#8th doctor headcanon
bee11037 · 1 month
Doctor's based on whether or not I think they've smoked weed
(As someone who has never and has no actual desire to smoke)
First Doctor: Yes, 100% yes. Definitely a few occasions. I'd ask him to be in my circle. I love this old man
Second Doctor: No, but just because he never had the chance to (if that makes sense) like, he just never did
Third Doctor: 100% yes! No questions asked. I can only start imagining him, jo and brig high and I love it
Fourth Doctor: Probably turned it down most times but he wasn't against it, just not for him. Did edibles on occasion
Fifth Doctor: No but he should have. Would have helped a lot. (side note: Tegan - 100%, a few times in her early life and now medically. But she fucked with them recreationally)
Sixth Doctor: Here and there. Like a 50% chance of join you
Seventh Doctor: I don't think so, just can't imagine it. (Ace: definitely, but like in her 30s)
Eight Doctor: For sure
Ninth: 100% Before and during Rose. A couple of times with Jack
Ten: Maybe? Like only a few times. I don't think he'd actually smoke
Eleven: Much later in his life. Those years when he was escaping his death from lake silencio.
Twelve: Oh yeah, definitely
Thirteen: I'm not actually sure. I'd believe it, I want to believe she did but idk
Fourteen: Oh yes. He's taking retirement quite nicely. He, Donna and Shaun definitely have a lil thing once a month where they just chill out in the backyard
Fifteen: Look at me dead in the eyes and tell me no
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Kinda silly headcanon just cuz I love sports, I think the Doctor is really good at basketball. Like never misses a single shot, nothing but net. They could knock them down from half court endlessly if they wanted to. I mean, they’ve had over a thousand years to practice and its all physics and math anyway. Companions are shook
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honeycologne · 9 days
Ever wondered what each Doctor would smell like? Cause I sure did! Take my guesses:
1. Old man smell with a hint of bar soap. If you catch him on a bad day… Stinky grandpa breath. I’m sorry, but it’s true.
2. I can smell this man's shampoo through my screen.
3. A faint masculine smell, maybe from an aftershave or cologne? He’s still on that bar soap, yet this incarnation smells a bit dusty to me. Maybe a hint of smoke on his clothes.
4. This man smells like wool, leather and body odor and you can't change my mind. Not necessarily in a bad way, but this man can sweat. And if you’ve owned a coat like that you know smells linger. Generally very “warm” smelling. Still on that bar soap. Just like 3, he might have a hint of smoke on him. With everyone smoking inside and all. A bit musty, and my friend said he looked like he smelled like watercolor paint. And I have to agree.
5. Oh this man smells FRESH. He's finally thrown out that bar of soap and gotten some more modern stuff. Like 2, I can smell this man's shampoo from here. He’s also invested in a fresh, herb-smelling, cologne. Really clean guy overall.
6. He found axe body spray and he's not afraid to use it. His outfit is the most polyester smelling thing I've ever come across. I swear it was meant as a costume, not everyday clothes. Overall he smells ok, but he goes from Axe-smelling to sweaty body odor way too fast.
7. He somehow smells like old clothes and the big city, I can't explain it. Warm asphalt and city-dust? And if you've ever sniffed a suit - that.
8. This man canonically smells like honey and I love that for him. I feel like he doesn't smell much, but if you get close enough you can get a whiff of honey. Warm skin, but not sweat. I imagine him using soap with a honey smell, and maybe even a hint of a honey cologne, but you have to get close to even notice it. Faintly masculine. And I can smell that velvet jacket, there’s always this weird dust smell lingering in velvet.
9. The most masculine the Doctor has ever smelled, I said what I said. Leather, city dust and cologne. But not in an overbearing way.
10. Just a very classic “guy” smell. He cares about his appearance, but not enough to invest in anything expensive. Suit-smell, pretty generic masculine cologne and way too much hair wax.
11. Quite similar to 10, but he's not as invested in his appearance, or smell. I can imagine him smelling like a 3in1 men’s soap. I feel like he could quite quickly enter sweaty territory as well. …And tweed.
12. Now this is a man who invests in a good cologne. His skin smells like an old person, but this man's cologne? wow. Sort of dark, smokey, well rounded. Not your generic cheap brand. He wants to keep that edge, but in a cool way. (at least in later seasons. he gets there.)
13. My girl is a bit confused there at the start. She herself smells very fresh, clean. A bit of hairspray maybe, but her clothes have a faint masculine smell. Remnants of old cologne maybe? Over time, it starts to smell like the rest of her. Not too sweet, not too flowery, but fresh and feminine.
14. Might be a bit of a copout to say this, but he does smell like an older 10. The hair wax smell is gone, his cologne is a bit more mature. But it is the same face, so some similarities remain.
