#Also it sounds silly but doing this gave me more confidence in my ocs because i think they are fairly recognizable as silhouettes....
cephalonheadquarters · 2 months
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yet another redrawing of touhou things
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
I understand that fear since it has been a while but since you still write like you used to, in like a kind of talking to the reader way while showing that you clearly know the character and how they think, I’d say your writing is still as great as ever. And yes, as long as you have fun, that’s what’s most important. It’s kind of what we talked about some time ago I think. Thank you so much. Never thought I’d see someone say ‘I look forward to reading it and crying myself’ but thank you. Though fair warning, even before the end, there’s some heavy stuff, with comfort of course, but it’s still there nonetheless. Yeah. You’re definitely not alone. Even in the past when I wrote angst I’d sometimes tear up but because of how painful this bit was for everyone involved and because I love both my OCs and the guys so much, I just couldn’t not. Also, I tend to apologise while writing or rereading certain painful bits. Thank you 😀 I just thought of it because it gives me enough time to reread it at least twice and it also gives me enough time to not look at it for some time.
Yeah. One thing I can say for sure is that she’ll have her dad’s confidence and since she knows what kind of person her dad is, she knows she can do whatever she wants and he’ll be there for her (within reason, of course). Problems at school or the teacher has a problem with how she’s being? Don’t worry, Haruki’s there on her side and loves the thought of having a word with someone (and possibly scaring the crap out of them). Yeah. Exactly. No more death, just fun time in a different way. Also, it would hurt me so much more than what I did in the main story. One of Haruki’s parents dying would crush him and since he’s been through so much, do not want to write that, one of the Bandō’s dying, no way could I do that. And Yata? The love of my life (or one of them) dying? He’d be at peace but god damn, I don’t want to be the one to put that onto paper. And thank you so much for already being a fan 😭 I also already did it with another side couple and published it under my side stories. But I will say that I probably won’t publish these since even though they are about characters that appear in the main story, it’s still mainly for me. Though of course I’m up for sending them to you when I finally get around to writing them since you’re so interested in them already.
And thank you so much. I actually don’t have your email address since you disappeared before we could exchange that kind of contact info. But I do prefer DMs since then everything’s together. And don’t worry about being slow, I’m just happy you’re back and can talk whenever you do.
Thanks so much for understanding! I'm not always the best at wording things and it sounded a bit silly to put it down that way, even if it felt the most authentic way to put it. And I'm glad my writing is still good - I honestly just do write what I think about the character and situation without pulling many punches, though still trying to make it entertaining and appealing for you lovely readers. There's a part of me though that wishes to get back to the in-depth writing, crafting full out stories, though I am sure I will get back to that eventually, with time and practice! I still have HOMRA pieces to finish up, The Ever Young to actually get up, and I was working on a fun self-inserty piece from a fun ask that had once been sent in asking who I'd recruit to a paranormal investigation team so it was me writing that out, like an actual investigation, for shits and giggles, before I gave up my hobbies and likes. But I'm getting it all back and getting happier by the day :) And I legit have had to stop in the past during certain asks or stories to just cry before getting back to writing and I always figured it's because I'm a really emotional person so again, super nice to know I'm not alone. And I really do love that you think to reread not just once, but twice! I next to never reread lately because once I start rereading, I start adding or taking away things and rethinking everything and then the writing never gets completed haha.
And she sounds interesting already! And most definitely Haruki would always be on her side! Honestly, I think even if she did royally mess up, he'd call her on it but like, that's his child and she'll have to live with the consequences, but she'll still know that he loves her and if things get too bad, she'd have his support. And oooh, I hadn't thought of the fact that yeah, to continue, Yata would have to die and I honestly cannot imagine that happening and know how much it would tear you apart to have that happen. Me, I could definitely send him out in a blaze of glory and last minute complete heroism, but I never did have the attachment to him that the rest of the fandom did. Writing Shouhei or Bandou dying? Again, could do but those ones would make me cry and then I'd need to go write countless fluffy or funny or smutty stand alone pieces to make up for it! And I will definitely be up for reading them once you finish writing them! Reading fanfiction is another thing I want to get back to doing, if anyone wants to throw recs my way (along with, going to be a begger here, active ask blogs for my fandoms because like…I would love to read some self-indulgent stuff about my favourite characters without having to write it). It might take me a couple days - I'm taking tomorrow off completely from writing to finish my reread of KHR, since that's what won the poll, and I'll probably take a bit of time one of the other days to wrap up season one of Jujutsu Kaisen, since it was the runner up!
And dm's work for me then! I always appreciate the people who understand and tolerate my slowness at replying on them!
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mysoftboybensolo · 3 years
The Alienist and the Soprano
Chapter 8: The Confusion
A/N:  This was inspired by Laszlo’s love of opera and my thought on what if he fell for an opera singer. Multi chapter. Canon divergence, there is no Mary Palmer here (I loved Mary and Laszlo, so I don’t feel like I could have her here and have him be with another woman). A mix of show and book canons. No Y/N, OC named Evelina Lind.
A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32029150
Pairing: Laszlo Kreizler x Fem OC!
Summary: The last thing Laszlo Kreizler ever expected while investigating the death of children was to fall in love, and with an opera singer no less!
Warnings: Age gap, angst, kidnapping.
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The next few days was one of the most tense anyone in the group had ever had. Unlike their other cases, the person they were on the look out for hadn’t done anything note worthy to the police and therefore not worthy of police involvement. So, it was left up to the team to handle this themselves. It was Laszlo who came up with the plan, each of them would take turns going to the opera with Evelina was a guard, and Sara would protect her from the safety of her home. It was agreed upon, particularly at the insistence of Evelina, that no one at the opera would know, as it was seen to be for the best, for if they knew, it could arouse suspicion and possibly frighten Winston away.
The first day Lucius and Marcus watched over her, and though they would have done whatever was needed to be done to help, they were glad that they were replaced by John. Out of the three men, John was the more intimidating one, and if any scuffle were to happen, he’d be the better fighter. It escaped no one’s eyes when they noticed John at the opera, and the rumors slowly grew of his reasons why.
These rumors had yet to reach the ears of the doctor, who during the day kept an eye on both his children and Evelina, then in the evening visiting her and Sara, checking in for any signs of disturbance. Sara got to see firsthand the kind of meetings that Evelina and Laszlo have had when she’d go to his office, and she began to wonder. Is it possible that a soprano and an alienist would be a love match? It seemed silly at first, but she couldn’t help but to wonder.
After four days of no sign of Winston, John and Laszlo wondered about what to do, and Laszlo decided that he would talk once again to Roosevelt and if he couldn’t move him, then he himself will go to the opera with Evelina and see if it will lure Winston out. Somehow, Evelina found out and after the rehearsal the next day, Evelina hurried to John and asked, “John, is it true that Laszlo is going to watch over me tomorrow?”
“Well, yes.”
He looked at her confused, “To watch over you.”
“No, I mean…John, please convince him not to. I am sure that Winston is very jealous of him, and I fear that if he sees Laszlo with me, something dreadful will happen.”
“But perhaps it will do us good. If Laszlo is what triggers him, then it will mean an end to this.”
“Not at the risk of Laszlo’s life. Oh, please,” she asked, her hands gripping his jacket desperately, “Convince him not to!”
He looked down at her amazed. “If it really means that much to you.”
She released her hands from his jacket, looked away and blushed. “I just don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me.”
He nods, then says, “Listen, why don’t we get a little lunch? I think it’ll do us both some good.”
He takes her to a small café where they enjoy a cup of tea and cakes and begin to relax a bit. “Oh, I think that was terribly romantic, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” she says, after he tells the story of how he tried to woo a girl from his college years.
John chuckled, then said, “Laszlo calls me a hopeless romantic, sometimes as if it is a hopeless flaw.”
“Then it is a flaw we share.”
“Funny, we both…” John stopped short, a quick glance of fear of revealing too much, then distracted himself with a sip of his tea.
Evelina smirked and finished his thought. “Two romantics, in love with cynical people.”
John looked at her and a wash of relief overcame him. At last, someone he could speak of his feelings on the subject to. “How could you tell?”
“You’ve hidden it quite well, but I’ve seen it in your eyes, they just glow when she comes into view, or even the mere mention of her name, you light up.” She bit her lip, then asked, “How could you tell with me?”
“Oh, at first, I hadn’t been sure, but then when I saw that you hadn’t run off after his probing, I only thought of two things, either you are a mad woman, or a woman in love.” They chuckled, then John, very seriously asked, “Do you think that there is any hope for me? I mean, is there in any way, I might be able to win her over? She never seems interested, and yet she is.”
She takes a moment to consider her words, then she speaks. “I think perhaps Sara is worried what it will mean. To her, love and independence cannot mix. It must be one or the other, but she doesn’t realize that she can have both. If the man loves her enough to understand her need of freedom, he will earn her eternal love, and I think you could be that man.”
“And I think you could very well be the woman to bring happiness to Laszlo. If he allows himself to have it.”
She couldn’t help but to smile at the thought. Yes, John thinks she could make Laszlo happy, but he did not confirm whether Laszlo felt the same. But nevertheless, it gave her some courage and thought she might do something about it.
Sara and Laszlo walked around the park, hoping to catch a glimpse of this man. Evelina gave a detailed account of her brother; age 27, tall and slender, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, sharp features, and full mouth. The most distinct feature, she said, was faint scars down the left side of his face from where she scratched at him when fending him off. They walked around the city every day and didn’t seem to be any closer.
“He is around here, I know it,” Sara said, “He would never be too far from where she could be.”
“Yes,” Laszlo agreed, “The predator never loses sight of his prey.”
“I better return home; Evelina said her rehearsal is half today and I should be there to meet her. What time is it?”
Laszlo reached for his pocket watch, but out fluttered was a handkerchief and he quickly snatched it back, as if hoping it would not be seen. But Sara saw and her mouth fell open at the sight. It was a white handkerchief with lace edging and embroidered blue bird. That was where it went, and Sara had read plenty of stories to know that such a gesture was always fueled by romantic feelings. Laszlo was in love with Evelina. Of course, it makes so much more sense now. Of all the times he spoke of Evelina, how awkward and unsure he was around her, which he never was around anyone else, for he was perhaps one of the most confident insecure men she ever knew. And yet, around Evelina, Sara could see his wall slightly lowered for her, which he never did unless someone took whacks at it at first.
“I um,” Laszlo stumbled with his words, “I have to go, meeting Roosevelt now. Goodbye.” He hurried off, avoiding any words with Sara. He heard his heart pounding in his ears knowing that Sara will put the pieces together. To help distract him, Laszlo hurried to his meeting, hoping to convince Roosevelt to help in their case. Theodore Roosevelt is a good man, but he is also a practical man. “My friend, there is barely any proof that this man is after her, or rather that there is any man after her. Any one from her building could have taken her knickers, it may not even be her brother. With her profession, it is not hard to see her dealing with this kind of thing. And if I were to assign an officer to every woman who has been accosted by a man, I’d have not only no men left, but I’d have to hire more!”
“But regardless, whether it is her brother, suitor or some pervert off the street, she should not be intimidated by anyone and feel frightful of stepping out of her door. Please Theodore, I am just asking for some protection for her.”
He thinks about it, but he shakes his head. “I am sorry. Give me some concrete proof and then I’ll see about assigning someone. I appreciate that you are doing this as a favor to John, but even he must know my limits.”
Laszlo looked at him confused. “John?”
“Yes. I mean after all, for all the times they spent together, it’s clear he has an interest in her. And I must say, what a handsome couple they make,.”
Laszlo stared at him, feeling a twinge of pain in his chest, and gulped. “Do they?”
“Of course! You can tell she clearly favors him above all others. Why, as I was heading over here, I saw them at a café, and you should have seen how they were laughing and going on. It does make sense, when you think of it; both are artists, he with a pen and she with her voice. It is a good match, I think, and he better make the proposal soon if he doesn’t want to lose her.” A knock at the door interrupted them, and Theodore sighed. “Well, I better be going. Good day, Laszlo.”
Laszlo barely acknowledged Theodore as he became lost in his thoughts and insecurity. Walking back at the institute in a daze as he thought over everything. He had been terribly mistaken, as it seemed to be his curse, in matters of the heart. He had felt certain that her frequent visits were because of growing feelings, but it had to have been because she wanted to be kind to the old man who saved her from abuse. Yes, that had to be it. And he was the fool to allow his heart to be taken by someone too good for him. This heartbreak was awful, and once in the safety of his office, he grabbed a pillow and screamed a painful aching sound into it.
Sara worked at her typewriter, working on the paperwork of this case, when she felt a presence. Turning in her chair, she sighed as she saw Evelina sitting on the couch, a pensive look on her face, as if it was a matter of life and death. “I didn’t hear you come back.”
Evelina jumped at the sound of Sara’s voice, but relaxed and offered a small smile. “I only just came in.” She bit her lip, then asked, “Sara, may I ask you a question?” She patted the spot next to her, allowing Sara to sit beside her. “Have you ever been in love? I mean, really and truly in love?”
Sara was stumped by the question. Unsure of how to answer that question. “I-what do you mean?”
A slight smiled appeared on her lips as she continued. “I only ask because, well, because I need some advice. I am in love. You see, at first, I thought it was just a little infatuation, that perhaps because he rescue me, I had developed feelings that weren’t really there. Then as I got to know him better, I found that he is brilliant, brave and good. Oh, I know he isn’t perfect, he has his faults and everyone knows it, but deep down, he is a fine man, one of the finest men I have ever known. He cares a lot more than he lets on and I know it comes from a place of hurt so that is why he shields his heart. But it didn’t stop me from loving him. I know I do. What would you do, Sara? What would you do if you were me?”
Hearing her words, Sara felt convinced of who she spoke of, and pushed down her own feelings of disappointment and pain. Then her thoughts shifted to Laszlo. Poor Laszlo. He no doubt will be crushed to find out her true feelings, but like the gentleman he can be, he’d never say anything if it means another’s happiness. “If you truly love this man, you must tell him. And I am sure that John will be happy to hear of your feelings.”
Evelina looked at her puzzled then shook her head. “Sara, I am not speaking of John. Oh, do not get me wrong, he is a fine man and a good friend, but how could I even think to have feelings for him when it is clear he adores you and you him?”
Sara shook her head. “Um, that is not, we are not…No.”
Evelina chuckled and gave her a look. “Keep telling yourself that, Sara.”
Sara then gave a puzzled look and said, “Forgive me, but if it is not John, then-” she stopped herself and remembered who else was there to save her that night. “Laszlo. You love Laszlo!”
Evelina nodded. “I know that to many it is a peculiar match, but they don’t know him as I do. He is brash, closed off, and such a dear!” She says the last words with such adoration.
Sara tried to bite back a smile, but she couldn’t help it. “Has Laszlo ever said anything to you?”
“No. I think perhaps he sees me only as a friend, but I swear, I’d see him looking at me in a certain way, says a word, or perhaps touch me in a way that makes me wonder if he feels the same as I do. But I think it’s only my vain desire for him to reciprocate.”
Taking her hands, Sara smiled and with confidence said, “Evelina, I can safely assure you, you are not wrong. Laszlo does feel the same, I know he does.”
“Has he said so?”
“Not in the exact words, but everything else he does and says have told all I could ever know. Whenever someone mentions you, his eyes just have a certain glow in them, and I’ve never seen him be so at peace with himself and the world until you came.”
Evelina’s eyes lit up. “Really?”
“Really. And I think you should tell him now. If I were you, I wouldn’t waste another second and let it all out. And I guarantee you, he will do the same.” Sara ran a friendly finger down Evelina’s face and smiled. “You two will be very happy, I know it.”
Sara walked Evelina out and hailed a carriage, watching her get in and instructed the driver to stay until Evelina returns back to the house. Evelina popped her head out of the window, took Sara’s hand and smile. “Would you like to know something Sara? When you said about his eyes having that glow? I noticed the same in John’s eyes when he sees you. Just thought you’d like to know.” And with that, the carriage raced off to the institute.
He had not expected to see her, for the plan was for her to go from the opera house back to Sara’s and if she were to ever go out, it would be accompanied by another. And yet, here she was, standing in his office, looking radiant, excited, and happy. She looked so happy, why wouldn’t she? She just spent the afternoon with John Moore, handsome, charming, able bodied John Moore. What more could a woman want? And he felt his heart crack at the thought, and he silently began to berate himself for daring to hope that he could be loved, for once in his life, to have someone love him back. Such a foolish hope, really, a waste of a dream.
“I presume you had a pleasant day with John.”
“Yes. Today has been enlightening, to say the least.”
“Yes, I am sure.” He fiddled with his bad hand, then suddenly became insecure and covered it with his good left one. “Evelina, I feel that as we have gotten close in a few short months, I feel safe in saying this.” She looked at him with such tenderness and joy that it sent a quiver through his heart and he thought he couldn’t go through with it. “John is a good man, can even be a great man with the right kind of woman beside him. He has some rather unfavorable habits, the brothels, the drinking, and gambling, but he would gladly give it all up. For you.”
He did not notice her hopeful expression turn to confusion, then hurt. Why was he saying all this? Was Sara wrong in her assumption?
“I think it would be a rather nice match, truly. And I can only see a promising and bright future for you both.” The next words he had to turn away, for this was the hardest part. “And I am sure that with everything in your life, you’ll not be able to see me as much. Oh, we will see each other at parties and at the opera, but I think that it would be best that you do not come to see me as much as you did. Certain professions leave rather damaging marks on those through association and it would be best that before any damage is done, that we agree that we should not see much of the other in the capacity such as this.”
Evelina stood, blinking to hold back the tears. “I see. Well, thank you, doctor, I shall take your advice. And you needn’t worry anymore of seeing me. In fact, I may even let you know when I shall be performing, so you need not bother coming. Good day.” She hurried out before he could say anything and once out of the house, she began to cry. She cried through the carriage ride back to Sara’s house and then ran in and up the stairs, sobbing terribly.
“Evelina?” Sara and Tessie looked at each other and hurried up the stairs, finding Evelina across the bed, sobbing into a pillow. “Evelina, dear. What happened?”
“He doesn’t feel the same! You were wrong, Sara. He doesn’t feel the same at all!”
“But what did he say? Evelina?” She continued to sob, and Sara turned to the maid and asked her to make a strong cup of coffee. As she waited, Sara continued to try and soothe her friend and figure out what happened. She tried to encourage Evelina to drink, but she nearly destroyed the cup when she pushed it away. “Evelina, please, tell me what happened.”
Evelina looked up and managed to say through the tears, “I went to tell him what I felt, but all he did was go on about how John and I would be a good couple and tried to warn me of his bad habits. Then,” fresh tears appeared but Sara continued to rub circles on her back, trying to calm her, “He said that we should not see each other anymore. He said that certain professions can be damaging to others.” She threw her fist down on the bed in hurtful anger, “He was talking about me! My profession as a singer is damaging to him! I bring shame to him but won’t even say the words! He couldn’t even look at me when he said it! He doesn’t feel the same, if anything, I think he hates me! Oh, God, how can I bear it?”
Sara looked down in shock. No, she was certain that Laszlo felt the same, Evelina’s handkerchief was the definite proof. Why would Laszlo say such things to her? “Evelina, I know I am not wrong and I shall get to the bottom of this.” Removing herself from the bed, she turned to Tessie and said, “Stay with her and try to calm her down. I’ll be right back.”
“What shall you do, Miss?” Tessie asked after her.
“I am going to knock some sense into that man, even if it means I must do so literally.” And down the stairs she went in a flash.
Laszlo had been holding this book for ten minutes, staring at its pages. His eyes looked over the words, but his mind couldn’t register their meaning. He replayed the interaction, trying to find the mistake. Perhaps it was the truth that made it difficult for her to accept, or perhaps it was how he said the words, but he couldn’t quite understand why she made that comment of warning him ahead of time when she would perform. She never struck him to be a volatile person, so if she was angry, she could have said so.
A powerful bang resonated in the room, making Laszlo jump and look up. It was Sara, the door swinging back from the force she gave it, her face a calm fury.
“Sara, what is the matter?” He got up, setting the book aside, and moved closer, “Are you hurt?”
“I am not here for myself but for another. Someone who is hurt and therefore I share her pain.”
Laszlo removed his glasses. “I am afraid I do not follow.”
“What happened just now with Evelina?”
“Um, I tried my best to encourage her pursuit of John, but I supposed I over shared of his past as she was solemn as she left.”
Sara shook her head. “Oh, men! How on earth did we ever allow you lot run the world? You hurt her terribly! The poor girl has been a sobbing wreck. I only managed to get her to calm down enough to tell me what happened. And even when I left, she was still a mess.”
The thought of her being hurt because of his carless words broke him and he cursed himself for his bluntness. “My intentions were never meant to hurt, but to encourage and to warn. I would never dream to hurt Evelina, it pains me now to think my words made her even shed a single tear.”
Sara took a deep breathe, as if to try and calm her fury, then spoke. “Laszlo, do you know why she came to see you?”
“Because of John.”
“Because of you! If you weren’t so filled with self-loathing and pigheadedness, you would have realized that she is in love with you!”
Laszlo wasn’t sure if what he heard was correct, he couldn’t be. Evelina in love with him? “What would make you say such a thing?”
“Because she told me so herself. When she did, I encouraged her to tell you, as I know you love her. No, don’t deny it,” she quickly cut him off, “I’ve seen it in your eyes, in your voice and manners, and if that wasn’t enough, I saw that you carry her handkerchief over your heart.” Laszlo’s hand instinctively reached up to the spot where he had safely tucked the material, and he felt his face grow warm at being caught. “Admit it, you love her.”
“Yes,” he softly admitted.
“Then I beg you, come with me and let us clear this all up.”
“No. Even if what you say is true, she deserves someone better than me. She’s young, beautiful and entire life ahead of her. I’d only weigh her down.”
“Laszlo, do you realize that you are about to give up a chance to find happiness? Here is someone who loves and adores you and yet you refuse to believe it. Even if you refuse to think of yourself, think of her! She thinks you not only do not love her, but that you don’t want to be associated with her anymore due to her being in the opera. She thinks you outright despise her and that she brought shame to you by mere association.”
Laszlo was mortified beyond belief. So that was why she made that comment and stormed out of here. His words were never to imply she brought shame to him, but rather the other way around, that he would bring shame to her. “Yes, I must fix this.” He slipped his jacket on and followed Sara out the door, thinking only of Evelina. He tried to rehearse what he’d say to her, the proper words to correct his mistake. He just hoped that he was not too late.
When they arrived, Sara climbed out then froze. Laszlo looked out and was going to question Sara’s hesitation, but noticed that her door was ajar. Pulling out her pistol, Sara and Laszlo carefully entered the house, looking around. In the den, Sara noticed Tessie laid across the floor. Laszlo went to her and took her pulse. “It’s alright. She’s unconscious.”
“Evelina was in her room last I saw her.”
Laszlo felt a surge of panic as he ran up the stairs, skipping a few steps, and barged into the room. “Evelina? Evelina!” The room was empty, but there clearly was a fight as the sheets were pulled off the bed, a vase was shattered and scratch marks on the doorframe.
“Laszlo!” He hurried down the stairs, hoping that Sara had found her, but instead, he saw her holding up a note. “It’s addressed to you.”
Curious, he took the letter and nearly torn it in half opening it. He recognized the handwriting, the same that smashed through his window.
Dear Dr. Kreizler,
Though we have never met, you and I have a score to settle. You see, we both have something in common and that tie is Miss Evelina Lind. I urge you to meet me in the cellars of the opera house, in the prop rooms. I expect you alone, for this is a party of three and it would be dreadfully rude to invite others.
Miss Lind and I shall be waiting eagerly of your arrival.
Winston Lind.
Laszlo felt his blood run cold. He has her. And it was his fault.
Tagging: @monsieurbruhl​ @flutterskies​ @sokoviandelights​​, @cazzyimagines​, @rumblelibrary​​, @fictionlandslanddreams​​, @violetmuses​​ and @barnesxnobles​. If anyone else would like to be tagged, please let me know!
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storyofmychoices · 3 years
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[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (OC) Other Characters: Keiki Lahela, Aurora (former pediatric patient), Mrs. Watkins (Aurora's mom) Book: Open Heart  Rating: General *Fluff* Word Count: ~1,200
Synopsis: Olivia helps plan a carnival, fun day for past patients to celebrate their recovery and remission milestones. Bryce is more than happy to get in on the fun.
Background: This takes place somewhat in the future. Bryce and Olivia (and Keiki) have been sharing an apartment for some time. Keiki also volunteers at the hospital after school in the Pediatric ward with Olivia. She reads to the kids in the day room.
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"We can't thank you enough, Dr. Hadley."
"Great job!"
"Thanks for today. It really meant a lot to us."
Olivia beamed as the adulation continued. The smiling faces of the grateful people thinned out as the celebration came to its conclusion.
A hand on her shoulder pulled her from her thoughts. "Oh!"
"Sorry! We didn't mean to startle you." Mrs. Watkins offered. Her hand settled on her six-year-old daughter standing beside her. She stroked the tired girl's back gently.
"It's okay." Olivia's eyes brightened at the sight of the happy child. She had met Aurora her first year as a pediatric intern. Her neuroblastoma was considered low risk, and the survival rate was significant over 90%, but that small percent of uncertainty had understandably worried her parents throughout her treatment. "Did my favorite Disney princess have fun today?"
