ketelarts · 6 months
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Adam broods in the first proper bath he's had in weeks.
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didderd · 1 year
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Happy (belated) birthday, Fresh! :D
(With and without the silly text.) I have a few more I haven't quite finished, but those can wait. This is the main piece. :>
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jtl-fics · 2 months
Happy Wednesday once again my darling, my favorite day of the week!! I'm obsessed with all of your wips but I think this time I'm choosing pretty boy 🩵
WIP Wednesday 3/20/24 (Closed) | Pretty Boy
"Why?" Neil frowns while looking at the girls.
"To make you look scary in case one of the guests sees you!" the same girls points at him.
Neil rolls his eyes, "I don't need make-up for that." he looks to Andrew with a grin.
4/10/24 WIP Wednesday Options Here
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falconisinstartup · 8 months
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Cybertruck spotted at Starbase | SS
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villainanders · 1 year
what ages do you guys truth for the companions btw (idk which ones have canon ages i forgor <3) sound off in the tags or replies or w/e
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reamed · 2 months
good evening sex nation
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THE HOLY SPIRIT’S WORK IN JEREMIAH: God’s call and anointing upon Jeremiah’s life as a prophet began in the womb. God reveals to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 AMPC). This reveals that the…
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bebebisous33 · 4 months
Jinx: (Un)Wanted Love 💔
#Jinxmanhwa #Jinx #joojaekyung #징크스 #JINX #kimdan #jinxchapter45 @_MinGwa The essay "(Un)Wanted Love💔" is finished. It is very long: 7132 words. I hope you'll like it. Feel free to comment. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks.
Please support the authors by reading the manhwas on the official websites.  This is where you can read the manhwa: Jinx But be aware that the Manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents about Jinx. Here is the link where you can find the table of contents of analyzed manhwas. Here are the links, if you are…
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
it’s so funny talking about gas to my mom because we have vastly different ideas on when a tank is too low
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haemosexuality · 10 months
trying to work out how old i think betty is
#i feel like before everything went to shit she was prob like 2 or 3 years younger than simon#but then between the crown and a thousand years passing and time travel that probably got fucked up a bit#im using simon as reference cuz i have nothing else to go off of iwnfuwwfirg#ok im gonna improvise a petrigrof timeline rn#they met when they were post graduate students. according to google the average age of postgrads is like late 20s early 30s#so m gonna say betty was like 29 and simon was 32#they stay together a long time i mean they wrote a book together. ill say like. around a decade. betty is now 38 and simon is 41#at some point during that time they get engaged#then the crown happens and betty jumps into the future#a year after that the war begins (i dont think we have any indication that betty knew ab the war do we?? if thats a thing then pretend she#went to the future a year later idk)#also marceline was born 2 years ago. shes in this timeline too bc shes relevant to simons story#when simon is 44 and marceline is 4 the bomb drops#hes 3 years into the ice king transformation#so his mental aging is like... slowing down#and his physical age is speeding up#marcy is 6 and hes 46 when they meet#and shes around 11 and hes 51 when he leaves#then a thousand years passes and betty appears in the future#shes 38 and simon is insane#shes 39 when she gets magic mand and 40 when she gets golbd. damn that woman cannot catch a break i didnt realize before now how fast all#that happened#and simon is still over a thousand years old. until he gets reset to how he was before the crown! or at least thats what i think happened!#so as of cawm hes like 41 again. and betty is dead#damn ive been calling him grandpa but hes barely even grandpa aged. yet. he is by fionna and cake/obsidian time tho#ok yeah im satisfied w that#adventure time#betty grof#simon petrikov
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw His unfailing love from me.” —Psalm 66:20 (NLT)
“10 Prayers God Always Answers” By Carrie Lowrance:
“Prayer can be such a beautiful, simple, and complicated thing at the same time. Everyone prays in their own different way and still, our loving God hears every one. Getting an answer? That can be a whole different story. Sometimes an answer comes right away and sometimes we have to wait. However, there are some things we can pray for that God will always answer. Why does He always answer? Because of the desire we have to grow in Him and see more of Him in our lives.
Here are 10 prayers God always answers, without fail:
1. “Use me to glorify You.” One of the Lord’s greatest desires is to use us to glorify Him. Sometimes it can be hard to know what to do or where He is directing us. Simply ask Him and He will answer. It could be something as big as starting a non-profit for a specific cause or something small, but just as powerful, like buying a homeless person a meal. It could also be using the unique talents He has given you to reach other people for Him.
2. “Forgive my sins.” We serve a loving and merciful God and every one of us are sinners. There is no such thing as a perfect Christian. We all stumble and sometimes backslide, but by opening our hearts and confessing our sins we can be redeemed. The Lord died to save us from our sins. Not just that day on the cross, but every day of our lives.
3. “Reveal Yourself to me.” In the busyness of life, it can be hard to see and hear where the Lord is leading us. If we simply stop and ask Him to reveal Himself to us, He will, and it’s usually in awesome, amazing ways. He reveals Himself in different ways to each one of us. To some of us, He is an inner voice, to others He speaks through visions and dreams. He also speaks at times by revealing the job, opportunity,or resources we need exactly when we need them.
If you’re really struggling, take some time during the day to just get quiet and ask Him to reveal Himself in your life. Then get into the habit of noticing the smallest of things during your day. He doesn’t always reveal Himself in big ways. Sometimes He reveals Himself in small ways as well.
4. “Give me Your wisdom.” As the Bible tells us, we are not to lean on our own understanding. This can be especially hard in difficult times. When you are facing a situation where you don’t know what you should do, ask Him to give you His wisdom. It may help to speak with your pastor or a trusted friend as well. Sometimes when we are all stressed out and “in our own minds” He will speak through a trusted clergy member/friend as to what you should do. Other times He will speak to you directly.
