#1D preferences
little-big-fan · 3 months
Preference - One Direction
Tema: Ele precisa de uma "ajudinha"
Aviso: conteúdo sexualmente explícito, linguagem de baixo calão, +18
Joguei o corpo para trás, exclamando uma série de palavrões. Precisava entregar aquele arranjo ainda hoje, mas nenhuma das minhas ideias parecia boa o suficiente.
Fiz e refiz uma dezena de vezes e sempre parecia medíocre.
— Talvez um banho me ajude. — Resmunguei para mim mesmo, me erguendo na cadeira onde estive nas últimas horas.
Meu corpo inteiro reclamava de estar praticamente na mesma posição há tanto tempo.
Entrei no quarto em silêncio, sabendo que S\N devia estar dormindo, já que recém estava amanhecendo.
Vestindo apenas uma camiseta minha e uma camiseta minúscula, minha garota respirava de forma lenta. Abraçando o meu travesseiro, como se fosse eu quem estivesse ali a acompanhando.
Não deixava de me sentir culpado por não poder dar a devida atenção à minha namorada. Mas tinha um prazo a cumprir.
Tirei minhas roupas e as joguei de qualquer jeito no chão do banheiro. Liguei o chuveiro quente e deixei que a água relaxasse meus músculos. Não sei quanto tempo fiquei com os olhos fechados, apenas aproveitando a sensação.
— Amor? — Uma S\N sonolenta chamou da porta do banheiro. — Está tudo bem? — Ouvi seu bocejar.
— Sim. Eu só precisava relaxar um pouco.
O box de vidro estava embaçado, mas eu podia ver sua silhueta, tirando a camiseta do corpo e baixando a calcinha. A porta foi aberta e minha garota me deu um sorrisinho, como quem pedisse permissão. Chamei-a com o indicador.
Dei um passo para o lado, deixando que ela molhasse o próprio corpo, e me perdendo nas gotas de água que desciam por sua pele.
Faziam dias que sequer nos tocávamos direito. Que eu apenas deitava na cama, exausto e apagava.
E, por mais que estivesse bem cansado agora, meu pau parecia discordar de mim.
S\N jogou a cabeça para trás, molhando os cabelos compridos com os olhos fechados. Deixando o pescoço esguio totalmente à mostra.
— Conseguiu terminar o arranjo? — Perguntou ainda com os olhos fechados.
— Ainda não. — Minha voz saiu mais grossa que o normal, o que a fez me encarar.
Os olhos castanhos desceram pelo meu corpo, parando exatamente na parte que implorava por atenção. Não consegui deixar de me sentir levemente envergonhado, ela não havia entrado lá para esse tipo de coisa, provavelmente só queria passar algum tempo comigo.
Mas o sorriso sacana que se abriu nos lábios avermelhados fizeram meu íntimo ter um espasmo.
— Você precisa relaxar, hum? — Falou baixinho. — Quer ajuda? — Acenei com a cabeça. Não sabia o que ela pretendia, mas estava completamente sedento.
S\N desligou o chuveiro, me empurrando pelos ombros até que encostasse na parede fria. Encarei seus movimentos, totalmente transtornado enquanto ela se colocava de joelhos. Lambendo os próprios lábios antes de me fitar com os olhos cheios de uma falsa inocência.
A mão pequena me tomou, me fazendo arrepiar. Não consigo desviar os olhos de sua figura, capturando o momento exato em que ela coloca a língua toda para fora, pincelando meu pau como a porra de um pirulito.
Encosto a cabeça na parede, sem conseguir segurar o gemido que me escapa.
Sem aviso prévio, S\N me toma com a boca. Engolindo tudo que pode.
— Caralho. — Resmungo.
Os sons molhados e de sucção são a perdição, assim como a sensação de sua boca quente à minha volta.
Ela me chupa de forma lenta, se deliciando e me levando ao limite. Embrenho uma das mãos entre os cabelos úmidos, guiando sua boca perfeita em um ritmo mais rápido.
A cena à minha frente é suja.
Minha garota de joelhos no chão do banheiro, os pingos de água escorrendo por sua pele, os mamilos duros em puxa excitação e a boca que me engole com devoção.
Sinto um orgasmo se formando aos poucos e perco totalmente o controle. Enfiando até bater em sua garganta. Lágrimas se formam nos olhos castanhos, mas S\N geme.
Fazendo sua boca tremer e reverberar em todo o meu corpo.
Afasto seu rosto, segurando ao máximo. Mas ela nega com a cabeça, segurando minhas coxas para que eu não me movesse.
— Amor, não vou conseguir segurar. — Aviso quase sem fôlego.
— Não se segure. Quero sentir você. — Ela sorri com os lábios inchados e volta a me abocanhar, com ainda mais vontade.
Jogo a cabeça para trás, revirando os olhos e gemendo alto quando o orgasmo me atinge. Mas ela não para. Engolindo até a última gota, sem deixar nada escapar.
Orgulhosa, ela se levanta. Limpando os resquícios do meu gosto com a língua.
— Me deixa cuidar de você. — Sussurrei me aproximando, mas ela liga o chuveiro.
— Não. Sua nova meta agora é terminar o arranjo. Quando estiver pronto, vai poder fazer o que quiser comigo. — Piscou um olho.
De repente o prazo já não me preocupa mais. Tudo que eu quero é terminar aquela merda e foder a minha mulher até perder os sentidos.
Equilibrei a bandeja com lanches em apenas um braço enquanto abria a porta do estúdio improvisando, fazendo o meu melhor para não fazer nenhum barulho.
— Amor? — Chamei baixinho, quando vi que Liami não estava gravando nada. Ele girou a cadeira de rodinhas em minha direção, me dando um sorriso cansado.
Já faziam duas semanas que ele trabalhava sem parar em seu álbum.
Entrei no estúdio, largando minha bandeja na mesinha de canto e indo em sua direção. Passei as mãos em seus ombros, fazendo uma pequena massagem. Liam curvou o corpo para a frente, encostando o rosto em meu peito, aproveitando o carinho.
— Posso fazer algo para ajudar? — Ofereci. Ele abriu apenas um olho, erguendo levemente o rosto para me olhar.
— Um abraço e um beijo bem gostoso? — Pediu fazendo beicinho, o que me fez rir.
Tomei o rosto lindo entre as mãos, tocando meus lábios nos seus de forma leve. Mas, ele não pareceu satisfeito, me puxando para sentar em seu colo e aprofundando o beijo com sua língua quente.
A cadeira se moveu com o peso extra, mas ele pareceu não se importar. Segurando minha cintura com força enquanto sua língua explorava cada cantinho da minha boca. Soltei um gemido involuntário. Minha menstruação havia acabado há poucos dias e eu estava mais do que sensível.
Senti quando ele sorriu durante o beijo, me puxando mais para baixo e pressionando a ereção crescente contra mim.
— Preciso tanto de você, babe. — Sussurrou, desviando seus beijos para meu pescoço.
— Mas e o álbum? — Perguntei com dificuldade.
— Pode esperar um pouquinho. — Afirmou.
Sem dificuldade nenhuma, Liam se ergueu comigo no colo, segurando minhas coxas para apoiar meu peso. Seu corpo estava muito diferente desde que havia voltado a frequentar a academia, ele estava mais forte e sua condição física estava muito maior.
Por mais que entendesse seu empenho com o álbum, ficávamos longe por tempo demais e parecia que a chama entre não precisava de mais do que um beijo para virar brasa.
Ele me carregou até o sofá de couro no canto do estúdio, sentando comigo ainda por cima.
Movi meu quadril, soltando um suspiro alto.
Liam parecia não conseguir esperar. Ele ergueu o quadril, empurrando a calça de moletom e a cueca em um único movimento.
Enfiando a mão por baixo do vestido florido que me cobria, ele sorriu ao sentir o tecido fino da calcinha completamente ensopado.
Ele passeou com os dedos longos por ali, separando minha carne e me fazendo soluçar com os espasmos que me atingiam.
— Pare de provocar. — Implorei.
Os olhos castanhos tinham um brilho diferente. Sem esperar que eu pedisse uma segunda vez, o homem enganchou o indicador em minha calcinha, afastando-a para o lado o suficiente para que tivesse acesso.
Era impossível não gemer toda vez que ele me preenchia. Era sempre como a primeira vez. Tão bom, tão quente…
— Tão apertada, amor… — Sussurrou em meu ouvido, fazendo a um caminho molhado pelo meu pescoço com sua língua.
Eu adorava a dualidade dele. Um amor de pessoa com os fãs, o amigo legal.
E o lado que apenas eu conhecia, o pervertido.
Comecei a movimentar meu corpo para cima e para baixo, intercalando com algumas reboladas, como eu sabia que ele adorava. Em resposta, Liam mordeu meu queixo e desferiu um tapa ardido em minha bunda, me fazendo ir ainda mais rápido.
— Gostosa. — Murmurou. — Assim mesmo.
O vestido começava a me incomodar, mas eu não deixaria que aquilo atrapalhasse. Estava tão molhada que sabia que ele podia sentir escorrer em seu pau. Apoiei as duas mãos em seus ombros, pegando ainda mais impulso e fazendo com que ele soltasse uma série de palavrões, misturados a gemidos.
— Porra, linda… você é tão boa. — Murmurou. Os cabelos meio curtos grudaram no suor de sua testa e a expressão de prazer que se formava em seu rosto era o suficiente para me enlouquecer ainda mais.
Liam passou um braço em minha cintura, trocando nossas posições sem dificuldade nenhuma no sofá. Ele me puxou pelas coxas, fazendo com que minhas pernas ficassem bem abertas e voltou a entrar.
Joguei a cabeça entre as almofadas. Quase derretendo em tanto prazer.
Quanto mais minha sanidade me abandonava, mais ele metia.
O som de nossas peles se batendo preenchiam o pequeno estúdio, assim como nossas lamúrias de puro tesão.
O orgasmo me atingiu sem aviso prévio, me fazendo gritar e apertar a camiseta que ele ainda vestia. Minhas paredes apertavam junto com os espasmos que meu corpo sofria e não demorou muito para que o corpo forte desmoronasse sobre o meu, jorrando forte a ponto de escorrer para fora.
Liam sorriu satisfeito, deixando um selinho demorado em meus lábios antes de desfazer nosso encaixe.
— Eu amo você. — Sussurrou, ainda sem fôlego.
— Amo você. — Respondi, sem forças.
— Ah, sim. Perfeito. — Murmurei depois de ouvir uma longa explicação sobre o novo patrocínio.
Já faziam quase duas horas que estávamos em reunião, depois de longas horas de ensaio. Estava exausto. Só conseguia pensar no quanto queria comer alguma coisa e ir descansar.
Meu celular vibrou no bolso da calça e aproveitei que o homem engravatado havia engatado em uma conversa com meu agente.
A foto que S/N havia mandado enviou um recado direto para meu pau dentro da calça. Não era nada além do que ela costumava fazer.
Uma foto sua dentro de um provador, perguntando se eu gostava do vestido que havia acabado de comprar.
O tecido vermelho não era revelador demais, terminava no meio de suas coxas e o decote redondo salientava os seios deliciosos.
Não respondi, apenas me despedi daqueles que estavam na mesa inventando ter um outro compromisso que não poderia esperar e saí de lá o mais rápido possível, fazendo o meu melhor para esconder a ereção que havia dentro da calça.