15. This Doctor smells amazing. He cares for his skin, and his hygiene. He’s finally found lotion. I can imagine him smelling faintly of coconut, with an expensive cologne on top. Not too much, but just right. It’s masculine, but has a bit of sweetness and freshness too it. Just absolutely amazing.
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geronimomo-spd · 6 months
the revalation that Conared (C'rizz's actor) is gay (at least to me its a revalation) explains so much because it explains that C'rizz's annoyance at everything can just be explained through annoyed gay energy tm. coming from expiriance, it all makes sense now
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ilovemedia · 10 months
My headcannones of each doctor who regenerations prounons (i wrote this at 12:40 pm don't judge me):
1st: any-he never paid much attention to the human concept of gender and prounons. So you can imagine his confusion when people in the 21st century asked him about his preferred prounons. he would simply shrug say he didn't mind
2nd: they/them-when they regenerated they seemed to like it better when their friends and/or enemies would uses they/them so they just kinda ran with it. I can see them doing resurch and finding the prounon fascinating. also they just give off that vibe (its the hair and recorder lol)
3rd: they/them- basicicly fuck gender. 3 is already very politically soooo. they also give me a they/them vibe from their more colourful and regel clothing. Also i can totally see the 3rd doctor saying something like "I have much more dire things to worry about then your petty human obsession with gender and such...that being said they/them works efficiently"
4th: he/they- a mix of not giveing a shit and the fact that they actual like how it sounds. I feel like he still wanted they to be used while referring to them but also liked he so when they found out alot of humans uses both he was like "oh fuck yeah" and jumped on that bandwagon
(Skipping a few cuz I haven't watched all of the doctors sorryyyyy)
8th: she/he/they- its the hair (and the clothes), this is when they dress more flamboyant agian (atleast before the time war). She gets super happy and smilely when people use her other prounons other then "he".
War: any- has got no time for that so they just wings it with what ever ppl call them (but even without the time war he would uses all)
9th: he/him- I would say he/him with a dash of "I don't really mind". Someone might call him they or she and he would just shrug and smile, but his preference would lean on he/ him.
10th: they/he- i feel like as soon as they regenerated and saved the world they looked through a dictionary and went "Oooo they/he sounds good, dont mind if I do". Switching it up this time around
11th: he/him-likes he/him alot and is not sure why, just feels good. Gets giddy when ever river calls him handsome
12th: they/them- this grumpy scotish grandpa useing they/them feels so right to me. 12 was the doctor to confirm that time lords don't follow gender roles so I think its appropriate to give them they/them prounons. Also they rerlized that their regeneration fitted they/them more becues of clara stricticly useing those prounons until she found the time to ask.
13th: all with a preference for she/her- loves how all the prounons sound when referring to her. Does favour how she rolled off the tongue tho but most ppl just uses she/her for them anyways.
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tyba1t · 3 months
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It's a lil wonky but sh
The Doctor Who movie is nice but it could always be better lol
So I did the logical thing and imagined a scenario where The Master chose The Doctor as his new host and they just live out as a Jekyll/Hyde situation cuz I'm so creative.
I just liked the idea of 8 having The Master's weird ahh eyes in the movie.
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butterfluffy · 2 years
“marry me?”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· proposal hcs with the supernovas, ft. trafalgar law, eustass kid and killer | pt. 1, pt. 2
⠀⠀➧ fluff | supernovas (law, kid, killer) × gn!reader | headcanons + scenarios
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none! swearing and mistakes may be present, though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are open! do send some requests for me to write!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes : finally, here's part two (last part) after a century, AHSHASHSHA. 🤩🤩
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mhhhmmm... i really don't see him as the type who gets into relationships, more of get married.
i mean, law just doesn't seem like the someone who's interested in that.
but of course, this is a hc for that topic so let's get into it.
he's the type of guy to take things slow and not rush it.
so you've gotta be in a relationship with him for at least 5 years, preferably more than that bcs—
law wants to know almost everything abt you before leveling up your relationship into marriage with him.
“..captain, how long have you been dating y/n?” penguin suddenly asks out of nowhere to his captain who raised his brows by the question he gave him, thinking for a moment before he answered.
“for 7 years now, going at the 8th year, actually. why do you ask?” law answered, giving a question in return to penguin who's eyes popped out of his sockets, in deep shock upon hearing his answer.
“you two have been dating for almost a decade, and you two aren't even married yet!? most couples don't last that long because they either get tired or are already married!” he exclaims, slamming his hand on law's desk—though his action and words didn't faze the surgeon.
“you really gotta marry y/n, dude. who knows, maybe they're tired of you being their boyfriend, and already wants you to be their hus—band~?” penguin cooes, hitting law's side as he spelled out the husband part, catching the doctor smirk.
