hvyblog · 1 year
Những ngày Tết đến gần kề, ai ai cũng như trở nên tất bật và gấp gáp hơn. Không là sắm sửa những ngày cuối năm, không là dọn dẹp lại tinh tươm nhà cửa thì cũng là tranh thủ hoàn thành nốt mớ công việc còn tồn để kịp chạy về nhà ăn Tết đoàn viên. Nhưng gần đây, tưởng như trong cái guồng hối hả tất bật chào đón nàng xuân đó, biết đâu vẫn còn thấy đọng lại trong mỗi người những nghĩ suy. 
Mỗi ngày lướt phây, đọc qua mấy trang báo mạng, lại là lúc thấy mình bỗng dưng vô ngôn... 
Vô ngôn... vì những nỗi lo lắng vô hình sắp tới. Nói vui như Táo Kinh Tế thì năm nay là “một năm kinh tế buồn”. Lướt báo nghe tin nhiều công nhân mất việc, không có tiền thưởng tết,... thầm nghĩ Tết làm gì khi chỉ dày thêm những lắng lo? Nghe mẹ bảo còn tầm 10 ngày đếm ngược, mình mới giật mình. Vì Tết năm nay không xôm, không khí chẳng nhộn nhịp rộn ràng như mọi năm. Mấy bài nhạc “Tết Tết Tết Tết đến rồi...” không thấy bác hàng xóm bật thả phanh rộn ràng như mọi năm. Khách mua hàng nghe mẹ hỏi tới tình hình làm ăn năm nay cũng chỉ lắc đầu cười trừ. Bánh mứt, giỏ quà vẫn còn ngơ ngác nhìn dòng người qua lại tấp nập, nhiều lần mẹ than rầu thành ra cũng chẳng thấy vui. Mai đào cúc, mấy chiếc liễn đỏ treo tết dường như cũng phai sắc hơn xưa. Là do tình hình năm nay ảm đạm, hay sẽ đúng như lời một số người vẫn nói... Tết Nguyên Đán, rồi sẽ mai một dần và mất đi? 
Vô ngôn... vì nỗi đau mất mát và thương cảm hướng về bé Hạo Nam những ngày qua. Lòng cha mẹ em và CĐM như lửa đốt. Qua rồi những tia hy vọng mong manh cuối cùng được nung nấu, giờ chỉ mong có thể sớm đưa em lên nhanh nhất có thể, để em không còn sợ hãi, không còn lạnh lẽo và cô độc. Ai đúng ai sai? Nên trách ai và không nên đổ lỗi cho ai? Thiện ác, đúng sai nhiều khi chẳng thể rạch ròi cho trọn. Tôi đau lòng nghĩ tới em trong những giờ phút cuối cùng của cuộc đời, trong chiếc cọc bê tông 35m cắm sâu dưới lòng đất lạnh, em đã nghĩ gì? Muốn nói những gì? Có trách cứ ai hay tự đổ lỗi cho bản thân vì một phút bất cẩn? Có thấy tiếc cho một mơ ước nhỏ bé sắp được hoàn thành nay phải đành xếp lại dở dang? Ước mơ xếp dở nằm đó, còn tấc lòng cha mẹ phải ngang dọc đến bao giờ mới nguôi ngoai được nỗi đau quá lớn của “người đầu bạc tiễn kẻ đầu xanh”? Thật ra nếu tín tâm, suy nghĩ tích cực một chút, hy vọng em đang ở một nơi nào đó khác an yên hơn, vui vẻ hơn, nơi em có thể làm bất cứ điều gì em thích mà không cần tới cái gọi là sức mạnh đồng tiền, không cần phải lao lực kiếm chát để hiện thực hóa một ước mơ tưởng chừng như quá giản đơn. Tôi hy vọng em từ nay... hành trang mang theo đừng là những mảnh sắt vụn lạnh lẽo, cũng đừng là những đồng tiền lẻ em cần kiệm tích cóp để dành... Buông xuống hết mọi dính mắc hồng trần, để nhẹ nhàng. Hãy thay bằng một nụ cười tươi, là tình yêu, là sự bao dung và tha thứ cho những người lớn, tha thứ sự thờ ơ hay vô cảm nào đó em vô tình phải chịu, tha thứ cho sự bất công nào đó mà em lỡ phải gánh gồng. Tôi cũng xin gói cho em một ít hồn nhiên vô tư (mà chúng tôi hay cuộc đời này) đã nợ em suốt những năm tháng ấu thơ...
Vô ngôn...  khi tôi phát hiện những người mất nhân tính ngày càng trở nên liều lĩnh và điên rồ. Nửa đêm nằm lướt phây, một dòng tin về việc 2 em nữ sinh học quân sự bị r.a-p.e tập thể. Cả 2 bạn đều uất ức tột cùng đến mức phải nhảy lầu, 1 bạn bị thương (gãy tay hay chân gì đó), còn 1 bạn đã mất tại chỗ. Giờ thì mình đã bức xúc tới chỗ không còn có thể vô ngôn! Sao có thể không?  Giờ mà đi ngủ với tâm trạng này thì tệ quá, nhất là khi vừa đọc được một dòng tin mang tính kích động tâm lý rất mạnh tới mình. Quyết định mở lap và ghi hết những suy nghĩ trong đầu, sắp xếp chúng lại cho có trình tự, câu cú và chữ nghĩa cũng phải rõ ràng (dân chuyên văn thì không thể viết bừa viết bộn, chưa kể mình là một đứa rất kỹ tính và cầu toàn, những gì mình viết ra đều phải chỉn chu nhất có thể, dù đó chỉ là một lời chúc mừng sinh nhật đứa bạn thân chả hạn).
