#(that was the actual last one 😅)
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fizpup · 4 months
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valentine, you're a horse ❤️
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insomniphic · 6 months
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This was a very last minute idea, but I wanted to do something while I try to finish up the other bits!
Asks can be requests or direct questions to Narry!
If you have different versions you want to talk to, please specify!
They will all be colored! (And drawn better than this announcement.) SO IF YOU GUYS WANT TO KNOW NARRY PERSONALLY GO TO MY ASKS!
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 3 months
Day “5”: [🌊🪨🔥💨] Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Cocoabubbelle ATLA wasn’t part of the prompt list yes it is [now] shush
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cheapbourbon · 10 months
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Hunters Knight : Silence is golden
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dootznbootz · 3 months
I got more mini analysises of the Iliad and Odyssey if you'd like. Not just the Ithacan Royal family either
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(Not ALL of these are essay ideas btw. some are just headcanons and/or wips. some are a few reblogs I save when I'm sleepy so I can simply tag when I'm not sleepy but...yeah. I like sifting through these stories so much and I see and love a lot of little moments that I haven't seen many people talk about 🥺)
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writterings · 11 months
ngl the ao3 thing got me fucked because i've been getting more and more distrusting of the idea that things on the internet will always be accessible and i've been archiving media i like onto cds/dvds and stuff but i just haven't gotten around to downloading fics and i'm actually really upset about the idea of never being able to access certain stories again and the general fear that an online space of creativity would be lost. like the reports all say that it's being managed and the site will only be down for a few weeks at most but like STILL.
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citrlet · 30 days
last night i actually got back into writing after probably a year? of not having any motivation to and it's so exciting but god i'm so rusty akfjdks
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bulldog-butch · 2 months
5, 11, 20
5: Favourite sex position?
either missionary where i’m on top with their legs wrapped around me OR doggy but the beginning isn’t the best part it’s after their legs collapse and then you either fully mount them or just lay your full body weight on top 👌🏼
11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
i think my woxers are very sexy 😂 i do have a jock strap but it’s just not nearly as comfortable
20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?
shant say 🤐
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sidebleugh · 9 months
i wanna bind last legacy into a physical book
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
fic talk in the tags 💝
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efplanning · 4 months
Bro Eon wanting to evolve but not choosing to is making my brain gears turn. Is he just indecisive? Or is he afraid of making a permanent choice he can’t walk back? Does he think that depending on what choice he decides (and he HAS to decide) it might show favoritism and cause problems between his kids? Or does he just think that it’s too late in his life to do big changes like this? Wait I got more to say hold on
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yepppp most of this tbh🙃
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Kaeya once jokingly referred to Bennett as 'Bennett Guildson' in lightly scolding him over endangering himself, and Bennett most Definitely considered making that his actual name on his official Adventurer's Guild paperwork, send post-
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heartbrake-hotel · 1 year
I just want BDE to hold me; cradle me in his lap like a baby while he reads to me as I lay my head on his chest. Is that too much to ask for?
nonnie.. NONNIE.!! i wish you could hear the wistful sigh i let out reading this. i'm kicking my heels and twirling my hair about Big Daddy every chance i get 💌
just wanna curl up with him anywhere - in bed, on the couch, in the backseat of the car - wherever he is, wherever he's already comfortable, that's exactly where i wanna be.. 💓
[also i was just rambling i didn't mean for this to turn into any aCTUAL writing but.. uH 👉👈 yah sure whatever it's a blurb now ig]
wanna sneak up and slip into his lap while he's got that pretty nose of his buried in a book, disrupting his focus for only a second as he holds his book away to make room for you while you get comfy. his arms wrap securely around you once he's sure you're done moving, holding you tight, keeping your bodies flush as he reopens the paperback in his hand.
what follows is a kiss on the cheek and a murmur of sorry, didn't mean to bother you, just wanted to sit with you a little. go back to your book, and he hums a little absentmindedly in response as he keeps reading. you're pressed so close you can feel the rumble of it deep in his chest.
you busy yourself with nothing in particular, playing with the tuck in his shirt sleeve or the fringe on his jacket, occasionally running your fingers over some of your favorite parts of him: the plush swell of his belly or thighs, warm and strong underneath you; the soft slope of his shoulders, the curve of his neck, sometimes even reaching up to trace the ridge of his brow or the line of his nose. never for an extended period, just long enough for him to register and relish in the gentle touch. you wouldn't think he even noticed, too absorbed in his reading, except for how he squeezes your waist every time.
eventually, you sigh and wriggle in his arms, and he immediately drops them and clears his throat, faking that he's unaffected at the thought of you getting bored and leaving... but you're just sitting up a little higher in his lap to adjust your reach. you pout a little in discontent at the loss of his sturdy closeness so tight around you and pull his arms back where you want them. the barest hint of a smile on his face is given away only by the slight blush that colors his cheeks as he chides himself for bein' foolish, but it immediately widens to a cheshire grin as you begin running your fingers softly through his hair instead.
you don't know how much time passes like that, both of you content just to soak in the others' presence, before he speaks. wan' me to read out loud to ya, baby? his voice is quiet and sweet - not shy, per se, but like he's savoring the moment, like he worries you might get up anytime now and he wants to appreciate you here, snug and lovely in his arms, while he's still got it. you just nod in response, knowing he can feel it. he nods once, too, throat working as you watch his pillowy lips begin to form the words.