Assim que entrei em meu apartamento, caminhei em passos largos até a cozinha. S/N cozinhava distraída, usando seu novo vestido.
Me aproximei lentamente, sem que ela notasse e segurei sua cintura. Minha namorada deu um pulinho de susto e sorriu ao me ver.
— Amor, achei que chegaria mais tarde. — Falou desligando o fogão e se virando para me abraçar.
Sem conseguir esperar mais, ataquei sua boca com a minha. Como sempre, minha garota correspondeu, embrenhando os dedos em meus cabelos e puxando alguns fios com delicadeza.
— O que foi isso? — Perguntou baixinho, ainda com os olhos fechados.
— Você não tem noção de como sua foto me deixou. — Sussurrei em seu ouvido antes de morder o lóbulo.
— A foto? Mas não tinha nada demais… — Suspirou ao sentir que minhas mãos apertavam sua bunda.
— Você ficou tão gostosa nesse vestido, meu amor. Não consegui pensar em mais nada além de vir aqui e te comer bem gostoso. — A pele de seu pescoço arrepiou, me fazendo sorrir.
Puxei o corpo da garota para cima do meu, caminhando com ela até o nosso quarto.
Não consigo pensar direito, o tesão corre solto em minhas veias.
Ataco sua boca com a minha antes de jogar seu corpo sobre o colchão. S\N solta um gritinho de surpresa, mas o sorriso sacana que se abre em sua boca mostra que ela está gostando.
Puxo os dois lados da minha camisa, fazendo os botões voarem por todo o quarto. Tiro o cinto e jogo a calça social longe, junto com a cueca. Não estou em condições mentais para aguentar joguinhos. S\N leva as mãos até a barra do vestido.
— Fica com ele. — Peço, fazendo-a assentir.
Subi na cama, caminhando de joelhos em sua direção. Enfiei as mãos por baixo do vestido, puxando a calcinha minúscula para fora.
O ar parece quente ao entrar em meu pulmão, o calor é insuportável. S/N coloca uma das mãos pequenas em meu peito, me empurrando para sentar e então vindo para cima de mim, passando uma perna de cada lado do meu corpo.
Puxo o decote do vestido para baixo, libertando seus seios mas aprisionando um entre meus lábios em seguida. Ela embala a cintura para a frente, esfregando minha glande pelo entrada molhada e me fazendo gemer contra a sua pele.
— Não brinca comigo, amor. — Avisei.
Não preciso dizer mais nada. S/N coloca a mão entre nossos corpos, me encaixando antes de afundar em meu colo. Reviro os olhos com o aperto, impulsionando o corpo para cima.
Nosso encaixe não é nada delicado. S/N praticamente pula em mim, gemendo alto e jogando a cabeça para trás. Eu ergo o vestido, fazendo com que fique embolado em sua cintura, e a imagem de como meu pau a preenche me deixa ainda mais sem controle. Afundo os dedos em sua cintura, metendo o mais forte que posso. S/N segura meus ombros, sorrisos misturados a gemidos.
O orgasmo atinge a nós dois sem nenhum aviso. Ela deixa seu corpo cair sobre o meu e eu enfio o rosto em seu pescoço. A corrente elétrica ainda percorre nossos corpos, tentamos encontrar o ar depois de tudo aquilo.
— Como foi a reunião? — Ela pergunta com um sorriso debochado.
— Eu não lembro. — Respondo com sinceridade.
Acordo assustada quando Harry sai da cama praticamente correndo. Ele parece esquecer que eu dormia em seu braço quando simplesmente se levantou de qualquer jeito.
— Amor? — Chamei ainda cheia de sono, fazendo-o para no caminho para o banheiro. — Está tudo bem?
— E-está. — Responde, mas o fato de gaguejar deixa claro que é uma mentira.
— O que aconteceu? — Sento na cama e ligo o abajur, iluminando o ambiente. — Teve um pesadelo?
— N-não.
— Amor, me deixa te ajudar. — Falo ainda encarando suas costas.
— Ah, porra. — Resmunga, me surpreendendo, já que ele raramente fala palavrão.
Levanto da cama, tocando em seus ombros, mas Harry se esquiva.
— O que está acontecendo, Styles? — Reclamo. O homem solta um suspiro alto, virando em minha direção finalmente. Seu rosto está completamente vermelho.
— Eu estava sonhando com você, okay? — Murmura, sem encarar meu rosto.
— E isso é ruim? — Pergunto ainda sem entender.
— Não, mas, é vergonhoso. — Bufa.
— Vergonhoso por que? — Franzo as sobrancelhas, confusa. Mas qualquer confusão some quando vejo o volume que preenche sua calça de moletom. — Oh…
— Desculpa, amor. — Ele suspira. — Eu vou tomar um banho e já… — Harry começa a se afastar, mas eu seguro seu pulso. Ele me encara, os olhos arregalados.
Por mais que sua personalidade expansiva não deixasse transparecer em frente aos outros, Harry era extremamente tímido para algumas coisas. Talvez fosse o fato de que cada passo que ele desse fosse sempre tão vigiado, mas, às vezes ele sequer conseguia aproveitar alguns momentos. E, mesmo que fosse extremamente carinhoso desde o começo do nosso relacionamento, há poucos meses, Harry não era o tipo que compartilhava suas fantasias ou falava obscenidades durante a transa. As poucas vezes que esse tipo de coisa aconteceu, havia bebida envolvida.
— Me conta sobre o sonho. — Pedi baixinho, puxando-o em direção da cama. Observei como seu pomo de adão subiu e desceu.
— A gente tava… — Começou, mas a timidez o tomou mais uma vez.
Sentamos lado a lado, e eu já podia sentir o calor começar a me tomar. Minhas mãos coçava para tocá-lo, mas não queria ultrapassar nenhum limite.
— Continua, meu bem. — Incentivei, colocando uma mão sobre seu joelho. Harry fechou os olhos e soltou um suspiro. — O que eu estava fazendo no seu sonho?
— Você estava… — Sussurrou a última parte, sendo impossível que eu ouvisse.
— Não entendi, meu amor. — Falei, com a voz um pouco mais manhosa, subindo a mão por sua coxa e sentindo os músculos enrijecendo.
— Porra. Você estava me chupando. — Não consigo conter o suspiro que me escapa. Isso é algo que nunca fizemos. — É nojento, me desculpa.
— Não acho nojento. — Murmuro, arrastando meu corpo para fora da cama. Styles observa cada uma da minhas movimentações. Paro a sua frente, ajoelhando entre suas pernas.
— O-o que está fazendo? — Pergunta baixinho, soltando um gemido estrangulado quando passo a mão em sua ereção por cima do moletom. Seguro a barra da calça, puxando-a para fora do seu corpo junto com a peça íntima. — V-você não precisa fazer isso. — Ele diz alto, nervoso.
— Eu quero. — Encarei seus olhos. — Não quer que eu te chupe, babe? — Tombei a cabeça para o lado, fingindo uma inocência que em nada combina com o meu atual estado.
— Ah, caralho. — Harry jogou o corpo um pouco para trás, apoiando o peso nos braços.
Com os olhos fixos aos seus, deixei um carinho por toda a extensão da carne dura e quente. Fazendo-o soltar todo o ar que prendia nos pulmões.
— Não respondeu a minha pergunta, H. — Passei a língua entre os lábios. — Quer que eu te chupe?
— Porra, eu quero.
Passo a língua pela cabeça avermelhada, seus suspiros preenchem meus ouvidos, me encorajando a continuar. Sugo a glande gorda, e vejo como Harry começa a perder o controle. Ele respira fora de ritmo e aperta o lençol entre os dedos.
— Tira isso. — Peço apontando para a camiseta branca que cobre seu peito. — Quero ver você.
Ele me obedece rápido, jogando a peça pelo ombro, me dando a visão privilegiada de seu peito, ombros e barriga. Os músculos estão tensos.
O levo até a boca mais uma vez, mas agora indo um pouco mais fundo. Harry solta um palavrão quando sente minha garganta. Não sei exatamente o ritmo que deveria estabelecer, então o chupo de forma lenta, saboreando seu gosto.
Styles leva uma das mãos até meu cabelo, enrolando em volta do pulso e me fazendo aumentar o ritmo. Seus olhos têm um brilho que eu nunca havia visto, mas estava adorando. Os lábios cheios estavam entreabertos, soltando gemidos, as sobrancelhas franzidas e uma camada fina de suor começava a se formar em sua testa.
Sinto quando ele fica ainda mais duro em minha boca, seu gosto ficando mais forte, misturado a minha saliva que escorre para fora.
— Para. — Disse, me afastando, me deixando confusa mais uma vez.
— Achei que estivesse gostando. — Sussurrei.
— Ah, eu estava adorando. — Falou com a respiração desregulada. — Mas agora, eu preciso foder você. — Me puxou pelos braços para a cama.
Um frio na barriga me atingiu. Harry nunca havia falado de forma tão explícita, e isso me fez escorrer ainda mais.
Ele parecia outra pessoa, completamente dominado pelo desejo.
Empurrando meu corpo pelo colchão, as mãos ágeis arrancando meu conjunto de pijama e a calcinha antes que eu pudesse sequer pensar em fazê-lo. Então ele me empurra mais uma fez, fazendo ajoelhar em frente a cabeceira da cama, colocando minhas mãos ali como apoio. Sinto o calor de seu corpo em minhas costas, mesmo que ele não me toque.
— Me avise se for demais. — Sussurra em meu ouvido, deixando um beijinho em meu ombro.
Um arrepio percorre minha pele com a promessa silenciosa da melhor transa da minha vida.
Harry leva a mão até minha cintura, me fazendo empinar em sua direção. Ele me provoca, esfregando a glande em minha entrada. Empino mais e resmungo, fazendo-o soltar uma risadinha rouca.
Estou pronta para xingá-lo pela provocação, quando sinto seu membro me preencher por inteiro de uma vez. Solto um grito, minhas paredes o apertam e eu solto a cabeça para a frente. Ele fica alguns segundos parado, para que eu me recupere da surpresa, mas então começa a investir com violência.
Sua pele bate contra a minha, causando estalos tão altos quanto os nossos gemidos. Uma das mãos segura meu seio, brincando com o meu mamilo entre os dedos.
— Você é tão gostosa, bebê. — Sussurra, a voz rouca como nunca antes. — Você desperta um lado meu que eu não sabia que existia.
— Qual? — Pergunto com dificuldade. Ele mantém o ritmo alucinante, fazendo minhas pernas tremerem.
— O pervertido. Porra, eu quero estar dentro de você o tempo todo. — Confessa. — Eu chego a sonhar com você, S\N. Te comendo em todas as posições possíveis.
— Haz. — Gemo e ele afunda ainda mais os dedos em minha cintura.
— Eu tento me segurar ao seu lado, mas, porra, você é tão boa, amor. — Deixa beijos em meu pescoço. — Eu poderia te foder todos os dias pelo resto da vida, e mesmo assim sempre vou querer mais. O que fez comigo, garota? — Viro o rosto, para deixar um beijo em seus lábios.
Suas palavras obscenas, o ritmo enlouquecedor, as mãos em meu corpo, é tudo demais para aguentar. Me desmancho em seu corpo, gemendo seu nome alto e sinto quando Styles perde o restinho do controle, investindo ainda mais forte e gozando tão forte que uma parte escapa, pingando pela cama.
