fallenclan · 1 day
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so many kittens lately . we're gonna need a bigger boat
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artartery · 2 days
Chuuya Week Day 4: Human
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Tumblr eats the quality my gods
(I swear I’m always gonna be one day behind 😭 but I’m tryin. Also, yes it’s angst again, fight me)
inspo image below the cut and alt version
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classycookiexo · 20 hours
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trashasaurusrex · 21 hours
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YUP!!!!!!!!! MHM!!!!!!!
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Professional men run the business started by the courageous men.
Amit Kalantri
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mgarmagedon · 2 days
How sparkbond work in your AU? Does someone is sparkbonded to eachother?
Yeah, because like I'm always saying even It's called human au, they are more humanoids, but as a title for au "human" is better.
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So basically they have sparks in they metal and flesh bodies (they have similar anatomy to humans, but are made from a bit different things)
Basically sparkbonds work kinda the same, yk sparks are merging together between 2 ppl, but it's REALLY extreme and hard to make to make, because when you do it, there is no coming back. It's special bond that only ppl who did that where 100% sure they want to do it.
That's why, it's so rare!
Less radical option is becoming conjuxe endura which is more like law thing then literally souls merging
That is Optimus and Ratchet was planning to do it after the war, but they never manage to do it, because OP died XDDD
And now one isn't yet sparkbonded from the main cast :V
Like Bee and Grim took human marriage, because they are on earth, Thunderhoof and Steeljaw are still boyfriends, Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack are more like toxic lovers and KO and Smoke, became conjuxe endura, but their split and never chosen to become sparkbonded.
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twomontis · 3 days
Sitting is the opposite of standing 🧍🏻
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Finished Ychs! Tysm for everyone who got one
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vanillayoteart · 2 hours
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Coyote HRT: Week -1
Coyote HRT: Week -1 "Found that old business card I was given last year. Guess it used to just be the one guy? You could say you were a 'friend of Sabine' like a cheat code to get treatment... I don't think that works anymore. It's all automated" major thanks to AyvieArt and Lakehounds for the inspiration Start - Prev - Next 
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 day
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Intrepid Paleontologist
Artist: Irina Nordsol TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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wolven91 · 2 days
Drifting - Part 10
“Ah! Casper my boy!” Exclaimed Zeet. It was the older engineer geckin who had been supporting the young man's progress as a brand new mech pilot. The blue geckin had been the one in the first instance to suggest to the young man that he give piloting a try and so far had been a stalwart ally and straight shooting voice of reason for Casper.
Despite the engineer’s enthusiasm, Zeet had never led Casper astray, nor had any of his machines failed the young man. The human felt he could trust this geckin, as far as his equipment went at the very least. 
“Good morning Zeet, I understand it's the moment of truth?” Replied Casper, calmer than he expected. Qik stepped into the room not a single step behind the human and marched over to the correctly sized chairs. She pulled out the centre one and sat directly in front of the High Commander, the black and purple geckin in charge of the geckin people’s military actions.
She would be the one in control of the upcoming operation.  
This was when Casper noticed that there was a small crowd of geckins already sitting on the other side of the broad table that dominated the room. With only two chairs on ‘his’ side, it was quite obvious where he was meant to sit. Casper couldn’t help but squint and narrow his eyes at the people arrayed in front of him. Wasn’t it a bit heavy handed? Zeet, Wren, the High Commander and a slew of other geckins that the man had yet to have met, at least as far as he was aware of. Were they all needed to brief the pair of mercenaries?
Zeet seemed undeterred. 
“Indeed! The moment of truth! Oh, I can’t w-” Although the older alien couldn’t finish his sentence as a curt, sharp voice cut him off and he went silent instantly.
“Enough Zeet. Casper, why not sit with your… colleague?” Suggested the High Commander, not in the slightest giving him another option. Her tone was mocking, but he had no doubt she held little regard to either Qik or the pair of them.
Casper didn’t say anything, and instead calmly walked over to sit and join Qik at the table. She was perfectly still and a perfect picture of cold, calm and calculating. Casper kept his silence, and waited for someone else to speak.There was a pregnant moment of silence. 
The High Commander was the first to break the pause and spoke in a haughty tone.
“As per your contract Qik, we have need to run an op on the same planet as before.” She explained, blinking slowly and looking down her short snout at the lopeljack mercenary. Qik was unphased. 
“What’s the gig?” She asked without missing a beat.
“They’re amassing a sizable mechanised force in the former cities. Orbital operations are still at a stand still, neither of us want to have to report the loss of a ship.” The Commander explained, waving a hand dismissing the orbital fleets as if it were a non-issue. 
“So you want us to cut them down?” Qik asked, fishing for details.
