#Adam Desus
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the general art of all my trolls
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mojo72400 · 4 months
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Albert's a beast alright. A beast at making smooth pick-up lines
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regeneratedasshat · 1 year
The Dreamer's Exchange is real conspiracy theory! Just a quick disclaimer, this is based off the book! Not the movie!!!!! Don’t let this scare you away from the movie! But like imagine if Percy Jackson was fuking real? How cool would that be!? The difference is that here? It actually is!? Allow me to explain...
Okay so if you're familiar with Dionysus Frost’s work you'll know Raven Regler is a made up character he uses a lot. He uses her in a few of his short stories and also on his blog… also I doubt a purple haired daughter of Anansi the spider exists while it still wouldn't be the weirdest shit to come out of the Dreamers Exchange given her use in other stories I think she’s fake. 
While I won't deny that some elements of The Dreamers Exchange are probably altered to protect the identities of the people involved or just made up entirely such as Raven Regler she's definitely a fabricated element to distance Dionysus Frost from the real life implications of the story! Or worse maybe she is real! She's described in the story as a muse who basically is invoked to ghost write shit so who the fuck knows!? Alot of the other magic is very realistic but we’ll get to that.
Raven is our story teller! Her personality is sprinkled throughout the book. She totally gives commentary on shit. She opens the story by saying it's a very true account! Also she gathers details supposedly by people who knew the "real life Jake Caloway" and in universe had to change the names to "protect the identities" of those involved! Why would this be in here if the story was false? I get that it's immersive or whatever but combined with other details in this theory, that we'll go over, it makes it sound like it's Frost trying to signal secretly to us, that something is secretly true about what he is writing.
Next is the magic in the book. The Dreamer;s Exchange again we're talking book here, has some pretty unbelievable shit in it! That's fine, it's a fantasy story! But the magic in the book closely mirrors real world practices in witchcraft and pagan communities and I can tell you this because I your lovlie Fear am apart of said communities!
The magic is what I would deem "very realistic" it name drops real practices and paths like the "left handed path" "god spousing" "deity work" and more of that shit that just wouldn't be in the book by an author who was an outsider or didn't do fuking years of research. It also gets aspects dead right, which is weird and advanced and is hard for someone new or just researching to idk know about. It’s really dedicated writing, or like in the story- Raven Regler or Dionysus Frost really did know people who knew Jake Caloway and they gave him these details! Or even Jake himself! If you look at the reviews I am not the only one who thinks this or who has noticed it!
[include reviews here]
Next on the pagan thing, the gods tend to well...act like the gods! At least according to what I've noticed anyways as a practicing pagan.. it's just very noticeable to me it reads like a very very real account! I can't say how accurate it is…because while I don't really believe Dionysus is Jake Calloway or anything I believe he certainly KNOWS present tense Jake Calloway and they are still in contact today but I'll get to that.
Next up is the ending. The ending to the book is very very fuking meta. It’s very different from the movie. It has Jake Calloway ready to tell his story, at a writers and painters meet up. Because the fact that Jake does painting is a thing in the book. There he meets the author of the book Dionysus Frost and Raven the fictional story teller, and while it's true this could be totally 100 % made up, for this story it feels just wild and weird to just idk throw this in there. I've followed Frost’s blog for a long long time. It’s actually how I found out about the book.
I’ve dug through it. I personally know that his drabbles can get a little meta. But this specific detail again feels like a little thrown in tip, a nod to us pagans who can see through the bullshit to go "hey so this is how it happened" "this is how it's real". Basically saying “this is how I met him”! Even if it’s not actually how they met, which I do have doubts on, which this post isn’t the place for, its a clue for the audience, that its real, and it’s in here to signal to us that this is a very real account.
I get not believing that The Dreamers Exchange is real. It's a fuking brutal story with a load of bullshit and weird ethnic subtext. It's a fantasy novel that's about gods and demons and magic! It's supposed to be read as fiction. If it is real it probably omits a lot of stuff, because well it would have to! But even if it's not perfect I do believe that it is truly and utterly someone's real life that we are reading about here! Also Jake Calloway total trans babe but that's just my head canon and I will be doing another fantheory on that.
Next up. The evidence. The dreamers exchange was originally posted to watt pad for free as Dionysus Frost was writing it, under this description. 
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Photo taken from digging through Dionysus's old Twitter. Here’s the tweet I stole it from. Obviously the book is for sale and no longer available under that cover or on wattpad...to my knowledge. But here's the weird thing. When he was promoting it on twitter he made some…..suspicious tweets...that imply he may have known or knew people who knew Jake Calloway! Which let's be real guys isn't his real name! 
If you’ve read the book, you’ll see that opener, about the whole “I have to change the names to protect the victims involved thing”. The way Dionysus talks about it, it's like he knew Jake as Jake was suffering and struggling and going through his journey and bullshit just read these and don't tell me they sound suspicious!
Back then, Dionysus had no followers I'm guessing anyways, so he wasn't exactly well known. These stories of his weren't best sellers or movie bait. But like dam am I right? Real life bullshit! 
Also another thing! Dionysus posted the ending around- March 11’th 2021. The ending was slightly altered and changed in the final thing. But you can still find it in its original context on his blog if you go digging. Here’s a link.
The ending as he originally wrote it, kind of aligns with Dionysus’s real life at the time! He explains that he had one book out which he did! He explains that it wasn’t selling well and had no reviews! Which it didn’t! 
This seems like it was plucked right as shit was happening for Dionysus so Jake’s adventure was summed up, going to be summed up or Jake was in the process of telling Dionysus his story! If we take into account that Dionysus probably still knows Jake Caloway and started posting this work around 2021, given the dates here, it becomes increasingly clear that this is a real story, of someone he knew that he is recalling for us.
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Next up is THAT PATREON POST. Once again Dionysus Frost, made his first ever patreon on March 12, 2021. On it, my friend who’s subscribed unlocked the post for me, and this is what the post said. While he denies the story is real (Like anyone trying to keep a secret would fuking do) he makes some important notes that are really really suspicious about knowing the real life Jake Caloway.
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I can’t get into it, and I don’t have the full thing anymore because I don’t use Patreon but if you’re curious here is the post:
So what do we do with this information? We know now that at least as far as we know- Jake Caloway was a real fuking person who really went on this adventure and saw these things and met these gods, and “is a god” or aspects of one and met these people. In the story, it says he wants to tell others about it, but wants it told “AS FICTION” because nobody will believe him! That’s a huge nod to us who can see through this and see what Dionysus is doing and going “huh okay so that’s a dog whistle!” 
If you’ve only seen the movie you might be surprised by a lot of things in the book. The movie is very faithful but regarding how it portrays the magic it makes it much more “fantastical” I guess. It portrays the magic and in the book it’s more like an invisible sort of thing that you feel. The movie makes the magic look like I don’t know- actual magic! 