Sentamos na cama, completamente exaustos e saciados.
— Posso realizar seus sonhos sempre que quiser. — Falo, tentando esconder o sorriso que se forma em meus lábios.
— Vou contar com isso.
Duas semanas de repouso absoluto. Com exceção apenas de idade ao banheiro e com ajuda.
Essas eram as exatas palavras do médico após a lesão grave do meu namorado.
Fiquei completamente desesperada quando Lottie me ligou em uma noite qualquer para avisar que Louis havia se machucado durante o ensaio e eles estavam no hospital.
Os primeiros dias foram tranquilos, o o homem estava adorando ser "mimado". Mas foi no momento em que neguei sua primeira investida, lembrando que ele estava proibido de fazer esforços físicos que meu calvário começou.
Mesmo precisando ficar quase 24h em cima da cama, Tomlinson parecia estar subindo pelas paredes. E era difícil demais negá-lo quando eu também estava sedenta.
Ele fazia questão de fazer carinhos cheios de mãos bobas durante a madrugada, me provocar com beijos quentes demais e depois ficava frustados quando eu fugia para um banho frio.
A noite estava quente em Londres, e eu decidi dormir com minha camisola mais confortável. Saí do banho já pronta para deitar e vi como os azuis se ergueram do celular quando saí do banheiro.
— Puta que pariu, você quer me matar. — Pronunciou alto. A perna engessada permanecia na pequena torre de travesseiros, me lembrando que eu não podia ceder.
— Você já me viu com isso um monte de vezes, amor. — Lembrei.
— E em todas elas eu fiz questão de tirar! — Disse em puro desespero.
— Quer que eu troque?
— Eu quero que você venha aqui e me deixe te foder. — Caminhei até a cama, deixando um beijinho em seus lábios.
— Só mais uma semana, amor. — Prometi.
— Eu vou morrer até lá! — Bufou, afundando a cabeça no travesseiro.
— Quanto exagero. — Falei rindo.
— Exagero? Você sai desse banheiro com uma camisola minúscula, com esse corpo delicioso e espera que eu faça o que?
— Durma.
— Você me odeia. — Disse em uma expressão fechada, quase me fazendo rir.
— Você sabe que eu te amo.
— Se me amasse mesmo, me ajudaria com isso. — Um sorriso sacana se abriu em seus lábios quando ele pegou em meu pulso e largou minha mão sobre seu membro endurecido. Um arrepio percorreu minha coluna. — Preciso tanto de você, love. — Sussurrou, me fazendo fechar os olhos.
— Não, o médico disse...
— Que eu não posso fazer esforço físico. — Repetiu revirando os olhos. — Mas ele não disse nada sobre a mão e a boca da minha namorada deliciosa. — Sugeriu.
— Eu não sei...
— Prometo ficar quietinho. — Fez um beicinho.
Apertei seu pau sobre a cueca, fazendo-o soltar um gemido estrangulado. Já me sentia quente, estava louca por ele. Éramos um casal com a vida sexual extremamente ativa, um cenário onde passamos mais do que três dias sem sexo era improvável até agora.
— Promete?
— Prometo, amor. — Balançou a cabeça rápido.
Empurrei a cueca preta para baixo, vendo como seu pau pulou para fora e sentindo minha boca salivar.
Deixei alguns beijinhos por sua extensão, ouvindo suas lamúrias. Me sentia completamente quente com tudo aquilo. Engoli o máximo que consegui, usando minha mão para acariciar o resto.
— Me deixa te tocar, linda. — Sussurrou.
Tomando cuidado para me mover na cama sem mover sua perna machucada, ajoelhei próximo ao seu tronco, voltando a engolir seu membro. Louis soltou alguns gemidos, a mão grande erguendo minha camisola e se enchendo com a pele da minha bunda, logo depois deixando um tapa ardido, o que me faz gemer contra a sua pele. Ele empurra a cintura para cima, querendo ir mais fundo.
— Quieto. — Aviso, me afastando apenas o suficiente para conseguir falar.
Louis murmura algo em concordância, e então afasta o tecido da minha calcinha o suficiente para ter acesso à minha intimidade. Seus dedos separam minha carne, subindo e descendo devagarzinho. Solto o ar pelo nariz, com a boca cheia dele. Dois dedos me preenchem, indo fundo, lentamente, de forma torturante e deliciosa.
— Sua boceta é tão linda, amor. — Sussurra, me fazendo empinar ainda mais em sua direção. — Por quê não senta em mim, hum? — Viro para olhá-lo.
— Por mais que eu queira, isso pode machucar a sua perna. — Lamento.
— Foda-se isso, amor. Eu preciso de você. — Resmunga, manhoso.
— Lou…
— Se você não sentar no meu pau agora, eu juro que arranco esse gesso e te fodo sem dó. — Sua voz é firme, o tesão estampado em seu rosto deixa claro que ele fala sério.
— Você precisa ficar bem paradinho. — Avisei, passando as pernas em sua cintura.
— Anda logo! — Bufa, quase me fazendo rir.
Posiciono seu membro em minha entrada, nosso encaixe perfeito.
Não quero perder o controle. Não posso.
Mas, porra…
Tê-lo dentro de mim é bom demais.
Me movo lentamente, tomando o maior cuidado do mundo. Mas não parece o suficiente para Louis. Ele segura minha cintura, me fazendo subir e descer mais rápido. Tento reclamar, com medo de piorar sua situação, mas um tapa forte em minha bunda me cala.
Reviro os olhos, sentindo quando ele ignora completamente as ordens médicas e começa a investir contra mim.
— Porra, que saudade. — Ele fala com dificuldade. Seguro seus ombros com força, tentando controlar pelo menos um pouco a situação. Louis espalma as mãos em minha bunda, fazendo minha cintura ir para a frente e para trás.
Nossos movimentos se tornam ainda mais rápidos, a cama range e por um momento, não consigo pensar em seu ferimento.
Tomlinson ergue o tronco, atacando meus lábios. Castigando-os com os dentes e chupões fortes. Enlaço seu pescoço, sentindo o orgasmo me atingir. Ele geme alto contra a minha boca, chamando meu nome alto e me preenchendo com força uma última vez.
Respiramos fora de ritmo, trocando alguns selinhos já mais calmos.
Saio de seu colo, sentindo meu corpo exausto.
— Você está bem? — Pergunto, ficando preocupada de repente.
— Estou ótimo. — Sobra a resposta, com um sorriso vitorioso em seus lábios.
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imagines-1directioner · 2 months
Resolvi inovar e criar um fake messages a partir de uma música, e a escolhida foi do novo álbum da Bey, o qual estou viciada por sinal. Espero que gostem e aguardo o feedback de vocês! Não esqueçam de miiiim 🥺
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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1d1195 · 2 years
Made to be V
The rest of the story: Made to be
Warnings: very fluffy and a lot of kissing
Essentially, he told her the entirety of all his past relationships: he had a few girlfriends and came home to meet his mum. There wasn’t anything wrong with the relationships, but it never progressed much further than that. There was hardly a story to tell about any of them.
But for her?
Oh, there was going to be a novel. An epilogue. A sequel. Poems, songs, and a movie would be written about her.
“Harry didn’t know what size you were,” Gemma said with an eye roll. “Refused to snoop through your laundry for us,” she smirked. Harry flicked his sister on the cheek. “Mum, he assaulted me!” She said rubbing her cheek. She giggled at the sibling display and Harry leaned over and kissed her cheek sloppily, licking her egregiously, causing Gemma to fake gag. “Are you going to do something about your son?”
“No,” Anne grinned.
Gemma turned her gaze back to the poor girl subject to these family shenanigans. “She loves him more because he’s the baby. Always gets his way.”
Anne rolled her eyes and sipped from her wine glass while she nibbled on some of the snacks spread on the coffee table in between the pairs of them. “Oh, like you’re not the princess,” Harry scoffed.
“I’m the oldest too,” she remarked to Gemma. “Babies are the worst,” she winked at Harry.
“Kitten!” He said pressing a hand over his heart. “I’m...” he looked so betrayed, even if it was pretend. It made her heart flutter, and she wrinkled her nose at Harry so cutely he could have passed out. He loved her banter, it fit right in with his family—his three favorite women in one room.
“Thank you, love,” Gemma said reaching across the coffee table to pat her on the leg and settle her glass down. It nearly killed Harry to have her seated so far away, but it was probably for the best. He might not have been able to control himself long enough to interact with his family while seated next to her. His family was close, but he wasn’t ready to make out with her in front of them and right now, kissing her until he was breathless was all he could think about. “The point is, if they don’t fit, we bought a different size and can return them later,” she explained.
“I wasn’t going t’go through her laundry,” he rolled his eyes. “Very invasive of you.”
“We’re one of those matching pajama families,” Anne explained for her benefit while the siblings argued. “Don’t feel obligated. But if you want to match, you can,” she smiled sweetly. “We didn’t want you to feel excluded. You’re always welcome here, love,” she promised simply.
Anne said it as if she said it to everyone that showed up on her doorstep (and maybe she did, she seemed like the most welcoming mother and person in the world). But she was still overcome with emotion. She always did well with moms. She couldn’t even say a bad thing about her ex’s mom. Despite her son being Harry’s worst enemy, she always made her feel welcomed, even after that first year of not knowing she was in a relationship with her son. She always felt at home when she was at his parents’ house and if she thought for a little longer, toward the end of their relationship she might have liked his family more than she liked him.
But naturally, she was actively in love with Harry. For her to love his family as well was more than she could have hoped for in such a short time. They did adore her as Harry said they did and would. Anne was wonderful, of course. Opening her house and intimate holiday up to a total stranger that Harry had just sprung on her no more than three weeks ago. She seemed to know exactly what to say to her when any subject seemed to get touchy (not that there was many—but there was a dicey conversation over what was better chocolate or coffee, and Harry and Gemma were ready to start a full-on battle). She had a plethora of snacks and drinks that eased all worries. It didn’t make a difference to her if she was all dolled up or not. Anne even told her how beautiful she looked fresh from bed, and she wished she had her naturally wavy hair. Her compliments were so heartfelt. It was impossible to not feel right at home in Harry’s house. “That’s...very kind of you, thank you.”
“Harry wakes us all up at sunrise to open presents like a toddler,” Gemma further explained before Anne could speak again.
He rolled his eyes. “I like Christmas, Gem,” he said.
She giggled and Harry’s heart softened at the sound, and he smiled at her so beautifully it made his mom and sister disappear from the room. She felt very warm with his gentle look on her face. Taking a sip of her wine was the only thing she could remember to do so as not to combust from Harry’s attention. She wondered if his mom and sister noticed—although it didn’t look like it was possible to miss it. Harry was mesmerized by the sweet girl. His family knew it the moment he crossed the threshold with the beautiful, darling girl beside him.
“Mum usually makes a frozen pizza the night before Christmas. Saves us from eating too much in preparation for the big day,” Gemma told her. “We didn’t know what kind of pizza you’d like though, so we got three different kinds. Harry didn’t want to pressure you, said you would get all out of sorts being made a fuss of,” Gemma rolled her eyes. “Do you have a preference?” She asked.
