#* meredith ; answered
little-cereal-draws · 9 months
ok so i've started brainstorming a fic for the Everything is Fine au (the one where they all live in a cabin in the woods and nothing bad ever happens) from Dr Blitzmeyer's pov but it's not a super popular au and she's not a popular character. If I wrote it, would anyone be interested?
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calciferous-kelpie · 7 months
Hey btw if your ever in need of ranting about a blorbo/oc, this is an ask that tells your to do so. What is the most interesting thing about them? Do they have any symbolism to them and if so what is it about? Favorite ideal situation to put them in? Any romance ideas?
Anon, I want to start off by apologizing for taking EXACTLY A YEAR to reply to this! Happy One Year Anniversary! 💀😭 Obviously, I’ve been thinking about this a lot, trying to decide who I wanted to talk about and trying to put my thoughts into words. And, of course, it took even longer because I wanted to include drawings of the characters… 🤦‍♂️Anyway…
I’ve decided to talk about multiple characters of mine, since they are important for my upcoming comics: Boxman’s mother, father, and sister! I have some New™, Fresh™ information to share about all of them today! Hope you enjoy my ramblings!
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MEREDITH (Boxman's Mother)
Most interesting thing: Hmm, well… the things I find most interesting about Meredith are kind of spoilers for my comics, but an interesting thing about her is her special ability! (“Every proper siren has one, darling.” 💅) It’s called Eye of the Storm, and it allows her to summon and control a raging thunderstorm at will. Obviously, this sort of thing takes a lot of energy to maintain, so this ability actually comes with a secondary feature: Meredith can occasionally choose a victim to steal the energy from, and all she has to do to steal said energy is to make direct eye contact with them. The lady’s got a mean glare as it is, but with this power on top of that? Wowza. Watch out.
Symbolism: Given my answer to the previous question, you won’t be surprised to know that I associate Meredith with storms! She is a passionate character with a wild side, and when she truly gets going, she will step aside for no one.
Favorite situation to put them in: Meredith is a complex character with a lot going on, and I don’t want to reduce her to just an antagonist… but MAN, does she make a good antagonist! 😆 I love to put her into situations in which she terrifies/intimidates other characters, and trust me, she will have a lot of chances to do that in the comics!
Romance ideas: Meredith isn’t much for romance. At least not anymore. Heron was her first love, and after her relationship with him went south, her trust in men was destroyed. (To be fair, it was shaky to begin with.) She has, however, made an attempt at another relationship or two for monetary reasons. If that even counts lol
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HERON (Boxman's Father)
Most interesting thing: Heron has had a wide variety of experiences across his lifetime, and during that time, he has developed many, many skills. These skills include (but are not limited to): farming, fishing, sailing, cooking, baking, sewing, crochet, whittling, building, juggling, and playing the banjo! Just… don’t ask him to sing, okay?
Symbolism: Heron’s symbolism is… probably pretty obvious, huh? I mean… he’s got an anchor… tattooed… on his back… *ahem* Anyway. The anchor is connected to a lot of Heron’s positive attributes—loyalty and sturdiness being the main ones. But it is also connected to some of his character flaws and the way he views himself. In a way, Heron himself is an anchor, for all the good and bad that entails. ⚓
Favorite situation to put them in: Despite the immense amount of comic outlining and scriptwriting I’ve been doing for Siren Theory, I can say pretty confidently that any scene in which Heron interacts with Professor Venomous is one of my favorites. It’s partly due to the “meet the parents” trope, but the other part of it is that Heron is just an unusual guy who does unusual things, and having a stranger witness that firsthand is hilarious.
Romance ideas: While Heron has had his share of crushes in his youth, he has never been in a serious relationship with anyone but Meredith… and he would like to keep it that way. He still feels like he’s putting the pieces of himself back together after their messy separation.