I guess we have a choice on our hands. To believe it, or to think it’s some sort of bullshit. Just because someone who claims to be Jake Caloway claimed that all of this happened to him, or his friends told Dioynsus Frost all these details that Jake told them (the book has really in depth convos in some places) doesn’t mean that it really did. He could be completely crazy! It’s like the Odyssey. That’s supposedly “also” a true story. Which I also believe for the record.
Do you really believe in magic enough to believe that Jake Caloway saw the things he did, and met the gods he did? Went on the adventures that he did? I don’t know. I believe it. But I’m also a witch, and a conspiracy theorist. I mean my name is fuking Fear. So that’s my theory. Please repost it and share it around. But credit me and link back here! I really really want to hear the fandoms hot takes on this. 
Because, if Jake Caloway is real. What the actual fuck?
Sincerely, your lovely fan theorist Fear.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Chai, they updated the show’s poster. Wtf is this? Any thoughts?
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They made Adam look like he's part of the hotel gang, no Lilith in sight, and they didn't even bother to fix obviously traced Alastor. Bad. Hate it.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 month
Chuuya Nakahara desu.
Not sure I'm understanding what this means but since I haven't been asked Chuuya yet:
Favorite thing about them: ... His big heart. Sorry for being lame but like. His kindness is his most attractive trait to me. And I wouldn't even say that is his dominant trait, he's just infinitely more selfless than the others from the s/kk ss/kk quartet. Other than that, I think he's a very fleshed out and charismatic character who's just very likeable!
Least favorite thing about them: His maroon jacket from the last arc LMAO. Like the style itself isn't too bad and fits Chuuya well enough, but the color as it was shown in the anime? Hideous, and goes terrible with his hair. -100/10 Kouyou didn't rise you to be a fashion disaster. No wait actually there is something. His whole deal with wanting Q to die in chapter 31. Maybe it fits his character (something about thinking of himself as a weapon and thinking people like him should die?), but I don't really care, it *is* something I don't like about him. Self-hatred doesn't justify being a jerk to others for me.
Favorite line:
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brOTP: CHUUAKU. They're so cute everywhere always in every flavour. CHUUYA AND KOUYOU. Chuuya and Kenji!! Soukoku. I feel like, maybe not in this world, but oerhaps in another Chuuya and Yosano would be besties. Chuuya and Adam and Chuuya and the Flags purely out of second hand knowledge that was passed on to me by the people I follow and of wanting good things to happen to Chuuya.
OTP: CHUUAKU‼️‼️‼️ When I say they're so good, I mean it. They're so good.
nOTP: Notp more like nope-tpn ahah I'm a right
Random headcanon: He will mind not to smoke if Akutagawa is around.
Unpopular opinion: More of like never-heard-of-before opinion, but you know how I've got personal beef against Akutagawa's grey eyes and think they should be pitch black? Well, ironically, in my opinion Chuuya's eyes are grey.
Song i associate with them: ECHO by Crusher. Something about Dramaturgy by Eve, too.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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sentofight · 21 days
ooc. shit got real. like real real. irl w/ar thing down below dont open if u dont wanna.
uuh apparently i.ran is joining the chat and now they are b.ombing i.srael and everyone is panicking. teachers are calling the headmistress to see if we should go to school tomorrow but she says she got no say in it cuz the school owner didnt say anything. this is the painful thing when you work in a private school. most like 80% of our students are outside of our town so they come from nearby villages. s.ettlers are attacking any moving car and they did kill ppl yesterday and i think this morning. so basically what am i saying if i went missing for days know im probably either in a situation i cant use the internet or well poof dead desu lmao. listen i cant take life serious at this point. all i want tomorrow to be a day off so i can sleep more XD listen one week is not enough to boot up. not looking forward to working tomorrow because if school owner is adamant about us going to school then like 80% of kids are not there and half if not most of the teachers cant come because they are from the villagers nearby ...wehay kupopopo mabufu~
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lilithfairen · 11 months
Your Semblance could be a cat.
Ruby: She splits into multiple rosy cats that dart towards her target destination. Weiss: All of her summons have cat-ears. Desu. Yang: She gains fiery cat-ears when she uses Burn. (And a tail. Blake is jealous but also turned on.) Jaune: The amped person gains ethereal cat-ears. Nora: Electricity makes her hiss like a cat. Ren: When using Tranquility, people slink along like cats. Qrow: He's renamed to Qatt. Cinder: She burns things by swatting them like a cat does. Emerald: All of her hallucinations are of cats. Neo: All of her illusions are cat-girls. Repression ahoy! Tyrian: He disrupts Auras by pawing at them like a cat. Adam: No, his Semblance doesn't get to be a cat. Eat litterbox fucko~ Raven: Her Semblance reflects her contempt for her "loved ones" yet the utilitarian relationship she has with them. Neptune: Feline fear of water. Flynt: He's already a cool cat. Now he's four of them. /jazz Ironwood: He keeps doing the thing you tell him not to do. Clover: He gets all the pets despite having knocked over everything.
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How to Use Gender-Neutral 3rd Person Pronouns in Japanese:
Note: I am not a native Japanese speaker, and I only have a conversational level in Japanese, as opposed to a fluent level. As such, please don't take anything I say as gospel.
Japanese pronouns are an open class of words in Japanese, rather than a closed class of words like they are in English. While that doesn't mean one can do anything one wants with pronouns in Japanese, it does mean one can mess around with them quite a lot. Pronouns are much less restrictive in Japanese than they are in English. One reason for this is that they don't decline. For example, 私 watashi covers I, me, my and mine, and how its case is decided is dependent on the particle that follows it.
私は watashi wa / 私が watashi ga = I (nominative) 私を watashi wo = me (accusative) 私に watashi ni = me (dative) 私と watashi to / 私から watashi kara = me (ablative) 私の watashi no = my / mine (genitive)
Another reason pronouns are more of an open class in Japanese is because they can often be dropped. In fact, Japanese sentences can often sound downright wrong if you don't omit certain pronouns.
* 「私の名前はニックです。」 ^ "Watashi no namae wa Nikku desu." (awkward) * 「名前はニックです。」 ^ "Namae wa Nikku desu." (natural) (= "My name is Nic.")
* 「私のネコは私が大好きです。」 ^ "Watashi no neko wa watashi ga daisuki desu." (awkward) * 「ネコは私が大好きです。」 ^ "Neko wa watashi ga daisuki desu." (natural) (= "My cat loves me.")
* 「あなたのネコはかわいいです。」 ^ "Anata no neko wa kawaii desu." (awkward and borderline rude)[1] * 「ネコはかわいいです。」 ^ "Neko wa kawaii desu." (natural) (= "Your cat is cute.")
* 「あの人はここに来てもいい。」 ^ "Ano hito wa koko ni kitemo ii desu." (awkward sometimes)[2] * 「ここに来てもいい。」 ^ "Koko ni kitemo ii desu." (natural) (= "He/She can come here.")
