#1D pet fest
allwaswell16 · 23 hours
hi loove!! how's you doing? what are you working on now, like any fics soon? what should we expect and when? cause I love your works soooo so much !!💕
Hi, anon! Thank you for your kind words about my fics! I just posted a Tomlinshaw ficlet today actually, though this ask might have come before that posted. I've been busy all day and am just now getting a chance to answer asks. Anyway, I have some ficlets to write for the project I'm doing which is this and it's linked in my pinned post, too!
So like I said I wrote and posted the first one, and I have 3 more to write for that project at least so far. The prompts I'm doing are so different from one another, which is a lot of fun for me! And one is a sequel to a fic I never thought I'd revisit lol, but I'm happy to do it for a good cause! And I actually think it's going to be fun because the prompter had a great prompt for it!
I'm also writing a fic for @1dalphalouisfest which I'm excited about because it's very silly and involves Louis having an odd pet. lol
I also wrote a fic for the 1d Omegaverse Fest which is going to post on June 21st oh shit that's next week already?? It's a sickfic where alpha Harry inadvertently rejects omega Louis as his soulmate and the soul bond rejection makes Louis very sick. I'm not sure if I've ever had more fun than I did writing that fic and I'm not sure what that says about me. haha
I'm definitely writing...something for the @louisrarepairfest but I don't actually know what yet. Last year I wrote 3 fics for that fest lol, but maybe I'll keep myself to one this year. I have this other longer fic idea I may be want to start later in the year so I might do that as a wip or something just to try it because I've not really ever done that before.
So I suppose that's my year in writing planned out! Thanks for asking, anon!
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larry-hiatus · 1 year
30 Days of Smut Snippets - Day 29
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I’m posting this one a bit early because I had a hard therapy session, and I deserve a treat lol. Here is something I just started working on for a fest that’s due soon! I shared a few snippets in the @1d-library but here is the next part!
Louis carefully returned Harry’s hand to his lap before lightly grabbing the boy’s chin and tipping it upwards. He let his fingers trail down over Harry’s Adam’s apple and came to breathe in his ear. “You need it, sweetheart?”
Harry nodded ever so slightly, and Louis could feel a swallow under his finger tips. “Please,” Harry said hoarsely as Louis slowly wrapped his hand around Harry’s neck. “I need it.”
“You’re gonna get it, baby,” Louis said lowly, giving a gentle squeeze as he nipped at Harry’s earlobe. “I’m gonna give it to you. You’re so good for asking, yeah?”
Harry’s throat buzzed under Louis’ hand as he tried to answer, but Louis only squeezed harder and hummed against Harry’s skin. “You best stay quiet, darling. I don’t think a dirty slut like you deserves to speak right now. Not after misbehaving all day and being a little attention whore last night. Is that what you need? You need some attention?”
Another vibration shocked Louis’ palm as Harry moaned, and the dom finally eased up his grip. “I’ll give you attention, pet,” he droned, placing a kiss on Harry’s jaw. “You’re gonna get so much attention that you’ll be begging for me to stop.”
Harry gave a high whine and swallowed hard again.
Louis chuckled darkly. “Go upstairs, get undressed, and wait for me. Then you can have some attention.”
(Find the rest here)
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badger-bear · 2 years
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
6. what's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
12. what’s your perfect environment to create/write?
19. if you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
Hiii sweetheart!
3. I would have to say my age play fic I wrote for the 1d kink fest that will be coming out in a few months. I have had the idea for a long time so it was nice to finally write it. It's my baby 🥰
6. THE CONCLUSION. I am so so so bad at endings. I know how I want to end it but it always needs tweaking. I really struggle. And as you saw with your own eyes, grammar 😭
12. In a comfortable chair that doesn't hurt my tailbone, comfy clothes I can be wrapped up in and nice and quiet. Preferably with water and snacks available.
19. An ideal fic, man that's tough. Other than a good ending and all the cheesey answers of love and the right emotions. I would say: some type of mythical element, love at first sight, hot kinky sex, an cute pet, and effective communication. Bonus points if the mythical element is vampires or abo lol
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atruththatyoudeny · 6 years
MONTHLY READS | October 2018
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Happy 1D Fanworks Appreciation Day! Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into your stories and the courage to share them with us! I am so grateful for all the amazing authors in this fandom. Here are the fics I read this month, as always, Top 5 + 16 (!!) more under the cut (to not clog up your dash) 
The Road Less Travelled
by freetheankles | Lumberjack Louis | angst | slow burn | slow build | hurt/comfort | mutual pining | banter | minor character death | 98k Louis was a lumberjack happy to be living his life alone in what could qualify as Middle Of Nowhere, Canada. Every morning, he went out into the woods, cut his logs, then came home at dusk to a scalding hot shower and a good book by the fireplace. Rinse and Repeat. He had a good life, quiet and peaceful; simple. Not a secluded one as Niall annoyingly claimed. Louis certainly didn't need some chatty trespasser dropping into his life, his forest, his home. Invading his space, his circle of friends, touching his stuff, asking questions about his husband. His late husband. A trespasser who wasn’t supposed to crawl under his skin, occupy his thoughts, and steal his heart from where Louis had locked it safely away, only to put it right back on Louis’ sleeve — where it once laid. No, Louis definitely didn’t need Harry.
