halscafe · 1 year
no one talk to me, i need at least 2-3 business days to mentally and emotionally process the new bastard warrior episode
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pulaasul · 4 years
Ode to the Departed
An Ode to the Characters who died in the Harry Potter series of books.
Ode to the Departed.
Colin Creevey
Colin Creevey was a young wizard, Who trained at Hogwarts. He was an excited fellow, Exuberance you cannot mellow. Magic brought him joy, Even more than a toy. When his home away from home was attacked, He left the comforts of his family and came back. He took the risks that returning entailed, It didn't matter if he failed. As long as his training was repaid. Even if he became pale. His debt to his hero was paid.
Cedric Diggory
Cedric Diggory was a Hufflepuff, The glory he sought was rough. It wasn't for self-satisfaction, Rather, it was for his faction. To dispel the nasty names that took root, As loyalty was his boot. The glory he sought was in his hands, But a traitorous rat had other plans. To Dumbledore's army that didn't matter He was an inspiration for others, His path may have strayed to the Dark Lord's But as a Hufflepuff, he never left Harry alone.
Fred Weasley
Prankster, Jokster, Charming are some things to describe, This particular bloke, those who knew him subscribe. Fred Weasley was one of a kind, Even if he did things with his twin by his side. His last action however wasn't with his twin, But with his estranged brother, they took a win, The price of victory however Would take root forever A set of twins was subtracted by one But his smiles were always fond.
Severus Snape
Spite and Bitterness were the things that pushed him to join the Dark Lord, One declaration later, he had to cut the cord. Severus Snape was Dumbledore's spy, In a wizarding world that's full of lies. To protect he had to sneer, While doing his side job without fear, It did help that the one he protected, Was the son of a man he hated. Even if he was also the son of the woman he loved. In the end it didn't matter, For the boy would soon after, Win the war with his sacrifice, And survive the curse twice.
Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin was afraid of many things. The full moon, family and friends. He feared that all his relationships would end. If people knew of his affliction, He knew they would leave without condition. Some of his fears were unfounded, As he found himself supported, By friends dearly beloved, And a wife that loved him dearly. He left behind a son, A son who would understand That they fought to protect his future And time would be his suture. Lupin's fears stem From Things out of his control He soon found that they were unfounded And found himself beloved.
A loyal companion to the very end, Who's job was to deliver mail She went beyond the call of duty And protected her owner, truly She was born to soar and deliver And died as a protector.
Albus Dumbledore
Wisdom in spades Intentions in shades. Greater good was his mantra It was one of his centra. Albus Dumbledore was a Headmaster Also the Elder Wand's master He acted as a mentor and confidant, This gained him a lot of covenants. He founded the Order of the Phoenix, To combat the ever changing helix. The Dark Lord has introduced, Philosophies he induced, That lead to a war that reduced. In the end, Dumbledore's intentions were pure, That, all of us are sure Questionable, his actions maybe, It couldn't be denied that he wanted this war to cease and for everyone to live in peace.
Nymphadora Tonks
Cheery, clumsy, snarky and a bit zany That's what Nymphadora Tonks was to many Sweet, Loving and Caring, She was to Remus Lupin after marrying. She hated her given name with a passion, She'd hex even in the middle of action, If you're caught referring to her name You'd best apologize before you go in flames. She left behind a son, Who, no doubt, she'd love, She fought for his future, So he may prosper, Without a Dark Lord looming over. Tonks fought for love and peace, Something the Dark Lord doesn't have a piece, It didn't matter that she and Lupin left him, Because she knew others will love him for them.
Sirius Black
Sirius Black was always Sirius. As a Maruder, he was always not serious. Easy going, and a joker. That's what he and the marauders were after. Everything changed when his best friends were killed, A treacherous rat forced him a cell to fill. A simple explosion seemed to fit the bill. Transfiguring himself to escape, The dementor-filled hellscape. Once escaped however He took a vow forever, Be there for his godson Like how his best friend's parents treated him as a son. He once had other plans, To fillet the rat in a pan If not for his godson's nobility He'd have truly been a murderer in reality.
