dontyoufeelcalmer · 4 months
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aidan checking his chamber like he’s staring into the fridge at 2am is my fave thing
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blueish-sun · 1 year
Anyways here's a clip of me the moment I realized I was perceiving Cyberpunk live
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me watching 7x6 every time ryan was onscreen: “mmm yes i love the cinematography and like the film of it-“
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astraystayyh · 7 months
okay i deffo need to rewatch this movie because i feel like there are a lot of nuances i missed :') BUTTT UGH what a beautiful tale on love and humanity and kindness but also the ugliness of war. here is my essay that no one asked for AKSJDB
"they'll cry when they can't regain their humanity later" "no, they'll forget they ever cried" THIS ONE DIALOGUE waaaah :'))) so so telling about how some people are so immersed in their power, evil, that they forget their roots, their humanity to begin with
"i feel terrible like im trapped under a stone" "oh yes, a heart's heavy burden" this ONE STUCK WITH ME TOO because if it isn't so true :') sometimes a heart feels like tons of bricks pressed against your chest, but it is that same heart that infuses you with happiness and love. reminds me of my favorite lyrics "how rare and beautiful it is to even exist"
i love how kindness is an invisible string tying all these characters together, turnip staying with sophie because she was kind to him and didn't dismantle his cane, the witch of the waste giving up howl's heart because she was finally hugged, calcifer lightning up his fire each time Sophie compliments him ☹️ to be kind and to receive kindness back :')
i loved how there wasn't this huge fuss over sophie's spell breaking, it felt as if it happened by itself as she grew more confident. idk if this theory is correct but i feel as if the spell wasn't exterior, but rather relating to how she felt about herself. when sophie was asleep she turned to her true self because she couldn't harbor bad opinions about herself during her sleep. turning young when howl showed her his childhood house and only becoming old again when she said that she isn't beautiful.. once she grew confident about herself, helping save howl and their family, the curse just lifted :') my baby sophie
(love the fact that her hair stayed grey at the end, a tangible proof that she was changed for the better by this entire experience :'))
also how love changed howl, who went from hiding to having smtg worth fighting for because someone finally believed in him, beyond going after his physical appearance :'))))))
mmm what else...... OH the whole WAIT FOR ME IN THE FUTURE AND THEM MEETING AGAIN oh im a sucker for these tropes I love love love love it. ☹️☹️☹️☹️
i think beyond the love story, the movie also shows how ugly war is, how avoidable it with the queen basically starting it for fun and acknowledging that it is pointless, how the lives of civilians are discarded by ones in power. when Sophie asked Howl if those missiles were theirs or the enemy's and he said does it matter, he's so right because does it, really? if the end goal is to kill innocents to gain more power, everyone is evil.
honorable mention to the beautiful cinematography and the SOUND TRACK MY GOD especially the final song ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ kind of mad at myself for taking so long to watch it but waaaah so worth it I DEFFO NEED TO REWATCH IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN
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kuwdora · 8 months
Newjob anxieties really has me wiped. job transition is such a thing. particularly after a spate of some bad/awkward/frustrating job circumstances. And a fuck of a time job hunting to get here. Been rough going especially during the week, leaving me lower energy than usual. Newjob seems to be working out pretty well, though. I like it and am getting a lot out of it but I don't think the anxieties will go away for awhile until I feel more settled.
mmm, fannishly. I remain in so much love with all the new Star Trek Lower Decks and have like 2 posts inside me of raving about my love but I doubt I'll get around to writing it in full. I have so much love about it. god.
I somehow managed to watch all of The Fall of the House of Usher over the weekend. It's like Mike Flanagan is hooked into my brain sometimes for things that make me tic, it's great. Gnashing my teeth on the cinematography and Carla Gugino and all the awful bisexuals in this show.
Still trundling away with editing and working on like four different Witcher fics. Trying to finish things. I'm very pleased and still very excited about my Witcher stuff. Also my to-read fic tabs are so exciting, I can't wait to have enough brain to read and comment again.
For All Mankind is coming back soon, so I will be losing my goddamn mind again on a week to week basis for that and I'm so thrilled for season 4.
Also contemplating signing up for festivids for the first time since 2019. The nominations are looking pretty good, though I don't know what I'd actually want to ask for yet. Know what I'd want to vid though. Decision time later this week, maybe.
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rafasbiscuits · 10 months
Tagged by @schumi-nadal and @fisherkings thank u for tagging me guys it's always an honour, love youuu😘😘
Rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort mfovies then tag 10 people.
1. X Men movie series. Definitely, absolutely, undoubtedly, comfort movie. X Men. I remember watching the prequels with my brother as a kid when it's only the two of us at home. It's not just a comfort movie it's literally a fricking nostalgia for me. Then continued watching the whole timeline when I had my own computer.