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REBECCA/SIRENA (Boxman's Sister)
Most interesting thing: I think the thing that I enjoy most about Rebecca is the duality in her personality. She is very charismatic and graceful onstage as Sirena, but offstage, when she’s just Rebecca, she can be pretty socially awkward and kind of a klutz.
Symbolism: Some of you may have made the connection already, but Sirena’s real name, Rebecca, is a nod to Rebecca Sugar, the creator of Steven Universe and the spouse of Ian Jones-Quartey (creator of OK KO). This name was actually a suggestion by my sister (Thanks, girlie!) because she knew Sugar sang the end credit song of OK KO, and that little song was one of my inspirations for creating Sirena in the first place. Since then, the name has really proven itself to be a perfect fit for my little superstar siren! The meaning of the name Rebecca is “to tie/bind,” and Rebecca really is the character that ties her family—and the narrative of a lot of the comics—together!
Favorite situation to put them in: My favorite moments for Rebecca are the ones in which she is emotionally vulnerable. It isn’t always easy for her, but there are some things that will happen in the comics that will force her to wear her heart on her sleeve. I’m excited for that!
Romance ideas: Honestly, I’ve come up with so many ideas for OK KO that I won’t have space for all of them in the narrative, even though I’m planning to create, like, 19 comics! 😂 One of those things that won’t get a lot of time in the spotlight is Rebecca’s developing romance with a certain someone. That being said, it wouldn’t be a big spoiler for me to say… Plazecca! 🎵
Thank you so much for asking, Anon! Truly, you have enriched my enclosure. 💖
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athenafire · 9 months
"A little sea birdie told me you liked horses. Well I got news for you!"
- An excited Poseidon
( @poseidon-fish-god )
Meredith had not expected company today. Or ever, really. Especially when she has a hoof the size of her head between her legs. Ferrying was one of the more complicated parts of her job, now that she's missing her entire left arm.
"Um....If you're here to buy my horses, I'm going to have to ask you politely to leave."
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cianmarstoo · 2 months
What is one Headcannon that you haven’t been able to input into your fics yet! P.s I’m obsessed with anything you write
Ahhh thank you so very much!!!!! like the fact that others are enjoying my writing means the world to me because I'm loving writing the verses!! :D
In the Not Too Much Verse -
They end up getting a child harness backpack thing for Alex- he's very much a wanderer, and after a million times of him wandering off and them losing him he eventually gets a little hurt (literally just bloody knees) after he disappears one time, they decide that it's better than him wandering off and getting hurt
Alex is an absolute daredevil, with him unable to open the stairgates (with them having technology for Littles biology) he decides to climb over the banister and slide down it to get down the stairs - he's in major time out after that
Derek decides to build the house on the property his trailer's on after watching Meredith and Alex fall in love with the place as much as he was - they go a lot for walks around the woods nearby for hikes, he also takes Alex there when he needs to calm down or run off some energy
Alex still sneaks back to Seattle when he's supposed to be in the hotel taking his boards, Derek naturally catches him and he's in so much trouble, especially as he knew it was wrong- taking his old passport which claims hes a Little rather than his newer one.
Meredith and Derek have their sticky note 'marriage' but they also file with city hall; their massive found family tell them they need a big one that they can all go to, so they decide to throw one - of course it doesn't go to plan, with a lot of their friends being called in to sort out an emergency at the hospital, terrible weather, cancelled flights for Derek's family, and all three of the kids having strep - they end up moving it to inside of their house, with the kids all in pjs instead of their wedding clothes. They say it's the only way they'd want their wedding to go
Did things I didn't wanna (was too afraid to tell ya) Verse-
Alex gets very frustrated with Derek when he's big because he doesn't understand why he seems to want to be around Derek, because its not like he needs or wants a dad... he kicks off a lot to try and get Derek to get too angry at him so Alex has a reason to hate him. It doesn't work, he gets in trouble but the understanable amount, and Alex continues to follow Derek around.
Meredith is less of a push over than Derek when it comes to Alex, she does also realise that she was basically parenting Alex since she had met him, it was just more official now.