Mọi người vẫn hay bảo nhau: “Làm người thì đừng để phần con lớn hơn phần người.” Ngẫm kĩ thì chẳng sai. Con người khác con vật ở chỗ có ý thức, có cảm xúc, biết học tập, biết tư duy. Chính vì biết tư duy mới biết phân biệt được điều gì tốt điều gì xấu, cái gì nên làm và cái gì không nên làm. Chính vì biết tư duy nên mới biết cân nhắc tới hậu quả, đúng sai, mới tự lập ra ranh giới cho bản thân, những chuẩn mực đạo đức mà bản thân tuyệt đối không được phạm vào. Không ít người sẽ như tôi, để ý rằng gần đây có những vụ phạm tội rất man rợ. Họ vì mâu thuẫn tình yêu mà chém giết nhau, xem đối phương như là một khúc gỗ, hay một tảng đá vô tri mà ra sức giày xéo. Chỉ để thỏa mãn và trút giận, hậu quả thì tính sau, hoặc có lẽ khi đã quyết định làm thì họ đã không còn quá quan tâm lo sợ về hậu quả phải gánh chịu nữa. Họ vì thỏa mãn cái dục vọng đê hèn, cái mà con người ta, qua bao năm, có gắng học tập trau dồi, khiến não bộ “nhiều nếp nhăn” hơn, chỉ để cố gắng kiếm soát và làm chủ chúng nhiều nhất có thể, thì chỉ bằng một giây của thú tính đã khiến họ chọn đánh đổi - rằng từ nay chẳng còn (xứng) ra hình người. 
Tôi tự hỏi từ bao giờ mà xã hội thành ra thế này? Từ lúc hậu cô - vít, tâm trí con người trở nê điên cuồng hơn? Hay từ lúc người ta không còn hứng thú với môn Văn, môn Nhạc - Họa vì nghĩ rằng không quan trọng, họ chọn khối Tự Nhiên vì cơ hội ngành nghề có tương lai phát triển hơn? Từ lúc họ chọn thành công chứ không thành nhân? Từ lúc họ chọn tranh đấu, phát triển cái tôi và bản ngã, hướng ra ngoài thay vì quay vào tìm ánh sáng bên trong? Hay đúng như lời Phật nói: thời Mạt Pháp đã và đang diễn ra rất gần?
Chúng ta vẫn hay tự hào bản thân là loài động vật cấp cao, với bộ óc phát triển vượt bậc. Vậy mà cùng với trí thông minh, chúng ta chẳng thiết đặt giá trị đạo đức lên ngang hàng. Nếu loài vật có ngôn ngữ và tư duy của riêng chúng, liệu chúng sẽ nhìn loài người với cái nhìn thế nào? Sự kinh hãi về mức độ điên khùng và liều lĩnh, hay cái sượt dài ngao ngán vì lòng tham tưởng chừng vô đáy của con người trên con đường tìm kiếm danh vọng địa vị hào hoa, hay sẽ là những cái cười đầy bĩu môi châm biếm vào một đám người ngu ngốc trải qua cả một quá trình dài tiến hóa -  cuối cùng chỉ để chứng tỏ - nơi vài người, rằng hắn ta thậm chí còn thua cả loài súc vật! Thua vì so sánh ngang hàng sẽ là sự xúc phạm với chúng nó, nhiều loài vật rất có cảm tính, chúng thậm chí nhạy cảm, trung thành và đáng mến hơn nhiều so với vài ‘người’ đang tồn tại trên mặt đất này. Nhiều người hay tỏ ra thượng đẳng, thích rao giảng, vì có được nhận thức về bản thân, và vì tự nhận biết (hoặc ảo tưởng) về trí thông minh, cái tôi cũng đồng thời phát triển và phình to, ta ít khi chịu thừa nhận, ít khi gật đầu mà rằng: ừ, mình sai! Tệ hơn, khi ta cho phép mình cái quyền được phạm sai lầm, dẫu cho đó có là sai lầm không thể cứu vãn, đặc biệt là những sai lầm liên quan tới ý thức hệ, tới đạo đức, nhân phẩm, tới sức khỏe và tính mạng một người.
Tôi luôn tự nhủ bản thân sau này, nếu có con gái, tôi sẽ dạy cho nó cách tự bảo vệ bản thân, kiến thức về t.d cơ bản để tránh bị xâm hại, và dạy cho con cách hiểu, tìm, phát triển và dung dưỡng nội hàm. Để con có cái gốc đủ vững, có kim chỉ nam đúng đắn dẫn đường, để con tự tin vào chính mình và dám là chính mình. Khi đó, dù có đứng trước vật chất xa hoa hay hào nhoáng cỡ nào, con cũng không vì vậy mà nhất thời “nhắm mắt đưa chân”, hay chọn đánh đổi, chạy theo giá trị xa hoa phù phiếm mà làm rơi vỡ mất chính mình, vì vốn dĩ nó chẳng đáng!
Nếu là con trai, khi con đã hiểu đôi chút, bài học đầu tiên tôi muốn dạy con là cách tôn trọng và yêu thương những người thuộc phái yếu quanh con. Gần gũi là mẹ, là bà, là cô, xa hơn là vợ, rộng hơn là phụ nữ nói chung mà rồi đây con sẽ còn gặp trên đường đời. Dạy con biết tôn trọng mọi thứ từ họ, suy nghĩ, cơ thể, cảm xúc,... Dạy con biết cách cảm thông cho những thiệt thòi mà người phụ nữ từ lúc sinh ra đã phải “quàng” lên người dù chẳng muốn (cái khổ của những kì kinh nguyệt, cái đau như bức tử của việc sinh nở, cái hạnh trong việc làm vợ, làm mẹ, làm một người phụ nữ Việt-Nam... mà phái yếu vốn đã được mặc định là phải-làm-tròn.) 
