#90s skater
hobolyssa · 1 year
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Early 2000s surge
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legallybrunettedotcom · 5 months
gender: skater 🛹
youtube link
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coxvillepussyweed · 2 months
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
FOURTHGRADE ; dating hcs
warnings ; language, talk of substances, talk of like makeout stuff (not in great detail or anything but yk)
genre ; fluff
requested by ; @th0tblckgrl
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guys, he isn't dumb, he just lacks common sense I swear
he excells in tech classes and art stuff
math and science will be his downfall (real tbh)
always films you doing tricks and shit
has a whole vhs worth of film of raw, unedited footage of you two skating together (mostly you) and stupid cute shit he's caught on camera
he titles it "y/n/n <3" with a red sharpie too.
dyeing his hair w him
he never switches out that bleach & pink istg
it makes for good hangouts and stuff tho
you watch his gecko for hours while he's doing homework and shit
she's just so adorable omg
he likes you on top when you're making out and shit
he loves being straddled and being able to hold you by the waist and shit
he's not super clingy or anything but he loves his hand holding and cuddles
he has acne, and if you do too, oh my lord match made in heaven
he loves tracing your scars with his infamous red sharpie and it stains your face for almost a day lmao
he likes picking at your bacne just through impulsive thoughts
"ow! Jesus christ!"
dude Ray loves you two together sm
"sorry! it was ready to pop, I swear"
he's your biggest shipper <3
fuckshit constantly teases you two
I personally hc that fourthgrade is asexual so here's context for the next one
since he's ase (and even if you are two! me too twin) you guys don't take it all that sexual, and gets a little icked when the guys make jokes about you two fucking sometimes
most the time he laughs it off but other days he's just eughhh
and you instantly turn to whoever made the joke and silently shake your head and do the 'you're dead sign' with a respectful face iykwim
he likes staring in your eyes sometimes and getting lost in them
when he's writing movie scripts for fun, he uses you as a faceclaim (along with the other boys tbh) for whatever lead there is or the leads love intrest/best friend. everytime without fail
again like fuckshit, friendship before relationship
basically just fanfiction about you two
matching belts or band shirts
if you also dye your hair fun colors, he dyes it for you
movie nights every night I swear
getting high with him in the dead of night on a friday/saturday night >>>>
hugging him from behind too 💔💔💔
I'm not like trying to infantilize him, he's just a softie for u
stealing shopping carts and bringing them back to skate locations is just a tradition
a lot of times Ray and Fuckshit are busy and they leave ruben and stevie with you so you guys are basically a little family doing fun shit
skating around town, going to the public pool, chilling inside gas stations, renting movies, trauma dumping etc
you're literally just ruben and stevies parents
the ultimate comedy group too 💀
shit, you, fourth, fuckshit and ray are actually way too funny when you're super drunk/high at parties
like you'll be in your own corner watching over ruben and stevie playing uno and start talking about testicul bombs and radioactive cum??? (based on a true story)
alr that's all I got I hope u enjoyed LOL
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zmbiefood · 11 months
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kya-is-kool · 3 months
So I loveee ur fuckshit fics and had an idea😭 so I was thinking some guys come up to reader and flirt with them and how fuckshit responds? You can tweak that idea up however u like🫶
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐒 ! : thanks so much for the compliment! i'm soo excited to write this one bc i love fuckshit !!
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you and fuckshit were mindlessly walking around in the store together. you were looking for clothes and vinyl whilst he was off doing whatever it is that he does.
you walked down the vinyl aisle, flipping through records upon records trying to find an album you actually liked. it wasn't before long when you noticed a guy sort of lurking around you. it was surely strange, but you decided to brush it off. besides, if something really bothered you, you'd just find fuckshit. you continued flipping through vinyl, and suddenly the guy materialized right in front of you.
"hey there mamas," he said, eyeing you up and down making you physically cringe. god, you could gag.
"don't call me that," you stated dismissively before going back to looking through the records.
"i wouldn't have to if i knew your name," he continued, not seeming to pick up on your social cues. you abruptly stopped what you were doing, and looked up at him with an eyebrow raised, evidently uninterested.
"what do you want?" you asked, exasperatedly, placing a hand on your hip as you tapped your foot impatiently.
"you," he replied, restlessly. you were too annoyed that you almost didn't realize who was coming up behind you. you felt an arm snake around your waist, and you turned to your side.
"what's goin' on, hm?" fuckshit asked, sending a cold gaze to the guy. the guy smirked, and quirked a brow.
