That trek could be their only hope of ending the war and restoring peace to both worlds. (Via Google)
Notes: This show is GOOD. If you like ATLA, you'll enjoy this. It gets progressively darker and more violent as the show goes on, so fair warning for that. The relationships between the characters are amazing, and there's also great diverse representation! I highly recommend.
TW's: Violence, mild blood/gore (audio/visual gets worse in later seasons), death, child abuse/neglect, child endangerment, emetophobia (very mild), mild torture
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~ = a scene break
1x01: sparring ~~ upset, argued 
1x02: teary-eyed, emotional goodbye ~~ knocked around, holding his head ~~ threatened
1x03: betrayed, stressed ~~ manhandled, restrained, voice taken (by magic), heavy breathing ~~ scared, gets voice back and coughing ~~ terrified, shocked and teary-eyed, out of breath
1x04: stressed ~~ held at swordpoint 
1x05: stressed
1x06: extremely worried, scared 
1x07: emotional conversation, stressed 
1x08: scared
1x09: scared, stressed 
2x01: sad, stressed
2x02: extremely emotional, sobbing ~~ grieving
2x03: grieving, worried, teary-eyed ~~ sobbing, comforted ~~ betrayed
2x04: stressed
2x05: grieving, stressed
2x06: crying
2x07: glowing eyes, passes out, concern for him ~~ helped to stand, weak
2x08: helped to walk, delirious, weak ~~ in pain, delirious, unconscious ~~ terrifying dreams ~~ concern for him ~~ struggling to breathe, concern for him
2x09: still struggling to breathe, held, concern for him, wakes up gasping
3x01: stressed
3x02: none
3x03: stressed
3x04: stressed
3x05: stressed 
3x06: emotional
3x07: out of breath, almost passes out
3x08: frustrated 
3x09: stressed ~~ choked, gasping for air  ~~ crying, terrified, almost falls
4x01: stressed ~~ startled ~~ solemn, crying 
4x02: stressed, startled 
4x03: angry ~~ solemn
4x04: angry ~~ scared, choking, half-collapsed, possessed, body puppeteered, glowing eyes ~~ still possessed, concern for him, collapsed, unconscious, held
4x05: crying, choked up ~~ emotional conversation 
4x06: stressed
4x07: emotional conversation, "i need you to kill me", talking about possession
4x08: stressed ~~ sleeping spell, weak, collapsed unconscious 
4x09: rough awakening, scared
5x01: stressed 
5x02: stressed
5x03: stressed 
5x04: terrified, worried about his aunt 
5x05: stressed 
5x06: none
5x07: half-collapsed, magical exhaustion, struggling to breathe, helped to stand, supported, concern for him ~~ tired ~~ hands chained behind his back, chin grabbed/manhandled
5x08: unconscious, chained to a pole, shaky breathing, slowly waking up, scared, threatened, electrocuted/beaten (off-screen)~~ slowly waking up, still chained, blood and bruises on his face, heavy breathing, in pain, chin grabbed/manhandled ~~ scared ~~ manhandled, hands chained behind his back, stumbling, collapsed/forced to his knees, concern for him, weak ~~ extremely worried, yelling, angry, knocked out ~~ chained, struggling, pained voice, collapsed ~~ weak, "blood freezing", choked, gasping in pain, struggling, dropped, struggling to breathe, concerned ~~ sad, concern for him, hugged, guilty 
5x09: concerned ~~ slammed into the ground, restrained 
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goodwhump-temp · 7 months
Tom Mason Whump | Falling Skies
¡Viva la revolución!
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1x01 Live and Learn - Near explosions x2, tinnitus pain (brief), emotional, angry/protective (Hal) 1x02 The Armory - Hostage, held at gunpoint x4, threatened, angry, (Weaver denies helping) 1x03 Prisoners of War - Knocked unconscious (explosion), bloody forehead, worried (Hal), [soloing a skitter; punched x3, knocked down, pinned, exhausted/hyperventalating] 1x07 Sanctuary Pt.2 - Betrayed, held at gunpoint, hostage 1x08 What Hides Beneath - Worried about Weaver 1x09 Mutiny - Worried (Ben), not trusted by Weaver/betrayed x2, held at gunpoint x2, arrested, angry, pinned, thrown, manhandled, choked 1x10 Eight Hours - Sacrifice/abducted
2x01 Worlds Apart - Shot, collapse, weak, unconscious, bleeding out, surgery, [flashback; trapped, thrown x3, electrocuted x2, knocked unconscious, punched x2] fever, emergency surgery, emotional 2x02 Shall We Gather at the River? - Skitter nightmare x2, paranoid, angry outburst, eye bleeding, collapse, seizure, extreme pain, extremely painful parasite removal, freaking out/held down, bleeding, paranoid, voluntarily restrained, sacrifice, thought dead 2x03 Compass - Betrayed/kidnapped, alien discrimination/not trusted, [Pope fist-fight ; uppercut, headlocked, headslamed innto wall, thrown, decked off balcony/onto car, slammed, kicked x3], limping 2x06 Homecoming - Calls Glass Rebecca (yikes), anxiety being leader 2x07 Molon Labe - Nearly exploded x2, emotional goodbye 2x08 Death March - Depressed, blister (05:00), devastated 2x09 The Price of Greatness - Angry, forced dictatorship, arrested 2x10 A More Perfect Union - Re-arrested, captured, tortured/electrocuted, scared, tinnitus pain
3x04 At All Costs - Gutpunched, pinned, plane crash 3x05 Search and Recover - Plane crash cont., unconscious, coughing, hunted, tripped, pope arguments x10 (secretly bonding), talks about abusive drunk father, pope fight, punched x3, kicked, decked over a log, headbutted, jumps down waterfall, punched, broken ankle, great pain, given up, being meanie x2, cold and alone, collapse, shleeping for 2 days 3x06 Be Silent and Come Out - Broken ankle cont./cane, desperate, [taken hostage; held at gunpoint, car crashed, cane-less/dragged, pain x2, punched, ankle stepped on, shot at, 3x07 The Pickett Line - Ambushed/held at gunpoint x3 3x08 Strange Brew - [[???; confused x1000, ominous Weaver appearances x5, affair confrontation, hallucination (mirror), frustrated, dissociating, learns the truth] intense pain/eye attatchment x2, saved, knocked unconscious], choked, jumps from 'balcony', heartbroken, sobbing, hallucinating 3x09 Journey to Xilbalba - Angry, grieving, knocked down (explosion), trapped underground. betrayed 3x10 Brazil - 'Betrayed', punched/thrown, detained, skitter punch, great pain, scared
