#(it's nice in passing but less so in staying if that makes sense?)
hzdtrees · 11 months
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The Cordon, pt. 1
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writingouthere · 5 months
neighbor!Sukuna x singlemom!reader. In the aftermath of your apartment flooding, Sukuna makes you a deal that is too good to pass up. You don't fully know what you're agreeing to, but if you did would it have really changed anything? Reader POV
cw: Sukuna may seem like just a nice guy stepping up but really he's a red flag you're just too tired to see. It's hinted reader has not been treated well in the past but no specifics.
You hadn't known what to do when you woke up to the sound of rushing water. You had acted on instinct and grabbed your daughter from the room next to yours and stood in the kitchen, calling your landlord from the number on your lease to no avail. Your daughter was starting to get fussy and after the fourth attempt with no answer, you felt lost.
Your ex hadn't exactly been the reliable type and he probably would have just contributed by cursing and complaining about shitty landlords and even shittier affordable housing but that wouldn't have helped then and thinking about it wasn't helping you now. Single, alone with your daughter who was growing more disgruntled by the minute.
You hated to even consider but, there was someone who you kept coming back to that you thought could help.
The tattooed man across the hallway hadn't struck you as the friendly type, but he had proved you wrong in the few months since you moved in. He looked like the type of guy you would cross the street to avoid, but he always had time to stop and talk to you when he saw you. He also always made it a point to say hello to your daughter and listen to her rambles, even when they didn't make sense to you.
Your other neighbors had warned you about him. Stories that included threats and assaults you just couldn't connect to the man who had taken you and your daughter to the aquarium when your piece of shit ex bailed on you both, again.
You had googled him afterwards and what you saw was pages and pages that included things like attempted, suspected and scarier words like murder, hospitalized and other things that just didn't fit with the man you were still getting to know.
The water was still falling and once your daughter started waking up, you called it and went over to the maybe scary man across the hall, who never scared you.
Within ten minutes, you found yourself in Sukuna's guest room while he stayed behind at your apartment to figure everything out. When was the last time someone told you, "I got it." You were always the responsible one. You were the mom friend, the girlfriend people liked to introduce to their parents. You had basically parented yourself!
But now, there was someone who told you that, "I got it."
So who could blame you for going along with what came next. When the next morning came and Sukuna told you that your super had come too late and the apartment was damage and you couldn't stop yourself from putting your head in your hands as your daughter happily munched on the pancakes he had made you both.
"What am I going to do," you groaned and you couldn't help but lean in when Sukuna placed his hand on your cheek.
"He said he would put you up in a hotel until it can be fixed," he said gently and you sighed. You envisioned the next several months in some shitty motel with no kitchen, sharing a lumpy bed with your two year-old, disrupting the routines you had been trying so hard to build as a single mom. No more afternoon trips to the park that was less than a block away. No more feeding the ducks with your leftover veggies or sharing pick up duties with the other moms at the daycare by your work.
"This sucks, I don't want to have to build my life all over again." And you really didn't. This was so frustrating and over what, a little water damage?
"Well," Sukuna started and he tilted your head so you were looking at him. "I do have the guest room. You could move some of your stuff over here and camp out until it's fixed. Pocket the hotel money, use it for something for the kid."
"Oh, I couldn't impose on you like that-"
"I wouldn't offer if it was an imposition," he said, his eyes glinting and for just a second you could see a little of the danger your neighbors had told you about, but then it was gone and he was leaning over you to take another pancake from the serving tray and putting it on your daughter's empty plate.
"It's not just for you, I would-I would feel a lot better knowing the both of you were taken care of. I doubt the hotel that-" he cut off looking over at your daughter, "you know is putting you up in is going to be the safest place for the two of you."
You couldn't believe you were considering it but you were so tired. You felt like life had just become a series of less than ideal circumstances you were forced to deal with just because you didn't want to settle for the wrong guy or give your daughter less than she deserved.
"I would pay rent," you said and he looked ready to argue but you held up your hand. He smiled, amused and gestured go on. "Just until they can fix the apartment and if we get to be too much tell me. We can tough it out in a hotel. We've dealt with worse," you added and he frowned before nodding.
"Deal." He turned to look at your daughter and smiled. "You hear that bug, you and mommy are moving in." Your daughter giggled and clapped her syrup covered hands.
"Temporarily," you reminded him and he smiled at you.
"Right, let's go grab the stuff you'll need while you're here temporarily." He went grabbed a towel and wiped your daughters hands while she kept laughing and chanting "move in, move in!"
Is it your fault that you didn't know that your circumstances were anything but temporary?
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highvern · 9 days
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Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung x f!reader
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
warnings:  oral sex/face sitting/69, prone bone, dom/sub dynamics (dom!reader/sub!hoshi),  protected sex, impact play (spanking), mentions of butt stuff but nothing explicit
Length: ~ 4.3k
Note: this ended up way longer than i originally planned... by like 2k but im weak for sub hoshi. realized i accidentally made them schmidt and cece from new girl.... oh well. as always thank u @gyuswhore for suffering my horrible punctuation and EVERYONE HAS TO READ HER UP COMING HOSHI FIC FOR PIRATE HOSHI I DEMAND IT
series m.list: Houdini [s], Green Light [s, f], YUCK [f]
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked.
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Soonyoung talks. A lot. 
Sometimes it makes no sense. Like the occasions he calls you after a night out and slurs his words through the speaker as you hum agreement to who knows what until he passes out while still on the line, letting you hear every snore and smack of his lips until you hang up; or when he’s inside you and it's all a bit too much that he has to tell you how good it feels in excruciating detail; or when you both wake up in the morning, you late for work and him trying to talk you into keeping the sheets warm for just a few more minutes, and Soonyoung thinks he’s convinced you but fifteen more minutes really won’t hurt because his apartment is closer to your office anyway.
He talks so much that not hearing his voice the second he opens the door is like a slap in the face.
There's no invitation inside, or lukewarm greeting. The door hangs ajar, Soonyoung already back down the hall in the direction of his room with the expectation you’ll follow. 
You do, but with the same hesitancy you’d approach a wild animal: curious and on edge.
Despite the hour, his roommates aren’t anywhere to be seen. No bodies sprawled across the couch or light under their doors. Their presence never stopped you before but it’s unsettling that there's no buffer of anything to break the storm cloud choking the atmosphere. Just stark exposure to whatever is clearly bothering Soonyoung that he won’t tell you about because, technically, you two don’t do that. Or, he does and you vehemently refuse all of it with less and less authenticity each time.
Soonyoung doesn’t prattle on about his day or ask about yours as you trail behind him. He throws off his shirt without a word, collapses on the edge of the mattress, and roughly pulls you into his lap. It’s cold and unfeeling and exactly the kind of sex you’d enthusiastically participate in a year ago. But nothing like the Soonyoung you’ve grown familiar with over the past few months.
He doesn’t comment on the low cut of your top, falling into the motions without the usual banter. 
You wiggle free from his grasp, trying to meet his gaze. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He doesn’t look at you before taking back up where he left off.
“Stop.” You push him back, trying to get a look at his face but he stays in the crook of your neck. “Stop.”
The silence that follows is loud. He collapses back into the bed, arms curling up to hide away from whatever is chasing him.
“I said I’m fine,” he mumbles.
“Could've fooled me,” you huff.
“Doesn’t matter. Not what you come here for anyway, right?”
A half truth that stings more than you’d like. It sinks in your gut in the quiet dark of his room.
“You know what? Forget I asked, I’m leaving.”
“Wait,” he says, arms attempting to snake around your waist but you’re already up.
“No. You don’t need to be an asshole when I’m just trying to be nice.”
“Because you’re sunshine and rainbows all the time?”
“Did I fucking say I was? If you’ve got a problem with it you’ve had long enough to lose my number.”
“I’m sorry, I just…” he sighs heavily. “Bad day.”
You soften at the break in his voice. Stepping back over, you stand between his legs. He looks small, hunched over with his head in his hands and the weight of the world on his shoulders. The light you’ve come to associate with having him within reach is gone and all that's left is a man you don’t really recognize. He buries his face in the warmth of your stomach, and goes limp as you run a hand across his shoulders.
“Do—” you clear your throat. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
Because if Soonyoung is talking there's less chances for you to open your mouth and screw it all up. You don’t know how to be doughy and tender with the same level of ease he possesses. You’ll probably fail trying but it's the least you can do.
It’s uncharted territory; for you, for this, whatever this is because it doesn’t really resemble anything you’ve done before even though the foundation is the same. Because you care about Soonyoung, and he obviously cares about you. But you’re not sure how to let him and even less sure how to return it.
“Okay,” you say, at a loss for what comes next.
Inactivity breeds restlessness. Without any idea how to do this on your own, you default to the steps he took when you were half cooked on your bathroom floor.
Soonyoung eyes you with questions but doesn’t speak as you drag him into the en suite. Bites his tongue as you work off your clothes under the sterile overhead light and then move to work on his; raising his arms when you poke him and managing his pants on his own. He even smiles, or his mouth twitches in a vague allusion to a grin, when you flick water at him after guaranteeing the temperature won’t give you both pneumonia.
Finally tucked behind the shower curtain, he stands dumbly. Not another move to help, content to watch you wash his hair, nails raking over his scalp until he shivers. 
You ignore the prod at your thigh. Focused on letting the warmth of the water do the heavy lifting, you soak a washcloth in soap and lather his skin until it tinges pink. A shampoo mohawk earns a kiss dusted along your shoulders and you might even blush a bit if you weren’t so focused on perfecting the spikes so he looks like one of those 90s alternative poster boys.
Out of the shower, his vow of silence continues. Everything he isn’t saying is clear in his eyes, especially when you slather his face in one of those mud masks, painting him bright green. He’s less intimidating with chunks of clay in his eyebrows.
He isn’t accommodating but he also doesn’t outright refuse which seems to be the best you’re going to get. 
“You look like Shrek,” you snort, satisfied and turning towards the mirror to cover your own face in a matching shade.  
“Well then you're Fiona.” His head comes over your shoulder, chin digging into bare skin to watch you in the mirror. His chest is sticky against your back from steam but you don’t mind if it means he’ll talk to you.
“Actually,” you think, wiggling to face him. “I think you’re more like Donkey.” 
“The dragon fits you better anyway.”
“Are you calling me scary?” you gasp.
“Good. Remember that next time you want me to suck on your balls.”
He winces. “I can feel them retreating into my body already.”
“Don’t make me laugh, it’ll mess up the mask.”
Without a care for the still drying mess of his face, he takes refuge back in his favorite place. Tucked under your chin, he sighs.
“I’m sorry I was a dick earlier. Work sucked today. I didn’t get a contract I wanted, they picked some other kid at the studio for it. I’ve taught him for years and they picked him over me.”
“I’m sorry.” You placate him with a gentle hand up his back, nails tracing loose patterns as the fan hums over head.
“Not your fault.”
“No, but it still sucks.”
“Yeah.” He nuzzles closer, arms heavy around your waist like you’d even think to move away. “It’ll be fine though. He’s a good kid and I couldn’t be mad at him. But I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
Fifteen minutes later, you both wash away the flakes of clay, cracked around the corners of your eyes and mouths, and retreat back under the covers in one set of pajamas split between: you in one of his shirts with nothing underneath, and him in sweatpants with nothing on top. 
Soonyoung insists that Pirates of the Caribbean is his comfort movie, something about Kiera Knightly with a gun being his sexual awakening (which explains a lot), and you let him put it on the tiny screen of his laptop with plans to fall asleep in the first five minutes.
His lips are at your temple, a dull pressure that makes your blood hum. “I always wanted to be a pirate growing up.”
“Really?” you ask, edging towards unconsciousness from the lazy drag of his fingers on your hip.
“Yeah,” he agrees, eyes glued to the screen. “Have my own ship, no rules, a bunch of sexy wenches.”
“Half naked women with scurvy were a part of your career plan?”
“Okay, maybe I added those just now but my point stands.”
The picture of Soonyoung with a scar on his chest and one of those ruffled linen shirts straight off the cover of a dime novel some grandma would read on the train with no shame isn’t that bad. Actually, it’s pretty sexy. But you won’t feed his delusions.
“What point?”
He rolls on top of you, face open with grave seriousness. “We should role play. Me as the hot pirate captain, you as the beautiful princess. Forbidden love, enemies type stuff. You run away from being royal and end up joining my crew. Oh no, Captain Hoshi, I had no idea this was your room! What an impressive sword!” he squeals in a breathy mock of you.
“And then,” you gasp. “you come in five minutes and I convince everyone to throw you overboard?”
“Hurtful. But I’m willing to forgive you if you call me captain. Just once.”
He’s close enough to kiss, lips pouted as he waits for you to give into his demand. A gentle peck bordering on domestic makes him sigh, the taste of toothpaste lingering on his breath. Just as you think you’ve distracted him away from such an ridiculous idea, he leans back with a gleam in his eye that says he’ll wait all night if you make him.
“How about we roleplay falling asleep?” you sigh, eyes closed against his expectant gaze.
“Nope, too late. I’m thinking about you wearing nothing but a pirate hat and now I’m hard.”
He curls right into the meat of your thigh, hot and ready to go if you give the word. Sleep is tempting but the thought of a quick tumble wakes you up enough to entertain him. 
“Alright, but you’re doing all the work,” you sigh. “Take off my clothes, captain.”
Pausing to let the idea settle, he shakes his head. “That’s actually not as hot as I thought it would be.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you fuff. “I’m watching the movie.”
You try to shove him away with zero intent to actually let him go anywhere and end up pinned, fingers in a tight grip around your wrists that you pretend to fight against. Soonyoung knows you like to be reminded of his strength on occasion; whether thats fucking your mouth until your throat burns or bending you over. This potentially being one since he’s had a hard day and you’re hungover from making him feel better about it. 
He tongues across your pulse until you go pliant against the pillows, legs spread to cradle his hips. A shuffle of clothes and a lift of your hips and he’d be inside you. There's more steps; a condom, a little fingering because his dick was made to stretch your limits. Your legs shake already, desperate for quick fuck so you can passout while Soonyoung cleans you up. 
But his new mood means he’s making up for lost time. Presently, that's bunching your shirt up to your chin and tracing each inch of newly uncovered skin with his tongue.
“Hellooooo ladies,” he sighs, nose buried between your breasts.
“God, you’re lame.”
“Be nice to me, I had a hard day,” he pouts, releasing your hands in favor of plucking at your chest until you sigh in delight.
“I’m literally letting you—hmmm— see my boobs after you said that corny shit. How much nicer can I be?”
He doesn’t answer, choosing to coax a low groan out of your chest with passes of his mouth until you're kicking the sheets. The good kind of sting that ruts your hips against his thigh and makes you dizzy. There will be a permanent wet patch if he doesn’t give you relief soon.
“I have a few ideas.”
“Like what?” You twitch at the thoughts running rampant. Short of donning that pirate hat mentioned earlier, anything he suggests is guaranteed to make you feel better too. 
“Can show you better than I can tell you,” he bites into your nipple, sucking it to a stiff peak for his fingers to pinch before shifting focus to the other. 
“If you try and put your dick in my ass I’ll rip it off.” The words are breathy off your lips. No real threat because he might be able to talk you into the idea if you let him. If he keeps pulling your strings the way he’s learned how. 
But Soonyoung has different ideas, pulling off your nipple with a rough suck, curling your shoulders in. “That was one time and it was an accident!”
“Let me slip a finger in next time I blow you and tell me how you like it.”
“You have and I do. Keep talking about it and I’m gonna need another shower.”
“God, you’re a freak.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He takes the initiative to roll you on top, palms massaging your ass while enjoying the view of you naked in his lap. 
A sudden moment of vulnerability roots in your chest, warmed by the set of brown eyes peering up at you. “You know I don’t just come here for this, right?” 
Soonyoung’s eyebrows twist for a moment and then soften. “I know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“It’s fine,” you cut him off, not ready for anything deeper. The air is already thicker with the weight of that confession, suffocating. In an effort not to drown in it, you drop your chest flat to his, latching onto the jut of his collarbone. “Is this your big idea? Me on top? Not very original.”
A hand at your ass drags you along his covered cock, already begging for attention. It’s not original but you’ll dry hump him into the mattress until your bones are jelly if he wants. 
“Sit on my face.”
It’s your turn to pull back. “What?”
“Sit. On. My. Face.” His hand is already firm against your thighs, forcing you halfway up his chest before you can argue.
“I heard you the first time, just confused how that's supposed to make you feel better.”
“You underestimate the power of your pussy. Now get up here.” 
The shuffle up is less than sexy. Soonyoung is eager from your permission, rushing you up to his mouth until you nearly knee him in the head.
“Wait,” you say. 
Soonyoung locks his arms as you move off him, reflexive because he lets go a second later. Turning, you eye the tent in his pants as you kneel back down. Perfect position to touch him while he touches you.
“Oh, fuck,” he grunts, fingers tracing through your wetness despite the horrible angle.
You don’t get a chance to orient yourself. He’s already quick to work with teasing passes of his tongue that turn bolder every second. 
“Jesus Christ, give me a second to get your dick out.”
But he doesn’t; too consumed with tasting all you have to offer, wringing you out to dry the second he gets a chance. The flat of his tongue laps up your arousal like it’s more vital than oxygen. There's a wet mess smeared between your thighs from the vigor. 
It takes all your focus to force down his pants, mouth watering at the shiny head of his cock straining from some heavy petting. You keep steady with one hand, jerking him off into your mouth with the other. Soonyoung malfunctions between your thighs as you swallow his cock, a moan right to your clit makes you fumble that last inch into your mouth.
He chokes you with a buck up but you take it in stride. Sucking harder, lashing against the slit until he whimpers. Normally, you’d exaggerate the wet noises at the back of your throat but with the crude dig of his tongue in your entrance there's no need. 
“God,” you warble into his crotch. You arch back into his face, Soonyoung’s fingers digging into the meat of your ass, spreading you out like a full course meal.
In theory it’s hot. Your cunt on his face and his cock in your throat, rutting against each other until you're numb and twitching and covered in each other's mess. In practicality, there is nothing Soonyoung is more relentlessly dedicated to than eating you out until your vision turns white and you have to force him away or risk passing out. It only takes a few minutes before you’re forced to tap out, panting into his thigh and weakly fisting his length with no regard for the mess sticking between your knuckles, as he fucks you along his tongue.
“Gonna come, oh–fuck,” you choke. You want him to come too, in your mouth, on your face if that's what he wants. But by some glitch in the universe, Soonyoung is able to hold back and you’re the one racing to the finish first. “Oh my god, Soonyoung, fuck.”
You jerk him off, grip tight despite the slick mess of spit and pre-cum. It doesn’t help that ever squeeze at the swollen head sends a moan straight into your clit, forcing you hips to rut desperately. 
“Don’t stop. Just, shit – need a little more—”
You pull one his hands away to take over your short strokes, spitting into his palm and squeezing until he figures out what you want; to watch him touch himself while eating you out. The contrast of his fingers tangled between your own, both glistening because Soonyoung is just as close as you are, gets you there.
“Close.” Thighs locked, you suffocate him but Soonyoung doesn’t complain. A palm at the base of your spine forces you down when you shy away from the edge. “Oh, oh, oh!”
A sting of your nails into his thigh is all the warning either of you get. Back arched tight, eyes clenched, you shudder through it. Soonyoung doesn’t stop, sucking away the fresh wave of arousal, tongue verging on punishing against your clit as you sink.
“Okay, that's enough—god,” your voice breaks. “Enough.”
You fall to the side, face first into the covers without effort to soften the blow. The lower half of your body is numb but you can feel his hand skating up the back of your calf.
“Good?” he asks, all too aware of the issue; the smirk is clear in his tone, happy to see you strung out from a few minutes on his mouth.
“Shut up,” you warn but the bite isn’t in it. The urge to kick him in the head is there but none of the energy. 
“Are you tapping out on me or…?” 
The sound of the drawer pauses in case you say no but the idea of not feeling him inside you sounds like the worst thing you’ve ever heard.
“You’re not that good,” you mumble into the blanket. “Fuck me like this, you promised you’d do all the work. Remember?”
“Like this?” he hums, rubbing the head of his cock back through the mess with admiration. 
He obeys with a wet kiss to your shoulder, parting your legs and sliding between without a word. You soak in the stretch, ass arched into his hips to take it all. The cold bites down your back when Soonyoung leans back to watch.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he whines. “Shit.” 
He drives into you with a bruising pace, betrayed by his own need to come after having you on his mouth without a tease of relief. You arch into it, the head of his cock dragging deep inside pushing disgusting noises from your lips you pray his roommates aren’t around to hear.
“Spank me.”
He loses it for a second. A rough thrust pushing you down the bed and he scrambles to follow. “Seriously?” 
“Do it,” you bark. 
The first strike is weak. More of a firm caress than the sting you crave; hesitant to push for too much too fast lest you take away any privilege he has.
The next impact comes hard enough to burn an outline of his hand. And another one that makes your tongue feel too big for your own mouth.
“Oh, fuck, yeah,” you whine. “More.”
Arms pinned beneath your torso, all you can do is lay there and take it. Nerves gone, he spanks you like it’s second nature. Like he’s thought about it before.
“Good?” he asks. Sounds more like a beg for validation. That he’s the one driving you crazy, molding your insides to his cock until it’s all you can think about.
“So good, f–fuck me so good.”
“Yeah?” he breathes against your neck, a hand wedging beneath your hips to drag against your clit in messy strokes. “You’re so hot, fuck.”
There will be a bruise to hide come morning but you can’t care. The slap of his hips against your ass, the flame of his hand still lingering on your ass, his cock drilling your insides; there's no room for anything but Soonyoung, Soonyoung, Soonyoung.
You arch your back to feel him deeper only to have him pull out completely on the next stroke.
“No!” you protest, racing to keep him inside. 
It’s no use, Soonyoung flips you on your back before you can convince him otherwise. He hooks your knees over his elbows, spreading you wide and driving home in one smooth push with his teeth at your neck.
“Gonna come,” he begs, voice weak. You know his game, what makes him tick and come so hard he goes blind.
“Not yet,” you warn. A rough twist in his hair only works against his thinning resolve and that's exactly why you pull harder until his hips kick into a jilted rhythm.
“I can’t – please – I can’t—”
“Not yet,” you gasp. He’s deep, right in the back of your throat making you foggy. “Be a g–good boy and wait until I tell you.”
Hips frantic, voice cracking, he tries to hold off; knows it's better when you tell him exactly what to do. Makes him choke into your chest.“Fuck, fuck!” 
“Tell me how bad you want it. How much you love this pussy.”
“Love it, love your pussy.” He folds in half on top of you, desperate. Every drive of his cock into your center forcing your own desperate noises out. “Please let me come for you.”
“Look at me,” you demand. The command in your voice is paper thin but you're both too lost. His eyes are glassy, frantic to do whatever you ask if it means he can come. “Beg for it.”
“P–please,” he whimpers through gritted teeth. “Please let me come. Need it, wanna come. Please. Please!”
He’s too good to edge. Perfectly pliant to any demand and it makes you want to give him whatever he wants. “Give it to me. Fuck me through it. Let me feel you come for me.”
He latches onto your breast, sucking your nipple as his hips turn sloppy. The squeak of mattress springs are a sound track to his end. You won’t come again but you don’t need to. Satiated with the choked whimpers of your name as he swells against your walls, forcing himself as deep as possible like he’s fucking you raw and full of his cum.
Maybe someday you’ll let him.
Your hips are sore from being forced in half so long but you won’t move away until Soonyoung comes back down. Less from your own will power, more because you’re running on fumes and might fall asleep with him still inside you. He gives a few more pathetic twitches and then goes slack.
“Oh my god,” he groans. “I can’t feel my legs.”
“Welcome to the club,” 
With the grand finale complete, your aching muscles give out completely. You can’t even laugh when one of his hands moves to check your pulse.
“Oh my god,” Soonyoung gasps. “I killed you with my dick.”
“You didn’t kill me.” You slap away his hand weakly. Without distraction, the stickiness of your skin from sweat in the worst places settles in but it’s a problem for later.
“A man can dream,” he says wistfully.
“Of homicide by cock?”
“Of dick game strong enough to murder someone.”
He rubs his nose along yours, breathes mingling in a lazy kiss as exhaustion creeps over your both. 
“Your face smells like pussy.” You slouch into the mattress, deadweight while taking all of his like the perfect blanket.
He kisses you again, tongue teasing at your lips until you give the very real threat of teeth against it and he backs away. “Your mouth tastes like cock so I guess we’re even. C'mon we need to shower again.”
“Nooooooo,” you grumble, clinging to him in an effort to delay the chill waiting to invade between you.
“At least let me get a rag.”
Your legs tighten around his waist, locked at the ankle for dramatic effect. “If you pull out I’ll cry.”
“Words every man wants to hear,” he hums into your cheek with a kiss. “But my dick is sore and we both need to sleep.”
When he pulls away you feel empty; devastatingly so. But you don’t ask him to comeback. Just pout at the loss and revel in placating pampering you receive in return.
He goes through the steps with familiarity. Wiping away the mess between your legs, tossing your shirt back up from the floor but you forgo it, choosing to sleep naked much to Soonyoung’s delight.
You use his chest as a pillow, curled into his side and tucked under his chin. The steady beat of his heart lulls you off. The last thing you register, on the hazy perimeter at the edge of sleep, is his fingers at your cheek and the ghost of a kiss on your forehead.
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Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie
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@missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu @sliceofwoozi @writingbarnes
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@seungkw1 @horanghaezone @jespecially @gyuwoosbabie @dinossaurz
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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eideticmemory · 8 months
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A chance meeting on a dating app spirals into an odd type of…friendship? Relationship? Who knows, but it means a lot to you.
Word Count: 8.6k
Warning/Includes: Excessive smut, fluff, 7 year age gap.
You are so sick of crying. You are nauseated from lying in bed, staring at a ceiling fan that does nothing but spin. You’re angry. You’re restless. You’re impulsive. And it is this impulse that takes you on Bumble, but more specifically, makes you set you preferred range between the ages of exactly twenty-eight and forty. You think, I just need someone to pay attention to me. You think, I need someone to make this go away because I just can’t.
Old men are gross, but they like you. They just can’t get enough of you. You’re flooded with hundreds of admirers, but you rarely match with any of them. You swipe. You swipe again. Again and again and it is with the teeniest, tiniest little bit of hope that you wish for someone to take your breath away. You wish for a man with a pretty face and kind eyes and a name that sounds nice when you say it with a moan.
And there he is.
Spencer. Age 30. 5 miles away.
You actually gasp.
You swipe right and it is a match!
You gasp!
It’s up to you to make the first move. There’s prompts you could send, questions you could ask, and just down the street, Spencer, who has just landed back home recieves a message only saying -
Hey :)
He immediately covers the notification on his phone as he exits the jet. When he swiped on your profile, truthfully, he didn’t expect a match. Let alone a message. So in less than three seconds, he becomes anxious and flustered and cannot stop shaking his hands because he can’t feel his fingertips.
He waits until he’s alone to message you back. He has no idea what to say, no idea if you’re even still interested, but down the street, you are lying on your belly and kicking your feet and you get a reply -
Hi, [y/n] :) How are you?
It’s not a lot but Spencer feels like he’s going to pass out.
You squeal, cover your mouth and type: Good! How are you?
And Spencer doesn’t even know how to answer the question. It’s not a hard question, it’s not a trick question, but he can’t figure out what to say so he stays objective.
I’m okay. I’m leaving work now.
You furrow your eyebrows, A little late, isn’t it?
He chuckles under his breath, Kind of early for me, actually.
Here, is where you decided to get bold. You make the decision before you even figure out what to say. How to say it.
I’m sure you’re worn out from a long day. Was hoping I could see you tonight. If not, maybe another time?
And aside from the millions of things that rush through his head, that are always rushing through his head, the first thing he thinks is: Oh, god, I wish Morgan were here. Although Spencer’s a little mad at him at the moment, he knows Morgan would tell him what to say. But no one’s here. It’s just him, pacing the empty halls of the bureau, a satchel with tums in it, and a pretty girl trapped inside his phone that wants to see him in person.
He types and he goes back, he types and he goes back, and then he asks, Do you like coffee?
You smile as you type, I love coffee.
So he has you meet him at this coffee shop in town. You stand outside, cradled in a cozy jacket, your hands stuffed in your pockets. Spencer sees you before you see him. And anyone with common sense would’ve walked up to you right away. Except, Spencer doesn’t really have common sense. He’s worried that you’ll figure that out. Still, he walks over to you and you’re only alerted by the sound of his timid footsteps. You turn to him with a grand smile and he immediately forgets how to breathe.
“Hi,” you greet him, holding your hand out. “Spencer?”
He looks down at your hand and then back at you and then back at the floor and your brain goes: ???
“Are you…not Spencer?”
“No, no, I am. Me…Spencer, yes. I just…I don’t like to shake hands.”
“Oh,” you retract, hold your hands behind your back.
“I mean not that there’s anything wrong about your particular hands. They’re just dirty- Not! Not-you’re not dirty, I know, you smell really good. I…” he stops, takes a breath, “The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering, it’s actually, uh, safer to kiss.”
You tilt your head at him for two reasons. One, because you cannot believe he just used the word pathogens in casual conversation. And two, because you take his fun fact as a challenge that is readily accepted. You step towards him, slowly, because with the way his eyes go wide, it looks like he might run away. He grips onto the strap on his satchel so hard that his knuckles turn paper white. He goes cross eyed trying to look at your face as you lean in. And with a tiny smirk on your face, you press your lips to his.
It’s kinda, awkward. Spencer stays frozen in place and you mush your face into his and he doesn’t start to lean into you until the last second.
His face has gone bright red and you smile and say, “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice t-to meet you,” he stutters.
You look around, “What is this place?”
“Oh, um, it’s, uh, it’s a coffee shop. It’s also a library. It’s, uh, it’s open late and I come here a lot when I can’t sleep.”
“It’s cute,” you smile.
He holds the door open for you and buys you a latte and you two sit at a table by the window. You sit in silence for a minute, neither of you really sure what to say and then when you do go to speak, you do it at the same time. It cuts the tension and you both laugh.
“You go first,” you tell him.
“I, uh, I was just going to ask if you’re from here?”
