#ALSO I put a lot of context and explanations in the tags of my posts while leaving the posts a little vague
skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Boy King Seb :D
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#thank you to Grace for the idea of making his chivarly collar red bull instead <33333#he was gonna have both collars but then making that one made me suffer so no not today#this was a lot of fun but also made me suffer. but i keep looking at it and being like AAAHHHHH BABY!!! BABY BOY!!!!!!!#can you believe i tried to do this in one night? i cant#i stopped and came back to it and was like 'no way you could do this in one sitting at 1 am'#this is kinda the ascended form of that very first sketch i made for this au! concentrated boy king sebby!!!#i say to myself i need to take a break from drawing complicated things but youll prob see a nando version of this in less than a week ;;;#okay about the drawing(i wrote good tags and then tumblr deleted them so these are a bit inferior AGH):#this is typical pouty seb but is also referenced off a specific pic from AD 2009(beloved)#its very important to me how emotionally open Seb is. im not sure the specific context of this. maybe after a triumph?#but instead of being that typical stoic serious detached kind of ruler; i like him being openly emotional(think AD 2010)#its important as well for his dichotomy with nando and how they choose to portray themselves#seb is very assured in himself and his rule vs. nando who is more insecure and bitter about his#so nando takes strides to portray himself in that more stoic calculating way bcs he feels like it helps him legitimize himself better#whereas seb has absolutely no care for outward public image and shows how he feels and is loved for it(nando hates it but loves it)#not that nando cant be fun and whimsical!! but to me he always seems a bit more mysterious; like i can never tell his true thoughts tbh#anyways i feel like ill finish 10 more drawings before i end up posting the lore pt 2 LMAO#its just a lot harder to organize and layout compared to part 1 which was just an explanation#pt2 would be a mix of more world building/characterization/anecdotes ive talked about with mutuals(LOVE YOU GUYS!!!)#i have a *lot* of ideas (gotta whip out my notes app every once in a while to write down stuff abt it) just hard to put into a coherent pos#sebastian vettel#f1#formula 1#f1 art#formula 1 art#f1 fanart#formula 1 fanart#catie.art.#*ill prob make a process post later if anyone is curious!! its fun to write abt my process and influences and such#boy king au
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no-one-hears-me · 1 year
is there a scarier tumblr experience than watching one of your posts start to get notes
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hello i am asking politely for your mommy Medic surgeon goresex thoughts. feel free to use the reply to this ask as your dumping ground if it would be easier than an original post!
Welllll if you insist! Putting all this under a cut bc despite my cool exterior I'm extremely ashamed of every thought I've ever had (and bc I wanna put this in some tags and if the juicy stuff is under a cut no one can complain)
Uhhh CWs for sex, gore, goresex, surgery kink, medfet, mommy kink (just the title and the persona for Medic, no specified role for the sub), needles, knives, boot stuff, whatever. This makes me feel like a real writer
Sooo first things first bc I think people won't understand this one at first: Medic tf2 is a man who is a mommy dom. To me and to a lot of other kinky people, there exists a non-gendered semantic difference between a "daddy dom" and a "mommy dom", so women can be daddies and, much more rarely, men can certainly be mommies. Kink educator Evie Lupine describes mommy doms as "giggly, joyful sadists". Sound like someone we know? He's mommy (Mommy doms are also typically more "nurturing" and smothering than daddy doms, I'll get to that later)
I really love characterizing Medic as extremely faux-sympathetic (with flashes of real sympathy every now and again), so he's telling you (or whoever) just how bad he feels for you, you poor thing, that looks like it really hurts, and it's, like, the extra hand he attached to your pelvis. If it does actually hurt and the procedure wasn't successful he will safely remove it, though
Although I definitely think Medic can be mean, I think ESPECIALLY in a gorekink/medfet context, he gives a LOT of praise. He's SUPER full of himself, he'd never deride one of his Crowning Achievements In The Field Of Medical Science!
Similarly, he's very good about giving compliments specific to like, all of a person's inside stuff. The size of your organs, the shade of your blood, the prominence of your veins, the sturdiness of your bones... Medic tf2 is leaned over you on the vivisection table lovingly stroking your liver and cooing about how much he loves the color
This one's kind of a big one for me tbh... I think Medic tf2 would intentionally (consensually, temporarily) incapacitate someone so he gets to take care of them. Misery-style. My favorite version of this is Medic "accidentally" taking too much of someone's blood out during a blood draw, so they get all sleepy and he needs to feed them (with his boobs) and let them rest (on his boobs). Despite it all I think he really does like to feel needed.
I think Mommy Medic can be veryyyy... smothering. Figuratively and literally. He can really heap on the compliments, especially with a character who isn't very used to praise, which is its own kind of sadism. And he literally suffocates you in his boobs/thighs/ass/tummy/whatever. That one's a little less psychological.
Okayyyy goresex time... surgery makes Medic horny and he wants to fuck people's internal organs. Tf2 is really fun for this because the medigun is a built-in explanation for how he can do that while the other person is still awake. In Meet the Medic he should've been straddling Heavy's hips and jacking off onto his large intestine.
I don't know how into drinking blood normal humanguy Medic would be, but he definitely likes touching blood. Getting it all over his hands. I think he'd maybe be more into making you (or whoever) drink blood, lick it off his gloves, off his boots, off his big hairy (eroticized body part of your choice here). One of those things that he probably intends as a humiliation thing but if you're enough of a freak you just enjoy for what it is.
The penetration imagery of the needle. I read something like that recently about the scene in Breaking Bad where Jesse does heroin for the first time and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. You understand
On a humiliation note, I think Medic would think it's Very fun to "force" (lovingly encourage) someone to call him "mommy" if they're embarrassed about it, which I think most of his team would be. Medic using kink to help Sniper drop his inhibitions and give in to his urges and Have Fun is one of my fave bushmed dynamics and I definitely think getting Sniper to get over the hill and call him "mommy" for the first time would be a big thing for him. Of course this is all part of his plan to break you (consensually!) and have you (or whoever!) whimpering into his cleavage as he gets to nurture you
Imagine everything I just said but he's in a sexy nurse outfit that's extremely visibly too small for him. And also just COMPLETELY covered in blood. That's my vision
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nightgoodomens · 3 months
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the way you respond to all your asks. It can be very hard to answer something when you have a strong opinion/belief that you are sure of but explain things in a way that is neutral too but you always do it.
I've been so on the fence about believing what's going on with Michael and David but a lot has happened in such a short space of time. The soft way they looked at each other when Michael saw David perform Macbeth was the start of my doubts about just friendship. I think it's safe to say that whatever they are to each other, there is absolute love there and it's beautiful to see. Your explanations have made a big difference in how I view things too so thank you for the clarity you provide. You do a great service to a lot of people.
This is the kindest ask, thank you so much ❤️ I actually felt such a relief reading this. Thank you 😭
I’ve been trying really hard for my answers to be exactly that so I’m glad it’s working ❤️
I’m aware that we are judging on just the little that’s shown to us (or should I say quite a lot lately), and our judgment is often based on our life experiences, so I know that I might simply be wrong and I won’t have a problem admitting it if at any point I am - hence always giving my thought process and why I think what I think - but I always want people to feel free to make their own conclusions. There are many things I’m not super sure about and that’s when you can see when I ask questions myself and I simply say I am just not sure because it could be this or that.
People’s sensitivity regarding this is also why I always keep my posts out of tags and created my own to block and usually put answers under ‘keep reading’ and stopped the posts from being rebloggable so if people don’t want to see any of this they don’t have to.
I was having some gentle question marks in my head after watching a few interviews with MS/DT and following MS on Twitter but I wasn’t really getting into it all. But when MS posted the “I set David on fire fairly regularly” I went “oh come onnnn” and finally gave in, especially considering the context of when he said it. When he went a little insane that day and then dead quiet, I thought this is it, things will change.
