#(and then i spent the day watching doctor who eating cake and looking at pictures of ocean liners)
jimmyandthegiraffes · 5 months
knew id break down properly eventually but wasnt planning on doing it on the floor in my mothers bedroom bc i didnt wanna walk the dogs lol
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sturnsbabie · 26 days
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pairing: dad!nate x sls!reader
summary: just cute little moments between the little family.
warnings: none just fluff.
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i was now six months pregnant with our daughter. nate and i just got done at the baby doctor. we had a 3d ultrasound done and got to see her cute little face.
we were naming her mary grace. mary after my mom and grace is my middle name. her nickname is gracie.
she was growing healthy. she had the cutest little cheeks ever and she was giving us a smile at the ultrasound.
i was so excited for my gracie. we were headed back to our apartment my brothers were there with the twins.
they wanted to come spend the day with us and have me fix them spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
we just got back to apartment and i immediately got out of the car going inside.
my brothers were all sat on the couch and chris had owen asleep on him and matt and leo were asleep. nick was playing around on his phone.
i sat my purse down on the kitchen counter and walked into the living room sitting inbetween chris and nick.
“wanna see your neice?” i asked them and they both nodded.
i grabbed the picture out of my hoodie pocket and showed the both of them.
“look at her chubby cheeks!” nick awed.
chris smiled at the picture. “shes so cute” he said.
after awhile nate spent time in the living room with my brothers as i went and laid down in our room taking a nap with owen cuddled up to me.
its been a few hours since owen and i took a nap and i was now in the kitchen fixing dinner for everyone.
my brothers were watching a movie with leo and owen was on my hip as i was frying the homemade meatballs. owen always wants me to hold him, hes the biggest mommys boy ever.
the twins were eleven months old now, their birthday is soon. i couldn’t believe my babies were about to be one. they were slowly starting to walk now. leo started walking a bit but owen still hasn’t figured out how to but we have been working with getting him to.
leo was currently sat in the playpin we had sat up in the living room for the twins. owen had his head on my chest as he looked around the kitchen while i was fixing dinner.
i had everything almost done. the sauce and meatballs were done and i had nate pour the noodles into the strainer because i couldnt do that at the same time i was holding owen.
nate put the noodles in everyones bowls for me as i put the meatballs and marinara sauce on top of everything along with a piece of homemade garlic bread i made.
“mommy bite!” owen said as i chuckled.
“hold on owie mommys fixing your plate”i said as he tried to reach for the food.
i went and sat him down in his highchair and bent down picking leo up sitting him in his highchair.
“hi lele” i said with a smile as i kissed his forehead.
“hi mama” he said happily.
we all finished eating dinner and now my brothers and i were in the kitchen making a cake.
matt was helping me and nick and chris were bickering over who gets to do what.
it was nice geting to spend time with my brothers i loved when they would come over to hang out with us.
nate was sat in the twins play pin with them playing with them both as he kept staring over at me.
we got the cake in the oven so we all sat back down on the couch and nate cam over sitting by me as the twins kept playing in their play pin.
“hey sexy” i giggled looking at him. he had a wife beater and his chain on with some grey sweats.
“hi beautiful” he said as i sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me.
i didnt care who was around i just wanted him to hold me. i was extremely tired and just wanted to be babied by my man.
“you okay princess?” he whispered into my ear.
“m’ fine just sleepy”i said as i had my head in his chest.
he rubbed my back as he held me close to him. i grabbed his face kissing him softly.
“i love you” i whispered to him.
“i love you too” he said as he kissed me.
“you guys are actually so cute its sickening” nick said.
“im still in denial” chris said.
“chris they have literally been together for four years” matt said.
the timer for the cake went off and we all got up and went into the kitchen decorating it.
nate drew a big dick on the cake. “nathan!” matt said.
“what its funny?” nate said.
“i agree with him.” chris chuckled.
we all finished decorating the cake, it had a dick on it and some little flowers nick drew and i drew some hearts.
we were all sat around the couch eating our cake and watching a movie as i was feeding the cake to the twins letting them be messy with it since they had to have a bath tonight anyway.
it was a while after that cake finished baking my brothers and i finished decorating it and we all ate while watching a movie.
they stayed for a bit and they just now left. i was gonna help nate get the twins ready for bed but he told me to get myself ready for bed and lay down so i did.
i threw on a shirt of nates with just panties underneath and i lifted my shirt up applying lotion to my belly.
i looked at my bump in the mirror seeing how big im getting. “youre growing so fast princess” i said smiling.
i laid down in bed and cuddled myself into the blanket and watched my show as i waited for nate.
nate was sitting on the bathroom floor by the bathtub as he was giving the twins a bath and letting them play.
“dada wan mommy” owen told his dad.
“mommys in bed bubba” nate told him.
owen started to get fussy. “wan mommy!” he said.
leo was just in his own little world playing.
“hold on owie” nate told him as he washed the twins off.
nate finished giving them a bath as he got their towels and got them out of the bathtub wrapping them in their towels and carrying them to his shared room with y/n.
as soon as nate got into the room the twins both squealed as they saw their mommy. “mommy!” they both said.
“hi babies.” she chuckled as she sat up to help nate get them dressed.
she put lotion all over owen putting a diaper on him then put a sleeper on him.
she laid back and held owen in his arms as she fed him as nate was dressing leo.
after nate finished dressing leo he gave him to her as she started to now feed leo.
nate slid off his shirt slipping down to his boxers and got into bed next to his babies.
once she finished feeding the twins she laid leo down in between them as owen was sound asleep on her chest as she started to drift off while she was holding him.
“goodnight princess.” nate said as he leaned over kissing her forehead.
such a sweet little family.
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TAGLIST: @sturniololoves , @milesfordays11 , @freshloveee , @zayyluvz , @luvr4miya , @delusional-4-fake-people
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 30}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Written with @tacmc.
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
A/N: Wow. The final chapter. Tara and I are so glad you've come along on this journey with us. We've absolutely loved writing this story for you all and we hope you've enjoyed it as well.
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Nesta looked around their home.
It was decorated to perfection - at least, that had been Nesta’s goal. The theme for Nyx’s second birthday was space cowboy, which had happened when Cassian wanted a cowboy theme while Nesta wanted an outer space theme.
It had been a challenge to perfect the space cowboy theme - especially when it came to a two-year-old’s birthday party.
There were aliens with cowboy hats and paper cows on UFO balloons. In the corner of the living room, there was a horse wearing an astronaut costume - a decoration that Cassian had created, and one he was quite proud of.
Nesta herself wore a “space-like” outfit that reminded her fondly of Zenon: Girl of the 21th Century. When Cassian came down the stairs, however, it looked like he had just walked out of the Wild West.
He wore chaps over his jeans, and Nesta found her mind wandering on those chaps alone.
She hoped he kept them.
They would be useful in the future.
He also wore a plaid button down and a cowboy hat.
She thought he should keep the cowboy hat, too.
Nyx, however, looked like the cutest little mess Nesta had ever seen. His onesie looked like a spacesuit, but on his head, instead of an astronaut helmet, he wore a teeny little cowboy hat. On his feet were genuine cowboy boots.
Nesta laughed as they reached the first floor landing, and Cassian’s grin widened.
“Now introducing our two-year-old space cowboy,” Cassian said, unable to control his laughter.
Nyx’s grin was wide as he clapped. “MAMA!”
Nesta laughed, taking Nyx into her arms. Yeah, he looked ridiculous, but he also looked oh so cute. “Happy birthday, sweet boy.”
Nyx took Nesta’s face in his hands and gave her a big, sloppy kiss.
With a chuckle, Nesta said, “Thank you, that was very sweet. Now, let’s go make sure everything’s ready, yeah? Our guests will be here soon.”
“Dada,” Nyx said, pointing to Cassian. “Hi-hi.”
Cassian laughed. “Hi, bud.” He went straight for the corner and adjusted his astronaut-horse.
Nesta just shook her head and brought Nyx into the kitchen.
It smelled delicious.
Nesta had spent the entire morning cooking.
At first, she had no idea what to make for a space cowboy party, but she really felt like she nailed it. She had a taco bar, which worked for every type of party, and baked and decorated a cake that looked like Cassian’s horse in a spacesuit.
It was ridiculous.
And absolutely perfect.
Nesta looked at the clock. “We have twenty minutes, Nyx. We have to make the homemade tortillas and get out the salsas.”
“What about the alcohol?” Cassian asked, sweeping into the kitchen.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “It’s our two-year-old’s birthday.”
Cassian blinked. “So, no whiskey, just wine?”
Nesta clicked her tongue. “Check the wine cabinet.”
“Yes ma’am,” Cassian winked, tipping his hat before he left the room.
Nesta snorted, even though she found it deeply charming and handsome as hell.
Yeah, she definitely hoped he’d keep that outfit.
Nesta took the dough out of the fridge that she had rolled earlier that morning and a rolling pin. When she had countless flat, doughy circles she dropped them in the oil-filled skillet one by one. Fifteen minutes later, she had a giant stack of flour tortillas and was carrying them, alongside a tray filled with different types of homemade salsas, to the table she had set up in the living room.
There was a quick knock on the door and it cracked open before Nesta could even turn towards the door.
“Oh, my.”
She laughed at Azriel’s reaction to the house, turning to see him carrying in a stack of presents, Elain’s camera bag and Persephone’s diaper bag. “Go big or go home, right?” She chuckled.
“You decided to go big at home,” he replied, shaking his head.
Nesta wasn’t surprised to see that Azriel hadn’t dressed up, wearing his traditional all-black attire instead, but a little space princess in cowboy boots ran in right after him and she couldn’t stop the grin as she looked at Seph.
Elain was a just a few steps behind, and as she came in, she dropped a black cowboy hat atop Azriel’s head. He rolled his eyes, but said nothing as he adjusted the hat, and was off in search of Cassian.
“Okay, you’ve outdone yourself,” Elain announced, beaming as she looked around the house. “This is awesome.”
Nesta shrugged. “He only turns two once, right?”
“I’ve got the wine!” Cassian announced, pushing through the kitchen door with two bottles of wine and a glass of whiskey.
Nesta chuckled. “I thought we said wine only?”
“We did,” Cassian said, setting the bottles on the table. “For the guests.”
“Am I a guest?” Azriel muttered.
Cassian snorted and motioned to follow him into the kitchen.
In the middle of the room, Nyx and Persephone were dancing to the techno space playlist Nesta had put on.
Elain laughed, quietly. “I need to get out my camera. Anything I can help with?”
Nesta shook her head. “You’re good. Take pictures and send them all to me.”
Elain promised she would, and Cassian and Azriel came back out with their full glasses of whiskey. Nesta looked around.
Elain was right.
They had done well.
Nesta hoped the rest of the guests thought so, too.
Before they knew it, the house was full, people were laughing and eating and drinking and Nesta couldn’t help but smile from where she stood to the side watching it all.
What a difference 365 days could make. Nesta couldn’t believe it as she watched Nyx and Persephone play with Viviane, who had also come dressed up, much to Nyx’s delight. He kept stealing her hat, and she let him, donning his tiny one instead, though it didn’t fit on her head.
She couldn’t help but think of the two people who were missing though. The two people who should have been here. Her eyes drifted to the cross Cassian had made, where it sat on the mantle, it’s permanent home.
A set of strong arms wrapped around her waist and she leaned back into Cassian’s embrace.
His chin was resting on her shoulder, and he said, “Nyx is happy. We’re happy. But… It doesn’t feel right without them here.”
As always, he knew exactly what she was thinking. She gripped his arms over her abdomen and held him there, letting him know she understood.
“They’re here, though,” Cassian whispered into her ear. “They’re here and they’re watching us, watching him. They wouldn’t miss today.”
Nesta nodded and held onto him tighter. If she would have tried to say a word, the tears would have come.
Sad tears because she missed her sister and brother-in-law.
Happy tears, though, because she loved Nyx, and she loved Cassian, and she couldn’t believe how far they had come in the last year.
Clearing her throat, and wiping a tear that had snuck out, she announced, “Let’s open gifts and have some cake!”
Cassian kissed her cheek before he was on the floor, Nyx climbing on top of him, and helping the two year old open his gifts.
It only took one or two gifts before he was completely distracted by trying to play and wasn’t even paying attention as Cassian opened his gifts one by one. But they made it through the pile and Nesta carried in the astronaut horse cake, which had Nyx on his feet and chanting, “Cakecakecakecakecake!”
With Cassian’s help, Nyx blew out the big “2” candle and narrowly avoided a smash cake for the second year in a row.
“Not this year, bud,” Cassian chuckled, carrying a confused Nyx to his booster seat in the kitchen. “We’re all going to eat this one. Not just you.”
His irritation disappeared as soon as Nesta sat a piece down in front of him, but he made nearly just as big of a mess as he had the year before.
“Nesta!” Elain called, and she turned from where she was cutting more pieces in the kitchen. “Come here, I want to get a picture of you guys.”
Her eyes found Cassian’s and they softened, thinking back to the picture they’d been forced to take a year before.
“Still think you’ll burst into flames if you brush arms with me?” He asked, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Maybe,” she said, and he chuckled as she wrapped an arm around him. “But I’m not as bothered by it as I used to be.”
Cassian grinned, and Elain took a picture of their little family.
It was the day after Nyx’s second birthday and all three of them anxiously waited in the living room. It wasn’t that they were scared about the visit, but after last time, there was a little bit of nervousness surrounding them all.
Well, everyone but Nyx.
He was giddy as he played with all of his birthday toys.
Nesta was pacing, while Cassian watched a hockey game around the path she was wearing into the carpet.
“Come sit down, Nes,” he said, reaching for her hand. “They told us it would be this afternoon, but that could be anytime.”
“I know, I know,” she said, biting her nail. It had been a horrible habit of hers when she was younger, but now it only appeared when she was nervous
He caught her other hand in his. “Sit,” he repeated, tugging her towards. “You know what the doctor said about stress. It’s not good for—.”
A knock on the front door had Nesta bolting for it, and Nyx asked, “Hello?”
Cassian couldn’t help but chuckle as he stood and walked to him, crouching down in front of him. He smoothed Nyx’s dark hair back from his face and said, “I need you to be good today, okay? Be a good boy and daddy will take you to get ice cream after dinner.”
He nodded and repeated, “Ice cream.” Or he tried, but he couldn’t quite pronounce it.
Cassian could only grin down at him.
“You’re taking too long,” Nesta chastised, hurrying toward the door.
Cassian rolled his eyes but said nothing more as Nesta reached the door, smoothed down her non-wrinkled dress, and opened it up.
Alis Birch stood on the threshold, a folder in her hand, and, surprisingly, almost wearing a smile. “Nesta, it’s a pleasure.”
Nesta nodded, hesitantly. “Yes, you too. Come in, please.”
Alis crossed the threshold and nodded at Cassian. “Good afternoon, Mr. Nazari.” She looked at Nyx. “And glad to see you wide awake for one of my visits.”
Nyx smiled as he waved, and said, “Hi-hi.”
“Ah, he’s talking,” Alis said, going into the living room and smiling at the toddler.
“Oh, he hardly ever stops,” Cassian snorted. “Picks a new word up every day, I swear.”
“Sit,” Nesta said, sitting in the chair. “Please.”
“Thank you,” Alis said, taking her place on the couch. “I hear someone just had a second birthday.”
“Yesterday,” Nesta said, nodding. “We had a party. He had fun.”
“Good, plenty of toys and excitement, I assume?” She asked, watching as he played with a chunky, wooden puzzle made of farm animals. As if it were a gift from the gods themselves, he slid the cow into the right hole, and grinned up at Cassian. “Mooooo!”
He chuckled as he sat on the arm of Nesta’s chair. “Good job, bubba. Cows do say moo.”
He kept on grinning but went back to his puzzle.
“So,” Nesta said, clearing her throat. “What sort of questions do you have this visit?”
Alis didn’t say much, just looked around at the living room and kitchen. Cassian’s astronaut horse was still set up in the corner, as he’d insisted it was a work of art and as such, deserved to be displayed for at least a few more days. “Honestly, I don’t have many today. You two have made it very clear that Nyx is your main focus, and I can tell that he’s very happy and is thriving under your care.”
Cassian doubted she knew it, but Nesta released a breath she’d been holding and nodded. “We love him, more than anything. We— We’ll always miss Feyre and Rhys, but it’s not just about doing right by them anymore. Nyx has…” She took Cassian’s hand and continued. “He’s become our son, and we’ve become a family. And we couldn’t imagine it any other way at this point.”
Alis nodded and jotted a few notes in her binder. Nesta could have sworn a hint of a smile was on her face. “And, as far as the relationship between the two of you goes, where do we stand? It’s been a few months since we last discussed it.”
Cassian was the one to answer. “We’re engaged. We have been since Christmas, and, since Nyx’s birthday just passed, the wedding planning will start soon. And actually, we’re also—.”
“We couldn’t be happier,” Nesta said, interrupting him, holding up her left hand and showing the sparkling diamond on her ring finger. She gently squeezed his hand, and he didn’t ask, but nodded. “We couldn’t be happier and neither could Nyx.”
Alis looked from Cassian to Nesta to Nyx, and nodded. “I’m glad to hear it. I’ll put in a good report, and you have nothing to worry about. Truly, I wish you all the best.”
Nesta smiled, and it was genuine. “Thank you, Mrs. Birch. Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you all be,” Alis said, standing. She closed her binder. “If you ever need anything, please reach out.”
“We will,” Cassian said. “Thank you.”
With one last smile, she said her goodbyes and was gone.
Nesta leaned against the closed doors and sighed a loud sigh of relief. “We did it. We’re done.”
Cassian pulled her into his arms and hugged her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I never had any doubts.”
She pulled back and looked up at him. “I sure as hell did. Who knew an old woman could be so terrifying?”
He chuckled but shook his head. “What now?”
“We wait for Tarquin to reach out to us. There’s some official paperwork that will have to be signed after she submits her report and findings, but…” She looked over at Nyx who was still engrossed in his puzzles. “We’re officially a family.”
Smiling, Cassian leaned down to kiss her. “And we didn’t tell her about this one because…?”
His hand brushed over her abdomen, over the life that was growing inside.
“I’d say we’re entitled to a few secrets of our own,” she replied, smiling. “Besides, they’re more focused on ensuring Nyx is taken care of. We’ve proven that time and time again.”
They’d found out Nesta was pregnant just a few weeks before. Not even ten weeks, and for that reason, they hadn’t told anyone, not even Elain and Azriel.
“Fair enough,” he muttered and kissed her, again.
Nyx had walked up to them and was tugging on Cassian’s pant leg, begging to be picked up, which is exactly what he did.
They hugged him tight, and felt an overwhelming amount of peace.
A year of ups and downs and chaos had passed, but they had made it.
They were a family.
All four of them.
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heyheydidjaknow · 3 years
Chapter 11
Guess who's back? Back again. Back three hours late, but back nonetheless. I'd feel more sorry if I was more sorry. This is officially the longest chapter as of now, so, yay. Someone challenged me to not swear for a chapter, and I believe I fulfilled that requirement. I'm just gonna go sleep.
Update: APPARENTLY, TUMBLR DOES THE TRANSFER FORMATTING THING ON LAPTOPS AND I HATE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE RIGHT NOW SO MUCH. I usually do all my editing on my phone, so I knew no such luxury. I have never been more pissed. That is a lie, but my anger is still very genuine.
Chapter 11
“Where were you?”
The younger brother looks up at his senior. “Huh?”
“You were gone all night.” Leonardo leans against the door, crossing his arms. “Don’t look so surprised; I started getting up early to meditate.”
He shrugs in feigned nonchalance, already dreading the ensuing conversation. “Out.”
“And where’s ‘Out’?”
Donnie slides out of his chair, deciding his straining eyes need a break. “Just went to check on Y/N is all.” He rubs them with his arm, quietly noting the sounds of fighting in the dojo were starting to cease as he sits on the couch. His rounds of sparring with Leonardo were finished a little over an hour ago; a part of him is grateful it took him this long to corner him.
This got a raised brow. “You were checking on her for hours?”
He does not look him in the eye. “It’s not impossible.”
“In the middle of the night?”
“It wasn’t that late,” he argues.
“Donnie,” he presses, “you didn’t get home until five in the morning. Where were you?”
He feels his face heat up. “I said.”
Leo leans down to look his brother in the eye. “Final answer?”
He swallows a yawn. “Look, I know it was stupid—”
“I didn’t say it was stupid.”
“No,” he snips, mildly irritable from a lack of sleep. “You implied it.”
The doors to the dojo slide open, the disgruntled look on Raphael’s face all the evidence the other two need to know who won.
Mikey dives onto the couch, sprawling out next to his slightly older brother. “Did you ask yet?”
“I did.” He glances at the disgruntled boy. “Donnie was, apparently, at Y/N’s all night.”
The reaction is immediate.
