#ALge’s Designs
lamorgh · 11 months
# Look 1013 *
❀• C R E D I T S •❀ Face tattoo: Alge’s Designs – Face tattoo Beats Ver5 EvoX – @ Swank Event (till July 31st) Nails: .::LUNA::. Body Art – Summer Blush – @ Swank Event (till July 31st) Hair: bonbon – mavis – gift @ Mainstore Lipstick: Stunner Originals – Eloquent HD Lips EVOX EVO – @ Swank Event (till July 31st) Jewellery: [Heartsdale Jewellery] – Georgia Collection – @ Swank Event (till July…
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cosmowes · 3 months
Planning Ahead
this is something i'm still working on, actually. keeping a visual log of everything i need to do has been really useful, but it's still a pretty new habit for me.
the issue is that i really, really hate taking the time to have those things be nice- because then i get unmotivated when the load gets heavy and i can't keep it that way. no cute advice, this is my planner for solely function.
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SHORTHAND. i use shorthand for everything. a list of my favorites:
ESP - spanish, or FR - french (really works for any foreign language class)
ENG/ELA - english language arts
MT (math) - CALC (calculus) - PCLC (precalc) - STAT (statistics) - ALG (algebra) etc
GEO/HIS (geography or history)
SCI (science) - BIO (biology) - CHEM (chemistry) - FNS (forensics) - PHYS (physics)
GFX (graphic design) - DRM (drama) - HLC (healthcare) - BSN (business) etc... for whatever electives you have, lol
PJ (project)
HW (homework)
CFA/QZ (common formative assessment/quiz)
SD/SG (study/study guide)
PKT (packet)
SM (submit)
UG (ungraded)
SUM (summative)
FORM (formative)
PG _ (page _)
NSR/EC (not school related/extra curricular)
DNO (due night of)
DIC (due in class)
DEOC (due end of class)
i combine these for little nicknames like ESPPJ, MTPK, GFXPJ, etc. or DRM (info) NSR, GFXPKT EC
DESCRIPTION. i add a quick description of the item, just so i know what it is. usually just the actual assignment name or what it entails. if it's at home reading for english, it'll say "ENGHW Reading PG __-__". a drama script might say "DRM Script DEOC"
DATE. i always add the due date. i write it as a fraction so that it takes up a tiny bit less space. if i know, this is where the time it's due is added too.
URGENCY. i had another post about how i decide an assignment's urgency here, so i throw one of these numbers on the end.
DON'T CARE ABOUT CUTE! the point of this is to keep info. build the habit for a while, and once you have logging things as a habit, you can make it cute. but if you're already having trouble building the habit, adding more work will make it more difficult in my experience. always add onto your habits that already exist.
USE IT! i've also seen people have full planners that are so so cute and then just. never use them??? you're making this so that you have a way to keep track. making it, and then just throwing it in your bag to not be seen until tomorrow is defeating the point. use what you made.
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images from pin 📌 - search white study aesthetic
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deadtiredghost · 15 days
i liked mutant apocalypse actually
dont get me wrong it was rushed as hell, and the designs arent my absolute favourite, but it had so much potential (apart from donbot - donbot is perfect and i love him)
i know it's not popular but people should talk about it more i think.
Spoilers ahead of course!
the angst potential tho...
Leo (and Raph??) have memory issues
donnie put his consciousness in metalhead in case of his death???DOES DON HAVE A SOUL OR IS HE JUST AN IMPRINT OF WHO THE REAL DON ONCE WAS???
donnie is gonna outlive all of them as a robot - imprint or not he clearly has feelings (AI?)
Mikey probably lived off bugs, alge and ice cream kitty
Mikey managed to keep ICK alive this entire time in the middle of a desert
Mikey looks so frail omg, i want to pick him up, wrap him in a blanket and cook him some homemade pizza.
Mikey lived in near complete isolation for however many years with only two pets as company - is he sane? probably not.
Leo and Raph both have different bodies now - mutation bomb blast maybe the cause? do their weirdly mutated bodies hurt them? there is no advanced medical suff in the apocalypse - body horror and body dysmorphia potential
(especially if you like the trans-fem Leo headcannon - body dysmorphia angst go burrr)
Raph is a dad now.
Mira is such a good character - from traumatised orphan to a dad and three uncles in the span of a couple of days. good on her.
they all got ptsd of course - maybe some violent outbursts from Leo with his memory problems?
haha, Leo angst cause he is ashamed of what he did as an amnesiac - he became the new Shredder and deffo hurt and killed innocent ppl for his own gain.
cause of amnesia Leo never had time to mourn what he missed: the years without his bros, Karai, April and Casey are probs dead, etc.
do they lead the mass of ppl following them now? are they leaders?
