#I overthink and analyze everything until brain pop
monards · 2 months
i will never stop hating tests with vague answers and questions. “would you rather go to a party or library” i need. details!!!! clarification!!!!! is it a big/populated party. do I know someone there. is this party far away from my house. is it spontaneous or commemorating or centered around an actual event. is this a popular library where people will be. what books do they have. is it a school or public library. I CANNY TWKE THIS ANYMOIRE IS IT THAT HARD TO GUVE DETAILS.!!!!!!!!!!!
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k-krissten · 6 months
Interstellar | part III
Minsung x Fem!
Synopsis: Nova is the star of K-pop, and also the best friend of Jisung and Minho, she is the girl of the moment, and her falling in love with them will change everything, although it will be for the better... Or not?
Warning: Sex mentions and many curses.
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“God Min, you scared me.”
“I'm sorry, but really, Nova, what's wrong with you? You’ve been acting so fucking weird since the party.” Minho spoke as he took the girl's arms.
“It's nothing, I'm just tired” Nova spoke, looking at the ground like she always did when she was nervous.
“Why are you lying to us?” Jisung questioned. “Is this because we left you alone at the party?”
“No, it's not that, it's nothing.” The girl responded, beginning to lose patience. I didn't want to talk about it, how could I address it? “It's just that I'm fucking in love with you, that oh in fact you are boyfriends, my best friends and oh right you left me alone at a party that I didn't want to go to and I went alone for you and you left me to go fuck in the bathroom, if that's all it is”. “I'm just tired, I already said it.”
“You keep lying, you think we are stupid, Nova, we know you, we know when you lie.”
“God Minho I'm not lying!” I scream, pulling away from the man's grip.
“It's because we went to fuck, right?” Jisung answered, upset. “Of course that, we saw you when you interrupted.”
Anger ran through the girl's body, she no longer wanted to be in the room. She hated when people forced her to say things, she was always very self-reflective, she liked to analyze things many times in her own head, organize her thoughts and be very clear with what she wanted to say. People would call it overthinking, she called it caution. And at this moment he certainly didn't have any clear thoughts.
“Han, whether they fuck or stop fucking is not my problem and I'm not interested, I already told you that nothing happens to me”
“Well, it doesn't seem like you're not interested, it seems like it clearly affects you.” the older boy answered ironically.
“This is so stupid, are you really that upset because we fucked?” Jisung continued to waste, Nova believed that Jisung was perfect, but if she had to point out a flaw it would be that he doesn't know how to shut up when he's upset. He always said things that he later regretted. “Well, you're going to hate us when you find out that we fuck every chance we get. In fact, while you were on stage, we fucked, right here, on the nice chair that you like so much.”
“You know what? “Fuck off, let’s talk when your brains work.” The woman screamed excitedly, opening the door.
“No, you're not leaving here until we clear this up.” She was stopped by Lee Know.
“What do you want to clarify? Tell me, what the hell do you want me to tell you?
At this point in the discussion, Nova doubted if she could continue without bursting into tears, tears stung her eyes and she could feel a lump forming in her throat. And she knew that the words the younger boy said had been spat with venom, to break her and tell them what was happening to her.
“What's happening to you, that's what we want you to tell us.”
“Do you know what's happening to me?” Would Nova really tell them her feelings there? In a dressing room, with her staff walking through the hallways and probably listening to her screams. With the boys waiting for her to go home to celebrate? And above all, he would tell them even though his confession would break their friendship.
God yes.
They had never argued like this before, and well she knew that at some point, sooner or later they would find out about her feelings. How bad could things get?
Very badly.
“I'm so fucking in love with you.” The girl shouted. “They wanted to know what was happening to me? That's it.”
She watched their faces go from confusion to anger.
“You're kidding aren't you?” Minho shouted. “This has to be a fucking joke.”
“God Nova! Minho and I are dating, we are in love, how do you want us to react? Do you want a damn applause, a kiss? Let us tell you,oh Nova we are also in love with you”.