“Details!” The small victor sits up, leaning forward on his knees in usual attentiveness. “Was she good?”
“What did you—shut up, Mikey.” Raph’s attention snaps back to his tallest brother. “What did you do to her? Did you—”
“Wait, hold on!” Donnie’s face feels uncomfortably hot. “N-Nothing happened!”
“Yeah, sure.” The second eldest rolls his eyes. “You think we fell off the truck yesterday? Who stays with a girl all night in her room without something happening? Nobody,” he cuts him off before he can defend himself.
The youngest’s voice rises over his brother’s before he can continue. “Dude, big picture!” He gestures to his brown-eyed brother. “He got with a girl first! He has valid info or whatever he says and stuff!”
“What are you two even talking about?” He wrings his hands. “Look, nothing happened!”
“Then what were you doing at her house,” Raphael eggs. “You weren’t just sitting there, right?”
“… no.”
“Then what were you doing there?”
He pauses, the two excitable boys waiting on bated breath. “She wanted me to spend the night,” he explains carefully, “because she was having bad nightmares and didn’t want to sleep alone.” He leans back, tossing his hands in the air. “That’s all.”
Silence falls.
“So,” clarifies Raphael, “you spent however many hours in her room, in her bed, and you didn’t make a move?”
“I—look!” The conversation is taking a shift for the worse. “I was trying to be nice! The last thing she needed was me doing whatever you’re insinuating!”
“He has a point,” Michelangelo nods knowingly. “Brownie points are key.”
“When did I say I was doing this for brownie points?”
“Look,” the eldest interjects. “Regardless of whether or not he was doing the ‘smart’ thing—” air quotes, “my bigger concern is that you didn’t bother calling to let us know where you were. You could’ve—Raph, do you have something to say?”
He rolls his eyes. “Are you really gonna act like you wouldn’t do the exact same thing if it were you?”
The leader pauses. “Would you like to take this somewhere more private?”
“Sure.” A venomous smile curls Raph’s lips. “Dojo?”
“Bring it.”
As the two leave, Donnie looks back over at Mikey. “Okay,” he sighs, “did I miss something?”
A shrug. “Man," he grins brazenly, "bold of you to assume I follow half of the things you guys say.”
He pulls his T-Phone from his utility belt. “Do you think I did the right thing? Honestly?”
Another shrug. “I dunno.” He looks over his older brother’s shoulder, reading the text on the screen curiously. “Can’t have gone too bad, though, if you two’ve been textin’ all day.
He pushes his head away with his free hand. “It hasn’t been all day,” he corrects. “She just filled me in on this week’s episode and we just kept talking after that.” He smiles faintly. “Although, she did check to see if I got home alright.”
“Hey, that’s totally progress!” He grins encouragingly. “I mean, the bed thing was bigger progress, but this is also progress.”
You push through the turnstile with a bit of difficulty, hopping on your good leg as you pull the walker over the divider using your free hand with an embarrassing clatter. “Sorry,” you wince, feeling your face heat up as you slide down the railing. “I’m still getting used to—”
“Holy—are you alright?” The distress is apparent in the youngest’s voice as he sees you for the first time in a month. “You look like you—”
“I’m aware,” you cut him off dryly, holding a paper bag as you stumble over to the couch. “Whatever you’re about to say, I’m aware.” You put it down in Donnie’s lap. “Here.”
He blinks, picking it up as you regain your bearings. “What is it?”
“Not poison or snakes. Open it.”
“Yo,” Mikey interrupts, pointing at your banged-up leg, “can I draw on your white thing?”
It takes you a second to figure out what he is referring to. “Oh, you mean—yeah.” You lean your head back against the back of the couch. “Just know that I’ll take white-out to anything that could get me kicked out of school.”
“Deal!” He runs off to your room as his brother pulls the bag open, pulling the pastry from its confinement.
“What is it,” he repeats, icing already on his fingers.
He fingers the wrapper, his brick stare seeming almost to dissect it. “What is it for?”
“Besides being messy?” You smile gently as you watch him try to figure it out, feeling your heart swell. “It’s food.”
“How much of it is edible?”
“Everything except the paper bit.”
He peels the liner back. “And how do you eat it, exactly?”
You lean forward on your arms. “The goal is to eat the frosting and the cake part at the same time, so however you accomplish that.”
He smiles sheepishly, eyes softening as he looks back at you. “Is it possible to eat it without the frosting getting on your face?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
He tentatively holds eye contact with you as he takes a bite, unsurprisingly getting icing sticking to the space around his upper lip. You wait tentatively as he licks the excess off, blinking in delighted surprise. “What’s in this, exactly?”
You feel yourself beam at his tone. “It’s nothing too special,” you shrug nonchalantly, bubbling with excitement. “It’s a personal favorite; red velvet with cream cheese frosting.”
He takes another bite. “Do you have more? Follow-up question,” you note his speech quickening, “can you make more?”
“Totally,” you nod in agreement. “I wanted to make you something as thanks for—”
Donnie shoves the rest of it in his mouth as soon as you two hear him.
“Sorry for the wait; I couldn’t find my stuff.” He plops down with a cardboard box filled with various discarded art supplies. “I’d use spray paint, but he—” he nods to his brother, currently trying to choke the rest of the cupcake down—“said I’m not allowed because of fumes or somethin’, so.”
“Fair.” You allow him to drape your calf over his legs, digging into the cardboard box he was carrying and pulling out a pencil. “Got any plans?”
“You’ll see,” he grins, starting to sketch shapes out.
The taller of the two wipes the excess frosting off his fingers. “Oh,” he snaps his fingers, “when you two are done with that, Y/N, I still gotta do that physical.”
He clears his throat in preparation for a very redundant explanation. “A physical,” he explains calmly to his over-excited brother, “as in a physical examination, not whatever you’re thinking of.”
He blinks. “Like a doctor’s visit?”
“Donnie was asking about my recovery time,” you add helpfully. “Apparently, it’s weirdly long, but I don’t have any weird medical problems, so he wanted to see what the deal was.”
“That, and your comment about how ‘insanely high’ we jump, apparently.”
“Do not air quote that!” You lean your head back to look at him, hair falling onto his lap. “Not when you guys put high jumping to shame.”
He adamantly avoids eye contact, face warming. “It’s not that high,” he mumbles. “Especially if we’re bringing a sport like high jumping into this.”
“I respectfully disagree.” You lay your head down properly, looking up at him from his thighs. “Considering your falling form, it is a miracle you still have working hips.”
“What’s wrong with my form?”
“It doesn’t include a parachute.”
“Okay,” Mikey interjects, “it may not last unless you cover it with something. Just, FYI.”
You lean your head up to look at him. “Noted,” you nod. “I’ll pick up varnish or something on my way home.”
He nods. “Oh,” he asks innocently, “mind turning over? I have to get the other side and I don’t want to hurt you.”
For some inexplicable reason, the boy you are currently laying on looks as though someone has put a gun to his head.
You do as asked with a bit of difficulty, bringing your knee closer to your chest as it is now closest to the back of the couch. “Like that?”
“Perfect. Thanks.”
You look up at Donnie. “Let me know if you need me to move,” you smile. “If your thighs go numb or anything.”
His voice is oddly tight. “You’re good.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Sure? You sound very uncomfortable.”
“Never better.”
“He’s alright,” Mikey reassures you, shooting a thumbs up at his brother behind your back.
“...Alright.” Your eyes focus absentmindedly on what you thought was a couch cushion; upon further inspection, it appears to be a repurposed training mat. You bring the arm not currently pinned to your side under your head, humming an earworm softly.
The boy currently under you is silently panicking as your fingers squeeze gently around his knee, making a conscious effort to stare at the television and only at the television with his hands hovering awkwardly over you. Surprisingly enough, out of the corner of his eye, he does not catch his younger brother trying to stare at you weirdly, sincerely focused on drawing.
You feel him, eventually, resting his hands down, one resting in between your shoulder blades, the other in your hair, twisting a lock of it around his fingers gently. “Still alright,” you ask.
His voice is almost airy, now. “Mhm.”
‘This is nice.’ You trace little designs into the mat as your mind begins to wander, the boys starting to talk about something you struggle to pay attention to. This is not the closest you have been to him physically, but it is nice not to be crying this time around. "Domestic, almost, even if he doesn't think so.’
‘I should learn how to braid.’ Braiding is not something he has necessarily needed to know how to do in the past, but as he wraps the fibers around themselves, curious about the texture, he wishes that he knew; using your hair as a material of sorts would certainly be interesting, and he knows he has the dexterity for it. Admittedly, the conversation is less of a conversation and more of a speech on his brother’s part, but he tries to pay attention.
“So,” Mikey continues, digging into the box and pulling out a pencil sharpener, “he’s watching this guy all stealth-like, right? The guy’s out here, giving out his plans like they’re candy or whatever, and he’s just kinda recording it on one of those little tape recorders you used for that one thing a couple weeks ago-- you know the ones, and-- you don’t mind spoilers-- long story short, the guy gets caught, and when the crew got there, he was totally messed up.”
“Sounds like Batman,” you mumble sleepily-- ‘He really is warm.’
“Your story.” You hoist yourself up, looking over your shoulder back at him. “Sounds like this Batman cartoon.”
“Universe…” you stifle a yawn. “My universe has this thing called Batman, and there's a crossover thing in a different iteration of this universe. I guess you wouldn’t know about that, would you?”
“Different iteration?” Donatello looks down at your head in his lap, desperately in need of a cold shower.
You feel Michelangelo bend your leg forward. You nod in confirmation, trying to will yourself awake. “Didn’t I… did I?” You lay your head back down properly. “You guys are, like… mega-famous down-- back-- there.”
“I’m not sure if you did.”
“Well,” you giggle sleepily, “you are.” You try to count on your fingers. “You’ve got the original comic, the old cartoon, the two-thousand three animated show, the CGI movie, this one, the two live-action movies, the twenty-eighteen animated one-- gorgeous animation by the by that I have to show you later, Mikey-- that crossover movie with Batman, the live-action show, the other, older live-action movie, the IDW comic series, that weird one with the hats-- there’s a ton.”
“Dude, that is sick!” The resident artist grins. “I bet they were awesome.”
You consider telling him about the IDW comic. You quickly decide against it.
“How long have we-- as a property-- existed, exactly?”
“I dunno.” You shrug. “The first animated show was the eighties, I think.”
You notice him fiddling with your hair, finally. You don’t mind.
“It’s been too long.”
You freeze, suddenly very awake and painfully aware of your current position.
One of the few good things about having your own apartment: you seem to have forgotten the fear of being walked in on.
“Please, relax.” You hear his smile. It does not help matters. “Don’t let me interrupt.”
The other two, astonishingly, do not seem nearly as anxious as you are.
You look up at him from your spot on his son’s lap. “You look as healthy as ever.” ‘I miss my grandpa. Is Grandma okay?’ You were unable to find your relatives on your father’s side through social media-- they could be dead for all you know.
“No thanks to my diet,” he chuckles. Yoshi walks out of your field of view. “Don’t mind me; how long have they been in the dojo?”
“Half an hour?” You hear the jostling of the box and the snap of an uncapped pen.
You hear him sigh. “Let’s just hope nobody’s died,” he mutters, walking into the dojo.
The three of you strain your ears to-- unsuccessfully-- hear what is going on. The door snaps open as the two brothers leave together in heated silence.
Mikey shakes what you can now identify as a paint pen. “Who won?”
“Nobody.” Leo’s voice, snippy. “Is she out?”
“She is not.” You turn your arm awkwardly to wave back at him.
“Then,” he shrugs, “nice to see you.”
“So,” Raph interjects, apparently very interested in the current situation, “can someone please explain what, exactly, is going on here?”
“I’m painting her white thing.”
“Of course. Donnie?”
The mortification would be apparent if you were looking at him.
“Nothin? Okay then.” You shut your eyes as he sits down on the other side of you. “You look terrible. Nice scar.”
“I am too close to very sensitive areas for you to give me a hard time, Raphael,” you warn.
“I’m heading out.” Leo nonchalantly bounds the steps, hopping over a divider.
“Tell her I say hi,” you call back. “Remember, consent is key, yellow roses lead to friendzoning, and to always use a condom.”
“... No comment.” He runs off.
“I have so many questions.”
“Ask me later.”
It takes him about twenty more minutes to finish covering the entirety of your cast in brightly colored characters and objects; if you have to describe it, you will say that the style is contemporary pop illustration with composition reminiscent of the renaissance period if the single art class you have taken is serving you right.
“This,” you smile, a little misty-eyed for some reason, “is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks, Mikey.”
He beams. “You’re totally welcome! If you ever get more white things, I’ll draw on those too, if you want.”
“Dude, for sure.” You nod in agreement, looking back at Donnie. “Isn’t it cool?”
Donatello has been quietly jabbed at for the past twenty minutes and is mostly desensitized to the quality of his brother’s art; frankly, it is not his area, and he cannot judge it one way or the other. Despite this, he gives his brother a thumbs up. “Very.”
“Don’t stroke his ego so much,” teases their older brother. “Donnie’ll get jealous.”
“Hate to steal her from you all,” he interrupts, “but I still have a physical to do, so if you would be so kind as to shut up, that would be great.”
‘Green with envy. Is that racist? No clue. Pretty colors.’ Donnie is talking to you. “Huh?”
“I asked if you were still on board.”
You nod. “Mind grabbing my walker?”
He shoots his snickering brother a glare. “Want me to just carry you to the lab?”
Panic. Immediate panic. “You sure you can carry me?”
He shrugs, smiling. “It’s only a few feet. Besides,” he points out, “aren’t you the one always going on about how strong we are by normal standards?”
You do not have a rational way to explain why the idea of being off of solid ground, held up by someone who can potentially drop you, is distressing. You also do not want to insult him in any shape, way, or form. “Promise you won’t drop me?” Your stomach turns.
“Swear it.”
“Can I paint your walker while you guys are doing that?”
“Of all the things you could've chosen--”
“Lay off.” He offers his arms. “You can trust me, I promise.”
You pause. The statement is entirely true, but your gut is screaming at you not to do that. The same gut told you that slamming your body into the person driving the car you were tied up in was a good idea.
You latch your arms around his neck, burying your eyes in the crook of his neck as to not see when and in what direction he is moving you. “Please,” you mumble, trying not to blatantly beg, “do not drop me.”
He does not exactly understand why you are clinging to him so tightly, but he is hardly one to complain. He slides an arm under your knees, picking you up.
Raphael is heckling you. You are more concerned with your body inaccurately telling you that you are going to die from this. Tears prick your eyes as you try to breathe.
He looks down at you, mind wandering as he walks away from his brothers. You look so sweet to him, shaking like a leaf in his arms. Cute. He had thought the same thing when you had started clinging to him during that movie forever ago, when you held his hand last night and pulled him back onto the bed with you. You are not normally openly vulnerable and, although he is hardly one to talk about vulnerability, it is always a sight to behold.
“Please don’t drop me.” He is not exactly sure if you are aware of your own, almost silent begging as you repeat the phrase over and over. ‘You trust me.’ His heart melts.
It takes no time to get you to his lab. He sets you down on a chair, but you do not seem to understand that as you still cling tightly to his neck.
He chuckles nervously. “I need my body to perform the physical, Y/N.”
You were not aware he had put you down. Your eyes snap open as you let your shaking, iron grip relax. “Sorry,” you mumble, face going a gorgeous shade of pink.
“No prob.” ‘Prob?’ His face changes color to match yours.
“So.” He claps his hands together just a bit too hard, slamming the door closed when he hears his brothers’ snickering. “Let’s get started.”
You sit on your couch, applying another coat of varnish to your cast as you listen to a cooking show because something something exposure therapy. Also, listening to people scream at one another about food textures is soothing.
Your results were not surprising to you; by the standards of humans in this universe, you are a walking talking coma patient. It was a bit funny, watching him freak out about a blood pressure that you knew-- through the help of google-- was completely normal. You are fine for the most part, if he was using the tools given correctly, and so, you are currently preoccupied with making sure the gorgeous painting on your fiberglass prison is going to stay gorgeous. The only thing he had insisted on, really, was that you not cook, after seeing your crudely applied bandages on your fingers.
You lean back into an actual couch, pulling out your phone and scrolling through pictures of gloves again. You are determined to find a good pair; the deep scars on your hands are not fading any time soon.
You can hear the window slide open. “If you’re planning on killing me--” you stop when you look up to see the look on Donnie’s face. “Something up?”
He says absolutely nothing, leaning his staff against the wall, closing the window in a daze and he stands next to the sofa. “Are you busy?”
“Good.” His eyes glance at the space next to you. “Can I stay here for a bit?”
“As long as you like.”
He lays his head on your lap as he sits down, staring blankly at the television screen. He immediately understands why you like this-- your thighs are incredibly soft.
You immediately understand why he was awkward. You have no idea where to put your hands, but you eventually settle on his head as you turn the volume down. “What’s up?”
He takes a deep breath, licking his teeth as he sighs. “I,” he explains, “just realized what my reality is right now and I-- okay, I know this sounds stupid--”
“Not at all.”
“It does,” he insists. “I know it sounds stupid because I realized it did when I was working it out, but I just-- hear me out, okay?” His voice oozes exhaustion.
“I’m hearing you.” You listen to him, laying your phone face down on the coffee table. “Hit me.”
He takes another breath. “I just fought a giant… thing.” He rolls over, looking up at you. “Mikey called it Jacob or something, and it was about twenty feet tall and it looked like something out of a monster movie and it destroyed us in a fight.” You hear his voice rising, and you just nod along, letting him talk. “It wiped the floor with us. And the only reason it existed was that Leo, apparently, got a girlfriend named Karai-- you know her?”
“Hot alt chick with the wicked eyeshadow and eyeliner that could kill?” You nod. “Yeah, I’m familiar.”
“Her-- wait, should I…?” He trails off, shakes his head. “Another time.” He covers the side of his face with his hand, gesturing animatedly with his other. “Anyways, apparently he met this girl because she wanted to do a heist with him-- this girl, working for the Foot, of all people-- sixteen or whatever-- she goes and just touches a button to mix the DNAs of all the creatures an alien race could find on Earth, and then bails.” He realizes he is shouting, lowers his voice. “The alien creatures, in case you forgot, that look like brains and waddle around on tentacles which, by the way, makes no evolutionary sense whatsoever, decided to create a button that mixes the entirety of their samples of DNA together in a smorgasbord of wrong, okay?”
“Uhuh.” You nod along. You know what he means, even if the word he used was technically not correct.
“This thing,” he continues, officially ranting, “destroyed a building! It set the whole thing on fire, which was probably only Kraang, but also maybe had normal people in it, which is concerning.” He rubs his eyes aggressively. “So, to recap, an alienish creature named Jason or whatever got created by Leo’s crush and destroyed a building and that was just what happened today!” He raises his hands in the air, almost accidentally hitting you in the face. “I didn’t bat an eye at this!”
“Man, I feel you.”
“And I understand,” he continues, “the irony of telling you this, considering I am a giant, talking turtle created by the very same mutagen that created Justin or whatever its stupid name was, was taught ninjutsu by my ninja master father who is also a rat, and that you have already previously died--”
“All very bizarre things,” you agree.
“-- but this is just…” he sighs. “My life is getting so… weird? It was already weird, I know, but more so than I thought it reasonably should be.”
You wipe a bit of oil you notice on his cheek off with your thumb. “This world is a weird one,” you admit.
His voice is lower now as he follows your hand with his eyes. “I…” He takes breath. “I just wish we were more normal, you know? That our lives were more normal, that our existences made more sense, you know?”
You cup his face in your hand gently, remembering how your mother used to do the same for you. “I do.”
You feel him leaning into your touch. “I wish,” he mumbles, almost to himself, “that I was a normal, human teenager who went to school and didn’t know how to use a bo staff and had three, normal brothers who could try to get girlfriends without worrying about whether or not they wanted to kill them.”
You sigh, running your thumbs along the edge of his eye socket, feeling the soft skin shift under you. “You’re very well adjusted for a teenager trained in the art of assassination,” you joke softly.
He chuckles dryly, closing his eyes. “My mother is an empty canister in a locked cabinet in the kitchen.” He exhales slowly. “My stepmom was murdered by a man now actively trying to murder me and my entire family because of a decades long feud. Well adjusted is probably the highest compliment you could give me.”
“I’ve given you higher.”
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I.” You glance up at the television screen, then back at him. “You’re holding up better than I am, and you’ve been fearing for your life since you were real little.”
“Apples and oranges.” He rests his hand on yours.
“Look,” you shrug, “the way I see it, life is a series of events that all string together to the present.”
“Butterfly effect.”
“Exactly.” You smile down at him. “And if things didn’t happen exactly as they did, we never would’ve met, the world would be totally screwed, and we would be missing out on one of the greatest minds on the planet.”
He looks to see if you are being serious.
You are.