Ted Tonks
Ted Tonks was Eden's apple, To a family of pure-blooded people. He was a good father and husband, Even when his wife's family acted like a baboon band. And agreed with the unfortunate name of his daughter. As he was on the run, Due to the propaganda, Introduced by Voldemort. He protected a child, From the Dark Lord. A muggle-born he may be, A decent man is all you can see. Loving as a family man Hero to everyone.
Regulus Black
A boy strayed by family and prejudice, Following the family's tradition and malice. Served dutifully as the Dark Lord's vassal, Until something happened that he cancelled. Discovered how atrocious the Dark Lord at the crux, The making of the darkest artifact – a horcrux. He recovered the artifact, replaced it as a matter of fact, Rebelling against the Voldemort He didn't even end up in a morgue. Killed for his defiance, But gave everyone a chance.
A house elf who only wanted to protect Harry Potter from a threat that was erected He offered protection in the most roundabout way, Aiming to steal, injure and maim just to get his way. While the life threatening situations were unwarranted, The intention of those actions were appreciated. It got him freed from his master, Making him a free house elf, offering help faster. As his own master, he aided his friend Which ultimately got him to his end To escape captivity From Voldemort's activity.
Amelia Bones.
Fair, Just and Uncompromising This Department head was promising Law Enforcement was her game Bribery and Trickery was her bane. Amelia Bones was an amazing Department Head. She's what Dark Witches and Wizards dread. One of the many reasons why she was among the first To be killed in the Dark Lord's Immortality thirst. Murdered, she may be Among the first casualties we see But she was among who the Dark Lord feared The threat she posed would put a stop to all his dreams, he supposed. Hence she was opposed and killed in her home.
Dennis Creevey
Excitement and Joy You'd think he received a toy. His first bout of adventure Was meeting a deep water creature That was even before he was sorted To brave Gryffindors where his brother was first posted. Dennis Creevey was a lot like his brother Excited with magic all over Not all is what it seems however As magic also dimmed his life forever He sneaked into the battle Despite the teachers' prattle He fought alongside his brother Protected some others When he saw his brother's corpse lay Was when the floor gave way Fallen to pits unknown His body nowhere known.
Alastor Moody
Stared at the darkness more than once or twice Paranoia has become his vice. "Constant Vigilance" was his motto, It saved his life and others thereto. He died during the battle of the seven Potters, Escorting someone polyjuiced as Harry Potter, Despite the boy's utter disapproval of the plan. Mad-Eye, he was known to everyone who knew him Without him, the world would have been a lot more dim. There was a time his motto worked to his detriment When the Dark Lord ordered one to impersonate him His imposter copied him to great effect Even jumpstarted the Dark Lord's return, unchecked. By making sure Harry Potter's name was ejected, From the Goblet of Fire – An ancient object.
Casualties were many during the wars Many of whom were innocent by far. No idea of the war they were involved in Ignorant of the ideals against them. Some died as heroes who protected, The people who were neglected. Muggles who gained the Dark Lord's ire Ignited the heroes' protective fire. Fighting what they think was right In protection of others, with might. Others who had a greater sense of self-preservation, Something that Gryffindors need to be taught with vocation Died on the run, hoping to outrun the Death Eaters Even if the circumstances were worse than any eaters. Others died after defecting Hoping to escape the inevitable ejecting. Alas they failed But their sacrifices has derailed The Dark Lord's plan from fruition Even if they were without recognition. And others may view it as dying in cowardice Worse than dying with avarice. I will say this in explicit No one really wins in wars Both sides lose so far Both sides suffer casualties Both sides suffer injuries This is for the Departed For all factions that interacted Voldemort's, Grindelwald's, Dumbledore's Hoping that future generations learn From mistakes we earned. For the departed May your lessons that have imparted Would bring us to a bright and hopeful future And in time heal our sutures.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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BELLATRIX BLACK is THIRTY-ONE YEARS OLD and a SENIOR ADVISOR in THE DARK LORD’S ARMY at THE DEATH EATER HEADQUATERS. She looks remarkably like CRYSTAL REED and considers herself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. She is currently TAKEN. 