2. STAR WARS MOVIES!!! Been a fan since I was a literal toddler and grew up with this. All sorts of nostalgia will come rushing to me and I will immediately feel hugged everytime I listen to the theme and just, see a familiar character. hey I don't know any lore cause I don't watch the cartoons but I watch enough to know what's going on🤷
3. Mean Girls. Yes, I watch Mean Girls on repeat everytime I eat lunch, it helps me eat cause I get distracted by all the drama going on, it's not nostalgic or anything cause I first watched it like two years ago but it is definitely a favourite and an absolute comfort movie.
4. Any Ghibli movies, I mean cmon, Ghibli!!! All my childhood anime movies are made from Ghibli. I love every single one of themm
5. Any Barbie movies (especially the Mariposa one, and the Princess Academy one and OMG THE MERMAID ONE!!) wait the mermaid one definitely needs its own like thing but I'm just putting it here. THE MERMAID BARBIE IS SO ICONIC I LOVE THAT MOVIE SO SO MUCH omg I have to rewatch
6. Twilight Series. Don't- actually. yes. I don't care anymore, I will not keep denying the fact that I LOVE this movie. It's part of my childhood and this movie really gave me alot of memories, I always watch the series whenever I'm sad or stressed about school..which is, all the time.
7. GOTG trilogy. Ugh, I mean I'm a Marvel fan in general (but I lean more to X Men), but Guardians Of The Galaxy will always be special to me. And the trilogy ended this year too and lemme tell you i CRIED. I remember begging my brother to lend me his USB so I can watch the first movie, and I did (took me a few weeks) and then BAM! Found comfort characters, all their songs became my comfort songs and immediately became a comfort movie, seriously the whole movie feels like home to me, god I love them.
8. Brokeback Mountain. I don't need to say anything about this, explains alot already.
9. Interstellar. Loved that movie to the CORE. watched it on the cinema and this movie made me fall in love with Nolan.
10. mmm I can't think of anything anymore but uhhh 2001: A Space Oddysey. Love it forever and always, the beginning of time and all that, loved the book it's one of my favourite books. And then the movie was just out of this world (literally) soundtrack? Top. Acting? Absolutely fantastic. Cinematography? yES. Perfection. I have an interest in the topic which is why I just feel so happy when I rewatch it..
Tagging...uhhh: @yoellglia @swaggypsyduck @tam-is-blogging @thefrootloopman @hubillusion @jcferrero @bluespring864 @raulsevyn @soronya @janesurlife (I'd love to tag all of you, yes the one who is reading this, but it says 10, I love you all very much tho😘)
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izartn · 7 months
Thinking about the setting of CFC again, and I know I said on my first post after reading the book that Meatbun should have just gone urban fantasy to get her kick with the more out there elements more plausibly, the scifi plot elements were the weakest on the book but...
You can tell she really wanted to go full on scifi, bc thinking about it, I think going full on 100-200 years on the future with he technology (no aliens or space travel super avaible except for like, maybe the moon or Mars) would have really aided both what she wanted to explore re:technology and the ways we use and abuse it, and her commentary on arts and fictional worlds.
Plus the pseudo superpowered He Yu and Xie Qingcheng and their resulting mental illness and infection by RN-13 would have fit better; maybe even targeting the way humanity has started to openly play with modifying genes and neuroplasticity.
Mandela as an ideology widespread and having to fight it. Making the matrix plan much more scary and plausible.
Like. The distopian sci-fi film noir of it all would have fit like a glove to what she's trying to do in the novel, and to her protags.
Come on, distopian scifi serves to amplify the worst and the best the same way historical fantasy does, and Meatbun loves to go to extremes from what we've read of her.
He Yu being raised by robot nannies that he loves until he realises/is explained they're just unfeeling programs and getting a bit of that real human connection with Xie Qingcheng? Poor wire monkey kid.
Realising "nobody" "real" cares for him would hit weirder here, if not harder. Getting a complex about having to program his own behaviour if he wants to fit and be loved by others! Pushing himself to master coding (he's a hacker in canon! Tie that even tighter to setting and plot and his emotional journey dammit), almost falling but then ruthlessly dismissing the false fantasies created by technology! In the way he does by the end of the book but hitting harder in this setting bc that unreality it's an element that's been there from the beginning.
He Yu having to deal with his hallucinations when he's on his lower moments in this version would also be even more also even more oomph, given people giving in to the technological ghosts would be something he's used to seeing. And then realising his own brain is creating that trap when he thought he was above deluding himself. Like he does in canon but you know. Tying it with the plot and setting better, which makes it hit harder.
You also just know the elite He Yu is born feom are on some hunger games almost capitol bullshit. HY deciding to study cinematography and arts in this kind of culture. Meatbun ripping apart the abuse of AI, tying in with her criticism of the lower common denominator re:fluffy simple stories.