[1] Calling someone あなた anata in polite speech is usually considered very disrespectful. It's recommended to instead use a person's name with a polite honorific, with さん -san being the safest option.
[2] This is only awkward if the topic has already been established. For example, it would be awkward if the sentence followed something like this:
* 「あの人はあそこにいる。」 ^ "Ano hito wa asoko ni iru." (= "He/She is over there.")
Once the topic has been established, it's usually good to drop the topic upon repetition until a new topic is introduced. For instance:
* 「この人は友達です。アダムと言います。アメリカから来て、30歳です。趣味はカラオケと料理です。1年くらい存じています。大事なカンパニーのメンバーだと思います。」 ^ "Kono hito wa tomodachi desu. Adamu to iimasu. Amerika kara kite, sanjuu-sai desu. Shumi wa karaoke to ryouri desu. Ichi-nen kurai sonjite imasu. Daiji na kanpanii no menbaa da to omoimasu." (= "This person is my friend. He is called Adam. He comes from America, and he is 30 years old. His hobbies are karaoke and cooking. He and I have been acquainted for about 1 year. I think he will be an important member of the company.")
Because pronouns are open class in Japanese, they're very flexible. It's quite easy to mix and match pronouns in Japanese. This is one reason why a lot of Japanese media has casts who use different 1st person pronouns. For example, in the Japanese version of Paper Mario, マリオストーリー Mario Story, every Partner who joins Mario uses a different 1st person pronoun:
Kurio (Goombario): オイラ oira Kameki (Kooper): オレッチ orecchi Pinkie (Bombette): あたい atai Paretta (Parakarry): わたし watashi Resaresa (Bow): あたくし atakushi Akarin (Watt): あたち atachi Opuku (Sushie): あたしゃ atasha Pokopie (Lakilester): オレ ore
This helps flesh them out and gives them all distinctive characteristics.
Now, let's talk about 3rd person pronouns in Japanese. In Japanese, the two binary pronouns are 彼 kare (he) and 彼女 kanojo (she). They're not actually used that often, but they're still good to know, especially since many English-written guides for learning Japanese make liberal use of these two pronouns.
* 「彼は男ですから、「僕」や「俺」などの一人称代名詞を使うことが好きです。」 ^ "Kare wa otoko desu kara, "boku" ya "ore" nado no ichi-nin shou daimeishi wo tsukau koto ga suki desu." (= "He is a man, and so likes using first-person pronouns like "boku" and "ore."")
* 「彼女は女ですから、「あたし」や「あたい」などの一人称代名詞を使うことが好きです。」 ^ "Kanojo wa onna desu kara, "atashi" ya "atai" nado no ichi-nin shou daimeishi wo tsukau koto ga suki desu." (= "She is a woman, and so likes using first-person pronouns like "atashi" and "atai."")
(Note that 彼 kare and 彼女 kanojo can also mean boyfriend and girlfriend respectively, though ボーイフレンド booifurendo, ガールフレンド gaarufurendo and パートナー paatonaa, all borrowed from English, are more commonly used these days.)
Here's the problem: 彼 kare and 彼女 kanojo form their plurals by adding ら -ra to the pronoun. You would use 彼ら kare-ra when referring to more than one person if the people are all male or there is at least one male in the group, and you would use 彼女ら kanojo-ra only if all the people being referred to are female. So, Japanese has a similar dilemma to French and Spanish, because they is gendered.
Except, in Japanese, there are a ton of gender-neutral pronouns you can use to refer to a single person. Some linguists even argue that Japanese doesn't technically have pronouns, as pronouns in Japanese work a lot more like glorified nouns.
To get an idea of the gender-neutral pronouns in Japanese, it's good to have some knowledge of how the こそあど言葉 ko-so-a-do words work. To be brief, こ ko, そ so, あ a and ど do are special morphemes that indicate position. Simply put, こ ko refers to something close to the speaker, そ so refers to something close to the listener, あ a refers to something close to neither or to something extract, and ど do refers to something interrogative.
Through this system, こ ko, そ so and あ a can be used to create various 3rd person pronouns, while do ど can be used to create various interrogative pronouns, like who and what. I won't talk about the interrogative pronouns here, because I feel that will clog up the post, but I will absolutely be talking about all the equivalents Japanese has for the singular they.
1: kochira, sochira, achira (こちら,そちら,あちら):
This is one of the safer ways to refer to people. These words literally translate to this way, that way and that way over there, relating to direction. They're more vague ways of referring to direction than ここ koko, そこ soko and あそこ asoko, which indicate an exact direction but can't be used as pronouns.
They are used to:
1) indicate a direction
* 「こちらにあると思う。」 ^ "Kochira ni aru to omou." (= "I think it's here.")
* 「ええ、本当に?そちらに置いたから。」 ^ "Ee, hontou ni? Sochira ni oita kara." (= "Huh, really? Because I put it there.")
* 「そう言えば、あちらにあるかもしれない。」 ^ "Sou ieba, achira ni aru ka mo shirenai." (= "Now that you mention it, it might be over there.")
2) refer to people in the 1st person (こちら kochira) or the 2nd person (そちら sochira)
* 「そちらとパーティーに行けて、とても嬉しかったです。」 ^ "Sochira to paatii ni ikete, totemo ureshikatta desu." (= "I was very happy to be able to go to the party with you.")
* 「こちらこそ。」 ^ "Kochira koso." (= "Me too.")
3) refer to people in the 3rd person
* 「こちらは内のクラスを混ざる。」 ^ "Kochira wa uchi no kurasu wo mazaru." (= "He/She/They is going to join our class.")
* 「そちらは私の親友だもん。」 ^ "Sochira wa watashi no shin'yuu da mon." (= "He/She/They is my best friend, of course.")
* 「私とあちらが仲よくない。」 ^ "Watashi to achira ga naka yokunai." (= "He/She/They and I don't get along.")
When used as 3rd person pronouns, こちら kochira and そちら sochira can typically only be used to refer to someone who is present, while あちら achira can be used to refer to someone who is either present or absent.
These words cannot be made plural, although they can be interpreted as plural depending on context.
2: koitsu, soitsu, aitsu (こいつ,そいつ,あいつ):
This is not a safe way to refer to someone if you don't know what you're doing. It literally translates to this guy, that guy and that guy over there, with the guy being gender-neutral the same way you guys is in English. It's often used by men rather than women, as it's considered quite "un-ladylike," though women can use it. It's used to refer objects, or to people who are of equal or inferior social standing to the speaker, such as friends or children. It can have a rude or hostile edge to it in some contexts.
They are used to:
1) indicate an object
* 「こいつがほしい!」 ^ "Koitsu ga hoshii!" (= "I want this one!")
* 「そいつを貰う!」 ^ "Soitsu wo morau!" (= "I'll take that one!")
* 「それじゃ、私はあいつを買わなきゃ!」 ^ "Sore ja, watashi wa aitsu wo kawanakya!" (= "Then I've just gotta buy that one over there!")