4x01 Ghost in the Machine - Trapped, seperated, caught in explosion, tinnitus, pain, passes out, imprisoned, abandoned/betrayed 4x02 The Eye - Knocked down, thrown, wanted man, gives himself up 4x03 Exodus - Cornered, jumps from explosion, Pope bro-hug :) 4x04 Evolve or Die - Targetted/tackled 4x05 Mind Wars - Knocked unconscious, kidnapped, held at gunpoint, punched x2 4x06 Door Number Three - Worried, dissociating, feels betrayed 4x07 Saturday Night Massacre - Betrayed, emotionally hurt, guilt, reckless, trapped under rubble, bleeding 4x08 A Thing With Feathers - Missing, trapped under rubble cont., arm caught in mouth, zapped, panic, living virus, passes out, tourniquet, extreme pain, sling 4x09 Till Death Do Us Part - Sling, Glass argument, shot at, trapped, surrounded by fire 4x10 Drawing Straws - Emotional 4x11 Space Oddity - Pain from fast acceleration, low life support, freezing, cocooned, vomiting, angry, (chat, is this real?), confused, gaslit, (it was in fact, not real), falls, punched 4x12 Shoot the Moon - Knocked down, head bleeding, ship caught in shockwave, thrown, lost in space, confused
5x01 Find Your Warrior - Emotional, lost, surrounded, rage-fueled/acting strange, hallucinating, alien bug bite 5x02 Hunger Pains - Bug bite non-stop bleeding, hallucinating, acting strange 5x03 Hatchlings - Dissociating (38:30), guilt 5x04 Pope Breaks Bad - Chased by bugs, trapped, very angry confrontation, suicidal, hallucinating 5x05 Non-Essential Personnel - Hallucinating, leg shot, limp 5x06 Respite - Bandaged/stitched, unconscious, hallucinating, panic, cane 5x07 Everybody Has Their Reasons - Surrounded at gunpoint, HORROR EPISODE BTW, angry, arrested, sentenced to death 5x08 Stalag 14th Virginia - Imprisoned 5x09 Reunion - Hallucinating, tricked TWICE, thrown, choked, used as human-shield 5x10 Reborn - Trapped/divided by rubble, pinned, impaled, blood being withdrawn, sobbing
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thranduel · 2 years
i was rewatching the 4x08 car scene again and i just can't get over how mike never even mentioned that he loved el at all when he was talking to will. he was just going on about how he feels inferior to her and he's afraid she won't need him anymore because she's a superhero. he didn't mention anything about love. he didn't say "i'm scared she won't love me anymore" or "i love her so much for these reasons and who she is as a person, that's why i can't lose her and blah blah blah". nope. nothing to do with love. he couldn't even mention anything about her outside of being a superhero because the sad truth is he barely even knows her. mike and el barely know each other because they can't even be themselves around each other and they don't even share any of the same interests. they always lie to each other too.
the entire time he was talking to will, mike was just pitying himself and talking about how he's scared she won't need him anymore because he’s a nerd and he’s insecure about himself. he also kept going on about how she was "born special" with powers. again, nothing to do with her as a person or loving her, but just that she's a superhero and he wants to be needed. he also said it wasn't fate or destiny but simple dumb luck that he stumbled on her in the woods (later on in his monologue, he lies and acts like it was love at first sight. we all know he doesn't believe in love at first sight either. ugh mike what are you doing). he even said she was just lonely and vulnerable and needed help and he just happened to be there... that's about it.
and remember in 4x04 when mike was talking to will, he said "maybe i should've said something, and if i would've said that thing, then maybe she'd want me there with her, wherever she is"?? he couldn't even specify what "that thing" was. he didn't mention anything to do with saying the words "i love you". it's just so weird how he couldn't say it to will. mike also said it felt like a fight they can't come back from. if he’s afraid she won’t need him anymore and he saw her sobbing in front of him AND he knew she wanted to hear the words "i love you", why didn’t he just say it? he could've prevented the fight entirely and he could've stopped her from going with owens (or she would've taken him with her, like he said to will). like seriously this entire "mike can't say he loves el because he finds it hard to express himself and he's scared of losing her" is the most ridiculous arc because it reduces mike to just being el's boyfriend and not having his own character development AND there are so many things that don't make sense because mike constantly lies and contradicts himself. "he's just a teenager" just isn't an excuse. it's actually a mess from a writing standpoint and it's even more horrible because they used will's feelings as a plot device and the only reason mike ended up saying he loves el is because of will. he was literally responding to will's confession but he just doesn't realise it. mike’s monologue to el wouldn’t have happened without will.
that’s why it only makes sense if all of this is intentional and they talk about it again in season 5. mike will find out about the painting and monologue and realise his true feelings for will and el will also realise she doesn’t need mike, even though that’s nothing new. we already know that because they made it very clear when she made the decision to go with owens even though she was warned she might not see him again. she also sent him a letter saying “from, el” which says more than enough. and will deserves to finally get his happy ending for once and be with the boy he’s loved since the beginning since he’s suffered every single season. otherwise what was the point in doing all of this? for a bit of extra drama that doesn't even make sense? nah
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🚨😶 pleaseee
Hi Michelle! Thankuu! 🌼 Ohh I had to think a lot about these!
