#2 flavored soda waters
maybealex · 6 months
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two 二 2ams
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wingwaver · 5 months
bitches were right about all that moisturizer talk all these years
my face skin is so fucking soft
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butchyena · 1 year
theyre discoursing on tiktok about flavored water by the way. in case anyone wanted to know if other sites could possibly have stupider discourse than this one
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naturenaruto · 8 months
once i finly get my ebt card i am blowing it all on one (1) one item a single pack of bottled tea
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becca-alexa · 1 year
for once in my life can my body please crave a vegetable
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unusualsims · 9 months
my mom was laughing at me for meticulously choosing everyone's drinks whenever I do cafeteria scenes
actually, it's crucial to the story that max is a monster guy and lucas is a sprite guy smdh 🙄
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ultimateinferno · 11 months
There's a certain tragedy regarding the simplicity of lemonade and the frequency of people fucking it up.
#hyperbole but w/e#like making good lemonade isnt that hard to the point that having good lemonade isnt really an accomplishment#however the amount of bad lemonades out there in the world makes the lemon lover in me cry.#anyways: how to improve your lemonade. 1st taste along the way. 2nd instead of adding sugar directly to water instead make simple syrup#simple syrup is 1 part sugar to 1 part water. boiling the water speeds up the solution.#2:1 sugar:water makes it shelf stable if you want to use the syrup for cocktails#anyways after you dissolve the sugar and heat the water turn off the stove and put the zest from your lemons youre using in the syrup#this will steep and draw out the oils (which have a lot of lemon flavor). this lets you strengthen the taste of your lemonade w/o the sour#but still use the juice for the tartness because tart lemonades are great#in fact you can actually throw other stuff into the syrup to steep if theres a lot of flavor in the oil#i sometimes put chopped mint and green chilies. thats makes good lemonades#you can also do ginger; cardamom; anise; honestly any spice#just fucking treat the hot syrup like it was tea. hell put tea in the syrup#as long as you strain the solids out of the syrup you just use it in place of the sugar when combining it and the juice and water#How To Drink youtube channel has a vid all about making syrups; both conventional and not#you can also make more fruity syrups by throwing fruits in a pot like strawberries with a bit of water; heat it; and just smash the bastards#strain the solids once again; reduce and you have syrups that you can then add to your lemonade#add sugar too to your fruit syrups theres not enough natural sugars to make the quantity you want#if you keep these syrups in little bottles you can honestly mix and match for all kinds of drinks#like club soda + these syrups and this is just normal soda but with funky flavors#you want to drink a god damn black pepper soda you cam#i think this escaped me#the power of syrups is potent
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slimeybones · 11 months
Being terrified to swallow a huge mouthful of Crush soda and then remembering "Oh wait. this is water that tastes like crush soda." and then struggling to actually swallow it
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 months
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[2:17 pm]
This was supposed to be a quick trip. You needed some new pillows, a new plant, and Mark was really just along for the ride. He was in it for some Swedish meatballs, a slide of chocolate cake, and fruit flavored sparkling water. But somewhere in the time from the entrance to about the eighth showroom, you forgot about what you needed.
"I think this one is nice, but the paint on the walls makes the room feel too small," Mark hummed.
"Since when are you an interior decorator?" You asked with your arms crossed while you surveyed the room.
Mark laughed and you both moved onto the next showroom, a kitchen.
"This is nice! I like this island here and the gas stove," Mark mumbled to himself. He walked around the space, dragging his hands over the surfaces while he looked at the lighting fixtures.
He walked over to the stove and lifted the lid from the pot. He grabbed a wooden spoon from the wall and turned to you with a bright smile, "Oh good! You're finally home, honey. I was just starting on dinner. How does spaghetti sound?"
Despite the nagging voice in the back of your head telling you this was supposed to be a 'quick trip,' you played along. You walked over to him and pecked his cheek, "it smelled delicious. I had such a long day. It feels great to be off my feet."
