#Alcoholic fatty liver
anandkhakar · 9 months
Unmasking the Culprit: How Alcohol Affects the Liver and Its Connection to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Gujarat<
Alcohol consumption is a widespread practice, but its impact on liver health cannot be underestimated. In Gujarat, where the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is on the rise, understanding how alcohol affects the liver is crucial. In this blog, we will delve into the effects of alcohol on liver health, explore how alcohol metabolism takes place in the liver, and discuss prevention and treatment strategies, especially in the context of NAFLD in Gujarat.
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hopkinrx · 10 months
Fatty Liver Disease: Important Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Fatty Liver Disease: Important Causes, Symptoms, and TreatmentIntroductionWhat is Fatty Liver Disease?Causes of Fatty Liver Disease Poor Dietary Habits Sedentary Lifestyle Obesity Alcohol ConsumptionSymptoms of Fatty Liver Disease Fatigue Abdominal Discomfort Jaundice SwellingDiagnosing Fatty Liver Disease Blood Tests Imaging Studies Liver BiopsyTreatment and Management Lifestyle Changes Balanced…
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kkginfo · 2 years
Alcoholic Fatty Liver: Do You Drink Alcohol? If these symptoms appear, it means that the liver is in danger. | KKG INFO
Alcoholic Fatty Liver: Do You Drink Alcohol? If these symptoms appear, it means that the liver is in danger. | KKG INFO
Fatty liver is one of the diseases caused by drinking alcohol. This problem is caused by the accumulation of fat around the liver cells. The liver of a person suffering from this disease does not work properly. Alcoholic fatty liver: Drinking alcohol is very bad for health.. Drinking alcohol gradually damages the body. Experts warn that especially the liver will be affected. Fatty liver is one…
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
Look and Listen
There are many tools at doctors’ fingertips to diagnose non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – a very common condition – including ultrasound, MRI and CT scans, and biopsy. But each of these have drawbacks, ranging from expense and risk (particularly in biopsies) to unsuitability for patients with certain implants (MRI scanning). So researchers are exploring non-invasive alternatives such as photoacoustic tomography (PAT). PAT uses both light and sound waves to generate detailed images, interpreting ultrasound waves given off by structures when laser light is fired onto them. Previously, the technology couldn’t visualise blood vessel detail and movement, but a new iteration, 3D-PAT, overcomes those limitations to precisely reveal liver vessel volume, number, and distribution (as seen in this video) while carefully correcting for the natural movement caused by regular breathing. They used the technique to compare structural differences between obese and lean rats, and hope this approach could ultimately provide quick, safe information for doctors and patients.
Written by Anthony Lewis
Video from work by Xin Tong and colleagues
Caltech Optical Imaging Laboratory, Andrew and Peggy Cherng Department of Medical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Advanced Science, November 2022
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The rising predominance of stoutness has made non-alcoholic (NAFLD) the most widely recognized ongoing liver sickness. As an outcome, NAFLD and particularly its provocative structure non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
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abhishekshahgaur · 2 months
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mknewstime · 3 months
5 Beneficial Foods for Fatty Liver to Heal
5 Beneficial Foods for Fatty Liver to Heal Introduction Fatty liver disease, characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver cells, is becoming increasingly prevalent due to sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary choices. While medical intervention is crucial, dietary modifications play a significant role in managing and even reversing this condition. In this article, we’ll explore five…
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jcmarchi · 4 months
5 Healthy Tips to Burn Belly Fat Quickly? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/5-healthy-tips-to-burn-belly-fat-quickly-technology-org/
5 Healthy Tips to Burn Belly Fat Quickly? - Technology Org
Belly fat is good, but when there is too much, it can increase the risk of chronic disease. Experts often recommend drinking less alcohol, eating more protein, and lifting weight to reduce belly fat. Furthermore, belly fat can disfigure your shape and make you feel like you are pregnant if you are a woman.
Women with too much belly fat don’t fit into certain clothes. Too much belly fat is often the result of the food you eat. Physical exercise can go a long way to reducing belly fat. However, read and learn more information about healthy tips that can reduce belly fat.
Eat a lot of soluble fat
One of the benefits of eating soluble fats is that it helps to slow down food when it passes through your digestive system. Also, several studies have shown that soluble fats make you feel full. In order words, when you are full, you will eat less. More over, examples of foods that contain soluble fat are vegetables, fruits, oats, and barley. 