"is this your boyfriend?" the guy queried, his smirk only growing.
"yes, i am," fuckshit spit out, his grasp around you tightening. fuckshit turned his head to look at you, a small pout placed on his lips. he was questioning why you were even talking to that guy.
"look, could you like not be a bother and take your annoying ass somewhere else, dude?" you asked, with a small eye roll. the guy raised his hands in defense, before shrugging and walking off.
"cmon, ma. him?" fuckshit said, pouting even more. you shook your head at his theatrics.
"he came onto me. i love you aaron, and you know i would never flirt with another guy," you said, placing your hand on his cheek. he leaned into the touch slightly.
"better not; you're all mine. want you all to myself," he said, grinning.
"not a problem at all," you said, returning the smile.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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leidensygdom · 1 year
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💃 OC in some radical 90’s clothes
WOTC told me drow were supposed to be evil and edgy, so here's my drow/earth genasi bard, Urion, to prove all of that wrong-
They seemed most fitting for that prompt! I've always wanted to scratch the "cool skater" vibe with one of my characters. Throw in some vaporwave aesthetics too. This was so much fun!
(Reblogs are always super appreciated!)
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amistillyung · 21 days
i luvvv being a girl but a part of me does wish i was a dumb boy who smoked a ton of pot and hurt myself for a living
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treflip7 · 2 months
mid90s art + little egbert
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dozydawn · 5 months
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hobolyssa · 1 year
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env0 · 1 year
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Fashion smashin' Y2K turn of the millennium, "Hey"
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coxvillepussyweed · 2 months
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hii, can you write some dating headcanons of Stevie? Nobody writes about him 😭
hello, and yes! ik on my masterlist/characters I write for I have it as platonic only but most of these could be read as platonic if you're older, I kept the more romantic ones at the bottom if that's cool so yeah 👍 I kept him & ruben as such bx I'm a little too old for them and I see them as like babies compared to me so yeah 💀 but I got you dw lol
STEVIE ; dating/platonic headcanons
warnings ; language, talk of familial abuse & neglect, alcohol, substances, use of f-slur (I can say it guys PLEASE)
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protecting him on the streets is a must
he's newer to this skating shit and "running around with thugs"
if he can't go home for whatever reason, he's got a home at your place or on the couch at motorz
ray locks you guys in and you're good for the night, he just can't give you the keys cause he doesn't wanna get fired
he vents to you whenever he needs to
at a point he gets all "wannabe hard boy" and shoves you away while he becomes a fucking hard-core alcoholic
"Dude, what the fuck did I do to deserve being shoved away?"
"Go away! Don't you ever fucking listen? Shut the fuck up! You're just like my mom!"
damn okay moody ass bitch
you stay up at night thinking about how you thought you were grateful for the whole 'fuckshit wrecking the car' thing because it changed both him, ruben, and fuckshit (and their relationships) for the better
for a while he forces you to just let him watch you skate and stuff because he's super unmotivated too and doesn't wanna spiral like before
but in time, he warms back up to it
he's the one borrowing your clothes tbh
the only thing you ever touch of his are hats that you steal to tease him
romantic stuff below!
you put stickers on his forehead 24/7
putting random braids in his hair for no reason in private
he's scared he'll be called a fag or smthn but yk he won't
he just has a touchy partner , it's normal lol
your relationship is purely wholesome, yall r like 13 so chill
nothing happened between him n estee either bc wtf was that scene jonah
you hand him a mixtape before you leave to go home titled "for stevie <3" and when I tell you he crumbled when he accepted that he was finally learning that he could trust you and let you in
like his family issues always had him fucked up but Ray was like "Dude that's not pussy shit??? they really like you, man"
he just sat there for a moment like "omg holy shit this isn't just some fake shit that'll last a month tops they actually give a shit"
he listens to it when he's skating alone and shit
always reminds to kiss from a rose or wonderwall
he learns a lot from you and takes it to heart, like he learns to just be a normal, functioning person in society and how to behave and act and shit
like he hasn't had anyone to rlly be there to correct his mistakes or beat his ass til you LMAO
like he learns actual life skills and shit from you like how to write checks and and how long to boil noodles it's honestly sad
mostly the hug-you-from-behind kinda guy bc he's still learning how to show his love and shit
gives you puppy dog eyes without even knowing it
he's just so mesmerized by you sometimes
idk this is all I got
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microgeneration · 1 year
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Barbie on Skates! (1992)
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