“Oh, oh no, I just moved here for med school. I’m in my first year at Georgetown.”
“Oh! Nice. That’s cool.”
“Yeah, it’s alright so far. We’ll see how I’m doing in the spring.”
“I’m sure you’ll do great.”
You smile, “What do you do? What has you getting off work so late?”
“I’m, um, I’m a profiler…for the FBI. I, uh…”
“Analyze criminal behavior,” you nod. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard of that. I love forensic sciences.”
He can’t help but smile at you, “Yeah. It’s tiring but I like it,” he shrugs.
The conversation goes dead again and you sip on your latte, “Should we…should we just keep asking each other questions?”
“I guess so.”
“Okay, I asked the last question so it’s your turn.”
“Um…” he ponders. “What’s your favorite color?”
You snicker and he instantly puts his face in his hands out of embarrassment. You giggle, “My favorite color? Seriously?”
“I couldn’t think of anything else,” he shakes his head, smiling, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Blue. You?”
“Ooh, that’s a fun one.”
“I like it. Okay, your turn.”
“Okay, um, what’s your biggest fear?”
He raises his eyebrows at you.
“What? We got the favorite colors out of the way.”
He nods, agreeing, “Having nothing to show for my life.”
You nod, “Same. Your turn.”
“Why do you want to be a doctor?”
“Oh. You got me with that one. Um…because I’m not squeamish and I’m good under pressure and I want…to make a difference. Y’know, actually do something with all this ambition. Aaaand, I’m good with anatomy. I’m good with people. I like medicine.”
“Did you say all of that in your interview?”
“That’s two questions…” you grin.
He chuckles, “You can ask me two.”
“No…I told them what they wanted to hear. And admissions doesn’t wanna hear that you’re doing this for yourself. They wanna hear that you’re selfless, Mother Theresa, Princess Diana selfless.”
“And you’re not selfless?”
“That’s three!”
“Okay, okay, your turn,” he laughs.
“How’d you get into the FBI?”
“Um, about 8 years, 11 months and 3 days ago, I attended a lecture on criminology hosted by some members of the BAU. I…became fixated. I wanted to join. I wanted to make a difference-“
“Oh now you’re just copying me.”
He chuckles, “I applied and, uh, yeah.”
“That’s so cool,” you tell him. “So you’ve been working there since you were…22?”
“How did you become a profiler at 22? It takes forever, I thought?”
“That’s three!” he laughs.
“Oh, c’mon! You can’t leave me on a cliffhanger here.”
“I, um, I graduated college when I was 16. Had my Phd at 20. I’m…not the fittest guy so I skipped a lot of physical assessments.”
“16?” you gasp.
“That’s four!”
“20?” you shout. Emphasis on the ???
“That’s five!”
“Oh, no, nuh-uh, forget that, you’re filling me in on this.”
And so, he does. He tells you everything. About the eidetic memory and the IQ of 187 and you just sit there in awe. You fire questions at him and the last one is, “What’s…” you type in your calculator. “34 times 106?”
“That is a different genre of question.”
“But what’s the answer?”
He sighs and shakes his head, “3,604.”
You look at the calculator and he’s right and you gasp, “You’re a fucking genius.”
“That’s what I’ve been told.”
“Are your parents geniuses?” you ask.
“My dad is a…” he pauses. “I guess the colloquial term is deadbeat?”
You burst into laughter but quickly cover your mouth. That’s not funny. But Spencer is smiling.
“And…my mom is…smart. Yeah, she’s a genius.”
“Is she…dead?”
“You just got, like, super sad there.”
“She’s not dead. She, uh, she has schizophrenia.”
“Oh. I’m an asshole.”
“A little bit,” he chuckles. “But, I’m-I’m not sad…she’s been that way my whole life.”
You can see on his face that it’s a sore subject, so you say, “Okay. Your turn. Ask me a question.”
And he wants to ask something that will get you talking. Something he can poke around like you have at his brain.
“Who is…” he starts. “Your very best friend?”
He asks this as you’re taking a sip of your latte and you very suddenly slam your cup down on the table.
“Whoa,” he says.
“No, no, I’m…I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
“I haven’t spoken to her since I moved. Any of them. I…we…we had a disagreement.”
Spencer studies your face, “How many friends are we talking about here?”
“Three,” you spit out. “Three. I’ve had the same three friends since I was twelve and I’m not talking to any of them.” Your hands shake around your mug and you clear your throat, avoid eye contact.
Spencer feels so bad for dulling your light that he doesn’t even know what to say. He knows it’s an illogical guilt, but a strong and pulsating guilt nonetheless.
He watches you take an anxious sip of your drink and he sighs, “Today’s my birthday.”
You almost spit out your latte, your hand flying to your mouth, all of your own thoughts and worries dissipating as you look him in the eye, “You’re…you’re kidding?”
“You’re joking. You’re just saying that to distract me. A psychology trick.”
“As of…” he checks his watch. “Twenty-three hours and ten minutes ago, I’m thirty,” he can hardly say it. “Thirty years old.”
You sit for a moment. You realize your mouth is wide open so you close it. You realize your eyes are wide so you shrink them. You stutter, “You’re…not kidding?”
“No. I’m thirty, and I…worked a case for days straight and…and it was awful and we were too late and…I’m scared I’ll sound self-centered…”
“And…” you encourage him.
“And…it wasn’t enough. The case. The chaos. It wasn’t enough. I hoped…I hoped it would help. That I would…that I would get so lost in the rush that…that I’d forget I’m having an emotional crisis. I don’t know how to be thirty. I don’t know how to be an adult. I’m a child progidy…I’m a child prodigy and now I’m thirty so, what does that make me? What am I now?”
The question hangs in the air because you cannot answer it. You just reach across the table, put your hand over his, and trace his knuckles.
He releases a long sigh, “I’m having an emotional crisis and I’m thirty and my-my team…my friends…my family, the closest thing I have to a family…they, um, they forgot. And it was…it was a really bad case, it was a really tough case and it was enough for them to forget. But not me. It wasn’t enough for me.”
He lets you take his hand in yours, your pathogen ridden hand, and he can hardly look you in the eye.
“Hey…” you whisper.
His eyes flicker up to you and he looks so sad.
You give him a small grin, “Let’s get out of here.”
He lets you drag him outside into the cold air and the two of you stand under the soft light.
“Do you drink?” you ask him.
“Um. No. No, I used to do drugs so I’m scared if I drink, I’ll forget to…not do drugs.”
“Oh!” you raise your eyebrows. “Okay, fair enough. So, no weed then?”
“I…” he laughs. “You do know I’m a federal agent?”
“Ah! So scary!”
He cackles, “No marijuana.”
“Marijuana,” you roll your eyes, “Okay…okay…” you look around and the city is asleep. It’s cold. Another block over, there are clubs and people fighting the weather for a chance to party. Spencer does not want to party. “Okay, my place?”
He looks at you, “What are we going to do there?”
“Have a birthday party!”
“I don’t want a party…”
You pout, look around, “Do you want a donut?”
He nods.
You grab a couple donuts from a late night bakery down the road and you drive him back to your place. He grips onto the door as you whip your car into another lane, his breath trembling.
“Dude, chill out,” you tell him. “I’m a good driver.”
“Good…in the way that tsunamis are good waves.”
You look over at him and your eyes lock and he smirks at you. It has you so flustered that you’re quiet for the rest of the drive.
You let him inside your apartment and close the door as you two step into the entryway.
“Okay, wait here,” you tell him, quickly taking the donuts and taking off into the kitchen.
“What? Why?”
“Just wait!”
He can hear you banging around, drawers opening and slamming shut. Things falling to the floor. You muttering, “Shit!” under your breath. You rush by him and into the living, so quickly that his brain can hardly process it.
“Okay!” you call. “Come in!”
He slowly steps inside, a bit anxious at first, but then he sees you and his shoulders relax.
You finish lighting the last candle and look up at him, throw your hands in the air, “Happy birthday!”
His face breaks out in this great, big smile and he can’t help but laugh. It’s not much. One single glazed donut with chocolate, sprinkles and candles on top.
“Three candles?” he questions, stepping over to the coffee table.
You stand beside him as he sits on the couch, “Well, yeah, three because three and then none because zero. Three zero. Thirty!”
He furrows his brows, “Actually-“
“Hush,” you cut him off, putting your hands on his shoulders, “You gotta blow out your candles.”
So he goes to blow them out and you shout, “Wait!” and his heart stops for a second. “I have to sing the song?”
“Oh, no, really, I don’t need the-“
“Haaaaappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…”
He covers his face to blush and laughs into his hands.
“Happy birthday, dear Spencer, happy birthday to you! Mwah,” you kiss his cheek. “Now make a wish!”
“Okay, I wish-“
“Whoa, stop! What are you doing? You can’t say it out loud, it won’t come true.”
“Well, actually-“
“The candles are melting.”
“Yep, right,” he nods. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, makes a wish and blows out all three candles.
You cheer and clap your hands. You go to remove the candles from his donut and stop, “Oh. Should I? Can I?”
“You’ve already touched it. I think, uh, that ship has sailed.”
You take out the candles and sit down beside him, “Should I have picked it up with my mouth?”
He giggles and picks up his donut, holds it out to you, “Cheers,” he smiles.
You pick yours up from the table and touch it to his, grinning, “Cheers.”
As you eat your donuts together, you can’t help but watch him. “I hope this made your birthday a little better.”
He shoves the last of his donut in his mouth and the corner of his lips is covered in chocolate, “It did,” he says with a full mouth.
You chuckle and lean in, wiping the chocolate from his lip with your finger and sticking it in your mouth.
He watches you, chewing slowly until he swallows and clears his throat, “Is this…is this weird to do with someone you just met on bumble? Genuine question because I have no frame of reference.”
Your mouth turns up in a small smile. And you nod. Slowly, quietly, “Yeah. Yeah, it’s a little weird. But I’m having fun.”
“Me, too.”
You look around, awkwardly rolling your next words around your head until you can say them out loud, “Do you…wanna do something that’s…not weird with someone you met on bumble?
His raises his eyebrows at you, “What’s that?”
You take a sip of water, eyeing him in your peripheral and set down your bottle. You lean your body into his and this time, Spencer is ready. You catch his mouth on yours and he kisses you back, even though his heart is racing under your palm. Your hand travels down his chest, over his tummy, and to the hem of his pants.
His breath catches in his throat as you kiss his neck, “What…what are you doing?”
You pull away and undo his pants, taking his cock in your hand. He whimpers and his body goes limp and you furrow your eyebrows at him, “It’s your birthday?” you explain. And then you kiss him again.
His neck. Down to his chest. Down to his tummy. And Spencer watches you drop down to your knees in front of him and he goes, “Oh, my god,” and he only says it once but his brain keeps going: oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god.
“Is…is this okay?” you ask.
But he can’t talk! He can hardly breathe! You’ve got his dick in your hand and he’s looking at you with these wide eyes and you look perfect and he’s just worried that he’ll bust all over you before you get a chance to do anything. So, he nods. He nods and nods and nods and leans his head back.
You smile and with a few pumps of your hand, his whole body tenses up. He grips onto the couch and struggles to breathe. Then your mouth is on him and he goes limp. Dead weight, not a feeling in his arms or legs or chest, just the warmth of your mouth around his cock, taking it all the way to the back of your throat. His nails scratch at the fabric of the couch and as undignified as it feels, Spencer gets noisey.
You bob your head, up and down, in slow and sticky motions, swirling your tongue over his tip and a loud moan burst from the back of his throat.
“Oh…oh, my god,” he pants.
You move your mouth on him and run your hand up his tummy, feel it heaving up and down in your palm. He nearly breaks a nail on the couch so he grabs onto your hand, squeezes it really tight and groans. The sounds he’s making are so whiny and breathless and sexy that you have to squeeze your thighs together before you go leaking down your legs.
His other hand takes hold of your face, caressing your cheekbone with his thumb. You lean into his palm a bit but you keep your pace, letting him hit the back of your throat, feeling him twitch between your lips. You look up at him and all you can see is the veins on his neck, his jaw clenched tight. His fingers slip through your hair, over your scalp and you hum, but just quietly.
The soft touch encourages you to speed up just a bit. His whole body trembles as you take the base of his cock in your hand and jerk him in unison with your mouth. It overstimulates him immediately and he yells out, gives your hand another tight, tight squeeze.
“Oh-oh, my god, [y/n],” he moans, and you squeeze your thighs tighter.
He doesn’t ever want this to end. And so he fights the fire burning in his belly with everything he’s got, but he knows it’s useless. You’re too good. You’re so good.
He lifts his head and looks down at you, his face red all over and his eyes locked on yours. He holds your hand against his chest, caresses your face softly and lets out these soft, desperate whimpers. His body tenses up, leans towards you a bit and his jaw hangs wide open with very little sound coming out. He gives you this look, maybe a little warning, and then he’s gripping onto your hair and hunched over your body, filling up your mouth and whining into the air.
You put your hands on his waist and keep him in your mouth until he rides it out, falls back onto the couch.
You tower over him, wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and put your hands on his shoulders, “Good?”
“Yes. Wow,” he pants. “Thank you.”
“You’re so welcome,” you smile.
He huffs and he puffs, yet he can’t seem to catch his breath. “You know…” he breathes out. “That entire time…I actually forgot I was thirty.”
You burst into laughter and put your forehead to his, your giggles mirroring one another’s.
Spencer fixes his pants and huffs, “Will you…will you lay with me for a second?”
Your heart melts a little. You climb onto the couch, taking a seat beside him and swinging your legs over his lap.
And you sit like that. For hours. Talking until it’s no longer Spencer’s birthday and he’s just…thirty. You try your best to convince him to stay the night. He declines. And he declines and he declines.
Then he falls asleep in your arms.
In the morning, he wakes up alone and for a one whole minute, he forgets where he is. Then he remembers you and he goes looking for you and finds you in the kitchen.
“Oh,” you smile, “Hi, you. Breakfast?” you hold out the box of cereal that you’re eating out of.
He glances at the box and then back at you and he stares.
“What?” you ask.
“I…” he trails off. “I thought…I thought I dreamt you. For a moment, I thought it all was a dream.”
You tilt your head at him, “I’m very real.”
He chuckles, scratches the back of his head, “And…and the…the…”
“Blowjob?” you laugh. “Yeah, that was real, too.”
“The donuts?”
“Yes,” you laugh. “All of it.”
He continues to stare at you, this soft smile on his face and you hold out the cereal again. Shake it around.
“I’m okay,” he chuckles, stepping over to you. “I should…I should probably get going.”
“Oh, but why?” you whine.
“Because I…need a shower,” he laughs. “And to brush my teeth and lay in bed until I get called in again.”
“Yeah, I should probably start preparing for my lectures this week, too.”
You stare into his pretty, pretty eyes and you set the cereal down, hold his face, “You’re not gonna ghost me are you?”
He furrows his eyebrows, “Ghost you? What does that mean?”
“Oh, I forgot you’re old,” you laugh.
“Stooop,” he whines. “Stooop.”
“Ghost me. You’re not gonna go radio silent? You’re not…not gonna act like this never happened? Like I don’t exist?”
And Spencer instantly thinks: I don’t think I’m ever going to leave you alone. But instead of vocalizing it, he strokes your waist and he says, “No. Of course not.”
And he really meant that.
The next time he got called out on a case, he let you know that he’d be gone for a while but he’d be back. And he’d really, really like to see you when he’s home. He tries his best not to text while working, but when he’s laying in a hotel bed, unable to stop thinking about you and what you’re doing, he opts for a phone call.
“Hey, Sherlock,” you greet him. “Crack the case yet?”
He chuckles, “No. Almost. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were home in a few days.”
“And then you’ll come see me?”
“Yes,” he nods. “I’ll come see you.”
“What about you? How’s your journey to being a selfless doctor going?”
“Terrible. I missed like half of my lecture this morning because I blew a tire on the way.”
“Oh, no, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just hit a pot hole and swerve a little bit but it’s not my first time.”
“Oh?” he nods. “That’s…not good,” he laughs.
“I survived. I’m tough.”
“Yeah, you are, aren’t you?” you can hear the little grin in his voice.
You bite down on your lip, “Okay, tell me what’s going on there. Serial killer? Kidnapping?”
“Okay, okay,” he laughs. “Um, a couple days ago a body washed up on the beach and…”
You talked until you both were nearly asleep. In the morning, Spencer rolls out of bed and the lack of sleep hits him like a truck, but he thinks about you and your sleepy, soft voice and he smiles. He smiles out the door and down the hall and Morgan strides up beside him.
“Morning, kid,” he says.
“Morning!” Spencer replies and Derek eyes him because it was just sooo cheerful.
Derek bites his tongue for a moment, but is incapable of doing it for any longer so he asks, “Who were you on the phone with last night?”
Spencer trips over his feet at the question and stutters, “O-oh, me? Me? I wasn’t talking to anyone.”
“Mmhmmm,” Derek hums.
“No. N-nope, just the voices in my head.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
Spencer comes back home on a Thursday and immediately hops on foot, on a train, to get to your apartment. You open the door for him and pull him inside, taking him in a big hug.
“Hi, you,” you whisper in his ear.
“Hi,” he snuggles into you.
“I made dinner. Pasta. It’s the only thing I know how to make, but there’s plenty. You hungry?”
“Yes,” he nods, pulls out of the hug. “Thank you.”
He goes to walk into the kitchen, but you grab his hand, “Hey, wait,” and you throw yourself into his arms and take him in a long kiss. He grips onto your shirt and goes weak in the knees, smushing his face into yours.
You step back, “Okay, now we can eat.”
He mumbles something incoherent and walks into the wall and you laugh, putting your hands on his shoulders to guide him into the kitchen.
The entire time that you two are hanging out on the couch, his arm around your shoulders, you can feel him looking at you. The one time that you catch his eyes, you lean in for a kiss and he is much more forward when it comes to kissing you back. He pushes his body into yours and a soft moan empties from your lips. It gives him enough courage to drop to his knees in front of you.
“Whoa,” you exclaim. “What are you doing?”
“I…well, I…I wanted to do this for you and I’m ready, I researched it.”
“You…researched how to eat me out?”
“I just want to return the favor.”
“But it’s not my birthday?”
“Is that a…requirement, or?”
“No,” you laugh, cover your face, “Okay. Okay, show me what you learned.”
And so Spencer disappears under the hem of your shirt, pushing it up your thighs and grabbing onto the thin straps of your underwear. He pulls them off your legs and you chuckle as they fly off. His face flushes bright red and he gives you a soft smile, taking a deep breath before he leans in and kisses your thighs. You hum under your breath, spread your legs for him out of instinct.
He’s very timid at first. Peppering gentle kisses on your hips, teasing his tongue on your clit. Then your back arches, his face falls into you and all the notes and research just fall right out of his mind. He wraps his arms around your hips and moves his tongue in this rhythmic up and down motion that he can tell you love so he keeps at it. And at it and at it, stepping off with a sharp suck that makes you yelp.
You rest your head on the couch, licking your lips because they’re so dry from your gasping, your constant moaning. You grip onto his hair and moan his name, only twice because you’re losing your breath. His fingertips press into your skin, spread your pussy open so he can bury his face in you.
Your body starts to twitch and tremble, your toes curling into themselves so tightly that it cuts off circulation. Your voice is high and whiny, growing louder by the second. Spencer feels your thighs tighten around his face and he knows now is not the time to let up. He swirls his tongue over your clit and you tighten your grip on his hair, straining your throat from moaning so loudly. You try to say his name, one last time, but then your back is arching off the couch and your orgasm washes over your entire body. From the tip of your head to the tip of your toes.
Spencer wipes his mouth off with your inner thigh and stands up looking so, very proud.
“Fuck,” you laugh. “What did you read?”
He cackles and gives you a wet kiss on the cheek and then the lips. Immediately after, you push him down and suck him off and as he holds you afterwards, he breathes off, “Remind me to return the favor again.”
“Oh,” you giggle. “Believe me, I will.”
The next few days, you two are inseperable. He spends two consecutive nights at your place, bitching and complaining and listening to each rant for hours at a time. He helps your study for your next exam. It’s not until he gets called out again that real life creeps in. It’s the first time goodbye is really hard.
You joke over the next month that he should just move in. This constant pattern of fly out, fly in, visit and repeat is a lot of run around.
“You’d get sick of me,” he replies.
And you hold him real tight and shake your head, “Never.”
When he’s on his next trip and calls in the middle of your lecture, you only step out and answer because a feeling in your gut tells you something is very wrong. Spencer never calls in the middle of the day. He’d never want to inconvenience you. But, today, it has to be you.
“Hello?” you answer.
“[y/n]? Hey…” he huffs.
He sounds distraught, like his chest is tight as he speaks and you take a seat on the floor, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“I’m…I think I’m having a panic attack. I think…I think I’m dying.”
“What? What happened? Honey…”
“Just tell me something to calm me down, anything. Anything. Please.”
“Um, um, um, uh,” you sutter. “I think we should have sex.” As you say it, someone walks by giving you a dirty look and you shake it off, wait for Spencer’s response.
His breath has slowed, but just a little, “Oh…that works.”
“Yeah,” you clear your throat. “You know, I’ve just been thinking about it. A lot, aaand yeah, when you get back, I-I think we should do that.”
“Okay,” you whisper. “Do you wanna tell me what happened?”
“When I see you,” he says. “I know you’re busy and I should get back.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
“Glad I could help,” you laugh. “Call me back tonight, okay?”
“I will. I miss you.”
You smile to yourself, “I miss you, too.”
When you hang up, you’re happy and giddy, grinning to yourself like a fool. Then you look up to find the same person from before, whispering with their friend as they watch you.
You roll your eyes and shout, “What the fuck are you looking at?” and you walk back into the lecture hall.
The day Spencer tells you they’re flying back, you start preparing. Shaving, showering, spraying on some nice perfume. You walk around your apartment in a silky, short nightgown, lighting candles in the hall and all over your bedroom. When you’re content with the atmosphere, the only thing left to do is wait.
And wait.
And wait.
You check your phone several times and when there is still nothing hours later, you think it’s time to blow out the candles, lay in bed and cry. For a moment, you feel so stupid and confused and angry that you almost throw a lamp at the wall. Then there’s a knock on the door.
Spencer stands there, immediately saying, “Don’t be mad.”
“Too late, I’m mad,” you snip, turning away from him.
He lets himself in and grabs your hand, stutters when he finally notices your nightgown, the candles, “Oh. Wow. You did all this?”
“Spencer!” you whine, crossing your arms.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I…I bought you a donut,” he holds the bag up to you. “Your favorite. I’m so sorry, please don’t be mad. Not tonight. Any other night but tonight, please?”
Maybe if he wasn’t so good at the kicked puppy eyes, you could’ve held out a little longer. But you’re happy he’s here and your horny and this is happening no matter what time it is. You snatch the bag from his hand and just as quickly as you drop it, you pull his body into your, gripping his waist, your mouth open on his.
He trips over your feet as you pull him down the hall and into your bedroom, the two of you tangled up so tight that you collapse on the bed in one big sweep. He falls on top of you, between your legs, kissing you hungrily.
“Wait,” he huffs, breaking the kiss. “Wait.”
You stare up at him, his face only visible due to the candles, “What is it? Did you…already?”
“What? What? No,” he laughs. “I just…uh…um…I’m not an expert at this. I…I don’t…I’m not experienced in this area and I will do everything I can to make it good for you. I just don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Aw,” you whisper, caressing his face. “Take your clothes off.”
“Spencer. I’ve been thinking about having sex with you since I first saw your picture on bumble. Now it’s happening and you were late so we gotta catch up.”
You pull him back in for a kiss and reach between your bodies, undoing his pants so you can grab his cock. He gasps and moans into your mouth.
“Don’t overthink it,” you mumble, staring in his eyes, “Just do whatever you want to me.”
He moves his hips forward, stroking himself with your palm and whimpering against your cheek. He starts to kiss your neck, gripping onto your waist, bunching up your nightgown in his hands. You push his shirt up his waist and he quickly pulls it over his head, catching you in a kiss as soon as he can.
“Can I take this off?” he pants, pinching the hem of your clothes. And you sit up, allowing him to pull it right over your head.
His eyes rake down your body, lingering on your breasts, “Can I…?”
“Oh, god, yes, please,” you nod and lay back on the bed, holding your hands above your head.
Spencer chuckles and leans down, taking your nipple into his mouth ever so gently, swirling his tongue around the hard bud. You purr, grab a fistful of his hair, and lick your lips. He presses his body weight onto you, holding your other breast in his hand and sucking on your skin.
“F-fuck,” you moan. “Spencer…”
And he moves to the other side of your chest, now more confident, now unstoppable, flicking his tongue on you so fast that it makes your body twitch. He kisses down your tummy, looks up at you as he slides your panties off, kisses on your thighs. He knows how to do this. He’s good at this, per your review and when he puts his mouth on you, the most broken, whiny little noise falls from your lips.
He hums between your thighs, holding your hips tight and flush against his face. With your moans rattling around his skull, he loses all inhibition. He works his tongue on you slow, methodical, in all the right places. You give his hair a soft tug and he grunts, his hand trailing up your waist. You brace your hands on his biceps, squeezing them between your fingers, sighing out his name.
You hook your legs over his shoulders, tightening your thighs around his face, moving your hips up and down to feel his tongue gliding. Wet and sticky like he’s drowning inside of you.
“Oh, god,” you moan. “Yes, Spencer, yes, yes.”
He moans under his breath, quickening his tongue, clamping his hands down on your thighs. You pull at his hair as your back arches off the bed and your legs tremble around his head. He gives your clit a sharp suck and you cry out, gripping onto his hair at the scalp. And when your voice gets so high and whiny that it could break glass, he knows you’re close and he spreads your pussy open, works his tongue on your clit and doesn’t stop.
Your body tenses up and you hold him tight, tight, tight, crying out his name, your breath catching in your throat. And when you come, you collapse with a long and drawn out groan, shoving your fingers in your mouth to catch your breath.
You instantly reach over to the nightstand and grab the condom that’s been waiting all night to be used. Spencer brings his face back to yours and you kiss him instantly, grinning when you feel him pushing his pants down his legs. He lets you roll the condom onto his hard, leaky cock and asks, “Do-do you wanna be on top?”
“No,” you shake your head, wrap your arms tight around his waist. “Stay on top of me,” you say against his lips, “I like it.”
“Okay,” he nods into a kiss with you and settles between your legs. You help him align, you kiss his neck and hold him close as he pushes his cock into you. The both of you gasp, your noses smushed together. “God…” Spencer moans. “You okay?”
You nod, “Mhm. Are you?”
“Mm…” he hums. “Trying not to explode.”
You two chuckle, catching each other in yet another hungry kiss as Spencer starts to move in and out of you slowly. His breathing in low and jagged, hot against your face. He’s so gentle with you, pushing into you with little pressure and caressing your face.
“H-harder…” you pant. “You’re not gonna break me, I promise.”
So he plunges into you a bit harder, a bit deeper and you gasp, “Harder.”
He obeys and angles himself above you, watching your face as he pushes into you with the right amount of force. You moan, your eyes rolling back and your head along with it, “Oh, fuck, yes. Like that.”
“Yeah?” he repeats the movement, his moan blending in with yours.
“Yes,” you nod. “Yes. Yes. Just,” you reach down and start rubbing your clit. “Fuck, keep going.”
And he does. He focuses on keeping his rhythm, slow, but intense, the bed squeaking everytime he moves his hips into yours. You gasp against his lips, wrap your arm around his waist, your hooded eyes focused on his. He runs his hand over your hair, whimpering to you, melting into you, and taking short breaks to keep himself from finishing too soon.
Your fingers get cramped and soaked from the incessant rubbing on your clit but it’s like you can’t stop. Spencer leans in to kiss your neck, his hand absentmindedly running up your ribs and gripping your breast. You hold onto his hair and groan into his ear, his low and breathy moans vibrating against your skin.
“F-fuck!” you cry out as he slams into you. “I’m gonna come, don’t stop. Fuck, please don’t stop.”
But he does, only for a moment because the dirty combination of your voice and your hand tugging his hair and your pussy tightening around him, he’s dangerously close to bringing this entire thing to a premature end. So, he pauses. He takes a breath and he pounds into you. Even slower, over and over and over, watching your face closely, watching you fall apart.
“Oh,” you whine, your fingers quickening on your clit. “God, Spencer,” you moan and then body trembles, tensing up underneath him as you come so hard that you lose your voice. He grunts, falling into a sloppy kiss with you and following right behind you, his body suddenly going weak as he comes, his entire weight placed upon you.
Spencer collapses beside you and instantly pulls you into his chest, squeezing you in his arms and peppering your forehead with kisses. “How was that?” he asks, looking down at you. “Was that good for you?”
You touch your fingertip to his chin and smile, nodding, “Oh, yes.”
“Good,” he hugs you. “Good, good, good. For me, too.”
You smile into a long kiss with him and giggle against his lips. Lying there, your breathing falls in sync and you trace the center of his tummy, sink into the bliss.
“They, uh…” Spencer starts. “They remembered my birthday today. That’s why I was late, they threw me a party.”
You glance up at him, but only for a moment and then you put your head back on his chest. “Oh.”
“It was nice,” he shrugs. “It was fun, but the whole time, I just…thought about you. I thought about how angry I was that they’d forgotten at all and how…how you just made everything so much better,” and he tilts your head up to say this next part directly to you, “You always make everything so much better.”
And as you stare into his eyes, the corners of your mouth turned up ever so sightly, your eyes start to water and your lip starts to quiver.
“Oh,” he softens. “Oh, no. Nooo. Are you crying?”
“No,” you shake your head. Then you put your face in your hands and nod, suddenly sobbing.
“Oh, no, no, [y/n], no, I’m sorry. Did I say something?”
You shake your head.
“What is it? What-what just happened?”
“I-I-I-“ you stutter. Lifting your head from your hands, you cry, “I-I just wish I could tell my friends about you.”
He frowns and takes you into a tight hug, rubbing your back and kissing the top of your head, “I’m so sorry,” he whispers to you. “Oh, [y/n], I’m so sorry.”
And because he’s never really seen you cry before, his only thought is to ask, “Do you-do you want me to go down on you again?”
You look up at him, your lip poked out in a dramatic pout and you nod.