The little blonde girl nodded enthusiastically. "It was the best day ever!"
"We just wanted to say thank you again. This carnival was such a beautiful idea. It was good for the kids and for the parents too," Mrs. Watkins admitted. She kissed the top of her daughter's head. "To remind us that we're not alone and every day is a gift."
"It was my pleasure. I'm happy you both enjoyed yourselves."
Aurora threw her arms around Olivia, hugging her tightly. "I'm going to be a doctor just like you when I grow up and save other kids like you saved me."
Olivia's smile stretched to her eyes as she stooped down to hold her closer. "Whatever you decide to do, you will be amazing. Always remember how brave and strong you are!"
"I will!" The little girl moved beside her mother once more. A quiet yawn slipped from her lips.
"I guess that's our cue!" Mrs. Watkins ran her fingers through her daughter's hair. "Thank you again, Dr. Hadley—for everything!"
"Have a great night!" She waved goodbye, watching as they left hand in hand.
"Olivia!" Keiki called. "There you are."
"Hey, Keiki. You did amazing today! I'm so glad you came out to help. The kids loved seeing you again. I know they enjoyed your storytime when they were here."
"Thanks." She tried to hide her growing smile at the compliment. "That's not why I needed to find you. We have a situation at the bounce house."
"Oh no! What's wrong? Did someone get hurt?" Olivia began moving quickly toward the amusement attraction. "I thought they had shut it down."
Keiki followed closely. "They did."
"So, what's the situation then?"
"You better see for yourself."
The pair stopped in front of the bounce house.
"I—" Olivia wasn't sure if she should laugh or scold him.
"Hey, Liv!" Bryce bounced high, his extended arms touching the ceiling.
"This. This is the situation." Keiki rested her face in her palm as she shook her head.
"Come join me." He proposed joyfully.
"I will not!" Olivia replied sternly. "This is for the kids!"
"And they all left! Come on! You've spent all day working. You're missing out on the fun!" He landed with more force this time, bouncing him higher into a flip.
"I can't. I need to help finish cleaning up."
"It can wait," he insisted. "Let's make a deal; I'll come out when you come in."
"I'm not—That's not how this works!"
"You know you want to." His hair fluttered out weightlessly with each jump.
She chewed her cheek. She couldn't even remember the last time she had been in a bounce house. It did look like a lot of fun. "Fine. One minute and then we both leave. Deal?"
He held his hand out, helping her into the castle. "My lady."
Olivia wobbled as their weight caused the floor to shift beneath them.
"I've got you." He held her hands to steady her. "Together? On 3."
As he counted down, she jumped hesitantly, feeling a bit silly now that she was inside the colorful attraction. Her worries were quickly laid to rest as her delight grew into happy giggles. Feeling more confident, she let go of his hand to bounce on her own.
They built a steady rhythm together. A childish bliss overtook them; their laughter and merriment filled the night air. There was something pure about it. The weight of the world seemed lighter as they bounced in tandem.
"We should get a bounce house," Bryce declared while doing a backflip.
"And put it where?" Olivia chided with slight amusement. She curled her feet beneath her as she bounced. "The apartment roof? That sounds very sensible...and safe."
He shrugged in contemplation, "Fine, so maybe we just get a house instead."
The suggestion took her by surprise. She stopped in her tracks, her bouncing coming to a halt. "What?"
He ceased his movements, balancing on the air-filled base as he moved beside her. He took her hands in his own. "Why not?"
"Bryce, come on. Be serious."
"I—I think I am."
"30 seconds ago you wanted a bounce house. Now, you're ready to get a real one?"
"So what if I am?" He squeezed her hands, his thumb brushing tenderly over her knuckles. "It doesn't have to be tomorrow or even this month, but someday, soon. You know how I feel about you, Liv—how I feel about us. I want a future together. We've been sharing an apartment for a while. We work. Let's get a house!"
"A real house? With a yard? And a cute little garden?" She looked hopeful. "Just clarifying, not a bounce house?"
He contemplated it for a moment longer. He wrapped his arms around her. "The first one. I mean, unless you're open to both. Because I am if you are!" He wagged his brow at her, a simmering smirk settling on his features.
Olivia pulled her hands from his, pushing them against his chest. The movement was more forceful than she intended, causing him to fall back onto the soft floor. Her hands clasped over her mouth as she hid her laughter.
"You think that's funny?" Bryce quickly rebounded, bouncing up and pulling her into a chaste kiss.
"We're really going to do this?" She closed her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief.
His fingers danced gingerly through her hair. "Yes, I think we are."
"For our future!" Her hand cradled his face, drawing his lips to hers. She kissed him softly, trying to keep her balance as they shifted slightly.
"Ugh! Get a room!" Keiki groaned playfully from just outside, reminding them they were not alone. "Also, Liv, you are failing at your job of getting Bryce out of the bounce house so they can shut it down."
"Oops?" Olivia bit her lip, having momentarily forgotten her task.
"How is it that of the three of us, the one of us passable for a child is the only one not in the bounce house?" Keiki crossed her arms, her head tilting to the side.
Bryce laughed, giving her a challenging grin. "You can always come in."
His sister sighed heavily.
"Come on, Bryce." Olivia laced her fingers with his, guiding him out of the bounce house. "It's time to go."
He gave her hand another gentle squeeze. His voice was low, a whisper just for her. "With you, I would go anywhere."
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Choices Perma: @the-soot-sprite ; @princess-geek ; @gardeningourmet ; @katrinegrey ; @trappedinfanfiction ; @aleynareads ; @lucy-268 ; @xjustin-ethansgirliex​ ; @maurine07 ; @nikki-2406 ; @schnitzelbutterfingers​ ; @zeniamiii​ ; ​​​@lauridiculous ; @lilyoffandoms ; @ruinedbypixels
Bryce: @burnsoslow ; @callmeellabella ; @ariondevereux ; @ofpixelsandscribbles ; @nyastarlight ; @superharriet ; @jamespotterthefirst ; @brycesgirl ; @kat-tia801 ; @anotherbeingsworld ;
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green-socks · 3 years
Hungry Eyes chapter 1
Pairing: Benny Miller x OFC (Dirty Dancing AU)
Summary: Dirty Dancing but here Benny is in the role of Baby and the dance instructor is a female OC. Benny goes to the resort with Will’s family (because who wouldn’t want cool uncle Benny to join their summer vacation?), and ends up falling for a dance instructor working on the resort. This first part is Benny and the dance instructor’s first meeting, basically the “I carried a watermelon” scene if you will.
Words: 1,818
Warnings: Alcohol/drinking, some curse words. Something else? Let me know!
Notes: This is one of those “I want to see it so I have to write it” situations. I have never ever written fiction before and this is scary as fuck, but I have this story in my head and now I’m trying to put it into words. I’m posting this part of the story now because I can, but I’m also working on a prologue of sorts.
This idea came to me in a dream (which was probably inspired by this headcanon ) and I told @the-purity-pen about it and she told me to write it. Without your encouragement I never would have even tried this fun thing and I’ll love you forever for it <3
And of course I’ll be eternally grateful to @astroboots for the beta and giving me that final push! Thank you for letting me ramble to you about this and being so lovely <3
The night was warm, only the sounds of crickets and the slight rustle of wind keeping Benny company on his walk. Most people on the resort, like his brother and his family, had already retired to their cabins and rooms for the night. It was quiet, calm.
Despite what many people thought, Benny enjoyed the quiet. Needed it, in fact. He was always energetic around people, giving them all of himself. And he didn’t have to fake that energy, but sometimes even he needed to wind down and enjoy some peace and quiet. These walks, this whole vacation, was his time to relax and just be.
Benny was walking along a path near where the hiking trails begin when he heard the quiet thumping of bass through the night air. The further he walked along the path the louder the music got.
Through the bushes and trees Benny could see a house a little further up the hill. There seemed to be a party going on there, judging by the noise and music coming through its open windows. Benny wondered who were partying there and if the house even belonged to the resort or if it was a private property.
He continued walking, thinking he’d just walk past the house and continue further into the woods, when he saw a woman on the bottom of the stairs leading to the house. She was carrying a big box in her arms, clearly struggling under the weight of it.
“Hey! Do you need help with that?” Benny hollered to the woman.
She let out a breath. “Sure, thanks,” she answered, while handing Benny the box and starting to climb up the stairs. “Hope it isn’t too heavy!”
“Nah, doesn’t weigh a thing. We goin’ to the party house over there?” Benny asked, nodding his head in the direction of it.
“You’re technically not supposed to be here, you know. It’s off limits to resort guests.”
“I can keep a secret”, Benny grinned. 
“What’s your name?” she asked him. “Benny.” “Nice to meet you Benny. My name’s Lily,” she added, pointing to the name tag still on her work shirt.
“Anyway, some of us who work on the resort live in this house for the summer, and sometimes we throw parties. But they’re strictly for a limited group of people, and we could get into a lot of trouble if our employees or other resort guests found out, so you better keep your mouth shut,” she warned sternly.
“I promise I won’t tell a soul.”
They continued up the stairs and Benny heard the telltale clinking of bottles from the box even through the loudening music.
“Wait, you’re all of age, right? Cause this is a lot of booze”, Benny asked, suddenly slightly worried about assisting these partiers.
“Oh yeah, don’t worry, we have a strict no minors policy!” Lily answered.
With that they reached the top of the stairs and Lily held open the door for him into the house.
Benny wasn’t fully prepared to the sight that greeted him.
Sure, he had seen his share of parties, especially with his boys, but these people were wild.
There were no more than twenty people in the room, but they were all dancing like no tomorrow. Benny doubted they even needed all the booze he was carrying to let loose like that.
He watched in awe the mass of bodies moving to the beat, everyone shaking, grinding, jumping, twisting, and twirling around without a care in the world.
“Who are these people?” He asked incredulously, eyes wide.
Lily laughed at his shock. “We’re the entertainment team! Most of us are dancers or come from a theater background. Now come on!” she said and led him deeper into the house.
Benny suddenly felt like some silly delivery boy, even though he was probably older than most of them, when he maneuvered around the dancing people, trying to watch his step. Some of them spared him curious glances before getting lost in the music again.
“I imagine you don’t dance like this during the day when you’re doing dance classes on the resort?” Benny joked, still trying to get his bearings.
“Oh hell no, this is just for our own entertainment here,” Lily laughed again.
Suddenly two more people burst through the door, arm in arm, and everyone cheered happily in greeting. 
A man and a woman, who Benny recognized as the lead dance instructors on the resort, joined the party, immediately grabbing drinks and making their way through the dancefloor.
Benny noticed how they seemed to greet everyone individually by dancing with them; how they took eye contact and often physical contact with everyone and danced with them for a while before moving on, each one with a slightly different way. It was like they were speaking to one another, all these bodies communicating through movement alone.
He was mesmerized looking at them both, the attractive couple that were clearly the life of the party. But he couldn’t take his eyes off the woman who seemed to move so easily, so freely, the joy and love she was feeling visible in her every movement.
Benny couldn’t believe this was the same woman who had taught a dance class to his nieces earlier that same day. Sure, he had noticed her even then, how could he not; she was very pretty.
But the woman he was seeing now was sexy, confident, nothing like Benny had seen before.
“Those are my friends Patrick and Jolene, they helped me get this job!” Lily shouted in his ear over the music.
“They seem to have great chemistry,” Benny remarked, his gaze still focusing mostly on Jolene.
“Yeah, it’s because they know each other so well. People always think they’re together --“ Benny certainly thought their very physical and intimate way of dancing would mean that “-- but they’re just best friends from a long time”, Lily chatted casually, oblivious to Benny’s thoughts.
Benny found his heart beating a little faster with this information, not that he really knew what to do with it.
His mouth was getting dry and he was breathing a little quicker. For fuck’s sake, he was getting a little turned on from watching her. Get it together man, he thought to himself.
Benny tried not to stare too hungrily; he didn’t want to be that creepy guy at the party that no one even knew.
The longer he watched these people dancing their hearts out the more he found himself slightly bopping along the beat, wishing he had a beer in hand, or maybe that he knew how to dance like they did.
Jolene was enjoying herself, finally letting off steam after a hard day’s work. Few things on this earth made her happier than dancing, especially dancing with her best friend Patrick on these summer nights they got to spend together.
As she spun around in Patrick’s strong arms, she noticed the tall stranger standing near the back of the room next to Lily. Who the heck was this guy and where did he come from?
Jo tapped Patrick on the shoulder to let him know she was going to get something to drink and made her way through the crowd towards Lily and the stranger.
“Hey, Lil. Who’s your friend here?”
“Oh, this is Benny. He came with me.” Lily answered happily.
“Yeah, I, uh, helped her carry the box up here”, the guy, Benny, supplied shyly in a deep voice, pointing at the box in question.
Jo gave Lily a stern look. She really should’ve known better than to bring customers up here. These parties were kept a secret for a good reason, since they could all lose their jobs if the resort managers found out, but especially her and Patrick, because they were responsible for their team. And they were already on thin ice as it were, because, in Jo’s humble opinion, the managers were a bunch of jerks.
Lily just shrugged and Jo sighed deeply before turning to look at the man next to her, who, for some reason, was avoiding her gaze.
“Well, Benny, would you like to dance?” Jo thought she could size the guy up a little better if she could get him alone with her. She had to look after her team after all. Besides, he looked a little lonely, bopping along the music shyly. Maybe she could teach him a few things.
Benny looked a little startled, as he answered “Oh, I don’t know how to dance”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you,” Jo said, pulling him on the dancefloor.
“C’mon, just follow my lead. Do this. And try to feel the rhythm.” Jo started showing him how to move to the beat, swaying from side to side.
“Good, now loosen your hips a little more,” Jo instructed, putting her hands on his hips and directing his movements.
Jo had to hand it to the guy; he was learning surprisingly quickly, and it was refreshing to see a man who was willing to try and learn dancing even if it was a bit awkward at first. His movements were a little stunted, but he clearly had a good ear for the rhythm. He was even smiling and laughing a little at his own awkwardness, but Jo could see he was also enjoying himself.
“Okay, now let’s try this. Follow my lead again,” Jo said, putting her hands on his broad shoulders. He was so tall she had to reach pretty far, but they managed it anyway. Jo stepped closer and started grinding against him, showing him how to move by using her own body to guide him.
Slowly Benny was easing into it, even putting his arms on her waist.
“Okay, you’re getting the hang of it now!” Jo smiled at him proudly and he grinned back.
Benny was actually enjoying himself. He was dancing with a gorgeous woman and he wasn’t making a complete and total fool of himself. He considered that a victory at this point.
He just knew Santi would be laughing his ass off if he could see Benny now. Will probably would tease him too.
Benny grinned at the thought. But hey, they weren’t here and he was having fun so who cares, he thought.
Although he had to admit, he was still a little shocked at the fact that this amazing dancer was dancing with him and even looking like she wasn’t completely hating it.
He was still a little dazed when the song ended and Jolene patted his arm, told him “See you around” and bounced her way to the middle of the crowd again.
“Yeah, uh, see ya,” Benny muttered after her, standing awkwardly on the edge of the dancefloor.
Deciding he had probably already overstayed his welcome Benny readjusted his hat on his head and quietly headed out to the warm night air again.
Chapter 2
Notes: If you read this far I don’t even know how to react. Thank you?If you like Benny and/or Dirty Dancing we can probably bond over that
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sooghostwriter · 3 years
Only on the Weekends
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Member/Pairing: Do Kyung Soo x OC (Nameless) Genre/Type: Mature, Romance, AU, smut. Warnings: Sexy times. BJs for days.  Word count: 3758 (Way shorter, think about this chapter as a transition one)
Notes: This story takes please wherever you want. You will see why it would be weird to centered it in Korea.
Also, kindly reminder that this is not Instagram.
Summary: She is saved by a caring man from a little mishappening in the middle of the forest. A small act of kindness turns into seasons of laughs, food, fun, care, love and sex.
Chapter 2
- Autumn –
The change in the weather at the mountain was noticeable. Very windy, still warm during the day, but with cold afternoons. It was the second week since they started dating. In the beginning, she wasn’t sure if that was what they were doing. She thought they were having something close to a friend with benefits relationship. Benefits soon to be established. But Kyung Soo had another idea “I don’t want to be just friends with benefits, I like you, I want to date you.” He said over the phone, voice clear. Serious and confident enough to not leave any space for doubt. She lost her voice and was only able to say “I like that.” Almost inaudible. So, they had a pseudo short distance relationship now.
That week she kept expecting for their weekend a bit more than just some kisses with different degrees of groping. It was about time, at least in her book. That was her aim for the weekend, until that Friday morning. The whole week she planned the sexiest way to come at him, and she had her slutiest underwear ready. But that morning, a familiar feel in her tummy ruined her intentions. She dashed to the bathroom and saw the first spots of her period "Fucking bitch" She cursed at her crutch "I thought we were a team" She rested her head on her knees, controlling her anger. It wasn't her uterus fault nor hers, she just forgot about it, and she wasn't the kind of girl that followed her period. She was over it. She took a shower, put on her menstrual cup, and just surrendered to the idea of not having sex with Kyung Soo that weekend.
It was already dark and quite cold when she arrived. Kyung Soo appeared at his door with a puffy grey hoodie and black pants. He looked so good in black pants. She hugged him tightly, inhaling his scent, feeling again frustrated "Is everything ok?" He asked worried, rubbing her back, his hand reaching a bit too low on her lower back "Yeah, just a bit frustrated...because of work" "Anything I can do to help?" So much, there was so much he could do to help, but she was temporarily out of business. Their dinner was filled with nervousness and playfulness. Over dinner, later as they watched a movie that Kyung Soo had just bought and then over a cup of tea around midnight. It was very easy to laugh with him, banter with him, and flirt with him. She went to bed, the guest room bed, late at night. The next morning, she woke up at dawn, for the first time in her life on a weekend. Kyung Soo was at the kitchen, serving himself a cup of coffee. As soon as he saw her, he gave her his cup and poured himself a new one. He drank his coffee just like hers.
On Saturday Kyung Soo was a bit needier. Touching and kissing her whenever he wanted, sitting very close to her and cuddling on her. She wasn’t the best cuddler. But with Kyung Soo felt nice. Really nice. He was warm, always smelled amazing, and having him in her arms was so very pleasant. When she asked him if he was always this cute and needy, he simply answered, “It’s just that I’m not going to see you for a week” She wasn’t sure if she was still in the missing him face. From Monday to Friday, she was only focused on work and everything related to living in the city. It was only at night that he occupied her whole mind. A couple of texts turned into a call and then it was close to midnight and they were still laughing. But during those times, when she heard his low voice over the phone, she wished she was seating next to him, playing with his short locks of hair. She liked knowing that he was thinking about her at night, she liked imagining that he was doing way more than thinking about her. With that thought, an idea came to her mind. That weekend, she wasn’t available to have sex, that was settled, but there were other ways of pleasure.  Sure, she wasn’t going to get direct action or instant relief. But pleasuring her partner sounded just as enticing. It could be such a nice preview, a bit of teasing for what would come next weekend. It could be playful, intimate, sensual and hopefully unforgettable for him.
After breakfast, she offered herself to help him take care of his garden. She put fertilizer on each flower as he cleaned the weed. Her job was quite simple compared to his, but he still complimented her work. Which felt quite nice. It was always nice watching him work. he was focused, did everything with extreme care, and listened to her attentively, even when he was focused on his task. Also, the whole visual of him working, sweaty nape, furrowed eyebrows, and deep groans. In the back of her mind, she kept wondering how he moaned during sex.
The rest of the day she tried to stop thinking about getting into his pants. Not that she wasn't going to do it, but she felt a bit guilty.
The sun was setting, and after a nice walk with Baekhyun, they went back home for dinner and drinks. She was setting the table ready when his phone rang. He greeted the person on the phone with a bit of indifference, she could hear some complaint on the other side, Kyung Soo didn't react. He kept quiet for a couple of seconds, listening, and when his caller was done talking, he answered with the same indifference "No, you guys can't come" She heard another unintelligible noise "You guys can't come, I'm with my girlfriend and I'm not sharing our time with any of you" Instead of complaints she could hear clear howling sounds, making Kyung Soo chuckle "I'm hanging up" He didn't hesitate when he pressed the red button "Everything alright?" She stood behind him, pulling at his sweater "It was Chanyeol asking to come here with some friends for food and drinks, I told him I was with you" "I heard that, but I don't care if you invite them, I would hate to be the reason you don't get to see your friends" He turned around, holding her by the waist pulling her closer "You aren't, as I told him, I'm not sharing our time together, I can go out with them during the week, my weekends are yours" She could feel her cheeks blush. Maybe what he was saying wasn't the most romantic thing ever, but his words weren't the only way he communicated his ideas or intentions. The earnestness of his eyes and the touch of his hands sometimes said more than his words, and that always made her feel extremely flustered "Then is just us" She whispered, "You like that?" She could learn a bit from Kyung Soo and express herself through actions rather than words. So she pulled him for a kiss, pillowing his lower lip carefully between hers, kissing him slowly. After all, their weekends were only theirs, and they had time to kiss, hug, and touch each other. Maybe a bit more. The romanticism building up in her head and chest was suddenly tainted by other very romantic, yet rowdy needs. With each stroke of his lips, her hips bucked against him, making him held her tighter against his body, deepening the kiss and shallowing their breaths.
Kyung Soo’s hands slid down to her lower back, groping her ass and rubbing his hard-on against her. That took her by surprise. She thought he was going to be a bit more under control, as always. She rolled her eyes and moaned in pleasure, she wasn’t expecting that, but it was everything she wanted. Not today though "Sorry but we are not doing that today" She whispered against his lips, holding his face close. His first instinct was to apologize "No baby, don't apologize, I want to, but I can't do it today, I'm indisposed" He blinked slowly a couple of times until he understood what she meant, giving her a silly expression. He apologized again "Stop, look...we can't have real honest sex today" She caressed his lips with one finger and slid it over his chin, down his neck until she reached his collarbone "But I need to touch you, otherwise I'm going to go crazy, so please, let me touch you today" She put emphasis in the you, making things clear for him to understand. Kyung Soo looked at her incredulous "Just me? " "Just you" She felt his hands moving up her back, settling between her shoulder blades, pulling her to his chest "Hulder, what's your plan?" She rested her chin on his shoulder and whispered very close to his ear what her intentions were and saw with gratification how the tip of his ears went red. She looked at his face and Kyung Soo was looking down, trying to control a smile “What?” “I can’t say no to that” He ended with a short giggle “It’s not too much?” She wanted to make sure that she wasn’t making him uncomfortable or forcing him in some way “No, is not too much” “Then I think you should get comfortable” She whispered as she touched him through his pants, feeling him half hard. He shoved his face into the crook of her neck, releasing a low whimper. She kept rubbing him, already in love with his reaction “Let’s go to my room” He offered, grabbing her hand that was currently playing with his zipper, and pulling her with him to his room.
Kissing him was so distracting. Having him on top of her, kissing her neck, and grunting next to her ear could easily turn into an addiction. She could feel his hard-on rubbing her thigh and she couldn’t wait to have it “Get on your back Kyung Soo” She whispered against his lips “Mhmm, I like it like this” He said with a lopsided grin “You are going to like it more on your back” He chuckled and followed her instructions, falling on his back with a dull sound. Between giggles and muttered words she pulled down his pants and kneeled next to him. He looked at her clearly nervous, as nervous as she was. But his excitement was obvious, she could feel it with her hands as she rubbed his dick over his boxers. She gave him a long last kiss and then dragged her teeth down his neck. His breath hitched as she pulled down his underwear and positioned herself between his legs. She hugged his hips as she kissed her way down his stomach until her lips landed close to the tip of his dick. She didn’t want to be tacky, but it was mouthwatering. Kyung Soo locked eyes with her as she gave the first tentative lick and then let his head fall back, moaning softly.  She felt a sudden rush take over her body. He had given in to her, and she could do what she intended now. As she took him deeper, she caressed up his stomach and then down, enjoying how his muscles contracted under her sensitive fingertips. His skin was hot, smooth, and his smell was already engraved on her memory. She took the base of his cock firmly in one hand, licking the tip and sighing in satisfaction as she could taste a drop of precum. She started slow, sucking him softly and using more hands than mouth. Doing what she could with his size. Having him like that between her lips only made her want him more. It was torture knowing that she couldn’t have him yet. But so far, this was as good. She brushed her lips along his length. Hearing him breathlessly say "Fuck" and "Yes" was the greatest payoff. Kyung Soo was enjoying it, but he wasn’t taking too much part in it. She loved being in charge and controlling his reactions, but she also wanted some action from him. Hands guiding her head and dirty words. She wanted a bit of dominance from him too. She passed her arms under his thighs encouraging him to buck into her mouth. Kyung Soo grunted, loud and deep, making her smile in satisfaction, her mouth full of him. His fingers went through her hair, massaging her scalp. She hummed in satisfaction, and Kyung Soo bucked his hips harder, making her gag “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He apologized immediately, grabbing her head carefully. She let go of him, smiling at his sweet reaction “I’m ok, don’t worry, keep doing that baby” She kissed his hand and took him in her mouth again, bobbing her head up and down as she took him deeper. She put her ass up in the air, getting comfortable, arranging her angle. But also the rubbing of the bed against her lower body was driving her slightly crazy. He called her name between soft moans and lifted his back from the bed, caressing her nape and back “You’re gonna make me come” She lifted her head, finding him face to face. His cheeks and ears were red, eyes half-closed and mouth half-open as he breathed quickly. The view made her chest jump in her chest, enabling her from speaking. She dropped a soft peck on his wet lips and went back to work. He was so hard and so hot, the idea of making him come and having him all for herself thrilled her to the core. Kyung Soo started jerking his hips up to meet her mouth, digging his fingers into the sheets. She wanted to release some of her pleasure. Touch between her legs just to feel some friction, anything that could calm down her pulsating clit, just a little bit. But the idea of building up, of edging over the week until the next weekend sounded so much better. The small fantasy that had just built up in her head made her tighten her grip on his dick and give a slow lick up his length, finishing by placing her lips over the head of his cock, opening them wide to fit him into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down. Faster than before. Sucking harder than before “Fuck!” He cursed again, holding her head “I’m going to come” He said, followed by a long moan. She didn’t say anything, only kept doing what was clearly working for him. He moaned again, with a crack in his voice and she could finally feel him spilling on her tongue. Kyung Soo tried to move away but she stopped him from doing it by holding to his hips, and he didn’t insist.