Derek and Meredith are having their dream house built, not doing it themselves. Not long after they take Alex in they amend some of the plans to make the nursery and the bedroom for Littles to be tailored for Alex, despite not thinking that they're going to keep Alex.
They frame the note Meredith wrote saying 'we should foster alex', it goes on a gallery wall of the dream house, along with the wedding sticky note, and about a million photos of their little family.
Alex continues to try to work his sidejob a few times in order to get money to pay Jimmy off, once Jimmy threatens to both distrupt Alex's life with MerDer, and threatens to get back in touch with Helen, Aaron, and April - Meredith and Derek find out and go and deal with both whichever asshole it is, and with Jimmy. Alex thinks they're going to be very pissed off at him, but they're not, they wish he had told them, and aren't happy he snuck out and went somewhere unsafe, and he's definitely going to be attached to their sides, but they know it's Jimmy's fault.
In both verses -
Alex loved to do acrobatics as a kid, his maternal grandfather took him to do it, but once he hit a certain age his dad got into his head and called it 'girly' so Alex stopped, this was also when he last saw his grandfather as Alex's family moved not long after Alex quit
Alex is bi - big bi vibes from him, though mostly just in general, he doesn't date or experience sexual attraction being Little
Alex has ADHD which he doesn't find out about until is being fostered, he also has dyslexia which he was diagnosed with in college, he typically uses a gren clear plastic sheet to help him read/study.
Meredith went to private schools once they moved to Boston when she was a kid, when they moved back to Seattle she went to a private day school still, but acted out a llittle (it didn't gain her mother's attention)
Derek's family sold their store after his dad died, this also meant that they had quite a bit of money as it was prime Manhattan real estate - they had never had to count their pennies, but once it was sold they definitely became wealthy enough to not have any debt from 5 kids going to medical school
Alex is forever the baby of the Terrible Trio- he's both the youngest while dropped, and the youngest in birth order - Jackson November, April is April (hence her name), and Alex is June. He tries to, but will never been the baby cousin accusations.
Whenever Meredith, or Meredith and Addison, are away all three of the Terrible Trio act out, getting into more trouble with thier days because the boys are both unsettled by not having their moms, and April get dragged into it. This typically ends up with the kids clinging to their dads.
if you have anymore questions, shoot them to me here! :D
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ask-prankster-sunnyyy · 4 months
Why do you care so much about Glitch anyways? Does Meredith have a crush on him or something?
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Idk maybe
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around-your-throat · 3 months
i don't wanna like stir up anything but some of you guys are delusional as fuck saying they didn't know or are going to make a statement 😭 the parasocial worms are eating your brains bro 😭
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Happy WBW! Does your world have an equivalent of film bros? Or like snooty media that certain people think is the end-all-be-all but is actually soooooo tedious? (Is this actually too niche? I don't know.)
Oooooohhhh....giiiiiiiirrrrllll...sit down! You asked a question I'm in the final revision stages of a chapter over. *pats seat on the sofa and pours Tori a piping cup of tea*
Wait till you hear about this little bit that is going to get SCHOOOOLED by Jasper. Girl...you are gonna roll!!
Okay...I'm actually going to give you some spoilers too, but not really SPOILers, as much as what's coming. But babydoll, let me tell you...it's gonna be good!
See, Meredith (Mer) is a Justice Nymph, all high and mighty, knows the laws, reads the books and leaves Jasper's library a dastardly mess. *rolles eyes and sips* WELL, she's about to get an assignment, and BOY HOWDY is Jas going to be on her ass about it. See, it's not Anna or Abrielle, but it is a couple people he is VERY, VERY fond of - Jean Pierre and Armaund. You remember them, Anna's good friends and fellow founders of the Triad in NOLA. YES...sugar...THOSE TWO!!
