#1930s radio
peterlorrefanpage · 7 months
Peter Lorre in "Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe" (Radioausstrahlung, Berlin, Nov 4, 1932)
"Saint Joan of the Slaughterhouses." With Peter Lorre playing Sullivan Slift and Graham.
ETA: Script!!! In English.
Google translation of the wiki entry:
Saint Joan of the Slaughterhouses, is an epic play by Bertolt Brecht and his co-author Elisabeth Hauptmann and his co-author Emil Burri. It tells the story of Johanna Dark, who wants to bring faith in God to the locked-out workers in Chicago's slaughterhouses. In view of the misery, she tries to persuade the meat industry 's leading entrepreneur, Mauler, to reopen the meat factories, but in the process finds herself getting deeper and deeper into the maelstrom of the meat bosses' economic machinations. Finally, in protest, she goes to the workers who are waiting in the snow at the disused meat yards and witnesses attempts by the workers to defend themselves against the bosses through a general strike. When they entrust her with an important message, she withholds it for fear of causing violent confrontations. This causes the strike to fail. In the end, the dying Johanna realizes that her hope in God and negotiations with the capitalists has failed and that she has only harmed the workers she wanted to help.
Broker Sullivan Slift is supposed to show Johanna the wickedness of the poor so that she loses her pity. 
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gregpoppleton · 1 year
The King's Jesters - Phantom Dancer 17 Jan 2023
The King’s Jesters – Phantom Dancer 17 Jan 2023
The King’s Jesters, billed as America’s ‘biggest little band’ is this week’s Phantom Dancer feature artists. They were a vocal group who accompanied themselves on guitar, banjo and other instruments and with orchestra. They were household names in the 1930s and early 1940s. You’ve heard them previously on The Phantom Dancer featured as a male vocal trio with Ben Bernie’s Orchestra on 1942…
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theroaring20s · 2 years
𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚜
𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 2, 1938
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 20'𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚗 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚘.
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hoomandoescosplay · 4 months
On The Air | Alastor x Reader Oneshot
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In the early morning I feel Alastor get up from our bed causing me to slightly groan and pull the covers up a bit more.
I hear a muffled laugh come from him as he walks into our bathroom to get ready for work. I shift my position a bit, getting more comfortable to drift off again.
Eventually he comes back in, one more time, and leaves a gentle kiss on my forehead. “I love you my darling. I’ll be back home before you know it.” I mumble an incoherent response back, still being half asleep, before he leaves heading out to the radio station.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
I wake up noticing the empty, and slightly cold spot, next to me. Sighing I sit up to stretch before getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.
As I enter the kitchen, I see a tray of toast with butter and jam, an omelette, and a plate of sausages and potatoes. Alastor even prepared my coffee just the way I liked it.
After taking note of the thoughtful breakfast I noticed a note as well. I picked it up to read it as a smile engulfed my face.
Don't worry about breakfast, I prepared it for you, my darling.
I shall be home later today as the radio station has requested for me to stay longer tonight.
I’m sorry I won’t be home as soon as I originally thought today.
I’ll make it up to you darling. Kisses.
- Al ♡
Ever since we started dating, before that even, Alastor always tried his best to make me happy and put a smile on my face.
While I’m a bit sad he has to work a few extra hours today it also gives me more time to get some last minute gifts I wanted to give him today.
I stretch once more before grabbing the plate of sausages and potatoes along with the omelette to heat up over the stove.
I flick on the radio and start humming along with the song that is playing. As I continue to heat up the food, I hear something over the radio. It's Alastor's voice, he's on air at the moment making me smile.
“And that was some wonderful music for you. Now back to your wonderful host, here's me, Alastor!” A clapping track plays after he finishes his sentences causing me to roll my eyes playfully.
“How is everyone doing today? I'd hope well considering it’s Valentine’s Day.” He takes a second to pause. “I'd like to talk with you about something important as always - it's not the time to panic, but I think we should all remain vigilant because of the terrible events happening in nearby cities.”
I turn off the stove and slightly tune out his voice talking about the recent murder spree happening around our city.
Placing my food onto the dining room table I walk back into the kitchen to bring the radio with me into the dining room as I catch the last bit of his spiel on the recent murders.
“As always, I urge you all to stay cautious. And if you want to, you can always call in here and we'll chat. The police have assured us that they are working hard and that we should have no grounds for concern... But still, stay vigilant, my friends, stay vigilant.”
Taking a breath he starts up again. “Onto some lighter news, let's talk about Valentine’s Day. anyone want to call in and tell us what date you have planned for your special someone?” he asks in his radio voice as I start to eat my breakfast.