It was kind of embarrassing how eager she was to have him come in her mouth. She didn’t know where did that need came from, but it was a necessity. Watching him come just for her and because of her was euphoric.
She sighed with satisfaction once her mouth was clean. Kyung Soo was still holding her head, rubbing her temples. His eyes were closed with a soft smile on his lips. His chest moved up and down, as she crawled her way up, falling on top of him. He immediately held her in his arms, tightly, sharing his warmth with her. He called her name a couple of times, still having trouble speaking. She was the same. After a couple of minutes of breathing, soft laughs and a couple of exchanged kisses, Kyung Soo was finally able to speak “You need to go and rinse or something?” “No, I need to go and eat the dinner you were preparing” Kyung Soo turned around, pushing her onto the mattress, and gave her a quick peck on the lips “Let’s go have dinner then…” He didn’t finish his sentence, frowning deeply “What? What happened?” She asked worried, holding his cute face between her hands “I just had a thought, and I can’t say it, is too stupid and…dirty” “Please say it, I love stupid and dirty” She had to beg a couple of times until Kyung Soo was ready to speak “I was going to say, that this was going to be your second dinner, because you…you know” An uncontrollable giggle erupted from her chest, infecting him. He hid his face on her chest as she caressed his hair and celebrated his joke. After dinner, they both took separate showers and went to separate rooms. Sharing his bed was out of the question. She didn’t need more temptations.
Sundays were always a tiny bit sad at Kyung Soo’s place. It was time to go home, and with each weekend they spent together, the harder it was. Also that Sunday, winter gave them a small preview with a very cold and windy day. She didn’t bring the right clothing and it was cloudy, so they stayed inside “It’s a bit of a bummer” Kyung Soo commented, as he stood behind her, hugging her waist “The weather?” “And what it brings” “You don’t like winters?” He shook his head and rested his chin on her shoulder “Winter here is amazing, cold, but beautiful, what I meant is that because of winter, you are not going to wear your denim shorts and summer dresses anymore” She turned her face, bumping her nose with his. She was surprised by his sentence. She didn’t know she liked them, although she did wear them with that intention. That and to fight the heat. That morning, despite the cold, she wore her summer dress anyway, after all, Kyung Soo got up early to turn on the fireplace. She turned around and hugged him back, caressing his shoulders and nape “Don’t worry, next week I’m going to give you something better than a summer dress” His cheeks, which always reflected the sun, were still shining under the cold light that came through the window. His hands wandered a little bit lower, pulling her closer, and kissing her. His head angled to kiss her deep, teasing her with his tongue. She wanted to devour his lips, kiss him like that without stopping, even deeper and messier. She wanted to get on her knees and brag about what her tongue could do too.
Kyung Soo had one hand on her head, and another on the wall holding himself. Her legs were already feeling a bit of discomfort, but it was worth it. He was close to coming, his hips bucking, grunting softly. She let go of his cock but kept pumping him with her hands. She called his name and Kyung Soo looked down at her, smiling and rubbing her cheek with his thumb "Kyung Soo, do you think about me at night? Does your hand wonder down thinking about me? Do you wish it was my hand?” She finished with a purr like voice, still stroking him slowly. Kyung Soo’s eyes went dark, as he grabbed her upper arms. He pulled her up and pinned her against the wall. For the first time she saw him lose control and it was breathtaking "Do you want to drive me crazy?” He almost growled against her right cheek “You know how badly I want to fuck you?" He emphasized his words by giving a good squeeze to her ass. She felt like screaming in triumph, pleasure, and desperation "I know you want, but I'm having my fun now" She bit his lower lip playfully, and rubbed the tip of his dick, seeking for his release “How is this your fun?” “You have no idea how turn on I am by you, Kyung Soo, your voice, your gestures, your smell…” He interrupted her with another hard squeeze and with his free hand he grabbed her jaw, pressing enough to make her open her mouth so he could stick his tongue inside her. This is just what she wanted. He was matching her energy and fitting perfectly with her dynamics.
By the third time she sat between Kyung Soo's legs that weekend, she could feel the spark of possessiveness growing inside of her. A need to having him all for herself, making him hers, only hers, being the only one that gets to see him like this. That couldn’t be good. But she wasn't planning on stopping.
Their activities that Sunday could be summed up on whatever they did between blow jobs. Eating, watching something, talking. A lot of talking. She liked how whenever they were apart, not lying next to each other, she would look around to see what he was doing, and she would find him looking at her. He never looked away when their eyes met. Only smiled and held her stare until she looked down smiling. It was so comfortable to be around him. She didn’t need to talk all the time, just sit next to him and share her cup of coffee. It was so stupid to think that this could be just a friend with benefits kind of relationship. From day one she could feel that it was much more than that. She was glad Kyung Soo was the kind of guy that knew what he wanted and asked for what he wanted.
She left later than normal. Too entertained talking and cuddling with Kyung Soo. His eyes still looked dazed, and his voice was softer than usual. As always he walked her to her car, holding a bag with gifts. This time, apples. She put it on the back seat and then walked to him for a goodbye kiss. His lips were pouting as he rubbed one of his eyes “You tired my friend?” She rubbed his left ear, and rested her hand on his neck "You wore me out, I'm a bit sensitive” He pointed to his crotch “Oh poor you” She brought her hands to her chest, looking at his crotch with fake worry “I'm being serious it hurts a little bit” “Then spend the rest of the night naked from the waist down and take a long bath” “Very funny, you will see, next week I'm going to do the same to you” He wasn’t joking, she could tell by now “Promise?” His lips turned slightly upward “Laugh for now Hulder, you will see” She grunted slightly frustrated, and got inside her car. Only five days until fuck day. Only five days.
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
i made myself hurt. i made myself soft. i made myself fall apart. here we are :(
send me a chanyeol + a prompt!
Verse: Enough + Hospital AU Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader (oc; plus size female; enough!reader) Rating: PG-13 Warnings: some sexual themes; heavy angst; romance; chanyeol cries and it breaks my damn heart; discussions of being overweight; the stigma of being a plus size or fat person in a hospital which is a really specific thing to experience; discussions of pregnancy Word Count: 1.4K
Three minutes. 
It only took you three minutes to know you loved Chanyeol. The day you met him, he was shy, a new hire. He shook your hand with confidence and smiled like he had something he wanted to prove to the sun. He was soft. He was handsome. But then, he sat beside you and he giggled. That day, his desk was decorated with welcome confetti - your idea, a tradition you started for each new member brought to the team. Flowers were placed next to his keyboard, ribbons on his stapler and notepad. Your idea too, a way to bring colour to the monotony of admin work. He giggled, joyful, unbridled, clapped his hands together and didn’t bother to hide the glee that overtook his features. 
It took only three minutes. 
Six months. 
It took six months of dating to realize you wanted to marry him. You didn’t say it out loud, certain this kind of admission was coming much too soon and much too fast, but you knew it was true. Over time, you had grown utterly disinterested in a life, in events, in plans that didn’t include him. You had a life. You had friends. You wanted him to be involved in every aspect of it. It was a Sunday, the day you told yourself you wanted to be his wife. A new thought, a new idea, one you had never tried on before - until Chanyeol, you were content with yourself. 
After Chanyeol, you were alive. You rolled over and cupped his cheek, whispered that you needed him, wanted him, craved him to his closed eyes and soft breaths. He didn’t wake when you touched him, and from the kitchen you smelled the coffee start to brew from the automatic start. You were making a life together. You wanted to age alongside him until your bones were ash.
It only took six months.
Two years. 
The earth moves slowly around the sun, but in Chanyeol’s arms life came quickly, and life came strong. Before him, when you were alone and at peace, you not once felt the urge to be a mother. You are not maternal - you are naturing, you are kind, and you are affectionate, but you are not maternal. Your reasons for not having a child outweighed and grew well beyond your reasoning for having one, but just the same way you woke up one morning wanting to be his wife, so too did you go to bed one night wanting to carry his child. 
It happened silently, suddenly, a thought that entered your mind abruptly while he dried his hair. Sitting on your shared bed, shoulders rounded and skin soft, you decided you wanted more of him. Another. An infinite amount of his hope, his smiles, his laughter, his temper in the world. You wanted family - not just him, your whole life, but a line of it, the kind of line that leaves scars in the earth long after you both have passed, a generation born out of love. You were still unmarried, close to calling him your fiance and still calling him your husband in your mind, a thought and a name you keep to yourself, but this too came quickly. Two years was too soon to want a child, a family, but you wanted it. You wanted it.
It took two years.
Chanyeol has been crying for three hours. 
With your hand held tightly in his, sits beside your hospital bed, eyes and cheeks wet, too afraid to leave your side. Head pressed against the pillow, you watch as he weeps, fights against the barriers that keep you separated, and clings to you as best he can. The back of your hand has grown wet with his tears, his body still wracked with fear and anguish. He’s your soft star, your heartbeat, and you bring your other hand to card through his hair, needing more of him. Needing all of him.
‘I promise I’m fine,’ you repeat. 
You’ve lost track of the number of times you’ve said it, the number of times you’ve done your best to affirm it, but still he does not believe you. His large eyes are stricken, painted with horror as he shakes his head, pushing the chair closer to your bedside, even though there is no more room to spare.
‘No,’ he argues, because he is stubborn, because he is insistent, because he refuses to let it go. ‘You fainted in the kitchen. You didn’t even wake up until we were halfway here!’ The stress creeps back into his voice, skin falling pale once more, and though you roll your eyes at his persistent challenge to your confident affirmations, your heart flutters, wondering how you ever coped without a love like his. 
Giggling, you stroke your finger along the tip of his ear, feeling his long eyelashes flutter against your skin. He’s burrowed into your arm, breathing your scent in deeply. If he could, you’re certain he’d be in the bed with you, unwilling to be parted.
‘Yes,’ you agree, nodding against the rough cotton. ‘But I have juice now.’ You cast your gaze to the bedside tray that contains a large juice box of apple juice. The straw reminds you of when you were a child, the days when you chewed the plastic out of anxiety. Today, it remains perfectly rounded, your toes having wiggled beneath the sheets with each excited sip. ‘I’m practically spoiled here. They even gave me peaches!’
Chanyeol shakes his head against your arm in vigilant disagreement, looking up once more with an expression that conflicts your heart. You would swoon by the sight of it, but are shattered by the pain of it, wishing he would believe you are whole, and you are well, if only so he could return to being your sunshine. 
‘I’m scared,’ he whispers, and you break. 
Laughing at the softness, the silliness of his anxiety, you pull him up to you, kissing his lips eagerly. 
‘Don’t laugh,’ he murmurs, kissing you once more with a groan. ‘I can’t cope if you’re not safe.’ 
The sound of the door opening interrupts you both, and Chanyeol returns to his seat, gaze fixated on the doctor who enters carrying a clipboard. His hair is greyed at the edges, glasses thin framed with lenses almost too thick for the wiring. Normally, you hate doctors. You hate doctors and you hate hospitals, neither a thing that seems to listen to women, all your problems and all your issues always somehow boiling down to your weight or your gender. You prepare yourself now for a reprimand that will almost certainly be moot, ready, once more, to be told you are not thin enough, not well enough, and certainly not privileged enough to be healthy.
‘Well,’ he begins gently, lowering himself to the rolling stool in the corner of the room, ‘your iron count is low which partially explains your fainting spell.’
Rearing back against the pillow, you cock your head in surprise, amazed that, no, this is not about your weight. ‘See!’ you exclaim, giggling as you nudge into Chanyeol.
‘But,’ the doctor continues, distracting you from Chanyeol’s sigh of relief, ‘congratulations are in order. Your blood tests confirm you’re pregnant. You’ll have to come back in a few weeks for a scan and a full pre-natal check up. There’s no way to tell how far along you are at the moment, so you’ll have to schedule an appointment with the nurse on the way out. Until then, I’ve prescribed a full pre-natal vitamin…’
A ringing in your ears overtakes the room, blood rushing simultaneously away from your head and into your cheeks, a conflicting experience that makes you feel dizzy. 
Chanyeol puts the straw of your juice box between your lips and urges you to sip. Obedient, you regard him with wide eyes, feeling ashen. He’s started to cry again, doing his best to maintain his composure for your wellbeing. And it is only when you pull back, the sugar and the sweetness taking root in your veins once more that you look back to the doctor, bewildered.
‘I’m sorry,’ you begin, finding your voice with care. ‘I’m pregnant?’
At this the doctor laughs, dropping his pen and offering you an understanding smile. ‘I understand this is a shock.’ 
Blinking through your shock, you feel Chanyeol fall into your chest, pressing kisses to your neck, your jaw, your cheek. Openly he cries, his hand wandering down your belly where he splays his fingers wide. 
‘I love you,’ he whispers. ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’
‘Chanyeol,’ you mumble, stroking his hair with trembling fingers.
He pulls away to look at you with concern, a new wave of tears soaking his cheeks through his brilliant, otherworldly smile.
‘I’m scared,’ you whisper, and he rests his forehead against yours with a quaking sigh.
‘We’ll be fine,’ he assures. ‘I promise.’
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So, I sent you (@disgruntledspacedad) a pretty long ask a while ago (back when you had anon on) and I'm decently sure Tumblr ate it (or maybe you ignored it, in which case, feel free to ignore this one as well). But then I saw one of those "writers appreciate feedback no matter how long" posts, so I'm back here. Here is my mediocre attempt to rewrite my original review of your work. Bear in mind that English is not my first language, so if at any point my phrasing sounds weird to you, you know why. Mandatory disclaimer/apology: this might get a little too long 😅
I remember being SO mad at myself for not finding this sooner. I binge read it one afternoon with no thoughts for any real life responsibilities I might have had (and no regrets). Javiears is one hell of an unconventional relationship in the beginning, and I really love what you did with them. The whole premise of your story is quite refreshing, and you somehow manage to convey the trust and mutual respect there two feel for one another without explicitly showing us the beginning of their "entanglement".
Also, fuck you for what you did to poor Emilio, that man was a saint and he deserved better! I honestly can't believe that I got so attached to a character that appeared so little in the story, but it happened, and his death kind of broke my heart.
But the Javiears reunion + mild confession was lovely, and felt completely deserved. And of course the sex scene. I won't lie, I expected a bit better from Javi there, but I did like how utterly /human/ it was. Capturing that humanity, the imperfections in each character is something you're really good at (more on that later).
Ah, my emotionally constipated babies who really need to work out their communication issues. I do love them, though. And this short series did a really good job of delving a bit deeper into Ears's and Javi's psyche. Kudos to you for dealing with the medical "aftershocks" of living through an explosion AND using that experience to move your emotional plot forward. These two need to grow a lot before they can get to a stable point in their relationship, and you really manage to convey their insecurity and fear of commitment/intimacy while making it clear that they're in it for the long run and that theirs is a relationship that WILL work out so help them God.
Ouch. Punch me in the gut while you're at it, why don't you?
But seriously, "If I Fall" is SO FUCKING GOOD. Don't get me wrong, it's angstier than an image of Jesus on the cross (don't judge me, it's Holy Week and I just got home from accompanying my grandma to church), but it somehow works beautifully. You, my dear, play heartstrings like they're a fucking guitar and I AM HERE FOR IT.
You're doing an amazing job at making me feel everything these characters are feeling, which is both awful (bc pain) and impressive.
Also, if anything happens to Ana I will cry, because she is adorable and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Also also, if anything happens to Ears I will cry, because she is badass and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Also also also, if anything happens to Javi I will cry, because he is loving and wonderful and has suffered way too much already and really deserves a break and some cookies.
Basically, I am really invested in the well-being of these characters and can't wait until they're happy and safe again (please tell me they will be, my heart can't handle much more pain).
A quick note on the angst complaints: yes, this story is way angstier than most other fics out there and it can be a bit too much at times, especially considering how many chapters of pain it's been. BUT it's obvious that "If I Fall" NEEDS this amount of angst to get where it's going, to send the message it wants to and to properly develop its characters. The pain is as important to this story as flour is to bread. You may not like eating flour on its own (I don't think anyone does), but you love bread (because bread is amazing) and you must recognize that bread NEEDS flour to work. It wouldn't be bread otherwise. And eating the flour as part of the bread even makes you like the flour because the bread is just DELICIOUS.
I fully understand and sympathize with the people who have elected to table "If I Fall" until it's completed so they can binge read it knowing there's a happy ending in sight, but in case you're feeling a bit self conscious about all the angst, please know that your story is beautiful not in spite of the pain, but rather /because of it/.
PS: No, I'm not high/drunk, I just really like bread
Silly thing to comment on, I know, but I do feel like it's important that you know how useful your ANs have been. There are many details in the story that I simply wouldn't fully get without reading your comments at the end of each chapter, and I appreciate your writing a hell of a lot more knowing how deeply you understand and care for each one of your characters. Plus, it is obvious how much work you've put into researching a country and a time period that are (from what I gather) unfamiliar to you, and I really do believe you've done an amazing job of it.
My boy. I love your characterization of this complicated character, and I have eagerly read each and every one of your headcanons about him. I can't really say if your version is fully faithful to the source material because it's been a while since I saw Narcos, but your Javi most definitely reads like a real person. He's fairly consistent as a character, and I feel like everything he does is perfectly natural for him to do as a character. He makes for an unconventional yet deeply interesting romantic lead, and so far I have thoroughly enjoyed all his POV chapters/scenes.
I know you've gotten some flack for making her into an OC halfway into the story, and while I get why the sudden change may have felt like a disappointment for some, I don't share that sentiment. I firmly believe that this fandom is unfairly harsh towards Original Characters and their creators, and I don't really understand why. Listen, I love Reader fics, and consume many Reader fics. I have read dozens, maybe even hundreds, and I can safely say that I've only ever "inserted" myself in approximately 10% of those stories. Reader characters are not as blank as their writers may want them to be. They can't be. They're characters, and character have personalities and moral values and senses of humor and a bunch of other things. Reader characters may not have a backstory or a physical description attached (and even that's not guaranteed), but they're still characters.
And on a more personal note, pretending they're actual blank slates is naive at best and insensitive at worst. Reader characters are American coded 99% of the time, and white coded 95% of the time. Not every readers is white nor American, even if that's the predominant demographic on Tumblr. When I read a JavixReader fic about a woman who speaks exactly zero Spanish, I know she's not me. The story may be beautifully written and have an amazing plot and character development, but the Reader *isn't me*. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and some of my favorite xReader stories feature a "reader" who couldn't be more different from me, but it's something that enemies of OC fics should take into account. Particularly if they are white and/or American. But I digress.
Your character is amazing. She's strong, smart, confident, independent and an all-around badass. She gets kidnapped while pregnant and still focuses on problem solving and survival. But she's also overly guarded and mistrustful, and really needs to work on her communication skills. There are times when I absolutely love her and even admire her, and other times when I want to whack her with a slipper. She's no Mary Sue, but remains interesting and likeable throughout the story. She feels wholly human and real, and that's no easy task. I like her, I am invested in her, and I can't wait to see what's next for her. She's a compelling and three dimensional protagonist in a complex story who never fails to draw me in. I love her. She's your baby, and you should be proud of her.
Also, quick question about personality types: I know you've typed Javi as ESFP and Ears as ENTP (100% agree on both, btw), but have you given any thought to their enneagram types? I personally have always seen Ears as being somewhere on the thinking triad, maybe a 7 or even a 6w7, but I'm not too sure about Javi. 9w8 maybe? He could also be a 6w5 🤔
Basically, I love your story, your characters and your writing in general. You are a fantastic storyteller and wordsmith. You get into the heads of incredibly different characters personality-wise (Ears, Javi, Berna...) and manage to capture all of their complexities and quirks every single time. And it doesn't feel like it's something innate for you either. To me, it seems that you have put a lot of work and effort into understanding each and every one of your characters, who they are, why they do what they do and what they want. And let me tell you, all that effort has been more than worth it. "Better Love" is a fanfic, but it wouldn't be out of place in a regular bookstore, if I'm honest. I don't know what you do for a living or if you've ever considered writing professionally, but you clearly have the skills and the drive to create some masterpieces.
You are amazing and your writing is a gift. Thank you for sharing it with us, and have a nice day! ~ 🍪
My friend, I apologize for hoarding your first ask. I’ve been sitting on it because I’m not gonna lie, I enjoy going back and rereading it. It gave me a lot of comfort when I was in a pretty dark place, both personally and in regards to my writing, and I was reluctant to send it out into the the abyss of Tumblr where I might never see it again. 
That’s not fair, though. You put just as much effort into sending me that review as I put into my writing, and I apologize for never responding to you.
Okay, anyway, so twice now, you’ve made me cry. In a good way, I promise! 
I absolutely love your bread/flour metaphor. It made perfect sense. I want the emotional release of Javi and Hannah’s reunion to be earned, and in order to do that, the angst has to come first (there are also a few plot “ingredients” that have yet to make their appearances). Thank you very much for understanding that, and for voicing it so eloquently.
I appreciate your comments on my research and characterization. You’re correct that I’ve put a lot of time and effort into crafting a universe. In a lot of ways, I’m doing my best to stay true to the source material (regarding culture and timelines in particular), and in others, I’m branching into my own territory. 
On that note, I’ve never once regretted fully embracing Hannah Aarons’ identity as an OC. She’s stayed consistent in my mind from the beginning, and it was a relief to finally share my vision of her with the audience. And for the record, I totally agree with you regarding “reader” characters. Every reader insert echoes the perspective of their author, no matter how vague the physical description. I can only imagine how grating that must be from the perspective of a non-white, non-american reader. Thank you so much for sharing your insight! I will certainly keep it in mind the next time I write a “reader insert” fic.
Okay, enneagrams! I am much less familiar with enneagram than I am MBTI, but I agree 110% that Javi is a 9 with a strong 8 wing. I waffled back and forth on Ears a little, but eventually landed on 8w7 for her. It came down to the eight’s deepest fear, which is being controlled. That’s Ears all over, and the fact that she and Javi share that eight willfulness means that they might butt heads a little, which also seems very appropriate for them. Big thanks to @remusstark for her insight into the eight frame of mind - our conversations helped solidify my decision on this. :)
Anyway, I’m just rambling now. The big take-away point that I want you to get is that I am so, so grateful to you, both for your insightful feedback and your dedication in making sure that I actually saw it. You are an absolute gem and a deep thinker, Cookie-Anon, and if you ever feel like sliding into my DM’s, I’d welcome the opportunity to get to know you better.
Mad love and soft hugs, 
~ Jay
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legendofzelda4life · 3 years
Day 2 or writing oneshots until the linked universe au is updated.
Today, for whatever reason my friends found funny, we’re doing a non-platonic Time x Four fluff.
I know, sounds crazy, right?
Four looked down at his hands. They were so much smaller than everyone else’s. Well, except maybe Wind’s but he had never tried placing his hands against anyone’s to know for sure where he stood.
The smith looked from his hands to the hands of one of his comrades.
Though, he and all his colours - especially blue - hated to admit it, he did have a small crush on the groups... leader... if you will.
Time always had a plan on how to do things. He also brooded a little but that was fine. Good in combat too. Add that all to the soft side Four had once seen, and the fact he’s the only one that knows Four’s secret, and BOOM! He has all four colours head-over-heels for him.
Silly, right?
Well red seemed to like him the most so somebody always had to stick around when red was in charge. Yes, they all acted like one person, but it was so he wouldn’t break character and spill the secret.
“You okay, Smithy?” Legend asked, walking up to Four.
Other than Time, the colours liked Legend. Not to the extent of how they saw Time, but in a friend way. He was a pretty good sparring partner to be honest.
Four nodded. “Yeah, just thinking.” He said. Legend placed a hand on his chin and nodded. The pink-haired hero looked like he was going to say something but was cut off.
“You seem to do that an awful lot around Time. There something going on?” Ah yes, Warriors. Always trying to play match maker.
He sucks at it.