Stay away from food that contains trans fat
One way trans fats are created is by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats like soya bean oil. In the past, trans fats were found in margarine and some packaged foods. However, because of Strict monitoring, trans fats are no longer used to produce some packaged foods. Furthermore, trans fats have been linked to various diseases, including insulin resistance, heart disease, and inflammation. Unfortunately, in some countries, trans fats are still used to produce packaged foods.
Reduce alcohol intake
A little bit of alcohol, according to several studies, is good for your heart. Unfortunately, most people have abused these findings, which has led to a lot of drinking. Heavy alcohol consumption can cause a lot of ailments that are life-threatening. Studies have shown that alcohol also contributes a lot to belly fat. A recent study shows that too short of alcohol for men and one shot for women every day will be ideal. Therefore, if you’re looking for a course of belly fat, alcohol is one of them. 
Eat a protein diet
One of the best diets for weight loss management, including belly fat, is eating a lot of protein. High protein intake is good for your body because it increases the release of a fullness hormone known as peptide. In addition, protein also increases your metabolic rate and helps you repair muscle mass during your weight loss therapy. Furthermore, studies have shown that people who eat more protein barely have abdominal fat.
Reduce your stress levels
Another thing that can make you lose belly fat is stress. Stress triggers the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. The cortisol is known as a stress hormone. Several studies have shown that if the cortisol is high, it increases appetite. In other words, your belly fat will increase when you eat a lot. For women, it’s already a problem because, most often, they have a large waist, and using cortisol increases their belly fat.
Avoid sugary food
Several chronic diseases are caused by eating too much sugar food. Remember, sugar contains fructose. If the fructose is consumed in excess, it causes chronic diseases. Some of the consequences of consuming too much sugary food are heart disease, fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. Also, several studies suggest a link between high sugar intake and increased belly fat. Therefore, eating natural sugars like honey should also be done moderately.
Reduce carbohydrate intake
Excess carbohydrate intake also causes an increase in abdominal fat. Experts have suggested that a low-carb diet can reduce belly fat very fast. Refined carbs cause more damage to your health and increase abdominal fat faster than unrefined. Take carbs like whole grains, legumes, and vegetables.
Eat more fish
Eating fish more than meat is an added, nutritional, balanced diet. Fish contains protein and omega-3 fats. Consuming omega-3 fat can reduce the dangers of liver disease. Nutritionists advise you to eat at least 2 to 3 servings of fatty fish weekly. Try to include sermons, sardines, herring, mackerel, and anchovies in your diet every week.
Drink green tea
Several studies have shown that green tea offers exceptional health benefits, including weight loss. Green tea contains caffeine and antioxidants called
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). The EGEC can also help you reduce belly fat. Meanwhile, drinking green tea alone may not entirely reduce belly fat. Combining green tea with exercise is best, as it can reduce belly fat for an effective result.
Exercises that can reduce belly fat quickly
When you mention exercise, the first thing that comes to most people’s minds is running, jogging, and push-ups. These are undoubtedly good exercises, but they may not be entirely effective for losing belly fat. Below are effective exercises for this purpose.
Aerobic exercise
To burn your belly fat quickly with exercise, try aerobics. Aside from belly fat, aerobic exercises are good too for your liver, kidney, and other vital organs. Studies have also shown that aerobics reduces liver fat. Engage in the following aerobic exercises: quick walking, cycling, swimming, biking, and rowing for a decrease in belly fat.
Weight resistance training
Lifting weight also reduces your belly fat rapidly. Usually, muscles burn off more calories if you engage in weight training. If you are not taking the right nutrition, your weight training will not yield any results.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
HIIT is a short but intense exercise that comprises moves and rest periods. Studies have shown that HIIT exercises are good for belly fat. With HIIT, you can control your weight aside from helping you lose belly fat.
Having belly fat is not a crime, but when it’s too much, it can become unhealthy and affect your social life. Belly fat can be reduced if you eat right and engage in the activities. As a matter of fact, combine exercise with eating right, and belly fat disappear. Some very fat does not require surgery to get rid of it.
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zdravljeirecepti · 6 months
Kako očistiti masnu jetru? - Čaj od gujine trave za jetru zatrovanu toks...