“mhm, sure. marrying them does sound good..” law hums, spacing out for a moment to think how it'd be like in a married life with you as he also thought of how he'd propose.
insert shocked pikachu face but make it peng instead.
honestly thought that law would decline and say that you and him are fine with the dating status.
but nOoOOoo, because to his surprise, law actually agreed with him and is now willing to propose to you after so long!
penguin low-key proud of himself too for getting law into wanting a married life with u.
ah, yeah, it's proposal time!
and did you know that, within the years of you being together with him, law knows everything about you.
even things you don't know about yourself, lolololollll.
and that includes your ring size, so buying a ring for you is no problem for him.
and finally, ring check, all that's left is for him to propose, to you..~!
he is pretty chill about proposing.
knows that you'll say ‘yes’ anyway, i mean, who won't????
nothing so fancy, so his proposal will just be you and him in somewhere private.
“oh wow, law. it's strange of you to suddenly ask me to walk with you here on the beach!” you point out as you walked in the sand with your lover beside you, hands in his pockets as he watched you.
“well, am i not allowed to ask you, my lover to walk with me on a beach to get some fresh air?” he says with a light chuckle, removing one of his hand from his pocket to hold yours, his small action causing you to blush.
“mhm, well it is peaceful here. a perfect place to spend the day, right?” flashing him a smile, law agreed, letting you of your hand to pull his hat down to cover his face that showed such a happy expression just by seeing you smile.
“yeah, and...” trailing his words, law then cleared his throat before taking out what he was holding with his other hand in his pocket—a small box.
“..it's a perfect place to propose too, am i right?”
upon hearing his words, you were then left stunned, eyes moving from him and to the now exposed ring in his hand, a gasp escaping your mouth—out of words.
“you know what i'll say now, so—you wanna get married, to me?” finally asking the question that you've long waited for, you immediately nodded, happy exclaims of ‘yes’ leaving your mouth as your lover took your hand to slip the ring in your finger.
it may not seem like it, but law is happy, very happy to level up your relationship with him, going from dating to engaged, and soon, married...
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marriage? kid?? FUCK YEAH LET'S GO!!
you see here, my friend, kid is someone who values loyalty and relationships very much.
so obviously, he has marriage in mind, especially with you!
just prove your loyalty and love to him, kid will immediately think of marrying you.
nah jk, not immediately because he has trust issues, ahshahsahah.
might want to take his time in a dating status with you before bringing marriage into his mind.
“hey kid, when're ya gonna marry y/n, huh?” killer asks with a big grin under his mask, knowing that his friend had his mind set into marrying his lover which is you for some time now.
yes, that's right folks, kid has been thinking of proposing to you!
“if i could marry them now, i'd do it.” the red haired man answers, snickering at his own response as he thought of when will the perfect time actually come so he can propose to you..
“then why don't you do it now? tonight? no one's stopping you, kid, ffaffaffa!” killer ‘jokes,’ his advice lighting the bulb in kid's mind.
kid will take his joke seriously, thinking that it's an advice and will actually prepare to propose to you.
“damn right killer, i'll do it tonight. i'll fucking get married to y/n no matter what!” the man with flaming red hair exclaims, immediately getting up from his seat, going in his workshop because—
before we go on to why he went inside his workshop, let us please have...
killer panicking because of his dumb captain who took him seriously.
tried to stop him and tells him to think about it for a while. keyword, tried.
he can't do anything about it because kid had already made his mind up because he can and he will propose to you tonight.
killer soon gave up and just supported his friend.
and yeah, kid went inside his workshop BECAUSE!! he's gonna make a customized ring for youuuu!
will pick the most beautiful jewel and the finest metal out there just to make the ring he'll use to propose to you~
is surprisingly romantic, well, kinda?
kid waits 'til the beautiful midnight sky shows, moon lighting the dark sea up.
he's holding the ring he had made in his hand, carefully clutching it in his palms, not wanting to break the product he had worked hard for.
but as time ticked, kid slowly grows nervous as he waits for you to show up.
“kid, why'd you wake me up? it's getting late, we should just sleep..“ you muttered, scratching your hair as your half lidded eyes stared at your lover who stood underneath the moonlight that shone on him, bringing a smile on your face.
“look, darlin', the sky's pretty, almost like you, right?” he commented, looking up the sky and to you, a smile that is somewhat tame on his face, an unusual sight for you.
“mhm..” standing beside him, you then admired the night, getting caught up in its beauty, not noticing the red head revealing the ring as he stood behind you with his heart loudly thumping.
“don't you think the moon is beautiful—kid!!?” you suddenly exclaim with a loud gasp, covering your mouth to hide the shock you felt upon turning around to see your lover with the ring, cheeks red as his hair.
“don't shout, damn it! it'll be embarrassing if someone sees us so romantic, so just answer me if you agree on us getting married!!” he shouts, biting his lower lip, falling embarassed as you chuckle, a big, dumb smile appearing on your face.