“Okay,” he says, climbing on top of you and wiping the tears from your face. “I can do that for you.”
It works. It leads to more sex. The two of you don’t go to bed until the sun has nearly risen and don’t get up until well in the afternoon. Spencer thinks you’re using his dick as a distraction and you fear there’s no respectful way to say: I just can’t get enough. He gives you a few days and nights worth of it and still, it’s not enough.
He’s actively trying to get inside of you when he gets called into work. He’s on top of you, between your legs, pushing his tongue into your mouth when his phone goes off. He pulls away to check it and you whine, “Nooo, noooo, don’t goooo.”
“I have to. People are dying,” and as he speaks, you kiss his neck, touch your tongue to his jaw and he moans, “Oh, god,” before he can stop himself. “[y/n]….”
“Just-stay. Stay. They can save one day without you, can’t they?”
“Actually, I don’t think they can.”
“Ugh. You and your big, useful brain. I’m sick of it.”
“I’ll be back,” he gives you a kiss.
“Nooo, stay,” you hold him tight so he can’t move and he busts out laughing.
“I have to go, I’m sorry.”
So he showers and gets dressed and you sit on the bed pouting the entire time. He comes out of the bathroom and frowns, matching your pissy and childish expression.
“I will be back,” he tells you as he takes a seat on the bed. “I always come back.”
“I know, I know, I’m just being dramatic. Let me be dramatic.”
“Okay,” he chuckles and gives you a kiss. Nuzzling his nose against yours, he whispers, “You should call your friends.”
You instantly recoil and he puts his hands on your shoulders, “Okay, okay, I know. I know. But I think it’s time. You need them. They need you. You’re an easy girl to miss.”
You roll your eyes and he sighs, kisses your forehead and squeezes you in a hug. “Call them,” he says and then he leaves.
You sit there for a moment, ponder on his words. Ponder on the entirety of the past few days, past few months. You pick up your phone. You stare at it in your palm. You dial your friend’s number and though you don’t expect an answer, she picks up with a, “Hello?”
You take a deep breath, “Hey…”
When Spencer arrives at work, he finds himself heading up the elevator with Morgan who is so completely and totally normal that Spencer thinks he can smell the sex on him. He watches Derek from the corner of his eyes, fidgeting with the strap of his satchel and shuffling on his feet.
Suddenly, Derek smashes the emergency button on the elevator and brings it to a halt. Spencer falls back and grabs onto the wall.
“Why-why-why did you do that?” Spencer stutters, his pulse starting to rise. “Why did you do that? You remember what happened the last time you messed around with the elevator? Turn it back on.”
“Not until,” Derek says, turning to him. “You tell me whatever it is that you’re dying to tell me.”
“I’m…I’m not dying to tell you anything. I’m just scared of dying.”
“Pretty boy. I step in the elevator, you start sweating. I act like I don’t notice, you’re giving me the side eye up four floors. What’s up?”
Spencer closes his eyes and shakes his head. Then he stands up straight. Then he falls back again.
“I’m…” Spencer starts. But he can’t finish. “I’m…” He thinks he doesn’t know what to say. Key word: thinks. But there’s only one sentence swirling around his brain and he has to say it, but he doesn’t want to say it and so he bites his tongue. He shakes his head and then looks up at Derek, “I’m having sex!”
And he says it with such a whiny voice that Derek can’t help but laugh. Visibily.
“I knew it,” Derek says. “You’re shaking in your converse to tell me that?”
“What? What do you mean you knew it?” The response sobers Spencer up a bit, his anxiety weakens just enough so he can figure out why Derek is laughing.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you walkin’ on in here everyday with a lil’ extra pep in ya step,” Derek chuckles. “You’re not that sneaky, kid. I knew there had to be someone.”
Spencer sighs, lets his shoulders relax. “It’s-it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just…sex…lots of sex. Lots of really, really good sex. I think. I think it’s good. It…feels good, seems good. I don’t have much to compare it to but, um…yeah…”
“My man,” Derek laughs and Spencer breaks a smile. “Who’s the lucky lady?”
Spencer smiles wider, “[y/n]. She’s gorgeous and smells good and makes me laugh and I…don’t feel weird around her she makes me feel so unbelievably not weird and y-yeah, she’s a little bit younger but I hardly ever notice.”
Derek puts the elevator back in motion, “How young are we talkin’ here?”
“Um, she’s twenty-two.”
Derek replies with nothing more than a whistle and Spencer rolls his eyes, “Stop.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You said plenty.”
The elevator dings and they step off, Derek swinging his arm over Spencer’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, pretty boy, we’ll get you back to your lady soon.”
And Spencer laughs it off but in his head, he’s thinking: yes, please.
It’s the first week out of town that Derek is suspicious every time Spencer checks his phone. When the case starts to get heavier and harder, Spencer missing a few of his nightly phone calls, you worry. You can’t help it. He texts you when he lands and it’s stupid how wide you smile.
Library? he texts.
Y: Literally on my way.
You approach each other at the front doors, and from far away, you can see the bags under his eyes and the hunch in his shoulders.
“Hey, you,” you cradle his face in your palm. “Tough week?”
He leans into your touch, nodding and closing his eyes to take a moment and reset. When he opens them to find your face, illuminated by the light, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. You giggle against his lips and your leg lifts behind you, almost uncontrollably.
You smile at each other and Spencer asks, “Do you like coffee?”
You cackle, “I love coffee.”
He holds the door open for you, asking, “Hey, what do you think about meeting some friends of mine?”
You smile, turn to him, “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”
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pandorxxx · 8 months
KINKTOBER:Day 9 Accidental Stimulation W/ Lo’ak
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Warnings: Lo’ak being an asshole in the beginning, cursing, p in v, creampie.
Synopsis: Everyone around the clan stayed away from you in fear of getting hurt. You were clumsy, everything you touched was destroyed. So when you ask Neteyam for help with your iknimaya, the conversation doesn’t go as planned when lo’ak steps in.
You were what was known as “instant karma.” Everything you touched, you destroyed. You were just…really clumsy. So much so that everyone in the clan avoided you at ALL costs. It really started to hurt your feelings, not having any friends, or anyone to talk to. You really tried to be less clumsy, but nothing worked. And it made sense as to why you hadn’t completed your iknimaya, as much as you tried. It was hard for you. Especially since the last time when Jake had to catch you before plummeting to your death.
As hard as this task was, you weren’t one to give up, or quit. You were determined to pass this. And who better to help you than the future olo’eyktan? So when you saw him, his younger brother and his other friends conversing, you thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk to him. Walking up to them, you could already sense a shift in their demeanors. All looking more frightened at your presence. But you were determined to walk out of this conversation without any casualties.
“Hey boys.” You spoke. Your voice sweet like honey and smooth like molasses. You were hot, no doubt about that. You had full hips, nice sized breasts, a small waist, and beauty to die for. However, you were just….so fucking dangerous, LITERALLY. They collectively took a step back from you before sighing a weak “hey” in response. You took a moment to smile before turning your attention to Neteyam.
“Teyam, can I talk to you for a moment?” You asked, fiddling with your fingers. His eyes widened, giving you a shady smile. “Uhh.” He started before grabbing lo’ak, placing his younger brother infront of him to act as a Shield. “Sure. Go ahead!” He spoke with alittle more enthusiasm this time. All of his friends began to chuckle amongst eachother, but lo’ak wasn’t having it.
“Bro, no way! I’m not getting kicked in the nuts again.” Lo’ak protested, shifting to neteyam’s side. A fair trade, If anything happened, they’d BOTH get it. You rolled your eyes, before shifting your body weight to one side. “I apologized for that already.” You pointed at lo’ak, hissing at him. “Yeah? It’s happened 7 times, clumsy bitch.” He rebuttaled, hissing back at you. His friends laughing in the background. Neteyam was guilty too, a small smirk appearing on his lips that he tried to wipe away.
You were usually one to stand up for yourself, everyone knew that. So it took lo’ak by surprise when your bottom lip started to quiver and tears began to well in your eyes. Your ears were flat to your skull, and your tail was now at a standstill. Your soul had been crushed. Not because he called you a bitch, but just EVERYTHING all at once. It hurt your feelings to know that everyone was against you.
Lo’aks demeanor softened greatly, watching a single tear trickle down your cheek. Maybe he took it too far this time. But before he could fix his mouth to apologize, you were turning away to walk off. “Oh, y/n! come on, he didn’t mean it! He’s a fucking idiot, you know that!” Neteyam shouted at your disappearing frame. “Y/n, im sorry! Come back, please!” Lo’ak shouted, watching you walk away. Both brothers sighed. “Go fucking apologize!” Neteyam muttered through gritted teeth as he slapped his brother on the back of the head. “Ouch! Fuck you! You laughed!” Lo’ak clapped back, pushing Neteyam in the chest.
“I did NOT dumbass! Go make sure she’s ok!” Neteyam hissed, pushing lo’ak in your direction. He stumbled a bit before gaining his composer. A loud groan rumbled in his chest as he began to follow behind you. You finally made it to your hut, a good cry on the way there. Boys were so stupid. And MEAN! but you wouldn’t let what lo’ak said ruin your entire day. After all, you weren’t done with your daily chores. You still had to take mo’at the paint that you made for your friends “rite of passage” ceremony. You were so happy for your friends, yet you still felt left out.
You grabbed the bowl full of paint, and began walking towards the exit of your hut. Unfortunately, lo’ak was walking in as you were walking out, and well….you know the rest.
His stomach, loincloth, and legs were PAINTED with the thick mixture. Lo’ak wasn’t a patient man, but it seemed as if he was trying his best to hold it together. His jaw was clenched, eyes shut, and deep heavy breaths escaped his flared nostrils. “I-I am so sorry lo’ak! I didn’t see you!” You rambled, shaky hand covering your agaped mouth.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Just— do you have a towel I can borrow, y/n?” He spoke, in a surprisingly calm tone. You nodded frantically, running to get him a towel. When you were running back to him, you slipped on the paint, colliding with him. You both fell hard, a loud thud shaking the entire hut. Lo’ak let out a loud grunt at the impact, you falling directly ontop of him, nearly knocking the wind out of his lungs.
“Lo’ak I-“ you began, before he cut you off. “Bro, j-just get off of me!” He commanded, shuffling to get you off of him. “I-Im sorry, J-Just give me a- ugh!- give me a second!” You struggled, trying to sit up on him. You both were struggling, the paint making everything slippery and sticky. It was a mess, and it was all your fault.
You were finally able to use his chest to sit up on him, both of your sticky thighs caging his hips in. You were trying to lift off of him completely, but he just wouldn’t stop moving under you. Trying so desperately to thrust you off of him.
“Can you s-stop? I’m getting up!” You whined, trying to use his chest to stand up again, but it was no use. Your hands were sticking to his skin, and the ground below was too slippery to stand properly with his stupid tantrum underneath you. “Get up NOW.” He growled, thrusting up one good time. So hard that you could feel his bulge rub against your clothed cunt. You didn’t mean to, but a broken whimper escaped your lips at the sensation. His ears flicked at the sweet sound, his tail tapping the ground beneath him. He haulted his movements, studying your flushed face for a moment.
“I-Im sorry if I hurt you.” He stuttered, a soft expression painting his face. His strong hands found your waist, trying to lift you off of him gently. But you weren’t having it, gracefully slamming your hips back down on him. “Shittt.” Lo’ak grunted, watching you intently. “Grab my hips. Please.” You spoke breathily, expertly untying your top. He obliged quickly, grabbing your hips as he watched you throw your top to the side. Your plump breasts bounced with every subtle move, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of them.
You began to grind on him, nice and slowly. Rocking your hips back and forth to feel that addictive friction again. Your sweet mewls began to arouse lo’ak even more than he already was. Using this as an opportunity to rock you all by himself, speeding up the pace.“Ohhh My God.” You whined, arousal escaping your loincloth. You threw your head back, following his rhythm.
“Imagine how good I’d feel inside. Just say the word.” He spoke, his melodic tone finding its way to your core, a gush of slick squirting out at his words. You nodded lazily, giving him the “ok” to continue further. Your fingers found your loincloth, playing with the strings until it was loose. You pulled it from under you lazily, throwing it to the side. Lo’ak doing the same. His cock slapped his stomach, a thick line of precum oozing out of the tip.
The paint on your bodies and the floor was drying quickly, which made it easy for you to shift to your feet, squatting over his erect penis. He grabbed the base, while you began to slide down on him. Both of you moaning simultaneously as he bottomed out with a firm thrust upwards. You began to fuck him, hard. Like it was your damn job. His hands found the plush of your ass, smacking it a few times before thrusting up into you rhythmically.
“That feels so good, y/n. Ride this dick.” He groaned, biting his bottom lip as he watched your dripping cunt meet his pelvis with every thrust. The squelching sounds, skin clapping, and broking whimpers only stimulating him further. “Lo’aaak!” You cried, voice rippling from the forceful thrusts. Your head went limp, as your moans became louder. Your hands planted on his chest for stability.
“I know, baby. I know. Fucking this pretty pussy just right, hmm?” He asked in between heavy breaths, watching your face twist and turn in pleasure. “M-Mhmm!” You nodded, bouncing on him hard enough for your ass to ripple at the impact.
“F-Fuuuck. I’m sorry for- uhh a-ahh!- for calling you a bitch. I’m sooo sorry.” He moaned, throwing his head back against the ground, still bouncing you on his cock. You squealed, nodding as a way of saying I forgive you. “It’s ok! I-It’s ok! I-I’m sorry for hurting you all the time, lo’ak!” You whimpered, shifting to your knees, using the new position to work his cock in the best ways possible.
“Ohhh Yes. Yess baby, just like that. You’re making up for it right now.” He moaned, smacking your ass, gripping it tightly. “I-Im gonna cum, gonna cum lo’ak!” You whined, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your body began to shake, squirts of your slick presenting itself with every earth shattering stroke.
“Ohhh God, yes. C-Cum on this dick, y/n. Please, baby. Please give it to me.” He whimpered, feeling your walls vibrate around his shaft. He watched your pussy squirt, quickly rubbing circles Into your clit to stimulate your trembling body further. You screamed his name, before collapsing into him. Your sweaty, trembling body snuggling into his warm chest.
“Mhm, I’m almost done, baby. Fuuuuuck.” He groaned, both of his hands shifting to your ass once again, gripping the plush skin to bounce you on his sensitive cock.
“I’m gonna cum, y/n. I-I know I don’t deserve this pussy. Not the way I’ve been treating you. B-But I need it, please.” He confessed in your ear before pecking it teasingly.
“Y-you can have whatever you want from me.” You hiccuped, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pounded into you. He let out a loud moan at your words, eyes crossing in pleasure as his mouth fell agape. And before he knew it, small squirts of cum turned into ropes and ropes of it filling your empty womb.
“Yeahhh, juuuust like that. Thank you, baby. Thank you s-sooo much.” He moaned, snapping his hips up into you periodically to empty himself inside of you. “Mhm.” You hummed, fluttering in and out of consciousness on his chest. “Finally, you made me feel GOOD.” He joked, rubbing your back lovingly as you cooed in his embrace.
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina @yeletta @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut @bee782916 @atxxokirina @sweethoneycn
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Found Treasure
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1000 Follower Special!
Saw I reached 1000 Followers and 5000 Likes! So a nice fluffy Buggy Twins fic!!
Buggy × Reader +TwinsDeeBee
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"Bugs I don't know about this-" You say with a frown as you stare at the man before you, finishing his makeup in the mirror and Grinning widely.
"Well they said they wanted to join me on collecting some treasure and besides next week we are starting that little vacation. Might as well get some more cash before we go" He said dismissively. You frowned at hearing this and raised a brow-
"Besides its probably the safest place, it's literally just where I stash my extra treasure! Who would be there"
You couldn't argue his logic technically- making a fake treasure pick up for the boys who had been begging to do 'pirate stuff' with their father. This seemed fairly safe and with the boys Devil fruit abilties they could protect themselves.
"I guess- but I don't want them in real danger Sweetheart"
"They will be fine, I swear" He said as he turned to finally face you, smiling brightly in his signature look. He leaned in like he was going to kiss you but you held a hand up- Both of you still in this weird relationship if you two were actually dating or not. Which made things awkward at times- Like this.
Both of you sort of froze as tension filled the air- unsure of what to say or do at this point. Thankfully the noise of your guys sons came crashing in- both boys having insisted in doing face paint like their father and doing it themselves.
"Mom! Dad! Look!!" Bee cheered loudly as both boys stood before you. The makeup on their face was- Something. Bee had clearly tried to do something like a clown makeup a sloppy layer of white layered on his face with blue on his cheeks like blush and red on his lips in a crooked smile. Dee had declined the white layer of paint and put blue on his lips in a smile and red on his cheeks.
Buggy smiled as he stared down at his boys, smiling with pride- Despite the sloppy makeup he felt a sense of pride.
"Look at you two!" He said cheerfully as he fixed hats over their heads to cover their hair- smiling brightly at this as the boys looked up at him and smiled brightly.
Ge felt a odd peg in his chest at seeing them like this, like his chest got warm and fuzzy. Buggy gave a slight body shiver to get out of it and turned to head upstairs, shaken by that warm feeling.
"We will be back later (Y/N)-" Buggy said a bit shortly to you before dismissing himself. He knew the boys were following him as he headed to the Main Deck. Once there he saw the crew was on high alert and Cabaji rushed to him.
"Sir! Strawhat pirates are ahead of us! Just around the bend" Cabaji said as he passed the telescope to him, Buggy looking through quickly as he saw in the distance the Strawhats in that hellish ship he was trapped in sailing not far from his destination.
"Captian?" Cabaji asked again, Buggy glancing down at his boys who were excitedly waiting for him.
"Let them pass- I'm not wasting my time on small fry pirates" He said nonchalantly- choosing to not let his time with his sons be disturbed by those damn Strawhats.
"We dock at Coal Island" Buggy said quickly and turned away to go to his boys, missing the deep frown from Cabaji.
Once on the island Buggy walked them through things to do- Telling them to stay close to him as he walked him to the safe spot to dig up the extra treasure.
"Now boys, this should be quick and then we head back understand? I did see a ship passing and we need to-" He stopped as he heard silence and turned to see the boys gone. In less then 30 God damn seconds they were gone!?
"Boys?.. Boys!?" Buggy yelled out in confusion as he saw that his spawns were missing from his sides.
He ran around the island wildly, his stress spiking as he tried to find his children. Panic rushing through his system as he darted around wildly on the island searching for his kids. Even getting into some beef with a large bird- hearing chattering behind a large Boulder he froze, recognizing the tone of those little voices as his kids.
Blades out he jumped around the corner and damn near felt himself have a brain aneurysm at what he saw- lowering his blades he stared.
Buggy felt an acute pain in his temple as he watched his boys talk to the Strawhat pirate crew and being the social butterflies they were in making new friends.
"That's so cool! You're stretchy!?" Bee said excitedly as Luffy laughed and let the child pull on his arm to show his elasticity- Usopp spinning some stupid story to the overly energetic child.
Dee was looking up at Nami and Zoro in awe, shyly asking both of them questions. Nami about the weird tattoo on her arm, Zoro about the swords. Nami gushing at the adorable boy and ended up picking him up and holding him in a hug as he asked them questions. Sanji even gifting the two some cookies he had in a bag with a kind smile.
"For the love of- Boys come here now! Don't make friends with the enemy!" Buggy yelled and marched over red faced to take his boys from the Strawhat pirates.
The crew immediately getting defensive over seeing him and wanting to take these wondering children in bad face paint.
"Binky?-" Luffy said with a sense of indifference. Zoro's hand coming to his blade calmly, even Nami holding Bee closer like she was going to protect the little tyrant.
"It's Buggy Damn It!-" He yelled still marching forward.
"But Dad!-" Both boys started, Making the whole crew freeze and Buggy wanting to sob in defeat.
"Dad?!-" the whole crew parroting as the discovery was made. Buggy groaned at this as he rubbed his temple trying to figure out if a very late late abortion was an option.
"Yes these are my kids... Danny and Benny- Boys these are the bastard Strawhat pirates that seem to exist to be a thorn in my ass-" He deadpanned before taking Dee from Nami with a glare and set him down calmly next to him. Bee looking up at the irritated Buggy with a confused look.
"Wait, Someone actually let you ejaculate I to them?" Zoro questioned calmly as he gestured to the two kids with bad face paint on them.
"Dad what does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, which earned a snort from Sanji. Buggy glared at them all and sighed.
"Ask your mother later and Yes- I do have a social life" He deadpanned at Zoro for the sly insult to his abilties to have a sex life.
An awkward silence followed at this, Buggy gesturing for his kids to get behind him which they did- Still munching away on the cookies Sanji had gifted them.
"Listen I'm in no mood to fight- While I'd love a chance to beat you strawhat-"
"We wouldn't fight you infront of your children" Luffy said calmly as he gestured to the boys, Grinning proudly. Zoro nodded at this. "Nor are we going to say anything about them either"
The clown blinked in surprise at this feeling a bit confused over this. They had a chance to get the upper hand on him, Hell even an emotional weakness of learning of his kids. Yet they were just letting him go? And his kids without wishing to say anything.
Buggy felt conflicted... normally he would have used the fact that the Strawhats were distracted to attack them and get the upper hand but... he couldnt... he couldn't just let his kids be used as bait or have them in that type of danger... while he had always appreciated being raised on Roger's ship and the experience it had given him but- He couldn't never put his kids in that same envirment, he loved them too much...
He nodded at the crew for this, not having words for his gratitude nor wishing to vocalize it. Guiding the kids away he felt his mind racing at this point, walking them back to were his treasure was buried and the three of them retrieved his hidden loot. Letting the boys chatter and do as they pleased before heading back to the ship- Still mentally out of it from these feelings he was having.
"Hey Dad?" Bee's voice snapped him from his thoughts, looking at his son holding his hand and the other holding the small bag of treasure since he wanted to carry something.
"Hm?" The clown hummed in question. Bee smiled proudly at Buggy as he squeezed his hand.
"I love you Dad!" Buggy felt a ping yo his chest like Bee had just shot warmth through him, feeling the squeeze on his other hand and looking to Dee who also smiled.
"I love you Dad" Dee said too, smiling brightly up at him and squeezing his gloved hand too.
Buggy felt hot tears well in his eyes, looking at both twins and using his Chop Chop abilities scooped them both in his arms with care.
"Love you guys too peanuts" He said with a smile as he walked them back to the ship. Ignoring the stares of his crew as he boarded his ship holding his boys with pride.
Walking down to his Cabin were he knew you were he kicked open the door with his foot and looked at you. Who was seated there surprised by his rather blunt arrival into the room. "Buggy?-"
"I'm in love with you, I-I don't know what that means emotionally but I'm fairly sure I love you and the boys more then I knew possible" Buggy blurted out, you'd never seen this side of him before. He almost looked afraid at this point like you were holding the one thing that could kill him, which in some way you were... his heart.
"I-I well.. We can always start back up Bugs if you want... and it's natural to love your children" You say shyly, Watching him set the boys down and walk to you. Pulling you up to your feet and kissing you, you felt every drop of emotion from his hungry lips as he devoured you heart and soul. Blushing cherry red you couldn't help but kiss him back, holding him close as you two shared in the passionate kiss.
Pulling away for air Biggy grinned at you, his eyes sparkling as he looked on you in awe.
"I love you" Hear him whisper, When you tried to reply you heard Cabaji call out for Buggy for assistance.
"You should um...take care of that" You say softly.
He smiled brightly as he gently released you. Calling back out to Cabaji as he reached over to remove the boys hats and ruffle their hair before heading out.
You stood there blushing as Buggy left, a wide smile on his lips as he headed upstairs to assist with his crew. You giggle as you turn to look at your boys, wiping some of the red from your lips
"Hey Mom?" Bee started, looking up at you like tye adorable God damn bean he was.
"Yes my heart?"
"What does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, staring up at you in question. You froze in your spot- hearing the fast footsteps from Buggy as he rushed to the Main Deck clearly wishing to escape you.
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owliellder · 8 months
Two's A Crowd
College Bully! Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5)
Description: College is proving to be a lot harder than you imagined. You cannot fail this math class. So when you've tried everything else, a well-known student is recommended to you by your professor for tutoring lessons, not really leaving you with much of a choice but to work with him.
Warnings: Not proofread, No Use of Y/N, Dub-Con, Unprotected Sex, Bullying, Yelling, Cursing
Tags: College AU, Bully! Leon, Shy! Reader, both are in their early 20's, Leon is Rude AF in the beginning, Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex, Fingering, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Tags to be Added
Author's Note: Forgiveness is requested but not expected. Downhill we go!!
Cross-posted onto AO3
Chapter 3:
Over time, you grew less and less worried with Leon’s nice behavior. Your math grade has gone up significantly, surpassing a low C which is a passing grade, but since the tutor sessions have become much more bearable, you haven’t felt the need to stop going. Besides, you have an A streak to fulfill.
Your friends stayed suspicious about the frat boy’s intentions, however. The way you’d become so unbothered with everything relating to him had them stressed, yet at the end of the day, “no asshole can hold up a facade like that for this long”, as per Sky’s words.
Easygoing is the best way to describe Leon at this point. A gentle soul, from what you can tell. He goes out of his way to hold the door for you, share his food with you whenever he brings it, and he even gets excited with you whenever you get an A on any of your assignments or tests. It makes you happy that you held out for him.
“And that makes sense to you?” Leon was standing next to you, leaned over with both his hands on the table. You were both in the study room, only this time you had finished everything math related. Thanksgiving break had come and gone so everything had shifted towards the finals before Winter break, meaning now you were using the space to go over the study guide for the final given by one of your other professors, though it would’ve been nice to have your math study guide to burn into your brain since it’s your biggest struggle.
“Yeah, this is easy for me,” you mutter, hand against your mouth as your eyes move back and forth across the packet of information in front of you. Having Leon leaning over you had been commonplace since mid-November. He turned out to be very nosey. “Shouldn’t you be focusing on your own classes?”
You didn’t need to look at him to know he was extremely confused by your study guide. “Uhh.. nah,” he stood upright and slowly made his way around the table, sitting down in front of you with a small groan as he relaxed into the seat. “I’ve made it through the past couple years here without ‘em. No need for ‘em now.” You nodded to the side at his, bringing the pen you were holding up to your mouth to nibble on the end of it. “Makes sense…”
It took awhile before you noticed his nervous fidgeting, looking up from your study guide to give him a worried look. “Are you bored? I can finish up in my dorm if you-”
“Do you want to get dinner with me tonight?” He cut you off, his eyes meeting yours before the room fell silent. The question was so sudden and you weren’t expecting anything like it, so it just had you confused. You must’ve looked it, too, since he moved his eyes away from yours while crossing his arms. “I mean-.. Y’know, figured I’d ask..”
Seeing him get nervous was always pretty cute to you, such a handsome guy getting worked up over you never failed to flatter you. “Oh, yeah! I’d like that, actually..” You giggled when Leon looked back at you, soon grabbing your few supplies to put back into your backpack. 
Relief spread across his face, moving to stand as you collected your items. “Good, okay, uh.. How’s Olive Garden sound?” To the average college student, Olive Garden was some high class fine dining. Anyone would be a fool to say no to an offer like that.
Just like your friend told you not to do, the absolute biggest no-no when it came to these types of college guys, you let Leon get even closer. It was just dinner in the beginning, but you started seeing him outside of study sessions afterwards with him going out of his way to seek you out and hang out with you and you the same. “Just going out to dinner” turned into dates real fast, faster than you even had time to process. 
You’ve almost completely forgotten about just how nasty he was towards you not three months prior with how he doted on you. Leading up to finals week, Leon made sure to bring you food after noticing your long study habits. He wouldn’t even give you a choice, just a simple “whaddya feeling tonight?” over text. He’d hang out in your dorm with you while you ate, much to your roommates dismay, and sometimes he’d just show up for no reason other than to see you. You’d blush and shy away from his flirting, he’d tease you, and you’d get mad at him for distracting you in a playful way. Even if you wanted to be actually mad at him, you couldn’t, not with that cheeky little grin he’d give you.
You never questioned his nosiness as he familiarized himself with your dorm, rummaging through your drawers as you whined at him from the bed to stay out of your stuff. Honestly, you’d probably look through his stuff too if you had the chance.
Having a boyfriend during your first year of college wasn’t exactly a goal, and you don’t know if this is even a relationship or not, but you weren’t complaining. It was so nice having someone care about you like this, especially when it’s someone who’s, to you, way out of your league in almost every sense. Though he wasn’t the most outgoing, he was very well known, and being seen with him meant the attention he received was spilling onto you. Hell, you didn’t even know he played football until he passed by you with his friends, all in their football get-ups. He never bragged about any practices or games to you, maybe you should’ve asked about the various bruises and scuffs he’d show up to the study sessions with. Oh well.
Every night during finals week, Leon would take you out for dinner under the guise of “destressing from the long day”, not that you minded, of course. You were growing increasingly anxious about your last final, the big one; math. The two of you were sitting in his black Jeep Wrangler as it idled out in the parking lot of McDonald’s, snacking on what was left of your meal in a comfortable silence. The combination of the heater blowing on you and the food in your stomach was settling you, if only a little.
Leon kept his eyes on you the entire time, hand rubbing soothingly up and down your thigh. His hand was so warm. “You’ll pass, I know you will.” His soft touch barely had you cracking a smile, looking through the windshield as large snowflakes quietly fell, lit up by the streetlights surrounding the parking lot and by the headlights on his car. The snow had accumulated an inch on the ground already, the sun having set nearly two hours prior. Winter and its short days, a blessing and a curse. “I don’t know..” You could feel his eyes on you, yet yours were stuck staring out at the falling snow. “My nerves always get me. I’m gonna make the stupidest mistakes and then once the final grades are in my parents’ll wanna see and then I’ll be surrounded be disappointment and shame and guilt.”
You closed your eyes and slumped your shoulders when you felt Leon squeeze your thigh, finally able to turn and look back at him. “You know that’s not how it’s gonna go.” He let out a breathy laugh when you raised an eyebrow. “Oh come on, you’ve got it down! Plus, you had an amazing tutor~..”
With a dramatic groan, you rolled your eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows at you, unable to hide your smile. “I guess, but you weren’t that amazing..”