I Wanna Be More Than Friends
by 2tiedships2 | a/b/o | accidental bonding | friends to lovers | fluff | childhood friends | 20k He hadn't meant to scent Harry. They were best friends and that was it. Scenting best friends wasn't exactly socially acceptable. "Lou," Harry whispered. Louis jumped at his name and sat up straighter to provide a bit of distance between himself and Harry. "You can't scent me, Lou," Harry stated. Which of course Louis couldn't scent him. They were best friends. "I mean," Harry continued. "I wouldn't mind exactly, but if I can't scent you, I don't think you should scent me." "What do you mean you can't scent me? I mean, I get it because we're best friends but..." "I mean I can't smell you, Louis. I fucking can't smell you. I can't smell anything, okay?" Or the one where Harry’s an alpha with no sense of smell, Louis’ an omega who isn’t allowed to scent his best friend, and that’s all they’ll ever be. Obviously.
We'll Never Fall Apart
by GMTYUniverse for 1D Pet Fest | post break-up | pre-make up | exes to lovers | famous/ not famous | angst | fluff | 20k Harry’s hand seems to tremble a bit as he takes the pen from Louis. Louis pretends he doesn’t notice. It’s not his right anymore to notice, he thinks to himself. Or maybe it is – as friends. He’s not sure what being just friends entails, if he’s being entirely honest. He’s a bit confused where they’ve drawn the line, or will be drawing the line. It's just - it’s not really clear where they stand at the moment. Despite all the paperwork surrounding Oliver, there's so much left unsaid. Then again, maybe everything already has been said and Louis is just scrambling for reasons to keep holding on. or the one where Louis and Harry's relationship falls apart after 7 years, but the rescue dog they raised together doesn’t understand the joint-custody agreement they’ve hashed out.
Stars are guiding me back
by coffeelouis | Bachelor AU | post break-up | 78k Directing the first ever season of The Bachelor with a bisexual star is a huge career move for Louis. After throwing himself into his career, he finally has the opportunity to prove himself as a director with a unique vision. For Harry, being cast as the first ever Bi Bachelor means finally putting his ex-boyfriend behind him and starting anew. He's taking a chance on finding love and determined to do it right this time. They didn't exactly think this through. [or, the BACHELOR AU where Louis directs his ex-boyfriend Harry in his season as America's first bi bachelor.]
Dirty secret
by iilarryii | Mulan AU | a/b/o | enemies to friends to lovers | war | mpreg | character death | 122k "Dad, you can't go!" Louis yells to his father as he watches him pull out his sword. "Louis, you know that I have to. It's the pack leaders orders," Dan says calmly. "I need you to promise me that you'll take care of the family if I die." "So what? You'll just give up?" "Of course not. I am just willing to die for my family's safety." "So am I." The Zoely pack is attacked by rogue alphas and the pack leader orders all alphas over the age of eighteen to protect their pack. Dan Deakin is one of the strongest alphas in the pack, but there is one problem. He has a wife and six kids to feed and look after. Louis is the oldest child and the one who wants to protect their family. Or a Mulan AU where Louis is an omega who takes his father's place in the war.
To change how you see and what you believe
by jaerie for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | unplanned pregnancy | I didn't know I was pregnant AU | friends to lovers | graphic description of birth | 12k Harry and Louis are best friends who just happen to fall into bed with each other sometimes, it's not a big deal. After a drunken night of discussing their kinks, they wake up naked together. They don't remember what happened, but they've done it before and they'll probably do it again, but five months later, a surprise changes everything.
Baby We Could Be Enough
by lovelarry10 for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | mutual pining | angst | natural birth | 74k Harry Styles has always wanted a family, but his boyfriend doesn’t. When an unexpected pregnancy leaves Harry feeling alone and terrified, he feels he has no choice but to give up his baby. He finds a family with the adoptive parents, and maybe something more. ~ Louis Tomlinson and his wife, Jess, have been trying for a baby for years. Their hasty marriage after they first got pregnant has only led to a series of miscarriages that have put a strain on their already precarious relationship. When they meet a young man desperate for a home and someone to raise his child, Louis realizes that he may have been moving in the wrong direction all along.
He Saw His Own Eyes
by SadaVeniren for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | doctor/patient | angst | friends to lovers | 16k Dear Child, By the time you read this I’ll be dead. Here’s how I think it’s gonna to happen. Your mum - whoever they are and I’m sure they’ll be a smashing person - will read this letter, realize I quoted a very old and niche video, and teleport to my exact location and strangle me. I know sense of humor is not genetic but if it was I hope you’d get mine. I hope you don’t get my nose - it’s pretty big, and if you get my height I hope your mum evened it out with some grace and coordination so you didn’t spend puberty impersonating Bambi on ice. I’ve finally grown into it but it took awhile and I once almost fell into a bonfire because of it. Maybe I’ll tell you about it when we meet up! Please know that if you decide to reach out to me I will be receptive, so don’t let that cause you any anxiety. I hope that your life has been good so far. I’m sure your mum (and dad or other mum or other parenting figure) loved you with everything they are. Yours, Dad P.S. Then two cops will read this letter and shoot each other. AKA Louis conceives a child from an anonymous donor and Harry’s the midwife.
Shut your mind off (and let your heart hear me)
by BeHappily for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | ballet | kid fic | friends with benefits | 13k Harry wants Louis for a while, Louis wants Harry forever, but emotions and a little human get in their way. Or, an AU where Louis is a single father to cute twins, Harry is a ballet dancer who doesn't want any relationship, and they foolishly become friends with benefits, but maybe it wasn't so bad after all.