“fuck yeah! i'll marry you, dumbass!” launching yourself on kid, you two then fell on the ground, cursing each other out with smiles on your faces, knowing that the ring that kid had slip into your finger will bind you two together as lovers..
couldn't sleep the whole night because of happiness, not believing that you are now engaged with him.
will brag about your proposal the next day to his crew who knew about it because of the shouting.
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quick answer; yes. he is in for marriage.
like kid, he too values relationships built, especially when it comes to romantic ones.
though he is the same as law, too.
he prefers to propose when he knows you enough.
would also prefer to built up great trust between him and you first before marriage is bought up.
trust issues goes brrtttt, ahshahssa.
yk, when the right time comes? that's what he is thinking of when it's abt proposing to you.
surprise surprise, the ‘right time’ came one fateful night..~
it's getting late now and you've been needing sleep, so you immediately headed to your shared room with your lover, expecting him to be in bed already, but no.
killer stood there frozen upon seeing you enter. he is bare. his face is. the mask he had always worn is off, so you were given the chance to see his face that he has never shown you.
“ah, kil! you getting ready to sleep?” you casually asked with a small chuckle, now sitting on the edge of the bed as you looked at your lover who stood still like a stone. you are admiring him, his face, his body, his everything.
“by the way, kil.. you look beautiful, my love.” you complimented, looking at his face that he had always been insecure of dreamily, your reaction and comment catching him off guard. and from that point—he knew.
he knew that you were the one for him by that encounter.
he knew that it is you who he should marry, the one he should be with for the rest of his life.
you showed him love and adoration, something that he hasn't felt.
he's an insecure bby, pls love him.
“fuck, kid. i told you that i'm gonna propose to y/n when the right time comes, right?” he bought up to his friend who nodded, feeling kinda off by the tone killer used.
“mh-mhm, why? you gonna propose to them already?” kid inquired to the blonde who chuckled,
“yeah, i am. they're definitely the one for me, and i'm ready to spend my whole life with them.”
kid defo is cringing out with killer being so fucking in love with you.
but still—
he supports his friend, #bffgoals.
offers to make a ring for u two. what a guy. i love him sm and killer will probably take the offer up cuz why naurt coconut??
trusts his menace of a friend with the rings. kid surprisingly does it nicely though..
PROPOSAL TIME! killer is a romantic guy, no one changing my mind, period.
slightly nervous to propose, but gets over it.
“ah, love, i'm here now. sorry for the wait, i was fixing up, ehe.” you snickered, arriving a bit late for your date with the man who's already in the table, not wearing his mask, revealis his handsome face.
“it's fine, my love. why don't we eat now? i was the one who cooked the meal.” helping you sit, you and killer then began to eat, having small chats here and there until the food finished...
“my love, y/n, i love you, and i thank you for doing the same for me, thank you for loving me so...” getting down on one knee as he spoke, killer pulled the ring out of its case, shocking you by this. “k-killer..!?”
“..so i'm asking you this—will you marry me?” smiling as he asked the question that you immediately asnwered with a loud “yes!” killer then had you wear the ring before kissing you with all his love..
over the moon knowing that he's gonna be your husband soon.
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© butterfluffy 2022
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prismaticpichu · 18 days
Question!! Do you like sickfics?? (I have my fair share of them posted its my weakness ajsjaqjwj). If so, I would love to see your take at one. How about for mini prompt/drabble/headcanon Zack with appendicitis and Sephy taking care of him? 💙 Just imagining Sephiroth realizing something is wrong with him before anyone else and treating him so gently 😭
Shshdjdjsjsh AHHHHHHH!!!! THE FEELS!!! 💕💕💕
As a matter of fact, I do like sickfics!! <333 (And have had the pleasure of reading your adorable ones, my friend!) I’ve actually managed to accumulate a few myself: Priorities, Delirium, and Guard Dog are all fics I’ve written that fall under the fic of sick genre (although Guard Dog is admittedly a little old; I think I was only in, like, 8th-ish grade 😂❤️).
Tysm for the adorable prompt, my friend!! I’ll give it my best shot!
It was the second longest time Sephiroth had ever waited in the medical wing.
The doctors had told him to get up—to stretch his legs, to get some fresh air, to at the very least get something to eat as he waited for his lieutenant to regain consciousness. Only the last he had relented to. And even then, it was to a very slim degree: a nibble from the vending machine, something cheap from the mess hall, a bite of an energy bar… Something about the idea of eating just seemed so cruel, so unbelievably wrong. How he could sit here and eat, when the last thing Zack had eaten hadn’t been able to stay in his stomach? When he wouldn’t be able to eat comfortably for over twenty-four hours?
Sephiroth shifted in his chair, half-filled wrappers crinkling in his coat as he leaned against the arm, green eyes almost burning as he continued to stare at the mummified figure in the gauzy hospital linen.