Compare that to a Xie Chengqing even more determined that science has everything studied about human behaviour and emotions are just silly hormones that can robe one of control. At the same time rejecting the frivolous use of technology; finding unsuspecting common ground with He Yu despite it all. Mmm. His brand of condescending old fashioned machismo and general internalised homophobia (and He Yu's if we're talking about it) (although in He Yu case it could just be denial of XQC in specific though which would be hilarous/sad considering. all of the story) would be maybe more difficult to translate but honestly humanity is such a shit show that I would buy we having regressed and then progressed again on the human rights front. Anyway it's more about his unhealthy repression, controlling tendencies, and trying to be good at being human by societal standards, for his sister and master/prpfessor/adopted father. That can be explored perfectly on this setting regardless.
Maybe it's the aftermath of a conflict and that's why people are so crazy about Mandela! Collective trauma around incomprehensible loss. Human nature at his most basic need for love and companionship vs survival, like Meatbun likes.
The more I think about this the more I like it. Mmm. Did censure prevent Meatbun of going all out with the scifi? Because it really really fits.
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butididnottried · 1 year
Of Billy antis and, apparantely, their, i guess, apprecation for Neil, more or less <3
Am gonna be “whiny” because why not Neil, whyyy never Neeeil, it’s fucking never fucking Neil, FUCK. HIM. All of my homies hate Neil.
So, this post, this fucking post, that was made, like, two days ago? Because of reason this one specific post snapped something in my brain. I don’t even know why, it’s typical anti post, with typical “oh how irremediable monster Billy is” arguments. Nothing new. Ok, the new thing is that op removed this post and apologized. Like, that’s nice and all, but also ??? People usually don’t behave like that, good for you op for handling that properly and nicely.
(I already wrote some of this post and it’s longer than i expected, so, under the cut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Funny thing is, that i started following fandom some time after season 4, because of how steddie flooded everything, and it was really nice, seriously, jut a bunch of fans cooing over their new blorbo. In a few weeks i learned very much about ST and it’s characters only from fandom (not valid very bad way of doing that, misinformation and bad takes and interpretations up to the roof xD), but from perspective of time i can recognize how weirdly selective that knowledge was, because, holy shit, from what i saw while there was no hate towards Billy, his existence was fully ignored. It took me over a month of reading fanfics before i came up to one with Billy in it (evil, very evil, because steddie need to happen somehow), and despite reading many fics with Max in them, i had absolutely no idea who the guy was. Like, the heck? Just some background bully character? With absolutely no connections to this disabled, kinda bitchy poor girl? Or fully abled, happy and with no worries bitchy girl. Depressed in canon? No sir, we don’t know her. Just superior characterization. :/
I don’t remember how i stumble to the Billy side of fandom, but wow, that was fast. While steddie side was - still then - nice nad fluffy and mostly with no real worries, Billy stans had the real, fat meat with thick gravy, and guys, my dudes, the most smartest girlies, you we’re and still are, taking this apart - child and domestic abuse, homophobia, racism, classism, repression, masculinity, objectification, parentification, disability, mental illnesess, ableism, prejudicions, writing of the show, themes, cinematography, all that stuff, just, mmm, delicioso *chefs kiss* And this is also how i learned about Billys antis, i saw how they behave and talk, how hateful they are and how steddies grew just to be most awful, sadly making ST fandom almost as bad as Star Wars fandom, if not at the same level. But. But i’m not active in the fandom, i’m one of these fans that are just stalking, watching, reading, reblogging. No, i never had to handle antis myself. (Like, it’s my third post about ST and in previous two i was just making fun of it xD) And yet i know how many, many of them are full of hate, almost deliberate ignorance and just horrible views. Listen, if somebody is harshly and negatively criticising the supernatural/fantasy side of a show, ok, we can talk and exchange opinions, because these parts of plot are not real, usually have no equivalent in real world, even if they can be metaphors for real problems, most times we don’t need to be so serious about these. But if someone says that abused character that is not, how to put it, not behaving nice about their abuse, deserve only to suffer and die, then big yikes on a red flag, because for 99,9% that’s also their opinion on real people. And like, i never was abused. My dad, while more or less neglectful, was against hitting kids, and in school, while bullied, i never was beaten up or in a real fight (but, yo, my good people, it was because i was radioactive back then so no close contact, why not), and still, i can have empathy, sympathy and fucking compassion for Billy. Just like i had it in elementary school after learning that one of my bullies was beating by his parents. We didn’t become friends or anything like that, but. It’s not that hard, to have some basic understanding.