A Perfect Reason
by Chelsea Frew for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | royalty | fluff | famous/not famous | natural birth| 29k During a visit to a charity he'd like to support, Prince Louis--next in line to the throne of the United Kingdom--meets Harry, the man of his dreams. Trouble is, Louis is not out, and the law says his heirs can only be born of a woman. Louis is determined not to let that stop his pursuit of Harry. His determination doubles when Harry accidentally becomes pregnant. He and Harry will have their little family--and change the monarchy while they're at it.
Does it Look Devious or Something?
by haztobegood for 1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names | sex toy store | homophobia | 4k When someone complains about Louis’ new business, he must defend his sex toy shop to the city council. Written for Prompt #231: The amazement at how much hot air people manage to produce.
Beneath the sound of hope
by YesIsAWorld | sexual confusion | high school | 1990s | 6k After Louis Tomlinson leaves the set of the Smashing Pumpkins’ “1979” music video, it’s not the band or the experience that he can’t stop thinking about—it’s the curly-haired boy he met while filming. Determined to track that same boy down, he sets off on a short journey and ends up figuring out some truths about himself along the way.
Better Late Than Never
by reddhede | establishes relationship | mpreg | past abuse | break up | unplanned pregnancy | angst | 72k After an unstable and abusive childhood, Louis finally has the life he'd always dreamed of - a good flat, a good job, and the best boyfriend. But one little plastic stick turns that life upside down.
by nikogda | vampires | established relationship | 7k Louis took his hand and walked him over to the up escalator and felt him squeeze it tightly as he stepped on. And that is how it went, up and down as Louis watched Harry from the seats by the puzzles near Starbucks. He could see Harry as he went up the escalator and down, only to repeat about twenty more times. Louis sighed, because he loves Harry of course he does. So he would put up with this and the amusement that wore off a while ago. Yet for Harry, this newness was still very exciting to him. Louis couldn’t wait to show him Netflix. Wondered if Harry had seen a television. He stood up as Harry neared the floor and walked over to him. “Babe, do you know what a television is?” Louis questioned, reaching for Harry’s hand to keep him from going towards the up escalator. “I’m not a complete idiot, Lou.” Louis could see the glint of Harry’s fangs as he smiled, his hand covering his mouth quickly. “Have you ever watched one?” He tugged Harry to the exit. “No,” Harry said quietly. Or, Harry finally rejoins a world where everything has changed but the most important thing is exactly the same.
I love your demons (like devils can)
by ariadne_odair for One Direction Big Bang: Round 3 | Girl Direction | homophobia | internalised homophobia | angst | 60k "I am right here," she says loudly, and she can almost hear the crack when Louis' head whips around to stare at her. "Why?" Louis asks, and Harry feels her insides shrivel up and die. Harry didn’t plan to join the football team. She didn’t plan to sleep with the captain of the football team. She definitely didn’t plan to sleep with the closeted captain of the football team, who promptly acted as if nothing happened and left Harry a pathetic, pining mess.
Sea Salt and Chocolate
by cupcakeL | strangers to lovers | friends to lovers | coffee shops & cafés | cheating | fluff | 10k “How can I help you?” He looked at the customer and wow, Harry was pretty sure this guy had the bluest eyes he had ever seen. When the guy opened his mouth Harry could almost feel the venom in his voice. “Do you have some kind of truffle that passive aggressively says ‘fuck you’?” Or Harry owns a confectionary/café and Louis is an aspiring musician who needs to break up with his boyfriend via truffles.
We'll Paint the Town
by kotabear24 for Larry Abroad Fic Challenge | Say Yes to the Dress AU | Kleinfeld's | famous/not famous | 4k For the Larry abroad prompt: Kleinfeld's, New York. This is a Say Yes to the Dress fic. In which Louis can't flirt, Lottie does all the work, Harry just wants to get her in a damn dress, and Niall is an aggressive affirmer. It ends well for everyone.
Knot Safe For Work
by jaerie | sex shop | knotting | sex toys | wizards | werewolf | magic | spells & enchantments | potions | 5k The world is magical, Louis is a wizard, Harry is a Were, there are spells for lube and supernatural kinks are definitely a thing.
The Things You Hide
by LiveLaughLoveLarry for HL Summer Exchange 2015 | spies Á secret agents | angst | undercover missions | 27k Louis has been an MI6 agent for four years. Now he wants out. Unfortunately, his superiors have other ideas. Their solution: a 'mission' in the Greek Islands, one that's more vacation than actual work. Harry is an avid photographer who shows him around the area. He's open and carefree and everything that Louis wishes he could be. Along the way they fall in love, and maybe Louis learns a little about love, a little about lies, and a whole lot the meaning of home.
Say It First
by Rearviewdreamer | Butterfly Effect AU | time travel | high school | pining | uni | angst | infidelity | domestic fluff | adoption | happy ending | 25k When it comes to Louis, Harry feels like he has spent a lifetime getting it wrong, but on a chance night together where time mostly seems to be on his side, he gets the opportunity to try it all again. And again, and again, and again in an attempt to finally get it right before it's too late.
Take Our Bodies Higher
by littlelouishiccups  | phone sex | dirty talk | Daddy kink | Dom/sub | 21k Harry wasn’t often caught off guard at his job anymore. He called different men Sir, Master, or Daddy for work almost every week, but he’d never been told he was a good boy in a voice quite like that. In which Harry is a phone sex operator and Louis dials a wrong number.