He first noticed something was wrong when the young SOLDIER refused to eat. Zack was always hungry, he knew that much about his friend, and to see him sitting across from him idly picking at his food was an immediate cause for concern. Upon asking him what was wrong, Zack had expressed concern about his stomach. That it “felt funky”, and that he even had a bit of a headache. The explanation—as far as his naïveté had been concerned—was enough to soothe most of his worry, and Sephiroth had simply chalked it up to a bout of anxiety. Zack did have an upcoming solo mission, after all, and things had become rather tumultuous with newfound sightings of Wutain spies in the area. Appetite lost was a common symptom for such uncertainty.
Satisfied with his own explanation, Sephiroth told the boy not to worry.
Neither thought his appendix would burst that very evening.
Leather fingers tightened heir hold on the chair, and Sephiroth strained his eyes, keeping them shut as the ambush of guilt and regret and anger rushed up to greet him with an almost warlike fervor.
…The man’s heart had nearly stopped upon getting the call that night that Zack was in the infirmary. It was standard protocol for one’s superior officer to be notified when they fell ill or were injured, but that didn’t do anything to whittle the dagger when the horrid information reached Sephiroth’s ears. It didn’t do anything to lessen the agony—the sting, the phantom of memory that came crashing back like a virus reborn from a newfound strain of infection.
He was down in the infirmary in minutes, and he hadn’t left since.
“Am I hurting you…?”
The words were soft and tender as Sephiroth eased his friend down onto the couch, unable to shake off the crushing feeling that he was jostling Zack’s wounds despite carrying him as gingerly as he could. But a feeble shake of the black spikes assured him or otherwise.
“Naw…” Zack’s voice was still groggy from the anesthetics. “I’m fine. Thanks, bud.”
Sephiroth had alredy pulled a blanket over the aching First. “Are you feeling any discomfort?”
“…Hungry. Can I eat?”
Sephiroth shook his head, silver bangs swaying gently with apology. “Not until tomorrow. Here.” He handed him a cup of fresh water. “Hydrate.”
Zack gratefully accepted the drink, swishing it down in a single gulp, although it was clear as he set it down that it wasn’t what he exactly wanted.
“Man…” Zack grumbled sleepily to his stomach, then glanced up with pleading, doelike eyes. “I really can’t get something to eat?”
“You heard what the doctor said.” Sephiroth sat at the edge of the sofa.
“Yeah… but I’m here now!” Zack gave an innocent look.
Sephiroth gave him a Look in return.
“I’m not disobeying the medics,” he said sternly, but his visage softened as he added: “…I promised them I would take care of you.”
Something in the green eyes flickered, and he scooted closer to Zack, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder.
“…And I promised you.”
“We can keep him here for the rest of the night, Sir. He needs the rest after the procedure—and we can only imagine that you’re quite busy.”
Sephiroth felt the hand around his tighten at the doctor’s words, glancing down to see a ghost of concern flickering across Zack’s half-conscious face. From the moment he’d begun to stir Zack had been mumbling his name, asking the doctors where “Seph” was amid his delirium. They were confused at the nickname—as anyone would be, given who it was bestowed upon—but Sephiroth hadn’t had the mind to explain Zack’s quirks to the medics. All he could do was reach out, letting the doctors watch with their feebly-disguised gaping eyes as he clutched Zack’s hand and assured him that he was right here.
And now, as unintentional as it might have been, the doctors had just implied that he was too busy to look after his own treasured friend.
“…No,” Sephiroth said softly, glancing up to meet the doctor’s still-startled gaze. “…I will bring him in. Thank you.”
By the time Sephiroth reined himself back to the present, Zack’s eyes were beginning to droop, a heavy fatigue eclipsing the just-immediate hunger in his eyes.
He yawned.
“…Exhausted?” Sephiroth allowed a vague smile to play on his lips.
“J’us a lil’…”
A small chuckle rippling in his chest, Sephiroth eased himself off the couch to give his friend some space, reaching over to tuck the quilt around his shoulders before extinguishing the den lamps.
“Get some rest…” he said gently, straightening up again. “I’ll be right here.”
…I promise.