Sooo, it feels like this is kinda too long already and not very necessary, but i just wanted you to know my, eeeh... where do i stand in fandom, my position towards it? Because it’s different, how i’m just silently hoovering above, and how you all are in this all, dealing with antis even for years, since season 2, and most probably many of you already had conversations about this, but in this almost a year i’m here i didn’t saw mentions of that thing. Maybe it was just talked to death and left behind. Because, honestly, i’m not a smart person, kinda of a dumbass even, and in no way i’m first to notice that. That thing, with antis, that i started this post with. Get back to the ponit, which is...
Those two lines in post i mentioned, about “Runaway Max”.
“anyway, the amount of pure hatred i feel for billy hargrove just keeps intensifying with every chapter i read.“
“according to max, him and neil “have a lot of opinions about anyone who isn’t white and Lutheran and a man (128).“
Pure hatred for Billy. But Billy and Neil. Billy AND Neil. Are having these same bigotes views. With emphasis on “these same bigotes views”, because of course, yeah, sure, why not. But there’s no hatred for Neil. Only Billy. Neil is almost non-existent. He’s noticed only when it need to be made very crystal clear that abuse that Billy is going through is absolutely not an excuse for his actions, nuh uh, no sir, there’s a checkmark on this and that’s all, no need to say more abou that one particular man. He is schrodinger abuser - has everything to do with Billys behaviour and absolutely nothing at all. Seriously, Neil is talked about only on Billys side of fandom.
It’s fucking never “during season 2 Billy was just the worst, so violent and agressive, he was a bigot, a sexist, so SOOO so racist, a murderer and rapist and facist and nazi and he was speeding and smoking, drinking alcohol, having sex and throwing slurs left and right all the time, and he was abusing Max literally all the time and was controlling her every move just because he was an asshole and a bitch and dick and, oh the HORRORS, he was pursuing married, middle-aged woman that just simply could not say ‘no’ and cut that teenange bullshit behavior, becuase she’s a delicate and weak woman with no free wil and he’s an toxic man so she needs to do whatever he wants, i’m gonna faint any moment because of how vile and irremediable villain he is. Oh what’s that. His father is the same? Neil is using slurs? Violent towrads his own son? He’s the one making Billy hoovering over Max like a hawk? Is Neil treating Max like that? Is Max safe in her own home? What abou Susan? Oh, oh, Jail for Neil! Jail for Neil for one thousand years! And Billy too, because i hate them BOTH. They’re togehter just the worst. And in season 4, when Max admits that she’s happy that Billy died, and it’s truth and only truth and nothing more and less that just the truthies truth, and she says in her letter that Neil left? Oh, how relieveing that this monster is gone. Maybe Max and her mom are poorer right now and are living in a trailer, but at least they’re finally free of abuse, violence and bigotry.
Ah, no, sorry, it’s actually only about Billy. They just do not hate Neil. Why? Like, i know why, but WHY? I did not read “Runaway Max”, but i know that there’s a few pages long (good fucking god) of very depictive descrpition of how Neil beat the shit out of Billy. Seriously. Not only to the blood, but enough tto Billy having problems with event standing up from the floor. But his grown man hurting and teenanger is not that bad really, only kinda bad, not as much as his victim, we don’t need to focus on mr. Hargrove too much because his role in Max life is apparently not big enough to be in any way important. But i know that from Billy side of fandom, while antis are without any break relieving over and over how Billy cast dead cat on fire (not gonna lie, i personally also would not like that). But also it looks like this book is written in a way that makes Max an very reliabe narrator, that always says the most unbiased and objective truth. Well, at least antis are believing her every word. And yea, books shouldn’t at every step reminding reader that, hey, do not believe that person every word, they’re fucking kid and know almost nothing of world, but - and, eh, i don’t want it to sound like i’m throwing accusation at this book author, i don’t know this person and this is just how it looks from the outside, from opinions and quotes that i saw on both sides. But, it unfortunately looks like this author is more or less Billy anti themself, like they’re sharing and endorsing these same views at abuse. Maybe they don’t care, maybe before writing this book they watched the show once and had very shallow outcomes from it, maybe they weren’t digging deeper into that and wanted just get some fat check for writing a book for a popular franchise. Honestly, valid. But why then be so cruel and careless towards depictions of abuse? Just for shock value? Like Duffers? I guess :/
Anyway, antis. So fucking adamant of how they hate abuse, how it’s bad, how they are so good and right and caring, but the real abuser it out of their picture. It almost looks like they have nothing against him. Oh, Neil is calling Billy slurs, slapping him and humiliating? He can have that, be a violent homophobe as a treat, because i also hate Billy, so Neil is my kind of guy. But also Billy deserve to be called slurs and beaten up, so. Are they the same type of person? Antis and Neil? That’s why they don’t talk about him? Because they’re aware thay they would sound very similar to him? (i coneccted the dots lol) Neil with no doubt is a bigot. And many Billy antis are racist and ableist towards his fans. Victimblaming Billy for what’s happening to him. I’m sooo veRY PREtty sure that Neil do not want to do these things to Billy, but this boy just don’t know how to behave properly, like a real man, with respect and all that other bullshit, yadda yadda.