Leon moved his free hand and brought it up to his chest, holding it there with a strong pout to feign hurt. “You wound me.. Was I nothing to you?” His smile quickly returned when you clicked your tongue at him, chuckling through his nose. “Seriously though, I’ve never met anyone as smart as you are. You learned how to do that kind of stuff incredibly fast, so I don’t have a single doubt in my mind that you won’t demolish that final.” His compliments always left you blushing and at a loss for words, playfulness giving way to a more heavy air. “Thank you, Leon. Really, thank you...” 
You were too wrapped up in watching the snow fall through the windshield to notice when his hand pulled away from your thigh, or just how guilty he looked as he silently watched you.
The math final was easier than you were expecting. You understood basically everything that had been put on it minus a couple things that you scolded yourself for not brushing up on last minute. Grades weren’t put in until a week or more after the finals were turned in, yet you were confident enough in how it went to feel good leaving that room afterwards. 
This first semester had really tested your limits, but you were lucky to have your friends, lucky to have Leon. It didn’t feel strange having him around anymore, it felt natural, real. There weren’t enough ways to thank him for all that he did between tutoring you and taking care of you overall. 
You yelped with laughter as Sky picked you up, their arms around your midriff, waving you side to side as they yelled how proud they were of you. Ella only stood by and laughed along, making sure to take a picture of the moment as keepsakes. “Guys, I don’t even know if I passed yet!” You pushed away from Sky and they placed you back down on the ground, smoothing out your shirt which had you swatting their hands away.
“But! You survived and that’s always cause for celebration.” Ella pocketed her phone and took a couple steps forward so you were all standing in a small circle now. “You really pulled through these last few months.”
Thanks to Leon. “I did, huh?” You looked down with a bashful smile, shrugging before pulling the strap on your backpack further up so it wouldn’t slip off your shoulder. “You know,” Sky started, resting their elbow on your other shoulder while pursing their lips as they slowly turned their head to look at you, “you’re not very good at hiding your love for Leon..” 
You weren’t trying to hide it, it's just that even the vaguest thought about the man had you flustered and stumbling over your words like a fool. All you could do now was glare at your friend, who just raised their hands up in defense. “Hey now, not poking fun, just making an observation.”
Ella placed her entire hand over Sky’s face and pushed them away from you, ignoring their muffled complaints as she looked at you. “We’ll always be suspicious because we’re your friends and we care about you, but as long as you’re careful, we’ll keep our distance.”
Sky pulled Ella’s hand off their face, making gross-out noises while wiping their face off. “Blegh, anyways, yeah. Keeping our distance, but still watching from afar.” They pointed their index and middle finger from their eyes to yours before smiling.
You hung around in their dorm as Ella finished packing up her suitcase. She’s had her plane ticket back home booked for a month, constantly expressing her need to leave as soon as finals were finished during that time. Sky was leaving the same day you were, which was in two days since you both drove or were driven here. Leon stayed at his frat house all school year, so you were thankful to have two people sticking around so you weren’t left all alone.
Unfortunately, this meant you had your own packing to do. Thankfully though, your roommate had already left, sparing you from their menial chit-chat. Packing was almost cathartic in a weird way, almost as if you saw going home as a reward for working yourself to the bone at this university. Quiet music was playing from your phone as you gathered the essentials, you’d be coming back in three weeks so there wasn’t any need to pack up everything.
A gentle knock knock knock at your dorm’s door startled you from your thoughts, causing you to blink a few times to make sure it wasn’t just coming from the song that was playing. Slowly, you made your way over to the door, and before you’d even opened it fully, Leon slipped his way through, side stepping into the room with a cheeky smile. 
You scoffed as you watched him weasel his way in, hand stuttering away from the door handle to allow the heavy door to shut. “You could’ve waited until I opened the door all the way.” 
“I knocked, though.” Mischief was evident in his tone as his eyes landed on the suitcase sitting on your bed. “Getting ready to leave?”
“Not for another couple days. Just.. wanna be ready.” You walked past him over to your suitcase, continuing to fold the last few pieces of clothing you wanted to bring back home. “Perfect, got some extra time to spend with you then.” Leon chuckled, now standing next to you to watch you get back into rhythm.
Having him admit that so casually had you nervous, cheeks heating up as you glanced over at him. “Wouldn’t you rather hang out with your friends?” The eyebrow raise he gave you made you stumble as you tried to elaborate. “N-not that I don’t want to hang out with you! I just feel like you’d have more fun celebrating the end of the semester outside of a stuffy dorm.” You tried to laugh away the embarrassment, moving your focus back to the suitcase as you zipped it up.
“I can celebrate with those slobs any time, but for right now, I would really like to be around you.” Leon carefully lifted your suitcase off the bed, placing it near the door for you. “You’re nice and quiet. They’re not.” You sighed after lifting yourself up onto your bed, sitting criss-cross right in the middle while meekly smiling to yourself, watching him walk back over to stand in front of you.
“By the way,” he said, turning his head to look out your window for a split second before looking back down at you, “I haven’t had the chance to tell you how proud I am of you for coming out of that math final. I know results take awhile, but you seem pretty pleased with yourself.” He crossed his arms and bent forward a bit with a teasing smirk as he not-so-subtly looked you up and down.
You covered your face with your hands and laughed into them, a poor attempt to hide your ever increasing blush. After letting your hands fall away, you bunched the end of your hoodie up in them, fiddling with the thick fabric as you replied. “Yeah, uh.. I think I did alright.” You were going to say more, but you stopped when Leon’s hand found its way under your chin, tilting your head back so you were looking at him. “C’mon, don’t downplay this, baby. You did amazing and you know it.”
Your mind went blank at the pet name and you were finding it hard to breathe with the way his hand felt under your chin. The air in your dorm was a tad tense before, yet now it just felt heavy. Stifling. All you could do was stare up at him with wide eyes, eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as you tried to think of something, anything to say.
“Did I catch you off guard?” He said with a breathy laugh, gently tilting your head side to side as he studied you. And you let him. Your mouth felt dry, face hot as he leaned in closer. “You’re so beautiful..” His voice dropped an octave and his eyes were lidded as they stared into yours. “So smart, so brave..” Soon his lips were brushing against yours, whispering out a final “So perfect..” before pulling you into a gentle kiss.
It didn’t take long for you to relax into the kiss, eyes fluttering shut as you tried to mimic Leon’s movements. His hands cautiously slid down to grasp at your waist while yours moved up to cup his face, pulling him closer. He slowly crawled onto the bed with you tugging him along, leaving you laying down as he hovered over the top of you, knees planted on either side of your legs while one of his arms moved up to support himself. 
He was doing his best to be careful with you, noting your nervous tremble as his right hand slid under your hoodie. “M’gonna take care of you, ‘kay?” He hummed against your sensitive skin, kissing along the underside of your jawline. You only nodded as his lips trailed down your neck, stopping when your hoodie got in his way of the rest of you. “Need you to say ‘okay’ f’me, baby.”
Nearly whining when he stopped, you nodded again a bit more vigorously this time, voice barely a whisper. “O-..Okay..” You propped yourself up slightly when Leon pulled his head away from your neck, his eyes meeting yours as both his hands were now playing with the end of your hoodie. “Y-Yeah, okay…” You repeated.
First it was your hoodie, then it was his jacket, and before you knew it, he had you in his arms, chest pressed against yours as he reached around to unclasp the hooks on your bra. You immediately brought your arms up to cover your breasts once Leon leaned back after pulling your bra off, self-consciousness suddenly settling in. “Hey hey, no need to hide from me..” He cooed, eyes raking down your body as he grabbed your hands to pull your arms away, thumbs rubbing circles onto the tops of your hands as he stared with a crooked smile. 
You took the opportunity to take in his form; muscular, a couple old scars and freckles standing out to you. He was gorgeous, through and through, no doubt about it. He took notice, craning his neck to look down at his exposed chest before looking back up at you. “Looks good, huh?” That got a small giggle out of you, at least.
He slowly guided you back down onto the bed, his hands firmly rubbing up and down your sides. “You look even better, though. Layin’ pretty beneath me~..” His right hand found its way to your panties, running his fingers along the band before trailing further down to press his middle finger against the gusset. You gasped at the feeling while he laughed quietly, leaning back a bit further to catch a glimpse of the wet spot he was feeling. “You’re soaked.. Lil’ bit of touching got you all worked up?”
Your hands flew up to hide your face again as he rubbed his finger up and down your clothed pussy, letting out small gasps and whimpers all the while. You shakily nodded, subconsciously spreading your legs further apart as he slotted himself between them. 
“Tell me something, babe.” Leon paused his movements to look up at you, huffing a chuckle through his nose when he noticed you’d covered your face. “You seem real nervous, so I’m jus’ wonderin’...” Dread settled in your stomach at his implication, you were hoping he wouldn’t ask this. “Yes..” You whispered, parting your fingers over your right eye so you could look at him. “Don’t make me say it, please…”
He hummed low in his chest, eyes darkening as they moved back down to your panties. “Juuust wonderin', is all..” His finger started to caress you over your panties again while adding a bit more pressure. “There’s no shame in being a virgin. Only means I gotta make this extra special for you~.” You moved your hands to shoot him a weak glare and he smiled in return. “Didn’t say I couldn’t say it.”
Once he felt your tremble start to dissipate, he brought his hands up and hooked his fingers on the band of your panties before slowly tugging them off, letting out a low groan as a string of slick stayed connected to the gusset from your leaking pussy. “Fuck, that’s hot..” He breathed in sharply through his teeth, taking your panties into one hand before grabbing his hoodie, stuffing them into the large pocket in the front.
Leon didn’t waste any time putting himself back between your legs, languidly dragging his middle finger up and down through your folds. He relished in your every noise, even as you tried to hold them in. “You ever finger yourself before?” He asked, voice gravelly as he repeatedly pulled his finger back to watch your slick cling to it by a string. 
“... no..” Your innocence had him groaning to himself again. He could ignore the guilt eating away at him long enough to handle you the way you needed to be handled. “Let’s give it a try then, yeah?” He hunched over some more so his face was hovering above yours, middle finger now gently circling your clenching hole.
“P-Please be careful..” You whimpered, slightly panicked at the feeling of his finger nudging your entrance, one of your hands grasping the bed sheets while the other held onto his bicep that was closest to you.  “I’ll be so careful, baby.. I promise I’ll be careful.”
And he was. What would’ve normally been a relatively quick process turned into ten minutes of Leon tenderly stretching you on his fingers. He studied your face the entire time, whispering sweet words into your ear, even letting out deep moans to encourage your own timid ones. You needed the time. There's no rush.
He moved down to pair his fingers with his mouth, tongue running through your wet folds as his fingers stroked your walls. The noises you let out when he sucked on your clit were intoxicating. You were intoxicating.
Once Leon pulled his mouth and fingers away from you, you knew what was coming. And when he paused for a moment after standing up, hands hooked in his boxers, eyebrows tightly furrowed together in thought, that only served to make you more nervous.
“..Leon?” You managed to say, propping yourself up on your elbows as you watched his shake himself out of his head. “Yeah, sorry, just… thinking about the best way to go about this. Don’t wanna scare you.”
“You-... I’m not gonna be scared..” You looked from his face down to his boxers, eyeballing where his fingers were still hooked in them. He just clicked his tongue, nodding his head to the side with a soft “if you say so”. 
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you were scared. There wasn’t much frame of reference, but Leon was… sizeable, for lack of a better term. And it wasn’t just his size that was intimidating to you, it was the idea of sex itself. Sex has always been made out to be this big grandiose milestone by everyone around you, so now that you’re about to actually do it is giving you the same sinking feeling that public speaking does. 
“You’re scared.” Leon had pulled his boxers all the way down without you noticing, letting them lay abandoned on the floor as he took the small step back towards you. “No.” You were quick to object, eyes still glued to his dick. He chuckled and tilted your head back by your chin once more. “Yes, you are, and it’s okay. I’m not gonna kill you with it.”
“You might…” You muttered under your breath, eyes lowly making their way back down to his dick as he got back up onto the bed and in between your legs. “I promised you I’d be careful, right?” Leon grunted, his hand squeezing the base of his cock before giving it a few slow strokes. 
You swallowed dryly, pulling your eyes away and back up to meet his. “Yeah…” He nodded, giving you a wobbly smile as he teased his thumb across his tip. “Right. So don’t worry, I’ve gotcha..”
You only nodded, doing your best to keep your eyes up and focused on his face as he lubed himself with your juices. Your eyes widened once you felt him line himself up with your hole, body jerking a bit at the slight pressure.
“You gotta relax, sweetheart..” He used his freehand to stroke your thigh before pulling your right up over his shoulder, hand moving back down so his thumb could rub your clit. “Just breathe and focus on what my hand’s doin’, alright?”
The two of you were lucky that a lot the people in your dorm building left already, cause when his tip finally pushed past that ring of muscle, you let out an embarrassingly loud yelp. It hurt, but it was also such a new feeling that it simply startled you. “Okay, okay, that’s the hardest part. You did it.” You panted, hands tugging at the blankets beneath you as he stilled. “Okay…” You copied him, nodding your head once you felt you were ready for him to move.
The sting of the stretch was the hardest to get by, however it was easily masked by just how full you felt after Leon was fully sheathed inside you. So new, yet so good. 
You let out a shaky sigh, eyes closing as you rested back against the bed. Your heart was beating and your body felt hot. It was actually a nice feeling. “You- ugh.. You can move.. a little..” You breathed out, grunting softly when you felt him twitch.
“Mhm..” Leon agreed with only a hum, not trusting his mouth enough to speak. He pulled back an inch before thrusting just as slowly,  eyes darting around your face for any sign of discomfort. A minute or so of taking it slow led to deeper thrusts, following your command as you asked for “harder”, “deeper”, “faster”. All with that sweet voice that he couldn’t say no to.
You were eating away at him and you didn’t even know it; wrapped around him so perfectly, that delicious honey of yours dripping down his balls, moaning his name, looking at him with those glassy eyes, fuck. He fits you so well.
He kept his eyes closed, unable to look at you any longer. Ignoring the guilt was harder than he thought, even with him thrusting into you like he owned you. You weren’t his, he can't have you the way you want him to-
“Shit-!” He gasped, too lost in his own thoughts to notice you’d grown close until you abruptly clenched around him, sloppy cunt milking his cock. His thrusts stuttered to a stop as he buried himself deep into you, cumming with a whine of his own. Looking at the wall with bleary eyes, he furrowed his brow again, chewing on the inside of his cheek while he caught his breath.
Clarity crashed into him when you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a weak hug. He needed to go, but how could he leave you like this? God, he was so fucked.
He should’ve just stayed an asshole, that would’ve kept you far away. And he should’ve never taken that stupid bet. All this for a pair of panties to wave around like a trophy.
@kayotee4 @k-fallingstar @bobastayhigh @mi-zer-y @chasingkennedy @l30nva @espressonerd @jjouki @5tarx @bunnybreadloaves @whoisgami @cyanscribe @c4b3r1a @darichvep @mmmangel @kingtacocat @klee-iii @baby--vera @dakiniii @kenma-izhu @aliidarling @leonsmamacita @deadghxsty @nekoheist @dumbassmortal @cassiecasluciluce @iovewilliams @maeplayscello @deddiemunsonsblog @paranoid-but-android @mariesmain @tteokhwaa @bonnibuckets @eilonwykennedy @1dk-anym0r3 @papatyacikcik
(few of your blogs won't work, but i really tried 😩)
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1-800-hwahui · 1 year
romance at mistletoe inn
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member  |  seungcheol x reader genre  |  smut, some fluff word count  |  ~4,600 warnings  |  reader has a vagina and breasts, unprotected sex, very very soft dom!cheol, sub!reader, wap reader, monster cock cheol, like seriously his dick is BIG, size kink (it comes with the territory wbk), strength kink (?), oral (m receiving), oral (reader receiving), grinding, deepthroating, motorboating, praise, slight manhandling, creampie (they don't talk about reader taking birth control so PLEASE do not be like them irl), cursing, cheol is Whipped, they hold hands :(, teeny bit of aftercare oops sorry, reader's mom accidentally cockblocks, please ignore that the plot actually makes Zero sense this is just pure sex atp notes  |  this is a nsfw sequel to a sfw fic on my main writing blog @junkissed called mistletoe inn! however, this can be read as a stand alone, you don't have to have read the other part to know what's going on here. for the heathen @onlymingyus. i hope you enjoy. p.s. thanks to @duhnova @heartkyeom for making me insane while i wrote this. i know i say this every time but this time i mean it when i say this is definitely the filthiest thing i have ever written - 💒 june
a knock on cheol’s door brings him out of the book he’s reading. it’s late in the evening and it hasn’t stopped snowing all day, leaving everyone at the inn snowed in. at least for the next day or so until the city snow plow comes around. he slides a bookmark into the pages and sets it on his nightstand, grinning as he walks towards the door.
as it usually is every winter, the inn is practically empty, except for one guest. it’s a small town, and people don’t come to stay unless they’re visiting friends or family.
cheol’s really enjoyed talking with you the last few days. he’s learned that you came to surprise your parents, but they’d actually left town without telling you to spend their christmas in hawaii, leaving you alone in a city where you don’t know anyone. 
he doesn’t mind being your friend for the week you’re here– in fact, he loves it. you’re great company, and after a little not-so-subtle prying he’s also learned you’re single. with your work less than an hour away by plane, the distance isn’t bad, and if he’s been reading the situation right, he’s hoping you might feel the same. it’s been too long since he’s taken a break, since he’s traveled out of the little town he’s lived in all his life. maybe it’s time to pass the inn along to someone else in his family. but for now, one step at a time.
of course, it’s you standing on the other side of the door. he can’t help the way his face lights up when he sees you. “hey, what’s up?”
you smile back shyly. “just bored. are… are you busy?”
he grins. “not anymore.”
“do you maybe, wanna, come to my room?” you ask. “i made cocoa.”
“of course i would,” he says, shutting his door with a quiet squeak.
fifteen minutes later the cocoa is long forgotten as you desperately press your lips against seungcheol’s, hands roaming everywhere across each others’ bodies.
you’re suddenly very grateful that you packed your nice pair of panties for a trip that was supposed to be for visiting your parents. and you’re also very grateful that you wore them tonight, just in case.
the muscles in his shoulders flex as he yanks his shirt up and off with one swift movement. you watch, until his hands are back on you, whining as he pulls on the hem of your sweater. you giggle and lift your arms so he can help you tug it over your head.
“can i?” he breathes, reaching for your bra, his gaze fixated on your chest.
you nod, and strong arms wrap around you, carefully unhooking your bra behind your back. you hold the fabric in place with your hands as his fingers tenderly slip the straps down your shoulders. 
when you finally let go, allowing the material to fall to the floor, seungcheol inhales sharply. “god, you’re so beautiful,” he rasps.
he looks up at you for permission, and you smile. hands still clasped behind your back, he pulls you over to the chair by the couch, sitting down so his face is level with your chest. 
his hands glide over your skin, pushing your breasts together and shoving his face in between them with a groan that reverberates in your ribcage. you moan and he lets go, hands skating down your sides to rest at your hips as he leaves wet kisses along the curve of your boobs.
your fingers find his head, weaving up through his hair. he shakes his head back and forth and his hands grab at your ass, roughly kneading the skin. his mouth moves to one of your nipples, lips wrapping around it and sucking lightly.
his lips leave your breast with a pop, half-lidded eyes looking almost drunk with pleasure. you shimmy out of your pants, throwing them out of the way but keeping your panties on. 
cheol’s eyes widen and his hands fumble to remove his own jeans, shaking as he slides them down his muscular legs. 
you sink down onto your knees, settling between his legs. he groans when you look up at him with wide eyes, tentative hands resting on his thighs. god, his thighs… just one is probably bigger than your entire head. 
your fingers dance at the band of his underwear, nervously toying with the elastic but not going any further yet. he’s only half-hard beneath the fabric, but you can already tell he’s big, way bigger than you’re used to.
you must’ve paused for too long, because he reaches down to cup your cheek, bringing your gaze back up to his. “what’s wrong, baby?” he asks gently, his voice breathy and low. 
your cheeks heat up, not used to hearing that pet name on his lips. “um, you’re just, uh… big,” you squeak out, a little embarrassed to admit to him.
his expression softens, relieved that he hasn’t done anything to hurt you (yet). “you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he says, his tone lightening a bit.
immediately you shake your head, not wanting to give him the wrong impression. “i want to,” you say sincerely. “just– don’t know if i can.”
he smiles like you’ve just told him he won the lottery– and with you, he might as well have. “we’ll go slow,” he promises.
you exhale and gently tug at his underwear, finally releasing his cock. it’s big, like you expected, and covered in pretty veins. you wrap your hand around him, but he’s so big, your thumb and index finger aren’t even close to touching. so you add your other hand, completely gripping him, and he moans at the sight of his cock resting in your tiny hands.
you’re just about to put your lips around his tip when you hear your ringtone go off. you whine in annoyance at being interrupted and move your head away from him, taking your hands off of his cock and laying them on his thighs. 
“who is it?” you ask, nodding up at your phone on the table next to seungcheol.
he groans at the loss, but leans over to check your phone for you. “uh, it’s ‘mom’?”
you whine and reach out your hand. “give it here.”
“baby, please,” he grumbles, handing it down to you.
“i’ll be quick,” you whisper before accepting the call. he pouts and leans his head back against the back of the chair, staring at the ceiling.
“hi mom,” you say into the phone, your voice coming out a little breathier than you intend.
“hi sweetie! how’s your trip going so far? sorry again that we missed you,” she starts, and you know you’re in for a long phone call. the woman could talk for hours, days even, and now is definitely not the time.
when you look up, seungcheol is staring at you again, a mischievous grin on his face. he puts a finger to his lips, signaling you to be quiet, then hooks his arms under you to help you stand. his hands slide to your hips, guiding and pulling you down onto his lap.
“mom, i’m– a little busy right now,” you choke out, trying your damn hardest to keep your voice steady with cheol’s hands on you.
“oh?” the surprise is evident in your mother’s voice. “i thought you didn’t have any plans? did you find something fun to do? you better not be working on work, i told you you’ve been needing a vacation for way too long! your boss can have whatever it is in the new year, you–”
cheol grips you tightly, rolling your hips against his dick, and you have to slap your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from whimpering out loud. he looks up at you, wordlessly asking if you want him to stop. 
you squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head. as much as it mortifies you fooling around while you’re literally on the phone with your own mother, the thrill of being caught only turns you on even more.
“no, mom, i’m not working, but i am– busy,” you interrupt.
“well, do you want me to call back in a bit?” you can hear the frown in her voice, the tone she gets when she knows you’re lying.
“no!” you cry out as your clit rubs against the head of seungcheol’s cock, giving you a jolt of pleasure. “i–mean, i’ll call you later. when i’m done,” you recover, hoping to god she hasn’t noticed anything off about you.
“sweetie… are you at the gym?” she questions, and you breathe a sigh of relief that it doesn’t seem like she’s caught on to what you’re really doing. “i’m so proud of you, honey, i know you’ve been trying to do that more lately! well, i’ll leave you be then. have a good workout!”
well, you will be having a workout today… just not the kind she’s thinking of.
“th-thanks,” you stutter. suddenly cheol thrusts hard against you, and the movement makes you lose your balance and fall forward a little. you catch yourself on him, your hand flat against his firm chest. “bye, mom.”
“bye, sweetie! have fun!”
he shoots you a satisfied smirk and you sit back as you fumble to hang up as fast as you can, tossing your phone on the carpet behind you and climbing back down onto your knees.
you finally wrap your lips around him, fingernails gripping his thighs as you struggle to take him in your mouth. not only is he long, but he’s girthy, and you have to stretch your mouth open wide to fit him in. even then, you can’t fit all of him, so you put both hands back around the base of his cock where your mouth can’t reach and you begin slowly bobbing up and down, swirling your tongue around him.
his hips buck up roughly into your mouth and instantly tears prick at your eyes. “sorry,” he moans, but you just shake your head and keep going. he grips down hard on the armrests of the chair to stop himself from moving.
you can feel him hitting the back of your throat with every move and you know your mouth is gonna hurt like a bitch later, but the almost melodic sound of his moans is enough to make you want to have his dick in your mouth forever. knowing that it’s you making him feel like this could give you enough energy to suck him off for days on end.
your abdomen throbs with neglect, but the weight of his cock in your mouth is too good to stop. if you didn’t literally need both hands to fit all the way around him, you would’ve already started touching yourself, but both your hands are… occupied elsewhere.
desperate for any kind of stimulation, you press your thighs together, shifting to rub them against each other. at the angle you’re kneeling you can feel the thin fabric of your panties pressing against your pussy, and you buck your hips, trying to get the lace to give you what you want.
but it’s nowhere near enough, and seungcheol notices when you whine frustratedly around his cock, eyes squeezed shut and hands shaking. he grips your head carefully, pulling you off of him with a groan.
you look up at him with watery eyes and he takes in the sight, your mascara smeared and running down your cheeks and your eyes red and wet from choking around him for so long. 
“can i eat you out? please?” he practically begs, breathing heavily.
“o-okay,” you rasp, the words coming out hoarse.
his eyebrows furrow as he catches his breath. he’d tried so hard not to go rough on you, to stop himself from fucking your throat. it’s only your first time with him, and he really, really hopes it won’t be the last, so he’s mentally kicking himself for losing control.
you see his worried expression, so you cough, trying to clear your throat. “i’m fine,” you reassure him, voice a little less coarse than before but still more than he would’ve liked. 
“are you sure?” he asks cautiously.
“mhm. please,” you whimper.
he smiles and wraps his arms around you, helping you stand. your knees crack and he looks concerned again, but you shake your head. “just sore from kneeling. don’t worry.”
you give him a reassuring look, and he finally relents. suddenly he lifts you with terrifying ease, carrying you across the room to toss you onto the bed like nothing.
he climbs on top of you, his face hovering over your lower half.
“you gonna give me a few, baby?” he asks, his tone saccharine sweet. “gotta prep you enough.”
you croak out a yes, watching his movements with vigilance as his calloused fingertips play with the delicate hem of your panties, teasing.
but he doesn’t move any further, just stares up at you through his eyelashes, and you assume he’s waiting for you to say something.
“p-please?” you sniffle, thinking maybe he wants you to beg him for it. and he does, and you would, but you both know that’s for another time.
he presses a light kiss to your cunt over the fabric, moaning into your skin. “god, you’re so good for me, baby. gonna give you everything you want.”
as much as he wants to rip your pretty little underwear off your body and eat you out like his last meal, he knows he has to start slow, give you both a chance to get used to what the other likes instead of jumping straight into the deep end.
so he keeps his eyes locked with yours as he slips the lacy fabric down your hips, carefully so as not to tear them by accident.
you’re embarrassingly wet from nothing at all, your panties completely soaked through. a thin string of your arousal connects from your cunt to the fabric, and he groans lowly, watching it break.
his gentleness is unbelievably hot, and you can’t deny that him being so deliberate with taking them off makes you want to let him rip them off of you in a heartbeat. so what if they’re your favorite pair? you’d buy ten pairs to replace them if you have to.
you lift your legs, helping him slide your panties off so he can toss them away. he settles back down and tenderly pries your thighs apart, setting each leg to the side and leaving you wide open for him. he stares at your pussy for a moment, glistening with wetness. his intense, focused attention on you makes you gush, your muscles clenching around nothing as he watches enraptured. using two fingers he spreads your folds apart, exposing your dripping hole to his fervent gaze.
“cheol,” you mewl out his name in desperation. 
“‘m right here, baby,” he says, his eyes flicking up to your face for a second to make sure you’re okay. you nod, silently begging him to continue. he cups your pussy, and the feeling of sheer size as his massive hand envelopes you is enough to send a shiver down your spine.
automatically your hips buck into his hand, grinding against his palm as you toss your head back and forth against the pillows, grateful to finally feel some relief. 
he coos and you throw your arm over your face in embarrassment at his reaction, sheepish about being so desperate for a man you only met a couple of days ago. but his response isn’t to tease you or degrade you, but to admire you. so needy, so beautiful. and for right now, all his.
his hand still cupped against you, he slowly slips his ring and middle finger into your hole, letting out a pleased hum when you immediately clench around him.
“so wet for me, baby,” he sighs, gently curling his fingers inside you but otherwise keeping them still to let you adjust. “you’re so fucking sexy.”
you whimper, and he removes his fingers, seeing you’re ready for him to give you what he promised. even after being inside you for only a few seconds his fingers are soaked, completely coated in your juices. he looks up at you to see if you’re still comfortable with everything he’s doing, and when you open your mouth without hesitating even for a second, he thinks he might cum on the spot.
“so well behaved,” he praises, pushing his fingers into your waiting mouth. you close your lips around them eagerly, sucking yourself off of him in earnest.
you sigh when he pulls them out again, moving back down to sit between your still-open legs. he presses a gentle kiss to the inside of both your thighs before pushing his face into your waiting pussy.
when his mouth first makes contact with your cunt, you let out a high whine, back arching off the bed in pleasure. his lips completely surround your swollen clit, and your hand flies down to his head, gripping his hair as your hips writhe against his face.
his tongue is everywhere, gliding over every inch of you, licking and sucking and working you towards your orgasm impossibly fast. you can feel your clit throbbing in his mouth, and your breath hitches when he grazes his teeth over it, making you jolt.
his hands loop around your hips, spreading the skin and forcing you open so he has better access to your cunt.
heat pools in your stomach and you feel the familiar burn start to build in between your legs. “co-coming,” you gasp. “cheol, i’m–”
he groans into your cunt in response, sending waves throughout your body.
you sneak a glance down at him. his eyes are squeezed shut as he devours you, fucking you with his tongue with the most blissful look on his face, as if there isn’t anywhere in the world he would rather be right now than with his face buried in your pussy and your thighs trembling around his head.
the sight alone is enough to send you over the edge, muscles contracting and fingers grabbing desperately at the sheets to ground you as you stumble into your orgasm.
your whines stick in your throat as you gasp for breath, vision going white as you cum harder than you ever have in your life. no vibrator on earth could compare to the way seungcheol feels between your legs— and you’ve got quite the collection of toys back at home.
he keeps sucking, carrying you through your orgasm until you flop back on the bed, thoroughly exhausted. he finally pulls off of you for just a second, catching his own breath.