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radio-ghost-cooks · 5 months
my gender/pronoun headcanons for doctor who
yes this includes both classic and new who (save for 13 + 15 bc I haven't seen their episodes)
1st: agender, he/him, time/timeself
2nd: demiboy, he/him
3rd: bigender, he/they
4th: demigirl, she/he, stripe/stripeself
5th (beloved #2): cis but in the same way that James from Pokemon is cis, he/they, leaf/leafself
6th: nonbinary, they/them
7th: not sure but you can't tell me xe's cis, xe/xer
8th: genderfluid, it/they
9th: agender, they/them, grey/greyself
10th: genderfluid, she/they
11th (beloved #1): demiboy, he/xe/they, star/starself
12th: genderfuck, anything
14th: demigirl, she/they
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ironstrange1991 · 2 years
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October 1st: Masturbation, Sligh daddy kink with og Stephen (Blurb)
October 2nd: Hate sex, somnophilia, dub con, possessiveness wlth Supreme Strange (One Shot)
October 3rd: Slight female dominance, submission, hair kink, slight overstimulation with Defender Strange (Blurb)
October 4th: Temperature play, predator and prey kink, praise kink, overstimulation, creampie and masturbation with Sinister Strange (One Shot)
October 5th: Facesitting, slight female dominance with Defender Strange (Blurb)
October 6th: Hot sex in the kitchen table with Supreme Strange (One Shot)
October 7th: Poly relationship, praise kink, slight female dominance, slight male dominance, thresome with Defender and Doctor Strange (One Shot)
October 8th:
October 9th:
October 10th: NSFW Alphabet - Defender Strange (Headcanon)
October 11th: Giving Doctor Strange a blowjob (Blurb)
October 12th:
October 13th:
October 14th:
October 15th: Humping, masturbation, p in v, creampie with Doctor Strange (Blurb)
October 16th:
October 17th:
October 18th:
October 19th:
October 20th: Boundage, edging, orgasm denial with Supreme Strange (One shot)
October 21th:
October 22th: Creampie gangbang with four Stephens (Blurb)
October 23th:
October 24th:
October 25th:
October 26th:
October 27th:
October 28th:
October 29th: Female masturbation, Phone sex, dirty talk, slight daddy kink with Doctor Strange (Blurb)
October 30th
October 31th: Female masturbation, slight food play with Doctor Strange (blurb)
All the fics will be for Doctor Strange and his variants. Some will be one shots, others will be headcanons, others will be small blurbs. Anyway I hope you like it and have fun.
This is without a doubt a big challenge for me and I hope I can fulfill it every day because I'm really excited.
Let me know if you want to join the taglist.
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
He purple! If you didn’t mind I wanted to ask if I could ask for an emergency request? I’m starting to see a new therapist soon to help with my selective mutism and I wanted to request a scenario where Aokiji, Corazon, Law, and Killer helping to encourage a partner who is seeking treatment for that and kind of comforting them when it gets to be a lot to take on? Thank you for your help! I hope you have an amazing day :3
I will do my very best!! I hope your therapist is very understanding and if it doesn’t work out, it’s okay! You did your best and I’m proud of you!! 💜💜💜
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He’s a quiet man himself, due to being in the military for so long, he’s used to only speaking when told to. So to say the least, he understands being mute.
if anyone asks or gets annoyed at you for not speaking, let them talk to him, it will end quickly. He can be quite loving when needed, so he will remind you that you’re fine and did nothing wrong.
Helps you through the process of starting therapy by answering any questions and letting them know your condition, just so they understand better.
At the end of it all, he will do his best to support you by doing acts of service, he wants you to know he cares about you, whether it’s helping with chores or speaking up for you, he has your back!
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As a person who spent his life in silence, he completely understands and won’t push you to open up until you are ready. Sometimes words aren’t needed when actions can be used instead.
Speaking of actions, he might be a kind sweetheart, but even this man can get violent. Especially when it comes to those he loves and people not understanding boundaries. If he blew up hospitals for people calling Law a monster, he’s going to blow up stores for people making rude comments to you. 
Is very supportive and provides lots of notepads and pencils for you to talk with! He does the same at times, so sometimes its nice to have someone who truly understands him. 
If you ever have a moment where you just want to scream but are afraid of voicing out those frustrations, let him know and he will use his Devil Fruit! It’s a great way to release the pent of frustrations and stress without add anymore emotional stress to you. 
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Law can be quite the stickler when it comes to your wellbeing. He wants you well both physically and mentally. So when you go mute from time to time, it personally worries him. This is something he can’t control nor fix and he hates it. 
Has no problem speaking for you however, but will do so with a begrudging attitude, reminding you that he won’t always be around. (but he will be don’t worry-)
Due to being a doctor himself, he knows your whole medical history and talks to your therapist before the meeting, letting them know what to expect or how to help you open up. He wants you to be successful and will do whatever it takes to get you to a healthy mental state. 
Is a total hypocrite though and will tell you to do your therapy homework or coping skills while drinking his 8th coffee while he hadn’t slept in 3 days.
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Similar to Kuzan, Killer is a quiet man. He was ridiculed for his laugh as a child and I headcanon he has some neglect issues. Due to these events, he doesn’t talk much and struggles with his own mutism at times. 
He can be just as violent as Cora, but patient like Law. He’s a great mixture of all three actually. he wants you well, but knows it is at your own pace and will literally cut someone in half if they even look at you the wrong way.
Is a silent supporter, the one who holds your hand as you wait for the therapist and gives you a reassuring smile. Already planning on how to celebrate your accomplishment as you head inside!
Just wants you to be happy, if this means writing/texting each other, spending quiet nights watching a movie, or just holding you in his arms. he doesn’t mind, as long as you can give him a smile every once in a while!