“Do I? I didn’t even notice.” Four said, looking Warriors straight in the eyes.
Well... more like diagonally from his short point in the eyes.
“Break it up you two.” Uh oh...
That was Time’s voice.
Four turned slowly, making sure to keep his eyes up when looking at Time. Nobody fussed when his head dropped lower though, they all just assumed looking up that high for long made you neck tired.
Don’t get him wrong, it did. But it was also a nice excuse to... check things out?
Four what the fuck? (I’m joking btw)
Four looked up at Time, rather wearily, only too see him staring past Four, glaring, at Warriors.
Yeah, Legend left quickly. Time didn’t object, knowing Legend didn’t take a stab at Four, only checking if he was okay.
“Don’t fight.” Time said, walking closer to the hero of wars. The latter stared at him like he wanted to hide in a ditch somewhere. By the look of Time’s face, he’d be put there if he didn’t shut up.
Finally, Warriors looked away from Time and to Four. “I’m sorry, Four.” He said simply. “It’s okay.” He said.
Time turned around to face Four. “You okay? You’ve been sitting there for the last ten minutes.” Time asked worriedly. “I’m fine. Who’s taking third watch with me by the way?” Four replied, also asking a question.
“I am.”
This caused a switch from green to Vio. Seeing as the latter was more calm and could handle that better.
“Okay.” Vio said, mimicking green’s voice and demeanour perfectly.
After a few hours - maybe three - Four was awoken by Hyrule telling him it was his shift.
“Thanks ‘Rule.” He said, rolling out of his sleeping bag, before walking to where Time was sitting.
“Hey.” Time said. Four didn’t reply, he was trying to not freak out. Being alone with Time was a... weakness of his. Especially at night. And with all the colours talking; green, who was in charge right now, could barely focus.
“Uh- hi.” He said, slightly nervous as he sat next to the other hero.
“You okay?” Time asked, not looking at Four. “Yeah. What about you?” Time shrugged. “Could be better. If only Warriors didn’t mess around so much.” This caused Four to chuckle. “Pretty boy code.” He said with a sigh.
“You’re the only pretty boy I see.”
Four froze as those words left Time’s mouth. He felt a large headache and his vision blurred.
Blue. Green. Red. Vio. Blue. Vio. Green. Red.
The cycle, of course, stopped on red.
Four opened his eyes to see he was on the floor and Time was leaning over him. One hand on either side of his head, basically straddling the smaller hero.
Four felt himself blush furiously, ironic because his face was probably the same colour as the one in control.
“I like you!” Four yelled, quickly slapping a hand over his mouth. He removed it and looked away, cheeks still slightly pink.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t’ve said anything.” He tried to get out of the other’s grasp as he spoke. But... as luck would have it, Time had lowered himself slightly in surprise. Slightly was enough to have their hips against each other though.
Four became more flustered. Red wanted to switch out but he was, as Vio called it, ‘front stuck’. This happened when the body was stressed.
Suddenly, Time’s lips were on his. He pulled away quickly though. “I... sorry, that’s not what you meant by ‘like’? Was it?” Time asked. The hesitation gave Four the opportunity to flip them over. “No.. it’s what I meant.”
When did Blue take over? This newfound confidence definitely wasn’t Red’s.
He was holding the other hero’s hands above his head with one of his own, whilst the other hand was next to Time’s head. He was sitting on Time’s waist, meaning he had to lean forward a bit. His face was really close to Time’s because of this.
The hero below him gave a smirk that made his brain go crazy. He fell back onto his knees and clutched his head.
Vio. Blue. Green. Vio. Red. Green. Blue. Green.
Red was back in charge and immediately started crying.
“I- I-” He choked out a sob. “I’m not crazy... right?! Time?”
Time had pulled Four into a tight hug. “You’re not crazy. Just over whelmed.” He rubbed circles on the smaller hero’s back as Four calmed down once more.
Once he was calm, Four reached reached up and gave Time a passionate kiss.
“Who in the actual fucking ass!?! Is being this loud at- oh.” Wind must’ve awoken at the noise of Four’s crying. Or the yelling from before.
Either way, the youngest hero had managed to awaken everybody except Hyrule, who was on second watch, and Sky, who slept deeper than they gave him credit for.
“I was right!” Warriors exclaimed, making Legend groan.
Four went bright red and tried to hide himself against Time - who had his legs crossed for Four to sit him as they hugged. Time wrapped his arms around Four more. “Piss off Wars.” He all but growled. Okay Vio, at the least, had to admit it was hot.
“I ship.” Wild said, snapping a photo on his slate.
“Ya’ll crazy.” Twilight pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke, turning back towards his sleeping bag.
They really were.
I never thought I’d have to write this ship but here it is...
It took so much effort to not write lime.
I WILL WRITE ONLY ABOUT THE LINKS (including the ravio, shadow, and requested characters. Will not write about whole other fandoms though)
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Homeboy
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 19 | Part 20 Homeboy | Part 21 >
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Disclaimer: Bit of boyish teasing and making out in the kitchen
Author’s note: 🎶CAnnnnn you feeeel the love tonighttttt 🎶- I woke up with the most suitable song for this chapter in my head. Good morning everyone! 
Word count: 2.164
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
In previous relationships big topics like; Will this last? Or; Do you want to settle down or just test the water? - were the kind of conversations I barely had until much later in the relationship. People these days have so many options when it comes to dating that speaking of things that even remotely feel like true commitment, are pushed away for at least the first few months. A simple brush over the topic of kids is fun. But what if that topic can’t wait? And if your date is okay with all that, what will people around you think?
Now, I praise myself the luckiest of Alice’s, because my chocolate cake is daddy material by every meaning of the word. And I mean..every meaning of the word - I know you’re reading this chocolate cake. And I’m glad I can confide in all things of the heart, even if was pretty scary to bring up such topics as mentioned earlier.
So, now here we are; now what? Just..go for it? Or..still go the traditional route? Being the odd ball for so long I don’t really feel like we should be bending too much to the expectations of the people around us, and yet I care about their opinions and fears all the same.
It is, dear readers, time for the talk.
Are you ready chocolate cake?
‘Don’t worry.’ Henry sniffled, feeling my hand near squishing his hand from the nerves that were working through my system. We were having dinner with both our parents. Not a completely weird thing really, especially since they were such very good neighbours, but the true reason for inviting them both for dinner at this cute seaside restaurant wasn’t just for neighbourly affairs. And I was one to totally overthink the whole situation and make myself crazy in the head for it.
Was it too soon? 
‘There they are.’ Henry smiled and got up from his chair, waving happily at his mom, whom was followed by Colin, her husband and both my parents. Such good neighbours they even travelled together. Swallowing back the rest of my nerves I also moved my chair back and got up, my hands quickly rubbing off my clammy palms on my dress.
‘Oh sweet babies! You look so good.’ Marianne beamed, instantly moving to rearrange Henry’s stubborn curl that always tended to flop back over his forehead. ‘Momm..’ He softly grumbled, making his father laugh heartily. ‘Mitchel was just talking about this new hair growing shampoo he got..so who knows..next up she’ll be doing it with him too hahahah.’ - ‘Oi Colin! No need to share ‘em secrets just yet. I thought it’d be a fancy little surprise for summer. Me..long flowing hair..a fantastic beard..’ My dad rubbed his hand expectantly over his balding head and we all laughed.
‘Sit down, sit down. Please.’ Henry smiled, gesturing at the chairs around the table and before long we were all seated and a first glass of wine was poured. Beneath the table I could feel Henry’s slightly nervously shifting leg against mine, our hands closely entangled. It was a relief to know he was just as nervous. It all seemed silly, but still. We loved our parents and it mattered what they thought and felt. 
From the look on my mom’s face I knew that she knew - not that it surprised me, she practically always seemed to eavesdrop. Then my dad, whom was still joking about with Colin. And Marianne, her eyes piercing into mine, lips casually sipping on her wine. She raised an eyebrow and I swallowed.
But, before I had even gathered the courage to speak up, Henry had already taken the lead, his warm voice breaking up the banter between our two dads. ‘Mom, dad, Mitchel, Elaine.’ He smiled. ‘Thank you so much for joining us.-‘ ‘Always son!’ Colin beamed, raising his glass. ‘Thanks dad haha. Uhm..’ He looked at me, his eyes lovingly searching mine. ‘We are both so very glad to have you as our parents..and see you get along so well. It makes it easier for us to..’
‘ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED?!’ My mom blurted out, already squeezing her hands in excitement before Henry could even finish his sentence. Okay, scratch my previous assumption: mom had no clue. Henry blinked at my mom, then burst out laughing. I felt my cheeks flush up bright red.
OH MOM..please..for the love of god. Be-HAVE.
I wish I could just melt into my seat, disappear from the others amused smiles. Especially Marianne’s, her charming blue eyes twinkling with mirth.
‘Hahah..well..Elaine, though I absolutely intend to..ask your daughter that some day..’ He widened his eyes. ‘..perhaps first things first.’ He looked back at me and sniffled as I gave my mom a most exasperated look. ‘We are actually planning on moving in together.’
‘Oh..’ My mom gulped, then chuckled, her hand quickly reaching for her glass of wine. ‘..and babies?’ She said softly, almost teasingly, before quickly taking a sip.
‘MOMMM.’ I gasped, making her chuckle like a giddy schoolgirl. ‘Oh please..’ She raised her wine glass for a toast. ‘..do not mind me. It’s the wine.’ She winked at Marianne who laughed in turn, both women clinking glasses together.
‘Incorrigible..’ Henry murmured, sniffling ever so slightly as we watched both our dads and moms having equal fun and loving banter.
After Marianne and my mom put down their glasses again, Marianne scraped her throat, her brow furrowed in thought. ‘I eh..actually heard the Jones’s are moving out.’ She said casually, looking at Colin who nodded due-fully at his wife. ‘Correct.’ He hummed. ‘It’s a nice house, too.’ She smiled at me and Henry.
The hint was clear; the Jones’s house was just another 200 meters further up the road from where both our parents lived. Henry smiled at me and I felt my heart do another swift and fluttery somersault. Would he like that? Living so close to..? I mean..it wasn’t like we couldn’t stand our parents. We loved them, truly. I could have probably easily found a new apartment by now - but I didn’t. He could have been in his Mews home - but he wasn’t.
‘We could take a look.’ I nodded slowly at Henry, to which his smile only grew. ‘Sounds like a plan.’
‘So..yea..we got the house!’ Henry smiled at Piers, the oldest of the Cavill sons munching away on some Christmas chocolates while nodding in shared enthusiasm. ‘Twats gwreaat.’ He mumbled with a full mouth, making Marianne swat his arm. The rest of the family looked up for a moment, some smiling, others mere raising an amused eyebrow.
No matter how old the boys would get, they would always remain boys in the eyes of their mother.  
I snickered and snuggled into Henry’s chest, watching the rest return to their conversation. Piers, Simon, their wives and kids had all joined for Christmas dinner, and though I had often heard Henry talk about such events, it was quite special to be a part of it for the first time. I had known these boys from when they could barely walk and talk, so it was all the more fun to see how, despite having grown up, they still had some quirks from their childhood selves.
Henry being overbearingly caring for everyone. Piers forgetting his manners whenever good food was around. Simon always having to go the bathroom when dinner was just about ready. Some things never change. And others? I looked at Henry, his eyes quickly peeking back at me. Some things do change.
We had survived our summer fling. For the first time ever.
‘So what’s next hmm?’ Simon intermingled into the conversation, him and his wife situated at the couch opposite of ours, the fireplace on our left, his right. ‘Well eh..’ Henry started, but was soon interrupted by Piers. ‘Come on then Henners! House, wife, kids, it’s no secret you want that, huh?’ He teased, poking his younger brother in his ribs. Henry flinched slightly, giving his mom a look that screamed; “Please mom, make them stop”.
But Marianne only sniffled, hiding behind her glass of red wine and watching her kids go about like the good old days. Yes, some things don’t change indeed.
Henry sighed and looked back at me again, the other two clinking their glasses as if celebrating victory - a moment in which they missed the silent glimmer of sadness that suddenly had taken a hold of Henry’s eyes. I felt my stomach flip, not in a good way, and sat up a little. Henry swallowed and quickly made a smile reappear on his lips when his two older brothers sank back down in their seats.
I quickly emptied my wine glass and scraped my throat. ‘I eh..am going to fetch us a new bottle of wine. Anyone anything else?’ I looked around but everyone seemed content enough as it is, even the kids not wishing for more hot coco like I half expected. Only Colin shot up; ‘Oh I can do it too dear, please!’ - ‘Oh no. Please Colin. I’m sure Henry can help me out, right?’ I looked over my shoulder at Henry and he got the hint, also sitting up a bit. ‘Yes, why of course. Ladies first.’ He gestured me to proceed into the hallway.
Moving into the kitchen, Kal hot on our heels (expecting food), Henry sighed, his arms circling around me even before we could make it to the cellar. Without words needed I curled into the warmth of his arms, feeling his head dip down to rest in the crook of neck. I was feeling all kinds of worried at that moment. Was something wrong? Did I miss some signs? Did I..-?
‘I already can’t stand the idea of having to miss you again.’ He whispered, hugging me even tighter into his chest.
And then I realised what this was about. After Christmas he had to fly out to shoot a new movie again. This time all the way over in Canada. And we still had to wait for the full green light on my hiatus as my employer was looking into a number of candidates, whom were right now writing a test assignment to see if this could work. In the worst case I would have to miss Henry for 3,5 months. About as long as we were together right now.
And that idea was terrifying.
Quietly I wrapped my arms tightly around his chest, willing him to feel that I wasn’t going anywhere. That we were doing this. Together.
‘I just feel so bad for being the cause of all ..this..’ He swallowed in the last of his words, sighing harshly. ‘Hen..baby. We can do this okay. See it as some kind of ultimate test for our relationship. If we can survive this, we can survive anything.’ I leaned back a little to look into his eyes. He nodded, moving his head to rest our foreheads together.
‘At least after this shoot my year will be less busy.’
‘Yea.’ I whispered. ‘Thanks for inviting me for Christmas by the way. I hope your brothers aren’t giving you their worst.’ I snickered quietly. Henry sniffled. ‘They’re my brothers. It’s their sole duty to give me their worst. And I love them all the same.’ We both chuckled. Even now I couldn’t quite imagine what it must have been like to grow up with four brothers. I had no brothers or sisters, so whenever I wanted to play as a kid I’d come over to the Cavill’s. A real manly household at that; burping contests, dirty laundry piling way up high, building tree huts with rusty nails.
And poor Marianne trying to keep all of us in check.
’You have lovely brothers - albeit a bit of a teasing bunch every now and then.’ I moved my head back a bit again. ‘Are you okay to go back in there or do you need another..?’
‘Just..’ He captured my lips for a brief, though passionate kiss. ‘..a little moment.’
I hummed in amusement, basking in the warmth of his embrace. ‘That hiatus better be approved …soon.’
‘Yea..It BETTER be.’ He smiled, diving in for a far less family-approved kiss.
‘IEEWWWLLL.’ One of Henry’s nephews had apparently come in to check on us and we both gave him a teasing look.
‘What? Can’t adults kiss?’ Henry chided, making the poor teen roll his eyes in utter disgust.
‘You guys are SOO gross.’ The boy shuddered, quickly moving past us to fetch the cookie jar. Also like the old days. Henry wrapped his arm around me to press one more kiss, albeit far more chaste this time, on my lips. ‘I love you.’ He whispered, just loud enough for the poor teen to shudder even louder.
‘GROSSSSSS.’ He said with utter disgust, quickly fleeing the kitchen before he’d have to see anymore of this sappy adult-stuff.
Henry and I both chuckled.
‘I love you too, silly.’ I winked, then felt Kal push his head in my hand, refusing to be left out after all this making out between his humans. ‘And you three!’  
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
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dogfightz · 4 years
pairing: ron weasley x oc
year: 4th
warnings: nothing really, just fluff. also i wrote this for myself thinking no one else would see it lmao.
also please note, this oc has a lot of character development, and one of the characters is another oc! for a little backstory, she’s oliver woods younger sister, she’s a ravenclaw and her parnets basically disowned her when they found out. she stayed with remus and dora and the burrow sometimes because her family knew them. but yeah, that’s a little backstory, now please enjoy :)!
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(gif made by me!)
scarlet woke up bright and early on saturday. you may be asking why but she had a small date with ron weasley today. god, everyone knew. harry, hermione, draco, eva, fred and george(they wouldn't stop talking about it in the common room).
scarlet placed her feet on the blue rug, stepping out of bed as luna looked at her. she was up early. luna smiled at scarlet as she turned the pages of one of the many herbology books around the girls dorm. scarlet smiled backand walked over to her dresser, trying to find an outfit. the girl fished out a blue and yellow flannel, a nude turtle neck, and some black jeans.
scarlet grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom. cho was just coming out, she rolled her eyes at scarlet. scarlet was very confused. it seems like cho had became friends with all the mean ravenclaw girls and even some of the mean slytherins, leaving scarlet and luna behind. they weren't very close but it still hurt scarlet.
scarlet ignored cho, and simply walked into the bathroom, throwing her clothes off and getting dressed. she already got a shower the night before to save time. once she was done, she walked back to her dorm with luna, and sent an owl to oliver, her brother.
"Dear Oli,
    How's life? I haven't sent in owl in a few days but I got your letter. Today, I am going to Hogmade with Ron. Just a day with my best friend. Have you heard from mom? Or dad? Let me know.
Snape was talking about how you were so good in potions, saying I should be better. I think it's because I'm friends with Harry. Also, I heard you got the spot on the team! Good for you, I'll be coming to your next game in January. For now, I'll keep sending the letters.
Until next time,
Scarlet R. Wood."
she finished the letter in no time, looking up at the clock. 9:30. ron said to come down for breakfast at 9:35 but she decided to go a bit early. she grabbed her scarf and she headed down to the Great Hall, smiling the whole way.
when she got there it was about 9:33, she was early but it was alright. she saw that ron, hermione, neville, and harry were all out of bed. odd. harry always slept late, maybe it was for training? scarlet didn't question it too much because she was now sitting right next to ron.
"hey, you're early." ron smiled, harry rolled his eyes. why was he was jealous? he liked cho. "of course i am, i'm always early." scarlet replied, taking some pancakes from the table. ron smiled. "i guess you're right.." he replied awkwardly. "well, i've gotta go to hagrids for tea..i'll see you guys later." harry spoke, fixing his glasses. everyone nodded as fred, george, and evanora malfoy came to the breakfast table.
"hey ron! do you remember the protection spell we gave ya?" fred asked, winking. "shove off, fred." ron replied, his face as red as his hair now. scarlet laughed softly. "ronald, you're not embarrassed, are you?" hermione asked, ron rolled his eyes at her. ron was embarrassed but scarlet found it cute. she smiled, and kissed his cheek lightly, making ron even more embarrassed.
ron and scarlet walked to the entrance of hogsmeade, scarlet anxiously grabbing his hand. ron smiled. "sorry..i'm just a bit nervous. i heard cho is going to be here....she hates my guts." scarlet chuckled softly. ron nodded softly. "she's a bloody bitch." ron mumbled softly as scarlet began walking towards the candy shop.
as the pair arrived, they spotted luna and neville. the pair was buying some chocolate frogs. scarlet smiled at the pair as ron ran to acid pops. he loved those things, and scarlet had no clue why. "hey ron, why do you like those so much?" scarlet asked coming up behind the boy. he jumped slightly. "you scared me!" he laughed but then shrugged. "but i'm not sure, scarlet. why do you ask?" "i don't know, just curious. ooh! jelly slugs!" scarlet smiled, walking over to the slugs. ron laughed. "you're so odd." he smiled, picking up two packs of the slugs. ron also had about four acid pops.
the pair made their way over to chocolate frogs, ron smiling like a fool. he loved chocolate, and so did scarlet. "how many do you want?" ron asked. "four is fine, i can pay for them. oliver sent me about 50 gallons." ron's eyes went wide. "50? merlin!" ron laughed, hanging her four of the frogs.
they paid for their things and decided to go get some food and butter beer with harry and hermione who ended up coming later on.
ron and scarlet walked into one of the restaurant that actually allowed younger people in it. harry and hermione were already there. ron waved at them, walking over to the pair.
harry forced a smile onto his face as he noticed the pair holding hands and hermione sighed. "you've gotta move on, harry. i heard ginny likes you." hermione spoke. harry rolled his eyes. "i like cho." harry replied quickly. hermione looked at him with that look. "fine, i still like her. but not as much as i use to. it just hurts to see he-" harry stopped when he saw the pair inches away from the table. they hadn't heard anything, which was a good thing.
"hey guys." scarlet smiled, looking over at ron briefly. "hey, how was your day so far?" hermione smiled wiggling her eyebrows. scarlet laughed. "oh hush. we've only been here for 35 minutes. we've only went to the candy shop. we're gonna go to the bookstore after this." scarlet replied to the comment.
ron was quiet, which wasn't normal for him. scarlet picked up on it, quickly, too. but the waiter came quicker than normal, so she hadn't gotten the chance  to ask what was up with him until after.
"hey, what's wrong?" scarlet whispered to the boy while hermione and harry were distracted. "nothing, i just feel bad about the whole harry situation. i shouldn't be such a git about everything." ron admitted. scarlet nodded. "hey, love, don't feel bad about it-" scarlet stopped, she had realized she had called the boy love. ron turned bright red, but scarlet continued her statement.
"we all make mistakes, as cliché as it sounds, we really do. now, cheer up. please." scarlet smiled as she directed her attention back hermione who was telling us about fred asking her to the ball.
it was now 8:45pm, and all the kids were making their way back to the castle. ron and scarlet walked hand and hand laughing. "oh my god, once! once-let me tell you about this-" scarlet said in between wheezes, "my dad always wanted oliver to fly like flawlessly- so he'd take him outside to practice, and one day oliver fell off his broom and the broom hit my dad in the head so hard-" the pair laughed as harry looked on with jealousy.
"harry, you really need to realize scarlet doesn't feel like same. she obviously likes--no loves—ron." hermione mumbled. "i know, i know hermione. i think i'm gonna ask cho to the ball." he smiled. hermione smiled too. the pair didn't know that cho was with cedric.
"one time fred shit his pants." ron wheezed. scarlet spat one of her gummi slugs out at the comment. "when he was 10." ron continued. "no fucking way!" scarlet laughed harder, hanging ron a gummi slug.
ron, scarlet, harry, and hermione all plowed into the common room, everyone laughing. it was a great day. "hey guys, i had fun but i've really gotta get back to my dorm." ron frowned. "uhm..why don't you just stay here? you can sleep on my bed or something." ron spoke awkwardly. "okay—okay fine, but i've gotta write to my brother in the morning." scarlet agreed.
ron lead scarlet to the dorm. everyone had separate dorms with one other person. sometimes, they didn't even have another person. scarlet smiled at the smell of the room. pine, mint, and flowers. it was wonderful. she had been in his dorm before but it didn't smell this good. maybe she was just distracted.
"do you wanna go to bed now?" ron asked, a smile on his face. "sure." scarlet spoke, returning the smile. "can i borrow some clothes from you?" she added. ron blushed before mumbling an "of course."
he handed the girl some red pj pants and grey shirt. she nodded and went into the bathroom connected into the dorm. she slipped her other clothes off, taking her rings and necklace off, sticking them in the pocket of her jacket. she slipped the pants on before putting the shirt on and returning to ron.
when she came back ron was laying on his bed, smiling and looking up at the ceiling. scarlet smiled at the boy again, walking over to the small bed and laying down on her, her head laying on the boys chest. ron blushed softly, as he awkwardly wrapped his free arm around her figure.
"thank you." scarlet mumbled softly, closing her tired eyes. "for what?" ron inquired. "today, silly." she chuckled. "you're welcome. but thank you even more. i had such a fun time.." he smiled, tempted to kiss the top of her head. but he was too nervous.
"scar, do you wanna go to the ball with me?" ron asked, confidently. "y-yes! of course!" she smiled, flipping her body so she was facing the boy. he smiled and cupped the girls cheeks gently, kissing her. scarlet smiled, wrapping her legs around the boy's waist. ron's face heated up as he realized what she was doing.
he had no problem with it, it wasn't a bad thing at all. it was just terrifying, for both of them. but even while thinking this, they kept kissing each other, sloppily, though. scarlet pulled away, placing her forehead up to the boys.
"you're wonderful, ron weasley."
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who-is-olivia · 4 years
Who Is Olivia?
Harry Styles x OC
Harry proposes during the recordings of Made in the AM. [4.2k]
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: hello! fine line is on the way and i think i might have a creative meltdown when it arrives, so i'll just keep posting whatever i please with all the beautiful content harry's ever brought to light. this chapter is a throwback to old school 1D fanfics, bringing the boys back because i'm soft and i miss one direction =) enjoy xx
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August 2015
“And you will find me... in places that we’ve never been, for reasons we don’t understand, walking in the wind” he sings in the booth for the 8th time, then stands quietly for a few seconds to give her a clean cut spot. “How’s that?”
“You’re almost hitting the note, but it’s not quite yet” Olivia comes over to the booth, “If you put more pressure in it you might find the best placement, come on, do it again”
He rubs his frown in stress, it’s late and he’s tired, having Oli press him is not helping at all. “Don’t we have a take already?”