So, see, they're being accused of peddling influence, and punishing the innocent; and well, Jas doesn't take kindly to his friends of three centuries having some uppity Justice Nymph all up in their stuff. So, he tags along and he is not going to give her one minute of peace.
Now, like film bros, she THINKS she is all that and knows it all, but really only knows a lot about a very specific area. And where she is going, CHILD, she is nowhere near that area. She starts uncovering shit, and LAWD AMERCY, she is going to be in over her cute little head. Of course Jas isn't going to let her forget that neither.
So...she's about to get good old schooled on the real law, and where the fun books are in the library as these two discover the truth...and maybe Mer learns something about that demon she's been shitting on for a few centuries. At least she might start putting those law books back before he kicks her cute ass out.
So in a way, yes, Mer would qualify as a "law sis" and Jas is going to show her how little she truly knows. *grins and clinks teacups*
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emoboybattle · 1 year
List of canon facts about Merrin Meredith, most emo boy of all time: • His eyes changed color because he uses evil dark magic too much.
• All of his supposed "siblings" have blond hair. He thinks his hair is black just because he's special.
• He spent at least a few months surviving almost entirely off of sausage pies and candy, especially black licorice.
• He has never had a friend. Ever.
• When a nice old lady saved his life, he didn't believe she actually did it... because he's convinced no one would bother to save him.
• He put on a whole "I'm sick and helpless and sooo miserable" act to trick someone into doing what he wanted. It was whiny.
• He wants attention SO BADLY, and almost all of his (absolutely rotten) behavior is an attempt to get it.
• He summoned a six-winged dark dragon to destroy a city. It didn't work. Instead, he almost died.
• His own author thinks he's annoying and an emo brat.
Merrin propaganda!!
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peridotglimmer · 4 months
Hey Belle! For that dialogue starter prompt:
❛ it’s okay, you can touch me. i won't break. ❜
Hi Mythy! Thank you so much for the prompt!
This quote is too perfect for Meddison, so that's where my brain went!"
Meredith didn't leave, Nick just... didn't happen, Jake refused Addison's proposal & they broke up. Post 19×12 ("Pick Yourself Up"). Pre-relationship
"Look, if you're here to yell at me for not resting enough, there's a queue you can join." Addison sighed, pushing her reading glasses further up the bridge of her nose as she continued filling in Connor Marwood's chart, barely paying attention to the voice that had brought her out of her concentration.
"Addison." Addison looked up from the paperwork to see Meredith standing in the doorway of her office.
"Meredith," she replied, her voice softer, more gentle now. "Can I help you?"
"Addison." Meredith's voice broke as she stepped further into the room, her arms hanging limply at her sides. She opened her mouth, but all that came out was a choked sob, immediately quieted by her hand covering her face.
"Hey, hey," Addison murmured, getting up from her seat. "It's been one Hell of a day, huh?" She approached Meredith slowly, not wanting to startle her. Even just the jostling of rising from her chair sent a bolt of pain through her shoulder, but she bit down hard and came to stand in front of the blonde.
"Addison." It was the only word Meredith had uttered so far. She reached out for Addison, but paused.
"It's okay; you can touch me. I won't break."
Instead of the shaky fingertips she was expecting, Addison suddenly felt Meredith's lips on hers, kissing her like she was her only source of oxygen.
And despite Meredith's inability to voice her thoughts right now, Addison understood, and she whispered her reassurances between kisses.
"I'm okay. I'm alive. I'm here."
I love you I love you I love you
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anewkindofme · 7 months
What are your thoughts about Little Alex and Cg! merDer
I think they are too precious for this world.
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Ask me for headcanons on characters from my fandom list!
First of all, this scene in a caregiver context: Alex just trying to take a shower, Meredith making sure he’s actually washing himself and then Derek comes into check on them because Alex is pouty and trying to insist he’s a big boy…but then ultimately needs Derek’s help.