“Exactly.” The purple and black geckin replied without assisting. Her eyes blinking slowly again, she kept them focused on Qik, pointedly ignoring Casper. He made no attempt to insert himself, he trusted Qik implicitly. The lopel stared the geckin down for a moment before breaking her gaze and shrugging, leaning back into her chair.
“Seems straight forward, I would have thought you would have used us in something more valuable.” She mused aloud, interlocking her fingers and gazing lazily at the geckin. Casper’s eyes narrowed a fraction just as he noticed the scale below her right eye twitch. A tell?
“I am a geckin of my word. This is the first combat operation we need to deploy against. The choice is our own mechanised force, which is a cost and a risk, or we rid ourselves of the two drains upon our resources.” The aloof geckin explained, again, waving her hand in the air without her elbows leaving them table. 
“Drains?” Casper asked, unable to bite his tongue in time. The geckin finally turned her attention to the human. 
“With your contracts complete you will have no need to stay and we can invest in professionals that mind their business.” Replied the commander, obviously peeved at the pair of them. 
The geckin turned her attention back to Qik, despite only being a foot tall, Casper was near certain he saw the mental image of a tank turret, slowly traversing as the High Commander turned and stared at Qik. 
The lopel merely stared back. 
“Make no mistake, we are not pleased with your interference with Casper and his training.” She explained curtly. Qik shrugged and pulled a uncaring face. 
“I trained him how I would train any pilot, just as you’ve asked me to do for the last hundred you sent my way. He’s no different.” She defended calmly. Casper had no idea if that was true. Did she use all her trainees as body pillows? 
He kept this thought to himself.
“And yet he’s the first to demand his own contract?” The High Commander demanded.
“Ask him yourself.” Qik offered, gesturing at Casper to her left. The young man tried not to have a heart attack. 
“Well?” The High Commander inquired, staring a hole through the centre of Casper’s forehead. Casper swallowed and gathered his thoughts, not sure if he was ready to be put on the spot already. But the man had, had plenty of time to think and consider the matter. Clearing his throat, he offered his explanation, as honestly as he could. 
“I’m not geckin ma’am. I would assume your pilots are quite loyal to your people?” He asked slowly. 
“Every one of them.” She replied without hesitation. 
“I am grateful for your help, but I’m not geckin. There was no plan for me to stay long term. You got me dropped into your lap. This was just an accident, you couldn’t have expected me to stay?” Casper asked, trying to appeal to her common sense. A human to babysit wasn’t exactly a boon to anyone, let alone a government or private organisation that would apparently need to prove he was happy on a regular basis?
Casper wasn’t expecting the cold, sharp, humourless grin to spread across her face. 
“Hmph, quite the contrary. We fought for a sizable number of humans to be provided to the geckin territories.” She explained, almost off handedly. It hadn’t been what Casper had expected her to say in slightest. He frowned, outright confused. 
“What, why? You don’t know us.” He demanded. 
“Politics, as with everything.” She offered, waving her hand as she did. 
“So not the kindness of your heart then?”
That got a snort of derision from the small creature. She leant forward and interlaced her fingers, resting her snout beneath her fingers while staring Casper directly in the eye as she spoke next. 
Her words were low and intense. She believed every word she uttered with every fibre of her being. Casper was certain of that. 
“You are not an idiot so don’t be naive. No. The geckin people are under attack by the cowardly ssypno and their gluttonous nobility. All the while, their queen sits idly while our freedom is crushed within their coils.” The High Commander explained, baring her teeth as she spoke.
“Our very existance is up for debate amongst the high tri-table and we will not merely sit by while the next hunt begins.” She pulled her arms apart, one hand slapping against the table while the other pointed at Casper to emphasise her point. 
“Demanding our fair share to the human population that was being divided amongst the other races was a method of establishing our legitimacy to be sat at the table, as frustrating as it is to have to resort to such methods.” She explained, waving awake the unpleasant concept as if it bothered her like a fly.
Casper blinked, turning over this information in his head.
“Humans were… divided up amongst the other races?” He asked. 
“Yes. Humans have captured the hearts and minds of every race across the stars. The general populace of every sentient race demand we ‘save’ you.” The geckin snorted. “I will be blunt as there is no harm in being honest at this point.”
She paused, but Casper gave her every ounce of his attention. This was not knowledge that was available to him. He needed to hear this. The High Commander locked eyes with the human and spoke with conviction. 
“I do not care if your people die. But while you’re alive, you are the perfect tool for my people. A shield to aggression. No ssypno force, noble or royal, would *dare* attack a base, city or maybe even planet if there was a single human present.” The High Commander revealed, shocking Casper to his core. He felt his lips part, as if to retort, but no words came out. 
“You’re the perfect shield.” She pointed out as if the sky was blue and water was wet. 
Casper turned this concept over in his head as he considered this from every angle. He was staring at the wood grain of the table, but wasn’t seeing it. 