I even posted a little cryptic tag then 😏
And then the fairy light pic and Macbeth happened and I thought Here. We. Go.
I kept on saying damage control will come at one point but we are not exactly getting it for months now and I dare to wonder… what’s next.
And this is it really - no matter what it all exactly is the love is there and that’s beautiful - just like you said.
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minecraftbookshelf · 2 months
Mistakes Are Made Chapter One Dialogue Breakdown
This was hard to make it turns out. A combination of "how do i format this" and trying to comprehensively summarize the thought processes and decisions going on. I think this works though.
Honestly, this sort of thing would probably work a lot better as like, a live conversation but we work with what we've got XD
I won't be including every bit of dialogue from the chapter but it will be most of them.
Disclaimer that this isn't a "How To" or any kind of "you should do things this way" this is just an explanation of what I put into my writing, and dialogue specifically. Also that I write in limited first person most of the time, so in a way, all the narration can be considered dialogue and as examples of character voice.
This is also only the first part of a long story that is intended to a) be re-readable and b) involve a lot of discovery as the story progresses, so a lot of the decisions I made are based off of things that will come up/be revealed later in the series. I will be talking about those, sometimes with no helpful explanation, sorry XD
I'm using color coding to specify what parts I'm talking about at any given time, so hopefully that helps.
This is going to be a long, wordy post, its entire point is to be an insight into the intentionality and consideration that goes into writing dialogue for me, if this isn't something you're interested in, absolutely pass it by. It will also likely "take some of the magic out of it" for some people. But I like to think that it might also add a bit more magic to it for others. So here we go!
On with the show behind the scenes! [AO3 Link to the Chapter] if you want to follow along there with more context to the selections.
"Hello, Jimmy!" He manages to clamber out of the fountain without tripping and falling flat on his face at least. He splashes Katherine in the process, where she is hovering off to the side but he can't really be bothered to worry about that. All he can manage to do is stare at Sausage's smirking face. "Hello, Jimmy!" Katherine's greeting is much less mocking
Starting off with the very first dialogue of the chapter, which doesn't occur until a few paragraphs in and then proceeds to be the exact same line said by two different characters.
This is one of the times that I am heavily relying on the fact that I am writing fanfiction and these greetings are words that we hear the characters in question (Sausage and Katherine) say multiple times. So I don't go into much detail with dialogue tags, counting on the reader to fill that in themselves. Even if they/you aren't imagining the exact tones I had in mind its a fairly easy extrapolation that these are said in wildly different tones. The emphasis on Sausage's is to imply the more mocking/antagonistic tone, helped along by the mention of his expression, but can also just convey that its louder and more emotive (As Katherine is trying very hard to be OfficialTM in this chapter) Also describing her greeting as "less mocking" helps fill in the appropriate tone for Sausages retroactively.
"What is he doing here?" He jerks his chin at Sausage, who is still giggling like a child. He sees Jimmy looking and grins at him, all teeth. Behind the mask, Jimmy bares his own teeth and takes some comfort in the knowledge that he has more of them; and they are sharper.
This is the first instance of Jimmy's inhuman body language being used as an extension of the dialogue/conversation between the characters. The use of teeth as a threat being a hybrid trait.
Sausage's smile is also part of this, something that isn't actually said in this chapter but will be demonstrated later on is that, as the ruler of a kingdom with a heavy hybrid population, Sausage knows this and his own body language is chosen accordingly.
Sausage keeps giggling and Jimmy can barely hear it beneath the roar in his ears. He leans down to try and whisper into the faerie queen's ear. "I really need your alliance right now, Katherine." He hopes his desperation doesn't show in his voice. She gives him a reproving look that throws him right back to his brief time spent in a classroom. "I'm allied with everyone, Jimmy. You know that."
This is the first example of really incorporating distinct character voices into the dialogue. I'm a liberal user of italics and in this case I'm using them to indicate emphasis where the ccs tend to stress their words to encourage assigning that voice to the dialogue itself. These are also, if not direct quotes from canon, very similar to actual things the ccs and their cubitos have said so it isn't exactly what I would consider heavy lifting.
Jimmy at this point is still fully informal. He's surprised and he's talking privately to a friend.
This is also more natural dialogue from Katherine, whose exasperation with her friend is partly overcoming her attempts to be Formal Faerie Queen.
I'm trying to keep the early dialogue fairly simple and close to canon voices because that way I can transition slowly and naturally into slightly different voices that suit the atmosphere while also preserving their more casual voices as the way that they talk when they are more comfortable and in less official settings. Setting up the contexts for different manners of speech is a big thing in this chapter overall.
"He invaded the Swamp," Jimmy hisses, his ear-fins flaring, ignoring the shudder down his spine from her use of his Name, even in part. "He crossed our borders. Again. He's threatened war." He's no longer whispering by the end, standing to his full height, shoulders back, sword hand by his shoulder. "And according to him, you've threatened it right back!"
Another instance of emphasis on Jimmy's inhuman body language.
This bit is actually more about Katherine than Jimmy. It does show a bit of Jimmy's sensitivity to magic but more than that, it incorporates Katherine's willingness to invoke her own flavor of threats, even in casual conversation with friends.
This is the first real deviation from canon dialogue in the entire chapter. This is the blending point where I'm taking the characters voices and using them myself instead of just channeling the pre-existing ones. The emphasis for this was important to me to try and keep it Jimmy's voice saying the words.
The body language here is a physical representation of Jimmy's shift from more informal speech to a more tense and emotionally and politically fraught situation.It's also the transition of Jimmy taking this from a private conversation to a more public one, now in earshot of both Sausage and Katherine's guards and staff. He's beginning to speak more as The Codfather than Jimmy and his physical stance is the biggest indication of that.
This is Katherine's last "private conversation" line and is, again, indicative of her frustration with her friends and the situation they have put themselves and everyone else in. It's a fairly sharp statement, geared to indicate that she is not really on Jimmy's side here. ("all sides" = "no sides" and a part of Katherine knows that, even if she refuses to admit it out loud, mostly because it is a role she has trapped herself in and can't leave.)
Sausage recovers quickly and shakes out the fur lining of his coat. "Is it just me or does it smell fishy in here, now?" "Sausage," Katherine looks disapprovingly back over her shoulder. "That's rude." "Oh," Sausage blinks at them both, "I'm sorry, Jimmy, I didn't realize."
Jumping ahead a bit we're in the "polite conversation because political masks" phase of dialogue.
Sausage is Not Being Polite. This is his attempt at "polite rudeness" but he's not very subtle in general so its blatant enough for Katherine to call him out on it. It's also a continuation of Sausage speaking more informally in general. He has something of an upper hand in the situation, and an abundance of bravado, and that is reflected in the way he talks. (Sausage just also has a very distinct voice in general that is already leant towards melodrama which works very well for the au's setting as a whole)
His apology is also disingenuous. In retrospect I should have probably used some italics or some other indicator to help convey that. (I might go back and edit something in. I do that sometimes on AO3. Major edits get notes made at the chapter end but minor fixes happen a lot.) He makes the "apology" and that connects Jimmy to his original statement, even if it hadn't been blatantly obvious.
"Oh, this one is new!" Sausage immediately changes the subject, pointing at one of the skulls hanging on the wall of the hall. It's some kind of middling-sized land animal...a sheep maybe? with poppies filling the eye sockets and woven in a crown, there are delicate lines of gold painted across the surface of the bleached bone. Katherine beams, her irritation at the rudeness forgotten (or at least set aside, fae never truly forget breaches of etiquette) "It is! It's a gift from a childhood friend," she looks fondly upon the skull for a moment. "We've been reconnecting lately." Sausage nods sagely, "It is always good to spend time with your friends." "It is," Katherine's ears twitch and her wings flutter briefly before she resumes walking. "Which is why we are going to fix this."
This is a slightly better attempt from Sausage at maintaining political etiquette by complimenting the host. A distraction and a peace offering.