2) indicate a person or animal:
* 「こいつは友達だ。」 ^ "Koitsu wa tomodachi da." (= "He/She/They is a friend.")
* 「そいつ、歌うのは上手だな。」 ^ "Soitsu, utau no wa jouzu da na." (= "He/She/They is good at singing.")
* 「さっき、公園にあいつを会った。」 ^ "Sakki, kouen ni aitsu wo atta." (= "I met him/her/them in the park earlier.")
To make any of these pronouns plural, simply add ら -ra to their end, or add たち -tachi to their end.
3: kono yatsu, sono yatsu, ano yatsu (この奴,その奴,あの奴):
This means the same thing and work exactly the same way as こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu and あいつ aitsu. In fact, こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu and あいつ aitsu come from この奴 kono yatsu, その奴 sono yatsu and あの奴 ano yatsu. Before that, though, they entered a "transitional phase" and became こやつ koyatsu, そやつ soyatsu and あやつ ayatsu. Those are archaic now, but このやつ kono yatsu, そのやつ sono yatsu and あのやつ ano yatsu are occasionally used instead of こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu or あいつ aitsu, usually for emphasis.
They are used to:
1) indicate an object
* 「この奴が最高のゲームだ。」 ^ "Kono yatsu ga saikou no geemu da." (= "This one is the best game.")
* 「その奴のエンジンは壊れたと思う。」 ^ "Sono yatsu no enjin wa kowareta to omou." (= "I think that one's engine is broken.")
* 「私、あの奴が聞こえる。」 ^ "Watashi, ano yatsu ga kikoeru." (= "I can hear that one over there.")
2) indicate a person or animal:
* 「このやつは悔しすぎる!」 ^ "Kono yatsu wa kuyashisugiru!" (= "He/She/They is too frustrating!")
* 「みんなはそのやつが好きだ。」 ^ "Minna wa sono yatsu ga suki da." (= "Everyone likes him/her/them.")
* 「あのやつ、本当に最低だな。」 ^ "Ano yatsu, hontou ni saitei da na." (= "He/She/They is really the worst.")
Like こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu and あいつ aitsu, simply add ら -ra to make the pronouns plural, or add たち -tachi.
4: kono kata, sono kata, ano kata (この方,その方,あの方):
This is the absolute most polite way you can refer to someone. This is generally how you'd refer to a superior, such as your boss, or, in some cases, someone you really admire. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with 方 kata, a respectful word for person.
* 「この方は私の上司です。」 ^ "Kono kata wa watashi no joushi desu." (= "He/She/They is my boss.")
* 「私、その方に「すばらしい料理人です」と伝えた。」 ^ "Watashi, sono kata ni, "subarasbii ryouri-nin desu" to tsutaeta." (= "I told him/her/them, "You're an amazing cook."")
* 「私はついにあの方を会えた!」 ^ "Watashi wa tsui ni ano kata wo aeta!" (= "I was finally able to meet him/her/them!")
To make these pronouns plural, add 々 -gata to the end of the word. You can also make these words plural by adding たち -tachi to the end of the word, though this is slightly less polite.
5: kono hito, sono hito, ano hito (この人,その人,あの人):
This is a safe way to refer to someone, because it can be both polite and informal. Thus, you're unlikely to offend anyone by using this. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with 人 hito, which is the standard word for person.
* 「この人の一番好きな動物はネコだもん。」 ^ "Kono hito no ichi-ban suki na doubutsu wa neko da mon." (= "His/Her/Their favorite animal is cats, of course.")
* 「その人はコンピュータゲームが大好きだ。」 ^ "Sono hito wa konpyuuta geemu ga daisuki da." (= "He/She/They loves video games.")
* 「昨日、あの人と話した。」 ^ "Kinou, ano hito to hanashita." (= "I spoke with him/her/them yesterday.")
There two says to make these pronouns plural. The first is to add 々 -bito to the end of the word, and the second is to add たち -tachi to the end of the word. Both are pretty safe.
6: kono ko, sono ko, ano ko (この子,その子,あの子):
This, in a way, is the "feminine" equivalent of こいつ koitsu, そいつ soitsu and あいつ aitsu. It's used to refer to people your own age or younger, so it's informal. Generally, guys won't use this for other guys, but they will use it for girls, and girls will call guys and other girls this. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with 子 ko, which means child or kid.
* 「この子は何をしてるの?」 ^ "Kono ko wa nani wo shite'ru no?" (= "What's he/she/they doing?")
* 「その子の新しいラジオは高い。」 ^ "Sono ko no atarashii rajio ga takai." (= "His/Her/Their new radio is expensive.")
* 「私、あの子にプレゼントをあげた。」 ^ "Watashi, ano ko ni purezento wo ageta." (= "I gave him/her/them a present.")
To make these pronouns plural, add たち -tachi to the end of the word.
7: kono gaki, sono gaki, ano gaki (このガキ,そのガキ,あのガキ):
You shouldn't use this to refer to someone unless they're your age or younger, and you're either very close to them or want to insult them. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with ガキ gaki, which literally means brat.
* 「このガキはいい仲間 だ けど…」 ^ "Kono gaki wa ii nakama da kedo..." (= "He/She/They is a good friend, but...")
* 「兄さんはそのガキが好きじゃない。」 ^ "Nii san wa sono gaki ga suki ja nai." (= "My brother doesn't like him/her/them.")
* 「あのガキの先生厳しいな!」 ^ "Ano gaki no sensei wa kibishii na!" (= "His/Her/Their teacher is so strict!")
To make these plural, add either ら -ra or たち -tachi to the end of the word.
8: kono yarou, sono yarou, ano yarou (このヤロウ,そのヤロウ,あのヤロウ):
This one is a big no-no unless you're very close with a person your age or younger, or if you want to offend the hell out of someone. It's made by combining この kono, その sono or あの ano with ヤロウ yarou, which literally translates to bastard or, if you're generous, rascal.
* 「このヤロウはビールを盗んだ!」 ^ "Kono yarou wa biiru wo nusunda!" (= "He/She/They stole the beer!")
* 「私、そのヤロウの声が別に好きじゃない。」 ^ "Watashi, sono yarou no koe ga betsu ni suki ja nai." (= "I don't really like his/her/their voice.")
* 「あのヤロウが全然分かれない!」 ^ "Ano yarou ga zenzen wakarenai!" (= "I can't understand him/her/them at all!")
If you want to make the words plural, add ら -ra or たち -tachi to their ends.
9: kore, sore, are (これ,それ,あれ):
This is basically the equivalent of calling someone it. I know some people prefer that, so I thought I'd include these words, which actually translate to this one, that one and that one over there, because Japanese doesn't have a direct word for it. As usual, you probably shouldn't use this for someone, especially if they're older than you, unless they specifically request it or you want to insult them.
They are used to:
1) indicate an object
* 「これは私のリンゴだ。」 ^ "Kore wa watashi no ringo da." (= "This one is my apple.")