As Alex already lives in their house, it’d be an easier dynamic to start. They all work at the same hospital so if Alex drops while they’re there, both his parents are there for him. Also, considering Derek is chief, he can do a lot of his work from home. Meaning, if Alex drops or is sick, he can stay with him. Meredith feels bad about this sometimes but Alex understands and thinks she’s the coolest doctor ever (even cooler than his dad).
Alex drops between 1-3 years old and can become very baby. He has a pacifier, wears diapers and drinks out of a bottle most of the time when feeling small, though sometimes asks for a sippy cup. Alex has a crib for times like this but 90% of his little space, he’s co-sleeping. A doctor tried to tell Meredith and Derek it wasn’t healthy…earning them a death glare from Meredith and a lecture from Derek.
Alex has to try to do most things on his own. It can be a little frustrating for Meredith and Derek as they know he needs help, but they also know he won’t accept it if they jump in right away. Alex is very stubborn and when feeling older, is constantly like a mini-lawyer trying to plead his case as to why he should be allowed to jump on the couch or have a brownie for breakfast.
Meredith worries more than Derek, but Derek is more protective. While Meredith worries, she tends to give Alex a little more freedom. Derek hovers and will swoop in at the first tiny sign of danger. This leads to a few disagreements between Meredith and Derek.
They try not to argue in front of Alex, but sometimes they slip or he overhears. It upsets him a great deal as it brings him back to living with Jimmy and Helen. Meredith and Derek assure him they will never fight like that
When Alex is feeling very young, he becomes nonverbal. Mark teaches him basic ASL for things like more, please, thank you, sleepy, etc.
Even when he’s feeling bigger, he calls Meredith and Derek “mom” and “dad”. They refer to him as their son. Their dynamic expands past little space. Derek also has to stop himself from calling Alex his nicknames at work. After all, referring to him as “nugget” in front of patients probably wouldn’t go over well!
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Gilmore Girls plot bunny, poly Madeline and Louise ship?
Meredith "Mer" Arison in TBD (😭)
Paris Geller thought that she ran Chilton with an iron fist, but anyone else you asked would tell you that the sun rises and sets on Meredith Arison. Leader of the Puffs, class representative every year, top marks in the grade, Mer was everything a Queen Bee should be. And she has no intention of sacrificing that title for anything – not even her growing attraction to Paris' two favourite lackeys.
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winnie-the-monster · 10 days
Since you gave us such a fun poll about overrated ships, name ten ships that you consider overrated and a sentence or two about why you don't love them as much as most fans do :)
Wait did I do a poll like that lol?
Ten ships I find overrated
1. Meredith/Derek from Grey’s Anatomy. I’m sorry but he wasn’t good to her way more than he was good to her.
2. Chuck/Blair from Gossip Girl. Their whole relationship was toxic from beginning to the end. And I’ll never be over the fact that he tried to sell her just to keep his hotel.
3. Ross/Rachel from Friends. At first they were okay. But then Ross’s jealousy and insecurities completely took over and really messed up the relationship. And then there’s the fact that he slept with someone else and tried to hide it
4. Damon/Elena from The Vampire Diaries. I’m sorry I just don’t think they’re good together. And I can’t figure out why anyone would want to be with someone who abused one of their friends. And killed their brother right in front of you bc you rejected them.
5. Rebekah/Marcel from The Originals. I just can’t buy their love story. They spent more time apart than together. So it made it hard to truly flush out their relationship to make it believable imo.
6. Mal/Alina from Shadow and Bone. My only reason is that they feel like more brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend.
7. Jackie/Kelso from that 70’s show. When he wasn’t cheating on, she was making him feel bad about himself. It was just no.