And this is the first mention of Scott in the chapter, in what I am now realizing (it was not intended that way but here we go) is a context that kind of foreshadows his role of peace offering. It also is an establishing line for Katherine and Scott's relationship, as well as a nod to their short-lived plushie business (my beloved) from canon.(And the adaptation of it that exists in the au, which will come up later in Katherine's backstory at the very least.)
Sausage is being ingratiating here. It's a kind of wink wink nudge nudge "we should be friends and you should do what I want" moment.
Katherine knows what he is doing. This is also an incorporation of Katherine's inhuman characteristics, though a bit more subtly, specifically because this is Jimmy's pov and he is neither familiar enough with her mannerisms to break down exactly what they mean the way his own are, or unfamiliar enough with them to register them as odd and worth commenting on.
And then we have the POV switch to Xornoth
The entirety of Xornoth's external, out-loud dialogue is one single line, but the internal dialogue is their narration of the situation at hand. Ft. "helpful" commentary from Exor.
Xornoth's voice is arguably the trickiest part of the entire chapter as it is the part with the least canon basis. Xornoth is a character I am functionally building from scratch, given that the majority of their canon appearances are arguably as much Exor as they are Xornoth. (at least in the context of this AU)
Xornoth's canon voice (on a purely literal level) is "Scott Smajor with a script and a voice changer" and, on the occasions they are on screen together, "someone else with a script and a voice changer", and then the single epilogue bit.
So I'm working with somewhat stilted, formal speech and a tendency for dramatic declarations.
For this first chapter there was actually a bit more effort put into characterizing Exor, as, despite it being in their pov, the majority of the Xornoth characterization is happening in Chapter Two. (which is also mostly from their pov)
Honestly, this is already really long, I'll probably do the dialogue in the second part of the chapter as a part two, but I do want to put a compilation of Exor's commentary down here to talk about.
I opted to make Exor's dialogue bold instead of italics both to distinguish it from Xornoth's own internal dialogue and to emphasize how unavoidable it is for Xornoth. It's not something they can truly ignore, its too loud in their head.
Meaningless frivolity.
Disparaging commentary on the priorities of the other emperors and Jimmy in particular, leaning into one that Xornoth themself is inclined to agree with.
Do not pretend such reluctance. I see the truth.
Denying Xornoth's knowledge of themself in favor of asserting their own.
You are still only a student. And you will be so long as you refuse to take what is rightfully ours.
Exor's goal is and always has been (as long as Xornoth as known them) world domination. This is his most blatant statement of it, coupled with a disparaging comment towards Xornoth's own authority.
Like a fish on a hook.
Dehumanization with a side of violent imagery.
They are going to hurt themselves, trying that hard to utilize what little intelligence they have.
General scorn towards the intelligence and competence of the other emperors.
If we pinned her wings to the wall like a butterfly and made her watch, that would phase her. If we gutted him like a fish he'd squeal so nicely.
Violence. Rather graphic, worded in a way to make Xornoth/The Reader paint a stronger visual image to accompany it. These are the ones that both Exor (in-story) and I (out of story) designed to have a stronger impact. For Exor its about sowing thoughts in Xornoth's mind and having them doubt themself, for me its about really conveying Exor's intentions.
Rip them all to pieces, give the farmer the fight she wants.
This is a half-step back into a more friendly-aligned bit. Pearl is Xornoth's friend. A war would make her happy! Pearl is not Xornoth's biggest weakness, but she is one and Exor takes as much advantage of that as he can.
Wheat fields burn so easily, all it would take is a single spark in the right place and all of Mythland would be in flames. Carefully, carefully, Xornoth sets their book down on the table beside them and places their hands in their lap. Katherine will stop allowing them to borrow her books if they start spontaneously combusting them. Hopefully she doesn't notice the slightly singed cover.
Arson yay!
With the previous comments designed to rile Xornoth up the invocation of fire is a deliberate reference on my part to Xornoth's powers (with the follow up in the next paragraph) and on Exor's part is a provocation towards losing control/making it harder to stay in control of their powers.
Why do you consistently choose to prove your incompetence.
Even gods that crave violence can be disappointed.
this was equal parts chosen to add to the overall comedy of that exact moment and as a final nod to the way that, while he spends a lot of time tearing down other people in Xornoth's head, he also puts a lot of time into tearing down Xornoth themself.
I'm going to leave it there for now, if just because of length. I can come back and make a part two for Xornoth and the other emperors during the second part of the chapter later.
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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Thank you @nausikaaa, @blackberrysummerblog, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and @artsyunderstudy for the tag!
It’s another Sunday and it’s almost Pride Month for the people who are chronically online. (For context: there is Pride Month in the Netherlands, but also some major Pride events are in July and August, so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, June is the moment where companies do pinkwash.) Speaking of Pride I did see a great theatre performance about trans identity today called Met zonder ballen or With(out) Balls in English. I highly recommend it.
I also finished the main story of Tears of the Kingdom today and I am feeling a lot. It was amazing. I am definitely not done with this game, since it is so huge and there is so much more than the main story. I think I’m not even halfway with the “full” game. It took me 95 hours to beat the main game. As a reference: I beat the main game of Breath of the Wild after 50 hours and I reached 100% completion at 210 hours, so...
For the ones who are interested, I have a bit more to say about the potential Zelda fic, but I’ll put it under the cut for the ones who aren’t done with Tears of the Kingdom yet. It isn’t even a spoiler for the main story but AGAIN the game is huge.
More “fic adjacent” news! Remember my myosotis plant? WELL THIS IS HER NOW:
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And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen ​ @cutestkilla ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @boyinjeans @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites
So I discussed Aryll’s age in the previous post, and how Purah could probably cheat age, and after I posted that I found confirmation in Tears of the Kingdom that Purah did indeed try another experiment. After being a wee child for a while, she tried another age modification and she aged herself up to 20. I guess this sort of “confirms” the idea that Link and Zelda are also 20 (or 120), so that there were indeed 3 years between the games.
This means that Purah did find a way to accurately and perfectly modify someone’s age. Now, the reason I say “confirms” and not confirms without quotation marks is because we don’t know from Purah’s diary when Purah aged herself up to 20. There is no explanation when the player first sees her, so Link isn’t shook by it, so I guess it must’ve happened before The Upheaval.
This is my Unofficial Totally Serious Timeline (look, if the creators can make a fucked up timeline, so can I):
Link and Zelda are born in 17 BC. (Before Calamity)
In my fic, Aryll is born in 10 BC.
The Calamity takes place in 1AC .(After Calamity... I Googled “is the year 1 the year that jesus died” for this post, only to learn there is no year 0 and that AD 1 immediately comes after 1 BC) (look, I’m not a Christian)
A lot of initial rebuilding is done between 1 AC and I guess 10 AC. The Era of Burning Fields starts here.
Purah becomes a wee child somewhere in the end of the 90s AC.
Monsters have been there during the entire Era of Burning Fields, but around 99 AC, they become stronger and there are more monsters than before. It becomes harder to travel through Hyrule.
Link awakens at 100 AC. Breath of the Wild happens. Link and Zelda defeat Ganon and the Era of Burning Fields ends. In my fic, Link and Aryll also reunite in this year.
Somewhere between 100 AC and 103 AC, Zelda becomes interested in the Zonai civilisation and she starts the Zonai Research team.
Purah changes her age back somewhere in 103 AC, but it might be done earlier.
So maybe in my fic, after this happens, Zelda immediately goes to Link and Aryll. I think that if Aryll were to change her age, it would happen before The Upheaval as well, so that Link won’t be shook by it when he gets back.
Gloom starts to appear in 103 AC.
The Upheaval happens and Link and Zelda go missing in 103 AC.
It’s implied that quite some time passed between The Upheaval and Link’s reappearance in Lookout Landing, since the Zonai Research team had time to set up more things around the new islands, chasms, dispensers and shrines. Also, during the disappearance, Zora Domain got sludged, Rito Village is being snowed in, the desert around Gerudo Town becomes dangerous, Yunobo becomes possessed, Lurelin Village gets attacked, Tarrey Town expands, and the Lucky Clover Gazette and the Stable Association are established. Basically, a lot happened, but I still think it all happened within maybe a few weeks max, so we’re still in 103 AC.