“You also wouldn’t have a broken leg and messed up hands,” he points out ruefully.
“Meeting you was worth it.”
He reaches up, running his fingers along the scar on your face. “I disagree.”
“It’s my body, and my physical detriment. It doesn’t matter if you’re stupid enough to think it wasn’t worth it.”
You feel his body relax
You two shut up for a bit, watching the show absentmindedly.
After a while, he pipes up. “It’s alright if you say no,” he starts tentatively, “but is it alright if I stay here again tonight?”
“Will your brothers mind?”
“They don’t care so long as I’m home before sunrise,” he shrugs. “I just like it here. Smells better.”
You smile brightly. “Sure,” you agree easily. “I sleep better with you here, anyways; I don’t worry about people sneaking in through the window.” You check the varnish. “I just have to wait for this to dry the rest of the way, first. You’re free to go to bed without me, though.”
In all honesty, you’re just happy not to be alone.
He nods, standing up and drawing the curtains. He sits down on the bed, untying the mask behind his head. ‘I could get used to this.’ He smiles slightly, slipping a hand into his utility belt and texting his brothers where he was to avoid his brother’s scolding in the morning. He slips that off too, dropping both onto the side of the bed and starting on the wraps on his feet and hands; he had learned his lesson when he had gotten up morning before, having gotten a few hours sleep at home, to large, noticeable indentations in his flesh where the foreign objects had been.
You glance over. “Do those go in the wash?”
He looks back. “Not usually, no.”
“Do you want me to wash them?”
‘You are too considerate.’ He shakes his head. “It’s alright.”
You shrug, putting your hands up. “Suit yourself.” You cross your hands across your stomach, staring absentmindedly back at the screen. “You can use the shower in the morning, but please do not use all of the hot water. Fridge is open if you need breakfast.”
“Nah,” he sighs, slipping the clothes into his utility belt. “I’ll eat at home.”
You nod in acknowledgement.
It occurs to him as he sets his knee and elbow pads with the rest of his things that, technically, he is stripping in front of you, and you are not batting an eye. As soon as that clocks, it also dawns on him that you are showing the most skin he has ever seen-- an A-shirt and gym shorts-- which had not even registered until he was laying in your bed. You are relaxed and in your warm apartment, watching a television program with him in your bed. You are awake and absolutely gorgeous and you feel safer with him of all people.
His heart swells as he slides under the blankets, the sound of the television white noise at this point.
You glance back at him, the phrase “Snug as a bug in a rug," coming to mind as you look over at him, struggling to keep his eyes open. “You gonna fall asleep?”
His face warms. He nods. "It's been a really long day," he admits.
“Then goodnight,” you smile. “Sweet dreams.”
He smiles sleepily. “Goodnight, Y/N,” he shuts his eyes.
You swallow.
You forgot how much you missed this.
Table of Contents
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
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Survey #461
“this city looks so pretty, do you wanna burn it with me?”
Have you ever wanted a Nikon camera? Or do you have one already? My camera before the one I have now was a Nikon D3200. I use a Canon now. Who was the last person (if anyone) you said Happy Birthday to? A friend. Do you have Photoshop? If so, how often a day do you use it? I have it, but I barely use it nowadays. I use it to edit photos for character profiles or profile pictures, add a watermark for my actual photography, and I used to make Mark-oriented gifs like crazy. They mostly did really well, so... I might wanna get back into that and get That Sweet Validation. Do you watch any shows that you know your parents wouldn’t approve of? No. Have any of your exes gotten married or had kids since your breakup? None, I think. Do either of your parents have a mental illness? My mom has depression. Can you tolerate children for a long period of time? NO. Have you ever lived with someone you felt thoroughly uncomfortable around? No. Are you into dubstep? Yeah, I tend to enjoy it. Zelda or The Sims games? Can I pick neither? lol I don't feel very much at all for The Sims, and Zelda games have always looked... boring to me? Like I've watched most of the Game Grumps' playthroughs of all the games, and they make it hilarious of course, but the games themselves? Nah. Are you terrible at assigning bands their proper genre? YES YES YES YES YES YES. Even in my preferred category, that being metal, FUCK if I know the sub-genre. Have you ever made out in a closet? No, that shit sounds claustrophobic as hell. Have you ever been to a laser tag place? Yeah, on a triple-date once! It was SO fun. How do you wanna celebrate your next birthday? Have a couple friends over, pig out at The Cheesecake Factory. o3o Do you tease your parents about them being old? No, especially not Mom. She's self-conscious about getting older. Are you in love with someone? "In love" is a bit too far, buddy. But I love someone. Have you ever ridden a unicycle? No. Have you ever wanted a pet bunny? I was VERY serious about getting a lop-eared bunny for quite a while, but we just couldn't afford to adopt one (even off Craigslist) and get a cage for it, toys, etc. Are the bottom of your feet clean? I HATE seeing the bottom of my feet. Not because they're dirty, but because it's Callus City. I ain't even fuckin jokin'. Do you like really salty food? Yeah. :x When’s the last time you bled a lot? Well, I just recently finished my cycle after not menstruating for three or four MONTHS, so you can figure that one out. Have you ever watched a needle go into your own skin? Yeah. I like to know exactly when it's coming. Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo? Yes to both. When you’re done eating finger foods, do you usually lick your fingers? Usually kasdjlf;kalsdjf shut up ok I like food. What’s the most racist thing you have ever said? As a little kid, when my really good friend (a neighborhood kid, even) asked if he thought we'd be a good couple, I told him no because "blacks and whites don't date" or something like that. It was an idea I'd never been exposed to before; the idea was so foreign to little kid me. I had no idea I was being racist. It ended in a small fight and we didn't talk for a few days 'til he came to my house telling Mom that he had to "be a man" and fix this and if that ain't the cUTEST SHIT RIGHT THERE. We were friends again after that. He's still on my Facebook, and he actually semi-recently got married! :') Do you know someone that is mute, deaf or blind? No. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? No. Does weed smell good? Or no? Ugh, no. Where do you see your closest friend in ten years? Successful and happy she kept pushing. Mama to so many reptiles that are blessed with the best lives possible in human care. Got at least one amazing book out there. If she's reading this, you've fucking got this. <3 Would you like to have twins? Mother of fucking god, no. Even if I WANTED kids, do fucking not give me twins. Who was the last person you got into an argument with? My mom. Want to have kids before you’re 30? Once again, I don't want kids, but IF I did, that'd be preferable before the risk of birth defects and other issues climb with age. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? My older sister has my initial. Do you think somebody’s in love with you? No. Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in ten years? Yes, I genuinely do. Who were the last people to hang out at your house? Miss Tobey, our friend and landlord. Does anyone like you? Welp... I hope he still does. Guess we'll figure that out soon. What person on your Facebook do you talk to the most? VIA Facebook? Probably my friend Lyndsey. She likes to comment on stuff I share. Do you want to fall in love? I do, but I'm also utterly horrified to and risk being hurt again. Are you interested in more than one person at the moment? No. Once I realized I was so deeply into Girt, all other romantic feelings kinda just... poofed. How was your last break up? Civil and done with both of our best interests in mind. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to say? Probably the first time I admitted I needed to go to the hospital for suicidal thoughts. I was so, so scared of what it was going to be like. What is the hardest thing you NEEDED to hear? That if Jason wasn't happy with me, he had every right to move on. She was right. Do you treat yourself well? No... but I'm trying to change that. What was the last song you sang out loud to? This "Set Fire to the Rain" cover. Do you take good pictures? I think I do? Have you ever done any internship? No. What’s a topic you’ve drastically changed your opinion on? Holy shit, so much, especially when it comes to morality and political stances. I am now a massive supporter and member of the LGBTQ+ community, I'm pro-trans rights, pro-choice... I've done like a dozen 180s in a lot of topics. Do you know anyone who has a PhD? I mean, some doctors, but no one in my truly personal life. Do you know anyone who works as a lawyer? Yes: my cousin. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? LAKSDJFKLA;JWD NEVER AND I PRAY TO THE HOLY LORD THAT I NEVER DO. Does the thought of having wrinkles when you’re older upset you? Not massively? Like literally everyone gets them and is natural and inevitable. Do you know anyone who’s struggling with addiction? I know one alcoholic, and one that's probably borderline. I also have two friends who are extremely addicted to weed. Look me in the eyes and say it's not an addictive substance and I wouldn't believe you one bit. Is there a video or computer game that you can get lost in for hours? Eh, sometimes World of Warcraft. Some days I'm really into it, and others I barely touch it. What’s your favorite Disney Channel movie? I have no clue. I don't even remember movies that were made *for* Disney exclusively. Do you ever have to do yard work? No. We have a friend from the dance studio mow the lawn. Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? My iPod has a whole live album of Ozzy. Did you or do you listen to Britney Spears songs? Both did and do. Britney is a boss bitch. Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? Male. Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge? No, but I've seen some of that P!nk music video of the song and it brings out the Gay in me. Do you have a key to anything besides your house? No. Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? I've done that before. I miss doing puzzles... Have you ever been to any sort of convention? I went to a reptile expo with Sara!! I REALLY want to go to another when my legs are stronger and can handle standing and walking so much. Is your mom or dad the older parent? Mom. Have you ever tried to walk on a moving vehicle and fallen over? No????? What is your favourite kind of bread? Is there any of that in your house? Pumpernickel. No. Are/were you in the school band, and if so, what instrument did you play? I played the flute all through middle school and I wanna say half of HS. Have you ever ordered an unusual drink at a bar? Never even been to one. Have you ever been pulled aside by security at the airport? I think once for some reason I don't recall? What is your favourite seasonal candy? (only available at certain times) Gingerbread men, probs. Or chocolate bunnies!!! :') How do you feel right now? My stomach is KILLING me. I'm super excited though that Girt is coming over tomorrow. Have you ever had surgery that kept you in the hospital for over a day? No. What would you like your generation to change? How we treat nature. Is there anyone that you truly could not live without? No. I learned that is a very unhealthy mentality to have. Do you like carrots more if they’re raw, or cooked? I just hate carrots. What restaurant did you last go out to dinner at with friends? With friends? I couldn't even guess. Does your refrigerator have an ice maker or do you use ice cube trays? It has an ice maker. Do you have a favorite sibling, if any? No; I love them all. Do you have a favorite brand of clothing? I STAN CLOAK. How’s the love life? Something new might start tomorrow. I think it will. Do you watch the news? No; that shit is depressing. Who do you admire most? Mark. Do you have a favorite album? Black Rain by Ozzy Osbourne takes the cake and always will.
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bi-rising · 3 years
hey I just saw your post about PCOS being a hormonal issue not a gyno one while I was surfing the tag. I was diagnosed a couple months back and all my gyno did was a 2 min ultrasound and then prescribed me birth control. I would like to have actual help and more info on it but I'm not sure who I'm supposed to go to for that. Seeing as you were in a similar situation I'd appreciate your help.
seems like gynos really suck with pcos, don't they? 🥴 warning you now, this is going to be a very long post, because i'm essentially writing out absolutely everything i did and everything i've learned, so strap in for a ride aldksfjasldf
the first thing to do is research, research, research. i spent a whole week constantly on pcos websites (such as pcosaa and this article, tho fair warning, the article does use academic speech so it might not be the easiest thing to read) and watching videos and doing what i could to inform myself. the way you can know if you're looking at a credible resource is how the source defines pcos: does it pose it as a reproductive system disorder? or an endocrine (hormonal) disorder? if it talks about it as a reproductive system disorder, then it's probably wrong.
please note that i am not, obviously, a medical professional, but this is how i understand pcos works. i'll use me as an example just so i can use first person perspective, but it applies to pcos patients in general.
so, my cells are insulin resistant. that means that when i eat, my body releases, lets say, 100 (x measurement) of insulin. because my cells are insulin resistant, they say "hey, i'm only gonna use 50x of that insulin". but they still NEED that 100x to function. so my body releases ANOTHER 100x of insulin, so my cells go "ok i'll take 50x" and so while my cells now have the 100x they're supposed, to i now have 100x insulin floating around.
that extra insulin not only wreaks havoc on many systems of the body, it is the reason why most people with pcos that goes untreated end up with type 2 diabetes. the extra insulin is also converted (or spurs the creation of? i'm not entirely certain on the how here) into testosterone and other androgen (male) hormones. so your body has too much insulin, and now it has too much testosterone, too. that extra testosterone is what fucks with your reproductive system and prevents the follicles on your ovaries from maturing (which is what the 'cysts' are). it also often creates increased facial hair, acne (especially on the 'beard line'), and worse body odor. between the testosterone and the insulin, it's nigh impossible to lose weight.
also note that because your body has to release more insulin for your cells to get an adequate amount, you likely crave carbs and sugars (salty/crunchy things and sweets), and you're likely frequently fatigued, bc your body isn't, well, working correctly and it's taking more energy to perform basic functions.
secondly, take all this information that you know to your doctor. i legitimately wrote down some notes about this process in a little notebook and took it with me so that i wouldn't forget/get too anxious to bring any of it up. i also wrote down the things i had been doing to help up to that point (working out, what my diet was, etc etc) and what i was concerned about. lastly, i also wrote down what medications and supplements i had heard of in my research to see what my doctor thought of them.
my doctor's first 'attack' choice is ozempic--it's a weekly shot that helps to regulate insulin levels and also is pretty good at helping weight loss. be aware though that most commercial insurances don't pay for this, but if your doctor is good, they'll try to work around that so that you're not paying a frankly outrageous amount for it. also look out for sometime this fall, my doc said that the ozempic manufacturers are trying to get ozempic approved for weight loss (it's approved for other things) and that should help bring the price down?? anyway, that's my doc's preferred method, but because of my finances, we currently can't do that.
his second attack, which i'm now on, is metformin. it's a medication mostly used for diabetics that helps with blood sugar levels which, again, is that insulin issue. my mom has been on it for 14 years bc diabetes runs in our family anyway, so it's perfectly safe for long time use and definitely helps with keeping either away from or within the pre-diabetes phase. again, i've only been on it now two days so i can't say anything for me but we'll see how it goes lmao
he also approved of me using omega 3 (fish pills) supplements because they help balance things out in general, not just pcos, and he was good with me using spearmint, too. i'm starting out on one cup of spearmint tea a day and see how that effects me, but i've heard of people having up to two spearmint supplement pills and a cup of spearmint tea a day, too. spearmint is a 'defense', as far as i can explain it: it has (tho limited) research that it lowers the testosterone levels in women with pcos. so while it doesn't help with the insulin so it doesn't attack the source, it can help with the testosterone aspect, aka facial hair, acne, etc. i've also heard of cinnamon supplements and inositol supplements helping, but i didn't get a chance to ask about either of those from my doctor, so make sure if you want to give those a try, you talk about them and make sure they won't interfere with any of your other medications and get your doctor's approval on them, first.
thirdly, ask about what else you can do to help yourself. my doctor stressed the importance of a proper night's sleep, as well as advised to try to cut back on carbs and sugars (IMPORTANT NOTE: some people claim that you HAVE to be on a keto diet to get results with pcos. WRONG. please don't do this. keto diets are entirely unsustainable. and cutting back on carbs and sugars does not mean cutting them OUT, it just means if you want a snack, try reaching for a protein or a vegetable instead of a carb. but don't limit yourself!! please, be conscious about what you eat, and remember that sometimes yeah, a slice of cake or a serving of chips isn't going to kill you or set your pcos back. don't risk getting an e.d. just for the sake of your pcos). he also told me that the best exercise that i personally should do is either HIIT exercises or cardio, and to do at least an hour a day, even if it's 30 mins in the morning, 30 in the evening--and to work up to that so even doing ten minutes a day, then increasing it from there, is healthier and better than jumping straight into a whole ass hour. he also told me to aim for a certain heartrate. i don't remember the formula he used, but for me at 22 (based on age) he wanted me to try to aim for 150-160 bpm. again, especially with exercise, that was what he recommended for me. you're likely different from me, so ask your doctor and see what he says.
fourthly, and perhaps most importantly, DON'T BOTHER WITH A GYNO. all of this that i've gotten done for me was from my family doctor, so just the guy i go to for yearly check ups. see if you can do some routine blood work to give him (or her) as wide of a picture as possible, and then go in and talk with a regular doctor about this. a friend of mine also has a friend who actually goes to an endocrinologist to get her pcos sorted out, so that's also an option. gynos seem to just treat the symptoms; birth control gives you a regular period by helping with your estrogen, but that doesn't decrease your testosterone OR do anything with the insulin. my doc is keeping me on birth control pills just so that i have a regular cycle so we can watch and see if anything else happens to it, so it's okay to stay on the birth control, but ultimately, birth control pills don't do anything for pcos.
i know it's difficult and probably kinda scary/anxiety inducing if you're younger or just have anxiety, but you've gotta advocate for yourself in this case. you have to show the doctor that you know what you're talking about and that you're able to call him out on his bullshit if he doesn't take you seriously. also, if your doctor is helpful, don't be afraid to be frank with him about what your gyno did. like i've said with my experience, i got the validation of knowing that my gyno was wrong by explaining to my doctor how he treated me. you deserve better than what your gyno did, and you deserve to actually be treated as a person and your disorder be taken seriously.
i'm wishing you the best of luck, and i hope that you'll be able to get the help that you need 💕💕💕
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
When was the last time you baked something for someone? I’m not a baker, so never. Like, I make stuff like those easy Pillsbury sugar cookies or cupcakes from the box once in awhile, but I’m not baking stuff from scratch or for other people. I don’t make anything great. 
Do you ever spend the night at random people’s houses? No.
What did you eat for dinner tonight? Was it any good at all? I haven’t had dinner, yet, it’s only 4 in the morning. 
Would you be mad if your mom showed your boyfriend your baby pictures? I like my baby pictures haha I don’t know why people get embarrassed about that. Just don’t whip out my middle school photos or any random ones after that. It’d have to be approved by me first, ha.
Would you say you’re someone who has good manners? I believe so.
When was the last time you went to an amusement park? Which one? I went to Disneyland last February. Almost a year ago, wow.
Would you rather be kissed on the neck or on the lips? Lips.
Do you completely trust the person you’re dating? I’m single.
Has someone ever called you heartless before? Why is that? No.
What color was the shirt you wore yesterday? It was a dark blue sweatshirt.
Have you ever completely given up on someone any time in life? Myself.
What is one thing you’re not looking forward to in the next week? I have my monthly doctor appointment coming up. Blah.
Would you consider Christmas your favorite holiday? Yesss. I love Christmas. I’m sad it’s over and we’re in for another long year ahead. Not to mention, we’re not even a week in the new year and madness has already ensued.
Would you rather give someone presents or receive them? I love getting presents for my loved ones.
How many chances do you normally give someone before giving up on them? I give a lot of chances.
Did you parents know what gender you were before you were born? I’m actually not sure. 
Are any of your really close friends pregnant right now? No friends, but as far as I know no one I know is pregnant. 
Are you for or against inter-racial relationships? Uh, for of course. 
Would you say you’re more of a pessimist or optimist? I’m very much a pessimist. 
Do you know what your true typing speed is? What is it? I do not.
What would you say is the longest survey you’ve ever taken? The 5,000 questions survey. I’m like really close to being done with it I think. I’ve taken many long breaks, but eventually I’ll finish it.
Do you get bored by things really easily, or not so much? No, not usually.
Do you hate it when people pronounce ‘potatoes’ as ‘taters?’ No. I say that sometimes.
Do you wear a lot of make-up on a daily basis? I haven’t worn any makeup in over 3 years now and back when I did I kept it simple with just mascara and eyeliner.
Who makes the best desserts in your entire family? My parents and brother each have their own specialties.
When was the last time your received a hug? Who was this hug from? On Christmas from my family.
Do you have good dreams or nightmares more? I have very random and weird dreams most of the time.
Would you rather color pictures with markers or crayons? How about colored pencils.
Do people come to you for advice a lot of the time? I used to be that person, but not anymore. No one should be asking me for advice, I’m a mess.
Look at your display picture. Where was it taken and when was it taken? Just a few days ago in my room.
When the holidays come around, do you watch holiday movies? Yep, all month long.
When was the last time someone insulted you? What was the insult? I don’t recall.
Would you say you’re a friendly person or not so much? I think I’m nice, but I’m not overly friendly.
Have you ever/do you ever recycle? We recycle plastic bottles and cans.
When was the last time you ate something from Burger King? It’s been quite awhile, actually.... I don’t remember.
When someone mentions a song, does it make you wanna listen to it? Not necessarily. 
Do you usually talk more than you should about things? How much is more than you should, like what’s the appropriate amount? And about what things? I have questions.
Who is the nosiest person you know? Do you like them anyways? My doggo actually takes that title haha. She’s very inquisitive. She has to know what everyone is doing and what’s going on.
When did you last talk to one of your teachers? Not since I was in school still, so sometime back in 2015.
How many class periods does your school have? What are the classes? I’m not in school anymore.