Not long after he asks for people to call in, someone's voice is already being heard through the radio.
The woman on the line is excited and speaks quickly: “Oh, I’ve got the best plans! My boyfriend and I are going out for dinner at a fancy new place we’ve been dying to try and to top it all off he said he would take me to one of his favorite spots. It's going to be so romantic.” She swoons and I can only assume blushes as well.
“Ah, how romantic. I do hope you have a wonderful time.” Alstor says as she thanks him before hanging up. A he takes a few more callers before he starts introducing the next song he has lined up to play.
I finish my breakfast and start to pick up the tray to bring into the kitchen for me to start cleaning.
I take the radio with me once more back into the kitchen. “Coming up next, the most romantic song I’ve ever had the pleasure to hear. All the ladies, all the men, get ready cause this song is going to just melt your heart. This one’s for you, everyone, and you especially, my love. This song is just for you. I hope you enjoy it.” I blush and roll my eyes playfully as I start to wash the dishes.
“Such a lover boy.” I mumble with a smile starting to spread on my face. The song ends much too soon and Alastor starts to talk on the air a while longer once more.
I shut the radio off after drying my hands and head into our bedroom to get dressed for the day. Getting dressed quickly, I check the time. It's still early morning which gives me more than enough time to do some shopping before he gets home.
I finish getting ready quickly and start to walk to the shops nearby to get a few things. I’ve been eyeing some new bowties I’ve seen and decided it would be a good idea to get him a new one along with some other small gifts.
The short walk ended as I walked into a store. As I browse I immediately see the bowtie I’ve been eyeing for weeks. It's a beautiful piece and I think that he would love it.
I also see some other romantic items, like a box of chocolates, a teddy bear, and a beautiful bunch of flowers. I decide to get all of the items and head to the register to check out.
I am happy with the selection I’ve made, and I feel like Alastor is going to be very happy with his gifts as well. The cashier rings up my items quickly. I pay the cashier and leave the shop with my bag of gifts. Satisfied with the amount of gifts I found I decide head back home.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
Opening the front door I walk inside making sure the door closes behind me before I place down the bag in the living room.
Glancing at the clock I notice I have a bit more time before Alastor said he’d be home. I decided to relax with the extra time I have by reading a book.
I unpack the gifts and set them on our bed for Alastor to walk into as a surprise when he gets home. I grab the book off of my nightstand and head back into the living room, sitting down and starting to read.
A few hours pass and I get through most of my booth until the phone starts to ring. Closing my book, I place it on the table next to me and walk over to the phone.
I picked it up and said a small “Hello?” waiting to see who is on the other end of the line.
“Hello my darling, I just wanted to give you a quick call to let you know that my day is taking longer than expected.” He pauses to sigh as I lean against the wall. “I’m sorry, I had so many plans for us today and it’s just not seeming to work out.”
I put a smile on my face hoping I can convince him I’m not disappointed we probably won’t be doing anything tonight.
“It’s alright Al, I promise. Don’t stress yourself out over this. Well just do something tomorrow.” I can hear him sigh again, clearly disappointed he has to stay late.
“Are you sure?” he asks, “You’re not disappointed?” I feel my heart melt a little at how much he cares. “Not at all,” I reply, trying to convince him.
Alastor pauses and sighs again. “I really wanted to do something special for you today. I wanted today to be special and romantic…”
“I know, I know. But it’s okay. We’ll do something extra special tomorrow alright?” I say trying to make him relax a bit.
He sighs again, but this time he sounds slightly more relieved when I assure him that I’m not disappointed. “Alright,” he says, “You’re right. Tomorrow, definitely. I love you.”
I smile. “I love you too Al. I’ll see you soon.” I hang up after and head back to where I was sitting in the living room.
Sitting back down I decide to go back to reading my book. A few hours pass, and as the afternoon begins to roll around.
Looking out the window an idea pops into my head causing me to grin. “That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.” I say to myself as I get up and head into the kitchen.
I grab a small basket and start putting together a small dinner. After finishing making the simple meal I pack up the basket with the food, a bottle of wine, and some plates and utensils.
The dinner looks lovely, quite a romantic gesture that he is sure to appreciate. Deciding to bring a small romantic dinner to Alastor at the radio station was a brilliant idea on my part I think as I take one last look around to make sure I’m not forgetting anything before I head out.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
Upon arriving at the station a few of Alastor’s coworkers greeted me and some even engaged in some small talk.