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kingsofeverything · 6 years
Did I read that the pet fest is only like mythical creatures? It could very well be that I dreamt it so I just wanna check
Not ONLY mythical creatures, but they are included in the @1dpetfest
It’s all still in the planning stages and I’m open to ideas because I want people to submit prompts, but I don’t want to run it as an exchange. Something between what I’ve done with @larrydrabble and @anythingbutchallenge and what Ellie and Anitra have done with @larryabroad.
As far as pets go, it’s all original character pets. No Dusty the cat or Clifford the dog, etc.
I’m thinking that the animals don’t necessarily have to be pets, as long as they play a major role in the story. The reason I say that is that keeping a tiger as a pet isn’t the best idea, but if one of the guys works at a zoo? I don’t know. As I said, it’s early. But any input is welcome!
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
I Can Be Your Vice
by littleroverlouis
It could be his innate flight or fight instincts kicking in. His predator is closing in and he is the prey. Fear would be a rational response.
After all, there is a centuries old vampire standing directly behind him.
“You’re ahead of schedule, Louis.”
Or Harry and Louis are FWBB (friends with bloodsucking benefits)
Inspired by Temporary Fix Part Two coming this spring for 1D Song Fic Fest
Words: 3130, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Vampire Louis Tomlinson, Blood Drinking, Come Eating, Louis Tomlinson Calls Harry Styles Pet Names, Anal Sex, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Friends With Benefits, Songfic, Biting, Barebacking
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/3Ga5Qqz
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louloubabys1992 · 4 years
Ask for writers
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Tagged by @theisolatedlily​ thank u babe xoxo
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: 
I got so into the 1D fandom that I opened a tumblr account and found loads of fics about Harry and Louis. I got hooked. I go way back as a fan. am one of those who started reading fics from tumblr accounts and livejournals. I know a lot still read from those until now, even me, until ao3 became the basis of fics. I read so many fics that i wanted to write my own as well. my first ever fic, officially, was an apocalypse/zombie au called Nothing Can Come Between You and I. I say officially because I posted a couple of fics before this one but they were edited fics from a writer who took down his/her fics for reasons I don’t wanna get into. I asked permission to post them and edit them. That’s when I started joining up as a beta as well :D
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
I typically write in Louis’ narrative but I don’t usually base it on any perceptions I have of him, even if it’s canon. most of my fics are inspired by circumstances I see around me in my day to day life or by events that one can relate to because they do happen.
3. where do you often find inspiration?
I read a lot of fics as I’ve mentioned before and each and every one of them has left an impact on me that made me the fic writer I am today. Whenever I lack inspiration, I just open my bookmarks on ao3 and read. And then, a bulb lights up and voila, inspiration hits
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
helped a lot! i wrote more during quarantine than I do now even though am somewhat working from home. but when corona was at its peak back in March, everything was on hold and I turned to writing.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? 
silence. Am sadly not one of those people who could write in a corner in a cafe even though I wish I could do something like that.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
word vomit. not into that.
7. describe your ideal writing setup: 
after midnight, laptop on a cushion on my lap, neck pillow for my neck, my bed, and a quiet house where everyone is already sleeping and my mind is brimming, racing faster than my fingers could type hahahaah
8. favorite time of day to write?: 
after midnight. it mostly has to do with the fact that I am not available during the day but even before when I wasn’t working, i would find myself procrastinating all day or totally lacking inspiration and then come night time, and my mind comes alive hahahaha
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
Canon fics
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? 
I mean, who doesn’t, right?
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? 
easiest is after I’ve day-dreamed the scene because when I day dream, its detailed to the tee, down to the words and the dialogue but the most difficult is when I postpone an idea I had in my head. If I don’t write it down instantly, it never turns out the same and that’s quite frustrating
12. how do you come up with original characters? (
I do insert a lot of original characters in my fics and they are sometimes inspired my real people but only in terms of appearance not by character or name. so, if am describing an original character in any of my fics, know that he exists but his character is not the same in real life hahahaha
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word? f
wow, this is random. um. fav would be scars and least would be veggies
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
I don’t think it was something I was proud of at first but a lot of people who comment on my fics say that they like my pacing and the dialogues. so maybe that? I would say I think I need to work more on my originality. sometimes, i find myself drifting to a fic I’ve just read, especially if its the same trope and am like, wow, that’s not mine at all.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
definitely my first abo fic Hang there like fruit, my soul/Till the tree die. I love that au and I’ve always wanted to put my own tiny twist in it. am really proud of how it came about and am massively humbled by the comments and support it received :D
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
arial, font 18 and sometimes bigger because I don’t have good eyesight
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?:
names, because sometimes the names I choose are apprarently just not cool with microsoft word for some reason....sighs
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
yes, but its not intentional, it just happens
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?Angst because that’s just me hahahaaha. the most difficult? hmm, emotional love confessions maybe or the transition from friends to lovers. yeah.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
the passion behind it maybe?
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
best advice is to sleep on it because I do come up with scenes for my fics when I am about to sleep ahahahah. the worse one I got came from someone who obviously doesn’t know a thing about writing. he said, ‘’just don’t write it and do something else.’’ I mean, really?
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
nope, not happening.
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: 
most of the time in order.
24. how do you handle criticism?
quite well I think. 
 25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
Go for it. Writing is not a silly hobby. if it’s really something you wanna do, even if its just for fun or to pass the time or to make new friends. go for it, There are so many fics in this fandom that until this day, are still ingrained in my mind because they were so touching and moving to me. you never know what your words could do for someone or how much your words could make a person’s day a better day 
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
the comments posted on my fics in ao3 always make me happy. I feel like its the best to find out if my work is worth someone’s time, you know? even though I do write for myself most of the time, the validation is nice sometimes :D
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend? 
wow, all of them? 