🚨Emergency most likely to make you sob
I’m not sure if we’re talking canon here or not, but going with canon bc I’m not going to risk jinxing anything by coming up with awfully sad storylines !
I think the suddenness is what often get to me - when you expect everything to be okay, when the characters even expect that, and then in a second, their future and all they had planned is ripped out right from under them and right in front of them and they have to deal with that shock and their whole world changing and the Thing That Was Never Allowed to Happen happens.
Apart from that, I think that the worst one might be the girl who is a victim of the organ stealing ring in s4. The injustice of the way she was treated by the police, how alone she felt. That gets me every time.
😶 Unpopular opinion, respectfully
On a lighter note, hopefully (don’t come for me please🫣)
Okay, so first I couldn’t think of one, and then I thought of two, and I literally lack that little thing inside brains that chooses between stuff, so now you’re getting both of them🙃
1) Okay, first of all.. hear me out please - I love everything about Carlos Reyes, and I love him with my whole entire being, especially his flaws. This is nothing against him whatsoever, this is about my own issues..
But this Carlos:
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And this:
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Listen, I love him!! But I would have ran and it’s a good thing I’m not TK bc I might not have come back
He’s so sweet and heart eyes-y and horny enough for crazy enough about TK that he’s willing to put on the sirens and cook dinner at midnight for him and I LOVE IT ! But! He’s also just so intense! If someone offered to break the law for me, or if someone had put on their nicest shirt, set out champagne and candles and cooked dinner for me when I showed up to what I thought was a booty call, I would be like Nope! Can’t handle this👀
I don’t mean to hate on him for doing it, for being cheesy and romantic and a bit over the top and awkward, I love him for it, and I don’t see it as a character flaw. But I would just not have been able to deal because of my own sh*t mostly. I would be scared of all the feelings and sure that I would end up causing him pain and feeling pressured and like wouldn’t be able to live up to how serious and relationshippy he is !
Not me wanting a relationship but running like hell the other way when someone seems to be offering it
For me it goes to show that TK really is so brave and is such a serious relationship-guy himself - this is clearly too much too soon for him, but he also knows that this man is perfect his soulmate in every way that matters, and so he does end up fighting the urge to running as fast as he can in the other direction🥹🥹
It would probably serve me to learn a lot from TK in this regard
2) I… don’thopeforanothercomaoroneofthemgettingkidnapped🫣🫣
Like, I wouldn’t mind one (okay maybe a little bit). I appreciate the exquisite pain and aloneness and the revelations and holding of breath that comes from the whole one of them holding vigil.. but it’s also happened, twice. And like with the kidnapping/disappearing thing, listen I loved how Carlos went all detective in 2x08(I think?) and how anxious and stubborn TK was in 4x04, but it’s just so one-sided and we never get the aftermath and that’s what I want - I want the caretaking, helping with getting dressed and taking small sips of water. I want the whumpee to be there to be grumpy, vulnerable, embarrassed etc.
I’d prefer like, a broken leg, a concussion with bo I screens allowed, stomach flu, even kidney stones lol, or a hangover or the common cold - I want to see them cuddling, loving each other through gross and mundane and human things, calling the others parents in the hospital or their friends to cancel game night🥹
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kiloskywalker · 1 year
HOLY CRAP YALL WHAT AN EPISODE!  SO GOOD ON ALL FRONTS NO NOTES ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL thanks to @chaotictarlos again for screaming crying and throwing up with me. I have a super early call time and three flights tomorrow so my thoughts are going to be kinda brief but holy shit. -Already 5 minutes in and i was getting high heart rate notifications from my Apple Watch -APD comes off so fucking useless in this episode like did they do ANY investigating at all?  Seriously its ridiculous.  They missed the false wall, they missed the ash in the fireplace?  Like who is this detective and where is Detective Washington?  But you know who was one of the best detectives?  FUCKIN’ TK STRAND!!!!!!!  HE’s come a long way from misidentifying statues as people!  NO ONE is gonna stop him from finding his man. -Carlos you smart SOB, making that connection with Trudy.  Also him talking about Gwyn and her love for TK being flowed through him...fucking wrecked me.  I miss my mom and I hope I find someone like that.  Carlos balancing his need to scream for TK standing right there but also trying to protect him from the crazy lady with a knife, can you imagine. -Ugh both Ronen and Rafael were SO GOOD in this episode.  Probably the most intense we’ve seen from either of them, especially with Detective!TK.  Sidenote, Ronen’s instagram stories were so funny.