Renet said that one day they would be accepted into society and famous and shit for saving the world. however it's likely that Renet's influence in their lives started the butterfly affect which caused this future to be so fucked. i dont believe that this was the future she was refering to.
renet angst - she can't do anything about it now. (or can she?)
they no longer have to live in the shadows... but at what cost?
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bluewings55 · 1 year
First two are Bloom and Flora!
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Normally Bloom is portraited with bright pink colors, but i personally prefer these colors on Flora.
I gave Bloom different shades of blue and a deeper color of pink, similar to her Dreamix/Onyrix colors. Obviously she's the little cinnamon roll with hearts so i had to bring these in her design as well. She doesn't have any "sea elements", however her color pallet is remind me of the deep sea with pink corals/anemones, which are represented in some of her accesoires
Flora on the other hand gives off more Plant vibes ofc. Dark green for sea grass or alge, or a jungle near the beach, with bright pink and green plants from tropical plants or a coral reef. I gave her more soft curves, resembling her softer personality and again, plants, while also giving her some spikes bc we Stan powerful Mom friend Flora that fights back if u hurt her friends.
What do you think? Leave you opinion in the comments below or reblog! I would love to read them!
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ask-heta-dzayer · 30 days
[I was working on my South Africa design in the bus (no reference) and i have a draft and whatnot, i'm kinda embarassed with it so i hid them under the cut! enjoy! (or endure? :,D )
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Okay so at first i was obsessed with this, bcz its exactly how i wrote him before, but (like always) when i colored i missed the hair texture i was going for (its thicker and not exactly slick) like i often miss Alge hair (its very thin, not curly nor straight) and i hesitated with the skin tone (i have additional drawings, illustrating SA relation with Algeria and Morroco for anyone interested)
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(this isn't a haircut the protype 1 wpuldn't make, he changes his pretty often, so plz focus on everything else <3 and vote:]
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megan-karau · 3 months
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these two were carnival fish i got once then gave them to my grandma's Koi pond.
there are two orange carp in the pond that she insist are my fish so whether to believe her or not idk and idc
so here are DA TWINS
RAISTLIN(yes i named him that)
prefers to eat moss/alge
outcast (since koi are social creatures)
a bit smaller than Sunkiss
sunkiss twin
despite his reclusiveness he means well and besides he sours the mood anyway
does talk to sunkiss A LOT
SUNKISS(my mom named her :D)
very social and outgoing
popular among the older koi
sometimes doesn't get why her brother is like that
often tries to get him to interact with the other koi
argues with Raist a lot
but also gossips with him a lot as well
despite everything they both get along pretty well
so yeah lore of my fish there and they're not dead yet
more koi designs on the way so get ready >:)
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ceramiccity · 2 months
Minimalist Chair Design in Tan
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Alces Alces by Victor Alge at Pure Talents Contest, IMM Cologne 2018 - Elegant tan leather chair with sleek metal frame, showcasing modern furniture design and minimalist aesthetics. Follow Ceramic City on Tumblr Source: https://research-lighting.tumblr.com/post/747053263053045760/alces-alces-by-victor-alge-at-pure-talents
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cryptid-spring · 10 months
Having hunter!eli thoughts again and how instead of referencing harpies and furies i could reference Adar Llwch Gwins instead-
I didnt know abt them before but my revamped design looks a lot more griffin-like (which is what the ALGs are described to look like) than harpy-like. Also the parallels between Drudwas being killed by his ALGs and Eli’s oath also leading to his death 🎉🎉
Lastly I think it’d be interesting if the deity who granted Eli his powers turned him into a creature who’s obedient to a fault as punishment for breaking his oath the first time around. (Drudwas’ adar llwch gwins were so loyal to him they followed his intructions even if it meant killing him.)
Terrible outcome for Eli, depending on how much he does or doesn’t remember, but W for Orpheus and whatever experiments he has planned next ig. I imagine having a subject who won’t do anything unexpected and does whatever you tell it to would be quite useful 🤸
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jasminebythebay · 2 years
Hi there, are you comfortable with me using your kita shrine art as the design of my debit card? (i’m sorry that is so random) I thought it was important to ask you first haha it’s alg if you aren’t, have a nice day :)
this is literally the strangest request to use my art i've ever received. go for it 👌
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I hope I don't have to explain how spin properties caused protein to form with quantum feilds that linked through frequency resonance and formed a membrane through exculsion.