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Novel Nomenclature of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease (MASLD) for Future Hepatology | Abstract
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dratefahmed1 · 6 months
Chronic liver disease #shorts #LiverDisease #LiverHealth #Hepatitis #Cirrhosis #liverfunction
#shorts Chronic liver disease #shorts #LiverDisease #LiverHealth #Hepatitis #Cirrhosis #liverfunction #liverdisease #liverdiseaseawareness #liverdiseases #liverdiseasebedamned #liverdiseasesucks #liverdiseaseawarenes #liverdiseaseandthesugars #liverdiseaseawarenessbracelet #liverdiseaseawreness #liverdiseaseandtransplant #liverdiseaseb #liverdiseasebracelet #liverdiseaseblows #liverdiseasebabies…
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anandkhakar · 4 days
Types of Liver Damage
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The liver is a vital organ that conducts hundreds of functions including metabolism, energy storage, and detoxification. It aids in the digestion of food, the conversion of food into energy, and the storage of energy until needed. It also aids in the removal of toxins from your bloodstream.
The term "liver disease" refers to any ailment that affects your liver. These different liver diseases can arise for a variety of causes, but they all have the potential to harm your liver and impair its daily function.
Types of liver damage
Let’s look at a few main liver diseases.
Hepatitis is a liver ailment caused by a viral infection. It causes inflammation and damage to your liver, making it harder for it to operate properly. Hepatitis is contagious in all forms, but you can lower your risk by getting vaccinated against types A and B or taking other preventive measures, such as practicing safe sex and not sharing needles. There are 5 types of Hepatitis
Hepatitis A is usually transmitted through contaminated food or water. Symptoms may go away without therapy, although it may take a few weeks to recover.
Hepatitis B is either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). It is transmitted through body fluids like blood and semen. Hepatitis B is treated, but there is no cure. Early treatment is critical for avoiding issues, so it's important to have regular checkups if you’re at risk.
Hepatitis C can be both acute or chronic. Contact with blood from someone who has hepatitis C is a common way for it to spread. While it may not create symptoms in the early stages, it might eventually lead to chronic liver damage.
Hepatitis D is dangerous hepatitis that can only be obtained by persons who already have hepatitis B. It cannot be contracted on its own. It can also be acute or chronic in nature.
Drinking polluted water is the most common cause of hepatitis E. It usually clears up on its own after a few weeks with no long-term consequences.
Fatty liver disease
Fatty liver disease is caused by fat accumulation in the liver.
Fatty liver disease is categorized into two types:
Alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, whereas nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by other factors. Experts are still attempting to understand.
Both types of fatty liver disease can damage the liver, leading to cirrhosis and liver failure if left untreated. Diet and other lifestyle modifications can help to alleviate symptoms and lower the chance of problems.
Autoimmune conditions.
Autoimmune diseases occur when your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body.
Several autoimmune diseases cause your immune system to damage your cells and liver, such as:
Autoimmune Hepatitis. This illness produces inflammation in your liver when your immune system attacks it. It can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure if left untreated.
Primary Biliary cirrhosis. Damage to the bile ducts in your liver causes an accumulation of bile, resulting in this condition. Cirrhosis and liver failure can develop as a result of PBC.
Genetic conditions.
Your liver can also be affected by several hereditary disorders that you inherit from one of your parents:
Hemochromatosis is a condition in which your body stores more iron than it requires. Your organs, including your liver, retain this iron. If not addressed properly, this might cause long-term damage.
Wilson's disease causes the liver to absorb copper rather than releasing it through the bile ducts. Your liver may eventually become too damaged to hold any more copper, allowing it to travel through your bloodstream and harm other organs, including your brain.
Liver Cancer begins in the liver. Secondary liver cancer occurs when cancer begins elsewhere in the body and spreads to the liver.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is a type of liver cancer. It usually manifests as a series of tiny tumors in your liver, although it can also begin as a single tumor.
Other liver illnesses, particularly those that go untreated, may contribute to the development of liver cancer.
Cirrhosis is the scarring of the liver caused by illnesses and other sources of liver injury, such as alcoholism. Cystic fibrosis and syphilis can both cause liver damage and, in the worst-case scenario, cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis is generally curable in its early stages by addressing the underlying cause. However, if left untreated, it can lead to more difficulties and even death.