Tôi cũng sẽ dạy cả hai biết cách yêu, biết thưởng thức và rung cảm trước cái đẹp (bao gồm một bài hát, một bức họa, hoặc bất cứ điều kì thú nhỏ bé nào mà thiên nhiên khẽ khàng tiếp cận tụi nó). Vì, xin được mượn ý trong bài phỏng vấn của Giáo sư Tiến sĩ Khoa học Lê Ngọc Trà: “Biết rung cảm trước cái đẹp sẽ rất khó làm điều xấu.” Mình tin vậy. 
Huyên thuyên dông dài, cũng đã hơn 2h sáng. Lâu rồi mới lại ngồi gõ ra từ trong cảm xúc cá nhân một bài viết hoàn chỉnh. Chỉ mong những ngày giáp tết này trôi qua nhẹ nhàng, tươi tắn một chút để có niềm tin và phấn khởi mà lấy đà hiên ngang cho một năm Quý Mão 2023 (hứa hẹn cũng sẽ nhiều biến động không kém). Nhưng biến động sẽ dạy người ta biết cách xoay xở thích nghi để mà tiến lên.
Hy vọng tất cả chúng ta đều sẽ đủ dẻo dai cả về thể chất lẫn tinh thần để còn liệu đường mà xoay cho khéo!
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imminences · 10 months
yo if i manage to drop this percy edit on time ive made it as a graphic designer
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by Chantress
Yennefer has been making adjustments, but this configuration certainly seems to be working for her. Jaskier agrees.
Words: 26, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of yennefer rules this house and everything in it (Podfics)
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Relationships: Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: Body Worship, Trans Character, Magical HRT, Oral Sex, Podfic, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3
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opeedes · 2 years
RT @itsemadameri: برای مادر، پدر، خواهر، برادر و دوستانی که به ناچار مجبوریم با مهاجرت ترکشون کنیم و بهترین سال‌های عمرمون رو در کنارشون نباشیم! #مهسا_امینی
RT @itsemadameri: برای مادر، پدر، خواهر، برادر و دوستانی که به ناچار مجبوریم با مهاجرت ترکشون کنیم و بهترین سال‌های عمرمون رو در کنارشون نباشیم! #مهسا_امینی
— Ali Haqiqi (@haqaliz) Sep 22, 2022
Tweeted by https://twitter.com/haqaliz if you want to check tweet, here you are :)
September 23, 2022 at 02:12AM
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ofswanlake · 20 days
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Melting is the first full album released by Nari. It was released on May 8th, 2024 through VIE Entertainment and Republic Records. It is available digitally and physically.
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TRACK 01. Espresso (orig. by SABRINA CARPENTER) is a funk-pop English song written by Nari and produced by Julian Bunetta. On Genius, she explains that she compares herself to coffee to emphasize how energetic her partner gets with her. The lyrics further explain that she can get the guy— any guy— and she is this person’s dream come true. Nari references pop culture with Nintendo and Mountain Dew in this song.
TRACK 02. Melting (orig. by KALI UCHIS) is a dreamy love song written by Nari and Kino and produced by IO and Diplo. The song details falling in love with someone who makes you lose all your worries.
TRACK 03. Rooftop * (orig. by YOOA) is a hip-hop dance number with addictive string sounds and the booming percussion sound of an 808 bass written by Nari and Ryder Kim, produced by Jimmi. On Genius, Nari states, “Rooftop compares the line between reality and dreams to a rooftop— and a bird in the cage represents being stuck, and the bird wants to fly away and be free.”
TRACK 04. Kitty Cat * (orig. by JULIE of KISS OF LIFE) is a hip-hop based pop genre song composed of both vocals and rap. It’s written by Nari and Jennie, produced by IO. The song defies society’s expectations that a woman should be tame and submissive, and Nari is exactly the opposite. The lyrics further that while it may she like she has everything, she feels unloved and feels objectified and controlled by those around her. The societal “gaze” becomes too much for her to handle, and she just wants to break free from everyone’s expectations.
TRACK 05. Nothing (orig. by KISS OF LIFE) is a medium-tempo R&B song inspired by the 2000s written by Nari and Lainey, produced by Sade. The song is about a love reaching its end, a love that changed and the lack of emotion in the relationship.
TRACK 06. Sugar Rush (orig. by BIBI) is a playful and empowering anthem with upbeat R&B pop with a sparse hip-hop beat. It’s written by Nari and Pink Slip and was produced by Pink Slip and inverness. The song emphasizes Nari’s allure and charm while also warning those who try to take advantage. This song in particular is popular for its lyrics, hidden meaning in lyrics and surprise guest appearances by the rest of BLACKPINK in the music video.
TRACK 07. Don’t Let Me Go (ft. GIRIBOY) (orig. by JEON SOMI & GIRIBOY) is an upbeat song with a catchy whistle tune and smooth rapping featuring K-rapper and producer, GIRIBOY. The song discusses the need to be with the one you love.
TRACK 08. Teenager in Love (orig. by MADISON BEER) is a doo-wop pop song written by Nari and One Love, produced by One Love. The song references Dion and the Belmonts’ 1959 song “A Teenager in Love”. The original is about
TRACK 09. Feeling Lucky (ft. Jackson Wang) (orig. by BIBI, JACKSON WANG) is an all English sultry pop song written Kurtis Wells, Aldae & ABSOLUTELY and produced by Aldae and Kurtis Wells. The song is about a mutual attraction and the thrilling dynamics of a romantic relationship. It is the only song not written by Nari on the album.