tw: murder, death, kidnapping
Mysterious and cool blooded, Bellatrix Black is a name that strikes fear into the hearts of those familiar with it. A tenacious young woman, Bellatrix is the eldest child of CYGNUS and DRUELLA BLACK and was made by her father in his image. Bellatrix would always have a special place in the heart of her parents as their eldest, but would present herself to them as their legacy and the member of her family who carry forward their lineage with pride. Raised with strict ideals in regards to marriage and the importance of keeping their bloodline pure, Bellarix grew up striving to make her parents proud though perhaps not in the way they anticipated. Whilst her youngest sister NARCISSA longed to find a handsome Pure-Blood prince from the fairytales her mother read her, Bellatrix wanted more. She wanted to be like her father and make a difference in the world. Bellatrix and her sisters had been raised in the knowledge that in a world as cruel as this one, not all were created equal though everyone seemingly believed they could be. Being a Black once meant respect in the wizarding world, the realisation that you were a higher caliber of witch and wizard which had slowly been eroded by the embracing of Muggles and Mudbloods alike who didn’t deserve to even brush shoulders with their family. Bellatrix felt strongly about being a member of the Black family and wrapped herself in books and research on their family line. 
By the age of six, she could recite all the pivotal members of the Black family tree with the ease most children can recall their favourite nursery rhyme, making her the firm favourite of her aunt WALBURGA BLACK whose faces adorned the walls of her family home. Bellatrix enjoyed the attention that embracing their family rhetoric brought her, including the undivided attention of her very busy father. As Bellatrix aged, her father began to intrust her with more responsibility and allowed her to hear his personal thoughts and feelings on the world she dutifully attempted to pass on to her younger sisters and cousins. Sitting with them during family parties or alone in their room, Bellatrix would read her sisters stories of great Pure-Blood witches and wizards and encourage them to dream the world in a way their parents would have wanted. Narcissa and ANDROMEDA would marry into fine families and adorn their family tree with more beautiful children or join The Ministry of Magic and help their father control the rot from the inside as she hoped to do after finishing her studies. One thing Bellatrix was sure of growing up was the Black’s would have their part to play in the way the world was shaped and she was ready for the challenge, which would begin at school. Bellatrix was placed into Slytherin upon joining Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, just like all other Black’s who had come before her. 
Asserting herself at school as a dominant figure amongst the other pupils, Bellatrix ensured she was both feared and respected and hand selected a group of likeminded Slytherin students to enforce her message. Her first choice was her eldest cousin, EVAN ROSIER- slightly younger than Bellatrix and her favourite relation other than her younger sisters. His father had been taken from him by Muggle gang members, which had made him lean on Bellatrix for support during their earlier years at school. CASTOR WILKES quickly became Bellatrix’s best friend as someone who was almost as wicked and entitled as her, their family hadn’t come from as much money or notoriety as hers which had left them hungry for power and loyal to anyone who would offer them it freely. Then there was RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE, a quieter choice for their group of misfits and was often left doing their potions essays as they lounged around in detention. For the first few years of her life at school making pupils cry and watching teachers tear their hair out as she refused to play by the rules set in place. She despised sharing a school with mudbloods and blood traitors and made no effort to hide those feelings, her parents didn’t care of course, they would have sent Bellatrix to Dumstrang Institute if it had not been a family tradition to attend Hogwarts. Bellatrix had a desire to make those who should not have been there aware of their standing within society, but knew she needed greater direction. It was during her final year at Hogwarts she was first approached by the man who would change her world forever. 