-Okay also, some of these one liners were so good.  Even if they were in stressful situations.  The serial killer adjacent old lady being more of a LGBT ally than my own father lol: “I love the gays!”  Also new favorite Owen line: “I’m a fireman.  Our codes are like: Fire!” -I swear to god the last five minutes of this episode aged me like 20 years.  SHE WAS SO CLOSE TO HELPING CARLOS!  THEN TK AND GABRIEL WERE SO CLOSE TO HIM!  UGH!!!  Who else had TK having to do CPR on Carlos.  I can’t wait for the residual trauma for the two of them!  I know there’s limited time for that but that’s why we have fic writers. -ALSO, the B plot was crazy: I’m getting real pissed off with the FBI.  They clearly have no idea how to run this investigation, they are treating their asset (Owen) with more contempt than the people they are trying to catch.  Clearly Owen is scared/uncomfortable with their plan and they are doing nothing to assuage that.  Like my god. -I also can see how they are going to set up an inevitable conflict between TK and Owen which I know Ronen has teased in previous interviews, why the two of them have kind of drifted a bit.  I’m excited for that conversation to come, I can’t imagine how TK is feeling at this moment.
ALSO: “Are you kidding, you died!”, “Yeah, look who’s talking” I MEAN,  exCUSE ME.....Fiancés that have-their-heart-stop-and-literally-die together, stay together. AND REMEMBER: ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE WEDDING All in all, an absolutely fantastic episode.  I can’t wait to read some fics about it.  I have a really early call time tomorrow (0500) and three flights (Orlando-Houston-Chicago-DC) so idk how available I’ll be, but I’d love to talk more about it with yall!
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raayllum · 1 year
Was thinking about this parallel and “Claudia and Rayla refusing to let Callum and Viren die in S4″ and general S4 parallel shenanigans, turning them over in my brain like a rotisserie chicken, and realized it goes much deeper (and the four of them unfortunately don’t have a group foils tag, as why it ends why it always ends currently excludes Callum) and this isn’t going to be super coherent because I’m sleepy and am going to do my best to keep this short but
What the Fuck I Think Is Up with Callum-Rayla Viren-Claudia in S4, or the Interlocking of the Cycle’s Wheel
Let’s get the obvious stuff out of the way
Viren-Callum parallels, yeah, we’ve known that since 1x01 or at the very least 1x02, we’re gouda
Raydia parallels with their dads who ask them to do shady stuff and then can’t stop them from continuing to do shady stuff, we knew that
Viren and Claudia / Callum and Rayla being reunited after two years apart by Claudia and Rayla’s efforts
Callum and Claudia being contrasted by doing major feats of magic in order to save Viren and Rayla in 3x09
Rayla and Claudia being contrasted in 3x09 by being Viren’s killer and saviour respectively 
Rayla and Claudia paralleling the way they continue to push at their current missions in Through the Moon and 4x02 even when Callum / Viren are doubtful or wanting to take a different path, both going on a quest into Xadia to ensure Viren’s death / survival in doing so
Viren and Rayla ultimately being unable to diverge in 4x09 with Rayla running after him with only one sword and Viren picking up his staff after a season of likewise rejecting / being hesitant about it
Viren-Rayla parallels with their paranoia and practicality and ruining their own lives, more subtle but still absolutely there
Claudia and Rayla rejecting Viren / Callum’s plans for their deaths in 4x02 and 4x07
The Viren-Claudia-Rayla parallels just to cover all our bases
With all of that out of the way let’s get into it
So like I said, both Viren and Callum talk to Claudia and Rayla about wanting to die this season for ‘the greater good’ of their lives, and both times, each respective girl wholeheartedly rejects it quite harshly after a moment of softening
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Okay, seems simple enough. But here’s where things get a little more complicated. Claudia, after all, doesn’t know how dangerous Aaravos is, but Rayla does, and yet they make similar calls here. Claudia refuses to let her dad die, even if she has to drag him along the whole time, and Rayla refuses to let Callum die, let alone by her own hand. They’re weighing their loved one against something possibly dangerous or unknown, something that has certainly been detrimental to both of them and leading to serious trauma of things they deem overall better left unsaid
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and still choosing the loved one.
Okay, still pretty simple. Shit isn’t interlocking or overlapping too much. But then 4x04 comes along with the way it parallels Claudia and Callum explicitly as Aaravos’ most overt pawns in a lot of ways
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and scenes of Viren and Callum waking up to find Terry and Rayla sobbing in the middle of the night (4x04 and 3x04) and offering words in response: “Rayla, it’s okay [to cry]” and “Get a grip,” reinforcing the way Viren and Callum have been shutting down this mix of love and pain, trying not to feel things at all. We know from later on in the season that part of this advice stems from worry over Claudia for Viren
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and what Callum was doing until he arguably broke down fully in 4x09 and let himself fully feel a lot of what he’s been repressing all season long by embracing Rayla
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But it goes deeper than that, with 4x07 and Viren’s nightmares also confirming that Viren still feels guilt over what Claudia has gone through thanks to his death and involvement with Aaravos, even after 4x02
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Likewise, 4x07 also foreshadows / shows that one of the people Callum is most worried about hurting is Rayla because this shot is about as overt as it can be
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Like Viren, Callum is worried about being a pawn in Aaravos’ game and how he may hurt the people around him, while Viren worries he already has; Callum is aware he may be becoming like Claudia, pushed further down a dark path he’s previously rejected, and caught up just as unknowingly as her in Aaravos’ web in so many ways
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Callum and Claudia have already done whatever it takes to save their loved ones (dark magic for Rayla and Soren; their juxtaposed saving of their loved one who fell off the Storm Spire as cited earlier in 3x09); Viren, Claudia, and Rayla have all done deplorable things in hopes of protecting / saving their loved ones, as Viren also cites in 4x04:
But there is an aching pain mixed with love that you feel in these moments. I have always been ready to do anything to protect my family, however dangerous, however vile. In the name of love, you may commit acts so unforgivable... you will never forgive yourself. 