Maybe instead of stranger-rants bingo cars about bullshit  that anits are repeating about Billy we should have this one shrek meme with Lord Farquaad pointing finger and text “child and domestic abuse apologizer”. Because there’s no middle ground on this topic. If in this situation you’re againts Billy, then you’re on Neils side. You’re against any kind of abuse, or you’re just an asshole that is using poor excuses to doom ceartain people to suffering because you don’t like them or they don’t met your very specific and weird (and more or less unethical) morals. God fucking not bless holy shit kurwa mać ja pierdolę. :/
Or, maybe, you we’re a victim yourself and that’s why you hate Billy. But, listen, if you wen’t through hell because someone was hurting you, why you think that there are people that deserve the same? When you know how horrible and scary that is? Did you deserved that? No. Then why someone else should be abused? Because they’re reacting bad to what’s happening to them? They can’t copy in a healthy way? Hey, hey. You know what, sounds like you also can’t copy healty, if you’re harassing strangers, calling them names and use your own abuse as an excuse for how you behave, while be very, agressively firm about how Billys abuse is not an excuse to be a shitty person. Get off internet, get off fandom, really curate your safe space and get away from antis, apply some self care.
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aliveandfullofjoy · 11 months
Movie asks: 14, 17, 20
14. a movie made better by the ending
the whole movie leading up to it is pretty fucking great, but the taking of pelham one two three (1974) has maybe my favorite final shot of all time. a completely nonverbal punchline that ties the movie up perfectly. so representative of the whole movie, too — comedy meets crime thriller. brilliant.
17. a movie you never get tired of talking about
bold of you to assume any topic could prevent me from getting tired of hearing my voice! kidding. mostly. i think i’ll say first cow (2019), which has taken up permanent residency in my brain since i first saw it. i love thinking and talking about that movie. it’s just magnificent.
20. a movie you think looks beautiful
mmm. so many. the literal first to come to mind was the tree of life (2011), which (like every malick movie) has some of the most jaw-dropping cinematography i’ve ever seen in my silly little life. so many shots are just constantly in my mind’s eye.
thanks, pal!
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2 and 4!
2. A movie you think is underrated
I think “Novitiate” (2017) is an excellent movie that somehow no one has seen. The cinematography and story are both so well done and it feels like a very tactile movie—like you can really feel what’s on the screen. It’s not for everyone (strong focus on religious trauma) but I think it’s so excellent. It’s dark. It’s queer. Dianna Agron is in it. What more can a girl want?
It also has this:
“So many people settle for a love that doesn’t really ask anything of them, that they don’t have to make any sacrifices for. I don’t want that. I want a love that I have to give everything to.”
4. A movie you like but wouldn’t recommend
Mmm this is tricky. I want to say “Jojo Rabbit” (2019) because I’ve gotten into fights with people about that movie and it’s one of my absolute favorites. I want to recommend it, but I’ve become more hesitant to do so.
I feel like the humor is very dependent on having grown up in a certain context of WWII framing. Like depending on where you grew up, your personal history, the way your culture treats WWII etc. you either love it or you see it as the most offensive thing in the whole world. I happen to love it but I’ve become more careful recommending it.
And then another movie that I think is really good but wouldn’t recommend, simply because it is very confronting, is the Norwegian film “Utøya 22. juli” (2018) about the Anders Breivik shooting. Not to be confused with the terrible American Netflix adaptation that came out later. It’s a one-take movie that lasts for the exact length as the shooting. It stands out because it doesn’t focus on the terrorist himself but rather on the chaos and the panic of being on the island. It’s a very impactful film, but I wouldn’t really recommend it.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 68
Monster Movie
“Monster Movie”
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: The victim was already dead before the episode started. We started in the car with the boys and then they went to a small town’s Oktoberfest
The cinematography of this one is EXCELLENT. The script? Phenomenal. It feels exactly like an old movie
I’m wondering how far in it’ll be when the other shoe drops. It can’t be this old monster movie the whole time. It’s too early in the series for this conceit to last the WHOLE episode. We actually have an end goal still. At some point, this black and white film, the dramatic camera work, the script will revert. We won’t be in Kansas anymore … or Pennsylvania, I guess
I had no idea where Dean was going with all the descriptions of the scars and bullet wounds that he no longer has since coming back from hell, but…I never would have guessed that he would consider himself a virgin again. I refuse to weigh in on if he’s right or wrong because it’s simply a construct, I simply wasn’t expecting it
Ew, dump this guy immediately. Oh look, a werewolf did it for you!!
Mmm, looks like this case IS weird enough for you now.