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
hmm, I mean people could ask what they want so am cool with anything. am not picky. I get asked about plot lines or what would happen next when it comes to cliffhangers and I do my best to answer them without revealing too much :D
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
I definitely made new friends through it and it’s been great :D
30. why do you write?
it’s my favourite thing in my entire life. It’s the one thing that no one in my life knows about, as in the people that I work with, my friends, even my family, none of them have ever read anything I’ve ever written and am fine with it. I feel like writing is purely for me and it’s something I’d like to keep as a part of me you know?
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
Harry smiles despite himself. Three years together, since he was nineteen, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that Louis knows him so well, can tell by the sound of his voice if he’s okay or not, nervous or not, happy or not.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
the one am writing for the harry/men fic fest
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of: 
‘’You’re being really quiet and I don’t like it,’’ Louis points out.
‘’Just a bit tired,’’
‘’Stay here then,’’ Louis pats the bed. ‘’Sleep next to me,’’
‘’Are you sure? I don’t want to mess with anything by accident or…’’
‘’I won’t get a wink’s worth of sleep if you’re even an inch away from me,’’ he says firmly. ‘’And I’ll go on a limb here and say neither will you.’’
‘’No buts, I’m serious.’’ Louis cups his cheek, his blue eyes big and beautiful, like an entire fucking galaxy. ‘’I missed you something terrible these past few days,’’
‘’Be here with me, Haz. Please?’’
Harry hums before he pushes himself forward. He cannot stop it, cannot keep himself from gravitating towards Louis, taking what he wants, what he needs to make it through the night. He cups Louis’ face and kisses him but even then it’s not enough and he skates one arm around Louis’ small shoulders and tugs him closer, careful not to jostle Louis too much and kisses him like Louis’ a mermaid and he needs his air or else he’ll drown.
It eases an ache in him he didn’t know was trying to get his attention the moment he entered the room, something deep and visceral, calming down with the way Louis’ molds his lips against his, with the shape of his mouth fitting with his own, with the way his body is trying to align with his, like a constellation, each star coming together to mean something greater than they can ever grasp, something more infinite and vast.
‘’I love you,’’ Louis whispers into his lips.
‘’I’m never letting you go,’’ Harry says before he reaches for another kiss. ‘’Love of my life, fucking best thing to ever happen to me, you know that?’’
‘’My rock,’’ Louis kisses him back. ‘’My fortress,’’ and kisses him again, ‘’my strength,’’ and again and again. ‘’I love you so much. Would be dead without you,’’
‘’Don’t say that,’’
‘’It’s true,’’ Louis gasps as Harry devours his mouth, trying to stop him from saying another word. ‘’I would’ve crawled out that room right to your feet, Haz. I would’ve…’’
‘’Shh, just me kiss, babe. Just kiss me,’’ Harry pleads.
And so they do.
4a; line from my fics that I am most proud of:
hard to choose really
5a. link the last fic you read: 
bang bang (my baby shot me down) by thepolourryexpress
6a. link the last work you published: 
Ellen's haunted house by louloubaby92
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable): 
8a. someone that inspires you 
Louis Tomlinson
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year: 
bruise you like a peach by falsegoodnight
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag! 
@falsegoodnight​ @twopoppies​ @mediawhorefics​
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1dshortficfest · 5 years
2019 1D Short Fic Fest Round Up
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Down Memory Lane by flicker_album Harry and Louis have known each other since they were five. Now they’re in their senior year of high school and still best friends. Harry, as sentimental as ever, keeps anything Louis gives him in a box under his bed. He doesn’t anticipate Louis finding the box.
A Way So Familiar by yeah_alright Liam squeezes Zayn’s hand and presses a light kiss to his fingers. He freezes when Zayn stirs, worried he’s woken him. He’s not ready to wake him. He’s enjoying being held as he wades through the memories of that first night he’d held Zayn. Held him so properly and thoroughly that he had fallen asleep still holding him tightly. That night of pizza and beer and unadulterated flirting, when their playfulness had taken on a greater significance. It had felt revelatory. Like it was all finally – fucking finally – happening. Liam wakes up in Zayn’s arms and reminisces about some of their “firsts.”
an honest mistake by disgruntledkittenface “You look different when you’re not covered in come,” he blurts out, immediately regretting each and every life choice that has led to this exact moment. Elevator Guy is going to hate him. Louis has ridden the elevator with his neighbor all week. The first time they speak, there’s a misunderstanding.
nothing breaks (like a heart) by thelouistiti Such a good time, Louis believes it this time.
Heat by jacaranda_bloom Louis was smitten from the moment Harry had arrived a month ago. Long, curly hair which he mostly keeps up in a bun, and a sinfully deep voice. Cheeky too. Louis likes that the best. He gives good banter and laughs at Louis’ dumb jokes, adding his own woeful puns. When Louis had asked him why he was in this godforsaken dust bowl, he’d said something about a ground crew traineeship and fulfilling his visa requirements while experiencing the real Australia. Louis had been momentarily distracted by Harry’s plush, red-bitten lips so the salient details may have washed over him. OR Drinking beer in a blow-up pool, in a backyard, in stupidly hot temperatures, in outback Australia should be ridiculous, and it would be, if Louis didn’t have a curly-haired workmate to keep him company.
Fistiana by yesisaworld They met in the center of the ring and bumped their bare knuckles together.