Mirroring what Rayla says in her letter and what Claudia said earlier (“I had to do things...”) and indeed a line from Bloodmoon Huntress about Rayla’s best friend at the time, a tiny adoraburr
but it’s something more important than that. I’M GOING TO KEEP YOU SAFE. I have to. I love you too much not to. [...] sometimes, we make sacrifices so that the ones we love don’t have to. It’s part of protecting them—part of protecting you. Taking on hard choices and going to dark places is an act of love. It’s a gift. So, please let me give you this gift, Callum. Stay safe, and stay in the light. Don’t follow me, and don’t look for me. I don’t think you’ll find me, anyway.
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The river’s fast, but you’re basically my best friend. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. No matter what it took.
Viren has typically been confident he’s making the right choice; Rayla worries over making the wrong one; Callum is anxious about having no choice; and Claudia is triggered by having to choose at all. 
All of this to say: they all have the same core, explicit, and opposing desires to save the people they love. Rayla still wants to kill Viren and protect Callum, and keep him from becoming a pawn in Aaravos’ game; Viren fears that Claudia will be turned into a pawn and wants to keep her safe from the danger he’s put her in; Callum is worried that he may put Rayla in danger due to Aaravos’ hold on him; and it seems like little to nothing will ever deter Claudia from saving her father, permanently. They are all more terrified of losing/hurting the other more than anything. 
Viren has an incentive to not want Aaravos loose to try to protect his daughter; Claudia has an incentive to free Aaravos in order to save her father. Rayla will already likely save Callum from Aaravos’ brainwashing, either too late (leading to Callum playing his part) or just in time, since as she stated, she’ll do whatever it takes to save him. However, that doesn’t answer entirely how Aaravos gets out or how Callum could play into his hands even without the brainwashing, unless it’s for someone he loves, like Rayla. After all: 
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All of this to say S4 absolutely Fucks and I love it so much and I cannot wait for the next season to see how this collision course of love and messiness is going to turn out, and for the one who turns the Wheel of the Cycle to finally get to spin it himself. 
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aceofwhump · 1 year
I think the breakdown scene from a Single Father has to be one of my favourite crying scenes ever! It's just so raw and feels so real and gosh the acting from David Tennant is just heartwrenching and insane. Do you know of any other examples like that? Xox
Oh my god yes me too!! It's soooo freaking good!! So real and raw. I love David Tennant so much. He killed this role. That crying scene makes me cry every time I watch it.
Honestly nothing comes close to Single Father because no one compares to David Tennant when it comes to crying scenes (Doctor Who, Single Father, Einstein and Eddington, Recovery, Broadchurch) but some of my other favorite breakdown scenes are
Stargate SG-1 2x05 "Need" when Daniel breaks down in the supply closet
9-1-1 5x13 when Eddie breaks down and basically destroys his room
Graceland 3x07 when Mike breaks down in Charlie's arms
Ted Lasso 2x08 when Jamie sobs into Roys neck
Poldark 4x04 when Dwight loses his daughter
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paperstorm · 1 year
To your previous anon... I didn't really see anything special about the Buck whump. I was actually underwhelmed by it. Eddie's reaction wasn't any different than the rest of the fire crew on the show; they all look sad, of course, but... On LS, we had Carlos literally kidnapped and drugged, TK looking for him everywhere, literally calling around, physically searching, having a panic attack and the freaking police station scene where he thinks they won't find Carlos alive? Kill me. He literally had to do mouth to mouth and compressions and use narcan on him. Do I wish they had hugged? At first, yeah, of course, but the more I watched it... you have to notice the small things... when Carlos woke up, he was literally freaked and lashing out. We still had him holding on to TK's arm and TK cupping his face and rubbing his chest to calm him down. And then when they were outside, Carlos grabbed TKs hand, and they were both cupping each other's cheeks, and Carlos rubbed TK's chest. I don't know it just hits a lot differently. At least, for me. It's so much more intimate, and I am here for all those little moments.
Yeah I thought it was fantastic! Again I dont' watch OG so I can't compare but I thought 4x04 was so so good and so well done. I also a little bit wish that TK had launched himself into Carlos's arms and sobbed just for the drama of it all, but also he wouldn't because he is a paramedic and he understands that someone whose heart has just been restarted with CPR is not in a position where someone should be roughly jostling them around and pulling them into a hug. TK certainly wanted to throw himself at Carlos but it makes narrative sense that he didn't. And that scene on the way to the ambulance was short but so special, with the smiles and the hand holding and the cheek cupping and "it's yours" was so perfect.
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blaintism · 1 year
this morning i decided to rank every episode in which blaine appears or is mentioned by the merit of their blaine content. because, i don't know, i'm very neurodivergent or something. so here is, in my opinion, the best to worst blaine episodes:
1. 3x15 “Big Brother”: has a micro celebrity older brother, gets very upset about everyone pointing at him, skips skip day, gets a stuffed animal from his boyfriend, doesn’t feel good enough with his brother around, and reconciles
2. 5x07 “Puppet Master”: has an autistic meltdown, gets gas poisoning, imagines everybody loves him, wants to share his core wounds, gives jake strange advice, steals, and sends puppets to new york city
3. 4x07 “Dynamic Duets”: creates a superhero alter ego, meets evil warbler #2, does autistic stuff, and wants to stop feeling like he’s a bad person
4. 2x12 “Silly Love Songs”: makes a fool out of kurt accidentally, makes a fool out of himself in a gap, becomes a part of a ‘when harry met sally’ situationship, and sings two solos
5. 4x03 “Makeover”: becomes a huge nerd and the president, makes a friend, lies to artie, and realizes he is sad and alone
6. 2x20 “Prom Queen”: delivers part three of his traumatic backstory, is very afraid, makes his solo story relevant, and saves the prom!