“god, can’t wait to get my cock in you,” he murmurs before diving back in, barely giving you time to recover before he’s building you back up for another.
you sob out his name as his tongue slips inside your hole and back out, dragging up and down your folds and spreading your juices everywhere. you can feel it dripping down your thighs and onto the comforter below.
“coming, coming, please, cheol, please, i–” you pant, struggling for words.
instinctively your legs snap shut around his head, trying to hold him in place, but he easily pries them apart again as you hurtle towards another orgasm. you cum on his tongue, again, sobbing his name like it’s the only word you know.
when he finally decides you’re ready to take his cock, you’re nothing short of a mess. pretty face smeared with makeup and tears, pretty cunt smeared with cum and saliva. he sits back on his heels, admiring how you look. your eyes flutter shut, chest heaving as you gasp for air, and he thinks he hasn’t seen a more beautiful sight in his life.
“you okay, baby?” he hums, massaging your thigh.
a weak “yes” is all you can manage. he runs a hand over your skin soothingly, this time giving you plenty of time to recover. 
when you’ve finally caught your breath enough to sit up, he’s still watching you cautiously. 
“all right?” he asks, and you nod. “if you’re done, we don’t have to keep going…” he starts, but you stop him, shaking your head.
“i told you before, i want to,” you say, taking his hand and lacing your fingers with his. 
he smiles, and you lay back down, pulling him on top of you. he adjusts back in between your legs, positioning himself at the entrance of your pussy. he drags his cock through your folds, collecting what’s left of his frantic makeout session from earlier and spreading it over his length, using it as lubrication.
still holding your hand, he starts to press into you, just barely the tip. you gasp as he keeps going, carefully pushing inch after inch into your tight hole. 
you squeeze his hand and he freezes, not even halfway inside yet. “okay?” he murmurs, rubbing your hand with his thumb.
“yeah, just– one second, please,” you stutter, breathing hard.
he wants to kiss you, so badly, but he can’t bend over without moving and hurting you. so he settles for bringing your entwined hands to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand.
the new feeling subsides, the pain of being split open beginning to lessen as you adjust to his size.
“you can… keep going,” you exhale softly.
he nods and starts to push in again, stuffing you full. it takes a while, but when finally he bottoms out, you both let out moans: him at the feeling of your tight hole clenching around him, and you at the feeling of being so full in the best ways.
after staying still to give you more time to adjust, he begins to pick up the pace, starting slowly and gradually building up until he’s pounding into you.
your back slides up and down the bed, each thrust sending you closer and closer to the wall above your head. attentive as ever, cheol notices, and stills his hips for just a second so he can grab your waist with both hands and yank you down away from the headboard. you yelp and clutch at his back, holding on for dear life as he continues pounding into you.
the bed squeaks with each thrust, and for a split second you worry about breaking the bedframe and having to pay for the damage. but then seungcheol is brushing your hair out of your face and cradling your head between his forearms, and all the thoughts in your head disappear when he stares into your eyes, your faces inches apart.
“can i– kiss you?” he groans, his eyelashes fluttering.
“please, ch-cheol,” you gasp. your hands claw at his shoulders, trying to pull him impossibly closer.
he leans down, closing the distance between you and pressing his lips to yours, somehow too gentle and too rough at the same time. your senses seem to explode, so much happening at once, and you move your hands up to the back of his head, threading your fingers through his hair and tug, pushing him to kiss you deeper.
he moans into you, a deep, rumbling sound you feel all the way in the pit of your stomach. his thrusts get rougher and rougher, and you know he’s getting close. he pulls his lips off of you with a gasp. “whe–where do you want me to–”
“inside,” you plead, your voice coming out throaty. “please, cheol, inside, please–”
he cuts you off and captures your lips again, moaning into your mouth. his hips continue to rut into you desperately and you can only hold on, coming closer and closer to your own orgasm.
you can feel him throb deep in your abdomen, the tip of his cock kissing your walls with each snap of his hips. he shifts slightly and suddenly he’s fucking you like you’ve never felt before. the new angle has you seeing stars, and you clench around him, letting out a choked sob as you come undone on his cock.
your hoarse voice crying out his name over and over again while you quiver in his arms is too much for him, and with a guttural moan he lets go, his own orgasm washing over him and flooding your insides with his cum.
his hips begin to slow, rocking into you with a lazy rhythm as you both come down from your highs. his arms still surround either side of your head, and he moves his wrist to brush your hair out of your face. your hair is sticky with sweat and your eyes are puffy from crying, your mouth hanging open slightly as you struggle to catch your breath.
cheol lays on top of you, resting his head on your chest but careful not to put his full weight on you, letting you cockwarm him for a while. you’re both exhausted and you just lay there together, basking in the afterglow of pleasure.
but as much as you never want the moment to end, you can feel his cum leaking out of you, and you know you probably look like a horrible mess. you whine and push weakly at his shoulders, making him sit up quickly in concern.
“could you… in my bag,” you mumble, pointing a shaky hand towards your cosmetic bag. “m-makeup wipes.”
he slides off of you, leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead before crossing the room to grab them for you. you stay laying on your back, staring at the ceiling, trying to comprehend what just happened.
“here,” cheol says softly, handing you the wipes. you give him a faint smile and prop yourself up on your elbows. you wince when you sit back on your tailbone, sore from how hard seungcheol had fucked you.
he sits at the edge of the bed and gives you an apologetic pout, knowing it’s mostly his fault. “do you… need anything?” he asks shyly, not sure what you need him to do.
“stay?” you ask, voice small. “gonna have to shower, and i’ll– um, need help,” you finish. there’s no chance you’ll be able to walk straight for at least the next few hours, let alone stand in the shower by yourself.
he smiles and puts a hand on your thigh, rubbing at the bruises that have started to form there. “i’ll stay as long as you want me to.”
you scrub at your face, getting the last of the mascara off your cheeks before tossing the dirtied wipe into the trash can by the nightstand. 
with a bit of effort, you manage to throw your legs over the side of the bed, sitting at the edge. you glance behind you at the bed covered in both of your fluids, and you wince, knowing most of it is your fault. “sorry about the sheets,” you whisper, resisting the urge to hide your face in embarrassment.
“baby, we’ll wash them,” he smiles. “don’t worry about it.”
“okay,” you say quietly. you look over to cheol, still sitting beside you, and reach out with both hands for him to help you up.
he jumps up, taking your hands and tugging you to your feet. your legs wobble when you stand, and he slides his arm around your waist to support you as he helps walk you to the bathroom.
you flop down onto the toilet while seungcheol starts the shower, and you have to hold back a laugh at the sight. the buff, sexy innkeeper, butt-ass naked in your bathroom, leaning over the edge of the tub to test the water temperature and make sure it’s not too hot for you.
you know you’re only here for a week, but you could really get used to this.
taglist | @shuatm @yeosayang @noniestars @dkakapizzaboy @enhacolor @kimy3na @candidupped @berrryshortcake @tinkerbell460 @haraethx @iheartyeonnnnn @mxnghao8
3K notes · View notes
lustspren · 11 months
P.S.T EP. 5 | Same Scent ft Lee Sisters
length: 10.9k words ✦
Chaeryeong, Chaeyeon & Male Reader
genres: blowjob, oral sex, not exactly a threesome (no incest you pervs), hard sex, anal, creampie, fluffy, sister competition,
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The night of your session (or rather, of your game of cat and mouse) with Ryujin and Yuna was longer than you thought it was going to be, they had offered you to spend the night with them, on the condition that you had to leave at 7 in the morning from there since they had a schedule to attend to a couple of hours later. No doubt you accepted, and it was definitely one of the most fun nights of your entire life, and that's without even having alcohol involved.
After Yuna's hilarious question, the three of you stayed lounging in the room for about an hour, just chatting and making funny comments to make the atmosphere less lewd and more friendly for the three of you, despite the obvious fact that the three of you were still naked. The first to get up to go take a well-deserved bath was Ryujin, leaving you alone with Yuna, who took advantage of the moment to kiss you as much as she could until Ryujin returned. Yuna was next, and then you also took a bath for the three of you to go down to the second floor, where Lia and Chaery were preparing dinner.
Yeji was not with you that night, you asked for her to Chaery, who was the closest to her lately, but even she couldn't tell you where she was, she only mentioned that she had heard her talking on the phone during that whole week with a girl whose voice she couldn't recognize, it seemed suspicious to you, and you thought about it for a few minutes until dinner was ready.
As always, the food Lia prepared was unbelievably delicious, and it was all the more reason why that girl seemed like the complete package to you, but the dinner this time had a different touch to it than when Lia made it, and you figured this had something to do with Chaery now having contributed to much of the stuff you were eating. Everything was extremely tasty, and you could tell that it was a dinner cooked with love and dedication.
After having a nice dinner, the five of you discussed what you could do during the following hours of the night, there were several proposals on the table, among which were watching movies, seeing a show, playing board games or playing other things like charades or the classic karaoke, and after a few minutes of debate, you agreed to play monopoly.
Monopoly being the game that it was, you played game after game without a break, each with different eventualities and events that led to laughter or arguments. That night you discovered a lot of things: Yuna was clumsier than you thought for these kinds of games, Ryujin was a lousy loser, Lia seemed more like the leader of the group than Yeji, and Chaery was incredibly smart and good at those games.
Time simply passed, and if it wasn't for Lia's responsible instinct and common sense, you would have gone to sleep who knows what time. None of you were happy about it, but she took it upon herself to remind you what time you had to wake up, and then none of you complained anymore. Everyone was about to go to their rooms, but you dared to ask Lia if you could sleep with her that night, she was loving flirting with you, and she didn't hesitate to say yes, so that night you slept comfortably snuggled up with Lia, while Ryujin and Chaery slept in the beds in the same room, neither seemed to care, which you later felt relieved about.
The girls were used to sleeping for a few hours, but not you, that morning you slept only 4 hours, and at 7 in the morning when the alarm on Lia's phone went off, you felt like a child who was forced to go to the school on a monday. Luckily Lia was quite patient with you, and she managed to wake you up with tender words and little shakes to your body. You left there as fast as your zombified body could at that moment, saying goodbye to all the girls including Yeji, who apparently had arrived during the early hours of the morning and seemed almost as sleep-destroyed as you.
It was fucking difficult and dangerous to drive back to your apartment, but when you got there it felt like quite an accomplishment. You went upstairs to your apartment, not even bothering to turn on the lights or open the windows before going straight to your room and falling onto the bed to fall asleep again.
When you woke up, apart from doing it completely unaware of your position in time and space, you found two surprises, one good and the other bad, the bad one was that you had woken up at 4 in the afternoon, and the good one was that You had a couple of unread messages on your phone, you opened them to see who it was from, and you broke into a grin when you read Chaery's name. That was the very beginning of something that you didn't know would become something so special for you.
You had well known even before you met her in person that Lee Chaeryeong was an extremely sweet and kind person, but since that day you started chatting with her you could only think that people's impressions fell short of the beautiful person that she was. The first thing you two talked about was the date of your session with her, you had agreed on a day quite close, precisely next Saturday, but you found it quite cute that from the first moment she referred to that day with the word 'date'.
Chaery wrote to you every day without fail for the entire week prior to your date, and with each passing day you gained more confidence to tell each other situations about your daily life. She told you her problems, and you told her yours, and in a nice and funny way you always managed to comfort each other. And that's how it all began for you two, at first they were very tender and flirty conversations, but as expected, over time your chat was filled with more and more daring and lewd things.
You started with just risqué messages and tons of teasing, but when the atmosphere started to heat up, Chaery sent you the first nude, and many more followed after that, including incredibly sensual videos where she showed you her spectacular dance skills with very few amounts of clothing, and if there was any, it showed more than it covered. From there things escalated pretty quickly, even getting to the point where you and her had some pretty hot and wild Facetime sex.
When the day of your date finally arrived you received a call from Chaery early in the morning, and knowing how extremely stressed you have been all week, she told you to arrive early at night, and unlike the other girls, she specifically told you to dress as if you were going on a date with your biggest teenage crush, a request that truly melted your heart and one that you no doubt happily accepted.
For the first time in your entire career, you had notified your staff at the spa that you were going to take the whole day off for personal reasons, luckily they understood perfectly and had no further complications since they had enough staff to cover you, and you used that day off to prepare as best as possible for your date with Chaery. You bought yourself a nice new outfit suitable for the occasion, nothing too formal but not too careless either, a new perfume, and best of all, a not at all modest bouquet of flowers, full of lisianthus and orchids.
After having done all your errands and preparations, you headed to the girls' house at around 6:30 PM, driving with a small smile on your face and with the bouquet of flowers perfectly placed on the passenger seat. On the way you were listening to Locked out of Heaven by Bruno Mars, in a hardly happier and more excited state of mind.
You arrived at the girls' house around 6:45 PM. You got out of the car with a confident and victorious aura, determined that this would be a great day and that absolutely no one was going to be able to change it. You walked to the gate with the bouquet of flowers in one hand, entered the password, and walked inside, where Lee Chaeryeong was patiently waiting for you on the other side of the glass door that served as the main entrance.
As soon as she saw you go around the pool as you walked towards the door, her eyes lit up like two precious sea pearls while her jaw dropped, she put a hand to her mouth, and from the few meters that separated you, you could see how her eyes became teary. You rushed to catch up with her, and when you slid the glass door open, she lunged at you with a tight hug that nearly knocked you both into the pool.
"Oh my god hi oppa!" she greeted you with her face buried in your neck and a lump in her throat.
"Hi sweetie!" You put your arms around her and hugged her as tightly as the bouquet of flowers would allow, a smile on her face as you pressed your nose into her hair, which had a sweet coconut scent that left you completely delighted.
"I can't believe it, are they really for me?" she asked, separating from you, referring to the bouquet of flowers. She looked into your eyes, on the verge of tears. Fuck, how much damage did those bastards do to her? You just wanted to keep her in a glass box and protect her from the world. She was too cute and wonderful for the rotten and disgusting society in which she lived.
"Of course they're for you, honey," you nodded with a smirk, holding out the bouquet to her, "And gosh, you look gorgeous!" she was wearing a beautiful dark flowered sundress that exposed her shoulders and legs from a few inches above her knees, she was also wearing khaki boots.
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"God, I don't know what to say oppa, they're beautiful, thank you so much," she pouted, picking up the bouquet to sniff some.
"Baby, you don't have to thank me," you took her chin, caressing it with your index finger and thumb, "it's the least a girl as kind and pretty as you deserves."
"Oppa! You're going to make me cry!" she complained, with a tear already falling down her cheek.
"Oh hell no, come here," you cradled her face in your hands, and pulled her close to give her multiple little pecks on her lips, which she happily reciprocated.
"You also look very handsome... and you smell delicious!" Chaery said with a small giggle, wiping tears from her eyes to look at you.
"I know right?" You made a flirtatious face at Chaery, and stepped back for a 360-degree spin that made her laugh. The outfit you wore was khaki wool pants, classic white vans, an open vintage brown cardigan, and a lighter shade polo shirt tucked into your pants underneath.
"Yep," she nodded, holding the bouquet with a big smile on her face as she looked you up and down, "It's a really nice vintage outfit, I love it."
"Well I'm glad you like it, you'd be surprised how expensive these cardigans are," you joked, taking a step in front of her to give her another kiss on the lips, "should we come in?"
"Sure!" she said, turning to walk inside, you followed her, "by the way, we have the whole house to ourselves today."
"Oh wow, really?" you asked, walking behind her toward the second floor, "how did you make that happen?"
"Easy, I forced them," she said with complete seriousness, implying that she wasn't joking, "you'd be surprised how many things I can get them into trouble with."
"Honestly I wouldn't be surprised, they all seem like a big mess to deal with," you laughed, she stepped aside, so that you walked up the stairs ahead of her. You made it to the second floor, and Chaery behind you turned on all the lights in the living room, which was perfectly tidy, clean, and pleasantly cool thanks to the air conditioning.
"Hey, just today manager-nim brought us a full pantry for the rest of the month, we could make dinner together," Chaery said, going to find an empty vase to put the flowers in and then set them on the dining room table.
"I'd love that honey," you said, walking into the kitchen and leaning your lower back against the edge of the table as you watched her walk toward you, "what could we cook?"
"Uhm..." she stood in front of you, playing with her fingers, "I don't know, usually Lia is the one who knows the recipes."
"Come here, let's search," you took your phone out of your pocket and held out your arms to the sides of her to invite her to snuggle against you. She did so, pressing her back and the rest of her body against you so that you put your arms around her and started looking at recipes online.
You two didn't take as long as you thought you would to find something delicious to cook, you had certain preferences and she had others, but in the end you agreed to cook something quite easy, delicious and healthy for both of you: a Caesar salad. You started telling Chaery the ingredients one by one, following her around the entire kitchen as she placed everything on one of the countertops.
After getting all the ingredients out and tallying up all the amounts needed, the two of you got down to business, working together to make one thing each so that the process could be sped up quite a bit. You took charge of making the mayonnaise for the Caesar sauce, taking olive oil, eggs, a couple of lemons and a manual mixer. Chaery, on the other hand, was in charge of defrosting the chicken breasts and starting to cut them into cubes and then salt and pepper them.
While you were cooking you took charge of putting on music, starting with Camillé's Le Festin, a song that made Chaery laugh and focus even more on what she was doing. Of course, the concentration was short-lived, because when the song ended and the real playlist started playing, starting with Losing My Religion, you two started talking and telling each other funny stories while doing your respective tasks.
The chemistry between the two of you was incredibly strong, your conversations flowed like water down a river, and you could certainly confirm that it was the first time you had noticed that things worked so well with a girl in your entire life. That made you think a lot, and while you finished making the mayonnaise to go on to make the sauce, you decided it was right to tell her first about your thing with Aespa.
"You know? There's an additional reason why I've been so stressed out this whole week," you said, adding a clove of garlic and Parmesan cheese to the mayonnaise you just made.
"Huh? What is it?" Chaery asked, confused, as she cooked the chicken cubes with a drizzle of oil over a hot heat.
"Well, I'll tell you but please don't freak out," you said, and then remembered that was exactly what Noze had told you. That made you laugh, "Uhm... Aespa's manager visited me last week."
Chaery nearly dropped the fork she was stirring the chicken with into the pan, and when she turned to look at you you had to remove her hand from near the fire in case she got burned. Evidently her face was one of utter surprise.
"Noze?" she asked, making sure you were talking about the same person.
"Uh, yeah, Noze," you nodded, and she sighed, as if she was already resigned to what you were going to tell her.
"What did she tell you?" she asked, her voice more subdued as she returned her gaze to the skillet. You now added anchovies, mustard and Worcestershire sauce, but you couldn't help but look at her sideways face at all times.
"Well… exactly what you think," you sighed, adding a splash of milk to the sauce since it was too thick, "They'll probably make me go on tour with them, and I don't even know them in person."
"I knew it," Chaery made a disappointed face, and she lowered the flame slightly under the pan, "That means I won't be seeing you for a while, right?"
"I think so, honey," you made the same face as her, showing that you weren't entirely happy with that either, "But hey, I'll call you every day, I promise," you gave her a little kiss on the cheek.
"I hope so, because I think I'm going to miss you a lot, oppa," she turned to look at you, finally turning off the stove once the chicken was done.
"Hey, let's not be sad now, silly," you leaned in to give her a peck on the forehead, "we should enjoy our date, right?" Chaery's face lit up again.
"Yes you're right!" she nodded with an adorable little smile on her face, "is the sauce ready?"
"Yup, we just need to prepare the salad bowl, we have to wash the lettuce, cut it into pieces and cut the cherry tomatoes," you said, testing the sauce with your index finger. Delicious.
"Leave it to me!" she said with a little jump of emotion, "Go sit in the living room honey," you couldn't help but feel your cheeks slightly warm when she called you that way.
"A-Are you sure?" you asked nervously, feeling like an idiot with butterflies in your stomach, "I could help you wash the lettuce."
"Nope," she shook her head, and then she took you by the forearms to lead you out of the kitchen, "I insist, go rest, you deserve it for being so cute to me," she didn't even let you answer, she just gave you a little kiss on the lips and pushed you, to return to the kitchen.
You stood there for a few long seconds, staring at Chaery while she wandered around the kitchen looking for things to continue with dinner, she noticed your look, and when she turned to see you, she gave you a smile that made you completely forget about any other girl in the world at that time. You were mesmerized, and slowly, you walked to the sofa to sit down with a goofy smile on your face. You took the remote control of the television, and entered youtube.
You waited patiently for her, watching on youtube a Hollow Knight gameplay from a streamer you were quite a fan of. She arrived a few minutes later, with two bowls of salad in her hands, she placed both bowls on the table in front of you, and you were amazed at the amazing job you both had done, as the salad looked perfect for a magazine.
"Damn, I'm going to take a picture, it looks amazing," you said, pulling your phone out of your pocket and opening the camera.
"Go ahead," she said with a giggle, "I'll go get something to drink."
Chaeryeong went back to the kitchen, and you stayed there taking a couple of photos of the salad until she came back, with a bottle of soju and two little crystal glasses in her other hand. She sat down next to you, leaving everything behind the bowls of salad.
"I thought you were going to get something like, I don't know, orange juice?" you laughed, setting the phone aside to pick up your fork and start stirring the salad.
"Nah, it's a special occasion, we can drink," she said, doing the same as you before opening the bottle of soju.
"You're not going to get drunk like when I found you with Yeji, are you?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"That was a rare occasion, I never drink that much," she excused herself, pouring soju into both glasses and then handing you one.
"I guess I have no choice but to believe you," you shrugged, picking up the crystal glass, "Gohnbe!" you toasted
"Gonhbe!" Chaery said back, and you both drank.
After taking your first shot of soju you started to eat. You expected the salad to be delicious, but not that delicious. Each portion you put in your mouth was simply a delight, your sauce had the perfect flavor and texture, and the chicken that Chaery made was perfectly seasoned and cooked.
You two started eating, watching Bluey on the TV and talking about as many fun topics as you could think of, having a shot of soju every 5 minutes or so. Chaery had placed one leg on top of yours, trying to be as close to you as possible at all times, and you stayed like that until you finished your bowls of salad.
"Oppa, what I'm going to ask you is a bit unexpected but…" she set the empty bowl next to yours, to put a hand on your thigh, "we can just cancel our… you know, for now?"
"Oh, really? It's certainly unexpected, yes," you frowned in confusion, placing your hand on top of hers.
"Yeah, I really just want to spend nice and calm time with you," damn, that girl was going to make you puke rainbows for how much of an idiot she brought you.
Just when you were about to answer her, and as if previously arranged, you heard the outside gate open. Chaery turned to the window, and stared blankly as you both heard movement downstairs, right at the entrance. Her expression became harder and scarier, like when her Mafia in the Morning promos.
"Fuck, Yuna knows she's not supposed to be here yet," Chaery growled, and stomped to her feet to walk to the hallway that led to the stairs, "Yuna-yah! Get the hell out of here!" she started to scream, and seconds later, you heard a familiar voice. Too familiar.
"Can you believe it?! I went to my favorite spa, to visit my favorite massager, and it turns out that he had the audacity to take the day off!" the angry voice yelled from the stairs. You could recognize her anywhere. Lee Chaeyeon. And you were so fucked up.
"Chaeyeonie," Chaery said with a calmer voice, you couldn't see them, but you knew they were talking in the hallway, "It's not the right time for you to be here, can you please go?" Chaery asked in the nicest way she could.
"Huh? Why?" Chaeyeon asked kinda offended, "Let's make some dinner, I'm hungry," you heard her voice getting closer and closer to you, and at that moment, she walked out of the hall with her back towards you, so she didn't notice you at that moment.
"God..." Chaery sighed, putting a hand to her forehead.
"What's wrong? And why are you dressed like that?" Chaeyeon turned around before Chaery answered, and saw you sitting on the couch. You did your best to stay composed, "Oh."
"Hello, Chaeyeonnie," you greeted lazily, sinking into your seat and clasping your hands across your abdomen. She was dressed in a rather peculiar way, white sports jacket and pants, sports shoes and a green top over her, short enough to reveal her entire abdomen that has been driving you so crazy for months. She literally came from promoting Knock.
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"This is a joke, right?" Chaeyeon said in a low voice, turning to look at her sister and then at you, "I recommended that spa to the girls and my sister because of you," she pointed at you, "but if I knew that would prevent me from getting my services I would never have done it!" she yelled annoyed.
"Unnie, please calm down, okay? You're at my house, I remind you," Chaery said, undeterred by the fact that Chaeyeon was older than her.
"Wait, you're definitely not fucking, and you're both dressed nicely," she made a little silence, "are you having a date?"
"Bingo," you said, nodding your head slowly.
"I won't be seeing him for a while, and I thought the best thing would be to just spend time with him," Chaery crossed her arms, leaning against the wall, "you know, watch a movie and cuddle, just that, now you can go?"
"Oh hell nah, wait a minute sis," Chaeyeon crossed her arms as well, "Why does she say she won't see you for a while?" she asked you.
"I'll probably go on a trip to the USA soon," you purse your lips, looking at nothing and not knowing what to do in such an awkward situation.
"And you want me to go now?" Chaeyeon turned to look at her sister, "If this boy and his golden cock are going on a trip far away, we better take advantage of it tonight."
"Absolutely not, go away," Chaery insisted, raising an eyebrow and glaring at her.
"Hey! I deserve a chance to beat you at something, don't you think?" Chaeyeon said, turning to face her, "You may have lasted longer in Sixteen… but I think I may be his favorite Lee sister."
"Lee Chaeyeon, you don't know who you're messing with," Chaery warned, moving away from the wall to stand in front of her, "I never lose."
“Let's find out,” Chaeyeon said with a smirk.
"And doesn't it matter what I think or what?" you asked, looking at both of them.
"Oh come on, you know damn well you don't disagree, you perv," Chaeyeon said with a giggle, walking back into the hallway to head up the stairs. Clearly she was right. Once Chaeyeon went upstairs, Chaery saw you.
"Oppa, wait here okay?" Chaery told you, leaning over to give you a peck on your cheek, "we'll go get ready."
"I'm not going anywhere honey, go," you nodded with a smirk. Chaery walk away from you, and you stayed watching while she left. She noticed your gaze on her, and making sure you kept looking, she lifted up her dress as she walked, showing you her completely bare ass and her obvious absence of panties throughout the night. How the hell didn't you notice?
She finally disappeared into the hallway with a roaring, mischievous giggle, and you were left alone in the room, with a potential boner in your pants and unable to believe how unbelievably lucky you were. You really had a strong romantic connection with Chaery, and you were enjoying that night quite a lot, but you could never have predicted that one of your favorite clients was going to be in a competition with her sister to know who was your favorite. You grabbed the remote control, and to warm up, you streamed Chaery's studio choom.
You tried to concentrate on the video you were watching, but you couldn't stop hearing screams and arguments on the upper floor, the Lee sisters being the creators of all that ruckus that honestly didn't surprise you. A minute later, your phone began to buzz over and over again, you checked the notifications, noticing that you had messages from both girls, and they were all photos. Each of the photos by both were in a different outfit, each one more sexy and revealing than the last. You just ignored them so as not to create even more fuss, and when Chaery's studio choom ended, you streamed Chaeyeon's.
The video didn't advance even more than a minute when the Lee sisters finally came downstairs and down the hall to model for you. They caught you off guard, and your jaw almost dropped to the floor and your mouth watered. Neither of them was wearing exactly too many clothes, in fact quite the opposite. Chaeyeon was wearing a very short black corset that pushed her boobs up, a tight leather collar around her neck, and lace panties in the same color as the rest of the outfit. Chaery, as if it were her counterpart, wore an outfit that consisted entirely of white. She wore less flashy items than Chaeyeon, but for your taste, she was quite sexier. She was wearing a tight crop top sweater, which perfectly marked the shape of her tits and her nipples, thin high-waisted panties, and the hottest thing, long stockings fitted at the height of the beginning of her thighs.
"Oh wow, he was looking at my Studio Choom and not yours," Chaeyeon teased her.
Chaery didn't respond at all, she just went quiet and changed the music just for the occasion, then walked over to straddle you, wrap her arms around your neck and start grinding her hips from front to back, giving you an incredibly sensual lap dance to the rhythm of the music. Her crotch constantly rubbed against your bulge, which soon turned into a hard boner under your pants.
"I don't care if he was looking at you or not," Chaery finally replied, looking you in the eye as she moved her hips in a wonderfully fucking way, making sure to press her pussy really well against your boner, "I got him hard," While she danced, she caressed your neck and face with her hands, until seconds later she crashed her lips against yours in a sensual and affectionate kiss, also pressing her chest against yours.
Your hands went straight to her waist, playing with the straps of her panties for a second until you moved down to her ass, which you gave a strong squeeze on each cheek as she worked her hips and movements on you in a way that made show off her dancing skills quite well. As you kissed, Chaery patiently began to undress you, starting with your cardigan and continuing with your polo shirt, which she tossed to the floor to leave you completely naked from the waist up.
Wanting to be on equal terms with her, you grabbed the hem of Chaery's crop top and pulled it up over her head, taking it off and tossing it with the rest of your clothes. Now you were both naked from the waist up, and you dove in to kiss and lick her small tits for a few seconds of pleasure, but unfortunately, the song ended.
"Alright, it's my turn, get up from there brat," Chaeyeon said, and Chaery reluctantly got up.
Chaeyeon went for a completely different formula than Chaery, she didn't straddle you, but stood between your legs with her back to you, and flexed her knees to slowly lower her ass until she was sitting right on top of your boner. She grabbed your knees, and as soon as the song started, she started moving her ass like you've never seen her move before, you couldn't help but gasp, since she was literally moving your boner from side to side between her butt cheeks while she moved her hips.
“Oh oppa… this reminds me of me of jumping on your cock when we fuck in your spa room,” Chaeyeon said looking over her shoulder at you, just to tease Chaery, “it really feels so amazing inside my pussy."
Your hands went to her ass as it moved slowly and sensually over you, and you instinctively gave her right buttock a hard spank that made her squeal. Chaeyeon scrambled to her feet and turned around, leaning down to start unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down your legs as you helped kick off your shoes. Only your boxers were left, which Chaeyeon also pulled down to release your hard throbbing cock, when this happened, she turned her back on you again and slowly removed her panties, revealing her pretty pussy for you.