Would you say you’re a faster or slow learner? Depends on the subject.
Are you one of those people who like The Nightmare Before Christmas? Yeah. I’m not obsessed, but I like it. 
Do you fully understand the concept of ‘love?’ I don’t know. What’s your second favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, mint green, coral, and yellow.
Do you ever wish you lived in a different country? No.
Do you have a credit card with a picture on the front? Nope.
Have you ever gone car shopping? No.
Have you ever bought the car yourself?
What movie have you watched most recently? I watched The Santa Clause movies, Home Alone 1 & 2, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation many times last month.
Have you ever given someone the rejection hotline number? No.
Do you know what dog treats taste like? No, I’ve never wanted to try one. I imagine they’re very dry and gross.
Who’s the last person you “pounded” fists with? I don’t recall the last time I did that.
Do you think you could defend our country? No. I couldn’t anyway, I’m physically disabled.
If you leave the TV on at night, do you set the sleep timer? No, it just stays on.
When’s the last time you drove farther than 2 hours away? Two years ago. I didn’t drive, but yeah. Will you pass all your classes this semester?
Have you ever been involved in an affair? No.
Ever won a spelling bee? I was never in one.
How many times a week do you speak to your boss? I don’t have a job. 
When’s the last time you exercised? Uhhhh.
What’s the last movie you saw at the drive thru? I think it was the Johnny Depp version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Our drive-ins closed a long time ago. I really feel like they should make a comeback given our current situation, especially, but they were also just fun. I know they’re still around, but they’re pretty scarce. Nowhere near me, at least.
Are you a parent? Nooo.
What about an uncle or an aunt? Nope.
How many jobs have you had? Zero.
Who did you last smile at? My mom.
Who was your last voicemail from? Probably an appointment reminder from my doctor.
Do you know how to spell well? Pretty well, I think.
Have you ever worn a leotard in public? No. Or ever.
Are you currently writing a term paper? Nopeee. Those days are over for me.
On average how many texts do you send a day? I don’t text a lot at all, it’s not a daily thing. When I text, it’s just a few quick ones. I don’t have long ongoing conversations with anyone.
How many times have you been so drunk you didn’t remember the night before? There’s only one time where parts of the night are splotchy.
How often do you watch Lifetime? Very, very rarely. It’s been quite awhile.
What do you want for your birthday? I don’t know, man, we just had Christmas and my birthday is still months away. 
What’s your favorite flavor of tea? Peppermint and chamomile. 
What’s your favorite fall drink? Hot coffee, but that’s really my favorite year round. It is especially nice when the weather is cold, though.
What’re you going to be for Halloween? I don’t dress up for Halloween anymore.
Do you think you’ve learned a lot and grown a lot in the past year? No. :/ That’s the problem. The past few years have come and gone and I haven’t made any positive changes or started to move in the right direction like I should be. Are you satisfied with how you’ve spent your year? ^^^ I’m afraid this year will be more of the same.
What’s something you’ve learned lately? Hmm.
Do you have a lot of friends? I don’t have any friends.
Do you own a yellow scarf? I don’t have any scarves, either.
Do you own brown shoes? I have a pair of brown boots.
Do you own anything leopard print? No.
Will you buy a cake for your next birthday? Haven’t thought about it.
Are you counting down the days until your birthday right now? Nooo.
Are you excited for something currently? No.
If you could change just one thing about your life right now, what would it be? My health.
Have you ever been to a school dance? Yeah, I went to a few in middle school and I went to winter formal and prom my senior year.
Do you make a list of goals at the beginning of each week? Ha, no. I’m not that put together. I don’t have the motivation or energy for that.
Are you artistic? No.
When was that last time you drew a picture in a sketchbook? I don’t draw.
Is there a tree right outside your bedroom window? There is, actually.
Is it windy right now where you are? I don’t think so.
Is it raining? Nope.
What’s something about you that makes you different from everyone else? *shrug*
Do you dress the same way as your peers? I don’t know how many 31 year olds live in leggings and oversized graphic tees like I do. I feel like it’s not many.
Do you talk the same way as your peers? I think so? Do you have the same life goals as your friends? I should have some goals to begin with... :/
Are you having a good day? It’s only 5:53AM.
Is your hair red? I dye it red.
Do you like brownies? I love brownies. My brother just baked some recently and I quite enjoyed them.
Have you ever dressed up as a witch on Halloween? Yeah, that was a common costume for me as a kid.
What’s one color that you never wear because it doesn’t look good on you? I don’t feel I look good in any color. Most of my clothes are black, though. I feel most comfortable in black.
Have you ever been to a masquerade? Nope.
Do you eat vegetables? I eat spinach, green onions, and potatoes pretty often. Not nearly enough veggies, I know.
Do you wear leggings? Like I said, I live in leggings. 
Is there anybody you think is hot over the age of 40? Alexander Skarsgard. 
Who is the most inappropriate person you know? I don’t know any inappropriate people.
Did anything bad happen to you in August? It was just a long, hot month.
Who in your phone has a heart after their name? My mom does.
Anything you’re avoiding? Yes.
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? To feel better.
If your parents searched your room, would they be angry at what they’d find? No, but also I’m 31 years old so there’s no reason for them to be doing that. They wouldn’t do that either.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? Not romantic feelings, no.
After breaking up, what’s the worst? The heartbreak and moving on.
Do you think your last ex deserves to die? No, absolutely not. I don’t wish that on anyone and he certainly didn’t do anything to warrant that.
Do any girls like the last guy you kissed? Probably?
Are you happier now than you were three months ago? I wasn’t happy then and I’m still not, so.
Honestly, are things going the way you planned? I certainly didn’t plan these past few years to be the way they have and continue to be that’s for sure. 
Have you done anything sexual today? No.
Do you have a second mom? No.
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Nooo, I love my brother.
Describe your most recent purchase: Food, of course.
Did you enjoy the last movie you watched in theatres? Yeah. Man, I miss going to the movies.
If you make surveys, where’s the last place you saw a survey made by you on another person’s site? I don't make them.
Do you take the subway train often (if your city has one)? We don’t have a subway train here.
What shoes did you wear today? I haven’t worn any shoes so far and won’t be wearing any later because I’m not going anywhere.
Who was the last person to leave you a comment on Facebook? I think it was my aunt.
Does your sibling have a significant other? Neither of them do.
When and why is the last time you cried (or at least, shed tears)? Like an hour ago.
Have you ever cried at a real wedding? No. Also, what do you mean by “real” wedding?
How would you feel if a girl asked your boyfriend out for a drink? Uh, I’d have an issue with that.
Do you use Skype? No. 
What do your flip-flops look like? I don’t wear flip flops or sandals or any open-toed shoes.
Describe a poster on your wall. One is a giraffe painting. I actually have 3.
Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now? My phone is charging.
What do you use to remove makeup? I just used water and a cotton pad. I just wore eyeliner and mascara, so.
Tilt your head up and look straight ahead. Describe what you see. My bookshelf.
Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)? One of the music ones.
Any idea what time you’ll be going to bed tonight? Well, it’s 6:06AM and here we are.
Do you think George Clooney is hot? I’ve never personally found him attractive.
Have you ever participated in local magazine cover girl searches? No.
Have you ever bought a lottery ticket (and even better: won)? Yes. I’ve won small amounts, but not the big prizes. I wishhh.
What colour is your keyboard? Black with white letters.
Do you keep the plastic/paper/whatever bags after you buy stuff? We reuse plastic bags for like the little garbage cans and stuff.
Do you own any high waisted pants? No.
What’s the craziest thing you’ll ever do to your hair? Bleaching and dyeing my hair the first time was a big change for me. It’s so normal now, though.
Do you know anyone who has two different coloured eyes? No.
Does your significant other like the same colour as you do? No significant other.
Do you wanna be a pirate or an elf? I’d rather be an elf.
Have you ever purchased anything online? Numerous things over the years. I’ve done a lot of online shopping especially these past few years.
What’s your favourite classic Disney movie (no, Camp Rock doesn’t count)? Alice in Wonderland.
Gold or silver accessories? I like both.
Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress? No.
Name all your friends whose name starts with the 4th letter of your first name.
What websites do you absolutely have to visit daily (or at least, every time you get to go online)? I always go on Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.
Have you ever ridden an elephant? No.
Are you a fan of acrylic nails? I’ve never had them. I don’t get or do my nails. I don’t have any nails to do, for one. Also just not my thing. 
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repulsivepangolin7 · 4 years
Fic: Why don’t you crash at my place?
A/N: Okay, so I was sitting around and eating some carrot cake, which happened to be my snack this weekend, and I had this idea. So, this is set some time before season one. In other words, Street isn’t a part of the team yet (and Buck is the squad leader). Oh, and I took some poetic license at one point. In my mind it makes sense, but there’s nothing in the show which has pointed towards it (I don’t think anything has pointed away from it either though…)
Word count: 3 042
  She looked over at Luca as she finished up changing into her off duty clothes. Luca was in the process of stripping off his uniform.  
She focused back on her locker and started shoving her dirty work clothes into her bag.
She glanced over at Luca again and saw him limp over to the bench behind them to change out of his pants. He started with taking off his shoes, before he started unbuttoning his pants, still seated. He had taken quite the beating earlier, and he generally looked like he could use a pair of crutches.
“How are you doing?” she asked as she put her hair back up after brushing it.
They were the last two in the locker room. Chris was running late since she had decided on grabbing a shower at work, Luca was still there because he had spent forever limping from the garage and up to the locker room. And then he had spent some time just sitting on the bench, resting.
“Looking forward to a slow evening and a bag of frozen veggies to drape over my knee.” He admitted, “And the day off tomorrow.”
Chris nodded, “I could drive you home, if you want.”
Luca looked down at his knee for a second, they both knew he had handed the keys over to Tan for the ride back to the Metro.
“That would be really nice, thank you.” He smiled, before he sighed heavily, “You know what, never mind. I should probably step into the shower before my knee stiffens up completely. I can drive myself home.”
“No, I can wait. You don’t plan on staying in there for an hour, right?” Chris teased.
He chuckled, “No, I don’t plan on it… But judging by all my aches and bruises, I just might anyways.”
Chris chuckled, “I can wait for you. I can spend some time going over my gear in the meanwhile.”
“Just leave me a note on the locker if you decide I take too long in the shower, and that it was better just to leave.” Luca shrugged.
Chris nodded. She knew she would wait until he was finished up in the shower, no matter how long it would take.
 Half an hour later she returned to the locker room and found Luca almost dressed on the bench.
“Thanks for waiting…” he smiled, tying up his second shoe.
He grabbed his own duffle bag before he struggled to his feet.
He only made it two steps away from the bench, before Chris decided he needed something or someone to lean on and ducked under one of his arms.
“You really should get that checked out.” She frowned as they started making their way towards the parking lot.
“It’s not broken or anything.”
“Are you sure? You’re limping pretty bad.”
Before he could stop himself, a low growl escaped his chest.
“It’s not broken.” Luca exhaled slowly.
“You really should have a doctor check that out.”
“I’ll do it tomorrow, alright?”
She didn’t have to look up at him to know he was rolling his eyes. She didn’t really get the thing about not going directly to a doctor when something was as painful and as swollen as Luca’s knee seemed to be. But then again, she knew he had a thing about needles. The guy was cooler about potentially being stabbed than getting a needle poked into him.
“How about you come home with me instead of going home alone?” she offered, “We can watch 80’s action movies and I can make homemade pizza for us.”
“You sure?”
“My spare bedroom is always ready.” Chris replied, “And I’ve got a few ice-packs and a bunch of bags of frozen vegetables. Sure enough to ice that knee of yours.”
Luca nodded, “You sure make offers which are hard to turn down.”
“So, you’re coming home with me?” she pulled, “The building I live in has an elevator…”
“Alright, you’ve sold it to me…” Luca chuckled, “I’m not up for climbing four floors worth of stairs anyway. You know, unless I have to…”
Chris chuckled, “Good thing you don’t have to then…”
 Chris had supported him all the way to her car, and then from her car and up to her apartment and onto her couch. She helped him pile up a few pillows to rest his leg on and then she found a kitchen towel and an ice-pack.
Luca actually took an uncharacteristic mini-nap, while Chris started making pizza.
 She glanced into the living room right before she put the pizza in the oven. Luca was snoring quietly, and actually looked fairly comfortable.
She finished up doing her dishes after the pizza making. Them just for fun, she looked through her cabinet and found a box of carrot cake mix and powdered sugar. Next she checked her fridge and found carrots, cream cheese and butter.
Then she found a mixing bowl and a spatula to mix it all together with.
The carrot cake batter was ready to go into the oven, about at the same time as the pizza was ready to come out of it. She also had the icing ready, but that would have to wait until the cake had cooled down after the bake.
She turned the oven down a bit, and let the door stand open until the pre-heating light came back on. Indicating that the oven was cooler than the setting. Then she closed the door and waited until the light switched off again, once that happened she put the cake into the oven and set the timer.
She let the pizza rest a bit before she started slicing it up. Then she found two plates, a big bottle of soda and a couple of glasses for them.
Luca stirred awake when she placed the glasses on the living room table and the bottle by one of the table legs.
“Did you have a nice nap?”
He blinked a few times, trying to wash away the momentary confusion. “Yeah.”
He nodded and yawned, “Yeah.”
“Good. Pizza’s ready.” She smiled and headed towards the kitchen area to bring the pizza back.
“Wow, smells great!”
Chris nodded, “Dig in.”
 They were a good way into the first Rambo movie when her alarm rang, signaling that the carrot cake was done in the oven.
“What’s that`”
“A surprise.” She grinned and walked over to the kitchen.
“What?” he tried to stretch far enough to see what was going on inside the kitchen, but of course that was futile.
“I made cake.” Chris shrugged as she bent down to pull the cake out of the oven, “I craved something sweet.”
“Nice!” he grinned, “Oh, it smells awesome.”
Chris nodded and set the cake off to cool. “You like carrot cake, right?”
“Like it? It’s one of my favorites!” Luca grinned.
“Good, cause it’s my favorite as well.” Chris grinned, as she headed back to her couch, “It just has to cool for a while first.”
He nodded and they went back to watching the Rambo and eating pizza.
 They had finished the first Rambo movie, and had put on Smokey and the Bandit instead of putting on the sequel.
Chris had put the topping on the carrot cake, and brought the cake over to the table with fresh plates and forks.
“Bet you would have loved to make that run.” Chris chuckled around a mouthful of cake.
“As bandit?” Luca grinned, “Would not have liked those jeans thought…”
Chris chuckled, “You know what, I’ve never seen you in anything else than baggy pants and shorts…”
“Yeah, and there’s a few good reasons for it!” Luca chuckled, “One: It’s not comfortable. Two: There’s very few guys who can pull it off, I’m not one of them. And three: I would never live it down at home, my folks would have teased me until I died.”
Chris chuckled, “Yeah, it’s really not something that’ll pull ladies nowadays. Guess the 70’s were different.”
Luca nodded a bit, “Would’ve loved to take a run in the Firebird though…”
“I could really picture you in that truck as well.”
“The Kenworth?” Luca flashed a grin, “Oh, you know I love driving big rigs as well. Bet it would be a good time.”
Chris chuckled, “Have you always been this into cars and trucks?”
“I guess…” Luca shrugged, “I can’t remember not being interested in anything with wheels and motors.”
“Anything with wheels and motors?”
Luca spent a couple of seconds debating it, “Pretty much, yeah.”
“Motorcycles as well?”
Luca nodded, “Yeah, used to have one. But I traded her for my truck a few years back. The last couple of apartments I’ve lived in hasn’t exactly had the best places to park a bike.”
“But they had good enough parking to park a Chevy?”
Luca nodded, swallowing a piece of cake. “I would’ve had to park it outside the last place I lived. Same deal where I live now, come to think of it.”
Chris nodded, “What’s the coolest thing you’ve driven?”
“Was in the military for a short bit when I was young.”
“I didn’t know…”
“Yeah, I never made it as far as Hondo. I always knew I wanted to join SWAT, but I figured I could learn a lot about tactics that way.” Luca shrugged, “And I got some traveling and world seeing out of my system.”
Chris nodded.
“But yeah, I got to drive a few tanks, MRAP’s…” Luca shrugged, “Even an old truck which looked like it should have been retired after the first world war…”
“How long were you in?”
“From I graduated high school and until I was in my mid-twenties…”
“So about three years then?” Chris teased.
“Hah, funny.” Luca actually laughed at Chris’s sting, “No, ended up staying for like seven years.”
“How come you never talk about it?”
He shrugged a little.
“I mean, most guys almost present themselves with their time in the military.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Luca shrugged, “But, it’s not really something I think much about. It’s ancient history by now. Besides, as soon as I finished the police academy, I was definitely a cop, not a soldier.”
Chris nodded, sensing that the truth might have been that there was stuff Luca just didn’t want to talk about. She was curious, but she could respect it.
“Enough about that, let’s just…” he shrugged, “-Watch the movie and eat awesome cake.”
Chris nodded and served herself another square of cake.
Luca almost sighed, when he realized he might have come off as if he didn’t want to talk at all while they watched the movie they both had seen so many times before. “I’m sorry. I just don’t talk or think about that period of my life a lot.”
She nodded. She wanted to ask the reason, but didn’t.
“Let’s just talk about something entirely different.” He shrugged, “Favorite NFL team?”
“Oh, Texans. -All the way!” Chris grinned, happy to get the conversation back on something which would go a lot smoother, “Yours?”
“Texans has a few good players. Got to admit that, but I’ve got to say Raiders.”
“Oakland Raiders, really?”
“Yeah.” Luca nodded, “I grew up cheering for the Raiders. Hasn’t had a good reason to stop.”
“When was the last time they had a good season?”
“They had a dry-spell…” Luca shrugged, “You can’t stop loving a team for just that, plus, I think they’re coming out of it. The new QB looks like he has great potential.”
They ended up discussing football for a while, and then other stuff for a while.
 Before she decided to go to bed, she got up and rummaged through the closet of her guest room. It acted like a mini-storage unit. She found exactly what she was looking for. Her crutches.
She returned to the living room and placed them next to where Luca was seated, “Figured you could use these… But you’re going to have to adjust them yourself.”
“Thank you.”
She gave him a solid pat on the shoulder, “I guess you’re going to be up for a while longer, you know how to work the TV and all… Anything you need right now, except to switch out that cold pack on your knee, which must be near room-temp at this point?”
He shook his head, but picked up the now liquid filled bag from his knee, “Nah, I’m good. But yeah, if you could switch this out for a cold one, that would be awesome.”
She nodded and took the bag, heading towards the kitchen to toss the warm one in the freezer and to bring back a frozen one.
 She woke up fairly early the next morning. She never really considered herself awake before she had her first cup of coffee in the morning, so setting the coffeemaker to work was her first stop of the day. Even before she went to the bathroom.
When she returned to the kitchen a few minutes later, she pulled a mug out of the cupboard and poured up a cup before placing the glass carafe back so the machine could drip itself done.
She walked over to the couch and sat down. She turned the television on, and switched it over to the news channel.
The news showed a lot of politics stuff, but nothing she would have had to worry about if she was headed in to work that day. And definitely nothing that would warrant a recall.
The news had just started its first repeat when she heard Luca stir inside the guest room. She figured he would like a cup of coffee as well, when he was finished dressing and had made it out of the guest room.
She stood back up and prepared a cup for Luca as well.
He came hobbling out of the guest room a few minutes later, and Chris could barely keep herself from laughing.
“How are you doing?” she asked, still working to keep herself from smiling too much.
“Good.” He squinted over at her, they both knew it was just the reflexive answer and not necessarily how he really felt.
“You look like an extra in Walking Dead.”
He paused to rub at his eyes with one hand, before trying to muster up a more awake look. “Feel like one too…”
She nodded and tilted her head, “The crutches seem a little short for you…”
“Yeah, newsflash: I kinda have the tall version of crutches at home.” He chuckled a little.
She nodded, “How’s your knee.”
“Bruised.” He frowned, “Sore. Stiff.”
“Are you able to put weight on it?”
“Able, yes.” He nodded a bit, “Willing to do it, no…”
She chuckled a bit. “Do you want breakfast?”
He shook his head a little.
“Yeah, please.” He smiled.
“Alright, sit down and I’ll fix you some.”
“Actually, I need to go in there first…” he said, nodding in the direction of the bathroom.
She nodded.
 15 minutes later they both sat in the couch. Luca was sipping on his coffee, Chris was eating her breakfast. She had made sure to offer Luca something to drink a few more times, but he still didn’t want any. She had found a frozen icepack for his knee, which he gladly accepted.
“Ready to get checked out by a doctor today?”
“I don’t need it…”
“Luca…” Chris sighed and crossed her arms, “You really should get it checked out. You’re in pain.”
He sighed.
“You could have a small break, or something else going on… It’s best to get it checked out straight away.”