5. “Strengthen my obedience.” We all know that when the Lord asks us to do something, we need to be obedient. However, at times it can be very, very hard. For example, if we are waiting for something to happen, it can be hard not to take matters into our own hands. When you have days of anxiety and doubt, ask the Lord to strengthen your obedience. Ask Him to help you to do what you have been commanded to do. For me, whenever I hear or see the phrase, “Be still and know that I am God.” it reminds me to be still and obedient. For He is working even if I can’t see it.
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” —James 1:5 (NLT)
6. “Help me spread Your love.” Our world is a crazy place, full of opinions and thoughts and ideas. We know the best way to interact with people is to show the love of the Lord, but sometimes it’s hard to know how to do this. When you ask Him to help you spread his love, He will. You may find a Christian non-profit or charity to volunteer at or you may do something on your own, like help a single Mom pay for her groceries or drive an elderly neighbor to a doctor’s appointment.
7. “Give me clarity.” Walking this path called life can be difficult and muddled at times. The last thing the Lord wants is for you to go down the wrong path or make the wrong choice. It may take time and patience, but the Lord will always answer a prayer for clarity.
“For God, who said, 'Light shall shine out of darkness,' is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” —2 Corinthians 4:6
8. “Help me find peace.” Our own lives can be chaotic let alone all the things that are going on in the world. With everything going on, finding peace can seem almost impossible. The Lord does not want us living in a state of anxiety and peril, He will always answer and help us find peace.
“In those days you will pray and I will listen. If you seek Me wholeheartedly you will find Me.” —Jeremiah 29:12-13 (NLT)
9. “Align my heart with Yours.” This world can be a mean spirited place and it can be hard sometimes not to hold judgment, resentment, or other feelings in our hearts. By asking the Lord to align our hearts with His and asking for forgiveness, He can cleanse us of the toxic things that build up in our hearts and be more aligned with Him. He loves us and wants us to be more like Him so this is a prayer He will always answer.
10. “Align my mind with Yours.” Our minds are bombarded by images, thoughts, opinions, and information every day. As we all know, what goes in is what comes out. Still, we can’t just totally shut ourselves off from society and the media. We all falter in our thoughts from time to time. In this situation, it is best to ask the Lord to align our mind with His.
Let's pray: Dear Lord, I want to grow in You and have more of You in my life. I pray that You will strengthen me in using me and my talents to glorify You. I thank You for loving me and forgiving my sins each day, every day. I pray You will reveal Yourself in my life. Give me Your wisdom as to what I should do in every situation and strengthen my obedience in what You ask of me. Show me the right path to travel and correct my ways if I stray. Show me ways to show and spread Your love to those around me. Clear my mind to receive crystal clear clarity when You speak. Help align my heart and mind in their purest form to be an imitation of You. Thank You for answering all my prayers in your perfect timing with Your perfect answer, even though I may not always understand. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”
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oh-hools · 1 year
I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE (in bed, in the dark, before i start rotting)
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polaroidcats · 11 months
today was one of those days where everything is just.. too much.
maybe it's the heat, maybe it's because my grandma was a bit more tired and confused than usual today, maybe it's because talking to a friend made me realise how incredibly boring and uneventful my summer is because i'm not going on any vacations and don't have exciting plans, but i'm in such a feeling-sorry-for-myself kinda mood and i hate it.
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adhdvane · 2 years
when clock turned midnight last night (er this morning) a vaporeon outbreak showed up... 16 defeated and THIS BABY BOY SPAWNED IM ABOUT TO EV TRAIN A THIRD GODDAMN VAPOREON IN THIS GAME LOOK AT HIM GO
#pokemon scarlet and violet#pkmn sv#sammy liveblogs about violet#i tried the 60+ battle then sandwhich and picknic refresh but had no luck for 20 minutes to see if i could get another#but was having no luck after 20 minute so i fcked around in the ocean for the last 10#and then with 3 minutes left found a shiny magikarp so i had to save it sdkjfhs#i almost have a full box of shinies in this game#i have 29 shinies sob#one shiny is not mine BUT i gave my friend a shiny so it's like equal exchange#she CAUGHT 4 SHINY WOOPERS WITH A SANDWICH#and she gave me one which was perfect BC I WANTED TO GIVE HER MY DUPLICATE SHINY FEMALE LITLEO#sammy be quiet#sammy no#im just glad people found out you DONT need salty herba mystica for sparkling power#and can use whatever two you want#so i like to do a sandwhich and fuck around (obv only saving if i get a shiny)#and then go raid until i make the two herbs back up#i still have a surplus but its nice to get them back#ITS SO MUCH EASIER TO DO WITH THIS A FRIEND THO AND DISCONNECT SO WE'RE IN OUR OWN WORLDS#i have more herba mystica then jelly so i dont mind using and then only saving after if i get a shiny#BUT MOSTLY JUST MULTIPLAYER SANDWHICHES GIVE YOU MORE FUCKING BUN SPACE#we did a rock one together yesterday....... and that requires two servings of bacon....#i... i dont want to do that by myself how the fuck do i fit it all on the tiny single player sandwich#anyways SHINY VAPOREON LOOKS SO GOOD IN THIS GAME#i feel like its a little lighter than in arceus and i like that
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vanosslirious · 1 year
*SMii7y gasping in surprise*
Eli: You finally got the 50?
Byze: What's he got? What's he got?
Kryoz: He's got a 50. He's got a 50! SKIP HIM! SKIP HIM!
SMii7y: No, let me play it!
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amandabe11man · 1 year
scenario software: hey we’re making this video game but we need someone to make the music for it. nothing too crazy though! just try out the sound card a little bit if you want :)
keith schuler, incidental composer and genius: okay got it
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