After getting past the lobby and some of the offices I start making my way to where Alastor’s studio and office is. I take a peek through the window connected to his office and see he’s not live right now. Taking the opportunity I opened the door.
He jumps in his chair, quickly turning to me with a surprised look on his face. Seeing me standing there with a basket filled with a romantic dinner causes that surprise to quickly turn into a big smile.
He stands up to come over to greet me, kissing me on the cheek as he wraps his arm around my waist.
“You didn’t have to come all the way here to bring me dinner darling.” He rubs small circles on my waist with the hand wrapped around me as I smile up at him.
“I know but I felt bad that you had to cancel our plans due to working late so I wanted to bring the dinner plans to you.” I grin at him as I lean into his touch a bit more.
He stares at me with utter adoration as he speaks up. “Happy Valentine’s Day my darling. I couldn’t have asked for a better surprise today.” He says pulling me in closer to him as he kisses my lips quickly.
I smile during the kiss and it grows wider as we part. “Oh trust me this isn’t the only surprise.” He raises an eyebrow at me causing me to laugh. “I got you a few more gifts. You’ll have to wait to see what they are until we get home though.”
Alastor’s face lights up when you give him that hint. “This day just keeps getting better and better.” He says excitedly. He gives me another kiss on the lips, but this time it lasts longer.
“I guess being on the air today was worth it then.” Alastor replies as I start to laugh again.
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dewdropdinosaur · 3 months
Well Ain't You A Looker?
Summary: You and Alastor are from two completely different worlds, eras even. So what happens when you try and maybe understand his world a bit more?
Warnings: NONE
If you would like a GN version of this, feel free to ask!(REQUESTS ARE OPEN, see pinned post for details)
This is based off a request from the dearest @anon-of-the-void
Y/N and Alastor had always been inseparable. From their time of meeting to an interesting friendship and now as they donned a romantic relationship, almost nothing had kept them apart. Their relationship was a whirlwind of laughter, shared musical interests, and undeniable chemistry. But there was always an unspoken barrier between them – the gap of time separating their worlds: Alastor being from the 1930s and Y/N being from the early 2000s. 
Often one would use terms, mannerisms, or speak of time relevant events that left the other utterly confused and needing clarification. This tension often accompanied dinner, walks around Hell, and even small talk in the Hotel. While both were a great match, it certainly wasn't one made in Heaven. As their relationship approached its six-month mark, Y/N found herself curious about Alastor's origins. She longed to understand the era from which he hailed. Determined to bridge the gap between their worlds, Y/N sought guidance from Rosie the Overlord, a figure well-versed in the ways of the past and a very good…if the only…friend of Alastor. 
And so, after a few weeks of secret planning, Y/N found herself in the bustling underworld, making her way to Rosie's domain. The Overlord welcomed her with open arms, her peppy demeanor softened by genuine curiosity. Rosie, intrigued by Y/N's eagerness, took her under her wing. Secretly relishing the chance to indulge her penchant for mischief, Rosie adorned Y/N in elegant 1930s attire, complete with a brown dress and a cloche hat. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Rosie schooled Y/N in the art of 1930s slang and mannerisms, eager to see her impress her demon beau.
"Ah, so you're the lucky one who's captured Alastor's heart," Rosie remarked with a knowing smirk. "Well, darling, if you want to understand the 1930s, you've come to the right place."
Meanwhile, Alastor, with his keen senses, couldn't help but notice Y/N's newfound enthusiasm for his era over the past few weeks and her sudden absence. He observed her with silent amusement, marveling at her determination to understand his world. Yet, beneath his composed exterior, Alastor's heart swelled with affection for the woman who had stolen it. No one had quite done anything for him like Y/N did, so imagine his surprise when one evening, as the crimson hues of dusk painted the sky, Y/N made her grand entrance. 
Adorned in her vintage ensemble, she exuded an air of timeless elegance, her eyes sparkling with newfound confidence. Alastor, lounging in his parlor, couldn't tear his gaze away from her.
"Darling, what's all this?" Alastor inquired, his voice a melodic blend of curiosity and admiration.
Y/N flashed him a dazzling smile, her cheeks flushed with excitement as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "I wanted to understand your world better, Alastor. So…I sought Rosie's help."
Alastor's grin widened, a glint of pride shining in his crimson eyes. "Well, ain’t you a looker?" he chuckled, extending a hand to his beloved as suddenly his microphone decided to play some tunes as if from an old LP. 
As they waltzed across the room, Alastor couldn't resist whispering sweet words of encouragement to Y/N. "You may be from a different time, my dear, but your beauty transcends all eras."
