#7 deady habits of the Modern Demon Summoner
gusthegremlin · 10 months
I know it's kind of old news now, but instead of continuing to consume media that's being put out by corporations too greedy to pay writers and give them decent working conditions, my advice?
Read Fanfiction
I know you've probably heard it before (tumblr veterans, I'm preaching to the choir), and maybe you haven't and don't care (all of the incoming reddit and twitter refugees, please keep an open mind, fanfic is fairly common here and not considered as "cringe" as other parts of the internet), but please hear me out. By reading fanfiction, you are doing two (2) important things while also getting your fix for your favorite characters/worlds/tropes.
First, you are essentially boycotting those awful, awful corporations that have driven writers to strike. Like the 07-08 writers strike made unscripted reality TV boom, the writers strike today has stirred up thoughts of using AI to get around hiring writers. In order to keep humans in creative control, we need to consume media made by humans*
Now, secondly, by reading fanfiction, you are supporting small artists and writers. Not only are you supporting the writers of the actual fanfictions, but you also might be supporting their beta reader or their cover artist.
Archive of Our Own (or AO3) is my go-to site. It's an archive (duh) that's non-profit, volunteer run, and the tagging system is nearly flawless, in my opinion. You can find nearly every fandom, every ship, and every trope. They also have an app. It's not as good, but it does offer some accessibility options.
There's plenty of other sites as well, but AO3 works the best for me. I recommend it highly, especially since there is an option to exclude certain tags, which is incredibly helpful in weeding out triggering fanfics.
I know some people have mixed feelings about the strike and how it affects their favorite media, but please remember why they're doing it. Writers deserve better, especially since they work so hard to continue creating your favorites. So, in these trying times, when you miss the world and characters that these writers were creating, turn to the other talented writers who have taken them up and are creating stories with them.
Read Fanfiction
*This isn't just fanfiction, of course, though that is probably the easiest way to do so, but also supporting fanartists, small novelists (idk if you've seen, but 7 Deadly Habits of the Modern Demon Summoner by @animentality is all over my dashboard and I couldn't be happier), smaller podcasts (I recommend DND actual play podcast for those of you who want your action fix), and generally watching indie and small production movies and shows.
TL;DR - don't continue to support corporations during the writers' strike, read fanfiction and support small artists and writers.
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