storiadinessuno · 2 years
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ozank · 2 years
Bazen ruhsuz hissiz bişey oluyorum. Hiçbir şey yapmadığım, hiçbir şey istemediğim halde nasıl oluyorda insanlara zarar verebiliyorum bilmiyorum. Bazen bu bile çok yorucu geliyor..
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moon 22.20
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fivefeetfangirl · 7 months
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apparently my laptop wants me to have 3 more hours of nov 5th??
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thorsenmark · 3 months
A Sky Scenery Under the Evergreens of Yosemite Valley (Yosemite National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While wandering along the shores of the Merced River and a view looking up and the to the northeast with tall evergreen trees all around. This is located around the Fern Spring area in Yosemite Valley of the national park.
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mymerit · 6 months
Wiper balls for 5-1/2” Drill Pipe
Keep Your Drill Pipe Running Smoothly with Wiper Balls If you’re in the drilling industry, you know the importance of keeping your drill pipe clean and free of debris. Buildup of mud, cement, and other materials can lead to a number of problems, including: Reduced drilling efficiency Increased downtime for repairs Shorter lifespan for your drill pipe Fortunately, there’s a simple and…
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ciochinaflorin · 1 year
127 I 2023. CUNOAȘTEREA RECIPROCĂ ÎN VIAȚA DE FAMILIE [Geneza 24.63–67 I Geneza 22.20–23]
127 I 2023. CUNOAȘTEREA RECIPROCĂ ÎN VIAȚA DE FAMILIE I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Geneza 24 : 63 – 67 I Geneza 22 : 20 – 23 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 07 Mai 2023 I În Geneza 24 : 63 – 67 scrie că : „Într-o seară, când Isaac ieşise să cugete în taină pe câmp, a ridicat ochii şi s-a uitat ; şi iată că veneau nişte cămile. Continue reading Untitled
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kittybroker · 6 months
How much is this extremely wet kibby worth :O
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Soggy kitty floats along merrily! Buoyant kitty now selling for a high $22.20!
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langitawaan · 1 year
Izinkan aku menjadi rumahmu..
Walau atapnya mungkin suatu hari akan bocor,
Dindingnya penuh dengan bekas retakan,
Ruangannya mungkin tidak lebih luas dari yang kau harapkan,
Isinya mungkin tidak semenarik tetangga sebelah.
Namun aku tetap bersikeras untuk menjadi satu-satunya rumah tempatmu pulang.
Tempat kau menemukan nyaman, aman dan juga tenang.
Tempat kau bisa jujur menjadi dirimu, walau harus terlihat lemah.
Tempat di mana lelahmu berganti sukacita.
Tempat di mana ketika dunia menyepelekanmu, ada aku yang akan terus mendukung, mendampingi, menguatkan dan mencintaimu dengan utuh.
Aku, rumahmu yang penuh dengan kesederhanaan.
Rumah, 22.20 | 09 Juni 2023.
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jupiitersreturn · 3 months
Easter Sale
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From now until the end of March all readings will be 25% off!
Natal Chart Reading: I will give you the complete rundown of your Natal Chart (major aspects only) This includes but is not limited to; your inner planets, your outer planets, your dominants, angles, and houses.
Pages: 20-25
Price: 25 USD → 16.01 £ → 18.77 € → 25.31 CAD - NOW - $18.75 USD
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Synastry and Composite Chart Readings: I will read a Synastry or Composite Chart of you and one other person! I will include asteroids Amor, Union, Eros, Psyche, and Valentine.
Pages: 20-25
Price for Composite: 22 USD → 17.11 £ → 20.35 € → 27.97 CAD - NOW - $16.50 USD
Price for Synastry: 25 USD → 19.45 £ → 23.13 € → 31.79 CAD - NOW - $18.75 USD
Price For Both: 40 USD → 33.02 £ → 37.85 € → 55.19 CAD - NOW - $30 USD
Any additional asteroids or objects will be $1.00 more
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Romance Reading: Using your Juno Persona Chart, Natal Chart, or Groom Persona Chart, I will give you an idea of who your Future Partner is! I will include who they are, where you might meet them, potential placements they could have, physical traits, and the energy surrounding the connection. I will include asteroids Amor and Union.
Pages: 20-25
↳ One Chart: 25 USD → 15.56 £ → 18.50 € → 25.43 CAD - NOW - $18.75 USD
↳ Two Charts: 35 USD → 17.11 £ → 20.35 € → 27.97 CAD - NOW - $26.25 USD
↳ All Three Charts: 50 USD → 18.67 £ → 22.20 € → 30.52 CAD - NOW - $37.50 USD
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Career Reading: I will read either your Natal Chart, Industria Persona Chart, or MC Persona Chart in order to give you the careers I think are best for you. I will help you try to understand your strengths and weaknesses in the workplace as well as the potential environment of your workplace!
Pages: 20-25
↳ Natal Chart: 25 USD → 16.01 £ → 18.77 € → 25.31 CAD - NOW - $18.75 USD
↳ Industria Persona Chart: 25 USD → 19.45 £ → 23.13 € → 31.79 CAD - NOW - $18.75 USD
↳ MC Persona Chart: 25 USD → 19.45 £ → 23.13 € → 31.79 CAD - NOW - $18.75 USD
Any additional asteroids or objects will be $0.25 more
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Astrocartography and Relocation Chart Reading: I will tell you the most ideal places for you to live in or travel to, based on your own wants and needs. Then, I will read the Relocation Chart for those places to give you an idea of what your life would look like there.