1 disc + photobook (68 photos) + two versions + one random photocard out of three + one out of two random mini posters + one out of two random solo polaroids + one ot5 blackpink polaroid + stickers + one big folded poster + one swan keychain (PRE-ORDER ONLY)
Rooftop Stages
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Kitty Cat Stages
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Espresso Stages
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Espresso was released first as a surprise with one teaser announced on social media on May 6th, 2024 at 12AM KST. The song was an English pre-release single.
The music video for Espresso had 76 million views in the first 24 hours. It debuted at #1 on Worldwide iTunes Songs Chart, as well as charting #1 on Bugs and Genie, #3 on MelOn, and #94 on Flo. On all music platforms, the single cover was what captured many attention.
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Melting was soon announced with teasers posted on May 8th, 2024. It received over 200k pre-orders in the first 24 hours and within two weeks, it had 1.5million pre-orders.
There are two versions of the album, HEART and FACE.
Melting was released across all platforms on May 27th, 2024. All songs charted in the top 100 across Bugs, Genie, and MelOn. Rooftop debuted at #97 on Flo. The track Sugar Rush was banned from music shows.
Rooftop gained 59 million views within 24 hours, debuting at #1 on Bugs and Genie, #2 on MelOn and #97 on Flo. Nari promoted Rooftop on Korean music shows for two weeks, gaining seven music show wins during the time but in total had eleven wins for the song and performed Kitty Cat three times.
Nari promoted Espresso first, after she went to the Met Gala. She performed on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
She also went on Genius Verified to explain the lyrics, along with Wired! for Nari Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions.
She was super excited to do the Puppy Interview with Buzzfeed, she even posted a selfie teaser before the video and some videos on her Instagram once the video was out.
When promoting in Korea, she made sure to go on a lot of variety shows, mostly because she never got the chance before.
She went on Jaefriends, Knowing Bros, Let’s Eat, XYOB, The K-Star Next Door with Jonathan, D&E’s Wanna Come Here, PSICK Show, and The Killing Voice. She really enjoyed being on all of them, making sure to show her appreciation for being invited.
Nari explained on Genius Verified about Teenager in Love, “It’s not about anyone you know.”
VIE Entertainment (Nari) posted a live performance and dance practice for Espresso, Rooftop, and Kitty Cat on YouTube. Along with a lot of vlogs after the era was over, including her GRWM video for the Met Gala (which was posted before), preparing for her comeback, videos of her in the studio, etc.
She also opened her own TikTok account and began posting dance challenges with other idols, along with current trending challenges. She was the first idol Jennie did the Spot challenge with, and likewise for Espresso and Rooftop.
On social media, BLINKs were more ruthless than ever with getting rid of hate posts. VIE Entertainment also had to post a statement about taking legal action against malicious posts.
If she knew anything about said malicious posts, she never spoke out against them or seemed down at any point.
Not once did Nari answer any questions about Jungkook if she was asked by a reporter who couldn’t get the memo, known for either staring at them in silence until they changed the topic or laughing and ignoring them. But everyone knew they were still together as it somehow got out that she went to visit him.
Each time she went somewhere to a known schedule, she had multiple bodyguards with her just in case. And even for her just being out, she had bodyguards with her, no matter what. Which a lot of BLINKs (and Nari’s circle) were glad for.
All in all, it was a really good surprise comeback for Nari.
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kmgkmg · 10 months
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word count: 9.6k… (all parts combined)
pairing: joshua x gn!reader
synopsis: you're a camp counselor for a local summer camp forced to work with your ex-best friend joshua hong. will you be able to let bygones be bygones or will you clash with each other the entire summer?
genre/s: fluff, mix of smau and written, non-idol!au, slice of life, friends-to-enemies, enemies-to-lovers
warnings: none!
rating: pg
schedule: every day 12am cst (only 13 parts including the epilogue so it'll be finished in two weeks!)
started: 07/24/23
ended: 08/07/23
status: completed
a/n: a submission for k-vanity's camp couture event! workshops-trope/prompt: canoeing (enemies-to-lovers), cabin assignment: bobbins cabin (fluff). this fic is titled after back to us by jeremy passion and julissa leilani!! ignore the time on the upper left corner for the tweets pls <3
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✧ profiles: 1.0 ┊ 2.0 ✧
...01. gentleman hong (written)
...02. camper spirit (smau)
...03. water day (mixed)
...04. cabin wars (mixed)
...05. morning workout (smau)
...06. popsicles and lemon drops (mixed)
...07. coffee runs (smau)
...08. another serious camper (smau)
...09. sudden cold shoulder (mixed)
...10. what's your eta (smau)
...11. taking inventory (written)
...12. back to us (written)
...13. epilogue (mixed)
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playlist: apple music ┊spotify
....bonus. playlist breakdown
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Hello Can you do a Thomas reader when the reader is very affectionate but are afraid to show it her boyfriends. you could do a modern au if you want than you :)
Oooh this is so cute!!! I've never written a modern au, but now I'm just completely in love with the idea. I've got another one in my drafts now lol.
Thank you for requesting ❤❤ hope you enjoy!
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Thomas x fem!reader
Modern au (also made into kind of a college au)
Warnings: feeling of insecurity, bad past relationships briefly mentioned, also language
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You sigh, leaning back in your chair and rubbing your eyes tiredly.
As you check the time on your phone (it's 12am), you see a message from Thomas from just after 9pm.
(9:06) Finished my shift! Text me when you're done studying, I'll walk you home.
You smile at your phone. Typical sweet Thomas.
You type out a quick reply.
(12:02) Hey, ended up staying pretty late, but don't worry. See you in the morning ❤
You pack up your books and laptop, hoisting your bag onto your shoulder and leaving the library.