Until he made the connection, and looked back up at her. 
“But now I want off the planet.” He pointed out. 
“So we will lose control of you and lose your protection.” She finished. Almost smug in that Casper had to have had this information explained. She was not talking as if she was in a poor position. Why? What was giving her this confidence? 
“Why do I feel you have another card up your sleeve?” He asked. 
“An odd saying, but yes, my tail has yet to fall off.” She retorted. She paused, and allowed Casper a time to stay there, in his ignorance. Qik also said nothing, but was still avidly watching her. The lopel eyes intense and serious. 
Eventually, the geckin spoke again. 
“I wonder… How will the many bleeding hearts of the galaxy feel ‘if’ or rather, ‘when’, the ssypno forces fire on a human?” The geckin tilted her head.  “We will record and present every moment of your operation. Success or failure, we remove at least some of their forces from the board and weaken the ssypno’s desire to fight.”
The wicked grin returned as the High Commander leaned forward, pressing her fingertips and claws into the table, leaving curled wood at the end of new grooves in the priceless wood. 
“The ssypno people will see their nobility attacking their precious humans and revolt. That… is the value you hold.” The High Commander concluded, grinning and licking her absent lips. 
Casper had no retort, nothing he could say. He would be used regardless of his actions. Qik however, didn’t care. A job was a job and the sooner she and the human completed it, the sooner they could get to the other side the spiral. 
“Fascinating as it is, can we finalise the contracts?” Qik asked disinterestedly, suspending her hand in the air as if offering a solution. The High Commander affixed a ‘smile’ across her features while the rest of the geckins remained perfectly impassive. Casper didn’t like it immediately and the hairs on the back of his neck all slowly raised on end. 
The only exception to this and seemingly oblivious to the ongoing power players, was Zeet who immediately piped up and began to present his PDA, turning it briefly.
“Oh! Yes! I have some marvellous plans for you to-”
“Zeet. Shut.” The High Commander demanded. Zeet paused immediately, returning to his chair and hiding the screen from view. Qik narrowed her eyes, glancing from Zeet, back to the High Commander.
“Something you’re not telling us?” She asked, obviously sensing the same issue Casper was. The High Commander acted surprised and grinned again. 
“Oh no. You will deploy as you have done in the past with your equipment.” She offered. Qik outright frowned and her voice dropped an octave. 
“...What of Casper’s rig?” She demanded, deadly serious. 
“Casper doesn’t own a rig.” The High Commander offered, seemingly confused as to why Qik would ask. . 
“How do you expect him to fight?” The lopel asked, audibly speaking through clenched teeth.
“I suppose we could…  supply a firearm, for free.” The purple and black striped geckin offered pleasantly, as if that was reasonable or acceptable. 
Qik was on her feet in an instant, hands on the table, looming over the geckins as best she could.
“This will be a breach of contract, under the ‘unreasonable’ clauses!” She announced, pointing down at the table and punctuating her words. Casper merely sat back and let her work. The geckin merely shrugged, unphased by the lopel’s display. 
“We would contest any claim, but we… being reasonable, are willing to offer an amendment to Casper’s contract.” The High Commander offered, leaning back and spreading her hands and arms out, as if a benevolent trader.
The room went still and the temperature dropped. 
“What kind?” Qik asked in a calm, steady voice. Too calm. Too steady. She was on edge.
“We will provide a mech of high quality, free of charge until the completion of the operation and contract.” The geckin offered calmly. Everyone waited for the other shoe to drop. 
“What for?” Casper asked. Qik glanced in his direction, but otherwise kept her eyes on the geckin, who was now pointedly ignoring the lopel.
“Hmmm, you’re certainly not a simple feral creature like some suggest. There will be a clause that is in our favour.” She admitted. 
“What is it?” He asked. The High Commander leaned back and glanced to her left, Casper and Qik’s right. To Wren. The biologist who had been caring for Casper since the beginning. She hadn’t done a great job, but the young man couldn’t fault her attempts to ensure he was okay.
Wren spoke calmly in a practised manner. She seemed to recite her words from memory, rather than form them on the fly.
“In the event of the need to eject the pilot casket, the operation is declared over and the loaned mech and all its contents and components are the property of the XixTech organisation.” The green geckin concluded before sitting back down and going silent. She too, adopted a haughty expression, lifting her muzzle slightly and staring Casper down somewhat. 
It honestly didn’t seem like much of an issue. It wasn’t his mech, he’d get his own rig later. Casper breathed in to dismiss and accept the terms, he had no want to take their property, but stopped when Qik’s hand grabbed his thigh. 
He glanced over to her as she spoke without breaking eye contact with the High Commander.
“All components?” The lopel demanded.
“Quite.” A nod. 
“No deal.”
Casper blinked, turning to Qik. 