Lol okay I know you wanted 10, but I can only think of 7
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superfluouskeys · 6 months
ok also if i get a bonus then how about generic ⭐star⭐ but like ⭐star⭐ not on a full fic like on a drill down like i want to hear about a SECTION or even like A TINY SNIPPET or like A SENTENCE you could even give me the directors commentary on ONE WORD
oooohhhhhhhh this is so fun okay so I chose this snippet from ch5 of The Chance You Take, and I am starting this by saying this fic is NOT!!!!!!! abandoned this is like the only fic that survived the 2020 ficpocalypse of my brain and I still desperately love it it’s just in the purgatory of me trying to convince myself not to edit the first part instead of just continuing it.
Meredith eyed Isabela curiously, then turned her attention to Hawke.  “What?” she demanded. Hawke made no effort to contain her amusement.  She shrugged merrily. Meredith’s glare hardened. “Nothing!  It’s sort of fun to watch when it’s not me, that’s all!” Hawke confessed. Meredith’s expression did not change.  At the very least, it did not get worse.  “To what are you referring?” she asked crisply. “Oh, you know,” Hawke waved vaguely, “the whole Scary Templar Lady thing.” “Is that what you think of me?” Meredith wondered coolly. Hawke startled.  “What?  No!  That’s not what I meant—“ “Isn’t it?” Meredith leaned in, soft-spoken and subdued, somehow even more frightening than when she towered or blustered.  “Allow me to repeat the question, Serah Hawke,” she continued.  “What is it you’re so afraid of?”
I liked this particular exchange because I think it highlights something very critical about the Hawke/Meredith dynamic, in this story specifically but also I think how I usually write them: Meredith tolerates a lot from Hawke, and on the surface what she does and doesn’t tolerate seems arbitrary.
This whole exchange is pretty fraught—first, Meredith is in a bad mood because Hawke is talking to Some Man when she arrives, but Hawke manages to talk her down from that ledge, to the point that they’re having a good time and Meredith is considering hinting about the gift she found earlier.  Then, Some Man comes back, and Meredith kind of reverts back into her Templar Persona, which isn’t so much different from how she is normally as it is a particular mindset that she has not been engaging with since she’s been gone.
And then Hawke has the audacity to treat it, to treat what Meredith feels is essentially the sum of her entire existence, into which she has poured everything, because tragedy gave her her purpose, and because she has nothing else—as a joke.
Meredith’s duty is not and can never be a joke to her, but more than that, her duty is so inextricably tied to her entire formative sense of identity that someone laughing at her, denigrating her, disrespecting her in her capacity as a templar can only ever be deeply personal.  And if it were anyone else (besides the fellow templars she respects and feels bound to), she wouldn’t care.  It would still be personal, she just wouldn’t care.
Without realizing it, Meredith has been living with this contradiction: she thought that despite everything Hawke is and does, Hawke still respected Meredith’s work and what had to be done, and supported her genuinely.  And, at the same time, she thought Hawke saw her as more than just her job.  Because their interactions up to this point have been so completely insane and nothing like Meredith has ever experienced before, she thought Hawke had somehow managed to differentiate Meredith from her work (still believing Hawke respected her work), even when Meredith could not separate herself from her work.
And that is almost, almost true!  Hawke very obviously does see Meredith as separate from her job, and even though she doesn’t always like it, she has grown to hold at least some respect for what Meredith does!  Pretty much everyone Hawke knows has some kind of deep-seated duty or calling that can never really shake—but the difference is that it isn’t the literal core of who they are.  Meredith lost her family when she was seven, and was pretty much raised a templar from that point onward.  Even if Hawke’s other companions don’t always like her teasing, they’re able to tolerate it because they’re able to separate the core of themselves from their duties.  From Meredith’s perspective, Hawke viewing her duty as something to joke about is akin to Hawke viewing Meredith as a joke.
Meredith pretty much shuts down, because she’s not used to being bothered by what people think of her.  People say horrible things about her all the time.  She’s surprised and hurt that Hawke admits to being afraid of her, but it’s not really about the fear—it’s about the lack of faith in her work, and therefore in her. Hawke is one of the few people who doesn't hate her or think she's crazy at this point, and that has been wayyyyy more of a source of comfort for her than she realized. (She thinks about this explicitly a little in chapter one, and somewhere else also I think.)