Link, Zelda and the Sages defeat Ganon in 103 AC.
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hareofhrair · 2 months
Hi, I saw your tags on the porn ban/purity culture post and I wanted to respond to them, hope that's okay? Didn't want to put it on the original post because that's already crazy long, lol. Disclaimer, this is not an attack and I'm not upset with you or angry about these tags! I can be bad at tone, but my intention here is just to explain because I Fucking Love Explaining Things.
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So what the tags said was:
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My post was about how the porn ban was spearheaded by a christian group that wants to eliminate porn everywhere.
This person's tags suggest that there was an ulterior motive. Let's break it down line by line.
"It's also specifically to keep teenagers as ill informed about sexuality as possible to make them easier to prey on."
By using the word "specifically" they are saying that is an additional, intended purpose of the movement to ban porn. That what the porn ban is actually working towards is making teens into easier victims.
There are a lot of disgusting creeps hiding behind the banner of evangelism.
The use of "disgusting creeps" here could refer to abuse by family and religious authorities. But in this context, they're using it as an explanation for their assertion in the first line. The intended purpose of the porn ban is to make it easier to prey on teens because there are a lot of creeps in the evangelical movement. You could restructure the statement like this:
"There are a lot of disgusting creeps hiding behind the banner of evangelism, specifically to keep teenagers as ill informed about sexuality as possible to make them easier to prey on."
Which makes it a little more obvious. The creeps are using evangelism to make teens easier to prey on. And since the person specifies they are doing it to prey on teens, that makes it clear what they mean by "disgusting creeps." You can just swap that word out for pedophiles.
"There are a lot of pedophiles hiding behind the banner of evangelism, specifically to keep teenagers as ill informed about sexuality as possible to make them easier to prey on."
And since this is in reference to a specific action taken by a christian political group, we are to assume the pedophiles have infiltrated this group and are using it to further their own ends.
They are claiming there's an organized group of evangelical pedophiles taking intentional political action to make it easier for them to attack children.
I responded by informing them that most of the people who sexually abuse children do not have an established attraction to children. They are not actually attracted to children. They are attracted to the power and control abuse gives them. And they primarily attack family members, children they already have access to. They are not scheming to find ways to attack more children, because sex with children is not what they are after. People who are actually sexually attracted to children are very rare, the majority never attack anyone, and they are certainly not taking part in an organized political effort to get better access to victims.
And people fall for it because of their eagerness to ascribe deviant sexuality to people they don't agree with, and because of the "world of sexual menace" I talk about in the last post, which has them convinced sexual predators are everywhere.
I don't deny that patriarchal structures make it easier for abusers to get away with it, but we're not going to dismantle those structures as long as we still think we need to defend our children from an army of pedophiles.
That's my whole point. You can't look at conservative christians claiming all queer people are pedophiles, recognize how ridiculous of an assertion that is, and then seriously turn around and say "actually all the pedophiles are on YOUR side!"
Okay, lecture done, thank you for letting me explain more things!
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nikadd · 1 year
a few explanations for some things that have come up!!
why a 1v1 pvp?
tumblr polls don’t have either a ranked or a multiple choice options, so this is the best next thing. if i had more than 2 in each, i wouldn’t know what is ppl’s 2nd choice unless it is the second most frequent 1st choice, so to speak. having 1v1 polls would allow me to compare more data.
also, making ppl choose between two is less choice anxiety-inducing in my opinion. yes, a bit more work for me, but choosing between two is a little less work for y’all :)
why in order?
a few reasons.
first, i think a lot of ppl have a strong association between their opinion on the season and their opinion on the episode, so i didn’t want ppl implicitly comparing the seasons themselves instead of comparing episodes. ofc besides the finale-premiere pairings but i think the fact that they are supposed to be direct cause-effect episodes neutralizes that.
second, due to the fact that the show has a weird balance of episodic and serialized storylines, the general quality of the sequences of episodes is kind of inconsistent. this led me to thinking of this quality of the show as my own kind of randomizer. there are some pairings that are rather unfair, i admit, but that’s just how it turned out to be. i do have some failsafes installed in the calculation of the future rounds, so don’t worry abt that too much.
third, i think it’s a lot easier to compare the quality of the episodes when in context with each other. it’s just easier to remember how you felt going between one episode to another, so it would allow for a more informed opinion.
tumblr fandom is not a representative sample and is very cliquey.
you’re right! but it sure is fun to see two ppl who i know for a fact are mutuals reblog the same post and tag it with “SWEEP” for opposite choices.
on a serious note, yes, there are definitely going to be polls that were heavily influenced by where they got reblogged to, but even within the same circles, opinions range far and wide.
if it makes you feel any better, i can already tell that the polls have traveled across a variety of character-girlism association - and there’s still about a week to go for a good chunk of these polls.
what’s next?
well, we’ll see. once all polls are done, i am going to analyze how each episode did in both of its contests and how each of its opponents did in their own contests as well (and, if necessary to specify even further, how THEIR opponents did, too.)
additionally, i’ll put into consideration just how wide the winning margin is. a 51% victory is obviously different from a 90% victory.
also, even though i do hope for an approximately similar voter turnout for all polls, it would obviously not be guaranteed, as some episodes are simply much more popular or people have stronger opinions about them than about others. i would then also put into consideration just how many people were very active about promoting and voting for it…. even though i do hope i get a lot of votes in all of the polls <3
the exact plan for the future rounds is not exactly clear to me right now as i have a few different options. all would be dependent on the variety and frequency of similar results. there is a chance i would just be using the first round as a preliminary round to figure out how to sort the episodes into better fitting brackets for an actual bracketed march madness type selection. or maybe i’d try to find a way to make it a very specific ranked poll, specifically using the relative results from the first round. + other ideas i have that will become a lot more clear once i have the first batch of official results.
the best thing everybody can do now is just continue voting! all of the polls are tagged with the season number (e.g. #s4 or #s10) for the ease of navigation, so i encourage everybody to vote. the earlier seasons will finish their polls sooner than the later ones, so make sure we’re voting consistently. i would also appreciate any and all promotion for any polls that have less than average number of votes.
finally, i just wanna thank all of you for indulging me in this :) means a whole lot!
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musical-chick-13 · 4 months
so what is this fic actually about?
oh god. okay I'm going to put this under a cut because of the topics involved.
Content warning for: discussions of consent (which includes mentioning non-con themes), discussions of intense kink practices, and references to cult-related trauma as per DW canon.
I will continue tagging all posts about this fic, as well as posting the fic itself, with "The Fic That's A Lot," as well as "c2g" which is an abbreviation of its title.
I am going to be frank, this fic is about CNC. If you don't know what that is...well, it's highly probable this is not the story for you. But I will provide an explanation anyway if anyone's curious.
CNC stands for, in this context, "Consensual Non-Consent," which probably seems like an oxymoron. It refers to people roleplaying a fictional scenario where one of the parties involved pretends (key word pretends) to object to, protest, or otherwise not want to participate in a sexual encounter--this is what the "non-consent" part of the name refers to. Meanwhile, the other party pretends (again, key word pretends) to coerce the protesting party into some kind of sexual activity. The parties are, in a sex/kink situation, acting out a pre-agreed scene--which is what the "consensual" part of the name refers to, that pre-agreement--of non-consent.