You slumped into a stool at the island. Mark pulled open cabinets and pretended to shake things into the pot, "long day at the office?"
"The longest! Stupid Becky from HR was such a pain today. Honestly, she never shuts up! But anyway, how was your day, babe?"
Mark giggled, turning to you while holding the pot with both hands, "Not as long as yours, but long enough that I don't want to dirty any bowls. Let's eat."
You both pretended to twirl your forks in the pot, slurping up noodles and giggling at each other each time you made eye contact.
"It's the last noodle," you said in an amazed voice.
"Lady and the Tramp it!" Mark pretended to slurp up the noodle with puckered lips while you did the same.
You slowly moved toward each other until your lips finally touched. The kiss was short and sweet, a kiss that quickly turned to you both laughing with your foreheads pressed together and the tips of your noses touching.
"Thanks for making dinner," you smiled brightly.
Mark shrugged, "it was nothing fancy, anything to make you happy, honey." A loud grumble sounded from his stomach, "Hey my pretend spaghetti was good, but now I need some real food."
"I need my pillows first!" You exclaimed.
You both left the kitchen, hand in hand. "I actually really liked that island, maybe we could remodel the kitchen," Mark told you while you made your way over to the bedding area.
"Maybe we can just try a rolling island cart to see if we like it," you grabbed two pillows and put them under your arm, "time for real food?"
"Please, I need some lingonberry soda!" Mark cheered.
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kcrossvine-art · 6 months
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Hiiii friendssss! What the FUCK is up. What the fuck is up. What the Fuck is up. On todays cute little cookin excursion we are going to be deep frying things and using a wok. If you dont feel comfortable deep frying, and dont have a wok, im sure theres other ways to do it silly :DDD
I believe in you.
From LotR online we're gonna be making Fried Beetroot Sticks!! 
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes into Fried Beetroot Sticks?” YOU MIGHT ASKSlices of sweet little beated root dipped into a batter with, watch out, special flavors too.
2 Beetroots
Corn flour
Red Chilli Powder
Garlic Paste
Baking Soda
Peanut oil
And we'll also be making some horseradish sour cream dip to go along with it;
Sour cream
Prepared horseradish
1 Green onion 
Few splashes of lemon juice
Salt to taste
Ground pepper to taste
"Cooked, tender beetroot sticks are dredged in a light batter and fried to give a crispy exterior and a soft, sweet interior. Served with a bracing horseradish sour cream, this snack is both filling and delicious."- LotRO Tooltip
AND, “what does Fried Beetroot Sticks taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKThis is like homemade fair-food and it sounds like a contradiction but its not
But maybe its just because its fried food? American brained, sorry.
Retains the inherit sweetness to beetroot
And similar to pickled beetroot the sweetness contrasts the spicey of the batter
(which i encourage you to amp up if youd like more spice)
The horseradish sourcream dip is to die for
Measure with your heart for that one, and save some green onion to top it with when you serve
This would pair very well with a lime italian soda or with shaved ice cones
Im always very anxious about deep-frying things, or working with oils at high temperatures, but i didnt run into any complications with this dish. Just make sure to keep best practices and safety precaution in mind, especially with a wok as it can tilt!
. If you dont have corn flour, you can substitute all-purpose flour . If you dont have peanut oil, look up oils with the same smokepoint to decide what else to use
The recipe stuck out to me, as i was assembling a list of foodstuffs from tolkiens work, for being such a "regular" named food. Also its worth 19 silver 69 copper in the LotR MMO and im immature.
I think the dip has the most room for improvement and tinkering. I've never made horseradish sourcream before, so more practiced tastebuds could perfect a simple thing like this. In the future id also like to try adding red pepper flakes along with the the powder and garlic paste, to give more visual variety and spice. I think cumin in the batter would be a nice midtone flavor too.
I give this recipe a solid 8/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) for its relative simplicity and modularity with things you could add.