All I See Is You, Lately by runaway_train Harry noticed him for the first time three months ago. He couldn’t not, really, what with the man being so pretty and all, and Harry remembers it well because it was three days before his birthday and he had joked to himself that seeing someone so gorgeous for three days on the trot must be an early present from the Gods. Or The one where Harry has a crush on a fellow commuter.
we’re right here in this room by flicker_album Shawn goes to the same cafe every Sunday. After he meets Niall, a friend of a friend, he can’t stop thinking about him.
Insomnis by FullOnLarrie Harry’s been having trouble sleeping. Louis makes everything better.
The Truth Of It or The Day That Changed Everything by Larryhasmyheart You are Louis, the son of a wealthy horseman. Your father has been trying to ingratiate you into his circle of friends and set you up with their daughters, but you just aren’t feeling it. Instead, ever since the new stable hand smiled at you, you have been drawn to the barn. Today, you come to understand why.
it’s only your imagination again by wreckingtomlinson “So,” Louis begins, curling up in one corner of the sofa. “Guess my secret’s out.” Harry nods. “The cat’s out of the bag,” he says with a completely straight face. ~ Or, Harry’s pretty convinced his new neighbor has a cat.
Pals and Confidantes by yeah_alright The Guys sit around the kitchen table sharing cheesecake and stories of bad dates. Golden Girls AU.
Soju (소주) by gettingaphdinlarry After a spectacular breakup he’d like to forget about, English language teacher Niall Horan finds himself in starting anew in Seoul, South Korea. He’s perfectly content being single, but when his friends try to set him up with Shawn Mendes, well… Maybe it’s time to give love another shot.
Was Sort Of Hoping That You’d Stay by Sasparella76 Last night, Louis Tomlinson hooked-up with a drop-dead gorgeous man who, right now, is sleeping contentedly in his arms. Sure, the sex was good - really good, in fact - and the guy was charming and funny, but it was just a one-time thing. The thought of having to engage in some awkward morning-after chit-chat with the lad makes Louis shudder. He needs to get up, get dressed and get out before his one-night stand wakes up.
the pain’s only temporary by wreckingtomlinson They call him The Phantom. He’s something like a myth in the industry—almost everyone knows of him, but real information is few and far between. But the one thing everyone seems to be able to agree on is that anyone who dares to make a deal with him becomes untouchably, irrevocably, successful. ~ or, Harry seeks out the help of a mysterious figure referred to only as The Phantom for help getting out of a contract, but is he prepared to pay the price?
Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now by allwaswell16 Louis is having a personal crisis, a third Valentine’s Day being single. Unless he meets someone this week at the high end department store he works at, he’ll be stuck going to Niall’s Valentine’s Day party–again. Or the one where Harry mistakes Louis for a mannequin.
please forgive me if my lips quake by disgruntledkittenface Hi ! Got your number from your cat Lou. Just want to make sure they’re not lost, only visiting Harry’s pet cat wing-womans her into a date.
sunbeams by ohsailor Harry is the new neighbour suffering from insomnia. Louis is the night nurse across the hall trying to find ways to help him sleep. They find one that works.
honey (you’re familiar) by hazkaban harry had always thought that if he stumbled into the wrong date, somehow, it’s just like him, honestly, he would come clean instantly and go find his real date. that is until he’s face to face with louis, who is very pretty and not at all the man he’s supposed to be meeting.
Fluro by silveredglass Doesn’t matter where you go to help you forget - symbols, and reminders, and good old heartache is always neon bright.
Screamin’ At My Face, Baby, Don’t Trip by runaway_train He’s been waiting at their table in the restaurant for thirty minutes now, already deep into his second large glass of Shiraz, when he checks his phone. No new messages. He clicks onto WhatsApp to check when Louis was last online; 3.34 p.m today. That certainly doesn’t bode well. Louis was always late, yes, but he had promised, he had sworn to Harry that he wouldn’t be late tonight. But he was. By thirty one minutes and counting. Or The one when Harry’s anniversary dinner plans don’t go quite how he hoped they would.
She’s Got Particular Taste by Miadotfi They eventually change topics but it’s still in the back of Harry’s mind. So naturally, as soon as they get home, Harry drops her coat on the living room floor and gets naked from the waist up. With her bra in her hand she turns around to face the door. Louis enters the room and freezes in the middle of taking off her beanie. Her gaze slides down in a heartbeat, mouth hanging open. Harry waits. And waits. She doesn’t know what she expected. She shouldn’t have just stripped down first thing when they arrived home. Harry has nipple piercings and she’s more than willing to show them to Louis.
Ticket To L.A. by Tomlinsontoes Fun little airport fic based on the song “Ticket to L.A.” by Brett Young. Harry is a musician who meets Louis in an airport when all of the flights are delayed. After accidentally hitting him with his guitar case, Louis agrees to get a drink with Harry as long as he doesn’t start playing “Wonderwall”
Back To Life by Laziam (MItCheLlInE) When a fun day out turns into a horror scenario for Zayn, a kind stranger turns his entire world upside down.
The Bet by jacaranda_bloom Louis Tomlinson never reneges on a bet. Ever. He may be many things - a joker, a sometimes-wayward student, a loyal friend, a Tony Award winner in the making, and a card-carrying member of the Chad Michael Murray fan club - but never, ever, a welcher. Louis makes good on his promises and does it with flare. OR The one where Louis misjudges Harry’s ability to do TLC’s Waterfall rap and finds himself having to put on a one-man show for his viewing pleasure. If Louis decides to go all-in and dress the part, then that’s just a bonus for his (very appreciative) one-man audience.