“We have, but you can do better”
“Come on, love...”
“Trust me, you can do better-“
“Can we take 5?” he asks Julian, who just shrugs. It’s already late, it makes no difference. However, Olivia doesn’t take it half as well as him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m bloody exhausted, that’s what, and having you... diss me every two takes is not helping”
“You think I’m picking on you?” she asks skeptically.
“I’m just saying you don’t criticize Liam or Niall half as much as you do me” he fires back in frustration. Instead of lashing out as he expects she will, Olivia waits for him to calm down and then spells it out for him.
“The only reason I push you is because I want you to give your best. If you want someone to pat your head and shower you in compliments, you’ll sound fine, but fine is also mediocre” he nods in agreement, letting his head fall embarrassed. At the comfort of that position, he almost lets his eyes close but he knows once he does that he’ll probably fall asleep. “We’re almost there, just help us out”
“Alright... I’m sorry” he replies with a small sigh and so she pulls him to a hug, letting him rest his head on her shoulder as she strokes his back.
“Forgiven” she leaves him with a small smile and a quick kiss, “Don’t forget to put pressure on it”
Julian starts the recorder once again, signaling to him that they’re rolling before playing him the playback. “And you will find me... in places that we’ve never been, for reasons we don’t understand, walking in the wind”
Oli waits for a couple of moments before grinning, “I think it’s the take, come out here”
  After Zayn left, making the fifth album was insane. The four of them kept pulling to completely different artistic directions, Julian could barely help them with the singles so little he could give some coherence to the album. That’s when Oli decided to step in.
  Harry knows he pales in the shadow of her abilities as songwriter, virtuosi and producer altogether so he willingly gave her the helm. At first, the other lads were uncomfortable with her command, fearful that this was one of Harry’s things he does for love, but surely enough Olivia proved herself to be very experienced. Harry always wanted to be an entertainer, but he never truly endeavored to become one before the X-Factor, however Oli’s been almost genetically programed for that, studying music ever since she could talk, studying every part of the process and also rubbing shoulders with generations of rockstars. She’s the woman for the job.
  For their luck, Oli and Frank have been touring across America keeping track of One Direction’s leg in there, often making shows in the same city but a few days apart. To keep up with the recordings, she’s been making an extra effort, dedicating almost all her vacant hours to the album. As they often record in hotel rooms, it at least offers a place for them to pass out after endless hours of work.
“Check it out” she places the heavy headphones over his ears so he can hear the mix with the guitar base. Her whole equipment lies on the bed and over the tables, it’s the best she and Julian could assemble... at least it gets a really great sound.
“That sounds really nice” he smiles at her.
“See? I told you”
  She takes all the material they recorded and starts mixing with Julian at their improvised studio. At some point, Liam and Louis decide to participate, leaving Oli free to rest after long hours of work. She curls up in the bed and immediately blacks out, making Harry feel a bit guilty – through all his hissy fits about exhaustion he never once considered how tired she must’ve been feeling, as not once did she bring it up. But now there’s no point in apologizing, he just lays behind her and spoons her back, holding her like a big teddy bear through deep slumber.
  He wakes up hours later with her still unconscious in his arms. It takes a moment for him to realize where he is, getting up without moving her the slightest he notices Julian and Liam still glued to the computer. At the balcony, he finds Louis and Niall sharing a beer and laughing while the sun creeps up the horizon, so he decides to join.
“Morning lads”
“Morning, Romeo” Niall pokes.
“What’re you up for?”
“Trying to come up with something, we’re still missing a couple tracks” Louis explains, taking a gulp of beer. “You’ve got anything?”
“I always do, just don’t know if it could make it to the album” he mentions while resting his back on the railing. He keeps a writing journal full of poems ever since the band started, and in it he keeps great ideas that never saw the light of day. Recently, he wrote one that feels very personal and very cheeky... just thinking about it makes him laugh. “I don’t know if you’ll like it, but I have a really great one”
“How does it go?”
“It’s silly...”
“‘Cause I just play around with Oli’s name” they raise their brows, ready to mock him. “One of these days she was telling me something about alliterations or something like that, and I just played around with the phrase-“ he blushes, “‘I love Olivia’, because the L sound just bounces off. So I wrote a song for her that went I live for you, I long for you, Olivia, I’ll be now idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia... see? It bounces off”
“S’ a bit on the nose, don’t you think?” Niall comments skeptically but Louis is thoroughly entertained. “Using her name on the song, it’s not very subtle”
“We’ve got songs with names on them” he argues, playing with the glass bottle. “Don’t see why not”
“We better tell Liam about it-“
“Tell me what?” the man himself walks through the door to join his bandmates with a bottle of his own.
“Harry’s got a cool song for the album but it’s got Oli’s name on it” Niall explains.
“Is she cool with that?”
“She doesn’t know yet” Harry clarifies.
“Well, is it a good song?”
“It’s not done yet, but it has potential” he insists while noticing how much their confidence as a group has grown over the past few months. They embark on his idea without even hearing the full song, although they’ve been rewarded for their trust time and time again. Harry came up with some great compositions this time around, taking all his experience with the band and Olivia in consideration.
“If you want, you can make a demo when we get to London and show us what you’ve got. I think we booked Abbey Road for a couple of days”
“Alright, I’ll give it a go”
  Before they start the British leg of the tour, they get a couple weeks off schedule which give Harry some time to finish the melody before actually recording it. The last shows of the American leg take place fairly close to New York, so he and Oli get to go home ahead of everyone else. Sadly, one side effect of touring for three months in a row is an empty fridge, making them drag their already exhausted bodies out of the house for their meals.
“Do they need someone for the orchestras? I know a guy who can help” Olivia tells, holding her Starbucks cup in one hand and Harry’s on the other.
“Thanks love, but we’ll record the rest in London”
“Oh, right! I forgot... shit, I’ve got to book a flight” she gets ready to fumble for her phone but he holds her wrist.
“I’ll get a private one, just chill, I’ve got this” he soothes, pulling her hand to his lips then smiling amicably.
She smiles back but it immediately flips into an irritated growl. “For fuck’s sake”, he turns around and notices a couple paparazzi snapping at them. When they notice they’ve been caught they lose all decorum and just harass them.
“Harry, how’s the tour? Are you taking a break?” one of them asks, shoving the camera on his face.
“Hey, back the fuck off-“
“Oli, don’t” Harry holds her closer, taking the sunglasses from his shirt and handing them over so she can at least cover her face. “Let’s get a cab”
“Have you been talking to Zayn?” another one asks.
“Would you please let us through? We just wanna walk” Harry pleads politely.
“Sure man, I’m just doing my job” a third one steps out of the way, helping him and Olivia reach a cab and leave the streets for good.
“77th with Central Park West, please”
Olivia watches the paparazzi stay behind as the taxi speeds by, “Where are we going?”
“It’s a restaurant beside Central Park, I went there the other day, thought you might like”
She smiles, “Look at you, all local and stuff”
“I’m looking forward to at least a year of vacation, might as well learn my way around”
“Oh, thank you, by the way” she returns the sunglasses which he stores in his shirt once again.
  They disembark at Central Park, being faced with an enormous queue outside the restaurant they were set to enter. In spite of it, they decide to walk around anyway. The park is a couple blocks away from their apartment, a purposeful decision as Harry appreciates extensive morning jogs when he sticks around. Although they come from polar opposite backgrounds, they both grew accustomed to New York and truly built a life in the city.
“A little blue bird told me that we’re recording at Abbey Road next week... is it true?” she taunts.
“Yes...” she celebrates discreetly, “You’ve never been there?”
“No, never! I always wanted to record something there”
“And Uncle Paul never took you?” he mocks.
“Very funny” she scowls in return, pushing him away.
“You know, it’d be crazy to go to Abbey Road with a Beatle...” he pulls her back, “What do you say? I give you the Road, you bring the McCartney?”
“He’s probably busy” she laces her arm around his, “Uncle Jim used to say Paul and Ringo only show up if there’s a wedding or a funeral... let’s see which one comes first”
“Let’s see” he looks down, his mind immediately sinking deep in thought.
  They’ve talked about getting married, they agreed to it months ago but they never made a move to officialize it.  They didn’t arrange a party, invite their friends or consult a register office — hell, he didn’t even buy a proper ring. For a moment he frets she might think he’s given up, they’ve been living in good graces for three years straight, the only reason they’re not properly married yet is... inertia. Maybe, with the stars aligning and time on their side, he can come up with something.
“What is it?”
“You got all quiet all of a sudden” she rests her chin on his shoulder, “What is it?”
“Just random things in my mind”
“Yeah, no shit!” he chuckles, “Mind to share?”
“Have you ever written songs about me?”
She frowns, “Not exactly... I usually write about what I feel, and you’re usually the cause of that but it’s way more complex than that. Feelings are a mix of all the baggage you have from life and a catalyst, something that makes you express that. Sometimes that’s you, sometimes it’s not”
He sighs, sometimes she’s humiliatingly clever, “That’s very... fancy”
“I know” she holds on to his hand, holding another over her eyes as the sun hits them directly. “Have you ever written songs about me?”
“All my songs are about you in some way, shape or form, I don’t even have a fancy answer for that” he takes his sunglasses off again and places them over her face, she mutters a small ‘thanks’. “And it’s a bit weird ‘cause I always want people to relate to the songs but I feel like they’re too specific, might as well just slap your name in the title” he suggests almost as an internal joke with himself.
“I think you’re not getting this right”
“Take Uncle Paul for example: he wrote a bunch of songs with names on them and people still relate to it. Like Michelle, Dear Prudence, Sexy Sadie...”
“I think they listen to it more like made up stories than like autobiographies”
“Maybe, but you see, these songs have a clear subject and yet everyone can be touched by the lyrics. When you hear Dear Prudence do you think about Prudence Farrow locked up in her room at an Indian meditation camp?”
“I didn’t even know that story” he admits.
“Exactly, and you don’t have to! ‘Cause when you hear Dear Prudence you understand it’s about going outside, enjoying the day and feeling good about yourself”
He ponders, maybe his song can make its way to the album like that: being based on this incredible experience he lives every moment they’re together but still describing something everyone goes through, “Yeah, it feels like that”
“See? And he’s not talking to you, he’s talking to Prudence” she points a finger on his face to prove a point. “The best art makes you feel personally addressed, even if there’s a name between the artist and the listener. You can quote me on that”
“Alright, clever clocks” he pulls her to a hug and presses a playful kiss on her lips, which extends to this sweet contact in the middle of Central Park. This last album has been challenging, it’s pushed Harry so hard he sometimes feels he’s not up to task as a singer, a composer or a producer. And having her beside him’s helped him realize all the things he can do as well as what he can be better at. He breaks the kiss but keeps his forehead pressed against hers. “Thanks, love”
“I can tell when you need a pep talk”
“Yeah, my left nipple starts aching” he laughs between them and curtly gropes her left tit.
“This one?” she pushes his hand away.
“Stop it!”
  Their domestic week ends too fast, soon they’re back in London to record the rest of the album. Her words help him finish the song without any insecurity holding him back, in fact it inspires him so much that as soon as he gets to London he walks into Cartier and buys her engagement ring. He chooses a delicate one in rose gold with flowers engraved on it and a small diamond nestled between the carvings.
  Today is the last day of recording at Abbey Road and he decides this is the day he’ll propose. However, to do it right, he’ll need a plan:
“Lou, keep her busy in studio 1” he instructs, gathering the four of them on a circle with their arms around their shoulders, almost like a football team, “mess up as many takes as you can-“
“That won’t be hard” he mocks.
“Liam and I will record the strings and the vocals at studio 3, remember, you have to stall her there”
“We get it mate, keep her in studio 1” Niall sighs tiredly.
“Right, when I call her up, you wait outside the hallway. I’ll play her the song and ask, if she says no... please, pretend like it never happened-“ Lou smacks the back of his head. “Ouch!”
“Stop saying that, focus!”
“Alright!... when she says yes, you can bring it on” they all nod excitedly, “Don’t forget to bring Frank up!”
“We’ve got this” Liam hypes, putting his hand in the middle so they follow. “3, 2, 1-“
“We push!”
  The plan gets into motion when she arrives at the studio, leaving her coat at the door. She starts taking pictures of the lobby to send her Uncle, but as soon as she crosses the security Louis comes over and drags her to studio 1.
“Come on lass, we’ve got loads to do!” he pulls her by the hand playfully.
“Calm down, I can walk!” she groans but jogs behind him nonetheless.
  While she’s busy recording Lou’s uncannily messy vocals, Harry and Liam greet a violinist that plays the sheet music for the chorus and the outro. They’re recording and mixing at the same time, hurrying to get a decent enough base for the vocals with what they’ve been working on for the past couple of days, skipping through compressors and equalizers just to get something done.
  At the hallway, Niall is returning from the restroom when he catches Olivia sneaking out studio 1 to look for Harry.
“Oi! What’s up?”
“I can’t take this anymore, if Lou messes up one more time I’ll hit him with my shoe” she pulls her braids out of her face. “Where’s Harry?”
“I... I don’t think he’s here yet” he messes up the last few words. God he sucks at lying, and his hard accent doesn’t help one bit.
She frowns suspiciously, “You  sure?”
“We can call him later, come on” he pushes her frustrated self back to studio 1, “we don’t have all day”
  Few more hours pass and Niall replaces Louis in the recording booth to give her a break, they know he’s got the best intentions at heart but it’s not working a treat. Harry steps into the booth to record his vocals in one go, it doesn’t sound great but he can work on it better if they actually decide to put it on the album. He’s got a lot to prove with this song: for once, he has to prove himself as an artist that can make something incredibly specific and still relatable; and then prove himself to the band, even if it’s probably their last album he wants to be relevant in it. His songs were never really taken seriously, neither were Zayn’s, and he doesn’t want to thread the same path as him.
At last his input is enough, they get great takes and start mixing it together with time to spare — that is, until Louis rushes inside: “Lads, come on, she’s not buying it! Tell me you’ve got it”
“We’ve got it!” Liam replies enthusiastically but Harry holds him back.
“Wha- No! I-I haven’t got anything!” his heart starts racing as it never did before, the prospect of the big moment being so close terrifies him. “I’m not ready for it”
“Of course you are! Mate, you’ve been together for ages, this is just one more step” he encourages, holding Harry by his shoulders.
“Bloody hell... what if she says no?”
“She won’t say no!”
“What if she does?!”
“Then nothing changes! You keep on living your life just without a ring and a wedding date” Louis argues, crossing his arms casually as he tries do play it cool. “Now, can I call her in?”
Harry takes a deep breath and nods, Liam’s hands slip from his shoulder with a friendly pat. “You’ll be great”
  They leave the studio with encouraging looks, leaving him alone and anxious in the vast studio. He pats his jacket to find the box safely stored inside his pocket, one more time he takes a deep breath. This is happening. The silence seems to extend for ages when the door opens again, this time for Oli to sneak in. Once he sees her it dawns on him what is about to happen, but he doesn’t panic... instead he feels at ease.
“What are you up to?” she tip toes inside and sits on his lap, pressing a quick kiss on his lips.
“Just checking this demo”
“Hmm, quite the professional!” she mocks, looking at the tracks. There’s too few of them, only one vocal track and three instrumentals. She’s about to mess with it when he holds her hand.
“Before you play... just bare with me, it’s not ready yet, it’s just a demo –“
“It’s okay Haz”
“– I know, but it just might not reach your standards...”
“Harry... look, I know how hard you’re working on this, I’ve watched you learn this bit by bit for years. I had a lifetime of learning what you learned in five years, don’t be harsh on yourself” she strokes his hair with a humble smile, as if she’s begging him not to torture himself about it. “Now, may I?” he nods in response so she hits the space bar.
 The metronome count starts and a simple violin chord plays before Harry’s vocal kicks in blasting around the room’s sound system. Although she loves every piece of him to the bones, there’s something special about his raspy voice that gets her weak in the knees. She listens to it keeping her eyes fixed on the ground to better focus on her hearing. The first couple of verses are a bit weak, but she won’t say anything to an already nervous Harry. The following ones sound a bit better until it comes to the pre-chorus.
“Please believe me, don’t you see the things you mean to me oh! I love you, I love you, I love-I love- I love Olivia”
“Wait” she frowns at the computer, then the chorus progresses.
“I live for you, I long for you Olivia-“
“Oh my god...” her eyes turn to him in a bolt, he only smirks with those cheeky dimples of his and hugs her waist closer.
“... I’ll be now idolizing the light in your eyes, Olivia. I live for you, I long for you, Olivia-”
“Oh my fucking god...” he laughs at her reaction, covering up her mouth in a struggled gasp. “You didn’t!”
“I did!”
“When you’re gone and I’m alone you live in my imagination, summertime and butterflies all belong to your creation. I love you, is all I do, I love you...”
She chokes a bit at the lyrics, and that is the moment Harry chooses to get the velvet box from his pocket and show it to her. “Oh, come on...” she cries absolutely overwhelmed at the sight of that beautiful delicate ring. She was successfully fooled, in no way would she ever imagine that the sound he was working so hard on was for her and that it was also his proposal... still, all she can do is smile and cry at the same time.
“I think I’ve said it all already, but still” he starts, her reaction causing him to tear up a bit. “You said you wanted a ring, a speech and an ugly cry”
“I did, didn’t I?” she tries to say through a sob.
“Will you marry me, love?”
“Yes! Of course!” she cups his cheek earnestly and kisses him with all she’s got, leaning into him gently but with the sheer will of a hurricane. She breaks the kiss only to wipe her own cheeks and leave a strained chuckle, “I swear to you, one of these days you’re gonna kill me”
“No way, who’s gonna finish the album” to that, she can only roll her eyes. “May I?” he takes her hand.
“Please” she watches him slip the delicate ring on her finger, astounded by his attention to detail. “It’s so beautiful... everything Haz, seriously, the song is...” she huffs, absolutely speechless. Harry smiles in satisfaction, lacing her hips as she hugs his neck pressing herself completely against him, feeling his love irradiating from every pore.
“I meant every word” he whispers, cupping the back of her neck and showering her with small pecks on the cheek.
“She said yes?” they both turn to the door and find Liam, Niall, Louis and Frank lining up at the frame waiting to come in.
“Of course she did!” Harry answers smugly.
“She said yes!” Lou screams, sparking a big celebratory mayhem of champagne popping and flying paper around them. “You should’ve seen his face when we left, he was totally passing out”
“He was shaking” Liam adds.
“Thanks mate, cheers”
“Were you stalling me today?” she points to Louis in accusation.
“In my defense, I was told to stall you for the whole afternoon”
“Can’t believe you were all in it... how long have you been outside?”
“We got here when the music started, I gotta say... it’s really good” Lou compliments, handing them plastic cups of champagne.
“Really good” Niall joins, “We should put it on the album... I mean, if you’re ok with it”
“I’m more than ok with that” she laughs.
“Than that’s it! Just missing another three songs” Louis mocks.
“Can we take a break? Just got engaged, if anyone noticed" Harry shrugs, his inner egomaniac begging the attention to turn back to him.
"Cheers!" they join cups in the center an down the content of their cups merrily, then doing it again this time with Harry and Olivia crossing their arms to do so.
A/N: and that's it! just a small taste, i've got more stuff cooking, adore you has been driving me crazy all week but i'm still figuring out how it makes me feel and how it can become a story... you'll see xx
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When You Least Expect It
Pairing: OC x Seo Changbin
Genre: enemies to lovers one-shot
Word Count: around 10,000 (yeah, I’m sorry)
Warnings: Smut (near the end) and Language
Summary: Changbin and Hanna had never gotten along, but they tolerated each other’s presence for the sake of their friends. However, when Hanna begs Changbin to teach her how to play the guitar, their relationship promises much more than hostile insults.
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On Sundays, I liked to watch ridiculous Australian television shows with Chan and Felix. The two boys never seemed to mind, especially since the real reason I came over was to eat my way through their monthly supply of groceries. Plus, Chan and I used to fuck when we were still in high school and that boy owed me for all the free orgasms. “You watched Gumby in Australia?” I questioned, watching the disturbing animated character as it danced across the screen.
Felix shrugged. “It was fun as a kid.”
I unconsciously shivered, leaning in closer to Chan. “That’s seriously creepy.”
“You take what you can find,” Chan remarked, shoving another forkful of ramen into his mouth.
“I remember watching Teen Titans.”
“What was that?”
“Just some teenagers who had crazy superpowers,” I explained, reaching over to take another stick of beef jerky from Felix.
He hummed in acknowledgment, eyes still glued to the TV. Meanwhile, I could faintly hear the sound of the front door opening, but it wasn’t until he was standing in my line of vision that I actually bothered to look up. “Why are you always here?” Changbin growled, reaching down to swipe away the piece of jerky I had every intention of consuming. 
“How inconsiderate,” I remarked, shifting closer to Chan with the hope that the older boy would take pity on me.
“You know what’s inconsiderate?” Changbin continued to complain. “Having you over here every morning to eat the food that I paid for!”
“I helped,” Chan grumbled, poking almost ruthlessly at his ramen breakfast.
“Changbin is just being rude,” I consoled him, pressing a tender kiss to his bare shoulder as Chan seemed to recently take a preference for wearing muscle tanks around the apartment.
“Look here, sweetheart,” Changbin growled, tone dripping with his barely concealed outrage. “You’re lucky I even let you come around here.”
I snorted because I definitely didn’t care about Changbin’s comfort. “You don’t bitch to Felix and he’s here more than me!”
“Felix actually contributes to the band,” Changbin tittered. “You don’t really do anything!”
“I keep the boys entertained,” I joked, digging my fingers into Chan’s side to wrench free one of his trademarked giggles.
“I like having Hanna around,” Felix protested, reaching over to cling onto my arm like an oversized koala. 
I gave Changbin a smug grin, delighting in the way his eyes darkened further. He was far too easy to rile up and his quick-temper was fun to ignite when I was feeling in the mood. “Changbin,” I cooed. “Why don’t you like me?”
The younger boy was obviously not in the mood to play along, but it was still funny to watch him storm away with his fists clenched at his sides. “He’s too short to be intimidating,” I declared, settling back down with Chan and Felix to watch another one of Gumby’s whimsical adventures.
You see, I met Chan and Felix back in high school because of Hyunjin, my younger brother. And although Hyunjin would never admit it, he did his best to keep me away from his friends. “You’ll fall for Chan,” he explained when I asked why he continued to sneak the two Australians out the back door.
Of course, Hyunjin was right, and I eventually slept with Chan at a ridiculously cliche high school party. After that, we started dating for a while until we figured out being friends was a much better situation. Hyunjin was definitely grateful because he could finally have his older friend all to himself, but I still hung around whenever I could. 
Chan and I also started university first, and it was nice to know someone because I was terrible at making friends. Thankfully, Chan introduced me to some guys he knew and Woojin and Minho became close confidants. They were mature and quirky, deciding we could have just as much fun with a few beers and a game of twister as opposed to those crowded fraternity parties. However, that didn’t necessarily mean I didn’t partake in the occasional late-night gathering, especially if campus icon Hyungwon had anything to say about it.
Nevertheless, when Hyunjin and Felix started school with Chan and me, things took on a new and interesting dynamic when they discovered an audition sheet for a new band. Apparently, the group was relatively new and were looking for singers and performers to join. Thereafter, we were all invited into the chaotic world of music with a strange introduction from Jisung, Jeongin, Seungmin, and, of course, Changbin. 
Now, I wasn’t musically talented in any sense so I chose to merely accompany the boys to their frequent practices in the garage of Jisung’s house. Despite his parent’s constant bombardment, it was cool to have a place far away from campus to hang out and I enjoyed interacting with the others. I found myself growing closer to the other boys, even though we hadn’t known each other for very long.
However, despite our new acquaintanceship, I still had not managed to charm Seo Changbin the same way I had with the others. I was convinced the younger boy hated me, so I tried to stay out of his way. I mean, who would want to deal with his constant mood changes or annoying laugh anyway?
“I’ve got something brilliant!” Chan interrupted my darkening thoughts as he barged into Jisung’s basement waving about several loose sheets of papers. “This one will give us a hit for sure!”
I was the first to take a look, snatching them right out of Changbin’s hands who merely glowered at me in response. “Matroshyka?”
“Exactly!” Chan exclaimed, jabbing the sheets of paper aggressively before he sat down on the edge of the couch. “What do you think?”
I nodded my agreement. “It’s really good.”
Chan beamed under my praise while I relented the sheet music to a fuming Changbin. I walked over to Woojin, inviting myself into his comfortable lap, encouraging him to wrap his hands around my waist. “How long did you stay up last night, Chan?”
I studied the dark circles under Chan’s eyes as the older boy shook his head. “It wasn’t that late!”
“It’s fantastic,” Changbin gasped, immediately racing over to their elaborate set-up of sound equipment.
“Really?” Jisung perked up, tossing aside his notebook as he joined Changbin.
Meanwhile, Chan reclined back against the couch, folding his arms behind his head. “I’m a genius.”
“That isn’t exactly your style, Chan,” I laughed, feeling Woojin chuckling from beneath me.
“This is genius though!” Jisung insisted, running his hands through his crazy dark blue hair.