He was right, of course. However, the three pizzas felt like more of a fuss than just asking what kind of pizza she liked. It nearly sent her spiraling. “Gemma, kindly shut up,” he said sweetly knowing implicitly that she was going to go practically crazy being made into a fuss. Fortunately, Harry didn’t have to worry because he heard that adorable light laughter he admired so much and knew that she wasn’t going to spin out of control at the thought of having to decide what pizza she wanted.
But she didn’t think she would after all because much like Harry, his mother and sister were so, so nice.
She already adored Gemma. She liked the way she bickered with Harry. It kept him humble. Someone should be able to keep him humble because it certainly wasn’t going to be her. Harry walked on water for her, he was perfect in every way and his sister made sure he never knew how special he was—at least not enough to give him an ego. Much like her mother, she was also extremely complimentary. Gemma loved every article of clothing she wore over the last two days kindly demanded they go shopping together the next time she visited Harry. She loved her American accent and her kind demeanor. Gemma asked about books she liked read, how she got into teaching, and when her birthday was. She was perfect and made her feel so at home as well, just like her brother.
“Uh...no, no preference. I like all pizza,” she promised.
“So easy going,” Gemma smirked and headed for the kitchen.
“Can I help at all?” She asked standing immediately. Harry and his mother made eye contact and look passed between them. Without time to process, she headed after Gemma anyway. Anne caught her by the hand as soon as she reached the back of the sofa. She felt like she was doing something wrong, and she knew that look between Harry and his mother meant something. She felt her face warm under their gazes. She didn’t know what, but it felt like she was intruding, and she wanted to help Gemma in the kitchen, desperately.
“Love, just sit and enjoy your stay, please,” she said softly, reassuring her that there was nothing wrong, everything was okay. “Really, let me refill your glass,” she said and plucked the glasses from the table and headed after her daughter. Harry smiled patting the sofa beside him and there wasn’t a place on earth she would ever to turn away her chance to sit next to Harry. He was all happy grins as she situated herself beside him. He immediately pressed his hand on her thigh and gave it a small squeeze. It shot right through all the veins in her legs and directly to her heart that skipped a beat at his touch. “Sorry ‘bout Gem,” he rolled his eyes.
“M'sisters are going to eat you alive, Mr. Styles,” she promised with the laugh he adored so much. His eyes were trained on her, and she looked back unable to turn from him—even if she wanted to look away. Somehow, Harry got his smile to be brighter than it already was. His dimple was so deep she was surprised his cheek didn’t burst from the pressure of it aching around the dip in his face.
“I can’t wait t’meet them,” he said sweetly. It was so warm the way he said it. He meant it, not that she thought he didn’t. But to hear him say it was everything she could hope for. Wanting to meet her crazy family and not minding if they ate him alive.
She blushed. “They’re...very different than Gemma,” she said. “They’re not going to be as sweet—”
“Well, love, m’not sure where you’ve been the past few days...but Gem has not been sweet.”
She rolled her eyes and placed her hand on top of his. It was getting easier and very comfortable to touch Harry. She thought about weaning herself off touching him already even after the short amount of time only because she couldn’t help herself. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to be like her students at school: unable to keep themselves away from each other and being asked to separate by adults. And unlike the teens that found a way around it at school, they weren’t going to have a choice.
But here in England, in the privacy of Harry’s house, she was more than happy to oblige and keep their hands connected. He released her leg to hold her hand, bring her fingers to his lips and kiss them gently, sweetly. Little pecks that lit small little fires all through her hand, aching her heart. “Did I do something wrong?” She asked softly. “When I went to help Gem?”
His eyebrows pinched together, and he brought their entwined hands to his own lap and shook his head. “Nothing comes t’mind,” he smirked.
“You and your mom looked at each other when I offered.”
Harry never thought he was one to embarrass easily. Silly things of course: tripping in public or not understanding one of his student’s jokes for way longer than he should have. But she made him feel warm at least once a day. His cheeks pinked and he looked off shyly for a minute before turning back to her. “Y’caught that, hmm?” He smiled lovingly at her and gave her hand another squeeze.
“Well, yeah. You couldn’t miss it. Was there a tradition I broke? Or did I ruin—”
“My God kitten, d’you think I’d’ve brought you here if I thought you’d ruin the holiday?” He asked with an eye roll and shake of his head. He sighed deeply. He knew why she felt that way. She had spent at the last four months—and maybe longer, he had no way of knowing and he was glad he didn’t know how long it went on for—feeling like she couldn’t do anything right and at every turn she made mistake that was under careful watch, and she didn’t even know if she was being observed or doing something wrong.
She was silent for a moment while Harry tilted his head at her, and he looked at her so wholly it melted her into the couch. She stayed silent because she was worried she would start crying if she tried to say anything. Anything that fell from her lips might be an embarrassing confession or she would start begging Harry to marry her and never, ever leave her.
“S’never really come up, kitten. But ‘ve had a few girlfriends come home before. None have ever offered t’help with anything like you do. Mum never wanted their help, but she thinks it says a lot ‘bout a person,” he explained. “I never really thought ‘bout it, t’be honest,” he shrugged. “But...you offered t’help so many times and ‘ve only been here two days...had other girls here for...a couple weeks,” maybe she should have felt jealous, but she didn’t. She simply didn’t care about other girls in Harry’s life. She was here and now. They lived together already. He had known her only three months and he invited her to Christmas. He told her he was in love with her despite everything in her crazy life.
“S’jus’...” he shook his head. “M’not making sense,” he said softly, and his eyes finally met hers again. She hadn’t moved her gaze from him. “M’jus’ really happy you’re here,” he finished giving her hand another squeeze. But she did understand. Harry was different than any guy she knew. He adored her and she would never ask but she knew he would move mountains for her. It meant a lot to him that she was willing to help his mom. It meant a lot that she was there and cared about Harry and his family. “You could never ruin anything, angel,” he promised. “Especially not here.”
She didn’t know what to say. Everything felt so good here, almost like it was too much. “Are you alright, love?” He asked when she was quiet for longer than he thought she would be. It had been so long since anyone had ever said anything so sweet to her that wasn’t her mom. Harry made her feel so good and whole. It was like she was breathing fresh air for the first time in her life. He made her feel like she was at the top of a mountain at sunrise, the first sign of light after a big snowstorm, or the way the moon rose on the horizon in the middle of the ocean. He made her feel like she could just breathe for the first time in almost a decade. She felt like she couldn’t do anything wrong by him.
“Could you kiss me, please?” She asked softly, her voice so small and shy. Harry could have cried if she wasn’t so sweet. When his mum and sister weren’t in the next room, he would be sure to tell her as long as she never asked him to leave, he would never deny her a kiss or a touch or really anything her heart wanted or asked for. She could have whatever she wanted of Harry, and he would do anything to please her.
A surprised chuckle escaped his lips and he nodded. “Yeah, love. I can do that,” he said bringing his other hand to the side of her face that seared her skin in the best way. He kissed her gently, a brush of his lips between hers. It still felt so new but already felt like home when they kissed. She sighed with relief at the feel of his mouth on hers. It felt like she had broken the seal of kisses upstairs in his childhood bedroom and she was awaiting as many as she could get her lips on.
He pulled away and pressed another kiss to the bridge of her nose and then one to her forehead. “Later,” he said softly in her ear and pulled her toward him, so her body was snug against his. His mum and Gemma were reentering the room with three frozen pizzas and four glasses of wine. She jumped up from Harry’s embrace taking plates and a pizza from the two women.
“Jeez Harry, can’t get off y’lazy butt?” Gemma smirked at him.
He rolled his eyes as she passed Harry the glasses of wine she took from his mom. “Gemma, quit making me look bad.”
“You do that all on your own,” she said.
“My goodness, children,” Anne sighed. “But yes, Harry you shouldn’t make the poor girl wait on you hand and foot.”
“Thank you,” Gemma said knowingly.
She blushed and looked at Harry with that cute little nose crinkle of hers, melting Harry to bits on the sofa. “Thank you, kitten,” he said softly as she handed him a slice of pizza.
Harry didn’t want to make assumptions about sleeping in bed with her again, so he started to make the makeshift bed on the floor again while she brushed her teeth. She came back with her hair pulled into a braid and the pajamas that matched his. He had never seen anything so sweet in his life except for the way her eyebrows pressed together making her look distraught. “You’re not gonna sleep in the bed?” She asked. Harry smirked and immediately she threw a hand over her mouth. “Oh my God,” she whispered looking at the floor and hiding her face from Harry.
“Um...I didn’t want t’presume,” he said softly. “I...I can sleep in the bed, if y’want.”
“Made it abundantly obvious what I want, I guess,” she grumbled.
He chuckled. “Kitten, I would ‘ve asked myself if y’gave me the chance t’ask,” he promised with an impish grin on his lips.
“You’re awfully cheeky, Mr. Styles,” she grumbled. “Maybe you should sleep on the floor.”
“Would be worth it.” Rolling her eyes, she climbed into bed and held the blanket up for Harry to climb in beside her. The already familiar squeak greeted them, and Harry shifted so she was wrapped up close to him. He couldn’t see her face as she was tucked below his chin allowing for her to get fresh air even though she was trapped against his body. She had her arm linked near his, underneath the pillows and her other arm tucked close between their bodies resting near his chest. “S’this okay?” He asked. She nodded silently. “Are y’okay, love?” He asked.
“We have the same pajamas,” she said softly. Of course, they both knew that—she looked better in them, Harry would admit it.
“D’you want me t’change?” He asked.
She flicked his chest and ignored his joke. “S’nice,” she whispered into the dark. “You...you make me feel...like...” she huffed just barely in frustration. “I just feel really good around you, Harry,” she breathed.
He smiled weakly not wanting to make her feel weird for the confession. He didn’t mind in the slightest, but he knew she felt a little awkward about being so open and in love so quickly after leaving her relationship not even a month ago. He didn’t want to harp on it and make her more uncomfortable. He just wanted her to be herself and for her to enjoy his company as much as Harry enjoyed hers. Instead, he brought his hand up to the side of her neck and gently tilted her head back so he could pretend he could see her face in the darkening room running his thumb across her lips so he could feel where they were when he gave her his next direction. “M’gonna kiss you now,” he warned her.
She smiled against the pad of his thumb and gave a simple nod. “Please.”
“Love, please get in the picture,” Anne said softly. Gemma had nearly berated her for suggesting she wouldn’t be in the picture of the four of them in matching pajamas early in the morning. (It wasn’t sunrise, but Harry did wake everyone with the promise of his homemade pancakes.)
“I-I will!” She pleaded and avoided all the hands tugging her toward their little group so she could be in the picture. “But how often do you get a picture of just the three of you?” She asked. Harry smirked and tucked himself into his mum’s side knowing there was no use in arguing with the pretty angel. “I promise I’ll get in the next one.”
“This is ridiculous,” Gemma grumbled but smiled, nonetheless.
“Don’t be a sourpuss,” Harry mumbled under his breath.
They obligingly let her take a few photos of just the three of them and as much as they complained, he knew they were grateful. They didn’t have a lot of photos of the three of them, she was right, of course. Really it was so special to have a Christmas together and Harry’s heart was bursting with love for her and her sweet self.
While Gemma was setting up the timer for the four of them and she settled back against Harry’s side in front of the tree, he was exceedingly grateful for the feel of her against his body. Of course, it had barely been an hour since they left the warmth of the small bed. But to be so close while they slept made it feel like she belonged there attached at his hip. She belonged among his family and of course all the presents. Harry knew she was better than all the presents he was going to get today. Getting to wake up beside her and pepper her sweet face with little kisses was more than he could have asked for the next ten Christmases and then some. She had smiled as his lips breathed the obligatory Happy Christmas against her flushed skin and he continued his torrent of pecks along her hair line while she was barely awake.
