#-> this is also why I. don’t like test
monards · 2 months
i will never stop hating tests with vague answers and questions. “would you rather go to a party or library” i need. details!!!! clarification!!!!! is it a big/populated party. do I know someone there. is this party far away from my house. is it spontaneous or commemorating or centered around an actual event. is this a popular library where people will be. what books do they have. is it a school or public library. I CANNY TWKE THIS ANYMOIRE IS IT THAT HARD TO GUVE DETAILS.!!!!!!!!!!!
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aboutiroh · 2 months
Being multilingual is constantly being confronted with the fact that you don’t know a basic word in one of the languages you speak.
Yesterday, while returning from the store, I realized I couldn’t remember the English word for the object I had just bought. This object may have been one of the first English words I learned in school and yet I couldn’t remember it no matter how hard I tried. The best I came up with was ‘tubular adhesive’. I had bought a glue stick.
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moonilit · 6 months
just went through the second part of the AQ and to put it mildly, im not handling these sad Victorian children well
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moxymaxing · 8 months
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whatever. old man yuri blast 💥
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sanduchengjiu · 5 months
one thing that always bothered me and confused me about mdzs is why Wei Wuxian and Jiang cheng were pitted against each other so strongly. Bc even if you take into account that people would assume wwx was a bastard of jfm, in the narrative its something that is common? Or at least in terms of the Jin, there were bastards flying all over the place but I don’t remember there ever being competition about who would be the sect leader, it was always Jzx until he died. So idk if I missed something or I’m misremembering but it honestly feels like most of the pressure came from the fragile relationship between the Jiang parents and less about what society thought. Also favoring Wei Wuxian is one thing but jfm never gave any implication that he was being favored as the next in line, as shitty as his favoritism was. It just makes me feel sad that both boys were under so much pressure for absolutely futile reasons at the end of the day. Like was jc’s cultivation that bad?? I don’t think so?? And even then if he was less talented than wwx it wouldn’t matter bc he’s still the heir. It would be insane if jfm just decided to break convention over talent bc of some sect motto. And I don’t remember there ever being a requirement to be an outstanding amazing cultivator to be sect leader. If that was the case then there would be no hereditary structure to succession, and jfm wouldn’t even be on the roster? Neither would jgs. There was never any importance on their ‘talents’ so wtf was the problem.
Also what was the timeline on Wei Wuxians conception bc he and Jiang cheng were born like a week apart at least at most one year and it seems like wwxs parents were not even at lotus pier since they left to wander together. I feel like that would clear a lot of things up tbh. bc I don’t think jfm capable of finding csr on the road and conceiving wwx and then coming home to yzy and conceiving jc, and csr wasn’t even a yunmeng jiang cultivator it was wcz?? So what was the overlap. Like did jfm get wcz pregnant or what?? Were they regular visitors to lotus pier? To me it read like jfm was a great friend and leader to wcz and admired csr but I read it a while ago so idk. It’s not helped by the fact that jfm doesn’t seem to favor yzy more than is necessary at least outright, and we all know she ain’t the most attentive either. So basically jc and wwx were brought into the world into a weird and fucked up long distance foursome situation and spent their entire youth suffering under the second hand feelings of their parents.
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adelaidedrubman · 2 months
man doctors are so fucking dumb as hell i have spent two years dealing with almost daily tension headaches/migraines, muscle pain and spasms, constant unilateral tinnitus, ear pain and popping, eye pain and blurry vision, severe insomnia, brain fog, vertigo, and balance/coordination issues.
i had consults with multiple neurologists, rheumatologists, audiologists, and physical therapists to get a ton of inconclusive test results and a “something mildly abnormal. who could say why. looks like my job here is done” and ineffective or nonexistent treatments. learned to just live with the pain and impaired functioning while secretly worrying i had some serious condition that would remain undiagnosed until i collapsed in public in some dramatic fashion and got sent to dr. house.
dentist feels my jaw for 5 seconds and says “oh yeah that’s real fucked up lol. are you also having [all of the previously described symptoms]”
and the punchline to all this is i have to pay out of pocket to have it fixed because insurance doesn’t cover adult orthodontics ✨️
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whosectype · 1 year
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the “I need to teach myself chemistry 101 in the span of 2 months so I dont fail college chemistry next year” fit
At least my notes are pretty
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corpium · 9 days
Took a DnD alignment quiz and got true neutral and my brother was like “huh. I thought you’d be chaotic good,” and I’m like “sure, to YOU, but basically everyone else can go fuck themselves,” and really, I think that demonstrates how accurate the test is.