* 「私、それを買いたい。」 ^ "Watashi, sore wo kaitai." (= "I want to buy that one.")
* 「あれがネコのボールだ。」 ^ "Are ga neko no booru da." (= "That one over there is the cat's ball.")
2) indicate a person or animal:
* 「私、これに行きたい。」 ^ "Watashi, kore ni ikitai." (= "I want to go with it.")
* 「それは面白い人だ。」 ^ "Sore wa omoshiroi hito da." (= "It is an interesting person.")
* 「あれは音楽が上手だ。」 ^ "Are wa ongaku ga jouzu da." (= "It is good at music.")
As far as I know, these words can't be made plural, but they can be plural in meaning sometimes, depending on context.
How to politely request to be referred to a certain way in Japanese:
To wrap up this post, here's how to politely request to be referred to with a particular pronoun in Japanese. I included the Japanese equivalents for he, she, they and it.
* 「私の優先の人称代名詞は「彼」です。 ^ "Watashi no yuusen no ninshou daimeishi wa "kare" desu." (= "My preferred personal pronoun is "he."")
* 「私の優先の人称代名詞は「彼女」です。」 ^ "Watashi no yuusen no ninshou daimeishi wa "kanojo" desu." (= "My preferred personal pronoun is "she."")
* 「私の優先の人称代名詞は「あの人」です。」 ^ "Watashi no yuusen no ninshou daimeishi wa "ano hito" desu." (= "My preferred personal pronoun is "they."")
* 「私の優先の人称代名詞は「あれ」です。」 ^ "Watashi no yuusen no ninshou daimeishi wa "are" desu." (= "My preferred personal pronoun is "it."")
* 「私は「彼」と呼ぶことが好きです。」 ^ "Watashi wa "kare" to yobu koto ga suki desu." (= "I like to be called "he."")
* 「私は「彼女」と呼ぶことが好きです。」 ^ "Watashi wa "kanojo" to yobu koto ga suki desu." (= "I like to be called "she."")
* 「私は「あの人」と呼ぶことが好きです。」 ^ "Watashi wa "ano hito" to yobu koto ga suki desu." (= "I like to be called "they."")
* 「私は「あれ」と呼ぶことが好きです。」 ^ "Watashi wa "are" to yobu koto ga suki desu." (= "I like to be called "it."")
* 「私に「彼」と呼んでください。」 ^ "Watashi ni "kare" to yonde kudasai." (= "Please call me "he."")
* 「私に「彼女」と呼んでください。」 ^ "Watashi ni "kanojo" to yonde kudasai." (= "Please call me "she."")
* 「私に「あの人」と呼んでください。」 ^ "Watashi ni "ano hito" to yonde kudasai." (= "Please call me "they."")
* 「私に「あれ」と呼んでください。」 ^ "Watashi ni "are" to yonde kudasai." (= "Please call me "it."")
* 「私に「彼」と呼んでくださったら、とてもありがたいです。」 ^ "Watashi ni "kare" to yonde kudasattara, totemo arigatai desu." (= "If you could call me "he," I would be very grateful.")
* 「私に「彼女」と呼んでくださったら、とてもありがたいです。」 ^ "Watashi ni "kanojo" to yonde kudasattara, totemo arigatai desu." (= "If you could call me "she," I would be very grateful.")
* 「私に「あの人」と呼んでくださったら、とてもありがたいです。」 ^ "Watashi ni "ano hito" to yonde kudasattara, totemo arigatai desu." (= "If you could call me "they," I would be very grateful.")
* 「私に「あれ」と呼んでくださったら、とてもありがたいです。」 ^ "Watashi ni "are" to yonde kudasattara, totemo arigatai desu." (= "If you could call me "it," I would be very grateful.")
The ko-so-a-do chart for pronouns:
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That’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for reading. :)
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warehouseradio · 1 year
Warehouse Radio Episode 24 - Warehouse Radio Mix
Tracklist under the cut:
TRACKLIST: Nova Cheq - Ode 2 Carti Rebeat - After Love (Original Mix) Franco Cinelli - Galaxy Funk (Original Mix) Goldefish - Dreams Adam F - Circles (Nixon vs. TobyOne Refix) 808 State - In Yer Face (Bicep Remix) DJ Boring - Winona rashaad - addicted 2 u Pangaea - Like This MOM$ - some random choon (hi strung) Ku$h - Chico Problema wWaveSs - Ok Desu Ka optic core - Saturn Skyline lyustra - they can wait Kinoteki - Atmosphere (w/ disctr4k) Human Movement - Sorry Ms. Jackson sfv acid - sip it Megan Thee Stallion & Cardi B - WAP (Deluxe Ultra Remix) DJBOEING - Tomato Juice GEMI - Skeleton Champ 95 laethe - zeugma Modjo - Lady (Depox & Kylo Remix) Darude - Feel The Beat (Missing Link Remix) Headsyoulose - San Diego (w/ Dazegxd)
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"He is working at the resort and selling timeshares. He is working at a cubicle,” a source, who called Variety this week, explains. “The reality is he’s totally broke, and is trying to fill the days and earn money to support his family.”
This individual, who asked to remain anonymous, says that prior to working as a timeshare salesman, Hammer was managing an apartment complex in the Cayman Islands. He is living there so he can be near his two young children who have been residing in the Caymans with his ex-wife, TV host and entrepreneur Elizabeth Chambers. A source previously told Variety that Hammer had also spent time in recovery at a treatment facility after his career downfall.
Hammer — who starred in “The Social Network,” “Call Me By Your Name” and most recently, Disney’s “Death on the Nile” — is the great-grandson of oil tycoon Armand Hammer. Despite his family lineage, the source explains that he is not on the family payroll, and needs to work a normal and respectable job to earn money, since he is not getting work in Hollywood. Last year, after he was accused online of sexual abuse and improper behavior by numerous women, Hammer was dropped by his agency, WME, and was fired from a plethora of projects, including Jennifer Lopez’s “Shotgun Wedding,” the thriller “Billion Dollar Spy,” the Broadway play, “The Minutes” and the Paramount Plus series “The Offer,” in which Miles Teller took over his role.
Last week, rumors began when a flyer made the rounds on social media, depicting Hammer as a concierge employed at Morritt’s Resort in Grand Cayman. The flyer, which was shared (and later deleted) by the verified Twitter account of Muna Mire, a producer on Showtime’s “Desus & Mero,” included a photo of the actor.
At that time, Variety reported that Hammer was not working as a hotel concierge when an employee at the resort said that the flyer boiled down to a prank: Hammer was a guest of the hotel and had just been golfing with some of the hotel staff with whom he had become friendly. The hotel employee told Variety that the staff Hammer was golfing with made the flyer and sent it to a few rooms at the resort to try to see what sort of attention it might get. “I could only dream of this sort of publicity,” the hotel staffer said on the phone one week ago. When reached for comment at that time, Hammer’s attorney, Andrew Brettler, also said that the flyer was fake.