“Merry Christmas, Harry,” she said softly. “Didn’t see any mistletoe in here,” she murmured as he kissed all over her face, getting a few kisses on her lips while she spoke.
“Do y’want me t’stop?” He asked with a grin but never halting the kisses in between the words.
“Never, ever,” she sighed softly and rested her head back on her pillow while Harry continued to kiss her perfect face.
The smile on his face had to have been growing while Gemma got the second picture timer up. As his sister settled into her spot again, he pressed a kiss to the lovely girl’s cheek, just in time for the snapshot. He was hoping at the very least Gemma could crop it and he could frame the very first picture of them together.
It was decided that Harry’s entire family adored her, possibly more than they adored him, and quite certainly more than they ever liked any of his other girlfriends. They weren’t shy about it, and they asked him where they were hiding her all this time he had been in the states. They weren’t privy to the fact he had only met her just this year. Not that he was hiding it, but it was definitely something to explain in the middle of a busy holiday.
Thanks to Harry’s family tree quiz, she remembered everyone’s name with ease. She spent much of the night trying to engage in conversation with everyone. The entire time Harry saw her interacting with his family he just couldn’t believe how simple and easy it was to have someone he adored so much fit so effortlessly in his life. Harry wasn’t crazy when it came to relationships. Essentially, he told her the entirety of all his past relationships: he had a few girlfriends and came home to meet his mum. There wasn’t anything wrong with the relationships, but it never progressed much further than that. There was hardly a story to tell about any of them.
But for her?
Oh, there was going to be a novel. An epilogue. A sequel. Poems, songs, and a movie would be written about her. He said it to her at least twice before and he never meant it lightly, she was made to be in his life. Every part of it. She was perfect in every way.
Harry is so glad she said yes to coming here because knowing what he knew now, how easy it was to have her around his family, he would have begged. He wouldn’t have even cared if it seemed silly. Seeing her now, smiling and laughing at the people he adored most in the world all together and happy...he could hardly stand it.
“She’s lovely, Harry,” Mum said softly to him wrapping an arm around her tall son. She looked up at him with a smile. “You make her very happy,” she said.
“She makes me very happy,” he replied. She grinned and gave him a squeeze. She caught them staring at her and she gave a small wave while returning to her conversation with his cousins. Harry always loved Christmas. Always, always.
But every Christmas paled in comparison to Christmas with her.
It was tough to leave Harry’s house after feeling so at home, herself. She promised she would come back. Promised Gemma she would take her shopping the next moment she set foot in America. Promised she would keep Harry grounded and humble, too. But she didn’t think he needed it.
She wasn’t sure what Harry had told Anne about her situation, she assumed he must have told her something. But if he did, she never mentioned anything up until she was getting a hug goodbye at the airport. “Harry better not lose you,” she said softly. She smiled nervously and felt her cheeks warm at her sentiment. Anne took her hand and squeezed it between hers and she smiled gently. “I know he saved you, but you saved him, too, love,” she reminded her
The thought of responding to that made her want to cry. So, she swallowed around the lump in her throat and just nodded not fully believing the words but how was she supposed to deny the woman that knew Harry better than anyone? Harry had said the same thing to her, but she didn’t see how that was possible. Anne winked at her as Harry gave her another hug and she shook her head away of all the overwhelming emotions and gave Gemma another hug before Harry was ushering them through the busy airport once more.
“I thought we’d spend the New Year in our apartment,” Harry said bitterly. She grabbed his hand as he bristled angrily about the stupid delays that had plagued their flight back home. She was getting sleepy as the hours drew on, but she had read a good chunk of her book, holding Harry’s hand in his while they lounged in the airport. Not many people were flying on this holiday eve, so they were able to spread their belongings on the floor to make a makeshift couch of their bags at their feet and slouched in the airport chairs. “M’sorry, kitten.”
“What are you apologizing for, Harry?” She giggled sweetly putting her book back in her bag and turning to him. “You brought me to your family’s holiday, got me way too many presents—”
“Didn’t get y’nearly enough,” he grumbled angrily.
“—and I got to hear all those great stories about you from your family, and it’s not like you delayed the plane,” she said knowingly.
He shrugged, annoyed by the circumstance. “Jus’ feel bad.”
She squeezed his hand but nodded understandingly. “I hope not for me.”
He smiled shaking his head and brought her fingers to his lips to press a kiss to her knuckles. She had never really noticed hand holding before, but she really liked holding Harry’s hand. Every time he kissed the top of her hand or the tips of her fingers she felt like the most special girl in the world. “Who else, m’love?”
She rolled her eyes. “Silly,” she said softly. “I don’t mind. It’s just more time I get to spend with you,” she reminded him. His heart warmed at her comment. She thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him as much as he loved to be around her. Going back to work, even lucky enough to be separated by the hallway between them, was going to be a nightmare to be apart.
“Hadn’t thought of it like that, kitten...but we’d be at home together anyway?” He phrased it as a question.
She felt her face heat up at his quick realization. “Uh...yeah, but we’d be sleeping. This way we get to be awake,” she said.
“Yeah, but s’gonna be past midnight, angel,” he said with a frown. “We don’t get t’watch the ball drop or have a proper sleepy kiss before bed,” he mumbled at the end.
She tilted her head at him. “Um...but we get to kiss on the plane at midnight...and I think that’s...I didn’t know I had a bucket list item like that, but apparently I do.”
Harry smiled at her, his face sleepy and ready for bed but he was happy about her idea. He hadn’t thought of the prospect of kissing her sweetly on the plane over an ocean between his two favorite countries. He planned to be the end of her terrible year and start off a whole new one that would be sure to leave her heart happy and content. “Such a smart girl, kitten,” he whispered and brought his face closer to her lips. He bumped his nose against hers and kissed her lips quickly. “Gonna try and save the kiss for midnight,” he winked.
She grinned and felt her cheeks warm at his flirting. “M’not sure I will last that long without a kiss,” she said taking note of the time on her watch and looking away nervously. Like he would actually fault her for wanting to kiss him more than just at midnight.
Harry smiled brightly. “Don’t worry kitten, could never make you want,” he told her and pressed a kiss to her forehead and then one long one to her lips without a care for anyone else in the whole airport.
When they were finally boarded, snug in their seats, and listening to the people count down from ten she wondered if anyone else felt like they were made to be kissing the most perfect person they’d ever met. She wondered if their kiss would have felt different if she didn’t ask for one more (four more times) while they waited to board. And she wondered if it would be different if they had that sleepy kiss Harry talked about having at home when they got back.
But as it had been for the last few days, she couldn’t wonder or think about anything while Harry kissed her so deeply that it cured every heartache in her soul and it didn’t matter if those other kisses would have been better, because this one was perfect.
“Happy New Year, love,” he said quietly against her lips.
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stylinson28-blog2 · 2 years
Niall: *walks into room*
Niall: “What’s that noise?”
Louis: It’s Harry, he’s crying
Niall: “What why?”
Louis: He had a dream where I kissed you.
Niall: *baffled* “What?! Why would I kiss you?!”
Louis: “Exactly.”
Niall: *opens the door slowly*
“Harry lad get over yourself it was a dream.”
Niall: “OW!”
Louis: “What? What’s wrong?”
Niall: “He threw a book at me!”
Harry: “You’re Lucky it wasnt something harder!”
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so I really get into writing but i don't have any ideas really so send in any requests you have for me, i write for formula1 and 1D and marvel
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disneysdead · 2 years
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sometimes i post random junk on youtube
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princessbrunette · 3 months
How would the guys react to reader calling them “pookie” 😭😭
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because why would you say that. he feels emasculated. confused. unsure. scared.
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turns around and just says it back to you. “pookie? that’s a new one, babe.”
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doesn’t react. accepts his fate. just blinks at you like a cat.
john b:
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“uhhh, pookie?” he just repeats it. but kinda doesn’t gaf cos he has bigger fish to fry .
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cowboylikebee · 5 months
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this was peak one direction fandom right here
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hexsdexs · 6 months
No but MY roman empire is the fact that 16 year old harry styles moved in with a guy he just met (louis), and then because he was underage; made louis HIS LEGAL GUARDIAN??? Imagine all of a sudden this guy you just met is your new mom. Absolutely bonkers.
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latenightdev1l · 4 months
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hi everyone !!
is the 5sos fandom still active on tumblr ?? because if so im taking requests ! will write anything within reason
fluff, smut, angst, headcanons, fics .etc.
lmk !! 😽😽
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harry-writings · 11 months
Light My Love sneak peek to hold y’all over since I am sc*m 🤠
He notices the way his eyes linger on every child he walks past and when he finally looks away, he has tears in his eyes. He notices how his stomach clenches and heart aches when he looks at two people happily in love, living in a moment he once did, as if they were ghosts of his past compelled to haunt him for his loss.
The last time he walked this strip, Y/n had her arm looped around his with the brightest smile on her face, occasionally laying her head against his shoulder and planting kisses mindlessly upon his cheek. He can’t explain how depressing it feels to walk this world without her now, this far away from her, after everything they’ve been through together.
The hurt only gets worse when he sees the bouquet of flowers on display in its very same place, screaming her name in just the same way they did the last time. And anything that calls to her calls to him, and he couldn’t imagine how much more guilty he’d feel if he left another part of her behind, even if it was just her ghost.
He brushes his fingers against the petals the same way she did.
“Where’s your special lady?” An unknown yet familiar voice questions.
Harry lifts his head up slowly.
“Excuse me?”
“The one you bought three of my bouquets for.” The vendor continues, to which Harry sulks even further where he stands. He isn’t ready to talk about her. He isn’t ready to accept the fact that they’re no longer together. “You know, you’re still the only lad that’s ever done that.”
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Como prometido continuação com Niall e Zayn porque o tumblr não permite mais de 10 fotos por post 🙄🙄 aloooo, tumblr! me ajuda aí, porra!
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
Niall Horan
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Zayn Malik
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Para ler com o Harry, Liam e Louis, clique aqui
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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1d1195 · 2 years
Made to be VI
Read the rest of the series here: Made to be
Warnings: 18+, soft, gentle, sweet love it's romantic smut (I hope)
Notes: I think the first part is a little disjointed from the second but I hope you’ll forgive me because I refuse to let a moment go by without celebrating the love of my life.
“Do you ever...feel like we were... made to be in love?” Her question was so nervous. Like Harry would say no. Like he hadn’t been dreaming of meeting someone as wonderful as her since he was old enough to care about romance. As if he didn’t think about all the poems that were written about love and how not even one captured her beauty or how they all paled in comparison to her declarations of love.
Harry was freezing. He normally wouldn’t have noticed except for the last month and a half he had been exceedingly warm—borderline sweating—when he woke up beside the angel in their now shared bed. The air in the room was cold, too. He pouted at the premise of waking up without her. His feet felt the pinpricks of chilliness gripping every part of his skin and he just wanted to snuggle her. It almost broke his heart that he was alone in their chilly apartment.
I TOTALLY forgot to do some prep at school. I went in so early. I’m so, so sorry but wanted you to sleep. Just have to press start on the kettle, mug and tea is all set out, ready to go. Also made some muffins for you too—they’re hopefully still warm.
