#2001 Oh La
callsignvenomcod · 5 months
a soft life
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Prompt: Retired! Simon Riley. A slow life in a Manchester farm.
warning: mentions of PTSD, mentions of cartel related violence, mentions of violence, MDNI.
PS: Opening line is from the book "Jarhead" (2001) by Anthony Swofford.
A story.
A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterwards he returns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.
Sometimes he could still hear the bullets.
For a long time, it was hard to convince himself he deserved to grow old. It might have been a given fact to some other people but not for those in the military, not for Ghost, at least; not after Tommy and Beth, or Las Almas or Johnny. It took him a lot of time to be grateful to be almost 40. For several reasons, he never saw himself living past 20.
And now he was opening up the crates of the chickens he kept in his very own farm, a piece of land he actually owned, without a mask on, very far away from the bullet sounds and a barrack, from the mud and the camo, away from everything and everyone, not sound in the horizon but the chickens and Riley, the border collie dog he got, barking at a three somewhere in the distance.
He retired the summer he turned 40, there was a ceremony and everything, with Laswell and Price and he got more chest candy that would eventually end up in a wooden chest, never to be seen again, under the bed. There wasn't a reason, he just had to. He was in his prime, physically, but his mind was made of glass lately, everything rubbed him the wrong way, couldn't even train recruits without snapping too hard at them, making them quit, yell at them too much, scare them too much, beat them up to a pulp too much.
Every man in the military had a story. A life before, a life after. And in the middle, sand, or mud, or just camo. A war that last years, a mission that lasts hours. Silence and nosie.
He, like other recruits, like other Sergeants, Lieutenants, Colonels, had shadows over them. It took months for him to stop looking over his shoulder while doing the big shop on a sunday, started going to those overnight groceries store to shop alone instead. The butcher's reminded him both of his adolescence and the carnage he had caused, flinched whenever he saw a mohawk kid walking down the street, looked twice sometimes only to find a stranger.
Sometimes he could still hear the bullets, aye.
He turned in his paperwork and retired silently with lots of medals under his name, lots of dead men and probably women under his knife, missing friends, missing nerves and too scarred to be a model now. Ha.
Oh, and Y/N's wanted to get away at some point anyway.
Y/N. The last drink he never should have had, the cut that made him hide his face, and the party that made him feel his age. Pulp's words, not his. All it took was a few nights shopping at the Tesco she was working in as a cashier, late night shift, for them to become acquainted.
A year of mutual pinning, a single night in which Y/N placed the bourbon bottle and the batteries inside of the paper bag and looked up at Simon, change in hand (because he paid in cash always, no traces behind) and smiled at him. COVID had made it easier to transition from the skull balaclava to a medical mask and then to a bare face, so Simon looked at her behind the black medical mask and stared at her while she opened her mouth.
-Why do bees have sticky hair?
Simon blinked, looking down at her. -Pardon?
No line behind him. It was the first time the cashier talked to him other than "Goodnight" and "Drive safe", or "It will be 5.66, please". There was a faraway sound of some sort of 80's American pop music, something to pass time by. Simon had noticed her since the first time he came into this very same Tesco a few months ago, had noticed how she sang along whatever music was on, how her Tesco blue uniform looked too big on her, making her look insanely small and slinky. He noticed how she was always almost without a medical mask and whenever she used it, it was laced around her chin; he noticed short, clean nails, and a heart necklace over her chest, a pair of dazzling dove eyes, full hips, a belly.
He really noticed the full hips.
The girl fucking giggled and repeated. She must had a bit of Irish in her judging by the sound of her accent. Simon felt as awkward as a teenage boy in front of any girl ever -Why do bees have sticky hair?
The man shook his head, still confused, a quid in his hand.
-Because they use a honeycomb.
Ah, a woman after his own heart. Such a lame joke.
He snorted out a laugh.
It simply slipped and he memorized the name tag before grabbing his shopping bag and shaking his head, hearing her giggle behind him as he exited the store, and he came back two days later after convincing himself he needed two jars of red bean jam instead of the usual one.
Sometimes he could still hear the bullets.
And now she sleeps here; and Simon had stared at her sleeping form wondering how much time it would take for her to start hating his way of loving, of being, how many times he would go silent on the phone, a bad texter, a worst caller, how he hated crowded places and loud noises and most of their dates happened in her flat, when her roommate was out, staring silently at a film on TV, her friends thinking she's getting her brains fucked out by an experienced, older, lust thirst Vet when in reality, Ghost was gathering up the courage to wrap his arm around her shoulders.
And now she sleeps here.
In the crook of his neck, his thigh over his hip, wild hair all over the bed, sometimes inside his mouth because he stopped using a mask a while ago.
In the mornings, tangled in their bed, warm sheets, the soft breeze of Riley sleeping under the bed, her sweet sweat and vanilla scented skin under his, it took Simon a few seconds to realize he was sleeping in the company of someone; in the arms of a woman and in his own bed, a king size bed with soft white sheets that were washed and changed every 5 days, not a twin bed in a barrack, that his years of active service were over, not forgotten, as if, but that he could allow himself to become whatever he might end up becoming if the 141 didn't happened.
-Come here, boy. Come here, Riley. Yeah, yeah...- said Simon scrunching down to caress right behind Riley's ear, the dog sticking out his long tongue and barking of joy mixed with the hyper sense of his breed, the soldier being careful not to break the eggs he held in a small basket. Simon had found him a puppy a few months ago, seemed like years really, in a litter box with 6 of his brothers and sisters, a beat-up cardboard sign reading "For adoption." And Simon picked up the only one with a lazy ear. He knew deep down that Y/N would appreciate that and simply put him in the passenger seat of the black Bronco truck he owned and drove all the way back home. -You're up early, eh? You having breakkie with us?
He had fallen into a comfortable routine now. He would wake up, crawl over Y/N's sleeping figure, careful not to wake her with the crack of dawn, 5AM with the BBC on his headphones, a 6'2 shadow jogging through the hills of the outskirts of Manchester, for an hour only the dark of the road, the eventual baby blue of the sky, the warmth of the sun. Sometimes Riley was up for it, sometimes he stood behind cuddled up in their room. And upon his return he would work out in their driveway for another hour, noticing the growing presence of what the media now called a "Dad Bod" (Y/N's words, not him) and eventually hearing soft barefoot steps coming from the room.
There was tea for two before he had to head out, get some tasks done, and a soft kiss hanging from Y/NS plush lips, and he would always try to push it, try his luck. He would smile against it, whispering "Good morning..." with a lazy voice, hands on Y/N's full hips, kneading them, in need of them, and Simon would press up with hard on against her stomach, while deepening the kiss.
It never failed to make her wet. It never failed to make her forget the kettle on the fire for a minute and simply give into his kiss, his embrace; him, overall. Simon would pick her up, easily, laid her on the counter, and her robe would open for him, with or without his help, and she was always so wet for him, so ready to do it.
-Simon...- she will say. - Breakfast...
And he wasted no time into twisting her words, dropping to his knees as if he was in the presence of a saint, of a virgin, of the end of the world, staring at her glistening cunt first thing in the morning, looking up with the adoration she deserved; she would gulp and argue it was not what she meant but she would recoil and whimper when Simon stuck his tongue inside his cunt anyway, overlapping her folds, blissfully eating her out before the sun was completely out.
The dog kept barking all the way down to the house, past the barn and the driveway, the small stable with the one horse they had, the pen he was building to eventually own sheep, and Simon felt the cold breeze of the early morning seeping through his black knit sweater and his jean jacket, as he walked all the way across the grass fields and into his porch, the swinging chair Y/N liked to read in, in a need of a reparation.
-Right...- he whispered to himself seeing the hammer he left outside to remind himself to fix the damn chair, bloody hell. Riley's nose peeked through the front door, opening it with ease and technique allowing themselves in, and the cold of the outside world was quickly gone.
Simon stepped into a cozy home, with a color palette he would have never picked, all warm yellows and oranges, pinks and whites, and soft cushions, warm blankets, a picknick turntable in the coffee table; and music, soft music he didn't recognize coming from it, a spinning record on it with yellow and pink lyrics, a girl signing about a loved one, and another voice, a present one, horribly trying to sing along.
He snorted out a laugh when Riley started barking and the voice was interrupted abruptly.
-Simon?...- Radio silence. -Babe?
Oh, the sound of his name in her mouth.
He crossed his living room, stepping into the kitchen, holding four eggs in a small bowl, one from each hen they owned, and he stood in the door frame, just a tad taller than him, admiring the view. He had endured white missions in the Russian winter, literal months of the gruesome torture and gory tasks and they all suddenly made sense because there was a girl.
Ah, there was a girl, alright.
Today was English breakfast. No peas for him, no sausages for her. It was stereotypical but easy to make and no one was around to judge them anyway. Next house was a few miles down the road, and even the road was far away, the town was a 30-minute ride. It was their little bit of heaven. The man stepped in, handing her the basket like every other day and kissed her temple, as she grilled some tomatoes slice ups leaning back against him. His hands would find her hips again and she would yawn with intimacy, hair still a mess, thighs still sticky. -Teas on the table, love. It's gone get cold.
-Ah, it's alright...- he said, hugging her tightly, as she kept leaning on him. -Slow morning today, eh...
She had been there and stuck around whenever the PTSD started acting up. She was the one that loved him when he started going fucking mental; and stuck around when she found her burning up SAS gear, a lost look in his eyes as he did so. He would throw in a Ghost mask and watch it burn for a moment, before murmuring a shocked sob and reaching out into the flames to retrieve it. She stuck around while he drank too much bourbon sitting on the porch, skull mask on, his dogs' tags held so tightly his knuckles will go white with force. Y/N even stuck around when the nightmares came, and she would wake up to Ghost whimpering on his side of the bed, breaking a cold sweat, his jaw tight and her brows furrowed, screaming out "Johnny! Johnny!" before waking up in tears, in raged hot tears down his cheeks, short of breath, his head a full of bullet noises and sirens wailings, pictures of his team and the blood and the grease paint. A mess. A shaking shadow.
Every October 11, she will make sure to hold him a little tighter, kiss him a little softer, love him, if it was possible, a little louder.
And she was here now, cooking breakfast, no peas for him; now he was living a soft life, with tea every morning, and a dog named Riley, with soft hands that wondered around his chest whenever he thought about Soap too much, about Gaz and that helo. But she was here now, and she had no sausages today, as they sat down on their small chair in their small kitchen in their small farm. He was living a soft life, and he didn't think of himself as worthy of it, but he must have been done something good to have her cooking breakfast and sleeping in their bed and caressing their dog under the table.
Tomorrow, Ghost would ask her to come out to the porch to find her reading swing fixed and a wedding ring.
She's going to say yes.
He didn't heard the bullets anymore.
Hello! Venom here.
Thank you so much to anyone that's been liking my story.
Happy 2024!
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Watching Fast and the Furious for the First Time Ever
-They're heisting chunky panasonic tvs? Man the stakes were different back then.
-2001 LA is where they beat the shit out of you for ordering a sandwich. I mean I feel like if you're a grown man ordering tuna on no crust it's not completely uncalled for.
-Oh okay so Paul Walker is the D'Artagnan of the story
-oh noooo he's a cop or he's being used by the cops or whatever
-I don't think they've filmed a woman without a slooooow pan up the body yet.
-"I watched my dad burn to death" DUDE YOU PUT NITROUS UNDERNEATH YOUR COPILOT SEAT????
-Diversity win? The dude who used the f-slur less than five minutes into this movie is now wearing a mesh tank top.
-the dialogue: "I can't believe you've been undercover! I can't believe you betrayed us!" the soundtrack: UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE
-Honestly surprised mesh shirt guy didn't die there. Fuckin' mad max trucker...
-"We raced again and we nearly got hit by that train but we didn't get hit by the train but then I hit that truck and nearly died but anyways we're FAMILY now."
-Conclusion: This has honestly piqued my curiosity as to how the movies are going to get more and more over the top. It's fascinating. It's like there's an engine where the brain's supposed to be.
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reflectismo · 1 year
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INT: How much singing and composing did you witness [in India]?
PS: I didn't see much, because they did that kind of thing mostly at night. So I only ever saw or was part of that one session that I photographed. I was walking back to my tent late one afternoon before dinner, and I just heard John and Paul singing from behind the trees. And I walked over and saw what they were doing, and I went and got my camera, which is the only time I took my camera out on purpose. So I took a few shots through the fence, then I walked through and just sat down, with Paul and John side by side, and just hung out. Paul had a piece of paper with the words, "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, oh, how the life goes on," and it was on the step beneath him. The first picture in the book is the shot of him looking down and his hand is off the guitar, and he's reading the words, which he didn't have memorized yet. And they just played with it for about five minutes, having a wonderful time fooling around. It was such fun, I mean them having so much fun. When I first sat down, they were actually just playing bits and fragments of their older songs.