With each step, their love blossomed, a testament to the timeless nature of their bond. For in the depths of Hell, amidst the chaos and despair, Alastor and Y/N found solace in each other's arms. As they danced to the crackling tune of an old record, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging in Alastor's world and he found a sense of belonging in hers. And as they laughed and twirled through the night, she realized that, no matter the time period, their love would always transcend the boundaries of time and space.
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I like Eddie calling Steve "sweetheart" very much; I also currently like the idea of Steve's reciprocal endearment for Eddie being "sunshine," because a) we have seen Eddie smile, the reason is obvious, b) their pet-names for each other need to be sort of old-timey and sentimental for some reason, and c) it's a gentle bit of teasing about Eddie's edgy dark image when in fact he is adorable.
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The Radio Queen. Miss Elmira Humphreys. 22nd September, 1937. Press Association Photo (PA Photo). From : The 1930s Britain in Pictures, 2008
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vintagegeekculture · 2 months
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Badge for Challenge of the Yukon, a 1936 sister radio show of Detroit radio's famous Lone Ranger and Green Hornet.
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dozydawn · 6 months
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onefootin1941 · 7 months
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1930 Majestic/Rogers 10-12 Console Art Deco Radio ⚡️
📸 Art/Deco Paul-Belgium
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theamericanpin-up · 4 months
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George Petty - 1930s Advertising Illustration WMAQ Radio Chicago, IL - American Pin-up Calendar Collection - Petty History - I have two large scrapbooks filled with older Petty Art. I'm going to share those illustrations over the next few months. Most of the art has never been posted online in any format. Interestingly, the radio station was based in Chicago, Illinois, and used the call sign WMAQ from October 1922 until August 2000. The original ad was most likely done for one of the early beer companies like Acme, for which Petty painted several illustrations.
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gregpoppleton · 2 years
The King's Jesters - Phantom Dancer 2 Aug 2022
The King’s Jesters – Phantom Dancer 2 Aug 2022
The King’s Jesters, billed as America’s ‘biggest little band’ is this week’s Phantom Dancer feature artists. They were a vocal group who accompanied themselves on guitar, banjo and other instruments and with orchestra. They were household names in the 1930s and early 1940s. You’ve heard them previously on The Phantom Dancer featured as a male vocal trio with Ben Bernie’s Orchestra on 1942…
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Alastor - [ DEVOTION ] - Story Board Version. 2
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xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx
A/N: Total contrast to the first one but that’s the beauty of writing I suppose. This is more from Alastor’s pov.
xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx
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terry-perry · 2 months
It’s not original but I have a feeling you’d be great at writing a Flapper AU between Alaster and Reader who’s a flapper/singer
Original or not, it was still fun to write!
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Alastor came down to the club like any other Friday night. Normally these visits passed in a whirl as the joint remained all night with jovial noises like the clinking of full glasses and loud laughter. That night, however, was different in one small yet significant way. Amid the dim lighting and senseless chatter that most men seemed to be the reason for while their female companions sat in aloofness, there was brightness onstage that Alastor couldn't look away from. The brightness came in the form of you in an alluring red ensemble singing about the fleeting nature of material wealth and the relationships that come and go with it.
With a voice like yours, Alastor felt he might need to check your back for wings. He settled for asking about you.
"Mimzy, who is that delectable creature?" He said to his friend who sat with him at their usual table. His eyes never left the lovely singer onstage, so Mimzy couldn't help but feel smug as she answered him. "That's Y/N, the newest talent here. They've got quite a set of pipes on them, huh?"
"Indeed..." was all Alastor could mutter, continuing to stare at you dazedly. You had finished the Vaudeville-blues-style song you started with and were about to slow things down with a softer tune about not knowing what to do after your love was gone.
Before this second song, however, Alastor could've sworn you peered over at his table and met his eyes. You must've because as he smiled, you winked before returning your attention to everyone else. The men had hollered at your sultry act and went nuts at the flirtatious move you pulled that was only meant for him.
He wasn't too pleased about this attention you were receiving from others. This was the first time such a thing had happened to him. There was an overwhelming desire to possess you. The shortness of breath and flooding through his body had him understand this was classic jealousy at play. When you gave him that quick wink and tiny smile that was met with such ungentlemanly calls, he was ready to kill anyone who touched you, who tried to take you away from him.
Nothing was going to stop him from owning you.
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anzadosara · 4 months
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Alastor isn't a daddy, he's a 'father'
u get what I mean
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onetaho · 10 months
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radio host man — alastor
those flowers bro
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