“Okay-okay-okay…” he rolled his eyes a bit, “You win.”
“Thank you…” Chris grinned, “You think you’ll be ready to go in a half hour?”
He nodded, “Sure.”
 She dropped him off at the hospital and picked him up again a few hours later, after he had been checked out by a doctor and had taken X-rays and an MRI.
She got out of her car to meet him, when he came out of the massive building and started to hobble towards her.
“How did it go?”
“At least it’s not broken…” he answered as he paused to shrug.
“That’s good, but it sounds like there’s some bad news there as well…”
Luca nodded, “Yeah, tore something inside my knee. Might heal on its own, but the doctor figured I had torn it bad enough that it wouldn’t heal without surgery.”
“Ouch…” She frowned, “What was it you tore?”
“It had a weird name, can’t really remember it.” He shrugged, “It basically acts like a bumper cushion or shock absorber for your knee.”
“That sounds about right…” he nodded, “How did you know?”
“My cousin tore one of his, playing football in high school…” Chris shrugged.
“Yeah, he got the surgery. He’s all good now.” Chris smiled, “Playing college football and all.”
“Cool…” Luca grinned, “Thanks by the way…”
“For what?”
“For being an awesome friend, letting me crash at your place and forcing me to go to the doctor.” Luca smiled.
“Hey, we’ve gotta look out for our family, right?” Chris grinned, “I have to make sure my ‘older brothers’ get the care they need.”
Luca grinned, “I guess we’re all lucky to have you as our kid sister then…”
“So, do you want to crash at my place a few more nights?”
“Shit, I should really call Buck about this…” Luca stopped dead in his tracks, “I’m not going to be up for going to work tomorrow…”
“Well, duh…” Chris almost chuckled, “But do you want to stay at my place a few more nights, or?”
“Can I?”
“I wouldn’t have offered it if I didn’t mean it…” she chuckled and bumped her knuckles against his upper arm, “Of course you can.”
“Thank you…”
“But maybe you would like it if we stopped by your apartment and picked up your crutches, and some extra clothes?”
“That would be beyond awesome…”
“Alright, then we do that.” She nodded, “I can go up and grab your stuff while you call Buck and explain things.”
“You’re too kind. I really didn’t look forward to those stairs…”
“I know.”
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illogicalhusbands · 5 years
The Game is Afoot - pt. 4
Bill Masters x Alec Hardy Masters of Sex / Broadchurch Crossover Link to Part 3
So sorry for the long wait! Both my co-mod and I have been extremely busy with our personal lives. I’ve come down with the flu and also had to deal with an emergency that led me to move homes so I’ve had my hands very full. But this update became unexpectedly long, so there actually will be one more part to follow! (Though I feel I’ve been saying that for the past two updates already). Also, wow 300 FOLLOWERS! I am FLOORED. Thanks everyone for the support! I hope the newcomers are all enjoying the content here. I’ll also be putting up a navigation page for the blog soon so it’ll be easier to find the fanfics and fanart that we make.
Everyone was staring.
It was one of those rare days that Masters had gotten him to agree to get something that vaguely resembled a complete meal for breakfast, yet by the time they had sat down Alec was quickly losing his appetite.
Pushing thin-rimmed spectacles up the bridge of his nose, he pointedly ignored the sticky feeling of several pairs of eyes on him as he perused through the list of fifty or so names and phone numbers in his hand, taunting him.
Alec groaned. He was nowhere near cracking this case than he had been a week ago. There had to be something that he was missing!
“Holmes.” A hand shot out to grab his forearm. Alec looked up to Masters’ steel blue eyes lit up with… worry? “I know this serial burglary case has been driving you mad, but you look horrifying. Just, please, eat something.”
Alec blinked blearily at him. “I’m fine, Watson,” he said, mustering up all the vitriol that he could onto that last word.
“That’s doctor Watson to you,” said Masters, on the slight edge of teasing once again. “But in all seriousness, I am an actual doctor, so you better listen to me when I say you need to take better care of yourself.”
Alec snarled. “I bloody hate doctors.”
“And I’m sure they find you an absolute delight to be with.” Masters took a sandwich from Alec’s plate and held it up to his face. “Now, eat.”
There was something about the doctor’s tone that was so commanding, in a way that never failed to grab Alec’s attention. It was always paired by those cold blue eyes and set jaw. Alec could tell he wielded this weapon on more than one occasion. He could picture Masters talking down rivals or even superiors, looking every bit like the prim and proper man that he presented himself to be, the presence of danger in his eyes the only indicator of his vicious intent. Masters probably never had much difficulty in getting anything he wanted.
Damn, Alec thought, And why did this bastard have to be so bloody attractive?
Alec was able to hold down half of his sandwich. He managed to convince Masters that he would finish the rest at a later time at work. Masters looked doubtful, but that seemed to satisfy him enough.
The whispers restarted when they got up from their seats. Alec grit his teeth. Did this town have nothing better to talk about than what other people got up to? He took a deep breath and nearly prayed that Masters hadn’t noticed at all that the entire bloody town thought of them as an item and could not seem to shut up about it.
Masters walked a step ahead of him and opened the door. “Pleasure as always, Mr. Holmes,” he said with a smooth grin. Please, please please don’t notice how other people have been talking about us. Above all, please don’t notice how much I want them to be right.
Alec startled at the hand on his lower back, gently pushing him out the door. He tried to look more relaxed, but he could see Masters had taken note of it.
They stepped out onto the pavement. Alec lingered, not wanting to leave things awkward between them. They spoke at the same time.
“You first,” Alec said.
“Holmes…” the doctor started, eyes darting around nervously. “You know what? It’s nothing. I enjoyed breakfast today. And your company, um… thank… you for that.”
Alec felt his cheeks warming. “Y-yeah? I mean, alright. It-it’s fine, I—” he could see Masters slightly pursing his lips. “You know people talk, right?”
“I imagine they do little else,” said Masters flatly.
Alec scratched the back of his head. How can he get his message across without sounding too presumptuous? “I mean they—ah, they seem to think that we… are together.”
Masters blinked. “But we are together.”
The blood in Alec’s veins turned to ice. “W-what do you—”
“Right now, we’re here. Standing. Together. Is there something so scandalous about that?”
Alec tried to look for any signs on Masters’ face that he was kidding, but there was none. His brow was furrowed in concentration, mulling over the oddity in Alec’s statement.
“O-oh, you meant—I mean, yes! Yes, we are indeed, um, together.” Crap! He’d completely misread the situation. He scolded himself. Don’t look any more like a bumbling idiot in front of him! What was he even doing? Bringing this up with Masters was a surefire way of sending him running for the hills. Alec internally sighed. What kind of respectable man would want to be associated with a “shitface” disgraced detective? If Masters had any idea that the people of Broadchurch had branded them as the town’s Couple of the Year, he’d never want to see Alec again, much less be seen with him. “I suppose I’m just worried about your um, privacy.”
“My… privacy.”
“Yes! You know how it is in here. Everyone’s always up in other people’s business and—oh, would you look at the time!” He raised his wrist and realized a bit too late that he’d forgotten his watch. “I best get going. This was…” There was no reason to look like a flustered schoolgirl, he told himself. “Great, uh… mate.” And before he could stop himself, his fist bumped dejectedly onto Masters’ arm.
For Christ’s sake.
Masters looked at his miserable excuse for social communication and thankfully said nothing.
“I’ll see you around.” Masters gave his arm a firm squeeze that sent electric jolts straight to his chest cavity and left.
Alec kicked the pavement—and inhaled sharply at the contact and the stabs of pain that coursed up his foot.
Just to add a cherry on top of his already messy, bloody cake, a whole bag of bad news greeted him at work. Cold leads, no new suspects, and inconsistent witness statements. Alec spent the next six hours bent over files and data cards, shutting off all his bodily functions and channeling his energy into coming up with anything that might be able to make sense of this increasingly complex case.
“CCTV brought up nothing, sir,” said Miller, looking not much better than he did. “I searched all night-”
“But that’s impossible!” Alec rifled through his own notes, skimming across messily scrawled witness accounts. “You should able to find that red van on the corner of Ivy and Hodges. Without that, our entire case is just mere speculation!”
“I don’t know what to do, sir. I’m just astounded as you are.”
Alec groaned, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. “We can’t be caught theorising, Miller! We need evidence.”
“Hang on, I’m working on it!” Miller put her hands on her hips, indignant. “Don’t have to make it look like you’ve been doing all the bloody work. You know how many all nighters I’ve put on in this office?”
“I’m not accusing you,” said Alec, rubbing his entire face, trying to keep himself awake. He could feel his mind floating off elsewhere and that was not good.
“All the while you were off gallivanting with Doctor Masters—”
“Do not bring him into this, Miller. He’s got nothing-”
“Oh don’t put that ‘we’re strictly acquaintances’ bullshit on me! I’m happy for you, really I am. And you definitely need to unwind more than all of us here.”
“It’s not bullshit. We’re barely even friends.”
Miller rolled her eyes. Her expression shifted drastically from the hopeless look she sported before. “At this point, it’s not even cute anymore. You’re just being very annoying.”
“Glad to see I haven’t lost my charm.”
Alec raked a hand through his hair, fighting through a pounding headache. “Masters has given no indication whatsoever of him… caring for… in that way. Just let it go, will you?”
A voice from the main entrance halted their conversation.
“Delivery for a… Sherlock Holmes?” The poor delivery girl was holding up a brown paper bag in her arms as she read the card with pure confusion on her face. She flushed. “Oh no. I-I think this may have been a prank. Is anyone of you actually-”
Miller shot a pointed look at Alec, who stood frozen with his mouth open.
“No, luv, not to worry! He’s right here.” said Miller, walking over to free the girl of the package.
Alec briefly snapped out of it enough to process what he was seeing. “H-how much is this?”
“Oh, no, it���s already been paid for by card, Mr. Holmes,” said the relieved girl. “Have a nice day!”
Alec still couldn’t move by the time Miller had brought the paper bag over to him.
“Go on, then. Open it! This is probably the only entertainment I’m getting today.”
Alec glared at her. “Entertainment. Really, Miller, we’re not a soap opera.”
“Hardy, I have had a very long week and things are very bleak right now with the case, so either you open this bag or I open your skull. Your choice.”
Alec opened the bag.
Inside was a box of takeout from one of his favorite Thai restaurants nearby. A sticky note taped on the top read—I’m aware we’re both busy. Consider this my way of buying you lunch. (Finish all of it.) W.
Miller had been reading over his shoulder again.
“This doesn’t mean anything,” Alec said.
“I swear to god. I can’t deal with this right now.” Miller groaned loudly and cradled her head. “God, I need a coffee.” Alec heard her retreating footsteps.
Alec took out the food from the bag, staring at it as if it were on fire. What did all this mean?
The whispers came back full force. Apparently the entire office had a good view over what just occurred. It was clear the package was addressed to Alec, and they could only think of one person who it came from and they, unfortunately, were correct.
Alec grabbed the food and stomped over to his office, slamming the door behind him. He needed to put a stop to this. The situation was getting out of hand. If people got more ideas about him and Masters, it would ruin everything they had at present. Why, oh why did Alec have to always want more than he deserved? Why couldn’t he just be content with what he was given? Why did he have to develop shoddy feelings for the man?
He of course knew the answer to that. Masters was striking. He commandeered a presence in every room he entered. But more than his appearances, he was also interesting. Alec could never quite tell if he was a being a righteous asshole or just plain blunt. He’d only known Masters for five months, but the companionship between them grew with hardly any effort from either side. He was intelligent and funny, often without meaning to. Alec saw him and instantly felt the need to smoothen his suit, or fix his hair and just try his might at keeping up with the brilliance of this man, to impress him somehow. To make any sort of impression on him, really. He orbited around Masters, held in place by a natural gravitational force.
He absolutely cannot ruin this just because of some vastly exaggerated stories from the grapevine. Still, these people showed no sign of slowing down. He resolved to the one thing that was left for him to do: slam on the brakes.
He needed to avoid Dr. William Masters.
The next day was barely any better. They had made no progress with the case, and both Alec and Miller were at their wits’ end trying to piece everything together. Alec hasn’t handled a case as harrowing as this in about a year. He stayed in the office all night so that Miller could go home and check up on her kids. Alec ran through more CCTV footage and transcripts from witness’ statements. He could feel the answer nearing him, almost within his grasp. He just needed to know which direction to take his hands.
Alec downed the rest of his tepid tea. He set the mug down. When did he get two mugs? It was only then that he noticed his vision spinning. He shook his head. There was no time for sleep when the truth was only millimetres away from his fingertips!
The vibrations from his phone woke him back up. He turned to look. Why was Masters calling at this hour?
“What?” His voice was gruff from disuse. He’d been alone in the headquarters for hours now.
“Ah, so you are still at work.” Masters’ voice was infuriatingly proper and formal, as always.
“Did Miller tell you that?”
“Ellie sent me a text saying you’ll be out all night. I see you’ve not had any luck on the case,”
Alec huffed. “Have you come to gloat?”
“Gloating’s not really my style. However, I will share with you the fact that I’ll be accepting an award next week for my groundbreaking research on improved strategies for in vitro fertilization.”
“That hardly sounds impressive, Watson.” It was very impressive.
“If properly adopted, they could increase IVF success rate by up to forty percent.” Alec could sense the excitement radiating off him through the phone. “Fertility treatments used to be so taboo, Holmes. But we live in an age where these conversations have been opened up in the vernacular. If these techniques—these conversations about the human body—could be made more accessible, imagine how many people can live without that social pressure burdening their shoulders, how many women would not be made to feel so-so ashamed of their bodies! This… This age is a turning point, Holmes, I can feel it. And I would like a part in it. Dabble my footsteps in it, so to say.”
“You’ll leave the most impressive footprints,” Alec found himself saying as a fond smile made its way over to his face.
“Will I?” said Masters, a little flirtatious.
There was no one around at the moment. Alec allowed himself to bask in it, his heart only a little bit broken. “Guarantee it. Be a goldmine for Forensics, I say.”
“Well, I’m glad you have so much confidence in me. Not very many people do.”
Alec took a glance at the clock. 2:17 A.M. and no signs of finishing work anytime soon. He took a deep breath—eyes opening in shock as the air rushed into his lungs like knives.
“Is everything alright?”
He clutched at his desk, making feeble attempts at normalizing his breathing, but the panic only grew stronger. His vision was blurring. Masters’ voice on the phone sounded much farther away.
The last thing he registered was the voice from the phone yelling out his name. His name. And then he blacked out.
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alwaysgcld · 4 years
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(i am so late with this but i loved learning more about malia and henry so much i wanted to do it too)
The Basics
Name? Benigno Jae Park
Age? 29 30
Approximate height? 6’3”
Hair color? Black
Eye color? Dark Brown
Do they speak with an accent? No
Where are they from? Kingston, New York
Where are they now? Stardew Valley
Who are their parents? Minerva Park, Nico Park (née Monti)
What is their earliest memory? Watching his father cook breakfast as he hums along to music he has playing. That is until his mother enters, going for her morning cup of coffee. His father swoops her into his arms, dancing her around the kitchen as he serenades her to Queen’s Somebody to Love. When his mother has to leave, his father scoops Ben up and dances him around instead.
What did they want to be when they grew up? As a young child, a chef like his father. When he got a bit older however, he realized he wanted to be a doctor. 
What did/do their parents want them to be? Both of his parents always just wished for him to be happy. His father had really hoped he would end up finding happiness with working in the family restaurant as a chef or in management.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Brothers or sisters? An only child.
Do they have or have they ever had children? How many? No children
Do they or have ever had a significant other? Are they still with them? Why? Why not? Yes, he has had two serious relationships in his life. His first one was in high school with a boy named Andy. It lasted for a little over a year, and ended once Ben found out Andy was cheating on him. His second one started when he was in his first year of medical school. His relationship with Perri lasted for five years, and during the last year of their relationship they were engaged. The breakup was a mutual decision. Even so, he was really broken up about it for awhile. He is currently single.
Up until now, what’s the most noteworthy thing they’ve done? To them? To the people around them? He doesn’t think he’s done anything noteworthy yet. But to his family disagrees. He became a doctor at such a young age and managed to graduate top of his class even though he was juggling so many things in his personal life at the time.
What’s your character’s favourite colour? Green, specifically darker shades like a pine green. Maroon or like amber is probably his second favorite.
Do they/would they choose to wear a scent? What would it be? Something with notes of sandalwood. Maybe has a specific cologne he wears for work (a lighter scent)  and one for other occasions.
Do they care about what things look like? All things, or only some? To a certain extent. He likes to look well put together, but it’s not something he worries entirely about.
What’s their favorite ice cream flavor? Anything with chocolate and/or strawberries, honestly. Also, has a special love for mint chocolate chip.
Are they a tea, or coffee drinker? Or soft drinks, or do they drink a lot of alcohol? What kind? He enjoys tea and coffee, but prefers coffee. Not a huge fan of soda; only really drinks like coke when he’s eating something spicy. Drinks any kind of alcohol. Wine and whiskey are his go to options.
What kind of books do they read? What TV shows and movies do they watch? Mostly reads mystery or true crime novels thanks to his mom. If it seems interesting, he’ll read anything. As for TV shows and movies, he prefers fast paced ones with lots of action. Not a huge fan of shows with lots of drama, like relationship drama, but does watch like soap operas with his nonnina, aunts, and uncles/Korean dramas with his aunts and cousins since it lets him have quality time with them. Plus he gives excellent commentary.
What kind of music do they like? Do they like music at all? Better question would be what kind of music does he not like? That would be country. Ben loves music.
If they were about to die, what would they have as their last meal? Please do not torture him by asking this. He’d never be able to pick a single dish.
Are they hedonistic? In all cases? Or does practicality sometimes/always/often win out? No, he’s more eudaimonistic/eudaemonistic if anything.
Do they have any philias or phobias? Mildly claustrophobic.
Morals, Beliefs, and Faith
Do they have an internal or an external moral code? Sort of a mix, but primarily internal.
To what extent are their actions dictated by this code? Wholly.
Do they believe in a God or Gods/Goddesses/Higher being of some description? He neither has faith nor disbelief in a God or Gods/Goddesses. In other words, he’s agnostic.
Are they superstitious? To a degree.
Do they believe in an afterlife? If so, what’s it like? He believes in an afterlife, yes. He has no idea what’s it like though.
Do they have any specific beliefs that manifest obviously? No.
Are the respectful of the beliefs of others? To what extent? Yes, he is extremely respectful of other people’s belief. Unless they try to force him or anyone else to share said beliefs. Or use them to justify their awful behavior.
Have they ever had to stand up to criticism for being religious? Or not being religious? Well, sort of in a way? It’s a long story.
Would they be more likely to act for the good of the one, or the good of the many? The good of the many.
Do they make friends easily? Yes! 
Do they have a best friend? He’s the sort of person who has more than one best friend, that’s he acquired during different portion of his life. There’s Mari (his childhood best friend), Oz (his soccer best friend), Emery (college best friend), and Max (med school best friend). Hasn’t gotten that close to anyone in the valley to consider them a best friend.
Can they get people to do what they want them to? If so, how? Yes. Usually just by being his charming self.
Do they have a lot of romantic relationships? Serious, or short term? Hasn’t had any romantic relationships since moving to the valley. He’s serious when it comes to dating, not one for short term stuff.
Do they fall in and out of love easily? No, it takes time for him to fall in love. Even more for him to fall out.
Do strangers and acquaintances actually like them when they meet? Yeah. I mean, what isn’t there to like?
Do they have a network? Yes! 
What is their relationship like with their family? Great! He’s close with his parents and his extended family on both sides. Even the part of his mother family that lives in Korea. Not so much with the family members that live in Italy from his father’s side. Not anymore, at least. 
Are they still in touch with non-family people they were in touch with a year ago? Five years? Ten? More? Yes. He’s known his oldest friend for at 20 years. It’s hard to get rid of him once you’ve made it to a certain of level of friendship with him.
Do they like children? Do they want children of their own? He loves children. He considered being a pediatrician at one point because of that. Definitely plans to have children of his own one day. 
Physical Appearance
How does this character dress? How would they choose to dress, if all options were open to them? King of business causal. Tries to stick with slacks when working at the clinic, otherwise he’s wearing a nice pair of jeans. Seems to always have his clothes layered go to is a pull-over sweater over a button-down shirt. All of his clothes are rather nice. Not exactly high-end, but clearly money well spent. See visuals for his style here.
Do they have any tattoos? What do they mean? Has a tattoo of a larkspur on his left hip. He got the tattoo when he was eighteen with a few friends; each of them got a tattoo of birth month flower. In general, larkspurs denote love, affection, and ardent attachment.
Do they have piercings? How many? No piercings.
Do they have scars? Where did they come from? Has a scar on his right temple from an altercation when he was a teen. And another one on the lower right part of his abdomen from when he had his appendix taken out. Both are faint.