INT: Previously recorded material?
PS: Yeah, like Michelle and Eleanor Rigby. Just musically meandering. Then Paul started looking down at the piece of paper and I took a picture.
INT: Was George around?
PS: No. But Ringo was siting there with his leg crossed, a cigarette in his hand. So after they had played Ob-La-Di, Ob-la-Da over and over again, they stopped for a breather, and that's when Paul looked up at me, smiled, and with this really wonderful twinkle in his eye, said, "That's all there is so far, we haven't got the words yet." So that was the only time I experienced it.
INT: That's interesting because Lennon had stated in many interviews that he and McCartney had really stopped composing together in late '64 or early '65, but Paul said in his recent book that they actually composed together right to the end. So what you witnessed reinforces Paul's version.
PS: That is interesting. And they were having so much fun together. There's no question about it.
— Interview with Paul Saltzman (Beatlology Magazine, January/February 2001 Edition)
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scotianostra · 4 months
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Happy 76th Birthday the excellent Scottish actor David Hayman.
Hayman, one of Scotland’s most acclaimed actors of stage and screen was born in Bridgeton, Glasgow on February 9th 1948.
David Hayman grew up as one of three children in a working class family in Drumchapel, Glasgow. Leaving school without any academic qualifications he started work as a would-be engineer at 16. One day, wearing his grease stained boiler suit, he marched into the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama and announced his intention to become an actor. He still has no idea where this came from, he is basically a shy person and there was no family history of acting. He took advice and joined an amateur dramatics group and a year later was accepted to study drama and has never been out of work since.
His film and television credits are, frankly, much too numerous to list but include his superb portrayal of hard man Jimmy Boyle in “Sense of Freedom” and, of course, he is recognisable everywhere as Detective Chief Superintendent Michael Walker in Linda La Plante’s long running Trial and Retribution series.He has also starred in the hit Scottish cop drama Shetland as well as Scottish comedy shows Scotch & Wry, Rab C Nesbitt and Still Game.
Hayman has also directed numerous films and TV shows as well as regularly treading the boards in the Theatres.
Away from acting, David established his Glasgow-based charity Spirit Aid in 2001. It has gone on to become one of Scotland’s most successful small scale humanitarian organisations. He started Spirit Aid because he wanted to do a Scottish Live Aid at Hampden, but his rock stars let him down. “They were all, ‘Oh, man, I’m burned out,’ and I was thinking, ‘You’re sitting on your fat arse on your sofa with £40 million in the bank. Go and sit in a refugee camp in Afghanistan and tell me you’re burned out’. But I thought, I believe in this, I’ve got to keep going.”
He spends several months every year visiting his charity’s relief projects where he employs indigenous workers wherever possible. His fundraising operations include Operation Loo Roll, a project selling toilet paper that raised £100,000 in 2007. The charity undertakes humanitarian relief projects from Kosovo to Guinea-Bissau, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Malawi and South Africa.
Hayman is a big campaigner for a Scottish film studio, which is looking like happening soon, he says “It takes the Americans to come in and build a shed where they shoot Outlander and that’s the nearest thing we have to a film studio, think of all the movies that we’ve lost, all the money that we’ve lost all the way back to Braveheart.”
David was recently in the fab comedy from Scottish director Michael Caton-Jones, Our Ladies, “set mainly in Edinburgh a group of Catholic school girls get an opportunity to go to the capital for a choir competition, but they’re more interested in drinking, partying and hooking up than winning the competition” it is an adaptation of Scottish author, Alan Warner, of Morvern Callar fame’s third novel Sopranos, I read the book in the late 90’s it is a laugh out loud book, and the film is also very good.
Hayman was in an interesting film, My Neighbor Adolf, last year, which I haven’t got round to watching yet, set in 1960;s Brazil he plays a “lonely and grumpy” Holocaust survivor convinces himself that his new neighbour is none other than Adolf Hitler. We also saw him in the sequel Fisherman's Friends: One and All, both films get ratings of 6.2, and 6.4 on IMDB . I have just started a binge watch of Chemistry of Death, a Brit crime thriller series which is on Paramount plus. Last year David played a Chieftain in the Disney Star Wars prequal series Andor.
David won a top theatre award for his portrayal of northern Irishman, Eric, in the acclaimed play Cyprus Avenue last year, he has a couple of projects lined up, Jailbroken, an action crime thriller described as "the day before a violent criminal is due to be released from prison he receives a threatening call. Armed only with a mobile phone he must somehow save his family - and himself."And at the other end of the spectrumis a fantasy called Assassins Guild, "After the Mermaid Wars, Iliad's city is attacked by dark forces. With the city full of rancor and corruption, Death herself forms an alliance and offers Atticus, an elite fighter, the chance to return to life. This gift comes at a price."
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0ceanaz · 3 months
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𖦹*ੈ‧ SOUNDS OF THE SEA . . .
OCEANA Entertainment is a fictional global entertainment company based in Seoul, South Korea founded by Ha Seong-woo in 1998. Originally made as a South Korean company, it later got stationed in Japan, China, USA, and the UK. As an entertainment company, it operates as a record label, modeling agency, acting agency, and music production company.
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𖦹*ੈ‧ BASIC INFO . . .
Native Name - 오세아나 엔터테인먼트
Company Type - Public
Founded - Jul. 5, ‘98 (Kor.) Jan. 2, ‘00 (Jp) Jul. 6, ‘00 (Chn) May 29, ‘01 (US) Jan. 1, ‘05 (UK)
Founders - Ha Seong-woo, Miya Kenji, Wu Hao, Sarah Hayes, Veronica Harris
Headquarters - Seoul, South Korea
CEO’S - Jeon Bora, Kimura Naomi, Li Xumin, Sarah Hayes, Veronica Harris
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OCEANIC: The first subsidiary founded by Ha Seong-woo and Miya Kenji in 2000 after Seong-woo wanted to branch out his company into other companies, OCEANIC is stationed in Tokyo, Japan and holds some of the most popular japanese artists.
PACIFIC: The second subsidiary founded by Wu Hao and Ha Seong-woo in 2000 when Hao agreed to be apart of the global project and merged his company with OCEANIC. PACIFIC is stationed in Shanghai, China and has gotten in a lot of scandals due to alleged plagiarism and money laundering.
SUNSET SHORE: The third subsidiary founded by Ha Seong-woo and Sarah Hayes in 2001 as a duo project. SUNSET SHORE is stationed in California, USA and is known for housing some of the best vocalists.
COASTAL: The fourth and final subsidiary founded by Veronica Harris and Ha Seong-woo in 2005 after Seong-woo decided to add the UK into the company. COASTAL is stationed in Manchester, United Kingdom and is known for their successful girl groups
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My OCEANA 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝
SUMMER - 1998 - 2004 (five member girl group)
SUNDAE - 2000 - present (generational girl group) @oh-sundae
YUNA - 2011 - present (female soloist)
CAPTAIN - 2015 - 2021 (six member boy group)
VIPER - 2015 - present (five member boy group) @v1pers1
AQUA - 2019 - present (four member co-ed group)
My OCEANIC 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝
DIVE - 2000 - 2009 (four member girl group)
ECLIPSE - 2003 - 2008 (six member boy group)
U:MI - 2010 - present (generational boy group)
HARUKA - 2010 - present (female soloist)
KATSUKI - 2014 - present (male soloist)
CHERRY - 2023 - present (female trio)
My PACIFIC 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝
VANILLA - 2001 - 2002 (six member co-ed group)
CHEN ZHU - 2004 - 2012 (male solost)
YANG DAIYU - 2005 - 2018 (female soloist)
BLOOM - 2013 - present (five member boy group)
JULY - 2017 - present ( five member girl group)
XINA - 2019 - present (female soloist)
My SUNSET 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝
KANDY GIRLS - 2001 - 2014 (four member girl group)
IRIS - 2003 - 2011 (five member girl group)
MASON DIOR - 2007 - present (male soloist)
FIVE STAR - 2011 - present (female soloist)
ANIYAH - 2014 - present (female soloist)
AAMARI - 2015 - present (male solost)
LAGOON - 2017 - present (six member boy group)
BLAIR DIOR - 2021 - present (female soloist)
My COASTAL 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝
XOXO - 2005 - 2019 (five member girl group)
GIRLFRIEND - 2007 - 2014 (female duo)
KARINE - 2014 - present (female soloist)
LA LUNA - 2015 - present (female trio)
A-LIST - 2017-present (six member girl group)
SAD GIRLS CLUB - 2019-present (five member girl group)
AMARA - 2019 - present (female soloist)
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jackiequick · 11 months
Los Bandoleros | Fast and Furious Au Fic 🇩🇴
- Get to know Val Toretto -> click here 📚
- Latest Fast & Furious fic -> click here 🏁
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Timeline: After Fast & Furious (2001). Take place between 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) & Fast and Furious (2009).
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Characters shown/mentioned: Dom Toretto, Valentina Toretto, Mia Toretto, Letty Ortz, Han Lue, Soffi Sasaki, Leon and etc.
Pairing: Pre!Deckard Shaw x Valentina Toretto, Dominic Toretto x Letty Ortiz, Han Lue x Soffi Sasaki
Summary: Ever wonder how more about our leading lady and how Valentina ‘Val’ Toretto, met two members of the Fast Family? Take a look.
It was midway through the day, the streets were roughly empty expect for a few cars. It was Friday, so people were out at work. That resulted in children playing the streets with their mother’s watching them, some people on motorcycles, and the sound of music being played all across town. It was a somewhat cloudy day, so it wasn’t too bad but the weather was high and very humid.
Santos was chatting around town, greeting everyone taking his sweet time reaching the market. Val was waiting for him, since she went to shop for food as he left to buy beer. Finally he arrived with a sly smile.
“Sorry. The line was long?” Santos apologies taking her hand walking down the street with her.
“Line? Que line? No—you were talking.” Val remarked chuckling holding the bags of green plantains.
“If Tia is mad, I’m blaming you.”
“Alright, vamos! Hablas demasiado.”
Val gasp laughing slapping him his shoulder as Santos laughed. Soon enough they arrived at the house, they handed the food and beer over to Tia, Issy and Jessica.
Meanwhile at the airport, Han walked out holding his girlfriend, Sofi, hand looking around the the place. The two chatted gazing the place until someone called out their names, a escort for them, welcoming them to Dominican Republic as Anthony Santos played inside the car.
When they arrived, Dom was fixing a car with two kids nearby him, grounded again. Han decided to take a complain about the heat in which Dom scoffed at how he’s already complaining. Even said why couldn’t they stay at a hotel. Sofi was waving a hand in front of herself feeling the heat calm down on her as well. Of course it’s hot here with no air conditioning around to cool them off, only the richer ones ordered one. So suck it up Han.
Val was outside hand washing some clothes with Issy talking. Santos left to find Dom at that point, pointing out the two newbies who have arrived. But like anything, the word got around as the kids whispered about newbies catching Issy’s attention.
Issy nudged with a smirk, “¿De qué están hablando estos niños? ¿Hay dos chinos aquí?”
“Son algunos amigos que Dom invitó.” Val repiled shrugging with a simple smile.
Issy leaned back eyeing the short hair girl turning back to her friend, “La chica, sin embargo, es flaca.”
Val cringe for a second before looking at the girl for herself and hissed, “No te preocupes. Un poco de moro de habichuelas, carne de cerdo y plátanos arreglará eso.”
Issy chuckling nodding in a agreement, “Pero ella es bonita!”
“Muy bonita!” Val repiled nodding with a smile, but before she can say anything else she caught one of the kids before running into the kitchen, “Hey! No, sal de ahí!”
She picked up the kid, Antonio, holding his hand walking him over to where the others were. She sighs, “I swear theses kids never learn..go play or something.”
Sofi was walking around carrying her bad over her shoulder stumbling into the path and asked, “Um eh-crap. Hola? Sorry Spanish, isn’t my first language..”
Val was waving off Antonio to go play and turned to face girl with a chuckle, “Uh hey. Is there anything i can do for you?”
“Oh thank god you speak English…your English is not bad.”
“Uh thanks? Born in a America, the states, but some spend time here.”
“Oh that’s cool! So um you know Dom then?”
“I know him. He’s my brother. Hi, Val Toretto.”
She hold out a hand and the other girl shaked it.
Sofi stood there awkwardly for a moment and half smiled softly, “Hm Soffi Sasaki, nice to meet you. One question..”