he thinks he's being surreptitious, but you're not so distracted that you don't notice how he flipped back to the very beginning of the book - a ploy to spend more time with you, but you don't mind one little bit. you hide your answering grin in his shoulder, sealed w a kiss pressed there, into the warmth of his body underneath the silky fabric of his shirt.
his voice is a little hoarse, at first, from slight disuse, but the longer he reads, the smoother it gets, the rich ebb and flow characteristic of his extensive vocal range becoming apparent. his cadence is lilting and musical in and of itself, so much so that you almost aren't listening to the words in favor of focusing on the sound.
the more he reads, the more comfortable you get, your fingers moving down to twirl in the fluffy curls at the nape of his neck as you rest your head on his shoulder. soon you find yourself sliding back down into his lap even further, to settle more firmly against the breadth of his chest. you can feel more so than hear the steady thump-thump of his heartbeat under your cheek. you've never felt so safe and loved as you do right here with him, and you know he knows it.
before long, lulled by that feeling, you find your blinks growing slower and your head growing heavier. you lost the plot of the book long ago, too distracted by his delicious closeness to keep track of the host of details, but now even the white noise of his voice is blurring in your ears as you drowse in his arms. not gonna fall asleep on me, are ya, little? he chuckles, his fond amusement audible. you grin a little but don't open your eyes, playfully slapping his shoulder as you settle more firmly against him. that, mr. presley, is for me to know and you to find out. now keep reading!
anythin' you say, honey.
#blurb#wHAT THE FUUUUCK.. THIS GOT AWAY FROM ME like . most comforting fantasy ever ohh my godd#i didnt actually mean to write anything for this..????? but also.. how could i resist Him 🥺💗#see THIS is where the universe normalizes after that last ask 🥰🥰#on a personal level ill say this:#its been a loong time baby (a LONG time) since i could be#reasonably described as petite or little or what the fuck ever#which doesnt bother me !!!! to clarify lmao like i Enioy it#but sometimes u just want someone to make you feel Small !!#to wrap u up in arms stronger than yours and squeeze tight#ill tell you what i would never EVER be too aware of#'hm can i sit on this dudes lap or will i Actually crush him lmao'#if the dude in question was big daddy 🤤🤤🤤#also picking a pov here was so hard and for what reason??#i write all my fics for this fandom in second person but answer all my asks in first#and as this is somehow both And neither i struggled enormously w unconsciously switching back and forth between sentences sfghj 😅#anyway yall should be grateful for this bc i seriously doubt#any of the other 21 (21!!!!!!) wips i have in the works for this fandom will ever see the light of day#been writing fic for over a decade and not oNCE have i ever deemed myself Done Enough w a project to publish it lol#had one epistolary twitter thread that got away from me and one writing exercise/songfic i shared in a gc#for my last fandom (clowntown bitches rise uPPPP ✊🎈) and otherwise N A D A#my google drive is neatly organized to store my actual hundreds of fic fragments AND THATS HOW I LIKE IT.!
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
thank you to @energievie & @gardenerian for the tag! i love you both so big! 🥺
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
"Their first Valentine’s Day together lands on a Tuesday." - flip fuck? 
"It's been a fucking shitty day." - caught in the act 
"The first time Ian Gallagher laid eyes on Mickey Milkovich, he was waiting to meet with his parole officer for the first time since he’d been released." - rewards for good behavior
"Ding! The bell at the top of the shop door announced Ian’s arrival." - an exception to the rule
"The first time it happens, Mickey thinks it must be a fluke." - a seven letter word for love 
"'Hey man, one sec, I’ll be right up,' says the dark-haired, tattooed man holding a broom in the belly of the shop." - care for a cut?
"From the moment he presented, he knew he was a dead man. Mickey Milkovich, a fucking omega." - M8TE 
"'Open that fucking mouth, Mick.'" - to hold between your teeth
"Ian has always wanted to grow tomatoes." - a pipe dream becomes a reality
"There’s a bead of sweat at the back of Ian’s neck that’s threatening to fall, and he wishes that it just fucking would already." - seizing an opportunity
conclusions: i like that there's some variety, but that they all feel like openings. invitations into a larger story. portals to good days, bad days, chance meetings and established, yet deepening relationships, individual journeys that clash and overlap... jeez. writing is so cool. i'm glad i did this! 🖤🖤🖤
tagging @thisdivorce @squidyyy23 @annatrow @breedxblemickey @crossmydna @captainjowl @damnnmilkovich @goodkwuestion @howlinchickhowl @loftec @metalheadmickey @notherenewjersey @palepinkgoat @whatthebodygraspsnot @wehangout @whatwouldmickeydo if you wanna! if not, please know i'm loving up on your writing every damn day! xx
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seraphicalsuccubus · 1 month
.............two carrot.
I’m going to carve these carrots into sharp points at the ends, shove one carrot each, first the long way then turned sideways, both down your throat and up your fucking ass so I tear your fucking insides up with your goddamn stupid motherfucking cArRoTs
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