A MUMMY??? This one barely makes ANY sense to have, but I’m not ACTUALLY complaining…okay, at least it’s not an actual Egyptian sarcophagus with an actual mummified human inside. Prop sarcophagus—THANK YOU, Sam, for saying what we’re all a little bit thinking “this is stupid”
(Omg how has the other shoe not dropped yet? THERES EVEN AN INTERMISSION!! This might be the best episode, sorry)
A shapeshifter???
“No, the X Files is a tv show, this is real” I love this script
Ed is too obvious of a choice. He’s got a crush on the pretty bartender, he works as a projectionist at the old movie theatre…
Lucy on the other hand…seems like a deliberate name..
Is Sam, yeah, he’s entered a full phantom of the opera scene ……..yeah, knew it wasn’t Ed
No. Come on. They can’t Frankenstein’s monster Dean. I can’t believe they’re doing this to me. (Ok. To be honest, I didn’t keep up with Dracula Daily the whole way last year. Is there a scene where Jonathan gets or almost gets electrocuted? Are we just playing out Dracula instead of injecting some Frankenstein into this?)
This pizza delivery guy is NOT paid enough to deal with this
I’m DYING. Ok so the shapeshifter in Dracula form has Jaime(/Mina), wants her to put on this beautiful gown so they may eat…pizza. To quote Sam earlier “this is stupid” but I love it
Ok I WAS right (maybe) Dean just said he was about to be Frankenstein’d. To which I repeat, I can’t believe they’re doing THIS to ME (but why put him in lederhosen??)
Did Jaime? Yeah, Jaime just killed the shapeshifter
This was such an enjoyable romp of a breather episode. They never did fully drop the old monster movie pretense, and it was NICE.
“Been On My Mind…”: aw look, Dean at least got to kiss Jaime on more than one occasion, so we’re back at 10
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jcbbby · 1 year
I think my brain threw Jamie Spaghetti against the wall to see what would stick when it came to my dream last night because I was finally able to finish Will yesterday (was moved to tears, btw; I can't remember the last time a show impacted me like that) and then spent a subsquent hour and a half scrolling your blog because I was having Emotions about Marlowe.
As far as the dream itself I found myself in a room similar to a room from my high school with a figure that would switch between Vecna, Henry, and Kit (for some reason) surrounded by one of those summoning circles from the show Kit found himself messing with made of salt. The shifting figure and I sat on vine thrones (which I know for a fact was inspired by your For the Witches fic that I also read yesterday) guarded by the Volturi from Twilight...
As I said, Jamie Spaghetti, but I figured you would find humor in this.
I LOVE WILL SO MUCH. the acting, the costumes, the music, the cinematography, ugh. 10/10. and obviously Jamie as Kit ripped my heart out in the best way. what a performance. I want to hold Kit Marlowe and never let go, I can fix him.
but wow, yeah just a lil bit of everything from Jamie there in that dream! 😂 your brain made Jamie soup, mmm delicious.
(and omg thank you for reading For the Witches, I want to hug you for seven hours 🫂)
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desertsquiet · 2 years
Movie ask 7 and 9
Already did number 7!
9. The most aesthetically pleasing movie you’ve ever watched?
Mmm gotta go with Lawrence of Arabia, Gone With the Wind, Heaven’s Gate and Ran for color. As far as black and white cinematography, The Night of the Hunter, Summer with Monika and The Set-Up come to mind first!
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b-movie-mondays · 2 years
B Movie Mondays
Tumblr media
Mom, Murder, and Me (NR, 2014) DVD - Tubi - Amazon - YouTube Run Time: 1h 33m Watches: 2 IMDb Rating: 5.4/10 My Rating: 🦈🦈 Word Count: 494
This movie feels like a Christian Hallmark Fever Dream. I refuse to believe anyone in this movie is actually an actor. They all feel like Townies in the Sims.
Mom, Murder, and Me (MMM for short) is a film by Shadow Angel FILMS and as such is one of the most…bizzare things I’ve ever watched? This feels like a movie that would be on at your aunt’s house on Lifetime during Easter and you never actually watch the whole thing but you kind of get the premise and no one actually pays attention to it except your weird Uncle Gabe’s new girlfriend Rebecca.
MMM is about a San Francisco woman named Annabel (the last M) and her increasingly confusing relationship with her mother (the first M). Annabel is possibly the most obnoxious woman I've even seen, and her entire personality is a disaster. Her mother, Joan, is even worse. I hate them infinitely. Annabel's neighbors, Frank and Wanda, end up dead and Joan is convinced it's murder (the second M). 
This is suppose to be a murder mystery and oh boy is it a mystery. The main characters are grasping at straws the entire time and all of the plot twists are painfully predictable. No one can act, either, so it makes all of it so much worse.