It is important to note that this is not the same thing as actual assault: Boundaries are intensively discussed beforehand, and everyone involved decides together on a separate safeword and/or physical movement that anyone can use to end the roleplay scene immediately. Someone may be using words like "Stop" or "No" within the scene itself because they are playing the role of someone who does not consent to what is currently happening (akin to acting in a play or a movie, where an actor has to pretend to like or dislike or approve or disapprove or want or not want various things, regardless of whether any of that matches up with who they actually are as a person--in a CNC scenario, the people are playing characters, albeit in a much, much more intense way). But if something happens in this roleplay scene that someone does genuinely object to, there is a separate mechanism (sometimes several mechanisms) serving as a way out, fulfilling the function that something like "stop" or "get away from me" would fulfill in a non-CNC encounter.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY. The premise of this particular story examines how both of these characters (this is an 11/R fic, and I am trying very hard to make sure this post doesn't end up in the show or character tags) would get to the point where they realize this is something they want to do. And then, from there, once they've separately and individually realized that: What do they discover about themselves and their relationship in the process? How do they talk about it once it becomes clear that this is something they both want? How do they feel about wanting it? How does this interact with the woman in question having a background of, essentially, being brainwashed by a cult and having her childhood stolen? And how does this situation relate to how these characters view the concepts of control and romantic love? (Honestly, even more than the CNC itself, which is something that gets frequently maligned as romanticizing/normalizing abuse when people write about it, the most controversial part of this is that I put her in the sub role and not the dom role, lmao. Which I have a whole essay in my brain on why that is based on various lines/scenes/behavior in canon, but I don't think that's important right now and also this answer is already too goddamn long.) And then, in addition to all those aforementioned things, what are some of the other facets of their relationship outside of this?
Like I have mentioned at-length. This is. A lot. There's a reason the average person does not engage with CNC. And there is a lot of communication and set up that has to happen for this to work. (I had to do. SO much research for this.) But I want to confirm that nothing actually non-consensual happens in this story. He doesn't ever come anywhere remotely near hurting her (he doesn't even actually fantasize about anything, he just realizes he Has Some Particular Ideas and then feels really bad about them). And although I'm not going to spoil specifics, they both have a very positive experience with it.
I will say, though this is dual pov, more of it is from his perspective, and he is acting out the role of the aggressor. So that's another thing people need to be mindful of if they have an interest in reading this once it's up.
#The Fic That's A Lot#c2g#I am...not sure how to tag this#tw: cult mention#tw: cnc#tw: assault mention#tw: abuse mention#minors dni#minors do not interact#nsft#I *think* that's it? if there's something else I need to trigger tag for PLEASE let me know#I am going to be turning off anonymous asks after I post this answer#I don't anticipate the people who have been following this saga in detail sending a torch-and-pitchforks mob at me but random other#people might find this post through my blog & I don't trust random other people. like I said: when people write about this#there are LOTS of accusations thrown around about 'romanticizing/normalizing assault or abuse' regardless of how it's written#and I just do NOT have the energy for that lmao#(I mean people throw around those accusations about people who do this irl too#but no irl people ARE doing anything here because this is a story)#(and honestly I really just don't think I have the right to tell people what they can or can't do in their sex lives)#and also. someone's niche fic on ao3 doesn't '''owe''' potential readers the most Nuanced Discussion Of A Topic Ever#at the end of the day these are completely fictional characters and--by virtue of being. not real--nothing anyone does in writing#can ever hurt them. just tag all your stuff correctly and make sure you know internally what your own irl values are#and remember that sometimes people are just...going to have an interest in exploring shit that you're going to find weird.#but it doesn't involve you so you've got to practice going 'huh that's weird don't like that' and move on#(<-including myself in this I also need to practice this)
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hi this is rslashknits!! I misread your tags and now see you partially frogged already. sorry about suggesting that again!!
you mentioned a knitting cafe--imo this is what knitting community is for. if you know a trusted expert knitter who you don't mind handing your sweater to I might ask them if they think they can partial frog and fix and demonstrate for you. if your yarn is messed up from your attempted fix I think you can tie in some fresh yarn to replace your old ladders (with knots hidden inside?) but that's a lil scary haha, so I'd defer to an expert on it.
I say this because when I know I messed up and it isn't too many rows down I bring the piece to my mom, lol. and I always learn a lot like that!
if you like my little "I totally did that on purpose fix" where you cover it up and then copy the design across the sweater--if you have a computer program that can do it, I would try and edit the photo first to plan the placement and frequency of the lines and make sure I like it. especially cuz you definitely didn't plan something like that when you started and it's gonna be different visually from your original plan of that sweater. it will also help you decide if you hate the look right off the bat so you don't waste time.
honestly if it were me though I might just wear the mistake out n proud.
again good luck!!
ah no worries! I tend to put a lot of information in my tags but I know not everyone actually reads those, especially if the post gets shared around.
For a full explanation of what happened yesterday, just for context and because, idk, I want to share? :
so my first skein finally ran out and I was trying to join the second one, and I thought I'd knit both the old and the new strand together for a bit to like, strengthen it or something idk. But I accidentally used the wrong strand for a bit, so I dropped that one, picked up the other one, and went along, just to then notice that obviously there's a bit of a floater happening. Then I noticed the float getting looser, so I started pulling it to try and figure out where it was loosening from, but that snapped the yarn. Then I lowkey panicked because I was worried about it not being secure enough and my project falling apart on me so I tried to frog the two rows I'd knit with the new skein and very slowly and carefully put the needle back on, but while doing that I dropped some stitches and created some new ones and also put a lot of it back on the needle the wrong way. And also the next row also partially frogged but I just kind of. Added it to the current row. Then I knit the next row, which was a hassle because I put so much back on wrong. By the end of the row I did figure out how to fix that but, well. That was by the end of the row. And then of course also there were the massive tension issues and gaps where I dropped stitches and I cried.
(in my defence, my brain is already always kinda like this but it's been way worse the past month, I'm definitely not fully "here" and I was already waiting for a big mistake to happen, things were going too smoothly)
Someone else (@pixelhilma) suggested to kind of pull at the stitches to create new tension and then tying the resulting yarn loop into a knot which I might also try? Knitting cafe isn't until friday unfortunately, though I might drop by the yarn store where it's held to ask for advice.
I think tbh I'm more worried about having made a super weird mistake that will cause my project to fall apart at some point. like aesthetically it sucks but I can just wear a blazer over it or hide it with some embroidery like you suggested in your post, but idk if I accidentally made it unstable.
You're so lucky you can just ask your mom! I'm highkey jealous lmao.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
I’m slowly reading through your blog and while I love a lot of your ‘analysis’ posts, your tag ‘there is no heterosexual explanation for this’ often gives me pause and a bit of cringe, because most of the time it refers to looks/mannerisms which are conventionally considered ‘fruity’. This sort of stereotyping looks old-fashioned not in a good way, it’s misleading and can be actually harmful. At least every queer person I know cringes hard at this kind of discourse.
Hello, Anon. Well, first let me say thank you for the kind words about my blog, which I greatly appreciate. I also appreciate your feedback about the #there is no heterosexual explanation for this tag, as I've had a lot of followers of my blog who are queer message me privately saying that they feel my blog is a safe space for them. Obviously, each person's experience is different, and I would never tell someone not to be offended, nor would I want to inadvertently be doing something that makes my blog seem unsafe in such a way.
With the Internet being what it is--and that lack of vocal tone/context making things far more confusing than they need to be--what I think might have gotten lost is why/how I use that tag, so I'd like to take a moment to explain. For me, the purpose of that tag is not so much to refer to "fruity" looks or mannerisms in general, but to refer specifically to David himself (well, mostly David, though I sometimes use it on posts for Michael as well). I use it when I see David doing or wearing things that go against what most of society would consider stereotypically "heterosexual," and it is coming from a place of sheer admiration, rather than judgment.
I absolutely love that David is unapologetically unafraid to be himself. And I love that what "himself" is is something that doesn't necessarily fit into one framework or another. That David doing or wearing these things isn't queer because they fit into a stereotyped idea of what "queer" is, but because they reflect who he is. It's that, time and again, people will want to overlook any possibility of him being anything other than 100% straight, but he's still telling us who he is in his own way, and having the grace to give people time to figure it out for themselves.