Then, when photos of Hammer working as a timeshare salesman surfaced on TMZ over this past weekend, an employee at the Morritt’s Resort was adamant that Hammer is not employed at the resort, though they indicated that he “hangs around” the location sometimes.
Now, this source says that the hotel was trying to protect Hammer — who is, in fact, working a job selling timeshares.
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underyourwinghomeout · 3 months
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Hello to all of you!
This is my new blog on the Homestuck universe! This is my alternate universe, the proposed comic will be called "Under Your Wing". Previously, this was my role-playing game with a friend, and I had the idea to transfer the characters of our RP game to the Homestuck universe. Later in this blog I will post art with these characters, their description, as well as mini comics, you can also try to arrange an ask. I would also be glad to receive creative support, and your ideas for global plots will be most welcome
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reveriescope · 1 year
am i what your heart desire?
Yeonjun as Lintang Kemukus, Doyeon as Megatruh. Special Appearance: Joshua Hong as Agah Kaunang, Mingi as Arjuna. Special Mention: Dokyeom as Kalantara, Minghao as Paris, Chungha as Lili.
Aula utama Zero Eight Jakarta semakin liar. Konon malam ini lebih banyak penari telanjang berada di atas panggung, sehingga pengunjung yang mayoritas kaum adam memadati depan panggung. 
Dari meja bar Megatruh memandangi panggung tanpa minat, tangannya menimang gelas wiski sebelum membawanya ke mulut. Sepersekian detik berikutnya, gelas itu tinggal berisi es batu. 
"Thanks udah nemenin gue," gumam Mega pada sosok Lintang di sebelahnya. 
Alih-alih menjawab, Lintang menatap Mega sambil bertopang dagu. "Lo nggak mendadak ingin jadi pusat perhatian kan?" tanya si pemuda.
Setelah turun dari kursinya, Megatruh menyandarkan dagu pada bahu Lintang. Dengan segera, Lintang meraih pinggang Mega ketika perempuan itu berkutat dengan sesuatu. Sambil menghisap rokoknya, Lintang menatap lurus ke depan. 
"Dia nggak akan gelap mata kayak kemarin kan?" tanya bartender yang akrab disapa Jack pada Lintang. 
Yang ditanya hanya tertawa pelan sebelum merespons, "Tenang, ada gue." 
Maksud dari gelap mata adalah peristiwa Mega mengamuk di tengah pesta. Lintang tahu persis penyebab Mega hilang akal malam itu, bahkan bercinta tidak membuat perempuan itu tenang keesokan harinya. Malam ini, intuisi Lintang tidak mengarah pada aksi gila Mega. 
Pemikiran Lintang rupanya hanya bertahan sesaat. Mega meletakkan celana dalamnya di dekat gelas Lintang, perempuan itu tersenyum saat merasakan Lintang menariknya kian dekat. 
"Hari ini pakai yang ada pita," komentar Lintang singkat. 
Mega mengangguk, lalu memeluk Lintang dan meletakkan dagu pada pundak sang adam. "Stuff that inside of me, please? Orang-orang ini butuh tontonan yang menghibur. Ya, kan, Jack?" kata Mega sambil mengulas senyuman pada Mega bergantian dengan Jack. 
"Sayang, nggak baik ganggu orang kerja," desis Lintang sambil mendekatkan mulut pada telinga Mega, "Angkat roknya, gue kobel dulu memek lacur lo itu, Megatruh."
Jika kalimat merendahkan sudah dirapal Lintang Kemukus, seketika Mega yang melambung segera mengindahkan. 
Tiada hari tenang di Arctics, istilah yang acap kali didengar Megatruh kini jadi kenyataan. Kendati hidupnya sudah nyaris terlepas dari kegiatan markas yang jauh letaknya di salah satu pulau di utara Jakarta, desas-desus mengenai organisasi ini selalu sampai di telinganya. 
Nama Mega barangkali paling sering dipertukarkan dalam obrolan orang-orang Arcs, terutama para laki-laki. Jauh dari kehidupan normal membuat laki-laki yang mengemban pelatihan bersama Mega menggunakan tubuhnya untuk mencari kesenangan. Sehingga Mega dan hubungan seks transaksional sudah diwajarkan di tengah organisasi. 
Sampai tempo hari, ketika Mega kepergok berhubungan badan dengan Lintang di tengah pekerjaan. Misi kala itu dilakukan untuk merekayasa kematian pejabat lintah yang memanfaatkan pasokan dana keluarga Hakim, salah satu yang dilayani Tim Arcs. Mega diutus karena kemampuan membunuhnya yang rapi dan efisien.
Setelah korban tidak bernyawa, maka giliran Lintang dan yang lain untuk menempatkan situasi seolah-olah terjadi kecelakaan karena minum-minum. 
Jika sudah terlaksana, yang mereka harus lakukan adalah membakar barang bukti. Nanti akan ada yang menghubungi ahli forensik untuk bekerja sama dengan mereka. 
Megatruh cenderung lebih maju daripada trainee perempuan seusianya. Semua itu bukan tanpa alasan, Mega telah ditempa habis-habisan sebagai mesin pembunuh. Nuraninya dipaksa mati sejak belia, hingga masa remajanya habis di dalam kurungan. Sejak menghirup kebebasan, Mega tak lagi merasa pantas memakai nama lahirnya; Sekartaji terlalu luhur untuk semua dosa yang terukir lewat lakunya. 
Semua orang tahu apabila Mega cukup mudah merentangkan paha untuk laki-laki, dan perempuan jika mereka ingin. Tapi untuk tertangkap basah sedang disetubuhi laki-laki, rekan kerja pula, di tengah misi bukanlah hal biasa. Semua akan jadi aman apabila Lili yang melihatnya, namun ada Paris dan Nicho di ruang kendali; mendengar Lintang dan Mega saling desah. 
Megatruh tidak masalah dijuluki pelacur Arcs, karena dirinya memang mencari keuntungan menggunakan selangkangan. Sebagai asisten Agah Kaunang pun, Mega harus mengandalkan tubuhnya demi mendapatkan informasi penting dan memperlancar urusan bosnya. Entah apa yang membuat anggota Tim Arcs lain menganggap hubungannya dan Lintang tidak biasa. 
Jika biasanya Mega akan menulikan telinga, lain soal apabila Agah sudah ikut bicara. Seperti apa yang menjadi percakapan mereka siang hari ini. 
"Lintang bukan anak sembarangan. Dosa terbesar Arial Hakim. Dia nggak dibunuh agar Arial inget, dia pernah melakukan kesalahan fatal. Gue tahu lo pasti paham apa itu, Mega." 
Megatruh yang semula berkutat pada berkas kini menoleh ke arah Agah. Atasannya itu tengah menyandarkan kepala dengan posisi jok turun, hampir rebah. Mereka terjebak kemacetan menuju jantung Jakarta. 