The entire movie is so racist and classist and misogynistic it hurts. The amount of snide comments against homeless and poor people, the racial stereotypes and double standards, the subtle homophobia, the crushingly traditional gender roles…it's all just so much. They somehow managed to shove every trope ever into this movie. I literally refused to watch this movie alone because I knew I couldn't get through it without emotional support.
My absolute favorite part of this movie is how no one ever seems to know what's going on. Even the characters who definitely should know what's going on don't have a clue. I don't have a clue. The people I watched this with don't have a clue. There were so many times I had to turn to one of my friends and ask, “Wait, what just happened?” It's truly an experience.
The cinematography is a whole nother story. The choices they make are just so strange! I can't tell if it's inexperience or if it's trying to be artsy but either way it's damn near intolerable. The perpetual shaking and odd angles and contant camera pans is all so annoying to try to watch. 
Even getting past all of that there's just nothing that makes this movie truly worthwhile. I guess the premise is alright? The conclusion was mediocre and the last minute forced focus on the romance between Annabel and Buck was weird. It's only fun if you watch it with someone else and even then it's not that entertaining. It's 2 sharks just because I'm making snarky comments about it with someone else was fun. I just don't think I ever do this alone.
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land-of-holly · 2 years
Rings of Power Episode 1 Liveblog
Okay, I'm going to watch the first two episodes again and take some notes. These will be a combination of the thoughts I remember from the first watch through as well as some stuff that comes up on a rewatch.
"Nothing is evil in the beginning" Nice quote to start off with, in a show all about Sauron.
These kids COULD all be her cousins yes?
Magic swan origami!
They hit you with "Elves can be assholes too!" damn quick, don't they.
I realize that the captions label this guy "Finrod" but I'm going to headcannon him as Aegnor until further notice, it fits better imo.
The inscrutible philosophizing in answer to a simple question is Finrod-like enough, though. Comes of never having real problems, I guess.
The lighting in the Valinor scenes is really pretty.
"We had no word for death" Feanor is SCREECHING. This is actually something even a lot of fan writers get wrong; the pre Valinor elves certainly lost loved ones!
And we took the boats to Middle earth and it was all fine and dandy for everyone
See, Aegnor could totally have died like that
"Left Middle Earth in ruin" on a shot that everyone was CERTAIN was of Alqualonde. Easter egg?
"we learned many words for death" you are Quendi you damn well MADE those words
I'm hype that the first word used to describe Sauron is "sorceror"
Vampire Finrod confirmed! In all honesty, the "Sauron symbol" seems a little heavy handed of a way to give this plot a visual through line.
Aw, Galadriel's poor second in command. I hope he's having a nice time in Valinor.
He's still putting his concerns in unnecessarily poetic terms lol.
My spouse has a point-- you NEVER assume that a guy literally known as the Necormancer is really dead until you have seen a body and disintegrated it.
This place in Forodwaith is never NAMED Utumno but we can imagine.
I would honestly expect the Evil to extinguish light before warmth, but that wouldn't lead to very good cinematography.
Yeah! Punch a wall!
The teleportation accident orc is really freaky.
See, I know you can do better than a random rune as a Sauron symbol. I could do better.
"A trail for orcs to follow"? That's quite an assumption, considering you've only seen it once before.
Galadriel is that boss who's like "we're all family here" ^_^ and then asks you to work 30 hours of unpaid overtime.
They got guys still speaking Quenya well into the second age? I guess when you are getting attacked by a snow troll you are allowed to revert to your mother tongue
Okay, Galadriel's stone cold equanimity when she fights is pretty cool to watch
Ah the anvil. Well know symbol of evil.
And after all that, the antler guys are just random no names. Bluh, trailer shots.
They're not even out of earshot, guys, maybe wait before you pop out of the grass?
I do like their hidden village, being good at hiding from Big Folk is one of the core Hobbit competencies.
I love the Harfoots' ideographic/pictographic writing!
Not super thrilled with Poppy's intro as the fat best friend being stuck in a gate+falling in mud, I'm giving her treatment a lot of scrutiny.
Mmm, fresh blackberries
Awww, aspiring poet Elrond sitting in a tree with a book os a pretty good introduction
Okay, "Elf lords only" teaches us NOTHING about the actual political structure of Lindon or Elrond's place in it, and is of course completely incoherent with Elrond's canon heritage, and it doesn't even seem to faze Elrond much??? Why????
I actually like the ear prosthetics on the Elves, they look pretty neat
Elrond's just looking for a good story out of Galadriel.
Galadriel not really taking orders from Gil Galad is actually....extremely in character as far as how I imagine her.
At this point my predicted probability of whether Elanor's going to have her name explained ever is dropping steadily.
Elrond as Gil Galad's Alexander Hamilton is pretty great.