The unfortunate reality as well is that being as flamboyant as David is is not an easy or safe thing to do these days, something I feel like he knows all too well having a child who identifies as enby. But David is putting himself out there regardless, not necessarily in a "specifically labeling his identity" way, but just being authentic and loud and so confident in his skin in a way I don't think I've ever seen him be before. And I truly love that, and believe it's worth celebrating.
I hope this helps to explain where I'm coming from and clears things up. Again, I appreciate your thoughts on this discourse so much, and I'm happy to have other folks weigh in on this subject as well. Thanks for writing in! x
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tarotrans · 1 year
I wanna talk about my headcanons for PeterJonElias because it's fun, and I have been posting a lot for the tag, so I am allowed. This can be read as projection, or it can be read as just headcanons.
Jon: short, thin, British-Indian, and either non-binary or somewhere around there, with long greying brown hair. They/he/it Jon who is confident in their inhumanity. I also believe in monster Jon. He gave up on preserving his humanity, and it was gifted a giant spinx-type form that is fluffy and has black and green coloring. Brown eyes that kinda go green in the light. They are huge on physical touch and just generally spending time with their partners. It doesn't have to talk to them. He just wants to know they are there. I also headcanon autistic Jon because I am autistic, and I say so. Jon can go between the full Archive Monster form and the human form. However, they prefer one or the other. Jon, of course, is 29-30. Old Lady Hobbies.
Elias/Jonah: I am partial to Jonah being a long-haired trans redhead. She was a pretty little bastard who had men wrapped around his finger, and she knew it. Elias, however, has slightly more muscle, taller but not much, brown hair, and some graying in it. He's a rich twunk. Also, he/she Jonah, I've seen someone making content for transfem Jonah lately, and I love it. Jonah is some flavour of trans, and idc which. Elias has tanned skin, and Jonah was pale as hell. She is a cuddle person. He is a little possessive but would 100% give up on a relationship out of pure curiosity. She likes watching her partners and just knowing the things they enjoy and the little details that make them who they are. Jonah just has his many eyes, and he's happy with that. Elias is 48, Jonah is 245.
Peter: Blue eyes, pale skin, longer white hair. He is around 45 but looks closer to the late 30s range. He's fat, and he's taller, and he takes advantage of it. There's a document one of his husbands wants? Too bad, it's on the fridge now. He just likes having something to miss because he feels like it makes him closer to his God. He didn't pick his partners. He was half roped into dating James, and then James became Elias, and Elias brought in Jon. He doesn't know how this happened, but he's fine with it. He will also occasionally, and without warning, give them random gifts. It will just be there, no context, and no explanation. I also like Peter being autistic.
Peter kinda just drags the other two into his lap for quiet cuddles. Jon plays a stupid game on his phone, might occasionally get him to look at something, or just leaves him 'alone' completely. They both have artsy projects they enjoy as well. Jon can quietly sit crocheting something while Peter sits and makes a Ship In A Bottle or something. They can just sit and enjoy each other's company while staying silent. Elias will hang out with them but needs to either lay on someone or be active in a conversation with someone. No one is allowed to forget that she is there. He always wants one person's eye on him. Elias might put on an inaccurate documentary just so that she can yell at the TV about it and to make sure they know he is there. Elias likes being seen.
This is all for now, but I love the three of them, and they deserve to be awful and love each other over it.
Let me know if anything is written weird or doesn't make sense, and I will try to clarify it. :)
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
texting fics for the fic tropes ask?
somehow A++ and a big fat red F at the same time LOL
okay so like. you may not know this about me, but i love social media fic (ik ik, hold your shocked gasps til the end). i absolutely love epistolary stories in general--i am a huge, huge fan of outsider POV and unreliable narrator tropes, and epistolary stories are so well suited to one or both of these things. epistolary stories put either a very, very narrow telescope on and/or a very broad/vague/heavily filtered overview of a narrative and i love reading between the lines and teasing out the story that way. plus, especially with a lot of neat ao3 works skins (which i...don't use because im lazy 💦), a lot of these stories play with the traditional way to tell a story and explore narratives told through different types of media, often very punchy types of environmental storytelling, and more, which is so cool to me. i'm not even talking about all the ways epistolary fic can play with character voice, and the differences between speaking vs texting, conversation habits across mediums, etc!!
chat fics...sometimes manage the above.
unfortunately though, many also often fall into referential humor traps and like...sitcom storylines (i'm not sure if that made up term makes sense lol). my point though is that some chat fics are really just treated like those incorrect quotes blogs but in a format that can be posted to ao3. and i already have a lot of irritation with incorrect quotes--it's very rare that a genuinely funny joke can just be ripped from its original context and still be funny, and a lot of people use referential humor as a crutch because they're scared of writing their own humor/jokes. but the thing is, the more references you use, the more you isolate and/or narrow your audience because not everyone is going to know what you're referencing; and it's one thing as a reader to skip over one joke you don't recognize, it's another to skip over multiple jokes in a row that make no sense to you. this goes doubly for chat fics that rely primarily on memes, which are esp flavor-of-the-week references whose original context gets lost almost immediately. and then on top of the humor crutch, a lot of these fics forget that like...epistolary stories still have a narrative? they still have a plot? you still have to explain how the characters started talking to each other, why they're still talking to each other, wrap it up in a good end goal, etc. and a lot of fic just...doesn't. i have zero interest in reading a fic that throws everyone into a groupchat with zero regard for how the individual characterizations, just to ramble out a bunch of ill-fitting references with no end goal or point in sight. sighs
so yeah! epistolary/social media/texting/etc fics are almost always the first set of tags i run through when i first enter a fandom tag and i'll often read those first over everything else because when they're done right, they're so. good.
but if there's no explanation to the how or the why, or zero regard to characterization or voice, or too many memes, i'm immediately out and will probably even mute the story so that it's easier for me to navigate the tags in the future 😂
send me a fic trope!
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traegorn · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 1,398 times in 2022
509 posts created (36%)
889 posts reblogged (64%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 234 of my posts in 2022
#witch - 99 posts
#witchblr - 98 posts
#witchcraft - 91 posts
#witchtok - 59 posts
#wicca - 14 posts
#nonbinary - 10 posts
#genderqueer - 10 posts
#the bs-free witchcraft podcast - 10 posts
#youtube - 8 posts
#crystals - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil while putting my hand in my pocket while running a training for 20 new contractors at my old job
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tumblr media
Ah yes, @llycaons has become today's volunteer.
One, Tumblr runs off of ad revenue. You have two choices on this site to support it -- be okay with seeing ads or pay for ad-free. Harassing advertisers actually helps no one, because it discourages folks from running ads.
Which means tumblr makes less money, and as the site is already losing money that could lead to its eventual shut down. You don't have to like the ads, but you literally signed up for this.
Two, according to your account you are an adult. You are capable of blocking blogs you don't like seeing, blocking tags you don't like, or even installing an ad blocker and circumventing the system that pays for the site you're actively using. Curate your own experiences my dude, and stop trying to force other people to do it for you.
Three, I like a lot of the stuff I've seen blazed to my dash -- so nah, you're just objectively wrong. Get a bigger sample size next time.
Now fuckle on off, Fuckalong Cassidy.
983 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
The uselessness of Witchcraft Author "Blacklists"
Every once and a while I see a "Witchcraft Author Blacklist" either in the tags or getting passed around here on Tumblr, and never in my life have I thought it was a remotely useful thing.
Because every single time, they lack and semblance of nuance. Like yesterday I ran across one that literally equated Scott Cunningham with Stephen Flowers. Yes, Cunningham, a person who wrote some things that need to be read critically is, apparently, as bad as a literal fucking Nazi whose books help fund the AFA.
Like are there Cunningham books I wouldn't recommend? Absolutely. Should most of his works be read with a critical eye and take into account the state of the community and available information when he was writing them? Yes. But... like... there's a huge fucking difference between these two things.
