#90s grunge stim
hazyaltcare · 11 months
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A Tobias (Animorphs graphic novel) stimboard with themes of storms, reptiles, raptorial birds, forests, dark fantasy, high strangeness, analogue horror, space, 90s grunge, midwestern gothic, iridescence, nature stims, and animal stims.
🦅 🦅 🦅
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Mod Haze (🎱Vriska)
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oc-stimboards · 3 months
the velvet one you made looks absolutely incredible!! Would I be allowed to put it on her Toyhouse? No problem if not, just wondering ^^
Also, if it's not too much trouble, do you think you could do one of my other character melatonin? She's a tangible manifestation (basically a longer word for science baby), and she's very into he lunk scene. Her favorite colors are purple/dark blue, and she really likes grunge!
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OC Belongs to: @resotwosion
Themes: Purple, Dark Blue, 90s Grunge
🎸 🎸 🎸 / 🎸 x 🎸 / 🎸 🎸 🎸
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silly-geese-united · 10 months
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x - x - x / x - kurt - x / x - x - x
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kai parker + lip ring
have you guys taken a close look at his face and even thought about how hot he'd look with a lip ring? because i have, and i have some thoughts
tw: some nsfw
word count: ~400
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as a big follower of the 90s era grunge / rock genre, kai had always wanted a lip piercing
his dad would never allow it, so he gave himself one in the prison world
at first, it was mostly a novelty, but with time, it became more of a stim, so he never took it out
he liked running his tongue over his bottom lip, feeling how the cool metal contrasted his otherwise warm skin
he liked licking it, biting it, and teasing it as a past time
sometimes, he'd pull it too far and hurt himself, but he quickly learns he liked that, too
when he got to the modern world, he was shocked at the decrease in the grunge style, which was a major disappointment, but he didn't let that affect him
he had lived in the 90s for twenty years, and wasn't going to change for the modern day
and lucky for him, you liked that about him
soon, he learned, he liked you, too; an initial curiosity turned into a crush
plus, you were one of the only people that would actually listen to him instead of villainize him
and when you admitted how hot you think he looked with his lip ring, he knew, even more, it was never coming out
the first time you kissed him, blurring the line between friends and something else, you were both nervous
he had never kissed anyone before, and you had never kissed a boy with a lip ring - despite that being a secret thing you've always had
so, needless to say, it was an experience for you both
his lips were softer than you'd imagined; the ring was cool to the touch, sending a jolt down your spine
after realizing how much you enjoyed kissing each other, you started a steady relationship
your relationship is equally loving as it is sexual
and boy, especially with that little magic ring, is it sexual
all kai needs to do is look at you and run his tongue over his bottom lip, and you're kissing him the next second
you like to play with the ring almost as much as he does
and often leave his lower lip red and sore from your sucking and teasing
whenever this happens, he's completely unable to control his moans
they tumble out of his mouth hurriedly. his eyelids flutter in pleasure, and his hands dig in your hair for something to grab onto
you also love the feeling of his mouth on your tits; warm everywhere except that one cooler spot
your breasts are wet with the spit of your sex-drunk lover
his fingers are on your clit, driving you crazy in the best way
or, it's his mouth on your clit instead
he kisses down your stomach, then sticks his tongue out to tease between your folds
his hands grip your hips tightly, holding you in place, and contradicting the warmth of his mouth and the heat scorching your body, the cold metal rests on your skin, providing an unusual, yet heavenly sensation
he bites on your neck, your lips, your thighs, resulting in hickies, most of the time, but sometimes, small indents from his teeth
the longer his mouth works against your body, the more his ring adapts to the friction
it isn't cool to the touch anymore, but you can still feel the shape and outline of where it is, and that turns you on just as much as the difference in temperature
in summary, it drives you crazy; he drives you crazy
you are always teasing each other, always touching each other in some way
your friends don't understand it - not only how you're able to tolerate him, let alone love him
but in a quick couple of weeks, you realize you absolutely, completely love him
and it all started because you couldn't stop staring at his pretty pink lips, and that ring that adorns them
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sock-gato · 6 months
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(Pic by @slimyballz ^_^) 💜Haiii I’m sock!
💙But Chloe if we’re mutuals <3
💚I go by she/they!!