Poor Gil Galad, Galadriel must have been making his life harder for CENTURIES
I can't really say anything about Gil Galad apparently having authority to send people to Valinor that hasn't already been said. It makes no sense to anyone who understands how this works. But in context it's a brutally incisive political move against Galadriel.
I assume the memorial carvings don't hurt the trees.
Yeah, it does seem weird that they give no indication that going west brings you NEARER to your departed loved ones.
Galadriel have you considered that your inner turmoil is a you problem?
Galadriel his entire family got ripped away from him too, please don't play oppression olympics with him!
Galadriel has a point that leaving won't necessarily fix her if the problem is in her heart. It'll sure make Gil Galad's life easier, though.
Elrond promising to continue her fight isn't a bad move, and I do think he means it, even if he considers the probability low that he'll have to.
Hitting Galadriel's refusal to go West so hard is not a bad theme to give a lot of weight to, all things considered
I expected to seem more whole communities of color than I'm actually seeing, it's disappointing.
Did people use Knife ear as a slur for elves before Dragon Age?
I like how Arondir stops anyone from starting a fight on his behalf.
Something about Bronwyn's costume really bugs me. I realize it's the South and it's warm and everything, but her bare shoulders and cleavage still look...sloppy, almost, like she's missing an underlayer or something. Like, it's almost ancient Greek inspired but not quite, and the result looks just...unfinished.
Hey, Idril and Tuor did not die....that we know of. Still appreciated to point out that this romance is not a good idea
So, it seems Arondir is not Silvan or Avari, at least not politically. He works directly for Gil Galad. How do we feel about that?
Elf racism! I believe it! Let's really dig down into this!
Oh gross, that cow's got something way worse than mastitis
Bronwyn why are you going with him???
:o The Sword of Evil!
Are the elves on the ship to Valinor just expected to stand at attention the entire time?
So Gil Galad's plan was to do nothing and expect Sauron to just chill as long as they didn't provoke him??
"i've admired his artistry since I was a child" now isn't THAT a loaded sentence if you know Elrond's history.
You can't just insult a woman's family like that, Arondir, I'd be upset too.
The armor removal ceremony was pretty cool, very symbolic. Who are these veiled maidens serving the soldiers though? Do they work for Cirdan? Do they just send a few along every time who are ready to leave? Who is driving this boat, anyway?
Birbs! Manwe says hello!
Jumping off the ship to Valinor is some crackfic shit, WTF?? Are we dealing with Hobbit movie senses of distance here, or does she actually expect this to work? Was she just hoping Ulmo would help a girl out?
Why does she need to take his hand? Is she gonna get left behind otherwise?
So Gil Galad is definitely sending someone to check out that gnarly meteor that just flew overhead, right?
Flaming eye symbology ahoy!
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love-little-lotte · 3 months
Here I go again with my annual Oscars predictions that may or may not be accurate. Unfortunately, I haven't seen every nominee — my personal best was still last year with 50 out of 52 movies — but I think I still have seen enough to make, uh, proper predictions.
With that said, here's my predictions for the 2024 Academy Awards:
Best Picture: Oppenheimer
Best Director: Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer
Best Actor: 🩷Cillian Murphy🩷, Oppenheimer
Best Actress: 🩷Lily Gladstone🩷, Killers of the Flower Moon
Best Supporting Actor: Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer
Best Supporting Actress: Da'Vine Joy Randolph, The Holdovers
Best Original Screenplay: Past Lives (PLEASE LET CELINE SONG WIN THIS CATEGORY)
Best Adapted Screenplay: American Fiction (very underrated but I like this film so much!)
Best Animated Feature: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (still haven't seen The Boy and The Heron, unfortunately, but Spider-Man is still very fun and well-liked)
Best International Feature Film: The Zone of Interest
Best Documentary Feature Film: 20 Days in Mariupol
Best Documentary Short Film: The Last Repair Shop (my favorite out of the bunch)
Best Live Action Short Film: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Academy Award Winner Wes Anderson WHEN?!?!)
Best Animated Short Film: War is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko (mmm, it's not good but Oscar people love this kind of stuff; my personal favorite is Our Uniform)
Best Original Score: Oppenheimer (duh)
Best Original Song: What Was I Made For?, Barbie (duh part 2)
Best Sound: The Zone of Interest (or maybe Oppenheimer, but I will put my fave in this one idc)
Best Production Design: Poor Things (I'm sorry, Barbie 😭)
Best Cinematography: Oppenheimer
Best Makeup and Hairstyling: Maestro (sigh... but people like huge onscreen transformations so 🤷🏽‍♀️)
Best Costume Design: Poor Things (or Barbie, but Poor Things just stand out more)
Best Film Editing: Oppenheimer
Best Visual Effects: The Creator (the one category I'm not really sure about lmao I sadly haven't seen Godzilla yet!)
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