See you soon!
She even doodled a pretty smiley face and heart. He couldn’t be mad at her, but he already missed her. It was sweet about the tea and the muffins. It was so nice, but he wanted the warmth of her body against his. Still, he put on a brave face, stuck the note to the fridge under a magnet she brought home from the England airport, and made his way to the shower hurriedly thinking about seeing her sooner rather than later.
They were abundantly careful at school, but he thought he could bravely sneak a kiss in before the other teachers and students arrived. They had gone to HR as soon as they returned from break. There was no rule against it, it wasn’t even frowned upon. HR appreciated the disclosure, but it wasn’t necessary. For that they were grateful, but they didn’t want it to be a thing, so they figured they would wait a while before telling students and their other coworkers. The fun of their students guessing was enjoyable and they thought it would be a nice end of the year surprise to let them know it didn’t change anything about their teaching relationship.
“Good morning, love,” he called from the doorway of his room as he unlocked it. That wasn’t uncommon for him to call her love. He had called other women in the school, love in a platonic sort of way. Students were none the wiser to the pet name.
“Hi, Harry,” she called back. He smiled gratefully, ready to go see her the moment he set his belongings down. Harry flicked the light switch and he laughed immediately.
“Is this the prep you had to do?” He wondered.
He could hear her shuffling behind him, and she made her way through the door. There were so many good things about living with the sweet girl but seeing her outfit in the morning before she made her way to school was one of his favorites. He was grateful for all the previews of her attire before they got to school, but back before they lived together his heart fluttered at the sight of her looking utterly lovely as always. Having this moment again was a nice reminder of the happy beginnings of what once was. Today she wore a dark blue dress—almost looked like a shirt—it seemed to fall over her body perfectly and she paired it with tall boots that hugged her legging clad calves. Harry never really paid any mind to women’s fashion, but he was obsessed with her of course. He loved to look at her outfits and admire how beautiful she looked. Her hair was pushed back by a headband so Harry could see into her eyes without any of her silky hair getting in the way. He didn’t know she wore makeup until they lived together because she used so little and he couldn’t even bring himself to tell her that she didn’t need it (she didn’t) but it was so pretty on her, he loved it. As he always thought, she looked like she was made to be the most beautiful, picture-perfect teacher.
“It was,” she said softly. “The kids told me they wrangled it out of you...they needed me to know the second they found out,” she smiled. Harry looked at the balloons tied to his chair. There were cards all over his desk and there were messages all over the board from students along with her own message—the largest in the middle of course, it wasn’t a confession of loving him that would set the students into a frenzy, just a Happy Birthday in bold letters. There was also a stack of mini cupcakes on his desk, enough for all his students and then some throughout the day. “Happy birthday, Harry,” she whispered softly peeking at the hallway and then closing the door quickly.
Pressing onto her toes she took both sides of his face in her hands and her nose pressed against his. “Can I kiss you?” She asked quietly, her eyebrows knitting together nervously. Harry would never get over her nervousness about the situation. He hoped it never went away—not because he wanted her to be nervous around him, but because it was the most precious thing he had ever experienced.
“Oh, always, always, always, m’love,” he answered. His arms encircled her waist and he brought his lips to hers for his first birthday kiss with her—but it wasn’t going to be the last.
Harry was grateful he could stand across the hall from her while he was showered with birthday wishes. Students gave him fist bumps and high fives. Several blew noise makers in his face and threw confetti at his door. It was extravagant and unnecessary, and it made his entire day.
“Honestly, I figured with all the cupcakes you might want some fruit, so I made you this fruit salad and if you hate it, please just pretend you don’t so you don’t hurt my feelings,” she said sweetly setting it in front of him at lunch time.
He chuckled and shook his head. “’Ve never met anyone as sweet as you, m’love,” he murmured.
She smiled and sat across from him at the desks while they ogled each other. Harry stretched his legs in front of him and she crossed one thigh over the other. She had no choice but to have her leg pressed to Harry’s knee and it was the only way they could touch while at school, but it was enough. “Happy birthday,” she said again.
“You’re so in fo’ it, kitten,” he said shaking his head. “Can’t believe y’got around me knowing your birthday. Then y’jus’ figured mine out.”
“Well, your mom also mentioned it at Christmas. She said it was freezing the day you were born. Had her up all hours of the night. Thought for sure you were going to be a January baby.”
He smirked at his fruit salad fondly. “I’ve always liked February,” he said. “S’very pink and lovely.”
“Well of course, you were born the first day of February. It couldn’t be anything but lovely,” she said simply. She wasn’t being cute nor flirty. She stated it so obviously. It melted Harry. He wanted to kiss her more than anything in that moment and never stop.
“I really want t’kiss you,” he whispered.
Her cheeks reddened at the idea when anyone could walk in at any moment. “I do too,” she promised on a shaky breath and followed it with a sweet smile.
That was enough for him.
The first time they had sex was a weekend in February. Harry didn’t plan it exactly, but he knew he wanted it to be a day where they had time. When there was no need to rush and if they wanted, they could snuggle all day in bed. He didn’t have to go hang out with his friends and she didn’t have to do any chores or catch up with her family. He wanted to be sure that they had all the time in the world so he could do nothing but assure her that everything was right, and they didn’t have to do anything but enjoy the other one’s presence.
“We...don’t have to, kitten,” he said softly breaking from her lips that he had been kissing for so long. Her hips had inadvertently bucked upwards to meet his hard body as they made out on the couch like teenagers. The movie she put on was long forgotten, she didn’t even remember the name of it. It wasn’t that she needed to have sex with Harry to prove something or anything, but the thought of being so close to him sent a shiver down her spine.
He pressed his forehead against hers. Up until this weekend, he rarely had thought about it, too. They were just so busy with school and tired when they got home. The kisses were more than enough. Harry of course adored the idea of being so close to her—the closest that two people could exist in one instance. The amount of skin and the idea of her naked body pressed to his sent his heart into a craze.
“Well, I know...” she said her cheeks warming at the idea that only she wanted to do this and not Harry. She didn’t mind stopping, it was just she could feel how much (she thought) he wanted to, he was hard against her leg, and she thought it was the perfect day to do this. She didn’t have the luxury of showing what she wanted like Harry could. But she did. It was the first weekend they had time to relax and think about something other than school and their busy plans and so on.
“Oh, angel,” he chuckled sensing how distraught she felt suddenly. “I want to,” he said huskily, his voice dropping an octave as he brought his hand to her face. “Want t'make y'feel s'good and loved,” he promised. “S’jus’...” he brushed his thumb on her lip making her heart ache with wanting him so much closer to her even though he was already laid on top of her.
She knew what he was saying. They had done so many things in their relationship in the wrong societal-standard order. They had lived together before they started dating. Even now, they had only shared this apartment for just over a month. They hadn’t even defined being in a relationship—although it was quite obvious to each other that this was a relationship.
But she was in a relationship for seven years. The intimacy—while it had been depleting for the past year—was extremely important to her and she didn’t know if it was right or wrong to feel this way. Everything they did was so embarrassingly chaste. His hands never roamed over her body, her clothes always stayed on, she hadn’t even seen his bare legs or seen him shirtless. Of course, she imagined tearing that collared shirt off his body every day at school and figuring out once and for all what was underneath it. But besides wanting, they simply hadn’t had the time.
“It’s just I ruin everything,” she grumbled in annoyance.
He shook his head. “No, love,” he said simply. “Y’really don’t,” he promised. “We can...” he sighed. “I jus’ want t’do whatever you want.”
She was quiet for a long moment contemplating his words. He pressed soft, gentle kisses along her cheek, the one that was bruised nearly two months before. She could still remember the first time he pressed kisses like this on her face so lightly, hoping and praying that he wouldn’t hurt her sore skin. “Harry,” she closed her eyes nervously and took a deep breath in.
“Yes, m’love?” He asked running the back of his hand against her cheek stinging her almost as much as the kisses just did.
“I really want you,” she whispered. “Really badly.”
His heart was racing, his head spinning, and all he could think about was how much he wanted to take all her clothes off. “Kitten, can y’open your eyes, please?” He asked. She obliged. They eyed Harry nervously still even though there wasn’t a world in which he could deny her of anything. He was wrapped around her whole hand, let alone a finger. “You can have all of me,” he told her. “M’all yours.”
“All mine?” She repeated as a question her breath shaky. The heaviness of his words made her ache all over. He was all hers. All hers. All hers. All hers. The sentiment was too much.
He nodded once and dropped a kiss to her lips. “All yours, angel...Do...do y’want t’go to the bedroom, love?”
She worried her vocal chords would snap from the intense emotion she felt. Her throat tightened as she thought about how perfect Harry was and she didn’t want to ruin this day by doing something embarrassing like crying. So, she nodded instead.
They weren’t strangers to sex. She of course hadn’t been with very many people being in a relationship for so many years. Harry didn’t have a ton of partners either. But this was so different than any of the times before for either of them. She said it that first night she stayed with him, she felt so safe with Harry, always. He never made her scared or nervous. She felt so cared for when he was around. Everything was warm and lovely.
They were stripping of their clothes at the foot of their bed. She went first at Harry’s insistence. “Please kitten,” he practically begged. “Jus’ wanna see you,” he whispered. So, she peeled her clothes off ignoring his passionate, burning gaze that ached her all over. Taking a deep breath, she unhooked her bra from the back and let it fall off her arms in front of her.
Harry’s lips parted slightly, and he wished he had more grace than he did in this moment, but he couldn’t help it. “You’re stunning, angel,” he breathed quietly when she was finally all bare, except for underwear, in front of him. Her cheeks turned pink at his attention, and she wished she kept her bra on instead of feeling so exposed.
The way Harry looked at her made her stomach flip. There was of course the element of wanting nothing but primal, unadulterated sex but he also gazed at her as if she was the loveliest sculpture in all the world. His eyes ran over her entire body drinking in every inch and she didn’t know what to do but just stand there. “Kitten, I love you so much, you are so beautiful,” he said eventually tearing his eyes from her body and meeting her gaze again.
Her breath caught in her throat, and she felt a sting in the back of her eyes that she wished wasn’t there. It would be completely embarrassing to cry at a time like this. But it was the first time he said it other than in response to her admitting she was in love with him at Christmas. She wanted to be cute and ask him if it was just because she was naked and about to have sex with him. But she knew that wasn’t true and she didn’t want him to think she thought anything but lovely thoughts about him. She smiled at him shyly and looked at the floor before he started to move.
Slowly he slid his pants off. She unabashedly admired the muscles of his legs, thinking about how warm his thighs felt when they snuggled and spooned at night and now, in comparison, they seemed downright sinful to be without clothing. The way his tight boxers stretched over the center of his body made her eyes shift away immediately or she would be staring like a wild animal. He was perfect, of course.
His shirt came off next revealing tanned and inked skin along with taut muscles that stretched along his belly. There was a dire urge to lick the outline of each abdominal muscle and she moved her gaze quickly before she did something embarrassing like licked her lips at the sight of him—even if that was what she wanted to do. “I don’t want you to put your clothes back on ever,” she said softly.
He chuckled shyly, looking a little amused at her assessment. He reached for her, pulling her toward him so her body was pressed to his. It felt electric as it always did when they touched but amplified by the amount of skin that was pressed together. He kissed her. He loved the feel of her lips against his, how her tongue would lightly brush over his lip every so often to get a taste. But this kiss felt deeper. The skin contact felt like fire.