This protein filaments(redumentry dna) then absorbed other emergent structures with the bio luminous* being the most important adaptation. Its simpler than photosynthesis and since this prob happened in deep sea volcanic cave vents, let there be light.
This adpation allowed easier exchange of electrons and thus energy transfere between cells. (mitochondria)
When added to a protein membrane it would create movement of cells due to diffrances in membrane pressure.
With greater syncopated organisation of atoms in cell structures the structures would become specific to area.
Then by fluke of design several of these components merged in the deep. When two pools met an acid filament and a calcium alge merge. (Your returning to a time before distinction of plant animal etc was even nesscary, those specialisation hadn't been really formed) yeah the meeting of those two systems would mean regulation of internal ph and therefore adaptation from immediate environmental dependence. Complex life.
The interesting thing is that these simple cells would of been formed in resonate structures to quantum feilds themselves. Then using the crispr bacterium root absorbed used and spliced useful component's into themselfs. Effectively each cell becomes its own ecosystem of symbiotic life structures.
They self organised around the feild with the elements heat pressure and a little bit of light.
Yes I think it happened in deep sea volcanic cave vents and further back in time than we think. Maybe when the earth itself had just formed from a little sun beside its brother and water smashed into its side from a ice star. **
*thats how electrical currant is formed in the body ( eggs flash when fertilisation occurs. ) ATP mechanisms before specified deviations into true bioluminious mitochondrial and chlorophyll a family of energy micro organisms.
However just after even weirder things happen
**unless its the version were the volcanic vents themselves caused atmospheric chemicals to form that formed into water, maybe its both. However since oxygen can't form with out photosynthesis. A comet smash and sea glow i think.
Oh yeah
Isnt life wonderful.
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Thats a quantum pattern
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swordmaid · 2 years
I think the biggest issue of Inazuma was the presented an external conflict, like war and people suffering and then banding together to say fuck it we fight for our future against our protector, and then ended it presenting a solution to...the internal conflict. Of an oppressor out of all people lmao. And apparently everyone's ok with it. And it's a shame because the buildup and the environmental design of Inazuma was wonderful! We start for once, with a playable character aka kazuha asking very valid questions about the laws of this universe and the archons that we as players probably asked ourselves at some point of time. Traversing through yashiori is a pain because of the thunderstorm? Exactly, now imagine living there! It's a night mare! Everywhere you go, there's a sign, a split valley, a suppressive fog or electric charged water - like every island has a scar of some sort placed by their god and it all has been years in making, and suddenly after war, it's all ok? We are just gonna blame the fatui and not hold the archon responsible outside of a slap on the wrist? Kazuha and the resistance is all fine with it? The funniest part though, is at the end of raiden's second quest, where she is like, removing sakoku decree will cause economic crisis we need to be prepared for it hmmmm, LIKE BABYGIRL YOU IMPOSING THE DECREE CAUSED YOUR OWN PEOPLE AND THE IMMIGRANTS SO MANY LOSES FOCUS ON THOSE REPARATIONS GIRL
exactly!!! that's really it!!!! and i just CAN'T like we're ok with it bc apparently she didn't know ? the people who's relatives died or everyone who lost their houses, those foreigners who got exploited like crazy, the people with visions who got hunted and etc. were all ok with it bc she didn't know guys! she wasn't responsible for it it was the puppet's fault (the puppet that SHE made) so it's alg [: like HUH?? it just feels so cheap. like man the set up was SO good, and the potential WAS THERE! they planted the seeds! but they just dropped the ball SO hard and it will always be so disappointing to me
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vishnuprasath · 2 years
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Mi entrée….. #entre #r #karakou #interior #interi #design #algerie #m #entr #tr #de #boliginspiration #home #entrepreneur #instagram #instagood #homedecor #dzbeauty #algerienne #dzpower #oran #indretning #kabyle #entrepreneurship #tiziouzou #blida #o #tourismalgeria #jijel #alge https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj7nn67S03i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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multitrackdrifting · 2 years
Shibuya Hal the strongest Vtuber to ever do it cuz he's just got a whole ass skin in Apex Legends based on his design and that's before you consider that he is the pillar of the Japanese Apex community which has way more viewers than most of the global ALGS viewership
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blogchaindeveloper · 3 months
How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Developer
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Artificial intelligence has seen a significant rise in influence in technology in recent years. AI has unquestionably impacted everything, from the emergence of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to the growth of interactive chat bots like ChatGPT. Indeed, analysts project that the worldwide artificial intelligence market might soar to an astounding value of more than $190 billion by 2025. 