Also, this list claimed because Cunningham wrote about Wicca his works were somehow homophobic. Have there been homophobic Wiccans? Of course - but Cunningham, an openly gay man, was not one of them.
Additionally, there are people who get included on these lists where I wouldn't recommend anyone read their books to learn witchcraft per se, but their works have important historical significance.
Like Gerald Gardner - should anyone learn from Gardner? Fuck no. His works are full of misinformation and outright bullshit. But it literally is where the modern witchcraft movement was birthed, so there is value in understanding where we came from.
Aleister Crowley falls into this category too - harder even. Crowley was gross as heck, but how can you understand what in the modern community is still descended from his works or propagating his gross ideas... if you're unfamiliar with his works?
Also, he's super dead, so it's not like he's benefiting from someone reading his stuff.
It's just so deeply frustrating that people make these lists to start with. Like, I have written or talked about how certain authors should be avoided -- but I always do my best to include context, reasons, and explanations why. I will specifically explain why I don't think they're valuable to read. Making a laundry list where you make unsourced or unexplained claims about a huge list of people doesn't help someone understand what might be wrong with them.
Also, my recommendations are usually about how a new witch shouldn't read their work, because it's about not having the experience to see what is and isn't bullshit in what they read yet. They don't have that baseline yet. That doesn't mean that some of these books might not be significant or worth reading at some point in their journey. Just not at the start of it.
It's just... a complete lack of nuance. Like I don't recommend Silver Ravenwolf because her books are, frankly, poorly researched and bad. I don't recommend Stephen Flowers because he's a fuckin' overt WHITE SUPREMACIST whose publications have been used to fund the AFA. These are not the same. When we pretend that they are, we are doing a massive disservice to all of us.
It... it honestly feels like Christian purity culture repackaged. If you can't handle nuance, I don't think you can really handle that much witchcraft to start with. The world isn't black and white -- there are overt evils out there, but most everything else is a shade of gray and pretending otherwise is poisonous.
1,264 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
So there's a thing that a lot of tumblr users don't know about -- older ones because it didn't used to be like this, and newer ones because... they're new?
Anyways -- one of the biggest pains of Tumblr is that finding old posts can be hard. The search is terrible, and is overall useless. The easiest solution to this has always been that you can go through your "archive" -- for example here's mine: https://traegorn.tumblr.com/archive
Notice how that URL starts with my username. Longtime users will be like "Of course it does. That's your Tumblr URL." But here's the thing -- a lot of new accounts don't have that. Like, if you type it in (minus the /archive part) it kinda works still -- but it redirects you from username.tumblr.com to tumblr.com/username. And from there, the archive function does not work.
You see, to make your "Tumblr Blog" an actual, well, blog you have to turn it on manually now.
To do that, on the web, go to your blog settings and find this one:
Tumblr media
Turning on "custom theme" will enable your blog to function and give you all the features.
Now there are reasons some folks might not want to do this. First off, that does mean sites like Google will be able to spider your blog and things can end up on public searches. If you don't want your Tumblr activity public do not turn it on. That's a choice I leave up to you. But, like, also... I've seen Tumblr accounts ostensibly set up to promote people's works but not have this turned on making the audience they're trying to reach less likely to find them.
But this is a thing that used to always be on. I found out one of my old sideblogs had it turned off that I never wanted it to be set that way. The choice is yours, do what you want.
I'm not your mom.
4,288 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
People who get mad at seeing any post blazed are so funny to me.
This site works because either someone pays for ads, or you pay to not see ads. That's what pays Tumblr's bills.
4,533 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm here.
I'm queer.
I'd like to go back to bed now.
11,183 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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movemnt · 11 months
so, this is me rambling through a rundown of most of what they cut from the final version of r.esident evil r.evelations 2. This is all summary of what was gathered from the horrid mess in the data files that a friend datamined and we sorted through about a year after the game released. It's a goddamn nightmare in there.
To make a very lengthy story short, they had the full game set to go until about 2 weeks to the first episode being released, and then basically halved it after delaying it for about another week with no explanation??? Nobody knows why they decided to go this route and we probably won't ever know. they left the game data in a bit of a cobbled mess with those data files still in it (and when I say it's a mess i mean it's a M E S S. it took three weeks to get just some of the dialogue that was missing and then much more to make some semblance of sense of the whole thing and piece it all together. like why not just delete all of it???? unless it was a case of 'if i remove this tomato the entire game will cease to function so it stays in this spot outside of the stage'-) and some dialogue tags and actions have zero context to them in the game in its current state.
i'm also not putting in the dialogue tags and am instead summarizing them because this post will be 10x longer than it is.
I also want to note that as much shit as I'm about to give it I fucking adore this goddamn game, it got me through some very dark times in my life, I even have Moira as my alias for most websites- it's amazing, but the fact that they left this much is kinda bizarre and makes me wonder what could have been. also it's v weird to do this summary again. i've done it once before but some details are missing from what i had in a draft of the deleted post i wrote and the post that a friend wrote so some of this is from memory.
The first episode is basically the same in terms of story. Claire and Moira get kidnapped, they wake up and Moira is freed after Claire does the first puzzle in the cells. It's much more hyper in pace and intense then smoothed into the more liminal space horror that we get in the prison currently. It was lengthy on both sides with a bit more of a reflection on things from barry's side in reference to Moira and LOTS. OF. PUZZLES. ON CLAIRE'S SIDE. kind of a blessing i'm not going to lie. alex went fucking hard (she literally set all these traps herself with a bit of help from neil) and her dialogue tags are ruthless. the xbox 360 demo they sent to cons and press reflect this.
The second episode... jesus fucking christ my guys.
For Claire's side: So instead of the ending being based solely on the choice you make in the third episode, there were a couple of different choices you can make in the second alluding to different endings where some characters die, some don't, ALL CHARACTERS DIE, all but one live, etc (I'll explain this in the fourth episode). Basically, you can help guide Moira's conquered fear a bit more instead of making it based around this one pivotal moment. It's a nice, slow blend into the root cause of her fear. She even talks more about what happened and Claire encourages her to try to protect herself more, even knowing what happened. Moira seems a bit more sympathetic, though is still angry at Barry for being over"bear"ing (ba dum tiss). It's not a constant slew of 'I HATE BARRY'' 'DOES HE ALWAYS TELL THAT AWFUL JOKE' and teenage-ish angst, there's actually much more of a blended mix of her trying to process what's going on and what happened between her and polly years ago. ( also there's a lot of what I like to call "Burton Joke Moments" lmao )
Also. I must state that the N.eil x C.laire dialogue was not present and actually isn't present in the original script of the game still, either in the old version and in the script in the japanese version. C-usa is notorious for implying things in their translation of R.esident E.vil stories (they got some fucking fire up their ass from Capcom and the development team after this one though, it was BAD.). The basis in the japanese script is that they were coworkers, he's the boss, without him terra save might crumble, and the script went more in the route of Claire being concerned about Neil as the leader of Terra Save as a whole.
Also, CLAIRE ACTUALLY ACTS LIKE CLAIRE. While the moment of Moira and Natalia bonding over the bracelets is still present and connected with the other pieces of dialogue, in the pieces of dialogue we found she is much more presently concerned with the actual fucking child they have tagging along with them. "Natalia, are you okay?" "You can come down" "Can you jump that high?" "Do the monsters scare you?" "You've got this, we'll get you out of here, don't worry." "Wow you're strong!" "do you need to catch your breath?" etc. While some of what was found can also be implied to be towards Moira, all of it sounds much more uplifting towards the kid than what we get in the present version.