“Shoot.” Val replied walking back over to the yard, motioning for her to obviously follow her, stopping herself from rolling her eyes.
“Why is it so hot here? Couldn’t we uh..stay at a hotel or something?”
“Hotel?! I-muchacha you’re kidding right?”
“What? Did i say something wrong?”
“It’s hot here, embrace it! Dominican Republic is hot almost every day.”
“Um okay, I’ll try. Um w-what did you call me earlier ‘much..cha’?”
“Oh, muchacha! It means women, girl, lady. All the stuff.”
“Isn’t it señora..?”
“Well yeah we use that too, but different country equals different slang.”
“H-how long have you lived here?”
“Uh 7 years or so? Maybe less..”
“Oh um..wow. You know the land then?”
“Yeah sorta. My brother is the one who moves around more than i do.”
“You’re Spanish is good..”
“You can thank my friends for that one.”
The girls kept talking as they entered the kitchen, Valentina automatically started to put Soffi to work, Tia’s orders to at least do something. They asked if they had guys in their lives, work, stuff they liked to do, clothes, daily lives and etc. Val even teases Soffi calling Han, who she met earlier from Dom introducing him to the group, girlfriend and boyfriend. Soffi blushes brightly and asked if she was dating anyone to get a rise from her, Val shake her head ‘no’.
Thankfully food was served, everyone sat down a table chatting and smiling, cracking a few jokes. Antonio’s older brother Micheal took a bite, in which Jessica slapped his hand and reminded him of Dom’s rule. First bite, you gotta say grace. Later on, Dom explained the plan to them, break out an old friend from jail.
It took some work and breaking a few bylaws to do, especially from Val opening a gate with pliers to do so. Once it was done, Leo was out of prison as they all scurried into a old school bar for a quick refresher and to grab Letty. Han was being flirted with by a short, curvy woman with wide freeing curly hair, named Cara.
Val was drinking a Mamajuana as she noticed the conversation and then tossed Soffi a presidente, who catch it quickly examining the alcohol in her hand.
She hesitated to drink and glanced at the girl, “Um, i don’t know..”
“It’s fine, just one bottle. I’m usually not a huge drinker but weeks like this and a simple prison break, you deserve it.” Val explained.
“Um, okay i’ll drink to that. You seem rather confident Valentina.”
“Just Val, please.”
“Okay Val. How did you end up here?”
“What do you mean?”
“Living like this. I’m just from Tokyo and a simple street racer. How did you end up like this?”
Val hesitated for a second, that was a first time Soffi saw her that way. From the moment she was introduced to her, 49 hours ago, she saw a confident and cool young women. Since Val greeted Soffi, all she did was eye her and asked her some questions every once in a while. Cracking a joke or sipping her drink, meeting people and watching everyone who walked by.
But hesitation was a bit of a surprise. Soffi thought she overstepped saying that, rarely knowing anything about this girl and asking that question made her go quiet for a second. But before she can say anything Val distracted her and said, “Oh hey isn’t that Han with Cara?”
“Huh? Who?” Soffi asked, looking over her shoulder noticing the sight herself, “Ohh…that’s okay.”
“Isn’t he your boyfriend? Go dance with him or Cara might.”
“It’s fine. Han won’t do that.”
“Soffi. It’s a party, everyone is a little tipsy and having fun, go for it.”
The short haired girl knew that something was happening that she switched the conversation on her, since Val practically pushed her into Han’s direction. Soffi stumbled over to Han holding her beer bottle with a smile, looking over to see Val was already gone leading two guys across the bar.
She sighed, soon changing gears asking Han to dance with her, he happily walked over to the floor, leaving Cara to chat with the bartender instead. On the other side of the bar, Val was chatting with the two guys with a smile siping her beer as she noticed Dom was having his own fun on the couch.
That was until Letty showed up with a smirk, winking at Val.
She gave her a smile hug smirking and asked, “Where is he?”
“Where do you think?” Val replied motions her over to the girls on the couch with Dom, smirking back.
“Incredible. All I had to do is follow the smell of Skanks.”
“Ain’t that hard to track him down.”
“Or you! Took me hours to track your ass down to this side of the D.R.”
“Hey, i just follow his lead. And the food is always good.”
“Yeah, whatever. Meet you outside in 10?”
“You know it.”
Letty kisses her cheek, waving goodbye not before glaring at the guys who Val was talking to a minute again. As she was off to grab Dom away from the party, holding a duffel bag with a smirk hiding behind a simple glare. Soffi was dancing with Han noticing Dom and Letty walking out confused as to who she was, but didn’t bother to ask since Han was twirling her around in glee. Her laughter could be heard, as Han smiled brightly.
The next day, Val woke up in a small hotel room nearby the building that held last nights party, looking over the nightstand to see a note from Dom saying ‘Gone out with Letty to the beach. Enjoy yourself. Love, Dom’. She rolled her eyes chuckling, not surprised he went out to take his women on a daytime trip to the lower countryside. That left Val to have a day all to herself.
So she headed out to do her usual routine. After breakfast she would make her way downtown to the market, greeting people, looking at the price tags to motorcycles as she catching a ride on the back of a pickup truck with a bunch of other people and so much more. Stop and stare at the plenty of music being played from across the streets, as some guys would catcall her out loud or even make kissy faces, Val would just roll her eyes groaning in disbelief. Sometimes she will laugh at them though.
Usually Val tends to do things with others of the family and friends she was happily provided with. But over the last few years, she didn’t get to see much of them. With her sister living in the states, the death of a friend while the others just drifted away with time, Dom finding himself with jobs to do, Letty always heading out and the list goes on. Yeah sure, she’s open to plenty of stuff to do, but sometimes she can get a bit lonely and decided that, it isn’t so bad to be by herself. It hurts sometimes, however sometimes she rather just get herself into trouble on her own.
Come lunchtime, she would head over Tia’s place for some food. But today, she decided to treat herself to a simple restaurant for some salami, queso frito, arroz blanco with eggs and tostones. Sound like a lot of food but she’s hungry and it’a delicious according to the waitress who served her, when she asked for a mixture of recommendations. So Val decided to mix it up and eat that whole plate. Of course she had a soda and water to go with it.
She snapped out of her thoughts realizing the time, rushing out of the restaurant thanking the waitress for the delicious meal and drinks, heading over to Tia’s to help out with anything and just chat with Issy. That same afternoon, around 5:00pm, Val found herself walking along the sidewalk landing towards the beaches of the Dominican Republic.
It’s one of the many things she adored about the country. The sun hits just right in the afternoon, the waves are calm on most days, the water was so fresh and cold that it can practically heal your skin’s texture to becoming softer, people always come with their partners and family and or something they come alone to relax. Not just that, nearby the beach there were places to sit, eat and drink if you like. Music would play as the corners of the beach, it felt like Paradise to her.
Today she brought a chair, her bag and ordered a coconut to be sliced open as she drank it without a straw. She removed her t-shit to reveal a deep red bikini top, rising back her black $1 dollar sunglasses she stole got from a random store 5 years ago with a smile, only to drop downs the sunglasses as she heard voices.
“Co—” Val stopped herself from saying that bad word out loud knowing there are children, seeing the people who spoke, “-i mean. Hi.”
It was Soffi again wearing a blue dress, it appears like Han left to grab extra chairs or something. “Hey!” She replied with a smile, “I um didn’t think to see you here.”
“Nope. Me either. Why?”
“Cara and Leo recommended this beach and we decided why not.”
“Of course they did..”
“You don’t seem too excited to see us?”
Val eyes widen sheepishly putting her coconut onto her lap and exclaimed, “Oh no—i mean i am. I just wanted some time to myself i guess?”
“You sure? Um-uh we can leave if you like. I’m getting the feeling this isn’t about right now.” Soffi replied taking a seat next to her, pushing back her bangs.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, are you okay? I must’ve said something wrong last night or whatever to pull you away..If i did, I’m so sorry.”
“Mm hm, okay. Look Soffi, I’m fine. And uh, about what you said last night. I don’t remember.”
“You’re lying. You pushed me towards my boyfriend last night instead of answering my questions.”
“Because Cara was flirting and questioning Han. If i had a boyfriend, i would’ve examine that situation!”
“He’s my boyfriend, i can handle it.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Soffi got annoyed and Val got defensive. She walked away, over to the bar to get another coconut as Han returned eating nuts, asking if she was okay. She lied, saying to go check on his girlfriend. Han stopped her, saying that whatever happened last night to try and let it out or talk about with somebody.
Val just scoffed walking away, looking at the bartender to another coconut and rolled her eyes at the man who eyeing her. She rather not have any of that today, not in the mood.
She wouldn’t mind meeting somebody on the beach and start a romantic getaway with them for a weekend, hang out with family and friends like she used to and stop the running across the country. But it’s not possible. At least, not yet.
Originally it was supposed to be a less than few weeks in the Dominican Republic to spend time with Dom and return home to be around Mia. However after returning every once in a while to the country, theses weeks turned into months. Now it resulted in 7 years of living conditions and travels, being underground without being seen from anyone that worked in the U.S. or return to the states for long. Don’t get Valentina wrong, she loves it here.
But sometimes get it’s a little lonely and harder with the heist they have to pull off soon. And she can’t imagine going back to the states either. Her life was there, a lost time to make up for, but a life. Sometimes she feels like it was her fault, but she can’t just blame herself or trade it for the world. Her family choose this life or the life choose her and the issues that followed behind it. But still it stinks a bit sometimes.
Somebody tapped her shoulder, Val hissed yelling, “Han i said i was fine! Or if that guys from the bar—” she pauses seeing it was Soffi again sighing, “—yes?”
“You don’t have to give me attitude you know?” Soffi barked at her the girl and rubbed her face from the heat, “I just wanted to know if you’re okay.”
“Why? We barley know each other. We just met yesterday.”
“You are mad, i see that. But Val, look I overstepped last night or something. I’m sorry. If that, you were asking me questions i just wanted to ask you some.”
“It’s only fair.”
“Look Sof, i don’t make friends as easily as possible. And I’m sorry i was rude. But I’m not in the mood to talk about my feelings right now.”
“…okay. What do you want to talk about?”
“Uh, I don’t know. What do you got?”
“Well, I don’t know actually.”
“Oh god..”
Val can already tell this girl was a piece of work, getting on her nerves and giving rising her temper a bit. But a part of her kinda liked that, somebody who can annoyed the shit out of her and push her buttons a bit, even if it makes her wanna punch a wall. She reminded her Vince, with being able to annoy her sometimes.
“You wanna something about me huh?” Val said with her arms across.
“Y-yeah? I guess, tell me anything.” Soffi replied with a smile.
“I hate a huge ass pushover, someone who doesn’t always think for themselves. They need a little confidence.”
“W-what if they don’t have a confidence? You hate them then?”
“Not exactly. Because eventually when you roll with Dom’s crew you grow to have some confidence and speak up when you like. Get your point across.”
“Okay um..sounds like you speak from experience? Were you—are you a pushover?”
“I can be a bit of a pushover depending on the person calling the shots but usually, i try to say something if I’m feeling pissed off.”
“Note to self, don’t piss you off?”
“Like i said, depends on the person. Another thing, I’m human, so i get sensitive about certain topics.”
“Me too. I mean, everyone can get sensitive right?”
“Yeah, what do you want to know about me?”
Soffi wanted to ask the question from last night, ‘How did you end up like this?’ Or ‘How did you end up here?’ But she guessed that it might accidentally scare her off or something again.
So Soffi decided on another question and asked, “So, do you have a boyfriend or uh, girlfriend?”
“Um no boyfriend. And I don’t swing that other way either.” She replied sipping her coconut.
“Oh um okay. Sorry I didn’t know. Why though? You are smart, way more confident than i am and very pretty—”
“I’mma stop you right there, girl. Thanks for the compliment but you’re pushing it. No offense.”
“Sorry, but it’s true.”
“Uh, sweetheart, who’s the one with the boyfriend here? Me or you?”
“So? I’m just saying—”
“I know but you’re making yourself sound smaller when you clearly don’t need to be. You’re pretty and you’re pushing the line here.”
“But why don’t have a boyfriend?”
“Just haven’t found the right one yet. I mean, i went on date or two before but..”
“But what?”
“But they weren’t just right.”
“So you never had a boyfriend before?”
“Oh i did, his name was Leon. First relationship I ever had and Dom approved of him thankfully.”
“What happened?”
“We moved on. It was short lived relationship, but stayed friends. How about you and Han?”
“It was love at first sight.”
The girls smiled.
Val joked with a laugh, “Oh nahhh! Of course it was. Booo.”