I don’t love some of the wording I chose here between the dialogue—this is what I mean when I say this fic makes me want to gently edit it LOL.  I think clearer, simpler connecting phrases would make the mood shift pack more of a punch.  I want it to feel like everything’s going fine, Hawke is having a good time, not grasping the danger, and then the mood just DROPS.  Maybe something like:
Meredith watched him go, impassive.  She turned her attention back to Hawke.  “What?” Hawke made no effort to hide her amusement.  She shrugged merrily. Meredith waited. “Nothing!” said Hawke.  “It’s sort of fun to watch when it’s not me, that’s all!” Meredith narrowed her eyes, uncomprehending.  “To what are you referring?” “Oh, you know,” Hawke waved vaguely, “the whole Scary Templar Lady thing.” “Is that what you think of me?” Meredith wondered. Cold premonition sent a shiver down Hawke’s spine.  She looked up, startled.  “What?  No!  That’s not what I—“ “Isn’t it?” Meredith leaned in, soft-spoken and subdued, a thousand times more frightening than when she towered or blustered.  “Allow me to repeat the question, Serah Hawke,” she continued.  “What is it you’re so afraid of?”
It’s not much of a change, but the connecting phrases supply the timing for the dialogue.  The way it was before, the pace was being slowed by the connectors before the mood shift rather than right after.  This way, the first part reads as quick and snappy, and then the pace grinds to a halt with the stronger word choice and heavier descriptions.  They’re in conflict after this, but it’s a tense, cautious kind of conflict where they’re choosing their words very carefully, juxtaposed against the loud, boisterous atmosphere around them.  So where you might normally want to escalate the conflict by speeding it up, in this case I think it makes more sense to slow it down.
Aaaaaaaah I can’t wait to go insane about DA2 again!!!  Thank you for indulging me, this was super fun, I love rambling about this kind of thing!!!
Fanfic Writer Director's Cut Ask Game!
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athenafire · 8 months
*he managed to make it to mers house before collapsing in a pool of his own golden ichor on the porch, he tried to knock before fainting but wasn't able to but luckily his head hit to door , hopefully he was loud enough for her to hear.* *he looked terrible, he was still in his work uniform but had a stab wound I his chest, and golden stains scattered all over his suit, and staining the white shirt underneath, his hair was a mess and undone and his wings which were still out, were frizzed and messy, he layed there in a pool of golden ichor waiting for her to open the door, he was a mess, and his list of dead souls to retrieve for the day was still clenched in his right arm, one name not crossed out, blood was on the paper as well, something definitely happened while he was on a job*
-thanatos ( @thanatos-death-god )
Autumn hailed the beginning of silence at Fabled Orchards. Insects and birds left on their seasonal trips. Farm animals spent more time inside their warm barn, rather than below the open sky. And Meredith herself? Only the crackling flames in her fireplace for company.
Until she heard the sound of a body drop. She stood sharply, knitting needle already in hand. No one came up this mountain without a reason. And with the smell of ichor wafting through still air, she knew it would be bad news.
Silent as a falling leaf, she moved towards the sound, ready to strike. But when she saw Thanatos through the cracks, her heart stopped. Death itself bleeding out on her doorstep.
She swung the thin barrier open, hoisting Thanatos on to her back, carrying him into the soft light. "Stay with me, kid." she ordered, gently laying him on the floor before her fireplace.
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cianmarstoo · 2 months
How do you think MerDer would react to Alex being bi and sneaking out to meet a guy or someone from the hospital catches him and MerDer find out (I know he doesn't experience any attraction due to being little but if he were Big or in another AU)
(sorry this took so long!)