For example, if you tell me that you want to live in a place that satisfies your material needs, gives you confidence, and also gives you some excitement and passion, I would give you a basic reading based on the Relocation Charts of up to Three Places where your Sun, Venus, and Mars lines are the most prominent.
Pages: 20-25 Per Chart
↳ One Chart: 25 USD → 16.01 £ → 18.77 € → 25.31 CAD - NOW - $18.75 USD
↳ Two Charts: 40 USD → 19.45 £ → 23.13 € → 31.79 CAD - NOW - $30 USD
↳ Three Charts: 55 USD → 19.45 £ → 23.13 € → 31.79 CAD - NOW - $41.25 USD
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o2studies · 1 month
༻`` 25 Apr 24 — Thursday 21/60
🧡 academia >> studied for 2hrs 50, chem and maths, did a practice practical exam today and I felt fairly confident (I didn't look at the paper we did too closely before the test), I've almost finished going over all of my chemistry notes before I start trying questions
🧡 physical health >> Did some pushups and more pistol squats
🧡 self care >> drank some tea, water and hot chocolate, read more (The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky), drew, listened to songs that fit my mood and let myself take a 'rest'
☀️ 7.15 🌙 22.20
-> the 'rest' was more music and social media because one of my teachers told us today that she's leaving this year for a job closer to home, and I'm actually very sad about that. She was my form tutor last 2 years and was supposed to take us back this year, and then again have us next year. She also teaches math really really well, she's so helpful and just geniuenly so nice and lovely. I will really miss her. And then one of my friends was saying how that's the second teacher they know and actually like that won't be teaching them next year whenever they were supposed to (there was so much more drama with teachers this year too...) and that they only didn't move school because they knew those teachers and the fact that they taught well. I don't know if A is considering moving next year now but they might be... And I don't want them to leave... We don't talk much outside of school but I've gotten quite close to them and they're a great friend and actually quite inspirational to me. I really respect them. Plus they're also looking to move to another country for uni so that's even less time I'll be able to spend with them before that happens...
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orotrasparente · 4 months
capisci che è stata una giornata devastante quando crolli dal sonno alle 20.30 e ti risvegli alle 22.20
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moon 22.19
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Prev: moon 22.18 || Next: moon 22.20
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10/04/2023 22.20
Sana çok şey anlatmakt istiyorum fakat o güveni o sicak ev hissini vermek istemiyorsun yada farkında degilsin.Sanki hersey oyunmus gibj ben sadece eğlencesine varmışım gibi . Acaba dedim belki ama bağlandım nasıl oldu bilmiyorum. Gücüme gidiyor artik yapmicam dedikce ustune gidiyorum gücüm olmamasına rağmen yapıyorum aynı şeyleri. Bir gün dayanamamaktan delirmekten korkuyorum. Eğer beni gerçekten tanisaydin yada tanimak dâhi isteseydin zaten dediğim her şakanın altında gerçek yattigini bilirdin hissederdin. Ben seni hissediyorum o an ne yaptığını hissedebiliyorum neden böyleyim bilmiyordum. Heryerim uyustu kollarim yazamiyorum sinavda napicam bilemiyorum.
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ciochinaflorin · 2 years
266. SELECTEAZĂ CORECT 62. INVIDIA SAU OCHIUL RĂU [Iov 1.13–19 I Geneza 22.20–24 I Matei 20.15]
266. SELECTEAZĂ CORECT 62. INVIDIA SAU OCHIUL RĂU [Iov 1.13–19 I Geneza 22.20–24 I Matei 20.15]
266. SELECTEAZĂ CORECT 62. INVIDIA SAU OCHIUL RĂU I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Iov 1 : 13 – 19 I Geneza 22 : 20 – 24 și Matei 20 : 15 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 23 Septembrie 2022 I În introducere vom nota faptul că veștile pe care le primim și care ne sunt aduse … nu vin la întâmplare, ci ele au un scop precis. (more…)
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un-intruso-nel-mondo · 2 months
Stasera ho visto la morte in faccia, ma evidentemente non era il mio momento. E no, non sto esagerando. Chi mi segue da anni sa che ho sempre avuto paura di guidare e da quando ho preso la patente sto cercando di sconfiggerla, ma proprio dopo questo episodio (il secondo in pochi mesi), la paura torna e credo proprio che per qualche giorno è meglio evitare di guidare. Erano le 22.20 circa e stavo andando a prendere mio padre alla stazione, quando giunto ad un semaforo verde, proseguo per la mia direzione con alla mia destra un'uscita (per un'altra strada) e un'entrata (immissione nella mia corsia). Sta di fatto che da lontano vedo arrivare questa macchina rossa, un po' troppo veloce dato che si stava avvicinando alla curva per immettersi sulla mia carreggiata e con un GROSSO SEGNALE DI DARE PRECEDENZA. Sta di fatto che questa macchina non si è minimamente fermata, anzi, ha pensato bene di accelerare e tagliare tutta la corsia in direzione sinistra cercando di affiancare la mia vettura. Io fortunatamente ho avuto la prontezza e freddezza di sterzare verso sinistra, accelerare e allontanarmi velocemente da quel veicolo per tornare nella giusta carreggiata. Ho avuto le palpitazioni e sentivo la paura scorrere tra le vene.
Il mio unico pensiero in quel momento era di tornare a casa vivo, ma prima sarei dovuto comunque passare dalla stazione e sperare di evitare peggiori guai.
La diagonale mi ha fatto pensare all'incidente di Simoncelli, stessa dinamica ma direzione opposta.
⚠️⚠️⚠️Certe persone la patente non dovrebbero averla veramente ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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