“What?” Soffi said with a smile, “It’s true! We saw each other at a race and I fell for him.”
“Of course. Ain’t surprised.”
“Don’t believe in love?”
“Ah well, I know it exist due to my brother and you being in love. But I don’t think it’s for everyone.”
“Alright fair.”
Val smirked, “Alright, five bucks. If my next relationship turns out well, you get five dollars.”
“But it has to actually be love.” Soffi said with a hint of a smirk on her face, “Then I get the five dollars.”
“Hmm, you ain’t never getting those dollars then.”
“We’ll see about that.”
The girls smiled, returning back to the beach to find Han eating his fruits waiting for them with a smile. To day Valentina Toretto met two friends that week an understatement, they would become part of the huge team they would create soon. A family.
Also, little did she know in a few long years Soffi will be getting a solid five dollars, after years of trying to find Valentina a boyfriend.
Thank you so much for reading a twist on a underrated movie of the series. I hope you enjoyed it. Please like, comment & share!
There will be more Fast and Furious fics in the future if you like 🏁
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @topgun-imagines @ohgodnotagainn @morgan108 @msrochelleromanofffelton @withakindheartx @sherloquestea @blackheart-beauty @rooster-84 and whoever else wants to be added to my list
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tenaflyviper · 2 years
A few picks from my queue, all currently free to watch on Tubi TV.
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
Un Chien Andalou (1929)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Blood and Black Lace (1964)
The Wizard of Gore (1970)
The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
Rabid (1977)
Suspiria (1977)
City of the Living Dead (1980)
Next of Kin (1982)
Sleepaway Camp (1983)
The Toxic Avenger (1984)
House (1985)
The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
The Stuff (1985)
Class of Nuke 'Em High (1986)
Hellraiser (1987)
Meet the Feebles (1989)
The Dead Next Door (1990)
Santa Sangre (1990)
Bride of Re-Animator (1991)
Troll 2 (1991)
Ozone (1994)
Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell (1995)
El Día de la bestia (1995)
Audition (1999)
Battle Royale (2000)
The Convent (2000)
Ginger Snaps (2000)
May (2001)
Undead (2003)
Train to Busan (2016)
Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever Made (2020)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1977)
The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977)
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)
SGT. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. (1990)
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1993)
Freddy's Nightmares (1988)
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (1993)
The Kids in the Hall
Forbidden Zone (1980)
The Happiness of the Katakuris (2001)
Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)
The Last Unicorn (1982)
Project A-ko (1986)
When the Wind Blows (1987)
Robo Vampire (1988)
Bad Boy Bubby (1993)
Manborg (2013)
Film House Fever (1985)
Heavy Metal Parking Lot (1986)
Linnea Quigley's Horror Workout (1990)
Reflections on the Living Dead (1993)
Zombie Jamboree '93 (1993)
Flesh & Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror (1994)
Ban the Sadist Videos! (2005)
Horror Effects: Hosted by Tom Savini (2008)
Not Quite Hollywood (2008)
The Wild World of Ted V. Mikels (2008)
Monsterland (2009)
Nightmares in Red, White, and Blue (2009)
American Grindhouse (2010)
Celluloid Bloodbath (2012)
Eurocrime! (2012)
Inside Horror (2012)
Trailer War (2012)
Vampira and Me (2012)
Adjust Your Tracking (2013)
Birth of the Living Dead (2013)
Horrible Horror (2013)
I Am Divine (2013)
Monster Madness: The Golden Age of Horror (2014)
42nd Street Memories (2015)
Kings of Cult (2015)
Monsters Among Us (2015)
Blood on the Reel (2016)
Ghostheads (2016)
VHS Massacre (2016)
Greetings from Tromaville (2017)
King Cohen (2018)
Popcorn Fodder (2019)
Survival of the Film Freaks (2019)
VHS Nasty (2019)
Direct to Video: Straight to Video Horror of the 90's (2020)
Fulci for Fake (2020)
Hail to the Deadites (2020)
Time Warp: The Greatest Cult Films of All Time Vol 1 - Midnight Madness (2020)
Time Warp: The Greatest Cult Films of All Time Vol 2 - Horror & Sci-Fi (2020)
Hollywood in the Atomic Age (2021)
Oh! The Horror! (2021)
100 Years of Horror
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my-chaos-radio · 21 days
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Release: October 29, 2001
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
The night I laid my eyes on you
Felt everything around me move
Got nervous when you looked my way
But you knew all the words to say
Then your love slowly moved right in
All this time, oh my love where you been
Mi amore, don't you know
My love, I want you so
Sugar, you make my soul complete
Rapture tastes so sweet
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
I'm mesmerized in every way
You keep me in a state of daze
You're kisses make my skin feel weak
I'm always melting in your heat
Then I soar like a bird in the wind
Oh, I glide as I'm flying through heaven
Mi amore, don't you know
My love, I want you so
Sugar, you make my soul complete
Rapture tastes so sweet
Mi amore, don't you know
My love, I want you so
Sugar, you make my soul complete
Rapture tastes so sweet
Since we connect behind closed doors
Spark this fire even more
No telling where we will be next
Surrender to your rapture arrest
Lay your head, let the slumber float
Can't resist, that's why words were wrote
Mi amore, don't you know
My love, I want you so
Sugar, you make my soul complete
Rapture tastes so sweet
Mi amore, don't you know
My love, I want you so, yeah
Sugar, you make my soul complete
Rapture tastes so sweet
Mi amore, don't you know
My love, I want you so
Sugar, you make my soul complete
Rapture tastes so sweet
Mi amore, don't you know
Mi amore, don't you know
My love, I want you so
Sugar, you make my soul complete
Rapture tastes so sweet
Ali Nadia / Markus Moser
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tina-aumont · 8 months
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Article published in February 2001 "Oh La" number 127 about Jean-Pierre Aumont funeral that was celebrated the 6th February 2001 in French church of Saint-Roch.
Among the guests there were Tina Aumont, her half brothers Jean-Claude and Patrick Aumont, her step-mum Marisa Pavan, her uncle François Villiers, her cousin Aruna Villiers, French actor Alain Delon (pictured with Tina and behind her a close friend of hers, Patrick Gunter), singer, actress and AIDS activist Line Renaud (pictured with Tina Aumont), actress and dancer Leslie Caron, film and stage actor and director Pierre Mondy, actress Nicole Courcel and actor Daniel Ceccaldi with his wife Laurence are some of the people pictured in this magazine.
Very special thanks to @74paris for sending me this article.
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rahleeyah · 10 months
1.0 anon here. You encouraged me to keep checking in with my thoughts as I go.
Just started "Prodigy" (s3e13) and kinda swooned when Benson says "I speak a little Spanish and French. I can Mirandize in three others."
Love me a strong, brave, smart, skilled female lead character who's also got damage and baggage. YES. (Also love that they most likely gave Benson these language skills bc Mariska's got 'em. I hope we get to hear her use them eventually).
And unrelated, but in the previous episode (set in Dec 2001, aired Jan 2002) Cragen mentions "the attacks" in passing and it was kind of stunning that a show about NYPD cops let THAT be the so-far-only treatment of 9/11. I mean, The West Wing interrupted their whole episode flow to air a completely OOC script to allow their characters to process adjacent topics with a bunch of high school students, for a quasi public therapy process...
I know everyone had artistic decisions to make and it wouldn't have worked to make SVU swerve off track and become a terrorism show, but surely (1) SVU detectives would've at least known some of the cops who died in the towers, (2) even if they didn't they'd be traumatized and deeply saddened by all of it, (3) like just about everyone in NYC and the country at that point, they'd be talking and thinking about it??
Maybe this is just the difference between shooting and airing schedules and "the attacks" will have more visibility in coming episodes?
Oh I am very excited about this thank you lol
I find it interesting that while we do hear Liv speak a little Spanish in 1.0 we don't hear her speak Italian until 2.0, and Mariska was fluent in Italian the whole time, having spent time there growing up. But yes!!!! Love that they incorporated that into Olivia's character and I love too the insight it gives maybe not just into Olivia but into her mother; was Serena the one pushing Olivia to learn different languages? Did Serena want her to learn French and Italian, did Serena have books in those languages on the shelves at home, was it important to Serena that her dark haired little fae child be educated, be cultured, be sophisticated? Was Olivia ever enough of those things to make her mother happy?
Iirc the shows don't ever address a personal connection between our mains and 9/11 with the exception of the late reveal that Tucker worked the cleanup and got cancer from it. And personally, I'm kinda glad that they didn't, bc I don't think the show has the skill to handle that topic well. The national conversation about police, and religion, and war and the state, was so deeply, deeply toxic post 9/11 that I shudder to think what a police procedural might have done in that moment in time. Sorkin is a playwright and a man whose work has always had a sharply (white) liberal political bent, and he presented a one hour bottle episode homily that was moving, true, but also deeply informed by his personal beliefs. His audience wasn't lowest common denominator middle America; a lot of middle America hated tww. Some people resent the episode in question, think it's patronizing or over simplifying. L&O was supposed to be for Everyman. Gently teaching middle America about the concept of consent and shyly saying "maybe solitary confinement is bad actually", but even then doing it carefully. Presenting issues as conversations between characters who take up opposing sides, instead of preaching one view point (in 1.0; later when 💡 came on board the show became more preachy). At the time of the attacks SVU didn't have an especially political bent, and given how high tensions were, how emotionally raw the city of New York was, given that everyone involved in making the show lived in NYC (tww was filmed mostly in LA and DC) and how many layers there were to people's feelings.... that's a really delicate line to walk, and the ramifications of doing it badly would be a show killer. Sometimes no response is better than a bad response.
So while I'm interested in the idea of how Liv and Elliot felt as cops working in Manhattan during 9/11, I am glad we don't have Dick Wolf's personal take on it entered in the record, and can instead save this for personal musing, fic, meta and the like. There is a lot to unpack there.
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walkingwiththegods1 · 2 years
Paganism Class 101: Kinds of Paganism (And Kinds of Belief's, Practices and Traits; Inside Paganism)
    Statistics and some of religious info, from Wikipedia.
    Note: Take in account that, in some Pagan's Movements; are groups and/or organizactions, that are racist; anti-feminist, or discriminated against LGBTQIA+ People.  I recommend that you investigate them first, before you decides to enter to any Pagan group; for your own safety. Paganism is for everyone, but sadly; there are places that don't believe in the values of tolerance and respect in Ancient Paganism, BUT... There are many Pagan groups or organizactions, where they will accept you with open arms; as soon you decides to become a member: I wish you good luck in your search!)
   Well... You decides that Monotheism, or any of the "Top 10 World's Major Religions"; or, The Beliefs of the mayority in your Country; doesn't make senses to you, or simply; even if you understands and knows everything about it... You don't love it, or feel any devotion for it; and after searching and researching... You read about Paganism, and... You feel like Home! ...Great! BUT... The only problem is, than you feel overwhelmed for the different paths you found; and you changes your smile, into a worrisome expresion; and says: "Oh, My Gods: Where I suppose to go?!..."
   ...Don't worry, Baby Pagan: I got you covered!
   Paganism, is the name of all the polytheistic religions that existed; before The Christianizaction of The Ancient World. Neopaganism, is the revival of most of these faiths; after centuries, or even more of a millenium of not been practiced; or followed. I prefer the term Paganism, cause I think it shouldn't have been surpressed or forgotted; and the term Neopaganism, reminds me that the beliefs of our Ancestors were interrupted; and they were persecuted, which put a bad taste in my mouth. (And a heavy pain, in my heart...) Now, you can try any different paths; and with the pass of time, you can even blend different types of Paganism; until you find the right one for you, including what beliefs and traits inside the same; will be an important part of your life.
   ... And now, The Different Kinds of Paganism:
   Armenian Hetanism: Is a religion mostly related to Armenian's People, or their descendents; where Haldi, is the Central Deity that have authority over the Universe and any being; (making it a semi-monotheistic religion) and Anahit, The Mother of Armenia; being another important figure. Later, appeared a more polytheistic religion; that included other Dieties.
   Today, after many centuries of persecution; is back to be part of the life of thousands of persons, mostly as a movement that unites Armenians in their land; and the Armenian's Diaspora, alike. Their followers, called themselves; Hetans, (Heathens) or; Arordi. (Children of Ari.)  Its symbol, is The Arevakhach; (called too, "The Eternity Sign") or, The Sun Cross.
   Baltic Neopaganism: Originated in the 19th Century, suppressed by the Soviet Union; and growing splendidly, after the fall of The Soviet Union. Dievturiba, Romuva; Vilkatlaki and The Kurono's Movement, belongs to the Baltic Neopaganism; being Dievturiba and Romuva, the principals.