7. 4x17 “Guilty Pleasures”: likes wham, is a swiftie in the alternate universe of the promo, sings sam a strangely emotional song, and sam is not homophobic to him
8. 3x17 “Dance with Somebody”: tells everybody that it’s not right but it’s okay, doesn’t want to talk about new york, and has weirdly tan hands
9. 2x16 “Original Song”: forms blaine and the pips, ignores mourning a bird in favor of love, conceives of the worst duet idea of all time, gains +1 boyfriend, and sings two solos
10. 2x06 “Never Been Kissed”: shifts the tectonic plates by making his first appearance, sings teenage dream, delivers part one of his traumatic backstory, and thinks that karofsky isn’t coming out anytime soon
11. 4x16 “Feud”: has cement hair, has his identity stolen, is on the bottom, and is forced to join the cheerios again by nicki minaj
12. 6x07 “Transitioning”: gets hit with some eggs, has a serious case of heart eyes, and cheats but in a cool way this time
13. 5x14 “New New York”: cheers up sam, becomes elliott’s facebook friend, has a good talk with kurt, and moves in with mercedes
14. 3x05 “The First Time”: gets virgin shamed, canonically masturbates, meets evil warbler #1, makes out with kurt hummel drunk, and has sex
15. 2x14 “Blame it on the Alcohol”: thinks it’s cool that kurt and finn are brothers, makes out with rachel berry drunk, defends bisexuals, and is 100% gay
16. 3x11 “Michael”: wants to be starting something, gives the warblers sensitive information, and could lose an eye!
17. 4x11 “Sadie Hawkins”: gets asked out by a girl, has a crush on a boy, and finds out the warblers are taking steroids?!
18. 6x04/05 “The Hurt Locker”: forgets his mom’s name, finds a bear in his house, remembers fettuccine alfredo, and sticks his tongue right in someone’s mouth
19. 4x14 “I Do”: gets groped in a prius, has his honor defended, has sex in a hotel room, and knows he and kurt will not be just friends
20. 5x16 “Tested”: has body image issues, watches porn, admits that he’s scared kurt will stop loving him, and is misinterpreted by the entire fandom
21. 4x04 “The Break Up”: screams, cries, throws up, sobs, falls to his knees,
22. 2x09 “Special Education”: helps kurt out at his new school, doesn’t audition for the solo at sectionals, sings the solo at sectionals, gives kurt bird advice
23. 4x10 “Glee, Actually”: who’s blaine? ice skates and has a mature talk
24. 3x01 “The Purple Piano Project”: joins the new directions, unknowingly blows up a piano, and tries his best to be friendly
25. 4x15 “Girls (And Boys) On Film”: sings three duets with three different duet partners, and has a starring role in kurt’s imagination
26. 4x21 “Wonder-ful”: understands kurt unlike anyone else, and wants to marry him
27. 5x01 “Love Love Love”: sings the best duet with kurt, gets back together with him, is more asian than sam and ryder, gathers every show choir in the state, and proposes
28. 6x02 “Homecoming”: gives us some information on his depression, wears curly hair until he remembers people are racist about it, and attempts to solve misogyny
29. 2x15 “Sexy”: takes advice from sue sylvester, is very cringe, and delivers part two of his traumatic backstory
30. 3x02 “I Am Unicorn”: #juniorgate, is the only person respectful of kurt, and gives great audition #1
31. 4x06 “Glease”: continues to suffer, breaks character, and stands hollow eyed in the hallway
32. 3x08 “Hold on to Sixteen” fights sam, fights finn, and does what his father said and let his mother mold him
33. 5x06 “Movin Out”: visits new york, considers being a doctor or a teacher, and is the piano man
34. 2x11 “The Sue Sylvester Shuffle”: sings a banger solo, mercedes and rachel talk at him while he eats, and he attends a mckinley football game
35. 4x01 “The New Rachel”: tells kurt to leave (affectionate) and is the titular character
36. 3x14 “On My Way”: has an emotional breakdown in front of god and everyone, and then raps
37. 4x05 “The Role You Were Born to Play”: cries and sings his best solo, which is great audition #2
38. 2x18 “Born This Way”: sings somewhere only we know, which should make the top but it’s his only scene
39. 6x13 “Dreams Come True”: becomes a father, and loves kurt very very much
40. 3x22 “Goodbye”: is now in ‘the notebook,’ shares a lot of meaningful looks, and wears a lobster cardigan
41. 6x08 “A Wedding”: he gets married i guess. points for his vows
42. 4x22 “All Or Nothing”: is insulted by brittany once again, buys a ring for kurt, and sings a duet with marley
43. 3x09 “Extraordinary Merry Christmas”: is kurt’s best friend and holiday roommate, and gets some good gifts from rachel
44. 4x08 “Thanksgiving”: doesn’t exist until kurt calls him on the phone, and yet it’s such a good phone call that it beats the episodes below
45. 5x11 “City of Angels”: is too gay to lead the glee club, reads the show choir blogs, and has sexual tension with skylar astin 
46. 4x12 “Naked”: becomes santa, gets an unnecessary spray tan, and is a supportive friend
47. 5x20 “The Untitled Rachel Berry Project”: is given kurt’s trust, doesn’t want to sleep with brittany fictionally, and defeats a homophobic old lady
48. 2x17 “A Night of Neglect”: he gets taken on a date to a high school and pushes some people around
49. 6x01 “Loser Like Me”: has been in his flop era since Kurt broke up with him, but he does have a new boyfriend!