She lowered her ass again, pressing your cock between her buttocks and resuming her lap dance. Your hands went to her waist, enjoying how she moved her hips to the rhythm of the sexy music that didn't take long to end as well. A few more seconds passed, and when she knew the song was about to end, she teased with grabbing your cock and impaling herself on it, but finally she got up with a mischievous smile on her face. Chaery didn't look happy at all tho.
"Well? Who danced and who dressed better, oppa?" Chaeyeon asked, biting her lip to go stand next to Chaery. You were silent for a second, taking in the fact that they were really using you to compete with each other, it's not like you cared either.
You thought about it for a second, but really the answer was clear.
"Chaery, your outfit is sexier for my taste and it suits you better, but objectively Chaeyeon dressed better," you sentenced, and Chaeyeon smiled proudly, "however, Chaery is the clear dance winner, she did concentrate on dancing and not in teasing," Chaery, whose face seemed a bit dull after you gave Chaeyeon the first point, brightened up again.
"This is just beginning," Chaery said, licking her lips and walking over to kneel between your legs, caressing your thighs up and down as she looked into your eyes, "God, I'll finally suck your cock, oppa… you don't know how long I've waited for this moment," she bit her lip, taking your hard cock in her hand and catching the tip of it with her lips, giving it slow sucks up and down. You gasped, and Chaeyeon climbed up on the couch to kneel down and put her pussy to the side of your face.
"His cock is so fucking juicy, taste it really good, sis," Chaeyeon said before she grabbed your hair and turned you to the right to bury your face straight into her pussy. She moaned loudly, and despite being somewhat surprised at first, you began to please her by eating her pussy, "I've already lost count of the number of times I've sucked him off, his cum is always so fucking delicious," she said to tease Chaery, who took it as a dare and plunged her head lower into your cock.
Chaery began to pump her head up and down on your cock, taking more than half of it in and out of her mouth with each of her sensual movements, which with the passing of the seconds became more and more messy. Chaeyeon meanwhile had you tightly gripped by your hair, while you tasted her folds with your tongue and moved it in the exact same way you knew she liked it.
"Mmm, you eat my pussy so fucking good honey," Chaeyeon moaned, tangling her fingers through your hair as you eat her out, "this is exactly what I needed after promoting all day," On the other hand, Chaery put her hands on both of your thighs, bobbing her head up and down as she slurped and sucked your dick so good you moaned against Chaeyeon's pussy. You had one hand on Chaery's head, and the other squeezing one of Chaeyeon's buttocks hard.
Chaeyeon suddenly pulled you away from her pussy, only to turn around and plunge your face between her buttocks, you got the hint, and started eating her familiar enough ass for you as hard and frantically as you knew she loved it. She started moaning loudly, while Chaery gave you an intense and messy blowjob that was driving you completely crazy.
You already knew every single one of Chaeyeon's weaknesses, and the biggest one was the fact that you played with her pussy while you ate her ass like a complete animal. So you did, and passed a hand between her legs to take it directly to her clit, which you began to rub as fast as you could considering your uncomfortable position. Chaery took you straight to her throat without any complicity or gag reflex, which of course surprised you but also made you moan even louder against Chaeyeon's ass, who, judging by her slight tremors, wasn't too far from cum.
Chaery kept your cock in her throat for a few long seconds, until she pulled you out with a deep breath as she quickly rubbed your spittle cock. At that precise moment, Chaeyeon pulled your hair hard to sink your mouth even more against her ass, you gave her the finishing touches, also rubbing her clit in circles with your two fingers until finally she exploded between whimpers. She ground her hips against your face, and as she navigated her orgasm, she flopped forward with her ass up and face against the couch.
"Now can you eat me too, oppa?" Chaery asked, and when you had your eyes free, you could see all the mess she had made, your dick completely full of saliva, her messy hair and her mouth quite wet.
"Oh yes, come here honey," you said. Chaery stood up, took off her panties, and pushed Chaeyeon off the couch to put herself in her place. Chaeyeon fell to the ground with a squeal of pain.
"Hey, be careful!" she groaned from the floor, as Chaery put a hand on your chest and made you lie on your back on the sofa.
"Shut up, you disturbed my date, it's what you deserve," Chaery said coldly and sharply, climbing on top of you and slowly crawling up to straddle your face. She pressed her thighs to either side of your head, and slowly lowered her hips to get as close to your mouth as possible, she gasped at the feel of your breath, and as soon as she put full pressure on you, you began to eat her pussy with even more dedication and effort than with Chaeyeon.
"How was I supposed to know you were here with him!" Chaeyeon defended back, climbing back onto the couch but kneeling between your outstretched legs to grab your cock with one hand and start moving her wrist up and down. You immediately started moaning again, gripping Chaery's toned ass tightly as you ate her silky, luscious pussy.
"I told you to go away and you didn't!" Chaery yelled back, combined with a cute moan as you licked her folds up and down with your entire tongue, "Today he was completely mine!'' The discussion was getting a little out of control, and you decided to put everything in order by giving Chaery a very strong spank on her buttock, which made her squeal and understand her message.
"He's going to go away! How do you expect me not to take advantage of it!?" Chaeyeon was still just as flustered, but Chaery, obedient to you, didn't reply anymore, "This beautiful and perfect cock is too precious to let go without a proper farewell," she began to move her hand even faster up and down your cock, stimulating only the tip from time to time and then the entire length while with the other hand she massaged your balls.
Chaery, like her sister, began to slowly grind her hips back and forth as her body felt better and better from your licking against her pussy, and when you noticed a significant change in her body language, you began to alternate between her pussy and her ass, which made her grab your hair with both hands and press her half-cloth-covered thighs to either side of your head hard.
A moment ago, Chaery had already left you quite close to your orgasm, so it only took a few more strokes from Chaeyeon for you to suddenly start to erupt cum into the air, she moved her hand much slower now, leaving all your cum flowed free and stained both her hand and the sofa. You moaned against Chaery's ass, and then you felt Chaeyeon take you into her mouth to suck you off clean.
Feeling your moans against both her ass and pussy, Chaery moaned louder and more frequently towards the ceiling, and you gave her ass another hard spank until about a minute later, her body began to squirm as she reached her first orgasm. She ground her hips hard, nearly choking you with her pussy and her ass against your nose and mouth, but you gladly scooped up every little drop of her pussy fluid. Chaeyeon pulled you out of her mouth, having finally swallowed every drop of your cum and left your cock clean.
"Well? Who tasted better, oppa?" Chaery asked between small moans, getting off your face to look you down. You were just getting your breath and energy back after eating a couple of pussies and asses in a row, so it took you a few seconds to respond.
"Well… Chaeyeon's ass tasted better than yours, but your pussy tasted so much better than hers," you sighed, finally catching some of your breath to sit back on the couch, "you," you pointed at Chaeyeon, "Take off that fucking corset, I want you both completely naked, but you'll just keep that necklace on and she'll keep her stockings on."
"Are you going to split the points evenly all night?" Chaeyeon asked, raising an eyebrow, doing just as you asked to free her pretty tits.
"For now yes, in the end I will give my verdict and there will be a winner anyway," you said with a mischievous little smile, "now, who wants to get fucked first?"
"MEEE!" they both yelled at the same time, and you laughed, "No, me!" They both said in unison again.
"Guys, can you please agree on something for once?" you asked, arms crossed.
"I'm the eldest, I must go first!" Chaeyeon said, and Chaery huffed in annoyance, sitting on the far edge of the sofa. Chaeyeon straddled you, and she cupped your face with both hands to press her pussy against your cock, kiss you, and start grinding her hips slowly to bring your boner back to life.
When your cock was fully hard again, Chaeyeon without breaking the kiss lifted her hips, took your cock and lined it up with her entrance to slowly impale herself along the length of your shaft. She moaned against your lips at first, but then couldn't help but pull away from the kiss to let Chaery know how amazing it felt to have you inside her.
She forcefully grabbed your neck with both hands, keeping your cock buried deep down her pussy for a few seconds until she began to move slowly up and down, taking your cock completely in and out with each of her movements. Her moans were not contained for a moment, she always kissed you when you fucked, but this time she wanted to make her sister envy, who was folding her arms looking elsewhere.
With the passing of the seconds she stopped moving her hips in a slow and sensual way to now start bouncing on your cock, making sure to slam her ass against your pelvis with each jump she took. Her hands moved from your neck to your shoulders, where she held on before planting her feet flat on either side of your hips and beginning to bounce up and down your throbbing cock. You let her jump on your cock for another minute, where you had her ass gripped tightly to help her jump harder.
"Okay, enough, switch," you commanded between gasps, and Chaeyeon clicked her tongue followed by a grunt, she stopped, reluctantly scooting off your cock to sit to the side.
Chaery pounced on you like a lynx on her prey, and wasting no time, she pressed her thighs to either side of your hips and lifted her ass to sit on your cock, taking your entire length inside. her incredibly tight pussy. You both moaned in unison, and you threw your head back for a second, a window that Chaery took advantage of to start distributing little kisses and suckers on your neck. Your hands went to her waist, where your fingers clung firmly as she began to pump her hips against your cock, in a much more sensual and pleasurable way for both of you compared to Chaeyeon's more rustic and frenetic style.
You let her continue kissing your neck for a few seconds, while your hands ran down her soft back to go down again and reach her ass, which you squeezed hard as she went up and down faster and faster. Chaery never ceased to amaze you, this time taking out her incredible dance skills to use against your cock, she was pumping her hips faster, but that didn't stop her from making you moan with every single movement, almost twerking up and down on your shaft.
She had already lasted longer riding you than her sister, and you knew it, but Chaery's bounces felt so fucking good that you left her for a few more long seconds, in which you met her lips in a deep and passionate kiss full of of muffled moans. You wrapped your arms around her body for a moment, letting her keep moving on your cock until you finally put the brake on.
"Fuck, stop there honey," you gasped against her lips, and Chaery pouted, "it's your sister's turn again," you hadn't been looking at her, but Chaeyeon was rubbing her pussy next to you.
"Who was better riding you, oppa?" Chaeyeon asked, as Chaery lazily got off of you.
"I don't have a doubt about that, Chaery is the winner," you answered confidently, "and before you protest, get how you want me to fuck you now," you ordered.
"This thing wasn't extendable?" she said, referring to the sofa as she felt around the side of it, until she found the lever and pulled it, causing the back of the sofa to come loose and then push it back, "there it is."
Chaeyeon used the new free space to move more comfortably, to lie on her back, support herself on her elbows and spread her legs wide, rubbing between her folds with two of her fingers. You climbed on the sofa now turned into a bed, and crawled onto top of her, cupping your cock in your hand and sliding into her pussy without any foreplay.
Chaeyeon had much more experience with you after having fucked so many times both in your spa room and in her bedroom, and she knew perfectly well what you loved the most about her: her sexy pair of legs with which she caught your torso as soon as she she felt you again deep in her pussy.
She wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you close to her so she could feel your breath as you began to rock your hips rapidly back and forth, slamming down her pussy and making her moan just inches from your face. You noticed that she made a move to kiss you, but you threw your head back in revenge for not having kissed you while she was riding you; You smirked as you looked into her eyes, she didn't seem happy with that, so she once again tried it.
"Don't get smart, Chaeyeonnie," you murmured, hands resting on either side of her body as she caressed the hair at the nape of your neck between moans, "you may win this round, but that doesn't mean you can always get what you want."
"Oh come on, you love kissing me oppa, don't be tough," she moaned, biting her lower lip, arching her back with her eyes closed as you rocked her body with each thrust.
"If you ruin my date the least I can do is play tough, sweetie," you bit her chin, a little harder than usual, "actually, your time is up," you said, disengaging from her thighs and pulling your dick from her pussy.
"But!-" she was going to protest, watching as you separated from her and joined Chaery just a meter away from her. Something told you that you had left her very close to her orgasm.
"Shut up bitch," Chaery snapped, lying on her back and spreading her legs for you, "it's my turn with my boy," you smiled at that, and she winked at you.
You leaned forward, pressing the back of your hard cock against Chaery's pussy and resting your forearms on either side of her head to kiss her, she lovingly cupped your face with both hands, and as you shared a slow, sensual kiss, you blew your hips back to slide into her tight pussy. Chaery moaned against your lips, and her back arched as she felt you fill her again.
"Fuck, you're possessive aren't you?" You teased with a little smile, returning her favor and moving your hips in a sensual and deep way, not putting much emphasis on speed or hardness, just making her feel every inch of your cock with each pump.
"How could I not be? Just look at you..." she moaned against your lips, running her hands over your shoulders, your back and then grabbing your ass, "you are a work of art, and you drive me crazy," you came back to kiss her between moans, putting a hand between your bodies to squeeze one of her tits, then you approached one of her ears.
"I'm going to say that Chaeyeon won this round just to make her think you're even," you whispered, "but I want you to know that you're still the winner, honey," you gently nipped at her earlobe, and she grinned from ear to ear while you fucked her harder and harder.
You lowered your body slightly more, to leave your face at the level of her chest and kiss and lick her tits one by one, you did so for a few long seconds, until finally you gave her one last strong thrust and slowly left her pussy. Leaving her just as disappointed as Chaeyeon.
"Well? Who won this round, oppa?" Chaeyeon asked, already waiting for you upside down, playing with her ass with one of her fingers inside it.
"You can rest assured, Chaeyeonie," you said, breathing hard, "you won this round," you were a pretty good liar, so she bought it. Chaery just kept quiet, preparing herself to take your cock up her ass when you were done with Chaeyeon.
"Does that mean you can fuck my ass now?" asked Chaeyeon wiggling her buttocks, "I've been wanting it all damn day," she bit her lower lip, watching as you went with her and knelt over her, knees on either side of her hips.
"More like the whole fucking week huh? You anal slut," you said, spitting all the saliva accumulated in your mouth onto your dick to make it slippery, a couple of drops fell onto Chaeyeon's ass, and you used two fingers to slightly lubricate it inside.
"I wasn't an anal slut until I felt your cock in there, it's your fault," she smiled, looking over her shoulder at you as you lined your cock up with her ass, and with a slow thrust, your cock slid in little by little inside her tight hole. You moaned out loud, having missed the feeling of that wonderful butthole so much.
"I'm not going to lie to you, I missed this fucking ass a lot," you gasped, shoving the last few inches of your erection into her ass, you rested for a second, and then began to rock your hips back and forth very slowly, fully taking your cock in and out.
She tried to keep responding to you, but as your cock slid easier with each pump, she began to let out little whimpers as you began to move your hips significantly faster. Your hands went to her waist, and just as you knew she liked it, you pressed her flesh very strongly, while you slammed her ass with all the intensity you could.
Chaeyeon also liked strong and rustic treatment, so first you started with a spicy spank straight to her right buttock, she squealed and squirmed, and then you gave her another spank to the other buttock. Her ass was now a bright red, and to put the icing on the cake, you grabbed a handful of her platinum pink hair and yanked it back hard, slamming her ass mercilessly with your cock. 
"Oh fuck yes oppa!" Chaeyeon squealed, "I'm going to miss that cock in my ass so fucking much, oh my god!!" Chaery covered her ears, as Chaeyeon was yelling too loud even by her standards. You kept fucking Chaeyeon, not wanting to stop since you wanted to grant both of them the delight of making them cum with your cock in her asses.
You fucked her ass for a couple minutes, not letting go of her hair for a single second and squeezing her firm ass with your free hand. Chaeyeon didn't know where to hold on, she was desperately looking for a place near the edge of the sofa to cling to, but in the midst of her desperate moans, her orgasm played against her and she went into an intense chain of strong spasms one after another. You slowed down the pace of your pumping, patiently waiting for her to pass her orgasm before slowly pulling out of her ass.
"I'm sure you'll miss not being able to sit down, too," you teased Chaeyeon, with a giggle which she shared with you.
“I'm sure I will, it's hilarious to see my manager confused when I'm just standing there,” Chaeyeon said, lying on her forearms with heavy breathing.
"Well, are you ready, my sweet baby?" you asked Chaery, who was fucking her ass with two of her fingers, her face lit up when you spoke to her turn.
"I couldn't be more ready darling," she replied, and you were inexplicably happy that she had dropped the word 'oppa' to now call you darling.
"Come here then," you smiled, grabbing her by the waist and lifting her up to lay her face down, slightly lifting her leg and repeating the same process as with Chaeyeon, except that you wanted to be extremely loving and careful with Chaery. You thrust your hips very slowly, and when the tip of your cock was inside her ass, you leaned forward to give her neck and shoulders loving little kisses, as she gasped and began to whimper with every inch of your manhood burying inside her butthole.
When you were completely inside her ass you took one of your hands to her waist to hold it and the other to her face, to take her by the chin, make her turn her face slightly and kiss her affectionately while you began to move your hips slowly, letting her her hole will get used to your thickness before making it faster.
There was really no need to do it fast and hard with her, you wanted to make the difference between the two of them very clear, with one you only fucked casually, looking for mutual pleasure and nothing more, but with the other you had a connection far beyond sexually, you felt love for her, to the point of wanting to make her feel like the princess she was even in bed.
Chaery certainly appreciated the fact that you were loving and as tender as possible with her, it was reflected in how she held the side of your face while she kissed you, and how she caressed your cheek with her thumb in the middle of her cute moans of pleasure. You didn't want to be harsh with her, but you did make sure she felt with every fiber of her body every single deep thrust of your hips.
"I love that you fuck me like this honey…" Chaery moaned against your lips, and you wrapped your arm around her neck to hold her closer to you, not stopping to give her little kisses as you sensually pumped your cock in and out of her tight ass, "you make me feel so… special."
"It's because you're special, Chaeryeongie," you murmured against her lips, between kisses, "you make me want to make you feel this way every time you smile, so please don't stop doing that," you now plunged into her neck with little kisses and licks, and as if you had flipped a hidden switch in her, her moans became much louder and longer.
You weren't surprised to discover that above all possible things, what turned Chaery on the most in bed was simply being truly loved, as she just said it: 'feeling special.' Her orgasm came in a matter of seconds, you still weren't moving your hips half as fast as you could, but still she cummed as if you had been fucking her mercilessly for 10 minutes straight. You hugged her with both arms, pinning her against her mattress while her body shook between tremors and cute moans. You stayed completely inside her for a few seconds while her body relaxed, and when any trace of her orgasm finally disappeared, you pulled out of her between heavy breaths.
"God, you two are going to make me throw up how pretty you look," Chaeyeon said, faking a gag. You just only laughed about it.
"Honey... who's the winner this time? Who has the best pussy and ass?" Chaery asked, still reeling from her orgasm.
"You're forgetting a little detail, girls," you said, getting up from the sofa to stand facing the edge, "you haven't made me cum again, so I consider it fair to decide it that way. I'll cum twice, once in a pussy , and the other in an ass. That's to show my favorites."
“That's pretty fair to me,” Chaeyeon said, crawling to the edge of the couch to get on her hands and knees right in front of you.
"Me too," Chaery said a second later, moving to her sister's side just like her, on her hands and knees.
You stared at the scene for a few seconds, the two Lee sisters, both fucking hot and with incredibly tight, toned and sexy bodies, and above all, a pair of asses to drool over. You didn't bother wasting time, and decided to give your second load of the night to Chaery. One hand went to her waist, and the other to your cock as you guided it into her tight, wet pussy.
Chaery moaned again, and this time she looked over her shoulder at you to nod her head, giving you the green light to fuck her as hard as you wanted this time. So you did, fucking her frantically right from the start, one hand on her ass as your cock disappeared between her buttocks with each hard pump.
The sounds of your pelvis crashing against her ass echoed through the entire living room, even over the music that continued to blare from the bluetooth speaker on the table. You caressed her buttocks with both hands, then gave them one last squeeze before feeling the tingle in your lower abdomen.
"We have our first winner..." you growled, giving a sudden pace up to your thrusts before delivering one last hard thrust, releasing your entire load into Chaery's tight pussy, who let out a small sigh of contentment and relief when felt your thick liquid fill her completely.
"Does that mean I have the best ass?" Chaeyeon asked, completely ignoring the fact that she had just lost at something.
"I'm not going to answer that question, don’t be a bitch" you said, pulling out of Chaery's pussy, letting your cum spill from it onto the couch, and taking your already drenched cock from your and Chaery's fluids to guide it into Chaeyeon's butthole. 
You didn't care that you were overstimulating yourself, at first it was painful, but you knew how to endure it like a champion as the pain turned back into pleasure. You fucked Chaeyeon with all the strength and accumulated rage that you hadn't used against Chaery, you included absolutely everything, hair pulling, exaggeratedly strong spanks, and even a lot of degradation that made her very fucking horny.
When Chaeyeon already had both buttocks red as a tomato and her hair all messed up, you started to feel certain signs in your body that your third orgasm of the night was just around the corner. A bead of sweat trickled down your temple, and you gave Chaeyeon one last hard spank that made her scream in pain before giving her one last hard thrust, shooting thick streams of cum into your favorite ass all over the girls with which you had fucked. And that was saying enough.
"Oh my fucking god… I'm going to miss feeling that load inside my ass so much," Chaeyeon moaned biting her lip, her brow furrowing as she looked over her shoulder at you, "promise me when you get back you'll come home to fuck me."
"I can't promise you anything, I might have to put my double shifts on hold for a while," you replied, glancing at Chaery, who smiled at you.
"Agh, how boring you are!" Chaeyeon complained, and you pulled your cock out of her ass, letting your cum flow freely out of it and onto the couch.
After that, the three of you began to clean yourselves and also clean the entire room as best you could, especially the sofa. During all that time the atmosphere changed for the better after the lewd side was finally satisfied, you knew Chaeyeon very well, and you knew how fun and wonderful she was, just like her sister, so you did not stop laughing with fleeting comments about how quickly everything had gone uphill for you, and they were certainly right, in that first session in the spa you could never imagine that you were going to fuck one of the members and her sister in the same night, it sounded stupid in your head, but maybe that's how lucky you were.
When everything was finally clean and orderly, you were left dressed only in your boxers, and Chaery in her panties, stockings and white sweater. The two of you had returned the sofa back to its natural shape, and sat next to each other as Chaeyeon prepared to leave.
"Oppa, do you want to come with me or are you going to stay with Chaery?" Chaeyeon asked, picking up her phone from the table and putting it in her pocket. You didn't even think twice before throwing an arm around Chaery's shoulders and snuggling her against you.
"Before you came I was already perfectly happy here, Chaeyeonie, so no thanks, I'm staying," you said with an innocent little smile, caressing Chaery's shoulder with your hand as she hugged your torso.
"So that answers my question, she's your favorite Lee Sister," Chaeyeon nodded with an amused expression, "but hey, it's okay, I haven't given up yet," she winked at you.
"Bye unnie," Chaery waved, eager for her to finally be gone from her.
"Bye sis, I'll call you soon, okay? Take care!" Chaeyeon waved back, and then blew you a kiss before disappearing down the hall.
When Chaeyeon left the atmosphere lightened up significantly for the two of you, everything was now as calm and peaceful as before, and you made sure to snuggle Chaery tight against you, giving her as much warmth as possible. You put on a movie, and you were completely silent for the entire duration of it, just enjoying each other's company and how good each other's warmth felt.
You were already starting to feel sleepy just like her, and just when the credits of the movie rolled on the screen, she turned to look at you, give you a little kiss on the cheek and grab your chin to make you see her.
"Thank you honey... really," she said in a low, soft voice.
"Why Baby?" you asked, cupping the side of her face and brushing her cheek with your thumb.
"For choosing me," she looked you straight in the eyes, two shining pearls, "In my trainee days all the boys always went with Yeji or Ryujin," she began to say, with a sadder and more melancholy tone, "Or with any of the other girls, never with me," she sighed.
"Honey, choosing you was too easy for me," you smiled, giving her a little kiss on the lips, "you're too fucking beautiful, and your smile melts me."
"You're not going to forget me when you go on tour with those girls, are you?" she asked with a certain insecure tone.
"How could I possibly forget about you?" you chuckled, giving her little kisses all over her face, "that will never happen, I promise."
"God, how are you so cute?" Chaery, clung tightly to your body once more, resting her chin on your chest and looking up, "can we have a redo from our date? that bitch ruined everything," she sighed.
"You can have as many redos as you want, honey, and I would never get tired of you," you gave her another kiss on the lips, she just smiled from ear to ear, and as the minutes passed, you both fell fast asleep.
Spren Notes: Only men of culture know how fucking hot the Lee sisters are. Yessir. Remember! If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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napakmahal · 3 months
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Drop your pin
Chat i MIGHT have cooked with this one
This is bad, this is so bad.
Less than two hours ago you left your house to drive over to a nice restaurant in downtown San Fransokyo and now you were pulled over at a gas station parking lot staring at your dreaded flat tire. If you hadn’t turned off your music to take a phone call from your friend mid-drive you probably would have never heard the dreaded: BANG!
What’s even worse is you were running late for your first formal date with a guy you met at an off-campus study site where you worked as a barista. He looked so cute in his little academic grind, so focused you thought his eyebrows were stuck in a permanent scowl. Thankfully, said the boy was studying so hard that he refilled his caffeinated iced tea almost four times and he came up to you. He started the conversation by rubbing his beautiful brown eyes tiredly saying “I am really tired, but I’m trying to stay away from coffee for a little bit.”
And somehow, his voice made him almost ten times more attractive than you originally thought him to be. By the time you finished pouring his tea, he’d complimented everything about you. From the hairstyle, you had dawned that day to how well you did your job. He was perfect and you were so excited for this date.
Until the universe had just to come and ruin it.
Canceling is one thing, but canceling because your tire popped is another. Everyone knows that whenever someone cancels last minute because they’re having ‘car troubles’ actually means ‘I wanted you to get lost from day one and now I have a reason not to see you.’ That and the lame excuse of ‘Oh I’m just really busy this week.’
This is why you can’t help but feel a sense of dread boiling in your stomach while you hear your phone ring and ring, waiting for him to answer. You like this boy, honest. But after this, he may not be so sure.
You swear you can feel your heart drop to the pits of your stomach when you first hear his voice.
“Hi, I’m not there yet. I just turned onto the 5 and-oh shit! Are you already there? I’m so sorry.”
You would laugh if you didn’t feel like crying. “Umm no, I’m not. Tadashi I have some bad news.”
“Uh-oh, what’s up?”
You took a deep breath. “Okay umm, so when I turned onto the highway my right tire popped and now I’m outside this sketchy-looking gas station trying to figure out what to do.”
Silence. All you could hear on his end of the call was the zooming of other cars next to his.
“Tadashi?” You confirmed. “Are you still there? Look I know it sounds like such a lie and I’m sorry. I really was looking forward to going out with you and I feel so bad about-”
“Drop me the pin.” The sound of his voice forced you to have such a visceral and public reaction.
Drop the pin? Like-to him? Why?
“L-Like,” You stuttered. “My pin? Right now?”
“Yeah, your pin.”
So you did. You sent him your GPS pin and waited for a little less than ten minutes. What did he want with your location? Maybe he just wanted to make sure you weren’t lying to him about being at the gas station. He could just never show up. After about seven minutes had passed, a rusty old work truck drove off the exit and into the gas station parking lot. Flashing bright yellow headlights. The truck pulled up almost directly in front of you and for a moment you felt fear. A stranger just coming up to you in a car in a sketchy area while you have no other way of escaping. But that fear dripped away when you saw it was Tadashi who was driving.
“Oh my gosh, hi.” You stared at him, slightly confused but extremely relieved.
He opened the door and walked towards you. “Hey, are you alright?”
“I’m fine, but my tire isn’t and I really don’t want to have to pay to get a new one.” You groaned at the thought of dealing with car troubles.
Tadashi squated down with a grunt at your popped tire. “Do you know how to change one of these?”
“Erm, kind of.” You answered honestly. “I don’t know it well enough to try it. I’m too scared to try it on my actual tire.”
He hummed before asking you to pop open your trunk so he could reach in and get your spare. And for the next twenty-two minutes, you watched your date grunt, sigh, groan, and flex all the muscles he had lifting and changing your popped tire. You learned two things in those thirty minutes.
1)That your date is one hell of a handyman and 2) That your date is not only cute but damn is he hot.
When he finished, he stood back up stretching out his limbs and cracking his neck.
“Now, you can’t really drive on a spare for too long so we’ll just go back and change it.” He said as if it were the most nonchalant thing in the world and not an act of pure chivalry.
You, who was almost starstruck at this man practically launched yourself and him in the biggest hug you’ve ever given someone.
You gushed, “Oh! Thank you so much. You’re so sweet!”
Thankfully, he hugged you back. Arms fully wrapped around you and jaw rested on the top of your head. When the two of you let go, he took your phone and put an address in it. One you had never even heard of. A place called the Lucky Cat Café and when you asked all he said was “We’re going there to change your tire.”
So the two of you got back onto the highway and drove backwards from your original date spot. For most of the drive you tried to keep the back of his car in your sights even though you had the GPS on. By the time you’d arrived, the street that the Lucky Cat was located on was practically empty. Everyone and all businesses seemed to be asleep for the night, which is why you both had decided on a place in Downtown San Fransokyo where the city rarely sleeps.
You shut your car door behind you. “What is this place?”
“It’s my aunt’s café, we live on the top. You see?” He pointed at a window in the top of the building with a glowing light through it like someone was home. “So my garage is on the side over there, do you want to just park there and I’ll change your tire.”
Wait he was serious. Like he was full-on going to change your spare tire.
“Seriously?” You double-checked.
Tadashi smiled followed by a light and airy laugh. “Yeah, I’m serious.”
So you drove past the main building and into the rather large alleyway where his garage was. From where you were you could see the garage door that was painted on the sides with traditional Japanese art.
“Did you paint that?” You pointed at the door.
Tadashi fumbled around in his pocket for the garage door key. “Me and my brother worked on it when we were in middle school.”
“So you guys are close?”
Guys that love their families are mad hot.
The door slowly propped open. “Extremely close and- oh. Speak of the devil.”
Sitting inside the garage was a boy who couldn’t have been any older then fifteen on the couch resting flat on his back. Scrolling on his phone and eating a green melon popsicle in white calf socks.
He lifted his head to see the two of you standing in the frame of the garage, large brown eyes that resembled Tadashi’s staring like a deer in headlights.