❤️WHAT I POST- my art, my photography, random stuff:P, and reblogs.
🤍LIKES <3- art, music (r&b, indie, alt, grunge, metal), liminal photography, horror, analog horror, reading, some video games, plushies, cats, cute stuff, blåhaj, ghosts, movies, stim boards, the outsiders
💔DISLIKES </3- most anime fandoms, heavy gore
🩷FANDOMS- FNaF, doll eye, TADC, TWF, DHMIS, SP (not super active in it), adventure time, lackadaisy, invader zim (also not super active), ena, furry art community, stranger things ig, sally face, Garfield, fallout
🩵FAV MUSIC- Radiohead, modest mouse, MCR, nirvana, roar, glass beach, RATM, the garden, will wood, lemon demon, kid cudi, jack stauber, girl in red, mother mother, neutral milk hotel, the scary jokes, car seat headrest, Steve lacy, tv girl, AJJ, Tyler the creator
🤎FAV AESTHETICS- dreamcore, weirdcore, emptycore, liminal, kawaiicore, nostalgia core, grunge, soft core, 90s, 80s, analog
DNI- homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, z0o, m@p, racist, sexist, nsfw (I’m a minor), anti-furry, anti-therian, Sid from Toy Story
~my favorite color is purple
~I collect posters
~Ultra strawberry dreams is the best monster flavor
~My favorite animal is the red panda
~I think worms are suppa kewl! 🪱 (worm safe blog)
💕“I stil can’t believe how strange it is to be anything at all” -Jeff Mangum 💕
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beemers-hell · 2 years
All right we all know that Hank has an inexplicable love of blenders, but what about Bank? Does she have any weird stims or special interests?
The big thing is that she's just a useless information machine. She'll soak up any random trivia about anything and it'll stay stuck in her brain for her to just ramble about if she gets an opportunity to talk about it. Hank can't count the amount of times where he's said a single thing about a subject and Bank has chimed in with some random ass piece of information that he's never heard before.
When it comes to weird SIs specifically, she's got a couple:
She is obsessed with liminal spaces. And being that Nevada is the way it is, im CERTAIN itd be liminal space central. She has a little Polaroid she carries around specially so she can snap photos of places she deems liminal, and will ask her Tíos to snap photos for her if they get an opportunity. There's a wall in her closet covered in these pictures.
No one knows exactly why she got so interested in it, but she's extremely fascinated by nuclear disasters/other man-made science/factory adjacent disasters. If Chernobyl exists in Madness, she could go on for hours talking about it and all the crazy shit nuclear radiation/radiation poisoning does or how weird Corium is, etc etc
She loves studying the culture n aesthetics of late 80s/90s/early 2000s shit. Really into the stuff that vapor/synthwave focus in on as well as grunge/underground/punk/alt sub cultures are all about. Fuckin constantly begs 2b to tell her about his days as a hardcore anarchist punk from his youth lmao
Weird stims? Shes got plenty!
She rocks back and forth frequently, she'll chew on her knuckles, she clicks her fingers and tongue, recites phrases or words to herself, talks to herself a lot, spins her pistol around a lot, taps parts of her skin in specific rhythms...you know how It goes lmao
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grimdetrivore · 1 year
HC post but plural! Things about me different from canon/fanon for fun! (Other fictives/IRLs etc can add their own!)
With the exception of Luz I was presumably the only person on the Boiling Isles with a uterus/menstrual cycle. I thought it was just a stubborn curse I'd picked up until I got to the human realm and realized I had developed human organs.
I'm a little younger! My birthday is in September so Darius was rounding up when he said my age, I was a few months shy of 16
Because we had scout training together before I was old enough to be fully self-reliant I was effectively raised by Steve. After we left the coven he insisted on bringing me to family events with him and called me his little brother. Matty did not like this at first but very slowly warmed up to me.
I did not learn to drive while in the human realm cars were like scared snake-horses to me
Idk what my orientation is but it's probably like %90 aroace with a smidgen of I think boys are cute
Post thanks to them Flapjack and I shared a body. Before this I was median system but was fully unaware of it.
I love the sunset colors but my favorites are less yellows and more peachy and I adore any red-pinks. I had a lot of pink things.