  Vilkatlaki, is a re-enactment group; originally called Baltuva, formed in Lithuania in 1995; distinguished by its masculine vision of Baltic Paganism. The Kurono's Movement, formed in 2003; and is an split from Romuva, for their dissatisfaction with Romuva Leadership; that puts ethnograpical studies, leaving theology behind; and for Romuva's openness to Media and outsiders; in religious events.
   Canarian Neopaganism (Church of The Guanche People): Is a neopagan organizaction from The Canary Islands, founded in 2001; by a group of Canarian devotees of the Mother Goddess Chaxiraxi, in the city of San Cristobal de La Laguna; Tenerife, in the Islands mentioned earlier; in Spain, with approximately 300 members; by 2008. Its purpose, is perpetuate and spread the traditional religion of the Ancient Guanche People. In 2002, it was held a wedding according with Guanche rites; since The Spanish's Domination of the archipielago. They performed weddings and baptism, according of what they know of Guanche custom. Their principal Deities, are Chaxiraxi; Magec, Achaman and the malign deity, Guayota.
  The symbol of this Church, is a simple drawing of The Goddess Tanit; with the name of the organizaction inside of it: Is a modern pagan religious body, that represents Canarian Neopaganism.
   Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism: Also called, Celtic Reconstructionism; or CR, is originated in the mid-1980s; by discussions among amateur scholars and Neopagans, and by the early 1990s; became into an independent tradition. This label, was made to distinguished themselves; from ecletic tradictions, like Druidism and Wicca. The Scotish Pàganachd, his Irish counterpart; Págánacht, Senistrognata; (currently inactive) and Ildiachas Atóghta, in the West Coast of The US, are part of that revival. Its symbol, is The Triskele; or, The Triple Spiral.
   Circassian Neopaganism: This religion, of The Karachay-Cherkessia's Republic; (That is in one of Russia's ethnic Republics) has revived; despite the ongoing persecution that suffers today, by radicals in the region; with more than 85,000 followers. The belief in the Soul of The Ancestors, (Psa) that observes and judges to their descendents; is a important element: The goal of the existence, is the perfection of the soul; so the remorse, or spiritual satisfaction; is for one's chosen path in life, in front of himself/herself; and him/her ancestors. Once one's soul is perfect, it can join to the souls of the ancestors; with a clean conscience. The souls of the ancestors, are commemorated by funeral feasts and memorial meals; that are distributed for the remembrance of the souls. Its symbol, is The Hammer Cross.
   Druidry, or Druidism: It promotes the cultivation of honorable relationships with physical landscapes, flora; fauna, people around the world, as well with Nature's Deities and Spirits of Nature; Land and Place. The beliefs varies between Modern Druids, however modern Druids; venerate The Divine Essence of Nature. In 2020, even when Druids practices in private; due to discrimination and safety's concerns, varely the 92% of Druids in The World; lives outside The British Islands, having presence in 34 countries; and in all The Continents.
   Ecletic Neopaganism: Is the blending of different Pantheons, and/or practices and beliefs; inside Paganism. That's why, you can see Pagans that are too Witches; or mix Budhist's teachings, that are Pantheist, followers of one Deity, that only follows Female Deities; and... Pagans that even believes that Gods and Goddesses, are only archetypes of the highest qualities that humans must aspire to achieve in their lifes; but not real Spiritual Beings. (Atheist Pagan)
   Estonian Neopaganism: Is a Monistic religion, (Emphazising an pantheistic reality) where the God Tharapita; is the Central Deity. It was founded in 1928, as a national religion; with Taarism and Maausk, as a broader definition that encompasses movements of worship of Local Gods; Nature's Worship, and Earth's Worship. (The Maausk, is mostly polytheistic-pantheistic.) Its symbol, is The Cornflower.
    Finnish Neopaganism: Is the revival of Finnish Paganism, whose precursor; was the Ukonusko (Around the God Ukko) in the early 20th Century. The main organizactions, are The Polar Star Association, located in Turku with branches in many cities; and founded and registered in 2007, and The Association of Finnish Native Religion; located in Helsinki, and registered since 2002; that caters to Karelians, an ethnic Baltic-Finnic indigenous people of the historical region of Karelia; that is split today, between Finland and Russia. Its symbol, is The Tursaansydän; that means, Heart of Tursas, or; Heart of Octopus.
   Germanic Paganism: Anglo-Saxon Paganism, Asatru; Continental Germanic, Dutch Heanthenry, Folketro or Forn Sed, Frankish; General Heanthery, Gothic Paganism, and Old Norse Religion, are examples of many beliefs that falls inside; Germanic Paganism. Its symbol, is Thor's Hammer.
   Goddess Movement: Is an spiritual and religious belief, that has grow as a reaction that most of predominant organized religion, is mainly male-dominated; and makes use of Goddess's Worship, and; to focus in female people. Its symbol, is a Raised-Arms Female figure.
   Heathenry: Its model on the Pre-Christian religions of The Germanic People. Heathenry uses mostly surviving historical, archeological and folkloric evidence, for this purpose. The Deities and Spirits, are honored in sacrificial rites; calls blots, where are offered food and libations to them. The followers are call Heathens. Its believed that there are no more than 20,000 Heathens in The World, by 2016. Its symbol, is Thor's Hammer.
   Hellenism or Hellenic Paganism: Its the return of practices of The Ancient Greece, and centers mostly in the worship of Hellenic Deities; specially, to The Twelves Olympians; and their followers, are call Hellenic Pagans. Its symbol, is a Golden Laurel Wreath; or a Column.
   Hungarian Neopaganism: Has its roots in the 18th and 19th Century, during The Enlightment and Romantic epoch;  and the early-20th century ethnology. It was endorsed  in interwar Turanist circles; in the 1930s and 1940s, into a National Religion; and eventually, The Hungarian Native Faith Movements; expanded after The Fall of The Soviet Union. Is very diverse, with followers of Hungarian Native Faith and of other religions; including Wiccans, Kemetics; Mitraics, Druids and Christopagans. It aimed to represents an ethnic religion of the Hungarians, inspired by Taltosism (Hungarian Shamanism); ancient mythology, and later folklore. Taltosism, is practised by Táltos (Shaman, the English plural; is Taltoses) and the are an essential element of The Hungarian Native Faith.
   Is a Monotheism religion, where The Táltos; is "The bridge between the Earthly and Celestial Worlds, The Rational and the Irrational; the Finite and The Endless", and The Taltoses; as Interpreters of the Transcedent. Rituals, included Initiation and Passage; for Fertility, Healing and Purification; either for the enviroment, The Community of Believers; or The whole Hungarian Nation, that may involve sweat lodges; fire-walk, drumming, and techniques of meditation. Even when the ceremonies are usually led by Taltoses, The Community of Believers is actively involved in the same. Its symbol, is The Double Cross.
   Kemetic: Is the revival of The Religion of Ancient Egypt, whose name came of kmt, voweled Kemet; that is the original name of Ancient Egypt. A follower of this religion, is call a Kemetic. Its symbol, is The Ankh, or The Egyptian Cross.
   Latvian Dievturiba: It was founded in 1925, by Ernests Brastins and Karlis Marovskis-Bregzis; forcibly surpressed by Soviets in 1940, but living in emmigrant communities, and was re-registred in Latvia in 1990. By 2018, have 600-800 members; and is a revival of the ethnic religion of the Latvians, before Christianizaction in the 13 Century. Its based primarilay on Latvian folklore, old folk songs (dainas); and Latvian Mythology. Their main Deity, is Dievs; that unifies spirit and matter, and other dualities; as good and bad, etc., and the other deities; ar either aspects of Dievs, or other types of non-deified spirits. Other important Deities, are the Goddes Mara; (Dievs's material aspect) and the Goddess Laima. (Connected with causality, fire and fortune) There wasn't a trinity of Deities, but in Modern Dievturiba; Dievs, Mara and Laima; forms one.}
  Humans, are believed to be naturally good; due to the will of Dievs. It also believed that humans consists of Miesa or Augums, (Physical Body) Velis; (Astral Body) and Dvesele, (Soul) or; that humans have three parts: After death, The Physical Body is destroyed; The Astral Body enters in the Velu Valsts, (World of Shadows) and gradually dissapears; and The Soul, is eternal and unifies with Dievs. The end of Autumn and the start of Winter, is the time of remembrance of dead ancestors: In the dark time of Autumn, people gave food to their dead relatives; due to "The Dying of Nature", or; as a thanks offering for a good harvest during Summer. Its symbol, is The Cross of Crosses.
   Neopaganism: It surged during the 19th Century, as a result of The Romantic Movements of the time; that pledge for a simpler Spirituality, and idealized the beliefs of our Ancestors; and, for a growing loss of interest and/or discomfort; for the State's Religions in Europe, specially; with Christianity. Today, many Pagans tries to the revives ancient rituals and practices of the past; while others have their focus more in Magic, or; in reveres and protects Nature.
   Norse Neopaganism: Also calls, Old Norse Religion; is a polytheistic religion; that is part of the northern regions of Europe. The Deities, were divided in two family of Gods: The Aesir, and The Vanir.
  Reconstructionist Paganism: Tries to re-establish polytheistic religions today, by rediscovering rituals; pratices and beliefs, of the Ancient Paganism.
   Religio Romana (Roman Religion in English, or; The Roman Way to The Gods, in Italian and Spanish): The intends to revives The Ancient Roman Religion, started since The Renaissance. After The Fall of The Papal States, and the Unification of Italy provoque anti-clerical feelings among Italian Intellectuals; some of them seemed the revival of Ancient Roman Religion, as an alternative to Roman Catholicism. Some groups appeared in the 1920s, and in the 1980s; The Roman Traditional Movement, that was the most notable; which spreaded Religio Romana beyond Italy, into Western Nations; with followers specially in Latin Europe and in The Americas. Its most important organizaction today, is Nova Roma; founded in 1998, which is in every Continent. Its symbol, is two R's facing in opposite directions; and separated in the middle by a rod.
   Rodnovery, or Slavic Neopaganism: Most of the "Churches" of Slavic Neopagans, are mostly concentrated in Ukraine; where they found support from the Government. The first Russian Neopagans, were intelectual dissidents from the Sovietic's Period. Is a patriarcal, conservative religion; that mostly reinforces traditional family, fidelity; procreation and gender roles. (A little warning, in case you don't identify with any of those definitions.) Some groups have an idea, that tolerance toward feminists and gays; should be a key value.
  The religion is mostly Monist today, despite the polytheistic past of the Ancient dwellers of the region; saying that the seven principal gods and goddesses, emanated of one supreme God. (There are polytheism and Panteism, as part of the Rodnovery or Slavic Neopaganism; between an important number of followers.) Its symbol, is The Hands of God; or, a spoked wheel; called The Kolovrat.
   Romuva: Even, if it is a Neopagan Faith from Lithuania; there are also adherents in Australia, Canada; England, Russia, and The United States. It belongs to one of the Baltic Pagan Faiths, along with Dievturiba; and in 2011, they were 5,100 people in Lithuania; than identifes themselves, as Romuva. The Faith revived in the XIX Century, (1800) by the Romantic movement; after it stopped to be the official state's religion, by the late 14th Century and early 15th Century; violently surpressed by Soviet occupation in 1940, and; by 1988, with the power of Soviet Union waning; and Lithuanian closing to be a free state, people started to practices their religion; openly.
  Romuva, postulate the Sanctity of Nature and gives Cult to The Ancestors; and their principal Deities, are the Goddess Laima; (Divine Mother) and Zemyna. (Mother Earth)  Its symbol, is a pattern of The World Tree. (Austras Koks.)
   Semitic Neopaganism: It emerges in the 1970s, during the growth of pagan movements in the US.; when a number of minor Canaanite or Israelite oriented groups appeared. It Polytheists and Animists, in various of their members; but emphazising that all continued to the polytheistic cults of the Jewish People. It incluides cults of the ancient inhabitants of Phoenicia, Asiria; Babilon, Sumer and Canaan. Its symbol, is The Hamsa.
   Wicca: Is one with the most large following of the modern Paganism, or Neopaganism. Its followers, are called Wiccans; and emerged in England in the 1950s, and is now found mostly; in The Western Countries. By 2016, it was suggested that there were; hundreds of thousands of active Wiccans, around The World. Its Symbol, its The Five-Pointed star; called The Pentagram, The Pentacle; and/or The Raised-Arms Female figure.