Liver failure
Chronic liver failure occurs when a large portion of your liver is damaged and unable to function normally. Liver failure caused by liver disease and cirrhosis usually occurs gradually. It's possible that you won't experience any symptoms at first. However, over time, you may begin to notice: Jaundice, Diarrhea, fatigue or weakness, and nausea.
It's a serious condition that needs to be managed on a regular basis.
Acute liver failure, on the other hand, occurs unexpectedly, frequently as a result of an overdose or poisoning.
Acute liver failure is defined as the loss of liver function that happens suddenly — within days or weeks — in a person who does not have any prior liver disease. A hepatitis virus or drugs like acetaminophen are the most prevalent causes. Acute liver failure is rarer than chronic liver failure, which takes longer to develop.
Acute liver failure, sometimes called fulminant hepatic failure, can lead to significant complications such as excessive bleeding and increased head pressure. It's a medical emergency that necessitates admission to the hospital.
Acute liver failure can occasionally be treated and reversed, depending on the causes. However, in many cases, a liver transplant may be the only option.
Acute liver failure is a life-threatening condition that can occur abruptly in otherwise healthy people. Seek medical help right away if you or someone you know suffers sudden yellowing of the eyes or skin, soreness in the upper abdomen, or other unexpected changes in mental state, personality, or behavior.
Acute liver failure develops more slowly than chronic liver failure. You may not experience any symptoms for months or even years. Cirrhosis, which is usually induced by long-term alcohol use, is a common cause of chronic liver failure. When good liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, cirrhosis develops.
Your liver gets inflamed as a result of chronic liver failure. Over time, this inflammation leads to the creation of scar tissue. Your liver begins to deteriorate as your body replaces healthy tissue with scar tissue.
Cirrhosis or Alcohol-related Liver Disease (ALRD) are the most common causes of chronic liver failure. According to the American Liver Foundation, the most frequent cause of cirrhosis is alcoholism.
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gastroenterologists · 7 months
Liver disorders can occur in not only adults but even in children. The number of children suffering from liver issues worldwide is increasing at a rapid pace. Hence, it is important to keep a close eye on your child’s health, and if you find issues, contact the gastrointestinal liver specialists of Tidewater in Virginia Beach. These experts can provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment measures for children. To learn more about liver issues in children, read our latest post.
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expert-ayurveda · 8 months
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment in India
Reclaim Your Liver Health with  Ayurvedic Treatment for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in India.
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The liver is an extraordinary organ, responsible for a myriad of vital functions within the human body. It plays a central role in detoxification, metabolism, and the production of essential proteins. However, an alarming health issue has emerged in recent years, affecting millions across the globe—Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). In India, Expert Ayurveda offers a beacon of hope through their specialized Ayurvedic Treatment  for NAFLD, focusing on the complexities of fatty liver.
Understanding NAFLD and Its Prevalence in India
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Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, often referred to as NAFLD, is a condition characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the liver. Remarkably, it occurs in individuals who do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol. NAFLD is closely associated with modern lifestyles, poor dietary choices, lack of physical activity, and metabolic syndrome. It encompasses a spectrum of liver conditions, ranging from the relatively benign accumulation of fat (steatosis) to more severe inflammation and liver damage (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH). Left untreated, NAFLDcan progress to advanced liver diseases such as cirrhosis and even liver cancer.
The Ayurvedic Approach to fatty liver Treatment in India
India's rich heritage of Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to health and wellness, including the treatment of liver diseases like NAFLD. Ayurvedic Treatment focuses on harmonizing the body's energies (doshas), bolstering digestion, detoxifying the liver, and promoting overall vitality.
Expert Ayurveda: Your Trusted Partner in NAFLD Treatment
Expert Ayurveda stands at the forefront in India, specializing inAyurvedic Treatment for NAFLD, with an emphasis on addressing the intricacies of fatty liver. Here's why they are the preferred choice for individuals seeking natural and effective remedies:
Ayurvedic Mastery: Expert Ayurveda boasts a team of highly accomplished Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners who possess profound knowledge of NAFLD and its Ayurvedic Treatment. Their expertise ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care.