Her parents held a Yule dinner at their home each year on Christmas Eve which was attended by her entire family and other pivotal members of the wizarding community. More than often Bellatrix spent the party being watched by her mother, her nervous gaze trained on her eldest daughter in the hopes she wouldn’t upset the apple cart and tell a Ministry Official her thoughts on the current state of the country- but this year was different. As she was sent to collect a bottle of her father’s best firewhiskey from his study, Bellatrix was approached by an older wizard she had not met before. He avoided introducing himself for as long as he possibly could, keeping the conversation focused on Bellatrix. He asked about her life at home, her friends at school and claimed he could see she was destined for more than the schoolgirl antics her father had told him about. TOM RIDDLE believed Bellatrix was a young woman of purpose and revealed he would be in touch in the near future before disappearing into the crowd gathering in the hallway of Brideswater Manor. Later that evening, her father would invite her into his office to tell her the world as they knew it was changing and Bellatrix had an important role within it. The Dark Lord, as he called himself- was rewriting the wizarding world and planned on taking the Black family along with him to the top of the hierarchy. Bellatrix would infiltrate Hogwarts and hand select people who would be a good fit for this new future as young followers of The Dark Lord.
Dutifully, Bellatrix agreed and returned to school that year with the aim to discreetly recruit as many people as she could to impress her father and hopefully gain the respect of The Dark Lord in tandem and graduated fulfilling that aim. Bellarix delivered her schoolmate Wilkes, her cousin Evan and important figures in their world like LUCIUS MALFOY. Her standout contribution came in corrupting the minds of those younger than her such as her cousin REGULUS BLACK. Bellatrix had always been fond of her youngest cousin but involving him in her latest affairs certainly brought them closer together due to his status as her understudy. Bellatrix was prepared to give her life over to spreading the message of The Dark Lord and he hadn’t failed to notice every time she brought him more names, which seemingly became more impressive. After a while, he stopped coming to visit her father and was only interested in speaking with Bellatrix, sending for her to visit him at his base in London where they would sit alone, plotting the demise of the world as they knew it in the hopes of rebuilding a better one in its place. Despite being much younger than a number of his first followers, Bellatrix quickly rose within the ranks to become his senior adviser and second in command on all of his most important projects, including hand selecting those who will be closest to the top. Currently Bellatrix is working closely with one of her favourite finds, RABASTAN LESTRANGE with the aim of grooming him as her second in command right under the nose of his family, who she hopes will join them soon enough. 
Though Bellatrix has been tasked with spreading his message, she has also been offered a greater task to which she alone is privy. Knowing the inner workings of ALBUS DUMBLEDORE well, The Dark Lord is convinced a rival group will rise to try and combat the one he is slowly building. Whilst gathering followers, Bellatrix has been tracking the movements of her disgraced cousin SIRIUS BLACK and a number of his associates in the hopes of squashing a potential rebellion and killing as many people as necessary in order to ensure his work goes exactly according to plan. The Dark Lord’s current vision is to stoke the fires of rebellion in the wizarding world, targeting creatures and showing them how their lives might be different under new leadership. Bellatrix and Rabastan were sent to recruit circus werewolf SILAS CRUMP in the hopes a band of freaks and creatures would follow. A simple task quickly turned messy as Silas pushed back, leaving Bellatrix and Rabastan compromised. In an attempt to think quickly the pair tracked him down and kidnapped his daughter CORIN HALE as a worthy replacement to infiltrate the circus and casting a memory charm on Silas to safeguard both them and their movement. Bellatrix believed the problem had been dealt with until the body of the Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD ended up in the Ministry’s fountain as a result of Rabastan’s carelessness. Scrambling to cover themselves and safeguard their movement Bellatrix is keen to deal with Silas Crump whatever it takes and ensure there are no more mistakes in their quest for power. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer 
Relationship Status → Single 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → Pura Sorores
Family → Cygnus Black (father), Druella Black (mother), Andromeda Black (sister), Narcissa Black (sister), Sirius Black (cousin), Regulus Black (cousin/mentee), Evan Rosier (cousin), Orion Black (uncle), Walburga Black (aunt), Axel Rosier (deceased uncle), Adèle Rosier (aunt), Alexandra Rosier (cousin)
Connections  → Tom Riddle (object of affection/boss), Castor Wilkes (best friend), Rabastan Lestrange (close friend/mentee), Lucius Malfoy (close friend), Aristaeus Greengrass (close friend), Rodolphus Lestrange (friend), Alice Yen (adversary), Silas Crump (victim/adversary), Corin Hale (victim/captor) 
Future Information → Wife of Rodolphus Lestrange
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