“We should record it tonight,” Changbin added. “Who did you have in mind?”
“Well,” Chan started sheepishly, suddenly shy despite his earlier confidence. “I thought it could be me, you, and Jisung.”
“I don’t know if I’m ready!” Jisung fretted, and I fought the urge to walk over and invite him into my arms. Jisung lacked in self-confidence, but I always tried to brighten his mood.
“We’ll do a practice run,” Changbin nodded as if he could already hear the finished product given the ridiculous way he bopped his head.
“This is exciting!” Jeongin added the youngest rushing over to Seungmin to yank out his earphones. “We’re recording tonight!”
I yawned, tuning out their adorable gushing as I considered the amount of homework I had to finish. I couldn’t stay tonight, but I wasn’t really needed anyway. And it would probably make Changbin happy. 
Woojin immediately protested when I left his lap, reaching down for my bag. “You guys have fun tonight. I have a Chemistry paper due this Friday.”
“But Hanna,” Jisung pouted. “This is our first real recording.”
“And you’ll do great,” I said, adding a cheesy thumbs-up. 
“Less room for her to get in the way,” Changbin grunted and I glared in his direction. 
What an asshole.
Of course, it turns out that taking my English essay to the library instantly became the best decision of my life! And it was in large part due to the incredibly handsome library assistant who casually flirted with me as he helped me find all the books I needed from the list I jotted down before leaving my dorm. I was practically salivating when he asked if I could use any help writing the annoying assignment. I immediately acquiesced and spent the next several hours in literal heaven next to an actual angel. Not only did I finish my essay, but I also managed to score myself a coffee date the next morning.
Subsequently, I returned to the dorm late that evening which meant I allowed myself to sleep-in the following day. Usually, I never ignored texts from the boys, but I also didn’t want them to ruin my morning. After all, I was meeting with a man with whom I was 95% sure I would marry very soon, even if that meant a shotgun wedding at a chapel in Las Vegas. 
At least, until I opened my big mouth.
Here’s some advice: just because a literal angel tells you that he knows how to play the guitar doesn’t mean you should also admit the same skillset. As it turns out, you don’t have to share everything in common with a potential partner. But I was enamored, and I spent several minutes talking about the really cool band I was apart of even though I knew Changbin would rather drink chlorine than admit I was a member of their silly boy group. 
“You should come over and we can play together,” my angel said, and that’s when I knew I was doomed.
After we parted ways, I sought after Chan because I knew the older boy had been practicing guitar and maybe he would be kind enough to teach me a few chords. However, when I finished explaining the situation to him, Chan started laughing hysterically, pointing a finger at me as he incoherently tried to form a sentence. “What’s so funny?” Woojin asked as he entered Chan’s bedroom.
“Apparently my love life?” I grumbled, glaring at Chan as if that could possibly intimidate the older boy in the slightest.
After filling in Woojin, and a mischievous Jisung, I had to listen to the three of them cackle like old men who insisted on making a “joke” far funnier than it actually was. “Will you help me!” I pouted when Chan started to settle back down. 
“I haven’t played in years,” Chan admitted, glancing back at Jisung. “What about you?”
“I’m really not that good,” Jisung shrugged. “But I know Changbin can play.”
“I’d rather deal with your mediocre skills than ask him. Actually, you could literally rip my fingernails off and I still wouldn’t ask Changbin.”
Jisung wrinkled his nose. “That’s gross.”
“The point is,” I reiterated, flailing my arms to regain their attention. “I can’t ask Changbin.”
“Why not?” Chan shrugged. “He’s really good and I don’t think he’d mind teaching you.”
I looked at Chan like the older boy had suddenly gained an additional head. “Are you serious? Changbin hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” Woojin added. “He just sort of tolerates you.”
As if that was any better, but I was desperate, which is why I found myself lingering outside Changbin’s bedroom. I cleared my throat as I rehearsed my practiced speech: “Listen, Changbin, I’m really proud of everything that you’ve done with the group. In fact, I think it might be nice to be more supportive! Maybe if I could learn an instrument, I might be able to relate more to the music? How about teaching me to play the guitar?”
I let out an exasperated sigh as I dismissed my planned verbiage, choosing instead to knock hesitantly on the door. “What?” an annoyed voice called out, slightly muffled by the walls.
“I need a favor,” I said, fidgeting with my hands and fully expecting Changbin to ignore me completely.
What I wasn’t prepared for was the sight of an obviously exhausted Seo Changbin opening the door only wearing a dark pair of low-hanging sweatpants. “Why are you here?” he muttered, rubbing the sleep from his dark eyes.
I immediately shielded my gaze, trying to ignore the flare of interest after scanning down the broad expanse of his chest. “Put some clothes on!”
“This is my apartment,” Changbin retorted, very much unimpressed with me as he stepped out of the doorway. “I was sleeping.”
“Sorry,” I huffed, stepping inside his messy room. A complete disaster, if you ask me, with weird grunge rock band posters decorating the walls and a carpet made of clothes since he obviously doesn’t own a laundry basket. “I have a proposal.”
“What?” he grunted.
“I want to learn how to play the guitar and Chan said you were pretty good.”
Changbin was quiet for a moment. “Why the hell do you want to play the guitar?”
I felt my cheeks heat up, but thankfully my hands were still hiding my face. “Is that really your business?”
“Careful sweetheart, you need me, remember?”
I cursed his arrogance. “Fine, I want to learn because the guy I like can play.”
“You’re trying to learn guitar to impress another dude?” Changbin chuckled. “Isn’t that too much?”
“You wanted to know why!”
“What will you do for me in return, sweetheart? I remember hearing something about a proposal?”
“Of course, because it would be too much for you to help out a friend,” I muttered, finally removing my hands so that I could look him in the eye. Thankfully, Changbin was hunched over, somewhat hiding his naked chest from my sight. “I’ll stop coming here in the mornings to eat your damn groceries, okay?”
Changbin brightened. “Deal.”
It was likely the first time we ever agreed on something so easily.
“I booked the music room in the library for the week,” I told him. “We can practice there.”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart,” he sighed, falling back on his bed. “Now leave me alone. I still have an hour left before our second recording.”
Ignoring his dismissive attitude, I still held tight to the small victory I had attained in our agreement. I was a decently fast learner, so I planned for a few lessons with Changbin before I was ready to play with Hyungsik, A.K.A, the beautiful librarian who had left a memorable impression. That evening, I went to the music store and rented an acoustic guitar for my impromptu lessons. I also purchased one of those Dummy books because, despite the obvious condescension, they were pretty helpful guides.
I stayed up late that night reading through the book, nodding my head as I realized that it wouldn’t be too difficult at all. In fact, with some practice, I could have probably taught myself this stuff without Changbin’s assistance. “This is too easy,” I remarked, setting aside the book before allowing tender dreams of Hyungsik to soothe me into sleep.
“This is the first fret,” Changbin droned monotonously while I resisted the urge to reach over and shake him because he was going way too slow. After all, I told him beforehand that I had been reading some very extensive literature on the guitar. He must have ignored me because he started from the beginning with the basic foundational stuff that even a first grader could have learned.
“Come on, Changbin,” I urged him. “I already know all this stuff.”
“It’s important to memorize the chords-”
“Yeah, but when are we going to play a song?”
His accompanying smirk was positively evil. “I thought you wanted me to teach you, sweetheart?”
“How to play songs!” I emphasized, because how deaf was this boy? I needed to remind Chan to keep Changbin out of the recording booth for a few days.
“You have to learn the basics before you can play a song,” Changbin went on, ignoring the way I rolled my eyes at his deliberate reprimand.
“I read the book already,” I sighed, deliberating whether or not it was too late to beg Chan or Jisung instead.
“Alright,” Changbin said, abruptly shoving the instrument in my direction. “Play me a C Major chord.”
Rolling my eyes, I pictured the image of the chord in my head, slowly working my fingers onto the strings. “This is what the book said.”
“It told you to crowd your fingers onto the same fret?”
“To play the B string, the D string, and the A string.”
“Okay, but your fingers aren’t positioned correctly.”
“This is what the book said!”
“I’m sure it did,” Changbin managed, openly laughing at me as if I had started speaking a foreign language. “But your fingers aren’t on the correct frets, and they aren’t holding down the strings enough.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Changbin smirked, jerking the guitar away from my eager hands. “This is why you should watch me first, sweetheart. You might actually learn something useful.”
I resisted the urge to snap back at him because I was still 90% certain that I had been correct, but instead, I chose to fume quietly while Changbin resumed his lecture. Honestly, I endured enough of those on a daily basis with my college courses. The last thing I needed was Changbin’s nasally voice instructing me on the difference between E Minor and E Major, whatever the hell that means.
“Look Changbin,” I finally interrupted him. “Can’t you at least teach me a song?”
“What kind of song?” he asked, eyeing me curiously.
“Something romantic,” I briefly gushed, reaching over to shake his arm excitedly. “I really want to impress this guy.”
Changbin’s look of curiosity was replaced with one of revulsion. “Who is this guy, anyway? I don’t understand why you already like him so much.”
“We’re getting to know one another,” I insisted petulantly. “You wouldn’t understand. You’ve never even had a girlfriend before.”
Changbin quietly looked down, and I was slightly taken aback by the dark look that had briefly obscured his gaze. “Whatever song you want.”
I cleared my throat, a little unnerved by his unexpected behavior. “Just play something you know best.”
A familiar riff filled the tense silence between us. I snapped my fingers in recognition. “Stairway to Heaven?”
“It’s really easy,” Changbin shrugged, focused on his playing. “It was the first thing I ever learned how to play on the guitar.”
“It’s nice,” I admitted sheepishly.
I strangely found Changbin endearing at that moment, watching him play as if there was nowhere else in the entire world he would rather be…
Two Weeks Later
“My fingers hurt,” I pouted, presenting Chan with the sight of my blistered hands.
“Poor baby,” he teased, sprinkling tiny kisses across the delicate skin of my fingertips.
“That’s just gross,” Seungmin complained from where he was lying across Jeongin’s lap, eyes rapidly scanning over the pages of his most recent novel obsession. 
It had something to do with a stalker.
“They used to fuck,” Jisung stated bluntly, ripping into his package of skittles, cursing when a few wayward candies fell into the floor. 
“Don’t remind me,” Hyunjin whined as he covered his eyes with his hands as if burdened with a mental image of Chan and me together.
“Who fucked up your hands?” Woojin asked protectively, ignoring the previous topic of my coital actions with Chan.
“It’s from fretting the guitar,” I said a bit smugly, proud of my newfound knowledge. “Changbin is teaching me how to play.”
“Why the hell are you learning guitar?” Seungmin asked.
“Forget that!” Jeongin interjected. “How did you convince Changbin to teach you?”
“Tell me you didn’t agree to have sex with him!” Hyunjin gasped, bolting upright from his previous position on the couch to confront me, hands grasping my face tightly.
“What’s wrong with you?” I muttered, pushing aside Hyunjin’s wayward touch. “Why would I have sex with Changbin?”
“I thought he-”
“Hey!” Jisung suddenly interrupted, clapping his hands together rather obnoxiously. He gave Hyunjin a meaningful look, one that I could not begin to decipher. But I also didn’t really care because the two of them made for a strange duo. “Let’s talk about something else.”
“Yes!” Minho finally spoke up, rolling onto the floor to glance up at me through long lashes. “Let’s talk about Hanna’s new boyfriend.”
I brightened at the suggestion. “Hyungsik?”
“Hyungsik,” Minho repeated with a poor impression of my accent. “Tell me, have the two of you fucked yet?”
“Why are ya’ll so interested in sex?” Seungmin asked, slamming his book closed before knocking it against Jeongin’s chest. 
“Why? Do you like Hyungsik too?”
Seungmin didn’t hesitate to fling the innocent chapter book in Minho’s direction. The older boy dodged easily, returning his attention to our previous subject. “Well?”
“Not yet,” I admitted with a shrug. “But there’s a party tonight.”
“Hyungwon’s party?” Chan asked, suddenly remembering that he was also apart of the conversation.
“That’s the one!” I agreed, patting the side of his face. “Aren’t you going?”
“Maybe,” Chan shrugged. “Actually, Changbin invited me earlier.”
“Changbin at a party?” Hyunjin scoffed. “Did he produce the music?”
I laughed at my brother’s witty remark. “I always pictured Changbin as the type to fall asleep drooling on his sheet music. Since when has he ever been interested in frat parties?”
“Since when have you?” Hyunjin randomly questioned, as if remembering that he was my younger brother and should probably discourage such illicit activities.
“You could come too,” I joked. “You’ll give all the pretty boys a run for their money.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Nonetheless, my younger brother could never resist the promise of free alcohol.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Hyunjin whined as I drove the two of us to Hyungwon’s fraternity.
“You need to get laid,” I reminded him, locating a parking spot further down the busy street, congested with student vehicles. “This place is fucking insane.”
“Yet another reminder of why I should have stayed at the studio,” Hyunjin continued.
“Relax,” I said. “Changbin is supposed to be here with Chan. Find your friends and show them how an amateur dances to 90s EDM music.”
I squealed when Hyunjin reached across the center console to slap my arm. “You’re not funny.”
“And you’re slow,” I shot back. 
The party had started nearly half-an-hour ago, which meant we were fashionably late and way too sober. I carefully pulled into the parking spot I located earlier, grumbling because I was forced to parallel park. But I was also impatient to find Hyungsik.
“Hold on!” 
“It’s your fault if you don’t keep up,” I said, reaching down to unzip my jacket to reveal the rather inappropriate blouse that I had chosen for the evening’s affairs. 
Hyunjin finally caught up to me as I carefully took the steps leading up to the front door of Hyungwon’s fraternity, teetering precariously on my 4-inch high heels. Despite the fact that the sun had only started to set, I could already spot familiar red cups decorating the banister rails. Kihyun’s going to lose his shit when he discovers this mess in the morning. 
“Changbin and Chan are somewhere in the kitchen finding drinks,” Hyunjin informed me. “Can you spare a few more moments away from your sweetheart?”
“For Channie, yes,” I agreed, allowing Hyunjin to act the part of a gentleman and hold the door for me, allowing the blaring music to spill outside into the slowly darkening evening.
Hyunjin and I did our best to avoid the main floor where the drunk Freshmen were already losing their inhibitions. We slowly skimmed the outer edge of the wall, spotting the open kitchen where a much calmer atmosphere prevailed. Chan was the first to spot us, pointing over Changbin’s shoulder. “What’s up?”
“Trying to avoid a literal mess,” I grinned, wrapping my arms tightly around Chan’s neck. “Did you find something good to drink?”
“Not really,” Chan grimaced. “There’s a punch bowl, but that shit smells like gasoline.”
“Live a little,” I joked, peeking at Changbin out of the corner of my peripheral vision. “I’m surprised you came, Changbin.”
The younger shrugged, picking at a loose string on his black t-shirt. “I like Hyungwon.”
“Really?” I snorted because I was almost positive Changbin didn’t even really like his own bandmates.
“Hyunjin!” a shrill voice punctured our small oasis. I saw my brother grimace as a petite blonde came into his line of his vision. “I can’t believe you came.”
Changbin chuckled from my brother’s side. “He knew you were going to be here, Mina.”
“Hyunjin,” the girl giggled, as if ignorant to my brother’s obvious disgust like he was looking at the personification of Evil.
“You two should dance,” I suggested, deciding to tease my brother. After all, he was the one who often bragged about his superior choreography.
“Hanna,” Hyunjin addressed me, slugging me rather harshly across my shoulder. “I thought you wanted to dance with me?”
“I’ll dance with Channie,” I countered, feeling nothing short of victorious when my brother scowled, reluctantly allowing Mina to drag him away from our small gathering.
“How do they know each other?” I asked.
“She leaves cute notes on Hyunjin’s desk in our economics lecture,” Changbin said, leaning in closer. “I think she might like your brother.”
Changbin’s close proximity was unexpected, especially given my body’s peculiar reaction, practically drawn to the mischievous glimmer to his dilated irises. “Is that so?”
“Her older sister is a total bitch,” Chan remarked, ignorant to the strange tension between Changbin and me. 
I tore myself from Changbin’s hypnotic stare. “What the hell are you even talking about?”
Chan shrugged. “Where’s your precious new boyfriend?”
I let out a gasp as I suddenly remembered Hyungsik. “I should find him and introduce you.”
“Thrilling,” Changbin grumbled, pulling back to offer the cheaply tiled kitchen floor a dirty glare.
“I’ll try and find him. You two wait here.”
My endeavors at impressive sleuthing were cut short, however, when I found Hyungsik talking in animated conversation with two of his friends. I couldn’t resist a smile as I pushed my way through the unwavering sea of students to reach him. Unfortunately, as I grew closer, I realized that he was swaying slightly, eyes unfocused as he took a long drink from his bright red cup. “Hyungsik!”
“Hanna!” the older boy exclaimed, meeting me halfway at the edge of the growing crowd. “You made it!”
His breath fanned across my face and I wrinkled my nose upon smelling the unpleasant waft of alcohol. “You’re already drunk?” I lamented, feeling a tad bit disappointed. There was no way I could introduce Hyungsik to Changbin and Chan in this condition. They would mock me for such a first impression.
Hyungsik offered me a flirtatious grin. “I think the punch was spiked.”
Nevertheless, I refused to have my evening spoiled so prematurely by my potential boyfriend’s immaturity. “Let’s dance,” I offered instead, taking Hyungsik’s eager hand and leading him to the middle of the dance floor.
I guided his sweaty palms to either side of my waist, expertly rocking my hips to the beat of the music. Hyungsik let out an uncharacteristic yell as he pulled me closer to his body, allowing more of the alcohol smell to completely blind my senses. “Are you having fun?” he shouted into my ear.
I was too young to lose my hearing.
And I gave up on Hyungsik the moment his hands started to trail messily across my backside, tossing his head from side to side like an incompetent rock musician who was well past his prime. “Come on,” I sighed, jerking away from his touch.
I decided it was time to help Hyungsik sober up from his premature alcohol consumption. I knew that Hyungwon allowed guests to stay in some of the empty rooms upstairs. My best option would be to lead Hyungsik to one of those rooms and let him sleep off his drunken stupor. 
“Weee!” Hyungsik giggled as he fell on top of the bed, letting out a grunt as he collapsed on his front.
“Yeah, what a great fucking time,” I muttered sarcastically as I yanked his shoes from his feet, allowing them to messily fall into the floor.
I made sure to leave Hyungsik a glass of water and two Ibuprofen before turning out the light. I was a good Samaritan, even when the recipient of my good graces happened to be a potential love interest who totally ruined my Saturday night and left me feeling completely deflated. Of course, I guess it wasn’t exactly Hyungsik’s fault since he was apparently unaccustomed to the ridiculous tradition of avoiding the provided alcohol at frat parties. Still, I was far more likely to kick Hyungwon’s ass tomorrow morning in our Chemistry lecture, if he could manage to drag himself to class with a nasty hangover.
Satisfied with Hyungsik’s condition, I slowly closed the bedroom door behind me, letting out an exasperated sigh. I should’ve known better than to expect a decent lay from a fraternity party. What the actual hell was I even thinking? However, my self-loathing was temporarily forgotten when I spotted a shadow lingering around the corner of the hallway. I perked up instantly, eliminating the short distance to confront whoever had decided to stalk me when I was obviously upset.
“Changbin?” I questioned and he paused in his obvious attempt to sneak away. “Did you follow me up here?”
Changbin cleared his throat as he pivoted around to face me. “I’m sorry.”
“Why did you do that?” I asked, taking another step closer. I was surprised to see an unfamiliar brush coloring the narrow aspect of Changbin’s cheeks. “Did you think I was going to sleep with him?”
“He was drunk,” Changbin offered as a retort. “I didn’t want him to hurt you.”
“Trust me,” I scoffed, “he was too far gone to do anything to me.”
“But you wanted him too,” Changbin said, an unfamiliar rasp in his tone.
“Not really,” I shrugged. “I was mad that he was already drunk.”
Changbin let out an uncharacteristic giggle that I found alarmingly adorable. “You should know that your brother is currently dancing on top of the kitchen counter.”
I rolled my eyes. “I hope someone takes a good video. He deserves the embarrassment.”
Changbin nodded, rocking back on his heels. “Are you going to leave?”
“Probably,” I said. “I need to get Hyunjin home.”
“I can help if you want?” Changbin offered, and I was quick to accept his assistance.
“Is Chan still here?” I asked him as I guided our way through the maze of intoxicated students.
“Chan left a while ago,” Changbin said, one hand reaching out to hold onto my shoulder as I led us into the kitchen where an obvious crowd had started to circle around my idiot brother.
I forced my way to the front. “Hyunjin, get your ass down here right now!”
Hyunjin glanced down at me from the pedestal he had made of Hyungwon’s marble countertop. He squinted his eyes as if he couldn’t quite discern who I was. “Hanna?”
“Yes, you asshole,” I growled, yanking at his ridiculously tight skinny jeans. “If you want a ride home, then I suggest you stop acting like a complete fuckboy.”
Hyunjin seemed to sober up at my reprimand. “Sorry,” he slurred, falling into my arms.
“Hyunjin, you weigh twice as much as me,” I grunted, whispering a quick ‘thank you’ to Changbin when he offered to burden most of Hyunjin’s dead weight.
“You guys are the best,” Hyunjin said, rubbing his sweaty hair against the side of my face as we were abruptly hit with a cold rush of air from the outside.
“Shut the fuck up,” I muttered, shifting Hyunjin’s arm around my shoulder as Changbin and I proceeded to drag my brother’s drunk ass two blocks to my abandoned car.
“Thanks for helping,” I said, tucking the blankets up higher on Hyunjin’s chest. “You can spend the night if you want. I don’t mind sleeping in my roommate’s bed if you want the futon?”
Changbin nodded, perhaps too enthusiastically. Nonetheless, I found a spare blanket and pillow in the shared closet, giving them to Changbin as a makeshift bed. I knew the futon was rather uncomfortable, but it was only for one night. Plus, I felt better knowing that Changbin wouldn’t have to walk across campus in the middle of the night by himself. Despite our frequent disagreements, he was one of my brother’s best friends, and I had started to grow closer to him thanks to our unorthodox guitar lessons.
However, the last thing I expected after settling into my roommate’s twin-sized bed was to have an entertaining exchange with Changbin:
“Do you still want a lesson tomorrow?” he asked me.
“Yeah, I managed to avoid the alcohol.”
“Will you ever let Hyunjin forget the party?”
“There’s no way in hell,” I replied, grinning at the dark ceiling.
“You want the video I took of him on my phone?”
“I would literally like nothing more.”
Fuck, were we actually getting along?
“Wake up, asshole,” I grinned, curtaining my brother’s t-shirt across his face. Hyunjin let out a groan. “What happened?”
“You drank too much and decided to show off for everybody,” I said, sitting down next to him on my bed. “Would you like to watch the video?”
“Fuck you.”
“Perhaps later then?”
Changbin stepped closer, looking unusually good in his dark jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. “Should we let him sleep?”
“Please,” Hyunjin groaned.
“My roommate won’t be back until tomorrow, so Hyunjin should be fine here for a while.”
Changbin pursed his lips, rocking back on his feet. “Well…”
“Do you feel like getting a cup of coffee?”
Changbin and I were both taken aback by my request. 
“That sounds nice,” he said quietly, appearing unusually shy as he refused to meet my gaze.
Changbin and I ensured that Hyunjin would wake up to powerful painkillers before walking together to the quaint coffee shop nestled at the end of the block. “Should I treat you?” I asked. “I feel bad that you had to drag my brother’s sorry ass from the party.”
Changbin chuckled. “Hyunjin’s my friend, and I did get some decent video footage for my troubles.”
I laughed as I recalled the short clip of my brother rather unattractively swiveling his hips to a poor remix of a popular K-Pop idol song. Perhaps in another life, Hyunjin could have made a decent performer. However, given the intoxicated component to his impromptu show, I supposed he might have been laughed out of his audition.
“Vanilla latte please,” I smiled pleasantly at the cashier whose blood-shot eyes clearly exposed her late-night activities.
“I’ll have the same.”
“Are you copying me?”
“You have good taste,” Changbin said, and I paused as I processed his words.
Was he flirting with me?
Pushing that ridiculous notion aside, I found us a small table amidst the busy college students furiously working on the essays they had spent the weekend neglecting. It reminded me that I had also put off my Chemistry lab report for far too long. Yet, the idea of balancing equations of which I had the faintest understanding was incredibly unappealing. 
The sweet scent of vanilla was preferable, and I sipped at the warm beverage greedily. “Why did Chan leave so early?”
“I sort of ditched him,” Changbin admitted.
“Why?” I asked. “I mean, I know Chan can be dull, but he’s better than the majority of those people.”
Changbin shrugged. “I was trying to find Hyunjin.”
“My brother is clueless sometimes,” I said, mindlessly watching the steam rise from my cup. “I didn’t expect him to go that far.”
“He’s never been that drunk before,” Changbin added.
“No more parties for Hyunjin.”
“What about you?” Changbin inquired, a not-so-innocent look drawn across his features.
“Hyungwon’s parties are always like that,” Changbin scoffed. “Your precious boyfriend should have taken you on a proper date.”