“Oh shit,” He grunted. “What’s up?”
Tadashi alternated his hand between the two of you. “Hiro this is y/n, y/n this is my little brother Hiro.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Hiro.” You smiled. Tadashi had mentioned him a few times and you’d heard him in the background of some of the FaceTime and regular phone calls you had with Tadashi.
Before he could respond, your date looked around his garage with a look of confusion on his face. “Dude, where are the tires?”
“Behind the dumpster.” Hiro said like it was obvious.
Tadashi rolled his eyes. “The unused ones, dumbass.”
“Oh, side shed.”
Your date excused himself and pulled out his phones flashlight to navigate his way through the dark of the night to his familys storage shed. Leaving you alone with his younger brother who had since put his phone down.
“You’re y/n?”
“Yep.” You popped the ‘p’ rocking back and forth on your feet.
Hiro’s face filled with a sudden smugness. “You know he’s like super into you, right?”
You tried to fight the obvious smile that wanted to come to your face. “Really?”
“Before he left he called all of his friends to make sure he looked good enough to leave the house.” He scoffed at the memory.
Just then, Tadashi came back rolling a brand new tire for your car. He told Hiro to scram before setting it down and grabbing his own tools. The garage itself was crazy, filled with tools, walls of water stained blueprints, chalk drawings, and premade machinery including a 3D printer and two different computers.
While changing your new tire, you took the time to really apologize for the messed up ‘date’ you were having.
“I’m so sorry about this, this is not what I planned at all.” Your voice laced with sincerity.
Tadashi’s face fell into one of fake disbelief as he joked, “You mean you didn’t intentionally pop your own tire so I would come and get you and we had to change it instead of going out to the restaurant we’re both appropriately dressed for?”
You laughed and gently punched him in the arm. “Don’t be an ass.”
“I know, I’m just joking.” He reassured you. “You look really beautiful though, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that before.”
“Aww, thank you. You look half decent as well.”
The two of you laughed as he continued to change your tire. There was a point where the new one he brought out for you had weighed so much he had to take off his dress jacket and lift it up like a deadlift. At his obvious struggle you offered to help but it was pointless.
“No it’s okay I got it.”
“Really?” You asked. “I can help you out. Plus it would teach me for the future.”
“Well when you’re with me, you won’t ever have to change your own tire.” Just as he said it, he regretted it. The two of you hadn’t even really been on a first date, just a few flirty texts and calls. That’s it.
He covered his mouth. “Oh-that’s not- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
To his relief and surprise you laughed in the most adorable way he’d ever heard someone laugh. “It’s okay, that was cute. Really cute.”
“Oh thank god.” He breathed out.
After a couple more flirty conversations and remarks, he’d finally finished installing your new tire and placed the spare back in your car.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” You cooed and kissed him on the cheek.
A warm blush expanded across his face after the kiss your given him as he dizzely responded, “No problem.”
You had your arms hooked around his neck as you both just stared at each other. Tadashi looked down at his watched and hummed.
“You know, they’re still open.” He referred to the restaurant from your original plan.
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. He did all of that for you, and he still wanted to go out?
“Y-you,” You began to stutter in disbelief. “You still want to go out with me.”
“If anything I want to go out with you even more now.” He whispered so low only you could hear. “Do you want to go out with me?”
“Yes.” You whispered back, falling into his dark brown eyes.
He smiled, face getting closer and closer to yours. “Yeah?”
Kissing before the first date even starts is unheard of for you. It’s not something you would ever do…normally. But to be fair nothing about that first date was normal. You ran you hands up his jet black hair, lightly pulling at the strands while his hands held yourl ower back. How could making out with someone you hadn’t even gone on a proper date with in the middle of his garage with the door wide open feel so incredibly intimate?
When you two had pulled away all you could do was laugh. What was so funny? You don’t actually know, but something about it had made to so giggly. Face pressed into his chest, laughing.
You two had decided that it seemed like a better idea for Tadashi to drive to two of you downtown and when you opened the passenger seat door there was a large bouquet of pink tulips and daisy fillers on the seat with a calligraphy card with your name on it wrapped in brown paper. You covered your smile with your mouth as you picked up the bouquet.
“I was going to give those to you when we got there.” Tadashi said shyly, embarrassed that he missed the opportunity to give them to you when he pulled up to the gas station parking lot.
All you did was stare at him, endearence in your eyes before kissing that boy straight on the lips another time.
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navyhyuck · 10 months
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sweet thing — 1k words, choi yeonjun
warnings: explicit marijuana usage, shotgunning (..again), some kissing, frat president! boyfriend! stoner!yeonjun, a true and very accurate portrayal of what frat boys really want (a girlfriend lol), probably unrealistic infatuation and slightly possessive/jealous behavior, college party culture, frat boys!txt
a/n: if anyone was wondering, yes, i would be so down to have a stoner bf. not that i’m encouraging smoking of any sort, including weed, so don’t do drugs <3 and yes, i have a teeny tiny little fantasy about how it’d be like to date a frat boy, don’t ask. also… never underestimate the power of yawnzzn, he knows exactly what he’s doing. moral of the story: find yourself a sweet, real nice person that is obsessed with you!! don’t settle for less babes :]
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you know what they say: good, sweet boyfriends always get their girl high before they’ve even taken a hit.
yeonjun is no different, a selfless soul, truly, the kind of addict that keeps pre-rolled joints stored in all sorts of places, always making sure you’re satisfied before he’s even begun. you don’t need much either, considering he’s the more experienced one, perching you on his lap and watching your lips wrap around his joint, smiling when he hears a light hum leave your chest. ah, yes, he treats his girl so well.
even when he’s the president of his frat, constantly hurdled with duties here and there: rush week, pledging, community service, partying—he’ll always make time in his busy schedule to see you. even if it means sitting on the bed of his trashed bedroom, fastening his arms around your waist, only getting high from the smoke you give him. really, he couldn’t ask for anything more.
his favorite part is when you surprise him at his parties, not always your favorite setting, dressed up so perfectly to him (baggy jeans and a t-shirt, a real turn on), sending your boyfriend the most stunning smile when you see him. his brothers scoff at the sight of you, namely the insufferable external vice president beomgyu (who still hasn’t satiated his deep desire to find a girlfriend), strutting away with such a sway that it makes you giggle. 
“hi sweetheart,” yeonjun’s dripping honey already, pulling you to sit on his lap, pressing his fingertips carefully against your arm. he’s far gone, you realize, from the way he’s absolutely dazed, licking his lips slowly from the dryness, trailing his eyes on yours lazily. “i’m so glad you came.”
“mhm, i know,” you’re running a hand through his hair, the dusted pink color slowly growing to your liking. he leans into your touch, closing his hand around your wrist and sniffing. he’s exhaling loudly, eyes closed and head rocking back, one would think he’s getting off to the smell of you, as if you’d worn that mythical pheromone perfume he gifted you on your birthday. “you fucking pervert…”
“you smell good,” is all he mutters, letting you massage his scalp, chuckling when you curse at him again. a few seconds pass in the quiet bliss before he’s coming back to his senses, sitting up so fast you nearly topple off of him. “fuck, y/n, you’re sober.” it makes him frown slightly; of course, he can’t let you stay like that.
there’s nothing more attractive to him than the way you look when you’re taking hits—a little goes a long way—leaning back against him, eyelashes fluttering as the smoke bellows around you. he’s so pliant, patient with you as he doesn’t even let you hold the joint, exhaling smoke into your mouth every so often to see your crazed smile. the way your lips ghost past his, teasing in an attempt to be coy, oh, it makes him a mad man.
and it comes to a particular point in the night when you’re all giggly once again, laughing sweetly at the incredibly shitty jokes internal vice president soobin is making, making small talk with treasurer taehyun, even thanking (god forbid) secretary kai when he hands you a water bottle, and yeonjun’s locked a permanent arm around your waist. shit–his eyes are darting around, an incredulous look on his face–do all his brothers want to fuck his girl?
“don’t be ridiculous,” you mutter as your boyfriend whispers liquid jealousy, nodding your head as kai rambles on about how his president had him cleaning toilets for days. the one thing you ever hear from yeonjun’s brothers are complaints, of course, on how he runs this excuse of a fraternity. he’s now giving death glares to any man that comes within a ten foot radius of you, snapping at them to leave you alone, pressing you closer to him with every passing moment.
oh, of course, now he’s gotten possessive.
“my girl,” he’s sighing, lighting yet another joint to place against your lips, watching you relish in the feeling. his heart swells, nearly bursts from the way you laugh breathlessly, kissing at the very corner of his lips, pulling away when he chases after you. white smoke blurs his vision, but he’s still staring. “c’mere princess, share with me.”
you do, parting your boyfriend’s lips with your hand, looking directly into his eyes–pupils blown to the max, shaking–and exhaling. he can’t help but press his mouth against yours, trapping the smoke, grasping at the fabric of your shirt, searching for a nothingness to bring you impossibly closer. you’re caught off-guard, however, gripping his shoulders to keep him in place, kissing him back hesitantly. still in a public setting, you know, you can feel his brothers’ eyes starting to prickle at your back.
you’re so lucky he’s the president, you’re thinking with your eyes screwed shut, tongue pressing against yeonjun’s, waiting patiently for the high to hit. when it does, you can tell, the way his lips messily move against yours, kissing so loudly you know it’s indecent; after all, you hate pda when you’re sober, yet your brain’s fuzzy now, leaving you with quiet giggles bubbling in your chest. it’s so funny to you, suddenly, even when you’re curled up on your boyfriend’s lap, lazily inhaling as he presses the joint to your lips once again, grinning as you let him have a taste too.
and in all of that, when his lips leave a ghost trail on your neck, as your head floats far above the clouds, there’s nothing better he can think of. you’re the best thing he’s ever had, no denying that. even the faint crash of an empty vodka bottle doesn’t catch his attention, nor the yelling voice of the external vice president, the complaints and whines and one-sided argument, it’s all his imagination at this rate.
“–and fuck you, yeonjun, stop fucking your girl on our goddamn couch!”
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d10nyx · 3 months
Hi pookie bear… its ur favorite anon again..
Hear me out, Step brother! Leon whos dear innocent little step sister gets stuck somewhere (interesting position..) and leon cant help himself when he sees her predicament so he takes advantage of the situation and the fact that she asked him to help her get unstuck. (maybe a threat of leaving her stuck at some point, its up 2 u bbg)
ily snoogle 😍🫶
hello to... my favourite anon omg. if you say so it must be true :3
i'm hearing you out!! idk why but silly porn tropes make me giggle sometimes... listen don't analyse the logistics of acc being able to get stuck like this. i see how much space there is under the dumb beds girlies get stuck under in porn we all know it doesn't make sense
ILY EVEN MORE POOKIE... here's a drabble for you :3
nsfw below the cut - tw: stepcest, brief dub-con, leon is a little mean :((
"What the-" Leon's footsteps falter as he walks past you, stopping to take in the predicament you've gotten yourself into. He snorts out a laugh as he sees you, and you can practically sense that dumb smirk plastered on his face despite not being able to see him.
Having an ottoman bed was usually great. Your room was the smallest(Leon had promised to make your life a living hell if you took the bigger one) so having the extra space was nice. You just had to lift the slats and mattress up and boom! Free storage unit.
Of course, you're not that lucky, so the stupid thing failed on you and snapped shut with you still leaning over to look for stuff, trapping you inside. Your whole upper body was incased, and the angle was so awkward you couldn't get any leverage to push the damn thing open again.
"Leon!" You breathe out, feeling relief that someone had found you. You thought you'd be stuck under here forever. "Jesus, thank fuck. Can you help me get out of here?"
"You know, as much as I'd love to help you," He starts, steeping closer until he's right behind you. His hands settle on your hips, giving them a little squeeze. Your breath hitches at the contact, and you try to squirm away from his touch.
"I think you could stand to stay there a little longer." He finishes, his fingers brushing the waistband of your shorts.
"Leon... dude." You hiss, trying to squirm away from his touch. His hands have your cheeks burning up, your brows furrowed in confusion. "This isn't funny! What the hell are you doing?"
"What am I doing?" He repeats, letting out another laugh as he starts to slowly tug your shorts down. You can feel his gaze locked onto you as he slips them down so they pool at your knees. "I'm taking advantage of the situation. It'd be a shame to let this... opportunity go to waste."
"Oppur... wait. Leon, you can't be serious! Come on, this is messed up! Just help me out!"
"No can do, sis." He hums, brushing his thumb against your panties. Damp. Looks like you were enjoying this more than you let on. "Mom and dad have gone out, so... either you stay here for the next few hours, hell... maybe even the rest of the day, or you let me have my fun, and I'll getcha out."
You pause at his words, biting your lip. You didn't really have much of a choice. Your abdomen was already aching from being pressed so harshly against the bedframe by the part of the bed that lifts. You didn't want to be here for hours.
"I-I guess... just... I don't know, Leon, I haven't..." You mumble, your voice a lot less snappy than before.
"Aww, princess... where'd your attitude go?" He coos teasingly, rubbing circles onto your clit through your panties. You jolt at the sensation, moaning softly. "My baby sis is a virgin? That's cute."
He tugs at your panties, letting them drop down with your shorts. You hear him take a sharp intake of breath in as he looks at you, his fingers spreading your puffy lips.
"Don't worry. I'm not a complete asshole. Just a small one." He says cheekily, and then you hear the dostinct sound of a belt buckle and the zipper of his jeans. A moment passes when you can hear the rustling of fabric, and then his hands are on you again.
"I won't fuck you. Yet. But I'll make us both feel good, sweetheart." He says, giving you a few light smacks to your ass.
"Okay..." You breathe out, your heart rabbiting in your chest. You swallow hard, brows furrowing as you hear him shift.
"That's a good girl." He grunts, slotting his cock between your folds. That's where he keeps it, just rutting his cock against you. You coat him in your arousal, the slick sounds of your pussy echoing in the room as you drip all over his cock. His tip brushes your clit every time his hips jerk forward, making you whine.
"You do owe me now, sweetheart." He groans, forcing your legs together so the fat of your thighs keeps his cock secure as he humps your cunt. "I better be the one to break you in. Want my cute step-sister's pussy all to myself."
"Y-yeah... all yours..." You breathe out, trying to rock your hips back to get more friction against your sensitive nub. You whimper as the change in angle has his length dragging along your folds deliciously.
"Think I watched a video like this once." He says with a huff of laughter, gripping your hips right as he chases his orgasm using your body. "Must've drained all the step-sibling content on PornHub... couldn't help myself seein' you stuck like this."
His thrusts start to grow a little sloppy, his breathing becoming more shallow. He's close already, and you're not far behind. He rolls his hips, angling himself to make sure he's giving you the friction you need.
Your body tenses as you cum with a loud moan of his name, twitching from the aftershocks. He groans and pulls away when you start whimpering from oversensitivity. You hear a few wet schlick sounds as he jerks himself off, flinching slightly when you feel his cum costing your ass and pussy.
He pulls up your shorts and panties without cleaning you off, making you cringe as they press the cum into your skin, a grimace crossing your face. You hear the sounds of him redressing before he's lifting the top of the bed, looking down at you with a cocky smirk.
"C'mon, princess. Up you get." He says, grabbing your wrist to pull you up. "And don't forget... I'll be back for more."
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 2 months
Everything to Me
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sum: Leonora seems to have gained interest in a certain Ever Professor
based on: the song She by Dodie
WARNINGS: fluff, slight hint of angst, forbidden love, happy ending!, soft!lesso, mentions of jealousy, Dovey being a little matchmaker :), gentle!reader, shy!reader
(Not proof read)
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Lesso watched as the Princess she walked into the dining hall, every morning, she’s show up on time always looking flawless. Sometimes a Pep in her step appeared when she’d walk in after a night out with a suitor, though, they never seemed to work out, much to Lesso’s delight.
Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at
Leonora smiled at the Princess as she sat next to her with her plate filled with pancakes and other breakfast foods. Leonora found herself looking at her with a softness and adoration would’ve surely confused the head Master as to why he placed the Dean into the School For Evil.
The Redhead enjoyed watching her smile and snort at jokes made at the table. She was the most prim and properly Princess but, In Lesso’s eyes, she was surely the most gorgeous. She wondered how a woman could look so ethereal and authentic at the same time.
After breakfast with the staff, Lesso and Y/n had a ritual of going on a morning walk, slowly making their way through the garden. Their arms linked as they took in the sight of sweet Magnolia’s and the warm gaze of the sun.
Leonora swore that she could smell the Lemongrass from where she stood, but knew it was from the woman next to her who still complained about wanting to take a nap. “Ooh! Remember when we took a photo here, it was so peaceful with the stars just sparkling above us” She exclaimed, sitting on the stone bench with that bright grin on her face, “I do remember, Princess, I still have the polaroid in my office if you’d ever like to see it.”
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep She tastes like apple juice and peach Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
Clarissa made Leonora stay behind at a meeting that evening, nothing how the woman had been spending so much time with the Princess. She could sense the pure love radiating from the two. No one could deny what was happening, not even the headmaster. “You must tell her how you feel, Leonora! You need to tell her before it’s too late!” The golden haired woman exclaimed, flailing her arms about knowing that Lesso would lose the girl sooner or later if she didn’t make a move.
“There’s nothing to tell her, Clarissa..” She whispered lowly, knowing that if she did confess she’s ruin y/n’s chance at a happliy ever after. She couldn’t take that away from her, no she couldn’t do that.
Afterall, Lesso was a Never and Y/n was an Ever. It was forbidden, no way they could pass the trial by tale, right?
I'd never tell No I'd never say a word
Clarissa pouted with a huff before exiting the room most likely plotting some other scheme, but Leonora was okay, admiring the other woman across the room even if it was for a moment. She enjoyed watching her hair perfectly fall on her shoulders and cascading down her back. Her warm and lovable smile, that laugh that was inviting. Not to mention her face was nothing less of perfection.
Lesso was comfortable, standing next to her while she greeted her students with a smile, which they returned and shyed away once they noticed the intimidating Dean next to her. They were fools not to see what they had, everyone did, even the more up tight Evers.
Though, the uneasy feeling in Lesso’s stomach never changed when she saw Y/n talking with an Ever prince that seemed to take a liking to her. Everytime her concerns were proved wrong, that was because y/n never liked any of them she said.
And oh it aches But it feels oddly good to hurt
“Leo! Leo! Look at what I found in the garden!” Y/n exclaimed, carefully holding something in her soft hands, as she stopped in front of the redhead, she smiled brightly holding out the delicate flower. It looked as tough as it did peaceful. “Hm, Black Dahlia, my favorite, you remembered?” Leonora smiled subtly, taking the flower in her own hands and admiring it.
“Of course I did! How could I forget my favorite person’s favorite flower?” Y/n felt a blush creep onto her cheeks, the ache in her neck from looking up at Lesso, seemed to disappear. The woman infront of her held back a wide grin, “You are very thoughtful, princess” she complimented, running her thumb on the Ever professor’s chin. Gathering what ever courage she had left and kissed her forehead.
“Thank you, sweet thing”
Even though, y/n y/l/n would always love Leonora Lesso but she could never verbalize it. As for Leonora, she would never feel the warmth of love from the person she truly loved. And that was true Evil.
So there they were again, another gala another night that they longed for each other. Stolen glances and subtle flirting seemed to tempt even the Headmaster into matchmaking the two.
and I'll be okay Admiring from afar
As the night fell, the more people retired to their respective rooms. Lesso was left to walk y/n back, the moon and stars lighting the way. It seemed like it was only last night that it was y/n’s first day teaching at The School for Good. They walked hand in hand as the Castle sat in the darkness the lights inside now putting the moon to shame. Lesso wished this was forever, she never allowed herself rk think that way especially about things people that aren’t hers. But for now, she allowed herself to think about it even for a moment. Cause even when she's next to me We could not be more far apart
”That was nice, I always enjoy our time together!” She beamed, any traces of sleepiness leaving her. “I do too, sweet girl”
They stood their for a few minutes sitting in comforting silence, “Now that I think of it, I don’t want you walking in that cold. You’ll stay with me” Y/n stated, pulling her in by the jacket sleeve, “Woah, I haven’t even asked you out yet” Leo joked, chuckling to herself, though, y/n’s remained still her face now shying from Lesso’s gaze. “Don’t go all turtle on me now, Princess” she cooed, pulling her closer on for the Professor to tuck her face in Lesso’s jacket.
“Why haven’t you asked me out yet, Leo?” Y/n seriously questioned, looking up at the redhead with tears. It now came as a realization to the Dean that her preception of reality was not the same as y/n’s. “I‘ve dropped countless hints, I followed Dovey’s advice, I did everything I could think of! Do you not like me? Are you just leading me on?” She asked, already sniffling from the anticipation of the answer.
“What? No!” Lesso responded, clutching the Princess close, “No, you don’t like me?” Y/n let out a sob that could’ve woken up half of the castle if Lesso hadn’t shut her mouth. “I mean that I’m not leading you on, Yes, of course I like you, I think I might…love you” Lesso confessed, a weight leaving her shoulders as she held her close.
“I love you, Leonora Lesso” y/n choked out, pulling Lesso down for a long awaited kiss, “I love you most, y/n y/l/n”
Yes she means everything to me She means everything to me.
Lesso would feel the Love of the one she truly wanted and this time it meant a Happily Ever After for both of them.
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joelsmochi · 1 year
Playing Dangerous
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SUMMARY: female Reader, who works for the Cartel, received instructions to burn down a house for her boss. Javier went to arrest her, but once she realized he wouldn't play the same games as her, she knew she needed to offer up something else as her ticket to freedom... WARNINGS: 18+, no use of Y/N, power play, prostitution & bribery if you look close, unspoken degradation, handcuffs, unprotected piv sex, creampie, lots of good girl bombs, car sex (one day i’ll write good smut in a bed…one day) WC: 4.9k - It is finally here. The second story in my LDR series. So sorry for the long wait, but I hope you enjoy ♡
You just can’t stay out of trouble, can you?
You were standing on your small porch with an admirably handsome DEA agent questioning you about a fire. You knew you had the upper hand here when you noticed his eyes casting over your half-naked body that glistened with a light layer of sweat.
“Do you know anything about that, ma’am?” He asked you softly; you knew he knew it was you, but what proof did he have?
You just smirked and shifted your weight from one foot to the other. “No, sir,” you cooed while pursing your lips.
He cleared his throat hastily and his eyes narrowed. “Really? Because witnesses say you’re the one responsible.”
Apparently, he had enough proof.
You shrugged, maintaining eye contact with him. “Everybody knows that I’m a good girl, officer.”
His body tensed at your voice’s softness but he maintained his composure for the most part. A breeze passing by gave your skin goosebumps and made your nipples perk up; he briefly daydreamed about his tongue twirling around it, feeling annoyed that he was thinking about something like that during a stressful time for him.
“It’s Agent,” he corrected.
Your eyebrows raised and you gave him a fake apologetic look. “Oh, my apologies.”
“So… It wasn’t you?”
“No, I wouldn’t do a thing like that.”
And it was mostly true. You preferred a less obvious way of taking out enemies and outposts, but your boss’s boss wanted everyone to know who was still in charge here. You disagreed with the approach but didn’t argue. After all, they do pay your bills.
“Are you sure?” He edged, sensing how you wanted to play games with him. He was over it, and to be frank, your short and thin nightgown had his head full of inappropriate thoughts that made him want to hurry up and get home to fuck his fist.
He hated how pretty you were in the moonlight with your makeup from the day still on, but his wandering eyes saw how fresh your lipstick was. He perceived it as your way of trying to seduce him, or whatever officer came by, and being turned on by it pissed him off even more.
“I heard from the neighbors that the house was already on fire,” you said simply with a swift shrug, but his warm and inviting eyes suddenly turn shallow and cold; you were thrown off of your game of lies so you attempted to change the subject. “Gosh, I’m all exposed here in my nightgown… Do you mind if I go and cover up? You’re more than welcome to come inside.”
Yeah. Right. Javier may be attracted to you, but he’s not stupid. You could take this as an opportunity to shoot him or kidnap him.
As harmless as you look, you were still one of Escobar’s employees and they typically did whatever they needed to survive with confidence. This just wasn’t a chance Javier could take.
“Nice try. Come on, hands on your head,” he said contemptuously while unveiling his handcuffs.
You frowned feeling confused at the sudden shift of his energy, stuttering over your own words as you defiantly obliged.
His eyes avoided yours as he readied the cuffs and stepped closer to you to make the arrest official. He didn’t care to be gentle with you either — why should he?
After all, you did almost kill someone tonight.
His slender fingers jabbed at your ribcage as his hand forced your body to turn around; you felt a few knuckles crack uncomfortably from how hard he pulled your hands from above your head to the small of your back.
“Do you really have to put those tight handcuffs on me?” You asked when he clicked the cuffs a little too far. He didn't respond.
He tried to keep his eyes off of how plump your ass looked beneath the thin gown, but it was hard when the force of his hands moving your body as he cuffed you made your ass jiggle effortlessly.
But still, he maintained composure.
You accepted your fate, but you still wanted to try to earn your freedom. Something you’d never done before but weren’t ashamed to do. Not when a man this handsome wears his heart — or rather, his cock on his sleeve.
He pulled at your arm roughly and began walking you to his car. The lack of communication from him only prompted you to speak even more.
“Please, I’ll do anything,” you said.
Still nothing.
“Please, officer, I will do anything.”
Fuck… How he would give almost anything to bend you over and—no.
He knew that you were just trying to get off scot-free, and he couldn’t—wouldn’t let that happen.
“Anything you like, sir,” you cooed oh so sweetly it nearly gave him a toothache.
He stopped you right in front of the car to glare at you. At least he tried to. Your smile was smug yet innocent, and your eyes expressed an eagerness foreign to him.
You weren’t a prostitute, and he knew that from your record. You weren’t the type to sell your body, so… Why do it now? He wondered if you were trying to be let go or maybe…? No, no, it can’t be that…
He realized he’d been in thought too long when he looked back into your eyes, and that eagerness hadn’t left. Was it possible you really just wanted to have sex with him?
The light in your eyes gleamed different than most of the women he’d been with — he just couldn’t put his finger on the particular emotion.
“Nobody has to know if that’s what you’re worried about,” you whispered as your eyes faltered to his partially exposed chest.
The excitement and eagerness and anticipation he was picking up from you? It was rebellion. You didn’t want to have sex with Javier. What you wanted was to lay in bed with the enemy. It all made sense.
And it made him undeniably weak in the knees. His stomach flipped just thinking about it.
“Sounds like that’s what you’re worried about,” he retorted.
A flicker of vulnerability highlights your eyes that wasn't unnoticed by him. He didn’t understand why his body was under so much hesitation by your damsel in distress act.
Maybe it was how you called yourself a good girl even though everything about you screamed otherwise. Your short gown and your evilly beautiful smile… Your cockiness and playful personality…
Or maybe Javier had just gone too long without any.
“Let’s get in the back of your cop car, officer,” you keenly propose; though the repetition of officer had him gritting his teeth, he no longer wanted to hold off your fantasy of betrayal. “You can ask me anything you want.”
You simpered at the way his eyebrows raised and nodded. “Anything.”
He didn’t hesitate with your negotiation, using his broody arm to swiftly pull you to the side of the Jeep before he opened the door for you.
He shouldn’t be doing this. No, Steve is gonna kill him. What kind of person takes sex from an arsonist as a bribe? Had his standards for morality really dropped that low? But he caught a glimpse of the still-burning fire in the distance and decided: what the hell?
He climbed in after you and shut the door, thankful you live in a more than secluded area. He could have been a gentleman and taken you to your bedroom. He just didn’t want to.
He studied you like any of Escobar’s other men — and you surprised him tonight. You were notorious for being hardheaded (that had only been proven correct tonight), but you also had the reputation of making men your bitch.
So he couldn’t help but wonder… What made him so different that you’d degrade yourself for an arrest that probably wouldn’t have even held up anyways?
Were you that desperate? Didn’t matter. He was going to find out.
“Do you have a girl?”
Your question threw him off. “Hmm?” He raised a questioning eyebrow.
“I don’t see a ring on your finger,” you said instead of repeating yourself.
“Uh, no,” he said though he wasn’t entirely sure what the truth was at this exact moment. “No Misses… Is that seriously where you draw the line?”
You grinned and giggled loudly, shifting to find comfort within your current restraint. “No, but that does make this a little less fun.”
He couldn’t ignore how his cock antagonized his jeans, enthusiastically twitching against his zipper. He cleared his throat and spread his thighs to try and give his member some room to breathe, to no avail.
His tone was mean and cold as he spoke. “Is that what this is? Fun?”
Your smile faltered almost entirely, replacing itself with a much more shy one. No man who was only minutes away from fucking you had ever spoken like that. You couldn’t deny the insecurity that suddenly rose inside of you.
“It doesn’t have to be,” you said bashfully, unintentionally batting your eyes at him and cowering your head down. As embarrassed as you were, you almost enjoyed it: the shame and the submission eradicated any impulsiveness within you. 
This was no longer an escape plan but a mere effort to make him remember you.
“…I can ask you anything?” He asked after squinting at you. He tried his best not to smile when he realized he was getting to you.
“Anything you want,” you said just barely above a whisper.
He watched you look at him through your eyelashes with admiration glowing in your pretty eyes. He took your chin between his thumb and index finger to tilt your head up a little; he gave you a crooked smile before asking, “Are you a good girl?”
Your heart leaped inside your warm chest. You wanted to stoop to his level and be mean and taunting right back, but you just fucking couldn’t.
God, he was handsome. So dark yet so bright. With a mysterious charisma that no other man could possess, he had you wrapping yourself around his finger. So… You try to appease him.
“That’s what I said, isn't it?”
You didn’t hear how harsh it came out, so it was a surprise when his gentle fingers wrapped tightly around your jaw below your chin. You whimpered and leaned your chest to his forearm, giving him goose skin.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed out. “I didn’t mean to—“
“Shh,” he whispered, “I know.” He teasingly moved your head around and half-smiled again. “Did you set the house on fire?”
His grip tightened, resulting in your cheeks and lips being squished up a little. “I’ll know if you’re lying.”
“Y—yes. I did.”