Perempuan itu tidak menjawab, tahu betul dosa apa yang disinggung Agah. Anggota Tim Arcs seringnya punya latar belakang mengejutkan, seperti Mega sendiri maupun Lintang. 
"Gue nggak mau cuma gara-gara perasaan, lo nggak bisa lakuin tugas. And... just don't get killed, okay?" pesan Agah. "Informasi orang-orang ini tergantung selangkangan lo." 
Meski posisinya sebagai manusia dikesampingkan dalam pembicaraan ini, Mega betul-betul memahami maksud Agah. Tim Arcs tidak pernah secara terang-terangan menentang hubungan asmara, namun rupanya fungsi Mega sebagai pelacur bersama cukup krusial. Maka ia mengangguk dan kembali memusatkan atensi pada tugasnya.
"Copy that, Pak Agah." 
Selebihnya, hari yang panjang berlalu begitu saja. Akhirnya jam kerja Megatruh sebagai penggoda ulung usai. Kini waktunya ia pulang ke apartemen yang disediakan Agah untuknya menerima tamu, atau ke rumah Kalantara. 
Setelah berbagai pertimbangan, Megatruh memilih pulang ke rumah Kalantara. Setidaknya, ia akan punya hari libur yang tenang besok selama berada di rumah sosok yang sudah seperti abangnya itu. 
Tinggal di rumah Kala tidak rumit. Selain diminta tenang, Viktor kekasih Kala mengharuskan semua orang duduk di meja makan ketika sudah masuk waktu bersantap. Biasanya tidak sulit bagi Mega untuk patuh pada peraturan-peraturan dari si pemilik rumah. 
Namun kali ini keinginannya pulang didorong pada kebutuhan bertemu Lintang untuk memuaskan dirinya. Padahal jelas-jelas Kala melarang Mega mengajak siapapun berhubungan badan di rumah itu. 
Setelah membersihkan diri di kamar mandi bawah yang sudah disediakan, Mega segera naik ke lantai yang dibagi bersama Micah, Arjuna dan tentunya Lintang. Mega punya satu kamar, yang beberapa waktu lalu sempat dipakai Arjuna dan Lintang karena renovasi rumah. Dari sana lah mereka saling mengenal dan bicara, Mega sadar betul Lintang tak segitu terkesan padanya. 
Alih-alih masuk ke kamarnya sendiri, Lintang meletakkan bawaan di ruang tengah dan bertolak ke kamar Arjuna juga Lintang. Berusaha tidak membuat suara ketika melangkah, Mega akhirnya bisa mencapai ranjang. 
Lintang tertidur membelakangi arah Mega datang. Perlahan-lahan, Mega menyelipkan diri ke bawah selimut dan merapatkan diri pada tubuh Lintang. Lelaki itu tidur bertelanjang dada dengan boxer, di sebelahnya ada Arjuna berbaring. 
Tangan Mega bergerilya, menyelip ke bagian boxer Lintang dan meraih kejantanannya. Bibir Mega mendarat di bahu hingga leher Lintang. 
"Mega sayangku..." serak suara Lintang yang separo terbangun terdengar. "...ada Arjuna."
"Good morning," bisik Mega. 
Sejurus kemudian, jemari Mega menyusuri sepanjang batang penis Lintang. Diusapnya benda itu hingga terasa semakin keras di tangan. Kemudian Mega menggenggamnya erat-erat dan mulai mengocoknya. Lintang yang setengah sadar pun terkesiap. 
"You slut never listen," keluh Lintang lirih. 
Lelaki itu berusaha menahan napasnya, mendadak dirangsang jari lentik Mega bukanlah yang diharapkan dalam tidur. Tapi sentuhan Mega tidak pernah gagal membuatnya mendambakan lebih. Terlebih lagi, Lintang terlalu lelah untuk mengelak. 
Sambil memompa penis Lintang yang mengeras, Mega mengulum telinga lelaki itu. Selesai dengan telinganya, Mega berbisik, "Am I what your heart desire?" 
Ditanya sedemikian rupa, Lintang menoleh lalu bergerak hingga bisa menangkap tubuh Mega. Lelaki itu sudah sepenuhnya sadar, kini nyala hasrat terpancar dari sorot matanya. Sebelum Mega bisa mendorongnya pada pelepasan, Lintang meraih tangan mega yang menggenggam penisnya. 
"Fuck it, lo harus dihabisin." Lintang mengangkat tubuh Mega sebelum turun dari ranjang. 
Walau kesiap tidak bisa ditahan, Mega tidak lantas gentar. Justru ia mengalungkan lengannya pada leher Lintang, menanti lelaki itu bergerak lebih lanjut. 
"Nah, gitu kek. Jangan ngewe di depan gue kalian. Go get a room." Yang barusan terdengar suara Arjuna. 
Atas ucapan Arjuna, Mega terkikik. Sementara Lintang dengan air wajah seriusnya tidak terhibur dengan kelakuan Mega. 
"Coba lihat apa gue bisa bikin lo jadi lonte yang lebih disiplin," diucapkan Lintang sebelum mengecup bibir Mega. 
Sejurus kemudian, Mega diturunkan dari gendongannya dan segera diseret keluar kamar. 
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shishamolyrics · 11 months
All The Things You Cherish - SHISHAMO (君の大事にしてるもの - Kimi no Daiji ni Shiteru Mono) [English Translation
Find the original Japanese lyrics here
"What's more important, me or that Les Paul?” I’m asking something so bothersome You reply, “Of course it’s you.” Didn’t I kinda make you say that, though
“So, is it okay if I throw your Les Paul from the veranda?” I’m asking something so meaningless “That’s a bit of an extreme joke,” you say, laughing But it’s really not a joke at all
All those things you cherish It’d be nice if you cherished me as much as them You’re making me want to ruin them all
Your leather jacket, and your Jordan 6s That vintage t-shirt as well And that effector signed by that guitarist Those 25 volumes of GTO, too I’ll destroy them all, along with your Les Paul You don’t need anything but me by your side
The things I cherish, It’s you, aah, it’s only you Even so, When it comes to you, well…
The clear sky and that Les Paul Your prized possession, fluttering in the air Your wide eyes follow it Look over here instead Your Adam’s apple that appears when you yell Your big hand that hits me, without you thinking Those things, are what I cherish
Your leather jacket, and your Jordan 6s That vintage t-shirt as well And that effector signed by that guitarist Those 25 volumes of GTO, too I’ll destroy them all, along with your Les Paul Isn’t it fine, if I’m here, with you Your cherished belongings, I can only see them as trash Just say that you don’t need anything else as long as I’m by your side
That busted-up Les Paul Can’t go back to how it was before The only thing left is me feeling hollow Hey, Les Paul It feels like I’ve just met your gaze for the first time
"watashi to sono RESU POORU, docchi ga taisetsu na no" tte mendoukusai koto kiichatte "omae ni kimatten jan" tte hanbun watashi ga iwaseta you na mon jan ka
"jaa sono RESU POORU, BERANDA kara nagetemo ii?" shoumo nai koto kiichatte "joudan kitsui wa" nante warau kimi chitto mo joudan ja nai'n desu kedo
kimi no daiji ni shiteru mono watashi mo onaji kurai daiji ni dekitara ii no ni zenbu kowashite shimai taku naru no
RAIDAAZU mo JOODAN SHIKKUSU mo VINTEEJI no T-SHAATSU mo ano GITARISUTO no SAIN-iri no EFEKUTAA mo GTO zen nijuugo-kan mo kimi no RESU POORU to issho ni bukkowashite ageru kimi no soba ni watashi igai iranai janai
watashi ga daiji ni shiteru mono wa kimi dake na no ni, aa, kimi dake na no ni na no ni, nee kimi to kitara saa
hareta sora to RESU POORU chuu wo mau kimi no takara mono sore wo ou kimi no marui me kocchi wo mite yo donari chirakasu kimi no nodobotoke omowazu watashi wo naguru kimi no ooki na te sore ga, watashi no daiji na mono
RAIDAAZU mo JOODAN SHIKKUSU mo VINTEEJI no T-SHAATSU mo ano GITARISUTO no SAIN-iri no EFEKUTAA mo GTO zen nijuugo-kan mo kimi no RESU POORU to issho ni bukkowashite ageru kimi no soba ni wa watashi ga ireba ii deshou? kimi no daiji na mono GOMI ni shika mienai shi watashi ga soba ni ireba nani mo iranai to, itte
BARABARA no RESU POORU mou moto ni wa modosenai nokotta no wa karappo na watashi nee, RESU POORU anata to sa, hajimete me ga atta ki ga shita yo