Do they alter their appearance in some way on a regular basis? No. 
Is there something they’d choose to change about their appearance if they had the opportunity to? No, not really.
Is there something about their appearance they’re particularly proud of/happy with? His smile.
Objectively, are they physically attractive? Fairly plain? Unattractive? OP says hell yeah, have you seen him??
Do they have an accurate mental picture and opinion of their physical appearance? Yes.
How much time do they spend thinking about their physical appearance? Not as much as one might assume.
General Knowledge
Can they navigate their own local area without getting lost? To what degree? Yes, he is familiar with the town and all the surrounding area at this point of the valley.
Do they know who the top politician or monarch is where they live? What about elsewhere? Yes, he is aware both of where he lives and elsewhere. 
Do they know if/where there are any major conflicts going on right now? Yes.
Do they know the composition of water? Of course.
Do they know how to eat a pomegranate? Yes.
Are they good with the technology available to them? Average? Completely hopeless? Very good with technology.
Could they paint a house? Without making a mess of it? Yes.
Could they bake a cake? Would you eat it if they did? Yes and yes.
Do they know how to perform basic maintenance on the common mode of transportation? Knows how to perform basic maintenance on bicycles and cars.
Do they know the price of a loaf of bread? Yes.
Specific Knowledge
Do they have a specific qualification in a narrow area? Yes, he has a B.S. degree in psychology and a medical degree.
Is there something they do or know exceptionally well that most other people don’t? Aside from the doctor stuff? He wouldn’t say he does or knows anything exceptionally more than most people.
Do people often comment on a particular skill or area of knowledge to this character? Behind their back? Usually gets surprised reactions when people find out how many additional skills he has on-top of being a doctor. He’s sure people talk about it behind his back, but he doesn’t care enough to find out to what extent.  
Is there an area this character could be considered top of their field or a genius in? By no means considers himself a genius of his field compared to others. He was the top of his class in medical school though.
Have they deliberately sought to gain knowledge in a specific area? If so, why? Yes. He majored in psychology since he was interested to learn more about how the brain works. Minored in dance for fun. And of course pursued a medical degree because he wanted to become a doctor to help people.
Do they speak more than one language? More than two? Why? Is fluent in several languages: English, Italian (due to his father’s side), Korean (due to mother’s side), and Spanish (from taking it in high school since they wouldn’t let him take Italian plus Mari taught him it). Vaguely knows Greek and Latin from medical lingo. Latin is a tad bit stronger because father’s side of family are Catholics.
Does their cultural background effect what they would be expected to know? Yes?
Have they ever been publicly acknowledged for being well-versed in something? Yes, he was valedictorian of his high school class and was acknowledged as top student during his med school graduation.
Have they ever been bullied for knowing a lot about something? No.
Do they actively seek new knowledge, or let it come to them naturally? A mix of both. He enjoys learning more, he’s not picky on how that new knowledge enters his life.
What did they have for breakfast this morning? An omelette with a side of fruit.
What ridiculous belief/s did they have as a child? That birds were having an important meeting when they sat in groups on telephone wires.
Do they like marshmallows? Loves marshmallows! Especially toasted ones.
Do they sleep on their side, front, or back? Tends to start off on his side, and end up on his front or back at some point while sleeping.
Do they work better with sound or silence? With sound.
Do they have a strange obsession with something minor? Looping back to the last question, he can’t stand silence. So he always has to have some sort of sound going on, whether it’s a conversation with someone, an audiobook, or music. If none of those are readily available, he will make his own sound which is how he got the habit of singing to himself so often.
Do they like art? He loves art! His college best friend was an art major and he has several of his pieces hanging up in the clinic and his apartment.
How fast can they run? Remarkably fast. 
Do they prefer to sit on the floor or on a chair? Honestly, will sit anywhere given the chance, he is not picky.
What do they want, right now? There isn’t really anything that he wants at the moment. He’s content. At least, that’s what he’s convinced himself.
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simplykpopaus · 5 years
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Requested: Yes! (may I request a boyfriend au with Kino?)
A/N: Okay so Kino is my bias. So I might have had a little fun with this. Thank you for requesting this! I hope you like it! -Lushie
How'd you meet 
let’s be real here
you met at a park 
you were there walking your dog 
with your brother and sister 
he was walking around 
with Yuto that night 
your sister needed to go to the bathroom 
you made sure your brother waited outside the bathroom doors
in case he needed to yell out for you
you could be there quickly 
you were helping your sister wash her hands 
when you heard laughing 
and barking 
getting a bit worried 
you hurried her up a bit 
walking out quickly as possible 
sister next to you 
holding your hand
you saw your brother 
lets name him 
jack...idk im not good with names sorry future children
jack was standing holding the dogs leash 
as two guys were petting the dog 
one taller than the other 
your sister ran towards them quickly 
surprising the boys 
“Oh hi, you want to pet the puppy too?”
“He’s my puppy”
she had replied to the guy
“Lilly play nice!”
the both looked over at you 
“i’m sorry about her, she’s never lets anyone touch teddy here”
they nodded at you understating 
the shorter one looked back at your sister
“Not even if jack said we could touch teddy”
she looked at you 
asking you if it was okay
nodding at her she turned back to him and nodded 
“oh, i’m sorry let me introduce myself” 
he looked at you and back at lilly 
“I’m hyunggu but you can call me Kino! and my tall friend here is Yuto”
lilly looked up at him and he smiled at her and waved 
“he’s pretty”
you all giggled at her comment
“What about me”
she stared at kino for a second before nodding at him 
“you're pretty too”
you had talked for a while with them before they had to leave 
you stayed at the park a bit longer 
watching your brother and sister play in the playground 
sitting on the grass nearby with the dog right next to you 
taking a wonderful little nap
the dog not you 
on your way home 
kino had seen you from across the street 
yet you hadn't seen him or yuto 
you were too busy keeping your brother from trying to run ahead 
The next time you saw kino 
you were on a run 
getting your daily cardio
which you've never done before
it was your friend who said you couldn't go on a run everyday for a month 
wanting to prove them wrong you bet on it 
you had stopped to get a drink of water when he appeared next to you 
“Oh, kino hi!”
“hi...uh sorry i never got your name last time”
“Oh, yeah its y/n”
“Well y/n would it be weird if i said i wanted to ask for your number last time, but i didn’t want to do it in front of your brother or sister”
laughing you nodded at him
“It might be a bit weird, but at least you tried so sure ill give you my number”
smiling at each other he handed you his phone 
putting your number in it quickly 
you handed it back to him 
“Well there you go, now if you'll excuse me I have to finish my run for today”
“Bye y/n ill text you later”
nodding at him you turned and started running again 
he infect dd text you later that day 
you spent all afternoon replying to each other 
getting to know the other pretty well 
long story short this crap
that's basically how you met
he took you out on a couple dates
four to be exact 
once a week
the first date he took you to an arcade 
you played laser tag
some mini golf 
go karting 
some rock climbing as well 
the second date was more on the classic side
dinner and a movie 
he had asked you what your fav place to eat was
thats where he took you 
at the movie theatre you couldn't decide what to watch 
so you let a total stranger decide what you should watch 
and you weren't disappointed at all
the third date was more relaxing and chill
a coffee date 
you sat at a café 
for about an hour or two 
just enjoying each others presence 
the amazing coffee and cake
talking non stop 
telling cute little stories
The fourth date 
that was a picnic and walk through the park 
the one you met at 
thats when he finally officially asked you out 
from there on you brought him around your siblings again 
Lilly loved him but always asked for Yuto 
Jack liked him too 
he would go up to him and ask for help 
sometimes it was advice on dating 
which you would always say 
“don't ask him, he sucks at dating”
which would end up with you running around the house 
with kino hot on your trail
You’d have movie nights at your place
Lilly making sure that she got to cuddle kino instead of you
you didn't mind though 
you liked that he got along with your family
lots and lots of sleepovers
some camping 
in the backyard 
laying under the stars
as he sings to you 
be ready for a load ton of selfies
you'll get minimum 4 a day 
he will always take candid pictures of you 
lots of hand holding 
or an arm around you 
basically has to feel yo near him 
always sending you the cutest of messages 
or cheesy pick up lines
“you're smile lights up my worls”
five seconds later
“Life without you is like a broken pencil... pointless.”
that one made you laugh 
but then another one appeared 
“You spend so much time in my mind, I should charge you rent.”
you’d just laugh at each one that came in
“My doctor says I'm lacking vitamin U”
at some point you would just end up calling him 
he would answer right away
“good I can say this one instead of typing it out”
“oh you have more?”
“Juts this last one”
“Oh my, okay what is it?”
“If I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?”
“yes now answer please its urgent”
“that was my answer”
"wait what”
“forget it, where are you taking me”
“oh, thats a surprise” 
and then he hangs up 
you sit there shocked for a second
“He didn’t even say bye”
your phone rings again
it was him again 
picking up you didnt even get a word in 
“be ready at 3, bye love”
looking at the time you freaked a bit 
“He only gives me 30 minutes to get ready”
thats how most of your dates happen 
unless he tells you an actual day in advance 
then but the ones that are planned 
are usually more formal dates
to dinner 
the unplanned ones 
are just you two running around town 
or a trip to the beach 
“to watch the sunset”
lots of kisses 
forehead kisses 
nose kisses
surprise kisses 
back of the hand kisses 
he just loves to kiss you 
likes to kiss you in front of the members 
you could be sitting in the living room 
one of the members sitting with you two
watching tv
and then he suddenly has his lips on yours 
making whoever was in the room leave
“what was that for”
“wanted to spend time alone with you”
cuddles are a must
holding you in his arms as a movie plays 
feeling you slowly fall asleep in his arms
he loves that 
how you slowly relax into him 
and get comfortable 
arguments are rare
going out less 
staying in more
cooking together 
all in all
he would be such a lovely boyfriend 
someone you could trust 
super caring and thinks of you a lot 
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fanfictionized · 5 years
The Hating Game - Stand By Me (6)
Characters: Lance Tucker x Latina!OFC
Chapter Summary: Lance realizes that when it comes to the Reader and her sister, he’d do anything. Perhaps even become a better man...
Warnings: near character death (allergy attack), angst, fluff
Words: 3.7k
The Hating Game - Masterlist // Previous Chapter
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Lucia rolled her eyes when she walked into her sister’s room to drop off some clean clothes, angrily throwing them onto her bed before she stood in front of her with her hands resting on her hips expectantly.
“What?” Ana didn’t even look up from her magazine, didn’t need to see the look on her sister’s face to know she was silently addressing the elephant in the room.
The… various small elephants in many beautiful colors.
She threw her hands into the air in frustration.
“Que? Que mierda-” Ana raised a judging brow at her, but she only clicked her tongue to silence herself and her sister’s judgmental comment.
She took a deep breath to calm her words and thoughts.
“I don’t want you to keep taking his flowers, Ana. That’s what.” She said, looking around to see the various bouquets of red poppy, sunflowers, daisies and other, adding to the beautiful picture it created in her room. Even though she’d never admit that out loud.
He had come to see her for the past week.
Every single day bringing her more flowers, every single day getting ignored by her only for her sister to take them and therefore creating a constant reminder for her.
The two of them were really gunning for her. Her sister especially.
A freaking traitor! In her own like flower-smelling home!
But she had her snappy excuse ready and in stock, probably only waiting to contradict her.
“Tough luck- Finders Keepers. It’s not my fault you don’t want them, they’re still pretty. And I won’t let them go to waste just because you don’t know how to uphold some freaking plants.”
Lucy groaned in annoyance before turning to storm out of her room, closing the door behind her because she didn’t want to deal with that causeless provocation anymore.
Ana only grinned in victory, continuing to read her magazine.
“Hey, what’s all this?” Ana asked as she saw the other kids and teenagers gathered around after her training.
One of the moms spoke up “Oh, it’s Cora’s birthday. I brought some muffins if you’d like some…?” She asked, holding the frosting-covered purple muffin in front of her.
It did look delicious- she thought, reaching out to treat herself this one time…
“Uh, nope.” Lance said before grabbing the muffin from her grip quickly enough to only make her protest a little.
“Hey!” She crossed her arms, pouting as he held it up high enough above his head to keep it out of her reach.
“You’re on a diet, remember? No bloating before tomorrow, we got some important practice to do-” He said before his eyes darted to the side to see the person approaching the group of people.
And even though it had only been ten days, it felt like a fucking eternity spent without having seen her.
His heart was doing somersaults inside his chest, that was the disadvantage.
Slowed thinking progress and stuttering speech and he didn’t even want to think about how much he was beginning to sweat.
“Hey-” He started, but with that high tone leaving his throat he had to clear it one more time.
“Hey.” He chuckled, arms lowering because everything else flew from his mind as he saw Lucia walk towards him- them. Wearing a beautiful summer dress with sunflowers on them. Like she’d just plucked them from the bouquets he’d brought her and stitched them right on there and so he couldn’t possibly suppress a smile at the sight of her wearing it.
She was pulling the long cardigan she was wearing on top of it closer to her body since it had already gotten a little colder than usual outside, the white Chucks on her feet giving her an altogether youthful look with her hair open like that and the smile having reappeared on her rosy cheeks…
She looked fucking stunning.
“Hey.” She said back, looking up at him with a small smile of her own. He was trying his best to read her intentions, to tell from her longing gaze what her mouth didn’t.
“I, uhm…” She began, breaking eye contact for a second to gesture somewhere into the crowd.
“I thought I’d drop by.” She said, biting her lip as she shrugged a little unsure of herself.
She wasn’t ignoring him!
Doesn’t mean you’re forgiven, dumbass. Don’t fuck it up like you do everything else.
“To eat some cake, I mean.” She laughed nervously, moving a wild strand of dark locks behind her ear.
“Oh, yeah, right.” He replied, keeping his eyes on her and for the first time she didn’t feel like he was staring at her just to stare at her. He was drinking in her reactions, listening to what she actually said.
Perhaps people can change…
“But it’s actually” He held up his hand which still held the pastry “Muffins.” He finished, offering it to the gorgeous lady.
“Oh. Thank you.” She chuckled and his heart leapt at the feeling of her fingers grazing over his own to take the muffin into her hand.
“Is it good?” She asked, big eyes looking up at him hopefully.
“Don’t know. Haven’t tried.” He said, grinning as she shrugged before taking a bite, licking the frosting off her lips.
“Hm, it’s peanut butter-” She began before she froze, eyes staring through him like she’d forgotten he stood there in the first place. His smile faded into confusion.
“Lucy?” He asked carefully, her eyes widening almost impossibly before he heard her taking in a quick, panicky breath as she swallowed down the rest.
“Did Ana eat it?” She asked anxiously, her stare changing from calm to concern within a matter of seconds.
“I- I…” He stammered before she was pushing herself through the murmuring crowd of mothers and children surrounding one single person she was hoping to find.
“Ana?” She asked nervously before she stood in front of her and with the parents being shoved aside, Lance, too, could see what she was looking for.
“How much did you eat?” Her voice had gotten an anxiously shrill tone to it, his own stomach twisting in a knot at the alarming sound of it.
She was crouching down in front of Ana whose face was already scrunched up in discomfort, coughing and rasping out each breath, a rattle in her throat that made his breathing stop.
“Just a little…” She wheezed out before tears began to fill her eyes, Lucy screaming something in Spanish before the girl was collapsing into her arms, her sister holding her close as she struggled to breath.
“Anastasia! Help! She’s allergic!” She yelled and it only took Lance a few big strides before he had reached them, acting purely out of instinct as he took the girl from her grasp and into his own arms before running to his car with Lucy in tow.
“Get in!” He shouted before she threw herself onto the backseat, taking Ana to rest her head on her lap whilst he got into the front seat, starting the car and driving at such speed he was sure that any policeman who had the idea of stopping them would burn his license along with his whole car.
The cold sweat was soaking his back, the roaring of the motor loud in his ears while Ana accompanied the sound with her own gasps and wheezes. Listening to it made his insides twist and bile acid collect in his mouth. He assumed that Lucia was praying somewhere in the background although he had tried to tune any other sound out.
Time slowed down as he pulled into the parking spot after what felt like two hours of listening to Ana suffocating in his backseat, his car crashing down to a halt in front of the building.
Everything went very quickly once they arrived there.
He ripped the door open, not even registering himself yelling and shouting for help until medical staff came pouring out of the door to take her almost limp body from his embrace, his clammy fingers wrapped so tightly around her motionless form and they heaved her onto a bed before they drove off with her through one of those swinging doors, another woman telling her to stay put in the waiting room until they had gotten the situation under control.
He only nodded, breathing for the first time since getting into his car while next to him Lucy sunk down to a heap, clutching a hand to her chest as she cried freely, shock and fear rattling her core like it did his, too.
“Here you go.” He said as he handed Lucy a bottle of water.
She was sitting on the curbside right outside the hospital because she had needed some air after an hour of anxiously waiting for the doctor’s reply or a reassuring information, just anything at all that would calm her nerves down a little.
“Thanks.” She said softly, barely a whisper as she took the bottle from his grasp to gulp down a few sips. He sighed as he sunk down to sit next to her.
“How’re you doing?” He asked when he saw how the glimmer in her eyes had been put out from the worry and stress she was experiencing. He truly could only imagine what she was going through.
She was running her fingers through her hair as if to rip it out, getting stuck in the knots and locks halfway through.
She shook her head before wrapping her arms around herself.
He wanted so badly to hug her and pull her close but it wasn’t his time to shine or decide for her.
Her throat closed up, the consistent lump reappearing to make every word even more difficult to say.
She felt the prickle in her nose as tears stung in her already burning eyes.
She then realized that she was probably looking like a mess.
Disheveled hair, mascara smearing her eyes black like a raccoon’s and snot running down her nose. She sniffed, wiping her nose on her sleeve and pushing her hair back from her tear-streaked face before she finally looked back at him.
The fact that he looked at her so full of concern made her believe that he’d put up a freaking mirror because she couldn’t get the guilt out of her system. All the fright and the worry…
“I should’ve been watching her…” She shook her head as another tear dripped down her cheek, but Lance stopped her from continuing that train of thought by placing his warm hand on her back, rubbing circles into the fabric until she’d calmed down a little.
“Hey, it’s not your fault. You gotta understand that. I even-” He interrupted himself by letting out a small chuckle “I even told her not to eat it because of the training we had planned for tomorrow… so I guess it’s my fault because sayin’ that she can’t have it is basically an invitation for her to do the exact opposite…”
She let out a laugh at that, bringing life to her face again. Her laugh reduced to a small chuckle until she was just smiling as she looked into the distance, getting lost in her thoughts for a moment before she spoke up again.
“I can’t lose her. She’s all I have left.”
“And she’s gonna be just fine.” He corrected her, raising his brows in a serious manner.
“Is she though?” Lucy blurted out suddenly, swallowing down the rest of her words and holding back the first thought that came to her head as if she wanted to correct him on it.
Because she knew something he didn’t, but was unsure if or how to tell him.
After another shaky breath she tilted her head to the side, looking in his direction but not exactly him. Still wasn’t ready to see his face when she spoke.
“My mom died in a car crash when I was sixteen.”
His head whirled around, gulping audibly loud as he listened to her story, mouth hanging open in surprise and with the lack of words escaping through it.
“Our dad didn’t take it so well. He tried, you know- to keep us fed and clothed, but…” She sighed deeply “Everyone knew something was wrong.”
Heat rose to his cheeks and his pulse quickened as he processed the information.
“I felt almost guilty when I left for college two years later because I’d left Ana there alone with him and I still hadn’t been sure if he was ready to take care of her all by himself.” Tears poured down her face like water in a creek. But less violent. No wracking sobs that came with it.
“I, uhm- I got a call a month later. The police had come to our house after they’d heard my little sister crying for hours non-stop.”
Her breathing came jerkily, like hiccoughing.
“They found my dad hanging from the brace in our attic.”
As soon as the words left her she was crying openly.
“She’d been the one to find him you know? She was only six at the time and- and sometimes I don’t know if she really doesn’t remember it anymore or if some part of her brain is just blocking out the trauma. And to be honest, I don’t know which one’s worse.”
She inhaled shakily.
His hand slid down to hold onto the cold pavement next to her. Something to ground him after what she’d just confessed to him.
All of that info hit him like a fucking truck and all he could do was sit there like an idiot.
He’s never felt so goddamn useless in his entire life.
“She’s already so distant… I don’t want her to have any permanent damage because of it or- or…”
So before she started to hyperventilate he had to chime in and do at least something to help her not completely lose it.
“Ana’s a great girl, Lucia. You’ve made sure of that.” He said, a reassuring smile on his face as she looked at him quizzically.
“She’s becoming a Teenager. Being distant from people around you is part of it. You shouldn’t worry about her so much, she’s got a lot figured out on her own already. Definitely more than I had at her age.” He chuckled to lighten up the mood a little.
It helped.