“C’mere.” His hand remained clamped around your jaw while he managed to guide you atop his lap; he used his free hand to undo the button and zipper on his jeans and then reached beneath your nightgown and rubbed your panty line. “Good girl… Right?” You could only nod at his question, untrusting of your voice. His grip loosened so that he could trace his thumb over your tinted cheeks. “S’this what you really want?”
You gave him a daunting smile and nodded once more. “Yes.”
His hands disappeared below your gown; his right arm wrapped around your hips to lift you slightly while his left hand reached for his semi-hard length, pulling it out with a hard tug.
He kept his pouted brown eyes on yours the entire time, wanting to see every movement your face made. He pulled your panties to the side and let his swelling head meet your entrance.
Javier admired your patience — even dragging the head of his cock back and forth along your pussy lips for a minute wouldn’t make you act out of line. You wanted to prove to him how good you were so that he could forget all of the bad things you did.
He carefully placed his cock head at your entrance and slowly let go of your hips so that you could take your time to adjust to him.
A contentious sigh fell from his lips when he felt how tight you were compared to his girth. He took the liberty of undoing the rest of his shirt while you tried to gather enough stability to fully sink onto him, but with the lack of foreplay, a pain-filled hiss was heard by you.
“Take it slow,” he instructed confidently. “Take what you can.”
A sense of relief washed over you, and for the time being, you only took a couple of inches inside your needy cunt. You exhaled softly as you raised your hips kindly and slid back down.
Javier watched with attentive eyes, finding the little frown forming on your face adorable. Your eyes were shut with focus as you tried to maintain balance and a slow but consistent pace.
“Fuck,” you whispered, feeling the slight burning sensation of him stretching you out slowly dissipate into pure pleasure as your slick walls relaxed around him, allowing you to take more of his length in.
Even though his eyes were on your face, all his focus was on how tightly your sopping pussy squeezed around him. He loved how your pussy clenched around him to adapt to his girth. If your pussy felt this good now, he couldn’t wait to know how much better it’ll get when you come.
“Why’d you set the house on fire?” He asked randomly.
“What?” Your movements faltered, and you frowned at him. Is that seriously what’s on his mind right now?
“Did I say you could stop?” He said darkly.
You hesitated, stuttering out a, “N—no.”
But you were too lost in his stern eye contact to start riding him again.
So with one brief movement, he forced your hips down so that his cock filled you. A cry of pain left your lips, and you unintentionally tightened your knees against his thighs, which he didn’t seem to mind.
You were sure to not waste another moment, so you lifted your hips and took everything in again, but he filled you to your brim.
The bulbous head of his dick grazing against the peak of your cervix became more comfortable within a few more movements, and you finally gained enough composure to answer his question.
“I do everything the boss tells me to. Mnh…” You breathed heavily and settled at a steady pace, feeling your arms beginning to lock up behind you. “I don’t question it. I just do it.”
He surprised you by thrusting into you once as you were lifted, but he was careful not to go too deep. “Okay… I believe you.”
You grinned and sank onto him completely. “What’s your real name?” You asked him, leaning your face closer to his.
He stared plainly at your eyes and held his breath for a moment. “Javier.”
You rewarded him by going up…then down again. You watched how his body responded to the slow but forceful movement. “What a pretty name,” you complimented. “Do you prefer Javier… Or something else?”
“I’d prefer it if you stopped teasing me,” he groaned through clenched teeth. You felt his body tense up despite the lack of physical contact.
Your eyes battered back and forth in brief ponder. You wanted to tease him a little longer, make him beg for it even, but you had to remind yourself that he was in charge whether you liked it or not.
“Can you hold onto me for a second?” You asked, which he seemed happy to do.
Something about feeling up the smooth fabric that clad your body sent shivers down his spine and straight to his dick.
His long fingers found their way around your waist, and you trusted his grip enough to shift onto your feet so that you were squatting on him.
“Okay,  now I need you to put your arms under my thighs,” you instructed, praising him when he listened. “Just hold me steady, okay?”
You didn’t give him much time to respond before raising your body until his cock was almost entirely out of you, then you slammed your hips back down so that he filled you again.
He couldn’t prevent the pathetic and loud whimper that escaped his throat. The slight change in the position provided more than enough pleasure to make his entire body jerk. His hands instinctively grabbed the cuff of your ass as you repeated the motion at a relentless pace with an intense force every time you squatted.
At this angle, your walls gripped around him so much he grew afraid he would come too soon, but he couldn’t stop — he didn’t fucking want to.
Everything felt too good. You were so wet for him, and he felt your hot precum leak out of you and coat his balls. Your ass was warm but still covered in goosebumps from how his cock stretched you out so sweetly — nothing was painful anymore. Not even your handcuffed wrists.
Seeing the pure bliss spread across his face was motivating you to continue. His eyes were shut, and his eyebrows were raised with concern. You watched as his tongue flicked across his bottom lip between the helpless moans he let out.
When he noticed how quiet you were, he looked at you worriedly, but you were just focused on being good for him. He saw how heavy your eyes were and how you were almost biting back your moans.
“That feel good?” You asked when you saw him look.
His eyebrows stitched together as he profusely nodded and gripped even more of your ass. “Yes, fuck yes, keep going,” he encouraged.
The strap to your gown slipped down your shoulder enough to reveal part of your nipple. Javier was inclined to fully unveil your breast, but something about almost seeing all of you was more invigorating, at least for the time being.
All these feelings were too much: he had to come, but he didn’t want to stop. But your velvety walls only felt like they were getting tighter and tighter.
You felt him getting close with how his body kept twitching, flinching, and tensing up with every squat. His moans grew breathy and hitched rather than full of bass. He wouldn’t be able to hold off any longer.
He let you get him as close as possible. So fucking close. His body was on fire, and his head fell back against the seat again.
His cock was tortured by the slickness of your walls that dared him to empty himself inside of you, but when an inch of his orgasm had begun, he was quick to push your hips up and slip himself out of you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he shouted. You chuckled, shifting back to your knees for comfort, then leaned forward to kiss him. He looked up at you again and gave you an embarrassed smile. “Fuck, sorry,” he laughed against your lips. His laugh was so sweet and gentle.
You loved the way he talked and how hollow his voice sounded. His words were bitter, but his voice tasted so sweet.
He gave you another kiss while lifting you off his lap; he guided your body so that you were on your knees facing the window before pulling your panties aside again to slip back into your glistening pussy.
You gasped at the newfound depth and rested your head on the seat, smiling when you felt him tug at the link connecting the handcuffs.
This was wrong.
The lack of respect you had for your colleagues and bosses got you here. Fucking ‘the enemy’. It felt so good to decide on your own, to betray them. It was like Javier took a lighter and ignited every flame inside of you again.
He pleased parts of you that he wasn’t aware of, and you couldn’t be bothered to let it end so soon. Not when rebellion tasted so sweet and fucked you so good.
Javier noticed you biting your lip again to quiet yourself — yet another habit you picked up on from previous partners — and hated it. He loved having vocal partners, even if words weren’t being said. He felt a little insecure, wondering if he wasn’t doing a good job, but your trembling body told him otherwise.
“Com’ere,” he said, lifting your upper half from the seat. His clad chest pressed against your back with the cool metal of the handcuffs hovering over your ass, and he kissed your jawbone before trailing a lick up your ear. “Don’t hold back for me, baby. Let me hear you,” he pleaded weakly.
Shivers trickled down your body, and you shuddered at the feeling. He smelled of expensive cigarettes, a light layer of musky cologne, and sweat. His scent was so intoxicating and made you even more needy for his touch. His calloused hands grazing over your ass beneath your pajamas tickled your skin and made you exhale loudly.
You felt his hand snake between your bodies before he lined his dick up with your entrance. He pushed it in at an achingly slow pace, making you whine and pout.
“That’s it, that’s my good girl,” he said in a way that sounded like he was laughing at you. His hand palmed your hip as he began thrusting inside you, filling you up nicely each time. “That feel good?”
You nodded and held your breath, making him punish you by reaching around your hip to land firm a smack against your clit. You yelped and flinched, yet found the pain to be a turn-on.
“Yes,” you said, not wanting to be scolded by him any further. “Yes! It feels good.”
He chuckled wryly and began pounding into you at a relentless speed. His thighs slapped against yours, and his grip on your hip tightened.
You let out noises you didn’t even know you could make. Squeaks, yelps, falsettos — all this for Javier, and oh my God, did it bring him close to the edge again.
He wanted you to feel him, touch him. No. He needed you to. He needed your hands to undress him. To tug at his hair and claw at his back. He needed you to hold his face in your soft and clammy palms. He wanted to watch your pretty fingers work patterns on your clit while he bent your legs to your head and fucked into your stomach.
Then, suddenly he began uncuffing your wrists. You were thankful for the relief but tried to contain your excitement. He held the handcuffs in front of your face, then whispered, “You misbehave, and they go right back on. You understand?”
You nodded, shouting out, “Yes,” before gripping his hand on your hips as he still pounded your squelching pussy.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he began hitting your favorite spot at a new angle, fulfilling your need for pleasure in the deepest parts of your heart.
He moved his hand to grip your jaw and pulled your head back so your forehead pressed against his chin. Your back was in discomfort from the arched position, but his cock made up for it.
“Look at you…” He grunted. Your mouth was agape, and your eyes were clenched shut as your raspy moans filled his ears. “So fucking helpless,” he whispered, leaving soft pecks against your forehead. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good, baby girl. Oh.”
You cried out his name as he continued to speak sweet nothings to you. Your nails clawed at his hand at the rise of tension building inside of your stomach.
“You treat me so well, Javier,” you breathlessly spoke. “That feels so good.”
“Yeah?” He kept his momentum up as best he could when he felt your walls flutter around his shaft. It made his head feel dizzy, and his cock ached from wanting to release inside you.
The pressure began to release itself, and you weren’t sure how much longer it’d be before you came. “Can I—fuck! Can I cum? Can I please cum?”
His plump lips neared your ear as he said, “Yes, yes, yes, you can cum for me, pretty girl. You’re such a good girl for me.”
You screamed embarrassingly loud as your pussy flexed and contracted against him at his words, amplifying the orgasm peacocking throughout your body. He released your neck and ran his hands over your shoulder blades as you bent over and fucked him back to ride out your orgasm.
He looked down where you two were connected and saw a thick, white ring of cum wrapped around the base of his cock. He listened to your lowering volume carefully, waiting until you were finished as he didn’t want to overwhelm you.
At least not yet.
“Good…” He paused to land a firm smack on your ass cheek. “…Girl.” Another smack.
You flinched both times, making you both lazily giggle. He nibbled at your earlobe and kissed your neck before directing you to lie down.
You made sure to slouch down a little so that your back was against the seat and your legs up in the air; he rid you of your panties before cupping the back of your knees. He kept your legs pushed back and spread wide open for him as he slowly dipped his cock inside you without assistance.
You watched in awe as he stretched you out again, humming when he filled you and yelping when he pulled out. You laughed when he repeated the action a few times: fill you up, leave you empty…
He loved watching your muscles twitch due to his movements, such as your clit throbbing and your entrance clinging to him.
Finally, he went as deep as he could reach and watched the peak of your belly rise a little. He looked into your eyes and gave you a reassuring smile.
“You okay?” He asked quickly.
“Yeah,” you assured, “that feels good.”
His smile turned to a smirk, and he rocked his hips slowly. “Yeah?” He laughed.
You reached out to hold his face in your hands while biting your lip. He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. He allowed himself to fall into the euphoric feeling of you.
His mind wanted to remember how all this felt: your walls were so warm with soft edges, but your hands were so smooth against the grain of his beard. Your moans were intoxicating and addictive.
It was all he wanted to hear at this point in time. Who you were before didn’t matter anymore. Fuck no. You were Javier’s newly founded favorite priority, and he’d do anything to feel this good with you again.
He felt he was also rebelling against his morals and nature. How could he resist you, though? Standing there in your cute little nightgown and fresh lipstick on… So naughty and daunting yet so beautiful and obedient.
He reopened his lust-filled eyes and watched you moan and cry for him and for more. Your eyes were narrow, and your lip was swollen from where you were biting. You looked so pathetic beneath him, and it stroked his ego a little too much.
“Look at you.” He leaned his chest down to yours and gave you a sloppy kiss. “Look at you taking my cock like a good girl, hmm?” He laughed bullyingly and smacked the back of your thigh while he rose again. “Play with your pussy, baby girl,” he told you; you obeyed without a second thought and gave yourself the added pleasure. “That’s it, good job… Yeah, keep doing that. Oh-ho, you look so pretty like that.”
You rubbed your clit like you do any other time you touch yourself, but your nerves were already so overwhelmed that you went in a little more rough than usual.
You twisted, pinched, smacked, and rubbed relentlessly at your innocent clit, almost like you were punishing yourself. Javier saw how needy you were to come again and couldn’t hold out much longer.
He was preparing himself to ask you where you wanted him to finish, but he felt you gather some of your cum up from around him before you shoved your slicked fingers into your mouth while maintaining eye contact with him.
He couldn’t control nor stop it.
He was a whimpering and moaning pathetic mess above you.
He collapsed on top of you and finished his orgasm with lazy thrusts, feeling overstimulated sooner than he would have liked to admit.
He lifted his head shamefully and rolled his eyes when he saw your arrogant ass smile.
“Shut up,” he said though you hadn’t said anything. He felt guilty for not giving you a second orgasm, but you were already reaching for your panties and slipping them back on. He sat beside you and tucked his faltering erection in his jeans before zipping them up halfway.
“Gonna keep you inside of me as long as possible,” you whispered seductively in his ear after he lit his cigarette. He rolled his eyes more playfully this time and simpered bashfully. “You still gonna arrest me, Javier?” You chirped after facing him and sitting on your knees.
He breathed out the smoke from his lungs and looked at you while rubbing your half-exposed thigh. “I thought everybody said you were a good girl?”
You grinned, a blush spreading rapidly over your cheekbones. You responded to him by subtly nodding.
“Come ‘ere.” You two shared a kiss that was full of post-sex love and excitement. “If I have to put these handcuffs on you again, I won't be so nice."
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maginxlia · 2 years
Starring JJK Men in ✰ Making Out
The Cast Line Up Satoru, Suguru, Toji , Sukuna and Kento
Rated TV-MA
Contains Adult Content
Minors this isn’t for you
Summary ✰ When their Lips meet yours, Makeout Sessions Baby!
No pronouns up in Here but the Reader has a kitty
Gojo Satoru
✰ Satoru's kisses are Teasing just like the man himself
✰ His lips are enough to rile you up and make you want his body on yours
✰ Plus the things he can do with his tongue? Enough to make your ancestors blush
✰ He knows the effects he has on you and he always uses it against you
✰ Putting his tongue in your mouth while you two are out in public then abruptly walking away from you like he didn’t just make you wet
✰ Yes baby, he wants you to chase him and beg him a little for it
✰ He’s an ass but he’s your ass right??
✰ It's not always fun and games with the man, He always pleases you in the end hell you pay him back for teasing you by leaving hickeys on his beautiful chest
You were currently seated on Satoru lap as his hands held your ass while you two kissed
You enjoyed the taste of the berry chapstick he had on his lips as he sucked on your tongue making you hum against him as his fingers pinched your nipples through your shirt
You would be lying if you said this little make out session wasn’t already making you wet and needy, you couldn’t help but grind your pussy against his clothed dick trying to make him nice and hard with the friction
Your fingers found their way into his soft white hair while he licked your sensitive lips as you parted them for his tongue to come into your mouth
Your hands stayed on his chest while he kissed you strong enough to make you tingle all over.
Satoru broke away from the kiss before sucking the sensitive spot on your collarbone while his hands made their way in your panties, he played with your clit as he kissed your neck making you moan out in pleasure
“Satoru, I need you baby” you whined out before he pulled his hands away from you
He sat you on the couch as he got up smiling “I know babe but I got other plans. Can you wait till I get back?” He said as he tried to walk away
He didn’t make it that far before you had grabbed him by the back of his shirt “Not so fast, Gojo Satoru” you said as he turnt paler than his hair
Oh, shit.
Geto Suguru
✰ The way Suguru stare down your lips before he kiss you always turn you into putty
✰ You can tell what he want by following his eyes and you know it won’t be long until his lips find yours
✰ He kisses always make you weak, you can barely stand while you two lips are connected
✰ The man lips are skilled and his tongue a godsend
✰ Your hands making their way into his hair making him groan into the kiss as he engulf his sense with your taste while his hands travel around your body
✰ Suguru has no shame, kissing on you is his favourite pastime right next to fucking you
✰ Pulling you into a secluded place so his lips can feel yours is always fun for both parties involved
Suguru currently had you against the brick walls in an alleyway while the rain poured down, his lips on yours as people pass by on their way to their destinations to get out of the rain
In all honesty, Suguru could care less about those people or the rain, in his mind only You and him exist as his tongue explored your mouth
You were limp against him as he held you in place, your eyes rolling back the moment he broke away from you to suck on your neck
His lips on your neck were enough to make you arch against the brick wall as Suguru's hands roamed up and down your body only stopping to squeeze your ass
You wanted to moan so badly, the combination of the cold rain and the warmth of Suguru being pressed against you were enough for you nearly to lose control but you didn’t want to draw attention to what was happening between the two of you
You wrapped your arm around him pulling him closer to you as he smiled against your neck “ You just can’t get enough huh? I'll be honest I can't get enough of you” he whispered into your ear before gently biting your lobe making you shiver before he bought his lips back to yours
With your lips connected Suguru moved your hips with his letting you feel how hard he is. He broke away from you with lust in his eyes “Let’s go home, Get out these wet clothes, Yeah? There is so much I want to do to you baby” He said to you before putting his right hand in the back pocket of your Jeans as you two began the walk home
Your night is just beginning.
Fushiguro Toji
✰ Toji kisses are always so delightfully rough
✰ He can make you hot and bothered with just a single kiss
✰ Doesn’t help he has a tongue that can tie a cherry stem into a knot
✰ His lips on yours as his hands explore your body can be enough to make you dripping wet
✰ It's like his kisses are an aphrodisiac, always making you uncontrollably in want of him
✰ Adding to that want, his hands toy with your body so recklessly as his tongue plays with yours
✰ Toji's best kisses are when he comes home from his “Business trips” he is always so needy and ready to please you after not seeing you for so long
Toji has been on top of you ever since he got home thirty minutes ago
You Really couldn’t complain, being pinned under him was quite delightful. Your lips fought with his while he grind himself against you adding to the already sexy Atmosphere
His rough lips overpowered your soft lips easily as his hands found their way to grab your hips pulling you against him, allowing you to feel how hard you’re making him just by being in contact with you
The pressure he was putting on you with the motion of his hips was enough to make you mewl against him as his skilled hands toyed with your pants
Your tongues danced with each other as you relished the feeling of the man you love being on top of you, his weight felt so good on you as you card your left hand through Toji’s hair while your right hand felt up his muscles through his shirt making him grunt into the kiss
Toji's hands traveled around your body, his right hand made itself under your shirt to toy with your nipples as his left hand teased your wet pussy through your panties making you moan aloud
Toji pulled away from your swollen lips as he trailed kisses down your neck to your chest while his eyes glared up at you before he tore open your shirt making you whine “Toji that was my favorite shirt” He only laughed at your words “ I can buy you another one but right now I need you” Toji groaned against you as he kissed and sucked your chest
“Fuck that shirt” you thought. Toji's Needs are more important tonight.
Ryomen Sukuna
✰ Sukuna is addicted to the way you taste, He often refers to you as his sweetest treat
✰ His lips are almost always on yours, enjoying your sweetness and remarking about how you make him feel
✰ Sukuna kiss you anyplace, anywhere, and anytime he doesn’t give a damn about what others think, if they step to the King incorrectly they’re leaving with a broken face
✰ Sukuna can easily become too greedy. A simple make out session?? Often leads to you both naked and sweaty
✰ You really can’t complain though his tongue is the most talented out here and his kisses are intoxicating
✰ His weakness? Your soft lips. He can’t stop himself from biting your lips with his sharp teeth and licking up the drop of blood that leaks from your lips
✰ It's like your blood makes Him high, his pupils dilate and he becomes insatiable
You were leaning on the King of Curses as his tongue lapped up the blood from your lips making you whimper against him, His hand gently wrapped around your neck as he kept your head held up
Sukuna was naked and fresh out of the shower when he decided he needed a taste of your lips. He effortlessly lifted you off the bed, where you sat enjoying the sight before you.
Sukuna's body had water dripping off him when he captured you in this intoxicating trap he calls a kiss
It wasn’t long before your King had gently bit your lips to make you bleed your Delicious sweet blood for him to taste, you could only moan into the kiss as his tongue lapped you up
Your eyes were hazy when he finally pulled away from your lips “ Sweet as ever My Dove” he whispered into your ear making you tremble
Sukuna's lips made their way to your neck before he placed a gentle kiss on the skin that your jugular vein hides underneath, He was quick to follow the kiss by sucking on your neck hard enough you would have hickeys when he's done
you couldn't help but moan loudly making Sukuna groan deeply against your skin.
Sukuna pulled his lips from your neck while grabbing your wrist “ I want you to feel what you do to me Dove” He said into the crook of your neck as he led your hand to his Heavy hard dick
You couldn’t help but look into his eyes that were swirling like crimson pools of blood while you stroked his dick lovingly
Oh baby you were in for a long night.
Nanami Kento
✰ Kento's kisses are filled with passion, romance, and excitement
✰ Every kiss with Kento feels like your very first kiss with him and he always so gentle with you
✰ You can't help but get butterflies in your belly when his lips touch yours
✰ His lips are delicate against yours and tender as he holds your head gently with his hands
✰ Even when he’s stressed he is never rough or mean to you, his kisses remain sweet
✰ Nanami's soft lips on your own are enough to make you weak in the knees
✰ His kisses are something that Disney royalty would be envious of
✰ He always kisses you when he first makes it home from work, these are the moments you love the most
Kento held you against him in an embrace as his thumb wiped over your lips making your eyes flutter close
He gently grabbed your chin before gingerly kissing your lips, his hand stayed soft on your face as his tongue delicately parted your lips so he could indulge himself in your sweet taste
Your bodies were flush against each other while your left hand toyed with his tie and your right hand remained on his shoulder
Kento broke the kiss while staring into your eyes “What’s wrong Ken?” You said softly afraid you’ll ruin the moment. He could only smile as he brought your left hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles. “ Nothing is wrong love, I just missed you all day. Ever since I left I couldn’t wait to have you back in my arms” He said as he laid his head on your shoulder
Kento's body swayed your back and forth as you cherished the feeling of his lips on your shoulders while your fingers traced his well defined back
The feeling of him being against you was enough to drive you wild as his lips traveled up your neck coming back to rest on your lips while his strong hands rested on your waist
You couldn’t stop yourself from running your fingers through his hair before you pulled away from his lips “ I need you, Ken. Right now” you said before pulling his tie to bring his lips back down to yours
Could He really deny his love their needs??
Hotties on the Taglist ❤️‍🔥 @obitohno @whatdoyoumeanitsnotcanon @bakarilennox @ransluvrboy @earlmeow
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Please Don’t Steal My Shit
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suashii · 1 year
୨♡୧ SICK DELIGHT — dan heng x reader. vampire!dan heng. blood. reader has fairly long hair. suggestive. not canon compliant.
Tumblr media
“are you sure you don’t want to go out? it’s dark now.” you look at dan heng over your shoulder. he’s stretched out across the mattress with an open book resting on his stomach, eyes closed and hands tangled in inky black strands of hair. he breathes out a sigh through his nose before letting his eyes flutter open. it takes no time at all for his vision to adjust. everything is sharper and more defined—even in the dimly lit room, it’s as if he can see everything. he’d think it was nice if the sensation wasn’t such an overwhelming change.
dan heng shakes his head lightly against the pillow; any harder and he’s sure he would be met with a fit of dizziness. it’s been some time since he last fed and the effects are beginning to catch up to him. his limbs feel heavy and he’s moving slower than usual but he tells himself that it’s preferable to the guilt that washes over him when you offer yourself as sustenance.
“okay. we can just watch a movie then,” you suggest, making your way from the dresser to join him on the bed. you plop down beside him, remote in hand, and start on your search for something to watch. 
recently, most of your nights have ended like this; dan heng declining your offer to venture outside the walls of your apartment and you finding an alternative way to entertain the both of you. you can’t blame him for his reluctance to leave. he hasn’t had much time to grow accustomed to his new circumstances.
it’s only been a few weeks since you found him curled up in one of the alleyways you pass on your way home from work. before that moment, dan heng was merely an acquaintance; someone you were familiar with but would barely consider a friend. still, seeing him in such a state pulled at your heartstrings. no matter how hard he weakly protested,  there was no way you could leave him there.
that’s how he ended up living with you.
he still can’t wrap his head around why you let him stay after finding out the truth.
after a couple more minutes of thoughtless scrolling, you turn on something similar to what you’ve noticed dan heng is interested in. music that accompanies the opening credits of the film fills the room once you press play. you glance over to the man next to you to find his eyes closed like they had been earlier.
“are you feeling okay?” you ask, a frown etched into your features.
your voice almost sounds far away despite your proximity and even though his perception of it is off, it’s enough to make him blink twice before meeting your eye. dan heng has to think back to what you said before he breathes out a reply. “hm? yeah.”
it wouldn’t take a genius to know that he wasn’t being truthful. looking back on the past few days, you come to realize that he’s been less mobile. even with the blackout curtains you installed, he hasn’t been wandering behind you like usual. the deviation from what he’s established as “normal” persists in this moment. it’s as if there’s a fog clouding his brain, getting in the way of his senses. there’s only one explanation that comes to your mind. “when’s the last time you fed?”
he turns his head on the pillow so that he’s looking at the ceiling. “i’m fine.”
“liar. and that’s not what i asked.” you’re almost positive that dan heng hasn’t left the apartment since you welcomed him and the last time he hesitantly accepted blood from you was more than seven days ago. “it’s been over a week, hasn’t it?”
you’re right, but dan heng doesn’t plan on telling you so, so he keeps his gaze locked on the ceiling. he may feel like shit now but isn’t willing to let some fatigue and lightheadedness lure him into leeching off of you.
even though you’re staring at him, dan heng refuses to look at you. you chew the inside of your cheek as you contemplate whether or not it’s reasonable for you to be so concerned for him. it doesn’t take more than a few seconds for you to decide to tell him what you’re thinking. “look, i don’t know a lot about vampires but going long periods of time without your life source can’t be good—especially since you’re so new to all of… this.”
you broadly gesture with your hands as if that’ll make your point any more apparent. either the motion or your words strike a cord in dan heng because he lifts his head from the cushion and sits up to face you. however, the uneasiness painted on his face is enough to tell you that he isn’t entirely convinced.
“i get that it’s probably uncomfortable,” you start, recalling the past times he’s fed on you and the way he would promptly apologize, rushing away from you in favor of holing up in the living room by himself. “ but i want to help any way i can if you aren’t feeling well.”
dan heng knows that you’re more than willing to be of service to him. it’s nice of you, nicer than he deserves. as much as he’s been trying to ignore it, the truth is that feeding feels good. it’s incomparable to the satisfaction that used to come from eating, it’s better—so much better. the metallic taste had been unpleasant the first time around but it soon turned into something sweet, made him feel like an electric buzz was coursing through him. now, it sets every nerve in his body ablaze and makes him feel warm—a warmth he hasn’t felt in what feels like forever.
you level him with a pleading look. “please, let me help you.”
he doesn’t know if it’s the sparkle of desperation in your eyes, the waver in your voice, or the nagging feeling of thirst that finally makes him nod his head. a relief floods over you with his agreement. 
the two of you have only done this a handful of times but enough that you know how he prefers the process. you scoot forward on the mattress so he can settle himself behind you. he favors it over being in front of you where it would be easier for you to see him. the bed dips as he comes to sit behind you. a cold air follows dan heng, cooler than usual. if you had to guess, you’d say it was due to the recent lack of blood in his diet.
you tilt your head, causing your hair to fall to the side which leaves your neck exposed. the punctures from last time have all but faded and are barely recognizable. despite the compelling scent of you wafting around him, tickling his nose, dan heng’s hands hover over your waist and he keeps a safe distance between his mouth and your throat.
“ready?” his breath raises goosebumps on your arms.
you hum. “go ahead.”
with your final prompting, he firmly grips your midsection. dan heng’s fangs shoot out as he drops his head to the crook of your neck. the sharp, pointed teeth pierce the delicate skin of your neck. you stifle the gasp that bubbles up at the discomfort of what feels like two needles penetrating you. the rest—when his fangs retract, that is—isn’t nearly as painful. the sensation is a strange one, draining you physically and mentally. it leaves you faint, but still conscious.
for dan heng, the experience is almost euphoric. any heaviness lingering in his muscles lifts as he swallows down the blood leaking from your neck. more than that, he feels like he’s awake—lucid—for the first time in a while. that electricity that seemingly always follows not long after the initial alleviation of the consumption sparks within him. 
he’s had his fill by now, but he’s greedy for more—more blood, more of you. he licks up the dripping lines of red, readying to latch onto you once more when he catches sight of the sheets balled up in your fist. like his rationality has been switched back on, dan heng recoils, almost scrambling from behind you. 
“sorry.” he wipes his lips with the back of his hand. when he pulls it away from his mouth, a streak of red is left behind. seeing it hits dan heng with a pang of the familiar guilt that comes after feeding from you. 
he whispers out another apology before moving to leave but your hand darts out to catch his wrist. dan heng turns to face you. he’s never met your eye once he’s finished; he usually makes a conscious effort to avoid looking at you after he’s fed. he expects to see the worst painted on your face—pain, disgust, fear. but they’re all absent. your expression is as normal as can be—the one you wear when you’re making breakfast or when you return home or when you’re watching a movie with him. it leaves dan heng frozen in his spot.
“you don’t have to go,” you tell him, your voice a little frail. your hand slithers down from his wrist to his palm, his skin smooth beneath your fingers. you interlace your fingers with his and gently tug him toward you. “just stay.”
dan heng thinks he has every reason not to. it can’t be normal and he can’t be sure that his overwhelming desire for more won’t resurface. but the feel of your hand in his and the hopefulness swimming in your eyes makes him reconsider. 
the final nail in the coffin is hammered in when you squeeze his hand and send him a small smile. he’s not sure why, but he can’t say no to you. “okay.”
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