50. 2x10 “A Very Glee Christmas”: he sings a flirty christmas duet with kurt, who is much better than that girls gonna be
51. 6x03 “Jagged Little Tapestry”: sings in kurt’s imagination about how much he misses kurt, and gets a bad home makeover
52. 3x03 “Asian F”: gets flowers and a leading role
53. 2x22 “New York”: loves kurt
54. 5x19 “Old Dog New Tricks”: likes seeing kurt so happy
55. 4x09 “Swan Song”: joins the cheerios
56. 2x07 “The Substitute”: sees a purse fall out of kurt’s mouth, and is discussed by kurtcedes as if he’s kurt’s boyfriend 
57. 5x17 “Opening Night”: knows a good gay club
58. 3x16 “Saturday Night Glee-ver”: loves dancing and otherwise disappears
59. 3x13 “Heart”: is back from the dead and more cute and compact than ever!
60. 4x02 “Britney 2.0”: sings my favorite mashup
61. 3x18 “Choke”: is a supportive boyfriend
62. 3x20 “Props”: wonders what a guys gotta do to get a little candy situation, and gets a hot pretzel at the mall with kurt
63. 5x04 “A Katy or a Gaga”: is obviously a katy
64. 4x13 “Diva”: points for him being a guy diva, singing don’t stop me now, being cute when he’s sick, being gay, and liking asian representation, but a huge subtraction for the non consensual touching from tina and him apologizing to her at the end
89. 3x19 “Prom-asaurus”: experiences discrimination, but at least he watches lesbians on tv, is an expert on the bill of rights, and has a very sweet boyfriend
65. 5x09 “Frenemies”: people are mad at him for having good grades, but he’s actually really cool about it and offers for them to share his valedictorian speech
66. 5x05 “The End Of Twerk”: unfortunately causes the entire twerking situation
67. 3x04 “Pot O Gold”: sings last friday night, to the dismay of people who usually sing all the time and will not sing any less in the future
68. 3x07 “I Kissed A Girl”: sings a corny duet to my delight, and otherwise has no thoughts about the difficulties of being gay suddenly
69. 5x02 “Tina in the Sky with Diamonds”: is as always a good friend, hits a really high note
70. 3x21 “Nationals”: is simply present, sings come on! hold tight!, and is the only person who isn’t kissed after they win
71. 6x12 “2009”: has stopped living a lie, but starts living a plot hole
88. 5x15 “Bash”: is strangely sidelined in an episode where his fiancé is attacked, but at least he reads star wars fanfiction
72. 5x13 “New Directions”: gets into NYADA, and makes out with kurt in tina’s mind
73. 5x12 “100”: gets his song stolen, and is given a gift for his wedding night sodomy
74. 6x10 “The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester”: is very very sad dalton burned down
75. 4x20 “Lights Out”: gets mostly cut from the episode, and is still a cheerio
76. 3x06 “Mash Off”: looks like a time traveler with quinn
77. 6x11 “We Built this Glee Club”: thinks glitter is pretty
78. 4x18 “Shooting Star”: is scared and sad, BUT PARENT MENTION???
79. 3x10 “Yes/No”: does not say a word but gives kurt a cute look
80. 5x03 “The Quarterback”: is understandably not in this episode very much
81. 6x06 “What the World Needs Now”: certainly appears as some point
82. 2x19 “Rumours”: doesn’t appear but is the subject of rumors, rachel thinks he’s better than sam
83. 3x12 “The Spanish Teacher”: burt wants to tell him kurt got a NYADA audition
84. 6x09 “Child Star”: he’s on his honeymoon off screen, which kinda rocks
85. 5x18 “The Back Up Plan”: is a lying liar
86. 5x08 “Previously Unaired Christmas”: gets told to shut up, and does
87. 4x19 “Sweet Dreams”: gets yelled at for not being responsible for a group of traumatized children by Mr. Schue, the teacher
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andrea-lyn · 2 years
yeah thanks bbc ghosts you’re supposed to be a comedy except 4x04 just ruined me to the point of sobbing for thirty minutes, and ilu but damn, right for the throat
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
“No one will ever sit around at a table and tell stories about a man who can’t love!” -Rebekah to Klaus in TVD 4x04
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Cobra Kai Whumplist
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Characters: Miguel Diaz (played by Xolo Maridueña), Robby Keene (played by Tanner Buchanan)
Age Rating: TV-14
Show available on Netflix
(The styling of this whumplist is inspired by @love-me-a-lotta-whump​ who has an amazing blog, go check them out!)
Genre: Action, Drama, High-School, Ensemble, Found Family
Synopsis: Two former high-school karate rivals start their own dojos, each taking in teens who are social outcasts. 