“You continued to be our friend, for what? To get into our pants at the first opportunity you had?” Minho spoke taking the girl again, only it was no longer with a gentle and loving hold, this one was hard and actually painful. “People are right when they say you're just another ordinary slut. You don't even settle for one, you want us both."
Those words were what brought her out of shock. It was as if he returned to his body and noticed that his hands were shaking, his breathing was labored and he felt a cold sweat running down his back. Oh no, I would have a panic attack, I needed to get out of there.
Hi, this chapter will be written in the third person since I will soon edit the previous ones so that they are also written like this. Sooo, I hope you like it 💌💌
Remember that English is not my first language, if you see an error do not hesitate to tell me. This is my first job and I’m a little nervous. If you like me please reblog or let me know in the comments.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Scintila (Peter Parker x Fem! Reader)
A/N: I loooove this!
Request by Anon:  Hello! Happy 400!! Idk if you guys still write for marvel but can I request "scintila (n); a tiny, brilliant flash; a small thing; a barely visible trait" with Peter Parker if you're still doing those?
Words: 2, 315
Add yourself to the taglist!
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Harley Keener, since meeting the great Tony Stark, has become one more member of the family. And although he’s not the biological son of the businessman, everyone treats him as such.
Pepper, Morgan and Y/N Stark welcomed him with open arms when he needed help and Harley has always been grateful. So much is the connection that he even treats Tony's daughters like his sisters. With Morgan it was easier because she was so young. With Y/N it was a bit strange being the same age, but they managed to be friends and Harley would do anything for them.
He even promised Tony that he would take care of any boy who wants to hurt them. Somewhat exaggerated, but Tony appreciates it, he doesn’t want to intrude much in the life of his teenage daughter.
Another person who has also become a great friend of the family is Peter Parker. Tony adores the boy and admires everything he has done at such a young age, in addition to understanding the role of being a superhero, he also sees him as a teenager that had to mature at a young age.
Harley and Peter study at the same high school, so they became great friends with many things in common. Soon they had a group with MJ, Ned and Betty, who already knew about Peter's identity and Tony's influence.
While celebrating the victory against Thanos, Tony Stark did not hesitate to invite as many superheroes and helpers as he could, including the group of friends.
Harley is having his best life, then he sees his friend Peter rush out onto the small balcony. He doesn’t hesitate to follow him to find out what was happening.
He jumps a bit, but his shoulders fall as he recognizes Harley.
"Hey, man, what's up?” He answers nervous.
"You're good?”
“Great, yeah. Great party, Mr. Stark always gives good parties.”
“Just say it, Parker.”
"Say what?”
"I know you. I haven't seen you so nervous since you met Tony.”
"Me? Nervous? I don't know what you're talking about, I'm having a blast!”
"Why did you go out? Less than five minutes ago I saw you laughing with Ned!” says Harley leaning against the balcony railing.
"I just needed air.”
Harley rolls his eyes.
“You'd feel better if you tell me.”
Peter frowns.
"Are you saying it because you really want to help or do you just want to know the gossip?”
Harley cocks his head.
"A little of both. Okay, more of the latter, but come on, buddy. What’s got you so upset?" He says pretending not to know why. He had his suspicions.
Peter sighs and imitates his friend's position.
"It's not a what, exactly,” His cheeks flush. "There's a girl who-“
“Oh, yeah. Now it all makes sense,” says Harley. He laughs. "It's just that?”
"What? You knew it?" He asks nervously.
"You're not very discreet, Peter," He scoffs. "Actually, I don't know why it took you so long.”
The truth is that Harley saw the exact moment when Peter's panic started and it has to do with the moment MJ arrived at the party just five minutes ago.
Peter groans in frustration.
“Ned has also told me that, but I didn’t believe him. Dammit.”
“Hey, calm down, it's not that bad. There’s nothing wrong with you liking a girl.”
"It's not that I see it as a bad thing, it's just that…” He sighs. "Whenever I’m around her, I don't know, I turn into this stupid machine that can barely say a word. She makes me nervous.”
Harley smiles.
"I understand," He pats his back.