“Changbin!” I laughed, reaching over to take his hand. “You’re actually being considerate for once.”
“Call it a hangover.”
“Or,” I started with a teasing lilt. “Maybe you like me just a little?”
Changbin glanced down at our hands. “I never said I didn’t like you.”
I pulled my hand away, surprised by his strange confession. “Changbin, I’m sorry if I said something wrong.”
“It’s not you,” he insisted, struggling for the right words. “Look, Hanna, I want you to know that I don’t really care if you’re at our apartment.”
“But you always say-”
“-I know,” Changbin growled, clearly frustrated with himself. “Hanna, I need to tell you something.”
I nodded as a silent encouragement for him to continue. However, before Changbin could utter another syllable, his concentrated gaze had shifted, pointedly narrowing at something behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and let out a curse when I saw Hyungsik approaching.
“You have to forgive me!” Hyungsik immediately apologized, inserting himself between Changbin and I. Shaking my head, I had every intention of ordering him to leave after the melodrama that had happened last night.
But Hyungsik was persuasive, gently nudging a chocolate muffin in front of my coffee before flashing a dazzling smile in my direction. I swear my heart actually stopped beating for several seconds. “What are you doing here?”
“I saw you leave your apartment,” he admitted, ignoring Changbin’s glare as he pulled out a chair from the adjoining table.
I glanced back and forth between Hyungsik and Changbin. “I wasn’t exactly thrilled about last night.”
“It’s my fault,” he sighed. “I shouldn’t have trusted the liquor.”
“How much did you drink?”
“Maybe two cups?”
Fuck you, Hyungwon.
“It was spiked,” I said quietly, even though it was probably now obvious in hindsight.
“I know,” Hyungsik murmured, fingers slowly gliding across the tabletop to brush against mine. “Let me make it up to you?”
“Maybe,” I grinned, already knowing I would give in because I loved the way my heart played to a different beat around him.
“How about this Friday night? We could see a movie?”
“I’d like that.”
Hyungsik nodded, bashfully allowing his long bangs to frame his eyes. “You won’t regret this.”
The following Friday, I tried to distract myself from my impending movie date with Hyungsik by requesting another guitar lesson from Changbin. “It’s early,” the younger snapped into the phone.
“I’m already in the library,” I said, running my hand along the smooth edges of my guitar. 
Changbin let out a noise of frustration. “Give me twenty minutes.”
The wait was well worth it when Changbin showed up wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, hair betraying the fact that he had obviously just rolled out of bed. “What a concept,” I remarked.
Changbin dropped his guitar case on top of our table. “Shut up.”
Thereafter, our lesson progressed smoothly, Changbin introducing me to a new series of complicated chords that only brought an immense feeling of satisfaction when I eventually mastered them. “I’m a quick learner,” I bragged in response to the impressed look on his face.
“Maybe when you can play an entire song,” Changbin grumbled, plucking at the strings of his own Savannah model guitar.
“What songs have you been working on?” I asked conversationally as I started to re-case my guitar.
“Nothing much,” Changbin said, fingers hovering around the fretboard.
“You could always play me something,” I suggested. “I’m a good listener.”
Changbin seemed to hesitate as if experiencing internal conflict, before nodding once. “I don’t want to hear any bullshit when I’m done,” he reproached snappishly, temper flaring once again.
I resisted the urge to offer a witty retort. Instead, I patiently waited as he re-adjusted the guitar in his lap, propping the curve onto his thigh. Changbin’s elegant playing soon filled the empty study room, gentle triad chords forming an unfamiliar melody. It was pleasant all the same, but I was still surprised to hear Changbin start to sing. 
Several lines of elegantly arranged lyrics that felt strangely familiar.
“That’s beautiful, Changbin,” I complimented the younger when he finished playing, enjoying his accompanying blush. “The lyrics are really personal. Did you write them about somebody?”
Changbin froze, fingers halting their movements against the strings as a wave of frightening anger settled into his features. He stood at once, rushing to pack up his guitar, shoulders tense as he worked. “I think we’ve done enough today,” he finally said, ignoring my protests.
And I could do nothing to change his mind.
I was still shaken from my encounter with Changbin when I met Hyungsik that evening. The air between us was strangely awkward as we stood in tense silence for our tickets. It was probably my fault because I had been in a really bad mood ever since I left the study room earlier, clueless as to why I had upset Changbin. Nevertheless, I was grateful when we finally entered the theatre because it gave our unusual quietness justification when the title credits started to roll down the screen.
What was going on? Why did I feel so guilty?
It was only once we were halfway through the film that I realized I had no idea what was actually happening. The entirety of my attention had been focused on Changbin, unable to think about anything else other than the curious puzzle he had made of our last encounter together. Why had he acted that way?
After the film ended, Hyungsik and I walked outside together. “Are you alright, Hanna?” he asked sweetly, eyes full of concern.
“I’m fine,” I reassured him, even as the lie sat heavy in the pit of my stomach.
We went for coffee afterward, and I refused Hyungsik’s generosity, offering to buy our coffees in return for the movie tickets. “I don’t mind,” he had said, but I brushed him aside without really meaning to.
Hyungsik went to find us a table as I waited for our order, glancing nervously at the clock when I realized it was still pretty early. Was I about to ruin my chances with him? I wondered as I brought our coffees to the small booth by the window. Hyungsik took his order gratefully while I wordlessly sat down across from him. Did I even really care that this might be our first and last date?
“Open mic,” he said, snapping me to attention. 
I followed his gaze to the stage. “Do you want to play?”
He smirked. “Only if you play with me.”
Of course, the whole reason why I started my lessons with Changbin was for this exact moment. So, I allowed Hyungsik to drag me to the stage, handing me an unfamiliar guitar as we occupied two of the stools lining the edge of the wooden platform. “What should we play?”
“Something easy,” he said, riffing a familiar tune that I was able to easily follow, despite the strange sensation that something was clearly amiss.
It wasn’t the same without Changbin.
“You play really well,” Hyungsik complimented me, sighing when I didn’t respond. “Let’s go outside for some air.”
I readily agreed to his suggestion, abandoning our instruments as we greeted the cool night air. “I’m sorry,” I told him. “I had a really bad day.”
Hyungsik shrugged while letting out a sigh. “It’s alright, Hanna, I can tell when a girl isn’t into me.”
I perked up at his insinuation. “That’s not true-”
“It’s fine,” he interrupted. “You don’t have to force something between us.”
I sighed in defeat. “I don’t know what happened.”
“People change,” Hyungsik said. “Feelings change too, sometimes we don’t even realize how we really feel until it’s too late.”
Hyungsik’s advice haunted me for the rest of the evening, to the point where I could excuse my mindlessness as overthinking our earlier encounter. I was also acting completely out of character, something that Han Jisung was more than willing to take advantage of to benefit himself.
You see, I wasn’t a big fan of offering my extensive knowledge to the younger guys, but Jisung was always astute when it came to taking advantage of our dynamic. I knew he, of all people, would understand what was going on between me and Changbin. Which is why I found myself reacting to the plea for help he sent out several minutes ago via a long, convoluted text message.
“Changbin was weird today,” I later told Jisung, having agreed to proofread the younger’s English assignment.
“Hmm?” he asked distractedly, fingers tracing along with the words in his textbook.
“He played me a song,” I said. “I guess it’s supposed to be for your next album? It was really beautiful, but he was mad when I asked him if he wrote the lyrics for someone.”
Jisung glanced up at that, quirking an eyebrow. “Really?”
“I didn’t mean to offend him,” I shrugged, carding my fingers through my hair worriedly. 
“Do you remember the lyrics?”
I recalled them easily and Jisung let out an unnecessarily exaggerated sigh, looking at me like I was the one having trouble with homework. “You’re completely deaf, you know.”
I frowned at the insult. “Excuse me?”
“He wrote that song about you, idiot,” Jisung scoffed. “Changbin likes you.”
I blinked twice. “What?”
“Changbin likes you,” Jisung repeated, slamming his book closed. “I wasn’t supposed to say anything, but I’m really fed up with the way he looks at you like you broke his favorite toy. Which is his probably his electric guitar, thanks for asking.”
“Changbin doesn’t like me,” I frowned, soaking in the absurdity of Jisung’s claim. “I mean, if I suddenly went missing tomorrow, I doubt he would even notice.”
“Oh, he would definitely notice,” Jisung said. “Then again, if you did disappear for a while, then I wouldn’t have to deal with him brooding in the middle of the studio floor while I’m trying to work.”
“That’s impossible,” I insisted, even as I wavered in consideration of his claim. Because Jisung didn’t lie about these kinds of things. Seungmin? Perhaps, especially if it was for some practical joke. But Jisung? “Why tell me now?”
“I’m telling you because you’re flirting with this Hyungsik guy and Changbin hates it. You think he wrote that song because he just felt like it? Music has always been Changbin’s way of dealing with his emotions.”
“He should have told me,” I said, suddenly feeling a barrage of guilt because I really had no idea that the younger actually reserved feelings for me. Did that mean his hateful comments were actually a way to shield his true feelings? Because they had certainly gotten worse after I introduced Hyungsik.
“When would he have told you?” Jisung asked. “While you were still constantly talking about how much you liked another guy?”
“Are you trying to make me feel bad?” I frowned.
“I’m trying to tell you the truth,” Jisung tsked. “It’s up to you to decide what you do with it.”
I didn’t bother knocking on the basement door. Instead, I knew it was better to approach Changbin unexpectedly. Because then he wouldn’t have some sort of rehearsed speech ready to counter my interruption.
“Hanna?” Changbin immediately questioned as I slowly walked up to his desk. “What are you doing here?”
“You shouldn’t have lied to me, Binnie,” I grinned, enjoying the way his mouth fell open upon hearing the nickname.
I leaned back against the desk, studying the way Changbin’s expression had morphed into one of complete disbelief. “What are you talking about?”
“You should know,” I teased him, carefully easing his chair back away from the desk, the small wheels on the bottom rolling across the linoleum floor.
I decided to act before either of us had time to think.
I straddled Changbin’s lap, encouraging his hands to fit around my waist as I slowly started pressing a trail of kisses down the side of his jawline. “Hanna?” Changbin faintly called, fingers squeezing into the skin above my hips as if trying to gain my attention.
I willingly obeyed. “Hmm?”
Changbin’s eyes widened. “What’s going on?”
I offered him a teasing smirk, leaning in close. “I know you like me, Changbin. If you wanted to keep it a secret, then you shouldn’t have told Jisung.”
Changbin cursed as I smoothed my hands across his chest. “I wasn’t going to tell you.”
“I know,” I pouted. “But how would I have known to do this, then?”
Changbin was completely unprepared for the faint brush of my lips across the seam of his mouth. But I was only trying to soften him, parting my lips sensually against his own as I allowed my tongue to trace the chapped ridges. Changbin opened wider against an instinctive gasp and I took advantage of the opportunity to lave my tongue against his own, pulling back to study his reaction.
“Can you handle more?” 
I reached down for the hem of my t-shirt, removing the cheap fabric and carelessly tossing it into the floor. “I want to show you that I care.”
I ran my thumb across the swollen purse of his lips. Changbin’s tongue greeted the rough pad of the wandering digit. “Why?”
“Because I like you too,” I said, reaching out to cradle my hand against the side of his head, holding him in a place for another long kiss, savoring the novel sensation of his touch.
I rocked my hips forward, delighting in the way his breathing hitched, moan vibrating against my mouth. I started a pattern, pulling back and forth along the firm foundation of his thighs to distract him as my hands wandered down to the waistband of his jeans. I quickly noticed that he was already aroused, straining against the tight material, responding to my advances with willing compliance. It was all I needed to take the next step because the last thing I wanted was to move too fast. Changbin was far more sensitive than he allowed others to perceive, and I knew he had a kind heart that was far more vulnerable to the whims of those he desperately wanted to trust.
Changbin inhaled sharply, eyes wide and unblinking as he watched my fingers slowly undo his belt. “I think I’d like to feel your cock,” I admitted, making sure to whisper the words soothingly into his eager ears.
“R-really?” he stuttered, losing focus when my hand wrapped around his pulsing dick, warm beneath my calloused fingers. 
“Would you like that?” I asked him, running my vacant hand under his tight t-shirt, surprised to feel the muscle shaping his abdomen.
“Please,” he whined, fingers digging harder into my sides.
“You should have told me before,” I said, leaning back to allow myself enough space to pull up my skirt, leaving it in a thin bundle above my hips. Changbin’s hands finally smoothed down my waist, fingering the edges of my red satin panties while massaging across the waistband with rapt attention. 
“I’ve wanted you since Freshman year,” Changbin admitted, and I enjoyed this new dimension to his self-proclaimed “dark” character. A raw honesty that only continued to feed my growing attraction for him. 
I gripped his cock harder, squeezing at his sensitive tip, colored with a burning red that betrayed his desire. I shifted my panties to the side, feeling the muscles in my thighs scream in protest as I lifted myself above Changbin’s lap, lowering slowly, easy and wet.
Changbin released a faint moan, eyes threatening to shut despite his attempts to keep them open. I brushed my fingers across the flesh of their lids, feeling his lashes flutter against the pads. I brought our foreheads together intimately, allowing him to maintain the eye contact he desperately sought. “Changbin,” I softly gasped, feeling him deep inside, cock stretching my walls to accommodate our coupling.
“You’re beautiful,” he said in return, looking down at where he disappeared inside, lips falling apart around a gorgeous moan that not even his music compositions could compete.
My thumbs circled leisurely at the sharp juncture of his chin, grounding me as I slowly started to move on his lap, rolling back before pushing down hard again to stimulate a rhythm. The steady hitches in Changbin’s breathing alerted me to his pleasure, and that’s everything I wanted to give him. I moved faster, hoping to earn more of those seductive deep-throated moans from the base of his throat, watching him swallow hard as sweat started to gather on his smooth skin.
“Come inside,” I told him, noticing the way his earnest thrusts were starting to stutter, falling out of beat with the melody of our fucking.
“Are you sure?” he asked, and I was pleased that he had the wherewithal to question what might have been a careless decision.
“I’m on the pill,” I reassured him, kissing along the inviting skin of his collarbone.
“Feels good,” he panted, bangs sticking to his forehead the longer we moved together, harmonious chorus reaching its final crescendo.
His moans filled the studio when he finally came, hot and sticky inside, lips pressing grateful kisses against whatever flesh he could find. His arms held me close, as if afraid to let go, and I allowed the delicate chord to snap, chanting his name softly as my forehead fell onto his shoulder, gasping for more oxygen to recover my screaming lungs.
Silence descended between us like a necessary embrace.
But it wasn’t awkward because neither of us held onto any insecurities. Instead, we decided it was better to open ourselves to this possibility, hands exploring skin decorated with rivulets of salty wetness. Because it was easier to trust when you held mutual affection, holding their gaze to see past the depths of the surface. 
“Do you still want me out of the apartment?” I teased him eventually, just to break the quiet, clenching tightly around his flaccid cock.
Changbin’s head fell against the center of my chest, his panting breaths fanning out across my skin. “I want you in my bed.”
“Next time,” I promised him, threading my fingers through the sweat-caked strands of his thick black hair. 
“What the hell is this!”
The last thing I needed to hear upon waking up the next morning was Jisung’s shrill voice infiltrating my post-orgasm induced haze. Changbin grunted from next to me, pulling me even closer to his overheated body. “Tell him to go away.”
“Get the fuck out, Jisung,” I croaked, my voice hoarse from sleep.
“Are you two naked?” 
“Chan?” I questioned wearily, lifting my head just enough to catch a faint glimpse of his blonde hair.
“What time is it?” Changbin asked, raspy tone close to my ear.
“Shit!” he cursed. “I have class soon.”
“Will the two of you explain what’s going on?” Jisung demanded, shrieking when Changbin left the couch, fully nude as he rummaged for his clothes. 
I simply enjoyed the view.
“What the hell, Changbin?” Chan growled at his younger friend.
Changbin promptly ignored both of his group members, pressing a hasty kiss to my forehead before rushing up the staircase, footsteps heavy as he frantically tried to make his lecture on time. Which, unfortunately, left me alone to deal with the aftermath of our passionate night.
“You and Changbin had sex?” Chan gasped. “In our studio!”
“On top of my lyrics?” Jisung screeched, pushing the aforementioned stack of papers into a messy pile on the floor.
I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. “He came inside.”
“That’s way too much information,” Chan sighed, grimacing as he picked up my clothes to toss in my direction.
I took them gratefully, working to dress beneath the thin coverage of the blanket Changbin had found last night before we passed out on the couch in the studio. “What’s the big deal?”
“Since when are you and Changbin a thing?” Chan asked, glaring down at me.
“I shouldn’t have said anything!” Jisung lamented, falling to his knees to shuffle through his papers.
“I guess since last night?” I grinned.
“Damn you move fast,” Chan tsked, joining Jisung in his attempts to re-organize his messy stacks.
“He’s a good fuck,” I remarked, laughing when Jisung started to splutter out dozens of curses as he frantically tried to finish his work.
“Why does it always have to be my friends?” Hyunjin questioned later on during lunch.
I sipped at my orange juice. “I guess you have really attractive friends?”
“It was definitely the guitar lessons,” Minho insisted. “They had all that time alone together.”
“But it’s still Changbin,” Seungmin frowned. “Is he blackmailing you?”
Jeongin gasped. “I knew it!”
“Stop it you two,” I said. “He’s not blackmailing me.”
“And did you really have to fuck in front of Jisung and Chan?” Woojin asked. “Jisung hasn’t stopped crying about it all morning.”
“We didn’t fuck in front of them,” I rolled my eyes. “You guys aren’t very supportive.”
“We’re in denial, Hanna,” Felix explained. “You and Changbin have never really gotten along.”
“It is strange,” Hyunjin agreed. “What happened?”
“He played me a song,” I shrugged, enjoying the matching looks of confusion adorning their expressions.
“Speaking of which,” Minho giggled, rubbing his hands together conspiratorially. “Changbin’s coming.”
I straightened up immediately, holding my breath as the dark-haired man stood at the edge of the table next to me. He glanced around at the others, running his fingers through his messy hair, uncombed from his hasty departure that morning. “Can I talk to you alone, Hanna?”
I anxiously followed him outside, unsure of what to expect. Changbin sat down on one of the benches lining the main sidewalk, allowing his bag to fall from his shoulder. I joined him quietly, trying to figure out the mask he had chosen to wear. “I want to talk about last night.”
I swallowed hard. “Do you regret it?”
He looked up immediately. “Of course not!”
I let out a sigh of relief. “I think I almost had a small heart attack.”
Changbin grinned, and it did wonders for the narrow aspect of his eyes. “What were you thinking?”
I bit my lower lip worriedly. “I don’t really know. It was kind of sudden, but I think I really like you Changbin.”
“What about Hyungsik?”
“He really wasn’t my type.”
“And I’m your type?” he asked.
“You must be,” I said. “I really like the way you fuck.”
Changbin scoffed. “Is that all?”
“You’re great at the guitar.”
“I’m trying to be serious.”
“I know,” I said, reaching over to poke gently at his chest. “You have a good heart. Otherwise, I don’t know how you’ve managed to put up with me.”
“I’ve had a crush on you since high school,” Changbin admitted. “It got worse Freshman year.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t think you’d feel the same way,” Changbin admitted. “You have no idea how turned on I was when you came in last night.”
“That was the goal,” I joked. “But seriously, I can’t believe I thought you didn’t care about me.”
“That was my fault,” Changbin said. “I didn’t make it easy on you.”
“It’s my fault too,” I sighed wistfully. “I always go after the wrong guy.”
“Don’t tell Chan that.”
“He already knows.”
Changbin laughed before easing in closer. “Does this mean I’m the right guy?”
I placed a quick kiss on his perfect lips. “I think so.”
“I’ll just have to prove it to you.”
“And I can’t wait,” I whispered into the seam of his lips, losing myself in our passionate embrace.
I didn’t mind the crowds as they were becoming increasingly commonplace at their concerts. I learned how to tune out the screaming women, rolling my eyes whenever they tried to touch one of the boys onstage. I really had no room to talk since I could barely keep my hands off the dark-eyed lead guitarist who always managed to leave me increasingly desperate.
“Who’s your favorite member?” I asked one of the girls sitting next to me. She had been steadily growing drunker as the night progressed, squealing loudly whenever a new song started.
“Changbin,” the girl nodded, giggling when the man in question smirked in our direction.
But I knew he wasn’t looking at her.
“I think I like him too.”
And this time, I knew I had made the right decision.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Taking it slow, One shot
TITLE: Taking it slow CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: One shot AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: You work at Avengers tower/compound. Loki has been brought there to work and pay back his transgressions. You try to get to know him, so if you can’t exactly be besties you will have a civil relationship.You have kept to yourself that you are a virgin…
RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS: Fluffy first time with Loki. OC is nervous, but Loki has alllll the time in the world for her. 
When Loki had first arrived at the compound, he was met with hostility from most of the team. Apart from one person, Mandy.
Mandy decided that she wasn’t going to hold a grudge against him, after what Thor told her about Loki’s past and difficulties, she gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Loki was cold and distant at first. But slowly, Mandy was able to break down the wall he had around himself. Loki rather liked how she never gave in, never flinched or seemed repulsed when he walked into the same room. Slowly he started to become warmer towards her, accepting her conversation starters and they would often end up in long and deep conversations that could last hours sometimes.
But lately, Loki noticed that Mandy was starting to distance herself from him. He noticed that she would often flee the room before he’d even got there. If he tried to speak to her, it was brief and she came up with an excuse to get away, looking very sheepish.
He was hurt that she was avoiding him. And confused, wondering what it was he had done wrong. She was the only one that he felt he could confide in, that he got comfort from. Now he was worried he was going to lose her, and he had no clue as to why.
‘I’ve got to get to the bottom of this.’ Loki muttered to himself one day, after watching Mandy flee from him once more, like a doe running away from a predator.
Loki was on a mission as he sought her out, finding her quite easily in the training/games hall. But as soon as he entered, Mandy rushed into the storage cupboard to hide. Loki frowned and stormed over there, flinging the doors open.
Mandy let out a screech of surprise and fell back over some boxes containing various swords and training aids, she also knocked the shelf of basketballs and footballs down on top of her.
Loki couldn’t contain a smirk spreading across his lips as he folded his arms and stared down at her.
‘Well, isn’t this quite a predicament you’ve got yourself in?’ He teased.
Mandy struggled to get up, Loki put his hand out to help her and she froze for a moment. Loki felt hurt that she didn’t take his hand straight away, he thought she trusted him… Or at least to an extent, to help her up surely.
She did take his hand, eventually. He pulled her up to her feet with an alarming ease that always made her remember just how strong he was. But when she tried to move away, he didn’t let go of her hand. His own one completely engulfed her smaller hand, making her swallow hard.
‘Why are you avoiding me, Mandy? I can’t take it anymore. What have I done to wrong you?’ Loki asked outright, a hurt look on his face while he awaited her answer.
‘You… you haven’t done anything wrong, Loki.’ Mandy sighed and looked down, she gave up trying to pull away from the God.
Loki frowned, he released her hand but cupped her chin instead. Tilting her head upwards to him. She could see genuine concern in his eyes. But she was so worried, how could she tell him the truth?
‘Then why are you distancing yourself from me?’ Loki asked.
Mandy took a small step backwards and wrapped her arms around herself, feeling extremely vulnerable all of a sudden.
‘Please, Mandy. You can speak to me, darling.’ Loki said so softly it made her heart melt.
It was the softer side of him that only she had seen glimpses of before. He rarely let his guard down around anyone, but there was something about Mandy that made him feel safer and calm.
‘When the others were joking around and taking the mickey out of me at the party earlier this month… It really got to me.’ She said quietly.
Loki frowned, not clicking on to what she meant at first.
‘Saying I needed to get laid.’ She blurted out upon noticing his confusion and looked down.
Loki’s jaw clenched very slightly at the memory. He’d noticed then how uneasy and uncomfortable Mandy had been at their bickering towards her. Though they’d meant it in jest, it obviously touched a sore spot for her. Loki was actually the one to rescue her from that situation, by swiftly changing the subject and turning it around on Thor. Which she had been grateful for.
‘They’re a bunch of idiots. Do not take heed to what they say.’
‘Well… that’s just it. They kind of had a point. I uh…’ Mandy paused and swallowed hard. ‘I’m a virgin.’
Loki hid his surprise well. He couldn’t deny that he was slightly surprised. She was a beautiful woman, he thought that many men would’ve been tripping over themselves to sleep with her. Given the chance, he would jump straight into bed with her himself.
‘And that’s an issue, why?’ Loki asked.
Mandy looked up at him, slightly shocked that he wasn’t going to mock or ridicule her for it.
‘Well… because… uhm… I don’t know. Isn’t it weird for a woman my age to have never had sex?’ She said nervously as she started to pace back and fore.
‘Perhaps it is seen as unusual for mortals. I see nothing wrong with it, personally.’ Loki said. 
Mandy couldn’t really believe she was having this conversation with him. Of all people.
‘If I may ask, Mandy. What does you being a virgin have to do with you avoiding me?’ Loki asked, desperate to know the answer.
‘Nothing… nothing… It doesn’t matter.’ Mandy rushed towards the door, but Loki stopped her by gently grabbing her arm.