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tvmigraine · 8 months
6:25AM Doctor Who Headcanons
"Full Fathom Five" is the Valeyard Origin:
The whole point behind "Full Fathom Five" is to show an Unbound Doctor that's willing to go darker and believes that the ends justify the means. This seems like a natural continuation of the direction that the Seventh Doctor was going so, if we consider that the timeline, this is what I interpret the regeneration cycle to be (not counting the other regenerations between Brooker and Jayston).
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Through some trickery, this "Doctor" manages to escape the situation that's killing him over and over but now he's on his final regeneration. He's desperate and basically willing to do anything, his own morals eroded into dust, which eventually leads into the conflict we see in "Trial of a Time Lord".
Because of this encounter and the Sixth Doctor's desire not to become the Valeyard (some expanded media shows this more), this pushes this incarnation back and stops the Seventh Doctor becoming the Full Fathom Five incarnation.
The Unbound War Doctor and the Watcher are the same being:
The Watcher is really confusing and there's never going to be an answer to that regeneration that I'm fully satisfied with. What I've reasoned to myself is that it could relay on the strangest blip in the "Unbound" range - "Doctor of War" shows what would've happened if the Fourth Doctor destroyed the Daleks on Skaro, namely an early Time War. He regenerates into Colin Baker.
At the end of this story, giving few spoilers, the Doctor does eventually remedy this mistake and we see Colin Baker's Doctor in the place of Tom's, replacing him during the final events of "Genesis of the Daleks". However it's stated that the Baker War Doctor is still trapped outside of time, his consciousness basically pushing his life back onto the right path.
SO! My perspective is that the Baker War Doctor, being connected to this incarnation's eventual death already, is able to manifest in the form of The Watcher in order to help him regenerate successfully. (I know the Watcher appears in other places too, so maybe that's the Doctor of War continuing this duty in the hopes of keeping things right?)
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Richard Griffiths' Doctor leads into "Curse of Fatal Death"
There is nothing to this theory except I think the outfits look very similar.
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Doctor Who Magazine 255 ran an article called "What If?" that showed what could've become of Doctor Who if it had made it into the 90s. This had the 7th Doctor regenerate into an alternative 8th (Altern-Eight) played by Richard Griffiths. The outfits are similarly enough that this Doctor could, after going off air, eventually adopted the outfit that'd become the "Curse of Fatal Death" outfit.
The Cadet Sweets Doctor is a young First Doctor:
When the Doctor is younger, he has adventures on the back of candy cigarette packets where he encounters the Voord and the Daleks. Due to old age, he eventually forgets about it. Or maybe it's his dad, yknow what, The Cadet Sweets Doctor is his Dad, actually.
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"Lungbarrow" leads into the Timeless Child:
I'm just going over an older theory I've had and it's stuck. The VNAs take place in a bottle universe with the Seventh Doctor discovering the origins of the Other and eventually leading to his own childhood. Instead of it happening how it was supposed to, the bottle universe starts to leak into the main continuity - the Foundling that Tecteun finds is the Other, but their timeline is changed by being brought into the main universe.
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Time has to heal itself when the bottle universe fully floods into the main history - in some ways it does this by correcting the Foundling's life to inevitably become the Doctor, in other ways it does stuff like repeat adventures ("Human Nature").
"Battle For The Universe" is a sequel to "Shada":
"Battle For The Universe" is a board game from 1989 about the Doctor travelling with Tegan, Romana, Ace and K9. The game also has the most ridiculous redesign of characters, including the Doctor who looks like Skagra from the infamous "Shada".
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At the end of "Shada", the defeated Skagra is forced to listen about the Doctor's exploits from start to finish by an AI. I think that the board game is showing Skagra in a crazed fugue state, having lost himself after listening to so many stories (which are being updated as the Doctor continues living) about the Doctor's exploits. Basically imagine a version of "Deadline" but it's about Skagra.
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heimeldat · 5 months
For the headcannon ask game; For the 8th Doctor
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Gender headcanon for Eight:
He's occasionally aware that gender exists. He uses he/him pronouns because that's what Grace assigned him, but he couldn't really care less. If you forced him to pick a gender identity he'd probably say agender: after all there's that line where someone asks if he's ever been a woman and he says, "I'm not sure I've ever even been a man." Two minutes later he's forgotten the whole conversation.
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Okay, Tenth Doctor Comics Just All Really Like Turlough
Okay, maybe not "all", but Turlough is referenced in 10th Doctor comics a lot for a past companion who hasn't been referenced on television since he left.
Outside of the regular DWM comics, Doctor comic miniseries throughout the last fifteen years or so have also been produced by IDW and Titan Comics. Each had their own 10th Doctor miniseries. In Titan's case, it was well after the fact. 12 was the most recent Doctor when the comics were produced.