Note: This show is a sequel of sorts to the Karate Kid movies, and even has the same actors (all grown-up, of course). It’s packed full of references, but there are enough flashbacks to the movies where general knowledge will get you through it. The characters, old and new, are compelling and the action is fun. Also SO MUCH FOUND FAMILY <3 
TW’s: severe bullying, child abuse, child neglect, blood, violence, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, mental health issues/trauma
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~~ = scene break
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Character: Miguel Diaz (played by Xolo Maridueña)
1x01: bullied, humiliated, kicked, shoved
1x02: thrown to the ground (comedic), groaning, using an inhaler (comedic) 
1x03: bruised knuckles ~~ zip-tied, tossed in a swimming pool (comedic) ~~ fought, beaten ~~ found, barely conscious 
1x04: carried, bloody face, in pain ~~ bruised face, band-aid on his forehead, ice pack on ribs, sore ~~ bullied
1x05: sparred, hit in the ear by a baseball (comedic), bruised ear ~~ sparred ~~ fought
1x06: shoved to the ground (comedic)
1x07: none
1x08: upset
1x09: drunk, angry
1x10: sparred
2x01: upset
2x02-2x03: none
2x04: sparred ~~ worried 
2x05-2x08: none
2x09: uncomfortable, concerned
2x10: very rough fight, bruised + bloody face ~~ rough fight, kicked off of a balcony, broken spine, unconscious ~~ in a coma, neck brace, oxygen cannula, concern for him 
3x01: in a coma, dreaming, concern for him 
3x02: still in the hospital, in pain, weak voice ~~ paralyzed, worried, teary-eyed ~~ “The doctor told my mom I might not walk again”, argued, choked-up voice, teary-eyed, crying/sobbing
3x03: still in the hospital, tired
3x04: still in the hospital, frustrated, upset ~~ frustrated, trying to walk, falls on the ground
3x05: physical therapy ~~ in a wheelchair, trying to get up, falls, groaning, helped back into wheelchair, frustrated 
3x06: trying to stand, falls ~~ falls, helped back up, argued, teary-eyed, emotional, hugged
3x07: on crutches, training himself to walk again, emotional ~~ frustrated
3x08: falls, frustrated ~~ argued, yelling, teary-eyed
3x09: frustrated
3x10: very rough fight, bloody/bruised face, heavy breathing
4x01: bruised face 
4x02: none
4x03: shoved into cold water (comedic), embarrassed 
4x04-4x06: none
4x07: emotional, crying 
4x08: fought, thrown into a pool, argued, upset ~~ emotional, crying, upset
4x09: upset ~~ sparred, pulled muscle, in pain, collapsed, concern for him
4x10: medical exam, scar on his back ~~ emotional
5x01: fought, upset 
5x02: threatened ~~ nervous, upset, crying, hugged
5x03: crying
5x04: argued, emotional 
5x05: argued, upset ~~ fought, emotional, hugged
5x06-5x07: none 
5x08: worried 
5x09: worried 
5x10: fought 
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Character: Robby Keene (played by Tanner Buchanan)
1x01-1x03: none
1x04: upset ~~ argued 
1x05: upset ~~ angry
1x06: sparred ~~ rough fight, out of breath
1x07-1x08: none
1x09: upset, yelled at, scared 
1x10: dislocated shoulder, collapsed, angry ~~ shoulder set into place, in pain
2x01: sling on his arm ~~ argued
2x02: worried ~~ upset ~~ concern for him 
2x03: worried
2x04: upset ~~ threatened, hit in the head, knocked to the ground ~~ holding his head in pain, choked, at knife-point, shoved to the ground ~~ sore
2x05: fought 
2x06: fought
2x07: none 
2x08: upset, rough fight
2x09: bloodshot eye, upset ~~ concerned 
2x10: worried, upset ~~ rough fight, bloody face, concerned
3x01: no appearance
3x02: upset, teary-eyed, restrained, handcuffed, arrested 
3x03: in prison, stressed ~~ very rough fight, bruised face, kicked in the ribs, breathing heavily/wheezing, in pain ~~ bruised face, teary-eyed ~~ upset
3x04: bruised face ~~ bullied
3x05: frustrated ~~ rough fight ~~ bloody/bruised face
3x06-3x07: none 
3x08: angry
3x09: none
3x10: fought, argued, knocked out, concern for him ~~ bruised/bloody face
4x01: sparred
4x02: sparred
4x03: none
4x04: sparred, heavy breathing ~~ frustrated, argued 
4x05-4x06: none
4x07: sparred
4x08: fought
4x09: sparred
4x10: angry, sparred ~~ emotional, crying, choked-up voice, hugged
5x01: fought
5x02: fought 
5x03: none
5x04: frustrated, argued
5x05: argued ~~ fought, bloody nose, emotional, hugged
5x06-5x09: none
5x10: rough fight, gasping for air, half-collapsed ~~ emotional
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watmalik · 1 year
Carlos can be changed as a person, but it’s completely undeniable that TK’s ultimately who and what grounds him in his existence. He’s the reason he’s not dead from 4x04….he’s the reason he’s not in jail for killing an innocent man tonight, and he’s the reason he’s going to fight through it because he loves TK and nothing’s changing that and “that’s all he knows right now.”
I don’t see us ever having to question or being asked to question if Carlos is faithful to TK. I think that is the one thing we’ve been taught to be absolutely certain tonight is that it’s the two of them against everything else. Always. Siempre. I don’t think we ever have anything to be worried about.
This is really reassuring 😩 thank you! Really :)
I do have to rewatch most of ep 18 bc I lost it in the middle, too busy overthinking and sobbing lol. No, yeah. I understand.
I guess me being worried comes from how detached Carlos became from TK, he would listen at times but then he didn’t, or so what I remember from ep 18 (again, I have to rewatch)
I do know their love is forever, and I always trust ro and Rafa to keep Tim straight in the sense of not fucking Tk and Carlos too much in the way they can’t be healed. Hopefully, that stays like that. Always.
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