#Aiden Wilde
marthaskane · 3 months
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Pretending not to love you, kid. Hardest mission of my life. So... we were good together?
ARGYLLE (2024) dir. matthew vaughn
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dearinglovebot · 4 months
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still thinking about this movie
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Y/N hangs out with Aiden…
Y/N: so you threw down her cat to test if there was a crash pad?
Aiden: I knew there was one there. Just had to prove it to her.
Y/N: consider yourself lucky
Aiden: lucky?
Y/N: any normal cat person would have killed you right then and there. Training or not.
Y/N: she must secretly love you or something
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tonksiefea · 3 months
something special about Aidelly
Something that I have been mulling over about what makes Aiden and Elly so special is that they've been together a long time!
Like on Argylle we aren't watching two people fall in love! We aren't watching strangers go though those exciting bubbly love stages. These two have been together for YEARS even though Elly forgot.
So for Aiden this is the woman he dedicated his life to a long time ago and Elly is dealing with confusion at being someone so anti romance feeling, not a new love, but a love so engraved in her being that the very sight of Aiden in disguise is enough to start to break her brainwashing! It's the second she sees him that she sees Argylle for the first time!
Most movies or TV shows or anything you get swept up in early love or the will the or won't they and by the time they get together it only takes a little bit for there to either be drama or feel stale.
Except these two aren't will they or won't they! They have and they will again! They are still compelling and madly in love with each other. They have a love that has been there for YEARS and it's STILL THERE. ITS NOT GOING ANYWHERE. It's not boring or stale even though it's a long term relationship.
You don't see that in media. You don't see that anywhere else I can think of. I think that's part of what makes this so special. It's old love but not old news!
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multifandominfj · 4 months
I need someone out there to make some Argylle movie wallpapers. Or even some Aiden and Elly wallpapers.
My phone needs a makeover, and I’ll forever adore the person who does make them.
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Hello Argylle fandom!
Here's a quick catalog of things that I thought might be useful for other fic writers!
Elly's drink is called a "Whisker Sour" (lol) and is a play on a Whiskey Sour (recipe here). It's served in a tumbler or Old Fashioned Glass with an argyle/hatch/diamond etched pattern. (hi-res photo above from Apple)
The Argylle book cover colors in the hardback set are:
Argylle I - yellow
Argylle II - red
Argylle III - blue
Argylle IV - purple (the one Elly reads from at the signing and that Aiden is reading on the train)
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The first paragraph of the author's biography reads: "ELLY CONWAY is the author of the bestselling Argylle series of books, which have sold over 250 million copies worldwide, been published in more than 200 territories and been translated into 73 languages."
Penguin Random House does have a biography page for her, which simply reads: "Elly Conway was born and raised in upstate New York. She wrote her first novel about Agent Argylle while working as a waitress in a late-night diner." They did come out with an actual book of Argylle that can be purchased, and the dedication and author's notes are particularly interesting to see in light of the movie's plot.
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Hope this was helpful, and since it's for fanfic, feel free to use or ignore at your discretion! Please let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see or know. Thanks!
Photo sources (x, x, x, x)
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the-killies · 1 month
yalls headcanons for Aiden's music taste is WRONG. hes a 15 year old boy in 2016 and one of his favourite songs is party rock anthem. Whats not clicking
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lifeintheworldtocome · 6 months
if you like and dont reblog i will block you
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this is so funny to me i cant explain it
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hannibard · 3 months
I exposed all you lambden shippers on reddit lol
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sinematically · 4 months
if Elly and Aiden make out at the end does that mean Argylle and Wyatt also do the same in the books???
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dontyoufeelcalmer · 4 months
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aidan checking his chamber like he’s staring into the fridge at 2am is my fave thing
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dearinglovebot · 4 months
ever since reading the argylle book, I can’t stop thinking about how the plot outright confirms one of two things: either aiden is bisexual or rachel is. because it introduces a character called “erin quinn” who both wyatt and argylle are in a mild love triangle over.
if we take the basic explanation, then erin is gender swapped. she’s actually a man who rachel dated. but if this is true, then this means wyatt-aiden was into a man too. making him bisexual.
but as far as we see in the movie, only argylle was gender swapped. this makes the more evidence supported explanation become rachel canonically has dated women. in fact, if we continue to take the story at face value and assume no genders have been swapped, this leads to a conclusion that she’s been largely uninterested in men besides aiden.
anyways would love to discuss this in detail with anyone else who’s read it
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Y/N: so I’m still trying to write my first novel, any advice?
Elle: go on a globe trotting adventure involving guns, knives, cats, Beatles music and smoke grenades to find your true self
Elle: or just do plenty of research…yeah do that
Aiden: I think you broke them
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tonksiefea · 2 months
appreciation post
The way Elly's voice cracks when Aidan says he never wants to see Elly Conway ever again tell me that Elly Conway was ABSOLUTLY infatuated with Aidan Wilde before even this scene.
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I firmly believe Elly started recognizing she was falling for him on the plane.
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I also think there was a bit of her that, while she didn't want to, did think the mountain man look was at least a little sexy lol
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multifandominfj · 4 months
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Would this, or would this not be Elly and Aiden?
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Prompt 36
THE WIFI WENT OUT LAST NIGHT AND I COULDN'T POST MY PROMPT! AAAAA No fear... You will feast today with TWO prompts! The Wolves are the most notorious and feared gunman gang to ever cross the wild west. They've known to frequent a certain bar recently, purely for the man the bar hires to perform there near-nightly. The entire gang loves him and his music, but all of them know damn well that Geralt likes the man a little extra. The singer's music seems to soothe him more than it soothes his brothers. His dumb jokes make Geralt snort or dryly chuckle more than the others. The best part about this performer (aside from giving them all something to tease Geralt about) is that he either has no idea who they all are, or he doesn't care. He winks over at them, he'll raise a glass to cheers them, one night he even danced directly on their table, evidently loving the gang's uproarious cheering as he did so. One night, Lambert comes to them from wherever he rides off to every few weeks and comes back with wagonloads of information, and tells them that he's just learned that The Cats were coming here to fulfil a contract to kill the singer, and given how long it took him to get back, they could be trying to do it as they speak. So the gang ride into town, find the singer, grab him, and ride him back to their camp to protect him from the rival gang that wants to kill him. They just forget to tell him the "we're protecting you" part. Jaskier is really enjoying this gig he's had at this shitty bar for the past few months. This group of burly grumpy men seem to hate everyone and everything but him. It's quite an ego boost, really. Especially the handsome one with white hair. He's sure they liked him. I mean, there were a few times they tipped him enough money for him to rent a room for another month! That's why he's so confused when one night they snatch him right before he goes on to perform and they ride him away from civilization. Oh fuck- Is this how he dies?!
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