As you turn to start walking home, your phone pings. I'm still at work, meet me there
You frown slightly; Thomas' shift finished hours ago. Still, you make your way to the cafe he works at.
You arrive at the cafe, and little bells jingle as you open the door.
Thomas' head lifts at the sound, and his face splits with a wide grin.
"Hey," he says softly, watching as your exhausted eyes take him in.
With three long strides, you close the gap between the two of you and wrap your arms around him, dropping your face into the crook of his neck.
"Woah, hey," he lets out laugh. "You 'right?"
You pull away with a smile. "Yeah, I'm good now. How come you're here so late? Weren't you off at 9?"
"Thought I'd wait up for you. Keep Newt company too," he says, jerking his chin over to the counter.
"Coffee, Y/n?" calls Newt. "Decaf, yeah?"
"Yes please," you reply. You walk over to the register, searching for your wallet in your bag.
"Seriously, Y/n?" Newt raises an eyebrow. "Come on, you're part of the family now. It's on the house."
You send Newt a grin. "Thanks."
You turn as you hear Thomas calling your name, patting the seat beside him in a booth.
You drop into the seat, melting into the cushions and immediately slumping against Thomas.
He chuckles lightly, gazing at you as you lean into him.
The two of you stay in the cafe for a little longer, chatting with Newt as you drink your coffee.
Then Thomas walks you home, arm around your shoulder.
"How's everything been lately?" asks Thomas. "You seemed pretty stressed last night."
You sigh. "Study's tiring, as usual. But it's alright."
The two of you are having lunch in the park, takeaway bought from a nearby restaurant and an old picnic blanket laid out on the grass.
"Why you you ask?" you raise your eyebrows at him.
"I could tell you were really tired. Don't worry too much about school, okay? It's important, but it's not everything." He turns a concerned look to you, and you warm at the care in his eyes.
"Yeah, I know," you say with a smile. You thread your fingers with his, leaning your head on his shoulder.
"It was a little like this actually," says Thomas.
"Like what?"
"Like, you're usually, you know, you only do this," he nudges your head gently with his shoulder. "When you're tired."
You blink, and the realisation hits you like a punch to the gut.
You pull away instantly, yanking your hand out of his.
"I'm- I'm sorry," you whisper. "I didn't mean to be all- you know. Sorry."
"What? No, hey, Y/n that's not what I-"
But you don't hear his protests and reassurances, you're stuck inside your head.
You've always been a more affectionate person, always big on hugging, laying on other people, holding hands with everyone, whether that's friends or otherwise.
It's just- you've been told before that you're too clingy, or you've made dates uncomfortable by getting too close to the person.
You're terrified for the same to happen with Thomas, the first person you've actually felt like you could fall in love with.
Usually you manage to pull yourself back, but you suppose last night you were just too tired to keep yourself in check.
"Y/n, please. Look at me," you break out of your thoughts as you meet Thomas' eyes.
"I'm sorry," you say again.
"What for? There was nothing to be sorry for. Shit, I'm sorry. I just meant- I know you keep your guard up around me, and I didn't mean to make you worry, I just-"
His hands cup your face as he speaks, and he's got a slight frown on his face as he tries to get you to understand.
"You can be yourself around me," he promises. "I don't care if you're too clingy, or whatever the problem was. I love it when you're leaning on me or holding my hand. And if you don't want that stuff, that's fine too."
You huff out a laugh. "Okay. Thank you."
You reach out and pull him into a tight hug.
"We good?"
"Yeah, good."
After getting everything straightened out with Thomas, you've started to let yourself be a little more affectionate with him, and you love the way he always reciprocates immediately.
"Someone pinch me!" gasps Minho, clutching his chest dramatically. "A genuine Y/n sighting, in the flesh!"
"Hilarious," you deadpan, rolling your eyes at his antics as you walk into the cafe.
"Hey, c'mon, we haven't seen you in weeks," says Newt, sending you a grin.
"Exam season sucks," you groan. "Is Thomas here?"
"In the back," Minho points to the kitchen.
You drop your bag into the corner of the booth as you slide in.
"Y/n!" Thomas presses a kiss to your forehead as he sits down beside you. "Hey, can I take my break now?"
" 'course," says Minho, standing to return to his shift.
"I haven't seen you in ages," murmurs Thomas, pulling you into him.
You giggle and tilt your head up to kiss his jaw. "I literally saw you yesterday."
"Day before yesterday," he corrects with a mock-pout. "It's too long."
"Sorry," you say, pulling his hand toward you so you can play with his fingers. "Promise I'll make up for the lost time later, 'kay?"
"You better," says Thomas with a grin.
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A shorter fic than usual, but I loved the slice of life kind of feel when I was writing it. I love writing Thomas cause I always picture him as the cutest, sweetest guy in a relationship ❤❤
Thank you for the request!! Hope you enjoyed :)
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ganyuslily · 1 year
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“an inch. just an inch lower,” he’s saying, his voice barely above a whisper. one of his hands is ghosting over the small of your back. he wants it— wants you so bad it drives him crazy. “an inch lower and it will be perfect,” he murmures, his eyes gazing into yours. his pupils are blown out and he trails a finger down your spine. gently. slowly. you’re so perfect and he wants to memorize all the curves on your body. to not miss a single one. to be able to know you better than anyone else.
“here. here, you have my heart,” he guides your hand as he tightens his hold on it. his fingers are curled around it, the warmth from his skin seeping into yours. your arm is shaking slightly, your resolve wavering and upon noticing it his lips curl up into a cat-like smile. perhaps, you want him too. more than you let it show. he lets himself tilt his head in a silent question and starts leaving kisses on your jaw. small, little pecks. he is a gentleman, after all. and yet, the moment your breath hitches and you bare your neck for him all his manners leave. he’s touching you as if you were about to disappear.