‘Please tell me.’ He begged, looking at her with pleading eyes. Though the bright blushing of her cheeks did make him wonder.
‘I… I like you. A lot.’ She blurted out quickly, looking at the leather and metal of his chest instead of his face. ‘And I keep thinking about you being… my… first.’ She said so quietly, Loki thought for a brief moment that he had misheard her entirely.
But he knew by her body language that he heard correctly.
A big grin spread across his face. ‘You want me to, how is it the mortals say it, pop your cherry?’ He said teasingly.
Mandy looked up at him, eyes wide but she laughed. ‘That’s not what we… ok, maybe that is how some put it. Loki, I’m sorry. It’s stupid I’m telling you this. Forget it. It’s just a silly crush. I don’t even’
She was cut off by Loki crashing his lips upon hers as he gripped her upper arms, holding her still. Mandy was tense at first, but then relaxed when his lips moved slowly against hers. He teased his tongue along her lower lip before pulling back slightly, still grinning.
‘Do you trust me?’
Mandy looked into his eyes and nodded. ‘I do.’
Loki slid his hands down her arms and he took her hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it. ‘May I have the honour of being your first?’
Her heart started racing like crazy, her skin was tingling from his lips.
‘Please.’ She squeaked.
Loki was quick to then whisk her away to his room, claiming that doing it for her first time in a cupboard would not suffice at all.
When they got to his room, they started kissing again. Loki felt her entire body trembling like crazy, a mixture of excitement and nerves. So he put the brakes on slightly.
‘Come here.’ Loki took her hand and guided her over to his bed. He got on and took her with him, leaning back against the headboard he pulled her onto his lap and simply held her close, tucking her head under his chin.
‘Relax, sweetheart. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.’ He whispered softly. He could sense her heartbeat racing, like it was going to burst out of her chest at any moment.
‘I do want to. I really do. I’ve dreamt about this for so long.’ She admitted shyly. ‘But I just… I’m nervous. I’ve done stuff before. But just not the whole shebang. And the last guy I was with…  we did try, but I couldn’t get it in. He told me I was broken, but I think I just couldn’t relax enough. It was sore, my body just wouldn’t allow him in.’ She admitted, hiding her face further into the crook of Loki’s neck.
Loki tightened his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. ‘He sounds like an ass.’ He growled. ‘Doesn’t deserve you. Your first time should not be painful or stressful.’
Mandy let out a breath of relief at his words. She felt so safe and secure in his arms, the smell of the leather and metal from his armour was also oddly soothing. Just because she associated that smell with him.
After sitting silently for a while, Loki softly caressing her back and stroking her hair, she leaned back to look at him.
‘Please… can we do it, Loki?’ She asked quietly, her voice so timid and innocent like that Loki almost felt like the devil for what he was about to do to her. Taking her innocence, so to speak.
Getting ahead of the game, Loki used his Seidr to have their clothes disappear. Mandy gasped at the slight tingling feeling that emerged all over her skin from his Seidr. Loki chuckled and lay her down underneath him, making sure she was comfortable with her head on the pillow.
He struggled to keep himself in check as he gazed at her beautiful body. His mouth watering almost, desperate to have her.
‘If you want to stop or slow down at any time, just tell me. Ok, pet?’ Loki said, rubbing his thumb across her cheek when he managed to drag his eyes away from her breasts and up to her own eyes.
‘Ok.’ She nodded, biting her lower lip.
Loki eyed up her lips and kissed her again. While he kept her tongue busy with his own, his long fingers tickled down her body. He took his time to explore her body, brushing across her already hardened nipples and tweaking them to make her whimper into his mouth.
By the time one of Loki’s hands reached down between her thighs, she was panting against his lips whenever he gave her a chance to breathe without his tongue thrusting into her. If he wasn’t kissing her lips, he was kissing and suckling her neck. Once he found the spot that made her whimper, he kept on it.
He cupped her centre with his large hand, slowly sliding his fingers through her folds. Delighted to find she was soaking wet for him.
‘Mmm. My darling, you are positively dripping for me already.’ He couldn’t resist taking his fingers up to his lips, sucking them and moaning at her taste. ‘My god, you are divine. I just have to have a better taste.’ He growled hungrily, eyes darkening.
Mandy’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. She had never felt this aroused before with anyone else, it only increased tenfold when Loki started moving down her body. He teased at her nipples again, with his tongue and teeth, only dragging out her torture for even longer.
She wriggled under him when he got further down, he playfully nipped on her inner thigh. ‘Keep still.’ He growled in warning, making her giggle for some reason. She wasn’t sure if it was nerves or just from the tone he used that excited her.
Loki draped her legs over his shoulders to keep her open and he dove in for his feast. He lapped at her folds, his tongue licking up and down, getting everywhere possible. When he flicked over her clit, she almost bucked him right off the bed. He tightened his grip around her thighs with a chuckle and went to town on her clit, sucking and licking it furiously with the tip of his tongue.
When she was close, he brought his hand into the mix and easily inserted one finger inside her warmth. He groaned against her at how tight she was. It took him by surprise slightly, even though he knew she was a virgin so it shouldn’t really have come as a surprise to him.
He worked his finger in as deep as he could, pleased when she reacted well by trying to grind against his face and finger. He wiggled it around, making her squeak and whimper. The noises coming from her amplified when he added a second digit and curled them until he found her g spot. Once he found that spot, he kept going.
Mandy’s mind shut down entirely as he used his fingers and tongue to his advantage. She lost track of how many times she came. But she knew for certain that she had never had such intense orgasms in her life.
Loki was paying close attention to her every movement, to every inch of her body and storing it away into his mind to use again in the near future. Because there was no way this was going to be a one-time thing.
While Mandy was panting and coming down from her last orgasm, Loki crawled up over her body and lay over her. His cock was hard and leaking pre-cum against her stomach. When she felt it for the first time like that and glanced down to try and see, she started to get a bit nervous again.
Loki stroked her hair and kissed along her jawline, finishing on her lips. He positioned himself between her thighs and while he kept kissing her, he rubbed his cock up and down her cunt. Each time his tip rubbed over her clit her body jerked in pleasure, still really sensitive from the multiple orgasms he’d already given her.
The God kept an eye on Mandy’s face and her expressions. When her eyes started fluttering in pleasure, he took that opportunity and pushed the tip slowly into her.
‘Ah, ahhh!’ She gasped, feeling a slight stinging sensation.
Loki halted his movements and reached down between them to rub her clit.
‘Sorry.’ She gasped, biting her lower lip.
‘Shhh, don’t apologise. It’s my fault, I simply don’t have you wet enough.’ He purred, nuzzling her neck before finding that sweet spot to suck and nibble on.
He rubbed her clit in circles, working her up nicely again. She was really aroused and wet, but it was just her nerves. The thought of the previous time she’d tried taking over, and Loki knew that. But he was a patient man.
‘We have all the time in the world. By the time I’m finished with you, this bed will be more like a water bed.’ He chuckled wickedly against her skin.
His words were affecting her too, the tone of his voice. Heck, he could probably speak her into an orgasm she loved it that much.
When Loki felt a fresh rush of arousal from her, he pushed his cock into her again slightly. The stinging sensation was barely there this time and Loki continued to push in. But there was a weird popping sensation that freaked Mandy out and her body pushed him out as she jumped.
‘Shhh, shhh. It’s alright.’ Loki smiled and soothed her.
‘If you apologise one more time, I am going to flip you over and spank your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week.’ He grinned and slipped his hand underneath her to pinch said ass, making her squeal.
‘Do you want me to continue?’
‘I really do. More than anything.’ She nodded.
‘Trust me and relax, my dove. I promise, it will be worth it.’ He kissed her again, this time he kept her tongue busy as he pushed into her very, very slowly.
There was the weird, slight popping feeling again that made her gasp. It wasn’t sore, just a weird feeling. But when he breached her with the head of his cock, the feeling subsided. He pushed in deeper, then stopped to let her adjust to him. He leaned up over her, looking into her eyes.
‘I’m in.’ He grinned.
‘Oh god… Oh my god.’ Mandy cried out, gasping like crazy. Feeling him fill her so much, it felt so… weird, but amazing at the same time.
She looked down, unable to believe that Loki, The God of mischief was actually inside her. She felt rather giddy, proud too in a way. It wasn’t sore, at all.
Loki was struggling to keep still, with the way her body was clenching around him like mad. She was so unbelievably tight. But he had to take it slow, make it special for her. Because this was all about her, of course.
He started rubbing her clit with more vigour again, and once he was certain she was ready, he started moving slowly within her. Only pulling back a few inches before pushing in deep again. He kept up the slow rhythm, until she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms flung around his neck.
‘Faster. Please!’ She begged.
And he obliged, happily. He picked up the speed, pulling almost all the way out and thrusting in home again. The moans that came from her was music to his ears, he decided there and then that those sounds were for his ears only.
‘I… I’m going to come.’ He panted into her ear, his movements becoming more erratic as he rutted into her, struggling to control himself.
He rubbed faster over her clit, determined to make her come at the same time. He tried to angle his cock in the right way, and all his hard work paid off. She came like a rocket at the same time as Loki, a deep orgasm ripped through her. Her body just so happy and delighted to be filled in the way she was.
She could feel Loki’s sperm shoot into her while he moaned loudly, biting down hard on her neck at the same time to hide more of his cries of pleasure.
Eventually, when Loki slipped out of her, their arousal mixed together dripped out of her cunt. Loki chuckled and rolled them to the side, holding her closely.
‘Thank you.’ She cried softly, unable to help herself.
Loki wiped her tears from her cheeks. ‘No, thank you. For trusting me with such a gift. But you do realise that there is no way I am ever going to let you go now.’ He said possessively, squeezing her.
‘I don’t think I’d mind that at all.’ She giggled and hid her face into his neck.
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jaehyun-eclipsed · 4 years
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Before I Met You | Seven
Updates: Sundays, 8 PM EST
Pairing: NCT (Jaehyun, Lucas…) X Reader/OC
Genre: Romance, Angst, Coming of Age
Summary: Four. There were four people before I fell in love with you… Here are their stories.
Warnings: Some swearing
Author’s Note: Sorry I’m a little late!!
Before I Met You Masterlist
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Jaehyun presses his lips together. “So…” He pauses and blinks a couple times. “It just ended like that?”
I nod slowly. “Yeah, it was pretty anticlimactic.” I sigh. “I knew exactly how it was going to end. I mean, I was never given a reason to think otherwise and yet, the irrational part of my mind still wanted to have hope.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that… so long as you don’t let it consume you.”
“The fact of the matter is – well, I didn’t really know him. I knew everything on the surface and that’s why, if you asked me to describe him…” I shake my head in disappointment. “… I can’t.”
“At least you got confirmation that he did like you,” he says. “That’s more than most people can get.”
Introspection is a double-edged sword. It is one of the single most useful tools for self-analyses as it gives you the ability to think about your past actions and how they affected you and others. And hopefully, each time you reflect, you learn something… something that you can file away in the archives of your mind in case it ever happens again; so that you know how to deal with it and hopefully have a better outcome compared to your initial exposure. However, it is also one of the best inducers of anxiety and regret. What if? What if I had done this instead? Would things have been different? And those questions lead you down a rabbit hole you do not want to go down. It’s a one-way ticket to overthinking and sleepless nights.
Lucas taught me that sometimes things just fizzle out for no apparent reason. There’s no big ending scene where you get all the answers you’re looking for. And you certainly can’t guarantee a happy ending. To my disappointment, Seulgi also had more control over him than I would have liked and probably more than he even acknowledged himself.
“But honestly,” Jaehyun says, pulling me from my thoughts, “it sounds like you dodged a bullet.”
“In retrospect, yes,” I say, solemnly. “The things that would have mattered in maintaining a long-term relationship weren’t there. We were way too incompatible.” I shrug. “But I was young and inexperienced and it’s not like I was expecting anything major. So no harm, no foul.”
“Why did a girl steal him at the end both times?”
“Uncanny, isn’t it?”
“What happened with Seulgi?”
“She and Lucas attended university together. They still never dated, as far as I’m aware. She moved away after graduating and basically dropped off the grid. I’m pretty sure she was just using him to feel good about herself – feel like she had control over a boy and was desired.”
“And you never heard from Lucas again?”
I think for a moment.
I did hear from him once more many years later. Perhaps it was something he did out of regret over what happened; a bread crumb to indicate that he still has an affinity for me and that he’ll always support me from afar.
 “Hello?” I say, picking up the phone.
“Hey! Did you see what Lucas posted on your Facebook page?” Hana asks.
“My what?”
“Yeah! Go look!”
I open the Facebook app on my phone, a single notification flashing red. When I tap on it, sure enough, Lucas had posted on my wall. One simple sentence that I would have never expected to hear from him in any form.
“Congratulations on getting into law school, Y/N!”
I don’t even have time to prevent the expletive from tumbling out of my mouth. “What the fuck?”
“How did he even hear about this?”
“I don’t know. He must have heard it from someone you told.”
I ponder for a moment. “I didn’t really tell anyone… Though I did go visit our high school last week and mentioned it to some of the teachers. Maybe he heard that way.”
“I don’t know. But you know what this means!”
“He still has the hots for you!”
I scoff. “He has a girlfriend, Hana.”
“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have the hots for you,” she says, amusement underlying her tone.
I laugh. “Doubtful, but I’ll take your word for it!”
 Jaehyun rolls onto his side, propping his head up with his right arm.
“Well, I agree with Siwoo on one thing.” He smirks at me. “I think she was jealous of you.”
I give him a look of incredulity. “What?”
“Well, yeah. Sicheng confirmed it too,” he says, as if his statement was completely obvious. “Why else would she have pulled Lucas away so quickly at the dance? Besides, you also have more going for yourself than she does. And if she thrives off attention, it’s pretty likely she would have said something against you for the sake of keeping him at her beck and call.”
I frown. “That’s so silly, but you’re probably right.”
“Either that or he was intimidated by you – or both.”
He uses his free hand to caress my cheek, gently tilting my head to face him. “Hey,” he says with a smile, “I know I’m your boyfriend, so I’m probably biased, but I see you – I know what you’re like. I was intimidated by you – hell, I thought you were out of my league. There’s a pretty good chance he felt the same way. And there’s a pretty good chance that gave Seulgi a reason to be jealous.”
I hold his hand against my cheek, closing my eyes, enjoying his warmth before grinning at him.
“Yeah, you’re definitely biased,” I say, feeling flattered, yet slightly embarrassed as I wasn’t entirely convinced.
“But Y/N,” he says, “why do you think so many of your male friend’s girlfriends dislike you?”
I shrug. “I try not to put too much thought into it.”
He hums and nods his head. A moment of understanding.
I have a horrible habit of putting myself down more than I need to – thinking I’m not as good as how other people view me despite having the actual skills and abilities to back up those claims. I suppose it’s a form of insecurity. ‘Imposter syndrome’ is what they often call it. Despite having the résumé to demonstrate your abilities, you still never think you’re good enough.
Growing up, you’re told to remain humble – never bragging about yourself, being down-to-earth. But there’s a fine line between being humble and putting yourself down. And societal standards can be confusing. Be confident, but don’t be arrogant. Be strong and independent, but not so much that you intimidate people. Stand your ground, but be accommodating. It’s difficult to find that balance because it’s a mental exercise of weighing yourself. There’s no solid definition of where the line is. And unfortunately, I haven’t been very successful at determining where the line is as I set very high bars for myself, causing me to overcompensate in trying to remain modest; and recently, I’ve been beginning to wonder if I’ve been doing more harm to myself than good.
And so, while Jaehyun makes a good point and while I have enough confidence in myself to know that I’m good at what I do and have done rather well for myself, I have tried to remain humble at the detriment of my overall self-worth.
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“Hey, Jae!” I call from his bathroom as I swipe my cheeks with a link pink blush.
“Yes, love?”
“Do you want to take a walk after dinner?”
“Yeah, I was thinking we could walk along the river nearby.”
Jaehyun and I are rather private people. We’ve had to be for the sake of our relationship. Oftentimes, when we go out to dinner, we choose to go to upscale restaurants and reserve private tables in the back. It sounds pretentious, but we do it for the privacy. It’s better if no one sees us together.
And truth be told, there’s something so thrilling about having to keep our relationship relatively secret. The excitement of possibly getting caught gives me this rush – not to say I purposely put us into compromising situations, because I don’t. But having this secret that I get to keep because I know it’s just for me, gives me more of a high than I’d like to admit.
Tonight, we’re at one of our favorite downtown restaurants, seated in the corner, white-clothed and candlelit table providing a cozy and romantic atmosphere to contrast the chilly spring evening. He looks handsome and sophisticated in his standard black suit and tie with loafers; it’s a look that I’ll never tire from. I’ve chosen to match with a fitted mahogany red turtleneck, black leggings, knee-high boots, and all the gold accessories to match. We admire it now as we know it’ll all end up on the floor in a hasty attempt to undress later.
As per usual, he’s decided to order filet mignon and I’ve opted for grilled salmon with a white cranberry sauce.            
I prop my chin up on my fists and smile at him. “So,” I begin, “why did you decide to make the leap?”
“What leap?”
“To go out with me.”
Shortly after I had asked Jaehyun out, a pandemic had broken out, causing most of the world to shut down. He hadn’t given me an answer yet and because of the circumstances, we couldn’t contact each other.
“When we were on lockdown, I had a lot of time to think,” he says. “I realized that life is too short to not do the things we want to do or to tell people how we feel.”
He reaches for both of my hands and cradles them in his, gently kissing my fingers, allowing his mouth to linger on them for a moment more.
“We’re not promised tomorrow.”
I start to laugh and he looks at me, baffled and slightly offended that I didn’t take his tender words to heart.
“What?!” he exclaims, on the edge of laughter. “I was being serious!”
“I know!” My giggling continues. “But it took a pandemic to occur for you to realize that?!”
He looks down at the table, a slight twinge of red in his cheeks.
“No…” he says, clearly embarrassed. “It’s just I –”
He’s at a loss for words, fiddling with my fingers in his hand as he stares at the table, completely dumbfounded. He sighs.
“It was a sort of a split second decision. I thought about it for a while and then I woke up one morning and said, ‘Forget it, I’m gonna go out with her.’”
“Well, I applaud your bravery,” I say with a smirk. “And I’m very grateful for it.” I raise his hand to kiss it. “I wouldn’t have fallen in love with such a wonderful man if you hadn’t.”
“For the record, you’re a lot different than I imagined you to be.”
“Oh?” I raise an eyebrow. “How so?”
He shrugs. “I mean, I knew you – like… knew who you were, but didn’t know you.” He purses his lips and hums. “I knew you were nice and smart and beautiful, but –”
“But what?” I interject with a cunning smile. “You thought I shopped at Saks Fifth and ate caviar for breakfast?”
“No! Of course not!” He looks at me, horrified that I would suggest such a thing, like he couldn’t imagine ever disrespecting me like that. It’s endearing.
I look down at the table and smile. “I don’t even like caviar,” I mumble.
He chuckles. “No, I – I guess I was surprised at how low-key you are.” He pauses, searching for the right words. “Like – you have the look.”
“What look?”
“I – you do realize that you’re quite intimidating, right?”
I frown. “No?”
“You are very attractive,” he states simply. “And you dress very well and carry yourself in a very… sophisticated manner. I don’t know, when you first walked in, I thought you’d be a bit more privileged… going to art museums and eating at expensive restaurants… being a bit more outspoken.”
My jaw drops with an exaggerated gasp. “So you did think I ate caviar for breakfast!” I tease.
“All right, maybe the very first time you walked in,” he admits. “But after speaking to you, no.”
I shake my head in mocked disappointment as our orders are placed in front of us. The previous topic, though creating immense curiosity, was left forgotten.
“Do you miss college?” Jaehyun asks as he places several slices of his filet mignon onto my plate.
“No, not at all.”
“I guess I better not ask you to write a favorable review,” he quips.
I chuckle. “Let’s put it this way, I was grateful for the opportunity I had, but it wasn’t the greatest experience I’ve ever had.” Sighing, I follow with, “I wasn’t happy most of the time.”
A look of concern washes over his face. “Why not?”
“My first year was really hard… Classes were difficult and I had trouble making friends because I was never really in the mood to be around people. Most of the people I did meet weren’t what I was looking for. It was difficult to talk to them.”
“Did it ever get better?”
I smile.
Mark made it better.
“Yes.” I nod slowly. “But it didn’t last for very long.”
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Before I Met You Masterlist Masterlist  
21 notes · View notes
melyaliz · 4 years
Like You
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Fandom: DC 
Summary: They would always have the others back. It was just who they were. 
Pairing: Tim Drake x Oc 
Notes: Honestly, this has no plot and isn’t very smooth or that good. But I wanted some Tim and Faith. 
More on my OC Faith 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
“Well fancy meeting you here” 
Faith couldn’t help but smile as she turned to see Tim standing over her. His hands folded over his chest a ghost of a smile on his face. Trying to be serious and cool but Faith knew better. Dressed in his robin costume she knew he was checking up on her. Making sure she wasn’t getting into too much trouble.
Problem was, she was always getting into too much trouble. 
It wasn’t her fault really. It just found her. 
After she went looking for it. 
“Good ol’ uncle batman send you?” 
“No, I have actually been trailing this gang for a while. Why are you here.” 
He folded his arms over his chest, not buying it. Which made sense because while her uncle may be the world’s best detective. Faith was not.
“You fell asleep at your computer.” she grinned up sheepishly. When he didn’t respond she shrugged, “What? They don’t call me the Guardian Angel for nothin’. I’m here to have our back.” 
That earned her a smile. “Which is why I found you first.” 
Quid pro quo. Those two were always trading off who was bailing the other out of trouble. They always had the others back, no matter what. Tim was slowly learning that “no matter what” - when it came to Faith- went a bit deeper than he wanted to admit. It was a silent vow that he didn’t really want to push really. Because he had a feeling she might go with him somewhere he couldn’t get her back from. A place he accidentally led her to. 
It was one of the reasons he always hesitated to bring her along.
But they also worked so well together. 
Standing over the broken bodies Faith grabbed Tim’s hand looking up at him. “Cops are on their way. And look what I got” she held up her burner phone to show him a pixilated image of the gang members all nicely piled up around the bags of cocaine they there dealing. The smallest was on the top of the pile with a little bow on his head. 
Where she had gotten the bow Tim had no idea. 
The sound of sirens was their cue to split. Tim wrapping his arm around Faith’s waist as he grappled them out the window landing on the roof. Slipping out of his grip Faith lept off the building using her own battering to swing across the street. Tim followed knowing this game all too well. 
Who could do the craziest trick before they got to their destination? 
Soon they settled themselves on the roof of a building just far enough away they could watch their handiwork being lead away without being seen. Should have brought popcorn.
“Gummie Bears?” 
“Where did you?” Tim looked down at the small bag Faith was holding up.
“That guy who owns the convenience store, he always gives me snacks.” 
Tim couldn’t help but chuckle as he took one popping it in his mouth. Of course, that guy gave her snacks. He was like her little lookout. Always texting her burner phone about anything going down in his aria. 
They both lapsed into silence. Lost in their own thoughts as they shared a sweet and sour snack. For a moment it felt like they were alone in the world. Just the two of them sitting on the ledge of a building looking over a city of lights. 
Faith let out a soft giggle. Breaking the silence as she pulled her knees to her chest.
Tim couldn’t take his eyes off her, she was glowing. 
Which wasn’t new. He had seen this before. That soft glow that seemed to envelop her after a mission. Especially these kinds. The small takedowns. The ones that helped the locals, made their neighborhoods safer. The ones that locked away those who would be so others didn’t have to hide in fear. 
What? She asked looking up at him. Big brown eyes shining brightly in a sparkling city of lights below them.
She was always there, smiling and laughing. Loyal to a fault. 
A loyalty he didn’t deserve.  
He was going to kiss her. If not now then when? This brain still buzzing slightly with the aftermath of adrenalin from the fight. His heart matching that humming as he drew closer. His whole body felt like it was filled with electricity. Maybe he was glowing just like she did. Maybe she was giving him some of her light.
"Hum?" He hummed his eyes half-lidded swept up in the moment.  
"Do you think I will ever be able to be like you?"
He pulled away from the moment shifting so quickly it made his head spin. The currents that had been lighting him up fizzling out with a pop as if a balloon of cold water had just burst above him, "what?"
"You just, your always so confidant and sure of yourself. You can do amazing things and your smart... How can I get there. I want to get there. I want to be as good as you are."
She was an angel from heaven and everyone she touched lit up. She was comfortable in any room truly able to be herself. Always silly and always so... Raw. 
He wanted to say as much. Wanted to point out that she had turned her own little corner of Gotham into a safe and beautiful place. How the people there respected… no loved her. How she was more than a mask to them. She was one of them. 
She wasn’t a symbol of hope like Batman was. She was a symbol light. Proof that if a small girl with a smile could do good so could anyone else. 
So many words and thoughts caught up in his brain getting lost on the way to his mouth. Dying on the journey to reality. 
Why would she want to be him when she could be her? 
Forever tag:  @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness @0hmydeku @xx3fsxx @daisyboobear  @jason-redhood @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr  @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8​
17 notes · View notes