Beetroot Sticks Ingredients:
2 Beetroots
130 grams corn flour
1 tbsp salt 
1 tsp Red Chilli Powder
1 tsp Garlic Paste
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
178 grams Water
432 grams peanut oil
Horseradish Sour Cream Ingredients:
225 grams Sour cream
200 grams Prepared horseradish
1 whole green onion (green and white parts VERY finely chopped)
1 tspn lemon juice
Salt to taste
ground pepper to taste
Beetroot Method:
Peel all beetroots and cut them length-wise into  rectangles.
Combine flour, salt, chilli powder, garlic paste, baking soda, and water in a bowl.
Mix well into a smooth batter.
Heat peanut oil to medium in a wok and dip beet roots into batter. Deep fry until golden brown in color.
Stack beetroots on paper-towel lined plates to cool and dry as you go.
Serve with horseradish sour cream!
Dip Method:
Mix all ingredients
Cover and let stand at room temperature for 1 hour for the flavors to blend.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 17 days
 Rambleberry Juice Punch
- 1 cup raspberry juice - 1 cup blueberry juice - 1 cup blackberry juice - 1 cup cranberry juice - 1 cup orange juice - 1/2 cup lemon juice - 2 cups pineapple juice - 1 liter of sparkling water or club soda - 1/4 cup honey or simple syrup (optional, adjust to taste) - Fresh berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries) for garnish - Sliced citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes) for garnish - Ice cubes
1. Mix the Juices: In a large punch bowl, combine the raspberry juice, blueberry juice, blackberry juice, cranberry juice, orange juice, lemon juice, and pineapple juice. Stir well to ensure all the juices are thoroughly mixed.
2. Sweeten (Optional): If you prefer a sweeter punch, add honey or simple syrup to the juice mixture. Start with a small amount and adjust to taste, stirring until the sweetener is completely dissolved.
3. Chill: Cover the punch bowl and refrigerate for at least an hour, or until thoroughly chilled. This allows the flavors to meld together.
4. Add Sparkling Water: Just before serving, add the sparkling water or club soda to the punch bowl. Stir gently to combine.
5. Prepare Garnishes: Add fresh berries and sliced citrus fruits to the punch for a beautiful and flavorful garnish.
6. Serve: Fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the Rambleberry Juice Punch over the ice. Add additional fruit garnishes to each glass if desired.
Tips: - Customization: Feel free to adjust the types of juices based on availability or preference. You can also experiment with other fruit juices like pomegranate or cherry. - Alcoholic Version: For an adult twist, add a splash of vodka, rum, or sparkling wine. - Herbal Infusion: Add a few sprigs of fresh mint or basil for an herbal note.
Enjoy your refreshing Rambleberry Juice Punch!
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basuralindo · 26 days
Hey I'm dropping a crepe recipe because there's still people around who think they're hard to make and I'm sick of french food being romanticized to the point of inaccessibility.
I call this a 3-2-1 method to make it easy to remember; 3 eggs, 2 cups water/fluid of choice, 1 cup flour.
I'm sparing you the obligatory backstory on my path to cooking extremely flat pancakes because we both know that neither of us care. If you want to hear me overshare check my blog between 1-4am pacific time.
•Anyway, start with three eggs and beat with a fork until they're all one color (you can use a whisk or an egg beater but I hate the extra steps. Fork it):
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•Add 1 cup flour:
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•Add whatever dry flavoring you want (I usually go with cinnamon and cardamom, today we're doing matcha cause that happens to be what I'm cooking. Some mornings caffeine is meant to be eaten):
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•Add sugar to taste if desired. It's not necessary for the recipe, and if you've managed to add enough to throw off the consistency you've got other shit to worry about, so follow your heart. I usually use like two tablespoons or so (I prefer brown, but white tastes better with matcha):
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•Decide on your fluid of choice. Water and/or milk is the usual, but you can do literally whatever you want; hot cocoa, coffee, tea, soda -whatever you want them to taste like. Go nuts with it. Use soup if you want idgaf it's between you and your chosen god at this point. I recommend starting with 2 cups for simplicity, but you can add more if needed for the right consistency. At this point I just eyeball it tbh.