“Yeah, it's the bad thing about being a brainiac. We don't always have the girl, though I'm still hopeful. Just look at Tony.”
“Okay, First thing, are you talking about a specific girl? And Second; Mr. Stark does not count, he is a millionaire.”
“Right," He grins. “A girl I share biology with, but that's not important, Parker. You’re the main guy now,” He points out.
"I don't know what to do, Harley.”
"How much do you like the girl?”
“A lot, she doesn't have an idea. Shit, just look at me now, she barely got here and I couldn't help but run away! And-“ He smiles like a fool, “she looks beautiful, Harley. She always is, but today–”
"Stop before you start drooling,” Harley takes him by the shoulders. "I know what you need, Parker.”
"Confidence, that's what you need. I will help you get enough to encourage you to kiss that girl.”
"What? Kiss her? No Harley, it's not a good idea and less around her– her–“
"This is the right time! Nobody will make fun of you if something goes wrong.”
"That doesn’t help me. Also,” He makes a face. “Suppose I kiss her, what if she rejects me or something? As far as I know, she doesn't feel the same way about me.”
Harley can't resist the defeated look from his friend. Peter’s always there for him when he needs him most and has helped him many times, it is his duty to return the favor.
"Listen to me, Parker,” He shakes him. “Today is the perfect night for you to finally admit your love for the girl you want. Stop overthinking it. Do not think. Just go to her and kiss her, only then you’ll get an answer.”
"I can't just do that, I don't want to make her uncomfortable!” Harley lets go of him and purses his lips.
“Okay, you're right about that. But just a little kiss from her and see her reaction?”
“This plan has many flaws.”
“Peter, at this rate, you’ll never be able to say the simple words 'I like you'. And you, better than anyone, know that time is money. What if the next day she’s gone? I don't want you to regret something you never did.”
Parker analyzes the words of his friend and sighs. "Just one kiss?”
Harley smiles.
"If she asks for more, then go ahead,” Peter rolls his eyes, but he smiles. "Come on Parker. It's your moment, don't think about it anymore!” He goes to the sliding door and opens it. "Kiss her!”
“Alright!” He answers without moving.
“Oh, yeah…” He shakes his head and walks into the house.
Obeying Harley's advice, Peter doesn't make eye contact with anyone else. His gaze is fixed on the target. Harley looks at him proudly from the open door. He watches him get closer to where MJ is laughing with the others, he even notices that Y/N has also arrived. Everything changes when Harley sees Peter approaching her.
“Oh, crap.”
Peter touches the girl's shoulder. She turns smiling when she recognizes the boy, but she does not have the opportunity to say something since Parker's lips collide with hers.
"Holy, shit!” says Harley.
Ned, Betty and MJ look surprised, but the three also share a mischievous grin. The kiss lasts only a few seconds. Peter waits for the girl's reaction.
The palpitations of his heart increase in anticipation. Only until he sees a small smile from Y/N does he feel like his chest is about to explode, but he can't enjoy the moment because someone takes him by the collar of his shirt and pulls him across the place.
"Harley?" the girl asks when she sees her friend's reaction, but it's too late for him to hear her. She returns with his friends. "What has happened?”
Ned shrugs.
"Oh, I know," Betty says with a big smile. "Parker finally dared to kiss you.”
"About time," adds MJ, nodding.
Y/N smiles feeling her face burn.
"You better find out what's going on.”
"And then you tell us," Ned points out.
She follows the path the boys took. She hears her voices and stops before reaching the television room.
"What were you thinking, Parker?”
Peter looks at him confused as he fixes his shirt.
"What? I was doing exactly what you told me!” He says flustered.
“But why did you kiss Y/N!?”
“That was your advice, idiot!”
"That is not true!”
"Stop yelling at me!”
They both growl in frustration. Harley tries to calm his breathing. He walks from one side to the other.
“I don't know if your brain failed and maybe you didn't realize it, but buddy, you got the wrong girl!”
"What? Of course not. Why do you think that?”
"The girl you were talking about is MJ!”
"No," Peter shakes his head. "Of course not. MJ’s my friend!”
