#(woops my hAND SLIPPED.)
rius-cave · 3 months
you want some angst? A demon trying to tempt him by using the form of a young Lucifer, who smiles at Adam, asks him how he is, and what they’ll go do today. Adam knows it’s not really Lucifer, but he’s so tempted by how warm and smiling the fake Lucifer is that he almost gives in.
I present you an even more angsty idea:
Adam does not know the demon is Lucifer. Whoever this demon is wants something from Adam, maybe he wants to use Adam as a hostage to have some sort of leverage on Lucifer or something like that. So he approaches Adam like "hey I prepared a small getaway just for the two of us! Where nobody will bother us! You don't need to notify anyone, I already made the arrangements", so Adam is surprised but accepts, without realizing he's basically being kidnapped. Maybe Lucifer is into sexcapedes or something, he thinks.
The demon thinks the relationship between them is intimate and emotional so he treats Adam as a lover. He talks sweetly to him and oddly nice. Adam is weirded out but specially confused. Not only have they not fucked ONCE since they got there, but also that's not how they are at all. Nonetheless, the way Lucifer is treating him now feels... Nice...
He didn't think they'd be anything other than fuck buddies and he thought that was all he wanted, but this taste of intimacy feels too good to deny. It all tips over for him when "Lucifer" finally says he loves him. It's said casual, an off-hand comment as if he said that regularly, and Adam is so godsmacked that he doesn't even know what to say back. "Lucifer" doesn't seem to notice, it's as if he didn't realize that was the first time he said it.
But Adam realizes he doesn't mind, and it gets him even... Excited! He finds he's actually really happy! Maybe deepening their relationship won't be so bad after all! Maybe they could try that out!
And then all of that comes to a halt when Adam is finally found, that demon gets the shit beat out of him, and the crew take Adam back home. The whole thing happened so fast, Adam was barely able to process it all. Those last few days have been all a lie. Lucifer doesn't actually want him that way. How could he? He is still the same despicable creature that was abandoned twice and now even a third time by somebody who didn't even love him and was just pretending to do so.
Lucifer is happy to have Adam back, but Adam seems almost devastated. He's completely unharmed, but he stopped coming to him, talking to him, he's cold towards everyone again, barely says a word, spends most of his time in his bedroom... What happened to him?
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muclunga · 11 months
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[tap/click for better quality]
Part 3✨✨✨ These are so much funnnn i cant help itttt
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joelscruff · 4 months
"joel would never do that" well now i'm just gonna make him do it harder
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kaelidascope · 4 months
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It's exactly what it looks like
they're practicing breathing exercises :)
Full uncensored version on my patreon here
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sky-kiss · 7 months
Raphael x Tav/Reader (GN): Woops, My Hand Slipped
The finest wines, the richest foods; the devil has tasted every one of them over the course of his long life. He has supped on the flesh of kings and the souls of demi-gods. There is nothing new under the sun. 
But you are sweeter.  
Raphael smirks, dragging his teeth across your belly. He has broken flesh in some places, a more difficult task in this human shell. They are blunt and comparatively inefficient, but he likes how you look together. Delicious as it is to couple with you in his infernal form, you are so pliant, so welcoming to this vessel. You take him so easily. 
He bites. Partially to see you tense, to collect the sweet little noises you make. A touch of pain and more pleasure. The cambion's hands smooth up the inside of your thighs, spreading you wide for him. Too wide, but he likes the way you wince, the hiss of breath at the stretch. There are rare moments when he’s softer and less contentious, but they are few and far between. Raphael makes it a dance, a push/pull, leaning more heavily into the push. He wants you to beg, wants to strangle you on the line between too much and not enough. 
Raphael has stripped you nude; he wears his doublet. Its fabric scratches against your thighs. You manage to catch the pant leg with your toes, tugging. You want him skin-on-skin; the more you push, the more he punishes. Raphael makes a tsk-ing sound. He pulls your legs around him, holding them tight around his hips, leaning forward until you’re nearly bent in half, whimpering. Raphael laughs, brushing the back of his fingers across the flexing muscles in your belly. 
“What a treat you are, and all for me. Say you're mine, hmm? Say you're mine, and we might have done with it, pet.” 
He presses his thumb to your lips. Your tongue flicks out to taste him. The devil shivers, rocking against you without thinking. For as much as Raphael likes to play at control, his grasp is tenuous. Eventually, his hunger will overwhelm the urge to play with his food. 
You manage to fist a hand in his hair, dragging him into a kiss. He tries to laugh. It comes out choked, needy when you yank or suck his lower lip between your teeth. He tastes of all those fine wines and foods, of sulfur and spice. Half a dozen different flavors blend into something uniquely Raphael. 
He groans against your lips, and you chase that sound, drunk off it, rocking together in the dark, lost in your hunger. 