I really liked grunge and punk fashion and brought it back to the boiling isles with me + kept my haircut for several years (might have let the front lock grow back to stim with though?)
I got a service dog for my ptsd and he was my best friend and did such a good job, training him to adapt to the demon realm took a lot of patience and hard work but he was so skilled.
I learned to play electric guitar
I actually wound up being really proud of being a grimwalker and oversaw a healthier reintroduction of the grimwalker species which grew naturally from witches' graves until palistrom wood had become too scarse to be buried.
I love bugs and they're one of my main special interests
I spent about half of my time in the human realm, attended a human school in between semesters at Hexside, and graduated with Luz and Vee
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solipseismic · 2 years
👻😳🎀📎 for your choice of oc(s)!
DIPPING U N KISSING U ON THE MOUTH !! doing these for eden + ira bc they r both on the mind rn ❣
emoji ask game!
👻: do they believe in ghosts? what are their 'ghostly experiences,' if any?
ira - needed context is that she's (and eden) part alien, part human and born on another world. so, ghosts. not really, though she does believe that paranormal activity can and does exist, but she doesn't necessarily believe in the stock sort of ... mythology? around ghosts? so if someone dies somewhere she isn't going to say "this place is haunted" but she does however personally know like three necromancers so, y'know, anything is possible!
eden - if she can't fistfight it then it is of no concern to her
😳: when scared, do they go into 'fight' or 'flight'?
ira - if it's something she's really scared of (ie intimacy and vulnerability around others) then flight. anything else, fight. but she's also just kind of fearless (often in a stupid manner)
eden - fight 110%. eden's rationale is simple: either she kills it or it kills her and that's that
🎀: how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
ira - both are set in a modern-ish parallel earth setting (they're vigilantes!) but as mentioned, part alien. i've always wanted to do a college roommates au with alan (ira's archnemesis / neighbor / fellow vigilante / lover) but ira's shtick is that she's a worldhopper, so she can (allegedly) (she's still working things out) travel to any other dimension / world + her magic relates to that (absorbs culture / language like a sponge, very good at surviving in hostile environments, etc) so she's just kind of a walking universal adaptor, au-wise
eden - aggressively modern setting figure skater vigilante from egypt and aforementioned alien world. she would shade differently in a marvel vs dc vs wildstorm setting but i have to say i'm intrigued at the thought of her in hard sci-fi or space opera (star wars. i'm thinking star wars). she is, however, an unrepentant asshole at all times of day in all places imaginable so, as you'd have it, she doesn't really get along with (most) other people
📎: a random fact
ira - stims by snapping her fingers, usually with her right hand but if she's especially stressed she'll do both. her and alan are adhd / autism hostility, respectively
eden - never give her the aux because 1) you will not get it back for the duration of the trip and 2) she will play a never-ending stream of 80s and 90s hard rock, heavy metal, and grunge
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proton-selfships · 3 months
✍️📝🤪, if you're still doing the ask game?
‘Imagine Your S/I Was Canon…’ Self-Ship Asks
Thank you, Jenni! I answered 📝 here! ...And I may have forgotten this was in my drafts so long. Oops
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✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
I think I'd be... Not popular, per se, since this is a fandom aimed at teens that tends to focus on its primarily teen cast and I don't know how yuri that starts out this toxic would go over with that demographic, but the adults who like the series would definitely love me! Primarily for my relationship with Laurel and how it evolves over the story, but also for my cool powers that get put on explosive display at key points in my arc. My fellow milf-loving sapphics would definitely think my S/I is living the dream, and might even project onto said S/I when writing ship fic.
And hey, on the younger side of things, maybe I'd even start a trend where a bunch of teen viewers discover 90s alternative rock and grunge thanks to my music taste! (My S/I definitely wears an AiC shirt at some point.)
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
I'd say my catgirl tendencies, but honestly? I meow and knead and stuff to stim pretty often in real life, too, so I don't think it'd even be far off to focus on those. Fandom might exaggerate the pointiness of my teeth or give me cat eyes in fanart when neither of those are canon traits, I guess? It'd also be inaccurate if they claimed I'm a furry. (I technically have a fursona if you count my Sonic AU and I like cartoony art with animal characters, I just don't consider myself part of the overall fandom. They're cool in my book, though!)