Harry guided her to lay down and she pulled him down on top of her just like they were on the couch. His body was so warm, and her hands roamed all over his skin trying to touch as much of it as she possibly could. “Are you okay, m’love?” He whispered gently as he pressed long kisses along the length of her neck.
“M’okay,” she said. “Are you?” She asked anxiously.
He chuckled softly into her skin. “Yes, kitten. M’okay.”
She cupped his face in both hands and brushed her thumb across his cheek where his dimple usually resided. “I love you,” she said simply.
Harry’s face softened at her words. “Yeah?” He smiled.
She nodded. “So much.”
Harry pressed another kiss to her mouth, and she felt it in her toes. His mouth was so warm and gentle. Everything about touching Harry was perfect. “Can...” he swallowed nervously touching the small fabric at her hips, the only thing keeping them any semblance of clothed. “Would it be okay—” She took Harry’s fingers and pulled the elastic around her hips down assuring Harry he could do whatever he wanted with her. “M’gonna make you feel s’good, love,” he promised.
“I know,” she barely let the words escape. Her head was spinning. Harry lowered himself, kissing a path down her leg that her underwear followed until she was finally, totally bare in front of him. She watched at his eyes roamed over all her skin, settling at her center for a second before returning to memorizing every inch of her body. Still feeling completely exposed, she cleared her throat before speaking again. Only one other person had ever seen her body like this. She didn’t know if it was everyone’s cup of tea or what. Having Harry look at her like she was the only woman he had ever seen was making her anxiously crazy she had never been seen like this. Not in a seven-year relationship. “Do...is it okay—am I...?” She tried to start several sentences not knowing what she was trying to ask. She just knew she wanted to please Harry as much as he promised to please her.
“Kitten,” he said almost sternly, but his voice was still gentle. His eyes were still roaming over her skin but eventually they settled on gazing into her eyes. He cupped the side of her face and rubbed his thumb over her skin. “Please don’t ask m’if I like your body or if s’okay.”
Her face felt warm, and she turned her head from him shyly. His stare was so loving it turned her to mush. It was hard to focus on what she wanted to say let alone think when he was looking at her. “S’just...I’ve never been...looked at like this...the way you’re looking at me.”
Harry tilted her face back to him almost immediately. His thumb moved along her jaw, brushing over her soft skin. “I don’t love you for your body, kitten. I love you because you are the closest to an angel ’ve ever met. Of course, your body is s’beautiful as your soul. I don’t want t’stop looking at you for a second. Not even t’do what we both want,” he said knowingly, his eyes never left hers. She was trying to remember how to breathe. His words were so gentle and perfect. Everything about him was. “M’love, you should be in museums on display and artists should be begging for the honor to try and paint your beauty.”
She didn’t know if she knew how to speak anymore. How could she say anything after that? She felt her breath all hitched in her throat and she wondered if she could die right now. There was nothing left to be said in all the world.
It took so many more slow, languid, and deep kisses before Harry settled his body between her legs. Once he was there, it took another set of kisses before she finally, took it upon herself to line Harry up with her. He gasped when she reached for him, the feel of her hand was more electric on him than all the kisses they had shared. But one thing was obvious as he finally sank into her: Harry was made to be inside her. He went so slowly, it took some stretching, but she felt so whole when his pubic bone pressed firmly against her. She moaned at the sensation of him throbbing inside her, touching every part of her. “Fuck,” he whispered into the pillow beside her ear.
Her heart skipped a beat, and she shifted so slightly letting her knees bend around his hips. “Is it—”
“Angel, don’t speak,” he begged. “Please,” he said rubbing his thumb against her cheek assuring her that he didn’t mean it bitterly. He rested his forehead on hers. His eyes were shut tight, he was trying not to come at the mere feel of her. If she asked anything about if it felt okay, he would lose it right there and he had the intention of nothing but pleasure for her that he refused to start with him coming immediately. She stayed silent for a moment. It was making her anxious; he knew it. “You feel s’good, kitten,” he exhaled heavily. “Promise, y’do...s’nothing about you...m’jus’...M’trying t’not...”
She grabbed his hand from her face and kissed his fingers. “You can if—”
“No, love,” he said firmly. “You’re...” he took a deep breath trying to think about anything but how soft, warm, and enticing it was to be in this position. He wanted to move but he was afraid if he even shifted a millimeter, he would ruin the whole evening. “Jus’ need a second.”
“Okay,” she whispered. Neither moved nor spoke for a moment and then Harry carefully pulled himself away and pushed back in slowly. She moaned softly. Harry grunted at the sensation pulling back out and pushing back in again as he did. The kissing had done plenty for her, for which he was grateful. He wanted to taste her and touch her, of course, but there would be more than enough time for that later—maybe later today if he wasn’t completely ruined by this event. But really, the only thing on his mind was the pleasure she felt in this moment.
“Y’okay, m’love?” he whispered pausing the small pumps into her.
“Yes,” she breathed. “You...you feel really good,” she told him sighing heavily.
“Good,” he said gently continuing the movement again. “Is there anything you want or need?” He asked.
Her heart fluttered at his question. It was so genuine and sweet she thought she would pass out. Her face felt hot, and she shook her head. “No, s’not...” she sighed with slight exasperation because she knew she was going to break his heart again. “S’never felt like this before,” her voice was barely even a whisper. His heart did break a bit but not as badly as some of the other times that she informed him of how terrible her relationship was. Selfishly, this stoked his ego just a hair and he nodded.
“Kitten,” he gently pressed a kiss to her lips, her nose, her cheeks. “If y’want anything, you jus’ ask, okay? Please don’t be shy, m’love,” he reached up and stroked her hair behind her ear. “I love you,” he said softly.
Her chest hurt at the proclamation. It was nearly too much. She was so sure she would cry. “I love you, too,” she whispered back.
A small smile graced his lips again causing that dimple to cavern his cheek. He pressed his forehead against hers again and brushed her nose with his. He stopped his current rhythm to slowly pull back, leaving her almost entirely before he pushed back in as deeply as he could. A small moan escaped her lips at the movement. He reached for both her hands, twining their fingers together as he pressed them beside her head. “Kitten,” he moaned. “M’not...m’sorry. M’not gonna last long,” he admitted pumping into her slowly still, drawing gasps and moans from her all the while.
“That’s okay,” she promised in between her gasps. “We can just do it again,” she smiled gently.
He tilted his head at her and smiled at her mischievously. It was so beautiful she wanted to take a picture of him and put him in her wallet, on the dashboard of her car, she wanted to plaster it on all four walls in her classroom and put it in every room in their apartment. That way she would be surrounded by the most beautiful smile she had ever seen every minute of the day. “I love you so much,” he said.
She giggled. “I love you, too,” it wasn’t hard to say by any means, but it was still getting easier to admit that she adored him so much. It made this moment feel so much more important when she said it.
Harry tucked his face into her neck, kissing her skin and he let out a long groan as he dropped one of her hands and used it to grip her hip. “M’so in love with you,” he whispered again. She didn't respond this time, because she noticed he wasn’t really talking to her in that moment. She used her free hand to tangle into the back of his hair, she pressed her lips to his shoulder just looking for something to kiss while he spoke. She sighed dreamily at the feel of him so intimately pressed into her. His rhythm was perfect, of course. He felt so good touching every part of her that made her body twitch and feel so utterly whole. It made her feel warm and full. She never wanted him to stop, she would stay in bed forever with him in total bliss. “Since the day I met you,” he breathed into her skin. “You were wearing polka dots,” he mumbled the memory. His voice was a little shaky. It was clear he was completely overtaken in pleasure; he could feel his release coming faster than he wanted it to. It was making him delirious with his thoughts of her. “So pretty,” he murmured. “Wanted t’know everything about you,” he said. “S’lucky t’be across the hall from you.”
She moved her legs to hike up higher on his hips causing him to somehow find himself deeper within her. He groaned for a long moment when she did, and it caused her to gasp, and she felt herself clench around him. “Oh,” she moaned. He echoed the moan against her skin and felt the way she closed around him. It was so good.
“Never even thought ‘bout this,” as he pressed down into her. Each time he elicited a moan from her lips, and she pressed her own hips back up to meet his. “S’how I knew I was done for,” he whispered. “Jus’ wanted t'be around you. Read books with you, cook with you, watch TV with you, and curl up together...” he grunted out each little task with effort. “Love you,” he said knowingly. “This is s’good, kitten,” he groaned. His words were becoming too much for her. She was never extremely vocal before and she wondered if this was how Harry always did it. It was so much on her heart, to hear his sweet, gentle words. To feel his body everywhere wrapping her in love. “M’so happy I found you,” he told her.
The impending orgasm curled in her stomach as Harry continued to roll his hips against her and he whispered the story of meeting her for the first time. Her hand was still wrapped in his, squeezing so hard she worried she would break one of his fingers. “Oh my God,” she cried.
“I know, baby,” he moaned in her ear. “I know, I love you so much,” he whispered again. She wanted him to stop talking because it was going to undo her, and she wanted to stay like this for the rest of her life. But the kind words were so perfect she really thought she would cry if he said it again. “My...” he grunted. “M’love,” he whined. “M’so lucky t’have you. Getting t’kiss you, and touch you...” Her head was so cloudy, and she wondered if she really would pass out. He was perfect, perfect, perfect. Nothing had ever felt so right as Harry being inside her. “You’re all mine,” he promised.
His words were too much. “Oh my God,” she whimpered again. “I—”
“Please, angel,” he begged, he wanted her orgasm as much as she did. It was his to have, to have her completely undone. She was everything he wanted.
“Harry!” She whined out tucking her face into the curve of his neck and shoulder. He groaned as she writhed beneath him. His chest aching at his name on her lips in throes of passion. Harry continued the gentle thrusts while her hand surely broke one of his metacarpals and her other hand made knots in his hair. Her voice was cut off as he felt the way her body fluttered around him. He groaned. “God, kitten,” he said and finally let go.
When he finally stopped pumping into her, he pulled away with a full body shiver. She gasped softly at his exit from her. She released the curls from the back of his head, but she kept his other hand in hers, she was no longer crushing it, just holding it loosely. He didn’t let go of her hand when he pulled the condom off nor when he reached for his t-shirt and wiped it over her sensitive core and then tossed it back to the floor.
He turned back to her, taking his free hand and stroking her hair gently behind her head. He kissed her forehead and then the tip of her nose. “I love you,” he said softly, finally breaking the silence.
“I love you, too,” she answered immediately.
He grinned. “Are y’alright?” He asked sweetly.
She nodded. “Couldn’t be better,” she promised. He nodded and kissed her lips softly again, so gently, just a brush of his lips touching hers. It sped her heart up nonetheless but was so perfect. “I think I broke your hand,” she whispered against his lips.
He chuckled shaking his head. “No,” he said. “Even if y’did, would be worth it,” he said, and she smirked. He tucked her head beneath his chin and he sighed deeply, completely content.
They were silent for a few moments. Just listening to each other’s breathing. She doesn’t know the cause of it—well of course she did, but she thought she made it past the point where it would happen. The back of her eyes started to ache with a familiar sting of crying. Her throat tightened around a lump of emotion that appeared in the silence of the room. She could feel her nose start to twitch with all the burning of an impending burst of emotion. “Harry,” she croaked.