“What? I can’t fight on foot! I need that rig.” He demanded, thinking about fighting tanks on foot with a single rifle! Qik or no, he’d more likely fall and blow his own head off than destroy a damned tank!
Qik’s expression when she turned to him gave him pause however. Without waiting, she spoke and explained in a slow, clam voice. Devoid of emotion. 
“Casper, the pilot in the casket, is included in this.” 
“If you need to eject, then XixTech will, literally, own you.” Qik concluded. 
Wren cleared her through before speaking as everyone turned to her. 
“More specifically, as their representative; I will own you.”
Casper frowned, seeing the green doctor in a new light. 
“Why?” He asked, confused as to why she’d go this route. If she had asked for anything, he’d likely have just given it to her. She needn’t of gone this way. 
“Ignoring that I don’t need to answer that, we can learn more from you.” She began, coolly. “From your connection to the machine to how you handle the load. I hasten to add, it need not be a bad life, you could work *with* me in researching this.”
Casper said nothing, she continued.
“Or I could put your brain in a jar and ask you questions where you are devoid of distractions like light or sound. I would reward cooperation with stimulation. Otherwise it would be a perfect void for you.”
The green geckin shrugged. 
“Either way works for me.”
The lopel stood and swiped her hand through the air, dismissing the whole geckin side. 
“No deal. My company is on their way, they will have several things to say about this coercion.” She warned before turning and breathing in to speak with Casper, but was cut off by the High Commander.
“So be it, but you’re not being asked here.” The purple and black geckin turned to the human and pointedly asked; “Casper? Your choice. Freedom, with the chance of failure, or stay here as our permanent resident. We will offer you opportunities to pilot mechs, albeit under our direct control.”
The High Commander turned back to the lopal, although still spoke to Casper. 
“We have learnt from our mistakes with our dear Qik here.”
Qik raised her hand, her fingers splayed and brought her palm down in a vertical swipe, holding it in place as if to highlight her words. 
“Casper, don’t. There's another way.”
The young man doubted it. The geckins were too sure, the contracts seemed too tight. 
“Is there?” He asked. 
“The company has lawyers, these idiots aren’t the first to try and strong arm a deal.” She offered. The geckin High Commander retorted again, with an almost gleeful tone.
“No, but we are the first with a human. We checked, your laws are fantastically logical and detailed. It even lists the species… unfortunate ‘human’ is not included.” The finished with a sharp grin.
“They’ve got us cornered.” Casper pointed out.
“No, theres another way.” Qik said, her eyes almost frantic as she mentally searched for an out, finding none. 
“No, just… give me a sec.”
“Qik do you trust in your training?” Casper asked quietly. 
“What?” The lopel asked, glancing up at him. He was still sat in his chair as she stood over him. Her fur was beautiful and shiny. He didn’t want to cause her distress, but there wasnt a way out here.
“Do you trust in what you’ve taught me? Could I survive in a fight?” He asked pointedly. 
Qik said nothing, searching his face for something. He smiled and shook his head.
“I’m not trying to trick you. Just honesty.” He pressed. 
She grimaced and wore a tight smile. 
“I’ve taught you all I can. Everything else comes from experience.” She explained, her shoulders sagging. 
“Like fighting technicals?” He suggested. Qik frowned, then turned to the gathered board of geckins. 
“If… Is it just technicals? By requirements, you need to tell me your intel now.”
One of the side geckins spoke, reviewing a datapad. 
“Only scuttle tanks and stationary emplacements. We need those emplacements destroyed, but we do offer bonuses for every additional unit destroyed. The bigger the better.” He offered. His lighter tone a stark difference to the hard tones of the others. 
“No enemy pilots?” Qik checked. 
“The ssypno are still scrambling after you took out the former ace.” The High Commander offered. Qik turned back to Casper and sighed. 
“I think… You got a good chance.”
Casper merely nodded then turned in his seat to directly address the High Commander.
“I’ll accept the contract if you give me a fighting chance. Give me a good mech and I’ll agree.”
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milkfakearts · 3 days
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Fade to stardust *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Art trade with @fuhai8000 ! While you're here, check out their comic relating to the story this guy comes from!
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aibouart · 2 days
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TLC (tender loving clown)
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dk-thrive · 2 days
“everyone really / at times falls into our own unspooling / —which really I think is a beautiful softness / of being human”
— Anis Mojgani, from "To The Sea." Originally published in Poem-a-Day on May 18, 2023, by the Academy of American Poets. (via Read a Little Poetry)
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trashasaurusrex · 3 days
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I wanna taste, wanna get you goin'
WoL (Lindsey) x Y'shtola
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mgarmagedon · 1 day
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Kinda I was bored on collage so i drew 42y/o Bee vs 19 y/o (that's how he was old in prime)
Ik it was fast...
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lo-andbehold · 1 year
I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing
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