#. that's it
docheros · 10 hours
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oofouchstovehot · 12 hours
The meme with the two people in bed except the one with the cigar is just as flustered as the one leaning against them
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it-couldbe-worse · 15 hours
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freddy-owo · 16 hours
Listening to kinmokusei (vbs cover) for the first time in a while and hoo boy (/pos)
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streamsofstardust · 19 hours
my wardrobe does not match hozier vibes
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kkochang · 21 hours
maxley make out messily.
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pearlynia · 22 hours
James "i can fix him (no really I can)" Potter
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ghirahimbo · 24 hours
getting the sense that clip studio paint is gonna be. a learning curve 🙃
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paririeofmxses · 1 day
*clears her throat*
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"Cowboy Rights!"
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m-ayo-o · 2 days
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Suguru Geto
The kind of man who leans in to kiss you and just
With that come here and get it look on his face
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frommybookbook · 2 days
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she's perfect
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Silly writer things and some musical ramblings
*sigh* just a little silly writing update to you all before I come back with serious stuff, shattering whole worlds, making you cry over feels for these unhinged half-demons,
I 100.000% blame my sister for throwing me back into my Richie Sambora crush and I must warn you all it will show in the next things I write for Dante - we'll have 'you yee'd your last 'haw' silly red devil in these premises soon enough and I regret nothing.
Though Dante will be more like this, probably
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Before you guys ask, it's the Bon Jovi docuseries. I first listened to them when I was 6 y/o, probably, and Livin' on a Prayer was the first song I felt things I didn't even know I could feel with music. I saw Richie singing and playing, bam, love at first guitar chord.
Plus, Wanted Dead or Alive is one of Dante's life anthems, he would sing and play it 10/10 dressed like Richie, I'll die on this hill. I'll leave you with the video that made me go "I wanna be a badass guitar player someday":
(and some of my music ramblings under the cut for those interested in it, feel free to not read it but give the video a shot! Seriously. It's a very long ramble, though you might learn a thing or two on music!)
Little disclaimer: I'm just getting back to it, so sorry for blabbering about this here - I kinda need an outlet and I have no one else to talk to about all this. Music has been my best friend ever since I was a kid and I had to muffle it for a very long time in my life, I'm just now coming back to life and it feels amazing!
I had piano classes at school, but I always wanted to play and learn things that weren't quite in the curriculum...
Hence why I got used to watching videos and observing musicians extensively. It's kinda creepy actually
So, Richie has a triple neck guitar here, first time I ever saw one. The first neck, I think it's something close to a mandolin, second neck a normal 6 strings guitar, third neck a 12 strings guitar - basically, 2 strings instead of just one like a regular guitar. The 12 strings is the one that gives Wanted Dead or Alive that cowboy feels to it.
Now, that behemoth of a guitar must weight a fucking ton. My normal, 6 strings stratocaster already weights like hell - don't ever be fooled by those guitarists manhandling their guitars around like nothing 'cause those things are heavy - imagine a triple threat like that. No wonder he plays most of it sitting down.
Hence why Dante can play and wield Nevan like it's made of cardboard, it's his demonic side showing, that showoff
Another thing to note, is that when he gets his electric guitar, his strap is adjusted so his guitar isn't super low on his body... And he doesn't look like young Beatles with the guitars on their chests. He looks cool, I can play my guitar like Richie and I'll be cool, 'cause I CAN'T for THE LIFE OF ME play with my guitar almost on my knees. I personally find it easier and better to play like he does.
My arms aren't that long, I'm pocket-sized, thanks Richie for avenging me back in the 80's and looking cool regardless.
And size has nothing to do with it, 'cause this man is big - and I say that by his hands. My main pet peeve with guitarists worldwide: men have big hands and can wrap them easily around the guitar necks and play 5 finger chords using their thumbs like it's nothing.
Not exclusive to men, though: my sister can do the same, but she doesn't play anything. Blessings were wasted on her :')
Nevertheless, I love watching guitarists hands and how they do stuff: how they hold their picks, how they play the notes, how they move their hands. Richie has wonderful hands and hand movements, and there's a lot to learn there by carefully watching him play.
For instance: I can rest assured I'm not learning alternate picking and training to play faster wrong, 'cause Richie rests his pinky finger of his rhythm hand on the guitar while picking the strings and it's exactly what I naturally do.
I can ditch all those "5 things you're doing wrong when playing guitar!! Avoid this!! Bet you're doing the 3rd example!!" videos, 'cause if Richie Fucking Sambora plays like this, then I'm not doing it wrong, just differently. It gives you some reassurance if you don't have a teacher or if your teacher is an asshole.
I hate people who put so many rules in music. I'm kinda like Barbossa, the Code (theory) is more of a guideline than rules set in stone, anyway. I'm learning theory, but I personally believe the ~feeling~ is more important
One thing I always do, is watch where they play on the fret and their rhythm hand movement, and I managed to figure out some songs I had trouble with just by watching them playing live.
Figured out the C9 chord while watching this video of Richie and "why isn't he playing the C chord that I play when I learned this song?" because the man knows best and taught me a thing or two I didn't know ;)
Hahahaha so, my fellow musicians, I do this with all instruments. I learn the chords, but I always watch thoroughly various videos of the guys who made the songs playing live so I can double, triple, quadruple check if I'm doing it right or how to get unstuck in a particularly annoying part I cannot figure out for the life of me.
You know those videos people make of musicians playing live on social media? Currently I'm getting a lot of Nameless Ghouls on my instagram hahahaha and said videos are WONDERFUL to watch hands and learn. I have a hand issue
And I'll end this on: Richie's ragged voice singing his part of the song at the end does things to me. Sorry Jon. But Richie snatched my heart right then and there.
I hope you guys who were patient enough to read this learned something from it and NOW I shall go write a little more and go to sleep, 'cause it's almost 2 a.m over here and I think it's showing :)
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qaycowboy · 3 days
i love mexicans
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ijustlovepinky · 3 days
i love tumblr.
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artistsfuneral · 3 days
A video game where when you crouch, your knees crack.
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tangledinredstring · 3 days
Brennan squeems
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