   Witchcraft: Is a religious practice, involving Magic and affinity with Nature; mostly inside of a Pagan tradition. I personally prefer to calls Witchcraft, as "The First Non-Organized Religion of The World"; 'cause there were found evidences in caves, of rituals resembling to Magic in the Paleolithic Age; probably, in the same time that humans started to buried their deads with rituals; to ensure a safe trip to The Afterlife. Is a practice, that is found in all The Continents; and in all Cultures, Centuries and Millenniums. They were unfairly persecuted, under absurd allegations of being "Devil-Worshippers"; and many innocents that were mostly women, (including some Folk Healers and Wise Women) fell victims of those false accusactions. Today, Witches are still discriminated around the World: In at least 36 countries and regions, including Saudi Arabia; (where witchcraft is legally punishable by death), Africa; Asia, The Pacific and Latin America, Witches; or people accused of being one, are still persecuted; jailed, and/or... Even, killed.
  The practitioners, (That could be trained, or borned as such) are called Witches; whose the vast mayority through space and time, are mostly benevolents; and use Magic to helps to an individual, a community; their Country, or The World at large. Its symbol, is The Pentacle; or, The Pentagram.
    Beliefs, Practices and Traits; Inside Paganism
   The Beliefs, Practices and Traits you can do inside Paganism; are the beliefs that your hold important, not matter what kind of Paganism; you are currently practicing, or starts to follow; or practices: It means, that you can be a Heathen; that focus more in Nature, or a Witch that believes in Polytheism; 'cause your beliefs, doesn't have to affect what you do or feels; as a Pagan, Wiccan or Witch. These are:
   Animism: Everything has an Spirit, (The River, The Sun; The Air...) and must be respected.
   Eclecticism: Is selecting doctrines or practices of different religions, but not the entire system of that practice; or doctrine. Ex.: A Pagan that practices Witchcraft sometimes, but is not a Witch.
   Magic: Is a process where you influences or predict outcomes, for an especific ending. Is the power to influences events, by using supernatural and misterious forces; which work over natural forces. (Some Pagans, use it regurlally, and many rarely use it; or, are fine without it.)  Ex.: Using a spell to create rain, so you don't have to go to where you will see; to a very unpleasant person.
   Nature - Based: Nature, and Earth as a whole; are sacred, and must be adored; protected and preserved.
   Polytheism: Is the pagan belief, than there are many Gods; which is mostly the Paganism's basis.
  Reconstructionism: Is building your pagan practices, around the remaining documents about the ancient religions; oral traditions of the same, or... Any source available.
   Sacred/Divine Feminine: Is the other Energy, that resides inside all of us; that is soft, but fierce when it is necessary; is loving and supportive. Is a sacred energy, that we need to live a balance and peaceful life; so, we must act with some of the same qualities of the Sacred Feminine.
   Secular Paganism: Secular Paganism, includes respect for all living beings and The Earth; while rejecting belief in Deities. Secular Pagans, sees Deities as metaphors for different cycles of life; or, as archetypes of the highest qualities that humans must aspire to achieve in their lifes; but not real Spiritual Beings, and than Magic; is only a purely psychological practice.
   That's all in this post, and remember this: Don't listen to anyone that says that your Paganism isn't valid, 'cause is your own personal path; AND... All that are Pagans today, started exactly like you: Not knowing what to do, and needing guidance to find his/her/their own path; in this road of life.  
   Than your Intuition and Heart, guides you where your become a better person; you can be happy, whole; in peace, and you feels like you are in Home... So Be It!
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mediawhorefics · 1 year
I wanna ask about a movie/movies that feel like a poem to you, not the other numbers.
oh, anon what a wonderful question! i loved thinking about it. i wasn't sure if you meant a poetic script or poetic visual language or films that combine both, so i went with all of the above haha. but here's my personal little list of actual poetic cinema. i can't really explain these.
city lights (1931)
the shop around the corner (1940)
goncharov (1973)
taxi driver (1976)
blade runner (1982)
birdy (1984)
dead poets society (1989)
the truman show (1998)
the virgin suicides (1999)
le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulin (2001)
big fish (2003)
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)
v for vendetta (2005)
brokeback mountain (2005)
sunshine (2007)
never let me go (2010)
hugo (2011)
mommy (2014)
mad max: fury road (2015)
crimson peak (2015)
moonlight (2016)
the shape of water (2017)
loving vincent (2017)
at eternity's gate (2018)
1917 (2019)
portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2019)
parasite (2019)
the green knight (2021)
send me asks about films or something idk
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Happy 75th Birthday the excellent Scottish actor David Hayman.
Hayman, one of Scotland’s most acclaimed actors of stage and screen was born in Bridgeton, Glasgow on February 9th 1948.
David Hayman grew up as one of three children in a working class family in Drumchapel, Glasgow. Leaving school without any academic qualifications he started work as a would-be engineer at 16. One day, wearing his grease stained boiler suit, he marched into the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama and announced his intention to become an actor. He still has no idea where this came from, he is basically a shy person and there was no family history of acting. He took advice and joined an amateur dramatics group and a year later was accepted to study drama and has never been out of work since.
His film and television credits are, frankly, much too numerous to list but include his superb portrayal of hard man Jimmy Boyle in “Sense of Freedom” and, of course, he is recognisable everywhere as Detective Chief Superintendent Michael Walker in Linda La Plante’s long running Trial and Retribution series.He has also starred in the hit Scottish cop drama Shetland as well as Scottish comedy shows Scotch & Wry, Rab C Nesbitt and Still Game.
Hayman has also directed numerous films and TV shows as well as regularly treading the boards in the Theatres.
Away from acting, David established his Glasgow-based charity Spirit Aid in 2001. It has gone on to become one of Scotland’s most successful small scale humanitarian organisations. He started Spirit Aid because he wanted to do a Scottish Live Aid at Hampden, but his rock stars let him down. “They were all, ‘Oh, man, I’m burned out,’ and I was thinking, ‘You’re sitting on your fat arse on your sofa with £40 million in the bank. Go and sit in a refugee camp in Afghanistan and tell me you’re burned out’. But I thought, I believe in this, I’ve got to keep going.”
He spends several months every year visiting his charity’s relief projects where he employs indigenous workers wherever possible. His fundraising operations include Operation Loo Roll, a project selling toilet paper that raised £100,000 in 2007. The charity undertakes humanitarian relief projects from Kosovo to Guinea-Bissau, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Malawi and South Africa.
Hayman is a big campaigner for a Scottish film studio, which is looking like happening soon, he says “It takes the Americans to come in and build a shed where they shoot Outlander and that’s the nearest thing we have to a film studio, think of all the movies that we’ve lost, all the money that we’ve lost all the way back to Braveheart.”
David was recently in the fab comedy from Scottish director Michael Caton-Jones, Our Ladies, “set mainly in Edinburgh a group of Catholic school girls get an opportunity to go to the capital for a choir competition, but they’re more interested in drinking, partying and hooking up than winning the competition” it is an adaptation of Scottish author, Alan Warner, of Morvern Callar fame’s third novel Sopranos, I read the book in the late 90’s it is a laugh out loud book, and the film is also very good.
Hayman was in an interesting film,  My Neighbor Adolf, last year, which I haven’t got round to watching yet, set in 1960;s Brazil he plays   a “lonely and grumpy” Holocaust survivor convinces himself that his new neighbour is none other than Adolf Hitler. We also saw him in the sequel   Fisherman's Friends: One and All, both films get ratings of 6.2, and 6.4 on IMDB . I have just started a binge watch of Chemistry of Death, a Brit crime thriller series which is on Paramount plus. Last year David played a Chieftain in the Disney Star Wars prequal series Andor.
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ciudadkitsch · 3 months
el tren de la alegría da miedo mis sobrinos corren gritan presagio de peligro mi hermana bajo luces de colores berretas repite maternidad crianza límites y darse por vencida
nada evita los golpes de un niño el ruido de un hueso al romperse las vacaciones en el hospital
reciprocidad dice mamá mira al novio nuevo de mi hermana al final tanto que criticaba es como yo le gustan los pendejos
agarra a mi sobrina le dice Juana pensar que tus novios todavía no nacieron
le pregunto mamá ¿cómo anda la abuela? gorda ¿y la tía? pobre ¿y la prima? dura tiene las cervicales fundidas le cae fatal la hija a mí ustedes a veces también
¿para qué me pariste mamá? yo no te parí te arranqué del vientre de tu madre para comerte y cuando te tuve en el estómago te vomité
hubiera preferido que me cagaras y como cualquier sorete oloroso argentino estaría flotando libre a orillas del Río de La Plata
mamá fue exorcizada dos veces no funcionó
qué malas qué peligrosas mi abuela en el almuerzo señalaba ¿¿éstas?? ¿¿buenas?? buenas cuando duermen
después amenazaba miren que tengo los muertos de cada uno de ustedes listos para ser lanzados a la mesa así que no se metan conmigo no me jodan
tenía el don de putear con halagos la miraba a mi tía empezaba ella es bárbara excelente en su trabajo que es arruinarle la vida a la gente
muy de nuestra patria tirarse con muertos puristas y fascistas se parecen en eso ¿qué funda una familia una nación? conquista extracción violación muerte desde el principio de nuestra historia desde el principio de la literatura desde los diarios de Colón
pero contra la naturaleza no se puede el planeta se administra y en una bye feas Dante Palma dice que a veinte años del 2001 pasamos del que se vayan todos al que venga cualquiera next feas el cambio es una constante sin significado si nos matamos nos matamos
oh oh acabo sienten los autoproclamados dueños del país cuando ven la posibilidad de refundar la nación de un plumazo dos tercios de siglo en su loop de diagnósticos recetas relatos
no me mueve el desquicio al que lleva el mix de resentimientos miserias prejuicios disfrazados de libertad
es tan claro el plan del presidente troll desvirgador de cuiles es tan obvio para algunas personas ver la explotación también es obvio para otras defenderla y esto no tiene que ver con quiénes son tiene que ver con cómo se sienten
para Margaret Thatcher la sociedad no existía solo los individuos sospecho que para mi abuela también y creo saber a quién habría votado
para otra Margaret la poeta y antropóloga Margaret Mead el primer signo de civilización fue la aparición de un hueso humano roto y vuelto a sanar
cualquier animal que se rompe un hueso termina muriendo un hueso quebrado y soldado implica que alguien ayudó al caído ayudar al otro en su sufrimiento es el comienzo del amor
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Beyond the Blood Tie - An Angel Reyes/Original Character Story.
So, besties! I’m throwing you all in at the deep end and presenting the first chapter of my rewritten story! For those who didn’t see my post yesterday, it’ll be a vampire Angel and EZ themed fic, set in a slightly dystopian world just under 100 years into the future. If that sounds like something you’re down for, well, come on in and read it! I’m going to forgo the chapter unlocking for the first couple of parts, just to ease you into the new world I’ve created (well, not really new as I wrote the original version of this over ten years ago) but as always, your feeback is hugely appreciated. I’m going to sit here chewing my nails to bits, waiting on comments, hahaha!
Oh, and just to note, you’ll notice that the timeline is slightly off in how it doesn’t line up with the period of time Mayans MC is actually set. I could have changed this, but it would have thrown a lot of the story out of whack, so I just left it as was. Suspend that disbelief, y’all! xD Also, I’ve borrowed a little vampire lore here and there, a bit from Bram Stoker, a bit from Charlaine Harris, as well as creating my own! 
So, without further ado, I’ll hand you over to Edie, our new OC. She’s very chatty...
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Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Edie's POV
Greetings! So, my name is Edie Bailey, I'm a twenty-eight-year-old resident of Las Vegas, Nevada and for this portion of the story at least, I shall be your narrator. So, sit back and get yourself comfortable, because I have a whole lot to explain. The year is 2101, and much has changed, while eerily remaining similar to how things were one year into the new millennium. Two large parts of the planet suffered a setback, if you will. Or more accurately, a completely catatonic disaster that wiped out an estimated two hundred million people from the face of the earth. I know, like something out of the movies, isn’t it? Humanity never thought it could happen, but, well, you know where that sort of thinking leads you to.  
What’s that about the last thing you ever think could happen, actually happening? Bingo. You’re with me now.  
We're steadily getting back on our feet again, we've only just in the last fifty years managed to construct and establish some kind of functioning civilization. A terroristic fraction, angry at the West was behind the massive and simultaneous biological warfare attack on all the major cities across Europe and the USA in 2001. There was apparently a covert operation on a massive scale, one which was ultimately behind the canisters of slow seeping gas that were secretly planted across any major public place you could think of, all with enough of the virus within to infect the hundreds and thousands of people passing through them per day. They were simultaneously detonated at the same time; July 11th, 2001 was when it started.  