“now push it,” he’s urging you, his lips trailing down your neck. he’s kissing you as if he were planning to devour you whole. as if he were to never let go. “take it. take all of it— whatever you want. my life included,” your breathing is uneven and he’s fully aware of the dagger mere centimeters from his chest and yet, he can’t find it in himself to care. he wants you to crumble — wants you to crumble in his arms so bad it drives him crazy. wants you to want him as much as he wants you.
“i’ll give you whatever you want.”
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oh to have a make out session with the one u r supposed to be killing am i right
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
This is About Andrew but it is Equally Applicable to Harry. by u/Upbeat_Cat1182
This is About Andrew, but it is Equally Applicable to Harry. “Years ago he was a hero naval officer, charming and good looking. What a meteoric downfall. He was never clever about the company he kept. In fact he's not very clever, full stop.'He doesn't like taking advice and has a severe lack of judgment, as well as historically surrounding himself by people who told him he could walk on water. If you are surrounded by sycophants like that, you believe your own Press.'The Palace needs to get a grip on this. It's difficult for the family. He is still their flesh and blood. But King Charles must act.’”https://ift.tt/VclWxXp all respect to HMTLQ, there is something wrong in this family. Going back to at least Queen Victoria, many of the sons have been complete disappointments as human beings. I am not anti-Monarchy at all, but enough with the sons who are lazy, entitled, corrupt, pathetic and problematic. It is both sad and infuriating. post link: https://ift.tt/YPIBnF6 author: Upbeat_Cat1182 submitted: January 05, 2024 at 02:12AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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venomousnakes · 4 months
SHINee's Box Broadcast Plan
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27/01 Saturday at 12am - 01am
02/03 Saturday at 12am-01am
The reality show will be broadcasted by TV Asahi and Telasa*
*exclusive content exclusively for Telasa will be distributed at the same time
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twocrabcake · 9 months
alright here’s the deal
i’m gonna make a percentage of how many trap victims/related persons survive
wish me luck this is gonna be tedious 🫡
it’s been an hour or two since i wrote that lol i got busy
idk i’m starting when its like 12am????
survived: iiiiiiiiii
not: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special (survived): iiiiiii
special (not): iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
special is either 1 the game was rigged or 2 they beat the game but died some other related way (ex: adam) 3 or if it was up to somebody else to save you as part of their game (ex: eric matthews, like a lot of them actually)
special good is when it was rigged/something was against them or different but they still beat it. hold on hold up i’m looking for an example rn. ok the secretary lady deborah or something she was in a trap out of her control but she survived.
(timing these for some reason) 1:12 am
dude idk where to put matthews bc his first game was a fluke and he survived but he was also like saved? idk man i’ll think about it (i put him in special died OH GOD NO LOOK AT NOTES)
i can’t put my headcanons/theory’s in here okay cowabummer dude (i have to put adam in dead i’m sorry ok)
1:20 (^im realizing now a shit ton of these fall into the special category whoopsies maybe i got too specific)
1:28 aw dude the fatal 5 are gonna suckkkk bc they’re all working together and linked and connected and shit fhhhghh
1:33 okay dude the steam lady is difficult bc the first half was a special but the last wasn’t. fuck it im just gonna say she could have survived the burns herself
1:40 can’t decide if the first and rebooted games from jigsaw should be put in together or if they should be separate. i just finished i smoked an entire bowl and i am trying my best here ok
1:50 the train guys is rigged they don’t explicitly say it but there’s no way
1:58 alright. fucking finally. that experience was just a downward spiral haha get it bc i hate that movie. also hate jigsaw the movie jigsaw. this was very unpleasant once i’m done with this shit i’m gonna fall asleep to saw 5 or smthn.
2:02 i have to use a counter online bc i’m too tired to count all those little i bitches
2:06 the fruits of my labor. my creation. behold
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Pie chart
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oh thank god
ok so there it is. the ratio of victims that survived and victims who’ve perished in jigsaws traps. you don’t know how much footage i’ve skimmed through. 1 like=1 ass kicking for to me because what was i thinking
me laying down in bed after this ↓
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2:18 ok here it is. the real true official one.
sorry for all that. thank you for accompanying me on this task. i did not have fun. except when i was watching 1-3d but then after that it sucked. 1-3d even took up almost all of the view time but the last bits were so unpleasant it threw that all out the window. gonna go watch one of the original saw movies. you can tell saw x will be good bc it has saw in the name. the title. oh my god oh god i’m realizing i forgot people. i think i forgot bobby. what the hell man screw this i’m going to sleep. i’ll deal with it when i wake up and wonder what the fuck i was on last night. thank you for joining me on this journey of a mental breakdown everybody. a mental spiral, even, if you will. i’m imagining cheesy ending scene music like the character/actor is thanking the audience. signing, logging off at 2:34 am. goodnight everyone.
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wonjinburger · 10 months
writing prompt #04
bumping into each other as solo travelers ; park sunghoon
태양보다 찬란한 . . . 그게 바로 나
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INFO : : park sunghoon x reader / romcom
wc : <1600
notes : this was lowkey rushed bcs i had an idea at 12am but i had to go sleep but i couldn't risk losing the idea
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20 JANUARY 2023 : :
2:04 - it's currently 2am and i've just landed in paris, and i'm now heading to my hotel room to take a long ass nap.
13:12 - jk the nap lasted from around 11 hours. now it's 1pm and i'm going to go out for lunch. i've heard a lot of good word about a specific cafe so i'm gonna go try it out!