•Add a little at a time and start mixing until it's as smooth as you can get (this is also where you'd add wet flavorings, like vanilla extract):
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•Add the rest until the batter is roughly the consistency of heavy whipping cream, or like thin tomato soup (if you actually ran with the soup joke, add a little water to thin it out). Just get it to where it's still a little viscous but will run if you pour it on the pan:
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•For best results cover and let it sit in the fridge overnight or for a few hours (it will separate a little, just mix it again). For last minute "I forgot to prep this last night but I really want crepes" results, we're putting it aside while I wash dishes and heat up the pan.
•Ladle out like ¼ cups worth onto a hot lubricated pan (butter or cooking oil, medium heat) and swirl it until it coats the bottom. Don't stress if it looks like shit the first few times, that's what practice is for, add a little more fluid if it's not spreading well:
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•cook until the top is no longer wet and edges start to lighten:
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•Flip it with either a very flat spatula or sheer hubris (spatula recommended for beginners), and cook for like 45 seconds (I have no sense of time), then slide it onto a plate:
•Top with whatever you want and try whatever folds/rolls you saw in that one show that made you think these were cool.
Go forth, have fun, eat well.
(if you want an even easier method with only mild sacrifice to quality: mix a couple eggs and some extra fluid into your leftover pancake batter and leave it in the fridge for the next morning)
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najia-cooks · 4 months
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[ID: Diamond-shaped cake slices arranged into a layered star shape, topped with powdered sugar, with dates and prunes placed around the edge of the plate. Two plates of Italian Christmas cookies are in the background. End ID]
Whole orange cake with sumac and pink peppercorn
This moist, flavorful cake is inspired by Sicilian torta all’arancia (orange cake) and Moroccan مَسْكُوتة‎ ("maskūta"). There is no peeling, zesting, or juicing of oranges required; oranges are added whole, and lend the citrus oils in their peels, the sweetness and flavor of their juice, and the tenderness of their pulp to the final cake.
Maskouta is a wheat-flour-based cake that often comes in orange or yoghurt varieties—this recipe combines both versions. The addition of yoghurt makes the cake incredibly tender, and adds a smooth tartness that perfectly balances the brightness, robustness, and slight bitterness of the citrus oils that infuse the cake. Cardamom and orange blossom water, both occasional additions in Moroccan orange cakes, add delicate aromatics that further round out the flavor of the cake; sumac and pink peppercorn add a sour, fizzling touch that draws the brightness of the orange to a head at the front of the palate.
Recipe under the cut!
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2 whole organic oranges
1 3/4 cup (210g) flour
1 1/2 tsp sumac
3/4 tsp pink peppercorn
6 green cardamom pods
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp orange blossom water
3 Tbsp olive oil
1/3 cup non-dairy yoghurt
1/2 cup non-dairy margarine, softened
1 cup vegetarian granulated sugar
Sicilian and Moroccan orange cakes do not usually include butter; however, I find that a creaming method, which incorporates air into a solid fat such as margarine, helps replace some of the leavening power of whipped eggs.
1. Scrub oranges thoroughly. Submerge them in cool water (weighing them down with a plate) and soak overnight.
This step removes some of the bitterness of the orange peels. If you don't have time for soaking, or if you very much dislike any amount of bitterness in sweets, zest the oranges by taking off just the orange layer of the peel with a microplane or vegetable peeler; set zest aside. Remove as much of the white pith as you can and discard. Use the zest and the peeled orange slices in place of the whole oranges.
2. Remove oranges from water. Blend them, along with orange blossom water, until homogenous. The mixture does not need to be completely liquid.
3. Toast cardamom pods and pink peppercorns in a dry skillet on medium heat until fragrant. Grind in a spice mill, or with a mortar and pestle. Combine dry ingredients (spices, flour, salt, baking powder, and baking soda) in a mixing bowl.