"B-but, you–” Harley points at him with his shaking hand. "You panicked when she arrived!”
Peter sighs. "And didn't you notice who she arrived with?”
It looks like Harley's eyes are about to pop out of his face.
"Shit, no,” He pulls his hair. "No, you can't like Y/N.”
"So all that motivational talk was because you thought the girl I liked was MJ?”
"Obviously! Shit, everything was simple. I thought you liked her, Parker, but now…” Harley couldn't feel dumber. He now realizes that Peter tried to warn him. Now it makes sense why he was so nervous.
Peter frowns. 
"If I had told you from the beginning who she was, wouldn't you have helped me?”
Harley sighs heavily.
“Peter, I promised Mr. Stark that I would not allow any boy to break Y/N's heart.”
"And you think I want that?" He says annoyed.
"It's nothing personal,” he tries to get closer, but Peter backs away.
"Of course not," He says sarcastically. “Do you think I want to hurt her? Me?”
"No. I can't believe my friend thinks that of me. You don’t-" He growls. “You don't understand, you don't know how I feel about her, Harley.”
"Peter, I'm just trying to keep my promise.”
“And you didn't even bother to consider or think that I, above all people, am the one who wants to harm her the least? Shit, even I would beat myself up if I do that! Harley, you don't have an idea of everything I would do for her. What I would give to see that smile all the time, her eyes every time she gets emotional…” His voice cracks. "To hear her laugh, hug her when she's sad, take care of her… I would do whatever to see her wrinkle her nose, raise her voice and pace around as if she wanted to dig a hole in the floor and then make up with her favorite ice cream, chips, chocolates and watch her favorite movie…” He sighs. "But you could never know that.”
Harley looks at him in surprise. He had never seen Peter like that. Guilt eats away at him from within.
"Peter, I'm sorry. You… you're right, I didn't give you a chance. I'm very sorry, it's just that– I felt scared. I promised Tony that I would take care of her and even if I hadn't, she is like my sister. I don't want her to get hurt…”
"And everyone says I'm melodramatic!” Both boys look towards the entrance of the room.
"Mr. Stark–”
"How long have you been listening?" Harley asks.
“Enough, kid,” He raises an eyebrow. "As much as I love teenage drama, it caught my attention that this time the protagonist of this drama is my daughter,” He looks directly at Peter. The boy seems embarrassed. "I was shocked to my core.”
"Did-did you see it?" Peter asks.
Tony rolls his eyes. “You are in my party, at my house. I obviously saw it. This happens to me for inviting so many teenagers…”
“Are you upset?”
"No, kid, breathe. I only came because I saw Harley nearly choke you. I don't want blood in my new house. But no, I'm not upset you kissed my daughter, Parker. Actually, it was about time,” He smiles amused. "Thanks to you, I won a bet.”
"Did you bet for them to be together?”
“We all did. MJ and I made good money,” The three are silent for a few seconds. "Well, seeing that you did not kill each other, it’d be better if I returned to the party,” He walks away, but before leaving, he turns to see them. "I appreciate that need to take care of Y/N, but the both of you made a serious mistake.”
“Which one?" They say at the same time.
“You didn’t take my daughter's opinion into account and believe me, that will cost you. I learned it the hard way.”
"I don't think she’d be so upset just by one kiss," says Harley.
"No, not for the kiss. But for everything you just shouted.”
The two boys tense up.
"Did she hear us?”
“Loud and clear,” says Y/N, leaning against the door frame.
"Good luck!” says Tony leaving.
The girl walks into the room and crosses her arms.
"I can explain it–”
“It's not what it seems–”
She raises a hand.
“My dad’s right. You did something bad, but not so serious,” She approaches Harley and kisses his cheek. "Thank you for being a good brother,” she smiles at him, then punches his arm hardly. “That's so you stop making stupid promises. I can take care of myself. You’ll help me only when I ask, not before.”
"Got it,” Harley grunts.
She turns to Peter, who grimaces expecting the blow, but it never comes.
"Harley, this is the time for you to leave us alone.”