13:37 - the weirdest things just happened what the fuck? i bumped into this guy, who was really hot btw, by accident. obviously i apologized for it like a normal person but he just scoffed at me and left?? thanks for that random stranger.
23 JANUARY 2023 : :
12:02 - i just had a quick snack and i'm currently on the train to versailles, i wanted to have a quick look at all the beautiful architecture. i find versailles to be such a romantic and beautiful place lol
12:28 - i've arrived at versailles! i have a tour booked for today at 1pm, so i guess i'll walk around versailles for now.
13:13 - no fucking way, the guy i bumped into a few days ago is here too, like, in the same tour group as me. i said hi and he basically looked at me weird and left me standing. thank god idk this guy and i'll never see him again, he seems like an ass.
14 APRIL 2023 : :
10:16 - hi journal, today i'm in the netherlands, i heard about the keukenhof tulip garden and of course i had to come here. i just had breakfast at the hotel i'm staying in and i'm about to head out to the garden to see all the pretty flowers!
11:11 - THE GARDEN IS SO PRETTY OMG BUT THAT EXPERIENCE WAS LOWKEY RUINED. by who you may ask? by FUCKING FRANCE DUDE?? WHY IS HE EVERYWHERE???? like i was taking photos of the pretty flowers and boom, suddenly i see him through the lens of my camera, please get this guy out of my life
11 MAY 2023 : :
00:01 - i have finally done one of the things off my bucket list, and that is to visit switzerland! i always saw tiktoks and photos of the amazing view and obviously i had to come see for myself, but it's 12am rn and i am really tired so i'm gonna go sleep, then i'll explore in the morning
11:42 - okay i woke up a few minutes ago which is quite late, but i'm gonna go down to the hotel's cafeteria and have some brunch before i explore the town
4:51 - hi this isn't funny anymore, i literally just set foot into an eatery near one of the places i was visiting and i see france dude, AGAIN. can he just get out of my life atp please, i'm so sick of seeing his annoying (but ig good-looking) face. AND WHY IS THE ONLY AVAILABLE SEAT LIKE NEXT TO HIS TABLE???
-- (☆)
i'm going back home to korea today, i think i've been travelling way too much, so i'm going to go home and rest up and spend time with my family and some friends.
i boarded the plane and by that point it was 11pm and i was honestly drained. i spent a whole day exploring the more nature-y side of switzerland and the view definitely did not disappoint.
i sat myself down in my assigned seat and was so ready to fall asleep at this point. a guy walked over and sat next to me, and i bet you won't be able to figure out who was gonna be my plane seatmate for almost 12 hours. yeah it was france guy. he seemed pretty surprised to see me too i think.
after he sat himself down next to me, he looked at me, maybe i was staring too hard.. "hey" i looked at him, question marks practically all over my forehead. "can you stop staring at me" i scoffed at him, this guy is ridiculous!
the plane took off a few minutes later and i was starting to doze off, and unfortunately for me i left my neck pillow in my luggage by accident, so my head was dropping left and right.
i suddenly woke up and it felt like i was lying against something? i sat upright to see what i had been sleeping on, and it was france dude? he woke up when he felt me getting up. "you're finally up, my shoulder feels like it's about to dislocate"
'okay sorry for accidentally sleeping on your shoulder but like, rude much'
"oh shit, i'm so sorry. i left my neck pillow in my luggage and i think i just passed out suddenly" he scoffed and i was so close to losing my shit not gonna lie. but the next moment, he handed me his neck pillow and i looked at him while holding the neck pillow. "just use it, i'd rather you use my stuff than you use me" damn okay stranger. "oh, thanks?" and soon he attempted to go back to sleep.
it was currently 8:59am, which meant we still had probably less than 2 hours left of this plane ride, and i was thanking heavens because 12 hours next to this guy would've been hell if i weren't fast asleep.
france guy was moving around in his seat and i assumed he couldn't fall back asleep. i tapped on his shoulders a little to get his attention "hey, you can have your neck pillow back, seems like you can't sleep, and i'm pretty energized right now" he looked at me and sighed "it's fine, i'll just give up on going back to sleep".
after that it was pure silence. and i couldn't stand it so of course i had to open my big ass mouth.
"so.. you travel a lot?" he nodded his gaze fixed on his phone. "alone?" he nodded again still focusing on his screen. damn talking to this guy is so hard. let's bring up the past! "you remember the first time we met?" he finally looked at me. "we've met?" are you fucking serious right now.
"i bumped into you on accident in paris back in january?" he thought about it for a second before replying. "oh! i remember now, you bumped into me and almost spilt your hot coffee all over me" "hey! it almost spilt on me too okay, and i apologized for it" he shrugged it off and went back on his phone.
"you know, i kept seeing you around while i was travelling and at some point i thought you were stalking me" he looked back at me again, his eyebrows furrowed this time. "what the fuck why would i stalk you, i don't even know you?" "it happens sometimes" "hey, for all i know you could be the one stalking me right now" i was taken aback, speechless, i can't handle this guy oh my god.
"you know, your looks and personality clash a lot" he gave me a look that said 'wtf do you mean'. "you're a good-looking guy, like, i'd definitely date you if your personality was nicer" he stared at me for a while and chuckled a little. "for your information i have a great personality" "it sure doesn't seem that way" he scoffed and put his phone down before looking me in the eyes.
"i'm nice to people i'm close to, last i checked, we don't even know each other." "maybe we can change that" he looked shocked by what i said. honestly i'm shocked too, but i mean, he's pretty hot, it would be a wasted chance.