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight by cristalrush “I saw how you kept looking at me. I’m Louis, nice to meet you.” The raspy voice startled Harry. There he was. The guy he had been watching. He looked around discreetly to make sure Louis was actually talking to him. But there was no one facing them, so Harry thought it must be him. He offered his hand to Louis, “I’m Harry, nice to meet you too.” Or Harry has almost lost hope to ever finding his soulmate and just wants to have a fun night.
A Snapshot by haztobegood That one time Harry’s photo was uploaded to Louis’ instagram.
Drunk on summer by sweetsumerstyles Zayn and Louis are on a beach stargazing with a bottle of wine and a blanket wrapped around them.
Size Difference by FullOnLarrie Harry avoids confrontation until he can’t anymore.
Angels in the Airwaves Tonight by shiftylinguini Louis is between jobs. Niall is always along for the ride.
Beautiful Disaster by FallingLikeThis Harry is broken. Maybe Louis can help with that.
Harry’s Love Song by writcraft Harry calls Nick to let him know he’s coming back to London.
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of Cheese (who am I to dis-a-brie?) by EmmyLouWho The first time it happened, Harry had assumed that it was an honest mistake. The second time it happened, Harry thought it must have been a coincidence. Perhaps if he hadn’t been such an eternal optimist, the possibility that someone was stealing his food might have occurred to him a bit earlier, but Harry had a great deal of faith in the goodness of his fellow students, and so he continued to believe that it was an accident. But by the third time he had returned to an empty microwave, Harry was starting to realise that someone was stealing his mac & cheese on purpose.
A True Love of Mine by myownspark Niall’s peaceful afternoon at the beach with Shawn is interrupted by a group of strangers. One man in particular reminds him of someone special from long ago.
sweet, sweet fate by bottomlinsons Harry’s lived with a NSFW soulmark for almost twenty-five years now. When he finally meets the man responsible, he gives him a little piece of his mind.
As Luck Would Have It by Justalittlelouislove We’ve all experienced the trials and tribulations of technology. Louis is sabotaged by a bit of unhelpful autocorrect, but maybe luck is on his side after all.
It Could Be Sweet (like a long forgotten dream) by Harryskiwiposes “You did all this? For me? Even after I ignored you all week?” “I know why you’ve been ignoring me. If you had given me a chance to explain.” He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I was never going to set up a dating profile. That was all Niall’s idea. He thought he was helping, but…it’s…it’s you, Louis. I just want to be with you. I was going to ask you out before Niall burst in and -” OR - the one where a miscommunication and a blackout lead Harry and Louis to admit their feelings for each other.
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larry-hiatus · 1 year
Writing Goals for 2023
A new year is here! A few people tagged me in their writing goals (I think) and it was the Library’s QOTD today, so here I am! I went through my goals from last year to see what I did and didn’t accomplish, so some of those I may roll over into this post. But here are some things I would like to maybe try doing with my writing this year!
1. Sprint more! I do sprints with the @1d-library Discord sometimes, but I think it would be nice to do them more often, even if it’s just me doing them by myself!
2. Write a sequel. This was on my list last year. I had a few ideas and didn’t end up fully implementing them. However, I have already started working on one this year, so we’ll see if I am able to complete and publish it!
3. Join a new fest that I have never written for. I have actually already done this; I joined Zouis fest, but I’d love to join even more!
4. Finish my intersex ABO WIP. I had this idea over a year ago, and I only wrote a very small portion of it. It needs so much work, including a plot haha. But I would really like to be able to take it somewhere!
5. Experiment with writing new kinks/smut content. I enjoy writing about new things that I have never written before. Last year, that included a threesome, water sports, and pet play to name a few. Who knows what will be next, but I like being able to push myself to dive into new areas!
6. Share a fic with a friend. This one I say with a giant maybe. I have a real life friend who has expressed interest in reading my work, but I have been shy and awkward lmao. So we’ll see!
7. Run a fest. Another big maybe. I ran a fest this past year and one the year before into 2022. I don’t think I did a very good job lol. But I have had ideas for fests that I think it would be cool to run! So again, we’ll see lol.
8. Write at least one fic without smut. I released three last year! It was a challenge, but I really like how they came out. I would like to try to push myself to do it again at least once!
That’s all I got for now! If you’re reading this, feel free to say I tagged you to share your goals!
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nottooldforthisship · 7 years
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Last update :  September 20th 2018
Let me know if you want me to add something to this list :)
Also the season assigned to each exchange is relative to the month where the fics will be due/published.
PSA : This list won’t figure exchanges/fest that are excluding a part of the fandom (let’s be clear, Larries). Because WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU SERIOUSLY .