Starting with IDW, we have a short from one of their annuals: To Sleep Perchance to Scream. I've already posted about it, though it was a while ago. 10 has a nightmare about not being able to save his companions and several of them appear, his subconscious cycling from Sarah Jane, to Adric, Turlough, Susan, Astrid (from Voyage of the Damned), Kamelion, and Turlough again.
Adric, Astrid, and Kamelion actually did die, so 10's guilt haunting his nightmares makes sense. Since he believes he killed all the Time Lords, it would make sense if he also believed Susan was dead and it was his fault. But, Sarah Jane and Turlough are fine. Sarah Jane appears in the new series. The Doctor knows she's fine.
My best guess is that because Sarah Jane was the first classic companion to appear in the new series and had her own spin-off. People who've only seen the new series know who Sarah Jane is.
That doesn't explain Turlough, however. And he gets a lot of emphasis...
This continues in IDW's 10th Doctor miniseries, where much Drama is caused by a fake diary that the villain wants us to think is Turlough's. 10 actually goes to Trion to ask Turlough about it. The comic doesn't fucking show it.
I'm not sure what order these comics go in, but 10 at some point learned that Turlough, like Sarah Jane, is alive and well.
Then we get to the Titan Comics. The last two of the series, Vortex Butterflies and The Good Companion have companions as a sort of reoccurring theme. Sarah Jane actually appears in Vortex Butterflies, and many more are referenced.
In Vortex Butterflies:
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I love that every 8th Doctor timeline is apparently canon here. But also, Turlough is basically but on the same level as Sarah Jane and Donna.
The Good Companion:
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If you're wondering what Clara and Bill are doing in a 10th Doctor comic, 12 plays a big role in this grand finale, so his companions get a mention too.
Also, Sarah Jane is referenced just as much, if not more than, Turlough, but I'm not treating it like a big deal, because, as I said before, Sarah Jane is prominent in the new series. She's no longer the only classic companion to appear in it, but when these comics were published, she basically was.
So, it's not weird that Sarah Jane is so prominent in these. Turlough, however...
Also it's now weird that they never reference Tegan or Ace since they're the other two who got to come back onscreen, but that was years after these comics, so they didn't know.
Anyway, I still have this headcanon that 10, so inspired by his 5th self, is really nostalgic for 5's companions and Turlough is one he traveled with only as 5. He was the first onscreen 5 companion to have been something resembling invited into the TARDIS. (He asked to come along and 5 seemed to think it'd already been settled.). He was also the first 5 companion to get an exit that wasn't at least somewhat tragic. Adric died. Nyssa chose to stay behind somewhere and they parted on good terms, but that somewhere was a space leper colony that they wouldn't have gone to in the first place if it weren't for the Black Guardian. Tegan was basically traumatized by how violent the show was getting and 5 was devastated. Turlough didn't want to leave when he did, but he got to go home. In hindsight, after Adric and Tegan, and to a lesser extent Nyssa, who was actually given a sadder goodbye by BF so maybe her too, Turlough was the first companion that 5 probably didn't feel like he'd failed in some way.
So, 10 remembers Turlough as special, despite the show having basically forgotten about him.
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geronimomo-spd · 1 year
i love being an 8 doctor fan, its all about listening to when him and his companions when they actually say the word "hug" so you have offical confirmation that a hug happened (exepting Scherzo of course)
and more recently, as i settle in to his characterization, its loving that spasific laugh that he does!!! that you can clearly hear him smiling through!!! like his suprised fond laugh that you can hear took the doc by suprise so he smiles fondly through it and fgdfgdfg
its being ready to turn the volume down in case he screams, constently, because he can, and because he might be dieing or something idk
i just love him so much like arggggg good boy right there
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eighthdoctor · 9 months
I know you're mostly posting about other stuff these days but. Sleep and happy and sad headcanons for 8th doctor pls. Sorry no symbols I am in mobile
Ah fuck I meant angry/violent not sad. Well. Both then
☾ - sleep headcanon
time lords do need less sleep than humans do. not that much less tho. different points in the timeline/canon, 8 isn't sleeping for different reasons ("there are better things to do" vs "holy shit the nightmares" vs "got distracted and just forgot") but 8...is not good at a sleep schedule. or any schedule. or sleep.
★ - sad headcanon
as in "is about them being sad" or "makes me sad".
i forget if this one is canon or not but: memento mori rooms. whatever various companions may THINK, the tardis does not reuse companion rooms. she shuffles them away, so that the doctor can go sit in them and remember people they left behind. or for 8, just try to remember anything at all please.
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
doing these two as a pair actually because: in contrast to some doctors (eg, 11, who only ever appears maniacally happy to cover up their EXTREMELY bad depression and trauma), 8 will very genuinely be tigger! and then very genuinely be a feral trainwreck who can casually destroy your culture and move on. like the happiness isn't covering up for other emotions, it's true! they are that person, they have the butterfly room, they do extremely genuinely feel joy and peace and love.
it's just that after yet another round of horrific tortures, there's more to them.
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