Personalized fatty liver Solutions: Understanding that NAFLD varies from person to person, Expert Ayurveda provides customized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs and constitution of each individual, putting a spotlight on the management of fatty liver
Holistic Healing: Ayurveda's philosophy is deeply rooted in treating the root causes of ailments, rather than merely alleviating symptoms. Expert Ayurveda's approach is holistic, focusing not only on liver health but also on overall well-being.
Natural Remedies: Expert Ayurveda harnesses the power of natural herbs, dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and detoxification therapies to treat NAFLD. These natural remedies are safe, time-tested, and have minimal side effects, making them particularly apt for addressing fatty liver.
Preventive Measures: In addition to treatment, Expert Ayurveda emphasizes preventive measures and long-term management of NAFLD. They offer guidance on dietary choices, physical activity, and lifestyle changes to help patients maintain optimal liver health, with a keen focus on the fatty liveraspect.
Patient-Centric Approach: At Expert Ayurveda, patient-centered care is paramount. They ensure that patients are well-informed, comfortable, and empowered throughout their NAFLD treatment journey, with a deep understanding of the fatty liver intricacies.
The Ayurvedic fatty liver Treatment Process
Your journey towards liver health with Expert Ayurveda typically involves the following steps, with a strong emphasis on fatty liver:
Comprehensive Consultation: The process commences with a thorough consultation where Ayurvedic doctors assess your condition, medical history, and individual constitution (prakriti), paying particular attention to the presence of fatty liver.
Accurate Diagnosis: Based on the consultation and diagnostic tests, the severity and nature of your NAFLD, including fatty liver characterization, are determined.
Tailored Treatment Plan: An individualized treatment plan is meticulously crafted, incorporating Ayurvedic herbs, dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and detoxification therapies, all designed to specifically target fatty liver issues.
Treatment Phase: You embark on a structured treatment phase, during which you'll receive Ayurvedic remedies and therapies customized to address the fatty liver aspect of your condition.
Regular Monitoring: Regular follow-up consultations and assessments ensure that your progress, especially concerning fatty liver, is closely tracked. Adjustments are made to the treatment plan as necessary.
Lifestyle Guidance: Expert Ayurveda provides detailed guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including dietary choices and exercise routines. This comprehensive approach is key to preventing the recurrence of fatty liver
Sustained Support: Even after the successful completion of treatment, Expert Ayurveda remains your partner in long-term liver health, offering ongoing support, particularly for managing fatty liver concerns.
Choose Ayurveda for fatty liver Treatment in India
If you're in search of a natural, holistic, and effective treatment for NNon-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, especially focusing on the complexities of fatty liver, Expert Ayurveda is your unwavering ally. Their Ayurvedic prowess, personalized treatment plans, and patient-centric philosophy offer a pathway to healing for individuals grappling with liver health challenges. Take the first step towards revitalizing your liver health by scheduling an appointment with Expert Ayurveda, and embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier and more vibrant life.
For More Information
Dr. Paresh J Thakkar, 32,Raj ami complex, Amin Society,Near swastik school, Sardar patel colony, Narayanpura, Ahmedabad.
+91 9924184234
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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A Different Death
Liver diseases are a significant health concern, with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) estimated to affect around 30% of the global population, across multiple conditions associated with excess fat deposits. Necroptosis, a type of programmed cell death that activates the immune system and causes inflammation, was thought to be generally involved in liver disease, but recent evidence refutes this idea. In mice, disease triggers like viral infection, malarial parasites or high-fat diets still lead to liver disease, progressing as expected, even when the mice lack MLKL, a protein necessary for necroptosis; in the liver tissue pictured, collagen build-up (in red) reveals signs of NAFLD, without necroptosis. Scientists also found that another protein required for necroptosis, RIPK3, is silenced in the liver cells, of both mice and humans, suggesting this process cannot occur there. Together, these findings should shift the focus of research into the mechanisms behind liver disease.
Written by Emmanuelle Briolat
Image from work by Simon P. Preston and colleagues
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Gastroenterology, August 2022
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nammythings · 9 months
Navigating Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Enlarged Liver
In recent years, the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and enlarged liver has seen a concerning rise, particularly among women. Once considered a condition primarily associated with excessive alcohol consumption, NAFLD is now striking individuals who abstain from alcohol. Rather than a disease, an enlarged liver is a sign of an underlying problem, such as liver disease,…
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