3. Cream margarine in a large mixing bowl with an electric hand mixer for 30 seconds, until fluffy. Add sugar and cream for 2 minutes, until aerated.
3. Gradually add pulverized oranges and fold in. Add olive oil and yoghurt and fold to combine.
4. Slowly add dry ingredients and gently fold until combined. You should get a fairly thick batter.
5. Prepare a 9" x 13" (about 22 x 33 cm) glass cake pan with oil or margarine. Pour in batter and flatten with a rubber spatula.
6. Bake in the bottom of an oven at 350 °F (175 °C) for 50 minutes, or until a toothpick entered into the center of the cake comes out clean.
7. Once cake has cooled, cut into slices and arrange as desired. Top with powdered sugar.
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foodshowxyz · 1 month
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Loaded Vegan Hummus Bowls For the Hummus:
1 cup dried chickpeas (or 2 cups cooked/canned chickpeas)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda (if using dried chickpeas)
1/3 cup tahini (sesame paste)
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
2-4 tablespoons ice water
2 tablespoons olive oil
For the Bowl:
1 cup quinoa (cooked according to package instructions)
1 cup red cabbage, shredded
1 carrot, grated
1 small cucumber, sliced
1 avocado, sliced
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup olives, sliced
Fresh parsley or cilantro, chopped
Lemon wedges, for serving
Additional olive oil, for drizzling
Salt and pepper, to taste
1. Prepare the Hummus:
If using dried chickpeas: Soak the chickpeas overnight in plenty of water. Drain and rinse, then boil with 1/2 teaspoon baking soda for about 45 minutes or until tender. Drain and cool.
Blend the hummus ingredients: In a food processor, combine the cooked chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, minced garlic, and salt. Process until smooth. Slowly add ice water and continue to process until the hummus becomes creamy. Drizzle in olive oil and blend until incorporated.
2. Assemble the Bowls:
Prepare the vegetables: While the chickpeas are cooking, prepare the quinoa and chop all the vegetables.
Build the bowl: Start with a base of quinoa. Add a generous dollop of hummus in the center. Arrange the red cabbage, carrot, cucumber, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and red onion around the hummus.
Garnish and serve: Top with sliced olives and fresh herbs. Drizzle with additional olive oil and squeeze a lemon wedge over it. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Variations: You can add other vegetables like roasted red peppers or artichokes, or include nuts and seeds for extra texture.
Flavor boosts: For a spicy hummus, add a pinch of cayenne pepper or a swirl of sriracha. You can also infuse more flavor into your quinoa by cooking it in vegetable broth instead of water.
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onlyhuis · 4 months
their favorite forms of weed + random stoner thoughts
member — svt ot13 x reader genre — headcanons, humor word count — 1.0k warnings — descriptions of marijuana and smoking. there isn't anything explicit or suggestive in this, but my blog is 18+ so minors dni. but whether you're a minor or not, please do not take advice about drugs from strangers on the internet,, i am so unqualified and this is just a reflection of my own experiences so don't take anything here as fact. always use responsibly! notes — huge thanks to @wooahaeproductions @highvern and @gyuwoncheol for brainstorming this with me !! as tumblr's resident stoner huihui i have many more thots about stoner!svt so feel free to stop by my inbox with your ideas to chat 👀
one reblog = one joint hand rolled for you by minghao himself
seungcheol: dab pen
big bulky man requires a big bulky pen. it hits harder and feels way more intense so he doesn’t care that it’s harder to clean. he also has a dab rig and he thinks it makes him cool and different because he and vernon are the only ones who actually know how to use it
jeonghan: weird shaped bong
he has to be Extra at all times so he has a surprising variety of odd shapes. the tentacle one on his dresser is his most interesting one for sure, but the one shaped like an arcade game machine with actual flashing lights is his favorite. he’s the king of princess treatment so he definitely makes everyone else light his bongs for him; why would he do it himself when there’s a perfectly good coups sitting right there?