With AI becoming increasingly prevalent in many different industries, there is an unprecedented need for qualified AI developers. Not only is this increase in demand a trend, but it also presents a favorable entry point for a wide range of fascinating career options.
We'll explain what AI certification is, what the duties and responsibilities of an AI developer are, and how to start this exciting career path in this extensive post. 
You're at the perfect place if you're an experienced professional wishing to make a career change in AI or an ambitious tech enthusiast. We'll go over the definition of AI certification, the value of AI developer certification, and how you may succeed in this rapidly evolving industry with the help of Blockchain Council's specialized AI prompt engineer certification. Let's start and open the door to a career in artificial intelligence development. 
What is the work of an AI developer? 
A specialist in the design, development, and upkeep of artificial intelligence systems and applications is called an AI developer or artificial intelligence developer. They aim to develop intelligent software capable of simulating cognitive processes, including learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. 
The Function and Accountabilities of an AI Developer 
An artificial intelligence developer's primary duties are creating and implementing AI solutions to solve business problems. Here is a summary of their primary responsibilities:
Algorithm Development: To enable machines to interpret data, identify patterns, and make judgments, AI engineers create and apply sophisticated algorithms. The foundation of AI applications is these algorithms. 
Machine Learning: They use many machine learning techniques, a branch of artificial intelligence, to create models that can learn from data and improve over time. Both supervised and unsupervised learning are popular methods. 
AI programmers specializing in natural language processing (NLP): Build machines that can comprehend and produce human language. Natural language processing is essential for chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation apps. 
Computer Vision: AI developers use computer vision techniques to enable machines to understand visual data, identify objects, and even distinguish emotions on faces in applications like picture and video analysis. 
Deep Learning: Deep learning uses multi-layered neural networks, or "deep neural networks." AI developers use deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch to construct and train these networks for various purposes. 
Data processing: AI cannot exist without data. Developers clean up and preprocess data to prepare it for AI model training. They may also be employed by big data technology. 
Competencies required to work as an AI developer 
A well-rounded skill set with technical and soft talents is needed to succeed as an AI developer. The essential competencies are broken down as follows: 
Knowledge of programming and software development: To be proficient in programming languages like Python, Java, C++, or R is essential. 
Knowledge of Software Engineering: It is essential to comprehend the fundamentals of software engineering. 
Critical thinking and problem-solving: Abilities are necessary for making well-informed decisions. 
Creativity: Developers must exercise creative thinking to develop innovative uses and solutions for AI technologies. Developing novel applications for AI is essential to its success. 
Attention to Detail: To find and fix errors, optimize algorithms, and guarantee the dependability of AI models, developers must pay acute attention to detail. 
Data science and machine learning: AI development requires a firm grasp of statistical analysis, data preprocessing, and machine learning techniques.
Deep Learning Structures: Neural networks and deep learning model development require familiarity with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. 
How to Work as a Developer of Artificial Intelligence 
Blockchain Council offers AI developer and prompt engineer certifications to provide prospective AI developers with all the tools they need to succeed in this fast-paced industry. The courses offered by Blockchain Council cover programming languages, including Python, which is frequently used in the development of artificial intelligence. You'll obtain practical expertise in AI-specific software engineering techniques, guaranteeing your ability to build, create, and manage AI models efficiently. 
You will not only acquire the abilities required to become an Artificial Intelligence Developer by enrolling in Blockchain Council's AI courses and obtaining AI developer Certification, but you will also make a name for yourself as a skilled professional in the cutthroat AI industry. 
In summary 
Being an AI developer is an exciting and potential career choice, as artificial intelligence is increasing. The need for AI solutions is growing across industries, and competent AI engineers are in great demand. An AI developer's responsibilities include:
Developing AI systems.
Solving challenging business problems.
Analyzing data.
Keeping up with new technological developments. 
The AI certification and exam from the Blockchain Council offer a strong basis and thorough training in all these crucial areas. Become a member of the Blockchain Council to gain the knowledge required to succeed as a certified chatbot specialist and participate in the AI revolution that will shape the future.
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mixcartus · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Alegria Karmen Sandals Womens Purple Metallic Slip On Adjustable Shoes Size 8.
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degibusdesigns · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Alegria Classic Earthy Raffia Clog Slides EUR 40.
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