"you want us to get close?" i nodded. "you're ridiculous lady" i rested my head in the palm of my hands as i kept eye contact with him "it's y/n, lee y/n. and you are?" he looked at me in disbelief for a while. "i can't believe this is happening." he let out a deep and heavy sigh before introducing himself. "i'm park sunghoon."
"nice to meet you sunghoon. oh, i was gonna ask if you were korean, but your name just confirmed it for me" "are you heading home right now?" i nodded to his question. "homesick?" he asked, and i nodded. it seemed like he was feeling homesick too. "maybe we should hangout sometime while we're in korea" i blurted out suddenly, to my surprise he didn't oppose of this idea.
i then pushed my phone towards him, "can i have your number then?" he looked at my phone, then at me. "are you hitting on me?" i don't know, was i? i mean, i am interested in him, so i guess? "yeah i am, so what do you say, can i have your number? and maybe we can go out sometime and maybe even travel together?" he stared at me in shock, but his reply lowkey shocked me too.
"sure, let's go on a date soon"
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likhe-jo-khat-tujhe · 26 days
Entry #9: Om's birthday.
[Mondayday || May 6/2024 || nighttime.]
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About Sunday/5 May/2024: after morning routine I started writing tumblr post after 10am. I collected lyrics and wrote meaning + started searching for pictures after scrolling on pinterest for hours, created moodboards out of those pictures (because there's limit of 10 pictures and 1 video) wrote everything I could think of despite having terrible headache because of sleep deprivation. Till lunch I couldn't think of how I should I portray this wish then I thought of last year's birthday wish and thought of chennai express and that's how I came up with "gujarat express" idea and started writing important parts. After that I collected pictures and videos according to his vibes from pinterest after scrolling so much once again. At the end I decided to add a video, I searched for it but I didn't like the song so I changed it. After that Created 3 edits as always, even though it was hard for me to decide bg music for those edits. After that I wrote paragraph for his dm, wrote few lines for his each birthday, from 1 to 20. And it was already 12:00am.
He came to my dm before 12am but I was still editing tumblr post and at 12:00am I wished him happy birthday first and posted that tumblr post as always and told him to see tumblr post. He came here to read it and I went to mention him my instagram stories. I came back and he was still reading that post because it was lengthier than I thought. He came to my dm, was so overwhelmed with emotions and was lose for words. So I sent him that mini letter I wrote for his each birthday, he loved it and laughed because I made it kinda casual and wholesome, no big lines or words but just my thoughts. I let him process though he kept saying how happy he was and how lucky he was to have me and writer's love is one of a kind and by then it was already 01:30, I kept him in my dm for that long before he went to see my instagram stories. He liked those edits as well, he came back to me and kept talking and complimenting me for whatever I did for him till 02:44am and we fell asleep. He talked about each and every line I wrote for him like he couldn't decide which part was his favorite, all these because I can't call him or face time with him or send him vns(my family is strict). So I try to make up with my writing.
In the morning I sent him gujarati playlist I created for him specially with good morning text and afternoon came he went to shopping with his cousins and family. He texted me and asked me to select an outfit for him because he couldn't decide which one he should buy and so I chose for him. At evening he went out with his relative's family to celebrate his birthday and I'm happy that he's enjoying his birthday like this.
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Why do I can't stop myself from writing about him? I ended up writing about him once again. See...
They said "Go where you feel the most alive."
And I hid into his embrace.
...And when he speaks, I can feel hope crawling out of my lifeless chest.
They say you can't reach to the stars but that's wrong. I see stars in his eyes whenever he talks about his dreams.
He is what a lost poet wants to write about but can't, happiness.
If he'd tell me to kneel I wouldn't dare to look up.
He has taken over my mind, my heart and my soul like devil takes over sinner's prayers.
If I were to get locked up in one room without a way out, I would create stories for him in my mind to keep me alive till the end. –Simran.
To my past self: I found something better than your books, inspiration for writing. And that's because of him, Om.
To my future self: I know that you won't stop writing about him because now he has blended our souls and only death can stop my pen.
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sugaftrm · 2 years
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opeedes · 2 years
RT @HeroineGardens: این مردم تو خیابونا نمیذارن این اعتراضات بخوابه، شمایی که تو خونه هستی و به هر دلیلی نمیری بیرون نذار این هشتگا از ترند خارج شه #مهسا_امینی #OpIran
RT @HeroineGardens: این مردم تو خیابونا نمیذارن این اعتراضات بخوابه، شمایی که تو خونه هستی و به هر دلیلی نمیری بیرون نذار این هشتگا از ترند خارج شه #مهسا_امینی #OpIran
— Ali Haqiqi (@haqaliz) Sep 22, 2022
Tweeted by https://twitter.com/haqaliz if you want to check tweet, here you are :)
September 23, 2022 at 02:12AM
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dhr-ao3 · 2 months
There and Back
There and Back https://ift.tt/5btgWm8 by aplacetostart She knows exactly where she’d go, what she’d say. It wouldn’t even be hard. One trip, there and back. One decision shifted ever so slightly. All she needs to do is find the right ripple, ride it to the right shore… Hermione Granger would give anything to fix the greatest mistake she's ever made. But when her recklessness gets the best of her and her plan falls apart, she's forced to pick up the pieces of her own life - then, now, and in the future - in the most unexpected ways. Words: 3744, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger's Mother, Hermione Granger's Father, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Time Turners (Harry Potter), Obliviate | Memory Charm (Harry Potter), Time Travel, Memory Loss, Janus Thickey Ward (Harry Potter), Unspeakables (Harry Potter), Adult Hermione Granger, Adult Draco Malfoy, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Good Friend Parvati Patil, Past Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Endgame Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Romance, Falling In Love, Love at First Sight, Eventual Smut via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/uXcJUkO March 26, 2024 at 02:12AM
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