joshua: fruity disposable thc pens
he’s made it his life mission to try every flavor once. los angeles is like the vape capital of the world so there is definitely no shortage of flavors for him to try. someone please pack him a normal regular unflavored bowl before all his clothes permanently smell like strawberry ice. he thinks he’s subtle but you can literally smell him a mile away, his scent enters the room before he does
junhui: literally anything
willing to take whatever you’re willing to give: you put any kind of weed in front of him and he’s gonna try it. he really doesn’t have a preference for what form it’s in, as long as he gets to do it with you <3 i can also see him trying edibles in different forms than the usual kinds, like the ones that come in a can like soda or a bag of chips. it’s hard to tell when he’s high because he’s the same amount of giggly as he always is, it’s like a 50/50 chance of whether he’s stoned or just silly
soonyoung: preroll joints
he tries so hard it’s kind of sad but also so funny. he takes one hit and coughs like he's been chainsmoking cigarettes for the last 40 years, then gets tired after 10 minutes and lays facedown on the floor until he falls asleep. he’s not invited to smoke with you anymore because he spills the bong water every single time without fail. he becomes the most giggly and cuddly person you’ve ever seen in your life; imagine drunk hosh, times ten. he sets up his tiger plushies in a circle and passes the joint around like he’s a 4 year old girl having a tea party. he starts crying if one of them feels left out so he has to count and make sure they all get an equal number of hits
jihoon: normal shaped bong
locks himself in and hotboxes the studio. he mostly does it to get out of his own head and chill alone for a while, so don’t even think about interrupting him. he’ll emerge from a cloud of smoke a couple of hours later with 2 new albums, god of light music: the sequel, and a solo for hoshi. he doesn’t let the other members touch his stuff or even know where he hides it
wonwoo: normal shaped bong (dirty)
i hate to play into the dirty gamer boy stereotype that he’s always written as… but he 100% never cleans it. it’s always byob (bring your own bong) when he invites you over because he may be with fine smoking a crusty bowl, but not everyone feels that way sorry dude
minghao: hand-rolled joints
he doesn’t trust anyone to roll but himself. he has fancy expensive organic papers that he got from an exclusive farmer's market and he treats it like an art form but honestly it hits way better when he does it so you don’t question his technique. a hand rolled joint from minghao is like a gift from god
mingyu: homemade edibles
vernon gave him a homemade rice krispie once and he swore it wasn’t hitting so he ate another one... and then passed out on the couch. after vernon gave him the recipe, mr. professional chef here decided he likes to bake them himself but somehow always ends up measuring it wrong and makes them way too strong. on accident or on purpose? we may never know. most likely both. he gets so high he can’t even stand up straight, most giggly and cuddly person you’ve ever seen #2
seokmin: cbd gummies
he takes them to relax or to help him fall asleep rather than to get super high. but he still wanted to feel included with the members who smoke so he tried to buy a cart one time but he bought a melatonin pen on accident instead and they never let him live that down
seungkwan: normal shaped bong (clean)
he takes good care of his stuff and he’s serious about it! he had a bad experience with mold once and now he’s paranoid about remembering to change the bong water. he cleans it daily and keeps everything nice and organized, and he has a bedazzled grinder because if he’s gonna smoke then he’s gonna do it in style obviously
vernon: also literally anything
he’s honestly down for whatever. he prefers smoking over edibles but he doesn’t care if it’s a joint, a pen, a bong. also depends on his mood but the majority of the time it’s whatever is the closest within reach and requires the least amount of effort
chan: 4ft tall bong
how? why does he have that? where did he get it? huh? those are all questions he doesn’t have the answers to either. it’s more of a mascot than anything; it sits in the corner of his living room like a lamp and he doesn’t even use it. he uses a regular bong the majority of the time but only because he’s afraid of breaking the sacred Tall Bong. it’s a big hit at parties
if this made you laugh, consider leaving a reblog! i'd love to hear your thoughts :) feedback shows me that this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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affordablepunk · 5 months
How to DIY energy drinks for cheap
First, required reading: link to article
Energy drinks have a few vital components:
>bubbles (i never do that and don't know how)
Here are some of my favorite things to use:
>granulated sugar (sweetener)
>stevia leaf or granulated artificial sweetener (sweetener)
>kool aid (flavor, sweetener)
>loose-leaf herbs (flavor) (try hibiscus petal, chicory, even lemongrass and mint can be nice)
>lemon juice (flavor, preservative)
>kool aid (easiest flavor/sweetener combo)
Supplies you might need:
>kettle or pot for heating water
>tea strainer ball to keep your leaves out of the final product
>a nice ragu jar or old Gatorade bottle for pre-made stuff
>funnel for pourin
>ladle for scooping liquid into the funnel
Kaffn-8 or any other such liquid caffeine product will do you for caffeine. That brand is super easy and convenient. Kaffn-8 is my favorite for the quality and ease in dosing, as well as the value (15 bucks has lasted me 2 months of daily use).