Immediately he pulled her back so he could look at her and his heart was sick with her distress. “Kitten?” He questioned as he heard the tears before he saw them. “Sweetheart, what s’matter?” He asked nervously. His hands took hold of either side of her face and he looked so distraught looking at her, she felt it in her bones. It made her anxious to worry him, but she could see that he wasn’t really focused about how he felt at all. His concern was entirely on her.
Harry ran through the entire time in his head as quickly as he could. His brain wracking itself to make sure he asked her if everything was okay ever step of the way. He wondered if he hurt her somehow and it was only now presenting itself. His chest was heavy, nervous that he had messed something up for her and made her this sad.
“No,” she whimpered wishing her brain and heart could function properly, long enough to assuage him of his worry. “M’sorry,” she sniffled. “S’just...it felt so good,” she promised. “M’sorry,” she repeated. He felt a tiny bit of relief but was still troubled with anxiety about her sudden emotional outburst.
“Love, please don’t apologize, tell me what’s going on in your head,” he begged holding her face between his hands and brushing the tears away that fell to her cheeks. She couldn’t look at him directly through the tears, but she could see the way his face was twisted in anguish at her discomfort.
“M’sorry,” she said again anyway. “I just... love you so much,” she promised.
He exhaled all the anxiety in his body. She wasn’t hurt or upset—not about what they did. Their connection pulled on her heart too much. Harry didn’t want to think about the last time she felt this loved and adored. Either way it would make him sad, whether she never felt it—in which he hated that man more than he ever did for not cherishing her—or if she did feel it—because he never wanted her to feel it ever again unless it was with him. “Oh,” he said softly and brought her back to his chest so he could comfort her as her overwhelmed tears fell onto his chest. “I love you so much, angel,” he answered. Harry twisted one arm around her waist, and he enclosed his other arm so it wrapped up to rest his hand on the back of her head. He gently tugged and wound his fingers through her hair, then pressed his lips to her forehead at her hairline. He kissed her once and then left his lips there breathing her in and hoping to ease the tears after a few minutes.
“Shh, shh,” he hushed. “S’okay,” he whispered. “M’here,” the promise melted her more and the tears continued to fall. It was completely embarrassing.
“I don’t...know why—” she hiccupped.
But Harry did. She hadn’t been loved and adored so passionately before. Or maybe she had, and it had just been a really long time. “S’okay,” he repeated. “M’here.”
She choked out a few more apologies along with her tears and eventually they settled back into silence. He ran his fingers up and down her back. “This is so embarrassing,” she grumbled eventually, sniffling through her words.
“No s’not,” he shook his head. His lips bumping against her forehead still. “M’honored, love,” he said softly.
“Honored?” She said it almost bitterly.
“Uh...” he swallowed thickly. “I... I don’t think... I don’t think that was sex,” he breathed out. “Think that was... something more,” he told her.
Her heart fluttered at his words. Of course he was right. She had never felt so safe in her whole life as she did right then being wrapped up in Harry. “I hope I don’t cry every time this happens then,” she whispered. She managed to get her hands between their bodies to she could rub her eyes of the tears that still clung to her lashes and cheeks.
He smirked and kissed the top of her hair. “You won’t, kitten.”
It was quiet for another minute, Harry listened carefully to the sound of her breathing to make sure she didn't start crying again. “Harry?”
“Yes, m’love?”
“Thank you,” she whispered. “For everything.”
“Oh, kitten,” he hummed. “No need t’thank me. I’d do anything fo’ you.”
There was another pause. She wanted to say something to him that would leave him speechless, like his comment about her beauty and the artists that should try to paint her. In her head, she didn't have the capacity to say something like he did. Instead, she settled on, “I don’t think I’ve loved anyone the way I love you,” she told him.
“M’gonna love you forever, angel,” he answered.
“Do you ever...feel like we were... made to be in love?” Her question was so nervous. Like Harry would say no after having the most incredible and loving sex of his life. Like he hadn’t been dreaming of meeting someone as wonderful as her since he was old enough to care about romance. As if he didn’t think about all the poems that were written about love and not even one poem captured her beauty and they all paled in comparison to her declarations of love.
“Always,” he said simply. “Always, always, always.”
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amorchai · 10 months
just wrote a peter parker preference of each one... i'm obsessed.
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midigated · 5 months
I'm probably in the minority with this but I wish the first 3 arcs of Sailor Moon Crystal were a two-part movie series (like they did with Eternal and Cosmos.).
This will probably make the Crystal fans seethe at the mouth bc God forbid anyone has an opinion different from them. But we probably would've avoided a lot of the embarrassing poor animation choices had they turned the material into two-part movies for each arc. They'd have more time to focus on the good bits that moved the story along. They'd have more time to also focus on the animation quality of the movies.
Maybe, as a result, they could've spent more time honing their character designs versus getting better after three FULL seasons of SMC.
Sorry not sorry, the designs in Eternal and Cosmos are way better than the poor attempts to copy Naoko's style that plagued the first 3 seasons of SMC.
#yeah i said it. i think the infinity arcs character design sucked balls#before anyone goes ugh youre a 90s fan ... all i have to say is: and? so what? i like versions of sailor moon and will criticize all of them#nothing is above criticism you dinguses#the musicals? the bandai ones are a YMMV in quality. the later ones are good but sometimes the songs suck.#manga? inconsistent artwork but i actually like that about the manga tbh - gave it a lot of 'action' in its line work. but 1d baddies#90s anime? theres a lot of filler. some of the filler is good. others are BORING. series does not grow w/ audience after 3rd season.#90s anime pt.2? the aging up of mamoru and him having a relationship with rei. ew ew ew. they ruined mamoru for me lol#pgsm? nothing. its perfect. oh wait one criticism is that they only did the first arc. le sigh. woudve loved to had more#crystal? questionable designs. questionable additions that deviated from the manga. kept in some stuff that sucked about the manga#crystal pt.2? like keeping in haruka kissing usagi to uh intimidate her??? really fucking dumb and huge yikes. the first 3 seasons r boring.#crystal pt.3? which is funny bc its far more condensed vs the 90s anime but somehow manages to be just as boring as the 90s filler eps.#manga addition: i like the manga and i still prefer it over crystal any day of the week.#we good? good. now keep your reply in the drafts#incel + crystal = cryscel fans#btw this is true w/ dragon ball super. they decided to adapt the movies into the series and the series ended up having 🥚#🥚very questionable animation choices that were fixed but still didnt look that great. like id rather watch the movies they came from.#because if im going to get disappointed that they didnt give vegeta the final strike on freiza - it may as well look good.#still mad about that. vegeta deserved so much more and no one will never change my mind#vegeta being denied from killing freiza was the same as denying venus landing the final blow Beryl. YOU KNOW IM RIGHT.
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rimouskis · 8 months
I'm going to preface this story by saying: I don't necessarily believe in karma, but
I may have been walking through today with a vague sense of disbelief tainted with unkind smugness after my tiktok fyp was flooded with poor fans who tried to get presale ticket to one mr n. kahan's new tour only to find that demand was through the roof and GA pit tickets were seriously going for $300, in presale, and even the "worst" tickets in the lawn were going for $70
and while I undoubtedly think it's deeply unethical for both platforms (thanks ticketmaster) and artists to allow such dramatic ticket cost inflation, I also generally don't relate...
I (VERY LUCKILY) gravitate towards smaller acts, and the most I've paid for a ticket all year has been, like... $90 for a ticket to beyonce, which got cancelled and I was refunded lol. if I look back at all my receipts from shows this year, most have been around $50/ticket after fees, and several have been closer to $20. my favorite show I've seen all year was a $15 ticket.
it's mostly luck—I tend to like smaller acts, and I've been seeing mainly rock acts this year, and those tickets simply don't run as high as pop acts. and part of me is honestly very grateful that I haven't been swept into any of the really recent huge acts.
I think of all the people scrabbling for boygenius or taylor swift tickets and how much money they've had to shell out... how a lot of them don't even GET to see the acts they want to see because they've been priced out or tickets sold out. I can't remember the last time a show I wanted to go to sold out lol. maybe bastille in london?
and again, it's just a matter of luck that I'm not really into any of these megastars and therefore don't have to compete in the gladiator arena to try to see shows I want to see, but sometimes luck manifests as a feeling of self-satisfaction, you know? who among us hasn't experienced a little self-superiority from time to time.
look, if YOUR tiktok was flooded with people saying concerts have been awful since 2021 (including rock and metal shows), but every concert YOU'VE been to since 2021 was amazing and the crowds were really good and you always got tickets and it never broke the bank, you'd feel pretty validated in your choice of musicians and the crowds they attract too, alright?? sue me! I felt frugal AND undeservedly clever!
anyways back to karma. guess who got invited and subsequently agreed to shell out $70 to sit in a lawn and listen to mr. n. kahan sing. I'll give you a hint, her tumblr username starts with an r and ends with an s
#I KNOW LIKE. A SINGLE ONE OF HIS SONGS.#the thing about me is I'm earnestly really good at not judging other ppls music taste because:#I have a whole 1000-song playlist dedicated to music I love but don't play for other ppl bc I regard it as my Fun Time No Taste Music#and it's not that it's bad it's just not as curated as I prefer my music showed to other people lol#and that means I don't judge people for getting really into a band that doesn't do it for me personally#but. I will admit that I have that deeply annoying personality trait wherein if a billion people get into something...#for unknown reasons my own desire to learn about and get into that thing plummets. hashtag hipster. hashtag annoying#so that's kinda why I've never explored a lot of mega-popular musicians#(see: hozier; mitski; boygenius; taylor swift; one direction; noah kahan; etc etc)#+ obviously I don't make quality judgements off of that. I've heard some hozier songs. he's very good. I like handfuls of TS and 1D's music#but I don't have the drive to Also Get Into It#which means I never have to fucking melee for tickets in the queue ahaha and I am very grateful for that#but idk. I think there's something to be said for purposefully seeking out midsize or small acts. I don't really like stadium shows!#my fave concert this year had less than 100 attendees and the lead singer walked right off the stage into the crowd#everyone was chill and gave him space (this was the friday pilots club show)#and I think I can compare it to big vs. small fandom#small fandoms tend to be well-behaved bc everyone knows everyone and beef poisons the whole space lol#and also it's a matter of numbers! the more people who are in a space... the higher likelihood someone's an asshole#and I've been in tiny fandoms that blew up (hellooooo omgcp) and saw that happen firsthand#and I sort of suspect that rule holds true for concert spaces/music fanbases! more people = more variables = higher likelihood of foolery#hell I think of when I was really into 2010s alt rock DURING the 2010s and had to deal with assholes at alt j concerts hahahah#and it was just because I *was* into the music that WAS of-the-time in 2015!!!!#and now as an agèd 20something who likes metal shows I'm just chilling and watching pits form at lowkey 1400-capacity venues#because that's the scene! and I'm not in the thick of it with the current Music Of The Hour#anyways all this is to say that I don't think noah kahan is bad or untalented or unworthy of seeing!!!!#clearly he is if I'm going to fork over $70plusfees to see him with my friend#it's just that I'm grateful my tastes have veered into the cheaper side of the music industry.#I think I'd keel over if my favorite artist was TS and I had to deal with. all that. to go see her.#stronger than the marines etc etc
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