All year long :
Larried In Vegas Fic & Art Fest : @larriedinvegasficfest , more infos
1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names : AO3
One Direction ‘Dick Prints & Grey Sweatpants’ Art & Fic Fest! : @1dgreysweatpants, more infos
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❄️️ HL Winter Fic Fest 2017 : @hlwinterficfest2017​ , AO3 collection
❄️️ HL A/B/O fics Exchange 2017 : @hlaboficexchange​, AO3 collection
❄️️ Litelarry Quote Challenge : @litelarryquotechallenge​, AO3 Collection
❄️️ Alex-Louis fic exchange : @alexlouisficexchange​, AO3 Collection
❄️️ Larry Winter Drabble Challenge : @larrydrabble,  AO3 collection
❄️️ H/L Art Exchange : @hlartexchange ,  look at the fanarts on the blog
❄️️ Marcel Fics Exchange : @marcelficexchange , AO3 collection
❄️️ Valentine’s Aspec Exchange : @1daspecficexchange, more infos
❄️️ HL Song Exchange : @hlsongexchange, more infos
❄️️ 1D  Short fic Fest : @1dshortficfest,  AO3 collection
❄️️ 1D Rare Pair Fic Fest : @1drarepairfest , AO3 collection
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🌸 HL Moodboard Prompt challenge : @moodboardprompts​, AO3 collection
🌸 Anything But(t) Fic Challenge  : @anythingbutchallenge , AO3 collection
🌸 One Direction BIG BANG : @onedirectionbigbang​, AO3 collection
🌸 Larry Spring Drabble challenge : @larrydrabble , AO3 Collection
🌸 1D A-Spec Fic Exchange : @1daspecficexchange, more infos
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☀️️ HL Summer Exchange : @hlsummerexchange2018 , AO3 Collection
☀️️ Larry bdsm fic exchange : @hlbdsmexchange , AO3 Collection
☀️️ Larry Abroad Fic Challenge : @larryabroad , AO3 collection
☀️️  Larry Summer Drabble Challenge : @larrydrabble​, AO3 collection
☀️️ Larry Soulmate Fic Exchange : @larrysoulmateficexchange​, AO3 Collection
☀️️ 1D Hiatus Fic Fest : @1dhiatusficfest,  AO3 Collection
☀️️ 1D Fanworks For Charity : @1dfanworksforcharity, more infos
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🍂  HL Regency & Victorian Fic Challenge : @hlregencyvictorianficchallenge , more infos
🍂  Girl Direction Fest : @girldirectionfest​ , more infos
🍂 1D Pet Fest : @1dpetfest​, more infos
🍂  Smut Free Larry Fic Challenge : @smutfreelarry​
🍂 HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 : @hlmpregficexchange, more infos
❄️️ Larry Holiday Fic Fest : @larryholidayfest, more infos
❄️️ HL BDSM Fic Fest: @hlbdsmficfest , more infos
❄️️ 1D GayBO Fic Fest : @1dgayboficfest  ,more infos
❄️️ PopuLarry Culture Fest : @popularryculture, more infos
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1dpetfest · 6 years
How to post your fic to the collection:
Once you’re logged into your account, go to the 1D Pet Fest Collection on ao3.
Click post to the collection
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Add your tags
Add your preface information
title, summary, and notes.
you do not have to add your prompt to your notes or summary.
Add your associations, if necessary:
1DPetFest should be chosen (see image below).
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Add your Work text and check formatting. 
Post your fic.
Wait patiently for your fic to be approved.
Fics will post in the order they are added to the collection.
Posting starts October 6th.
Please contact me if you have specific questions. I’m happy to help!
Thank you for writing!
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larry-hiatus · 3 years
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I am honored to say that I have recently become an admin of the 1D Library! I am here to invite you to join our group!
The 1D Library is a discord server for fic writers (and readers!) where we all chat, share snippets, give feedback, promote our fics, and make friends! We have frequent writing parties where we sprint and encourage each other to write as much as we can!
There’s a channel to discuss pretty much everything fic related including fests, searching for a specific fic, sharing writing prompts, and even places to find betas and writing resources if you are in need of some help with your fic! We also have some “extra” channels for things like NSFW topics (optional) pets, and astrology!
Some other things we have done: group written fics, a fic exchange, watch parties, and role play writing! Hopefully we will do some of these again soon!
Sound like fun? It is! If you are 18 or older and want to join, go fill out the signup form; we would love to have you!
You can also follow the library on Tumblr! @1d-library
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1dshortficfest · 5 years
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Soju (소주) by anon After a spectacular breakup he’d like to forget about, English language teacher Niall Horan finds himself in starting anew in Seoul, South Korea. He’s perfectly content being single, but when his friends try to set him up with Shawn Mendes, well… Maybe it’s time to give love another shot.
Was Sort Of Hoping That You’d Stay by anon Last night, Louis Tomlinson hooked-up with a drop-dead gorgeous man who, right now, is sleeping contentedly in his arms. Sure, the sex was good - really good, in fact - and the guy was charming and funny, but it was just a one-time thing. The thought of having to engage in some awkward morning-after chit-chat with the lad makes Louis shudder. He needs to get up, get dressed and get out before his one-night stand wakes up.
the pain’s only temporary by anon They call him The Phantom. He’s something like a myth in the industry—almost everyone knows of him, but real information is few and far between. But the one thing everyone seems to be able to agree on is that anyone who dares to make a deal with him becomes untouchably, irrevocably, successful. ~ or, Harry seeks out the help of a mysterious figure referred to only as The Phantom for help getting out of a contract, but is he prepared to pay the price?
Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now by anon Louis is having a personal crisis, a third Valentine’s Day being single. Unless he meets someone this week at the high end department store he works at, he’ll be stuck going to Niall’s Valentine’s Day party–again. Or the one where Harry mistakes Louis for a mannequin.
please forgive me if my lips quake by anon Hi ! Got your number from your cat Lou. Just want to make sure they’re not lost, only visiting Harry’s pet cat wing-womans her into a date.
sunbeams by anon Harry is the new neighbour suffering from insomnia. Louis is the night nurse across the hall trying to find ways to help him sleep. They find one that works.
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