“Your training’s helping her a lot. It’s good that she has something to do and... I know she’s having fun with you.” She smiled as she wiped her tears away.
“She likes you… even though she wouldn’t necessarily say it like that….”
“Wouldn’t expect it any other way.” He chuckled.
She smiled as she eyed him for a while, biting the inside of her cheek.
“You’re good for her.”
He smiled back, looking down between them and seeing the way their hands were almost touching before he brought up the courage to graze the back of her hand and she let him, intertwining the fingers until he was truly holding onto it.  
“I’m not going anywhere.” He whispered as he stared into the depth of her dark eyes, finding comfort and safety in only the soothing touch and the way her gaze was resting upon him.
He swallowed hard as she held his hand tightly, feeling her warmth oozing into him, soaking it up desperately like pavement the rain after a storm and making his heart expand to the size of a damn football, the thrum in his ears hollering almost twice as loud as would be considered normal.
Just seeing her fucking smile, even through the tears and pain- he was fucking done for.
He managed a hesitant smile of his own before the doors behind them slid open to reveal one of the nurses.
“Lucia Reyes?” The young woman with the fiery hair asked and both of them interrupted their moment to jump onto their feet, looking at her expectantly.
She smiled after a second.
“Your sister’s doing fine. We’ve had her hooked on the IV to and given her antihistamines to bring up her blood pressure and reduce the swelling of the airway.”
She explained and Lucy could only nod happily at her remark.
“We’re also giving you an EpiPen in case it should happen again so that you can inject her with it if she’s eaten nuts. Just make sure she keeps it close to her.”
She added, pressing the small stick into her palm. She eyed it curiously, confusion still written all over her face.
“Don’t you need me to pay her treatment? And… this?” She asked, but the nurse only shook her head.
“It’s already taken care of.” She said before she went back inside.
It took her a second to understand what she meant by that, but when she finally did she slowly turned to face Lance, a smug smile on his face.
“No. Lance-” She whined, looking almost embarrassed.
“Would you shut up about that? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He grinned before pointing towards the door and the person approaching behind it.
“Look who’s here.”
Her head whirled around to see another nurse guiding her sister outside in a wheelchair and before the nurse had even opened his mouth to say goodnight, she’d interrupted him by throwing her arms around her little sister. She hugged her back weakly.
Her swollen, blue face had reduced to a minimum and she was looking almost normal again. Exhausted, but still smiling that same, all-knowing smile.
“Guess you can’t get rid of me that easily.” She joked and that’s when they both knew she was on her way to recovery, Lucy clicking her tongue in annoyance.
“Ay, don’t say that.” She whispered, sniffing and running a hand over her sister’s tousled hair.
“Hey, kid.” Lance said from behind her and she grinned when she saw the knowing glance on his face.
“Told you you shouldn’t have eaten that muffin.” He said and she rolled her eyes, sighing.
“I knew you were gonna say that.”
He laughed, the nurse told them goodbye and a safe ride home before they got into the car and drove home.
They didn’t talk as they did so, just enjoying each other’s presence in peace as she sat in the front seat next to him, Ana having lain down in the back to close her eyes and doze off.
She was looking at him- his clean-shaven face, his piercing gaze onto the occasionally bumpy road, the few strands of hair that had loosened from its usual gelled back hairstyle to fall into his face and the clench of his jaw muscles as he knew exactly that she was watching him.
Even though he didn’t seem to mind. He looked back at her for a second to see the smile on her face, mirroring his own before he kept on driving.
Driving through the night until they arrived in front of her house.
They got out without saying a word, Tucker opening the back door to pull out Ana’s sleeping body and carry her in his arms and into the house, all while Lucy was leading their way.
He put her down gently on the bed in her sister’s room before they silently went outside to close the door behind them.
“I think she’s gonna sleep with me tonight. Just to be safe.” She explained, rubbing her hands together because she didn’t know what else to do with them.
“Good idea.” He mumbled, strolling outside again, next to her.
His own hands were buried in his pockets because they were too sweaty to do anything else with. Why was he suddenly being so awkward?
He was enjoying her presence. Was this weird or was it just his fault?
But all the worries went away as soon as he saw her soft smile and the way she looked at him.
Made him feel like he was the only person in the whole wide world and he wanted to feel that all the fucking time. He was getting high on her.
The only addiction he ever needed in his life.
They walked up to his car, his fingers placed on the cooling metal of the hood before she spoke up.
“Thank you, Lance.” She whispered his name, making his insides tingle with joy.
“For everything.” She added and stepped forward to wrap her arms around him, pulling him down so that she could rest her chin on his shoulder and it took him a second to respond before his strong arms were placed around her back and waist, pulling her in and closing his eyes, inhaling her sweet smell of fruit and flowers. His flowers.
“’S fine.” He managed to respond after a few minutes of simply holding her, her hot breath fanning over his neck and he was glad there was still a little space between their bodies so that she wouldn’t feel the bulge forming against her stomach.
An emotional boner.
That was a first.
She pulled back a little, enough to stare into his eyes and more than enough to make his breathing falter as she pressed her soft lips to his cheek, leaving a lingering kiss on his skin before she withdrew completely.
He hoped that in the low light she wouldn’t see him all speechless and flustered, let alone his burning red cheeks although he was forgetting one thing;
She could read him like a book.
Her hands remained holding his forearms before she took a step back, her fleeting touch vanishing completely until only the perfect image of her remained.
“Goodnight, Lance.” She said with a gentle tone to her voice, the joyous smile on her lips adding to the beautiful picture of her in that pretty sundress with her curly hair and her twinkling eyes.
“Goodnight.” He smiled as he said it back before he got into his car and drove off into the night.
Taglist: @culturespark
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poughkeepsies · 5 years
haPpy birThDay mOm
Here, @letsgobethegoodguys, have this horribly written and paced garbage fire as a gift.
“Only you, man.”
“Wha’?” The arm draping over his still slightly feverish skin lifted, revealing the sweaty, unshaven face of Sam Winchester beneath. 
“This is literally the first year for as long as I can remember that nothing is actively trying to eat us on your birthday. And what do you do? Catch the flu. I swear it’s almost like you don’t want to eat the cake I slaved over for you.” 
“If it follows any of the same health guidelines as that ‘Elvis’ burger you’ve been trying to get me to eat, then I’m sure I don’t,” he followed, sitting up with a grunt. “And this isn’t even that bad, we can still do whatever it was you had planned.” 
The words, coupled with the sight of his little brother looking like a character straight out of The Walking Dead, made him crack a grin. It was unreasonably adorable of his brother to have the muscle coordination of a puppet with its strings cut and still be so eager to do whatever Dean wanted, a fact that he will forever take to his grave. 
The poor bastard hadn’t even lasted a day after their last hunt last week, one that Dean himself had planned to be their last until after Sam’s birthday. With the seemingly never-ending string of trouble that followed them around, this was the first year where everything seemed to have finally settled down. Jody, Donna, and the girls were fine, Cas was fine, and there were no exceptionally evil forces waiting on the horizon. Even Mom was back, even if she was spending her second chance at life seemingly everywhere but with them. They hadn’t had a chance like this to just shut everything down and celebrate for years now, and Dean would be damned if he let it go to waste. 
Or that was the plan until Sam got the flu out of nowhere and Dean spent the rest of the week playing worried nursemaid with his half-conscious brother.  
“Yeah, no. You’re not getting out of that bed for anything other than your whizzer until I’ve personally cleared you. I’m Dr. Sexy M.d. now.” 
“I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth in that order or otherwise ever again, or so help me God I will bring Amara back and have her kill both of us.”
It was funny, how his brother could go from adorable and eager to an annoying pain the ass in the span of a second. “Dude, for the last time, delirious and bitchy is not a good look on you. Or anyone, for that matter.” 
“I’m gonna pass out so I don’t have to stay in this conversation. Wake me up when it’s time for us to go.” 
That was not happening. Even if Sam could hold up a conversation, that didn’t mean he was ready for the night out Dean had planned. Bars and girls were the extents of Dean’s experience with anything resembling a party, but right now, that would be enough to throw Sam back in bed for another week. 
On second thought, Sam probably wouldn’t even enjoy those things anyway. Sure, Dean liked to prod and pretend, but he was well aware of how his and his brother’s definitions of “fun” differed. 
In a fit of inspiration, he hurried to get out the door. 
“Yeah, not happening. Goodnight, bitch.” 
Neither the pillow nor the closing of the door could mute the exasperated “jerk” that sounded in his wake.  
Two hours, and one and a half trips to the store (“How did I forget the milk?! I only went to the store in the first place to get the milk! Son of a-”) later, Dean pried open the bunker door, only to find the sleeping, suspiciously clean, and well-dressed form of his brother waiting below in the War Room. He cursed softly and hurried down the stairs, immediately knowing the idiot’s well intentions. It took a single echo of his step on the War Room floor to jolt Sam awake so fast, he only just managed not to fall out of his chair. 
“-wake, I’m awake!” he claimed, sounding the exact opposite. Dean huffed, settling the bags down on the floor and making his way toward his brother.
“Oh good, then you can explain why you’re still trying to go rogue.” 
“De’, you know you’re not actually a doctor, right? You just watch one on TV.” The mix of his congested nose and clearly still sore throat did nothing for the stubborn air he was aiming for. 
“Well, you don’t even do that, so you don’t get to talk. Now go on,” he emphasized with a nudge to stand and a gentle shove toward the bedrooms, “Go put on something comfortable and pick a movie, we’re dining in tonight.” 
The moment Sam nodded his disgruntled acquiescence and started walking back, he was already scrambling to the kitchen to prepare. 
Twenty minutes later found Sam and Dean Winchester both half-sitting, half-laying down on Sam’s bed, plates of homemade chocolate cake in hand and looking the picture of annoyed-contentment. 
“It’s your turn.” 
“It’s your turn. You and I both know it is your turn.”
“Oh no, last time was my turn, which is why I got up and then had to watch The Princess Bride for the thousandth time, and now by law, you have to get up and put on what I want.” 
“Who made this law?”
“Whoever made up the idea of turns, how the hell am I supposed to know?”
“Oh my bad, you act like such a know-it-all all the time I just assumed.” 
“Just for that, we’re watching Forensic Files reruns next.”
“Alright, Samantha, no need to rub in your weird serial killer fetish.” 
Getting up with an unintelligible grumble, Dean made his way to the tv stand and put in the DVD from Sam’s old collection. They probably could have been using Netflix this entire time, everything seemed to be on there these days, but it was a fit of nostalgia that prompted them to go searching through the old collection, movies and tv shows that they’d acquired over the years and watched together hundreds of times as their form of downtime. Each of these disks held a rare memory of almost perfect normalcy, of more often than not two brothers almost sprawled over each other and bickering meaninglessly. 
Turning back, it was clear that no matter what Sam kept insisting, he was still sick and tiring out fast. It was only a few minutes after the show started and Dean settled back in his spot when Sam’s head dipped tiredly into the dip of his shoulder. Moving with earned ease, Dean instinctually slipped his arm behind his brothers back, turning him even more toward himself and settling back against the headboard, content to be used as a pillow for the rest of the night. He pressed a dry kiss to his brother’s scalp, whispering a soft “Happy birthday. Goodnight, Bitch” into the shaggy hair. 
This time, there was no reply. 
(And no hunts for another week either. What, was Dean supposed to somehow magically take care of his brother and not get sick himself? Heck off.)
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georgialouisea · 5 years
Don’t Tell My Wife - Part 1
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Characters - Reader, Patrick Dempsey, Ellen Pompeo, Justin Chambers, Kevin McKidd, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Richard Speight Jr.
Warnings - Fluff, drinking, flirting, future affair.  Word count - 2.4k. Summary - You were happy on Grey’s Anatomy, you felt at home there but when a guest role on Supernatural is offered you’d be a fool to say no. When the guest role becomes a more permanent thing, your relationship with your co-star Jensen Ackles develops too, into something it really shouldn’t.
A/N - So ... just a quick heads up characters mentioned not from the cast of supernatural will be the cast  of Grey’s Anatomy, if you don’t watch the show it doesn’t matter at all just see them as ocs unless you’d like to google it’s completely up to you and your reading preference. 
“That won’t work Derek and you know it, it was a stupid idea and you shouldn’t have ever roped me in, if you’ll excuse me, I have to tell a woman her son will not be making it off the table.” Ripping off your scrub cap you turned on your heel walking out of the shot.
Behind you, the rest of the scene played out Patrick acting everything out perfectly.
“Cut!” The director shouted across the small room. “That was perfect! I love working with you two, always means I can go home early.” She smiled at you. “Take ten and we’ll crack on with this afternoon shall we?”
Walking back to your trailer it still hadn’t fully sunk in how lucky you are even after all these years. Acting was hard, getting a break in acting harder however you seemed to be one of the lucky ones. All your previous roles had been at home in England until you made the move to LA. Grey’s Anatomy had been one of your favourite shows for years, so when you got cast as Doctor Lily Grey a long-lost sister of the main character you felt like you’d actually made it somewhere in life.
“Y/N!” Ellen shouted running to catch up to you.
“Yeah?” Spinning around to face her.
“Since when do we have a meeting at a quarter to four?”
“Since now.” She shrugged walking back towards set next to you.
“You know you play my sister you’re not actually my sister.”
“Sometimes I feel like I am.” She stopped walking her hand on your back ushering you towards the closed door to one of the operating room setups.
“Why are we here? What’s happened to the conference room?”
“Nothing, just open it and go in.”
“Are you going to kill me?” Laughing you turned to face her.
“Just go on.” Rolling her eyes she gave you a small push.
Opening the door the room was pitch black, stepping in the room the lights flicked on, the whole cast and crew stood in front of you, party poppers went off as everyone shouted “Happy Birthday!”
“Guys!” Smiling at them you were pulled into a group hug.
The afternoon was spent eating snacks and cake with the cast and crew before rushing home to get ready for the surprise meal and drinks Ellen had planned for you.
Walking into the restaurant the table was covered in pink and black glitter, matching balloons floated above the table. “Happy Birthday!” Everyone shouted raising their glasses, a glass of champagne handed to you by Patrick Dempsey.
“Happy Birthday darling.” He whispered kissing your cheek. “Enjoy tonight.”
“Thanks, I will.”
Hours ticked by as you ate and drank with your friends, drinking maybe a little too much.
Staggering outside the warm LA air not doing much to warm you up, wrapping your arms around your waist you waited for the stragglers to follow you out.
“Y/N! You left your coat inside.” Justin Chambers walked toward you your leather jacket in hand.
“Thanks, babe.” Taking it from him you struggled to put it on, staggering away from Justin your back collided with something solid.
“Oof.” Someone huffed behind you.
Turning around you finally got your arm in the sleeve. “I’m so sorry.” Pulling your sleeve down, looking up you took a step back. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” The man smiled down at you.
Your brain finally caught up with your eyes, you’d fallen into the chest of Jensen Ackles. “You’re Dean Winchester, oh God you’re so pretty.”
“You’re Lily Grey, you’re pretty too.”
“I’m so sorry.” Apologising again you tried to sound as sober as you could but couldn’t help but grin at him.
“Y/N.” Justin walked towards you. “You good?”
“Mhm fine.” You watched over Justin’s shoulder as the rest of the group practically fell out of the bar door. “Mr Dean, Jensen, I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologising.” He laughed, his hand reaching out grabbing your bicep he steadied you. “Have you had a good night?”
“So fun.”
“Good.” Smiling down at you his eyes crinkled as he let you go.
Kevin McKidd walked towards you plonking a tiara on your head and kissing your cheek.
“Is it your birthday?” Jensen asked. Nodding your eyes shifted to the two men who had stopped next to Jensen. “Y/N, this is Jared and Misha.”
“Hi.” You waved at them despite how close you were to them.
“Y/N! Where’s Y/N?” Ellen called from the main group of drunk tv Doctors.
“She’s here!” Jared called raising a hand giving her a wave.
“Oh my God.” She sighed walking towards you. “I’m sorry.” She took your hand properly looking at the men in front of her. “You’re the guys from Supernatural.”
“Yeah, we are.” Jensen nodded with a smile.
“Y/N, come on!” Kevin called waving you toward him.
Turning you tried to walk towards him, Ellen quickly pulled you back. “Hey, no, you’ll end up coming home at seven am again.”
“Mhm okay.”
“Cabs are here!” Someone from the group called.
“Okay, so we’re going, enjoy the rest of your night.”
“Bye Mr Dean, Castiel and Sammy!” Waving at them Justin wrapped his arm around your waist walking you towards the taxi.
With each blink, the pounding in your head intensified. A glass of water sat on your bedside table half drunk with a bottle of aspirin and a note.
‘I’ll explain everything you’re fuzzy on, take a few pills, drink up, I’m on the couch.’
After reading Justin’s drunkenly scrawled note you threw your arm over your eyes trying to block out the light. “Justin?” Calling out your voice cracked.
Your bedroom door opened, Justin walked in 2 cups of coffee in his hands. “How’re you feeling?” He handed you a cup of coffee.
“Like I was hit by a truck.” Sighing you rested back against the pillows.
“Give me a few.” Justin put his coffee cup on the empty bedside table leaving you alone in bed. You listened to him shuffling around in the kitchen. “Here.” He walked back in with a pizza box in his hands.
“Oh thank God!” Grabbing a slice you sat back, Derek, your Dachshund jumped up on your bed staring at you wide-eyed. Taking a picture of your coffee cup on your bed you uploaded it to Instagram, thanking your friends for last night.
“Did you feed him?” Asking him you stroked Derek’s fur as he nuzzled against your side sniffing at the pizza crust in your hand.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Thanks.” Taking another bite of the crust you gave the rest to Derek. “I don’t know why you put up with me.”
“I just do.”
“You seriously slept on the couch?”
“Yeah, I’m in the same state you’re in.” Justin groaned falling back next to you.
“Someone should have cut us off.”
“Yeah.” He laughed. “You were funny though.”
“What?” Why? What did I do?” You sat up looking at him.
“We ran into the guys from Supernatural.”
“You walked straight into Jensen Ackles literally, then you had a little chat with him, I think you called him pretty at one point.”
“Yep, they didn’t seem to mind though.”
“Oh my God.”
Your phone dinged from your bedside table.
‘Jensen Ackles followed you.’
‘Jensen Ackles liked your photo.’
‘Jensen Ackles commented on your photo ‘Enjoy your pizza, Miss Lily, Y/N and happy birthday.’
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“Well, he’s fine with it.”
“Who?” Justin asked gulping a mouthful of coffee.
“Jensen, he just followed me and commented about last night, can I go back to sleep yet?”
“God yes.” Taking the pizza box off the bed he put it on the table next to him. “I already need a nap.”
“How’s your head today?” Patrick asked a day later handing you a cup of coffee.
“It’s fine today, yesterday was the killer, there was a lot of coffee and pizza.” Fixing your scrubs you looked back up at him. “You?”
Your phone rang in your pocket, not looking at the caller ID you answered. “Hello?” Patrick smiled at you taking a few steps away from you, leaving you to talk alone.
“Good morning Y/N, how was your birthday?” Dave your agent asked.
“It was great thanks, how are you?”
“I’m good, so I have some news for you.”
“Which is?”
“You’re wanted.”
“By -”
“There’s a guest role, a hunter and you’re perfect for it, honestly you are, they’ve reached out asking if you’d want to play a badass hunter.”
“Do you have the script?”
“Already emailed over to you.” You could hear Dave smirk down the line. “Have a read through and let me know as soon as you can.”
“Will do.”
“Bye.” Dave hung up.
Patrick smiled at you. “What are you so happy about?”
“I may have just got a guest role on Supernatural.”
“You love that show.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“How are you going to work on two shows?”
“It’s only a guest role I can juggle it, I haven’t even accepted it yet.”
In the 3 years, you’d worked on Grey’s you’d quickly made friends with everyone, Patrick and Ellen were closest, they were practically your on and off screen parents, always keeping you in check.
“Y/N!” Jared shouted you from across the lot as you were halfway through your tour.
“Jared! Hey!” Grinning at him you gave him quick hug.
“Are you filming today?”
“Not today, we’re on a little tour.”
“Want me to take over?” Jared looked at the PA whos name you were yet to learn.
“If that’s okay, I have a load to do.” She pulled out her phone almost running off immediately.
“Lead the way, Padalecki.”
“Sure thing Y/L/N.” Crooking his arm he held it out for you, linking your arm through his he led you around the set.
Hours later you held a cup of coffee in your hands allowing the heat to warm up your hands. “It’s so cold, oh my God, I hate winter.”
“Yeah.” Jared nodded. “It is.”
“I thought you’d be used to the cold being British.” Misha smiled at you.
“Kind of, I think over the years I’ve got used to LA weather.”
“Wait how long have you lived in LA for?” Misha asked Jensen walked toward the 3 of you.
“Hi.” He smiled at you.