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scarapanna · 2 months
Was messing around, cooked something for Intertwined Opposites on accident
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The bg is anything but polished lmao, I love rendering/silly
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abyssruler · 2 years
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i love the little differences between lumine and aether. lumine looks like her brain has stopped working from the cold, ‘there is no reprieve, only pain and suffering’ on a loop in her head. while aether looks like he’s trying his best to weather through it, even when it’s clear he’s more affected by the cold than lumine is. being the older twin, he’s probably had to internalize a lot of things and hide when he’s afflicted by something bc he thinks it’s his role to be the caretaker between the twins. lumine looks more expressive, more open to showing what she’s feeling bc she’s used to aether picking up on her tells and taking care of her as the younger twin.
and this can really be interpreted in two different ways depending on who you’re looking at. bc with lumine, she lost her safety net, no one is watching her back anymore so she has to learn to take care of herself. and with aether, he now has to learn to be taken care of instead of the other way around, learn to accept help instead of being the one giving it.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 8 months
(When tank dies)
I’ve got some color back, she think so too.
Sam: I laugh like me again
Their daughter: she laughs like you
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radiomurdeer · 1 month
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"Next up is Blue's Clues, here on Nick Jr! 🎺🎺🎺"
Silly idea from @cannibalxroses
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midnightcaptions · 7 months
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She didn't carve that for you to eat, young man.
loosely based on a silly picture of pigs,
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just-french-me-up · 2 years
French Culture But Make It Welcome to Night Vale
You're at the train station. There are no trains coming or going. There is a strike going on. There is always a strike going on. And yet you keep coming to the train station. You forgot what you are waiting for.
You enter a boulangerie and ask for a pain au chocolat. The vendor gives you a chocolatine. You ask for a pain au chocolat again. The vendor gives you a chocolatine. There are no such things as "pain au chocolat" she tells you.
The president has published another tiktok and a youtube collaboration with famous youtubers. Teenagers cheer. Meanwhile, the student line at the local food bank stretches.
You start giving cheek kisses to your dear friend to greet him. Your regional custom is two kisses. Their regional custom is five kisses. You never touch their cheeks. Do they have cheeks? You're not sure.
You venture out on a Sunday. There is no one outside. All the shops are closed. Only the void is waiting.
A Parisian leaves Paris for the province. He asks a local if they have access to electricity and running water. No one can hear him scream over the sound of the singing rooster and mooing cows.
You buy a baguette before heading home. By the time you cross the threshold, the baguette is gone. Eaten. You have no memory of ever touching it.
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"Well? Don't you recognize a parting gift when you see one?" 
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jadevalentine-writes · 7 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: oh my god they were roommates, Roommates, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates Summary:
Aziraphale discovers that Crowley has not been living in his flat and offers a solution.
And Crowley fights him every step of the way.
Or: What would have happened if Crowley and Aziraphale were roommates after Season 1/before Season 2/during Season 2.
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jonpertwee · 22 days
Apropos of nothing, let's all listen to some music.
Here's Cavalry by Mashrou' Leila (I love Mashrou' Leila). Queer Lebanese band (okay, half of them aren't queer, I think).
English version:
I'm usually a sucker for the original versions of non-English songs but damn do I love the English version.
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sky-kiss · 8 months
It’s the smell of blood dragging you from the darkness. Up, up, up towards consciousness. Away from instinct and towards reason.
Blood, sickly sweet, stinking in your nose, thick on your tongue; it cakes beneath your nails, sticky between your fingers, and over everything. The hunger never fades, but this, the carnage, helps.
Screams echo in their memories and blend into a discordant song. And it should horrify you, shouldn’t it? The bodies? The stench? It did once. You know it did. There used to be another voice, a conscience maybe, but it’s gone. 
Now, there’s only red.
Red, red, red. Passion and blood, Orin.
The Red Lady flits between her kills, pressing the flat of her blade against her hip. It leaves a swathe of blood in its wake, no better or worse than the rest of the carnage painted across her flesh. Orin is messy, a somehow inarticulate way of describing her ‘work.’ Her knives are viciously sharp, you know this better than most, but you’d never guess it. Sometimes, she hacks into the flesh, shattering bone and bruising. In her lighter moments, nearly coy, she takes her time. Her hands are steady; she flays, reveling in the screams and the wash of blood. It soothes her. And you.
She traces your cheek with the knife, leaving a cool sting in its wake. Mischief (madness) dances behind her eyes. Something screams inside you, that primal voice, that other. Father or the Slayer…it wants her but doesn’t know how. Wants to kill, take, own, unify.
And it’s that last urge, stronger than all the others, that chokes you. You want to crawl inside her skin. Father says you are one, twinned, incomplete. It hurts. It hungers.
“My blood-kin,” she coos the words, breath warm against your cheek. “My only.” She laughs as she says it. Pleased by your pain. Orin presses her lips to your cheek and licks her way to the corner of your mouth. Not quite a kiss, tongue tracing along the cut she’s made. Evaluating her work, tasting you. Torn between the pleasure of the hunt and wanting to be whole again. It’s as near to restraint as she comes.
You feel the darkness stretching out again, soul-deep, and hungry. It’s so much worse when she’s close. Like your skin is tight, something else is clawing its way out, ready to burst from your ribcage. You are halves of one awful, bloody, whole.
Some nights you hunt, a twinned plague roaming the city outskirts.
Some nights you turn on one another, tearing through flesh and bone.
And perhaps one night this will end. It must end. Father demands it.
But not now. Not yet. For now, there’s only red.
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trollblivion-ooc · 2 months
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"i want to become all sorts of colors!"
color and electricity - hatsune miku
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