Pedro's death is marginally the same, though the dialogue is that much more heartbreaking. That man was so fucking scared and Alex taunting him seemingly pushed him even more and made him an example of what those bracelets can do. Claire is also much more reassuring to him and trying to take charge of the situation before it eventually goes to the hell it turns into.
that's what i remember of claire's side, barry's side-
It was so much more creepy because Alex actually follows and watches you throughout the chapter (tbh a bit of an inside joke between me and a friend is that Alex walked so MR. X could run). There's animations and coding that imply she was supposed to be loaded into each scene in the city. Once you load it with the monster Alex model that's covered, she is permanently Watching you it's really fucking weird and was honestly funny to watch my friend test out (after it took hours to get it to Function). This also goes along with the present implications of her watching through cameras and through the revenants. She is literally Always watching you.
Speaking of! Fun Fact that I love just bc of its creepy factor- Alex is literally watching you through the revenants, but even this mechanic seems a bit faulty, or it's faulty on purpose? They don't seem to see Natalia, but heaven forbid they touch Barry if he's hiding it's an immediate grab (npc controlled or not). Oddly enough this is kinda the same for Moira in Moira's dlc chapter. They see her but also kinda dont? i'll explore that in my own hc for her later. Makes me wonder if they have this whole system of snuffing out who's infected and who's not it's really fucking cool. Or if it's glitchy. I'm gonna go for the former option bc it's cool.
anyway- that is most of what i recall from his side of ep 2, i think there was more with the pedro fight but it was mostly repeats of his scared rant in claire's side, if i remember more i'll add on to this.
episode 3-
i dont remember much about anything before the big neil fight, so im not sure if much of it changed aside from the aforementioned script stuff with claire and neil. there was a bit more talk about barry from moira following the encounter with evgeny and it's much more defeated than the high strung nature we get from her in the first chapter. "i didnt have to be told i did something bad" or smth turned into something like "i just wished we could have talked more without being stubborn". like honestly it seems less that they always fought, but were more complacent and silently tense until one of them poked the bear. kinda like a "not causing a fight for the family" sorta deal???
the fight though- i think it would have been so much stronger with the dialogue that was taken out. like i am not saying i dont like 'WE WERE SUPPOSED TO SAVE PEOPLE IT'S IN THE GODDAMN NAME!' but, claire is really going in on what neil has been doing, she's much more reactive after she has gotten some more clarity on what neil has been doing.
there's also like this document found in the chamber where you can find the dead butler, and it talks about albert and his visits and how ppl would just look really weirdly at this dude dressed all in black leather and telling them not to mind him lmao
barry's side didn't change much. barry's discovery of evgeny and then of moira's phone hit me like a goddamn brick wall and i dont think it changed much aside from the little different bits of dialogue you can hear from moira in episode four (i'll explain this in episode 4's piece)
now. episode 4.
holy shit on a shitstick-
some of this will be a mish mash of what i remember, what is missing, what is in concept art pieces, and what we had to gather from all of the above.
Starting with Claire's episode. So, there's a massive reason why claire episode 4 is only 10 minutes long as opposed to the other chapters, in short, there was a LOT cut out of it and connected to other pieces that were cut out, etc. I'll start with smaller bits of info and go up into the rather massive thing that we could only piece together and theorize about because, quite frankly and as much as this might make no sense, what we found makes no goddamn sense unless we connect it to scene stuff.
so, little weird things first- moira was supposed to get a katana from the tower at one point. for some reason alex kept one around, highly suspected to be albert's but i don't know. there's also a silenced pistol that implies that claire was supposed to silently shoot at the glasps that are released once the tower starts to go into self destruct mode. There's supposed to be more puzzles strewn about the lab, and more sight seeing around it too. Like you were supposed to see around it a lot more and not just from the confines of a glass box.
and then you get to moira's death.
you were supposed to hear her voice recording to barry as claire is walking away. that's fucking heart wrenching. like there's a reason why she has her phone in hand but not doing anything with it- she was about to record her final words to her dad, thinking she was about to die.
Now the big thing.
When you take the camera away from the insulated box they have you in with claire and moira and go beyond alex, you can find some bits and trinkets: two hospital beds (of which you can already see) some tricell equipment and purple tubes with rocks. Close inspection shows that they look a hell of a lot like lava rocks. Now hold on you may say, would that imply alex was trying to clone a certain brother of hers- i don't believe so. However, it implies that she had his dna. It's also implied that she was testing out what she was doing with natalia to see if she could do the same with albert's dna. which. makes a lot of other things make sense. Honest to god the one thing i hate about the way they did this is all the disconnected plot lines, like the one that "you were right albert it's not enough to live i want to transcend" alludes to. Like they left that in there and just didn't bother to explain why and let you assume he just rambled on about it to her one time and he continued that ramble into 5- yeah just. ugh.
another thing to ramble about before going into the brief discussion about barry's episode 4- the ending of barry's episode 3 (among other things) is just so. so unclear without the piece that is missing from claire's episode 4. alex grabs natalia and there's a brief moment where alex shows genuine fear, that's because her experiment worked, but only half way. See, half of her escaped and transferred into natalia and now lays dormant, the other half, however, is cursed to stay into the mutated form she is in. The only problem is this half in natalia is the worst half. this is where the "true or false, you, natalia, are false, i alone am true" thing and her raging hatred for natalia comes into play. only thing is they didnt show this or explain it.
and then barry's episode 4.
so, the multi-endings bit kinda comes into play here. Right now we have only two endings, a good ending and a bad ending. However, there's parts that make it look like the ending was supposed to be split up. Barry and Moira were supposed to work together for a bit (like when they escaped the area the first boss fight with alex happened in, it just cuts to them somehow running outside even though this cave was DEEP into the ground), there's some lines for evgeny (even though he dies which is honestly really curious).
that's honestly all i can recall at the current moment and as i dive into old files i might find more. hope yall enjoyed my ramblings.
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Have you changed your mind about your theory that nobody sees Louis as a fantasy boyfriend? All I see on my tumblr and twitter timelines is Louis thirst and people lusting over his body in his sleeveless top and shorts. I would not kick him out of bed myself! The idea of Louis being bisexual seems much more prevalent than it was even a year ago.
I think that something has changed about how fans see Louis and I'm really curious about what the new dynamic is. I don't think it's that more fans see him as a fantasy boyfriend though.
For context - it used to be that we'd see very little Louis thirst. You'd look at tags of posts about Louis and also twitter and there wasn't much direct thirst. Sometimes you'd get a sense of subliminated thirst, but it was really notable how absent thirst was from Louis' fandom.
My theory at the time was (and pretty much still is) that whatever fans thought about Louis and his sexuality - they could not imagine him being attracted to them. And one pretty entrenched aspect of our cultures sexual narrative is that women's desire is only valid if it is reciprocated (and indeed for women being desirable is more important than their own desire).
It's pretty obvious that things have changed and that fans are expressing thirst more now. I suspect that some things that people put forward as expressing thirst are about expressing the performance of thirst. I tend to think that anything that is being expressed collectively isn't actually thirst. Desire is intimate and individually felt - and the collective experience is a lot of things - but it's not that. But that's not a full explanation of what has changed.
I could be wrong, but I don't see any evidence that fans are now able to easily imagine that Louis is attracted to them. It might be true - it'd be hard to know for sure. But nothing I see from fans give those vibes.
In particular, I think it is largely thirst that is being expressed, not fantasy boyfriend (where a necessity of desire to be reciprocated is really baked in). But that is still definitely a change.
I have two theories about what might have changed.
The first is that as Louis has gotten older the way he is seen and understood is changed. I don't think the way he's interacting with fans has changed - the sort of affectionately holding people at arms length by treating them like little sisters - is pretty much the same as it ever was. But I think that sort of arms lengths takes a different meaning as he gets older. The idea of distance as something appealing that can be overcome maps much more onto older men than younger ones.
The other is that girls and young women today feel more comfortable expressing desire that's not reciprocated. I hope it's that - I'd love it to be that. The idea that desireability is more important for women than their desire is a really fucked up one that fucks people up. I think it's possible that it's changing - this is a time of change around sexual ideas and practices - and while I'm looking side eyed at a lot of them - I could see that wider changes might be possible.
I would welcome other people's idea of what might have changed - or what dynamics people are observing.
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