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beforenightfalls · 2 years
2022 Books I intended on reading and IDK what happened.
Est: 04-12-22, updated periodically
2. For you Mom, Finally by: Ruth Reichl.
3. Heartstopper Vol. 1 by: Alice Oseman
4. Heartstopper Vol. 2 by: Alice Oseman
**STARTED READING THOSE WITHOUT STARS I'VE YET TO READ THOSE SLASHED I GAVE UP ON. **1. REBECCA by: Daphne Du Maurier (Started with physical book, continued with audio)
**2. Dune by: Frank Herbert
3. Dune Messiah by: Frank Herbert
4. The Bell Jar by: Sylvia Plath
5. Black Butler Vol. 6 by: Toboso Yana
6. Black Butler Vol. 7. By: Toboso Yana
7. Black Butler Vol. 8. By: Toboso Yana
8. Black Butler Vol. 9 By: Toboso Yana
9. Black Butler Vol. 10 by: Toboso Yana
**10. King Leopold’s Ghost by: Adam Hochchild
**11. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by: Taylor Jenkins Reid
12. Crime and Punishment by: Fyodor D.
**13. CMBYN: A little book that touched so many lives by: Barb Mirell
**14. The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
15. No Surrender: My 30 year War by: Hiroo Oonada.
**16.  Veronica: The Autobiography of Veronica Lake by: Veronica Lake
17.  God-Level Knowledge Darts: Life Lessons from the Bronx by Desus Nice
18. Reclaim Your Heart: Personal insights on breaking free from life’s shackles by: Yasmin Mogahed
**19. Bones and All by: Camille Angelilis
**20. Death on The Nile by: Agatha Christie
**21. Find Me (Call Me By Your Name II) by: Andre Aciman (the pain of this book will be my end)
Extras (if I get to them):
21.  Cocaine blues : a Phryne Fisher mystery (Book I) BY: Kerry Greenwood.
22. Flying Too High: A Phryne Fisher mystery (Book II) by: Kerry Greenwood.
23. Pride and Prejudice by: Jane Austen
24. The Jungle by: Upton Sinclair
25. 1984 by: George Orwell
26. Animal Farm by: George Orwell
27. How to Win Friends and Influence People by: Dale Carnagie
28. Gone With The Wind by: Margaret Mitchell
**29. Hamnet by Maggie O’ Farrell
30. Song of Achilles by: Madeline Miller
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appareils-futiles · 2 years
2022 Books I intended on reading and IDK what happened.
Est: 04-12-22, updated periodically
2. For you Mom, Finally by: Ruth Reichl.
3. Heartstopper Vol. 1 by: Alice Oseman
4. Heartstopper Vol. 2 by: Alice Oseman
**2. Dune by: Frank Herbert
3. Dune Messiah by: Frank Herbert
4. The Bell Jar by: Sylvia Plath
5. Black Butler Vol. 6 by: Toboso Yana
6. Black Butler Vol. 7. By: Toboso Yana
7. Black Butler Vol. 8. By: Toboso Yana
8. Black Butler Vol. 9 By: Toboso Yana
9. Black Butler Vol. 10 by: Toboso Yana
10. King Leopold’s Ghost by: Adam Hochchild
**11. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by: Taylor Jenkins Reid
12. Crime and Punishment by: Fyodor D.
**13. CMBYN: A little book that touched so many lives by: Barb Mirell
**14. The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
15. No Surrender: My 30 year War by: Hiroo Oonada.
**16.  Veronica: The Autobiography of Veronica Lake by: Veronica Lake
17.  God-Level Knowledge Darts: Life Lessons from the Bronx by Desus Nice
18. Reclaim Your Heart: Personal insights on breaking free from life’s shackles by: Yasmin Mogahed
**19. Bones and All by: Camille Angelilis
**20. Death on The Nile by: Agatha Christie
**21. Find Me (Call Me By Your Name II) by: Andre Aciman
Extras (if I get to them):
21.  Cocaine blues : a Phryne Fisher mystery (Book I) BY: Kerry Greenwood.
22. Flying Too High: A Phryne Fisher mystery (Book II) by: Kerry Greenwood.
23. Pride and Prejudice by: Jane Austen
24. The Jungle by: Upton Sinclair
25. 1984 by: George Orwell
26. Animal Farm by: George Orwell
27. How to Win Friends and Influence People by: Dale Carnagie
28. Gone With The Wind by: Margaret Mitchell
**29. Hamnet by Maggie O’ Farrell
30. Song of Achilles by: Madeline Miller
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tumblblabber · 2 years
Review: Crank Yankers "Paul Scheer, Wanda Sykes & Adam Carolla" ; "Tiffany Haddish, Meg Stalter & Bobby Moynihan"
Review: Crank Yankers “Paul Scheer, Wanda Sykes & Adam Carolla” ; “Tiffany Haddish, Meg Stalter & Bobby Moynihan”
Overview (Recap of Sketches) Paul Scheer in “Rabbit Wannabe Child” A parent (“Mitch”) wants to make sure his kid’s unique needs are met in day care. In this case, the kid likes to be treated like a rabbit and the teacher needs to be made aware of this and she must have done a good job because Mitch schedules a visit. SCORE 8.5/10 Desus & Mero in “Mural for Cousin Uncle Reggie” Brothers Jay and…
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