“Fine, but don’t do bad things. Tony will know if you do,” He complains as he leaves the place.
"Aren't you going to hit me?”
"I should," She raises an eyebrow. "But, I prefer to kiss you.”
This time the is slow and sweet. He puts his hands around her waist and she plays with Peter's brown curls.
"Everything you said to Harley, was it true?" She asks.
"Every word," Peter whispers against her lips.
Marvel Taglist:
If your username is crossed out it's because Tumblr didn't let me tag you, sorry. If you want to be removed from the taglist, you can tell us, we also make mistakes, lol
@silenthappyplace​ @yourbonesareinmybody​ @tyb1​ @hufflepuffzutara​ @poetryislife0715 
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Hi, I saw your answer to the ask I made to bouncey. So I've actually tried like 7 or 8 different medications and the one I'm on at the moment only works after a certain dose so I'm on that until we can increase all the way. I just got the feeling from my GP that she thinks I'm being too complacent. My big fear with therapy is that I'm going to have yet another person pointing out everything I'm doing wrong with my life and my behavior but that it won't help fix it.
Me again, I should probably add that the people I know who have gone to therapy and liked it all described it as a place to vent and cry or that the therapist whould say things like "well do YOU think that's probablematic" and that they would have this epiphany but I feel like I already know the problematic things in my life I just can't fix them or even if I try it's like my brain isn't letting me do that.
okay, I want to preface this with the fact that I am just a psych major who has yet to complete her bachelors so I don’t have the legit qualifications to speak on this, I can only go from the limited classes I have had and my personal experience with depression, anxiety, and disordered eating/thinking about food. I also can’t speak in more than general terms about medication because that’s all I currently know. 
I’m putting it under the cut tho for the sake of dash-space and bc I know some people don't want to talk about this
I can't speak on the medications or the attitude of your GP because I don't know the situation but if you feel you need it, ask for a second opinion. If I went through that many medications I would ask for a second look at my diagnosis because sometimes depression can be a symptom of another disorder, not the disorder itself. That and there’s a lot of overlap for mood disorders as far as symptoms go. 
There're 5 things that jump out at me here:
1) it’s useless to compare your experience in therapy to others because you are completely different people. Don’t use anyone as a yardstick to measure progress, they aren’t you. 
2) Unsticking brains is what a lot of therapists do. Painting in broad strokes, the therapist’s goal is to give you the tools to change your behavior/thinking to better benefit you. Some do this through introspection (psychoanalysis), some through analyzing and retraining your thinking (cognitive), and some go for a more ‘conditioning’ type approach (behavioral). You simply may want to find a therapist that is more cognitive learning-based than psychoanalytical or the other way around. But you’re never going to know if you don’t try.
3) I get why you’re scared. It’s hard to change and it’s hard to be told/know you’re the problem and responsible for doing the work. But in my experience, nothing worth having comes without hard work. Taking care of yourself isn’t just being nice to yourself. It’s setting yourself up for success, whether that means taking a break or buckling down and doing some work so you are better prepared for later or training yourself to redirect when your thinking starts spiraling out. 
4) You can sign a client information release form so both your GP and therapist can share information and work together to get you to a place where you feel like you’re managing. This circles back to the point from the original post about medication and psychotherapy together being a more effective route. Getting your brain unstuck may be physiological and medication may help you be able to address other things. This could also help with an accurate diagnosis since you usually spend more face to face time with your therapist than your GP. To be clear I’m not saying you’ve been wrongly diagnosed it's just something that popped out at me as a possibility when I read this.
5) If your GP thinks you’re being complacent that’s their opinion and you don't need to take it into account if you don't want to. However, I find that I often overthink other’s behavior and assign it meaning that it really doesn't have. So just think about whether YOU think you’re being complacent. That’s all that really matters anyway. 
If you want to talk more plz DM me, I try to keep my blog pretty escapist, but I felt like this was somewhere I could actually pass along helpful information rather than just have an opinion. Also keep in mind, I don’t have all the answers or all the context and I’m not a professional, just trying to get there. 
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