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nosleep83 · 9 months
My ass is NOT ready for school tomorrow‼️‼️ (instead of getting a restful night’s sleep and being more prepared for tomorrow, I will be making a mutant mayhem edit)
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snzluv3r · 3 months
plot twist update on my gf catching my cold: turns out i caught her cold, and it’s definitely something a little worse than a cold but maybe not quite as severe as the flu
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wyrm-with-a-why · 3 months
Pray for me yall I gotta make up for a French test that’s been eating me up on top of all the other work
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starbuck · 5 months
personal taste is so weird… the fact that i LOVE symbolism, but a story has to strike the right balance of symbolism to character meat for it to actually Get Me. i LIKE on-the-nose metaphors and silly, overwritten dialogue and find it charming, but ONLY if the story Gets Me, otherwise it’s unnecessarily patronizing. my subjective opinions are a mystery even to myself.
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fellhellion · 11 months
I think, considering the posts I’m seeing, people are getting confused on what a canon event is because the way Miguel defines it to Miles vs how he talks about his own “canon breaking” just don’t align neatly with one another, and are probably foreshadowing a loophole Miles will expose if the writing doesn’t go the route of entirely tossing out canon events.
They are, as Miguel explains them to be, specific story beats that will just happen naturally to every Spidey. They can be interfered with yes, but to catastrophic consequence to his mind. Simply existing in another dimension like the spider society or nicking gizmos like Hobie isn’t canon breaking, because it isn’t touching any story beats.
This feels confusing because the way Miguel talks about his adopted universe disintegrating makes it sound like he thinks his very continued presence did damage to it. Unless his counterpart’s death was specifically supposed to be a canon event for Gabriella, I can’t see how it fits into the previous model.
But that’s not the way the story is presented, and I think Miguel’s emotional vulnerability about that trauma, combined with the dissonance between both “definitions” is supposed to draw our attention to the idea that while this character is operating out of a sincere desire to prevent this every happening again, his understanding of what caused this disintegration is flawed and not immutable.
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constantineshots · 11 months
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he complains about not being able to drive and yet, when he ages to at the least sixty throughout hellblazer, not once does he learn to drive. or get his license.
i believe he’s about thirty five here, and some other panels i showed of him not being able to drive, he’s. definitely not thirty.
silly john. someone teach him to teleport and solve all of his problems so he isn’t sleeping on public transportation.
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arospecsyourblockdudes · 10 months
When it comes to queer rep in media, I have what I like to call the Grandma Test. If my grandmother sits down to read a book or watch a tv show/movie and can come away from it understanding fully that a certain character is queer, then it passes as decent representation for me. If she doesn’t understand it fully, then it could still count depending on the circumstances but usually I won’t think highly of it
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raeathnos · 4 months
#apparently I’m not done being mad about this I’m sorry guys I gotta vent#my dad is like an ox and never sick and like not very understanding with health issues/general illness#which you’d think he would have been after having me the super sickly child with a ton of health issues but no#we have a positive Covid case in the house and I have the same fucking symptoms I just started later#I have taken two tests- one yesterday and one today#and he yelled at me saying I’m wasting tests and also that I’m apparently fine which like#even if I somehow don’t catch covid I’m still sick but okay dad 🫠#if it helps put things into a better perspective… did yall know that back in November after I had my 3rd fucking endometriosis surgery#he asked why I was off work for two weeks and why I didn’t go back the day after surgery?#like I had had this surgery twice before and at home recovery was also two weeks both those times#but moreover like sir I have 3 incisions in my abdomen and my job requires me to left 50lbs???#at which point he still insisted I was fine and was just being ‘dramatic’ 🙃#I wanna fucking scream#I’m lissed the fuck off#did yall know he nearly got me killed once because I had neurovirus and he refused to take me to the er?#I eventually lost consciousness from severe dehydration- he thought I was sleeping and continued to argue with my mom that I was fine 🫠#they eventually took me but I was unconscious for several hours and it took five bags of iv fluid for me to regain consciousness#and the doctor estimated I was about two hours away from death so like#yeah#if that gives yall a better idea of the shit I’m putting up with#I have like zero tolerance for dealing with his bullshit when I’m sick#it’s the trauma from not fucking being believed for years of my life about any of my illnesses#and like also the fucking almost dying part#fun times 🫠#I’m sorry I’m ranting so much today I’m just really fucking done and have no other outlet 🙃
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