#... oh wait...
thewatcher98 · 2 months
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The hands
The eyes
THE Morsetache™ (Yep. Again. I'm not sorry)
(from 0602 - Apollo)
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petit-papillion · 1 month
One thing I genuinely don’t understand is why there needs to be two hp logos on the front of the suit? Like the big one can’t be missed why add another smaller one. It’s so ugly. It’s giving mclaren with its 163829 sponsors on the suit
As much as I hate them, it has been pretty standard, even for Ferrari. Back when it was Mission Winnow, we also had a smaller and big logo on the front, plus another one on the collar:
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and another one on the back:
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And check out the suit when it was Marlboro:
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Three on the front, 1 on each sleeve, a big one on the back, 5 on the helmet, 1 on each side of the cap... Oh, and there was also a massive Marlboro on the back wing.
But because those logos were also red/white, they just blended a lot better on the suit than the HP logos. I suppose we'll have to get used to them though.
📷Leanne Boon, Thierry Gromik/ABACA
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
Febuwhump day 12 - Semi-conscious.
Part 3 of the pinned-down series!
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jedibinx · 29 days
What's so wrong about wanting a feminine boyfriend who wears booty shorts and has a heavy amount of tattoos and piercings, a smile that lights up the night sky, the heart of a 50s ballad singer, the personality of a golden retriever on pixie sticks and loves cuddles and kisses? Because, ahahaha, I can't see anything wrong over here except I can't find him! 🥹 What?... too picky? Absolutely not.
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opbackgrounds · 2 years
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Zoro’s just jealous
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C'mon Nya it's just a little green goo it can't be THAT BAD-
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gabriel-xander · 7 months
Just read your "I wish you died instead" series, and your writing style is AMAZING AND ALSO HILARIOUS. CONGRATS ON THE TALENT 🎉🎉
Thank you so much 🥹🥹 I'm super glad you enjoyed it 😭💙🫶🥖🥖
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kharmii · 10 months
You really need to reconsider the way you think about trans people for both your sake and the sake of the lgbt community as a whole
Why?! -Because I don't support medical experimentation on humans? I was fine to be live and let live when it came to freaky things trans people chose to do with their own bodies, but when they started coming after the children, it was time to speak up. The mutilation of children in a healthy society would trigger wars, but we are too comfy and well-fed to be up in arms.
Still, it isn't popular. Your average low info voting left wing goober who will support every left wing cause out of fear of what people think of them will still get creeped out by the idea of putting kids on puberty blockers....at least where I'm at. There are enclaves of really far leftist whack-a-doodles who will give a weirdo mother with Munchausen by Proxy accolades when she like, "Oh, my little precious four-year-old likes to dress up like a Disney Princess. Let's CUT HIS FUCKEN DICK OFF!!!" (My first thought when I found out about a certain YouTube personality whose mom transitioned him at kindergarten age......most obvious victim of these crimes against humanity).
Seriously, it's weirdos like that who I have an issue with more than trans people themselves. Many are victims of a terrible culture. Secular progressivism, -which has killed more people than all religious wars combined- is an ideology that pretends to want to help you but somehow manages to be best at wreaking carnage. Popularization of trans culture has undoubtedly left a huge pile of dead bodies in its wake already.
-But I'm off track. This was supposed to be an anti-surgery post. Before surgeons jump straight into mutilating healthy bodies as some sort of twisted performance art, they are supposed to do it on lab animals first. How would that even be possible? Is a female animal able to tell a doctor that taking testosterone made them stop giving a damn? -That female hormones in a male animal gave them symptoms of being bipolar? -That their new genitals are still numb five months post-surgery, so they still are unable to enjoy sex and orgasm? That their hair is falling out, blood is thickening, back is covered in acne....that they are becoming enormously obese from their hormonal imbalance? Is this all 'wait and see' shenanigans that often lead to suicide? -And now they want to normalize doing it to children?
When I read Game of Thrones back in the day, there was a part where one of the princes of the Iron Islands cut off his finger playing a game. The Maester (doctor) did an experiment where he sewed it back on, instead of letting the guy lose a finger, as was tradition. When the guy died of sepsis, they punished the maester by cutting off his finger and sewing it on so he died the same way.
That would be a fitting punishment for the ghouls who do horrific experimental transgender surgeries on vulnerable citizens. Lets do some experiments on them. Why not transition someones fucken ear into a vagina? Then they could identify as a person with a vagina in their ear. -Or how about one of them gets a womb routed into their bunghole Omegaverse style. Oh wait, they actually killed an 18-year-old boy doing something similar where doctors made a vagina from bacteria-saturated colon tissue. How many lab animals received the rectum-vagina before it was attempted on a human? Who had the power to approve that obviously fatal experiment? (Click the link for graphic photos everybody should have to see who supports this nonsense.)
Even better....let's turn the unethical surgeons into some of the stupid fetishes the pro-shippers are into on here. Every biological female has to be an a/b/o alpha with a penis tucked into her vagina, whereas the males have to be omegas with ass-wombs. At least one of them has to transition into a male with two dicks. Let's make it a mutilation extravaganza and gouge out a few eyes, maybe cut some legs off at the knees! *fist pump* -Because let's get real......transgender culture is one part mental illness and two parts everybody's stupid fetishes. Fucking up our children might even be a fetish to these monsters. A lot of people would be better off cross-dressing and retaining the ability to enjoy sex with the equipment God gave them. One that note, I'll leave you with one last Tweet of Gold:
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dragalia-life · 2 years
If twitter dies meet me in the dragalia lost alliance chat
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feferipeixes · 1 year
c-ta in the black rose therapy elevator from Utena. Like if you agree
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shackld · 1 year
what shape does your relief take?
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you may not be ready to let down your mask, but the first step is to make it look like you. paint your face on the outside- you're still safe and contained, nobody knows you, but one day, they will have to. you can't stay closed off from everyone forever, but small steps will make you ready for the day you will have to open up. express yourself with distance- one day, you will want to take it off.
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crazywolf828 · 2 years
I posted something RWBY related on Snapchat and this girl (we had originally bonded over RWBY and bmblb) who ghosted me and hasn't talked to in over a year just sent me a chat. The anxiety to open that is incredible.
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crisscross-artsauce · 2 years
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OoOoOoO eDgY
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purpleisnotacolor · 2 years
oh boy my second death threat!
I really am growing on here.
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trashy-greyjoy · 5 months
really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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the-real-google · 12 days
To celebrate pride month I've decided to make a part 2 of the killing transphobes post since it was given a community warning. (🚗🔨⚒️💥)
For every note this gets I will kill one (1) acephobe AND one (1) arophobe with my bare hands.
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