terracottakore · 6 months
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moon, tell me if i could
send up my heart to you
so when i die, which i must do
could it shine down here with you
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shyhandart · 2 months
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shiny-eyed-corvid · 2 months
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going absolutely feral over this collection of items that washed up on Cornish beaches Lego Lost At Sea on twitter
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fiomeras · 9 months
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sadness and madness sadness and madness
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ash-and-starlight · 4 months
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taking the crumbs of venetian agna qel’a chewing biting gnashing on them until there aren’t even bones left and then spitting out. carnevale northern water tribe style
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im-mender · 1 year
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gravesaint · 4 months
part of my job as archivist for a LGBTQ center involves working with an interviewing elder queers, and the disconnect between our generation and theirs is so upsettingly palpable. so many young queers think that elders aren't up-to-date on identity politics and are "set in their ways" when it comes to understanding the nuances of gender and sexuality, but that is so incredibly far from the truth.
if anything, the real problem is in the reverse. young queers aren't giving the time of day to our elders and its only alienating all of us from our shared history. just about every elder I've spoken to is doing their best to understand how our identity politics have evolved and is actively supportive of our generation adding our language and experiences to our sprawling rainbow tapestry.
there is also this strange idea that elder queers no longer contribute to that tapestry, that their time is gone and its only the youth making progress. but again, that prevailing idea is just alienating our generations from one another. most elders I've spoken to are extremely active in the community and work hard to do what they can to preserve our histories and assist in current activism.
the fact of the matter is that we are losing our elders, both to time and estrangement, and it is critical that we make conscious efforts to bridge the gap before its too late.
TLDR: We have to do better when it comes to including queer elders in our current activism. They are our history, they are our family, and we need to give them the same love they give to us.
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assassin-artist · 3 months
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"Let us go together, my dear Consort eternal."
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noodles-07 · 9 months
god people have always been people. victorian noblewomen stubbed their toes and swore about it. medieval peasants ripped hangnails a little too hard and sucked on it to make it better. cavemen put kids on their shoulders so the kids could get their handprints up on the wall. someone in the 1760s played with their dog and someone in the 1340s dragged themself out of bed at some unholy hour of the morning to soothe a crying baby and someone in the 1550s stuck a flower behind their lovers ear. I'm gonna be sick people have always been people
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ruporas · 18 days
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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h4msanta · 9 months
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otter man :)
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yuutaguro · 24 days
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too busy being yours 🌇
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metamorphicrocky · 6 months
doctor who coming back in the year of 2023 when terfism and biological essentialism and transphobia are on the rise and making one of THE most hyped up episodes by bringing back fan favorites david tennant and catherine tate. all about being trans
showing rose being bullied and her grandma struggling to get it right but still being supportive. and shaun and donna being the greatest parents by being ready to burn the world down to protect their daughter. the doctor asking for the meep's pronouns AND IT'S NORMAL???
and all of that is brilliant to see rose as a trans character and it is important to the narrative. BUT THEN. ROSE BEING TRANS SAVES DONNA'S LIFE BY TAKING HALF OF THE METACRISIS. BECAUSE THE DOCTOR IS MALE AND FEMALE AND NEITHER AND MORE. AND THAT IS INTEGRAL TO DOCTOR WHO AS A WHOLE. and it saved donna's life
to see doctor who be so BLATANTLY trans and nonbinary at the core of the series. the multiple references to the fact that before fourteen, thirteen was a woman. so to see this? trans people stay winning. thank you doctor who for doubling down on the importance of the doctor being trans because oh my god I am so emotional about this
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the crucible (1953) - arthur miller
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voltaical-art · 3 months
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do you guys ever think about how Wyll is introduced as an archetypal fantasy hero, but then it turns out he’s a warlock, who made a pact with a devil. Do you ever think about how Ansur is described as this fantastical dragon of myth, but then when you find him, he’s turned into an undead monstrosity. Do you think about how when Wyll does the right thing, he is punished to become more monstrous. Do you think about how as Wyll’s warlock powers grow, his spells get more horrific. Do you think about how Ansur was killed by his closest friend. Do think about how Wyll was cast out by the most important person in his life. do you guys ever think about Ansur and Wyll.
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shandsformation · 2 months
got my hands on sb pro :0
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