Places such as airports, train stations and more importantly, areas housing people of political or royal importance - if direct clandestine access couldn't be gained to where they resided - all came under attack. Some terrorists were sleeper agents, and managed to successfully infiltrate these places of high importance and power. The queen of England was infected by one of her own ladies in waiting, a sleeper who'd been planted there over a year before, apparently.
Not that it mattered much, the exact locations the canisters were planted in, with the rate the D11X virus spread and the effect it had on people. Hospitals in every major city of the affected continents began seeing record numbers of patients admitted, all with the same symptoms. It has been recorded that they suffered what as akin to severe flu, eventually and quite quickly perishing from it, but yet hours later after being shut into the morgue, out they climbed again. People knew they had trouble on their hands when they began figuring these dead, yet alive again people had an unquenchable hunger for humans.
Oh yes, you got it. Zombies, or something like it. Whatever they are, they're the undead, and they'll eat you. We call them the reanimated. Well, not anymore since there's none left now. We have another group of undead to thank for that, said undead being the vampires who came and ate them. Okay, so not so much ate them as apparently, a vampire cannot drink the blood of the dead or they’ll die themselves (I think, at least, but don’t hold me to that as I’m not a wealth of knowledge where vampire lore is concerned) but they sure made fast work out of killing them. This had little to do with any feelings of kinship these former human, now immortal night hunters had towards us. They simply saw their life source being depleted drastically, and knew they needed to step forward out of the shadows and reveal themselves to the main part of society.
It turns out that vampires have existed literally in the shadows, within the darkest fringes of our world, seeped in myth for the most part, since time began. They did that by having secret keepers, humans who let them feed of their blood in return for protection offered by the vampire. These families were ancient and trusted, but as time moved on vampires found others, people who believed the myth to let them feed from.  
Of course, they also hunted ruthlessly and attacked other people for their life source, their precious blood without question or mercy. They are vampires, after all. Naturally, those people were dismissed as crazy, vampire fetish freaks and no one believed that they'd had an erotic or otherwise encounter with a vampire, who of course back then were just a thing of make believe. They were a horror character utilised by the likes of Bram Stoker, and nothing more. But yet after the infection of the Western population at large, they emerged, and like I say, they began to help us with the less amiable living dead. You can at least say 'no thank you' to most vampires if they ask to feed from you, and they'll respect your stance. Seriously, they're not all bad. However, a lot of them are dangerous and unhinged, and they don't like humans at all. I guess they have good reason not to.
After the virus broke, well, lawlessness abounded, with so many people wiped out. There was no one to answer to, there were suddenly no rules to obey. It was the law of the Wild West, literally. Over here, we had very few remaining police and military, and no government at all. Sleeper agents got them too, as I’m sure you can imagine. It was very much kill or be killed in some places as I gather, and learned at school... when I showed up there.  
Our world, it's really different to how it used to be according to law. That brings me round to why the vampires got pissed at humans. The new authority in place in the world as it is now is not one of jail time, community service or fines, but one of corporal punishment, and vampires are included in that with their own set of laws introduced by our new powers that be. Trying to tell a powerful, cunning and highly intelligent creature who could kill you within a blink of an eye how he or she must behave is like walking up to a lion, punching it in the face and expecting to keep your hand afterwards. It really isn't going to work well for you, and it didn't. Vampires objected greatly to it, until, that is, their own political movement came forward and negotiated with ours, agreeing to our terms in exchange for being allowed all the same other rights as humans. That was agreed, and that part of the deal is what pissed off the humans.
Yeah, everybody got pissed for a while back there!
At present, things are still a little frosty, but for the most part vampires and humans co-exist without too much incident, and if there is, well it's because some vampires are kinda crazy. Not just in the blood sucking way either. I've been told by my friend, Sasha that they're the most amazing lovers on earth, mind blowing, I believe she described the two she's had sex with as. Apparently, they fuck for hours on end. As much as the sexual longevity is appealing, I don't know. There's something about them that's very unnerving. You can feel the deadness in them, and it always makes my heart pound nervously. This happens especially when they look at me, which they often do as of course my accelerated heartbeat is audible to their bionic ears. Fear = vampire bait. Apparently, it’s quite thrilling for some of them, to feed from you when you’re terrified. Now do you understand my reservations? I’d like to think that you do.
It's like, I can pick up on this void inside them, this lifelessness that of course they have. I dunno, they're alright, but they freak me out a bit. I can't let them either, because of my job. I know I'm going to get one in my chamber sooner or later, to exact their designated punishment upon. That, folks, is exactly what I am. A punisher by trade, or punishment enforcer, the correct title is. I am someone who essentially tortures those who have committed violent crimes. Now, I think I need to just stop a second and explain this all to you. Back before the disaster, of course if you broke the law you were punished with community service, a jail sentence or the death penalty, depending on the nature and severity of your crime. Not anymore in the USA, the jail part, at least. We don't have enough criminals to fill a jail, let alone the economic resources to keep them all fed and housed.
When the country was just getting back onto its feet, most of our current authority was formed by last surviving military men, men who when the disaster first broke were the ones who began the defence against the reanimated, those who built shanty towns and the first communities to house those who weren't infected, and to look after people, make sure the kids were schooled by someone, that food and water were divided fairly and equally. It was such a different time, such a changed world, you have to understand. They fought against all the lawlessness too, the looters, those who wanted to capitalise for themselves upon the disaster, those who went wild. I remember the stories my grandfather told me as a child about the old days, the lost years of America, as they were known. It was absolute fucking carnage, to be blunt.
With no government, it was solely these military men to keep the peace, those who became the figureheads of their towns, the men everyone trusted and went to with a problem. They were the ones to decree that to end the madness, they had to mean business and so therefore chose punishments akin to the old saying of an eye for an eye. What you do, you get back suitably. You beat someone, you're beaten. You rape someone, it is made sure you will physically never rape anyone again, you rob someone and you're then forced to work off your debt doing whatever the person you robbed wants you to do, and so on. It works like that, and it's very successful. Crime is down on what it was when the disaster broke, and even what it was before then, too. Us punishers, we we're good at what we do, and I've personally been doing this for ten years now.
Before that I was just another street punk kid who wound up getting exactly what she deserved and being punished herself, but whose nerve, and also stupidity and bravery in fighting back against her punisher were noted. Apparently, I had balls to do that, to lash out when I was being given my sentenced punishment that I should have just taken without question. Eventually, I got bound at the legs too, so I couldn't do as I had been doing and swinging up on my wrist shackles to kick my punisher straight in the face. After I was released, they told me I needed a career to keep me on the straight and narrow and offered me the chance to go through training to do the job I do today.
It's not like I was some ultra-hard, tough little street fighter girl. I knew how to handle myself, I was a nomadic kid and that was about it. I got good with my fists after a neighbour of ours taught me to box and good with my feet when he also introduced me to kickboxing. He knew I was having a hard time at home, but he couldn't intervene out of fear over what'd happen to him. My parents weren't nice people, and they were racist people, too. Vic, the guy who taught me how to box, is black, so you can imagine how that would have gone down with Mr and Mrs Prejudiced. My parents never knew I hung out with him because they didn't much care about where I was. They were too busy getting caught up in their own drama. Anyway, enough about that, back to Vic, because he is one awesome man.
I'm still in touch with him, in the end he was more of a father to me than my own was before I left home. I'm not going into that, why I did. I'll leave it for later, you'll find out at some point. Anyway, Vic taught me a lot about life, certainly more than any classroom with the same teacher from four to seventeen years old (remember, the population did sink a lot so there were a lack of teachers, even though people are breeding like crazy to get it back up again, and so far so good) and as I mentioned, he also taught me the art of boxing. He made me fast on my feet and even quicker with my fists. It made up, and still makes up for the fact I missed most of school, and so don't have any qualifications. I don't consider myself as intelligent as I'd like to be, but I'm reasonably smart because I read and because I have very learned friends. People like Vic, Sasha and my fellow punishment enforcer colleague, Ahmed.
He's had one hell of a hard life, what with being from Arabic descent. That's what they call him here, the mad Arab, despite the fact he's from Michigan. He served in the military; or rather this day and age's form of it, and his main job of course apart from defence was to help eradicate the living dead problem. A lot of civilians didn't trust him, despite the accent telling them otherwise, that he was an American citizen. That's why he left and came to do this in the end, he got too pissed off at the constant stereotype that he was a terrorist, when he hated the Eastern extremists who did this to us all those years ago just as much as anyone else did. He's received the same all his life, purely because of his blood. When he was seventeen, someone stabbed him in the eye because of it, meaning he just has one now and a patch over the socket where the other used to be.
He's a formidable looking man, standing at six feet seven, and looking like he's been carved out of rock, a rough black beard that trails into a long point at his chin, and one brilliant green eye. His black hair touches his waist, and he looks a little like a long dead actor who was reasonably famous, pre-virus outbreak, called Jason Momoa. Well, like the Arabic version of him, at least. The darker skin he has with that one bright eye makes him very attractive, even though it took a while for him to see that. Before he learned how to handle himself, he got torn up pretty bad. His face is scared right down the right side where he lost his eye, and he's covered in a collection of scars all over the muscular body he now sports too. ‘I look like a fucking character from the old street fighter games, believe me, no one wants to fuck that.’ That's what he told me once, when we were sinking a few whiskies after work.
So, my reply to that was to take him back to my house, and fuck his brains out all night. Damn, he showed me one hell of a big reason why women would fall all over themselves to date him. He's hung like a beast, and fuck, that colossal cock of his made me cum so hard, I could barely close my legs afterwards. Ever since then, we've mentioned it here and there but always in a jokey way (him – ‘Edie, you can't lie to me girl, my tongue's been in your pussy’) but there's nothing there between us. We're great friends who enjoyed a great fuck once upon a time; it goes no further than that. Speaking of Ahmed…
"I'm going to get it, one day," he vouches, as we sit on the roof of Correctional Department (or CD for short) where we work. I love the way they try and make it sound civilized, what we do. To be fair though, it has one hell of a success rate as a deterrent. We see very, very few re-offenders after they've had the crap beaten out of them for their designated length of time.
"I still maintain you need a slingshot," I gesture, pointing at his hand before taking a bite of the large cheese baguette I'm holding. The building opposite, like many others, remains boarded up and desolate. Even after a hundred years, there still aren't enough people to necessitate as many facilities as there were available to the people pre-lost years. Because of the massive set back, our technology in this day and age is also one hundred years behind. We might as well be in 2001, because that's all we know before time stopped and survival took over. Apparently, after the disaster, it took fifteen years for America to regain power alone.
He picks up another brick and hurls it through the air, striking the chimney and taking a big chunk of it away. "Nah, no sling shot needed, look see I got another piece right there." Some people choose to seek sustenance on their break, and some people hurl bricks. I suppose he's doing the wreckers who will move in next week a favour, since the former hotel is about to be torn down. Needless to say, the need for hotels specifically still really isn't as big as it once was. A lot of people haven't really wanted to visit America over the last century, as you can imagine. I mean, it is getting better now, now we're actually rebuilding and life is carrying on almost like it was back in 2001, except with the differences you'll notice I've mentioned, and will keep mentioning.
"Does anyone know what'll be built there yet? There are no development signs displayed or anything, which is odd," I comment, while my friend finally tires of brick hurling and parks his bulk down next to me on the edge of the roof.
He scratches his beard, picking up his soda and taking a swig. "I think I heard Wilson say something about a big hypermarket, some Chinese company or something who brought up most of Vegas." Ahhh, yeah. That'd make sense. China saw it as a massive opportunity for them to become an exceedingly richer country by buying up a lot of land, helping us regain our currency and financial feet once more, and also having access to things too, like stores, banks, medical care and transport, you know, the very fundamentals that our people were without access to for over thirty years after the disaster. It took that long to wipe out the majority of the undead, same as in Europe. Things over there are a hell of a lot better now too, so much so that my friend Sasha and I have even spoken about visiting London or somewhere like that on vacation next year.
We're able to travel again because of the Chinese, who began to migrate over here around seventy years ago, seeing the mess that'd been left behind as a massive opportunity for them to flourish. We thank them for it, even though they've blatantly profiteered upon our misfortune, because they've helped rebuild our country into one that has begun to move forward again. We're still not as technologically advanced as they are, but it'll come to us in time. They're not about to make things that easy for us now and share their technology, are they? Profits can still be made, and until our system is strong enough to support itself, Chinese investment will continue to drive the economy.  
Of course, the disaster had massive knock-on effects all around the world. Obliterating America and Europe will do that, you'll tend to find. Because of the disaster, our world has only made limited progress. Sure, countries not affected by the disaster directly (i.e. the countries and continents who escaped the virus being released there) did continue to move along and progress more than we did, but it's still been limited. Even the East themselves suffered greatly without us, the very people that their fundamentalists wanted to infect out of existence.