I think Alex would be so sneaky about it and would start to set up lies for alibis (managing to pay Jackson in coffee or something to say they're going out together somewhere while also telling Jackson nothing about who he was going out with) and sneaks out at night, or claims to be working nightshifts (that one rarely though as he knows he'll be found out fast) While MerDer try not to be overbearing when he's big they do worry a lot about him, and Alex is often grounded anyway, and he does have a curfew for when he's not working as even when Big as a Little he needs more sleep than Neutrals or Caregivers
He ends up being seen by Bailey who is at the same bar with some friends, but Alex and the guy, who also works at the hospital, leaves before she can go over, after he leaves she does see that there were two empty beers on his table. Alex gets caught sneaking back in, he claims he just went for a run, and MerDer are already so tired from working that they ground him for being out past curfew and tell him that they're going to have a long conversation after work the next day
It's only when at work that they find out - with Bailey bumping into Derek (cause the two of them are friends lbr) and stopping the elevator like they do, and being like 'I'm not telling you how to parent, but I'm surprised you and Grey let Alex out on a date at a bar at night, especially without you guys around." She quickly realises by the look on Derek's face that he had no idea and is like "... ah... I'm guessing you definitely didn't know about the whole beer thing then?"
Derek literally goes storming off and reluctantly forces himself to see Mer instead of going straight to Alex and grounding him forever , because he knows (after several fights in the past) that parenting is them having to talk first.
Meredith hears about it and like Derek wants to find out who this guy is and kill him, but they need to find out who is first, they page Alex claiming its an emergency and he thinks it going to be a cool surgery.... nope, its them and they force him to go to Derek's office which is when he knows he's in trouble they force themselves to not yell or say anything until they get to the office, and when they do they demand the name of whoever it was he was on a date with
Alex internally spirals, Jimmy Evans was probably every type of phobic, and Alex didn't think that MerDer would be but he worries now.
MerDer on the other hand aren't even thinking about the sex or gender of whoever it was, they just care that Alex has been hiding it from them, sneaking around, and drinking when he definitely shouldn't.
Meredith is like "Alex I mean it, tell me his name now. I'm going to kick his ass."
"So am I!"
"Wait... what, his ass? It's not like he turned me bi, the fuck?"
thats when MerDer get confused and realise Alex is looking panicked.
"Yeah, you were drinking, Alex, and sneaking around, hiding things from us? He's clearly an asshole-"
"-he didn't make me drink!"
"Don't care, he should have made sure you didn't, you're not meant to, you're a Little, you know that, so why didn't he stop you?"
"... because he doesn't know my classification, we've only been on a few dates...?"
its then that they realise that they probably can't kill this guy, even if they feel protective of Alex.
They assure him that they know someone can't just turn him bi. That they're not homophobic or anything, and love him no matter what.
Then they get him to tell them absolutely everything, because they need to be able to trust him, so he does... and totally ends up grounded for a month...
They also find out about the guy, like who it is, how they met, what he knows about Alex or doesn't know.
They all leave to head back to work and MerDer privately admit to each other that they still want to kill the guy, and are like "Who doesn't ask about their classification in the first few dates?" then realise that they only promised not to kill him... they didn't promise not to threaten him....... so of course they do threaten him, because at the end of the day they know what they are, and that's protective parents
they also give Alex a very indepth sex talk, he points out that he's both a doctor and completed high school, they tell him they don't care, they know him, and they heard him and Jackson saying that they thought the morning after pill is 100% effective, and they're like 'nope, you're gonna be safe, whether you do or not, and you're getting regular checks'
'and someones going to be in the same place as you are on dates until we know him better, us, or one of your uncles'
Alex would never agree to them that it's nice getting to have essentially the teen experience which he never had, even if they're overprotective and embarrassing
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(Alex when being made to listen to their safe sex talk - it doesn't work they still give him the lecture)
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ask-prankster-sunnyyy · 5 months
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(there’s a note)
Merry Christmas Prankster -Lacuna
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Merry Christmas yall: :>>> art block was kicking. my. ASS. this past week or so but hey, the power of christmas made me finally get around to doodling :DD
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