I like to make a sugar-flavor concentrate, then assemble each glass as I need it. Sugar tastes better when melted with heat than when dissolved without heat, even once chilled. This also allows me to tweak caffeine content. Here is how to make it:
Fill tea ball with herbs (use about a handful or 1/2 cup for every quart of water, you're making it strong)
Heat water and pop the tea ball in
Simmer or keep hot for 10 min
Remove tea ball and turn off heat
While hot, add as much sugar as you had herbs, and mix until melted.
Mix in as much lemon juice (or other assorted acid or preservative) as you can stand. The more preservative, the longer it'll keep
Allow to cool enough to handle
Jar it up, put it in the fridge for later use. You can and should re-use all manner of bottle, just be wary of melting anything plastic or burning your hands w hot water.
A note: the smaller your batches, the less you waste. But high concentrations of acid and sugar keep it good for up to a month in the fridge.
To use: mix water in a cup with your syrup, tweaking concentrations until it tastes good. Add caffeine, measuring your dose carefully.
Then, do bubble magic to add carbonation if you can do that. Maybe you found a soda stream somewhere. If you don't have bubbles, you'll just have to enjoy your energy drinks flat.
And, you're all done!
Now, where to get everything:
(Grow your own herbs if you are mega brave. Mints are nearly indestructible little plants.)
Lemon juice, dollar store. Quality is the same, you've just got to shake it up.
if its a foreign grocer, they likely have herbs cheap. If its a Mexican grocery, they 100% have the best herbs. (Aguasfrescas drink mixes are cheap and THE BOMB, and hibiscus flower always comes in mega bulk) .
Herbalist and spiritual shops have herbs too, and are likely to have tea balls. Branch out! Catnip has been my favorite oddball herb.
Farmers markets also have some (like three if you're lucky) herbs, and you may have to dry them yourself. Since it's punk to reach out to your community, ask around at the farmers market to see if you can get any herb or dried flavorant that's on your mind- small businesses love consumer feedback! You just might have to wait for the plant to grow, heh, but if you're friendly then you'll make friends. Some examples: ask the jam bottler for dried fruit peels, the farmer for mugwort
I get my artificial sweeteners on closeout, my stevia from herbal shops, and my sugar at Walmart (bite me, its cheap and I'm poor).
Kaffn-8 can only be found online, as far as I'm aware. I promise I'm not sponsored, just a grateful caffeine addict.
Do Google your herbs for drug interactions if you take meds. Healthline has good info on herbs. Dried grapefruit rind can mess with my psych meds, for example.
Again, be careful about caffeine. Always dose your caffeine. Having high levels of caffeine on tap is a bit of a big responsibility: I know I nearly bit the dirt from the all-you-can-eat espresso bar at my college. Immaturity could kill you, caffeine is a drug. Count doses, never go above 500 a day, try not to go more than 200 in the same hour.
Now take that money you've saved and give it to a charity to blow a very mean raspberry at nestle. Or, yknow, feed yourself. Its a tough world.
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