I feel like they'd also exaggerate how much of a doormat I am for Laurel. And I mean, yeah, I do spend our early relationship getting manipulated and controlled, but I do very much put my foot down and go "hey what the fuck" once I realize what's going on. That misconception would drive the meta-writing fandom nuts, too, since that's actually one of the key factors motivating Laurel to change: the fact that I now see her for who she really is, and still hold onto the belief that she can be better, but don't take any bullshit from her in the meantime. That's the push she needs from someone she (secretly) cares about to reevaluate everything.
(And also my reason why Larissa's attempt to reason with her failed: not only did Laurel not have the same soft spot for her, but she still said "please don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn" and not her real name. So she was still denying the real Laurel, unlike my S/I when my first line after learning her identity is "...Laurel?")
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chemicallydisabled · 3 years
the eyes are the window to the soul🖤
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intraven6us · 4 years
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Hi I'm another fucjgin mentally ill trans person tying to make some money but please check out my store! I'm always adding new stuff but i do all upcycled handmade grungey punk indie clothes, stim toys and art and stuff!
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hazyaltcare · 11 months
Hi, Tobias (Animorphs) here! Bit of a complicated request maybe, but can I get a stimboard OR moodboard OR aesthetic (whatever one is easier for mods atm, does NOT have to be all three) for myself in earthy neutral tones, please? Some themes for the overall vibes: storms, reptiles, raptorial birds, forests, dark fantasy, high strangeness, analogue horror, supernatural/paranormal, space, 90s grunge, midwestern gothic. I like sparkly iridescent things, soft textures, wispy smokey stims (clouds/mist/fog etc), nature stims, animal stims (no octopi!), things like that. If using images depicting the character, graphic novel art preferred please (no book covers/TV adaption). Thank you!
You 8et. I'll queue it!
Mod Haze (🎱Vriska)
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clearaestheticvalue · 5 years
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actingrelief · 7 years
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Nirvana stimboard (Hands, slime poking, and holes warning)
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tedwithhairclips · 3 years
whyyyy cant i be in a freaking junkyard
or can like
i have a bigger room
and COVVERRRR it in 80s/90s grunge and band stuff???
and like
had short green hair
like ted logan short
and wear a bunch of band shirts
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z00r0p4 · 3 years
1 6 18 77 44 47 90 65 61 23
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Wine glasses 🍷
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Why would I reduce myself to just one category like that?
18. Ideal weather?
Mid-60s (15c), partially sunny, with no wind.
77. Best plants to grow on a windowsill?
I’m not capable of sustaining life on my windowsill, sorry ❤️. I had a cactus once. He’s no longer with us.
44. Favorite scent for soap?
Idk but there’s actually this one scent in a lot of cheap soaps that I actually love. The soap is usually bright pink. I couldn’t tell you what that scent is, just that it smells yummy.
47. Favorite type of cheese?
Oh boy I like a loooot of cheese. I can’t pick just one. Some favs are as follows: Brie, feta, cream cheese, and fresh Colby or cheese curds from those fancy cheese factories in Wisconsin.
90. Luckiest mistake?
In recent memory, I was working on a drawing and accidentally tapped the canvas and made a blue mark. It was digital, and easily undone, but as I looked at the blue mark, I realized I could use it for the backlighting in the piece I was working on. That’s the only reason there’s that eerie, chromatic-aberration-y blue backlight on this piece:
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65. Any permanent scars?
Yes. Quite a few. But they may not be what you’re thinking.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc?
I read a book containing a few essays by Dorothy L. Sayers for class last night, and there was a foreword by Mary Mcdermott Shideler. Here’s a quote from that foreword that I had to highlight:
“it is certainly easier to think in terms of men and women, black and white, wealthy and poor, educated and ignorant, than in the detailed, immediately practical terms of ‘this created being’ and ‘that person with such-and-such skills and potentialities and passions.”
23. Strange habits?
A lot of my stims would probably count for that. I’m always playing with my ear cartilage or tugging at my eyelashes. When I’m home, I’ll have more visible stims. I honestly probably have a lot of other strange habits that I may or may not be aware of.
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