When you take out Europe and America though, two places that were the pioneers and driving forces of so much (politics, the world economy, sciences, medicine, human rights, I could go on) the effects will be felt further afield. The only reason China are so ahead are because they've invested billions of dollars into the USA and reaped the financial rewards over the last couple of decades because of it. I suppose you're wondering why no other countries came to the aid of us and Europe at the time of the disaster, aren't you? They feared reprisal attacks, so that is why it was such a desolate wasteland here, and within Europe too, for so very long. China was massive enough not to be worried, and they were right not to be.  
Are you still with me, guys? I know, I know. It’s a whole lot to take in. Go make yourself a coffee, you’re doing great!  
"I can't wait until we finish, I swear. I'll come to the bar for one drink and that's it, I'm picking up some fried chicken and heading home to eat it in bed and then sleep for many, many hours. Fuck more decorating," I tell Ahmed, lighting a cigarette after finishing my food.
"So, your redecoration project is being handled with nothing less than mammoth gusto, then?" he asks, finishing his soda, flattening the can and hurling that towards the roof opposite, too. I guess he’s running low on bricks.  
"Indeed I am, big fella, I can't handle the paint fumes for longer than absolutely necessary. You know me, I don’t abide getting high." He snorts softly with laughter, reaching around me to grab my cigarettes and steal one. I swear, he never buys his own. He’s such a mooch.  
I live in a small bungalow here in Las Vegas, only four blocks away from where my large friend here lives, in fact. I decided to repaint every room, so that's the lounge, bathroom, kitchen and two bedrooms. I'm halfway done, and I started five days ago. Working the graveyard shift here at the CD between the hours of 9pm and 3am means I do have a little more in the way of spare time than most careers allow. We only work for six hours a day because the jobs we do are very physically draining, as you can no doubt guess. It is a little draining psychologically too though, but you harden yourself to it.
If you're like me and Ahmed in nature and believe that all bad people deserve painful punishments, you actually quite enjoy your job. I'm enjoying my current detainee in need of correction, very much so. He was convicted of torturing and then raping three thirteen-year-old girls, so for the last three hours I've been sticking hot pins in his genitals, which he will eventually loose. Our powers that be decreed it best to prevent a rapist from ever, ever living up to that name again. Quite plainly, if you stick your dick in a female who tells you that she doesn't want it, you lose your manhood to us in the end and pee through an implanted tube for the rest of your life. I don't do that bit, though. That part is left to a qualified doctor who will come and take him away once I'm done making sure he's been put through even more pain than he did those children. One hung herself, so I heard.
He tortured them for three days prior to raping them, and he earned himself that time back with me, which will end when my shift does. I'll be glad to see the back of him after the last three shifts I've had with him, and rest easy in my bed over a job well done. I only slept for five hours yesterday, since I got in from work at around 4am, slept until nine and then got up and painted until I had to go run some errands. I don’t sit still nearly as much as I should. Like I said to Ahmed, I'll be having one drink, getting me some chicken, eating it in bed and then going to sleep.
"Edie, time's up with him. I got Mack here to take him down to the surgical suite," Wilson, one of the guards here at the CD tells me after pounding on my chamber door a few hours later in the evening, our doctor with him.
"Would you look at that, time to lose your junk, you raping sack of shit, enjoy." I tell the beaten down waste of flesh in front of me as Wilson comes in and unties him, pushing his reluctant and scrambling form through the door. After that, I wash my hands and face in the small sink in the corner before leaving, shutting off the chamber lights and pulling the heavy door closed, just as Ahmed emerges from the chamber next door and does the same. We then head upstairs from here, up from the bowels of the building and out into the street after climbing the two flights of stairs. Ten minutes later and we're walking into our favourite all night bar.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Miss Abram?" I exclaim upon entering, seeing my closest friend Sasha turn around at the bar and beam.
"Waiting for you, is what! I had a date, it went really well but he had to leave early, so I figured I'd wait around until you inevitably showed up. Hey, Ahmed," she replies, moving to give the big man himself a hug. I like the fact they both get on. It’s nice to have that blend with my two friendship groups.  
"Sup?" he replies, winking at her before ordering me and him a drink. Sasha has some kind of crazy cocktail concoction in her hand already, and how she drinks it, I'll never know. I like my alcohol straight up, not mixed with another three different types, a handful of fruit and load of carbonated, sugary mixer. I'm fussy; literally all I drink is whiskey, coffee, water and milk. Oh, and fruit juice of a morning. Kiwi Crush wakes me up nicely while I'm waiting for my coffee to brew.
"So, tell me about the dude. Alive or dead?" I question, laughing a little when Ahmed snorts in an amused way at my side.
"Dead," she replies, folding her arms and pursing her lips. She's waiting for it.
"Such a fanger, Sasha.” Yep, he delivered exactly what we both expected, shaking his head. He teases her mercilessly about the fact she's trying out dating vampires. A fanger is the slang term for a person who likes being with vampires, basically. He earns himself a fist in the arm for that remark.
"Quiet at the back there, big fella," I warn playfully, giving his long braid a tug as he passes me my drink. "Alright, tell me about the vamp, then?" I then put to Sasha, parking myself on a bar stool and lighting a cigarette. "And why did he have to go early? The night is his daytime, and it doesn't get light for another two hours yet." I add, just as she opens her mouth to talk. I gotta work on this more, my desire to interrupt. It's a flaw of mine. I either talk too much and I interrupt, or I don't say enough. Yeah, I’m a fucking delight, aren’t I? Quick, answer now while I’m quiet!
"Because he needs two hours to travel back up to California before the sunrise, he's working up there a couple of days a week. He didn't elaborate upon what though, but that's a vampire for you. It takes time to get to know them," she informs me, reaching around me and slapping Ahmed on the arm to get his attention and offer him a cigarette.
"Cheers, babe. Hey, get your asses over here! What in the hell happened to you two?" he replies to Sasha, and then shouts to Wilson and Joe, two of our colleagues from the CD who come in looking a little worse for wear.
"Table," Joe grunts, pointing in the direction of where a group of people get up about to leave, Wilson giving me a playful punch in the arm in greeting before we amble over.  
"So, I reiterate. What in the hell happened to you and Wilson?" Ahmed asks, the eyebrow above his good eye arched highly as he takes in a battered looking Joe, who is holding an ice pack to his head.
"A fucking vampire, that's what happened to us. A psychotic vampire to put it correctly, and Edie all I gotta say is thus; I pity you, girl. You're the one who's got to deal with him.”  Oh. great. My time has come. I feel nervous enough around vampires as it is, and I’ve been quietly dreading this day, the day I receive one as a detainee. Now I learn he also happens to be psychotic. Awesome! I hope you can feel my sarcasm here. You should, because it’s dripping off of me.  
"For god’s sakes!" I groan, sinking my whiskey and shouting to Wilson to get me another. Looks like I’m staying for more than one tonight.
"What's he in for?" Ahmed asks, blowing a stream of smoke down his nose, and then wincing as we all do when Joe puts his hand to his nose and gives it a push, growling when the bone cracks and having Sasha being quick with a handful of paper napkins from the table to catch a gush of blood that exits his nostrils.
"Thanks toots, I knew it was broken. Fixed now though," he replies at first, taking the napkins from her and holding them himself, nodding gratefully when Wilson puts a beer down in front of him, swigging back a good, long glug before speaking again. "He's in for murder." Immediately, Ahmed and I share stunned expressions with one another.  
"I beg the hell out of your pardon?” I begin, perplexed. “He killed someone, and he's in the CD?” If you murder, whether you're human or vampire, then you die. End of. This has to be the murder of a human too, or the vampire authorities would have handled it themselves. The only time they don't is when it's a human involved, and then they leave it to us. We follow their guidelines on punishment though, and another vampire has to oversee the proceedings, just as another impartial human (not working for the CD, but for the government, or our version of it since we technically don't have one, we have an authority) has to when we have a human person detained.
"The technicality that the two people he murdered were trespassing on his property in order to try to capture and then drain him, oh and the fact that they shot two of his wolves. That’s what got him off on a correction rather than seeing the sunrise. Also, apparently his creator is a vampire of significance within their hierarchy, she's very ancient and wise, and she stood firm for him over what he did. I was reading the notes after we got him chained up, and she reminded them of the work in taking out the reanimated she'd personally done along with him, and another two vampires in her nest.  
“She also vouched for her word in being punished herself if he was ever to act like this again, and basically, she struck a deal for him. Apparently, creators see their offspring like children, so I suppose you can't blame her since she's technically fighting for her kid, but still, son of a bitch is crazy." Wilson explains thoroughly, flipping a beer mat in his fingers. Drainers, I've heard of those. They're people who acquire vampire blood by shady means, and then sell it on for the high black market price tag it attracts to thrill seekers. I'm unsure what it actually does to anyone who drinks it, though.
"It took six of us to get him moved from the van to the CD. Sorry, Edie. He's all chained up good now, though. We’ve got him bound in silver, so he can't move," Joe then adds, reaching out and giving my arm a squeeze when he sees the slightly daunted expression I must have upon my face. Okay, so I'm strong and I know how to give someone a damn good beating. But if this is a vampire who required six fully grown men to move him in silver graspers and shackles (that's what the police bind them in upon arrest) then what fucking chance do I stand against him if he gets loose?
"Listen, get to work at seven tomorrow and I'll go through everything with you, it'll give you time to read the protocol sheet, and if at any time while you're in there you don't feel up to doing it, well I think allowances can be made since this is your first time having a vampire detainee. We can just send the big fella in here," Wilson offers, while pointing at Ahmed. I know I have to do this, and I know they've probably specifically chosen me because I'm the only member of the eight punishment enforcers who hasn't yet had a vampire detainee, but still, I can't deny I'm a little nervous about this. I'm quite a hardened young woman, too, so that tells you everything.
Sipping his drink, he then continues. "Look, I think I can speak for the three of us when I say we all felt apprehensive before we went in with a vamp for the first time.” He looks to Joe and Ahmed, who both nod in confirmation. "But they're bound solid, they can't hurt you. Just don't get close enough for them to bite you, but if they give you enough grief, you can yank their fangs out anyway, takes a while for 'em to grow again too. You're allowed to do that. You just have to block your ears to anything they say, because they're perceptive and they pick up on things about you very easily on your body language alone, so give nothing away. You'll be fine, Edie. You've been doing this for ten years and you ain't had a vamp yet. It's about time that changed."  
On our evening, or rather early morning continues, with me leaving at somewhere around 4.30am and doing what I said I'd do. Except the takeout place has no chicken left, so instead I settle for a pizza which I then do take home to eat in bed. After finishing it and switching off the old film I was watching (which to me is a new film, since we don't have a film industry at present) I drink a few mouthfuls of water and then settle down to go to sleep.  
I'm usually out like a light in my ultra-dark bedroom (I have heavy drapes to block out the light so I can sleep during the day) after an exhausting evening at work, but this morning I feel restless and nervous. One might say I have good reason to be, too.
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eliasdrid · 1 year
recs for old/classic sci fi? (or modern sci fi with pulp sci fi vibes!!)
Oh yes, I got you. Here's a few I've been thinking about recently.
🌐 The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov (1954), detective Elijah Baley must solve the murder of a spacer on Earth ground with the help of R. Daneel Olivaw. This is one of my favorite books ever, I have read it a few times and there's also a Radio Drama from the late 80s by the BBC somewhere out there which I enjoyed.
🌾 La Invención de Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares (1940), a fugitive finds himself in a deserted island, one day tourists show up and he believes it necessary to hide - least they turn him in. He falls in love with a woman from the group and eventually decides to confess but strange events keep them apart.
🎲 Solar Lottery by Philip K. Dick (1955). There are small bits of this book I don't like but that's just life, overall it's interesting. It's also PKD's first published novel. Anyway, summary (grabbed from wikipedia because I couldn't find words to explain it myself)
Lotteries are used to choose the next leader as well as a new assassin, whose job is to try to kill the leader or "Quizmaster". Everybody in society has the opportunity to be selected as a leader or an assassin. Benteley unexpectedly gets chosen to be a member of the committee trying to assassinate the new Quizmaster and he must decide what he is going to do.
🌠 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke (1968). Not too long, well written, beautiful. Arthur C. Clarke does some really nice descriptions honestly. If you like this one, I recommend the rest of them (2010, 2061, 3001). This was published after the movie so it's similar in many ways but I think it manages to stand out very well on its own; being a different medium, you get a different perspective.
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