“Hi, erm 3 years.” You answered Misha.
“Have you been home a lot?” Jared asked.
“I go back every few months when I can.” You tried to focus on Jared as Jensen sat opposite you. “I actually want to apologise for my state in LA.”
“It was interesting.” Jensen winked at you.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stick around here for long enough you’ll see us all in much worse states.” Jensen chuckled his eyes drifting to Jared. “In fact, we can tell you some stories.”
Crawling into bed 4 hours later you were still giggling at the tales the boys had told you, pulling the sheets up checking on your phone you dropped it down onto the bedside table. Falling asleep with a smile on your face you were going to enjoy spending time with this cast, they’d already made you feel at home.
“Morgan.” Dean ran across the parking lot as you threw your bag onto the back seat of your car.
“Yes, Winchester?” Turning to face him, you caught a glimpse of Sam disappearing into the motel room.
Dean came to a stop in front of you. “Hey, erm listen, I just wanna say thank you, I know we barged in on your hunt, took it over and in the end you were the one to save our asses.”
“Damn right.” Smirking up at him.
“So I just want to say thank you and if you ever need any help you have my number.” He took a step closer to you, closing the gap.
Smiling up at him your back was pressed up against the side of your car. “I’m sure I can cope.”
“If you need me.” Dean’s fingertips tucked hair behind your ear. “For anything.” He leaned in his lips brushed against yours waiting for you to kiss him or kick his ass.
Your hand ran up his chest, patting it you pushed him away slightly. “If I need you, Winchester, I’ll call.” Your hand moved across his chest grabbing the lapel of his suit jacket pulling him back against you, leaning up you kissed him hard. Pulling away you smiled up at him. “Like I said I’ll call.”
Dean took a step backwards.
“Goodbye Dean Winchester.”
“See ya around Wilson.” Dean grinned at you as he watched you get into your car, roaring your car to life, your eyes roaming his body.
“Need you, call, I got it, Dean.” Slamming the door shut you opened the window.
“Morgan.” Leaning down he rested his forearms on the door. “Don’t be a stranger.”
“Dean, I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other very soon.” Dean took a step back from your car.
“And cut!” Speight shouted from behind the camera. “That’s a wrap on the amazing Miss Y/L/N!”
Getting out of the car Jensen’s arms wrapped around you. “It’s been great working with you.”
“You too.”
“We’re going for drinks tonight right?” Jared asked, as soon as you were out of Jensen’s arms Jared gave you a bone-crushing hug.
“Hell yeah.” Nodding, Jared let you go. “I have a few people I need to talk to before I leave set, I love you both I’ll see you tonight but I gotta run.”
“You go, we’ll pick you up at seven.” Jensen smiled down at you.
Leaving Vancouver was hard, sure you’d been here for a week but the friendships you’d formed were real. Arriving back in LA taking the time you were stuck in traffic to call Dave.
“Hello?” He answered.
“Dave, Hi I -”
“Y/N, I was just about to call you, the guys over on Supernatural loved you and they want to talk about making your role something more permanent.”
“Yeah, they adored you, they want to progress her relationship with Dean.”
“Yes, they think there is a real connection and chemistry between Morgan and Dean.”
“You’re kidding?”
“Nope, they want to explore it.”
“I’ll let them know, congratulations.” He hung up quickly, obviously wanting to get the ball rolling.
Finishing your phone call you dropped your phone into your lap slightly in shock, you’d just landed another role on a TV show you’d loved for years, this wasn’t real, this was a dream. Your phone vibrating in your lap.
‘Welcome to the family.’ Jensen’s text lit up on your screen.
Part 2
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Survey #465
“the old man then prepares to die regretfully  /  that old man here is me”
Did you have a boyfriend in kindergarten? No, but I had a guy who wouldn't leave me alone since pre-k. Did you ever read the Magic Treehouse series? OMG I forgot about those!! I loved them!!! Did you ever watch The Land Before Time movies? AHHHHHHHHH yes!!! :') Did you collect anything when you were a kid? Stickers. My dresser was COMPLETELY covered in them. Who did you look up to most as a child? Steve Irwin, 100%. He was my hero. Did your parents let you drink soda when you were little? Some, yes. I wish they hadn't, with the dependency I have now. Did you ever watch The Powerpuff Girls or Dexter’s Laboratory? Of course! I strongly preferred the former, though. Did you watch Blue's Clues? HOW TIMELY. :'''') I did! My little sister and I loved it. What was your favorite kind of cake as a kid? Just gimme a good 'ole double chocolate cake and I was one happy kiddo, ha ha. Did you ever want to grow up? Sure didn't. I was smart. How often do you listen to classic rock? It varies, really. Sometimes I'm in the mood for it and binge it, other times I want newer music. What about country? Just about never. What is the most amount of money you have ever lost? Not a whole lot. I'm very careful with money. Have you ever hurt yourself just to get attention? No. Whenever I did it in the past, it was always to relocate the pain I was experiencing, and because I felt like I deserved it. Last person to get on your nerves? I'd rather not give it the time of day. Are you in any pain right now? No. Last thing you ate? It was one of those chocolate chip Clif Thins things. I HATE every Clif product I've ever tried until these, so they're a good option if I really want something sweet that's actually decently healthy and doesn't taste like I'm eating pure fiber, like most of their products. Name three things apart from trust and loyalty that you need in a relationship. Open, honest communication, similar interests as well as morals, and pro-LGBTQ+, if I'm just naming three. How far away are you from the place that you were born? Like... not even ten minutes. Do you live near anybody who creeps you out? Nah. Then again though I know pretty much nobody in my neighborhood. Is there anywhere that you are too afraid to go to alone? Where? Hm. If for whatever strange reason I had to, I would absolutely not want to go into a men's restroom alone. Would you be upset if you had a child who decided to make “adult films?” Despite the fact I don't negatively judge porn stars if they are smart, cautious, an informed about what they do and how to stay safe... I think I'd be very, very scared if my child wanted that, especially if it was my daughter, because she can actually get pregnant. Yes, abortion's an option, but... still. I don't want her to have to be faced with that decision. I also would be terrified of my hypothetical son getting someone pregnant, especially because he's then not the one with say on what happens to that child. So ultimately, if I was ever in this situation, I feel like I'd need to be alone with my partner to just cry for a while and then talk with them and look at the situation factually and with regard for my child's happiness. What pizza topping would you never, ever, EVER eat? Sardines. /gag What annoys you most about your computer? The microphone is broken. Do you prefer to read blogs or watch vlogs? I'm not huge on either, but watch vlogs. Do you know anyone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas? No. Do you own a snowglobe? I wish I did, they cute. What was the last thing that upset you? It was more disappointing than upsetting, but I was nevertheless super bummed that my bf had to scoot us hanging out a day back today when I was v excited for it. What is something you are behind on? It sounds unbelievable, I know, but I am IMMENSELY behind with Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. Like, I'm somewhere around four episodes in. It's so hard to explain: like, I want to watch it badly, but I don't want to set aside time to sit in front of the TV to actually do it? It makes very little sense. I'll catch up eventually, I just... haven't yet. Who DO you go to for advice when you need it? Mom, Sara, my therapist... Will you go caroling this year? God no. Never have, never will. Would you ever be friends with someone who was suicidal? Bro what the fuck, of course I would. Would you rather have a daughter or a son? Daughter. Did you get bullied more as a child, a teenager, or an adult? I'm very grateful that I was never truly bullied. If you’re female, would you feel uncomfortable having a male gynecologist? FUCK YES. Are you allergic to your favorite animal? I wouldn't know; I've never been near one. :( What’s your favorite country besides the USA? Lol what a presumptuous question. Probably Africa. Did you get senior pictures taken? No, even though I wanted them. :/ I don't remember why I didn't? How often do you like to have sex? I don't care. Whenever it feels right. Are you any good at math? OH MY GOD NO Do you like Dairy Queen? I fucking love Dairy Queen. Ever had their Oreo Cupfection? *chef's kiss* If you had to get advice from someone of the opposite sex, who would you go to? Girt. Or my psychiatrist. Really depends. Does talking about sex make you feel uncomfortable? GODDAMN RIGHT IT DOES. Few things make me MORE uncomfortable. Are you more scared of going to the doctors or dentists? Doctors. Dentists are ezpz for me. At the doctor, meanwhile, I'm scared of them finding something seriously wrong. Do you get along with your significant other’s friends? I've only met one, and that was YEEEEAAARRRRSSS ago. He was chill, though. Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning? omfg YES Do you enjoy board games? Not really. Do you need a haircut? I actually just got one the other day. It's shorter than I would've liked, but it's whatever. Hair grows back, and mine does fast. Do you feel bad when you kill bugs? Yes. They've got the same right to be here as we do. What’s the longest stretch of time you’ve spent completely alone? A week or two when my mom and sis went to the beach (I think?) for a dance competition. Have you ever been in a situation where you needed a lawyer? Yes, when I presented my disability case. Do you know anyone who has been evicted? My mom, sister, and me because we couldn't keep up with rent. What’s your favorite macaron flavor? Never tried one. How often do you have friends over to your house? The only "friend" that comes over to my house is my boyfriend. Have you ever done a flip on a trampoline? Front flips, yes; never back flips, because I was scared of breaking my neck. What about a flip off of a diving board? No. Does your country have free healthcare? No, but it fucking should. What is your sexuality? Bro I don't even know anymore lmao. I just say pansexual. "Queer" might fit me best, though. I really don't know, but it doesn't really matter. What’s the last show you watched? Attack on Titan w/ Girt! I'm actually keen to see more of it. The darkness and heartbreak of it is right up my alley. How is your road rage? I don't really experience road rage because I'm too engulfed by terror to focus on anything else, honestly. Do you have any facial piercings? Yeah; I have a vertical labret in my lip. Have you ever been to a rehab center? So this is dumb as shit, but all the psych hospitals I've been to doubled as rehab centers. Which made NO goddamn sense because those who are suffering with mental illnesses leading to suicidal thoughts/tendencies are unique from those dealing with addiction; both require individual treatments and should not be grouped, imo. How long did your shortest relationship last? Not even a day. What would your life be like if you had married your first love? That's... scary to imagine. Sometimes, that was all I wanted. But seeing as he left because of my depression... it probably would have been catastrophic. He was the only person I ever wanted kids with, so there probably would have been children involved in all that madness, which no little one deserves. Him leaving ultimately led to my healing, too, so I don't know where I would've been mental health-wise if he stayed. What is the most difficult or time-consuming thing you’ve ever cooked? Would you make it again? I don’t cook. I need to learn, though... Have you ever had a platonic friend that everyone insisted you should be in a relationship with? He's my boyfriend now, ha ha ha. Is there anything about a person’s sexual past that might stop you from wanting to date them? Yes. I'm too lazy to get into that stuff rn, though. If someone asked your closest friends/family members what career path might suit you best, what do you think they would say? I'm almost certain they would all say veterinarian. How did you and your significant other celebrate your last anniversary? Slow down buddy, we haven't even been together a month lmao. Who was the last person to make you a home-cooked meal? What did they make? Mom, but I don't recall the last thing she made from scratch. Girt is doing that tomorrow, though! :') He's making grilled chicken stuffed with jalapenos and spinach and something else I can't remember and it sounds BANGIN'. What’s the weirdest, rudest, or most ridiculous thing a guest has ever done in your home? Hmmm... I'll have to get back to ya on that. Has anyone ever told you you’re manipulative? I think someone has, yes. Do you know anyone who owns their own business? Yep. Who was the recipient of your very first kiss? Jason. Do you prefer shrimp or crab? SHRIMP. Crab is mushy and disgusting. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books/movies? I strongly prefer fiction. Have you ever seen an eclipse? Plenty of lunar eclipses, yes. Who is your favourite video game character? Pyramid Head, Spyro, Cynder... I have a lot, those three are just panning out as strong contenders. Are you the type of person who knows exactly what they want in life? lol Do you have commitment issues? Not at all. What was the last thing you felt nostalgic about? uhhh Does anyone in your family smoke? My dad. Have you ever had a pet escape and run away? OMG one time in his prime, Teddy got loose on a snowy night and went on a full-blown adventure. I was SOBBING. My dad had to chase him down. Do any of your exes know each other? Juan knows Jason, Jason knows Juan and Girt, and Sara knows Girt. What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? "Vaccines cause autism." Fuck out my face. What was the very first election you voted in? This most recent presidential one.
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chapter one of heating up the kitchen
Chapter One
 Gabbie Akechi had just got off the phone with her dad who invited her back to the house for her younger brothers birthday, which would be this weekend. She was at school a state over for her baking. She had settled in, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to go back. Gabbie the headstrong sarcastic second daughter of Kit and Mitsuhide Akechi was finally on her own and loving every minute of it. School was going well, and she had settled into dorm life and was finally happy with her life.
Having been in the shadows of her older sister Rin all of her life, she was glad of this new start. She knew her parents understood her, most of all her dad, who had adopted them four years ago right before the first of the other kids were born. She had loved seeing her mom happy, and with a biological child she had wanted for so long, but the fact she had adopted four kids when she was nineteen made it, so she didn’t date at all. Then Mitsuhide entered their lives and was a whirlwind of things that, in the end, was exactly what the family needed.
Mitsuhide didn’t just enter their lives he stepped in and helped when their mother had needed help. Rin’s boyfriend had abducted her with the help of his father, and they had left her for dead in a frozen lake in winter. It was her mothers knowledge of the area and Mitsuhide’s quick action that had saved her sisters life. Gabbie was forever grateful, but at the same time, it had left her leery of men in general. She didn’t date. She didn’t even want to date. She was eighteen and happy to be on her own, sort of.
Only one man had ever made her feel like she could be anything other than alone. However, he was also like her uncle through her father. A member of his special forces unit. Masamune Date was many things in life, but he was one of the driving factors in Gabbie’s choice of fields to go into. Masa liked to cook. He would be over and make meals for the family every weekend so they would have real food to eat during the week. Gabbie had spent the time with him while he made them. She watched him in the kitchen, and she realized she did have a slight crush on him. Masamune only thought of her as a brat. She knew that.
“What’s up?” she answered her phone.
“Seeing if you are coming home for the weekend kiddo.” The deep masculine voice said.
“Masa.” she said, “I am eighteen now can you stop with the kiddo crap?” Gabbie said as she curled up on her bed.
“I guess if you really want me to Princess,” Masa said, and Gabbie knew he was smiling as he flirted without thought. She knew better than to think anything about it.
“Yeah, I am coming home. Dad just called me.” Gabbie said.
“You don’t sound too excited about the prospect of coming home,” Masa said with a hint of concern clouding his normally playful voice. It matched his personality perfectly. He could be discussing an upcoming mission with Mitsuhide that was completely serious and be down rolling on the floor playing with one of the babies or boogs.
“I, well, I am not sure,” Gabbie said. “I mean mom and dad have their hands full. Rin will probably be there. Me coming back, the house is going to be packed.”
“Still don’t like crowds, Princess?” he asked.
“Masa it isn’t that I don’t like crowds. I just like quiet so I can think and design,” she said. “I do have finals soon, and I have to figure out what I plan on baking for them.”
“Whatever you make will be fine,” Masa said.
“Whatever.” Gabbie said with a huff. She knew the man on the other end would think anything she made in the kitchen was good because the two of them were the ones stuck with the cooking. He handled the meals, and she did all the baking for every one of the events.
“If you don’t want to stay at the house because your parents might cramp your style you can crash at my place. You know the door is always open for family.” Masa said.
“Thanks, Masa but I don’t think that would be a good idea either.” Gabbie said.
“Why not?” he asked. “We can get a head start on everything for the party if you did. Actually, I think it is one of my better ideas. You should stay with me.”
“Let me talk to dad.” Gabbie said, and she could hear Masa smiling into the phone.
“Let me know,” Masa said as he hung up. Gabbie looked at the phone and stared off into space. Now she really didn’t think that going home would be a good idea. She knew she had to deal with her stupid crush on the man sooner or later.
“Boyfriend?” her roommate Jenna asked.
“What?” Gabbie asked as she looked up at her roommate.
“Was that your boyfriend?” Jenna asked.
“No, my uncle.” Gabbie replied. “Well, sort of. He really isn’t my uncle. He is my dad’s friend from work.”
“Oh,” Jenna said as she settled into her bunk across the room. Gabbie wondered what that oh meant. She didn’t think it meant much of anything when her roommate pipped up again, “Do you even have a boyfriend?”
“No.,” Gabbie replied. “No time.”
“You could always make time,” Jenna said with a giggle.
“I really don’t have the time.” Gabbie said as she reached for her light. It was still early, but she wanted to relax and watch something on her tablet before she went to bed. She did not want to have a conversation about boys with her roommate. She flipped her tablet open, and the lock screen was her and Masa when she turned sixteen in front of the cake they had made. She thought to herself, why did I have to get a crush on him of all people.
 Masamune Date looked at the phone as he hung up. He had no idea why he offered to let her stay at his house. It had to be he understood to a point that she did need her space. Everyone at some time had been focused on Rin that she was overlooked a lot. He had tried to make sure she knew that she was important too, but he didn’t know if it was enough. He had always tried to think of her as a younger sister and take her under his wing when he found out she liked cooking as well. He was not supposed to think of her the way he did. Her hair had gotten longer the last time he saw her, the dark brown had become sun lightened, and it looked good against her pale skin. He knew for a fact he was not supposed to feel the way he did whenever she was around either.
From the first day when she took the strainer off the wall and hit him into the ground until both of them were laughing to the point of tears, he knew she was special. She was the daughter of two of his friends. He was allowed to be her uncle by proxy, he knew he could never be anything more than that.
He was twenty-six now, and his mind had turned to try and find someone he could be with for the rest of his life. All the guys had in the past few years as the pretty doctor had married his friend and coworker. All their minds had changed. Masamune wondered to himself why when he thought of the perfect woman for him, her face always popped up. Normally he accepted fate and rolled with the punches but this one time. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He really, really wanted to move on from her. He looked over to the bookshelf and saw the pictures he had up there. She was in almost every one of them. She had starred a major role in his life so far. It was time to change that role to something else.
He wasn’t sure what though…
 “Did you talk with both of the girls?” Kit asked as she was trying to wrangle the baby to take his bottle.
“I did,” Mitsuhide replied as he was washing one of the twins in the tub with their other son.
“So?” she asked.
“So what?” he asked back.
“How did Gabbie sound?” she asked.
“Like she was thinking,” he replied.
“Thinking?” she asked.
“I don’t think she wanted to come home, babe,” Mitsuhide said as he stood in the doorway with one baby laying down in his arm and the other toddler wrapped up in a shark towel.
“Gee, I wonder why?” she asked with a laugh. “Where is Flower?”
“Downstairs with Kissi,” he replied as he fought to get the PJs on the boys.
“Did you tell them?” she asked, eyeing him.
“I did,” he replied.
“Mitsuhide, that is probably why. I mean seriously we have a kid every year, in some cases two.” She said.
“Kit, that doesn’t matter,” he said with a smile. “Our two perfectly capable headstrong daughters both have something on their minds. Though we are the cool parents everyone else wishes they could be, it is time for our girls to find their feet and find someone.”
“Someone?” Kit asked.
“Well, in Rin’s case, he has been in her face for years. It is time to give them both a little push. Rin will probably be staying with Yuki for the weekend.” he said with his devilish grin.
“Mitsuhide, do not interfere.” Kit said, changing her tone.
“I am not interfering,” Mitsuhide said, deepening his grin. “I am pushing.”
“Same difference.” Kit said. “And Gabbie?”
“Well, she had the same issue as Rin. He was there and in her face as well.” Mitsuhide said.
“Who?” Kit asked perplexed that she didn’t see her second daughter liking someone and not telling her.
“Sweetheart think.”. Mitsuhide said as he looked at his wife.
“I honestly have no clue Mitsuhide.” Kit said, wrinkling her nose.
“Masamune didn’t just come over to make sure we ate, honey,” Mitsuhide said, flashing his grin her way again.
“Stop with that look. I am already pregnant again.” She said.
“What look?” Mitsuhide asked innocently.
“Masamune?” she asked, and he nodded.
“Are all the guys in your unit hot for our daughters?” she asked.
“Rin, I can understand she looks like you,” he replied. “It is uncanny, to be honest. However, since I have you, they focused on the next best thing.”
“And Gabbie?” she asked.
“Is beautiful in her own way,” Mitsuhide said with a smile. “As the complete opposite of you, she is a dark beauty in her own right. If I was younger, I would like her too if I wasn’t her dad.”
“I guess you are right.” Kit said as she thought of her two girls and knew they both could and would turn heads everywhere they went in life.
“I know I am right.” he beamed at her.
“But really Masamune?” she asked. “You are okay with that?”
“I will deal with it if anything ever comes of it. She may break him into a million pieces.” Mitsuhide replied.
“This should be fun to watch.” she giggled.
“This is what parenting is all about.”
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